Greenhouse made of polypropylene pipes: step by step instructions for manufacturing. Arbor from plastic pipes How to make a canopy from pvc pipes

Plastic pipes are probably one of the best building materials. They are used not only to create piping systems designed to transport various media, but also furniture, greenhouses, vases, camping chairs, animal pens, and many other useful things can be made from plastic pipes. This article will tell you how to make a canopy from plastic pipes yourself.

Preparatory work

The preparatory work includes the choice of a place for a canopy. This is a very important stage, since the design of the canopy is chosen from where the canopy will be located and what function it will be assigned to.
Consider the main points that need to be considered when planning the construction of a canopy from plastic pipes:
The purpose for which the canopy will be operated. Since the size of the canopy, its appearance and shape, as well as the feasibility of installing the foundation and organizing the walls and floor, will depend on the purpose. There are 2 types of canopies: economic - to protect vehicles and property; applied - organization of a place for children's games and recreation.

Canopy structure. Temporary or permanent. If the canopy is used to protect vehicles, then it must be solid and non-separable, and also strong enough. If the use of a canopy is necessary to protect against rain or sun in the warm season, then this design is made collapsible. For a collapsible design, it must be taken into account that it is quickly mounted and dismantled.
Canopy location. When choosing the location of the canopy, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors: sunlight, visibility. Before installing the canopy, the site must be cleared. For the base of the canopy, the ground is cleared of debris and leveled. The ground that will be under the supports must be softened.
Support structure. Supports for the canopy are made of pipes, and depending on the load of the roof, they are selected. Angled and arched roofs are less stressed by snow and rain. Also, the load depends on the type of roof - arched, shed or gable. The more complex the roof structure, the greater the requirements for supports.
Roof material. The main thing that you need to pay attention to when choosing a material for the roof of a canopy is its purpose. For temporary canopies, you should choose a material that is easy to dismantle, as well as the ability to reuse it - durable oilcloth is suitable for such canopies, you can use bathroom curtains. If the canopy will be used to protect the car, then polycarbonate can be used as a material for the roof, this material will perfectly protect against external factors (rain, snow). The use of polycarbonate is undesirable for a gazebo that will be used for recreation, as this material accumulates the thermal energy of the sun and people under it will be uncomfortable.

You can buy materials for building a canopy at the building materials store Here you will find high-quality building materials in a large assortment for all occasions.

Existing types of canopies

Sheds made of metal-plastic pipes can perform a variety of functions, and their appearance will largely depend on this.
Consider the main functions that a canopy should perform:
protection from environmental influences: people, animals, birds;
protection from the effects of the external environment of tools, cars;
creating shadows on the playground.

Any canopy made of plastic pipes is a very convenient and reliable design that does not require maintenance and is also inexpensive. To build such a canopy on your own is not difficult.

Canopy Assembly Procedure

Option for a country canopy made of PVC pipes

Initially, you need to prepare all the tools and necessary materials. To build a canopy you will need:
two plastic pipes of the same size, the length of which depends on the required height of the canopy;
waterproof fabric;
a strip of durable fabric, in length it should be equal to the length of the pipe multiplied by two;
four steel pipes 0.2 meters long. Steel pipes will be the foundation for plastic pipes, for this reason their diameter should be slightly larger than the diameter of plastic pipes;
sewing machine and thick nylon thread.
After all the necessary tools and materials are collected, proceed to the construction of a canopy. Major works include:
at the first stage, marking is carried out, taking into account the place for the supports and with the expectation that the waterproof fabric covered the required area. Marks are made opposite each other in four places;
after marking the territory, steel pipes are driven into the marks under the supports. On the surface, 2 cm in height of each pipe should remain, so that a plastic pipe can be inserted into them;

Wooden frame as a support

Next, you should cut off the plastic pipe to the length you need, which should be equal to the required height of the canopy multiplied by 2. Also, with the length of the pipes, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the supports;
after that, it is necessary to sew the canvas, its width should be equal to the width between the supports, taking into account the deduction on each side for loops - 10 cm. The length of the canvas depends on the preferences of the master, but it should half overlap the facade plane of the canopy being erected;
the canvas of the required size is hemmed along the edges. For this purpose, a dense fabric is used, into which, in turn, a pipe will be inserted. Also, instead of a solid pocket, loops can be made around the pipe, the distance between the loops must be at least 10 cm;
After the awning is assembled, proceed to the unrelated assembly of the canopy. For this purpose, the canvas is put on plastic pipes, after which the plastic pipes are inserted into the steel branches from the pipes. After that, it is necessary to correct the awning and make it the required height.


