The history of the appearance of cable lines of communication. History of the emergence and development of LPP in Russia The history of the development of wired communication channels

The history of the development of communication lines in Russia The first voltage was built between Petersburg and Warsaw in 1854 in 1870s an air line of communication from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok L \u003d 10 thousand km was commissioned. In 1939, a high-frequency communication line from Moscow to Khabarovsk L \u003d 8,300 thousand km was commissioned. In 1851, a telegraph cable from Moscow was laid before St. Petersburg insulated with a gutta-reader ribbon. In 1852, the first submarine cable was laid through the North Dvina in 1866, the cable transatlantic highway of the telegraph connection between France and the United States was commissioned.

The history of communication in Russia in Russia In Russia, the first air city telephone networks were built in Russia (the cable was up to 54ls with air-paper insulation) in 1901 In Russia, construction of an underground city telephone network from 1902 to 1917 to increase the range of communication was used with ferromagnetic Winding for an artificial increase in inductance. From 1917, a telephone amplifier on electronic lamps was developed and tested on line, in 1923 a telephone connection was carried out with amplifiers on the line of Kharkov-Moscow-Petrograd. Since the beginning of the 1930s, multi-channel transmission systems based on coaxial cables began to develop.

The history of the development of communication lines in Russia in 1936 was commissioned the first coaxial RF telephone line for 240 channels. In 1956, underwater coaxial telephone and telegraph highway between Europe and America was built. In 1965, the first experienced waveguide lines and cryogenic cable lines with very small attenuation appeared. By the beginning of the 80s, fiber-optic communication systems were developed and tested in real conditions.

Types of communication lines (LS) and their properties are distinguished by two main types of drugs: - lines in the atmosphere (RAD radio) - guide lines of transmission (communication lines). Typical wavelength ranges Super long waves (ADD) Long waves (DV) Medium waves (SV) short waves (KV) Ultra-screwed waves (VHF) Decimeter waves (DC) Singimeter waves (cm) Millimeter waves (mm) Optical range km ( kHz) km (kHz) 1.0 ... 0.1 km (0, MHz) m (MHz) m (MHz), 1 m (0, GHz) cm (GHz) mm (GHz), 1 μm

The main disadvantages of the radiation (radio communications) are: - dependence of the quality of communication on the state of the transmission medium and third-party electromagnetic fields; -low speed; insufficiently high electromagnetic compatibility in the range of meter waves and above; -theliness of the equipment of the transmitter and receiver; - narrow band of transmission systems, especially on long waves and higher.

In order to reduce the lack of radiation, higher frequencies (centimeter, optical ranges) are used (centimeter, optical ranges). This is a chain of repeaters installed every 50 km-100km. RRL allows you to receive the number of channels () at distances (to km); These lines are less susceptible to interference, provide enough stable and high-quality communication, but the degree of transmission protection is insufficient. Radio Lines (PRL)

Sitmettera wave range. Sal allow multi-channel communication on the "infinite" distance; Satellite communication lines (SL) of dignity S-Gold area of \u200b\u200baction and transmission of information at considerable distances. Lack of closing the cost of launching a satellite and the complexity of the organization of a duplex telephone connection.

The advantages of the LS guide-high quality of the signal transmission, -shooting transmission rate, is a significant protected from the effect of third-party fields, a relationship of the end of the terminal devices. The disadvantages of the LS guides are the cost of capital and operating costs, the relationship of establishing communication.

The RL and HP are not contused, and complement each other at present, signals from DC to the optical frequency range are transmitted along the communication lines, and the operating range of wavelengths extends from 0.85 μm to hundreds of kilometers. -Belive (CL) -Adny (VL) -Volokon-optical (Vols). Main types of directed drugs:

Basic requirements for communication lines - the presentation of communication at a distance to km within the country and up to international communication; -Shiropality and suitability for transmitting various types of modern information (television, telephones, data transfer, broadcasting, gear transmission newspapers, etc.); -Construction of chains from mutual and external interference, as well as from thunderstorms and corrosion; -stability of the electrical parameters of the line, stability and reliability of communication; - Economicity of the communication system as a whole.

Modern development of cable equipment 1. The present development of coaxial systems to organize powerful bunches of communication and transmission of television programs over long distances along a single-meter communication system. 2. Creating and implementing promising approach of communication that ensures a large number of channels and do not require scarce metals (copper, lead). 3. List introducing plastics (polyethylene polystyrene, polypropylene polyethylene, polystyrene, polypropylene, etc.), which have good electrical and mechanical characteristics and allow you to automate production.

4. The introduction of aluminum, steel and plastic shells instead of lead. The shells must have tightness and ensure the stability of the electrical parameters of the cable during the entire service life. 5. Development and implementation in the production of economical structures of intra-zone cables (single-alocal, single-hard, unarmented). 6. Creation of shielded cables that securely protect the information transmitted according to them from external electromagnetic effects and thunderstorms, in particular cables in two-layer shells such as aluminum steel and aluminum lead.

7. Improving the electrical strength of insulation of communication cables. The modern cable must have both high-frequency cable properties both high-frequency cable and power cable, and transmit high voltage currents for remote power supply of non-listed amplifying points over long distances.

The entire history of the development of cable communication systems is associated with the problem of increasing the amount of information transmitted over a wired communication channel.

In turn, the amount of information transmitted is determined by the bandwidth. It has been established that achieving information transfer rate is higher than the higher the frequency of electrical current oscillations or radio waves. In order to transmit in the encoded form any letter of the alphabet, you must use 7-8 bits. Thus, if you use a wired connection with a frequency of 20 kHz to apply a wire with a frequency of 20 kHz, then the standard book in 400-500 pages can be transmitted in about 1.5-2 hours. When transmitted over a line with a frequency of 32 MHz, the same procedure will require only 2-3 seconds.

