Device of galvanized steel treads. Installation of window ties do it yourself

Salves for the roof are a necessary element capable of protecting it from water and extend the life of the structure. Installation of these uncomplicated devices does not take much time, and it can be done independently; This will require only to follow the instructions and stock all necessary.

The main task of this element of the design is the removal of moisture in the right direction. Thanks to the casting, the scene of the house will last longer, and the foundation and walls will not gain extra moisture. In winter, the icicles will not form, which when falling from height can cause serious injuries to people below. If there are sings, the task acquires the completed view. They can serve as an element of scenery or, on the contrary, be invisible.

What should I need a chute?

Before making foals on the roof with your own hands , it is necessary to purchase all the necessary materials. It is better to purchase a complete set immediately. It will be necessary to conduct calculations: you need to find out the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate, and the diameter of the gutter is chosen relative to this. Formula is simple: 1 sq. M. m roofs requires 1.5 square meters. cm gutter. For example, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof is 100 meters, it will take a gutter with a width of 15 cm.

Cooking for mounting

Mounting on the roof should be started with the preparation of the necessary tools and structural elements. The most convenient will be plastic parts. The following elements will be purchased:

  • Chute: The length should be slightly less than the size of the side to which it is mounted. Just in case you can buy a little more material.
  • Funnels.
  • Connecting inserts: they will need as much as the jets are planned. This affects the length of the purchased gutters and the roof lines. The insert also helps to avoid chute deformation. It can be used as the ribbon rib, so if the connection of the elements is not required, it is still worth buying a few inserts.
  • If you do not plan to do closed foals for home , it will be necessary to buy plugs.
  • Brackets to Molds: It will take one on each meter of construction.
  • Clamps for fixing drain on the wall .
  • Pipe for drainage, equal to the height of the house.

Chollow for the roof , if it is not direct, must have angular connecting elements.

What tools are needed?

The installation of treads to the roof will require the presence of the following tools at hand:

  • Screwdriver.
  • File.
  • Pillet for metal.
  • Pencils and construction level.
  • Rope.

A place where water from the roof will be merged, prepare in advance. It is chosen so that the moisture does not create inconveniences: for example, the estates should not pour a pavement or plants lined in the yard. Water should not have access to the foundation to fill it: it is possible to get rid of it using a storm sewage. If it is not, we run the groove to remove the water. You can install a barrel, but the water will be required somewhere with time somewhere.

Sequence of work

Setting the roof of the roof with your own hands begins with the applying. To do this, you will need to determine where the casting will be attached. First install a funnel. Focusing on it, you can spend an axial line that will become a guide for the rest of the work. From both sides of the funnels put holders, retreating 15 cm from it.

It is necessary to establish a funnel in such a way that the water falls into its center, but to the edge. This trick is useful for strong precipitation. If the water falls into the center, it worst overflow through the edge of the design. The chute must have a certain slope. It is difficult to achieve this newcomer. On one meter of construction, the bias should be about 3 mm: it is necessary in order to the gutter do not accumulate liquid.

Before mounting foaming on the roof , it is necessary to mark the markup of the gutter. This will require a long board and construction level. Use one of the edges of the holder, which will be already installed. Swipe the zero line: it must go before the place where the next funnel holder will be attached.

How to fasten the gutter

After the fasteners are installed, the installation of sings for the roof with their own hands goes into the fastening of the water gutters. To begin with, they will need to be adjusted along the length. Details must be put in attachments, not forgetting to leave a place for connecting inserts. Their size can be measured in advance, usually leave about 10 centimeters.

If the chute is too long, it can be shortened; You will need to use hacksaw. The breakdown is cleaned with a file. In order to make it easier for themselves, put the plug on the end of the pipe right away until you are on the ground. On the weight it is quite difficult to do. You can connect separate parts of the gutter using inserts. For convenience, they have special marks.

After assembling the gutter, it must be fixed on the holders, then check whether there is a necessary slope. For this, it is not necessary to carry out measurements, it is enough to pour into the gutter a little water and see, it will flow or remain in place. If the fluid does not flow, the tilt must be increased.

After you managed to correctly install foals on the roof , you can move to the installation of the drain pipe. Work starts from a funnel. If the length allows, the pipe can be immediately connected to it, otherwise you have to install the knee: it will help to avoid splashes and make water flush into the pipe.

