Artistic style presentation for children. Presentation "Artistic style

Accuracy. Imperativeness. Style features and linguistic means of their expression. Formal and business style. Purpose and main function. The sphere of everyday communication in an informal setting. Styles of speech. Target. The main form of thought. All types of text. The main function. The laws. Art style. Consistency. Journalistic style. Language tools. Conversational style. Informality. Types of text. Artistic-figurative speech concretization (stylistic figures).

"Styles of speech" - Image and impact on the reader. Imagery, emotionality, concreteness of speech. Journalistic style. The purpose of the fiction style. Speech genres. Let's check our knowledge. Scope of use. Accuracy. Stylish features. Scientific style genres. Vocabulary groups. Features of the journalistic style of speech. Linguistic means of expression. The purpose of the journalistic style. Artistic genres. Formal and business style.

Speech Type and Text Style - Prepare to read the individual lines of the polylogue. Officially - business style. Read the dialogue, taking into account the coloring of the voice. Content. Features of the journalistic style of speech. Narrative and its structure. The artists are talking in the dressing room, your friend is talking to you. Types of speech. Written speech and its varieties. Why does a person need speech? Narration. Choice of speech style. Speaking characteristics.

"Functional styles of speech" - System of speech means. Literary language. Colloquial. Spoken language properties. Terms-words. There are 5 functional styles. Professionalism. Business information. Conversational style. Dialectology. Jargons. The use of spoken language. Territorial dialects. Use of spoken language. Art style. A means of artistic expression. Varieties of language use.

"Publicistic and artistic styles of speech" - Word. The Russian language is rich. Uniformity. Main problems. You can kill with a word. Gold rusts. The style of fiction. Russian language. Figures of speech. Extraordinary excitement. Epithet. Poetry. Gogol. A conversation about a poem. Trails. List of books. Publicistic and artistic styles of speech. Amazing memory.

"Scientific speech" - Repatriation - the return to their homeland of prisoners of war, civilian prisoners, refugees, migrants. Immigration is the entry of foreigners into any country for permanent residence. Scientific style of speech. - Copy the text, placing the missing punctuation marks, insert the missing letters. Dictionary work. What substitutions do you know? Popular science style. 1. Analysis of the text written on the board. The time of the emergence of the scientific style is different in different countries.

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The main function of the art style is

AESTHETIC (creating images that evoke an emotional response, aesthetic pleasure, empathy) Artistic style is the key to the human soul

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Trails and stylistic figures

Epithet Metaphor Metonymy Synecdochus Comparison Lithote Hyperbole Irony Incarnation Allegory Periphrase Rhetorical appeal Rhetorical question Anaphora Epiphora Antithesis Oxymoron Gradation Ellipsis Default Parcellation

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a word that defines an object or phenomenon and emphasizes any of its properties, qualities, signs. Transparent gloom of your brooding nights (A. Pushkin)

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a trope in which words and expressions are used in a figurative sense based on the analogy of similarity, comparison (hidden comparison) Both darkness and cold embrace my tired soul (M. Lermontov)

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trope, based on the replacement of one word by another, contiguous in meaning. In metonymy, a phenomenon or an object is designated with the help of other words or concepts, while their signs or connections are preserved. Sizzle-footed glasses and punch blue flame (A. Pushkin)

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one of the types of metonymy, which is based on the transfer of meaning from one subject to another on the basis of the quantitative ratio between them. And it was heard until dawn, as the French rejoiced. (M.Lermontov)

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Comparison -

trope in which one phenomenon or concept is explained by comparing it with another. Usually, comparative alliances are used (as if, as if, as if, as if) Anchar, like a formidable sentry, stands alone in the entire universe (A. Pushkin)

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a trope based on an excessive exaggeration of certain properties of the depicted object or phenomenon

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a trope opposite to hyperbole, an artistic understatement Your Spitz, adorable Spitz, is no more a mess (A. Griboyedov)

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A technique of ridicule, containing an assessment of what is being ridiculed. In irony, there is always a double meaning, where the true is not the directly expressed, but the implied. Cleavage, clever, are you delirious, head? (I. Krylov)

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trope based on the replacement of an abstract concept or thought with a concrete image of an object or phenomenon of reality. For example, at the beginning of The Divine Comedy, Dante meets three animals in the forest - a panther, a lion and a she-wolf, which are an allegory of human passions - voluptuousness, pride and greed.

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a trope, in which the direct name of an object, person, phenomenon is replaced by a descriptive expression, which indicates the signs of an object, person, phenomenon not named directly. The sun of Russian poetry - Pushkin The king of beasts - lion

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Stylistic figures are special stylistic turns. Their essence lies in the special syntactic structure of speech.

