Selling smoked fish as a business. Smoking fish as a business: market features and a business plan for assessing costs and revenues

Smoked foods are the most popular delicacies. It is not for nothing that a lot of people crowd around the stalls with tasty smelling smoke of meat or fish smoked meats. The demand for these products in people has been, is and will always be. And if there is a demand, then there is a proposal, a proposal to open a business related to the smoking of meat or fish products. A person who wants to do this business should have no doubt that his own smokehouse will be profitable, since many people like meat and fish smoked products and eat them at any time of the year. So, you need to cast aside doubts and begin to implement the idea. Where is it worth starting a smoke business?

Planning future activities

A novice entrepreneur should keep in mind that the implementation of any idea is related to planning.

Before making a business plan, the businessman must answer the following questions:

  1. Which enterprise is supposed to be opened (home smokehouse or workshop).
  2. Where (in what premises) the business will be located.
  3. What equipment is necessary for future business.
  4. What documents will be needed to implement the idea.
  5. Where to get (buy) products for smoking.
  6. Where will the finished smoked products be sold.
  7. Will there be enough money to start a business and correctly draw up a business plan.

To answer all these questions, you need to study the demand of the population in the region where it is planned to open a business, collect information about suppliers of raw materials, study the requirements of SanPiN for smokehouses, etc. So, the plan is implemented in the following order.

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Entrepreneur study of demand market

Thinking of opening a smoking business, an entrepreneur must understand that such an idea came to his mind not only to him. Therefore, it will be necessary to study the existing market. What is the plan of action? First, you need to go shopping and markets and see the range of products on offer, compare the cost of smoked meat and fish products from several manufacturers.

It will be necessary to observe the buyers and their preferences, ask the sellers what delicacies are better to buy. It is a good idea to conduct a social survey of the population, involving for this purpose students who, for a small fee, will conduct a survey on the questionnaire questions compiled by the dealer, and he will receive accurate information about the market for the consumption of smoked fish and meat. It will be useful for the businessman himself to try the products of his future competitors in order to know its taste. All these actions will give the businessman an accurate picture of the market, and he will understand that it is better to smoke.

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Smoking room and equipment

If an entrepreneur wants to sell delicacies that smell like smoke on the market, he can smoke meat or fish, even at home or in some extension. If the business is serious, then the businessman will not be satisfied with the home smokehouse. It is necessary to open a whole workshop for smoking products. You will need a good room with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 100 square meters. m, in which such a workshop will be arranged. The sanitary service has a number of requirements for production facilities. The most important of them is the distance of the workshop from industrial enterprises and residential buildings at 300 meters.

It is very difficult to remodel some old premises in the workshop, since according to the Sanitary Rules and Norms (SanPiN) document, there should be a certain number of windows in it, the workshop should be provided with hot and cold water, sewage, air conditioning and ventilation systems. Of the utility rooms, locker rooms and separate bathrooms, etc. are required. There is a way out of such a difficult situation at first glance. Businessmen can rent or buy an ordinary dining room, the construction of which just took into account all sanitary requirements and has the necessary premises.

As for the equipment, any smokehouse should be equipped with separate refrigerators for storing raw materials and finished products. Instead, they are advised to purchase used shipping containers-refrigerators. You will need bathtubs for washing fish or meat, technological tables, cutting boards and knives. And naturally, you will need to purchase a camera for smoking products (electric smokehouse). Currently, it can even be built with your own hands to reduce the cost of purchasing equipment.

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Who should coordinate your business with?

Since the future business is related to food, SES will always be a serious controller. It will be she who will monitor the quality of production of smoked products and the conditions in which it is produced. For each type of fish and meat smoked products you will need to purchase quality certificates. In addition, once a month the sanitary service will take samples in order to laboratory study smoked products. The premises should be visited by employees of the Ministry of Emergencies and check how it is protected from fires, whether the products are smoked correctly, whether safety precautions are followed, and whether there is a plan for evacuation from the premises. It will be necessary to coordinate their actions with the veterinary service, Rosprirodnadzor and Rostekhnadzor.

