Details on how to brew milk oolong. Milk oolong tea - how to brew? Useful properties of tea Milk oolong Milk tea how to brew

Milk oolong is considered the most popular among other semi-fermented ones, so today we will look at its beneficial and harmful properties and find out who is contraindicated for this.

What is this tea

Did you know? The cultivation of milk oolong takes place at an altitude of about 1000 meters, and tea leaves are harvested in spring and autumn.

Despite the special aroma, there are no considered components, so consider how milk oolong is made.

The first method is quite expensive, therefore, the raw materials, respectively, have a high price in specialized stores, and besides, they are very difficult to find. Through a special fermentation, when the tea leaves are partially oxidized and withered, a product with aroma is obtained.

The second method makes the product cheaper, so it is available for purchase in regular stores. It differs in the worst quality and not so pronounced aroma. In order to make a product, ordinary green tea is flavored, giving it a smell.

Chemical composition

The main feature of milk oolong tea, in addition to its excellent aroma, is its rich chemical composition containing:

  • tannins;
  • polyphenols;
  • theine;
  • antioxidants;
  • , zinc, fluorine compounds.

Did you know? Milk oolong is considered the most consumed Chinese tea in European countries. In China, it was specially grown for export in the 60s of the 20th century.

Milk oolong tea is characterized by low calorie content: per 1 tsp. dry product accounts for only 1.4 kcal.

What is useful milk oolong

Important! It is not recommended to pour tea leaves into tin or metal containers, as the product may lose its aromatic and beneficial properties.

The product can actively absorb foreign odors, so place it away from spices and other aromatic products, and tightly close the lid of the oolong container.

How to brew and drink milk oolong

It is important not only to choose the right raw materials, but also to know how to brew them in order to get the most saturated and aromatic drink and preserve all the beneficial substances.

Before you brew milk oolong - green tea, you need to choose the right container. Perfect for this ceramic or porcelain teapots. Before making tea, the container should be filled with boiling water to remove the foreign smell and warm it up a little.

When the dishes are pre-treated, you can start preparing a drink.

Brewing liquid temperature should not be higher than 80 °С. Boiling water is not used for brewing. To get a rich taste and aroma, it is recommended to add 1 tsp. for every cup.

It is better to pour dry leaves in large quantities in a teapot. To begin with, a little boiling water is poured over the tea leaves, scalding it, then the liquid is immediately drained. The second time, already scalded tea leaves are poured with the required amount of liquid.

It should also be carefully chosen for use in tea - it must be of high quality. As you know, oolong is brewed more than once, so let's consider how many times milk oolong can be brewed. You can also re-brew already used tea leaves about 8 times, while high-quality raw materials, each time after scalding, will give off their aroma and richness, as in previous cases of brewing.

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Many connoisseurs of green tea advise beginners to try milk oolong. This is the sort that is impossible not to fall in love with from the first sip. It has a very mild taste and a pleasant delicate aftertaste.

Oolong, or oolong, is a semi-fermented tea. The degree of its fermentation is somewhere between black and green. There are quite a few varieties of it, among which milk oolong tea is the most common and popular. You can meet the opinion that it got its name due to the fact that it is soaked in milk. In fact, this is fundamentally wrong. To understand where the light and delicate aroma comes from, it is worth considering how milk oolong is produced.

There are two options for obtaining a recognizable aroma. The first of them is quite difficult to implement and requires considerable financial costs. Aromatization begins with the processing of the tea bush, for this, a sugarcane solution prepared using a special technology is used.

The roots of the plant must be watered with instant milk and, at the end, the entire bush is sprinkled with rice husks. The second method is much simpler: after picking and drying, the tea leaves are treated with a milk extract, which gives them an unsurpassed delicate aroma.

In addition to the aromatization method, it is divided into several types, the most famous and common of them are:

  • Chinese tea Milk Oolong. Connoisseurs note its excellent softness and light aftertaste with soft creamy notes.
  • Taiwan tea. The taste of this species is sweeter, and the milky aroma is somewhat more pronounced. It is collected high in the mountains, at least 1000 meters. This tea is used to make elite varieties.

