Brief description of tarot cards. How to remember the meaning of tarot cards Tarot cards and their interpretation

For those who wish to get acquainted with the ancient system of symbols, you should pay attention to the purchase of the first deck.

Competent tarologists advise leaving the acquisition of more highly specialized decks for later (for example, Tarot Manara), and opting for the classic ones, i.e. universal cards.

  1. Rider-Waite Tarot. The design of each image helps to understand the true meaning of all Arcana, which is especially important for beginners. Its symbolism is simple and clear and familiar to almost everyone. The main disadvantage: not all the meanings (for example, Lovers) of Waite are agreed by adherents of classical interpretations.
  2. Tarot of Thoth by Aleister Crowley. The gloomy design of the cards is understandable through the use of numerous signs and symbols. The main disadvantage: there are no images in the Minor Arcana (from 2 to 10).

Choosing a tarot deck for beginners is the first step in the difficult journey of learning Tarot.

Despite the fact that the Marseille deck is considered a classic, since it uses drawings that existed back in the Middle Ages, it is undesirable to take it due to the fact that the characters on the Major Arcana are presented very schematically, and the Younger ones are not indicated in any way. It is better to leave the purchase of this deck for later.

First impression

Method 1: Familiarize yourself with the Tarot cards. The main thing is to understand the picture, because understanding helps to remember the essence.

  1. Look carefully at each drawing, note the figures depicted, their emotions and the colors used. So you can fix the meaning of the card, even if it is superficial.
  2. Try to understand what emotions a particular Arcana conveys. Determine if they are positive, neutral or negative.
  3. Even a competent step-by-step guide to divination by tarot cards will not help if you started studying at the wrong time. You should not get acquainted with them in moments of frustration or joy. Emotions interfere with correct perception, so it is worth waiting for the time when you feel complete peace.


No one can start practicing without a foundation. Pay special attention to the theoretical part.

  1. Educational literature. The process of divination is a complex science, so it is not surprising that there are special books that help to understand it. The textbook “Taro Kshatriyev. Situational cards" with a 50% discount, which can be found on the Internet or in stores of magic and esotericism. Do not neglect books, as from them a person will receive rare information, which will take a long time to get to on their own. Other useful authors and their works:
  • Abraham S. "How to read Tarot cards";
  • B. Hayo, T. Bridget “The Mystical Tarot of Aleister Crowley. Answers to all your questions";
  • Klyuev A. “Tarot Textbook. Traditions, decks, divination practice;
  • Mary K. Grey "21 Ways to Interpret Tarot Cards."
  1. Seminars and courses. Today, finding such training programs is quite simple: type in the search query “Announcement of my upcoming psychological Tarot seminars” and you will find several suitable methods. This method will suit those who do not like to read too much and who find it easier to study directly under someone's guidance.
  2. Entries. Well-known connoisseur N. Markov to the question: “Nikolai, how can you remember all these Tarot cards?” answers: “Watch my video lesson: Tarot cards as a key to the subconscious” and recommends having a special notebook where the beginner will take notes. They can be absolutely anything: from the usual interpretations of other authors to independently developed associations. It is extremely important to make all notes by hand, as the letter helps to remember the text better, and record the results of all layouts.

In the future, such works will help in practice. If you forget some value during the alignment, you can easily find it in your notes.

  1. Meditation. In fortune-telling, you need to trust your intuition, and in order for it to work for good, it must be regularly developed. Meditations are great for this, but by doing these exercises, you will be able to better remember and understand the meaning of the symbol system. Take a specific Arcana and start the process. Remember the images and sensations that arise, and then fix them in notebooks.
  2. Comparisons, analysis, conclusions. Choose cards with the same number but different suits. Analyze their meaning and compare with each other. Find pairs of absolutely opposite cards and mark their differences. This method trains the memory, forcing to remember the transcript.

Spend at least 10-20 minutes studying every day.


Without performing the layouts, no one can become a real tarot reader. In addition, it is a great way to understand the principle of operation and remember the values. Below are the basic simple tarot card spreads for beginners.

One card

How does Tarot work? It’s easier to start training with the usual Danetka (named from two words yes and no) - the most understandable layout that absolutely everyone practices.

  • Ask a question that can be answered yes or no;
  • focus on the exciting problem;
  • pull out the card;
  • decipher it depending on the area of ​​the question.

The disadvantage of Danetka is that it is sometimes difficult to correctly explain the whole situation using one card. It is desirable to formulate clear and specific questions, the answer to which will be known in the near future.

Map of the day

Before going to bed or the next morning after waking up, choose the Arcana and use it to determine the main events of the next day. The practice can be repeated every day or done before important events.

Three cards

Another common alignment that helps to know the future or understand the current situation. Usually, the first card indicates the past (it influenced the formation of the present), the second - the present time, and the third - the future.

Study the symbols using these spreads, as more complex ones will only confuse you. Among the numerous interpretations, the beginner cannot see the essence and correctly interpret the situation.

Minor Arcana

If the Major Arcana are certain archetypes that are not so difficult to remember, then the Minor Arcana are more diverse and their meanings are much narrower. This is what distinguishes it from other methods of divination of Tarot cards. How to remember the Minor Arcana? It's not that difficult with due diligence.

  1. Try to memorize the suits. There are four of them: Swords, Cups, Wands, Pentacles. They may vary slightly depending on the deck (for example, Pentacles - Disks). Each of them corresponds to a certain element, which is interpreted in a special way:
  • Wands - Fire, decoding - work, career, study, profession;
  • Swords - Air, decoding - intelligence, reason, quarrels, conflicts, disputes and clashes;
  • Pentacles - Earth, decoding - materialism, business, property, money, movables and real estate;
  • Cups - Water, decoding - relationships, friendship, partners, love and marriage, leisure time.
  1. Aces. Stand out from other characters. More often it is drawn in the form of a hand pulling its sign out of the cloud. It is both a gift from God and a seed in the questioner. Those. it is a germ, powerful and strong, but not the fact that it will germinate in the future. Based on this interpretation, a beginner will quickly remember the interpretation of four cards already.

Aces are the seeds of the elements. A. Crowley.

  1. Rank. If a certain pattern does not emerge from the numbering, then it is easy to talk about the differences between the Page, Knight, Lady and King. The higher the card, the more stable and high position the person occupies, she is wiser and more educated than those below. This is another answer to the question of how to learn to understand Tarot.


Faced with the Tarot for the first time, many are frightened by the number of cards and refuse to further acquaintance with them. It's actually not too difficult to remember them, but you need to break up the process, which will make the learning process easier.

Regular mastering of the theoretical part, and constant practice will improve your skills. By following these methods, you will memorize the decoding of the 78 cards of the tarot deck in a fairly short time.

The meaning of the cards in fortune-telling is one of the pillars of the fortune-telling when interpreting the layout. After all, it is important not only to ask the right question, choose the necessary alignment and cards, but also to give the correct interpretation. Below we will talk about the classic interpretation of tarot cards.

In the article:

Divination card interpretation

Despite the existence of several Tarot schools, in which there are sometimes significant, and sometimes not very differences, most of the meanings are still similar. Thus, you will not need to remember new interpretations for each new deck. It is enough to know the classical meanings, based on them, it is much easier to understand and remember the non-traditional meanings of modern schools.

So, in any Tarot deck there is 22 Major Arcana And 56 Junior. This is the standard number, and no matter how the names or their meanings change, the number of cards remains the same. If there are fewer Major Arcana in your deck, or it is not divided into Major and Minor at all, this means that you are holding in your hands, and traditional Tarot values ​​will not suit you. For all other cases, you can safely use the interpretations presented below.

We give a brief very general meaning of each of the arcana, which can be used on or as a hint. It is important to understand that each of the arcana is much more multifaceted and wider in its meaning, especially it depends on the position of the card in the layout, as well as on the other cards surrounding it.

