Sanpin standards for sewerage of a private house. Drain pit for a private house - standards and rules

Very often, during the construction of country houses for the removal of wastewater, cesspools are equipped, which are sealed tanks in which wastewater accumulates. This article will consider the various requirements that the cesspool must meet - sanitary norms and rules that should not be violated during construction.

Sanitary norms and requirements for cesspools are regulated by the Federal Law No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999 "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population."

Before starting the arrangement of an autonomous sewage system in a suburban area, you should also familiarize yourself with the Sanitary Rules for the Maintenance of Territories of Populated Areas No. 4690-88 (abbreviated as SanPiN 42-128-4690-88), approved on August 5, 1988.

So, for example, paragraph 3.9 of this document presents the following standards: it is strictly forbidden to equip cesspools with filtration tanks without a bottom if the discharge of wastewater per day is more than 1 cubic meter.

In the case of 2-4 people living in a house and using household appliances and water heating equipment in the house, the requirements for the cesspool provide for the mandatory presence of a bottom.

The minimum distance from a residential building to must be at least 15 meters in accordance with the requirements, this is due to the release of various gases hazardous to human health in the process of biological waste processing.

Requirements for small cesspools

The depth of the cesspool should be at least 15 meters in accordance with the requirements, this is due to the release of various gases hazardous to human health in the process of biological waste processing.
Of these gases, two explosive gases should be distinguished: methane, which does not have an odor, and sulfuric gas, the smell of which is similar to the smell of rotten eggs.

The harmful effect of the cesspool is also manifested in the contamination of the adjacent soils of groundwater.

Nevertheless, in certain cases, it is possible to obtain permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance for the arrangement of a cesspool at a shorter distance from the house, for which it is necessary to draw up the relevant documents with Rospotrebnadzor and the Vodokanal Office.

In houses equipped only with a washbasin and a shower cabin, which do not provide for permanent residence of people and the use of household and water heating appliances, such as dishwashers and washing machines, boilers, etc., cesspools of minimum efficiency are equipped, designed to receive no more than 1 cubic meters of wastewater per day.

In such cases, sanitary standards make it possible to equip a sealed septic tank at a distance of 5 meters from the house, but if its daily productivity is up to 8 cubic meters, the minimum distance from the house to the septic tank increases to 8 meters.

When equipping a sealed septic tank of small dimensions, the following requirements are imposed on the water intake:

  • With the capacity of an autonomous sewage system not exceeding 3 cubic meters per day, the pipeline to the groundwater supplying water for drinking and household needs should be located downstream of the groundwater stream at a distance of 40-50 meters from the cesspool;
  • The minimum distance from the pipeline to the groundwater to the cesspool upstream of the groundwater is 25 meters;
  • The minimum distance in the case of the location of the cesspool along the perpendicular axis relative to the flow of groundwater is from 25 to 30 meters;
  • Cesspools and other sources of pollution should be located at a distance of more than 20 meters from artesian wells and wells.

A cesspool is best located downstream of the groundwater table, and water intake structures are most preferably located upstream.

Useful information: in the case when during construction it is not possible to fulfill all sanitary standards - the cesspool in any case violates some of them, experienced experts advise to resort to the following method.

For several houses located along one street in the neighborhood, on the territory of the site, equipment of wells, capturing or wells is made, after which a special site with a hard surface is equipped, the slope of which does not exceed 5%.

The minimum size of the site is 3x2.5 meters, while the indent from the red line, which is from 2.5 to 5 meters, must be observed.