The effect of milk oolong on the body

Green tea is a very healthy drink, regardless of its variety. To understand the benefits and harms of milk oolong, it is enough to consider its composition, which includes many active substances. Among them are a large number of vitamins: C, A, E, K, P, PP, D and group B.

It includes valuable oils, antioxidants, essential amino acids and tannins, fluorine, zinc, manganese, phosphorus and magnesium. Thanks to the content of theine, which has an invigorating and tonic effect, this tea can easily replace the usual morning coffee.

The rich composition of milk oolong provides a beneficial effect on the body.

This incredibly tasty tea has numerous health benefits.

  1. Due to the high content of antioxidants, it helps to maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and signs of fading, and maintains a natural even complexion.
  2. The microelements included in the tea help the heart, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  3. The substances contained in the milk oolong help to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  4. Green tea has a beneficial effect on brain function, stimulates efficiency, has a positive effect on memory, and helps to concentrate.
  5. Oolong has the beneficial property of improving digestion and has a positive effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Stimulates the body's defense processes, strengthens the immune system, increasing resistance to a variety of viral and infectious diseases.
  7. Regular use of this tea helps to improve mood and get rid of a depressive state caused by negative external influences. Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, reducing the risk of diseases associated with stressful situations.
  8. Perfectly relaxes, distracting from heavy everyday thoughts and helping to relax. This property is especially relevant at the end of a hard working day.
  9. Milk oolong perfectly copes with the removal of accumulated toxins from the body, helps to get rid of excess weight.
  10. Nutritionists often advise people who want to lose weight to drink green tea. It perfectly replaces sweets without affecting the figure. The calorie content of 1 teaspoon of milk oolong is only 1.4 kcal.
  11. Tea helps to get rid of the characteristic heaviness in the stomach after eating fatty foods.
  12. It can be drunk both in winter and summer, in the cold season it perfectly warms, and in the heat it perfectly quenches thirst.
  13. Like any type of oolong, milk tea has the ability to freshen breath quickly and for a long time.

However, despite all the benefits, there are some contraindications that prohibit its use. First of all, allergy sufferers should approach this type of tea with caution, as any new product can provoke an unexpected reaction. In addition, it is undesirable to use milk oolong during pregnancy, lactating women, people suffering from stomach ulcers or gastritis.

Due to the fact that tea contains a large amount of theine, similar in effect to caffeine, it is not recommended to abuse this drink for patients with cardiovascular diseases. However, for this substance to have a detrimental effect even on a weakened body, you need to drink a lot of green tea.

One or two cups of milk oolong per day will not harm your health, but on the contrary, contribute to overall health, strengthen immunity and rejuvenate.

Secrets of successful brewing

In order for the drink to fully reveal its positive qualities, it is necessary to brew it correctly. For this, it is important to pay special attention to the water that is used for this. It is best to choose bottled, purified and softened, in extreme cases, ordinary filtered. Tap water is not suitable for green tea, it can spoil the whole impression of a fragrant drink.

It is equally important to use the correct utensils. A small pot made of burnt clay is best suited for these purposes; you can brew tea immediately in a cup made of the same material. In the absence of earthenware, porcelain is allowed.

It is worth studying a detailed description of the brewing process. Each drink has its own subtleties, knowing which, you can achieve the best taste and aroma.

  • Before brewing milk oolong, you need to properly prepare the dishes. To do this, you need to warm the kettle by rinsing it with boiling water, and then wipe it thoroughly so that not a drop of excess moisture remains. You can also heat it up in the oven.
  • Pour tea leaves into the teapot, measuring the right amount. Traditionally, a little more tea is taken for brewing oolong than for other varieties. For 200 ml of water, you will need at least 5 g of tea leaves.
  • You need to leave the tea for a few minutes in a heated bowl. This is necessary so that the tea begins to gradually open up and exude aroma.
  • Heat the water to 80 degrees, no more, and pour into the kettle. It takes about two to three minutes to infuse the drink.
  • Pour milk oolong into cups. In the classic version, it is drunk without any dessert and without added sugar. Sweetness can overpower the taste of tea and prevent you from enjoying its rich bouquet and subtle aftertaste.