In conclusion, we note that a canopy made of PVC pipes is a very convenient and practical design that will allow you to hide from the scorching rays of the sun in hot weather, as well as from rain. Canopies can be made from plastic pipes for absolutely any purpose, but for whatever purpose it would be made, such a canopy will always be convenient and practical.

Video: Canopy of PVC pipes and bathroom curtains

In summer, you can’t do without a light shed or gazebo in the country house, where you could hide from the shade, eat in the fresh air. But wood or metal are expensive and not available to every owner. A budget alternative is a gazebo made of PVC pipes. The design of them will come out light, collapsible, and manufacturing will not take much time and labor.

Benefits of using plastic

The basis of the structure can be ordinary water pipes, fastened together with fittings or other elements. They'll be cheap.

In addition, among the important advantages of their use, it is worth highlighting:

  • resistance to environmental influences;
  • long service life;
  • parts are easy to replace, and the structure can be disassembled;
  • ease of installation;
  • assembly speed;
  • low price;
  • no need to make a foundation;
  • the material does not rot or rust;
  • gazebo can be made in accordance with the style of landscape design.

But when starting to make it, you need to remember that this is a shelter option only for the warm season. For the winter, the building should be removed from the street - during severe frosts, the plastic begins to deform.

When buying pipes, pay attention to whether any smell comes from them. If so, then it is better to immediately refuse this product, otherwise the smell will come from the finished gazebo.

The choice of polypropylene pipes

For simple structures, metal-plastic, propylene or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes can be used. Thickness and dimensions vary. The choice depends on how massive the structure you decide to build. It is better to connect the parts together with a soldering iron or fittings.

All types have good flexibility, which allows you to make a gazebo in the form of a ball, semicircle, trapezoid.

If we compare the strength of the material, then metal-plastic wins significantly. Due to the inner layer of aluminum, the pipes do not expand under the influence of high temperature, so their service life is longer. The parts are connected in two fitting ways:

  • crimp;
  • press.

But metal-plastic costs several times more. For budget facilities, PVC pipes are enough.

Projects of summer pavilions made of PVC pipes

Due to the flexibility and lightness of the material, it is not difficult to create a structure of even a complex geometric shape. A popular design in the form of an arc. It is taken as a basis for construction:

  • pergola;
  • greenhouses;
  • carports or outdoor barbecue.

In this case, the roof is single or multi-pitched.

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The future building is depicted on paper in the form of a diagram. Next, make several sketches from different angles. The project indicates the materials for roofing, wall cladding, the dimensions of each element, and calculates the total costs.

How to make a gazebo with your own hands from water pipes

We will analyze in more detail each stage of the work.

We prepare materials and tools

We will need:

Fittings of the following types are useful:

  • angular - for connection at an angle of 90 0;
  • tees - fix three pieces of pipe at a right angle;
  • extension - for fastening three pipes under 180 0.

Cutting polypropylene to size

When the design drawing has been developed, and all materials have been purchased, it is necessary to start cutting parts for the structure.

For the convenience of cutting PVC pipes, it is advisable to purchase special scissors, or use a hacksaw

Ordinary metal scissors cannot cope here, so you need to take precision ones with a ratchet-cutting mechanism. They are easy to fragment pipes with a diameter of 3 to 40 mm.

Since the blades of these scissors are made of the highest grade of alloy steel with a serrated rail, the cuts are smooth, without burrs. You don't need to make an effort. Everything is done with one hand.

Gazebo frame assembly

The procedure is as follows:

If the owners want to move the gazebo to another place in the future, then you can do without mounting the supports, but simply make the lower piping from the pipes.

But a significant drawback of such a plastic frame is instability to wind and rain.

wall decoration

The choice of material depends on the budget of the owners.

Popular finishing options:

  • polycarbonate;
  • polyethylene film;
  • awning or tarpaulin;
  • curtains.

In the last two cases, for better fixation to the canvas, it is better to sew loops. To do this, use threads with a needle or a construction stapler. If you choose fabric for the lining, then it must be waterproof. Shower curtains are also suitable.

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Polycarbonate fasteners are carried out on an already finished structure. This will require special thermal nuts and sealant. Such a building can easily withstand the rain, but it is also more difficult to disassemble it.

