Tree crafts for cottages (45 photos): ideas. Using Brene

The use of natural wood in the interior allows you to create non-standard and stylish solutions. The material for designing rooms is pre-ground and sucked.

Cooked wood in the interior Allows you to feel natural pristine and comfort in the interior.

Decor made of wood adds comfort in.

Spiele is a smooth and transverse layer of wood. Each of them is distinguished by uniqueness. On each plate there are venous wood rings, the contours of which are not repeated.

Wood spiers are often used to decorate the walls. Ipell make easy. For this, the barrel or branch is taken and is cut into thin circles. At the same time, each plate is unique.

For lining the wall, the thickness of the layer does not matter. From the tree, the bark is removed or left to create a natural style.

The decor on the wall of wood is covered with varnish, mourn or paint. Decorative elements cover the wall or only part of it.

Design with wooden elements is performed using glue. To keep the parts on the wall, the surface should be smooth and well cleaned.

  1. The finish is completely made of wood or decorated separate part.
  2. A tree is drawn up headboard bed or a plot on the wall.
  3. Any interior style is selected. Recommended for hunting or rustic style. Looks like.

In such interiors, natural material is used: log house, timber, bark and varying degrees of treatment Wooden boards.

The tree is combined with a decorative stone or with plaster. The interior uses the following wood species: spruce, pine, fir, ash, birch or oak.

After completion of the finish, any sleep is covered with varnish.

There are various wood accessories for the interior. A panel is often used, which is a composition of individual wood fragments.

Panno is a specific decor in the form of a picture that is made of spilles with or without bark.

A similar picture displays abstract ideas. In the manufacture of panels are used untreated parts of the tree. Wood is prepared only from the side of gluing to the wall.

Natural beauty consists not only in unique lines, but also in the form of a cut.To create a picture, stumps, broken branches and wood remains are used.

The composition of sleep can be left untouched or painted in colorful colors. An ornament is applied to the end parts of the sleeve. Similar structures are used as a framing of a family photo.

Floor coating

Flooring is often made of wood, so the speakes find practical use here. The branches do not fit the flooring. Design is performed using larger elements.

In this case, the thickness of the cut must be suitable for constant loads. It is not recommended to use wood soft rocks.

Floor finishing is more complex. The floor is facing like ceramic tiles. When installing sleeps, a special solution is used. After laying individual elements, grinding is performed to get a smooth surface. Then the floor covering is processed by varnish, which protects from dirt and wiping.

From wooden sleeps is created by anything. At the same time, designers are not limited to the facing of the floor and walls. From the wood, any decor items are performed, as well as furniture from sleeping trees.

The following stylish accessories are performed from such a material:

  1. Pobs, pots and flowerpads. The material allows you to create the desired form. For the original product used branches of a small thickness. At the same time, small mugs are peeling.
  2. Beautiful shelves are made. Based on the basis of a thick trunk, which is grouped and varnished. The shelves are performed from such a material, which are mounted to the wall using brackets.
  3. For coats for hot dishes, he is broken with a large trunk, from which the middle is removed. A smaller diameter is placed into the resulting opening. At the same time, an intricate pattern is formed.
  4. The clock is a useful and functional decor. For the manufacture, you will need and real clock with a mechanism. In the thin height of wood in the center, the hole is hosted, where the holder is output for the arrows. Then the arrows are mounted. You can depict the numbers, and it is possible without them.
  5. Frames for paintings and mirrors are covered with small sleeves of small in diameter of branches.
  6. Elements for stylish wreaths. The hoop is wrapped in small sleeves, which are decorated with cones or branches.
  7. The functional element of the decor is the hanger. It is made from the sleeves of the middle thickness, which are inserted into the rectangular frame. On spiles, protruding fragments are mounted on which the hanger hangs out.
  8. Original chairs and tables are performed from sleep. At the same time, legs are attributed to the thick lament from the tree.

The use of sleeps is becoming popular greater than.

Various stumps are used in the interior. Large stump cross section more than 70 cm is installed in the living room as a coffee table. Not so long ago, some furniture manufacturers began to produce a line of tables - hemps, which are covered by several layers of enamel and varnishes. There are models made with a gilding or tension effect.

In the trendy interiors, hemps are used as a table support or to decorate the washbasin in the bathroom.

The transverse cutting of the trunk opens the tree gaps and makes heated vulnerable. Therefore, to create a decorative element, a carpentry is subjected to carpentry.

The crack gives the decorative attractiveness of the product. But if the sleeve is used as a functional thing, the crack represents the problem.

