How the insulation of walls is made from the inside polystyrene foam with their own hands. Wall decoration extrusion polystyrene foam plates polystyrene plates for a warm floor

Polystyrene plates are quite popular in construction when insulation of walls, floor or ceiling. The material is characterized by many positive advantages, ease of use and relatively inexpensive price.

Description of construction stoves

The material under consideration is made of polystyol granules, which pass special processing in several stages. The production of plates consists of the fact that the granules first foam, and then stabilize. The last process contributes to pressure restoration, and the plates acquire the necessary form. After the manufacturer, the material is allowed to fly away during the day, for the complete completion of its production.

Polystyrene plates are used when finishing the facades and for internal works of residential or public spaces. This material is considered harmless to the health of people and animals, on the contrary, creates the desired microclimate in the room. With interior decoration, used for insulation of walls, ceiling and floor.

Features of the material

The plates under consideration have many advantages, among which the following should be noted:

  • The thermal conductivity of the material is much lower than the tree or brick, therefore it is characterized by a high energy saving ability. The heat-insulating plates allow for the operation of the building to save on heating, in addition, they are used to protect pipelines from the freezing.
  • Waterproof the plates is quite high, the material is not deformed, it does not dissolve and does not absorb water, so it can be used when the foundation of the building is insulated, especially when the polystyrene contact is needed with the soil.
  • Plates are resistant to chemical and biological substances. They do not dissolve and do not deteriorate when interacting with an alkaline medium, various acids, cleaning or bleaching agents, construction materials: cement, paints, bitumen and others. Plates from polystyrene polystyrene resistant to the development of microorganisms, their structure does not allow to appear mold, fungus, algae.
  • The strength of the material is quite high at its low density, it does not break and is not deformed on bends, when compressed.
  • Plates are characterized by a long service life, over time they do not lose shapes, thermophysical and mechanical properties. Resistant to temperature drops, do not rot.
  • Fire-resistance of the material is that polystyrene plates can only burn if there is an open flame, they independently fade. Self-burning them is possible at +491 degrees Celsius.

Use of material when finishing walls

Plates are well preserved heat, so they are quite popular with wall surfaces. The thickness and size of the material are caused by how warm the room should be.

Before finishing, it is necessary to prepare the walls so that the plates are securely secured and disappeared during operation. All surfaces are recommended to be cleaned of dirt and dust, which can be done with a spatula and brush (vacuum cleaner). If there are large irregularities, pits, they must be laid down. In general, thermal insulation plates do not require perfectly smooth walls.

When finishing the surfaces of the material of the material must fit tightly to each other. If necessary, they easily cut with a hacksaw, the holes in the stoves can be done using the electric drill.

Ceiling decoration with polystyrene elements

The material under consideration is widely used when finishing the ceiling surfaces. Here, the plates perform mainly a decorative function, but their heat-insulating and sound insulation properties helps to maintain the necessary heat and less hear the neighbors from above.

Modern plates polystyrene for ceilings features a variety of colors, textures and drawings. You can pick up a white classic or material with imitation under the tree. In addition, there are designer tiles with various bizarre forms.

Before gluing the elements, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the ceiling, while the old paint is not completely removed, modern adhesives make it possible to glue the tiles to the previous materials. However, the peeling, the cracked parts are better to sand. Then the ceiling must be cleaned from dust, degrease and process to.

Polystyrene plates for a warm floor

Due to the fact that the material under consideration can withstand sufficiently high temperatures, it began to use it for a warm floor system. Tiles have special channels, in which the pipes of the heating system will then be laid.

Installation of the floor is quite simple, it is suitable for rooms with low ceilings, in addition, this type of floor frees from work related to the pouring screed. On the base flat surface, the polyethylene film is steed, along the perimeter of the room lay a special damper tape. Then plates, aluminum thermal reflector and warm floor pipes.

Close the system with a dry screed method. For this type of heating floor, any floor covering can be used: laminate, parquet, linoleum.

Adhesive tiles

Technologies do not stand still and develop all the time, it concerns adhesive materials. A special glue for polystyrene plates appeared on the construction market, which effectively fastens them with almost any surface.

Polyurethane adhesive is suitable for outdoor and internal works, it is a foam that quickly and reliably glues various materials. This remedy can replace liquid nails, glue for ceiling and thermal insulation elements, drywall.

Thus, polystyrene plates - durable, reliable building material, well maintaining heat, which has waterproof, strength, resistant to various substances of chemical and biological origin.

Polystyrene foam plates for walls (extrusion)

September 17, 2016

Conduct the construction of a house of polystyrene foam blocks, rapid alignment of walls, ceiling base, make a screen for a bath, build a light partition, solve many other such questions with the help of extrusion polystyrene foam plates. You just need to learn more about them.

Characteristics of extruded polystyrene foam

Extrusion polystyrene foam is a high-quality insulation that is performed by mixing polystyrene pellets under high pressure and temperature with a specially foaming agent with extruded from the extruder. Such construction plates made of polystyrene granules on both sides are reinforced with fiberglass cloth coated with a polymer cement. As a result, they have high moisture resistance, which makes it possible to apply them within buildings (in residential premises, bathrooms, even in saunas), and outside.

From extruded polystyrene foam blocks, it is possible to produce structures of various shapes. Such plates can have a thickness of 1 to 5 cm, and dimensions - 60x120, 60x260 cm. They can be easily cut with a building knife or hacksaw.

In addition to the plates for the convenience of installation work, corner parts are made of size - 15x15, 20x20 cm. For the construction of various curved surfaces, plates are produced in size 2x60x120 cm. On the one hand, they have deep suns, located in parallel with each other with a step 3 cm.

Temperature range for "-50 ° C" plates - "+ 75 ° C". The polystyrene foam does not allow the formation of mold, fungus.

Application area

Plates polystyrene foam, main purpose:

  • For the decoration of production, public structures.
  • Like insulation of walls of residential buildings.
  • In agriculture, railway, road business.
  • Warming of foundations, basements, roofs of houses.
  • In the refrigeration industry.
  • For mounting airfields, in other objects.

The thermal insulation characteristics of polystyrene foaming depend on its production technology. The cellular closed structure of the product provides a small change in the case of thermal conductivity humidity, which can be 0.001-0.002 W / (M K). This makes it possible to effectively apply polystyrene foam extruded as thermal insulation of basements without additional waterproofing.

Increased thermal properties of polystyrene foams provide the possibility of its use as thermal insulation of fences.

It is intended for such tasks:

  • Isolation of the foundation.
  • Internal insulation of walls.
  • Isolation of the walls of underground structures.
  • Thermal insulation of the facades of houses with applying the heat insulating plates of various facing materials.
  • For monolithic construction of houses.
  • For the production of sandwich panels.

Before pouring a concrete solution for overlapping outside along the plates from concrete, one series of thermal insulation coating is placed. Plates having a rough surface provide a good adhesion of concrete and plaster. Such plates are also applicable in vertical structures, where they will provide the required adhesion with materials, adhesive compositions.

Thanks to the test, it was revealed that the polystyrene foam crumb has a number of advantages, distinctive characteristics:

  1. In the process of compression, the tensile limit depends on the density, the thickness of the material. The newest types of polystyrene foams have already been developed, for which it was possible to significantly reduce the flammability due to the introduction of more efficient flames. This provided the ability to achieve parameters of difficult-scale materials.
  2. After the implementation of thousands of frost and defrost cycles, the product of polystyrene retains thermal insulation qualities. In this case, the change in the technical resistance is no more than five percent.
  3. Under the order you can make other brands of the product, for example, a special brand of products with an embossed surface that increases adhesion. This makes it possible to effectively use plastering, adhesive materials.
  4. Typical brands between themselves are distinguished by heat engineering parameters, compressive strength, density.
  5. To facilitate the installation, preventing the formation of cold coats, the plates are made with a variety of edges, for example, rectangular, with a chosen quarter, also others.

The technoplex stove is characterized by significant chemical resistance in comparison with most other building materials.

Some types of organic substances, including those that contain:

  • coal resin derived from her, for example, Cresol,
  • solvents, substances providing wood protection,
  • diluents of paints, often used solvents (acetone, White spirit, and others).

there may be softened, drawdown, sometimes dissolving plates.

Important! "The use of adhesives is recommended. They do not have the components listed above. Keep such plates can be in open air in a special packaging. But in this case, they must be protected from sunlight getting to prevent the destruction of the coating of the plates. "

Plates made of polystyrene foams are well prepared and installed. They can be easily cut, adjust to the necessary parameters using a simple knife. Selection of adhesive solutions should be carried out, given the manufacturer's recommendations.

Some tips of performing wall insulation extruded polystyrene foam plates

Polystyrene foam blocks, polystyrene foam blocks

September 17, 2016

Before understanding the use and benefits of polystyrene foam blocks, you first need to understand what they represent.

Features of polystyrene foam sheets

Based on the name, they are made from polystyrene - this is a composite material that consists of the following components:

  • Foamed polystyrene.
  • Cement.
  • Water.
  • Various additives.

Despite its eases, polystyrene foam blocks are strong enough. With loading and construction work, this is an important factor.

Because of its composition, polystyrene foam has a weak thermal conductivity and good noise insulation.

The cellular structure of the material explains its excellent sound insulation and noise absorbing characteristics. To ensure good sound insulation there will be enough plate, the thickness of which is 3 cm. If you increase the thickness of the layer, these properties will become more impressive.

Due to the structure, the blocks are well processed and can be driven under certain sizes with appliant tools.

The polystyrene guns are obtained by cutting the massive plate or by filling in the form. During the cut, the plates can be obtained with a minimum error of 2 mm, which does not represent difficulties to mount them using a glue mixture and with a seam thickness of 2-3 mm, taking into account the elimination of cold bridges, in this case you can do without plausing walls.

Additional properties that benefit this material are weak margins, as well as water resistance and durability.

In the combination of all these qualities, it is safe to say that polystyrene foamball blocks are one of the best materials in the construction market.

The use of polystyrene foam blocks

Learning about the composition and basic characteristics of the blocks, you can proceed to direct use of them in the case.

The scope of the application of blocks is quite extensive:

  • Construction of various types of houses.
  • Heat insulation.
  • Soundproofing.
  • Installation of bearing walls.
  • Creating architectural masterpieces.

Due to its technical characteristics, polystyrene bonts are used for insulating work of various nature:

  • Warming of attic and roof.
  • Heat insulation of wells.
  • Warming of walls and jumpers.

This variation of applications does not end, the blocks are used in almost all construction work.

Polystyrene block walls have excellent geometry and the quality of the facial surface. It is recommended to lead the blocking blocks on the glue, in this case the seam thickness will be 2-3 mm.

The wall of polystyrene bonts will be warmer than the wall of bricks folded on the solution.

Benefits of polystyrene foam blocks

Compared with foam concrete and gas silicate, the strength of the polystyrene fiber is greater than 20%. The moisture content in the polystyrene foam is less than 5 times. This allows the material not to mold.

From the blocks of the D400 brand it is possible to build buildings up to two floors with the use of overlaps on wooden beams. The application of the D500 brand allows you to lay the hollow reinforced concrete slabs directly on the block and build houses up to 4 floors inclusive.

If you wanted to build a five-storey house, then you need to use the D600 brand blocks. For comparison of the French foam concrete, the construction of only single-storey houses is possible.

From this material you can build not only the walls of the upper, but also the first floors. Due to the high density of the block, builders do not need to build a reinforced concrete-rigal frame between floors. This significantly reduces the time and cost of any construction.

Also, the predominant difference is the ability to resist the effects of solvent, weak acids and alkalis, as well as different oils.