Usually pipes have a length of 2 meters. You have to calculate how much material and connecting elements will be required. Do it in advance.

Fastening holders

What other materials can be used?

It is optional to make their own hands from plastic or metal elements made specifically for this. A good owner can save and make the necessary items on their own. This requires to find suitable galvanized bands or any suitable diameter pipe that can be squeezed along. It is convenient to work with a plastic pipe, you can use metal. Pipes from asbestos are not suitable: they crumble when trying to cut and have a big mass.

The options for fastening the roofs for the roof can also be different. It is quite available to their independent manufacture. The main thing is to comply with the following rule: the roof must fall about the middle of the gutter or closer to its inner part. The bias must be at least 3 mm per meter design.

Output : montage of chopping for roof a simple procedure with which an amateur can cope, thoroughly having a theory and prepare the necessary tools.

Plastic foals are becoming increasingly popular due to the ease of installation, affordable price and aesthetic appearance. The technology of production of plastic waterproofs has been used for several decades. During this period, special atmospheric plastic types were created, products of which in their quality characteristics are almost not inferior to metallic.

In the presence of the necessary tools and instructions, the installation of such ties can be implemented independently. Prices for such drains are significantly lower than metal. The market includes products of various sizes:

  • for pipes - from 50 to 160 mm;
  • for gutters - from 70 to 200 mm.

As for the color scheme, in the case of plastic products, the choice is much wider than, for example, when using metal ties, which is their important advantage.

Requirements for Molding and their types

A variety of materials are used as the basis for the manufacture of ties: plastic, galvanized steel sheets, etc. They can be performed in a variety of forms.

Since the main function of the tump is the collection of water from a roofing surface with a subsequent assignment to the drainage system, their indispensable properties should be:

  • increased level of strength;
  • irrevocability of corrosion;
  • high resistance to loads and mechanical deformations.

In addition, products must have aesthetic appearance. In terms of functionality, it does not play a certain role, but it is very important in terms of creating a harmonious exterior of the building.

Films for water differ in the material on the basis of which they are manufactured.

  1. Waterproofs from galvanized sheet steel with a thickness of up to 1 mm. The production process of such products includes applying an additional coating of polyester, pourala, plastisole, muffled the sound of falling rain drops, since steel does not have noise insulating properties: on the contrary, it increases the intensity of sounds. Salves from steel are distinguished by resistance to mechanical damage, sharp temperature fluctuations. The use of a polymer coating makes it possible to achieve an exceptionally wide color palette. Due to this, the selection of ties towards any roofing coating is significantly simplified. Perfectly protecting the facade from moisture, galvanized systems are quite accessible in terms of prices.
  2. Salves from aluminum. Their thickness is 0.8-1 mm. To protect the material from corrosion, it is covered with a special varnish from two sides. To obtain a certain shade, varnishes of the appropriate color are used. The distinctive properties of aluminum products are lightness, strength, simplicity of installation. Features of production technology helps to achieve a completely smooth surface and ability to maintain an initial appearance throughout the service life.
  3. Waterproofs based on raw copper coated coated, applied by oxidation or brassing method. The distinctive quality of this species is the duration of the operational period, excellent quality characteristics, an attractive appearance. Among the disadvantages can be called high prices.
  4. Flames based on plastisol, polyester and other polymers began to be widely used only in recent years. Their main advantages are:
  • ease;
  • strength;
  • silent;
  • resistance to moisture, ultraviolet irradiation and chemical compounds;
  • the duration of the operational period (can reach 50 years);
  • ease of installation;
  • noise level;
  • inseparable;
  • the possibility of operation in a wide temperature range: from minus 50 to plus 50 degrees;
  • affordable price.

Last quality, together with the possibility of choosing stylistically weathered products in a wide color spectrum, often becomes defining when choosing precisely plastic plastic plates with a polymer coating.

In most cases, the manufacture of ties is made independently of the particular type of equal form (rounded or rectangular): these are small in the depth of the ventlets with special brackets, with which the mount is carried out. The outflow length is determined by the roof sizes and can range from 1 to 6 m. The size of the gutter is 70-200 mm.

There is also the possibility of choosing a product, in color of the resulting roofing coating and elements of the drainage system.

