Quiz on Krylov's fables for elementary school students. AND

Theme: Kingdom of fable(quiz game based on the fables of I.A. Krylov)

I love where there is a chance to pinch vices.

I.A. Krylov

I. Word about the writer, fabulist.

More than two hundred years have passed since the birth of the great fabulist "grandfather Krylov", as the people lovingly call him, but his fables are not outdated, they teach us to understand true moral values, folk wisdom, and expand life experience.

I.A. Krylov (1769-1844) was born in Moscow. Childhood passed in difficult conditions. The father left a soldier's chest with books as a legacy to his son. Krylov's mother, Maria Alekseevna, did not know how to read and write, but she was kind and smart by nature.

The life of Ivan Andreevich developed in such a way that he did not even have to go to school. The desire for education was so strong that he independently mastered languages, mathematics and became a highly educated person.

II. Contests

1. "Centon" from fables(name the fables of I.A. Krylov)

Somewhere a god sent a piece of cheese to a crow;

Crow perched on the spruce,

I'm quite ready to have breakfast

Yes, I thought about it, but I kept the cheese in my mouth.

To that misfortune ... They drove the Elephant through the streets,

As you can see -

It is known that Elephants are a curiosity with us -

So crowds of onlookers followed the Elephant.

naughty monkey,

Donkey, Goat and clubfoot Bear

They decided to play a quartet.

Got notes, bass, viola, two violins

And they sat down on the meadow under the limes, -

Captivate the world with your art.

And there is no use for hair in them.

The monkey is here with annoyance and sadness

O stone so sufficed them,

That only the spray sparkled.

And it's gotta be bad luck

That near those places a hungry wolf roamed.

He sees the lamb, to strive for prey.

Who is to blame among them, who is right, is not for us to judge;

Yes, only things are still there.


  1. "A Crow and a fox"
  2. "Elephant and Pug"
  3. "Quartet"
  4. "Monkey and Glasses"
  5. "Wolf and Lamb"
  6. "Swan, Pike and Cancer"

2. Restore the lines of the fables and name the fable

  1. “The strong always ...” (“the powerless is to blame” - “The Wolf and the Lamb”)
  2. "... also blinded

Defends science and learning "(" Ignorant "-" Pig under the Oak ")

  1. "No wonder it is said

What's the matter ... ... "("Afraid of the master" - "Pike and Cat")

  1. "Hey Moska! Know … …,

What ... ... "("she is strong", "on the elephant" - "Elephant and Pug")

  1. "To be a musician,

So necessary...

And ... your softer, ”-

They are answered by ... ”(“ skill ”,“ ears ”,“ Nightingale ”-“ Quartet ”)

  1. “When in comrades ... no,

Their business is going well ... ”(“ consent ”,“ it won’t work ”-“ Swan, Pike and Cancer ”)

  1. “Why, without fear of sin,

The cuckoo praises the Rooster?

For the fact that ... ... ”(“ he praises the Cuckoo ”-“ The Cuckoo and the Rooster ”)

  1. “The monkey is weak in old age ... ...;

And she heard people.

That this evil is not yet of such a great hand;

It’s only worth starting ... ”(” became eyes, “Points” - “Monkey and Glasses”)

3. Pantomime (Choose one fable without seeing the name. With the help of gestures, depict what is written on the card, and the audience (or the rival team) must guess the depicted fable "

1st team

  1. "Monkey and Glasses"
  2. "Swan, Pike and Cancer"

2nd team

  1. "Wolf and Lamb"
  2. "Dragonfly and Ant"

4. Creative competition

The team composes a fable in 10-15 minutes, the heroes of which will be the heroes:

1st team

Broom and feather

2nd team

Rag and chalk

5. Fix mistakes

  1. "Wolf and Glasses"
  2. "Duet"
  3. "Giraffe and Pug"
  4. "Swan, Pike and Lamb"
  5. "Pig under the birch"
  6. "Dragonfly and Fly"
  7. "Wolf in the sheepfold"
  8. "Chest"
  9. "Crow and Monkey"