The price of blocks, compared to the analogs, is less than 1.5 times. Compared to other blocks, it is able to withstand the load on bends and tension.

Polystyolistolbeton managed to combine the advantages of various materials, such as: wood, concrete, expanded polystyrene.

Polystyrene products are the same durable as concrete. They are easy to process like a tree. Have high heat-proof properties, like polystyrene foam.

As a material, it offers extensive opportunities for most construction work. At the moment, blocks made of polystyrene foamball are one of the most technologically used building materials.

A stunning combination in one material, makes products from polystyrene foambetone worthy rival of wood, concrete and conventional polystyrene foam.

The peculiarity of the polystyrene break is that its density as a result of different proportions of its components may vary. It is possible to determine the desired material on the brand.

For example, D300 has a small volumetric mass, therefore it is used just for thermal insulation, and more durable D400 - as a self-supporting material when building buildings in low-rise construction.

The unfinished manufacturer may intentionally reduce the percentage ratio of foamed polystyrene in concrete, but do not take this note when specifying the brand.

Plates will turn too hard; It also leads to a decrease in thermal conductivity indicators. Another problem can be quite low quality porous aggregate.

This can lead to adhesion, granules as a result of operation can move, thanks to which the strength of polystyrene bonts. Therefore, the material should be purchased only from the proven manufacturer.

Disadvantages and their decision

So that you do not think that polystyrene-metal products are a supermaterial that has absolute invulnerability, we will analyze its shortcomings.

A small density of polystyrene bonts played with them a dick joke. The windows and doors mounted in it will overcome the time.

When installing fasteners, such as: dowels, self-tapping screws, anchors and others - allow for the likelihood of weak installation. Fasteners It is quite possible to pull out even with your hands.

To avoid such incidents, some rules should be followed. During installation in the stove of such elements, their work part should be kept in an emptiness filled with a concrete mixture. It is also recommended to use longer anchors.

When using indoor blocks, it is necessary to placing them with a layer of at least 20 millimeters, from an outdoor side of more than 15 mm, which increases the cost of mounting. Polystyrene walls have a bad linking with plaster. Blocks will need preparatory work, before finishing.


The manufacturing technology and technical composition of the polystyrene foam is periodically updated with the accumulation of experience. In this regard, this material occupies one of the leading places in modern building markets. For possible changes in manufacturing technologies, always recognize the news about polystyoliblonal blocks. To be aware of events is always important, especially if you are interested in construction.

Polystyrene bonts, due to its unique properties, have become a popular material in low-rise construction. At home are durable, warm and at the same time with excellent air conduction.

The walls and sex will be not terrible chemical effects, and self-sufficiency of the material will allow not to use additional means of insulation. Insects do not come in polystyrevbetone, and therefore the house will have a long time, glad of their owners with comfort and security.

The new high-quality material in the world of the construction industry is polystyrevbetone - rightfully refers to the number of first among other thermal insulation and structural-thermal insulation materials. For a relatively short period, polystyrene bonts acquired large-scale fame in construction as a promising building material of the future.

The Russian construction industry is largely lagging behind the possibilities of advanced countries using the achievements of modern production.

But the most interesting offers cannot remain unnoticed and in a short time begin to be used by our compatriots. One of these achievements are pollistry blocks.

Disadvantages of polystyrene and polystyrene bonts

The disadvantages of polystyrene bonts and polystyrene bonts must be carefully examined, as well as the characteristics of the polystyrene and polystyrene bonts, before choosing this material, since the polystyrene bontoon has its own characteristics, which can be disappointed in their choice in the future. The quality of the purchased products from the polystyrene can be carefully investigated both in appearance and chips and the attached documentation.

The basic properties of polystyrene bread - thermal insulation are determined by polystyrene balls, structural - cement-sand components.

So, all the shortcomings of polystyrene labetone are listed below:

- Mounting strength into polystyrene-bonts of fastening materials (dowel self-tapping screw, anchor, etc.) is very small and leaves much to be desired. Dowel-self-tapping screws, screwed into the outer layer of the polystyrene bontoon unit, can be pulled out with your fingers. Therefore, the installation of fasteners should be carried out according to the following rule: when installing dowels and anchors in the block, their working part must be located in the void of a polystyrene bonto block filled with concrete (solution) of a brand of at least M 150, with the use of longer anchors and special dowels for polystyrene polybetone .

- Low polystyrene density makes certain adjustments to the installation of windows and doors. The windows and doors are not properly mounted in the wall of the polystyrene bontoon block, over time they can lose the staticity of the installation and begin to get rid of intensive operation.

- Low content in blocks of polystyrene balls leads to the fact that their properties are determined not by polystyrene, but by the concrete component with all the consequences arising from here. If the granules have bad adhesion in relation to concrete, they will not hold on it, they will fall out on the chip, and the strength of such blocks will be significantly lower. The manufacturer must have a quality certificate for polystyrene balls.

- Polystyrevbeton requires indoors of plastering a rather thick layer of plaster - not less than 20 mm, outside - at least 15 mm, which leads to the rise in the cost of construction. It should also be paid to paying particular attention to the fact that the wall of polystyrene car has low clutch indicators with a plaster mixture, that is, the plastering mixture is poorly held on the surface of the polystyrene mixture. This factor requires additional preparation of walls before plastering.

- Polystyrevbetone shrinkage is three times more than that of aerated concrete and foam concrete - 1 mm / meter.

- Not resistant to the action of organic solvents: gasoline, acetone.

- Polystyrene blocks belong to the burning group G1, that is, of course they are not combustible, but not fire resistant. Under the influence of high temperature, near the source of fire, polystyrene balls gradually destroy, losing their heat-shielding properties, and although the remaining concrete frame does not allow the blocks to the end, their strength and heat transfer resistance decreases. Fires for household people rarely occur, so adopting all sorts of fire protection methods, including the facing of a polystyrene-bintonic surface with non-combustible materials and the layer of plastering layer, this deficiency can be ignored.

- Developers are convinced that the number of defrost and freezing cycles is approximately 100. In fact, after two dozen such cycles, especially when polystyrene mixed, and after freeze and unsubscribe, the strength of the blocks is significantly reduced and they begin to smoke. There is a need either in insulation outside, or in plastering surfaces outside the thick layer of plaster with further color.

- Low vapor permeability does not allow this material to compete with the same aerated concrete or foam concrete, which significantly affects the microclimate and humidity of the room built from polystyrene bontoon. In other words, the walls "do not breathe." The vapor permeability of the walls does not replace the ventilation, but smoothes the differences of humidity. It is necessary to provide for the possibility of designing ventilation to remove excessive air humidity to regulate the microclimate. When erecting multilayer walls, water vapor condensation is possible between the layers under operation with changing weather conditions.

You watched: flaws of polystyrene and polystyrene bonts

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Polystyrene foam plates: characteristics and use options

Many sign the process of insulation of walls built at home. For this use different materials. The most commonly used polystyrene foam plates and mineral wool. These materials are inexpensive, easily mounted, weigh little, treated very well. Even newcomer will cope with work on insulation.

Pros and cons of polystyrene foam plates

Polystyrene foam is a relatively new insulation. It is very popular, has its advantages over the rest of the materials and its shortcomings. The advantages of polystyrene tiles include:

  • very low weight;
  • high strength;
  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • the possibility of handling with a manual instrument;
  • the total weight of the wall increases after the insulation of only 10-15 kg;
  • thermal insulation properties of the material are fully stored when moisture is hooked on it.

But polystyrene foam plates have their drawbacks:

  • the properties of sound insulation are almost completely absent;
  • they have a small parry permeability coefficient;
  • when the ambient temperature is reached + 80 ° C and above, the material may begin to collapse;
  • plates made of polystyrene foams do not have resistant to organic solvents;
  • you can only use them for private residential buildings up to 25 m high;
  • polystyrene foam can be ignited.

Knowing these properties, we can conclude about the shelf life of polystyrene foam plates for mounting the insulation of the house.

Read more about some characteristics

If we talk about the thermal conductivity of the material, then the foam (so called polystyrene foam tiles) is a plurality of air bubbles. Each of them is concluded in a thin shell consisting of polystyrene. Percentage - 2% polystyrene and 98% air. This state of the substance can be compared with solid foam, which is an excellent heat insulator. The polystyrene tile is denser, the higher its thermal insulation properties.

The usual foam has zero vapor permeability. Water is capable of absorbing up to 4%. Dense material is manufactured by extrusion. It remains almost dry under the influence of moisture, since it absorbs her very little - 0.4%.

The strength of extruded polystyrene foam is much higher than the usual. The release of ordinary polystyrene tile is reduced. The extrusion method gives a better material with excellent moisture-resistant properties and durability.

The polystyrene foam tile does not respond completely to:

  • soda;
  • soap;
  • mineral fertilizers;
  • bitumen;
  • cement;
  • gypsum;
  • lime;
  • asphalt emulsions;
  • groundwater.

But it dissolves in such substances:

  • turpentine;
  • acetone;
  • olife;
  • some varnishes;
  • some petroleum products;
  • alcohols.

Polyfoam does not like sunlight very much. With ultraviolet irradiation, it simply decomposes.

The polystyrene tile does not save from external noise. But on it can not live fungus and mold. The material is environmentally friendly and harmless to the human body. He is well withstanding frost without losing his qualities. But at air temperature above + 30 ° C, it starts to highlight harmful substances: ethylbenzene, formaldehyde, toluene, acetophenone, methyl alcohol. At temperatures above 80 ° C, these selection can be compared with the gas attack. Sinyl Acid, phosgene and hydrogen bromide are added to them.

With the correct operation of the expanded polystyrene, it needs to be attached to the glue and be sure to close the plaster or decorative coating. In such conditions, its service life is about 30 years. To achieve this, insulation must be carried out without errors.

Typical errors when using insulation

Masters often make mistakes leading to a decrease in the service life of foam. A characteristic error is the use of slabs is not the size. A thick stove will surely crack and go to the waves. What can be used in each case?

For the insulation of the facade of the building (photo No. 1) it is better to take the PSB-C foam foam. This is a self-tapping material. The thickness of the plates should be 5-10 cm. The density is not more than 17 kg / m³. Before buying, you should try to break a piece of a piece. Is the balls visible on the break? This packaging material. It is not suitable for insulation. If the right polyhedra is visible - this is a good material. The best manufacturers are:

  • Polimeri europa;
  • BASF;
  • Styrochem;
  • Nova chemicals;
  • Penopelex;
  • TechnoNIKOL.

On the walls you need to fix the material in this way: apply glue to the corners and in the middle of the plate and press it to the surface. Additionally strengthen them with umbrella dowels. Top to bore a layer of insulation with decorative coating.

For roof insulation (photo No. 2), this material is also used. Plates from below are hidden by a vapor barrier film, from above - wind and moisture protection. To work on the roof you need:

  • drill with drills;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw;
  • a hammer;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • material for flooring;
  • film hydro and vaporizolation;
  • foam assembly;
  • rake with 4 cm thick.

All gaps between insulation plates and rafters are filled with mounting foam. The roofing material is laid on top.

Conclusion on the topic

Polystyrene slabs have long been used as insulation for houses. They produced different sizes: 100x50 cm, 100x100 cm, 200x100 cm. The thickness of the plates ranges from 1 to 10 cm. The most popular brands - PSB C-15, PSB C-25 and PSB C-35. Tile on the wall is attached to the glue composition. Glue spatula is superimposed on the corners and in the middle of the plate. Then the material is pressed against the wall. For strength, you can additionally put it on special dowels in the form of umbrellas. Glue is usually bought as a powder mixture. It is divorced by ordinary drinking water. Instructions for the use of glue is attached.