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such a structure of speech in which the statement is expressed in the form of a question. And over the fatherland of enlightened freedom Will a beautiful dawn finally rise? (A. Pushkin)

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monotony As if you curse days without a lumen, As if gloomy nights scare you ... (A. Apukhtin)

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repetition at the end of a phrase, sentence, line, stanza Dear friend, and in this quiet house Fever beats me. I can't find a place for me in a quiet house Near a peaceful fire. (A. Blok)

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opposition Both day and hour, both in writing and orally, For the truth, yes and no ... (M. Tsvetaeva)

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combination of logically incompatible concepts You - who loved me with false truth and truth of lies ... (M. Tsvetaeva)

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grouping of homogeneous members of a sentence in a certain order: according to the principle of increasing or weakening emotional and semantic significance I do not regret, I do not call, I do not cry ... (S. Yesenin)

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A gap in the speech of some easily understood word, a member of a sentence, most often a predicate: We are rich, hardly from the cradle ... (M. Lermontov)

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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Styles of speech Completed by: Eremeeva I.A., teacher of Russian language and literature, MOU "Secondary School No. 5 UIM"

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The word style comes from lat. stylus is a pointed stick. In ancient times, it meant a stick, pointed at one end and rounded at the other, a rod made of wood, metal, bone. They wrote with a sharp end, and with the other - in the form of a spatula - they erased the poorly written in order to write again. The word style began to denote the quality of what was written. This is the essence of stylistics - the ability to express one's thought in different ways, by different linguistic means, which distinguishes one style from another.

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Speech styles colloquial book scientific publicistic formal business artistic

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Conversational style purpose of use sphere of use speech genres linguistic means style features direct everyday communication relaxed, informal atmosphere; friendly conversation, private letters; colloquial vocabulary, simple sentences; emotionality, imagery, concreteness, simplicity

5 slide

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Determine the style of the text. Justify your answer Is it possible for me, comrade military commissar, to quit the circus instead of the theater? And he screwed up his eyes and asked: To the circus? Why is this? Yes, - I say, - it hurts amusing ... The learned elephant will be taken out, and again redheads, French wrestling ... He waved his finger: I will show you the elephant! Unconscious element! Redheads! You yourself are a red-haired redneck! Elephants are scientists, but you, my woe, are unlearned! What is the use of a circus? A? Well, in a word, I have no time to talk with you for a long time ... MA Bulgakov. "Week of Enlightenment"

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Scientific style purpose of use sphere of use speech genres linguistic means stylistic features communication of scientific information; formal setting; scientific article, educational literature; terms, complex sentences, introductory words; consistency, objectivity, accuracy, abstractness, generalization

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Determine the style of the text. Justify your answer Lyrical digressions are a compositional and stylistic device in fiction and, mainly, in poetry, which consists in the fact that the author deviates from the direct plot narration, interrupting it with lyrical insertions on topics that have little or no connection with the main theme. Compositionally, lyrical digressions have a double meaning: on the one hand, they play the role of inhibiting the fabular development of a novel or poem, and on the other hand, they allow the writer to express personal judgments in an open form on issues that are directly or indirectly related to the central theme. Kvyatkovsky A.P. School poetry dictionary.

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Official business style purpose of use sphere of use speech genres language means style features message, informing the official setting (legislation, case-production, administration) laws, orders, protocols, certificates, statements; standardized turns of speech, official business vocabulary; unambiguous accuracy

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Slide Description:

Determine the style of the text. Justify your answer Chapter 1. Fundamentals of the constitutional system Article 1. The Russian Federation - Russia is a democratic Federal law-based state with a republican form of government. 2. The names "Russian Federation" and "Russia" are equivalent. Article 2. Man, his rights and freedoms are the highest value in the Russian Federation. Recognition, observance and protection of the inalienable rights and freedoms of a citizen is the duty of the state. From the Constitution of the Russian Federation

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Slide Description:

Publicistic style, purpose of use, scope of use, speech genres, language means, stylistic features, impact through mass media; official setting: appearances in the media, at rallies and meetings; article, essay, reportage, oratorical speech; socio-political vocabulary; exclamation points, rhetorical questions; consistency, emotionality, imagery, evaluativeness, appeal

Work plan:

  • the concept of the artistic style of speech;
  • its features;
  • properties of the artistic style of speech;
  • trails and stylistic figures;
  • stages of the analysis of a literary text.

Functional speech styles




Official business


The concept of the artistic style of speech and its features

Art style - a functional style of speech that is used in fiction ... The text in this style affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by imagery, emotionality of speech.