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Purchase of fish or meat products

Now a little about the purchase of raw materials. If we talk about semi-finished meat products for smoking, then you can buy meat at pig-breeding complexes or from farms. You should first find out where the raw materials will be cheaper. And be sure to check the quality of the purchased meat. As for fish, it will be beneficial to smoke one that floats in local reservoirs. Firstly, it is cheaper, since you do not need to spend money on long-distance cargo transportation, and secondly, your fish is always fresh. Thirdly, many buyers prefer to eat products from the raw materials of their region.

If we talk about sea fish, then there may be difficulties associated with the high cost of its delivery, and after all, the business is just beginning and I want to not spend a lot of money at first. Also, sometimes a fish can go to a businessman already spoiled. The frozen condition of the product makes it difficult to identify its shortcomings. Unscrupulous suppliers can give one kind of fish for another or less valuable goods - for high-quality. All these properties of a product can be determined only by defrosting it, and only by an experienced technologist. Most manufacturers of smoked fish believe that if it was frozen, then its quality will be low. Others do not pay attention to this and smoke any fish. What to do, each entrepreneur must decide for himself. But the demand for better products will be great.

Products of meat and fish smoking are quite widely represented on the market today. However, it is in fairly high demand. Consumers especially like meat and fish of the so-called home (or village) smoking. Factory-made products traditionally arouse mistrust among our people.

The implementation of smoked meats does not depend on the season or on weather conditions. In addition, the organization of a business for smoking meat and fish does not need large start-up costs. Competition in this market is growing and the one who offers the best quality products will be able to win it. Below we will consider how profitable this business is and what documents are needed to sell smoking products.

Smoking fish as a business (video)

Market research is one of the main tasks before starting a business. Here we present a short video describing the business of smoking fish, as this is the most popular direction in this business.

Any business, including smoking fish and meat, requires a preliminary analysis of the market. First, you need to figure out who are the main competitors. And these are not large factory manufacturers. Small business smokers will compete with small entrepreneurs engaged in similar activities. Their assortment and pricing policy should be well studied.

You also need to determine the tastes and preferences of potential customers. As we have already said, such smoked meats that are positioned as home-cooked using traditional technology are in demand. In addition, you need to find out which type of meat and fish consumers like most.

Then you should find out exactly where, in what volume and at what price you will purchase raw materials for your smokehouse. It is best if the supplier is not an intermediary, but a manufacturer. For meat, this is a livestock complex, for fish - a fish farm.

Smoked meats are well bought, but at the same time there are units of small producers of such products on the market, and the assortment is not happy with variety. The problem with this type of business is the complexity of issuing permits.

For those who want to do production at home and earn money at the same time, smoking and selling smoked products will be a good alternative. Despite the high demand for these products, only a small number of companies and individuals who sell them are represented on the market.

As a rule, the assortment is limited to lard, chicken and sometimes fish, although smoking, roughly speaking, you can much more products. In addition, the existing smoked products are not of the highest quality. Smoked meat lovers note the absence of a characteristic smell and rich taste in such a product. You can correct this state of affairs by arranging home production.

To organize the smoking of fish, sausages, meat, lard, you will need to buy an electrostatic smoking unit (UEC). If you buy a new one, it will cost 7,500 rubles. A used car can be purchased for three thousand.

Due to the fact that it is small, it can be placed at home. Along with the installation, detailed instructions for use are sold, having studied which you can begin the smoking process. This process lasts no more than an hour.

It is clear that it will be needed for production, however, besides it, you need to purchase a lot of other things. First of all, it is worth considering how and where you will get firewood. They are necessary for the operation of the smoking plant.