The polystyrene foam is well opposed to some aggressive environments. These are saline solutions, detergents, chlorine water, some acids, ammonia, lime, adhesive paints. It does not live harmful microorganisms like mold, algae. It does not eat birds and animals. The density of the material may be so high that it is used in the construction of landing strips at the airfields, during the reconstruction of automotive tracks.

The material is used in the plates and when heating floors in the apartment or in the house. In this case, they do not need to arrange additional waterproofing. The plates are put on the draft floor on the glue or without it. They are well adjacent to the pipes and electrical heating elements of the floor.

photo, specifications, advantages and disadvantages, reviews, video

Polystyrene bonts are a modern generation of building materials. They are used in the device of heat efficient houses that meet the SNiP standard.

Description of polystyrene bonts and their characteristics

The material itself is similar to light concrete, and combines a porous aggregator, modified additives and cement. According to the composition, this is a unique product in the building materials market.

Polystyrebetone blocks, according to the requirements of GOST R 51263-99, have such an application:

  • Heat insulating plates. Material with density D150 - D250 and compressive strength: M2-M3.5;
  • Solid blocks (depending on the type of walls). Denity D250 - D 600 and strength in 0.5 - B2.5;
  • Hollow details. Denity D250 - D350 and compressive strength M5, B0.5 - B1.0;
  • Monolithic design with thermal insulation. Density from D150 to D250 and strength M2 - M5.

Scope according to the standard GOST R 51263:

  • Heat insulating (plates and monolith). Scope: thermal insulation of coatings and attic rooms, bases, foundation. D150 - D225 brand density;
  • Constructive heat-insulating (jumper, monolith, blocks). Scope: Any type of external walls in the construction of low-rise houses. D400 - D600 density.
  • Heat insulating-structural (blocks, monolith, quantities). Scope: carrier walls of multi-storey and low-rise buildings. Denity D250 - D350.

For the manufacture of polystyrene fibergust blocks, it is better to use the press method, and even better vibropressing, material. This is a while increases its stability, which means the service life.

Composition of blocks

The composition for polystyrene filled blocks includes the following components:

  • Slagoportoncent or Portland cement;
  • Airflowing additives and contributing to rapid hardness;
  • Foamed polystyrene;
  • Quartz sand.

Polystyrene produced in the form of granules reduces the thermal conductivity coefficient at the final product. Plants manufacturers producing data blocks must comply with such quality standards: GOST R 51263-99, GOST 21520-89, GOST 25820-2000 and GOST 25192-82.

So the photo looks like a cut of a finished polystyrene bonts

Types of blocks

Polystyrene blocks have a number of undeniable advantages on which their wide popularity is based. In addition, they are different species that can be used both for wall decoration and for the construction of partitions.

Blocks with facing

The material is widely used in the construction and finishing of buildings and structures. Thanks to him, there is no need to carry out additional work on the facade.

Such blocks differ not only for high strength, but also an attractive appearance. The glossy surface can imitate a variety of facade materials and have a rich color gamut.

Facing blocks are popular for several reasons:

  • Filling cladding is made without adhesive composition.
  • The facing layer penetrates deep into the porous structure of the material.
  • Facing can imitate from the structure of ordinary stone to marble.
  • Clapping blocks are able to withstand any weather conditions.

Wall blocks

The popularity of houses with high energy efficiency led to the interest of developers to polystyrene bonts. The walls of them do not need additional warming measures and cost up to two times cheaper than from brick or cellular concrete.

Heat-saving properties meet all the standards of housing, industrial and multi-storey construction. In addition, the blocks have high strength, ease of processing and high heat and sound protection.

Wall blocks have sufficient resistance to fire, and with additional cladding, bricks may refer to the first category of fire-resistant. In addition, they are resistant to negative factors: weather conditions, acids, alkali, mold, fungus, rodents.

The lack of reinforcement from steel does not distort the radio wave and geomagnetic field at home.

A few more words about why consumers choose precisely polystyrene blocks:

Classification and characteristics of blocks

In the manufacture of polystyrenebetone, the manufacturer must produce products corresponding to the parameters standard, which concerns the characteristics of cellular concrete blocks.

The size of the final product may vary:

  • Length 28.8 - 59.8 cm;
  • Height 8.8 - 29.8 cm;
  • Thickness 19.5 - 30 cm.

Blocks remain the most demanded:

  • Walls 58.8 * 30 * 18.8 cm;
  • Partition 58.8 * 60 * 9.2 cm;
  • Walls 58.8 * 38 * 30 cm;
  • Jumpers 38 * 30 * 130 cm.

The weight of the partition blocks can be in the range of 5-15 kg, and the walls are 5-30 kg.


  • Service life for more than a hundred years.
  • High thermal insulation properties.
  • Good sound insulation.
  • Light weight allows you to use not expensive foundations.
  • Easy processing (blocks you can give any dimensions and shapes).
  • Resistance to different kind of negative impacts.
  • High resistance to moisture and cracks.


  • With a debt of fire (over 300 ° C), styrene begins to stand out from the blocks.
  • The final product must fully respond to sanitary requirements, since its composition includes chemical components.

The insulation of the enclosing surfaces of the house is the key to the cost of its heating and air conditioning are minimal. For roofing, wall and foundation thermal insulation, dozens have been developed, if not hundreds of technical solutions, but not every one of them can be called budget. Therefore, polystyrene foam plates, inexpensive and at the same time distinguished by low thermal conductivity, occupy leading positions among all insulation. What are the nuances of insulating foam plastic?

It is possible to insulate the house with a material with a styrene (a poisonous substance relating to the second hazard class), they are still arguing. In favor of the foam, its excellent performance, which caused many years of use throughout the world, is evidenced by the fact that even in the Soviet Union after several fires, in which people died, the use of foam in construction was prohibited.

Sheet thickness varies

Advantages of the insulation of the roof and the whole house expanded polystyrene

Polyfoam (this is exactly the product that the product of the Finnish company was called, the first began to supply polystyrene foam slabs to the Soviet market) is a mass of polymer cells filled with gas, which is foamed and formed into thick sheets. Due to a peculiar structure, the material is 99% from the air, so that it effectively holds heat and does not miss the cold.

Scheme of the main heat loss at home

Thus, the plate of foam 12 cm thick in terms of heat insulation is equal to a wooden wall with a thickness of 45 cm or a brick - 2.1 m thick. However, when the material is selected, it should be borne in mind that the heat transfer coefficient depends on its density, and the denser and tight foam, The greater it is capable of bringing heat energy.

Comparison of the properties of mineral wool and polystyrene foam plate

Light plates of polystyrene foams are not problematic and stacked, in addition, installation does not have a significant burden on the roof, walls and foundation of the building. To absorb moisture, it can only with direct contact with water, so the material does not need steaming, and therefore, and without that economical insulation costs even cheaper. It is also noteworthy that the foam is capable of not losing its properties within 80 years or more.

Flaws of thermal insulation by foam plates

Savings at which initial investments are reduced, but the current costs increase or other additional risks appear, for example, for the health of the property living or preservation, is always doubtful. Therefore, the use of foam in insulation cake should be considered from another point of view - its shortcomings.

The first and, probably, the most significant minus of the traditional foam-building. The fact is that natural gas is used to fill the styrene granules in production, and polystyrene foam can easily ignite from ordinary matches. The house, which is insulated with such material, burns in a matter of minutes, and people in it die from phosgene, dioxides, cyanide hydrogen and other deadly substances that are distinguished by the combustion of foam.

Polyfoam without flags to use in construction is prohibited

Low vapor permeability of the material can be attributed both to its advantages and disadvantages:

  1. On the one hand, it does not need to be protected from water vapor, actively allocated by man in the process of life and being a negative factor for the same minvati.
  2. On the other hand, the room insulated with polystyrene foam plates from the inside, without forced ventilation turns into a steam room, to live and work in which it is absolutely impossible.

Contrary to popular belief that polystyrene foam plates are a good barrier noise, it does not correspond to reality. Moreover, they are well transmitted sounds from the outside, and when vibrations, they themselves are capable of publishing them (creaking, rustling, friction between the plates). Therefore, it is not worth using them for soundproofing from a neighbor or street noise - it will not only do not increase, but also can decrease.

Owners of private houses who are thinking about the insulation of the roof and other fencing structures with polystyrene foam, also worth warming: despite the fact that it is not a nutrient medium for living organisms, it often love rodents, insects and birds. In some cases, colonies of microorganisms are formed on the surface, which do not affect function and durability.

Quality material is characterized in white and homogeneity

Myths and the truth about chemical danger

Many potential buyers doubt the environmental safety plates of polystyrene foam. For example, rumors in the forums and sites are actively mutated with the leading sources of the 80s, which polystyrene foam is capable of separating the gas-shaped styrene, which, penetrating through the nasopharynx in the lungs, allegedly accumulates in vital human bodies and causes onco-scab.

Modern studies, the toxicity of the material was not proved. It must be said that during most experiences were studied not by household, and production facilities, where various plastics and rubber were manufactured, and therefore the concentration of discharge, and the degree of their influence on the body was much higher than usual. As a result, the environmental friendliness of polystyrene foam plates is confirmed by such international construction associations and ratings:

  • Ecopse - the French Association of Foam Manufacturers, which has developed a UNI'VERT PSE standard, the label of which is placed on the products that have passed a strict eco-audit;
  • BRE - British Multidisciplinary Scientific Center, exploring the so-called artificial environment and assigned a high class of ecology (A +) a high class of environmental friendliness (A +);
  • IRC is an international construction code, classifying polystyrene foam as an energy efficient and eco-friendly insulation.

Conducted tests prove the harmlessness

The security confirmation of the material is also a study for the presence of styrene vapors in a building built with the use of foam, conducted by the Moscow Research Institute of Hygiene. F. F. Erisman: According to the results of the inspection in air samples, they were not detected (conclusion No. 03 / PM8). Thus, it is possible to draw conclusions that modern qualitatively made polystyrene foam plates do not have any significant impact on human health.

How to choose a polystyrene insulation

There are several polystyrene plates varieties:

  • press (domestic brands are denoted by the LDS) - mainly used as a packaging material or insulation for refrigerators, thermos, thermobore bodies, etc.;
  • prestse (EPS, PSB, PSB-C) - Because of the low cost, it is used for the insulation of foundations, roofs, walls, balconies and other structures more often than other materials;
  • extruded (XPS, EPS) are made of the same polystyrene, however, by another technology that allows you to get a fundamentally different insulation.

Pressure foam brands have different density - from 15 to 50 kg / m3. From this indicator depends the strength of the plate, its price, physical characteristics and scope of application. The density indicates the marking - PSB-C 15 or PSB-C 50. The literature in the designation indicates that the material is present in the material that prevents it from fire. It is this brand of expanded polystyrene that it is recommended to use for thermal insulation of the roof.

Video: How the usual and self-fighting polystyrene burns

Extrusion foam differs from a fairly small cellular structure and, as a result, much greater durability, but also costs it also significantly increases. Due to the strength and practically zero water absorption, it is preferred to be used in the arrangement of foundations, basement and other raw rooms, but as insulation of ventilated facades and roofs, it is undesirable to apply such a type of polystyrene foam, since it, like the usual foam, belongs to combustible materials.

Before buying, examine the certificate

As for the quality of the production of heat-insulating plates, it is governed by GOST 15588-86 "Polystyrene Polyforal" and must be confirmed by the relevant certificates. Acquire products costs well-known manufacturers providing all the necessary information about their products. It also makes sense before mounting to conduct home testing a piece of polyfoam to flammable.