Deciphering Tarot cards for divination

There are many options for the internal hierarchy of the Major Arcana: cards are divided into titled and allegorical, symbols of the main virtues and astrological elements, signs of good luck and universal predestination.
J. Baines, S. Vronsky "Fate on the steps of the Golden Tarot"

"Jester"- this is the first, and sometimes the zero lasso, since some decks begin with it, and some end. The card speaks of simplicity, childish inexperience and trust in the world on the one hand, and excessive impulsiveness, "blind" trust, stupidity, on the other. At the same time, the zero lasso symbolizes great potential, unusualness, often symbolizes "white crows", which stand out sharply against the background of the gray mass.
"Mage"- the first of the Elders. He talks about the beginning of a new path, the emergence of a new idea. « Magician" indicates will and enterprise, symbolizes the onset of the implementation stage and the manifestation of initiative.
"Priestess"- the second lasso in the deck and the first female card. This map of knowledge. She talks about the need to trust yourself and your intuition, about the benefits of the acquired knowledge about the people around you.
"Empress"- the next Major Arcana, which is a symbol of femininity. « Empress" - this is the embodiment of a woman in the roles of mother and mistress. It symbolizes harmonious relationships, marriage, the birth of children, prosperity in the family and general material well-being.
"Emperor"- the fourth card, speaking of power and authority. It symbolizes a stable position in society, the increase and implementation of planned projects. Sometimes « Emperor" goes too far and becomes a cruel dictator. He also talks about the help of an influential friend from the outside.
"High priest"- the fifth lasso, also represented by a male card. "Priest" or « Dad" , as it is sometimes called, can also indicate the learning process, both literally and figuratively, and the need for humility and playing by the rules.
"Lovers"- the sixth lasso, which has the main meaning of love. Another, no less common, is the choice between two opposite and equally attractive options.
"Chariot"- 7 lasso, speaks of victory after a difficult struggle or small victories with daily difficulties.
following her "Force" tells us about the inner strength of a person, which helps him overcome obstacles in his path.
Further "Hermit" symbolizes, first of all, the stage of loneliness, a period of temporary peace and silence, which is necessary for reflection and the search for meaning, patience, acceptance of current events.
Tenth lasso "Wheel of Fortune", as the name already implies, says that everything changes, nothing lingers in our lives. In practical terms, the card symbolizes a quick change of events, a quick change in the current situation.
Eleventh lasso "Justice" or "Justice", as it is also called, symbolizes rigor and impartiality. He says that it is time to make a sound decision, to objectively assess the situation, not to be led by emotions.
"The Hanged One" - one of the heaviest arcana in the deck, indicates the weak position of a person, his dependence on circumstances, people and the inability to influence them. By your position « Hanged" offers a fresh look at the current situation. The card speaks of the necessary, often unpleasant sacrifice that must be made, as well as the lessons that it is important to go through and realize in order to move on.
The thirteenth lasso "Death", as a rule, does not imply physical death at all. It's about metaphor. A person experiences changes on a psychological level. The old is already gone, but what the new looks like is still unclear.
Next for « Death""Moderation' speaks for itself. She symbolizes balance in everything. The card shows the importance of avoiding extremes and patience.
The next one of the most popular among the Major Arcana is the fifteenth lasso " Devil". This card tells about addictions, negative influences, provocations, slavery in the spiritual and physical senses.
"Tower", the sixteenth lasso, speaks of imminent dramatic changes. However, unlike the thirteenth lasso, the situation changes precisely at the physical level. Usually, under this lasso, they are unexpectedly fired from work, lose a partner, and so on. The events that the sixteenth lasso speaks of are experienced hard. However, it is important to remember that " Tower» It is always the beginning of a new stage.
Seventeenth lasso " Star » speaks of the realization of dreams, the embodiment of hopes. Also, this card symbolizes the successful completion of the plan, creative implementation and success in any endeavors.
"Moon » , the eighteenth Major Arcana, demonstrates fears and complexes. The map suggests that not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Also, the lasso symbolizes secret knowledge, magic and external influences.
"Sun » - the nineteenth lasso, appears to indicate the onset of a time of clarity, creativity, optimism, disclosure of potential. May indicate pleasant acquaintances, an early marriage and the birth of children.
The twentieth lasso Court » also a very positive card. She speaks of the beginning of a new phase, a time when your efforts will be rewarded and you will get what you deserve.


The Arcana depicts a man walking blindly forward and not seeing that there is an abyss under his feet. A dog runs after a man, angrily tearing his clothes and not allowing him to turn aside. As a rule, this image is interpreted unambiguously: this blind man personifies that stage of our life when we wander along the path without taking apart the road.

Behind us is a load of past mistakes and delusions. Fussy and restless thoughts (a dog running after) prevent us from stopping and thinking: "Where, in fact, is my path?" We wander like the blind, without a goal, sometimes not even seeing the abyss under our feet. And it depends only on fate whether we fall into it or safely pass, never knowing what we avoided.

The Jester's card in a personal layout means that you are in a situation where fate requires you to "work out" past sins before you are given the opportunity to start building your life again. No matter how hard you try, you are unlikely to be able to see where the road leads along which you go so fast.

It will also not be possible to turn off the path - your time to make decisions has already passed, and everything is now in the hands of fate. And until you again feel like the master of your own life and decisions, you will have to dutifully follow the intended path, relying only on luck and the patronage of the Higher Forces.

Believe me, no matter what results you end up with - they will be the best for you!

In a straight position signifies the beginning of a new business. There is energy, optimism, happiness and strength. Predicts unexpected events. Sometimes it means that the person being guessed at does not want anyone to know too much about him.

flipped card speaks of rash actions, symbolizes madness and carelessness, a waste of time and energy.

Find yourself something new, try playing a new game.

Avoid any disorder and do not be too frivolous.

Map of the day
Today you should be open to everything new. Take everything as openly as possible, do not take anything to heart and treat even unpleasant things with mere curiosity. The less you remember about the usual assessments and ideas, the more creative and unexpected this day can become for you. If today you have to make sure that some business will have to be started anew, from scratch, then do not despair, but rather, happily take on a new undertaking. Today you can afford to be a little crazy!

Card of the year
This year can play an important role in your life as the “first year”, from which a new stage of it will begin. Try to find out and understand all the possibilities that open up to a person who is completely open to "the city and the world." May the next 12 months be a period of eternal spring for you. Let go of your seriousness and habitual methods of solving problems, give them a break: let life give you its surprises. Be guided by your innate curiosity. Act instinctively, without trying to figure out where the chosen path will lead you. You have a chance to experience something truly unusual, escaping from the boring routine of everyday life. And, since the Jester symbolizes carelessness and unclouded joy of life, it is quite possible that by the end of this year you will feel much younger than now.


The lasso depicts a perfect man - a magician, a person who feels the connection of times, who stands above everything and is called to exalt and improve his abilities.

Before him are four objects: a rod, a goblet, a sword and a denarius. They symbolize the four cardinal points, the four seasons and the four elements: fire, water, air and earth.

You are a free and independent person, you must make decisions yourself, you have enough strength for everything.

In a straight position the card means will, skill, dexterity, the desire to take risks, use one's strength. To wish for nothing and to do nothing is just as terrible and pernicious as to wish evil and do it.

In an inverted position the magician symbolizes indecision, hesitation, neglect of oneself, inability to use one's talents and abilities, unwillingness to learn.

Believe in your abilities, in the ability to cope with the upcoming business.

Do not think that all means are good to achieve your goal.

Map of the day
"No one but you, and never again, except right now!" - says your slogan today.

Take the initiative in your own hands. You have excellent common sense, you know what you want, and you have the patience to bring your plan to the end. If you are required to make a decision, take the first step, show your abilities and experience to the fullest, know that today is the most suitable day for this. Show what you are capable of, act freely and boldly in all negotiations and meetings, and then all partners will be on your side, support and help.

Card of the year
This year promises to be quite successful for you. Everything is in your hands, and you can really reap the benefits. You can achieve new successes in an already familiar area or discover new areas of creativity and self-realization that will bring you satisfaction and joy in the future. And, of course, you will have chances to solve your old problems. And in no case, “having lit a candle, do not put it under a vessel” (Matt. 5:15), and do not give way to anyone. Instead, show your best and take the initiative wherever possible. You must live this year actively and enterprisingly. Luck is in your hands, you have enough strength, and the card fell out great, so all your goals in your personal life and work may well come true. Any business that you undertake has a chance to become a masterpiece!


The Arcana depicts a woman sitting at the threshold of the temple of Isis between two columns. Her face is covered with a veil, as a sign of hiding the truth from the curious and the ignorant. The book, lying on your knees and half hidden under a cloak, means that secrets are revealed only in solitude to wise men who control themselves.

Don't look for explanations or justifications for the decisions you make. Rely on intuition. Do not give this power to everyday trifles, appreciate every minute alone with yourself, turn to your inner voice. Keep the clarity of feelings and thoughts, be kind to others.

You should not actively interfere in the ongoing process: wait a bit, and things will take the direction you need. If you do decide to intervene, you must be clear about your goals, otherwise you risk punishing yourself!

In a straight position The card symbolizes intuition and creative powers.

In an inverted position- lack of insight and foresight, misunderstanding of the opposite sex. This is a symbol of superficial knowledge, sometimes arrogance and arrogance, or a warning of imminent danger.

Trust your inner voice.

Don't go with the flow, waiting for a miracle.

Map of the day
Take this day for granted and for granted, be calm and just watch what happens without expecting anything definite. Let everything take its course, intervening only when your inner voice requires it. If you are not bound by any obligations, try to observe yourself with friendly attention: what are you doing when you are not doing anything? What are you thinking about? What are you drawn to? Do not force yourself to sit still, follow your inner impulses. And then you will be surprised to find that the day that promised to be so empty turned out to be filled with interesting events and experiences. If you had dreams on this day, pay special attention to them: they can report something important.