The need to use sings

The main advantages of using treads on the roof are:

  • reliable protection of the arranged roof and walls from exposure to excess moisture, which helps to prevent deformations, destruction, different injuries as a result of frequent and long-term contact with water;
  • increasing the level of strength of the roof, giving the design of additional rigidity and ability to withstand heavy loads;
  • lengthening the period of operation regardless of the presence of negative environmental factors;
  • creating a harmonious and completed type of construction due to the disguise of the joints that are inevitably formed as a result of laying roofing material

Required details and rules for mounting sings

In many cases, the flows can be mounted independently - especially in the case of plastic or aluminum products.

Make them can also be independently. The most simple method consists in cutting a standard pipe with a diameter of at least 160 mm. The incision is made in the longitudinal direction, as a result, two gutters are obtained. They must be treated with special compositions and paint into the required shade. To do this, use Pural or Polyester. After that, it is processed to secure the finished product in the right place.

Calculations of the parameters required for a particular roof of waterfront are produced at the design stage. When replacing these elements, use these same calculations.

For every 8 meters of the gutter, a device is needed at least one drain pipe. It should also take into account the structural features of the roof.

Another rule: the installation of waste should be made immediately after the roof overlap to protect the foundation already at the initial stages of construction.

The basic requirements that must be observed when installingThe following:

  • For fastening the grooves, you need to use regular brackets - they are included in the kit of the finished system. The brackets must be screwed to the surface of the frontal roofing board, the rafter bars or the roof board.
  • Installing brackets is made with such a calculation so that the axis of the chute coincides with the edge of the roof. To ensure the desired stiffness, the brackets are installed with an interval of 60 to 70 cm between them.
  • To increase the efficiency of water drain, the installation of drainage gutters is made with a minimum bias of 3-5% in the direction of the catchment funnel.
  • The distance between the gutters of the drainage and the wall should be 5-8 cm - this is necessary to prevent exposure to the surface of the wall of excessive moisture and the subsequent development of mold.
  • When installing sings, you need to use a special rubber gasket with a thickness of 1-2 mm. It is needed for preventing damage to the layer of paint or varnish during the fastening of the gutter to the mounted bracket.
  • An important rule is the device of sings before mounting the waterproofing layer of roofing pie. This measure is necessary in order to be attached directly to Mauerlat: after installing the waterproofing it will be closed.
  • The installation of drain pipes should be carried out opposite the location of the storm sewage. Between the lower end of the pipe and the earth, the distance from 15 to 30 cm should be saved.

To calculate the required amount of sings, it is necessary to calculate the perimeter of the building, after which the amount obtained is divided by the length of the low tide.

Stages of work

  • As already mentioned, when attaching brackets, a bias should be observed 3-5%, or 3 millimeters per 1 meter length. Due to this, the water will be completely excreted from the gutter, which will prevent its stagnation and further education of forehead.
  • The next step is the markup of this slope. Using the level and board of sufficient lengths along the top or bottom edge of the mounted holder, the "zero line" is carried out. It should reach the point of attachment of the extreme (the most remote from the funnel) of the holder. Then count the difference between the fastening height of the final and installed holders (length of the segment between them, expressed in meters). The indicator is multiplied by 3 and receive a result in millimeters. The mounting of the bracket is carried out taking into account the calculations.
  • The next step is to lay the mounting line of the holders using a trace cord. They must be at a distance in the range of 50-60 cm. First of all, markup is carried out under all the necessary holders, then they are attached.
  • After that, begin fitting the length of the gutters. The segments of the gutter must be arranged in the holders in such a way that the sections for connecting inserts are located between the holders. If necessary, the gutter can be shortened. The terminal cap is planted directly on Earth. Mixed fragments are connected by inserts, almost always having boundary marks. Basically, a distance from 6 to 10 cm should be between the edges of the attached grooves. After assembling the chute is installed in the holders.
  • After completing the installation of drains to the brackets, the system must be checked. For this, the flow of water is allowed along the arranged chute. With properly carried out, the chute will cope with a very intense aqueous stream.
  • Making sure in the normal operation of the system, go to the installation of the drainage pipe. It should be started on top (from a funnel). The pipe is connected to a funnel directly or using a knee - a specific method depends on the distance from the distance from the wall. As a rule, the pipes of standard length are within 2 meters. For this reason, the necessary connecting elements must be prepared in advance.