Warming of various surfaces expanded polystyrene

The view that polystyrene foam is not suitable for insulation, for example, roofing or walls, unreasonably: to level the shortcomings and evaluate all the benefits of using polystyrene plates, thermal insulation should be correctly mounted. According to GOST, their area of \u200b\u200buse is limited to the middle layer of construction enclosed structures so that the material cannot contact with air and, moreover, with open fire.

Thermal insulation of roofing overlap

An attic room after insulation turns into an excellent living room. The use of polyfoam allows this at relatively low costs. The denser brands (35 and 50) are used for the arrangement of flat, including the inversion roof. In this case, a polystyrene foam layer with a thickness of about 70 mm must be laid a film or liquid waterproofing.

Scope roofs can also be insulated with polystyrene foam slabs whose joints are sealed with mounting foam. However, it is much more efficient to use them for insulation of the attic overlap, since it will not be formed by cold bridges. The insulation is attached to dowels (preferably), cement mortar or glue, if the surfaces on the surface do not exceed 1 cm.

Secrets and features of wall insulation

You can sew the walls with foams both outside and from the inside, but, following fire-war guidelines, around the perimeter of all openings (window, door, ventilation) at a distance of 50-80 cm, a non-combustible heat insulator should be installed, for example, minvatu. Special attention when installing foam plates as an internal heat insulator should be given to the ventilation system of the internal space.

Scheme of the heat insulation carpet on the wall

The thickness of the slabs must be calculated, based on the thickness and material of the walls, as well as the normative resistance of heat transfer for a particular climatic zone. The density of the material should be different: for external work it is better to use more dense stoves (brand 25 or 35), and the PSB-C 15 brand is quite suitable for the internal.

Outdoor protection of foundation

Optimally, if the base of the building is insulated during the construction process. Those who have already built the house, and the heat shield of the foundation in it was not thought out, it will have to roll off the minimum on the width of the sheet (1 m). The prepared surface must be treated with bitumen mastic and after drying it to glue polystyrene foam sheets.

If the foundation of the house is in the evening with the ground, the foam fully needs to be closed (when dripping it is better to use clamzit), and he does not need the finishing finish. In all other cases, the insulation slabs must be separated by plaster, brick, siding, ceramic tiles or an aluminum profile. These materials are non-combustible and, in addition to the decorative function, create a protective barrier.

Thus, polystyrene foam plates are quite economical material, which increases the energy efficiency of the building by 3-5 times. Along with this, there is reason to fear that the foam is non-elastic and carries a threat to human health, no. A sufficient condition for providing its own security - when choosing products, give preference to well-known brands, and when installing, adhere to building requirements.

The insulation of the enclosing surfaces of the house is the key to the cost of its heating and air conditioning are minimal. For roofing, wall and foundation thermal insulation, dozens have been developed, if not hundreds of technical solutions, but not every one of them can be called budget. Therefore, polystyrene foam plates, inexpensive and at the same time distinguished by low thermal conductivity, occupy leading positions among all insulation. What are the nuances of insulating foam plastic?

Polyfoam as insulation - for and against

It is possible to insulate the house with a material with a styrene (a poisonous substance relating to the second hazard class), they are still arguing. In favor of the foam, its excellent performance, which caused many years of use throughout the world, is evidenced by the fact that even in the Soviet Union after several fires, in which people died, the use of foam in construction was prohibited.

Advantages of the insulation of the roof and the whole house expanded polystyrene

Polyfoam (this is exactly the product that the product of the Finnish company was called, the first began to supply polystyrene foam slabs to the Soviet market) is a mass of polymer cells filled with gas, which is foamed and formed into thick sheets. Due to a peculiar structure, the material is 99% from the air, so that it effectively holds heat and does not miss the cold.

Thus, the plate of foam 12 cm thick in terms of heat insulation is equal to a wooden wall with a thickness of 45 cm or a brick - 2.1 m thick. However, when the material is selected, it should be borne in mind that the heat transfer coefficient depends on its density, and the denser and tight foam, The greater it is capable of bringing heat energy.

Light plates of polystyrene foams are not problematic and stacked, in addition, installation does not have a significant burden on the roof, walls and foundation of the building. To absorb moisture, it can only with direct contact with water, so the material does not need steaming, and therefore, and without that economical insulation costs even cheaper. It is also noteworthy that the foam is capable of not losing its properties within 80 years or more.

Flaws of thermal insulation by foam plates

Savings at which initial investments are reduced, but the current costs increase or other additional risks appear, for example, for the health of the property living or preservation, is always doubtful. Therefore, the use of foam in insulation cake should be considered from another point of view - its shortcomings.

The first and, probably, the most significant minus of the traditional foam-building. The fact is that natural gas is used to fill the styrene granules in production, and polystyrene foam can easily ignite from ordinary matches. The house, which is insulated with such material, burns in a matter of minutes, and people in it die from phosgene, dioxides, cyanide hydrogen and other deadly substances that are distinguished by the combustion of foam.

Low vapor permeability of the material can be attributed both to its advantages and disadvantages:

  1. On the one hand, it does not need to be protected from water vapor, actively allocated by man in the process of life and being a negative factor for the same minvati.
  2. On the other hand, the room insulated with polystyrene foam plates from the inside, without forced ventilation turns into a steam room, to live and work in which it is absolutely impossible.

Contrary to popular belief that polystyrene foam plates are a good barrier noise, it does not correspond to reality. Moreover, they are well transmitted sounds from the outside, and when vibrations, they themselves are capable of publishing them (creaking, rustling, friction between the plates). Therefore, it is not worth using them for soundproofing from a neighbor or street noise - it will not only do not increase, but also can decrease.

Owners of private houses who are thinking about the insulation of the roof and other fencing structures with polystyrene foam, also worth warming: despite the fact that it is not a nutrient medium for living organisms, it often love rodents, insects and birds. In some cases, colonies of microorganisms are formed on the surface, which do not affect function and durability.

Myths and the truth about chemical danger

Many potential buyers doubt the environmental safety plates of polystyrene foam. For example, rumors in the forums and sites are actively mutated with the leading sources of the 80s, which polystyrene foam is capable of separating the gas-shaped styrene, which, penetrating through the nasopharynx in the lungs, allegedly accumulates in vital human bodies and causes onco-scab.

Modern studies, the toxicity of the material was not proved. It must be said that during most experiences were studied not by household, and production facilities, where various plastics and rubber were manufactured, and therefore the concentration of discharge, and the degree of their influence on the body was much higher than usual. As a result, the environmental friendliness of polystyrene foam plates is confirmed by such international construction associations and ratings:

  • Ecopse - the French Association of Foam Manufacturers, which has developed a UNI'VERT PSE standard, the label of which is placed on the products that have passed a strict eco-audit;
  • BRE - British Multidisciplinary Scientific Center, exploring the so-called artificial environment and assigned a high class of ecology (A +) a high class of environmental friendliness (A +);
  • IRC is an international construction code, classifying polystyrene foam as an energy efficient and eco-friendly insulation.

The security confirmation of the material is also a study for the presence of styrene vapors in a building built with the use of foam, conducted by the Moscow Research Institute of Hygiene. F. F. Erisman: According to the results of the inspection in air samples, they were not detected (conclusion No. 03 / PM8). Thus, it is possible to draw conclusions that modern qualitatively made polystyrene foam plates do not have any significant impact on human health.

How to choose a polystyrene insulation

There are several polystyrene plates varieties:

  • press (domestic brands are denoted by the LDS) - mainly used as a packaging material or insulation for refrigerators, thermos, thermobore bodies, etc.;
  • prestse (EPS, PSB, PSB-C) - Because of the low cost, it is used for the insulation of foundations, roofs, walls, balconies and other structures more often than other materials;
  • extruded (XPS, EPS) are made of the same polystyrene, however, by another technology that allows you to get a fundamentally different insulation.

Pressure foam brands have different density - from 15 to 50 kg / m3. From this indicator depends the strength of the plate, its price, physical characteristics and scope of application. The density indicates the marking - PSB-C 15 or PSB-C 50. The literature in the designation indicates that the material is present in the material that prevents it from fire. It is this brand of expanded polystyrene that it is recommended to use for thermal insulation of the roof.

Video: How the usual and self-fighting polystyrene burns

Extrusion foam differs from a fairly small cellular structure and, as a result, much greater durability, but also costs it also significantly increases. Due to the strength and practically zero water absorption, it is preferred to be used in the arrangement of foundations, basement and other raw rooms, but as insulation of ventilated facades and roofs, it is undesirable to apply such a type of polystyrene foam, since it, like the usual foam, belongs to combustible materials.

As for the quality of the production of heat-insulating plates, it is governed by GOST 15588-86 "Polystyrene Polyforal" and must be confirmed by the relevant certificates. Acquire products costs well-known manufacturers providing all the necessary information about their products. It also makes sense before mounting to conduct home testing a piece of polyfoam to flammable.

Warming of various surfaces expanded polystyrene

The view that polystyrene foam is not suitable for insulation, for example, roofing or walls, unreasonably: to level the shortcomings and evaluate all the benefits of using polystyrene plates, thermal insulation should be correctly mounted. According to GOST, their area of \u200b\u200buse is limited to the middle layer of construction enclosed structures so that the material cannot contact with air and, moreover, with open fire.

Thermal insulation of roofing overlap

An attic room after insulation turns into an excellent living room. The use of polyfoam allows this at relatively low costs. The denser brands (35 and 50) are used for the arrangement of flat, including the inversion roof. In this case, a polystyrene foam layer with a thickness of about 70 mm must be laid a film or liquid waterproofing.

Scope roofs can also be insulated with polystyrene foam slabs whose joints are sealed with mounting foam. However, it is much more efficient to use them for insulation of the attic overlap, since it will not be formed by cold bridges. The insulation is attached to dowels (preferably), cement mortar or glue, if the surfaces on the surface do not exceed 1 cm.

Secrets and features of wall insulation

You can sew the walls with foams both outside and from the inside, but, following fire-war guidelines, around the perimeter of all openings (window, door, ventilation) at a distance of 50-80 cm, a non-combustible heat insulator should be installed, for example, minvatu. Special attention when installing foam plates as an internal heat insulator should be given to the ventilation system of the internal space.

The thickness of the slabs must be calculated, based on the thickness and material of the walls, as well as the normative resistance of heat transfer for a particular climatic zone. The density of the material should be different: for external work it is better to use more dense stoves (brand 25 or 35), and the PSB-C 15 brand is quite suitable for the internal.

Outdoor protection of foundation

Optimally, if the base of the building is insulated during the construction process. Those who have already built the house, and the heat shield of the foundation in it was not thought out, it will have to roll off the minimum on the width of the sheet (1 m). The prepared surface must be treated with bitumen mastic and after drying it to glue polystyrene foam sheets.

If the foundation of the house is in the evening with the ground, the foam fully needs to be closed (when dripping it is better to use clamzit), and he does not need the finishing finish. In all other cases, the insulation slabs must be separated by plaster, brick, siding, ceramic tiles or an aluminum profile. These materials are non-combustible and, in addition to the decorative function, create a protective barrier.

Thus, polystyrene foam plates are quite economical material, which increases the energy efficiency of the building by 3-5 times. Along with this, there is reason to fear that the foam is non-elastic and carries a threat to human health, no. A sufficient condition for providing its own security - when choosing products, give preference to well-known brands, and when installing, adhere to building requirements.