For the restoration of the tree, the fill method of a special resin is used. First, cracks are glued with paper scotch. The resin is flooded with layers and each layer dries. After that, Ipell is milled, and excess solutions are removed. The product is leveled in the plane and can be grinding.

The material is then polished and processed by special oil. After the procedure, sleep becomes smooth and smooth. It pronounced the transitions of natural colors and annual rings.

Impregnation with oil helps to show the structure and pattern of wood. At the same time, it protects against negative external influences.

Cooked birch treated with wax. In this case, the material acquires water-repellent properties and beautiful shine.

Oaks are covered with aqueous verse. This gives an additional glitter of the product and a beautiful combination of the color palette of natural shades. Moorwear is additionally processed with varnish or butter. Spiles are painted in different colors.

Everyone seeks to decorate his own home, make it unique, unique. In our age of all artificially increasingly, we are pulling us to natural things taken from nature, in particular, to such an ancient proven eco-friendly material, like wood.

After gardening, the dachas often remain "waste" - branches, logs from cut shrubs and tree trunks. They are often simply burned or thrown out.

If you do a host, then this seemingly unnecessary, nothing unsuitable garbage can be used to decorate housing, if it is pre-changed a little change - to process.

Today's theme is a weighwood in the interior, as well as all sorts of decor's ideas for the house. The topic is extensive, try to embrace some aspects.

If you are interested in something specific, you can go right away by the links. In short, the content of what the speech actually will be speaking:

Here there is some selection on the topic, partly this is my own "findings", many ideas are not new, just wanted to collect everything in one place.

To work on the change or decor of the interior, you can apply both small diameter and larger, both treated with veneer and conventional sections. They can be postponed both the entire separate wall, and only part of it.

Thus, all the walls in my opinion do not make sense, it will be too much. As a rule, transverse (they are otherwise called the end) sections of the tree plant on glue. But other options are also possible.

Wall from tree cuts

In the creation of design, the main rule is not to overdo it. As can be seen, it is possible to decorate the room, entirely separating part of it or the entire natural decorative material, as well as strengthening it expanded in some places on a particular pattern or vice versa is chaotically. All ways have a place to be, we are not limited to anything other than your own fantasy.

In the interior of the snow-white kitchen on the bottom of the photo we see only the vertical strip of the wall, decorated with circles. It is a continuation of the workplace of the household. Sometimes a sufficient small accent, additions so that the entire interior has played by other paints.

Finishing kitchen wall transverse spil

Very unusual way of decor wall with wooden circles. Looks like a floor made of the same material. On the site there are already materials on the manufacture of such floors, it looks amazingly interesting, unusually, striking immediately, surprises. So who is interested in the global transformation of their own housing, then welcome, go on the link. There there will be many examples, there is something to see.

The next wall looks monumental. If small crafts can be made with their own hands, then the global change needs skill and solid experience. If you do not have them, then in my opinion it is better to trust the work of professionals.

Now it is not a problem to find a company or masters who will make all the work for you quickly, efficiently and reliably.

Although if you want to try your strength, you can start in the alterations in the country. :)

Furniture from Woodwood Woods do it yourself

Recently, we still meet such large products from the end cuts of the tree as furniture items - chairs, tables, bedside tables.

A not bad version of the table, where one huge sleep is applied as a countertop. If the cut is a smaller size, then it is enough to a small table for the flower. The third sample table of sleep is a round mosaic consisting of a variety of small circles.

Table cutles

This small table bedside table is spied by me in one shop superdrogych modern products of the original design. This is not mass production, exclusive things, in a single copy, therefore, the price is shrinking here.

This is how larger than the wall of the table looks like. Ensure that, taking some old unnecessary piece of furniture from a flea market, maybe even a child with dad.

What can be made of spikes wood - creative ideas

Decor's ideas made of wooden cut circles a great set. Sections can be both with the bark and without it. Something interesting can be constructed even just from one big "Kreagov." The clock, even without any numbers, look more than modern.

Clock - Wooden cut in the kitchen interior

Mosaic coasters for hot dishes will decorate any desk. Below are two options, choose which you are most interesting for you. The first one is on a plywood or just a wooden basis in the form of a circle are pasted various in size and the form of a sleeper, go both large and very small ones. The remains (surplus) are cut.

The second method is taken by one big spice with a bark (for greater decorativeness), the inside of the circle of smaller diameter is cut out, which is filled with smaller cut circles.