5. Mosaic (collect a picture depicting Krylov's fable)

1st team 2nd team

Illustration for a fable Illustration for a fable

"Pig under the Oak" "Quartet"

His fables will survive the ages. K.H. Batyushkov

Target: generalization of students' knowledge about the fables of I.A. Krylov, to develop memory, attention, to cultivate interest in reading.
I competition.
Name Krylov's fables about: Fox ("Crow and Fox", "Fox and Grapes", "Wolves Fox", "Good Fox", "Fox", "Fox and Donkey")
Wolf ("Wolf and Lamb", "Wolf in the kennel", "Lion and Wolf", "Wolf and Cat", "Wolf and Shepherds", "Wolves and Sheep").
Medvede ("Quartet", "The Bear at the Bees", "The Hermit and the Bear", "The Hardworking Bear", "The Peasant and the Worker")
Monkey ("Mirror and Monkey", "Monkey and Glasses", "Monkeys", "Monkey", "Quartet")
People ("Peasant and Worker", "Cat and Cook", "Casket", "Curious", "Demyanova's Ear", "Peasant and Snake", "Two Boys")

II competition.
Who owns the words?
"Darling, how pretty! Well, what a neck, what eyes! (Fox from the fable "The Crow and the Fox")
“Everything about glasses was just lied to me; And there is no use for hair in them. (To the monkey from the fable "Monkey and Glasses")
"Friends! Why all this noise? I, your old matchmaker and godfather ... "(To the wolf from the fable" The wolf in the kennel ")
"Don't leave me, dear godfather! Give me the strength to gather ... ”(Dragonfly from the fable“ Dragonfly and Ant ”)
“Wait! How does the music go? After all, YOU are not sitting like that ”(to the Monkey from the Quartet fable”)

III competition.
remember the missing word

  1. "Two ... (barrels)."
  2. "Boy and ... (Snake)".
  3. "Fox and ... (grapes)".
  4. "Hardworking ... (Bear)".
  5. "Trishkin ... (caftan)".
  6. "Dragonfly and ... (Ant)".
  7. "Donkey and ... (Nightingale)".
  8. "Cat and ... (Cook)".
  9. "Pig under ... (oak)."
  10. 10. "Wolves and ... (Sheep)".

IV competition
"The moral of the story is this"
What fable had such a moral?

1. “How many times have they told the world,
That flattery is vile, harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And in the heart the flatterer will always find a corner.
("A Crow and a fox".)

2. “Trouble, if the cobbler starts the pies,
And boots to stitch a pieman:
And things won't go well." ("Pike and Cat.")

3. “It often happens to us
And work and wisdom to see there,
Where you can only guess
Just get down to business." ("Larchik".)

4. "Forward someone else's trouble
don't laugh, Dove!" ("Chizh and Dove")

5. “When there is no agreement among comrades,
Their business will not go well,
And nothing will come out of it, only flour. ("Swan, Pike and Cancer")

5th competition.
Many phrases from the fables of I.A. Krylova became catchwords. We often say “The casket just opened” or “And Vaska listens and eats”, without even thinking that these words were uttered for the first time by Krylov’s heroes. Krylov has a lot of such phrases that have become winged words. Here are some of them:

  • “Yes, only things are still there”
  • "The strong always blame the weak"
  • "There is no beast stronger than a cat!"