Consider as with the development of wired communication, i.e. With the development of new frequencies, the bandwidth of the communication channel changed.

As noted above, the development of electrical information transmission systems began with the invention P. L. Shilling in 1832 by the telegraph line using the needles. A copper wire was used as a communication line. This line provided information transfer rate - 3 bits / s (1/3 letters). The first telegraph line of Morse (1844 g) provided a speed of 5 bits / s (0.5 letters). The invention in 1860, the printing telegraph system ensured the speed of 10 bits / s (1 letter). In 1874, the system of the six-time telegraph apparatus of Bodo has already provided the transfer rate - 100 bits / s (10 letters). The first telephone lines, built on the basis of the phone invented in 1876, provided the information transfer rate of 1000 bits / s (1 block / s -100 letters).

The first practical telephone chain was single-wire with telephone sets included at its ends. This principle required a large number of not only connecting lines, but also the telephone devices themselves. This simple device in 1878 was replaced by the first switch, which allowed the connection of several telephone devices through a single switching field.

Until 1900, the initially used single-wire chains with the grounded wire were replaced by two-wire transmission lines. Despite the fact that by this time the switch was already invented, each subscriber had its own line of communication. A method was needed to increase the number of channels without laying additional thousand kilometers of wires. However, the appearance of this method (sealing system) was delayed before the emergence of electronics in early 1900. The first commercial seal system was established in the United States, where in 1918 the four-channel system with frequency separation of the channels began to operate between Baltimore and Pitelbourn. Until World War II, most of the developments were aimed at an increase in the efficiency of airlines sealing systems and multi-party cables, since almost all telephone chains were organized on these two transmission media.

The invention in 1920 of the six-twelve channel transmission systems allowed to increase the rate of transmission rate in a given frequency band of up to 10,000 bt / s, (10kbbit / s - 1000 letters). The upper boundary frequencies of air and multiple cable lines were 150 and 600 kHz, respectively. The needs of the transfer of large amounts of information required the creation of broadband transmission systems.

In 30-40 years of century, coaxial cables were introduced. In 1948, a coaxial-cable system L1 was commissioned between cities located on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States, BELL SYSTEM. This coaxial cable system allowed to increase the bandwidth bandwidth of the linear path to 1.3 MHz, which ensured the transmission of information on 600 channels.

After World War II, active developments were carried out to improve coaxial cable systems. If initially coaxial chains were packed separately, then several coaxial cables in the overall protective shell began to combine. For example, the American firm Bell developed in the 60s of the twentieth century an intercontinental system with a width of a strip of 17.5 MHz (3600 channels along a coaxial chain or "tube"). For this system, a cable was developed, in which 20 "tubes" were combined in one shell. The total cable capacity was 32,400 channels in each direction, and two "tubes" remained in the reserve.

In the USSR, at about the same time, the K-3600 system was developed on the domestic CBB 8/6 cable, having 14 coaxial chains in one shell. Then there is a coaxial system with a greater bandwidth of 60 MHz. It provided a capacity of 9000 channels in each pair. In total shell, 22 pairs are combined.

Coaxial cable systems of high tanks at the end of the twentieth century were usually used to communicate between closely located centers with high population density. However, the cost of installation of such systems was high due to a small distance between intermediate amplifiers and due to the large cost of the cable and its gasket.

6.4.2. History of fiber optic communication systems

According to modern views, all electromagnetic radiation, including radio wave and visible light, have a dual structure and behave as a wave-like process in a continuous medium as a flow of particles that have received the name of photons, or quanta. Each quantum has a certain energy.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe light as a stream of particles introduced Newton. In 1905, A. Einstein based on the theory of Planck revived in the new form the corpuscular theory of light, which is now called quantum theory of light. In 1917, he theoretically predicted the phenomenon of forced or induced radiation, on the basis of the use of which was subsequently created quantum amplifiers. In 1951, Soviet scientists V. A. Fabikant, M. M. Woodinsky and F. A. Butayev received a copyright certificate to open the principle of operation of an optical amplifier. Somewhat later, in 1953, the proposal for quantum amplifier was made by Weber. In 1954, N. G. Basov and A. M. Prokhorov proposed a specific draft molecular gas generator and an amplifier with a theoretical justification. Regardless of the idea of \u200b\u200ba similar generator, Gordon, Ceyiger and Towns came, who published a message in 1954 to create a valid quantum generator on a beam of ammonia molecules. A slightly later in 1956, Blombergen found the possibility of building a quantum amplifier on a solid paramagnetic substance, and in 1957 such an amplifier was built by Skovel, Feheer and got. All quantum generators and amplifiers, built until 1960, worked in the microwave range and received the name of Masers. This name comes from the first letters of the English words "Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation", which means "amplifying microwaves with forced radiation".

The next stage of development is associated with the transfer of well-known methods into an optical range. In 1958, the Towns and Shavlov theoretically substantiated the possibility of creating an optical quantum generator (OCG) on a solid. In 1960, Meiman built the first impulse OCG on a solid ruby. In the same year, the question of the OCG and quantum amplifiers was independently analyzed by N. G. Basov, O. N. Krochin and Yu. M. Popov.

In 1961, the first gas (helium-neon) generator was created by Janaban, Bennet and Eriota. In 1962, the first semiconductor OCG was created. Optical quantum generators (OCG) received the name of lasers. The term "laser" was formed as a result of replacing the letter "M" in the word Maser on the letter "L" (from the English word "Light - Light").

After creating the first maters and lasers, work began to use them in communication systems.