Polystyrene foam plates: the whole truth about the available heat insulation for the roof and at home

It is worth using plates of polystyrene foam for thermal insulation of the roof, walls and foundation. Independent analysis of chemical properties and fire hazards. Technologies

Features and specifications of polystyrene foam

Polystyrene foam is a universal insulation, which has always been the leader of the domestic market of thermal insulation materials. The popularity of this insulation is determined by the optimal ratio of value and functional characteristics - according to this parameter, the polystyrene foam exceeds all existing materials for insulation.

Plates of polystyrene insulation

This article will consider in detail the technical characteristics and features of polystyrene foam insulation, you will also learn how this material is manufactured, and what it differs from extrusion polystyrene. We also recommend performing siding mounting with insulation.

1 scope of polystyrene

The polystyrene foam is widely used as the main thermal insulation material in private and industrial construction.

The main factor that determines the demand of polystyrene foam insulation, is their minimum cost, which is an order of magnitude less than the same Minvati, and other thermal insulation materials presented in the market.

It is not necessary to think that once expanded insulation, it guarantees effective insulation - just on the contrary, the thermal conductivity of all the exemplifiers used to date - it varies from 0.03 to 0.04 W / MK.

In practice, the difference in thermal conductivity at the level of 0.03-0.05 W / MK is simply invisible, differences between expanded polystyrene and more expensive insulation lies not in efficiency, but in some features of this material, and which we will talk in detail in the relevant section of the article. This is important when the foundation is insulated with polystyrene foam.

In general, by analyzing the properties of this insulation, it can be concluded that the thermal insulation of expanded polystyrene has the following advantages:

  • Efficiency - the cost of a cubic meter of polystyrene foam is about 2-2.5 thousand rubles, while mineral wool - 5-6 thousand rubles. At the same time, the consumption of mineral wool for the insulation of the same object will be about 50% more than polystyrene;
  • The simplicity of installation and insulation of the facade of foam - the plates of polystyrene foam are installed on a warmed surface with an adhesive composition, which greatly simplifies their installation. For example, for mounting the same Minvati you will need to equip the carrier frame, which entails additional costs as time and finance.

Warming of the facade of polystyolistic

Insulation based on polystyrene foams are used for thermal insulation of the following objects:

  • Facade walls of houses and apartments from any materials - bricks, concrete, ceramzitoblocks, foam blocks, gas-blocks (including for insulation using wet plaster);
  • Lagged floors, high density expanded polystyrene can be used for thermal insulation of floors under a concrete tie;
  • Roof - straight and scope;
  • Ceiling and the insulation of the facades of apartments;
  • Balcony, loggia, or attic;
  • Foundament and basement.

The polystyrene foam has not only thermal insulation properties, but also with noise reduction ability, in view of which it is not rarely used as a sound insulation material for insulation of private houses, apartments, or sound insulation of industrial premises.

2 Polystyrene Production Technology

The polystyrene foam insulation is manufactured using foaming technology and the subsequent connection between polystyrene granules.

In short, the production technology of this material can be described as follows:

  1. Polystyrene raw materials is loaded into the offender - the unit in which the polystyrene of hot ferry warms up to a temperature (about 100 degrees), in which the granules expansion occurs in the amount, and the formation of cavities in them, which will be filled with air;
  2. After the granules expanded, they are dried from steam condensate, and transported to the excerpt container, where they are moving out for 12 hours at a temperature of 16-25 degrees. Polystyrene cure is necessary so that the cavities inside the granules are filled with air;
  3. The granules filled with air are loaded into the block shape - the unit, where individual granules are connected to the monolithic unit. After loading the granules, the hermetic container is closed, and hot steam is supplied inside under pressure, under the influence of polystyrene granules come together;
  4. After drying the block with plaster over a warmed facade, the product hits the cutting line, where automated equipment generates from the plate of the required thickness and sizes from the block. The cutting of the block is performed by hot strings that guarantee the cutting of maximum accuracy.

Upon completion of this stage, the insulation plates are packaged into a polyethylene film, and supplied on store shelves.

Polls of foamed polystyrene

3 Sizes and thickness of polystyrene slabs

The insulation of polystyrene foam insulation are supplied in the form of plates with facade plaster on foam, having the following dimensions:

Plate thickness varies from 10 to 100 mm, the thickness step is usually 10 mm.

The above stove sizes are common to the common standards, if you need non-standard thermal insulation dimensions, most of the manufacturers, when ordering a fairly large party, can make such insulation under the order.

In general, for the thermal insulation of vertical and inclined surfaces - facades, walls, roofs, the optimal option is the plates, the dimensions of which are 1 * 0.5 m, because with products of large dimensions it is quite difficult to work to work with one person.

The thickness of the polystyrene leaf, which ensures efficient heat insulation, in most regions of the CIS countries varies from 50 to 100 mm.

Polystyrene foam plates of different thickness

4 Types of polystyrene and their specifications

The classification of the thermal insulation of the polystyrene used on the basis of the density of the insulation. The most popular materials are considered to be polystyrene foam brands:

From the density of expanded polystyrene, its thermal insulation properties directly depend. The smaller the density, and, respectively, the greater the air in the insulation, and less polystyrene walls - the less thermal conductivity coefficient will be posted.

Conversely, the larger the expressed polystyrene foam, the less air is closed inside the cells of the insulation, and the less its thermal conductivity will be. However, it is necessary to take into account that the strength characteristics of the insulation directly depend on its density.

Perform a comparison of the technical characteristics of the most sought-after types of polystyrene foam insulation insulation PSB-15, PSB-25 and PSB-35:

  • Material density, kg / m³: PSB-15 - from 8 to 15; PSB-25 - from 15 to 25; PSB-35 - from 25 to 35;
  • The coefficient of thermal conductivity, W / MK: PSB-15 - 0.037; PSB-25 - 0.039; PSB-35 - 0.043;
  • Parry permeability coefficient in all types of polystyrene foam not higher than 0.05 mg / MCHP;
  • Stability of material to compression during deformation of 10% of the volume, MPa: PSB-15 - 0.04; PSB-25 - 0.07; PSB-35 - 0.16;
  • Stability of material to bend, MPa: PSB-15 - 0.06; PSB-25 - 0,018; PSB-35 - 0.25;
  • Percentage of moisture absorption in terms of 24 hours: PSB-15 - 4, PSB-25 - 1, PSB-35 - 1.

Heat insulation of the roof of polystyrene foam insulation

All classes of polystyrene foams belong to the combustible group G3 - normally combustible materials, the boundary temperature of their operation is 80 degrees, when the polystyrene granules are exceeded, as a result of which the insulation itself is deformed.

5 Comparison of conventional and extrusion polystyrene foam

Extrusion polystyrene foam is made from the same polystyrene granules as the insulation considered in this article, however, by a much more complex technology, which causes the differences in these materials in price and in specifications.

The cost of these materials can be varied at 2-2.5 times to understand whether it makes sense to overpay, compare their main technical characteristics:

  • Thermal conductivity coefficient, W / MK: extruded expanded polystyrene (EP) - 0.028; polystyrene foam (P) - 0.038;
  • The percentage of moisture absorption in terms of 24 hours: EP - 0.2; P - 2;
  • Percentage of moisture absorption in terms of 30 days: EP - 0.4; P - 4;
  • Parry permeability coefficient, mg / MCHPA: EP - 0.018; P - 0.05;
  • Density, kg / m³: EP - from 28 to 45, P - from 15 to 35.

Class of flammability in polystyrene-based materials is identical - g3, or, in the case of adding refractory additives - G2.

The difference in thermal conductivity between EP and expanded polystyrene, causes that for the same thermal insulation, you will need a large thickness of the polystyrene foam insulation than Ep-plates.

Structure of extruded polystyrene foam

The density varies within 10 kg / m³, which is also quite essential. Polystyrene foam, whose density is minimal, cannot be used for insulation of loaded facades, while for EP insulation, the density of which is 28 kg / m³, there are no such restrictions.

Polystyrene foam, unlike Ep-slabs, eat mice. Despite the fact that EP is made of the same raw materials as the polystyrene foam, the mice do not eat it, since the structure and density of the material does not allow them to damage the insulation.

Considering the foregoing, if you want to equip thermal insulation by polystyrene foam, all mice must be exhausted. Do not neglect by this, because otherwise, you risk money and time spent on insulation at home.

However, the mice are dangerous for the most part only for houses - the rodent apartments are found extremely rare. However, even if the mice and started - most likely, they initially be interested in ordinary food. For thermal insulation materials, rodents (mice and other) are usually rarely accepted.

Choosing between thermal insulation of expanded polystyrene and EP, consider under what conditions the material will be operated. For example, for the insulation of the foundation, or the ground floor, it is better to choose EP, since it is more stable, is durable and durable, while for thermal insulation the facade is perfectly suitable for the usual polystyrene foam.

Extruded polystyrene foam: characteristics

Specifications of polystyrene foam, the properties of the insulation. Comparison of the technical characteristics of polystyrene foam extruded and usual.

Heat insulation of roofing plates of polystyrene foam

There are quite a lot of ways and materials to perform the thermal insulation of the roof. This article will discuss how to properly carry out the insulation of the roof of the polystyrene.

Roof insulation scheme.

Polystyrene foam is thermal insulating foam, which is produced by swelling and welding polystyrene granules with each other during heating (80 - 100 ° C) with their water or steam.

The construction uses polystyrene foam of two types: this is a plate of polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam (PESEROPLEX).

Polystyrene foam plate

Plates of polystyrene are produced by foaming polystyrene with further sintering particles. Despite the fact that the polystyrene foam plate is a polymer, it absolutely does not contain any substances harmful to the body.

The polystyrene foam plate does not contain any harmful substances.

The polystyrene foam plate is not a hygroscopic material and, accordingly, under the influence of moisture, it does not lose its thermal insulation properties. The periodical appearance of a water vapor condensate, which can sometimes be in the thickness of polystyrene foam, will not have serious consequences. Specialists have proven that this material has water absorption, when it is immersed in water for 7 days, just 0.5-1.5% of the volume.

Low sound insulation properties can be attributed to the disadvantages of this material for insulation of the roof, as well as the low vapor permeability ratio, which is only 12x106 g / (s). The weak resistance of polystyrene foam to the effects of many organic solvents is another one of its essential flaws. The temperature of more than + 80 ° C can destroy polystyrene foam plates.

The system of fastened thermal insulation involves the use of expanded polystyrene, which satisfies the requirements of the current standard (DSTU B.V.2.7894). And this means that the material should not spread the fire, that is, to be self-fighting. Polystyrene foam plates that are cut from aged blocks must have a flat shape and stable dimensions.

Polystyrene extruded

This type of polystyrene is also thermal insulating foam. It is obtained by mixing polystyrene granules at high temperature, squeezing (reducing) from the extruder and adding a foaming agent. In the former times, various freons were used as a foaming agent, but today manufacturers apply CO 2-based continuous systems.

Having a zero capilequigity and negligibly small water absorption (less than 0.2% by volume), extruded polystyrene foam has sufficiently high strength and stable thermal insulation characteristics (thermal conductivity is 0.038-0.041 W / M-K).

This material has sufficiently high chemical stability, but individual organic solvents (white spirit, acetone, etc.), a wood protection agent, coal resins can lead to shrinkage, softening and dissolving the material.

An essential feature of this thermal insulation foam is its very low vapor permeability. Depending on which material has a density, vapor permeability is 40-70 times less than that of mineral fiber. Based on this, insulation the roof by this thermal insulating foam (penoplex) - it means to create a barrier to a pair on the way of movement from the inside outward.