Remember what fables these lines are from?
(Respectively: "Swan, Pike and Cancer", "Wolf and Lamb", "Mouse and Rat").
Not only lines from the fables of Ivan Andre-kich, but even the names of the fables themselves became catchwords. Who will name them? "Trishkin's caftan", "Swan, Pike and Cancer", "Elephant and Pug", "Demyanova's ear", "Cuckoo Rooster", etc.)
The greatest connoisseur of the Russian word, I. A. Krylov, enriched our literary language with many figurative expressions that became proverbs and sayings. They are used in disputes, since it is better to confirm their thought with them than with long arguments:

  • “The eye sees, but the tooth is numb”
  • "Harrow in peacock feathers"
  • "Jumping Dragonfly"
  • "Trishkin caftan"
  • "Martyshkin labor"
  • "Disservice"
  • “And the casket just opened”
  • "And Vaska listens and eats"

VI contests.
1 Crossword

"Ivan Krylov"

  1. A writer who writes fables (fabulist).
  2. The city with which Krylov's childhood is connected (Tver)
  3. The position in which Krylov began his career (subclerk)
  4. French poet-fabulist, Krylov translated his fables into Russian (La Fontaine)
  5. Musical instrument played by Krylov (violin)
  6. An important part in the fable, the conclusion is a lesson (moral)
  7. Works for the theater that Krylov wrote (plays)
  8. Profession in which Krylov worked for 30 years (librarian)
  9. and 10. Heroes of one of the most famous Krylov's fables (Dragonfly and Ant)

2 Crossword

"I.A. Krylov"
1. “To that misfortune ... I ran close” (fox).
2. “Naughty Monkey, Donkey” A goat, and a clubfoot Mishka started to play ... ”(quartet).
3. "Know she is strong" that she barks at the elephant. Who is this? (Pug).
4. “Darling, how good! Well, what a neck, what eyes! Who is this? (Crow).
5. “God sent a piece to a crow somewhere ...” (to cheese).
6. “Through the streets ... they were taken, apparently, for show” (Elephant).
7. “The monkey here, out of annoyance and sadness about the stone, grabbed them so much that only splashes sparkled * What is it? (Glasses).
8. “A lamb on a hot day went to the stream to get drunk; and it must be a disaster that near those places a hungry prowl ... "Who? (Wolf).


Lesson type
Lesson form: quiz.
Lesson Methods

Age category: 5th grade

— Literature.
— Literature. Grade 5 Textbook-reader for educational institutions. At 2 o'clock /Aut.-stat. M.A. Snezhnevskaya and others - M.: Mnemozina, 2011
- Lesson planning in literature. Grade 5: Methodological guide to textbooks-readers Korovina V.Ya., Kurdyumova T.F. etc. “Literature. Grade 5" / O. B. Belomestnykh. - M.: Publishing house "VAKO", 2002
- Handout;
– technical training aids

Visual aids :
- handout: cards with texts of fables;
- visual clarity "Presentation for the lesson"




I.A. Krylov

  1. Entry into the topic of the lesson.


III . Quiz.

1) Competition-warm-up.

- Name the heroine who saw her image in the mirror. (Monkey)
- Who had the table and the house ready for the winter under the sheet? (at Dragonfly)
- Who without a fight "wants to get into big bullies"? (Pug)
- Who was "taken through the streets as if for a show"? (elephant)
What color was summer for the dragonfly? (Red)
What kind of tree did the crow sit on? (Spruce)
What captivated the fox? (Cheese Spirit)
What was the first part of the crow's body that the fox admired? (Neck)

2) Contest"Announcement Board" (Slide 2)

Read the ads. Which of the heroes of the fables could they belong to? Name the fable this character is from.


4) Captains Competition.

Runtime - 5 minutes.


naughty monkey,

Yes, clubfoot Mishka

They tear, but there is no point.

“Stop, brothers, stop! - shouts Monkey.-


I, prima, will sit against the second.

Wolf in the kennel

Went to the kennel.

They run: another with a dub,

Other with ______________.

Wolf and Lamb

But we don't write stories;

And it's gotta be bad luck

5) "I know you"

All musicians are no good. ("Quartet")

Their business will not go well. ("Swan, Cancer and Pike")

The swan breaks into the clouds
Cancer moves back, and Pike pulls into the water. ("Swan, Cancer and Pike")

We'll get along really well
Let's sit next to each other. ("Quartet")

I'm tearing up a bunch of manure,
The rooster found a pearl seed. ("The Rooster and the Pearl Seed")

6) "Puzzles" (Slide 13)

I stand firm and straight.