The main provisions of SanPiN 42-128-4690-88

The SanPin document - Cesspools regulates the main provisions of the construction of cesspools, the main of which are listed below:

  • In the absence of a centralized one in households, it is allowed to equip yard latrines, which must be equipped with a watertight cesspool.
    The above-ground part of such a cesspool should be equipped with a cover and a special grate with a provided compartment for solid waste.
    The front wall of the cesspool is made removable or opening with to improve the convenience of cleaning the cesspool.
    Several yard latrines can share one cesspool.
  • Yard latrines should be located at a distance of 20 to 100 meters from residential buildings, various children's and public institutions, as well as sports and playgrounds.
    In the case of private households, the distance from residential buildings and other structures to cesspools can be significantly reduced to 8-10 meters.
  • If the equipment of the cesspool causes conflicts and disputes between neighbors, the decision on the location of the cesspool is made by the commission of local administrative councils and representatives of the public.
    At the same time, regardless of the situation, the general rule applies to all, according to which the distance separating the capturing of wells and springs from the cesspool should not be less than 50 meters.
  • In addition to the cesspool, the courtyard lavatory should be equipped with an above-ground part in the form of a single building made of various building materials, such as blocks, boards, bricks, etc.
    The materials in the finished structure must fit tightly to each other in order to avoid the penetration of various rodents and insects into the ground part of the cesspool.
    In addition, a mandatory requirement is the tightness (watertightness) of the cesspool.
    The required volume of the cesspool is calculated by qualified specialists, taking into account the number of people living in this house and using the cesspool.
    Depending on the level of groundwater, the depth of the cesspool can be up to 3 meters, while in no case is it allowed to fill it with drains less than 35 centimeters from the ground level.
    The cesspool should be cleaned at least twice a year, depending on how quickly it is filled.
  • Owners of backyard latrines are required to keep them frequent and clean daily.
    In addition, once a week, the courtyard latrine is rinsed with hot water with special solutions designed to disinfect cesspools and courtyard latrines.
    Such solutions include naphthazole 10%, bleach 10%, sodium hypochlorite 3-5%, creolin 5%, sodium metasilicate 10%.
    In no case is it allowed to use dry bleach for disinfecting cesspools and yard latrines.

Basic norms and requirements for the communications of cesspools

When arranging a sewerage system in a country house, one should not only follow the rules that cesspools obey - norms and requirements also exist for water supply and sewerage communications.

Failure to comply with these requirements and norms can lead to various emergencies, even human casualties occur.

In order to avoid accidents and breakdowns on the autonomous sewage system, all the rules governing the equipment of cesspools communications should be strictly observed.

When independently arranging a waterproof septic tank or cesspool, the required distances from the cesspool to the drinking and utility water supply system, as well as to the central sewerage system should be observed:

  • In the case of using reinforced concrete or asbestos-cement pipes when laying a water supply system, the distance between it and the cesspool should be at least 5 meters.
  • If the water supply system is laid using cast iron pipes with a diameter of less than 200 mm, the distance to the cesspool can be much less - 1.5 meters, but if the diameter of the cast iron pipes exceeds 200 mm, then the distance from the water supply system to the cesspool should be at least 3 meters.
  • It is recommended to locate gas pipes at a distance of at least 5 meters from the cesspool.
    The location of the gas pipes at a shorter distance can cause damage to the gas pipe during the installation of the sump or as a result of soil subsidence during the operation of the sump.
    When equipping a cesspool, it is also necessary to take into account the type of soil and the method of laying the gas pipe: it was laid underground or above the ground.

Important: it should be remembered that the minimum distance from the cesspool to the border of the site is 1.5 meters.

  • With a sufficiently deep groundwater and a flat surface of the site, the equipment of a cesspool is a fairly simple procedure.
    If there is a slope of the site, this task is slightly complicated.
  • It is also undesirable to locate the cesspool downstream of the groundwater stream, since this creates the likelihood of runoff through the groundwater into artesian wells and wells, if any.

The improvement of a private land plot requires the arrangement of various systems, which, as a rule, include a well and a cesspool. Modern cesspools are sealed tanks in which all kinds of household and household waste are temporarily stored. The distance from the cesspool to the house, well, well and other objects, like other important points, is established by the relevant regulatory documentation. Work on the arrangement of the cesspool and the well should be carried out with a reference to each other.

