As a magnet acts on the human body. The influence of the magnetic field on the human body

The simplest manifestations of magnetism have been known for a very long time and are familiar to most of us. However, it was only relatively recently that these seemingly simple phenomena were explained on the basis of fundamental principles of physics. There are two different types of magnets. Some are the so-called permanent magnets made from "magnetically hard" materials. Their magnetic properties are not associated with the use of external sources or currents. Another type is the so-called electromagnets with a "soft magnetic" iron core. The magnetic fields they create are mainly due to the fact that an electric current passes through the winding wire that surrounds the core.
Magnetic poles and magnetic field. The magnetic properties of a bar magnet are most noticeable near its ends. If such a magnet is suspended by the middle part so that it can freely rotate in the horizontal plane, then it will take a position approximately corresponding to the direction from north to south. The end of the rod pointing north is called the north pole, and the opposite end is called the south pole. The opposite poles of two magnets are attracted to each other, and the like poles mutually repel. If a bar of non-magnetized iron is brought closer to one of the poles of the magnet, the latter will be temporarily magnetized. In this case, the pole of the magnetized bar closest to the pole of the magnet will be opposite in name, and the far pole will be of the same name. The attraction between the pole of the magnet and the opposite pole induced by it in the bar and explains the action of the magnet. Some materials (such as steel) themselves become weak permanent magnets after being near a permanent magnet or electromagnet. A steel bar can be magnetized by simply sliding the end of the bar permanent magnet along its end. So, a magnet attracts other magnets and objects made of magnetic materials without being in contact with them. This action at a distance is explained by the existence of a magnetic field in the space around the magnet. Some idea of \u200b\u200bthe intensity and direction of this magnetic field can be obtained by sprinkling iron filings on a sheet of cardboard or glass placed on a magnet. The sawdust will line up in chains in the direction of the field, and the density of the sawdust lines will correspond to the intensity of this field. (They are thickest at the ends of the magnet, where the intensity of the magnetic field is greatest.) M. Faraday (1791-1867) introduced the concept of closed induction lines for magnets. The induction lines exit into the surrounding space from the magnet at its north pole, enter the magnet at the south pole, and pass through the magnet material from the south pole back to the north, forming a closed loop. The total number of lines of induction coming out of a magnet is called magnetic flux. The magnetic flux density, or magnetic induction (B), is equal to the number of induction lines passing along the normal through an elementary area of \u200b\u200ba unit value. Magnetic induction determines the force with which a magnetic field acts on a current-carrying conductor in it. If the conductor through which the current I passes is perpendicular to the induction lines, then, according to Ampere's law, the force F acting on the conductor is perpendicular to both the field and the conductor and is proportional to the magnetic induction, current strength and conductor length. Thus, for the magnetic induction B, you can write the expression

Where F - force in newtons, I - current in amperes, l - length in meters. The unit for measuring magnetic induction is Tesla (T)
Galvanometer. A galvanometer is a sensitive instrument for measuring weak currents. The galvanometer uses the torque generated by the interaction of a horseshoe-shaped permanent magnet with a small current-carrying coil (weak electromagnet) suspended in the gap between the poles of the magnet. The torque, and hence the deflection of the coil, is proportional to the current and the total magnetic induction in the air gap, so that the scale of the device is almost linear with small deflections of the coil. Magnetizing force and magnetic field strength. Next, you should introduce another value that characterizes the magnetic effect of the electric current. Suppose a current flows through the wire of a long coil that contains the material to be magnetized. The magnetizing force is the product of the electric current in the coil by the number of its turns (this force is measured in amperes, since the number of turns is a dimensionless quantity). The strength of the magnetic field H is equal to the magnetizing force per unit length of the coil. Thus, the value of H is measured in amperes per meter; it determines the magnetization acquired by the material inside the coil. In a vacuum, the magnetic induction B is proportional to the strength of the magnetic field H:

Where m0 is the so-called. magnetic constant having a universal value of 4pЧ10-7 H / m. In many materials, B is approximately proportional to H. However, in ferromagnetic materials, the relationship between B and H is somewhat more complicated (which will be discussed below). In fig. 1 shows a simple electromagnet for gripping loads. The energy source is a DC rechargeable battery. The figure also shows the lines of force of the field of the electromagnet, which can be detected by the usual method of iron filings.

Large electromagnets with iron cores and a very large number of ampere-turns, operating in a continuous mode, have a large magnetizing force. They create a magnetic induction of up to 6 T between the poles; this induction is limited only by mechanical stresses, heating of the coils and magnetic saturation of the core. A number of giant electromagnets (without a core) with water cooling, as well as installations for creating pulsed magnetic fields were designed by P.L. Kapitsa (1894-1984) in Cambridge and at the Institute of Physical Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences and F. Bitter (1902-1967) in Massachusetts Institute of Technology. On such magnets, it was possible to achieve induction up to 50 T. A relatively small electromagnet, generating fields up to 6.2 T, consuming 15 kW of electrical power and cooled by liquid hydrogen, was developed at the Losalamos National Laboratory. Such fields are obtained at cryogenic temperatures.
Magnetic permeability and its role in magnetism. Magnetic permeability m is a value that characterizes the magnetic properties of a material. Ferromagnetic metals Fe, Ni, Co and their alloys have very high maximum permeabilities - from 5000 (for Fe) to 800,000 (for supermalloy). In such materials, at relatively low field strengths H, large inductions B appear, but the relationship between these quantities is, generally speaking, nonlinear due to the phenomena of saturation and hysteresis, which are discussed below. Ferromagnetic materials are strongly attracted by magnets. They lose their magnetic properties at temperatures above the Curie point (770 ° C for Fe, 358 ° C for Ni, 1120 ° C for Co) and behave like paramagnets, for which the induction B, up to very high values \u200b\u200bof the intensity H, is proportional to it - in exactly the same as in a vacuum. Many elements and compounds are paramagnetic at all temperatures. Paramagnetic substances are characterized by the fact that they are magnetized in an external magnetic field; if this field is turned off, paramagnets return to a non-magnetized state. Magnetization in ferromagnets is retained even after the external field is turned off. In fig. 2 shows a typical hysteresis loop for a magnetically hard (high loss) ferromagnetic material. It characterizes the ambiguous dependence of the magnetization of a magnetically ordered material on the intensity of the magnetizing field. With an increase in the magnetic field strength from the initial (zero) point (1), magnetization proceeds along the dashed line 1–2, and the value of m changes significantly as the magnetization of the sample increases. Saturation is reached at point 2, i.e. with a further increase in the tension, the magnetization no longer increases. If now gradually decrease the value of H to zero, then the curve B (H) no longer follows the previous path, but passes through point 3, revealing, as it were, the "memory" of the material about the "past history", hence the name "hysteresis". Obviously, in this case, some residual magnetization is preserved (section 1-3). After changing the direction of the magnetizing field to the opposite, the curve B (H) passes point 4, and the segment (1) - (4) corresponds to the coercive force that prevents demagnetization. A further increase in the (-H) values \u200b\u200bbrings the hysteresis curve into the third quadrant - section 4-5. A subsequent decrease in the value (-H) to zero and then an increase in positive values \u200b\u200bof H will lead to the closure of the hysteresis loop through points 6, 7 and 2.

Magnetically hard materials are characterized by a wide hysteresis loop covering a large area in the diagram and therefore corresponding to large values \u200b\u200bof remanent magnetization (magnetic induction) and coercive force. A narrow hysteresis loop (Fig. 3) is characteristic of soft magnetic materials such as mild steel and special alloys with high magnetic permeability. Such alloys were created with the aim of reducing energy losses due to hysteresis. Most of these special alloys, like ferrites, have a high electrical resistance, which reduces not only magnetic losses, but also electrical ones caused by eddy currents.