Important moments when installing plastic sings

The selection of plastic-based siblings is largely due to the ease of their installation and the ability to spend the work independently. But in this case, it is necessary to adhere to the main principles:

  1. Perform preliminary calculations, and as much as possible. This makes it possible to simultaneously acquire all the required parts and high-quality installation.
  2. It should be thoroughly prepare space for plots: they should be located on such sites where they will not harm green plantings or simply interfere.
  3. Since the drainage pipes from time to time be under high loads, only durable and reliable steel hooks should be used as the fasteners, which will be able to provide the strength of the design.
  4. Compliance with the slope of the installed pipe at least 0.3 cm guarantees the maximum speed of water outflow, so that there will be no need for frequent cleaning of the gutter from the dirt accumulating in it.
  5. Periodic examinations and preventive measures (in particular, in the autumn seasons) provide the duration of the life of both plastic sings and the entire draining system.


  • Plastic flows are becoming increasingly popular due to the ease of installation, affordable price and aesthetic appearance.
  • Galvanized sheet steel, aluminum, plastic, etc. are used as the basis for the manufacture of ties.
  • The indisputable advantages of plastic products led their special popularity.
  • The length of the sumps is determined by the size of the roof and can vary in the range from 1 to 6 m.
  • Salves are necessary for reliable protection of the roof and walls from the impact of high humidity.
  • Calculations of the parameters required for a particular roof of waterfront are produced at the design stage.
  • Failure to comply with the necessary diameters of waterproof elements leads to overflow of the entire system.
  • For fastening the grooves, you need to use regular brackets installed with an interval from 60 to 70 cm.
  • Only durable and reliable steel hooks should be used as fasteners.
  • To complete the removal of water from the grooved when attaching brackets, the bias 3-5%, or 3 millimeters per 1 meter length, should be observed.
  • After completing the installation of drains on the brackets, the system must be checked by putting the flow of water on it.

Learn all about the features of the installation of plastic sings in a detailed video.

Foams for the roof can be installed independently. These elements of the system can not be called luxury, they are more likely to be due to the need for extending the construction of the building.

With the help of ties, you can lengthen the service life of the breakfast and protect the roof of the increasing of the icicles, which can be dangerous for a person when falling. Mounting is not accompanied by difficulties. These works do not take away a lot of time and under the power to any home master who has experience in circulation with construction tools.

Choosing popular

Before installing the tide for the roof, it is necessary to think about which material it will be based on it. These designs can also be performed in different forms. As the main task, collecting water from the surface of the roof and its redirection to the drainage system. Today, you can meet aluminum fits today, the thickness of which is approximately 1 mm. Such devices are covered with varnish, which protects material from corrosion.

Fallets for the roof can be performed also from galvanized steel, the thickness remains the same. A plastisol or polyester is used as a coating, which allows you to muffle the sound of rain. You can set fastophoresole and polyester, which have increased durability and durability. Such products have a slight weight, and also differ in resistance to ultraviolet. They are popular, they are quite simple to install, and the work can be done even on their own.

As an alternative version of the material, the untreated copper is covered with zinc and copper alloy. Such sifts have an attractive appearance and are distinguished by high quality, however, it is often more expensive than the remaining solutions. Plastic flows for the roof are able to emphasize the individuality of the construction, because they are offered in a wide range of colors. Such structures are not afraid of temperature drops, do not require special care and also popular for the reason that the rain falling on them is not able to cause severe noise.

Selection parameters

Most preferred today are fed from plastic and metal. They have a special layer that protects material from corrosion. Quality depends on the thickness and brand of metal. Salves from non-ferrous metals are also popular enough, because they are durable and attractive in appearance. Usually they are distinguished by high quality, but they are expensive than ordinary sings.

Installations: Preparation

The installation of the roof of the roof begins with the preparation, for this you should take care of the presence of consumables and tools, among them should be allocated:

  • pipes;
  • brackets;
  • clamps;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • funnel;
  • chute;
  • connecting inserts.

The pipe should be equal to the height of the building. As for the brackets, they will perform the role of holders. For fastening to the walls of the pipe houses, clamps are used. For fixing you need to stock yourself with self-draws. If you decide to set foals for your own hands, you should also prepare a set of tools, namely:

  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • file;
  • tracer cord.

It is important to prepare the place of drain of water. It should not damage the plantings and sidewalk, as well as the foundation. If the storm sewage is already present on the plot, the question is removed.