Choosing a place for the construction of a cesspool

The cesspool should be located in the territory immediately adjacent to the private house. The distance from the cesspool to the central water supply system should be at least 10 m, between the pit and the drinking water well, this gap should be from 20 m.If possible, it is better to place the pit even further so that in the event of an emergency violation of its tightness, sewage does not get into the water from the well ...

The distance between the sewage pit and the house, as well as structures on the sites of neighbors should be from 10-12 m. With a closer construction of the sewage pit, an emergency situation can lead to flooding and a violation of the integrity of the base of the house and other buildings.

The distance between the fence, limiting the land plot, and the cesspool should be at least 1 m. When choosing the depth of the structure, you need to pay attention to the depth of the groundwater flow. It is not allowed to make a pit more than 3 m deep.

It is imperative to take into account the features of the mutual placement of the sealed storage tank and the gas and water pipes. The requirements are as follows:

  1. When using pipes made of reinforced concrete or asbestos cement, the distance between them and the storage device must be at least 5 m.
  2. When using pipes made of cast iron with a diameter of up to 20 cm, a distance of at least 1.5 m is required.
  3. In the case of laying cast iron pipes with a diameter of more than 20 cm, the distance can be increased to 3 m.
  4. The minimum permissible distance between the drain and the gas pipes is 5 m.

All requirements for wells, pits and other economic structures are established by the relevant construction and regulatory documents. Such documents contain rules and requirements, the observance of which allows avoiding many problems associated with various kinds of accidents.

Requirements for small cesspools

If the house is not used for permanent residence, and of the equipment it contains only a shower cabin and a washbasin, while there are no water heaters and various equipment such as boilers, washing machines and dishwashers, etc., you can get by with a minimum pit of 1 m³ / day.

In such situations, the requirements for the distance between the sewer, the well and other objects are somewhat relaxed. In particular, the septic tank can be installed no closer than 5 m to the house. If the daily flow rate reaches 8 m³, the distance must be increased to at least 8 m.

When arranging a small sewage pit, a number of requirements are imposed on the water intake:

  1. If the autonomous sewerage system has a capacity of up to 3 m³ / day, then the pipeline through which ground water is supplied for domestic and household needs must be placed downstream of the groundwater at a distance of at least 40-50 m from the drain.
  2. The minimum allowable distance between the cesspool and groundwater upstream of the groundwater is 25 m.
  3. The minimum permissible distance between a sealed septic tank along the perpendicular axis relative to the movement of groundwater is 25-30 m.
  4. Sewage pits and other sources of pollution are allowed to be installed at a distance of at least 20 m from wells and artesian sources.
  5. A sealed septic tank is best installed downstream of the groundwater. For the installation of water intake structures, placement upstream is optimal.

Quite a lot of requirements are imposed on cesspools and their mutual location with wells and other economic and household facilities. It is simply impossible to carry out each of them fully in the vast majority of cases. In such situations, professionals recommend using the following solution.

For several private houses located in the neighborhood along the street, wells, capturing or wells are equipped, after which a special site is created with a slope of up to 5% with a hard surface. Such a platform should have a size of 300x250 cm. The distance from the red line should be 2.5-5 m.

The most important norms and requirements for cesspools

Arrangement of a waste pit requires simultaneous knowledge and compliance with the requirements and rules that are put forward both to it and to the sewer and plumbing equipment. Ignorance and non-observance of these norms and requirements can lead to all sorts of emergencies, sometimes even with human casualties.

To avoid breakdowns and accidents in the private sewage system, you must strictly adhere to all the rules for equipping cesspools. And the first thing that you should pay attention to when independently arranging a sealed septic tank is the distance between it and the source of water, i.e. a well, as well as a central sewerage system.

Previously, the requirements for the distance between the septic tank and pipes made of different materials were given. It is important to fully comply with all these rules, including in relation to gas pipes. If the gas pipes are placed closer than 5 m to the drain, the pipe may be damaged either at the stage of equipping the waste pit, or due to subsidence of the earth during the operation of the septic tank.