In the construction of extruded polystyrene foam, not only the roof, but also the walls of buildings are insulated. In this case, it should be known that, based on the fact that there is a highly high humidity in the residential room, then when using extruded polystyrene foaming, the question will immediately be the need to air conditioning from the inside of the room, in order to avoid progressive dampness on the walls.

The extruded polystyrene was incredibly easy to install and is very easily processed, it can easily cut it with an ordinary knife.

Why precisely plates from polystyrene foam?

Often, heat leakage occurs due to the "cold bridges". In order to prevent their appearance, the thermal insulation layer should be a single continuous design. The basis of this constructive solution is the installation of insulating material on top of the rafter structures. The only thing that is presented to insulating material is that it should have high strength. Since throughout the service life, there will be significant loads and roofs on it, and atmospheric precipitations will continue.

Such a material as stoves made of polystyrene foam, have a number of significant advantages and are able to fully respond to strength requirements. They prevent the appearance of "cold bridges". Thanks to special compounds, including the Schip-Paz or "Step".

The stoves made of polystyrene can be insulated the whole house, since this material has several advantages over others.

Polystyrene foam has the highest moisture resistant characteristics. It should be noted that this material has high resistance to water. And, as a result, there is no need to inside to build additional protection of the roof from moisture.

As for strength, a stove made of polystyrene foam has excellent carrying capacity. It is absolutely not terrible loads that have longitudinal wooden slats on the slab applied to the installation.

Upon completion of the mounting of polystyrene foam slabs, a single design of the insulation, which is capable of cope with the voltage, and with a large temperature is obtained.

Before proceeding with the direct installation of polystyrene foam slabs, you need to prepare all the necessary tools and material for this.

  • drill;
  • screwdriver (when using fastening screws);
  • saw;
  • a hammer;
  • measuring tool;
  • pencil;
  • stationery (construction) knife.
  • plywood (boards) for flooring;
  • waterproofing material;
  • vapor insulation material;
  • mounting foam;
  • nails (fastening screws);
  • wooden rails (thickness of at least 4 cm);
  • material for finishing (when installed on top of closed rafters).

Installation of thermal insulation over open rafters

This method of performing heat insulation of the roof assumes that the rafter system remains indoors. As a result, rafters will be an element of the interior.

Installation of polystyrene plates over open rafters.

The top on the rafter is stacked by flooring, which can be made from plywood, boards, etc. In the future, it will be used as a branch of the structure. This liner is covered with waterproofing material (waterproofing membrane). As a rule, it is used for this polymer-bitumen material. The waterproofing membrane immediately performs two functions. The first is the underlying waterproofing litter. The second is a vapor-permeable layer. Polymer-bitumen material is needed under the warming layer.

Instead of the materials mentioned above, diffusion waterproofing membranes are often used. They are stacked on top of thermal insulation. For greater tightness and reliability under the insulation, the steam insulation sometimes is placed.

Performing insulation with thermal insulating foam (penoplex), you should know that the plates are mandatory mounted with a layer dressing. The sample is an ordinary brickwork, which has a sufficient density of the combination of products.

Any gaps between the thermal insulating foam and elements of the roof design should be fill in polyurethane foam (mounting foam).

Installation of plates from polystyrene foam over closed rafters.

Plates of polystyrene fastening with fixing nails. You can apply another option - fastening screws. Mounting to the rafters is performed through longitudinal wooden slats. Before proceeding with the performance of insulation, the rails must be drilled. Otherwise they will split.

Performing the insulation of the roof on open rafters with thermal insulating foam, should not forget about the construction of the ventilation channel. Sufficient air circulation will be when longitudinal rails will have a thickness of at least 4 cm. This indicator will provide an excellent drying from the inside and the roof, and the heat insulating layer.

Installation of thermal insulation over closed rafters

The heat insulation of the roof over the plates of polystyrene closed rafters has few differences from the method discussed above. The difference only lies in the fact that the lamp is mounted from the inside of the room (under rafal).

After that, the plates of the polystyrene foam themselves are placed on it. From the inside the roof over these slabs is a vapor barrier layer and a finishing finish is performed, which can be made from sheets of plasterboard or plastic panel or lining. When laying a layer of vaporizolation should pay attention to the fact that the side that is capable of missing moisture has been drawn to the rafter system.

As a conclusion: After performing the insulation of the roof with plates of polystyrene foam, you will be able to forget about the leakage of heat for a long time, since the minimum service life of these products is 25 years. And according to the data obtained by the laboratory, the service life can reach 80 years or more.

Insulation roof polystyrene foam and penplex

The insulation of the roof of polystyrene foam will allow you to forget about heat leakage, as its minimum service life is 25 years.

Polystyrene foam - characteristics and selection criteria

The heating of an apartment in winter costs us as expensive, and energy prices every year are growing up. And it is very sorry when so expensive warmly uselessly leaves the apartment out. And these losses are just huge. However, there is a good way to reduce them: the sheath of the outer walls of the house of foam, otherwise polystyrene, plates. This acquaintance of all polystyrene characteristics in terms of thermal insulation has very remarkable. But is it good for his other properties? Today we will tell about it.

On the properties of polystyrene - in detail and available

At first, consider the technical characteristics of polystyrene foam, which really correspond to this insulation, later we will raise the moments of its properties that are controversial, but are constantly progressing by sellers and manufacturers.

About thermal conductivity

Polyfoam is nothing more than a plurality of air bubbles enclosed in thin shells of polystyrene. At the same time, the ratio is such: two percent of polystyrene, the remaining ninety-eight - air. As a result, it turns out some kind of solid foam, hence the name is polystyrene foam. The air is hermetically sealed inside bubbles, thanks to which the material perfectly holds heat. After all, it is known that the air layer located without movement is a magnificent heat insulator.

Compared to a mineral wool thermal conductivity coefficient for this material below. It can be from 0.028 to 0.034 watts per meter on Kelvin. The more denser the foam, the greater the value of its thermal conductivity coefficient. So, for extruded polystyrene foam having a density of 45 kilograms per cubic meter, this parameter is 0.03 watts per meter on Kelvin. It is understood that the ambient temperature is not higher than seventy five and not less minus fifty degrees Celsius.

About vapor permeability and absorption of moisture

The usual foam has zero vapor permeability. And the characteristics of extruded polystyrene foam, which is manufactured in a special way other. Its vapor permeability varies from 0.019 to 0.015 kilograms per meter-hour-Pascal. It seems strange, since, in theory, such material with a fan structure of steam is not capable of missing. The answer is simple - in the dense extruded foam formation is made by cutting. So the couple penetrates through these cuts, taking inside the air cells. The usual foam, as a rule, do not cut, so it is for steam and unavailable.

As for water absorption, the situation is reverse here. If you immerse a sheet of plastic foam in water, it will absorb it up to 4 percent. Dense polystyrene foam made by extrusion will remain almost dry. He will beat the water ten times less - just 0.4 percent.

About strength

The palm of the championship belongs to the extruded polystyrene foam, whose connection between molecules is very strong. According to the strength of static bending (from 0.4 to 1 kilogram per square centimeter), it is noticeably superior to the ordinary foam (its strength lies in the range from 0.02 to 0.2 kilograms per square centimeter). Therefore, recently ordinary, not extruded, foam is less generated, as it is less in demand. The extrusion method allows to obtain more modern insulation material, durable and moisture-resistant.

What is afraid of polystyrene foam

The polystyrene does not respond in any way to such substances as soda, soap and mineral fertilizers. It does not interact with bitumen, cement and plaster, lime and asphalt emulsions. Nick him and soil waters. But the turpentine with acetone, some brands of varnishes, as well as the olifa are capable not only to damage, but also completely dissolve this material. Polyfoam is dissolved and in most products obtained by distillation of oil, as well as in some alcohols.

That's just no foam (neither ordinary, nor extruded) direct sunlight. They destroy it - with constant ultraviolet irradiation, the material becomes at first less elastic, losing strength. After that, the case of destruction is enthusiastically to snow, rain and wind.

About the ability to absorb sounds

If you need to escape from the excessive noise, the polystyrene will not be absolutely helpful. The shock noise is somewhat muted in a state, but only under the condition that it will be laid a sufficiently thick layer. But the air noise, the waves of which spread through the air, foam not on the teeth. Such are the features of the design and properties of polystyrene foam - rigidly located cells with air inside are fully isolated. So for sound waves flying through the air, it is necessary to put obstacles from other materials.

On biological sustainability

As it turned out, the mold on the foam is not able to live. This is confirmed by American scientists, which in 2004 conducted a number of laboratory research. These works were ordered by manufacturers of polystyrene foam from the United States. The result was completely satisfied.

The whole truth about harmlessness, non-health and long service life

In terms of ecology, the foam is absolutely safe - because it is not used by freon, breaking the bars in the ozone layer of the Earth. The polystyrene is able to serve for many years without losing its properties - the tests have shown that it can be repeatedly defrosting and freeze, and the quality of the material does not suffer. This material is not susceptible to combustion, since its composition includes special substances - antipyrenes. All this seems completely correct and indisputable, but only at first glance. There are several nuances. Talk about them further.

Ecology question

Unfortunately, the expansion of polystyrene is oxidized. Moreover, the foam of an ordinary having a more loose structure is more prone to this process. Extruded material is oxidized slower, but he is waiting for the same fate. And even the burning is no need - quite the thirty-permanent heat on the street. In the process of oxidation, the mass of harmful substances is distinguished. This is benzene with ethylbenzene, toluene, poisonous formaldehyde, methyl alcohol and acetophenone. The styrene has just been laid out and styrene allocates, since the total polymerization of the material is impossible in the production stage. In the meantime, the polymerization will not be completed, the selection of styrene will not stop.

Manufacturers of foams are trying to challenge information about the harmfulness of polystyrene foam. They say their raw materials are less harmful than a tree. This refers to the selection by the tree of harmful substances when burning. This is not true - if the polystyrene is heated to a temperature that exceeds 80 degrees, then such a "bouquet" of substances will float - where there is a tree. It is fit for a gas attack to use harmful sage with smoke for the combustion. They contain, for example, phosgene (carbonyl dihloride), blue acid (hydrogenide), hydrogen bromide (hydrobromide).

Question of flamnsity

In fact, any polystyrene burns. The manufacturers are shuffled, stating that he fades his own, being less dangerous than a tree - alas, it is not. Such a statement is clearly contrary to the Russian GOST 30244-94, according to which foams in combustion are ranked in groups G3 and G4 - the most dangerous.

Speaking about the fire safety of polystyrene foam, manufacturers of chitryat using European standards that differ from domestic. There, flammability is determined by three estimated characteristics: biological, chemical and complex. According to the first of them, the most dangerous material is the material - it is a tree. But at the same time, toxicity is defined extremely approximately, not in full. And completely compare the harm of the products of the combustion of foam and wood this way does not work. With a chemical method, the case is the same.

But the complex technique, which in Europe is customary to use when checking polymers, is able to give truthful results. But Russian firms selling foam from Europe, providing customers with the technical characteristics of polystyrene foam, indicate only biological and chemical tests of the material. Similarly, some domestic manufacturers of foam, opening only part of the information to the consumer. So truth is hidden from the wide masses.

Another way to distort the facts is the spectacular hanging of the foam plate in the air, and then its ignition. To do this, on the stove affect the light burner below. The result speaks for himself - only that piece, which was in contact with the burner, will burn, and then the fire does not go. But this experience does not correspond to real operating conditions, and can only serve as a focus. But if you put a piece of polystyrene on the plane from non-combustible material and set fire, it will not go out at all. After all, the hot foam drops, which are formed when heated by a small piece, move the fire to its entire surface. The result will not make yourself wait - the stove grows completely.