Marking strip

To the installation, you should start with the markup of the strip, to which the reflection will be fixed. At the first stage, the water intake funnel is fastened, the transverse zone should be highlighted for it. Rates from the edges of the funnel of 15 cm, it is necessary to install holders on both sides. From the roof edges you need to spend a vertical, which should be closer to the wall of the house. This will eliminate the flow of water through the edge during heavy rains. The groove should give a certain angle of inclination.

Marking line fixing holders and luggage

Before installing the roofs, you must determine the location of the holders and place the slope of the gutter. For this, a long board and construction level is used. With these tools, the zero line is performed, which will be located on the lower edge of the holder. It should be brought to fastening the extreme holder.

The master must determine the difference between the fixation height of the final and installed holders. This distance should be multiplied by 3. The bracket is fixed with the computing performed. The line must be laid by cord. Holders must be at a distance of 50 cm. For all holders, it is necessary to place places for all holders, only after you can begin to fasten them.

Cutting gutters

When plastic foams are installed for the roof, in the next step you can enjoy the fitting of the grooves in length. The segments of the gutter are installed in the holders so that there are places for inserts between them. Segments are connected by inserts that contain boundary marks. There should be a step between the edges of the grooves from 8 to 10 cm. As soon as the chute can be collected, it can be installed in holders, checking a bias using water. On the chute should be even a rather impressive fluid flow.

Installation of drainage pipe

The next step will be the installation of a lint of the roof. Its installation begins with a funnel. The element is connected by the knee. It is important to take care of the presence of the desired number of pipes, as well as connecting elements, so as not to interrupt operation.

Additional installation rules

In order to install the system not in vain labor, it is important to comply with technology. The main condition for efficient work is the presence of a slope towards the funnels and pipes. A bias can be equal to limit from 1 to 3 cm for each meter of length. The parameters of the drainage chute must be calculated with the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate.

If the roof has an area, which is equal to 90 m 2, then the diameter of the mound should be 8 cm. With an increase in the row area, the diameter of the gutter increases. Salves should be located below the edge of the sweep of 3 cm or more. This will eliminate the breakdown of the element during the snow cover from the skates.

By setting water from the roof, you must take care of the presence of a vertical drainage pipe on each site of 6 m long. This will ensure the transfer of fluid to the storm sewage. If you have to work with a house with a complex configuration, then such elements should be located at each corner.

If you want to exclude bike drops from a gutter under the roofing material, you should also install a healer. Choosing galvanized foals for the roof, you must calculate which lowest length is required. At the same time, it is necessary to add about 15% to the perimeter of the facility, which will go to the outbreak and trimming, as well as the location of the docking. When choosing a chute, it should be remembered that the drains pipes, funnels, as well as brackets from a similar material are required to it.

It is wrong to believe that the installation of the ties is carried out after the construction of the roof. The brackets must be fixed on rafters until the layer of waterproofing layer. An exception to the rules is the situation when the roof is deprived of the sweep or its size is too small. Then the tide is attached on the wall or a cornice board. In all other cases, lowers are set in a certain order.

As soon as you complete work with a rapid roof system, the cord should be pulled by the lower edge of the slope, determining the slope of the drainage gutter. Brackets that will be located 70 cm from each other should be strengthened to the crate. The latter is covered with waterproof soft material or seal.

Galvanized flows for the roof usually have an impressive weight, as well as those that are made of copper. If you decide to use the system from such materials, the doomle in the locations of the bracket must be enhanced by boards, their cross section is 50x150 mm.

After that, you can start setting the low tide. The fastenings are installed gutter modules, they should be docked each other. For additional waterproofing, the connection is processed by sealant. Once all work is completed, the drains are checked for performance. A few meters from the gutter should pour the water bucket, and after watching it. If the liquid fell into a chute, and after - in the drainage pipe, then the work was performed without errors, which is true when the liquid on the way was not lost.


When installing sings, take care of the presence of connecting inserts. Their number will be determined by the number of joints in the groove. This affects the length of the roof line. The deformation of the gutter can be avoided by installing inserts. Their presence eliminates the need to install rigid ribs. If the lowers for home are not closed, then you should additionally purchase plugs.

Brackets to molds are attached through each meter of construction. Places to install plots should be prepared in advance. They are chosen in such a way that the water does not come across the path with obstacles. In addition, the drains should not fall on the plants planted on the site, as well as on the sidewalk.