When self-installing a sewage pit, you must additionally take into account the type of soil on the site and the method of installing the gas pipe. The latter can be located above or below the ground.

It is important to remember about the minimum allowable distance between the cesspool and the border of a private plot. It is 1.5 m. However, quite often the owners save space and reduce it to 1 m. Such a decision can be made only on their own responsibility.

If the groundwater lies at a fairly great depth, and the land plot has a flat surface, there will be no particular difficulties in the process of equipping a cesspool. If there is even a relatively small bias, this event will become noticeably more complicated.

You should refrain from installing a septic tank downstream of groundwater, because this can lead to the ingress of drains into wells and boreholes, if any on the site.

The main provisions of sanitary regulations

The main provisions and requirements for the arrangement of cesspools are given in the SanPiN document. In accordance with this document, the following rules must be observed.

If the site does not have a centralized sewerage system, you can equip a courtyard toilet, which must be equipped with a waterproof sealed cesspool. The ground part of such a pit must be equipped with a lid. A special grate is also installed with a pre-created compartment for solid debris.

A cesspool may have an opening or a removable front wall. This increases the usability of the septic tank, in particular, the procedure for cleaning it. If desired, you can connect several courtyard toilets into a common cesspool.

The distance between septic tanks and residential buildings, children's and sports grounds, various public and other institutions ranges from 20-100 m. The specific value is selected in accordance with the existing conditions. In private plots, this distance can be reduced to 10 m.

If the owners of neighboring plots cannot come to a compromise and a mutually satisfactory decision on the location of the cesspool, they need to contact the local authorized organization, which will make such a decision for them. Regardless of the specifics of a particular situation, the decision is made in accordance with the common rule for all, stating that the distance between the capturing of wells and wells and cesspools should be at least 50 m.

The cesspool must be equipped with a ground part. Such a single building can be made from different materials. Most often, bricks, boards, blocks are used. It is important that the materials fit snugly together. It is undesirable for insects and rodents to penetrate into the ground part of the sewage pit. The septic tank itself must be sealed.

When calculating the volume of a septic tank, the number of people who use it should be taken into account. Additionally, the level of groundwater is taken into account. It must be taken into account when choosing the depth of the structure, which cannot exceed 3 m.It is important that the level of drains in the pit does not reach the ground surface by at least 35 cm.

It is important not only to determine the distance between the sewage pit, well and other important objects on the site, but also to know the requirements for maintenance and care of the septic tank. Untimely cleaning can lead to a leakage of the container. As a result, impurities will pollute the water and cause a number of other troubles.

The cesspool should be cleaned at least 2 times a year. Everyone should choose the specific frequency independently, focusing on the speed of filling the container.

The owner is responsible for the cleanliness of the above-ground part of the pit. Cleaning is recommended daily.

In addition, in accordance with sanitary standards, every week a private courtyard toilet must be rinsed with hot water using special disinfectants. Commonly used solutions are sodium hypochlorite, bleach, sodium metasilicate, etc. Do not use dry bleach for disinfection.

Thus, the arrangement of a waste pit, despite the seeming primitiveness of such a design, requires adherence to a number of important rules. The main one is the distance between residential and utility buildings, a source of water supply, sewer and gas pipes. But the other listed points should not be overlooked either. Remember that compliance with the requirements is a guarantee of the durability and reliability of not only the cesspool, but also other objects on the site. Take this with the utmost responsibility. Happy work!

Most individual developers solve the problem of drainage from the house by arranging a cesspool - in fact, it is a sealed container that receives wastewater. It is very important to know the rules and regulations so as not to violate them during the construction of a cesspool. In our article we will introduce and consider in detail such a question: a cesspool of sanitary standards.

Let's start with the fact that the Federal Law of 30.03.1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" regulates sanitary norms and rules for all citizens, if these rules are not observed, the homeowner is liable in accordance with Article 57 of the same law.