Card of the year
A year full of mysteries. If you are ready to follow the “guidance from above”, then this year will not only bring rich, unforgettable experiences, but also awaken your hidden possibilities, allow you to look “beyond reality”. Rely on your intuition. Listen to your inner voice, and at the right time it will lead you to the right place, to the right people, interaction with whom will be very important for you. This year, the year of passive acceptance of everything that happens, can turn out to be unusually interesting and full of surprises - especially if until now you have preferred to actively intervene in what is happening, although even in this case it is not so difficult to readjust to the reception. Perhaps you should start a dream diary in order to better understand the images and advice from your subconscious and use them in everyday life.


In the Middle Ages, it was called "Heavenly Love", the universal creative force. The Empress sits in the center of the radiant sun, and her feet rest on the moon. The sun is a symbol of creative power, the moon, placed under the feet, means the insignificance of matter and the dominance of the spirit.

If you get this card, rely on fate, take a calm pose and let events take their course, you have everything you need.

The appearance of this Arcana means that the matter is already approaching a denouement and soon you will find out what fate has led you to.

It is possible that this card is a sign that some friendly woman is involved in the case, who for one reason or another took you under her protection. In special cases, it symbolizes imminent marriage or motherhood (if there are appropriate Minor Arcana!).

If the card falls out in a layout for a man, it may reflect the presence in his life of another woman, whose influence on the person you have envisioned is very great.

In a straight position the card speaks of abundance and material wealth, success in creativity.

upside down- useless work, a decline in creativity, household chores, sometimes material difficulties, there may be revenge, or getting rid of a tyrant.

Seek fertile soil, be open to growth and change.

Avoid excesses, but at the same time, do not miss the chance.

Map of the day
Greet the day that has begun: it promises to be very exciting. Perhaps Nature will beckon you to her to nourish your soul and spirit. But even in ordinary life, a fresh wind of new ideas and creative impulses awaits you. What you have been carrying in yourself, maybe for a very long time, today can finally find a way out, and what you have given up on for a long time will suddenly come to life and begin to develop rapidly. Whatever you undertake today will eventually succeed, because you will be guided by an unerring instinct to choose the right direction.

Card of the year
You have an extraordinarily fruitful year ahead of you. The next twelve months will be marked by promising changes and amazing opportunities for growth. Cultivate your field diligently so that it will give a rich harvest. This is a great time for new beginnings, the main point of which is to give your abilities the opportunity to open up and manifest. Be open to all new impulses and suggestions that can make your life more beautiful and richer. On the other hand, what you have been thinking about or working on for a long time may take concrete forms this year and be successfully completed. Trust in the life-giving and healing powers of Nature.


The lasso depicts an imperious man with a scepter, sitting on a cubic stone, meaning defeated matter.

The card symbolizes rational, secular power, based on reason, which denies feelings.

If Arkan falls out in the personal alignment of a man, he says that this man is a leader in the work team and the head of his family; at the decisive moment, such a man will not hesitate to take power into his own hands and confidently bring the matter to the end.

When the Arcana appears in the personal alignment of a woman, it can be assumed that she has some kind of strong patron (perhaps still unknown to herself). In certain cases, this card means that a woman has a very strong influence on a man older than her in age and position.

However, with negative neighboring cards or when this card appears upside down, you should be afraid that communication with this person will not be easy: he is used to managing not only himself and his affairs, but also the actions of other people. Most likely, such a person believes that he knows better than you how and why you should live (which he will try to bring to your attention at the first opportunity).

The outcome of events largely depends on some influential person, and from the neighboring cards you can understand who it is.

Upright the card means that the realization of the truth is our duty. A person who wins in the struggle for truth fulfills his earthly purpose. It personifies mature people who have chosen the right path.

upside down The emperor means the denial of authority, the inability to curb one's shortcomings and vices, the failure to fulfill one's duties. Sometimes submission to a tyrant.

Carry out your plans firmly and consistently.

Excessive pedantry and prudence can ruin any living deed and feeling.

Map of the day
Today, we need to get down to business. Whatever business you have today, no matter how long you put it off, it's time! Today you are full of energy and strength, fate is favorable to you, and the work is downright burning in your hands: you will cope with any business, find out any relationship and correct any mistakes and shortcomings. If you don’t have such a specific case right now, then maybe it’s time to at least put things in order in your apartment, fix your bike or pay stale bills?

On the other hand, this year may mean making some important decisions, maintaining what has been achieved, disengaging from someone or something, or simply taking on new responsibilities.

Priest - The Hierophant (Dad - The Pope)


The lasso depicts a seated man with his right hand pressed to his chest. With this gesture, he invites to concentration in order to be able to listen to the voice from heaven, to drown out the voice of passions and flesh. In front of the prince are two monks - red and black, depicting the geniuses of light and darkness. The genius of good is on the right side: the genius of evil is on the left, only conscience can distinguish between them.

Look at the map if you feel like one of these monks you are looking for a teacher which would point the way to the truth. If you perceive yourself as a universal figure, then you are capable of teaching others, but ask yourself: is your knowledge really great?

You need to trust a person whose advice will help you safely overcome obstacles in your path.

Upright the card means that a person needs to know how he uses his will, because everyone creates his life in accordance with his deeds.

The card is a symbol of morality, intelligence: wisdom, it can mean an upcoming marriage, good deeds, strong friendship.

flipped card symbolizes slander, shame, next to the card - treason in love. At the moment, the situation is out of your control, so the best thing to do is to rely on fate and humbly wait for what ending the development of events will lead you to.

Look for meaning in everything, and devote yourself only to meaningful work.

Do not be proud of what you have achieved, lest you become an aggressive fanatic who is always right.

Map of the day
Start the day with an opening to God and the Cosmos, trust them. You have already achieved a lot, and now you have the opportunity to learn or start doing something that really makes sense. Therefore, do not hold on to the old rules and rituals, and do not listen to empty talk, they are preachers and politicians. Look for the inner meaning of any business, its most hidden, most valuable core, not visible at first sight, and do not pay attention to the opinion of "external". If you are involved in a conflict, try to take a position so that years later you can remember it with a clear conscience.

Card of the year
Now the main thing for you is to find meaning in what you are doing. If you have repeatedly asked yourself why you need all this, or who needs this work at all, then in the next twelve months you will have the time and opportunity to find the answer. But for this you first of all have to check whether your views and principles are outdated? If you discover that somewhere you are still guided by outdated dogmas, obsolete values ​​or commonplace prejudices that were imposed on you, perhaps even in early childhood, you will understand that it is time to replace them with living, modern ideas that correspond to your internal attitudes. And here it doesn’t matter whether it will be about a specific situation or about your life position in general: this year you are given a chance to understand which values ​​are really dear to you and which are not. So do not be surprised if by the end of the year you have formed a completely new, different worldview.


The lasso is depicted as a man standing at the crossroads of two roads. The woman standing on the right and calling to the road in front of her personifies virtue. The woman on the left symbolizes vice and temptation. The genius of justice over this group aims with a bow, directing his arrow in the direction of vice. This expresses the struggle between passions and conscience.

Do not be afraid of temptations - they still cannot be avoided. Love is the only power that can heal suffering. Fall in love - you will see, everything will change around, the colors will become brighter, people will be kinder. You will get to know another person deeply, your problems will go far. Let the mind rest, stay in the sweetness of feelings.

In a personal scenario, it can be interpreted in two ways: on the one hand, it portends you a situation of choice, having made which you will move to a higher level in spiritual development. In a more ordinary sense, it simply speaks of a predicament in which you have fallen for some reason, and also indicates a possible way out of the problem due to neighboring cards.

Upright card means the inevitability of choice. Symbol of inspiration of feelings, conjectures. Real life love and friendship.

flipped card means internal bifurcation, conflict with oneself. Can talk about separation, theft of love plans. Being next to portends imprisonment. So, having asked a question about the prospects for a relationship with a person of interest to you, you, regrettably, will have to give up serious hopes for a successful resolution of the situation.

Find a common language with another person in order to work towards a common goal together.

Don't count a good beginning as a guarantee of a successful ending.

Map of the day
Listen to your heart - and make a decision today about a certain person, business or plan. If you've been procrastinating or hesitant about it so far, then occupy your mind with plans for the coming weekend, and give free rein to your inner voice and heart. Find contradictions or opposites that require reconciliation, fix the broken, restore the destroyed. The "Lovers" card does not necessarily mean great love waiting for you at the nearest bus stop. Although sometimes this happens.