Fiber optics, as the original direction of technology, originated in the early 50s. At this time, learned to do thin two-layer fibers from various transparent materials (glass, quartz, etc.). Even earlier it was predicted that if it was properly to choose the optical properties of the internal ("core") and the outer ("shell") parts of such a fiber, the beam of light, introduced through the end to the core, will only be on it and spread, reflecting from the shell. Even if the fiber bend (but not too sharply), the beam will obediently hold out inside the core. Thus, the light beam is a synonym for a straight line, which falls into optical fiber, it turns out to be capable of spreading through any curvilinear trajectory. There is a complete analogy with an electrical current flowing in a metal wire, so two-layer optical fiber is often called a light or light guide. Glass or quartz fibers, 2-3 times a thickness of a human hair, are very flexible (they can be cooked onto the coil) and are durable (stronger than steel threads of the same diameter). However, the fibers of the 50s were not transparent enough, and with a length of 5-10 m, the light in them completely absorbed.

In 1966, an idea was expressed about the principal possible use of fiber light guides for communication purposes. The technological search was completed by success in 1970 - the super-free quartz fiber was able to skip the light beam at a distance of up to 2 km. In fact, in the same year, the ideas of laser communication and the possibility of fiber optics "found each other" began, the rapid development of fiber-optic communication began: the emergence of new methods of manufacture of fibers; Creating other necessary elements such as miniature lasers, photodetectors, optical detachable connectors, etc.

Already in 1973-1974. The distance that the beam could pass through the fiber, reached 20 km, and by the beginning of the 80s exceeded 200 km. By the same time, the speed of transmission of information on the Volt rose to unprecedented values \u200b\u200bof the previously unprecedented values \u200b\u200b- in several billion bits / s. Additionally, it turned out that the Vols have not only an ultra-high speed of information transfer, but also have a number of other advantages.

The light signal is not subject to external electromagnetic interference. Moreover, it is impossible to overhear that. E. Catch. Fiber light guides have excellent mass-ducts: the materials used have a small specific mass, there is no need for heavy metal shells; Easy gasket, installation, operation. Fiber light guides can be laid in conventional underground cable sewers, you can mount on high-voltage power transmission lines or power networks of electric trains and generally combine them with any other communications. The characteristics of the Volola do not depend on their length, from the inclusion or disconnection of additional lines - in the electrical circuits, all this is not the case, and each such change requires painstaking configuration work. In the fiber films, it is in principle impossible to spark, and it opens up the prospect of using them in the explosive and similar industries.

Very important and value factor. At the end of the last century, fiber communication lines, as a rule, were commensurate with wired lines, but over time, taking into account the copper deficit, the position will certainly change. This conviction is based on the fact that the material of the fiber is a quartz - has an unlimited raw material resource, while the basis of wired lines are such now rare metals as copper and lead. And the point is not only in the cost. If the connection will be developed on a traditional basis, then by the end of the century all the extracted copper and all lead will be spent on the manufacture of telephone cables - how to develop further?

Currently, optical communication lines occupy a dominant position in all telecommunication systems, ranging from main networks to the home distribution network. Thanks to the development of optical fiber communication lines, multiservice systems are actively introduced, allowing to bring to the end user in one cable telephony, television and the Internet.

450 g. BC e.- The ancient Greek philosophers Democrit and Kleoksen offered to create an optical flare telegraph.

1600 g. - The book of the English scientist Hilbert "On Magnet, magnetic bodies and a large magnet-land." It described the already known properties of the magnet, as well as their own opening of the author.

1663. - German scientist Otto von Gerica conducted experimental work to determine the phenomenon of electrostatic repulsion of unipolarly charged items.

1729. Yanglianin Gray opened the phenomenon of electrical conductivity.

1745. - German physicist Evald Jurgen von Clayst and Netherlands Physicist Peter Van Mushchenbrook created the "Leiden Bank" - the first capacitor.

1753. — A physicist from Leipzig Winker opened a method for transmitting electric current on wires.

1761. - One of the greatest mathematicians, the St. Petersburg Academician Leonard Euler was first expressed by the idea of \u200b\u200btransmitting information using ether oscillations.

1780. - Galvani opened the first design of the detector is not artificial, but the natural is biological.

1785. -Franzuz physicist Charles pendant - the founder of electrostatics found that the power of the interaction of electrical charges is proportional to their values \u200b\u200band is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

1793. - C. Stipp invented "Optic Telegraph".

1794. - The first line of the Optic Telegraph, built between Lillem and Paris (about 250 km), had 22 intermediate (relay) stations that had 22 intermediate (relaxing) stations.

1800 g. - Volta invented the galvanic element - the so-called "volt pillar", which became the first source of DC.

1820. - Erstedt opened the connection between the electric current and the magnetic field. Electric current generates a magnetic field.

1820. -A. M. Ampere opened the interaction of electrical currents and established the law of this interaction (AMPER Act).

1832. - Pavel Lvovich Shilling invented the arrow telegraph vehicle, from which the indicators served five arrows.

1837. - American scientist Ch. Paige created the so-called "grumbling wire".

1838- Hametsky scientist K. A. Steingel invented the so-called grounding.

1838. - S. Morse invented the original uneven code.

1839. - The world of optical telegraph line between St. Petersburg and Warsaw (1200 km) was built in the world.

1841. - The first telegraph line between the Winter Palace and the main headquarters was built.

1844. - under the leadership of Morse, a telegraph line between Washington and Baltimore has a total length of 65 km was built.

1850 g. - B.S. Jacobi has developed the world's first telegraphic device (three years before Morse) with the lettering of the received messages, in which, as he said "signs of signs was carried out using the typographic font."

1851. - Morse code was somewhat modified and recognized by international code.

1855. - The French telegraph mechanic E. Bodo invented the first printing telegraph machine.