Therefore, it is so important to know all the sanitary norms of the cesspool and strictly follow them.

Before starting planning, be sure to study the Sanitary Rules for the Maintenance of Territories of Populated Areas No. 4690-88, which were approved on August 5, 1988 by A.I. Kondrusev, Deputy Minister of Health of the USSR, Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR (abbreviated as SanPiN 42-128-4690-88).

In accordance with the above document, paragraph 3.9: cesspools of the norm is strictly prohibited to use containers with filtration without a bottom with a daily discharge of wastewater of more than 1 cubic meter. meters.

If 2-4 people will permanently live in your house, while it is planned to use water heating appliances and household appliances, then the cesspool should be equipped with a bottom.

As for the most frequently asked question, what is the minimum distance from a residential building to a cesspool? It is impossible to answer it unequivocally.

So, in accordance with the norms, the cesspool must be built from a residential building at least 15 meters away, since poisonous gases are released during the biological processing of waste. Including the most explosive odorless gas - methane and sulfuric gas (it has a pronounced smell of rotten eggs). Contamination of soil and groundwater is no less dangerous.

However, you can get permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities for a closer location to the house of the cesspool. To do this, you need to coordinate all issues with the Vodokanal Administration and Rospotrebnadzor.

Arrangement of a small cesspool

Let us consider in more detail the requirements for a cesspool, the productivity of which is minimal - no more than 1 cubic meter is supplied per day. meter of drains.

Such pits are usually set up in houses where people do not live permanently, and there are no water heating and other household appliances (boilers, washing machines and dishwashers). That is, there is a washbasin and a shower cabin in the house, there are no other sources of drainage.

According to sanitary standards (provided that it is sealed), it can be carried out 5 meters from a summer kitchen or a residential building.

If the productivity of a sealed septic tank is 8 cubic meters. meters per day, then it must be placed from the summer kitchen and a residential building at a distance of at least 8 meters.

The requirements for water intake when arranging a small sealed septic tank are as follows:

  1. If the productivity is up to 3 cubic meters. meters per day, then water pipes for water supply with household and drinking water should be placed to groundwater downstream from the cesspool at a distance of 40 to 50 meters.
  2. It should also be borne in mind that the distance from the cesspool to the water pipes to the groundwater upstream should be 25 m.
  3. If the cesspool is built along the perpendicular axis to the flow of groundwater, then the distance should be 25-30 m.
  4. The distance from wells and artesian wells to a cesspool and other sources of pollution must be at least 20 m.

It is preferable to choose a place for the construction of a cesspool from the groundwater downstream. The ideal location of the intake facilities is their location from the groundwater upstream.

What to do if in practice it is not possible to comply with the above requirements for cesspools?

In this case, experts recommend equipping wells, wells or capturing for several houses located nearby along the street on the territory of the site. At the same time, it is necessary to observe an indent from the red line by 2.5 m or even all 5 m, equipping a special platform (its size must be at least 2.5x3 m), having a slope of up to 5% and a hard surface.

Basic norms of SanPiN 42-128-4690-88

The document sets out the norms for cesspools.