Card of the year
A year of turbulent emotions awaits you. Perhaps they will be connected with a person whom you have known for a long time, or, conversely, just get to know him this year, or it will be a work that you will brilliantly complete, or some other experience that pleases the heart. Whatever it is, do not pass them by indifferently, but accept and greet them with a loud “Hurrah!” And where until now you thought that your happiness depends on other people or on circumstances, you will find the key to this happiness in yourself, in overcoming your own internal contradictions. You just need to find your true self. This will give you the strength to "overcome the threshold" of some new business, to cope with the current difficulties of the case already begun, to resolve the conflicts that have arisen and triumphantly achieve the intended goal.


The card depicts a victor in a quadrangular chariot, at the corners of which there are four columns supporting a canopy. The columns symbolize the four elements subordinate to the winner. Two sphinxes are harnessed to the chariot, the white one depicts victory and goodness, the dark one - evil and defeat.

You are overwhelmed with energy, go on a journey, this will be the discovery of a new world. But remember chariot flies fast, the path is full of sharp turns. Let the mind guide you, but do not get rid of feelings and emotions.

Chariot testifies that you are a person capable of managing, if not fate itself, then, in any case, the events created by it. You have either already proven your strength and ability to overcome obstacles, or you are just getting ready to demonstrate your power.

It usually predicts to a fortuneteller that some event will soon occur in his life that can raise this person to another step of success. Test your strength, and the subsequent triumph is guaranteed to you.

Upright card means movement, violent practical activity. The card also predicts good luck in work and long-distance travel. It is interpreted as a symbol of a righteous life.

flipped card speaks of the unfavorable influence of others, of uncertainty. May mean unexpected court cases. It is worth taking a closer look at your own behavior: do you tend to exaggerate your strengths, which sometimes leads to sad consequences? Or maybe you are too capricious and do not listen to anyone's advice if they run counter to your opinion? There is a danger that at some point you will not reach the peak you need and lose this game.

If you have a case, take it on without delay and without hesitation.

If you can't - don't take it.

Map of the day
A good day to start any business. What else to expect? You have a goal, it remains only to check whether “you have everything with you” in order to go the right way - you never know, suddenly something is not enough. If you didn’t plan any new things and undertakings for today, then this day can become a signal for you, a call to a new business. It's hard to say what kind of business it will be, but, in any case, for you it can be the beginning of a new stage in your life.

Card of the year
This year you need a "breakthrough", you are supposed to rush headlong into a new adventure. This year is favorable for any new beginnings. When it is over, you will find that you have managed to cope with the most difficult tasks. Whatever your goal is, no matter what external difficulties or internal contradictions stand in your way, the signal “to start!” will sound very soon! Check again if everything is ready for you, if the goal is clearly defined. And without delay, get down to business - with concentration, determination and purposefulness. You have every chance to achieve your goal, and this luck can significantly change your life, give it a new meaning.

Discretion, justice

A blindfolded woman sits on the throne, with scales in her left hand and a sword in her right. Libra is a sign of balance between right and duty; the sword is a sign of protection for the good and a threat to evil forces. The blindfold indicates the indifference of "Themis" to the rank of people.

Be honest with yourself, you will have to answer for everything. You yourself wanted to know the truth, the illusions have disappeared, it hurts you. You need to pull yourself together and accept the world as it is. Think about how you should live on!

This is a sign of your balance and ability to find a reasonable compromise on many controversial issues. The idea of ​​justice is already in your very nature, and you are able to adequately assess any situation, practically without resorting to the help of others.

Upright the card signifies maturity and life experience. Depending on the neighboring cards, it may suggest marriage or divorce, or compensation for damage.

flipped card- gap, judicial, long unresolved, cases, incompetence, resentment. It may indicate your inherent timidity and indecision, when any, even the most insignificant difficulty makes you seek support and approval from friends and acquaintances.

Approach the matter soberly and objectively, realizing your responsibility for making a decision.

Avoid bias and faith in the infallibility of your own judgment.

Map of the day
Today you need clarity of thought. If you are going through a conflict, or you need to make an important decision, first of all try to maintain decency and consider the long-term consequences of your actions. It is also possible that today you will have to face the consequences of actions taken in the past. Depending on how you behaved then, it will become easy for you or, conversely, dreary in your soul.

Card of the year
This year could be decisive for you. Therefore, give yourself time to properly understand your affairs and make responsible, objective and thoughtful decisions. In general, how you live the next twelve months depends only on you. You will reap what you have sown, being responsible for your decisions and actions. If this "harvest" is rather bitter as a result of your past transgressions, then you can turn this to your advantage: correct the mistakes you made in order to enjoy peace in the future.

Prudence, prudence

The Arcana depicts a wise old man with a staff (support of prudence) and a lit lantern, expressing the light of reason.

It's time to leave petty worries and familiar entertainment, you need to think about the soul, the period has come for solitude in order to understand yourself.

Hermit indicates caution and detachment from the hustle and bustle of life. It is a sign of victory over one's own passions and the desire to comprehend the inner nature of all events.

Hermit indicates the presence in your character of such positive qualities as prudence, the ability to pull yourself together in time, the ability to manage your emotions - which, in turn, allows you not only to determine your future, but also actively influence the people around you.

Upright the card symbolizes the search for spiritual values, deepening into the inner world. It also means loss, illness, loneliness, but the situation may turn out so that temporary loneliness will lead to the best. The card hints that you should be very careful in your actions - otherwise the situation threatens to turn sideways for you.

flipped card may indicate a storm in life or nature. It can be a refusal to help, stubbornness, or unnecessary secrecy. This is an occasion to think: are you too closed in your own little world, so that it is already almost impossible to “get through” to you? Beware of persisting in your behavior: after all, later, when you decide to get out of your "shell", you really risk being alone.

Be yourself, don't rush things.

Do not isolate yourself from the outside world, do not become embittered, do not become a loner.

Map of the day
This day belongs to you and only you. Finally take care of yourself, abstracting from the bustle of the outside world. If on this day you have to do some business, then do it deeply and thoroughly, without hurrying or being distracted. If you need to make some important decision, then let it ripen well until it becomes obvious and natural to you. Maybe meditation, a long walk, or just contemplation of a pond will help you find yourself.

Card of the year
Yes, you have a serious year ahead - however, in the good sense of the word. You will have to collect your thoughts and seriously determine your attitude towards yourself and the world around you in order to finally understand what you really want. Use this period to reflect on your life: is what you do and how you live still in line with your aspirations and needs? If not, then try to determine what exactly you need to change. This is a difficult task, but you have a whole year ahead of you. Solitude helps to solve it - retire at least for a few days to a dacha, to a monastery, to a desert island. The Hermit card does not need to be afraid: it does not mean that you will have to suffer from loneliness for a whole year. It only means that you must find "the way to yourself", become yourself, and above all - in communication with other people.


On the fortune card is the Sphinx, who holds a sword in lion's paws. He personifies fate, ready to strike right and left. Everything is mixed up in your house, you don’t understand anything, but in life everything repeats itself - thoughts, feelings, events.

The Wheel of Fortune is picking up speed - do not make unnecessary movements - it will blow you away. Aim for the center of the wheel, for a fixed point - your own "I". Stop and watch - you will find a solution.

In life, you act boldly and sometimes unpredictably, relying not only on calculation, but also on luck. It is easy to communicate with you, because those around you willy-nilly become infected with your lightness and cheerfulness.

By nature, you are a player, but hardly anyone dares to say that you tend to do stupid things. For all your seeming frivolity, you do not need common sense and the ability to get into the top ten.

Means quick success in business about how lucky you are.

Upright the card is a symbol of wisdom and change of fate for the better. Sometimes a card predicts an unexpected smile of fate. Along with other cards, it enhances good influence and reduces bad.

flipped card also means a change for the better, only after a long time. Sometimes it is resistance to change, which is inevitable anyway. At some point, you stepped in the wrong place, and immediately found yourself "overboard". But you still have hope to climb the wheel up again! It can also be just a visit from a military friend.

Know your destiny and learn to control it yourself.

Don't be fatalistic.

Map of the day
There are days when we must submit to the inevitable. If you feel that events are approaching inexorably, then let them happen. Remember that every event has its own meaning, even if it is still hidden from us. So it is quite possible that in the end everything will turn out for the better for you.

Card of the year
A good year for you overall. The only problem is that we usually do not realize our luck, at least not immediately, so fate has to literally poke our nose into it. From this it is clear that your self-awareness this year will directly depend on whether you will be able to recognize the sign given by fate. This sign most often answers our innermost string, and not what we think about ourselves or, maybe, invent. This is where a dilemma may arise. A person is upset because things did not go at all as he expected, and does not understand that this is his real luck, which meets the true, deepest need of his soul. Therefore, I advise you to resort to the help of astrology, Tarot or Yijing to analyze each of the following months and find out when and in what way such a sign of fate can manifest itself.