Salves are part of the drainage system, which is necessary for a roof with any coating. The presence of these elements allows you to quickly eliminate moisture from the roof and prevent rotting, corrosion of the material and leakage in the design. To achieve these goals, it should be properly chosen and mount the flows taking into account the characteristics of the roofing material.

Correct setting on the roof

The gutter, connected between themselves and with other elements of the drain complex, are called lowers. They can have a triangular, rectangular or round section, which is most common. The principle of their action concludes that water flows over the surface of the roof and falls into the gutter, and it enters the drainage communications. Due to this, moisture does not accumulate on the roof, which allows to prevent corrosion, rotting and damage to the coating.

Fallets for the roof are chosen under the color of roofing

The design of the sings always assumes the presence of connecting elements, thanks to which you can create drainage of the desired length. In this case, the installation of the system on different types of roof requires compliance with technology.

With independent attachment it is worth considering the following features:

  • the tump is located with a bias towards the water drone, which will ensure effective precipitation. On 1 m pipes, a bias of 4-5 mm is required;
  • the diameter of the fool depends on the roof area. For example, for a roof in 90 m 2, an element of diameters of 8 cm is required;
  • salves are located 3 cm below the edge of the ovel of the roof. This is necessary to prevent damage to the element as a result of snow supply;
  • vertical waterproof pipes are set every 5 m, and with complex roof structures, they are on each corner;
  • it is a gone supplement to a whore, which prevents bouncing the drops from the popular in different directions.

Independent installation lowland

It may be a plastic or metal, but in any case it is important to prepare tools and additional materials for work. Saw, screwdriver and rope, as well as self-tapping screws help to fix the design. The construction level can be checked the angle of inclination, the special brackets serve to install the sings.

It should be a bile with a slope in the side of the funnel and wastewater reception system

All parts of the system, such as funnel, plugs, corners connecting inserts, also need to work. Previously need to determine the location and length of the system. Funnels are often placed in the corners of the building where the vertical drainage pipes are located.

Tissue for Frontone Building

The roofs of the roof elements can be different, and one of the options is the detachment of Fronton. This item is a trump card, which is considered part of the building and serves to drive water from the walls and windows.

The visor is built on the shap and equip the mist

To create this embodiment, there will be a professional flooring, wooden bars 50x80 mm, roofing screws. Fastening wooden parts to each other can be carried out by nails and hammer. These parts should be made of wood with humidity no more than 12%, as well as they must be previously treated with an antiseptic agent.

The visor can be supplemented with a godda

The complex of work on the creation of a fondon implies the following actions:

  1. The angle of inclination rafters for the popular should be from 20 to 45 °, and the width of this element is from 500 to 600 mm. Bruks are written on the details of the appropriate size and taking into account the angle of connection of the elements.
  2. From bars they collect a frame for low tide, attaching them to the rafters of the roof and the wall of the building with nails and anchor bolts.
  3. On top of the finished drying, the coating of a corrugated flooring or metal tile, making the nest of about 5 cm and thoroughly treating seams with a sealant.

For fastening professional flooring use roofing screws. In places of adjustment of the design to the frontoth, the wall must be fixed with the same self-pressing metal corner, and the seam is filled with sealant. This ensures the strength of low tide and moisture is prevented inside the construction.

Video: Mounting Mount for Fronton

Installation of plastic mocking

The drainage system of plastic has low weight and does not load roof, and modern products are distinguished by strength. Therefore, plastic sings are often the most budget and practical solution to protect the roof from the accumulation of moisture.

Plastic sampling fixed on a self-tapping screw

Installations Mounting from plastic are as follows:

  1. After installing rafters and fixing the waterproofing film, you need to pull the cord at the bottom of the slope, given the necessary slope of the low tide.
  2. On the extreme roof doom, which is covered with waterproofing material, install brackets for a refuge. These elements are screwed with self-absorbers at an equal distance from each other. Optimal is a step of 50-70 cm.
  3. The modules are fuel to connect to the system of the required length, on the ends to mount the plugs. Details are alternately fixed on the brackets.

To check the tightness and correctness, it is necessary on one of the ends and at the corner of the building to pour the water bucket and watch the movement of the fluid. If it reaches a special pipe and ditches quickly and do not accumulate in any section of the sections, then the work is carried out correctly.