Decorative Stands under the hot on the table

Spike as a stand

Small designer shelves are also made of sleeps cut on halves. As a decor for a vase with a flower, a solution is quite a solution.

Kitchen Shelves

An unconventional solution is a panel with uneven sections of a tree, that is, only one side is processed, the one that is adjacent to the wall, the other is left in the original state created by nature itself.

Panel in the hallway from raw slices

I have already told about vases from small wooden circles in another post. The form of the product itself can be both rounded and intricate and completely trivial, as in the photo below. About how to create such beauty, learn by passing the link.

Decorative vases for the interior of wood

You may be interested:

Look a selection of unique wood furniture, in particular, in the main tables that some craftsmen do their own, do it yourself. At the same time, natural peculiarities of wood are taken into account, roots, branches are used, the forms are obtained more than unusual, bizarre - they are also interesting. Such objects wonderfully complement the interior of the house. According to the link there is a large selection of different options, there, besides those in the photo, there are also several examples of tabletops for tables with wood solid.

With the help of this technology, you can make it possible to make stunningly interesting products that will serve both toys and interior decoration items. The idea is extremely original. I remember that the boys once learned to drink in labor lessons. These skills will make you use. Only the electric "Lobzik" will be required. :)

Decorative wallpapers for the interior of the lotus leaves

Incredibly beautiful, warm colors, with a noble gold flare, these modular works of human hands are made of natural materials. I think that if you do not grow nearby in the reservoir, then you will find a way out - in each climate there are plants with large or medium leaves of the original form.

Completion of landscape design at the cottage is given not only built residential house or barbecue area. Genuine individuality and originality can be created only with the help of various accessories and small parts. And what could be better than crafts for giving from a tree - with their own hands made things will give indescribable flavor and, undoubtedly, will attract the attention of guests.

Use of wood in the country area

Currently, construction stores are offered to choose a huge amount of various finished sculptures and other elements for the garden and the garden, made of various materials.

But it is better not to be lazy and make cottage crafts with your own hands - from the tree, unlike a stone or metal, it's not so difficult to do them, and the resulting result will surpass your wildest expectations.

Ideas for crafts

Let us dwell on interesting and uncomplicated structures:

  1. Most common option - wood sculptures. This may be a figure made of a solid log or made up of several parts interconnected in one way or another.
  2. Crafts from branches and stumps look good, which resemble animals, birds or fabulous characters. In this case, you practically do not need to make changes to their natural shape, it is enough to clean the material from the bark and to check.
  1. Well suited for plywood creativity. Draw on a sheet of stork, mill or frog-princess, cut off extra pieces and paint the product.

  1. From plywood you can make and beautiful containers for plants, birdhouses for birds. Another beautiful and useful thing is the feeder.

Logs as a material for creativity

Very often, when decorating a summer cottage, you need to cut one or more trees. Of course, they are perfectly suitable as a firewood, but it is better to show fantasy and put them on crafts from logs for the cottage: you will make a flower leaf without any problems, a bench or a decorative well.

Consider these options in more detail.

  1. Flower bed. For most dacms, not a novelty made of various girlfriends: plaster, empty glass bottles, old car tires and so on. But it is the old log that nothing is suitable for this purpose.

For the manufacture you need a hammer with a chisel or chainsaw. Having made the appropriate size and installing the log on the supports, you will absolutely get an unusual and pretty free product. It will only be left to fill the extrusion of the earth and put flowers.

  1. Garden furniture. A great solution that, however, is not so easy to implement. First of all, it is necessary to pick up a large diameter login.
    Then carefully treat it with various tools:
    • the first stage is an ax or chainsaw;
    • the second stage is the chisel and the hammer;
    • the third stage is grinding and applying a protective coating.

  1. Decorative well. Very beautiful accessory for the country area. The minus it is that old wood will not suit the manufacture. You need to purchase high-quality rounded roundabouts and fold the log house from it.

Independent manufacture

Simple options

Wooden crafts for giving with their own hands can make even a novice dachnik, which has not too much experience in working with carpentry tools. Naturally, you need to start with simpler options, and then you can move to monumental products that will become the central element of the landscape design of your cottage.

The manufacturing instructions below gives only a general direction. Otherwise, you must rely only on your own taste and sense of style. Do not be afraid to experiment.

Perhaps in the future it is your wooden sculpture that will be a role model.

  1. The easiest option is crafts for giving from plywood. On a sheet of suitable size, separate pony parts can be drawn, a donkey either lash, cut and connect them with each other with a solid bechand.