Magnetic materials with high permeability are manufactured by annealing carried out by holding at a temperature of about 1000 ° C, followed by tempering (gradual cooling) to room temperature. In this case, preliminary mechanical and heat treatment, as well as the absence of impurities in the sample, are very important. For transformer cores in the early 20th century. Silicon steels have been developed, the value of m of which increases with increasing silicon content. Between 1915 and 1920, permalloy (Ni-Fe alloys) with a characteristic narrow and almost rectangular hysteresis loop appeared. Hypernik (50% Ni, 50% Fe) and mu-metal (75% Ni, 18% Fe, 5% Cu, 2% Cr) alloys are distinguished by particularly high values \u200b\u200bof the magnetic permeability m at low values \u200b\u200bof H, while in Perminvar (45 % Ni, 30% Fe, 25% Co), the value of m is practically constant over a wide range of changes in the field strength. Among modern magnetic materials, we should mention supermalla - an alloy with the highest magnetic permeability (it contains 79% Ni, 15% Fe and 5% Mo).
Theories of magnetism. For the first time, the idea that magnetic phenomena ultimately boil down to electrical, arose in Ampere in 1825, when he expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bclosed internal microcurrents circulating in each atom of a magnet. However, without any experimental confirmation of the presence of such currents in matter (the electron was discovered by J. Thomson only in 1897, and the description of the structure of the atom was given by Rutherford and Bohr in 1913), this theory "faded". In 1852 W. Weber suggested that each atom of a magnetic substance is a tiny magnet, or a magnetic dipole, so that the complete magnetization of the substance is achieved when all the individual atomic magnets are arranged in a certain order (Fig. 4, b). Weber believed that molecular or atomic "friction" helps these elementary magnets to maintain their order despite the disturbing influence of thermal vibrations. His theory could explain the magnetization of bodies upon contact with a magnet, as well as their demagnetization upon impact or heating; finally, the "multiplication" of magnets was also explained when a magnetized needle or magnetic rod was cut into pieces. Yet this theory did not explain either the origin of the elementary magnets themselves, or the phenomena of saturation and hysteresis. Weber's theory was refined in 1890 by J. Ewing, who replaced his hypothesis of atomic friction with the idea of \u200b\u200binteratomic limiting forces that help maintain the ordering of the elementary dipoles that make up a permanent magnet.

The approach to the problem, once proposed by Ampere, got a second life in 1905, when P. Langevin explained the behavior of paramagnetic materials, attributing to each atom an internal uncompensated electron current. According to Langevin, it is these currents that form tiny magnets, randomly oriented when there is no external field, but acquiring an ordered orientation after it is applied. In this case, the approach to complete ordering corresponds to saturation of the magnetization. In addition, Langevin introduced the concept of a magnetic moment equal to the product of the "magnetic charge" of a pole by the distance between the poles for an individual atomic magnet. Thus, the weak magnetism of paramagnetic materials is due to the total magnetic moment created by uncompensated electron currents. In 1907 P. Weiss introduced the concept of "domain", which became an important contribution to the modern theory of magnetism. Weiss envisioned domains in the form of small "colonies" of atoms, within which the magnetic moments of all atoms, for some reason, are forced to maintain the same orientation, so that each domain is magnetized to saturation. A separate domain can have linear dimensions of the order of 0.01 mm and, accordingly, a volume of the order of 10-6 mm3. Domains are separated by so-called Bloch walls, the thickness of which does not exceed 1000 atomic dimensions. The "wall" and two oppositely oriented domains are shown schematically in Fig. 5. Such walls are "transition layers" in which the direction of the domain magnetization changes.

In the general case, three sections can be distinguished on the curve of the initial magnetization (Fig. 6). In the initial section, the wall under the action of an external field moves through the thickness of the substance until it encounters a defect in the crystal lattice, which stops it. By increasing the field strength, you can make the wall move further, through the middle section between the dashed lines. If the field strength is then reduced to zero again, the walls will no longer return to their original position, so that the sample will remain partially magnetized. This explains the hysteresis of the magnet. In the final part of the curve, the process ends with the saturation of the magnetization of the sample due to the ordering of the magnetization inside the last disordered domains. This process is almost completely reversible. Magnetic hardness is manifested by those materials in which the atomic lattice contains many defects that impede the movement of interdomain walls. This can be achieved by mechanical and thermal treatment, for example by compression and subsequent sintering of the powdered material. In alnico alloys and their analogs, the same result is achieved by fusing metals into a complex structure.

In addition to paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials, there are materials with the so-called antiferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic properties. The difference between these types of magnetism is illustrated in Fig. 7. Based on the concept of domains, paramagnetism can be considered as a phenomenon caused by the presence of small groups of magnetic dipoles in the material, in which individual dipoles interact very weakly with each other (or do not interact at all) and therefore, in the absence of an external field, assume only random orientations ( Fig. 7, a). In ferromagnetic materials, however, within each domain, there is a strong interaction between individual dipoles, leading to their ordered parallel alignment (Fig. 7b). In antiferromagnetic materials, on the contrary, the interaction between individual dipoles leads to their antiparallel ordered alignment, so that the total magnetic moment of each domain is zero (Fig. 7c). Finally, in ferrimagnetic materials (for example, ferrites) there is both parallel and antiparallel ordering (Fig. 7d), which results in weak magnetism.

There are two convincing experimental confirmations of the existence of domains. The first of these is the so-called Barkhausen effect, the second is the powder figure method. In 1919, G. Barkhausen established that when an external field is applied to a sample of a ferromagnetic material, its magnetization changes in small discrete portions. From the point of view of the domain theory, this is nothing more than a jump-like advancement of the interdomain wall, which meets on its way separate defects that delay it. This effect is usually detected with a coil in which a ferromagnetic rod or wire is placed. If a strong magnet is alternately brought to the sample and removed from it, the sample will be magnetized and remagnetized. Sudden changes in the sample's magnetization change the magnetic flux through the coil, and an induction current is excited in it. The voltage generated in this coil is amplified and fed to the input of a pair of acoustic headphones. Clicks heard through the headphones indicate an abrupt change in magnetization. To reveal the domain structure of a magnet by the powder figure method, a drop of a colloidal suspension of a ferromagnetic powder (usually Fe3O4) is applied to a well-polished surface of a magnetized material. Powder particles settle mainly in the places of maximum inhomogeneity of the magnetic field - at the boundaries of domains. This structure can be studied under a microscope. A method was also proposed based on the transmission of polarized light through a transparent ferromagnetic material. The original Weiss theory of magnetism in its basic features has retained its significance to the present time, having received, however, an updated interpretation based on the concept of uncompensated electron spins as a factor determining atomic magnetism. The hypothesis of the existence of an intrinsic moment of the electron was put forward in 1926 by S. Goudsmit and J. Uhlenbeck, and at present it is electrons as spin carriers that are considered as "elementary magnets". To clarify this concept, consider (Fig. 8) a free iron atom - a typical ferromagnetic material. Its two shells (K and L), which are closest to the nucleus, are filled with electrons, and the first of them contains two, and the second - eight electrons. In the K shell, the spin of one of the electrons is positive and the other is negative. In the L-shell (more precisely, in its two subshells), four of the eight electrons have positive spins, and the other four have negative spins. In both cases, the spins of electrons within one shell are completely compensated, so that the total magnetic moment is zero. In the M shell, the situation is different, since of the six electrons in the third subshell, five electrons have spins directed in one direction, and only the sixth in the other. As a result, four uncompensated spins remain, which determines the magnetic properties of the iron atom. (There are only two valence electrons in the outer N-shell, which do not contribute to the magnetism of the iron atom.) The magnetism of other ferromagnets, such as nickel and cobalt, is explained in a similar way. Since the neighboring atoms in the iron sample strongly interact with each other, and their electrons are partially collectivized, such an explanation should be considered only as an illustrative, but very simplified diagram of the real situation.

The theory of atomic magnetism, based on taking into account the electron spin, is supported by two interesting gyromagnetic experiments, one of which was carried out by A. Einstein and W. de Haas, and the other by S. Barnett. In the first of these experiments, a cylinder made of a ferromagnetic material was suspended as shown in Fig. 9. If a current is passed through the winding wire, the cylinder turns around its axis. When the direction of the current (and hence the magnetic field) changes, it turns in the opposite direction. In both cases, the rotation of the cylinder is due to the ordering of the electron spins. In Barnett's experiment, on the other hand, a suspended cylinder, sharply brought into a state of rotation, is magnetized in the absence of a magnetic field. This effect is explained by the fact that when the magnet rotates, a gyroscopic moment is created, which tends to rotate the spin moments in the direction of its own axis of rotation.