You can plant wild grapes around the perimeter of the gazebo. Overgrown, it will create a shadow.

We carry out roofing

Fittings built into the top trim make it possible to design a roof of any design.

Photo: a greenhouse in the country. The principle of assembling the frame is the same. Differences in the geometric shape of the structure and wall cladding.

This is how standard water pipes in capable hands turn into an original summer gazebo in the courtyard of a private house, without requiring special investments and professional skills from the owners.

A greenhouse made of propylene pipes is the easiest greenhouse structure for self-construction. The design is presented in several versions. In order to build such a greenhouse with your own hands, you need to follow a simple step-by-step manufacturing instruction.


A greenhouse made of polypropylene pipes is an interesting solution with a limited budget and a love for building a variety of structures with your own hands. The purchase of materials will not require large financial costs, and the construction will not require serious preparation.

All materials can be bought at an ordinary hardware store; to fasten them together, you need ordinary glue or self-tapping screws.

To begin with, it is worth dwelling on what propylene pipes are and how they differ from PVC. In fact, there is not much difference between these materials. Both one and the other pipes are plastic. The only difference is what polymer they are made of - polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride. This does not affect the operational properties of the pipes, the only noticeable difference is in the price.

Polypropylene pipes have a number of advantages.

  • Resistance to corrosive processes. Plastic pipes do not rot or rust, unlike products made from other materials.
  • Ease of work. Polypropylene pipes are easily bent into an arc or cut. From them you can create any intricate frame. In addition, fastening the profiles to each other and installing them in the ground is also quite simple.
  • Small mass. Polypropylene pipes weigh little, regardless of whether they are single-layer or multi-layer. This is a guarantee that it will be possible to easily move the whole frame, and not just disassembled.

  • Long service life. Initially, polypropylene pipes are designed for communications, in particular water supply, so they are given increased strength. Without being subjected to such loads, pipes can last 30-50 years.
  • Strength. In addition to corrosion resistance, such pipes are resistant to temperature extremes. They do not burn, open fire is generally not afraid of them. In addition, the pipe frame can withstand strong winds, especially if the base is reinforced. So, the material is not susceptible to deformation under the influence of various climatic factors.

  • Cheapness. Plastic polypropylene pipes belong to the economy segment, so very little money can be spent on the purchase of this material.
  • Attractive appearance. It is not necessary to process additional pipes made of propylene. They are immediately supplied with a special coating, which not only increases their strength properties, but also gives the raw material a beautiful shine. As a result, the whole greenhouse on such a frame will look great.

Design options

From polypropylene pipes, you can assemble a structure of almost any complexity. Restrictions are imposed only by the degree of skill of the one who performs the structures.

The most common forms of homemade greenhouses are:

  • arch;
  • pointed arch;
  • with a pitched roof;
  • with a gable roof.

Separately, it is worth noting that greenhouses and greenhouses with a shed roof are usually made as an extension to the house. Here it is envisaged that one wall will be adjacent. This allows you to save significant money on heating.

The arched structure is the easiest to build. There are some designs that can be delivered in just a few hours. However, it is extremely important here what material and how the strapping will be made. After all, the rods form a strong pressure. In addition, such a construction made of polypropylene cannot be made winter. The pressure of the snow on the roof will be too strong, and the frame simply cannot stand it - it will fall apart.

In this case, use the shape of the lancet arch. It is something between the classic arched and gable structures. Of course, it requires more details and skills, but the result is beyond praise. A durable plastic frame is able to stand not for 3-4 seasons, as usual, but for all ten.

Finally, the gable "plant house" is a common option due to its classic shape. Such a greenhouse will fit into any landscape, suitable for almost any home. You don't have to be an engineering genius to build it.

This design is the most durable, since the frame is reinforced here.

Rules for working with material

First you need to study the nuances of working with pipes made of polypropylene. Only after that you can proceed to their installation, frame assembly, flooring of the coating material. So, first you need to consider that it is best to work with such pipes at a temperature of + 18–20 degrees. Then the material will gain maximum strength and flexibility, it will not “shrink”, and it will be easier to form the desired shapes from it.

The second feature is the need to select fittings for the diameter of an existing pipe. Fittings are connecting elements. With their help, you can achieve optimal rigid fastening of parts to each other. In order for the work to go as smoothly as possible, it is best to purchase pipes already complete with fittings. This way you can eliminate the risk that the connecting elements and pipes do not fit together.