If you live near a forest where you can cut trees, then this is the best way. Only dry trees need to be cut; branches can be cut so that without signs of decay. Another solution would be to purchase finished firewood at collective farms or shops. It is not recommended to use spruce, pine and birch, but firewood from fruit trees will give meat a special taste and smell.

Of course, spices are also needed for the preparation of smoking products. They are not always used and not all, however, for the production of bacon and many other beef products, they are necessary.

To get a rich red and attractive color of meat, you will have to purchase sodium nitride. Despite the fact that there is propaganda in the media against this product, you cannot do without it, otherwise all products will look unattractive to the buyer. In addition, nitride is dangerous only in large quantities. For the production of smoked meats, it will require 0.05 grams per 1 liter of brine.

Also, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) will need to be added to the brine. Thanks to him, the meat is made uniform in color. In addition, he is an excellent preservative. The main thing is to add ascorbic acid without taste. The proportions are the same as for sodium nitride.

The production of smoked products is energy-intensive. Therefore, be prepared for impressive amounts for utility bills. This must be taken into account when setting the price at which the final product will be sold.

Another expense item will be transport. Not only will its cost have to be included in the cost of selling the product, it will need to be organized. That is, transport will be needed for purchases and for transporting products subsequently to the market.

The next item of expenditure will be the seller, who will need to pay wages. As a rule, those engaged in home-based production sell their products on their own, or connect their relatives.

An important element of your business will be a refrigerator in which you will store smoked meats. A simple domestic refrigerator (single-door and with a freezer on top) can fit 50 kg of products, and its cost in the used goods market will be only 200-300 rubles in the regions. Such refrigerators have one minus, because of their old age, their compressor can easily fail in the summer, in the heat. Another option would be to rent a professional refrigerator on the market.

Why can not you install such a refrigerator at home? The fact is that professional refrigerators consume a lot of electricity, and if several refrigerators work simultaneously in a room, this can damage the entire system. In addition, such units make a lot of noise, which will make life unbearable.

Beware that the meat goes bad. The fact is that in the factory this can be resolved using disinfecting chemicals. And at home, this is not possible.

In order to legally produce and sell smoked products, you will have to collect a lot of documents, permits and certificates. First of all, you have to fill out forms at the executive committee, apply for a health book, obtain a patent for doing business, apply for documents at a pension fund, register with a bank.

Bearing in mind that a certificate for the production of smoked meat at a home enterprise is incredibly difficult to issue, or rather it is almost impossible, you can go the other way. Many of the representatives of this business do expertise in the laboratories of the market administration. Most often, such a document will be enough.

After all paper barriers are overcome, it will be necessary to start looking for a place to sell your smoked products. The rental cost (on average several thousand per month) of the outlet will need to be included in the market value of the product. There you will need to install a test balance, which does not require large expenses.

The outlet will need to be equipped with a refrigerator counter, if this is not provided for initially. Buying such a counter with your hands, you will spend about 1000 rubles.

However, it is not recommended to save on it, since the latest cameras have better technological indicators, a smaller size and a more attractive appearance. If you start a business in the winter, you can save on the refrigerator, but by the summer you still have to buy it, otherwise the goods will not last even an hour on the counter under the rays of the scorching sun.

Smoked fish has long been considered a delicacy. Her taste and aroma do not leave anyone indifferent, and she herself can be served as a festive treat or even as the main dish of any feast. Many fishermen, in addition to their hobby, are engaged in smoking and selling fish, but if you put the production process at a higher level, you can make significant profits by saving on the scale of production. Especially when you consider that the cost of manufacturing a product is much lower than its market value. Thus, smoking fish in established markets can bring huge income.

If you touch on the choice of fish that needs to be smoked, then everything is quite ambiguous. On the one hand, it is advisable to use fish from local reservoirs. It is inexpensive, extremely safe and meets the taste expectations of the local population. Also, "native gifts of nature" can fit into the concept of local restaurateurs, which will facilitate the establishment of sales. But on the other hand, the use of other types of fish will significantly expand the range of products, which means to conquer a larger segment of the market. But it requires huge expenses.

