The female name Alina - which means: a description of the name. The name of the girl Alina: mystery, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

One of the most common modern names - Alina - is distinguished by beauty, femininity and euphony. Until the 90s of the 20th century, it was considered rare and exotic. Now, according to recent statistics, it is among the twenty most popular.

Despite the tenderness of the name, the character of a girl or woman is not distinguished by loyalty and humility. Alina is a wayward person who does everything to become a leader. Already from childhood, such traits as stubbornness and insolence are manifested.

Name for a girl

From an early age, the girl manifests herself as an independent child, has an excellent memory and develops well. She easily remembers everything new, strives for self-development. Parents should help develop the child's natural talent. The name Alina for a girl symbolizes a certain amount of stubbornness that should be directed in the right direction, otherwise this trait can develop into immunity to any arguments.

The girl easily makes friends, but she prefers boyish companies. This is due to her restlessness and activity.

She likes to be in the center of attention, she will defend her point of view to the bitter end. There may be health issues. The most vulnerable place is the respiratory system. In addition, the child may be underweight or vice versa. To control the situation, parents must monitor nutrition, provide the child with the proper level of activity. Her favorite pastimes are reading books and drawing.

Alina sounds close to the name Alla, but has a greater melody, femininity, softness of sounds. Consider the meaning of the name Alina, the character and fate of its owner.

There are several main versions of the origin of the name Alina. According to the first, it has ancient Germanic roots, according to the second - Greek, and according to the third - Scottish. The fourth version points to the ancient Slavic roots of the name.


Consider the meanings of the name Alina:

    • Translated from Slavic, Alina is translated as "Alay".
    • The Greek interpretation is "a ray of light."
    • In Scotland, the female name Alina is a pair for the male name Alistair and means "Honest, fair."
    • Translated from Latin, the name Alina is translated as "other."
    • The ancient Germanic interpretation is “Noble”.

Mystery of the name

The secret of the name Alina is in her ability to love and be friends. She is a true friend. It can let a person close, but the environment will have to come to terms with its desire to be ahead. Sometimes this rivalry turns into despotism.


The meaning of the name Alina and her fate largely depends on the number of the name. For her, it's a four. It symbolizes strength, reliability, stability. The figure of four is a square.

"Fours" are conscientious performers, hardworking in their work. A reasonable mind helps in working with numbers. There are good organizational skills, although they cannot be called ideological inspirers. They do not like sudden and dramatic changes.


Consider what the name Alina means for the fate of a woman. She is beautiful, sociable, attractive to men. Knows how to present himself. Such a girl knows how to take care of herself, flirt and flirt. She loves when others appreciate her efforts and merits.

When she finds love and believes in her lover, she reveals herself in full force. In terms of love relationships - demanding of a partner.


Alya has been demanding attention since childhood, she loves when the world revolves around her person. This gives rise to the desire for rivalry, the desire to be the first. Alina has an iron will, backed up by a clear plan of action. She knows how to get what she wants and direct life in the required direction.

Self-confident, decisive, does not accept defeat. Secretive, does not show real feelings, controlling them. Sometimes suppressed emotions break out, spreading to the environment. Alina's outward equanimity and coldness are deceptive. Emotions boil inside her soul.

It is not easy for others to find a common language with Alya, she demonstrates a complex character. Goes to extremes and conflicts. The owner of the name has developed intuition, if desired, she can win over the right people. It is flexible and adapts to people and circumstances.

However, she has a desire to take care of others. Alina strives to help her parents. Her flexibility allows her to be strict, affectionate, cheerful with different people, depending on the situation.

Character traits depend on the season in which the girl was born:

  • Alina, born in winter, is resolute in her actions and consistent in her actions, has a sharp mind.
  • Summer - an eccentric nature, with a quick-tempered, but quick-witted character. Good-natured by nature.
  • Spring Ali has an irresistible fantasy and a penchant for romance. Sometimes her life is spoiled by the desire to subjugate others and her quick temper.
  • Alina, born in autumn, combines practicality, resourcefulness, and enterprise. Knows how to make the right contacts.