For a more complete explanation of the nature and origin of short-range forces that order neighboring atomic magnets and counteract the disordering effects of thermal motion, one should turn to quantum mechanics. A quantum-mechanical explanation of the nature of these forces was proposed in 1928 by W. Heisenberg, who postulated the existence of exchange interactions between neighboring atoms. Later, G. Bethe and J. Slater showed that exchange forces significantly increase with decreasing distance between atoms, but after reaching a certain minimum interatomic distance, they fall to zero.
One of the first extensive and systematic studies of the magnetic properties of matter was undertaken by P. Curie. He found that according to their magnetic properties, all substances can be divided into three classes. The first includes substances with pronounced magnetic properties, similar to those of iron. Such substances are called ferromagnetic; their magnetic field is noticeable at considerable distances (see above). The second class includes substances called paramagnetic; their magnetic properties are generally similar to those of ferromagnetic materials, but much weaker. For example, the force of attraction to the poles of a powerful electromagnet can pull an iron hammer out of your hands, and to detect the attraction of a paramagnetic substance to the same magnet, you usually need a very sensitive analytical balance. The last, third class includes the so-called diamagnetic substances. They are repelled by an electromagnet, i.e. the force acting on diamagnets is directed opposite to that which acts on ferro- and paramagnets.
Measurement of magnetic properties. In the study of magnetic properties, measurements of two types are most important. The first is to measure the force acting on the sample near the magnet; this is how the magnetization of the sample is determined. The second includes measurements of "resonant" frequencies associated with the magnetization of a substance. Atoms are tiny "gyroscopes" and in a magnetic field they precess (like a normal top under the influence of the torque generated by gravity) at a frequency that can be measured. In addition, a force acts on free charged particles moving at right angles to the lines of magnetic induction, as well as on the electron current in a conductor. It makes the particle move in a circular orbit, the radius of which is given by the expression R \u003d mv / eB, where m is the mass of the particle, v is its velocity, e is its charge, and B is the magnetic induction of the field. The frequency of such a circular motion is

where f is measured in hertz, e in pendants, m in kilograms, B in teslas. This frequency characterizes the movement of charged particles in a substance in a magnetic field. Both types of motion (precession and motion in circular orbits) can be excited by alternating fields with resonant frequencies equal to the "natural" frequencies characteristic of a given material. In the first case, the resonance is called magnetic, and in the second - cyclotron (due to the similarity with the cyclic motion of a subatomic particle in a cyclotron). Speaking about the magnetic properties of atoms, it is necessary to pay special attention to their angular momentum. A magnetic field acts on a rotating atomic dipole, seeking to rotate it and set it parallel to the field. Instead, the atom begins to precess around the direction of the field (Fig. 10) with a frequency that depends on the dipole moment and the strength of the applied field.

Atomic precession is not directly observable, since all the atoms in the sample precess in a different phase. If we apply a small alternating field directed perpendicular to the constant ordering field, then a certain phase relationship is established between the precessing atoms and their total magnetic moment begins to precess with a frequency equal to the precession frequency of individual magnetic moments. The angular velocity of the precession is of great importance. As a rule, this is a value of the order of 1010 Hz / T for the magnetization associated with electrons and of the order of 107 Hz / T for the magnetization associated with positive charges in the nuclei of atoms. A schematic diagram of the facility for observing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is shown in Fig. 11. The substance under study is introduced into a uniform constant field between the poles. If then, with the help of a small coil covering the test tube, a radio-frequency field is excited, then resonance can be achieved at a certain frequency equal to the precession frequency of all nuclear "gyroscopes" in the sample. The measurements are similar to tuning a radio receiver to the frequency of a particular station.

Magnetic resonance methods make it possible to study not only the magnetic properties of specific atoms and nuclei, but also the properties of their environment. The point is that magnetic fields in solids and molecules are inhomogeneous, since they are distorted by atomic charges, and the details of the experimental resonance curve are determined by the local field in the region of the precessing nucleus. This makes it possible to study the structural features of a specific sample by resonance methods.
Calculation of magnetic properties. The magnetic induction of the Earth's field is 0.5 * 10 -4 T, while the field between the poles of a strong electromagnet is of the order of 2 T or more. The magnetic field created by any configuration of currents can be calculated using the Biot-Savart-Laplace formula for the magnetic induction of the field created by the current element. Calculation of the field generated by contours of different shapes and cylindrical coils is very complicated in many cases. Below are formulas for a number of simple cases. The magnetic induction (in teslas) of the field created by a long straight wire with a current I (ampere) at a distance r (meters) from the wire is

The induction in the center of a circular loop of radius R with current I is (in the same units):

A tightly wound coil of wire without an iron core is called a solenoid. The magnetic induction created by a long solenoid with the number of turns N at a point far enough from its ends is

Here, NI / L is the number of amperes (ampere-turns) per unit of solenoid length. In all cases, the magnetic field of the current is directed perpendicular to this current, and the force acting on the current in the magnetic field is perpendicular to both the current and the magnetic field. The field of a magnetized iron rod is similar to the external field of a long solenoid with the number of ampere-turns per unit length corresponding to the current in atoms on the surface of the magnetized rod, since the currents inside the rod are mutually compensated (Fig. 12). By the name of Ampere, such a surface current is called Ampere. The intensity of the magnetic field Ha, created by the Ampere current, is equal to the magnetic moment per unit volume of the rod M.

If an iron rod is inserted into the solenoid, then, in addition to the fact that the solenoid current creates a magnetic field H, the ordering of atomic dipoles in the magnetized material of the rod creates magnetization M. In this case, the total magnetic flux is determined by the sum of the real and Ampere currents, so that B \u003d m0 (H + Ha), or B \u003d m0 (H + M). The M / H ratio is called magnetic susceptibility and is denoted by the Greek letter c; c is a dimensionless quantity that characterizes the ability of a material to magnetize in a magnetic field.
B / H value characterizing magnetic properties
material, is called magnetic permeability and is denoted by ma, and ma \u003d m0m, where ma is absolute, and m is relative permeability, m \u003d 1 + c. In ferromagnetic substances the value of c can have very large values \u200b\u200b- up to 10 4-10 6. The value of c for paramagnetic materials is slightly greater than zero, and for diamagnetic materials it is slightly less. Only in vacuum and in very weak fields are the values \u200b\u200bof c and m constant and independent of the external field. The dependence of induction B on H is usually nonlinear, and its graphs, the so-called. magnetization curves for different materials and even at different temperatures can differ significantly (examples of such curves are shown in Figs. 2 and 3). The magnetic properties of matter are very complex, and their deep understanding requires a careful analysis of the structure of atoms, their interactions in molecules, their collisions in gases and their mutual influence in solids and liquids; the magnetic properties of liquids are still the least studied. - fields with an intensity of H? 0.5 \u003d 1.0 ME (the boundary is conditional). The lower value of S. m. Corresponds to max. the value of the stationary field \u003d 500 kOe, which can be available to the means of modern techniques, the upper field of 1 ME, even for a short time. impact to the horn ... ... Physical encyclopedia

A branch of physics that studies the structure and properties of solids. Scientific data on the microstructure of solids and on the physical and chemical properties of their constituent atoms are necessary for the development of new materials and technical devices. Physics ... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

A branch of physics covering knowledge of static electricity, electric currents and magnetic phenomena. ELECTROSTATICS In electrostatics, the phenomena associated with resting electric charges are considered. The presence of forces acting between ... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

- (from ancient Greek physis nature). The ancients called physics any study of the surrounding world and natural phenomena. This understanding of the term physics survived until the end of the 17th century. Later, a number of special disciplines appeared: chemistry, which studies the properties ... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

The term moment in relation to atoms and atomic nuclei can mean the following: 1) spin moment, or spin, 2) magnetic dipole moment, 3) electric quadrupole moment, 4) other electric and magnetic moments. Various types… … Collier's Encyclopedia

An electrical analogue of ferromagnetism. Just as in ferromagnetic substances when they are placed in a magnetic field, residual magnetic polarization (moment) appears, in ferroelectric dielectrics placed in an electric field ... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

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A sharp increase in the external magnetic field - for example, during a magnetic storm - has a negative effect on well-being. But much worse, as tests show, is the chronic deficiency of the magnetic field.

For the first time this syndrome was investigated by the Japanese scientist Nakagawa. Its main manifestations are weakness, fatigue, reduced working capacity, sleep disturbances, headaches, pain in the spine, pathology of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, digestive disorders, gynecological dysfunctions, etc.

So, the first, after returning to Earth, were found to have osteoporosis. As soon as artificial magnetic fields began to be used in space, such phenomena practically disappeared.