  1. In households in which there is no central one, it is allowed to arrange yard cesspools... They must have a cesspool (always waterproof, i.e. sealed). The above-ground part of the cesspool must be equipped with a cover and a special grate, in which a place is reserved for solid fractions. In order for the cesspool to be conveniently cleaned, the front wall of the courtyard latrine must be opened or removed. A cesspool can be shared between several yard latrines.
  2. From residential buildings, public and children's institutions, children's and sports grounds, courtyard latrines must be located at a distance of 20 m or more (but not more than 100 m). If the home ownership is private, then it is allowed to reduce the distance from the cesspools to residential buildings and other buildings (summer kitchens) to 8-10 meters. In the event of conflict situations between neighbors and the resolution of controversial issues of arranging a cesspool, representatives of the public and the commission of local administrative councils decide where to place the yard latrines. The general rule for everyone, which remains unchanged, is that from capturing springs and wells to a cesspool, the distance should be at least 50 meters.
  3. The courtyard restroom must be equipped with a cesspool and an aboveground part, which is erected as a single structure from tightly fitted building materials, including bricks, boards, blocks, etc. A prerequisite is that the cesspool must be sealed and waterproof. Its volume is calculated by competent organizations, taking into account the number of residents - users of the cesspool. The depth of the cesspool can be up to 3 m; during its arrangement, the level of groundwater is taken into account. It is strictly forbidden to fill the cesspool with sewage up to 35 cm from the surface of the earth.
  4. The cesspool (as it fills) must be cleaned at least once every six months.
  5. Yard latrines must be kept clean... They must be cleaned every day. Once a week, the restroom must be rinsed with special disinfectant solutions using hot water. The ground part of yard latrines should not be accessible to insects and rodents.
  6. For disinfection of courtyard latrines and cesspools, the following solutions must be used: 10% bleach, 3-5% sodium hypochloride, 10% naphthalyzole, 5% creolin, 10% sodium metasilicate. It is strictly forbidden to use dry bleach for disinfection of yard latrines and cesspools.

Basic requirements for communications when arranging cesspools

When equipping a cesspool in a private house, it is imperative to take into account some requirements in relation to water supply and other communications. If we neglect these requirements, then emergency situations are possible, sometimes even with human casualties.

Attention! When equipping a sealed cesspool or septic tank privately, you need to know the parameters of the distance from the cesspool to the centralized sewage system and water supply for household and drinking water.

Let us recall these basic requirements:

  1. If the water supply is built of asbestos-cement or reinforced concrete pipes, then the distance to the cesspool should be 5 m.
  2. If the water supply system is built of cast iron pipes, the diameter of which is up to 200 mm, then a distance of 1.5 m is quite enough to the cesspool.
  3. If the water supply system is built of cast iron pipes, the diameter of which is greater than 200 mm, then the distance to the cesspool can be at least 3 m.
  4. It is not recommended to build a cesspool to gas pipes at a distance closer than 5 meters. If you place the cesspool closer to the gas pipes, it is fraught with serious consequences, including: the gas pipe can be damaged during the construction of the cesspool; during the use and operation of the cesspool, soil subsidence is possible, as a result of which the gas pipe is also damaged. Therefore, when arranging a cesspool, it is necessary to take into account how the gas pipe was laid (aboveground or underground), and also take into account the type of soil.

The distance from the cesspool to the border of the site can be different, but not less than 1.5 meters.

If on your site the surface is flat and underground waters lie deep enough, then there will be no problems with the arrangement of a cesspool. It is more difficult to equip a cesspool on a site that has a slope.

If you place a cesspool from groundwater downstream, then there is a threat of effluent entering the groundwater and, accordingly, into wells and artesian wells (if any).

In our article, we analyzed the requirements of sanpin cesspools, we hope that by equipping a cesspool on your site, you will take everything into account and do not violate them.

If you have planned the arrangement of a drainage pit, you need to know that this issue is carefully monitored by sanitary services and legislation.

The reason for this is the potential threat to the environment that this structure poses.

That is why, before starting installation work, you should obtain permission to perform them.

Drain pit of a country house

Getting permission

A permit for the construction of a cesspool in the territory adjacent to the house is issued by the local SES.

In order to obtain the required document, you will need to draw up a diagram and design of the treatment plant, submit it to this service.

At the same time, the project must fully comply with the current sanitary standards and SNiP. Only in this case can it be approved.

Location according to SNiP

After approval, an inspector may come to your private land plot to monitor compliance with the terms of the project.

If they are violated, in particular, the distance from the cesspool to the neighboring area is not observed, you will receive a fine, the amount of which will depend on the severity of the violation.

That is why it is still better to arrange the drainage pit according to the rules.

The location of the drain pit from the house

The cost of obtaining a permit will be quite low. It will be approximately 200 rubles.