Video: Installation of PVC waterproof

Installation of metal gutters

Metallic istes can be copper, aluminum or from alloy steel. Such products have greater weight than plastic, and therefore require the same durable brackets. To mount metal systems, it is necessary to enhance the shap in the field of fixation of the brackets, and for this we use the cross-section of 50x150 mm.

Metal tump requires careful fixation, because it has a big weight

Installation of metal grooves implies the following actions:

  1. At the bottom of the slope stretch the rope at the desired level of the location of the drain and tilt. This is carried out before installing the waterproofing film, but after the completion of the rafter and enhance the root.
  2. The elements of the drain are bonded with each other, and then attach to the brackets installed on the roof front board. The plugs are mounted on the extreme elements, pre-installing the rubber seal and complementing the area of \u200b\u200bthe joint roofing sealant.
  3. The stubble with the plug is mounted in the suspension. If you plan to install a funnel, then the hole in the fool is created in advance with a metal or an electric drill and a special crown of the desired diameter.
  4. After installing the low tip the drainage tube with a funnel, carefully waterproofing the joints of the joints. Then the system is checked for efficiency by filling with water.

Video: An example of mounting metal drain

How to install different widths

The formation of the roof of the roof of the complex shape or bypassing the protrusion requires the compounds of the trees on the corners. At the same time, it is often necessary to connect fasteners of different widths. For this purpose, special corners are used, namely, internal connectors and outer couplings, which can be from a different value of the angle.

The outer couplings will help to combine the refinery of different widths at the corners of the building.

The process of connecting the grooves at the corners does not differ from fixing direct elements. Brackets are located close to the corner, which will ensure the strength and reliability of the system. If the corner has short edges, the place of their junction with a straight look is thoroughly hydroizing with roofing sealant.

Some manufacturers produce corners with marking under the drainage pipe

A drainage pipe can be located on the corner of the building and therefore it is necessary to provide a hole for installing a funnel. Using a hacksaw or drill with a crown for metal, a hole on the angular connection for the grooves is made, but you must first thoroughly measure the diameter of the funnel. There are ready-made kits for funnels and angular gutters that do not require complex installation.

Video: Options for docking Angle area

Soft roofing drainage

The surface of the roof coated from the bituminous tile does not provide a rapid gathering of moisture and therefore waterproofs are necessary for the soft roof. For installation, you can choose plastic models, but more durable metallic options with polymer colored coating.

For a soft roof of any shape need drainage

If plastic brackets are used, they are fixed on a frontal board with a distance between the elements of 60 cm. Metal supports are fixed on the extreme board of the label before laying the material.

The technology assumes such steps as:

  1. At one end of the edge of the roaring or the front board, the self-tapping screw is fastened, they carry out an inclined line, taking into account that each meter accounts for about 5 mm of slope. At the end of the line, another self-tapping screw and stretch the rope.
  2. On this line, the brackets are fixed at a distance of about 50-60 cm from each other. Extreme supports are mounted at a distance of 15 cm from the end of the board.
  3. When installing the fastening the edge of the element, which is closer to the edge. They release the bracket, slightly pressed and fix the opposite edge. From the inside, glue is applied on the corner and fade up quickly. You need to push the angle until you stop. Next, it is boiled with a glued angle to other brackets.
  4. After that, glue on the inner zone and connect the elements. On the end parts install plugs.

Repair of drainage gutters on the roof

As a result of snowing snow and sleep, abundant rains and strong grooves of the wind of the drainage system may be damaged. The most unstable to such factors are plastic structures, more durable metallic, but in any case, the system is required.

It may be damaged by climatic factors.

Salves are exposed to many factors, and violation of the functionality of the drainage system requires operational repairs. The following situations are common:

  • the poor dilution of moisture is often associated with the fact that the dirt was accumulated in the grooves, fallen leaves and trash. Eliminate the problem easily by cleaning the system from foreign objects;
  • if a crack arose in the yeah, it is necessary to replace the element. When failing over the entire surface, you need to completely replace this item. Small cracks are easy to eliminate two-component cold welding;
  • if the disconnection of the elements of the drainage system occurred, then it is necessary to clean the damaged place from the dirt, remove the old mounts and gently connect the parts by treating the sealant joint;
  • rust occurs on metal products with a damaged protective layer. It can be cleaned with a sponge and cover this place of anti-corrosion paint. If rust has struck the entire system, then the fits are best replaced;
  • the deformed pipes after many years of operation are always replaced with new ones. This is necessary for plastic and metal products that have not been repaired decades.