Lots of history

Magnets were used for medicinal purposes in China as far back as the 20th century BC. Avicenna magnetically treated liver and spleen diseases. Paracelsus used magnets for bleeding and fractures. They say that Cleopatra wore a magnetic bracelet to preserve her youth. Also, the personal physician of Queen Elizabeth I, William Gilbert, and the famous physician of the 18th century Franz Mesmer, used magnetic therapy to treat chronic pain, colic, gout, and mental disorders.

Modern approach

In Russia, magnetic therapy methods of treatment are recognized as medical. Magnetotherapy today is a field of medicine that uses the influence of a magnetic field to treat diseases. There are many magnetic devices in medical institutions. Depending on the goals and objectives, a person is exposed to different magnetic fields for therapeutic purposes: constant, variable, pulsating, rotating.

Range of application

The magnetic field affects the processes of inhibition in the spinal cord and brain. Headaches and depression pass, oxygen supply to tissues and the functioning of all organs improve.

The most sensitive to the magnetic field are blood, nervous and endocrine systems, heart and blood vessels. Magnetotherapy improves vascular elasticity, increases blood flow rate and expands the capillary system. There is a normalization of sleep and well-being in general.

With the help of magnetotherapy, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (in particular, arthritis) are treated. There is a more rapid relief of inflammatory and pain syndrome, a decrease in edema, and restoration of mobility. This method can be applied and. Magnetotherapy is actively used for wound healing. It also helps with migraines, headaches, fatigue, depression.

Mass market

Magnetic jewelry combines beauty and health. It has a permanent therapeutic effect on the body as a whole.

There are areas on the human body where the effect of magnets is most effective - these are the wrists, neck, and feet.

Structured water charged with magnets is also popular. It heals the body, removes toxins,. You can cook it yourself using a magnetic stick.


Self-medication with magnets can cause negative reactions in the body. Monitor your health and be sure to consult your doctor, especially since the treatment with magnets is not suitable for everyone. After all, each person's body is individual.

But much worse, as tests show, is the chronic deficiency of the magnetic field.

For the first time this syndrome was investigated by the Japanese scientist Nakagawa. Its main manifestations are weakness, fatigue, decreased performance, sleep disturbances, headaches, pain in the joints and spine, pathology of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, digestive disorders, gynecological dysfunctions, etc.

So, the first cosmonauts after returning to Earth were found to have osteoporosis and depression. As soon as artificial magnetic fields began to be used on spacecraft, such phenomena practically disappeared.

Lots of history

Magnets were used for medicinal purposes in China as far back as the 20th century BC. Avicenna magnetically treated liver and spleen diseases. Paracelsus used magnets for bleeding and fractures. They say that Cleopatra wore a magnetic bracelet to preserve her youth. Also, the personal physician of Queen Elizabeth I, William Gilbert, and the famous physician of the 18th century Franz Mesmer, used magnetic therapy to treat chronic pain, colic, gout, and mental disorders.

Modern approach

In Russia, magnetic therapy methods of treatment are recognized as medical. Magnetotherapy today is a field of medicine that uses the influence of a magnetic field to treat diseases. There are many magnetic devices in medical institutions. Depending on the goals and objectives, a person is exposed to different magnetic fields for therapeutic purposes: constant, variable, pulsating, rotating.

Range of application

The magnetic field affects the processes of inhibition in the spinal cord and brain. Headaches and depression pass, oxygen supply to tissues and the functioning of all organs improve.

The most sensitive to the magnetic field are blood, nervous and endocrine systems, heart and blood vessels. Magnetotherapy improves vascular elasticity, increases blood flow rate and expands the capillary system. There is a normalization of sleep and well-being in general.

With the help of magnetotherapy, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (in particular, arthritis) are treated. There is a more rapid relief of inflammatory and pain syndrome, a decrease in edema, and restoration of mobility. This method can also be used for prevention. Magnetotherapy is actively used for wound healing. It also helps with migraines, headaches, fatigue, depression.

Mass market

Magnetic jewelry combines beauty and health. It has a permanent therapeutic effect on the body as a whole.

There are areas on the human body where the effect of magnets is most effective - these are the wrists, neck, and feet.

Structured water charged with magnets is also popular. It heals the body, removes toxins, cleanses the intestines. You can cook it yourself using a magnetic stick.


Self-medication with magnets can cause negative reactions in the body. Monitor your health and be sure to consult your doctor, especially since the treatment with magnets is not suitable for everyone. After all, each person's body is individual.

Also, there are contraindications for magnetotherapy. These are infectious diseases, diseases of the blood and central nervous system, thrombosis, cardiovascular failure, heart attack, oncology, exhaustion, active tuberculosis, fever, gangrene, the presence of pacemakers, pregnancy.

Magnetic jewelry should be worn starting from a few hours, tracking its condition.

The healing properties of magnets and the history of magnetotherapy

People have known about the healing properties of magnets since ancient times. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe effect of a magnetic field in our ancestors was formed gradually and was based on numerous observations. The first descriptions of what magnetotherapy gives to a person date back to the 10th century, when healers used magnets to treat muscle spasms. Later they began to be used to get rid of other ailments.

The effect of magnets and magnetic fields on the human body

The magnet is considered one of the most ancient discoveries made by humans. In nature, it occurs in the form of magnetic iron ore. Since ancient times, the properties of a magnet have been of interest to people. Its ability to cause attraction and repulsion forced even the most ancient civilizations to pay special attention to this rock as a unique natural creation. The fact that the population of our planet exists in a magnetic field and is subject to its influence, as well as the fact that the Earth itself is a giant magnet, has been known for a long time. Many experts believe that the Earth's magnetic field has an extremely beneficial effect on the health of all living things on the planet, while others hold a different opinion. Let's turn to history and see how the concept of the effect of a magnetic field was formed.

Magnetism got its name from the city of Magnesiina-Meandre, located on the territory of modern Turkey, where deposits of magnetic iron ore were first discovered - a stone with unique properties to attract iron.

Even before our era, people had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe unique energy of a magnet and a magnetic field: there was not a single civilization in which magnets were not used in any form to improve human health.

One of the first items for the practical use of a magnet was the compass. The properties of a simple elongated piece of magnetic iron, suspended by a thread or attached to a plug in water, were revealed. In this experiment, it turned out that such an object is always located in a special way: one end points to the north, and the other to the south. The compass was invented in China around 1000 BC. e., and in Europe it became known only from the XII century. Without such a simple, but at the same time, unique navigational magnetic device, there would have been no great geographical discoveries of the XV-XVII centuries.

In India, there was a belief that the sex of the unborn child depends on the position of the spouses' heads at the time of conception. If the heads are to the north, then a girl will be born, if to the south, then a boy will be born.

Tibetan monks, aware of the effect of a magnet on a person, applied magnets to their heads to improve concentration and improve learning ability.

There are many other documentary evidence of the use of the magnet in ancient India and Arab countries.

Interest in the influence of magnetic fields on the human body appeared immediately after the discovery of this unique phenomenon, and people began to attribute the most amazing properties to the magnet. It was believed that a finely crushed "magnetic stone" is an excellent laxative.

In addition, such properties of a magnet as the ability to cure dropsy and insanity, to stop various types of bleeding were described. In many documents that have survived to this day, recommendations are often given contradictory. For example, according to some doctors, the effect of a magnet on the body is comparable to that of a poison, according to others, it should, on the contrary, be used as an antidote.

Neodymium magnet: medicinal properties and effects on human health

The greatest influence on a person is attributed to neodymium magnets: they have the chemical formula NdFeB (neodymium - iron - boron).

One of the advantages of such stones is the ability to combine small sizes and a strong magnetic field. For example, a neodymium magnet with a force of 200 gauss weighs about 1 gram, and a regular iron magnet with the same strength weighs 10 grams.

Neodymium magnets have another advantage: they are quite stable and can retain their magnetic properties for many hundreds of years. The field strength of such stones decreases by about 1% per 100 years.

Each stone has a magnetic field around it, which is characterized by magnetic induction, measured in gauss. By induction, you can determine the strength of the magnetic field. Very often, the strength of a magnetic field is measured in teslas (1 Tesla \u003d gauss).

The healing properties of neodymium magnets are to improve blood circulation, stabilize pressure, and prevent migraines from occurring.