1858. - Winston invented the device issuing information directly to the telegraph tape embedded in it (the prototype of the modern telegraph apparatus).

1860. - Teacher of the physics of the city of Friedrichsdorf (Germany) Philip Flight from the subwoofers (a traffic jam, knitting needles, an old broken violin, insulated wire, and a galvanic element) created a device for demonstrating the principle of the ear.

1868. "Machon Lumis demonstrated a group of American congressmen and scientists to work a prototype line of a wireless connection with a length of 22 km.

1869. - Professor of the Kharkov University Yu. I. Morozov developed the transmitter - the type of the microphone.

July 30, 1872- M. Lamis was issued the world's first patent (№ 129971) on a wireless telegraph system.

1872. - Russian Engineer A. N. Lododyagin invented the first electric lighting lamp of incandescent, which opened the era of electrical acceleration.

1873. - English physicist V. Croza invented the device - "Radiometer".

1873. "Maxwell united all his work in" Teaching about electricity and magnetism. "

1874. - Bodo created a multiple system of telegraphs with seal.

1877 g. - D. E. Yuz constructed a telephone transmitter called by a microphone.

1877. - The first telephone station was built in the United States on the project of the Hungarian engineer T. Pushkash.

1878 G.. -Suarta came to the conclusion that in the Earth's atmosphere there is an ionized region of the ionosphere - conduction layer of the atmosphere, i.e., the land and the ionosphere are the condenser plates.

1879. - Russian scientist Mikhalsky first in the world applied coal powder in the microphone. This principle is used to date.

1882.- P. M. Golubitsky invented a highly sensitive phone and designed a tabletop telephone with a lever to automatically switch the circuit by changing the position of the handset.

1883. - Edison opened the effect of spraying the filament of the incandescent in the electrical lamp.

1883. - P. M. Golubitsky created a telephone with two poles located eccentric about the center of the membrane, which is currently working.

1883. -P. M. Golubitsky constructed microphone with coal powder.

1886. - Herz invented the method of detection of electromagnetic waves.

1887. - The Russian inventor K. A. Mosnitsky created a "self-accommodating central switch" - the predecessor of automatic telephone stations (PBX).

1887. - The famous experiments of Henry Hertz were held, which proved the reality of radio waves, the existence of which followed from the theory of J. K. Maxwell.

1889. - American inventor A. G. Zhernovger received a patent for an automatic telephone exchange.

1890 G.. - Famous French physicist E. Branley invented the instrument capable of reacting to the electromagnetic radiation of the radio band. The detector in the receiver served a coherer.

1893. - Russian inventors M. F. Freudenberg and S. M. Berdichevsky - Apostles offered their "telephone connector" - PBX with stepper seekers.

1895. - Freudenberg M. F. patented one of the most important nodes of the decade-step PBX - prewader (device for automatically searching for the called subscriber).

1896. - Freudenberg M. F. Created a machine seeker with reference control from the register installed in the subscriber's apparatus.

April 25 (May 7) 1895. - The first public demonstration of A. S. Popov radio. This day in our country is celebrated annually as a radio day.

24 (12) March 1896- With the help of the equipment A. S. Popov, the first text radiogram, which was recorded on the telegraph tape was transferred.

1896. - Freudenberg patented a machine-type seeker.

1896. - Berdichevsky - Apostles created the original PBX system for 11 thousand numbers.

1898. - Between Moscow and St. Petersburg, the world's most extended air telephone line (660 km) was built.

May 1899. - For the first time in sound form, the essential telegrams were listened to the head phone in Russia by Assistants A. S. Popova P. N. Rybkin and A. S. Troitsky.

1899 G.. – A. S. Popov for the first time used radio communication for the rescue of the ship and people. Communication range exceeded 40 km.

1900. - initially radio equipment of the ships of the Russian Navy, i.e., the practical and regular use of radio communications in military affairs.

August 24, 1900- Russian scientist Konstantin Dmitrievich Peresky introduced the concept of television "Television".

1904. Yanglianin Fleming created a lamp diode.

1906. -American Lee de Forest invented a lamp with a control electrode - a three-electrode lamp that ensures the ability to gain variable currents.

July 25, 1907. - B. L. Rosing received the "privilege of No. 18076" on the receiving tube for "electrical telescopy". Tubes designed to receive images were given in the future the name of Kinescopes.

1912. - V. I. Kovalenkov developed a generator lamp with an external anode cooled water.

1913. - Maisner discovered the possibility of self-excitation of oscillations in a diagram containing an electronic lamp and an oscillating circuit.

1915. - Russian engineer B. I. Kovalenkov developed and applied the first duplex telephone broadcast on the triggers.

1918. - E. Armstrong invented the supergicheterodyne receiver.

1919. - Schottky invented Tetrod, who found practical application only in 1924-1929.

1922. - O. V. Losev opened the effect of strengthening and generating high-frequency oscillations with crystals.

1922. - radio amateurs openly the property of short waves spread to any distance due to the refraction in the upper layers of the atmosphere and reflects from them.

1923. - Soviet scientist Losov O. V. first observed the glow of the semiconductor (carbidecremium) diode when the electric current is passed through it.

march 1929 - The first regular broadcasts on Ether in Germany began.

1930s.- Meter waves were mastered, propagating straightforwardly, not rising the earth's surface (i.e., within the limits of direct visibility).

1930. - Based on the work of Langmür, pentoders appeared.

April 29 and May 2, 1931- The first broadcasts of television images on the radio in the USSR. They were carried out with an image decomposition by 30 lines.

August 1931- German scientist Manfred von Ardenne first in the world publicly demonstrated a fully electronic television system based on the running beam sensor with a scan of 90 lines.