If you take polystyrene foam, which does not include antipyren, then its smoke formation coefficient is 1048 square meters per kilogram. Polyflast with self-effect effect This figure is greater than - 1219 square meters per kilogram. Rubber, for example, is 850 square meters per kilogram, and the tree is less than 23 square meters per kilogram. To be clearer, we give such numbers: if there is a smoke in the room more than 500 square meters per kilogram, then, stretching your hand, you can not see her fingers.

Antipirens (most often hexabromotsklorododekan) are added to expanded polystyrene to increase its fire safety. In our country, it is customary to designate such a foam of the letter "C". This should, in theory, mean that the material has a property to fade on their own. But in practice it turns out that polystyrene foam with antipiren burns no worse than not containing this supplement. It only lights up worse, without making it spontaneously at elevated temperatures. The class of its flammability is g2, but after a few years it turns into G3 or G4 - the properties of the antipyrin are deteriorating over time.

Question of service life

If it is properly exploited to polystyrene foam, closing it from top with plaster or other protective-decorative layer, then it will serve 30 years 30, no less. True, in fact, everything is not so rosy - the masters will blind thermal insulation to somehow somehow, the customer will try to save due to the materials, the inexperienced master of the error makes it possible at the installation of polystyrene foam plates.

One of these errors is the wrong calculation of the solar thickness. Many seems to be that if you take a thick thirty-pesty meter plate of foam, then it will last longer, and there will be a warmer in the house. But this is not the case - the material of a large thickness from temperature drops will go cracks and waves, which will penetrate the cold air. It should be noted that the norm is adopted in Europe - to warm the house outside the polystyrene foam not more than 3.5 millimeters thick. This allows during a fire to reduce the danger of poisoning.

How to unmistakably choose polystyrene foam

Polyfoam is one of the most popular building materials. It is light, warm and cheap, and working with him is very simple. Since demand is great, then offers from manufacturers more and more. And each of them assures that it is his foam - the best, and with the quality above all praise.

1. Losing from countless suggestions, do not hurry to buy material. First carefully examine its parameters. If you need to insulate the facade, take PSB-C polystyrene foam, positioning as self-pulling. The brand should be no lower than the fortieth. And if the brand has a number 25 or less, then do not look towards such a material - it is except for packaging, but not for construction work.

2. Keep in mind that PBS-C-40 foam (forty-brand) may have different density - from 28 to 40 kilograms per cubic meter. The manufacturer is advantageous in this way to introduce a buyer in confusion - less means less funds are leaving the production of expanded density. Therefore, it is impossible to navigate only on the number in the name of the brand, and it is necessary to ask to show the technical characteristics of the extruded polystyrene foam.

3. And it will be perfectly perfect if you will tell you how this polystyrene foam is made. After all, if its density is more than 35 kilograms on a cubic meter, then it should be only extrusion. In the usual way, without using strong compression, density can be achieved not higher than 17 kilograms per cubic meter.

4. Before buying, try to chop out a piece of material from the very edge. If it is low-grade packaging foam, it breaks down with an uneven edge, on the sides of which round small balls will be visible. The material obtained by the extrusion method on the site of a neat fault has the correct polyhedra. The fault line will pass through some of them.

4. As for the manufacturers of polystyrene foam, the best of these are European companies "Polimeri Europa", "Nova Chemicals", "Styrochem", "Basf". Russian company producers, such as "Penopelex" and Tehtonikol, are not lagging behind them. They have the capacity of production, which is quite enough for the manufacture of expanded polystyrene foam.


Although the foam, as it turned out, is dangerous when burning and distinguishes harmful substances, it remains one of the most sought-after thermal insulators. After all, as insulation, polystyrene foam has a lot of advantages: it is the cheapest, easily cutting into an ordinary knife, almost does not absorb moisture and keeps warm well. No wonder the four European buildings out of five have the polystyrene foam insulation of the facade. Moreover, both residential buildings and offices, and industrial premises.

True, it is still early to talk about long-term studies of this material - also half a century has not passed since its use. Therefore, those who are talking about the service life of polystyrene and more than 80 years can confirm their words only by testing in laboratory conditions. But they should not be able to believe it is absolutely - after all, in order to obtain the necessary results, you can send special samples to the laboratory.

The most important thing in the operation of expanded polystyrene in the external environment is to securely cover it from sunlight and atmospheric influences. To do this, use the plaster mixture, which includes cement. The coating should be applied tightly, there should be no lumen. Otherwise, a tiny sunlight can over time completely destroy thermal insulation.

But inside the foam for insulation should not be applied, so that manufacturers would approve. Let them say, but in case of fire, they will not be near, but the toxic combustion products can cause great harm to carry out health, and sometimes even the lives of people. An example is to be a well-known tragedy in the club a lame horse, where most visitors just suffocated with the products of the burning of this insulation.

Polystyrene foam - characteristics and the whole truth about the insulation photo and video

The characteristics of the polystyrene foam, its objective positive, negative sides and controversial moments, as well as the criteria for selecting this insulation.

- This is truly universal thermal insulation material, a long time being an indisputable leader in the market of similar products. What is the secret of his popularity? First of all, in excellent functional characteristics at a relatively low cost - in this regard, expanding the "competitors" a few steps.

So, today we will tell about those. Characteristics and varieties of polystyrene foam slabs, you still learn how this thermal insulator is produced and as it is installed in your own hands. We also tell about popular brands and average markets, but about everything in order.

Where are the polystyrene foam plates are used?

This material is actively used as the main heat insulator in the field of industrial / private construction. The key factor in the demand of this thermal insulator is its fairly low cost (much lower than that of popular mineral wool and other thermal insulation materials). However, do not think that if the polystyrene is cheap, it is less useful - on the contrary, the thermal conductivity of almost all the current insulation is approximately the same and is equal to about 0.03-0.04 W / MK.

In fact, the difference between the minimum / maximum indicators is almost no noticeable, and the difference between polystyrene foam plates and other thermal insulators is not at all in efficiency, but in a number of features of the material to be considered in this article.

If briefly, then after analyzing the key properties of expanded polystyrene, it is possible to conclude the next undeniable advantages.

  1. Saving funds. The cubic meter of this material will cost about 2 500 rubles, while the price of the same amount of minvati can reach 5,000 or 6,000 rubles. Moreover, with the insulation of one and the same, the object of mineral wool will be twice as much as the polystyrene foam.
  2. Easy and simplicity of installation work. To install the plates of the material, a special adhesive solution is used, so that the installation procedure is noticeably simplified. But, for example, to establish the same mineral wool, you will need to equip the carrier frame, which is associated with additional temporary and financial costs.

In general, polystyrene plates are used for heat insulation:

  1. facades of buildings (and regardless of which material is used during construction - brick, concrete, gas blocks, etc.);
  2. ground floors;
  3. gender lags (including under the tie, but provided that the density of the material is high enough);
  4. foundations;
  5. roofing of any form;
  6. loggias, balconies;
  7. ceilings;
  8. mansard.

Note! The material described in the article can boast both heat-insulating and noise absorbing properties, and therefore it is often used for soundproofing industrial / residential premises.

How is the polystyrene foam?

To make polystyrene foam platesUse the foaming technology and further compound with each other with polystyrene granules. The production process itself looks approximately as follows.

First stage. Initially, the raw material is placed in an anticipant - a special device where the granules are heated by a hot steam to about 100-degree temperatures, as a result of which the volume of granules increases, and cavities are formed in them. The latter will be filled with air.

Second phase. The expanded granules are dried and placed in the so-called exposure container, in which there are at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees for 12 hours. This procedure is needed to ensure that the cavities formed in the granules were filled with air.

Third stage. After filling in air, the granules are transported in a block shape, where, in fact, their connection occurs in the monolithic unit. The block-form itself after loading the raw material is sealed, then hot steam comes into it under high pressure, due to the actions of which the granules and "sock" with each other.

Fourth stage. When the unit dries out, then the cutting line is fed. Here the automatic equipment cuts a block on the plates of the desired dimensions and thickness; At the same time, silk strings are used for cutting, guaranteeing extremely precise cutting material.

When the process is completed, the finished plates are packaged in the PET film and are delivered to the store counters.

Sizes of polystyrene foam plates

At the moment, slabs of the following sizes described in the article:

  1. 100x50 centimeters;
  2. 100x100 centimeters;
  3. 200x100 centimeters.

As for the thickness, it varies within 1-10 centimeters (at the same time the change step is often 1 centimeter). We also note that all these dimensions relate to popular standards of plates, but if the insulation of non-standard dimensions is required, the manufacturer can provide you with such an order (usually when ordering a large batch).

The optimal size for the insulation of the surfaces of the vertical or under a slope is 100x50 centimeters, since with plates having a bigger dimensions, it is difficult to work alone quite difficult. The thickness of the material capable of providing high-quality thermal insulation varies between 5 and 10 centimeters.

Specifications of polystyrene foam plates?

We will get acquainted with the main characteristics of polystyrene foam plates. For the convenience of visitors to our site, the information below is presented as a table.

Table. Comparison of the characteristics of foam and extruded polystyrene foam.

Note! As can be seen, polystyrene has much higher thermal insulation properties, the material is more durable to bend / compression, steam it practically does not pass, and moisture absorbs in a minimum amount.

Video - Pluses and Minuses of insulation based on polystyrene foam

The main differences of extrusion polystyrene foam from the usual

In the manufacture of extruded PPPs, the same polystyrene granules are used as in the technology described at the beginning of the article, but the production process itself is more complicated than, in fact, the difference in technical parameters and costs is explained. And the price difference is significant - extruded polystyrene foam platesstanding at least twice as expensive. As for concrete technical parameters, they are more detailed in the previous section.

We will deal with some moments in more detail. So, the usual PPP with minimal density cannot be used for thermal insulation of loaded facades. And but the EPPS with a density of 28 kilograms on the cubic meter does not have any restrictions.

We also note that ordinary PPS does not eat rodents, which cannot be said about extruded. Yes, in both cases, in the manufacture, the same raw material is used, but in the first case, the mouse simply cannot harm the material due to its density and structure. In view of all the above, it is possible to make an obvious conclusion: if you plan to use EPPS for thermal insulation, then we must raise all mice in advance. This is not necessary to neither in any case, otherwise the money and the strength that you spend on insulation will be in vain.

Note! In any case, rodents are dangerous mainly in homes, because in urban apartments are extremely rare. But if they still go, they will be interested, first of all, ordinary food. Accordingly, for the thermal insulation coating, they will take the latter queue.

When choosing a specific type of expanded polystyrene, pay attention to the fact that it is planned to operate the heat insulator. If you need to warm, for example, a basement or foundation, then the preference is better to give EPPS, as it is more durable and serves longer, but the facade of the house can be insulated with ordinary polystyrene foam.

Fireproof polystyrene foam plates

The fire safety problem of the insulation described here has repeatedly paid attention, as there have been a number of unpleasant precedents. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that this question is "overgrown" by numerous myths.

And the case is as follows: if we consider the failed (normal) PPS, then it can be seen that it is how the thermal insulator is flammable material. Simply put, the PPP can easily light up from electric welding, burning matches or other source of fire.

In accordance with GOST 30244-94, in terms of flammability, this material refers to the class of G4; Moreover, directly during combustion, it is distinguished by a mass of poisonous substances, among which cyanogenic. But we note that the combustible material has no permissive certificates for use in construction!