8) "Cabin" (Slide 15-20)

This chest contains a variety of items. You must remember which character they belong to and which fable this character is from.

pig acorns "Pig under the oak tree"

piece of cheese - Crow "Crow and Fox"

a plate of fish soup for Demyan "Demyan's ear"

violin monkey "Quartet"

bunch of grapes - I wanted to get the Fox "Fox and Grapes"

9) "Homework"

In the lessons you got acquainted with the genre of the fable. We read a lot of fables by Ivan Andreevich Krylov. And now, I think, it's time to find out what kind of fabulists you are. We check your homework.

10) Summing up the lesson.

IV . (Slide 21).

Teacher. In 1855, a bronze monument to the great fabulist was erected in the Summer Garden of St. Petersburg. Krylov is depicted sitting in an armchair, thoughtful. On each side of the high pedestal there are bas-relief images of characters from Krylov's most famous fables. The monument was built with money collected from all over Russia. Such is the love of the people!

Question to the class

Teacher. Indeed, in our life we ​​constantly encounter well-known Krylov characters. Still among us are Crow and Fox, Swan, Cancer and Pike, unfortunate musicians Monkey, Donkey, Goat and clubfoot Bear. And if we look closely, we will discover some shortcomings in ourselves. After all, there are no people without flaws, and now, as in the old days, the mind coexists with stupidity, diligence - with laziness, modesty - with boasting, talent - with mediocrity. I really hope that Krylov's moralizing will help you become better.

Poem by P. Vyazemsky (Slide 22):

With fun, he corrected people,
Sweeping dust from them vices;
He glorified himself with fables,
And this glory is our reality.
And they will not forget this
While they speak Russian
We have confirmed it for a long time,
Her and her grandchildren will harden.

How do you understand lines?
Do you agree with the author?

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"Lesson-quiz" Connoisseurs of the fables of grandfather Krylov ""

Quiz: "Connoisseurs of Grandpa Krylov's fables" in grade 5

The purpose of the quiz lesson:

To generalize and systematize the knowledge of the children about the fable as a literary genre and the fables of I. A. Krylov;

Planned educational outcomes


    check students' knowledge of the fable as a genre of literature.

    check the knowledge of the texts of the studied fables by I.A. Krylov, the ability to find the moral of a fable, the skills of expressive reading of fables.


    development of speech and creative thinking of students;

    the formation of communicative competence (the formation of the ability to interact in collective activities, the development of such skills of students as expressive reading and the ability to build their own oral statement).


* the ability to work quickly and smoothly in a group, self-control;

    fostering interest in classical literature.

Lesson type : combined, generalizing.
Lesson form: quiz.
Lesson Methods : verbal, visual, creative activity, explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, partially exploratory.
Form of organization of educational activities : individual, group, collective.
Age category : 5th grade

- Literature.
- Literature. Grade 5 Textbook-reader for educational institutions. At 2 o'clock /Aut.-stat. M.A. Snezhnevskaya and others - M.: Mnemozina, 2011
- Lesson planning in literature. Grade 5: Methodological guide to textbooks-readers Korovina V.Ya., Kurdyumova T.F. etc. “Literature. Grade 5" / O. B. Belomestnykh. - M .: Publishing house "VAKO", 2002
- Handout;
- technical training aids

Visual aids :
- handout: cards with texts of fables;
- visual clarity "Presentation for the lesson"

Equipment : cards with texts of works, works by I.A. Krylov, computer, projector.

Decor: portrait of I.A. Krylov, illustrations for fables, exhibition of books by I.A. Krylov.

Used educational technologies: computer presentation for the lesson.