Welding may be required to work with polypropylene pipes. Many do not have a welding machine for plastic at hand. Then there is an alternative - a gas burner. It can replace the iron, which is usually used for welding. However, you need to act carefully so as not to melt the pipes too much. It should be borne in mind that welding is used only in cases where it is planned to build a capital structure from pipes, which is not planned to be rearranged or removed for the winter in the future. An example is an attached greenhouse with a pitched roof.

Fortunately, the adoption of any specific protective measures while working with polypropylene is not required, since the material is not toxic.

The only thing is that grinding may be required at the saw cut, but this rule is not necessary to follow.

Coating materials

Covering a greenhouse with plastic pipes is a special topic. The fact is that the frame, although relatively strong, cannot withstand the weight of those materials that are traditionally used for shelter. These include plexiglass, double-glazed windows and some others. Such materials guarantee high protection against drafts, good heat retention even in winter, full access to sunlight, but due to their large weight they have to be abandoned.

Certain requirements are put forward for materials for sheltering a frame made of polypropylene pipes.

  • High thermal insulation properties. This is especially important if the greenhouse is planned to be year-round, working in the winter;
  • Good ability to transmit sunlight. An additional feature of the material may be that it filters out harmful infrared radiation, passing only those rays that are useful for plants;

  • Weather resistance. It is important that rain, snow or hail cannot damage the coating material, otherwise the tightness in the greenhouse will be broken and heat will escape. So, both the greenhouse and the harvest will be irretrievably damaged;
  • If the greenhouse is year-round, then the coating material must withstand snow, not tear under the snow cap;
  • Resistant to mechanical and wind loads is desirable. A gust of wind should not damage the integrity of the coating, as well as minor mechanical impacts. Some materials are able to withstand heavy loads, such as impacts, without tearing or breaking;
  • Light weight.

Thus, the available list of coating materials is drastically reduced, because very few materials combine all of the listed qualities.

Optimal for frames made of polypropylene pipes are coatings with polyethylene film or polycarbonate plates.

Polyethylene film

Polyethylene film is one of the most popular materials for covering frames made of polypropylene pipes. This is due to its many advantages.

  • Light weight. First of all, you should pay attention to the lightness of the film coating. With a sufficiently large area, a sheet of film can weigh only a few grams. This ensures that the frame will have a minimum load.

  • Light transmittance. Films are produced either completely transparent or slightly opaque, but this does not prevent sunlight from penetrating well through them, illuminating the entire area. You can vary the amount of light that enters the greenhouse, simply by choosing a film with the desired degree of tinting. This allows you to grow any crops in such greenhouses - both shade-loving and light-loving.
  • Weather resistance. Films do not react to changes in ambient temperature from -50 to +60 degrees. They are not afraid of rain, hail, snow and wind. But they will not hold a snow cap.

  • Creation of the greenhouse effect. The air in film greenhouses is always humid and warm, so the ground in them also does not cool down. This allows you to create the most favorable microclimate in such greenhouses.
  • Material safety. Polyethylene does not decompose and does not affect the soil, therefore it does not change its composition. It also does not release hazardous substances into the air. It turns out that the presence of polyethylene does not affect the contents of the greenhouse.
  • Cheapness. The film can be bought for a low price or even received for free. She may even be on the farm.

Among other things, it has the material and its drawbacks. The film does not resist mechanical damage well. Any puncture or blow can break it, rendering it unusable. It should be borne in mind that such holes can be easily repaired with ordinary adhesive tape. The film quickly fails, becomes thinner due to constant sun exposure. Such a coating will last only 2-3 seasons.


Another alternative material for covering a greenhouse is polycarbonate. It is somewhat heavier than the film, so it will be necessary to seal the frame through the use of composite reinforcement and additional supports. This material has such advantages that more than justify all the inconveniences that arise.

  • Good light transmission. Honeycomb carbonate, which is commonly used for greenhouses, is a more durable alternative to glass. You can choose either completely transparent materials, or matte, or colored.

  • Strength. Polycarbonate is resistant to any mechanical stress, whether it be heavy precipitation, shock, punctures. It also does not sag under the weight of the snow lying on the roof. Water and high humidity are not afraid of polycarbonate, since it is not subject to corrosion or deformation under the influence of water.
  • Plastic. Subject to all the rules, polycarbonate plates can be bent, giving them an arched shape. However, intricate structures cannot be built: the material is still not so flexible.