If you are interested in the question of what is the penalty for a cesspool in the absence of permissive documentation for it, then it can vary within 100-500 rubles, reaching several thousand.

SNiP norms for design

The first regulatory document regulating the arrangement of a cesspool is SanPiN 42-128-4690-8.

You should also pay attention to the norms prescribed in SNiP 30-02-97.

They provide for the following rules for arranging a drain pit:

SanPiN standards 42-128-4690-8

  • a household waste storage tank must be located in the area immediately adjacent to a private house;
  • the distance from the cesspool to the water supply must be at least 10 meters. The shorter distance to the central water supply will not be approved by the SES. Also, you can not place the pit closer than 20 meters from the well or well. This distance between the well and the cesspool must be observed;
  • place a storage or treatment facility no closer than 10 meters to your residential building and residential buildings located in the neighboring territory. But, here the indicator is not unambiguous. If we talk about the norms for placing cesspools on the site, then in some of their editions it is noted that they can be placed at a distance of 5 meters from the house;
  • the distance from the system to the fence delimiting two land plots should not be less than 2 meters;
  • the depth of the cesspool according to SNiP cannot exceed 3 meters. In this case, a distance of 1 meter should remain between the bottom and the groundwater level.

Additional points are also provided that must be observed during the construction and even operation of the cesspool:

Requirements for the drain pit

  • the structure must have a sealed cesspool and a ground part. The latter must be tightly closed with a lid;
  • it is forbidden to allow the filling of the pit higher than 35 cm from the upper edge of its underground part;
  • the cesspool must be cleaned as it fills. The maximum frequency of cleaning is once every six months;
  • it is imperative to disinfect the cesspool.

Sump disinfector

Additionally the norms for the location of the cesspool on the site spelled out in the following documents:

Standards for designing a drain pit SNiP

It should be noted that in all of the listed regulations and sanitary standards, the requirements for cesspools are the same.

That is why you do not have to study large amounts of information in order to obtain the appropriate permission for the implementation of the prepared project.

How to choose a location

The first stage in creating a project is to determine the location of the drain pit.

It should be located on the lowest part of the land plot, and also be located at a certain distance from the objects located here.

The rules for placing a cesspool on the site strictly determine the distance that must be observed without fail.

Let's consider this issue in detail:

Rules for placing a cesspool on the site

  • the distance from the well to the cesspool should not be less than 20 meters. In this case, the pit should be located below the well along the slope of the site. If we talk about the distance from the well to the cesspool, then it will be exactly the same. This will protect the drinking water from sewage pollution. This condition must be observed;
  • the minimum distance from the house to the cesspool is 5 meters. But, in order to avoid problems with SES, it is better to increase it to 10-15 meters;
  • the distance from the cesspool to the neighbors: to the fence it should not be less than 2 meters, to the residential building - less than 10-12 meters;
  • from the motorway, the drainage pit should be located at a distance of 3 meters. At the same time, an easy access of a cesspool machine should be provided to it, allowing cleaning ;
  • from outbuildings, the drain pit can be placed at a distance of 1-5 meters. It is better to take a greater distance as a basis in order to avoid the destruction of the building due to high soil moisture;
  • the distance to the garden or vegetable garden should be 20-30 meters. This will preserve the ecological purity of the soil, guarantee the safety of the crops and plants growing here.

Placement of a cesspool on the site

These will be the standards for a drain pit in a private house.

Observing them is not so difficult and must be done.

So you can avoid unnecessary problems, including with legislation.

Penalties for violations

For any violations of construction or operation, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a fine.

At the same time, its size will depend on the severity of the violation, as well as on the number of previously recorded cases of ignoring regulatory documents.

Diagram of the daily volume of effluents

For example, the norms stipulate that a pit with a filtering bottom can be equipped only if the daily volume of wastewater does not exceed 1 m 3.

Otherwise, the owner of the land plot faces a fine.