I love where there is a chance to pinch vices.

I.A. Krylov

Organizational structure of the lesson:

    Entry into the topic of the lesson.

Introductory word of the teacher, which informs the purpose of the lesson, the form of work, the rules of the game.

Guys, a few lessons ago we got acquainted with the work of the wonderful Russian fabulist I.A. Krylov.

II . A word about the fabulist I.A. Krylov.

February 14 marks the 245th anniversary of the birth of I.A. Krylov. He left us a legacy of more than 200 fables, imbued with satirical poignancy, bright and well-aimed language. They denounced social and human vices. N.V. Gogol called Krylov's fables "... the book of the wisdom of the people themselves." And today we have to remember and consolidate the knowledge gained.

III . Quiz. There are two teams in the quiz.

1) Competition-warm-up.

Name the heroine who saw her image in the mirror. (Monkey)
- Who had the table and the house ready for the winter under the sheet? (at Dragonfly)
- Who without a fight "wants to get into big bullies"? (Pug)
- Who was "taken through the streets as if to a show"? (elephant)
- What color was summer for the dragonfly? (Red)
What species of tree did the crow sit on? (Spruce)
- What captivated the fox? (Cheese Spirit)
What was the first part of the crow's body that the fox admired? (Neck)

2) Contest"Announcement Board" (Slide 2)

- Read the announcements. Which of the heroes of the fables could they belong to? Name the fable this character is from.

Answers: Monkey "Monkey and Glasses", 2. Dragonfly "Dragonfly and Ant", 3. Rooster or Cuckoo "Cuckoo and Rooster", 4. Crow "Crow and Fox"

3) Competition "Picture Gallery" (Slides 3-12)

Task: guess which fable the illustration refers to. Slides with illustrations for the fable are shown on the screen.

4) Captains Competition.

For the competition, the teacher prepares cards; fable text with missing words (the same number) for each team.

Task: restore the texts of I. Krylov's fables by filling in the missing words.

Run time - 5 minutes.

Evaluation: 1 point for each correctly inserted word.


naughty monkey,

Yes, clubfoot Mishka

Play Quartet.

Got notes, bass, viola, two violins

And they sat down on the meadow under _____________, -

Captivate the world with your art.

in bows,

They tear, but there is no point.

“Stop, brothers, stop! - shouts Monkey.-


How does the music go! After all, you are not __________.

You are with the bass, Mishenka, sit down against __________,

I, prima, will sit against the second.

Wolf in the kennel

The wolf at night, thinking to climb into the sheepfold,

Went to the kennel.

Suddenly the whole _______________ yard rose.

Feeling the gray so close to the bully,

The dogs are flooded in the stables and are rushing out to __________;

Houndsmen shout: “Oh, guys, thief!” -

And instantly ________________ for constipation;

In a minute, _____________ became hell.

They run: another with a dub,

Other with ______________.

Wolf and Lamb

The strong always have ________________ to blame:

That is why we hear a lot of examples in history.

But we don't write stories;

But about how they talk in fables.

A lamb on a hot day ___________ to get drunk by the stream;

And it's gotta be bad luck

What about those places hungry ____________ Wolf.

He sees the lamb, he strives for prey;

But, to give the case a legitimate look and sense,

______________: “How dare you, insolent, with an unclean snout

Here is a clean stir up __________

5) "I know you"

Determine from the passages from which fable they are taken.