What does the name Alina mean for the little owner? Since childhood, she has been restless, although she is in poor health and often gets sick. Impatient, cannot sit in one place, often does not listen to parents. Natural curiosity, combined with a good memory, helps the girl do well in school.

Punishments and long lectures do not affect the girl. To interest her, you need to switch attention or offer a symbolic reward for the work done. Since childhood, Alina has an obstinate character. She painfully perceives criticism and has her own opinion on everything. From an early age, a talent for drawing manifests itself, and she may well realize herself as an artist, designer or stylist. She likes to sculpt, draw, listen to music. She grows creative and versatile.

If parents often quarrel and misunderstanding reigns in the family, it is better that the showdown takes place without Alina. The girl takes family squabbles to heart.


Ali has a weak immune system, so she often gets sick from childhood. The girl is tormented by bronchitis, especially if she was born after 19 hours.

Emotional outbursts cause nervous breakdowns, emotional burnout. This is especially true for girls born in November. Breakdowns can last for several days, she refuses to go to school. Parents will need the help of a psychologist and a pediatrician.


The name for the girl Alina allows her to grow into a versatile personality. Alina is talented, but in order to achieve success, she is recommended to choose one profession and develop in it, without spraying herself into many things at once.

Professions suitable for her:

  • actresses;
  • sportswomen;
  • translators;
  • doctor;
  • journalist, writer;
  • musician.

Alina loves to command, so she strives to break into leadership positions. A complex despotic character, emotionality, intolerance for other people's shortcomings complicate relations with subordinates. It is for her character that she cannot earn the love of her subordinates and their respect.

Love and marriage

Since her youth, there have been a lot of admirers around Alina. An early marriage is likely to end unsuccessfully for the owner of the name. Only at a later age does she begin to understand what really attracts her in potential life partners.

Alina loves to take care of herself, so her partner must be wealthy, well-groomed, stylish. She demands full financial support from her husband. Alina is an excellent hostess, she knows how to cook deliciously, surprising homemade culinary masterpieces.

Ali's difficult nature can serve as an obstacle in relations with her husband's relatives, so it is better for a young family to separate. Ali loves children and they make excellent mothers. It is in children that Alina can realize her constant need to love and care. Sexually, Alina reveals herself only if she completely trusts the chosen one. She demands the most from him.

name day

Name color

Alina's color is purple. It gives an emotional character and excitability, pride "lilac" often enter into conflicts and disputes, showing the stubbornness of the character. It is not easy for them to get along in a team, and this causes frequent job changes. Responsible, obligatory and principled individuals. Among the "lilac" there are many innovators, experimenters.

name flower

Alina is an energetic, courageous, ambitious person. Her flower is Amarylis. It is a symbol of impregnable character, pride, honor. Her incredulity is surprisingly combined with naivety and romantic character. Amarylis symbolizes intemperance, changeability in moods and behavior.

Ali's other flower is the lily. In Christianity, this flower means innocence, rebirth, purity, immortality. The straight stem is a symbol of the masculine divine principle, and the leaves denote modesty, as they are drooping. Alina is purposeful, she has a cheerful disposition and a great sense of humor.

Talisman stones

Alina's mascot stones: beryl, sapphire, rose quartz.

Beryl is a symbol of love, material well-being, happiness. Makes the owner softer and more friendly towards people around.

Sapphire symbolizes reliability, fidelity, purposefulness. Helps to achieve goals, frees the owner from negative emotions. Maintains composure in an argument.

Rose quartz will give Alina the missing softness, tenderness, sensuality.

church name

There is no church name Alina. Usually, at baptism, girls are given names such as: Alevtina, Angelina, Elena or Alla. Alevtina of Caesarea is considered the patroness. She was burned for accepting the Christian faith.

According to the most common version, the name Alina means "other", "foreign"- translated from Latin.

There are other variants of the origin of the name. Perhaps it has Germanic and French roots, and comes from the name Adeline, meaning noble, majestic.