This Arcana is depicted as a young girl closing the mouth of a lion without effort. It is an emblem of strength, self-confidence and innocence.

Do not think that the mind is the only thing that should be given attention. Remember also about the body, take care of it, accumulate energy in it, then the mind will overcome doubts and give way to the subconscious, which will lead you on the right path.

This is a sign that at this stage you are the master of your destiny, but only if you really have that inner strength and awareness of your own rightness.

This card is an impartial witness to the immoderation of your nature: you are so cheerful, so captured by your own emotions and thirst for pleasure, that these qualities willy-nilly set you apart from the environment, forcing some to admire you and others to envy. Learn to understand the various forces that make up no small part of your nature. In its own way, this is also a lion, which is simply necessary to tame!

This is evidence that you have been on the right track so far. Whether you stay on this path or turn aside is also up to you. If you like, the Arcana "Strength" is always a test of you. So fate seems to be trying to understand whether you have the right to act at your own peril and risk, or are you a simple "imposter"?

Upright the card is a symbol of soft, feminine strength. The card means courage, the ability to curb passions, good health, as well as success in the business begun.

flipped card symbolizes weakness, compliance, self-doubt, poor health. Sometimes the doom of intentions to failure.

Dedicate yourself entirely to your loved one, business, new sensations.

Do not overestimate your strength, do not bring things to devastating consequences.

Map of the day
Peak performance day. You are full of strength and energy, your soul requires action, so do not be surprised if someone or something passionately captivates you. This does not mean that you definitely need to arrange an orgy - just give your feelings complete freedom. You can use this day to do a significant part of some big work. Show your interest, and if necessary, then “claws”. Today you have the strength to overcome any obstacles - and to enlist the support and help of others.

Card of the year
A year of passion awaits you. Maybe it will be a person you fall in love with, or maybe some business or occupation to which you will devote yourself entirely. In any case, you will experience a creative upsurge that will help you overcome obsolete patterns and memories of the past. Don't be surprised if you have to come into conflict with some moral principles that seemed unshakable before. Check whether these are really true principles - or an empty formality, from which it is time to get rid of. Then, having been released, you will feel that this year has really become happy for you.

Sacrifice, change of priorities

The card depicts a young man suspended by one leg on a crossbar, but his face is calm, and his left leg is freely thrown over his right. In everyday terms, the Hanged Man is a Student, because teaching is always coercion and restriction of freedom.

Something new has come into your life, it seems strange and inexplicable to you. Do not be embarrassed, be open to new things, look at everything differently. If the world is turned upside down, stand on your head too. Learn, be patient and wait, keep your spirit clear.

The Hanged Man card testifies to the undoubted depth of your nature, the desire to receive only the best, the readiness to make sacrifices for yourself and people close to you. This card also indicates that you have such qualities as caution, foresight and a relentless search for your place in life. In other words, you are a full-fledged and comprehensively developed personality and you certainly have something to be proud of!

A turning point has come in your life and it's time for you to decide in which direction to move on. At the same time, some sacrifice must be made in order to achieve the desired goal. Otherwise, you still have to lose something, but the victim will be already much more serious!

Direct map layout symbolizes the desire to accept change, life flexibility, elasticity of thinking.

flipped card means excessive interest in one's affairs, a waste of energy, loss of initiative. It indicates your indecision, inability to make the right choice in time, resulting in large losses that are inevitable with such character traits.

Change your point of view to understand something.

Do not lose heart, wave your hand at yourself and cling to the old.

Map of the day
Today will teach you a lesson in patience. Either something that is already dragging on for too long will drag on even longer, or there will be a delay in some business from which you did not expect it. Do not try to speed up the course of events, especially by force: it will only get worse. Perhaps it will be enough to reconsider your attitude to what is happening, to look at everything in a new light. If this does not help, then you will have to make some kind of sacrifice to get things moving.

Card of the year
May this year be your turning point. You have reached a dead end, so you still have to turn. If it seems to you that you are in a trap, then do not hang in the position of "neither here nor there", but let the crisis deepen even more. You can't get out of the trap by force, so don't try. It's like in quicksand: the more you twitch, the deeper you get stuck. Better be patient and be willing to sacrifice old habits, and also learn to treat your problem as an object of long and fascinating study, and then the solution will one day come by itself. It will, however, be very simple. However, all solutions seem simple - when they have already been found.


The card is depicted as a skeleton head-on in a meadow. This is a symbol of the inseparability of life and death: what should be considered the end, and what should be the beginning?

Another stage of life is over, soon a new personality will mature in you, thoughts and even friends will be different, only the soul will not change, it will go from step to step.

You represent at the moment not just an advanced, creative person - you are characterized by an unconventional view of the world and the ability to actively transform your life, which is given to few.

You have serious changes ahead of you that can radically change your whole life. One stage of your life is replaced by another: this is clearly evidenced by the presence of the Arcana "Death" in your layout. Such a major change in itself are rarely negative. They are like a breath of fresh air, and you can't help but rejoice at them. Meet them boldly - and then you are not afraid of any changes!

In a straight position the card indicates the forthcoming or already begun renewal of the personality. This is a chance for something new, a symbol of change. Adjacent cards will tell about the changes.

flipped card symbolizes fear of change, stagnation in business, work through force. If there are good cards nearby, it means slow progress towards change. It means a restless, unbalanced character, a tendency to uselessly "flutter through life" or simply an inability to bring one's plans to their logical end.

Let go of the old, let it end.

Do not take steps that have no future.

Map of the day
Something will end for you today. Something will finally pass or leave. You may be glad that "it" is finally over, or you may be sorry to part with something that once meant so much to you. In any case, be prepared to say goodbye to the past. Don't try to save or revive it. Release it from you, and then in the end you will experience a feeling of release and relief, even if at first it will be difficult for you to come to terms with it.

Card of the year
This year could mark an important milestone in your life. Something will end, something will lose its former meaning or form, and you will have to say goodbye to it in order to make room for the new. Therefore, let go of yourself that which you can no longer hold on to with any efforts (which you, apparently, have long guessed about). Finally get rid of bad or bad habits, get rid of what no longer benefits you. The more consciously and easily you part with the past, the sooner the new will be able to manifest itself in your life. If you feel sorry to part with it, or if the future seems too uncertain, be patient: these are normal human feelings that should not be heroically suppressed or masked.


The Arcana depicts the genius of the sun, pouring life force from one vessel into another. This emblem symbolizes the eternal cycle of energy in the Universe.

Gather your strength, you will have a change in fate, maybe a long journey. While there is a respite, think about what you will take with you from the past to the future.

More recently, changes took place in your life, events succeeded each other at such a speed that you had no time to keep track of everything or analyze what was happening. There was a radical restructuring of your views and principles. But all this is in the past.

The card indicates that you are a self-sufficient person. You are not capricious and not eccentric, you control your moods and are not influenced by other people's emotions. People are willingly drawn to you: that clear and friendly state of mind in which you usually reside attracts those around you.

The card indicates a favorable outcome of events, but warns that you should not hope for a quick solution to the problem. The case will move slowly, but without any special obstacles. Stock up on due patience, and after a while you will safely reach the goal you need!

Upright the card means renewal of mental strength, getting rid of unnecessary emotions, calmness and balance in views. Getting on the path to doing the right thing.

flipped card speaks of a wrong approach to life, excessive emotionality, unreasonable actions. Sometimes portends an early marriage. When turned upside down, it softens the negative value of neighboring cards.

Find the right measure and follow it.

Do not allow hack-work and momentary hobbies.

Map of the day
Today is a magical day when amazing discoveries, finds, miracles of creativity can happen with your light hand. Maybe you can bring the right people together, solve a difficult problem, or come up with some tricky recipe. But even if you were going to declare your love, smooth out sharp corners or make peace, then for these purposes you can’t find a better day than today.

Card of the year
This year you can completely trust your guardian angel. Whatever your plans, he will put you on the right path. If you are tormented by contradictions, if you rush between two extremes or don’t know how to get out of another trap, if “two souls live in one chest” with you and can’t agree among themselves, calm down: there will be a creative solution to these problems, and an unexpected way out will open before you. Of course, release from painful problems is usually painful, but pain is the first sign of healing. Therefore, the main thing for you this year is to keep calm.

Connectedness, materialism

This card depicts an evil demon shaking a torch at two people chained at his feet. This is an image of fatality, destroying everyone indiscriminately: strong, weak, superior and inferior. The only way to fight against the "temptation of the devil" is not to avoid it, but to accept it, go through it and leave it behind.

Do you think the devil has captured your soul? Can't you get out? Look at the card, the chain can always be dropped, no matter what it represents: promiscuity, alcohol, gambling or bad habits.