Its size will be determined by the court, because it is in the court that the issue of choosing a punishment will be decided.

But, it should be understood that this is a serious violation of environmental standards, so the size of the fine can reach several thousand rubles.

Well with filter bottom

If a complaint comes from neighbors, a single fact of violation of the rules for operating the cesspool is discovered, then the owner will first of all be issued a warning with an urgent recommendation to eliminate the problem.

If the sanitary norms for the operation of the cesspool continue to be violated, there is a risk of getting a fine. The maximum fine for a cesspool without a bottom is 500 rubles. (according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 6.3. Violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population).

At the same time, its size can increase, especially in cases where the owner of a private plot ignores warnings and penalties not for the first time.

You need to monitor the condition of the cesspool

In addition to the fine, which can be up to 500 rubles, the court may oblige to redo, move the drain pit or completely eliminate it.

As you can see, according to the plan, the plot is 60x25m plus the road. The planned well from the neighbors at a sufficient distance - 48m, 16m, 12m, 15m.
I plan to do it much closer to the house (4-5 meters) than to the neighbors (tens of meters). I will not influence them, but I ask about the distance from my house for obvious reasons - I am afraid of an influx of moisture under the house and the blind area.

For some reason, all those who speak out in the ecology of the issue are interested in eagerly, but they tactfully keep silent about the construction nuance (moisture, unconstantly heated house, floor on the ground, loam-clay).

We have a poor SNT, mostly retirees. So the appearance of a well in neighbors is unlikely.

In any case, the planning of a new facility (sewerage or water intake) is taking into account the existing ones, everyone can ask and clarify who has built what. In my opinion, the security zone appears after the appearance of the object, and not before. For example, no one will count the water intake protection zone from some nobody's wasteland, because there is no drinking water intake there. And it doesn't matter that tomorrow they might buy it and want to put a well there.
Otherwise, the requirement would be spelled out "from the fence (border of ownership)", and not "from the water intake."

The question is complex. I will not say that savings are at the forefront. Rather, a combination of rationality, economy, convenience and compliance with your vision of norms.
Now I keep statistics on water consumption / drainage in the apartment, so far we have a margin of 1 cubic meter. m. per day. But this standard is fundamental - it is believed that bacteria and microorganisms in the ground cope with such a volume of wastewater and pollution does not spread.
Other standards are being met.

From the point of view of convenience and common sense, I am satisfied with only one- or two-chamber septic tanks. Three - I do not consider due to the economy and small volumes of waste. Sealed - I don't see the point, too much volume is needed for a comfortable existence. It is simply inconvenient to regularly pump out the airtight one, I am often lazy to wash the car. Yes, and not cheap. Let those who have GWL less than 2 meters suffer from this. Let any aeration fields and other inventions remain the same.

So the savings remain - the planned construction is already very expensive for us. But I really want to!
I cannot afford a significant scope and margin (as I like to do, such as a larger wire section, better quality, "automatic" Legrand instead of ABB).
And it is necessary to reduce the useful volume of a single-chamber septic tank to the recommended - three times daily discharge, i.e. 3 cubic meters. m. I'll put one ring less than planned. When the sewer pipe is laid at a depth of 1.5 meters (I don’t want to remodel if something happens, but I can’t guarantee permanent drains), a two-chamber septic tank is almost twice as expensive in terms of materials - because of these "idle" 1.5 meters of the upper rings.

In my case, the cost is similar to a two-chamber septic tank. In the first well with a bottom, dispose of fecal wastewater, in the second (without a bottom) drainage from the bathroom and washstands. Only if there is no overflow, the fecal container will have to be made large enough so as not to experience discomfort with the flusher. That is, somewhere three cubes at least. Then, in the presence of a second well, this solution will be even more expensive.

So, subject to the norms and lack of funds, my perfectionism has to be spurred on and made easier.

Yes? I thought 7-8 meters, they usually write like that. Thank you for the information, before marking, I will just call the local sewers and ask about their cars.