In Scotland, the name Alina means "honest", in Greece - "sunbeam" (this is a variant of affectionate treatment).
Perhaps this name comes from the Arabic language, and comes from the popular male name Ali.

Which option from the listed is exactly correct is currently unknown.

Alina is a short, beautiful and gentle name. Many note some of his mystery, he feels both inner strength and femininity at the same time.

Usually a girl named Alina loves praise, has good taste, always tries to look her best, is able to make a stunning outfit out of nothing, has good manners - in a word, she knows how to present herself in the most favorable light. But that's not the point. There is always something in her that clearly distinguishes her from others. It can be any, the most unexpected feature, but Alina always has it, like something given from above.

Latin American actress

Patrons named after Alina

  • Zodiac - Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Planet - Jupiter
  • Color - Blue, raspberry
  • treasured plant– Mint
  • Tree - Eucalyptus
  • Talisman stone - Sapphire, tin
  • Totem - Elephant, Dolphin, Swallow

Alina is one of the few names that are very rarely used in a diminutive form. Sometimes you can hear - Alinka, even less often - Alyunya, Alya, Lina, Ali.

Alina's childhood

Alina means stubbornness. If little Alina is up to something, then it will be almost impossible to convince her. Otherwise, she is a cheerful, active child, very cheerful, sociable and with a good imagination. She is a good student at school, grasping everything on the fly without much difficulty. Hobbies close to her in spirit are music or dancing.


As a rule, girls with this name are very capable, and can succeed in almost any field, but it is still better to choose a job that requires perseverance, patience and, of course, creativity. It is very necessary for Alina to maintain unconditional faith in herself, in her strength - having doubted, she may fail. Teaching professions are not recommended for her - she has other abilities and character traits. You also need to keep in mind that if in some business you need to look for an approach and be able to obey and adapt to others - this is not for her.

poet, writer

The nature of the name Alina

Alina is one of the extroverts, with a great interest in life. She has an innate ability to penetrate into the very essence and it is impossible to deceive her - she knows thoughts and feels the soul. She is diplomatic and skillfully uses her abilities, which she has at a very high level. There are almost no barriers for her - sometimes it seems that she has an innate knowledge of certain things. Belief in herself is the main engine of her life, and if she has something in mind, it will not work to convince her. She easily adapts to any situation, it is almost impossible for her to manage, lead - everything around her moves as if according to her desire. She constantly feels the need to devote herself entirely to some particular cause - whether it be business, selfless care or some kind of social movement that interests her - it is important that this can form the basis of her life.

Love, family and marriage

With age, Alina's character almost does not change, she still communicates easily, easily finds a common language with anyone. She has many friends, she is an authority in any company. Men are attracted by her ability to present herself as a superwoman, and she is able to create this image literally from nothing. Despite this, Alina marries late, choosing a husband from among the most worthy. She loves with her mind rather than her heart. She is very sexy and passionate - but only reveals herself to someone she trusts completely and unconditionally. She is intolerant of any interference in her personal life; also, you should always keep in mind that you should not argue with her, and you should not interfere with her to live the way she wants - she knows what she is doing.

To date, the name Alina has gained particular popularity. This is not surprising, because in every generation there are fashionable names that parents rush to reward their children. Alina sounds quite sweet, beautiful and interesting. Even if you are not the owner of such a name, then you can bet that you have at least one friend who is so named. Surely you will be interested to know the fate and meaning of the name Alina in order to find the right approach to her.

Popular domestic personalities with the name Alina became known relatively recently, because this name came to us already in the twentieth century and was considered too strange and foreign for a long time. Anyone who has come across this person closely knows for sure that the name Alina is not given at baptism, because. it is not Slavic and has nothing to do with our church denomination. That is why the happy owners were honored to have two names - one named (Alina), and the other, which is given at baptism.

Our Russian ancestors did just that and considered it right. The fact is that the name that the priest gives at baptism is true before God and no one should know it. Sometimes parents did not dare to say it to the child himself. This is due to the superstition of our ancestors, who prudently treated the evil eye, envy and damage. It was believed that without knowing the real name, the enemies would not be able to realize their evil intentions, and even cursing a person would not cause harm.