This is a challenge. Will you cope with a difficult situation and what means will you resort to for this? Devil serves as a hint to you: you are being tempted, but what exactly is this temptation - you yourself must guess.

The card indicates that at the moment the main goals in your life are by no means spiritual goals. Values ​​that you crave to acquire exclusively material properties.

Whether you achieve what you want or not, the accompanying cards will tell. You should not forget the old truth: achieving material well-being and not rising to spiritual heights, you risk gradually sinking much lower than you are now!

The card claims that the goals that you are pursuing are false and it is better to abandon them now, while you have not yet been dragged into this quagmire. However, this should not be taken as a threat: before you is just a warning of fate!

On the other hand, the appearance of this card in the scenario for the situation suggests that the goal is, in principle, achievable, however, before you safely reach the shore, you should test yourself. And only if you successfully avoid all the traps of fate, the reward will be the successful resolution of your case!

In a straight position the card can mean a thirst for well-being, success, fame.

flipped card- a symbol of the abuse of power, the desire only for material wealth. Next to good cards portends pleasant love affairs, profitable business.

Bring a ray of light into the realm of darkness.

Resist the temptation to change your principles, do not get entangled in relationships with others, do not get involved in dirty deeds and power struggles.

Map of the day
Although the devil is not as scary as he is painted, today, apparently, you will have to face the shadow side of your character. Perhaps you will be persuaded to some unseemly act or to betray your principles. It may also be some kind of sudden inner impulse that you did not suspect of yourself (or thought that you had overcome it long ago) - envy, jealousy, greed or a thirst for power. It is not worth getting angry at yourself for this, nor putting the blame on others, nor is it worth trying to suppress this impulse in yourself. Use the situation to bring a ray of light into the dark part of your soul: be aware of this impulse of yours and find out its causes.

Card of the year
This year you will have to "clean up your basement." At the same time, something that you did not expect in any way may come to light, or suddenly something that you thought was one turns out to be completely different. The “basement” in this case is a dark, shady zone of our personality, which every now and then makes us do things, about which we then say “the devil has beguiled”. To realize this shadow of yours, you are given a whole twelve months. At the same time, all that is required of you is to stop looking for scapegoats and, having got into another “demonic” situation, ask yourself how this could happen. Try to determine the true extent of your intemperance. Take inventory of the most uncomfortable and unloved parts of your soul, which, being suppressed, immediately turn into allies of external forces, every now and then trying to find weakness in us. Give these shadows their proper place and find out for yourself when and how to respond to their impulses so that they do not go beyond acceptable limits for you and others.


The Arcana depicts a tower, the top of which is broken by lightning. Two people, one with a crown, the other without, are thrown down with the wreckage. This is a symbol of complete collapse, powerlessness before the formidable will of heaven, but also the cleansing of the soul from sins and suffering.

Your house was built on sand and crumbled to dust, do not try to restore what was destroyed, wait it out and start building a new house. Soon you will feel a surge of new strength.

The card testifies to the restlessness of the mind, the inability to maintain good relations with others, on which all the blame for what happened is erected. Unfortunately, the atmosphere of scandals and showdown not only does not tire you. On the contrary, it is this mode of existence that seems to you the most meaningful of all possible. In addition, Arkan is a vivid evidence of the crisis that has come in your life. Moreover, these changes will mainly affect your inner world: there will be a radical break in the old views on life. But you don't have to worry - new, more productive and creative ones are already ripening in their place!

This lasso should gather courage and face the coming upheavals with dignity. One period of your life is replaced by another, and this happens very rapidly, and therefore not painlessly. Do not try to "hide" from the collapse that threatens you - this is not in your interests.

On the contrary, try as fast as possible go through this "obstacle course", because it only anticipates the coming rise and new achievements!

In a straight position a symbol of conflict, the collapse of the existing order of life, next to bad cards is chaos, big losses. Next to the good ones, the "black bar" is coming to an end.

flipped card means circumstances that cannot be changed. Opportunities are limited, sometimes "imprisonment".

Break open frames that have become too tight.

Avoid unjustified risk, be prepared for the collapse of previous ideas and hopes.

Map of the day
In any case, you will not be bored today. A surprise awaits you, which can turn into an amazing discovery, but can also become a significant hindrance, deceived by expectations. If the sudden collapse of plans upsets or angers you, which is quite understandable; then do not forget that the Tower card ultimately means the breaking down of the frames that have become too tight or the liberation from obsolete ideas. After some time, you will stop regretting what did not come true today.

Card of the year
This year can be a year of liberation for you - if, of course, you yourself want to be liberated. Therefore, it is better to let your bomb explode and demolish the barrier that has become in your way. Find the courage to break free from the captivity of old ideas, rules and circumstances. And remember that wherever you trample on a burning fuse, hold on to an obsolete idea or old habit, a disaster will still happen. So check if your approach to some things is too narrow and one-sided, and if the values ​​​​that you cherish so much are not illusory? If you notice that a conflict arises here, retreat, let everything take its course, because the more you fight, the sooner the situation will force you to give up positions. And treat these changes not as a senseless blow of fate, but as a necessary course correction and a decisive step on the path of your further growth.

clarity, revelation

The card depicts an eight-pointed star, sparkling above the head of a young girl with two jugs, silver and gold. The girl is an emblem of hope, pouring out a balm for the saddest days of our lives.

Keep helping others, all that you gave will remain yours. Only what is hidden will be lost forever. Do not destroy the fruits of hope - you will gather the fruits of faith.

You are still on your way, you have not reached the end of your journey. But you already feel that this end is near and therefore you are worried, what will it be like for you? Take another look at the picture: the night is already completing its course, and the morning is on its way. Do not hesitate - it will be truly wonderful!

Arcana Star means that you are a creative and charming person. The first helps you create and implement your ideas, the second allows you to build harmonious relationships with others. Whatever business you undertake, it usually ends successfully. Your character helps you even in difficult life circumstances, even if at some point you enter a "streak of failures", you never lose optimism and faith in a better future. And in fact, soon everything will return to normal again, and your life continues to flow among successes and achievements.

Star means a positive solution to the issue and indicates that you will achieve what you want. This card urges you not to lose faith in your strength, to sweep away doubts and despondency, and in no case do not quit what you started halfway.

If you are sick, then you will definitely recover soon, but new diseases simply do not threaten you in the near future!

Upright is a symbol of rebirth, success in any business. It means peace and faith in one's strength, the emergence of a new friend and love.

flipped card- stubbornness, bitterness, lost chances, disbelief in one's own strength, laziness, indifference.

Believe in your luck and in your future.

Do not get carried away by dreams of the future, so as not to miss today's chance.

Map of the day
Rejoice today: the stars are favorable to you! Remember what you dreamed about? Whatever it is, get down to business today, and it will eventually succeed, because today instinct will unmistakably show you the right path. If you have no plans, try to look at your current situation, so to speak, from a bird's eye view. You will be amazed to see how much interesting things surround you, and what new horizons open up before you.

Card of the year
This year is characterized by the most favorable combination of luminaries for you. You can safely make plans for the future and start doing things that involve a long-term perspective. And if you have just recently ended a crisis or a “black streak”, then for you, all the more, it is time for new hopes and undertakings. Most often, although not always, this applies to love and partnerships. Remove the rubble, wash your wounds with living water, and look at your situation from a higher point of view. You will see how much good is still ahead of you, and what great opportunities you have. And by the end of the year, you will feel as if you have bathed in the fountain of youth.

Failure, occult powers

The moon shines over the road with two towers on the sides. A wolf howls at the moon, a dog lies curled up, a cancer slowly crawls between them. In the divine world, this is an expression of the abyss of the infinite, in the physical - disappointment, delusion, secret enemies.

You have approached the cognition of the Truth, but you are afraid to cross its threshold. It is too late to turn back, go further to the very essence of things, do not limit yourself to a superficial examination.

You wander in the twilight of your soul, not finding a way, and not knowing, in fact, where you are wandering. At this time of day, your deepest instincts awaken, many of which you are not even aware of. And it’s not clear what scares you more: the area in which you got or these strange animals.

This is evidence of your isolation, inability to express your feelings, a tendency to melancholy and exaggeration of unpleasant moments in life.

Arcana Moon n hints at the absence of clearly defined goals and objectives in your life. You blindly wander into the future, stumbling at every step, tormented by thoughts of the futility of your fate and the meaninglessness of existence. Soon, after passing through this "dismal plain", you will again get out into sunlight.

The frequent repetition of such "emotional downturns" indicates a tendency to "avoid the sun." It seems too bright to you, too highlighting your shortcomings, and, in your opinion, you have an incredible amount of them! Whether you like it or not, you will need the help of other people to overcome such a crisis.