Fiction - view arts , using as the only material the words and construction of the natural language .

Scope of this style of speech:

the language of the writer, poet;

Speech objectives:


creation of artistic, poetic images;

emotional impact on a person, on his thoughts and feelings;


Common signs:

  • imagery, emotionality, evaluativeness, validity, concreteness, passion, general availability;
  • wide use of tropes (pictorial and expressive means);
  • using means of other styles

(especially colloquial).

Lexical features:

1. means of artistic expression (tropes): comparisons, metaphors, epithets, hyperbole, litoty, personification, metonymy, synecdoche, etc .;

2. vocabulary of journalistic style;

3. dialectal vocabulary;

4. words of high style;

5.professional and business turnovers speech.


lake mirror

Syntactic features:

1. use of simple sentences, complicated sentences, complex sentences, complex syntactic structures;

2. addresses, introductory words, interjections, etc .;

3. dialogue, direct speech.

Form and type of speech - written; monologue, dialogue. Polylogue.

Sphere of communication - verbal and artistic creativity.

Function - impact, unity of communicative and aesthetic functions.

Genres - novel, story, story, drama, tragedy, fairy tale, etc.

Style features- wide use of means of other styles and non-literary means (vernacular, dialects, slang words); widespread use of expressive and pictorial means of language; poetic syntax; individualization of style (style of the writer).

Language tools- vocabulary emotionally expressive and colloquial, vernacular, slang; widespread use of tropes and stylistic figures: epithets, comparisons, metaphors, anaphores, antitheses, rhetorical questions, inversions, etc.

The main function of the art style is AESTHETIC (creating images that evoke an emotional response, aesthetic pleasure, empathy)

Artistic style is the key to the human soul

Trails and stylistic figures

rhetorical address

a rhetorical question




















Epithet -

an evaluative, figurative definition expressing the attitude of the author or hero:

Of yours brooding nights n transparent th dusk ...

(A. Pushkin)

Metaphor -

  • trope, in which words and expressions are used in a figurative meaning based on the analogy of similarity, comparison (hidden comparison):

AND darkness , and cold embraced my tired soul.

(M. Lermontov)


  • trope, based on the replacement of one word by another, contiguous in meaning. In metonymy, a phenomenon or an object is designated with the help of other words or concepts, while their signs or connections are preserved:

Hiss frothy glasses and punch the flame blue ...

(A. Pushkin)


  • one of the types of metonymy, which is based on the transfer of meaning from one subject to another on the basis of the quantitative ratio between


And it was heard until dawn, how jubilant Frenchman . (M. Lermontov)

Comparison -

  • trope in which one phenomenon or concept is explained by comparing it with another. Usually, comparative conjunctions are used (as if, as if, as if, as if):

Anchar, like a formidable sentry , stands - alone in the entire universe.

(A. Pushkin)


  • trope based on excessive exaggeration of certain properties of the depicted object or phenomenon:

Not a word with anyone in the week I will not say I'm sitting on a stone by the sea. (A. Akhmatova)


a trope opposite to hyperbole, an artistic understatement:

Your spitz, adorable spitz, - no more thimble .

(A. Griboyedov)


a method of ridicule, containing an assessment of what is being ridiculed. In irony, there is always a double meaning, where the true is not the directly expressed, but the implied.

Split, clever you are delirious head ? (I. Krylov)


trope based on the replacement of an abstract concept or thought with a concrete image of an object or phenomenon of reality. For example, at the beginning of The Divine Comedy, Dante meets three animals in the forest - a panther, a lion and a she-wolf, which are an allegory of human passions: lust, pride and greed.


  • a trope in which the direct name of an object, person, phenomenon is replaced by a descriptive expression, which indicates the signs of a not directly named object, person, phenomenon:

The sun of Russian poetry - Pushkin.

King of beasts - a lion.

Stylistic figures are special stylistic turns. Their essence lies in the special syntactic structure of speech.

And you, haughty descendants ... (M. Lermontov)


such a structure of speech in which the statement is expressed in the form of a question:

And over the fatherland of enlightened freedom

Will the beautiful dawn finally rise?

(A. Pushkin)



As if you swear the days without a light,

As if gloomy nights scare you ...

(A. Apukhtin)


repetition at the end of a phrase, sentence, line, stanza:

Dear friend, and in this quiet house

The fever hits me.

Can't find a place for me in a quiet house

Near a peaceful fire. (A. Blok)



AND day and hour , and in writing and orally ,

For the truth Yes and No

(M. Tsvetaeva)


combination of logically incompatible concepts:

« Living Dead », « Dead Souls ».