What does magnetotherapy give and how does it affect the body

The history of magnetotherapy as a method of using the healing properties of magnets for medicinal purposes began about 2000 years ago. In ancient China, magnetotherapy is even mentioned in the medical treatise of the Emperor Huangdi. In ancient China, it was believed that human health largely depends on the circulation in the body of internal Qi energy, which is formed from two opposite principles - yin and yang. When the balance of internal energy was disturbed, a disease arose that could be cured by applying magnetic stones to certain points of the body.

As for magnetotherapy itself, many documents from the period of Ancient Egypt have been preserved, providing direct evidence of the use of this method for restoring human health. One of the legends of that time tells about the unearthly beauty and health of Cleopatra, which she possessed thanks to the constant wearing of a magnetic tape on her head.

A real breakthrough in magnetotherapy happened in Ancient Rome. In the famous poem of Titus Lucretius Kara "On the nature of things", written in the 1st century BC. e., it says: "It also happens that alternately a rock of iron can bounce off a stone or be attracted to it."

Both Hippocrates and Aristotle described the unique therapeutic properties of magnetic ore, and the Roman physician, surgeon and philosopher Galen identified the analgesic properties of magnetic objects.

At the end of the 10th century, a Persian scientist described in detail the effect of a magnet on the human body: he assured that magnetotherapy can be used for muscle spasms and numerous inflammations. There is documentary evidence that describes the use of magnets to increase muscle strength, bone strength, reduce joint pain, and improve the functioning of the genitourinary system.

In the late 15th - early 16th centuries, some European scientists began to study magnetotherapy as a science and its application for therapeutic purposes. Even the court physician to Queen Elizabeth I of England, who suffered from arthritis, used magnets to heal.

In 1530, the famous Swiss doctor Paracelsus, having studied how magnetotherapy works, published several documents that contained evidence of the effectiveness of the effect of a magnetic field. He described the magnet as "the king of all secrets" and began using the different poles of the magnet to achieve specific healing results. Although the doctor did not know anything about the Chinese concept of qi energy, he also believed that natural force (archeus) was capable of giving energy to a person.

Paracelsus was sure that the influence of a magnet on human health is so high that it gives it additional energy. In addition, he noted the ability of Archeus to stimulate the process of self-healing. Absolutely all inflammations and numerous diseases, in his opinion, respond much better to magnet treatment than when using conventional medical means. Paracelsus used magnets in practice in the fight against epilepsy, bleeding and indigestion.

How does magnetotherapy affect the body and what it treats

At the end of the 18th century, the magnet began to be widely used to get rid of various diseases. The famous Austrian doctor Franz Anton Mesmer continued his research on how magnetotherapy affects the body. First in Vienna, and later in Paris, he rather successfully treated many diseases with the help of a magnet. He was so imbued with the question of the effect of the magnetic field on human health that he defended his thesis, which was later taken as the basis for the research and development of the doctrine of magnetic therapy in Western culture.

Relying on his experience, Mesmer made two fundamental conclusions, the first was that the human body is surrounded by a magnetic field, he called this influence "animal magnetism." The very unique magnets acting on a person, he considered the conductors of this "animal magnetism". The second conclusion was based on the fact that the planets have a great influence on the human body.

The great composer Mozart was so amazed and admired by Mesmer's success in medicine that in his opera "Cosi fan tutte" ("Everyone does this") he sang this unique feature of the action of a magnet ("This is a magnet, Mesmer's stone, which came from Germany, became famous in France ").

Also in the UK, members of the Royal Society of Medicine, which conducted research on the use of magnetic fields, discovered the fact that magnets can be used effectively in the fight against many diseases of the nervous system.

In the late 1770s, the French abbot of Lenoble talked about the benefits of magnetotherapy at a meeting of the Royal Society of Medicine. He reported on his observations in the field of magnetism and recommended the use of magnets, taking into account the place of use. He also initiated the mass creation of magnetic bracelets and various kinds of jewelry from this material for recovery. In his writings, he examined in detail the successful results of the treatment of toothache, arthritis and other diseases, overvoltage.

What is magnetotherapy for and how is it useful

After the Civil War in the United States (), magnetotherapy became no less popular than they turned to this method of treatment due to the fact that living conditions were far from Europe. It developed especially noticeably in the Midwest. Basically, people are not the best, there was not enough professional doctors, which is why I had to self-medicate. At that time, a huge number of different magnetic drugs were produced and sold with anesthetic effect. Many advertisements have mentioned the unique properties of magnetic therapies. Magnetic jewelry was the most popular among women, while insoles and belts were preferred by men.

In the 19th century, many articles and books described what magnetotherapy is for and what its role in the treatment of many diseases is. For example, a report from the famous French hospital Salpetriere said that magnetic fields have the property of increasing "electrical resistance in motor nerves" and therefore are very useful in the fight against hemiparesis (unilateral paralysis).

In the 20th century, the properties of a magnet began to be widely used both in science (when creating various technologies) and in everyday life. Permanent magnets and electromagnets are located in generators that produce current and in electric motors that consume it. Many vehicles used the power of magnetism: car, trolleybus, diesel locomotive, plane. Magnets are an integral part of many scientific instruments.

In Japan, the health effects of magnets have been the subject of much discussion and close research. The so-called magnetic beds, which are used by the Japanese to relieve stress and energize the body, have gained immense popularity in this country. According to Japanese experts, magnets are good for overwork, osteochondrosis, migraines and other diseases.

The West borrowed the traditions of Japan. Methods for using magnetotherapy have found many adherents among European doctors, physiotherapists and athletes. In addition, given the benefits of magnetotherapy, this method has received support from many American physiotherapy specialists, such as leading neurologist William Phil Sweat from Oklahoma. Dr. Phil Pot believes that exposing the body to a negative magnetic field stimulates the production of melatonin - the sleep hormone - and thus makes it more relaxed.

Some American athletes have noted the positive effect of the magnetic field on damaged spinal discs after injury, as well as a significant reduction in pain.

Numerous medical experiments carried out at US universities have shown that the appearance of joint diseases is due to insufficient blood circulation and disruption of the nervous system. If the cells do not receive nutrients in the right amount, then this can lead to the development of a chronic disease.

How magnetotherapy helps: new experiments

The first in modern medicine to answer the question “how does magnetotherapy help?” Was given in 1976 by the famous Japanese doctor Nikagawa. He introduced the concept of "magnetic field deficiency syndrome". After a number of studies, the following symptoms of this syndrome were described: general weakness, increased fatigue, decreased performance, sleep disturbance, migraine, pain in the joints and spine, changes in the work of the digestive and cardiovascular systems (hypertension or hypotension), changes in the skin, gynecological dysfunctions. Accordingly, the use of magnetotherapy makes it possible to normalize all these conditions.

Of course, the lack of a magnetic field does not become the only cause of the listed diseases, but it makes up most of the etiology of these processes.

Many scientists continued to conduct new experiments with magnetic fields. Perhaps the most popular of these was the experiment with a weakened external magnetic field or its absence. Moreover, it was necessary to prove the negative impact of such a situation on the human body.

One of the first scientists to perform such an experiment was the Canadian researcher Ian Crane. He considered a number of organisms (bacteria, animals, birds) that were in a special chamber with a magnetic field. It was much smaller than the Earth's field. After the bacteria spent three days in such conditions, their ability to reproduce decreased 15 times, neuromotor activity in birds began to manifest much worse, and serious changes in metabolic processes began to be observed in mice. If the stay in a weakened magnetic field was longer, then irreversible changes occurred in the tissues of living organisms.

A similar experiment was carried out by a group of Russian scientists led by Lev Nepomnyashchikh: mice were placed in a chamber, closed from the Earth's magnetic field by a special screen.

A day later, they began to observe tissue decomposition. Cubs of animals were born bald, and subsequently they developed many diseases.

Today, a large number of such experiments are known, and everywhere similar results are observed: a decrease or absence of a natural magnetic field contributes to a serious and rapid deterioration in health in all organisms undergoing research. Numerous types of natural magnets, which are naturally formed from volcanic lava containing iron and atmospheric nitrogen, are now actively used. Such magnets were in use for thousands of years.


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Magnets and their effect on humans

According to the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, director of the Ukrainian Institute of Human Ecology Mikhail Vasilyevich Kurik, the life expectancy of a person is associated with the magnitude of the earth's magnetic field. Sadly to say, the earth's magnetic field is weakening. Physicist calculations show that the earth's magnetic field 2000 years ago was 2 times stronger.