But, if the name Alina is not Slavic, then what nationality is it? This is a very interesting question, for which there are several variants of various hypotheses of origin. Let's start with the most reliable source - the Oxford Encyclopedia of Names, which will tell you what secret Alina's name holds:

  • Oxford studies have shown that the name Alina came into English from Arabic, and then came to Europe and to us.
  • Its meaning is translated as “noble”, but this word has another meaning - “other”, “other”, that is, not like everyone else. Perhaps at that time in Arab culture it was customary to give such a name to a girl who differed from others in external parameters. For example, she was fair-haired or had a particularly bright eye color.
  • The Latin translation has the same meaning.
  • But the most common and popular version of the origin speaks of ancient Germanic roots. In that era, as now, you can meet the name Adelaide. Many historians agree that it was this name that served as the progenitor of Alina, because. had the same abbreviated form.
  • In Old German, this name sounds like Adelheid, where Adel comes from Adal, that is, “noble”, and heid is a kind. Thus, in a sense, the ancient Germanic version confirms the Arabic one and means a noble family.
  • There is also another version that says that the name Alina is of Arabic origin, namely from the male name Ali, which means "exalted". Perhaps this was the name given to boys who, from birth, had a predominant position in society.
  • The Scots also did not miss the chance to attribute the origin of the name to themselves. Linguists claim that it was their country that gave the world the name Alina, which they characterized as “honest”.
  • When the name Alina had already reached Europe, the Greeks gave him the meaning of “sunshine”, that is, they called it mainly blondes.
  • Another theory confirms the previous one. The name Alina has many Slavic "analogues", which, to one degree or another, characterize him as "white", "light", "blonde" or "fair-haired". These names include: Alevtina, Albina, Angelina and Alla.

Alina's day is usually celebrated on July 29. On this day, the Holy Great Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea (Orthodox patroness of Alina) was burned for her faith in Jesus Christ.

The character of girls named Alina

The researchers noticed a certain similarity and systematicity between the name and character of a person. Today, many listen to this information, because most of the alleged information really converges with its carrier. If you take the name Alina, then you have already managed to make sure that it has many interesting theories of origin and designation, but do these interpretations agree with the characteristics of the researchers? It is time to find out the behavioral features and character traits of the owner of the name Alina:

  • The meaning of the name Alina for little girls can be fatal for her parents. These are very restless and capricious children who require constant attention. In kindergarten, their behavior can be described as "hellish child." They often come into conflict with other children and constantly contradict the elders. These are very impudent children who are used to getting their own by any manipulation.

  • Going to school, Alina manages to spoil relations with all the teachers. They have a hard time studying, despite the fact that they are quite smart girls with an almost phenomenal memory. This is due to their rebellious nature, which constantly rebels against the routine and established norms of society.
  • Alina are sickly girls. In childhood, they are very vulnerable to colds and other viral diseases. They become much stronger with age, but you should still pay special attention to the gastrointestinal tract, because. this is the “weak” place of all representatives of this name.
  • With age, Alina becomes noticeably softer and a little more responsible, but they will defend their boundaries of individuality all their lives.
  • You can’t argue with Alina, because She is completely incapable of accepting someone else's point of view. They are very stubborn and when the representative of this name runs out of all reasonable arguments, she will simply start to quarrel with you until you yourself are liquidated.
  • Alina is a rather quick-tempered nature. Often this prevents them from building new relationships and is the cause of frequent quarrels. They have a lot of energy that should be directed to self-realization, because they are purposeful enough to achieve considerable heights.
  • Alina is always a very beautiful and stylish girl. They select jewelry and accessories with taste. They are always very concerned about their appearance. All Alinas have a well-chosen style, which lies in the details and subtleties of expressing their individuality, which can hardly be seen with the naked eye.
  • Almost all Alina draw beautifully. This feature of their personality is able to instill in people a love of creativity. They love it when their drawings / paintings are praised and hate when they are left without due attention.
  • Alina does not know how to adequately relate to criticism, even calm and reasoned. This feature of their character often prevents them from building relationships with people whose social role is higher, so Alina often changes jobs due to conflicts with her superiors.
  • Alina is very purposeful. Often, representatives of this sign achieve success in the field of creativity and the humanities. They love well-deserved compliments and attention to their merits.