And you, friends, no matter how you sit down,
All musicians are no good. ("Quartet")

The crow croaked at the top of its throat. ("A Crow and a fox")

When there is no agreement among comrades,
Their business will not go well. ("Swan, Cancer and Pike")

The swan breaks into the clouds
Cancer moves back, and Pike pulls into the water. ("Swan, Cancer and Pike")

You are gray, and I, buddy, are gray. ("The wolf in the kennel")

The strong are always to blame for the powerless. (“The Wolf and the Lamb”)

And Vaska listens and eats. ("The Cat and the Cook")

We'll get along really well
Let's sit next to each other. ("Quartet")

I'm tearing up a bunch of manure,
The rooster found a pearl seed. ("The Rooster and the Pearl Seed")

6) "Puzzles"(Slide 13)

Answers: 1. Dragonfly "Dragonfly and Ant", 2. Pug "Elephant and Pug", 3 Cuckoo "Cuckoo and Rooster", 4. Pike "Swan, Pike and Cancer"

7) Game with the audience (Slide 14)

Assignment: in an excerpt from Krylov's fable "The Oak and the Cane", the author used 32 letters of the Russian alphabet. Find the missing letter. (b)

Not only do I block the rays of the sun,

But, chuckling at both whirlwinds and thunderstorms,

I stand firm and straight.

As if surrounded by an inviolable peace.

Everything is a storm for you - everything seems to me a marshmallow.

Even if you grew up in a circle,

Thick shade of my branches covered,

From bad weather, I could be your protection;

But nature has given you Breg of the turbulent Eolian domain as your lot.

Of course, she is not at all happy about you.

8) "Cabin" (Slide 15-20)

- This casket contains various items. You must remember which character they belong to and which fable this character is from. (The teacher from the "chest" alternately displays objects on the screen. The task of the students is to name the hero and the fable.)

pig acorns "Pig under the oak"

a piece of cheese - Crow "Crow and Fox"

a plate of fish soup for Demyan "Demyan's ear"

violin-monkey "Quartet"

bunch of grapes - I wanted to get the Fox "Fox and Grapes"

9) "Homework"

- In the lessons you got acquainted with the genre of fable. We read a lot of fables by Ivan Andreevich Krylov. And now, I think, it's time to find out what kind of fabulists you are. We check your homework.

10) Summing up the lesson.

Announcement of the results of a competition between two teams.

IV .Teacher's closing remarks . (Slide 21).

Teacher. In 1855, a bronze monument to the great fabulist was erected in the Summer Garden of St. Petersburg. Krylov is depicted sitting in an armchair, thoughtful. On each side of the high pedestal there are bas-relief images of characters from Krylov's most famous fables. The monument was built with money collected from all over Russia. Such is the love of the people!

Question to the class . What do Krylov's fables teach us?

Teacher . Indeed, in our life we ​​constantly encounter well-known Krylov characters. Still among us are Crow and Fox, Swan, Cancer and Pike, unfortunate musicians Monkey, Donkey, Goat and clubfoot Bear. And if we look closely, we will discover some shortcomings in ourselves. After all, there are no people without flaws, and now, as in the old days, the mind coexists with stupidity, diligence - with laziness, modesty - with boasting, talent - with mediocrity. I really hope that Krylov's moralizing will help you become better.

Poem by P. Vyazemsky (Slide 22):

With fun, he corrected people,
Sweeping dust from them vices;
He glorified himself with fables,
And this glory is our reality.
And they will not forget this
While they speak Russian
We have confirmed it for a long time,
Her and her grandchildren will harden.

How do you understand lines?
Do you agree with the author?

Do you like the fables of I. Krylov and why?

I. Krylov. Fables. Games, Contests. Quizzes. The great Russian fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov has long been called grandfather Krylov by our people. At the foot of his monument in the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg, characters from his fables are depicted.

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"AND. Krylov. Fables. Games, Contests. Quiz.»

Contest "Guess".

The cards show the heroes of the fables. What heroes of fables are encrypted here?

Answers: Fox, Donkey, Pug, Nightingale, Wolf, Ant, Dragonfly.

Game "Confusion". Guess what's wrong here?

1). “The cheat approaches the shore on tiptoe, wags its tail, does not take its eyes off the cuckoo.”

2). “How, dear Kochetok, you sing loudly, it’s important!”