September 24, 1931- Soviet scientist. I. Kataev received a priority for the invention of the transmitting tube with the filling of charges, a mosaic target and switching using secondary electrons.

1934. - E. Armstrong invented frequency modulation (FM).

1936. - Soviet scientist P. V. Timofeev and P. V. Shmakov issued a copyright certificate for an electronic radiation tube with image transfer.

1938. - The first experienced television centers in Moscow and Leningrad were put into operation in the USSR. The decomposition of the transmitted image in Moscow was 343 lines, and in Leningrad - 240 lines at 25 frames per second. On July 25, 1940, a decomposition standard for 441 string was approved.

1938. - In the USSR, the serial release of console receivers on 343 rows of type TK-1 began with a screens size of 14 × 18 cm.

1939. - E. Armstrong built the first radio station operating in the VHF radio wave range.

1940s. - Decimeter and centimeter waves are mastered.

1948. - American researchers under the leadership of Shocley invented semiconductor triode -transistor.

1949. - In the USSR, the serial release of KVN-49 TVs on a pipe with a diameter of 17 cm (developers V. K. Kenigson, N. M. Warsaw, N. A. Nikolaevsky).

March 4, 1950- In Moscow, created the first scientific center at the receiving television network.

1953 1954- In the USSR, the first domestic equipment of the radio relay communication range of the "Crab" was developed. It was used on the link between Krasnovodsky and Baku through the Caspian Sea.

Mid 50s-In the USSRD is the family of the Radio Equipment "Arrow".

October 4, 1957- The first Soviet artificial satellite of the Earth (ISS) was bred in orbit.

1958. - On the basis of the R-600 operating in the range of 4 GHz, the first main radio relay line Leningrad-Tallinn was commissioned.

1960. - The first transmission of color television in Leningrad from the pilot station of the Leningrad Electrotechnical Communications Institute was held.

1965. - Plant named after Kozitsky developed and released the first lamp-semiconductor TV "Evening".

November 29, 1965The first transmission of color programs of television on the SECAM system from Moscow to Paris through the lightning-1 communication satellite is effective.

1966. - Kuntsevsky mechanical plant in Moscow was developed and released a small-sized portable TV "Youth", collected entirely on the transistors.

May 28, 1966The first transmission of color programs of television on the SECAM system from Paris to Moscow through the lightning-1 communication satellite is effective.

November 2, 1967- A network of stations was put into effect to receive television programs from artificial satellites of the Lightning Earth "Lightning - 1", called "Orbit".

November 4, 1967The Union Radiotelevian Transfer Station of the USSR Ministry of Communications has entered into operation.

1970. - Handy quartz fiber provided the ability to skip the light ray to a distance of up to 2 km.

September 5, 1982-The first satellite teleconference "Moscow -los-Angelicos" dedicated to the dialogue of the Music teams of the USSR and the United States.

April 1988-The USSR began using a set of wearable television journalist equipment with a video recorder.

February 1999- The beginning of multichannel digital satellite TV broadcasting ("NTV-Plus"). Transfer to 69 television channels.

2004. - The Government of the Russian Federation decides on the introduction of digital TV broadcasting on the European DVB system.

Communication lines appeared simultaneously with the appearance of an electrical telegraph. The first links were cable. However, due to the imperfection of the cable design, underground cable links soon gave way to air. The first air line of a large length was built in 1854 between St. Petersburg and Warsaw. In the early 1970s, an air telegraph line was built from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok with a length of about 10 thousand km. In 1939, the greatest high-frequency telephone line of Moscow - Khabarovsk with a length of 8300 km was put into operation in the world.

The creation of the first cable lines is associated with the name of the Russian scientist P. L. Schillling. Back in 1812, Shilling in St. Petersburg demonstrated the explosions of marine mines, using the insulated conductor created by it for this purpose.

In 1851, simultaneously with the construction of the railway between Moscow and St. Petersburg, a telegraph cable was laid, isolated guttairech. The first underwater cables were laid in 1852 through the North Dvina and in 1879 through the Caspian Sea between Baku and Krasnovodsky. In 1866, a cable transatlantic highway telegraph connection between France and the United States entered into account

In 1882--1884. In Moscow, Petrograd, Riga, Odessa, the first city telephone networks were built. In the 90s of the last century, the first cables numbered to 54 lived on the city telephone networks of Moscow and Petrograd. In 1901, the construction of an underworld city telephone network began.

The first designs of communication cables relating to the beginning of the 20th century have allowed telephone transmission for short distances. These were the so-called city telephone cables with air-paper insulation lived and steaming them twist. In 1900--1902. A successful attempt was made to increase the transmission distance by the methods of artificial increase in the inductance of cables by including in the circuit of inductance coils (Pupin's proposal), as well as the use of conductive livers with ferromagnetic winding (crapper offer). Such methods at that stage allowed to increase the range of telegraph and telephone communication several times.

An important stage in the development of the technology of communication was the invention, and starting from 1912-1913. Mastering the production of electronic lamps. In 1917, V. I. Kovalenkov was developed and tested on the line a telephone amplifier on electronic lamps. In 1923, a telephone connection was carried out with amplifiers on the line Kharkov - Moscow - Petrograd.

In the 1930s, the development of multi-channel transmission systems began. Subsequently, the desire to expand the spectrum of transmitted frequencies and increase the bandwidth of the lines led to the creation of new types of cables, so-called coaxial. But their mass production belongs only by 1935, by the time of the emergence of new high-quality dielectrics such as an escappon, high-frequency ceramics, polystyrene, styroflex, etc. These cables allow energy transmission at a speed of up to several million hertz and allow us to produce television transmission programs over long distances. The first coaxial line on 240 channels of RF telephony was laid in 1936 according to the first transatlantic underwater cables, laid in 1856, were organized only by telegraph communications, and only after 100 years, in 1956, a submarine coaxial highway between Europe was built America for multichannel telephone communication.