  1. Another idea is small sprigs of fruit trees. They are suitable for the manufacture of wall or outdoor caspo. In this way, you can make a pot for home plants with your own hands. In this case, the inner space is advisable to be applied to the polyethylene film to avoid the rash of the Earth or insert plastic containers there.

  1. Having gained experience in working with a manual or electric jigsaw, you can proceed to the manufacture of more complex crafts. Carefully transfer the sketch you selected on the Phaneur and carefully cut it out. A finished wooden sculpture is preparing sandpaper, cleaned from sawdust and is covered with varnish or paint to protect against adverse environmental conditions.
  2. There are other crafts from plywood with their own hands: for giving, you can make not only garden sculptures, but also figures that are organically look at the garden. For example, plywood hares will be an unexpected detail that adorns the bed with carrots. The order of their manufacture is simple: draw the contour and cut out the figure using the jigsaw.

In the suburban land, electricity is sometimes taking place or electrical terminals.
In this case, only the rental of the diesel generator for the cottage can be output.
This device will provide power to all power tools and other devices.

Complex structures

For whom, the country crafts from the tree have already become a kind of hobby with their own hands, you can offer more complex options - make a mill or a wooden well. Here, in addition to your desire, you need an accurate mathematical calculation, otherwise the cut parts cannot be docked.

You can offer a simpler option:

  1. I write the planks of the same length, which will be the basis for the mill (you can use small lumps of suitable cross section).
  2. We take two sticks and lay them parallel to each other at a distance of slightly less than the length of the element itself.
  3. The following two elements are put on the laid slats (perpendicular) (the whole process is like a cutting line only on a smaller scale). It is possible to fix the details with each other with the help of carnations or glue.
  4. By constructing the structure of the desired height, proceed to the construction of the roof. For this, four small lumps are taken and they are connected in pairwise, forming a horse. On the roof you can put the pieces of ondulin, the remaining of the construction of the house. Then the design will fit as much as possible in the landscape design of the site.
  5. The material for the blades will serve two or three planks, fixed at an angle like an aviation screw.
  6. You can decorate the design with a decorative curly plant, which collapses one of the walls.

The well is made in the same way. In this case, the composition can be supplemented with a miniature bucket and bench. Feeding all this, you will get a beautiful and unusual platform for children's games.

If wood crafts are designed for children, take care of safety.
All sculptures and buildings should not have sharp corners, sticking nails and rough snapshed surfaces.

Do not forget that wood should be processed by antiseptic compositions, covered with varnish or painted. It will prolong its service life and make crafts more attractive.


The above information will help you to create your own, nothing to do with the wood, which will be the highlight of the country area. You can learn more about this from the video in this article.

Natural tree has several advantages:

  • thermal insulation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • practicality;
  • combination with all colors, textures and other finishing materials.

A tree in the interior is perfectly combined with a stone, brick, leather, plaster. Mirrors are allowed and undesirable metal inserts.


The expensive tree on the wall in the interior is not afraid of moisture and looks luxurious, in addition, the massif of rocks always fills the room with a pleasant aroma. Wooden panels are treated with varnish, wax and oil veil for more service life.

More economical finishes using cladding and laminate. Panels can cover all or one wall, used as decorative inserts at window sills, televisions, beds.

In the photo Living room in natural shades with wooden floor trim, which smoothly goes into the wall decoration. White color makes interior lighter, and tree texture adds comfort.

Horizontal placement of boards on the wall (as in the photo) will make a room wider, and vertical - above.


Wood floor is a coverage of centuries, it can be from a massive, parquet board, corks or laminate.

In the photo in the bedroom, the diagonal laying of the laminate will help expand the space.

Tree Color: Red, White, Gray

The tree may be not only brown and beige, but also in other colors. The board, parquet and laminate are presented in different shades than you can use to create a certain style in a residential and office space.

  • A red tree in the interior is suitable for creating a luxurious ampir style in the living room. Furniture can be with patterns and bends, and textured walls and carpet floor will create an atmosphere of comfort and wealth. Combined with brick color (shakes the tree, but does not stand out on its background), as well as with pistashkovy in small quantities.

  • White tree in the interior creates a space and a feeling of purity. Most often occurs in modern style and minimalism. White floor emphasizes the brightness of the walls, the wooden ceiling makes the room longer, the white furniture is suitable for the bedroom, dining room, living room and kitchen.

  • The gray tree in the interior soothes, causes a feeling of coolness. Gray laminate is well suitable for the floor in the bedroom, living room. Such a floor depending on the drawing resembles the shaped tree and is appropriate for retro and country. Suitable for rooms with two contrasting colors. Wenge furniture and other cold shades are well combined with gray finish in a modern interior.