The fate of girls named Alina

Oddly enough, the name of a person can largely determine his fate. Given the obstinate and proud nature of the name Alina, one can already assume their purposefulness and straightforwardness, which in many ways will prevent them from building friendly and romantic relationships with many people. But this does not end our tour of the details of the fate of the representative of this name, because it is fraught with many more interesting things:

  • Often, girls named Alina grow up without a father, which can largely explain their categorical and straight-laced disposition. Since childhood, these are very independent children who are used to solving all the troubles themselves with their peers and teachers.

  • Alina decides late to start a family. This is far from their main fate in life. They have much to offer the world and strive to achieve it.
  • As for romantic relationships, Alina is also quite categorical here. Often these are very selective and capricious girls who are ready to look for their ideal partner for the rest of their lives, if necessary, but they will not agree to anything less.
  • Having found her soul mate, Alina becomes noticeably softer and more accommodating. She knows how to love and it is quite possible that she will be able to give in to her partner if he does not put pressure on her and demand something. Alina immediately stops such a model of relations in the bud.
  • Alina is able to introduce strong friendships in her family, because it is very important for them to have a like-minded person who is always at hand. They are also excellent listeners.
  • It is very interesting that most often Alina will inherit her character from her father. And moreover, not the best things are taken from there: sluggishness, laziness and lack of self-organization. It seems surprising, but often this fact unites Alin. It is worth noting that outwardly they are very similar to their fathers.

  • It cannot be said that only creativity is given to Alina in perfection, but it is in this path that they can reveal all their many talents. They have a good potential to realize themselves in music. Possessing an almost phenomenal memory, they are able to memorize and reproduce compositions, having heard them once.
  • With about the same ease, they remember phone numbers, complex routes, invitation addresses, etc. Thanks to their good memory, they can realize themselves as linguists, translators or philologists. They are easily given languages ​​and subtleties of their dialects.
  • Alina is a very sociable person, but always keeps people at a certain distance. For all their sociability, they have a very small circle of friends. Thanks to this manner of building relationships, Alina is always surrounded by true friends and a devoted life partner.
  • They are quite perceptive, which allows them to understand people well. They can definitely be called friends, about whom it is customary to say: "both in fire and in water." Alina used to be condescending to her close circle of friends, so they were lucky not to feel the displeased grin of a representative of this name, which cannot be said about work colleagues, because they have an incredibly developed sense of competition and excitement.

Alina's compatibility with other names

If the name of a person determines his fate and character, then why not apply this knowledge in the relationship of two partners? Alina has a high probability of building a strong family with representatives of the following names:

  1. Eugene
  2. Victor
  3. Alexander
  4. Andrey
  5. Vladimir
  6. Michael
  7. Boris

But the following owners of names should beware, because there is a high probability that the marriage will be absolutely unhappy:

  1. Dmitriy
  2. Igor
  3. Anatoly
  4. Alexei
  5. Nicholas

You already know that the name of a person can predetermine the prevailing character traits, compatibility and even fate, but there are still many facts worthy of your attention that you will probably be interested to know:

  • It is interesting to know that the stone corresponding to the name Alina is a sapphire. This mysterious mineral of incredible beauty can serve as a true talisman and amulet for the representatives of this name.
  • Surely it was thanks to her determination that Alina deserved the honor of having such an ancient and wise stone as sapphire as her assistants. Few people know, but this mineral is able to increase the professional level, find inspiration and maintain self-control.
  • Also among the magical abilities of sapphire: prolonging the feeling of falling in love, softening anger, increasing efficiency and eliminating stress. But the most important thing is that this stone has an incredibly beautiful look, which is very suitable for the name Alina.
  • Given the restless and stubborn nature of Aline, the researchers agreed that the most suitable and representative zodiac sign that corresponds to this type of personality is Capricorn. If the girl was born in the constellation corresponding to her, then this is a pure and representative Capricorn in all its glory. Many dominant character traits can be doubled, because the constellation only warms up the possibilities of the name.
  • Alyn also has her own talisman color - which is recommended to be worn for important meetings and events - it is blue and crimson.
  • It is believed that the totem animal named after Alina is a praying mantis. It would be nice to have a picture of this insect in my apartment.
  • The most successful day of the week named after Alina is Thursday.