There are some nuances that are important to consider when brewing oolong. If you use a teapot, then the same brew can be used up to 7 times, while revealing all the new notes in the exquisite taste of the drink. In the case when tea is brewed directly in the cup, the number of brews is reduced to two.

To determine how much time to brew oolong tea, you need to clearly measure the volume of tea leaves. The more tea is put on the same volume of water, the less time you need to infuse the drink. If it is overexposed, then an unpleasant bitterness may appear, which will greatly spoil the impression of tea drinking. Also, the speed of brewing directly depends on the temperature of the water.

The higher it is, the faster the tea leaves give off their aroma and taste and the less the number of possible brews. However, in pursuit of economical consumption of tea, you should not use insufficiently heated water, the drink will turn out to be absolutely tasteless.

How to choose and store milk oolong

It is necessary to treat the purchase of tea very responsibly, both the benefits and the pleasure derived from tea drinking directly depend on its quality. It is worth paying attention to several signs by which tea leaves are evaluated.

  1. In appearance, a properly rolled tea leaf should look like a tight little lump. If the tea leaves are very fresh, then a slight sheen may be present on the surface.
  2. High-quality tea has a pure and deep aroma, without any impurities.
  3. All lumps in the tea leaves should be almost the same size. If, in addition to them, there are any sticks, grains, dust or other foreign elements, then this indicates an extremely low quality of welding.
  4. The color of the rolled tea leaves is also important. It should be a beautiful green hue, without brown, yellow or other inclusions.

Having purchased high-quality and fresh milk oolong, you need to decide how to store it at home. In order for tea to retain its color, aroma and useful qualities for as long as possible, you need to choose the right place and container for its placement. It is important to choose a jar or container, preferably made of porcelain or glass, with a hermetically sealed lid. You need to place it in a cool place where there is no access to direct sunlight.

It is also very important to store green tea as far as possible from foods that have a pronounced smell, especially herbs and spices. Tea leaves can easily absorb foreign aroma and thereby irreparably deteriorate.

Skillfully preserved and competently brewed milk oolong is a real treat for any tea connoisseur. And in combination with numerous healing properties, it is a real find for all lovers of good tea.

Popular in all restaurants and cafes, milk oolong - what does it have in common with milk? This tea is between green and black in terms of fermentation, so it is important to choose the right water temperature and steeping time. What are the subtleties in the process of its preparation, how to preserve its delicate aroma and taste for several brews?

How to quickly prepare fragrant milk oolong

Milk oolong won its popularity with a subtle pleasant smell. He also awarded tea with many legends about production - how tea bushes are carefully watered with cane sugar and milk syrup, and the harvested crop is soaked in baths with milk. In fact, if the bushes are watered with milk somewhere, it is not at all to give the drink a special flavor, but to fight small pests. How is Chinese oolong tea actually made?

Oolong milk tea (another name for it is oolong) is semi-fermented, it ranks between green and black in terms of the degree of fermentation. It traces its history back to Golden Flower (Jin Xuan) tea, which is grown in the mountainous regions of Taiwan. Its leaves have a slight smell of milk, to which, after processing at high temperatures, caramel notes are added. However, the aroma of Jin Xuan is irregular and weak, sometimes only experienced tea tasters can distinguish the shades.

Therefore, milk oolong tea is produced for Europeans, which is artificially flavored. The processing of such raw materials is cheaper, and the technology guarantees a stable smell and taste. For it, the leaves of not only the Golden Flower variety, but also other tea bushes are used as the basis. At the same time, unscrupulous manufacturers use low-quality raw materials, generously flavoring it with flavors that drown out the true taste of tea. Carefully choose oolong milk tea - if it is made from high-quality leaves and the smell is given to it with natural flavors, then it will not bring harm.