In 1965-1967 Experienced waveguide links appeared to transfer broadband information, as well as cryogenic superconducting cable lines with very small attenuation. Since 1970, work on the creation of light guides and optical cables that use the visible and infrared radiation of the optical wave range visible and infrared radiation are actively unfolded.

The creation of a fiber light guide and obtaining continuous generation of the semiconductor laser played a decisive role in the rapid development of fiber-optic communication. By the beginning of the 80s, fiber-optic communication systems were developed and tested in real conditions. The main areas of application of such systems are telephone network, cable television, inside the object, computing equipment, a system for controlling and controlling technological processes, etc.

In Russia and other countries, urban and intercity fiber optic communication lines are laid. They are given a leading place in the scientific and technological progress of the communications industry.

Cable and Explorer Products and Accessories

History of the emergence and development of power lines in Russia

The first case of the transmission of an electrical signal is considered to be an experiment conducted in the middle of the 18th century by Abbot Zholle: two hundred Monks of the Cartesian monastery on his instructions took their hands for the metal wire and stood in line more mile. When the inquisitive Abbot discharged the electrocondensator to the wire, all the monks immediately convinced the reality of electricity, and the experimenter in the speed of its distribution. Of course, these two hundred martyrs did not give themselves the report in the fact that they were formed the first power line in history.

1874 Russian Engineer F.A. Pyroatsky offered to use railway rails as an electrical energy conductor. At that time, the transfer of electricity on the wires was accompanied by large losses (when transferring a direct current of losses in the wire was reached 75%). Reduce losses in the line seemed possible by increasing the cross section of the conductor. Pyrozza conducted experiments of transferring energy on the rails of the Sestrian railway. Both rails were isolated from the ground, one of them served as a direct wire, the second opposite. The inventor tried to use the idea for the development of urban transport and put a small trailer on the rails-conductors. However, this turned out to be unsafe for pedestrians. However, much later such a system has found development in the modern metro.

The famous electrical engineering Nikola Tesla dreamed of creating a system of wireless energy transmission to any point of the planet. In 1899, he took up the construction of a tower for transatlantic communications, hoping under the cover of a commercially advantageous enterprise to realize its electrical ideas. Under his leadership, a giant radio station for 200 kW in Colorado was constructed. In 1905, a trial start of a radio station was held. According to eyewitnesses, lightning sparkled around the tower, an ionized environment was glowing. Journalists argued that the inventor lit the sky in a thousand mile space over the ocean space. However, such a communication system soon turned out to be too expensive, and ambitious plans remained unrealized, only giving rise to a whole mass of theories and rumors (from the "rays of death" to the Tungus meteorite - everything was attributed to N. Tesla's activities).

Thus, the most optimal yield at that time was the power lines. By the beginning of the 1890s, it became clear that it was cheaper and more practical to erect power plants next to fuel and hydroresours, and not what was done before - next to energy consumers. For example, the first thermal power station in our country was built in 1879, in the then capital - St. Petersburg, especially for the lighting of the casting bridge, in 1890, a power station of a single-phase current was launched in Pushkino, and the tsarist village, according to the evidence of contemporaries, "became the first The city in Europe, which is completely and exclusively illuminated by electricity. " However, these resources were often removed from major cities, traditionally speaking industry centers. There was a need to transmit electricity over long distances. The transmission theory at the same time was developed by the Russian scientist D.A. Lachinov, and French electrical engineering M. Dere. The creation of transformers at the same time was engaged in American George Westing, however, the world's first transformer (with an open core) was created by P.N. Apple, in 1876 he received a patent.

At the same time, a question arose about the use of AC or DC. This question also interested in the creator of the arc light bulb P.N. Apples, which foreshadow a great future to the alternating current of high voltage. These findings supported another domestic scientist - M.O. Dolo-Dobrovolsky.

In 1891, it was built by the first three-phase transmission line, which reduced losses up to 25%. At that time, the scientist worked at AEG, which belonged to T. Edison. This company was invited to participate in the International Electrotechnical Exhibition in Frankfurt am Main, where the issue of further use of AC or DC was resolved. The International Test Commission was organized under the chairmanship of the German scientist G. Helmholts. Commission members entered Russian Engineer R.E. Classroom. It was assumed that the Commission would test all the proposed systems and would give an answer to the question of choosing the type of current and the promising power supply system.

M.O. Dolo-Dobrovolsky decided to pass through the electricity energy of the waterfall on the r. Nocket (near Laufen) to the exhibition territory in Frankfurt. The distance between these two items was 170 km, although up to this point the transmission distance usually did not exceed 15 km. The Russian scientist had to stretch the power supply lines on wooden poles in just one year, to create the necessary engines and transformers ("induction coils", as they were then called), and he brilliantly coped with this task in collaboration with the Swiss company Erlikon. In August 1891, a thousand incandescent lamps fed from Laoufenal hydrostating was first lit at the exhibition. A month later, the engine of the Valivo-Dobrovolsky was carried out into effect the decorative waterfall - there was a peculiar energy chain, a small artificial waterfall was operated by the energy of a natural waterfall remote from the first 170 km.

So the main energy problem of the end of the XIX century was permitted - the problem of transmission of electricity over long distances. In 1893, engineer A.N. Schensnovich builds the world's first industrial power plant on these principles in the Novorossiysk workshops of the Vladikavkaz railway.

In 1891, an electrical institute was created on the basis of the telegraph school in St. Petersburg, which began training for the coming electrification of the country.