Combination with stone and brick

A combination with different materials in the interior: glass, stone, plastic, gives a different end result, but invariably the fact that the tree is a universal and popular finish.

  • Stone and tree in the interior as two natural material complement each other. Warm and soft wood with a strong stone are indispensable for creating eco-style, Provence and Country. Mosaic from pebbles and boardwalk, fragments made of decorative stone, parquet board and beams are perfectly combined and suitable for any interior.

In the photo, a wooden wall and a wild stone fireplace remind of the sources and fill the room with comfort.

  • Brick and tree in the interior or imitation of brickwork suitable for the corridor, living room, stairs. Brick can be smaller, aged, monophonic and solubular, such variations create a different image of the room. The use of wood in the interior with brick is necessary to create an unusual design of the country house: wooden frames and doors, staircase, partitions and floor of red breeds in combination with old-fashioned chests.

Tree in the kitchen interior

The kitchen interior is appropriate in the form of furniture, an accent wall in the dining area.

  • It is better to choose a tile or linoleum as an outdoor coating.
  • Wooden dishes will create comfort and suitable for the style of Provence, Country, Rustic.
  • Light ergonomic furniture, glossy surfaces and mirrored inserts are suitable for a small room.
  • The beam ceiling is suitable for creating a rustic style.
  • Deep dark shades are appropriate in the kitchen with a large window and wide space.

Furniture neutral natural colors are combined with bright colors of table top, refrigerator, etc. For example, a combination of colors of wood and greenery looks natural and appropriate in the kitchen of any size.

The photo kitchen is increased by combining with a balcony and a proper selection of colors. Wooden table and light laminate are well combined with white furniture. Eco Wall from the board and grass is an object of attention for all guests.

Living room decoration

A tree in the interior of the living room looks always very effectively and appropriate almost in any design. If this is a Scandinavian style, the use of light rocks focuses on communication with nature, wooden furniture pastel shades is suitable for Provence. Small and simple wood details are appropriate in minimalism and high-tech.

In the photo, an unusual shelf imitating the branch creates a modern style of living room in neutral natural shades.

In the photo interior of the living room in the classic style, wooden panels with a carving and a parquet with a small carpet are suitable for decoration.

Stumps and large sleeves in the interior of the living room can play the role of a coffee table and become the main subject of attention of guests. From sleep and pebbles, you can make an accent wall with a TV, from treated sticks and branches - eaves, lamp and other accessories.

In the photo of a wall of sleep in the living room. The natural tree contributes to relaxation, in addition it smells pleasant and the aroma of essential oils is well stored.

Using a tree in the bedroom

For the bedroom it is better to choose light rocks and covering a matte varnish to emphasize the natural nature of the tree.

You can choose the paint and emphasize the texture, or apply it in 3 layers and block the natural color. It is better to give preference to natural shades of beige, pistachio, mustard, woody. But if the tree is dark, it is not necessary to paint it into light colors.

A tree can be sewn all or only one wall, gender and ceiling. How much can be a tree within the bedrooms grieve the size of the room and the requirements of its style.

The photo of a simple mattress on the pallets and headboard from Spice looks unusually in a modern apartment. Such simplicity is combined with environmental friendliness and style at the same time.

Permissible central lighting, but it is better to do scattered due to several light sources. Sukno, flax, hazard and knitted plaids are perfectly combined with wood in the interior of the house.

The combination of Eco-style and High-tech generates attractive eclectics. In the photo, birch trunks serve as a spectacular emphasis. It is important to remember that natural wood should be treated with oils and varnish to avoid the appearance of mold.

Tree in childhood

This material in the child's interior is most appropriate in terms of environmental friendliness. It is advisable to use a tree for both decoration and decor. If the walls do not have to be wooden, then the floor and furniture simply need to choose from wood materials.

The floor of a light laminate will decorate the homemade hand-drawn carpet, for the development of child's mobility you can hang a hammock and a rope staircase. For an unusual image, you can use branches in the interior to create small compositions, ornaments organiser, photos and notes, they can also beat wall shelves.

In the photo, a light tree in the interior of children's well combined with light Roman curtains, its color is easy to change with paint, or refresh with varnish.

Light tones, gentle textiles, bright toys and dark floors are suitable for decoring a nursery as a girl and a boy.