Business opening

Before you start an entrepreneurial activity, it is worth formalizing your business. To do this, it is necessary to register yourself with the tax authorities as an individual entrepreneur. This form of business will allow the use of a simplified taxation and reporting system (and this is an extra saving on employees).

The choice of premises should be approached very responsibly. Many unofficially angled fish anglers do this with ordinary barrels in the fresh air. Such production, although it is as natural as possible, is completely inconsistent with sanitary standards. So the room should in fact be a food workshop. It should have an area of \u200b\u200babout 50 square meters (this will be enough to accommodate all the equipment for preparing, smoking and packing fish), have connected systems of electricity, gas and water supply and sanitation, as well as powerful ventilation. The monthly payment for the rental of such premises is on average about 30,000 rubles.

Next, you should purchase equipment for smoking. The most important is the smokehouse itself. You can make it yourself, this will significantly reduce costs, but you need to have certain skills and equipment (welding, stamping, etc.), or you can buy a finished industrial smokehouse. Its cost varies from production capacity. For a small business, the best option would be to purchase a domestic unit worth about 100,000 rubles.

It also requires 2 refrigerators. The first is necessary for storing raw fish, which is being prepared for processing, and the second - for finished fish, which is being sent. The cost of each refrigerator is about 30,000 rubles.

The list of additional equipment includes cutting tables and boards, a set of knives, washing containers, smoking cages, etc., the total cost of which does not exceed 40,000 rubles.

In total, about 200,000 rubles are required to purchase equipment.

Now you need to decide on the staff. Most of the work should be undertaken by the owner of the smokehouse. This allows you to get the necessary skills, completely immerse yourself in the production process and save on employees. However, for utility work, shipment, etc. you must have at least 2 assistants, the remuneration of each of which is 20,000 rubles.

Finally, the purchase of raw materials. First of all, it is a fish. To save, you should purchase it in bulk quantities (and at the appropriate price) from local fishermen. For example, fresh bream costs about 80 r / kg (the price may vary depending on the size of the fish). Smokehouse furnaces also require raw materials - these are shavings, wood chips and wood chips. Its cost is on average 2,500 r / m3. Chips and chips are prepared independently. Still need salt (10 r / kg). The cost of smoked fish is about 100 r / kg, and the selling price is from 200 r / kg. Accordingly, the gross profit from the sale of 1 smoked fish is 100 rubles. To achieve break-even, it is necessary to sell at least 700 kg every month, however, with established sales, sales reach 1,500 kg or more, which gives a profit of 70,000 rubles (net of taxes). This pays for the project in 3 months.

Smoked meats are always in great demand among the population of our country. Such food cannot be called useful, but, despite this, it does not disappear from store shelves. Modern manufacturers are trying to simplify the technology of cooking delicacies using liquid smoke for smoking. But you cannot replace the taste of real smoked meats with anything. On the market you can buy mini smokehouses for small businesses and use them to produce high-quality natural products.

Smoking equipment is professional and domestic. Household smokehouses are designed for the preparation of 5-15 kg of products. Using such equipment, you can easily meet the needs of the family. If you want to make a mini-smokehouse your business, you will have to purchase a more spacious smoke-box, and also provide a separate room for this. You can smoke hot or cold. In domestic conditions, the method of hot smoking is used. This is a less time-consuming process that takes a little time. Smoke meat or fish for several hours at a certain temperature.

Smokehouse as a business

Before you open a mini-smokehouse, you must:

  • Choose a room.
  • Purchase equipment.
  • To buy products.

Such a business is worth starting for those entrepreneurs who are engaged in or. From meat or fish products are obtained delicacies that have a longer shelf life. In addition, they can be sold at a high price.

The benefits of a mini smokehouse

  • High performance;
  • Ability to work in semi-automatic mode;
  • Different types of smoking.


To legalize your business, you should register as a private entrepreneur. Since you will be involved in food production, you need to get permits from the SES, firefighters and other authorities. Do not forget to take quality certificates from suppliers of raw materials. To obtain permission to trade in products, you must pass special testing. You do not need to draw up any documents for the mini smokehouse for home, because you will prepare products for personal purposes in it.


For a mini-smokehouse, you will not need a large area, because modern equipment has a fairly compact size. It can be dismantled at any time and transported to another place without any problems.

For the first time, you can rent a small room and place several smoking units in it.


The choice of smoking equipment for small businesses is largely dependent on the starting capital of the entrepreneur. For the first time, you can purchase an inexpensive installation. Entrepreneurs opening large enterprises immediately buy industrial smokehouses, which are distinguished by high power. In addition, you need to buy refrigerators for storing finished products and various kitchen utensils.

Scheme mini smokehouse

In the market equipment for the smokehouse is presented in a wide assortment. Units have different technical characteristics and the ability to adjust the operating temperature. Imported cold smoked mini-smokehouse can process up to 10 tons of products per day.

It is advisable to purchase an aggregate in which you can use different smoking methods. In it you can cook any meat delicacies, fish or poultry.

Such equipment can work in different modes:

  • Cooking;
  • Smoking process;
  • Drying;
  • Roasting.

In the chamber you can adjust the humidity and temperature.

Factory smoked mini-smokehouses are more often used at home, because such products have a short shelf life.


When making a business plan for the smokehouse, do not forget to take into account the staff. If you are just starting a business, you can hire two assistants. Large-scale production will require more workers.

In addition to the meat grinder and the worker who services the smoking equipment, you will also need an accountant. To sell products locally, open a small shop near the smokehouse.

It is advisable that people who work in a mini-smokehouse know their business well, since the success of any business depends a lot on staff.

Raw materials

Smoked products must be selected very carefully. First of all, if you want to open a smokehouse as a business, carefully research the market and study the demand. Do not save on the purchase of raw materials. If the product does not inspire confidence, it is better to abandon it. Enough time to spoil your reputation with low-quality goods and sales will immediately fall.

The most sought after product is smoked red fish and meat. It makes no sense to buy it in or supermarkets, since interest has already been charged on the cost of the goods. To get a good profit, you need to find a reliable supplier who works or fish factory. Usually in such places a product is given a quality certificate, so there will be no problems with its sale.


Since the price of a mini smokehouse is quite affordable, you can engage in such a business with a small starting capital.

Money will be needed for:

  • Purchase of equipment - 20-60 thousand rubles;
  • Raw materials - 15–20 thousand rubles;
  • Electricity - 5 thousand rubles;
  • Lease of premises - 10 thousand rubles;
  • Transportation costs - 5 thousand rubles.

Product Sales

Smoked products can be sold in your own shop or in bulk to supermarkets, as well as sellers in the market. Over time, when production expands, the number of outlets should be increased. Many enterprises accept orders for the production of smoked meats for weddings or other celebrations from the raw materials of customers. This provides additional income.

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Home Smokehouse Design

You can build a mini-smokehouse with your own hands on a personal plot. To do this, you will need a metal barrel, several bricks and fittings.

Phased construction of a smokehouse:

  • Dig a place under the hearth;
  • Dig a trench under the chimney;
  • Set the barrel on the bricks.

Smoke from the hearth will enter the barrel through the chimney. In it, products intended for smoking hang on metal rods.

Bricks are needed in order to pave the hearth. The chimney is covered with asbestos-cement plates that can withstand high temperatures. The barrel should be covered with some dense cloth. This is the easiest way to get homemade smoked products.

Now you have some idea how to make a mini-smokehouse yourself. This is a simple process that does not require large investments, thanks to which you will always have fresh smoked products on your table.

By the way, a home mini-smokehouse will bring good income if you sell products to friends or acquaintances. You can also make smoked meats to order in small shops.