How to cook

Milk oolong tea has special requirements for the temperature of the water used and the time of infusion. These parameters should be more than for green tea, but less than for black. Let's figure out how to brew milk oolong.

To get a decent result, follow a few rules:

  • take soft bottled or filtered water;
  • burnt clay dishes saturate the drink with oxygen, change the taste for the better;
  • Before starting, thoroughly warm all the dishes with hot water and wipe them dry.

You are ready to start the process of making a drink! How to brew milk oolong - a general step-by-step instruction:

  • put in a teapot 5-7 gr. tea leaves for a volume of 200 ml;
  • wait a couple of minutes for the leaves to warm up and begin to emit a smell;
  • pour in water with a temperature of 70-90 degrees;
  • insist 3 minutes.

  • The infusion is completely poured into mugs, then one portion of the tea leaves is used up to 10 times, with each step increasing the infusion time by 2-3 minutes. Connoisseurs consider the most pleasant infusion obtained at the third or fourth iteration of preparation. If you brew milk oolong directly in a cup, then you will get a quality drink only 2 times.
  • In addition to general recommendations, it is worth knowing the subtleties that depend on the degree of fermentation of the feedstock. The hotter the water, the faster the leaves give off their taste and aroma, reducing the number of full-fledged tea leaves. But too cold water will not wake the tea properly.
  • How to properly brew milky oolong slightly fermented (by 20-30%) - the water temperature is 60-80 degrees, the holding time is 1-2 minutes. These parameters are similar to the recommendations for making green tea. If the values ​​\u200b\u200bare exceeded, the delicate aroma will disappear, and the beneficial substances will evaporate.
  • How to properly brew milk oolong of medium fermentation (more than 30%) - water temperature in the range of 80-90 degrees, holding for 2-3 minutes.

Now you know how to brew oolong and are ready to experience new shades of smell and taste with each subsequent serving of this drink.

How to drink and what are the benefits

  • Oolong milk tea is recommended to drink in the afternoon or in the evening. Delicate creamy aroma with caramel shades relaxes and soothes, adjusts to a positive perception of events. Oolong tea is better to drink without sugar and sweets in order to fully enjoy its taste.
  • This infusion contains antioxidants that protect the body from aging. Its catechin enzymes are antibacterial and boost your metabolism, helping you lose weight more easily. Lowers blood sugar levels, cleanses the kidneys, strengthens blood vessels. It contains fluoride, which restores tooth enamel.

Oolong milk tea is a kind of drink, if it is made from high-quality raw materials, then it has every chance to decorate a tea party.

Tea is one of the most fragrant and delicious drinks that a person has ever drunk. Millions of his fans will confirm this. In addition to great taste, it also has a healing effect, which makes it even more attractive. There are many varieties of this drink, one of the most famous is milky green tea, or oolong tea.

General information

Translated from Chinese, the word "oolong" means "dark dragon", sometimes it is also called qing cha, that is, "turquoise tea". Milk green tea refers to semi-fermented teas. Chinese gourmets gave him an intermediate place in the classification between black and green. The ideal degree of its fermentation is 50%. It is carried out in a special way - not the entire sheet is oxidized, but only a small part of its surface and edges. This allows the structure of the internal fibers of the leaf to be preserved, resulting in a combination of green and black tea aromas. There are two subspecies, which depend on fluctuations in the degree of fermentation in one direction or another. Chinese green milk tea has a long history of over 300 years. It is used in a special ceremony of "supreme tea skill".

Description of the species

There are three main places where the desired tea leaf grows: the first is the island of Taiwan, the second is Guangdong province, the third is the south and north of Fujian. Taiwan and south Fujian specialize in the production of low fermentation oolongs (less than 50%), while Guangdong and north Fujian specialize in high fermentation (more than 50%).

It is widely believed that heavily fermented milky green tea came earlier. Varieties that are collected high in the mountains are considered the best. The most famous mountains where this tea grows are the Phoenix Mountains and the Wuyi Mountains. If the leaf was collected from the "mother bush", that is, from the one from which the original tea came, then this is the tea of ​​the highest quality. The leaf itself should be fleshy and without any flaws. Oolongs, which have a weak fermentation, are also collected from special bushes high in the mountains. For this drink, the leaf must be fully ripe and developed.