3). “Once upon a time, a Swan, Cancer and Pike were harnessed to carry with luggage”

4). "The crow yapped in all the crow's throat"

6). “Neighbour, stop being ashamed,” the grandmother says to her.

(“He approaches the tree on tiptoe, wags his tail, does not take his eyes off the crow”).

("Dear Cockerel").

("Got it").


("The crow croaked").

("The mutt says").



PURPOSE OF THE QUIZ: Summarizing students' knowledge of fables

I.A. Krylova, develop attention,

memory, cultivate love for


Our meeting is dedicated to the fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov. And today we will hold a quiz called "Fables of Grandpa Krylov"

Rules for the participants of the quiz. The facilitators will ask you questions and give you various tasks. In order to answer, you need to raise your hand. Whoever raises his hand first is the one who answers. If the answer is wrong, another student answers. Each correct answer receives 1 point. Whoever gets the most points wins.

The great Russian fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov has long been called grandfather Krylov by our people. At the foot of his monument in the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg, characters from his fables are depicted.

Fables were written even before Krylov, but Ivan Andreevich wrote fables so simply, intelligibly, in a popular way that everyone easily remembers them.

Many different animals appear in Krylov's fables. But under the guise of animals, he portrayed people. Behind the lions, the foxes, the ravens, there are genuine human characters.

Every year at reading lessons you meet Krylov's fables and today we will find out who knows Ivan Krylov's fables best of all.

The quiz starts!!!

Quiz on Krylov's fables.

1. Which fable contains the following words: “It is still there”

A) Monkey and glasses

B) The wolf in the kennel

C) Swan, crayfish and pike

D) Demyanov's ear

2. Who did Moska bark at?

B) a lion

D) on an elephant

3. Where did the crow sit down with a piece of cheese?

A) on a stump

B) on a branch

D) on a tree

4. “Why, without fear of sin, does the Cuckoo praise the Rooster?”

a) Because he is handsome

B) For the fact that he praises the Cuckoo

C) Because he is her friend

D) Because he helped her

5. What did the Dragonfly do in the summer?

A) bathed

B) Helped the Ant

D) I flew to my sister

6. What fable is this moral from? (connect a fable and a moral with an arrow)

“How many times have they told the world

That flattery is vile, harmful; but everything is not for the future,

And in the heart the flatterer will always find a corner.

"Forward someone else's misfortune

don't laugh, Dove!"

“When there is no agreement among comrades,

Their business will not go well,

And nothing will come out of it, only flour.

"Often happens to us

And work and wisdom to see there,

Where you can only guess

Just get down to business."

("Cabin", "Crow and Fox", "Siskin and Dove", "Swan, Pike and Cancer")

7. What fable is this sentence from: “They are climbing out of their skin, but the cart is still not moving.”

A) Elephant and Pug

B) Swan, Cancer and Pike

C) Monkey and glasses

D) casket

8. From which fable are the following words: “Darling, how good!”

A) Elephant and Pug

B) Raven and Fox

C) Frog and Ox

D) Wolf and Lamb

9. The contest is called "Mysterious Animals"

Name the animals that are written here. All of them are heroes of the fables of I. A. Krylov.

K V O L wolf

P U X E T cock

Y E V A R U M ant

G U B O L dove

Yo S O L donkey

L S O N elephant

A C I C I L fox

L Ё Z O K goat

I Sh K A M bear

A N O R O V crow

K U SCH A pike

10 task. " Black box".

In the box there is an object with which you could see "what kind of mug is there"

· The box contains an item that the heroine took out from half a dozen.

The fruit that the fox wanted to eat.


A milk product that was lost by a representative of the crow family


So, guys, you have completed all the tasks of the competitive program. At the same time, they showed very good knowledge of Krylov's fables. But the best connoisseurs of fables turned out to be ....... The floor is given to the members of the counting commission.