According to scientists, in 2012 there will be a change in the earth's magnetic poles. They change their position at an extremely high rate of up to 1 degree per week.

Human magnetic field

As our planet has a magnetic field, so a person has his own magnetic field, which is formed as a result of blood flow through the vessels. As is known, in addition to other components, metal ions are included in the blood, as a result of which the blood flow in the vessels forms a magnetic field. Since all parts of the body and organs are equipped with vessels, a magnetic field is generated everywhere.

In a healthy body, the external and internal magnetic field is in complete interaction. If the magnetic field of the environment weakens, this entails a decrease in the magnetic field in the circulatory system. This leads to impaired blood circulation, deteriorates the flow of oxygen to tissues and organs, which leads to the development of various diseases. This is why it is important to strengthen and strengthen your magnetic field.

Application of magnets

Magnets are the most serious thing in today's conditions of demagnetizing consciousness. There are magnets of different shapes, sizes, in the form of bracelets, electromagnetic glasses, magnetic funnels, magnetic insoles, magnetic combs, magnetic belts.

Your stomach ached! We put one magnet under the back of the other on the stomach, lay there for ten minutes, restored the magnetic field and continue to work. In the morning you have breakfast, they put the magnets under your feet, under one foot plus under the other minus, in the evening we sat down to watch TV and held the magnets in our hands.

It is also helpful to wear bracelets, or even better alternate with bracelets made from other materials.

Magnetic funnels. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. We passed water through a magnetic funnel, here is a ready-made magnetic water for you.

Use these simple methods, and you will be healthy.

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What an informative article! Give me the largest and most powerful magnet, I will be a plus to drive blood into my groin! No Viagra will be needed 😀

But in essence ... There is no creature here - only advertising for fools who buy something incomprehensible and will harm their body, and maybe others.

All this nonsense with the healing properties of magnets is analogous to the nonsense where they claim that there is life on other planets. Provide the facts, gentlemen!

I would like to buy a pillow containing several small magnets, but I doubt their usefulness. Can anyone have any thoughts on this?

Good afternoon, I have been doing magnetization of tap water for many years, the result is that the leaves on white geranium have stopped rusting. For myself, I pass tap water through a magnet that has the shape of a half radius, then in a clean jar I arrange a magnetic storm - clockwise rotation as a result, after two or 3 days a sediment is difficult to clean off. Pour this kind of water into a kettle and drink.

The water formula is destroyed.

If anyone is interested, write.

Best regards, Russian electrical engineer

Why destroy the formula of water?

Human blood is saturated with iron. When using a magnet, be very careful. Think what you need, i.e. where do you need to drive the blood. The + sign repels blood from itself, the sign - attracts. How much this is done depends on your alkaline balance. And such magnets as drawn in the picture cannot be used for treatment. For treatment, pieces of iron ore (from magnetic anomalies) are used, where it is clearly visible on one side of the plate +, on the other side of the plate -.

It is a stick with two ends.

The question has not been studied enough.

As early as 20 years ago, experiments were carried out on the effect of magnetized water on all kinds of vegetable and fruit plants. A lot of all kinds of magnetizing devices appeared.

The plants grew faster, bloomed earlier, and bore abundant fruit compared to controls. But before they faded and ceased to exist.

So make a conclusion.

Do you want to be guinea pigs? Use and enrich science.

Valery, and I grew cucumbers and watered them with magnetized water, so they grew and bore fruit from spring to frost. I did not plant the plants, but as I planted the seed in the spring until late autumn it grew and bore fruit. So draw your conclusions.

The best magnet that is always with you and will never get lost is your own magnetism. This is the magnetism of the unrolled chakras working in full force. It is the magnetism of strong thoughts and the magnetism of balanced emotions.

From the depths of antiquity, people know and subconsciously remember the meaning of magnetism, therefore they turned their attention to mineral magnets, but, unfortunately, forgot about the magnet of the Spirit.

i use magnets thanks interesting article I studied magnetotherapy for a long time it was interesting

Scientists need to be trusted, but they need to be tested. Sixteen years ago, I met two ladies predicting the end of the world in eight years due to the formation of holes in the ionized layer of the atmosphere. They talked about getting ready. Both with doctoral degrees, with works, with proofs, with mathematical calculations. They launched an intensified attack on the American Congress and the UN. In this case, the bureaucracy played a positive role - it did not take any action.

Very interesting. I have clips with magnets. Probably, they can also be used, but I put them away in a casket.

I think it is possible. Start with a few minutes (15-30), watch the sensations. If you feel improvement, wear it and be healthy.

Thank you for the information on the effects of magnetic fields on humans. I would like to add the following: there is a company that specializes in the production of jewelry with embedded magnets. These magnetic jewelry will boost your health, but they are very expensive. In addition to jewelry, the company offers a magnetic orthopedic pillow for relaxation and night sleep and sticks for magnetizing water. The information about magnetic funnels interested me. This is a good alternative to the network company's magnetic sticks.

I use the magnetic funnel myself, a simple and very practical thing.

I didn’t know that.

Literal translation: "I didn't know that."

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The effect of magnets on the human body.

1 post

Here is an incomplete list of diseases in the treatment of which a positive effect is observed with magnetotherapy:

Upper back tension;

Back pain;

Pain from carpal tunnel syndrome.

Every part of the body is dependent on blood. Blood flows throughout the body into arteries, veins, and capillaries. Blood is carried from the heart to the lungs, where it takes oxygen and then transfers it to all organs and tissues to provide the necessary oxygen and nutrients that the body needs to survive.

MAGNETOTHERAPY. The influence of a magnet on the human body.

Magnetotherapy is the treatment of diseases using magnetic fields. The methods of magnetotherapy in our country are recognized as medical. They are widely used in public and private medical institutions in Russia. These methods are comfortable for the patient and bring tangible positive effects.

We can say that magnetotherapy is a safe and inexpensive method. It is not addictive to the patient and has no side effects. Very often this method is able to adequately replace various medicines.

The human body is created and functions under conditions of constant exposure to the earth's geomagnetic field. However, according to scientists, the current generation is experiencing a colossal shortage of natural magnetic influence (2000 years ago, the geomagnetic field was twice as strong) and an overdose of harmful autogenous magnetic radiation (from computers, household appliances, cell phones, etc.).

Magnetotherapy nourishes the body, energizes it, helps to remove the influence of the so-called "white noise" and has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect, including helping to overcome meteosensitivity.

Under the influence of a magnetic field, weak currents of charged particles of blood and lymph arise, the physicochemical properties of the aquatic systems of the body, the rate of biochemical and biophysical processes change.

Magnetic therapy is also effective in the fight against aging: it improves blood circulation, supports cell metabolism, increases the production of enzymes and the excretion of waste products.

Unlike a medical procedure, no foreign substances enter the body during magnetotherapy. Regular use is harmless and no side effects have been reported.

The main effects and results of the application of magnetic jewelry presented on our website

1- Improving the body's blood circulation.

The circulatory system provides the body with the substances necessary for life. Red blood cells or red blood cells, which have a natural negative charge, are responsible for the delivery of oxygen to organs, tissues and cells. Thus, when they move in the blood, due to the charge, they are repelled from each other and as a result, optimal blood movement and a normal supply of oxygen and nutrients at the cellular level are observed.

It should be noted that wearing magnetic bracelets becomes the reason for the stabilization of blood pressure, even in people with chronic problems in this regard.

Under the influence of a magnetic field, the permeability of cell membranes increases, which activates all metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Due to the action of the magnetic field, adhesion (sticking to the walls of blood vessels) and aggregation (sticking between themselves) of platelets are significantly reduced. This effect significantly reduces the ability of platelets to form blood clots in blood vessels.

With magnetotherapy, there is a decrease in pressure in the system of deep and saphenous veins, arteries. At the same time, the tone of the vessel walls increases, changes in the elastic-elastic properties and bioelectric resistance of the walls of blood vessels occur.

2- Under the influence of magnetic fields, there is an increase in vascular and epithelial permeability, a direct consequence of which is the acceleration of the resorption of edema and injected medicinal substances. Thanks to this effect, magnetotherapy has found wide application in traumas, wounds and their consequences.