Chinese green milk tea, in addition to these two types, also has a third. This is a flavored oolong. Flavoring additives are added to the leaf, which add spice to the smell. It can be ginseng, rose petals, fragrant osmanthus flowers. The main place for the manufacture of such tea is the island of Taiwan. For 40 years, manufacturers have been experimenting with flavor combinations, but the finished product is most often exported abroad, as the Chinese are more inclined to drink tea without additives, which, in their opinion, spoil the drink. A leaf from a bush is collected in the fall, as at this time the taste and aroma reveal themselves completely.

Oolong making

The best for this tea are the fully ripened leaves of bushes that have reached middle age. After harvesting, the crop is dried for half an hour or an hour in the sun, then collected in baskets, pushing it tightly, and placed in the shade for oxidation. Every hour, such a collection is kneaded and mixed, but very carefully, without damaging the sheet. This gives uneven fermentation, which depends on the duration of this process. For oolongs, it is 40-50%. When this oxidation state is reached, it is interrupted. This is done by heat treatment of the sheet, that is, it is heated to 300 degrees and dried. This procedure is carried out in 2 stages: the first is drying for a couple of minutes, the second is twisting and continuing to dry. This allows you to remove all excess moisture and completely stop fermentation. Real milky green tea is not sold crushed, broken leaves and dust are not allowed. When brewing, you can observe a beautiful whole leaf, slightly darkened at the edges.

tea properties

Milk green tea (oolong) can boast of many interesting qualities. Its useful properties are very wide. It actively affects both physical and mental health. The drink contains a lot of essential oils, and if it is a highly oxidized subspecies, then there will be plenty of caffeine in it. If a person drinks such tea, he will receive over four hundred types of chemicals that are simply necessary for the body. These are calcium, and caffeine, and polyphenol compounds, and vitamins of various groups, and phosphorus, and iodine, and many more useful trace elements. Such a rich set will help fight diseases such as cancer, thrombophlebitis, and obesity. In addition, it accelerates the metabolism in skin cells, which leads to rejuvenation, that is, wrinkles are visibly reduced.

Oolongs of weak fermentation

Green milk tea of ​​the weakest degree of oxidation has a light green color, the leaves are slightly twisted, elongated, among them you can find the upper parts of the shoots of the bush. The shape of tea leaves is usually spherical, and when brewed, 3 leaves connected by a branch can be observed, but the leaves do not have any defects. If the oolong is of high quality, then the edges of the leaf will be red, and it will not be difficult to distinguish them from the green center. The smell of such drinks is very bright, floral, and when dry it resembles the aroma of green tea. The color of the drink itself can be yellow with variations of green and pink. The taste can be honey, floral, fruity or creamy. Green milk tea from Thailand will not differ in quality, since China is considered the main place of its growth.

Oolongs of strong fermentation

If the tea has the highest degree of oxidation, then the leaves will be brown or dark brown; in the brew, you can find buds that are covered with a white pile. Unlike the previous version, the tea leaves will be more elongated and voluminous. The smell of a dry leaf is very strong, sweet, with hints of spices. The infusion is dark yellow or amber in color. The taste is not to be confused: it is very bright, full, there are honey and chocolate notes. The steamed sheet can be easily seen. If this is the highest grade of tea, then it will have distinct streaks, its edges are reddish, and the middle is green. One of the most famous manufacturers that supply milk green tea to our country is Black Dragon. Its products can be found both in stores and on the Internet.

Oolongs with flavored additives

The basis of this tea are weakly fermented fees. They are classified as drinks of average quality, since the manufacturer can hide almost all the shortcomings behind the flavoring. But the quality of the supplement itself quite often leaves much to be desired. It is for this reason that such tea is not recognized in China, it is simply imported to other countries. In terms of taste, this drink approaches Indian teas and does not change in any way during tea drinking. This lowers its popularity among the Chinese, since good tea should open up with every sip.

Brewing and storage

The brewing method is chosen depending on how much the tea has been oxidized. If we talk about how to brew milky green tea with a small degree of fermentation, then first of all we need to say about the temperature of the water. It should not exceed 80 degrees, but not be less than 60. After 3 minutes of infusion, the tea is ready. If this is a more fermented collection, then it can be brewed at a temperature of 90 degrees, but it will take a little longer to wait. The best dishes for this process will be a special teapot made from Yixing clay. It is designed specifically for this drink. The thick walls of the vessel allow you to create such a temperature environment that fully reveals the properties of tea. The teapot is small. Tea leaves should be poured no more than one third of the vessel. The same leaves can be used up to 7 times. But an ordinary porcelain teapot will also work to create such an infusion. To store the collection, it is better to choose sealed dishes made of glass or ceramics. Neither light nor moisture should penetrate inside.

Oolong varieties

There are no more than 30 types of green milk tea, and each of them is made in China. They are divided into categories. The highest belongs to the most selective tea, the lowest - ordinary. Oolong tea is intended for enjoying tea drinking, carefully studying its flavors. The most common are such varieties: Tie Guan Yin, Da Hong Pao, Peng Feng, Gui Hua. Each of them has a unique taste and smell.

Thus, one of the most refined varieties is milky green tea (oolong). The price for such a treasure is not the lowest (300-1000 rubles per 100 grams), but if a person wants to taste the taste of real oolong, then he must understand that high-quality products are not cheap.

Before answering the question, you should find out what this product is, what properties and taste it has.

Chinese oolong (milk): what is it?

Milk Oolong is a Chinese tea, which is classified as an elite variety. Despite the fact that milk is never added to the finished drink, the notes and aroma of this product are still traced in its taste. This is where the original name of the presented drink came from.

As you know, such tea is collected only in spring and autumn. Most of all, among consumers, it is the last collection that is valued, since the aroma and taste of such a product are more saturated.

Milk oolong: useful properties

A feature of this drink is its warming effect, as well as the ability to counteract the aging process. Before talking about how to brew milk oolong, it should be noted that this product contributes to a balanced production of sebum. In addition, it is recommended to drink such tea for those representatives of the weaker sex who have too oily or, conversely, dry skin. Milk oolong helps to overcome vitamin deficiency in the body, as it contains about 400 useful components.

As practice shows, drinking 1000 ml of milk oolong per day significantly lowers blood cholesterol levels. But before drinking such tea, you should find out what contraindications it has.

Contraindications for use

Milk oolong, the beneficial properties of which were presented a little higher, is not recommended for use before bedtime. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to drink it to pregnant women, because it contains a large amount of theine. In the event that you want to get only the benefits of this drink, it should be consumed in small doses.

Making a drink at home

How to brew milk oolong? This is done quite easily. But in order for tea to retain all the taste and aroma, strict rules should be followed, namely:

  • To prepare such a drink, it is best to use a clay teapot with a thick bottom and walls. This will keep the heat in the bowl for a long time.
  • It is advisable to take purchased bottled water for milk oolong, and preferably spring water. After all, ordinary tap water can spoil the drink.

So how to brew milk oolong? To do this, the clay teapot should be thoroughly heated by rinsing it with boiling water. Next, you need to pour about 7-10 g of the brewing component into warm dishes (depending on the number of family members or guests who will enjoy this drink). For the indicated amount of tea, add about 500 ml of water to the teapot. In this case, initially, the tea leaves should be poured with a small amount of boiling water with a temperature of about 87-90 degrees. If you immediately use a bubbling liquid, then the tea will lose its taste and aroma.

In order for all the laid out tea leaves to open, it is recommended to drain the first bay of boiling water. After that, you need to add hot water to the pottery again, and then insist under a tightly closed lid for about 2-3 minutes.

A feature of oolong tea is that it can be brewed more than once, or even twice. But each time the time spent on this process will increase slightly. Moreover, the taste of tea will also change from this, but not for the worse.