The integrity and correct installation of the roofs are the key to the good protection of the building from moisture. The gutter system has a simple design, but allows you to protect the walls, windows and foundation from the harmful effects of water. Regular repairs are also needed as the correct installation of the grooves, as it prolongs the service life of the drainage design.

An integral element of the protection system of any home from the conjunction is low. Experts recommend to mount them to protect the walls and foundation of the house from dampness and mold. If you do not provide due protection, the walls can lose the thermal insulation properties, while the building will begin to gradually lose the aesthetics of the appearance and collapse. From the point of view of security places, the basement, window and roofing are distinguished.

In the article, we will tell how to make fasteners on the roof with their own hands from various materials (galvanizing, plastic pipes, stainless steel), consider the process of installing sings, as well as give photos and video instructions.


  1. High strength, resistance to mechanical deformations and large loads.
  2. Durability - due to resistance to corrosion, temperature and atmospheric precipitation.
  3. Attractive appearance.


Due to the constant impact of adverse environmental factors (precipitation, temperature drops, the sun, wind), the correct selection of the material of the tump is extremely important.

Modern foams are made from different materials.

Cink Steel. For the manufacture of ties, steel is used in sheets, thick up to 1 mm. For additional protection against corrosion and giving the aesthetic design, a polyester coating, a pistol or plastisol is used.

Aluminum. The thickness of the source sheets is 0.8-1 mm. To protect against corrosion, a special colorful varnish is used, which also makes it possible to improve the appearance of the sings.

Copper. It can be used both without processing and oxidizing or brass. It is considered the most beautiful, high-quality and durable material for the manufacture of sings. It has a significant minus - a high price.

Polymers. Due to low cost, increased strength, silent, resistance to ultraviolet and durability, polyester and plastisol obtained significant distribution in the manufacture of ties. Due to the low weight and simplicity of installation, mounted fits for the roof quite real.

Composition of the system

The drain system consists of several elements.

Chute. Designed to collect water flowing from the roof rods.

Funnels. Used to take water from the gutters and the further direction of it in the pipe.

Pipe. Used to transport water to special water reservations.

Various turns. Used to approximate pipes to the walls of the building, provide the possibility of trading obstacles and prevent water splashes from entering the building base, due to the installation of them at the bottom of the pipes.

Plug. Designed to limit water drain. They are mounted at the ends of the drainage gutters.

Elements of fastening. Special brackets are used for fastening the grooves. To secure the pipes apply the clamps of the required dimensions.

Calculation of the number of materials

The number of grooves corresponds to the length of the roof row.

The amount of drainage funnel is determined based on the length of the row. Usually one funnel is installed on 10 rogue meters of the skate. With a greater length of the roof, you need to provide several drain points.

The number of pipes (total length) is calculated based on the number of drain points, the distance from the places of installation of the funnel to the Earth, taking into account the features of the facade.

The calculation of the amount of turns is made on the basis of the features of the facade of the structure and drain points.

The number of brackets is determined based on the calculation: at least one bracket on the montage of the mounted chute.

The number of clamps used for fastening pipes depends on the number and length of the pipes (at least 2 per pipe). In this case, each section of the pipe must be fixed in one place in one place a special clamp.

Installation of sings

Modern outdoor drainage, in fact, are a designer that should be collected correctly. The density of the connections is provided by the manufacturer. The presence of an assembly drawing describing the principle of building assembly will greatly facilitate the installation process.

When installing the gutters of the drainage system, it is necessary to follow the basic principle - the principle of the presence of bias and tightness of the compounds. To ensure a quick runa, it is required to provide a bias of 2-3 °. Visually, such a bias is not noticeable and does not spoil the appearance. If desired, you can zoom to 5 °, but in this case it will be noticeable and the type of building can be spoiled.

The assembly of individual parts of the gutters should be made in the direction of water movement. For additional sealing of connections, you can use the sealant.

Collecting pipes are enough to ensure the tightness of the compounds.

When installing the drainage system, the manufacturer's recommendations should be performed according to fastening methods. It is also necessary to be careful, because the work is carried out at the height.

The correct use of sings will protect your house from the negative impact of precipitation, will decorate it, the appearance of the structure will continue for a long time and its service life will significantly.


Learn how to mount the flows for the roof, looking at the following video: