Why can not sleep - Reasons. How to sleep if you can’t sleep at night

A prolonged lack of sleep, even if “eyes are sticking together” is a problem that each of us has encountered.

Therefore, the logical question is: "How quickly to fall asleep?". Not always insomnia should be an occasion to see a doctor - sometimes you just need to “program” your brain to quickly fall asleep.

There are quite a few ways to teach your brain quick sleep. And all of them are very effective, helping to fall asleep literally in 1-5 minutes. First of all, you need to wean yourself from conducting an internal dialogue, even if something out of the ordinary happened during the day that you simply cannot stop thinking about.

But this is precisely the essence of most methods of fast falling asleep. To fall asleep quickly, you just need to stop the internal disputes. To do this, you can use the tips below regarding how to do it right.

How to deal with insomnia?

Sleep problems are not only a cause of bad mood and drowsiness throughout the day. Prolonged insomnia leads to a significant deterioration in overall well-being, and is also capable of causing serious disturbances on the part of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as the brain. In view of this, such a deviation is not only possible, but also extremely necessary to fight.

To eliminate the problem, you can use medications or folk remedies. But there is another alternative: you can simply adjust the mode of the day. This approach to treating insomnia is:

  • creating comfortable conditions for falling asleep and sleeping;
  • the selection of pleasant, natural bedding (synthetics can prick and “shoot with current”, in such conditions, even with a strong desire, it will be extremely difficult to fall asleep);
  • listening to pleasant, calming and relaxing music before going to bed;
  • refusal of coffee, tea and other energy drinks before bedtime;
  • observing the normal regime of the day.

You should also abandon daytime sleep.

Sleep in comfort

Sleep problems can be the result of adverse or uncomfortable conditions for a person. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to pay close attention to the room where he spends hours of night sleep.

Room temperature

The temperature should not be too low or too high. It is worth excluding any drafts in the room.


Ventilate the room before going to bed. With sperm filled with different odors, it will be extremely difficult to sleep. You can use the aroma lamp and fill the bedroom with aromas of lavender, mint, orange, chamomile or linden.


Difficulty falling asleep is often the result of too bright lighting. In the dark, hormones are produced that contribute to falling asleep, so it’s better to close the windows before going to bed, or purchase a special sleep mask.


If noise prevents you from falling asleep, then earplugs, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, do a good job of this. A good alternative is quiet, relaxing music, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.


Often an uncomfortable sleeping position prevents falling asleep. Lie down as you feel as comfortable as possible. To avoid movement during sleep, do not restrain, wear spacious pajamas. Although some people feel more comfortable without clothes.


Do not forget to regularly change bed sheets. Sheets and pillows soaked with sweat do not contribute very much to falling asleep quickly.

The blanket should not be too hot or cold. The same goes for the whole bed set.

Respiratory techniques for falling asleep quickly

Special breathing techniques will help you quickly plunge into deep sleep, which will not be difficult to master.

Method number 1

To succeed in falling asleep quickly using breathing techniques, you need to memorize them. First you need to exercise 2 times a day for 2 months, and then - 8 approaches for 1 time per month.

Technique of execution:

  • place the tip of the tongue in the sky behind the upper teeth;
  • with a closed mouth take a deep breath, slowly counting to 4;
  • hold your breath for 7 seconds;
  • make a noisy long exhale, slowly counting to 8;
  • repeat until tired. Each time, the number of approaches will decrease, as the body will gradually begin to get used to such gymnastics.

This exercise helps to relax quickly, as well as increase stress resistance of the body.

Method number 2

This is a very simple exercise, the essence of which is to count the breaths and exhalations. But you can only count up to 10: for 1 - inhalation, for 2 - exhalation, for 3 - inhalation, for 4 - exhalation, etc. This approach helps a person to escape from his internal problems and fall asleep.

As a rule, no more than 3 cycles of 10 times are required. It should be breathed through the mouth, moderately deep.

It is important to remember 3 nuances:

  • each digit must be literally felt, “passing” it through each inhale and exhale;
  • need to concentrate on the movements of the chest;
  • it is important to fix attention on the sensation of air.

Focusing on respiratory movements helps not to focus on what is happening around. This is a very simple exercise that every person can master. In addition, you can perform it anywhere - even at home, at least at work.

Method number 3

The relaxing exercise “Beach” is familiar to many people. It requires certain implementation skills, mastering which, you can learn how to quickly fall asleep. When a feeling arises that a dream is overpowering you, you can no longer continue - you must immediately go to bed.

The technique of the exercise is as follows. It is necessary to lie under the blanket so that only the head remains above it. Straighten your arms and legs, imagining that you are on a warm, sunny beach. Try to get as deep as possible into thoughts of hot sand, which slowly and gradually covers your hand - from the hand to the wrist, elbow, shoulder.

And so the “sand” gradually covers your whole body. You feel calm, relaxed, pacified. A light breeze winds around your face, and all thoughts of everything worldly recede into the background. Under the influence of such pleasant thoughts, sleep comes much faster.

Method number 4

Take a comfortable lying position and close your eyes. At regular intervals, open and close them. Thanks to this “reverse blinking”, the body quickly relaxes, and the brain “turns off”.

How to relax to fall asleep quickly?

People who do not get enough sleep are constantly in a bad mood, but this is not the main problem. Neurosis and other psychological disorders are only the smallest part of the unpleasant consequences of lack of sleep. To avoid this, you need to learn how to completely relax. Then the problems with falling asleep will disappear.

In order not to suffer from insomnia, try following these guidelines:

  1. Throughout the day, evenly distribute physical activity, alternating them with rest. And remember that just before bedtime you should not play sports. If you still have evening classes according to the schedule, do the exercises a few hours before going to bed.
  2. The next exercise helps to relax well. Sit and close your eyes. Take a deep breath with your nose, and then a slow and deep breath, but in this case through your mouth. Imagine how all the tension that is inside every cell of your body leaves the body with each exhalation. Throughout the exercise, try not to think about anything that bothers you, or about what is happening around you. All your thoughts should be directed inward, you should feel how all negative energy gradually disappears.
  3. Try to master the visualization technique - it will also help you fall asleep quickly. Imagine that you are in a place you would love to visit. Describe it for yourself, visualize even the smallest details. Do not interrupt for any other thoughts - and the dream will come pretty quickly.
  4. If something bothers you, write down your feelings and doubts on a piece of paper. This approach promotes relaxation, which, in turn, contributes to a calm fall asleep and deep, healthy sleep.
  5. The muscle relaxation technique helps to sleep well. First you need to strain each muscle of the body and stay in this position for 5 seconds. At this time, you need to breathe deeply and evenly. After this, you should relax the body as much as possible. Note that each muscle group should be strained in turn.

Insomnia pills

It is necessary to select medicines for insomnia carefully, trying to get a drug that is not addictive. Tablets should be taken only if:

  • insomnia lasts longer than 4 weeks;
  • insomnia was caused by mental or nervous disorders;
  • sleep disturbance has arisen against the background of frequent stresses, overwork, mental overstrain;
  • problems falling asleep were caused by psychopathic or neurotic changes.

If insomnia has become a permanent occurrence, you need to contact a therapist, neurologist or psychologist. It all depends on what factors led to its development. The doctor will be able to prescribe an effective remedy that will contribute to the normalization of sleep.

The following drugs based on extracts of medicinal plants help to sleep and relieve psychoemotional stress:

  • Novo-Passit;
  • Bifren;
  • Phytorelax;
  • Dr. Selezneva "Sleep" (tea).

From the category of synthetic sleeping pills, doctors often resort to the appointment:

  • Sedavita;
  • Zolpidem.

The combined sedative and hypnotic drugs include:

  • Menovalen;

There are homeopathic remedies that contribute to fast falling asleep:

  • Calm down;
  • Notta;
  • Hypnosis.

Each drug has its contraindications and side effects, so it is better if a specific remedy is prescribed by a doctor.

In order to correct the treatment of insomnia, if necessary, doctors recommend that patients keep a special sleep diary. It can also help in identifying the causes of insomnia. People who often suffer from problems with falling asleep, it would be nice to learn the technique of meditation, or other methods of relaxation.

So that the problems with falling asleep again do not make themselves felt, experts recommend:

  • to develop and steadily adhere to sleep and daily physical activity;
  • lead a mobile lifestyle and spend such an amount of energy per day that at the end of the day will provide a normal process of falling asleep (but in moderation, otherwise physical fatigue, on the contrary, can cause insomnia);
  • refuse caffeinated drinks and foods in the afternoon;
  • do not smoke a few hours before going to bed;
  • do not sleep in the daytime;
  • avoid strong emotional stress before going to bed (we are talking not only about negative, but also overly stormy positive emotions);
  • do not use any gadgets to fall asleep sooner (phones, tablets, and even a TV, on the contrary, can dispel a dream);
  • do not overwork the brain before going to bed - mental overwork, equivalent to physical, can lead to insomnia;
  • go to bed only when drowsiness and fatigue have already made themselves felt. If for half an hour the nap did not overcome you, you should not be irritated and nervous - it is better to get out of bed and temporarily occupy your brain with some interesting thing. You can also use special yoga exercises, or do meditation, relaxation, breathing exercises for better falling asleep.

There is a certain category of people who suffer from bouts of fear that they may simply not fall asleep at night. Such patients, experts recommend attending sessions of cognitive psychotherapy. In addition to eliminating problems with falling asleep, such treatment will help prevent depressive states, and save a person from panic attacks associated with fear of insomnia.

A good therapeutic effect for insomnia has the so-called "limited sleep" method. What is its essence?

If normally a person should sleep at least 8-9 hours a day, then according to this technique, this time is reduced to 5 hours. At first, getting used to the new regime will be very difficult, so you need to "accustom" the body to it gradually.

During the first week, a person will feel daytime sleepiness, possibly increasing appetite. But as the body gets used to the new regime, all the inconveniences associated with this restructuring will go away, and insomnia will disappear with them.


Undoubtedly, the use of medications for insomnia gives more persistent and stable results. But it is impossible to deal with problems with falling asleep using sleeping pills or capsules on an ongoing basis.

First of all, because therapy should be aimed at eradicating the causes of insomnia, and not at eliminating it as such, or alleviating its possible consequences. Taking a sleeping pill, a person simply falls asleep, but the factors that caused the malaise do not disappear anywhere, and their effect on the body does not stop.

Therefore, as soon as the drug is not taken again, insomnia will again remind of itself. For this reason, the use of sleeping pills should be resorted to only in those cases if no other methods contribute to a full night's sleep. In the meantime, all the methods of falling asleep, discussed earlier, have not been tried, it is better to refuse to take pills.

Sleep is an integral part of any person’s life. If he slept well, then the next day he will be fruitful and successful. You can not give a little time to sleep. This can lead to various diseases and premature aging. Therefore, if you are concerned about insomnia, it is necessary to deal with it.

Sleep is such a special ritual that requires special preparation. Before him, in one hour it is better to ventilate the room. This will allow fresh air to enter the room, breathing in which the person falls asleep faster. Before going to bed, you should not watch TV or use the Internet. And it is better to spend this time reading a book. In this way, you will not only be distracted from pressing problems, but also put a strain on your eyes. Over time, they will get tired and you will want to sleep. It is also proven that it is better to fall asleep in a clean bed. Therefore, change your bedding during insomnia. Before going to bed, you should not drink strong tea or tonic drinks. But not always observing these rules allows you to fall asleep and then special exercises come to the rescue, aimed at reducing the activity of the brain and heart.

Visual exercise

In the head, to fall asleep in one minute, there are several pictures associated with drops of water or balloons. They fall into the water and circles scatter from them in different directions. The brain quickly switches from one image to another and gradually immerses you in sleep.

Eye exercise

To fall asleep quickly, you must try to lie on your back, relax and roll your eyes up. Even the military use this method during exercises.

Exercise "Reverse Blinking"

During insomnia, you can captivate yourself with a reverse blink. For this, eyes are closed for 10-15 seconds and opened for a short period of time. Five minutes later, you are already immersed in a calm sleep.

Memories and dreams of the best moments of life

Sometimes for falling asleep it is enough to remember or think about something good, for example, about a memorable trip or about a loved one. You can also immerse yourself in your dreams associated with the presentation of the most secret desires.

Practical exercise related to human breathing

The most famous way to fall asleep quickly is 4-7-8. During it, a person breathes calmly for 4 seconds. Then it holds air for 7 seconds and also breathes evenly through the nose for 8 seconds. This exercise is repeated several times in a row. It normalizes the heart rate and reduces the adrenaline level in the blood.

Each person must decide for himself how many hours he sleeps per day. But remember that this time period for an adult should be at least 7 hours a day. A correct and calm sleep will allow you to wake up in a good mood the next day and do many useful things.

Most people of different ages face a problem such as insomnia. Turning from side to side on the bed in an attempt to lie comfortably to fall asleep. But just as you don’t lie, you don’t count the sheep, you still cannot fall asleep. The next morning, after a sleepless night, you have to go to the robot. She feels bad, tired, feeling overwhelmed - all these are consequences of lack of sleep. To avoid this you need to understand reasons why you can't sleep?

Why can't I sleep?

  • Room temperature If the room has the wrong temperature (too cold or hot), at which it is not comfortable, then you will not be able to fall asleep.
  • Regime - All people need the right regimen and healthy sleep. If you do not go to bed on time and disrupt the regime, the body will skip the phase of deep sleep and will want to sleep during the day. Sleeping during the day, when the body must be awake, it will be hard to sleep at night.
    Therefore, you need to try to go to bed every day at a certain time, so that the dream is on schedule.
  • Noise - No matter how much you want to sleep, even if there is a feeling of great tiredness, it can still be hard to fall asleep. This is due to noise. Initially, a person enters the stage of REM sleep. At this stage, he can hear any noise that will cause discomfort. Once you enter the stage of deep sleep, you can fully relax, because extraneous sounds will not be perceived until someone wakes up.
  • Food - It is difficult to fall asleep after certain foods and drinks, as they contain certain substances that allow the body to be active. The first drink that can cause wakefulness and make it difficult to fall asleep is coffee. It contains caffeine and therefore it is not recommended to drink coffee in the evening. Fatty foods like roasted pork, nuts, and cheese can cause insomnia.

Thus, paying attention to these reasons, you can try to avoid them, which will help normalize sleep, which will help a person become rested.

Do not sleep, but want to sleep?

Insomnia is an insidious lady. But she can be outwitted ...!

Little tricks that help defeat any insomnia:

  • Do not overeat if the dream is in the plans (coming soon)

It’s better to wait for breakfast, if you really want to “mess up” something. Bunny, stress and depression in general is better not to "bite."

  • Do not drink plenty of fluids before going to bed

You yourself understand what elementary “urges” will distract you from falling asleep. You need to drink so that it does not hurt later.

  • Don't drink coffee

Even if you crave coffee madly - don’t drink! Wait in the morning! And you will drink with him, for company, to wake up. Waking up is easier than falling asleep if insomnia torments.

  • Try green tea

Maybe he wants you to fall asleep? No one is aware of his dreams. But you won’t get worse from a cup of tea, if he’s not disgusted with you, of course.

Intoxication for insomnia

  • Eat poppy

He acts intoxicatingly. Buns with poppy seeds - an option if there is no diet. But remember that you do not need to do this before bedtime!

  • Have a beer

It, oddly enough, can be a good sleeping pill. Drink it a little, but without snacks and on an empty stomach. You will see how the hops will "beg" the dream to return to you.

If you want to sleep, but do not want to sleep - create comfort for sleeping

  • Take away any light

Even if he is lunar. Put it behind the curtain so that it does not distract, does not flicker. Turn off your computer system, the sun, too. They called you the sun without sarcasm, but to get rid of laziness.

  • Take off all your clothes

Take everything off without leaving anything! Sleeping naked is good. Trying to sleep is doubly useful. Nothing bothers the body, at least.

  • Take cover with a light blanket, not a heavy blanket

It’s probably hot for you, and therefore doesn’t want to come to you. Do you have a blanket? Drawing and color does not matter!

  • Choose a different sleeping position

It should bring (deliver) comfort to you, and not the opposite word. Poses for sleep - millions!

  • Create personal silence

If neighbors knock or rumble, put a pillow on your ear. And no “thunder-little girl” will be an obstacle to you. Even a strong “loud little girl”.

  • Turn off the TV

Glare that flickers in front of the eyes, as if deliberately trying to become irritants of your psychological state. And you need to protect it! And it's not just that you lost your sleep.

  • Correct the pillow if you sleep on it

Maybe she’s lying uncomfortable somehow, but you don’t even think that the reason is in her.

  • Remove all the flowers from the room

Some of them, though not terrible, interfere with the penetration of sleep into you. In the morning or in the afternoon you will return them back, do not worry! No one asks you to part with your favorite flowers forever.

Move the ticking watch to another room!

To quickly fall asleep, do something before bedtime

  • Play solitaire

It’s better not to choose a kitchen table, but an online mode. And then in the morning you will “vividly” blame yourself for succumbing to the “refrigerator” temptation.

  • Do something physical!

So, to feel physical fatigue. You will see that you’ll sleep without “back legs”. And you yourself will be surprised ....

  • Talk on the phone

Talk so well, so that the tongue “braided” begins from conversations. The dream will come by itself in order to save and reanimate your tongue until the morning.

  • Take a shower. Oh, how he relaxes!

It is possible that you will fly to the crib when you feel water tenderness on yourself. The main thing is that no one in the queue in the bathroom is lined up and customized, as often happens.

  • Do not sleep a few nights

Just don’t sleep, as if you don’t need a dream at all. So you let the body understand that you are stronger and it will stop any attempts to test you, since it itself is "exhausted" decently.

  • Read the book is boring and "difficult to read"

You will run to sleep! You’ll do everything just to not read something that you don’t like at all. Well, the bed will be glad for you.

  • Get caught in cold rain or in winter with heavy snow (no less cold)

You will have a great desire to quickly get to the sheet, take cover with a blanket, keep warm. And you are able to fulfill the desire if the summer is not at all on the street!

  • Comb for a long time

Many people fall asleep when they start such a “procedure”. Maybe you are no exception, huh? Check yourself sometimes to find out more and more about yourself.

  • Take care ... - sex!

If you feel good - you will fall asleep and you will not notice. Sex, as you know, incredibly relaxes the entire body. Not just female, by the way. Have you noticed?

  • Pay off all the tears if there is a reason

Tears will lull you so that you fall in love with a dream and do not want to let it go from you. By the way, watch the dream - look, by chance, in the "dream book".

  • Take a walk every night

If you plan to sleep in the evening, not in the afternoon. You need oxygen. Lots of oxygen! So quench the oxygen thirst so that the dream appears and you can calmly and sweetly fall asleep.

Turn on your imagination to fall asleep easily

  • Count, mentally, any animals, or something else ...

Consider until the thought “slip” that it’s better to fall asleep than to suffer such nonsense!

  • Turn off thoughts. Any!

Try not to think about anything at all, as if you don't know how to think at all. Imagine that your best friend, or best friend, decided to lend these thoughts.

Or vice versa - turn on your internal video image of some pleasant moments of life and enjoy that now you are in your “paradise”.

How to quickly calm down and sleep peacefully? Folk remedies

  • Light incense sticks

They greatly affect a person’s condition. So affect that you can not do without sleep! If you need it - do not do without it! Take in the aroma of magnificence, waiting for a dream to visit your eyes. Imagination will be lost in aromatic trends, you will calm down and fall asleep.

  • Have a sedative

Valerian is one of the best medicines. If the smell scares her away, drink this “charm” in the form of tablets. You can not choose Valerian. There are many medications for sleeping.

Don’t worry, dear: you will fall asleep ... When?

Only God Himself Knows!

If you urgently need to fall asleep - try all the proposed options. It is better not to use medicines. If none of the proposed options help, consult your doctors. They will tell you something, unless of course they “shine” with competence.

Want to fall asleep quickly? - Switch ...

  1. Ventilate every room in your house (in your apartment). Ventilate well! And go out the door during this “process” so as not to catch a cold, all of a sudden.
  2. Stroll through the streets, parks and public gardens (in the evening). Walking will surely save you from annoying insomnia.
  3. Throw all thoughts out of your head! “Take out” all feelings from the soul! Leave only airy and light emptiness. Have a dream in this "image".
  4. Remember the numbers! Count for a long time - a long time, until you get stolen by sleep. And he will do it (as a reward for your patience).
  5. Read a boring and difficult to read book. The brain will quickly get tired of this "reading", and you will fall asleep.
  6. How to fall asleep quickly if you can’t sleep? - Engage in quality sex. He will give you such crazy relaxation that a dream will literally swallow you.
  7. Mix valerian and motherwort. This mixture will make you sleepy. If you don’t like the taste, drink it with something sweet.
  8. Listen to calm music. Remember how babies in the crib fall asleep? Imagine that time took you to your childhood minutes! Have a nice sleep….
  9. Change the pose. It’s impossible to go to the “kingdom of dreams” in one position - it will turn out to be done in another.
  10. Remove all plants and flowers from the room. The fact is that some of the "charms of flora" really do not want you to fall asleep.
  11. Buy some large poppy seed buns. Eat them. The whole secret of drowsiness .... In the poppy!
  12. Blind the windows. It is not necessary that before your eyes a bewitching moonlight flickered.
  13. Turn off the lights and protect yourself from any lighting. How to do it? Cover your head with a veil so that around you you see only darkness, when (if) you open, suddenly, your eyes.
  14. Turn off the TV. Do the same with computer monitors (laptops).
  15. Put a cat or dog on your stomach. You will fall asleep under their breath and sniffles.
  16. Ask someone who lives in the same apartment with you to massage your scalp. It helps with insomnia! Not to everyone, but to many.
  17. Heat cow's milk. Add a little honey to it. Drink it quickly and in big sips.
  18. Drink sleeping pills, which is sold over the counter in pharmacies. Set an alarm, because any sleeping pill works very quickly and very long.
  19. Drive yourself with physical labor. You will sleep, if you put it simply, “without hind legs”.
  20. Light incense sticks if there are no allergic reactions to their aromas. Fall asleep in fifteen or twenty minutes.
  21. Drink a glass of Coca-Cola or a similar drink. For many, these "miracles of drinking" act as needed.
  22. Perform breathing exercises. Lie down on a comfortable bed. Start breathing relaxedly. Cover your eyes. Imagine every breath of air filling your tummy. Hold your breath briefly.
  23. Solve a difficult task, scanword, crossword or rebus. And “puzzle” the list of choices.
  24. Lie down on a very hard bed or on a very hard sofa. Do without extra sheets and without mattresses.
  25. Choose a small pillow and bedding in dark colors (it is better to choose a black or dark blue tone).
  26. Masturbate before going to bed. You can’t imagine how she relaxes the human body. By the way, not only female!
  27. Get up very early. At five or six. Run all day, walk, do things .... The dream will be with you at nine in the evening. It is possible that before.
  28. Do your best to lower the temperature in the room where you are used to falling asleep.
  29. Drink some beer or wine. Drink until you feel that your body is slightly “flying away”. A good balm is also suitable as sleeping pills.
  30. If you can’t sleep, roll up the eye blocks. So they learn to fall asleep in special forces. The method works instantly!
  31. Turn on the audiobook in the player. Listen to her, listen .... Do not open your eyes .... And do not notice how you spend time in a dream (until the morning).
  32. How to fall asleep in the evening? - Do not go to bed during the day. Try to be patient until the evening. You can! You have willpower!
  33. Wash your feet with hot or very warm water. Do this twenty minutes before going to sleep.
  34. Distract yourself from the thought that you can’t fall asleep in any way. Do not think about it!
  35. Apply a heating pad or bottle of warm water to your feet. Close your eyes and wait for the dream to come.
  36. Take off your clothes completely. They say that nudity removes stress and allows you to sleep.
  37. How to sleep if you can’t sleep at all? - Set a goal .... Go to bed at the same time every day. It will turn out - the first step to success has been taken.

Folk remedies that kill insomnia and help to fall asleep:


  1. Fill a glass with boiling water.
  2. Add two teaspoons of hop cones to it.
  3. Insist for four hours (with wrapping).
  4. Strain.
  5. Drink a glass at night.


  1. Take the thickest fabric.
  2. Sew a special bag from it.
  3. Stuff it with various herbs.
  4. Put the bag under the pillow (at night).
  5. Inhale the aroma of these herbs.


  1. Take forty grams of hawthorn flowers.
  2. Take two hundred milliliters of boiling water.
  3. Pour boiling water over the hawthorn.
  4. Take the medicine four times a day (drink it like tea).


  1. Twenty minutes, cook fifteen grams of dill (in strong wine).
  2. Insist and strain for one hour.
  3. Squeeze the tincture.
  4. Take at night when insomnia prevails.


  1. Oil lavender whiskey before bedtime.
  2. Mix five drops of oil with a little sugar.
  3. Suck a sugar cube with butter before bedtime.


  1. Peel the orange.
  2. Cut (finely) peel the oranges.
  3. Add one spoonful of lemon balm to the crusts.
  4. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  5. Twelve minutes, insist, strain.
  6. Add some valerian to the tincture.
  7. Drink a glass twice a day, "biting" with a spoon of honey.