Upright Arkan means illusions, creative stagnation, unstable character, sometimes highly developed intuition.

flipped card means deceit, meanness. A symbol of senseless actions, the inability to distinguish truth from lies. Dissatisfaction with life.

Overcome your fears and step over the threshold of the unknown.

Do not wander in the dark, do not go into the world of illusions and hallucinations, so as not to stumble before the threshold.

Map of the day
Perhaps you had a bad dream, or this day, for some other reason, does not seem good to you. Don't let these ghosts scare you. Even if your mood has deteriorated because you have a difficult or unpleasant business, conversation or meeting today, do not try to avoid them. Remember that something new and important awaits you beyond this threshold of fear, so you need to gather your courage and cross the threshold. Take this day for what it is, and move forward carefully, but confidently, despite all fears. And you will be surprised to find how much you have achieved.

Card of the year
This year, a difficult path awaits you in a new, unknown country, lying beyond the threshold of fear. If successful, the result will exceed all your expectations. But the path to it leads through an enchanted forest, where you can get lost. Therefore, do not give vent to fear and do not be afraid of ghosts, even if they begin to scare you with nightmares. Do not underestimate the difficulties that await you or turn a blind eye to them. You just need to soberly assess the risk and not lose your presence of mind. Carefully think through all the stages and do your job gradually, but decisively, without falling into either hopeless despondency or excessive heroism.


The bright sun illuminates two small children, symbolizing innocence. The picture is a symbol of happiness brought by the simplicity of life, it is a world of light and joy that we strive for. This is the best Major Arcana card..

You have reached a high level of consciousness, you have a rich, wise soul and you have known happiness. Now help others.

Before you is innocence and virtue, to which the world generously gives its warmth and light. This whole image is a reminder to you that without these invaluable qualities, any action or even thought will be doomed to quick death. True luck comes only to those who, like children, perceive life simply and wisely, without complicating it with ambition and ambition.

Life has given you not only an attractive appearance, but also an extremely clear, truly "sunny" character. You seem to carry a piece of the sun in you, under whose protection you invariably stay.

Undoubtedly, you have already managed to appreciate such a powerful patronage, because there was no case in your life when events would lead you to the final collapse of all plans. Even in times of the darkest despair, a “ray of hope” has always shone for you, allowing you to see the light of a new day behind the wall of darkness.

The card portends an exceptional calm and successful resolution. Your plans will certainly come true, although perhaps not as soon as you would like. Nevertheless, the overall outcome of the situation will be extremely successful and you will soon forget that you had to wait for some time for the fulfillment of your hopes.

In a narrower sense, this card predicts a happy married life or the imminent birth of a child.

Upright means happiness, well-being, health, success, fulfillment of desires. This card predicts a reward and a good future.

Upside down denotes irascibility, anger, contention. Sometimes health problems or family chores. This card is so positive that even upside down it predicts success, only after considerable effort. Hopes and dreams in matters of the heart will not come true completely. A temporary separation from a loved one is possible.

Get down to business with optimism and cheerfulness.

Do not overestimate your strength, do not be naive, banal or frivolous.

Map of the day
This day will be sunny for you, and you can enjoy it to the fullest. Perhaps it will simply pass without worries, or perhaps some kind of brilliant victory awaits you. With that joy of life and self-confidence that overwhelms you, today you can take on any new business, finding and capturing like-minded people with you. If you quarreled with someone or know that you are offended, then today is the best day for generous forgiveness and reconciliation of the warring parties.

Card of the year
This year, the sunny side of life will open before you. All the doubts and fears that have tormented you so far will finally recede into the past. They will be replaced by self-confidence, love of life and confidence in the future. You will be glad again and again to feel yourself in the center of events. And just as life will generously and generously bestow you this year, you will bestow others. Use this period to smooth out all conflicts, take a step towards reconciliation. This kind of openness will bring people to your side, and it will help you both in your work and in your personal life. And, if you accept these solar gifts with gratitude and due humility, then you will not be in danger of becoming conceited and alienating others from yourself.


The card depicts an angel trumpeting the coming of the Day of Judgment. Below are open graves from which people rise. This is a sign of change, both for good and for evil.

A new thing is entering your life, now you are a messenger of God, an instrument of higher powers. Try to understand the meaning of the task entrusted to you and fulfill it with honor.

This is a symbol of changes that are either taking place in your life at the moment, or are about to fall upon you. Map Court does not involve sudden changes. Everything has been planned by you for a long time, so what is happening is a consequence of your own activities.

This is an indication of your restless nature, always craving change and giving you regular “shakes”. Unfortunately, you rarely limit yourself to your own life: your "hobby" is to bring upheaval and confusion into the lives of those with whom fate confronts you.

However, if there are favorable neighboring cards, this card also acquires a positive connotation. You are a creative and enterprising person, not inclined to wait for mercy from fate, but in every possible way "to meet her halfway" in matters of improving your own life. You are always up to date with the latest news, which you willingly share with others. By nature, you are a generous and non-petty person.

The card also means change, and for the better. Either your long-standing desire will come true or life as a whole will reach a higher level of well-being, both spiritual and material. Or maybe some pleasant surprise awaits you soon.

Direct card position speaks of awakening, renewal, great spiritual energy, the decision to start a new business that will change life for the better. Joy due to the fulfillment of a dream, the achievement of a goal.

flipped card warns: do not delay making a decision, do not be late, take the opportunity! Delay threatens loss. If the adjacent cards do not say anything specific, then the circumstances will not change until the one who is being guessed at makes a decision. In personal matters, it can mean separation, even divorce.

Believe that the solution to the problem or deliverance is not far off.

See that old problems, long ago solved and passed, do not resurrect again.

Map of the day
Today you can solve your problem - even if it has just arisen, even if it is old. Just keep your eyes open so you don't miss this opportunity. You may not need to do anything, just wait. Although sometimes a little inner push is needed to find the final solution.

Card of the year
This year you have to "discover the treasure", whatever that means for you. You can regain something valuable that you considered irretrievably lost or lost, or, conversely, acquire something so impressive and important through participation in some business that you could not even dream of. If you have had to suffer from something so far, then this year you will be able to get rid of suffering.


The Arcana depicts a kneeling androgyne (androgynous man) in an oval of two snakes twined with roses. Around - the heads of a man, an eagle, a bull and a lion (four elements). This is a symbol of a free person who has found his half, who has reached harmony with the Universe and the highest level of knowledge.

Everything in your life has acquired its final form, you are confident in your calling, you are doing what you must, and you have found your only place in the world.

This Arcana, best of all, symbolizes the victory of a person over his weaknesses, pulling him down to the earth and gross material wealth. You have ceased to be a slave to your fleeting desires and passions. You are no longer chasing those ghosts that enthrall many around you. You have finally found that inner balance that allows you to separate true desires from random ones, and also makes it possible, to a much greater extent than before, to control your own destiny.

The long period of doubt and torment is over, when you did not know what your vocation is, nor in what ways you can achieve what you want. You seem to have stepped into the light from a valley full of fog and shadows. And if until recently you were afraid to take at least a step to the side, fearing to lose an already barely noticeable path, now, illuminated by the light of the sun, you can choose from an endless number of roads and paths that stretch right in front of you.

Of course, earlier this diversity would have caused you the question: where to go? After all, there are so many ways, and it is completely unclear which one to choose. But now you have impeccable intuition, which allows you to select one thing from a multitude and select accurately!

The card portends the undoubted success of the plan, and regardless of the field of activity. Whether you are wondering about the fulfillment of a particular desire, or are you trying to comprehend your life as a whole, you have a stage ahead of you, full of joy from what you have achieved.

In a straight position Arkan means success, a series of good events, the achievement of a goal. In practical terms, the card is favorable in all respects.

flipped card says that the expected results will not yet be, but do not lose hope. Sometimes it can mean success combined with disappointment or defeat in love.

Find your place and enjoy life.

Having reached the goal, do not rush to rest on your laurels.

Map of the day
Today you feel an extraordinary surge of strength and your harmony with the world around you. Either all things are going as you intended, or you simply do not attach importance to possible interference. Enjoy this day, this heavenly rest, and rejoice your soul. If you are just now looking for a haven, at least in a physical, at least in a psychological or spiritual sense, then today you can take an important step in this direction.

Card of the year
This year, you will have a chance to finally find your true place in this world, to find your happiness and joy of life. It does not matter whether it is a new home or love and friendship, thanks to which you will feel happy. You will enjoy this new home. We can also talk about a new level of consciousness, about a spiritual haven where you will feel comfortable. This year it seems that all the pieces of the puzzle will fit together, all areas of your life will form a single harmonious whole. This integrity will find its expression in everyday life: you will feel in harmony with the whole world.