Krylov's fables do not lose their relevance today. In his fables, Krylov ridiculed human shortcomings - cowardice, flattery and servility, unfair relations between people.

fable fox and grapes

Hungry godmother Fox climbed into the garden;
In it, the grapes were reddened.
The gossip's eyes and teeth flared up;
And brushes juicy, like yachts, burn;
The only problem is that they hang high:
Whence and how she comes to them,
Though the eye sees
Yes, the tooth is numb.
Breaking through the whole hour in vain,
She went and said with annoyance:
Looks like he's good
Yes, green - no ripe berries:
You will immediately set the teeth on edge."

The fable was first printed in 1808.
The author himself refers it to “translations or imitations.” Its plot dates back to antiquity and was used by Aesop. However, it is very close to the Russian folk proverbs “The eye sees, but the tooth is numb”, “Green grapes, not sweet”.

Blush - pour and blush in the sun.
Yakhont is a precious gemstone of red color, ruby.

Swan, Pike and Cancer

when there is no agreement among the comrades,
Their business will not go well,
And nothing will come out of it, only flour.

Once a Swan, Cancer and Pike
Carried with luggage, they took it,
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are climbing out of their skin, but the cart is still not moving!

P salary would seem easy for them:
Yes, the swan breaks into the clouds,
Cancer moves back, and Pike pulls into the water.
Who is to blame among them, who is right, is not for us to judge;
Yes, only things are still there.

The fable was first printed in 1816. It expresses a skeptical attitude towards Alexander I.
Like the Quartet, it ridicules the turmoil in the Council of State. The reforms and committees initiated by Alexander I were unable to move the deeply bogged down cart of autocracy from its place.

The fable was interpreted as a response to the activities of the State Council, to the disagreement between its members.

Krylov's fables are called a storehouse of folk wisdom. Quizzes will help to better understand the wise fables of the author. Teams receive 1 point for a correct quiz answer. (Questions for with answers)

Wise fables

1. How many fables did I. Krylov write: 100, 200 or 300?

2. What is the name of the fable about four unsuccessful musicians?

3. Which tree did the crow perch on to eat the cheese?

4. What artiodactyl animal did the frog want to look like when it tried to pout?

5. What insect refused to help the jumping dragonfly?

6. Whose singing did the donkey like more: the nightingale or the rooster?

7. What were the names of the dogs that were talking about the elephant walking down the street?

8. What common cause did Pike, Swan and Cancer want to do?

9. Did the Monkey understand that there was her reflection in the mirror?

10. What courtesy did the Crane give to the Wolf?

11. What is the third bird mentioned in the fable "The Cuckoo and the Rooster"?

12. What did the Monkey do with the glasses at the end of the fable?

13. In which fable is the weak always to blame for the strong?

14. How did it happen that the wolf got into the kennel, although he needed a sheepfold?

15. How does I. Krylov advise to deal with envious people in the fable “Passers-by and dogs”?

16. How are the fairy tale "The Little Fox and the Wolf" and the fable "The Wolf and the Fox" similar?

17. What fable teaches not to laugh at someone else's grief?

18. Who did the Rat from the fable "Mouse and the Rat" consider the most powerful animal: a lion or a cat?

19. What could not get the fox in the garden, bouncing for an hour?

20. Which of the four human shortcomings did I. Krylov make fun of in the fable: “The Pig under the Oak”: greed, cowardice, ignorance or laziness?


1. About 200 fables. 2. "Quartet". 3. On a spruce. 4. On an ox. 5. Ant. 6. Rooster. 7. Pug and Mongrel. 8. Carry a cart with luggage. 9. No. She thought it was one of her girlfriends. 10. Pulled out a bone stuck in the throat. 11. Sparrow. 12. Hit a stone and broke it. 13. "The wolf and the lamb." 14. It was night and he mixed up the buildings. 15. Don't pay attention to them. 16. In both works, the fox deceives the wolf, and he remains hungry. 17. "Siskin and dove." 18. Cat. 19. Grapes. 20. Ignorance.