The wires for the LAP were initially called from the abroad, however, they began to produce them quite quickly at the Kolchuginsky brass and a copper rolling plant, the enterprise "United Cable Plants" and the factory of the subhead. But the supports in Russia have already been produced - the truth used them first mostly for telegraph and telephone wires. At first there were difficulties of household order - the small population of the Russian Empire with suspicion belonged to the pillars decorated with signs on which the skull was drawn.

The mass construction of the LEP begins with the end of the nineteenth century, this is due to the electrification industry. The main task that was solved at this stage is the connection of power plants with industrial areas. The voltages were small, as a rule to 35 kV, the tasks of association in the network did not extend. Under these conditions, the problem was easily solved with the help of wooden one-room and P-shaped supports. The material was affordable, cheap and fully satisfied the requirements of time. All these years, the designs of the supports and wires were continuously improved.

For mobile electric vehicles, the principle of underground electric traction was known to feed trains in Cleveland and Budapest. However, this method was uncomfortable in operation, and underground cable LPPs were used only in cities for street lighting and power supply of private houses. Until now, the cost of underground power lines exceeds the cost of air lines by 2-3 times.

In 1899, the first All-Russian Electrotechnical Congress took place in Russia. The chairman of the Imperial Russian Technical Society, Professor of the Military Engineering Academy and Technological Institute, Nikolai Pavlovich Petrov, was the chairman of him. The congress gathered over five hundred people interested in electrical engineering, among them were the faces of a wide variety of professions and with a variety of education. Combined their either overall work in the field of electrical engineering, or a common interest in the development of electrical engineering in Russia. Until 1917, seven such congresses were conducted, the new government continued this tradition.

In 1902, the power supply was carried out by the Baku oilfields, the LAP transmitted electricity with a voltage of 20 square meters.

In 1912, the construction of the first power plant operating at the peat was launched on the Peafian near Moscow. The idea belonged to R.E. Cloon, which took advantage of the fact that the coal on which the mainstream of the power station worked mainly in Moscow was required to bring. This increased the price of electricity, and a peat power station with a transfer line in 70 km paid off quite quickly. It still exists - now it is GRES-3 in Noginsk.

The electric power industry in the Russian Empire in those years preferably belonged to foreign firms and entrepreneurs, for example, the controlling stake of the largest joint-stock company "Society of Electric Lighting Society 1886", which built almost all the power plants of pre-revolutionary Russia, belonged to the German firm "Siemens and Galsk", already known to us on history Corestroitations (see "Cable-News", №9, p. 28-36). Another AO - "United cable plants" was managed by the AEG concern. Much of the equipment was covered from abroad. Russian energy and its development abruptly lagged behind the advanced countries of the world. By 1913, the Russian Empire held 8th place in the world by the number of electricity generated.

With the beginning of the First World War, the production of equipment for the LAM is reduced - the front needed other products that could produce the same plants - telephone field wire, a mine cable, enameled wire. Part of these products was first mastered by domestic production, since many imported deliveries were discontinued due to war. During the war, the "Electrical Joint Stock Company of the Donetsk Basin" built a power plant with a capacity of 60,000 kW and equipment was brought for her.

By the end of 1916, the fuel and raw crisis cause a sharp drop in production at the factories, which continues in 1917. After the October Socialist Revolution, all factories and enterprises were nationalized by the SNK decree (Council of People's Commissar). By order of the Volnch (Supreme Council of the National Economy) of the RSFSR in December 1918, all enterprises related to the production of wires and power lines were transferred to the Department of Electrical Industry. Almost everywhere, a collegial control is created, in which they participated in both the workers presenting the "new power" and representatives of the former management and engineering corps. Immediately at the coming to power, the Bolsheviks paid great attention to electrification, for example, in the years of the Civil War, despite the destruction, blockade and intervention, 51 power plants with a total capacity of 3,500 kW were built in the country.

Goello Plan, compiled in 1920 under the leadership of the former St. Petersburg Montera on LPP and Cable Networks, in the future academician G.M. Krzhizhanovsky, forced all types of electrical engineering to develop. According to him, twenty thermal and ten hydroelectric stations should be built with a total capacity of 1 million 750 thousand kW. The Department of the Electrical Industry in 1921 was transformed into the General Directorate of the Electrotechnical Industry of the Volnch - "Glavoelectro". The first leader of the "Glavoelektro" became V.V. Kuibyshev.

In 1923, the "First All-Russian Agricultural and History and Industrial Exhibition" opened in the Gorky Park. Following the exhibition, Ruscabel's plant received a first degree diploma for contributing to electrification and manufacture of high-voltage cable.

As the voltage increases and, accordingly, the weighting of the wire, the transition from wooden to metal supports for LAP was carried out. In Russia, the first line on metal supports appeared in 1925 - a two-charted 110 kV, which connected Moscow and Shatura GRES.

In 1926, the first central dispatch service existing so far was created in the Moscow Energy System.

In 1928, the USSR began to produce their own power transformers, which produced a specialized Moscow transformer plant.

In the 1930s, electrification continues all increasing rates. Major power plants are created (Dneprognes, Stalingrad GRES, etc.), the voltages of the transmitted electricity increase (for example, Dneproges-Donbass power supply operates with a voltage of 154 kV; and the Lower-Svirkaya HPP power station is Leningrad with a voltage of 220 kV). In the late 1930s, a line of Moscow-Volzhskaya HPP, which operated with an ultrahigh voltage of 500 square meters. The combined power systems of large regions arise. All this demanded the improvement of metal supports. Their structures were continuously improved, a number of typical supports were expanded, a massive transition to supports with a bolted joint and lattice supports was carried out.

Wooden supports at this time are also used, but their area is limited, usually, voltages up to 35 square meters. They bind mainly non-industrial rural areas.