Bathroom decor

A tree in the interior of the bathroom creates a feeling of a sauna or a Russian bath. Wooden walls and stone floor, or on the contrary, create a unique design. To finish the bathroom you need to pick up moisture-resistant breeds (Brazilian walnut or bamboo, as in the photo below).

On the photo bathroom with massive doors and suspended chains. As a material for such a table, a long-cutting tree is suitable.

For the bathroom in the apartment you can use a tile for wood, wooden accessories and inserts.

Photo gallery

Below are photo examples of the use of wood in the finishing of rooms of various functional purposes.

Probably everyone wants his dwelling to be cozy and comfortable. The best way to achieve this is to use decor during its arrangement. Wooden elements for these purposes will be the optimal choice.

Decorative Details of Wood

The tree has the following advantages:

  • It is well treated.
  • Can take various forms.
  • Looks great in different colors.
  • It has a soothing effect.
  • Keeps warm.
  • It is safe from the point of view of ecology.

The decor rich in wooden decor looks much more cozy to the plastic or metal. Tree accessories can be used in most style directions, whether classic style, modern or minimalism. It all depends on the method of filing such a decor, which can have both strict and avant-garde appearance.

Today, it is quite popular to use in the design of rooms of different wooden letters. They can be collected in separate words and even in entire proposals. Such decor is used to decorate the fireplace shelves or walls of living room, bedroom, kitchen, corridor.

The letters from the tree are appropriate in the interiors weathered in such stylistics as Vintage, Provence, Country, Shebbi chic, eclecticism. An alphabet decor can be bought in a specialized store or order in the workshop. In addition, you can buy sashkar blanks and own the original decoration.

Heat and cozy atmosphere will add different wooden vases and vases. Carved masks, unusual statuettes and bowls of wood will be brought to the interior of the notch an ethnic. As can be seen from the photos of a similar decor from a tree, it adequately looks in the premises of various design solutions.

Source ornaments can be made of wood. They are covered by special colorful compositions, which makes them safe for child health. In addition, they are much more durable of analogues from other materials.

Even ordinary cutting boards can be turned into an original kitchen decor, if you apply a suitable image on their surface.

Wood opens wide horizons for fantasy flight. So that you do not do, you pass the tree a particle of your soul. Attach the maximum effort to create something interesting, extraordinary from industrial blanks. Similar decorative decorations will not be expensive, but they will squeeze your ideological ideals.

Wooden decor as environmentally friendly interior decoration

The decor using wood decor is quite high today. For this, you need to thank the fashionable ecological stylist today.

The main feature of this direction in the design is the application to create interior elements of the decor of the waste of wood removed by natural reasons. It can be dry branches or old hemps. Similar decorations carry a special charm.

Woods for decorative details reflect the story, you can determine how much it was for him. Of them make a variety of accessories - stands for cups and kettle, keystones, candlesticks and even paintings.

Each such wooden product causes a memory of the forest edge lit by the hot rays of the summer sun. In addition, today one of the new-fashioned tendencies in the field of interior design is the decoration of walls, ceilings and floors with thin sleeps.

The original designer solution is a glass table, the base of which is made of the vine. It is quite possible to arrange such a decor of the tree with your own hands. It will look for this thing that will be very beautiful and unusual. It perfectly fit into the interior of Eco or eclectic stylistics and will undoubtedly become his highlight.

One of the options for decor from the tree branches is a rocking chair. It wonderfully suitable for the cottage furnished in the country style. Such furniture keeps the imprint of time and helps to create an unsurpassed atmosphere of home comfort.

From large branches, you can make ceiling beams that will be appropriate in designer directions such as Rustic, Provence, rustic style.

Small branches can be used to create hangers, shelves, hooks for clothing. Such products will definitely not be unnoticed.

Thick branches make it possible to make excellent railing. They can also be used as decoration of cabinets, racks, chest of drawers, mirrors.

A chandeliers with the use of wooden parts will look unusually. They can be made independently.

Material hemps and logs can take a worthy place in the atmosphere of your home. They can become an excellent alternative to tables, chairs, chairs, puffs, of which there may be excellent shops. Such decor will be appropriate not only indoors, but also in the garden or on the open terrace.

Beautifully decorate your housing carved wooden decorative details. The carved decor of the tree is always unusual and elegant. Its use is a sign of wealth and good taste. It also contributes to the creation of a cozy and comfortable environment.

Made from wood Accessories will become the final stroke of any interior. Stencils for such a decor are easy to find on the Internet. Made by their hands, similar decorations will be the subject of pride in front of guests and friends. Good luck!

Photo of wood decor