Alina is not only an interesting and beautiful name, but also evidence of a versatile and very interesting personality that is hidden under it. Thanks to the characterization of the name, Alina can learn a lot about herself and open her eyes to more significant moments of her personality. By the mutual efforts of their talent and dedication, they are able to achieve incredible success.

Video: "The meaning and interpretation of the name Alina"

The main features of Alina are energy and courage, they are understanding, swift and smart.

The name Alina comes from Old German and translates as "noble". Some associate this name also with the Greek "solar".

Origin of the name Alina:

There are two versions of the origin of this name.

The first says that Alina came from the ancient Germanic language. According to the second version, the name comes from the ancient Greek language. So far, both versions have the right to exist, since it is not known for certain which one is correct.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Alina:

In childhood, Alina often get sick, but do not lose their liveliness and restlessness. They are inquisitive, impatient, with parents they can be impudent and disobedient. Often they like "boyish" pranks and companies also choose boyish ones. Excellent memory and the ability to grasp on the fly smooth out their restlessness. Alina loves to command the parade, they are proud, they often come into conflict, defending their point of view. They are fond of historical novels and drawing.

With age, childish capriciousness and intolerance are smoothed out in Alina, but they remain energetic, impulsive and demanding of people until old age. Aline's profession is often associated with art and travel. They always love to intrigue, delight, be the center of attention. Career growth is important for them, but Alina is lazy and tries to evade work hardships. They are suitable for a field of activity that does not require a rigorous analysis and monotonous actions. They prefer to embody what they have conceived immediately.

In communication, Alina is explosive, intolerant, cunning. They are looking for everyday and professional benefits, they try to surround themselves with unusual people, they hate boredom, routine, tasteless clothes. Able to entertain the company, easy-going and witty. Widely erudite, interesting and intelligent interlocutors, able to surprise with an unexpected remark or an interesting conclusion. Alina is always fit, elegant, fashionably dressed, she is pleased when her delicate taste is praised. Resentment harbors for a long time, especially if the quarrel concerned her personal life. Outwardly bright and sociable, they themselves often suffer because of their emotional coldness. Secretly looking for long-term attachments.

In love relationships with men, Alina is ambivalent. As a rule, they are physically beautiful, flirtatious, masters of elegant flirting, but in a serious relationship, Alina is shy and clamped. Upon close acquaintance, the difference between what they seem to be and who they really are is often striking. A man will have to try to spark a strong interest in Alina. She is demanding and picky about the appearance of the partner and his social status. In bed, Alina is unpredictable, pays great attention to the external side of the matter, concentrates little on emotions and sensations. For them, aesthetics and external beauty are important, without this it is difficult for them to get full pleasure.

Alina starts a family late, she is despotic in the house, does not tolerate other housewives. Often conflicts with the mother-in-law and with his own mother about the life and upbringing of children. Because of his impulsiveness, he provokes loud quarrels and scandals. Alin's early marriages often end in divorce, the later ones are stronger. It is important for Alina to calm down and understand what she wants in order to be happy.

Alexandra, Oleg, Petra, Mikhail, Jacob and Sergey are well suited to Alina. Alina's union with Alexei, Nikolai, Igor and Anatoly can be unhappy.

The most intolerant and impulsive are Alina born in the summer. "Spring" - women of fashion, laughter and coquettes, "autumn" in comparison with them are calm in communication, but explosive in love. "Winter" Alinas always clearly know what they want.

Many girls named Alina are found among representatives of the sports and business elite.