The 3-peripheral nervous system reacts to the action of the magnetic field by lowering the sensitivity of peripheral receptors, which causes an analgesic effect, and improving the conduction function, which has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the functions of injured peripheral nerve endings by improving axonal growth, myelination and inhibition of the development of connective tissue in them. The effect of pain relief in magnetic therapy is also determined by the fact that under conditions of a magnetic field, the synthesis of endorphins in the body increases - these are specific hormones that have a powerful analgesic effect. The effect of a magnetic field on the nervous system is characterized by a change in its conditioned reflex activity, physiological and biological processes. This is due to the stimulation of inhibition processes, which explains the sedative effect and the beneficial effect of the magnetic field on sleep and emotional stress.

Magnetotherapy significantly improves memory, which is explained by a full-fledged neural connection for high-quality information transfer, which requires high conductivity. With the passage of time and the deposition of toxins, the neural connection weakens, and the increased magnetic field helps to restore it. Magnetic therapy in the head area is effective for insomnia and neuroses.

4-Under the influence of magnetic fields, macromolecules (enzymes, nucleic acids, proteins, etc.) develop charges and change their magnetic susceptibility. In this connection, the magnetic energy of macromolecules can exceed the energy of thermal motion, and therefore magnetic fields, even in therapeutic doses, cause orientation and concentration changes in biologically active macromolecules, which is reflected in the kinetics of biochemical reactions and the rate of biophysical processes.

Under the influence of magnetic fields, an orientational rearrangement of liquid crystals is observed, which form the basis of the cell membrane and many intracellular structures. The ongoing orientation and deformation of liquid crystal structures (membranes, mitochondria, etc.) under the influence of a magnetic field affects the impermeability, which plays an important role in the regulation of biochemical processes and the performance of their biological functions.

5- Under the influence of a magnetic field in the tissues, the content of sodium ions (Na) decreases while the concentration of potassium ions (K) increases, which is evidence of a change in the permeability of cell membranes.

Under the influence of a magnetic field, the biological activity of magnesium (Mg) increases. This leads to a decrease in the development of pathological processes in the liver, heart, muscles.

Under the influence of magnetic fields, there is a fast and long-lasting effect of cleansing blood vessels from calcium and cholesterol accumulations. This is an additional positive effect of the general restoration of the circulatory system and metabolism in the body.

It is assumed that the action of the magnet enhances the flow of energy to the area of \u200b\u200bacupuncture points, increases local blood flow, expands capillaries, activates energy metabolism, affects metabolism and has a bactericidal effect.

It is difficult to find such an area in which there would be no application for magnets. Educational toys, useful accessories, and sophisticated industrial equipment are just a few of the truly vast array of use cases. At the same time, few people know how magnets are arranged and what is the secret of their gravity. To answer these questions, you need to dive into the basics of physics, but don't worry - the dive will be short-lived and shallow. But after getting acquainted with the theory, you will learn what a magnet consists of, and the nature of its magnetic force will become much clearer for you.

The electron is the smallest and simplest magnet

Any substance consists of atoms, and atoms, in turn, consist of a nucleus, around which positively and negatively charged particles - protons and electrons - revolve. The subject of our interest is precisely the electrons. Their movement creates an electric current in the conductors. In addition, each electron is a miniature source of a magnetic field and, in fact, the simplest magnet. However, in the composition of most materials, the direction of movement of these particles is chaotic. As a result, their charges balance each other. And when the direction of rotation of a large number of electrons in their orbits coincides, a constant magnetic force arises.

Magnet device

So, we figured out the electrons. And now we are very close to answering the question of how magnets work. In order for the material to attract the iron piece of rock, the direction of the electrons in its structure must coincide. In this case, the atoms form ordered regions called domains. Each domain has a pair of poles: north and south. A constant line of movement of magnetic forces passes through them. They enter the south pole and exit the north pole. Such a device means that the north pole will always attract the south pole of another magnet, while the poles of the same name will repel.

How a magnet attracts metals

Not all substances are affected by the magnetic force. Only a few materials can be attracted: iron, nickel, cobalt and rare earth metals. An iron piece of rock is not a natural magnet, but when exposed to a magnetic field, its structure is rearranged into domains with north and south poles. Thus, the steel can be magnetized and retain its changed structure for a long time.

How magnets are made

We have already figured out what a magnet consists of. It is a material in which the directionality of the domains is the same. A strong magnetic field or electric current can be used to impart these properties to the rock. At the moment, people have learned to make very powerful magnets, the force of attraction of which is dozens of times greater than their own weight and persists for hundreds of years. These are rare-earth supermagnets based on neodymium alloy. Such items weighing 2-3 kg can hold objects weighing 300 kg or more. What does a neodymium magnet consist of and what causes such amazing properties?

Plain steel is not suitable for successfully making products with powerful gravity. This requires a special composition that will allow you to organize the domains as efficiently as possible and preserve the stability of the new structure. To understand what a neodymium magnet consists of, imagine a metal powder of neodymium, iron and boron, which, using industrial installations, will be magnetized by a strong field and sintered into a rigid structure. To protect this material, it is covered with a strong galvanized sheath. This production technology makes it possible to obtain products of various sizes and shapes. In the assortment of the World of Magnets online store you will find a huge variety of magnetic goods for work, entertainment and everyday life.

People have known about the healing properties of magnets since ancient times. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe effect of a magnetic field in our ancestors was formed gradually and was based on numerous observations. The first descriptions of what magnetotherapy gives to a person date back to the 10th century, when healers used magnets to treat muscle spasms. Later they began to be used to get rid of other ailments.

The effect of magnets and magnetic fields on the human body

The magnet is considered one of the most ancient discoveries made by humans. In nature, it occurs in the form of magnetic iron ore. Since ancient times, the properties of a magnet have been of interest to people. Its ability to cause attraction and repulsion forced even the most ancient civilizations to pay special attention to this rock as a unique natural creation. The fact that the population of our planet exists in a magnetic field and is subject to its influence, as well as the fact that the Earth itself is a giant magnet, has been known for a long time. Many experts believe that the Earth's magnetic field has an extremely beneficial effect on the health of all living things on the planet, while others hold a different opinion. Let's turn to history and see how the concept of the effect of a magnetic field was formed.

Magnetism got its name from the city of Magnesiina-Meandre, located on the territory of modern Turkey, where deposits of magnetic iron ore were first discovered - a stone with unique properties to attract iron.

Even before our era, people had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe unique energy of a magnet and a magnetic field: there was not a single civilization in which magnets were not used in any form to improve human health.

One of the first items for the practical use of a magnet was the compass. The properties of a simple elongated piece of magnetic iron, suspended by a thread or attached to a plug in water, were revealed. In this experiment, it turned out that such an object is always located in a special way: one end points to the north, and the other to the south. The compass was invented in China around 1000 BC. e., and in Europe it became known only from the XII century. Without such a simple, but at the same time, unique navigational magnetic device, there would have been no great geographical discoveries of the XV-XVII centuries.

In India, there was a belief that the sex of the unborn child depends on the position of the spouses' heads at the time of conception. If the heads are to the north, then a girl will be born, if to the south, then a boy will be born.

Tibetan monks, aware of the effect of a magnet on a person, applied magnets to their heads to improve concentration and improve learning ability.

There are many other documentary evidence of the use of the magnet in ancient India and Arab countries.

Interest in the influence of magnetic fields on the human body appeared immediately after the discovery of this unique phenomenon, and people began to attribute the most amazing properties to the magnet. It was believed that a finely crushed "magnetic stone" is an excellent laxative.

In addition, such properties of a magnet as the ability to cure dropsy and insanity, to stop various types of bleeding were described. In many documents that have survived to this day, recommendations are often given contradictory. For example, according to some doctors, the effect of a magnet on the body is comparable to that of a poison, according to others, it should, on the contrary, be used as an antidote.

Neodymium magnet: medicinal properties and effects on human health

The greatest influence on a person is attributed to neodymium magnets: they have the chemical formula NdFeB (neodymium - iron - boron).

One of the advantages of such stones is the ability to combine small sizes and a strong magnetic field. For example, a neodymium magnet with a force of 200 gauss weighs about 1 gram, and a regular iron magnet with the same strength weighs 10 grams.

Neodymium magnets have another advantage: they are quite stable and can retain their magnetic properties for many hundreds of years. The field strength of such stones decreases by about 1% per 100 years.

Each stone has a magnetic field around it, which is characterized by magnetic induction, measured in gauss. By induction, you can determine the strength of the magnetic field. Very often, the strength of a magnetic field is measured in teslas (1 Tesla \u003d 10,000 gauss).