  • Long service life. According to manufacturers, polycarbonate plates do not lose their properties for 20 years of service.
  • Interesting appearance. If film greenhouses are trivial and almost everyone has them, then polycarbonate distinguishes the owner from the gray mass. The greenhouse looks neat and unusual.

Like film, polycarbonate has its drawbacks. This material is afraid of high temperatures. When exposed to open fire, it begins to melt, and it is not very easy to stop this process. The price factor also plays a big role.

Polycarbonate models are more expensive than film models, but still not so much as to immediately dismiss this option.

Construction master class

Making a greenhouse from polypropylene pipes is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. In fact, even a teenager who attended labor lessons at school can cope with this.

Before you start, you need to do some preliminary work.

  • A greenhouse, like any structure, will have to be carefully planned and designed. Without a plan and drawings, it will not be possible to build a really good greenhouse that has the correct dimensions and proportions. You can draw up a scheme yourself, take a finished one or order it, but the latter option is not very rational, since an individual sketch will cost more than the entire purchase of materials.

  • It is necessary to immediately prepare all the necessary materials and tools. For this, a plan was drawn up: it reflects the location of all profiles and parts, all screws and self-tapping screws, as well as the fixing points of the sheathing material. With this information in hand, you can buy everything you need.

The preparation must be thorough. The quality and speed of the construction of the greenhouse in the future depends on how conscientiously it is carried out. Careful preliminary work allows you to design a more serious structure that has not only a door, but also ventilation windows. Also, scrupulous elaboration of details is needed when the greenhouse is not made for seasonal use, but for year-round cultivation of vegetables and berries. Only then will it be possible to provide for all the nuances, including the correct position of the greenhouse relative to the cardinal points.


At the first stage, you need to decide what size the greenhouse will be. It depends not only on the needs, but also on the size of the plot. For example, on an area of ​​100 sq. m, you can easily fit a large-sized greenhouse, while only a mini-greenhouse is suitable for a small area. However, it is worth remembering that polypropylene pipes are still a material that was not originally intended for construction, so you should not make extra-large structures, for example, 8 m wide and 15 m long. For such purposes, it is better to choose a less flexible material.

The optimal solution is a greenhouse with dimensions of 2.5x4 m and a height of 1.9 to 2 m. You should not do it lower, since it will be impossible for a person to straighten up there, which will greatly complicate the work of caring for growing crops. Such dimensions will allow you to plant several beds of various crops in the greenhouse.

For the construction, you need to choose the right section of polypropylene profiles. For this, multilayer pipes with a diameter of 20–32 mm are suitable, the internal section of which is 16 mm.

The length of polypropylene pipes can vary, but for the construction of a greenhouse, options are needed from 2 to 7 m long.

As for the choice of a site for construction, it must meet several requirements.

  • The absence of a shadow. You should not put a greenhouse in the shady zone, otherwise you will have to abandon the cultivation of light-loving crops: peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes.
  • The ability to freely enter and exit the greenhouse. Do not position the door so that it rests closely against a flower garden or other beds. You need to leave a small space for convenience.
  • The site should not be windy. You should make inquiries about how the winds blow in your area, and position the structure in accordance with this direction. This is especially true for greenhouses with pitched roofs.

Drawing development

The drawing is needed not only in order to know exactly how the greenhouse will be located and what will be needed for it. The project is also important for budgeting, because knowing the number of elements and their cost, you can quite accurately determine the price for the entire home-made greenhouse.

You can create your own layout, remembering the drawing lessons from the school curriculum. To simplify this process, there are many 3D modeling programs, some of which are free. Some can be used directly online.

The easiest way is to take a ready-made drawing. In the same place, as a rule, the calculation of parts, connecting elements and materials for coating is immediately provided. It seems possible to choose a greenhouse of any size and with any height, including those whose frame requires reinforcement through reinforcement.

Not everyone can afford to purchase a light and comfortable canopy for a summer residence, car or outdoor recreation, having paid 30-40 thousand rubles for it. Nevertheless, everyone needs to hide from the sun and rain, so savvy summer residents came up with several ingenious designs consisting mainly of PVC pipes. Such canopies are no worse, and perhaps even better than factory counterparts. We will talk about them in the article.