During the pre-war five years (1929-1940), large energy systems were created in the country - in Ukraine, Belarus, in Leningrad, Moscow.

During the war, five million kW were disabled from the total installed capacity of power plants. During the war years, 61 large-scale power plants were destroyed, a large number of equipment was exported by invaders to Germany. Part of the equipment was blown up, part in record deadlines was evacuated to the Urals and East of the country and was introduced in action to ensure the work of the defense industry. During the war years in Chelyabinsk, a turbine unit with a capacity of 100 MW was launched.

Soviet energetics of their heroic work provided the work of power plants and networks in the difficult war years. During the promotion of fascist armies to Moscow in 1941, Rybinskaya HPP was commissioned, which ensured the energy supply of Moscow with a lack of fuel. Novomoskovskaya GRES, captured by the Nazis, was destroyed. Kashirskaya GRES supplied electricity to the industry Tula, and the same time worked the transmission line that crossed the territory captured by the fascists. This LPP was restored by energy in the rear of the German army. Volkhovskaya HPP, affected by German aviation, was also introduced back to operation. From her on the bottom of Ladoga Lake (according to a specially laid cable) in Leningrad, electricity was received by the entire blockade.

In 1942, the first combined dispatch control was created to coordinate the work of three district energy systems: Sverdlovsk, Perm and Chelyabinsk - ORDA. In 1945, an ODU Center was created, which began the beginning to further unite the power system into a single network of the whole country.

After the war, the energy session was not only repaired and restored, but also built new ones. By 1947, the USSR goes to the second place in the world of electricity. In the first place remained the United States.

In the 50s, new hydroelectric power plants are being built - Volzhskaya, Kuibyshevskaya, Kakhovskaya, Yuzhnouralskaya.

Since the end of the 50s, the stage of stormy growth of power grid construction begins. Each five-year period, the length of the power lines has doubled. Annually built more than thirty thousand kilometers of new LPP. At this time, it is massively introduced and reinforced concrete supports for LPP, with "preframed racks". They usually produced lines with a voltage of 330 and 220 kV.

In June 1954, a nuclear power plant in Obninsk, a capacity of 5 MW, began operations. It was the first in the world of expressive nuclear power plants.

Abroad, the first industrial nuclear power plant was put into operation only in 1956 in the English city of Cerder Hall. A year later, a nuclear power plant was commissioned in American Shippingport.

The LEP of the high voltage of DC is also constructed. The first experimental line of transmission of this type was created in 1950, in the direction of Kashira-Moscow, a length of 100 km, with a capacity of 30 MW and a voltage of 200 square meters. The second on this path was the Swedes. They were connected in 1954 by the power system of Gotland, along the bottom of the Baltic Sea with the energy system of Sweden through the 98 kilometer single-pole power transmission lines, a voltage of 100 kV and a capacity of 20 MW.

In 1961, the first aggregates of the world's largest fraternal hydroelectric power plants were launched.

In the late 60s, the unification of metal supports actually determined the basic set of structures of the supports used and up to the present. Over the past 40 years, as well as at the metal supports, the design of reinforced concrete supports have not changed. To date, almost all network construction in Russia and the CIS countries is based on the scientific and technological base of the 60s-70s.

The global practice of construction of the LAP was not much different from the domestic until the mid-60s. However, in recent decades, our practices have developed significantly. In the West, it did not receive such a propagation of reinforced concrete as a material for the supports. They went along the way of building lines on metal multifaceted supports.

In 1977, the Soviet Union produced electricity more than all countries of Europe together were taken - 16% of world production.

By connecting regional power grids, the Unified Energy System of the USSR is created - the largest electric power system, which was then connected to the power systems of Eastern Europe and formed the international energy system, the named "World". By 1990, the USSR UES included 9 out of 11 countries' power facilities, covering 2/3 of the territory of the USSR, which lived more than 90% of the population.

It should be noted that for a number of technical indicators (for example, the scale of power plants and voltage levels of high-voltage power transmission), the Soviet Union occupied the advanced position in the world.

In the 1980s, an attempt was made to introduce into the mass construction of multifaceted supports of the Volga mechanical plant in the mass construction. However, the lack of necessary technologies determined the design disadvantages of these supports, which led to failure. Only in 2003 returned to this issue.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, new problems stood before the energy sector. To maintain the state of the LAP and their restoration, extremely minor means were highlighted, the decline of the industry led to degradation and even the destruction of many power lines. There was such a phenomenon as theft of wires and cables for subsequent delivery to the reception points of non-ferrous metal as a scrap metal. Despite the fact that, with this criminal fishery, many of the "miners" are dying, and their income is very insignificant, the number of such cases is practically not reduced so far. It is caused by a sharp decline in living standards in the regions, as this crime is mainly engaged in marginalized individuals without work and place of residence.

In addition, connections with the countries of Eastern Europe and the former republics of the USSR, connected before the Unified Energy System. In November 1993, due to a large power deficit in Ukraine, a forced transition was made to separate work of the UES of Russia and the OES of Ukraine, which led to the separate work of the UES of Russia with the rest of the energy systems included in the Mir Energy System. In the future, the parallel work of the power systems included in the "World", not renewed with the central dispatching department.

Over the past 20 years, the physical wear of high-voltage networks has increased significantly and, according to some researchers, has reached more than 40%. In distribution networks, the position is even harder. This is complicated by the continuous increase in energy consumption. Moral aging of equipment is occurring. Most technical level objects correspond to their Western counterpart 20 - 30 years ago. In the meantime, world energy is not standing in place, search engines are carried out in the field of creating new types of LPP: cryogenic, crimerazistory, semi-sharp, open, etc.

Before the domestic electric power industry is the most important question about solving all these new challenges and tasks.


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