The healing properties of neodymium magnets are to improve blood circulation, stabilize pressure, and prevent migraines from occurring.

What does magnetotherapy give and how does it affect the body

The history of magnetotherapy as a method of using the healing properties of magnets for medicinal purposes began about 2000 years ago. In ancient China, magnetotherapy is even mentioned in the medical treatise of the Emperor Huangdi. In ancient China, it was believed that human health largely depends on the circulation in the body of internal Qi energy, which is formed from two opposite principles - yin and yang. When the balance of internal energy was disturbed, a disease arose that could be cured by applying magnetic stones to certain points of the body.

As for magnetotherapy itself, many documents from the period of Ancient Egypt have been preserved, providing direct evidence of the use of this method for restoring human health. One of the legends of that time tells about the unearthly beauty and health of Cleopatra, which she possessed thanks to the constant wearing of a magnetic tape on her head.

A real breakthrough in magnetotherapy happened in Ancient Rome. In the famous poem of Titus Lucretius Kara "On the nature of things", written in the 1st century BC. e., it says: "It also happens that alternately a rock of iron can bounce off a stone or be attracted to it."

Both Hippocrates and Aristotle described the unique therapeutic properties of magnetic ore, and the Roman physician, surgeon and philosopher Galen identified the analgesic properties of magnetic objects.

At the end of the 10th century, a Persian scientist described in detail the effect of a magnet on the human body: he assured that magnetotherapy can be used for muscle spasms and numerous inflammations. There is documentary evidence that describes the use of magnets to increase muscle strength, bone strength, reduce joint pain, and improve the functioning of the genitourinary system.

In the late 15th - early 16th centuries, some European scientists began to study magnetotherapy as a science and its application for therapeutic purposes. Even the court physician to Queen Elizabeth I of England, who suffered from arthritis, used magnets to heal.

In 1530, the famous Swiss doctor Paracelsus, having studied how magnetotherapy works, published several documents that contained evidence of the effectiveness of the effect of a magnetic field. He described the magnet as "the king of all secrets" and began using the different poles of the magnet to achieve specific healing results. Although the doctor did not know anything about the Chinese concept of qi energy, he also believed that natural force (archeus) was capable of giving energy to a person.

Paracelsus was sure that the influence of a magnet on human health is so high that it gives it additional energy. In addition, he noted the ability of Archeus to stimulate the process of self-healing. Absolutely all inflammations and numerous diseases, in his opinion, respond much better to magnet treatment than when using conventional medical means. Paracelsus used magnets in practice in the fight against epilepsy, bleeding and indigestion.

How does magnetotherapy affect the body and what it treats

At the end of the 18th century, the magnet began to be widely used to get rid of various diseases. The famous Austrian doctor Franz Anton Mesmer continued his research on how magnetotherapy affects the body. First in Vienna, and later in Paris, he rather successfully treated many diseases with the help of a magnet. He was so imbued with the question of the effect of the magnetic field on human health that he defended his thesis, which was later taken as the basis for the research and development of the doctrine of magnetic therapy in Western culture.

Relying on his experience, Mesmer made two fundamental conclusions, the first was that the human body is surrounded by a magnetic field, he called this influence "animal magnetism." The very unique magnets acting on a person, he considered the conductors of this "animal magnetism". The second conclusion was based on the fact that the planets have a great influence on the human body.

The great composer Mozart was so amazed and admired by Mesmer's success in medicine that in his opera "Cosi fan tutte" ("Everyone does this") he sang this unique feature of the action of a magnet ("This is a magnet, Mesmer's stone, which came from Germany, became famous in France ").

Also in the UK, members of the Royal Society of Medicine, which conducted research on the use of magnetic fields, discovered the fact that magnets can be used effectively in the fight against many diseases of the nervous system.

In the late 1770s, the French abbot of Lenoble talked about the benefits of magnetotherapy at a meeting of the Royal Society of Medicine. He reported on his observations in the field of magnetism and recommended the use of magnets, taking into account the place of use. He also initiated the mass creation of magnetic bracelets and various kinds of jewelry from this material for recovery. In his writings, he examined in detail the successful results of the treatment of toothache, arthritis and other diseases, overvoltage.

What is magnetotherapy for and how is it useful

After the Civil War in the United States (1861-1865), magnetotherapy became no less popular than this method of treatment was used due to the fact that living conditions were far from Europe. It developed especially noticeably in the Midwest. Basically, people are not the best, there was not enough professional doctors, which is why I had to self-medicate. At that time, a huge number of different magnetic drugs were produced and sold with anesthetic effect. Many advertisements have mentioned the unique properties of magnetic therapies. Magnetic jewelry was the most popular among women, while insoles and belts were preferred by men.

In the 19th century, many articles and books described what magnetotherapy is for and what its role in the treatment of many diseases is. For example, a report from the famous French hospital Salpetriere said that magnetic fields have the property of increasing "electrical resistance in motor nerves" and therefore are very useful in the fight against hemiparesis (unilateral paralysis).

In the 20th century, the properties of a magnet began to be widely used both in science (when creating various technologies) and in everyday life. Permanent magnets and electromagnets are located in generators that produce current and in electric motors that consume it. Many vehicles used the power of magnetism: car, trolleybus, diesel locomotive, plane. Magnets are an integral part of many scientific instruments.

In Japan, the health effects of magnets have been the subject of much discussion and close research. The so-called magnetic beds, which are used by the Japanese to relieve stress and energize the body, have gained immense popularity in this country. According to Japanese experts, magnets are good for overwork, osteochondrosis, migraines and other diseases.

The West borrowed the traditions of Japan. Methods for using magnetotherapy have found many adherents among European doctors, physiotherapists and athletes. In addition, given the benefits of magnetotherapy, this method has received support from many American physiotherapy specialists, such as leading neurologist William Phil Sweat from Oklahoma. Dr. Phil Pot believes that exposing the body to a negative magnetic field stimulates the production of melatonin - the sleep hormone - and thus makes it more relaxed.

Some American athletes have noted the positive effect of the magnetic field on damaged spinal discs after injury, as well as a significant reduction in pain.

Numerous medical experiments carried out at US universities have shown that the appearance of joint diseases is due to insufficient blood circulation and disruption of the nervous system. If the cells do not receive nutrients in the right amount, then this can lead to the development of a chronic disease.

How magnetotherapy helps: new experiments

The first in modern medicine to answer the question “how does magnetotherapy help?” Was given in 1976 by the famous Japanese doctor Nikagawa. He introduced the concept of "magnetic field deficiency syndrome". After a number of studies, the following symptoms of this syndrome were described: general weakness, increased fatigue, decreased performance, sleep disturbance, migraine, pain in the joints and spine, changes in the work of the digestive and cardiovascular systems (hypertension or hypotension), changes in the skin, gynecological dysfunctions. Accordingly, the use of magnetotherapy makes it possible to normalize all these conditions.

Of course, the lack of a magnetic field does not become the only cause of the listed diseases, but it makes up most of the etiology of these processes.

Many scientists continued to conduct new experiments with magnetic fields. Perhaps the most popular of these was the experiment with a weakened external magnetic field or its absence. Moreover, it was necessary to prove the negative impact of such a situation on the human body.

One of the first scientists to perform such an experiment was the Canadian researcher Ian Crane. He considered a number of organisms (bacteria, animals, birds) that were in a special chamber with a magnetic field. It was much smaller than the Earth's field. After the bacteria spent three days in such conditions, their ability to reproduce decreased 15 times, neuromotor activity in birds began to manifest much worse, and serious changes in metabolic processes began to be observed in mice. If the stay in a weakened magnetic field was longer, then irreversible changes occurred in the tissues of living organisms.

A similar experiment was carried out by a group of Russian scientists led by Lev Nepomnyashchikh: mice were placed in a chamber, closed from the Earth's magnetic field by a special screen.

A day later, they began to observe tissue decomposition. Cubs of animals were born bald, and subsequently they developed many diseases.

Today, a large number of such experiments are known, and everywhere similar results are observed: a decrease or absence of a natural magnetic field contributes to a serious and rapid deterioration in health in all organisms undergoing research. Numerous types of natural magnets, which are naturally formed from volcanic lava containing iron and atmospheric nitrogen, are now actively used. Such magnets were in use for thousands of years.