The new GOST (if more specifically, then 15588-2014) allows for use in construction only polystyrene foam plates treated with antipirens, and therefore, which is not dangerous during a fire (provided that the proper installation is, of course). The combustibility class of such a heat insulator - G1, although domestic manufacturers are usually added to the labeling the letter "C" (that is, "self-pulling").

Note! What conclusions can be done? First of all, we can say that the fire hazard is justified only in the case of the use of poor-quality products related to easily flammable materials. Simply put, these are polystyrene plates not treated with antipirens.

In addition, it is important to install this material correctly - in this case, the polystyrene foam will not represent any danger.

What about resistance to biological corrosion?

This parameter of the described material is also quite often subject to doubt. The reason primarily consists in negative customer reviews that are compiled that mice eating material. More precisely, it is used to create its own nests. But in reality, such troubles are a consequence of non-compliance with the assembly technology. We will not be immersed in endless disputes, and instead let's voice the results of studies conducted on mice.

  1. The polystyrene itself, from which the insulation is produced is not valuable for rodents in the nutritional plan. It also applies to fungi, insects, bacteria. But it is known that mold bacteria / fungi can easily settle on the plates.
  2. Epps is very rarely spoiled by rodents, which you can not say about the usual PPS.
  3. The insulation may be sprinkled by rodents when it becomes an obstacle to food / water, and in cases where it does not allow rodents to satisfy their natural needs. But in such a situation there may be any other heat insulator.
  4. If there is a different nesting material nearby (for example, burlap, paper), then polystyrene foam will be chosen by rodents just last.

Note! The biological stability of the material is high enough! If the plates were installed correctly and with the compliance with technology, then you can not be afraid of bacteria, mice or mold. And the fact that the rodents "love" foam is nothing but a myth.

Facade insulation with polystyrene foam plates

To reduce heating bills, it is recommended to warm the facade of polystyrene foam plates. Immediately make a reservation that this process is complicated, but it is quite possible to cope with it. It is only necessary to comply with the technology that we tried to describe in the most detail below.

Popular brands of insulation, average market prices and characteristics

Let's start with the most, perhaps, an exciting question - how much does it cost? We give some popular positions so that you have a general idea of \u200b\u200bthis.

Table. Popular brands of insulation, parameters and average market prices.

When you decide which the material you will use, you can start directly to the installation.

We perform preparation

To begin with, you must thoroughly prepare the walls. It is recommended to do in warm weather, however, more importantly, the walls must be dry, not wet! If it rains - wait at least a week, then you can start.

First stage. Outer walls

First, clean the external walls from everything that crepts or peel. If the walls were painted, then delete the paint, if they are covered with lime - take it. The swollen sections of plaster / tiles need to be clogged - let only what keeps tightly. So polystyrene foam plates will be fixed as efficiently as possible!

After that, align the walls (the differences should be no more than 1 centimeter per square meter). If there are pits / protrusions more - you take them or align them with plastering. The greater the walls will be, the easier it will be to work with them.

Second phase. Primer

Do you need to rinse the walls at all? No, if after spending the palm, it remains clean. In all other cases, the primer is obligatory that the glue is better to close with the surface. It takes a little time, and the procedure itself does not represent anything difficult, but the benefit is really noticeable!

As for the choice of composition, in this case any primer for facade works will be used. For example, "Ekomis", "Cerezit", "Tokan". The mixture can be diluted, and you can not dilute - it depends on the specific manufacturer and form of release. For applying, use a sprayer or brush. In the second case, applying will be better.

Third stage. Preparation of insulation

Take care that the surface of polystyrene foam plates is not as smooth. If you use the usual foam, the structure of which is more loose, then in preliminary preparation the material does not need. Perform scratches on the plates of EPPS, otherwise they simply fall from the adhesive composition.

Take roller with spikes for processing drywall, thoroughly ride them in all directions. There is another option - the use of a metal brush to create grooves. As for softer ways, they simply do not work in this case. The procedure is light, but requires a lot of time. It is desirable to prepare the surface of the slabs before starting the wall mounting. And if the heat insulator is laid in two layers, the plates should be processed for both layers.

Fourth stage. Films, slopes, window sills

All these elements must be installed even before installing the insulation. At the same time, the thickness of the thermal insulator and the finishing coating should be taken into account. And if the windowsill and all so many are already available, they should be replaced.

Note! Preparatory measures before installing polystyrene foam plates, as we see, will also require you a lot of time. Complete here, in fact, there is nothing, but the benefit for the final result is very large.

Step-by-step instructions for the installation of polystyrene foam plates

To get good results, insulation plates must be glued first, and then nurtures. Moreover, it is in such a sequence, and in no other. Sheets must begin from below (as a rule, on the left side). If we are talking about a private house, then the plates of the first row must be based on the tump, and if the urban apartment, then the so-called starting plank is pre-nailed. Without the last polystyrene foam, simply crashes.

Video - Polyfoam disappears when the facade is insulation. We consider errors

What will required in work?

First of all, you will need a pair of spatulas - 10 and 18-20 centimeters width. The first will serve to set the adhesive mixture from the tank, the second it will be applied to the surface of the walls. You may also need a saw with small teeth. The glue that you will use should be special - with a mark on what is suitable for plates of polystyrene foam.

As for the flow of glue, it is approximately 4-6 kilograms per square meter. It can be reduced if the walls are smooth and no depressions do not need alignment.

For the second stage of work, mushrooms are needed - dowels of a special form with a long leg and a wide hat. Inside of these dowels, you will insert a special dowel-nails from plastic. The latter are good because cheap, do not rust, do not heat and do not create a serious load on the facade. These fungi will be installed by hammer and electric drills. You also need a third wide spatula (about 30-35 centimeters), which you will apply the grid and the leveling layer. Finally, the sandpaper and plastic grater will be needed.

How to glue the material?

First, dig glue according to the manufacturer's instructions (use the nozzle-mixer for this), but you can make it a little more thick to work it was more convenient. In the case of an uneven wall, apply a mixture to the surface, in the extreme case, you can do a shallow recess in the foam (if the bulge on the wall is too big). But if you use polystyrene foam plates, then this number will not pass.

Make glue roller around the perimeter of the plate, also make some small "pissek" (you can unequal). Try to the surface to be maximally aligned. Then attach the plate of the material to the wall, please and praise slightly. Glue, which got out, is recommended to immediately remove, so that it is subsequently smaller to align.

There is another way to apply glue to the entire surface and align it with a comb using a toothed spatula. But this technology is suitable exclusively for smooth surfaces that do not have drops.

Putting the second row, make sure that the seams are shifted (as well as the brickwork), the same applies to all subsequent series. When all the surfaces are saved, leave the facade for three days so that the glue is completely dry. At this time, you can engage in another site.

How to fix polystyrene foam plates

What, after three days, take fungi. By the way, their length should correspond to the thickness of the insulation plus 4-5 centimeters on the entrance to the wall. For example, if the thickness of the polystyrene foam plates is 4 centimeters, then the length of the fungi should be approximately 9-10 centimeters.

Fungi consumption - approximately 5-6 pieces per plate of heat insulator. You needed places using a centimeter drill, make holes at least 2 centimeters deeper than the length of the products. The approximate location of the holes is shown in the image below.

Insert the fungus into the hole, score it with a hammer. As a result, the hat should lie on the heat insulator smoothly.

Clear the caps into polystyrene foam at about 1 millimeter. In this case, you slightly reduce the consumption of leveling glue.

That's all. And in conclusion - another useful video, which we strongly recommend seeing. Good luck in work and warm winters!

Video - procedure for insulation facade house

Conduct the construction of a house of polystyrene foam blocks, rapid alignment of walls, ceiling base, make a screen for a bath, build a light partition, solve many other such questions with the help of extrusion polystyrene foam plates. You just need to learn more about them.

In this article

Characteristics of extruded polystyrene foam

Extrusion polystyrene foam is a high-quality insulation that is performed by mixing polystyrene pellets under high pressure and temperature with a specially foaming agent with extruded from the extruder. Such construction plates made of polystyrene granules on both sides are reinforced with fiberglass cloth coated with a polymer cement. As a result, they have high moisture resistance, which makes it possible to apply them within buildings (in residential premises, bathrooms, even in saunas), and outside.

From extruded polystyrene foam blocks, it is possible to produce structures of various shapes. Such plates can have a thickness of 1 to 5 cm, and dimensions - 60x120, 60x260 cm. They can be easily cut with a building knife or hacksaw.

In addition to the plates for the convenience of installation work, corner parts are made of size - 15x15, 20x20 cm. For the construction of various curved surfaces, plates are produced in size 2x60x120 cm. On the one hand, they have deep suns, located in parallel with each other with a step 3 cm.

Temperature range for plates "-50 ° C" - "+ 75 ° C". The polystyrene foam does not allow the formation of mold, fungus.

Application area

Plates polystyrene foam, main purpose:

  • For the decoration of production, public structures.
  • Like insulation of walls of residential buildings.
  • In agriculture, railway, road business.
  • Warming of foundations, basements, roofs of houses.
  • In the refrigeration industry.
  • For mounting airfields, in other objects.

The thermal insulation characteristics of polystyrene foaming depend on its production technology. The cellular closed structure of the product provides a small change in the case of thermal conductivity humidity, which can be 0.001-0.002 W / (M K). This makes it possible to effectively apply polystyrene foam extruded as thermal insulation of basements without additional waterproofing.

Increased heat engineering properties of polystyrene foamprovide the possibility of applying as thermal insulation of fences.

It is intended for such tasks:

  • Isolation of the foundation.
  • Internal insulation of walls.
  • Isolation of the walls of underground structures.
  • Thermal insulation of the facades of houses with applying the heat insulating plates of various facing materials.
  • For monolithic construction of houses.
  • For the production of sandwich panels.

Before pouring a concrete solution for overlapping outside along the plates from concrete, one series of thermal insulation coating is placed. Plates having a rough surface provide a good adhesion of concrete and plaster. Such plates are also applicable in vertical structures, where they will provide the required adhesion with materials, adhesive compositions.

Thanks to the test, it was revealed that the polystyrene foam crumb has a number of advantages, distinctive characteristics:

  1. In the process of compression, the tensile limit depends on the density, the thickness of the material. The newest types of polystyrene foams have already been developed, for which it was possible to significantly reduce the flammability due to the introduction of more efficient flames. This provided the ability to achieve parameters of difficult-scale materials.
  2. After the implementation of thousands of frost and defrost cycles, the product of polystyrene retains thermal insulation qualities. In this case, the change in the technical resistance is no more than five percent.
  3. Under the order you can make other brands of the product, for example, a special brand of products with an embossed surface that increases adhesion. This makes it possible to effectively use plastering, adhesive materials.
  4. Typical brands between themselves are distinguished by heat engineering parameters, compressive strength, density.
  5. To facilitate the installation, preventing the formation of cold coats, the plates are made with a variety of edges, for example, rectangular, with a chosen quarter, also others.

The technoplex stove is characterized by significant chemical resistance in comparison with most other building materials.

Some types of organic substances, including those that contain:

  • coal resin derived from her, for example, Cresol,
  • solvents, substances providing wood protection,
  • diluents of paints, often used solvents (acetone, White spirit, and others).

there may be softened, drawdown, sometimes dissolving plates.

Important!"The use of adhesives is recommended. They do not have the components listed above. Keep such plates can be in open air in a special packaging. But in this case, they must be protected from sunlight getting to prevent the destruction of the coating of the plates. "

Plates made of polystyrene foams are well prepared and installed. They can be easily cut, adjust to the necessary parameters using a simple knife. Selection of adhesive solutions should be carried out, given the manufacturer's recommendations.

Some tips of performing wall insulation extruded polystyrene foam plates