Design options for such canopies

"Craftsmen with experience" have long understood the value of PVC pipes as a material for a variety of crafts. Chairs, benches, greenhouses and greenhouses, gazebos and sheds are made of plastic pipes, there are a lot of options for using this flexible and pliable material. We also decided to keep up with this issue and offer you some of the most popular do-it-yourself canopy designs using PVC pipes.

Arched canopy made of PVC pipes. This is perhaps the most popular country and tourist canopy made of PVC pipes. Even a child can make it, since it consists of two long PVC pipes bent into an arc and dug into the ground. A piece of fabric is placed between the arcs, which will serve as a roof. Such a canopy is quite stable and will protect well from the sun and light rain, although in windy weather it is, by and large, useless.

Note! Shower curtains can be used as a roof for such canopies.

Portable arched canopy made of PVC pipes. This canopy is both more interesting in appearance and more complicated in design. Such a canopy consists of several PVC pipes bent and intricately interconnected. For such a canopy, not only soft, but also hard roofing is acceptable. This canopy is distinguished by the fact that in a single structure there is not only a frame for supports and a roof, but also a frame for benches and a table, which makes it look like a gazebo, hence the name canopy-arbor.

Easy collapsible canopy for a car made of PVC pipes. This canopy is good because it can be assembled and disassembled by one person in about 1 hour or even less. Its supports consist of eight PVC pipes, which are fastened to the roof frame as a whole and dug into the ground to a shallow depth.

Any weather-resistant fabric, such as a tarpaulin, is used as a roof for such a canopy. Hard roof is not used. The canopy should not be operated with wind gusts over 15 m/s, although if it falls, there will be no harm to the car, since it is light.

Light canopy made of plastic pipes with a bench. Such a canopy is good because it is small and can be stored, for example, in a barn. In hot weather, such a canopy can be taken out, sit on a bench under it and enjoy reading a book. The bench under the canopy is bent from several thick PVC pipes, the roof frame is made of thinner and more flexible pipes, a woven fabric is stretched over it. Under this canopy can accommodate two people.

"Marquise the simplest" of plastic pipes. The design of the canopy is quite simple. Two long plastic pipes and two short ones are stuck into the ground. Between them, a roof of light fabric is stretched. In order for the structure to be stable, it is necessary to further strengthen it with rope extensions.

Note! The higher such a canopy is, the less stable it will be, besides, be sure to use only the lightest fabrics. From the heavy web of the pipe to bend and the structure will break.

What will be needed?

It is also pleasant to make various crafts from plastic pipes with your own hands because you do not need special tools for this work. Enough to take:

  • roulette;
  • hacksaw for metal or grinder;
  • file;
  • gas burner.

A knife, a grinder and a hacksaw for metal are needed for cutting plastic pipes. The file is useful for leveling the slanting edges of the cuts. A tape measure will be needed for measurements, but a gas burner is needed in order to heat up the plastic at the joints, for a more reliable connection of the elements. That's all about the tools, now let's talk about the materials.

As materials, we take a large number of plastic pipes of different diameters, lintels for them and woven fabric for roofing. You can read more about it in the article of the same name.

How to make your own?

It will not be difficult to make such a canopy with your own hands, especially when it comes to simple structures. First of all, you need to make a sketch of the future canopy and paint each detail in size. In this case, it is quite possible to do without a drawing made in accordance with all the rules.

Having drawn with your own hands, a sketch of the future canopy, calculate how much material you need. Do not forget about jumpers and roofing material. After that, collect the tool in a heap and start working.

  1. According to the sketch, cut the pipes for the racks and the roof frame.
  2. With your own hands, bend the plastic pipes to obtain arched and other elements of the roof frame.
  3. Now connect the elements of the roof frame. Before connecting the pipes with jumpers, heat their ends with a gas burner, but not much so that the plastic does not drip and catch fire. Our task is only to soften it a little.
  4. We dig supports into the ground.
  5. We connect the supports to the roof frame in the above way.
  6. We stretch the roof on the frame and tie the canvas to it with special ropes so that it is not blown away by the wind. The work is done.

In conclusion, we note that it is not so difficult to make a canopy with your own hands from improvised means, the main thing is to use imagination and ingenuity. At the same time, you will be able to amuse your pride and save a lot of money. Take at least canopies made of plastic pipes. They look decent and are made simply, in addition, contrary to popular belief, such canopies are also quite strong.