  • grouping of homogeneous members of a sentence in a certain order: according to the principle of increasing or weakening emotional and semantic significance:

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry

(S. Yesenin)


omission in speech of some easily implied word, a member of a sentence, most often a predicate:

We are rich hardly from the cradle , by the mistakes of the fathers

(M. Lermontov)


dismemberment of the structure:

To love the Motherland means to live one life with it. Rejoice when she has a holiday. Suffer when it's hard for the Motherland.

ANALYSIS STEPS artistic text:

  • expressive reading of the text;
  • ideological and content analysis (theme, idea of ​​the text);
  • analysis of pictorial and expressive means at various levels of the language;
  • expression of their attitude to the text.

Work with control. 115

Work with control. 120

Exercise 121, pick up

fiction text

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Slide captions:

Fiction style Artistic speech style

General characteristics This is the richest style of speech, because it absorbs all the others. It most vividly reflects the common language in all its diversity and richness, it becomes a phenomenon of art, a means of creating artistic imagery. In this style, all aspects of the language are most widely represented: vocabulary with all direct and figurative meanings of words, grammatical structure with a complex system of forms and syntactic types.

Functions of the artistic style Aesthetic is the main function (the artistic style, using a variety of linguistic means, creates images that evoke an emotional response in the reader, delivering aesthetic pleasure, forcing empathy). Reflection, transformation of all aspects of reality, their use as objects of creativity Impact on the reader

Scope of application Aesthetic area of ​​communication Spiritual life of society Used in works of art

The main tasks of the utterance Figurative description of events Transfer of impressions Expression of the author's feelings Influence on the reader's feelings

Distinctive stylistic features Figurativeness Concreteness Expressiveness Emotionality Author's personality

Varieties of the language of fiction Prose speech Poetic speech

Distinctive linguistic features of the artistic style of speech The language of artistic speech comprehensively reflects both the vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech in all its richness and diversity. Being part of the literary language, the language of fiction, at the same time, goes beyond its limits, since it also includes linguistic means that are outside the framework of the modern Russian literary language: dialectisms, vernaculars, jargon, etc.

Language means Specific words: not birds, but rooks, starlings, swallows, etc .; did not say, but reminded, warned, advised. Words in a figurative sense: a sea of ​​lights, the earth is sleeping. Emotional-evaluative words: a) with diminutive-affectionate suffixes: birch, key, asterisk, gray; b) with the suffix -ovat- (-evat-): sweetish, bluish. Perfective verbs with the prefix za- with the meaning of the beginning of the action (the garden bloomed). Present tense verbs instead of past. (I went to pick mushrooms. Suddenly I see ...) Interrogative sentences, motivating. Exclamation sentences.

The main genres of the artistic style (by type of literature) Epic - novel, story, story, essay, short story, poem, fable Lyric - poem, poem, elegy, song, message Drama - tragedy, drama, comedy, melodrama, vaudeville, tragicomedy.

Interrelation of styles of speech The artistic style of speech often includes, depending on the objectives of the text, colloquial, journalistic, and sometimes formal business and scientific. This style, if necessary, incorporates the means of all other styles that obey the main function of the artistic style - aesthetic.

The figurative and expressive means of the Trope language are turns of speech in which a word or expression is used in a figurative sense. All tropes (with the exception of metonymy) are based on comparison, juxtaposition of two phenomena in order to explain one with the help of the other.

Hyperbole Excessive exaggeration of the properties of an item Example: Tired to death

Litota Excessive underestimation of the properties of an object Example: a boy with a thumb

Irony Hidden mockery Example: breakaway, clever, delirious, you, head?

Metaphor A figurative meaning of a word based on the assimilation of one object or phenomenon to another by similarity or contrast Example: the whisper of waves, the day darkened.

Metonymy A word or expression used instead of another, since there is a connection between the designated objects Example: I ate the whole plate = I ate the whole soup; the city sleeps = all people sleep.

Allegory An allegory, the image of the abstract in a concrete image Example: a fox in fables is an allegorical embodiment of cunning; hare - cowardice, etc.

Epithet Colorful definition Example: free wind; skillful fingers.

Comparison Comparison of two objects, phenomena in order to explain one of them with the help of the other Example: the French moved like clouds.

Periphrase Replacement of a word or phrase with a turn of speech, which indicates the signs of an unnamed object. Example: northern capital, city on the Neva - St. Petersburg

Impersonation Transfer of human properties to inanimate objects and abstract concepts Example: a cliff is crying in the desert; winter is angry.

Synecdoche The naming of the whole through its part or vice versa. Example: Stockholm and Bosphorus; all flags will visit us.

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