In order to start working with a magic deck, you first need to familiarize yourself with the meaning of each card - without this full-fledged and reliable fortune-telling simply will not work. The interpretation of Tarot cards is the most difficult, but at the same time the most interesting process for a tarot reader. And today we will talk about how you can interpret cards in general, how to learn to understand classic and specialized decks.

Ways to Interpret Tarot Cards

There are two main ways to interpret magic cards. The first is to study the basic meanings of each Arcana according to the instructions attached to the deck, specialized literature, various courses and master classes. The second is an independent study of the symbolic field of each card, when the tarologist simply takes a deck and gradually, carefully examining each Arcana, fixes his own associations associated with it.

It is difficult to say which method is better, since each master has his own opinion on this matter. So, for example, for a person with a rich imagination, the interpretation of the Tarot Arcana in an intuitive way may be more convenient than memorizing book interpretations. Someone generally prefers to combine both methods - acquaintance with the book, traditional meanings of the cards, as well as their own study.

Much depends on the deck itself. So, for example, the interpretation of the Rider-Waite Tarot cards usually does not cause any difficulties, since all the Arcana, including the Younger ones, are depicted in the form of simple pictures, the meaning of which can be understood without even looking into the book. But Aleister Crowley's Tarot Thoth cannot be known in an intuitive way, since the Minor Arcana are not drawn, and the meanings themselves, invested in the cards by the author, are very different from the classical interpretations. Of course, for an experienced tarot reader, this deck will not be particularly difficult, but it will be quite difficult for a beginner to work with it.

Personally, I try to find an individual approach to each deck. I studied the Tarot of Thoth according to the works of Aleister Crowley himself, and only then I worked through each card on my own, adding my own associations to the traditional meaning, which I recorded in a notebook. I began to study the Wild Unknown Tarot intuitively, and only then, after writing down my own associations, I looked into the MBC - it turned out that my vision of the Arcana is very close to the meaning that the author put into them. The interpretation of the Tarot cards in the layouts made on the Nicoletta Ceccoli deck still changes for me depending on the subject of divination: these cards are more like metaphorical than traditional Tarot. MBC for this deck seemed to me not at all informative. But the Hermetic Tarot without a book attached to the deck turned out to be difficult to study.

As you can see, there is no single right way - it all depends on you. For example, I know one girl who generally does not look into reference literature in principle and works exclusively with her own feelings - her layouts always hit the mark, despite the fact that some of her interpretations are very far from the classical ones. So the interpretation of Tarot layouts is a purely individual thing.

General interpretation of the Major Arcana Tarot

Despite the fact that in different decks the interpretation of the same card may be different, the Major Arcana usually retain a similar meaning. Now we will consider the interpretation of Waite's Tarot cards - beginners can rely on these values. However, do not forget that the final interpretation depends on your personal perception and the specifics of the deck.

Card number Name of Major Arcana Brief interpretation
0 Start, spontaneity, stupidity, something new, take risks
1 Possibilities, action, concentration of will, awareness
2 Intuition, inner voice, mystery, potential, trust
3 Fertility, motherhood, abundance, harmony with nature, sensuality
4 Power, structure, strength, management, control
5 Adherence to traditions, compliance with the rules, spirituality, mentorship
6 Relationships, choices made by the heart, love
7 Will, victory, self-affirmation
8 Inner strength, curbing passions, patience, self-control
9 Loneliness, spiritual search, inner experiences, rethinking
10 Fate, turning point in life, movement, change
11 Responsibility, decision, cause and effect
12 Suspension, victim role, letting go, drastic change
13 The end of something, the transition to a new level, an unrelenting force
14 Harmony, balance, coherence, moderation
15 Attachments, bondage, materialism, pernicious passions
16 Unexpected change, getting rid of something, upheaval
17 Hopes, plans, self-realization, inspiration, appeasement
18 Illusions, fears, dark side, fantasies, imagination
19 Confidence, vitality, success, recognition, fame
20 Karma, rewards/punishments, inner challenge, rebirth
21 Unification, achievement, vision of the big picture, success, completion

As you understand, the full interpretation of Tarot cards will be much wider than the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in the table. But you need to expand the symbolic field of each Arcana on your own, based on your feelings.

So, we talked about the main meaning of the Major Arcana, now it’s worth moving on to the Minor. We will also take as a basis the interpretation of Tarot White. Please note that the interpretation of the Minor Arcana and court cards in different decks can vary, sometimes quite significantly.


  • : new beginnings, breakthrough energy
  • : Partnership, plans for the future
  • : Success, leadership
  • : Prosperity, harmony, enjoyment of the results of labor
  • : Unrest, problems
  • : Recognition in society, success
  • : Competition, defending one's position, views
  • : Rapid changes, communication
  • : Self defense
  • : Success that brings hardship
  • : News, new interests
  • : Travel, action, trip
  • : Business acumen, activity
  • : Activity, influence


  • : Creative energy, love, the beginning of a romance
  • : Happy relationship, successful partnership
  • : Holiday, party, celebration
  • : Apathy, boredom, sadness, satiety
  • : Depression, grief
  • : Simple joys, nostalgia, greetings from the past
  • : Confusion, multiple choices, illusions, dreams
  • : Lifestyle change, leave something behind
  • : Fulfillment of desires
  • : Satisfaction, happiness, luck
  • : News that touches your heart
  • : invitation, offer
  • : Intuition, help
  • : Gentleness, advice, healing, kind soul


  • : Critical moment, success through difficulties, triumph of the intellect
  • : Neutral position, waiting, balance
  • : Separation, unhappiness, anxiety
  • : Withdrawal from the world, rest, sometimes a hospital
  • : Pointless struggle, restrictions
  • : Get away from difficulties, troubles
  • : Theft, deceit, refusal to resist
  • : Fall into the trap
  • : Mental anguish, restlessness, anxiety
  • : failure, collapse, failure
  • : Surveillance, obtaining information by phone or letter
  • : Argumentation, destruction of change
  • : Bad faith, bitter experience
  • : Authority, ambition


  • : Material success, good health
  • : Manipulation of money or time, frivolous attitude
  • : New business, success
  • : Success but reluctance to embrace change
  • : Material losses, deterioration of well-being
  • : Getting help
  • : Willingness to work hard
  • : New hobby, study, work
  • It can be difficult for novice tarologists to interpret this or that card when it falls out in a thematic layout. So, for example, what can the Ten of Pentacles mean if we ask about a person’s feelings, if the main meaning of the card is money, property, inheritance? In fact, the interpretation of the Tarot for relationships is not as difficult as it sometimes seems. You don’t have to memorize some lists of keywords and rewrite in a notebook the meaning of each card in various areas of life - just turn on your imagination and think about how the traditional interpretation can manifest itself in a narrower way.

    Let's take our example with the Ten of Pentacles: since the card speaks of property and money, then it can answer the question about a person's attitude as follows: he is more concerned about the material background of the relationship, some kind of personal benefit, than feelings. It may well be a marriage of convenience or a couple where one person has some kind of material benefit. A girl who holds on to a young man for money, or a man who is in a love affair with a “good party” - this may be this interpretation of the Tarot card. The Three of Cups in feelings will mean true joy from relationships, a celebration of the soul, or such an alliance in which lovers spend a lot of time in companies, parties, lead an active lifestyle in society. The main thing here is to think a little and turn on your imagination - then you can intuitively choose the correct meaning of the card in any thematic layout, not only in love.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning the interpretation of cards in specialized decks, which differ from Ryder-White, which is considered a classic. So, for example, the interpretation of Crowley's Tarot is simply impossible without studying the works of the author himself. The deck of this occultist relies on Kabbalah and astrological correspondences. It is filled with esoteric symbols, including those from Egyptian and Celtic mythology, so it will not be possible to interpret it purely intuitively. More precisely, if you wish, of course, it will work out, but without understanding the full depth of the symbolism invested in these cards by the author, you will not be able to see many of the finest nuances of interpretation.

    The interpretation of the Tarot Decameron is based on the world of human passions. This deck is best suited for dealing with matters of love relationships. It will not work to tie the interpretation of cards to the classics when working with it - you need to study the specifics of the deck and penetrate the meaning laid down by the author.

    The interpretation of the Tarot of Shadows by Vera Sklyarova is generally a topic for a separate discussion. Here you will not see the usual names of the Major and Minor Arcana, but instead you will meet with dark angels, entities, phenomena and objects. So, for example, Satan stands in the place of the usual Mage in this deck, and the fourth Arcana is not the Emperor at all, but Lucifer. Among the Minor Arcana there are magical herbs and objects, human vices and tools of sorcerers - in a word, the deck is very far from the classics, and in order to understand it, you need to be well versed in the world of black magic.

    As you can see, there are many ways to interpret maps. And a lot depends on your personal perception and the meaning laid down by the author.

If you know the meaning of tarot cards when divining, you will be prepared for all occasions. Consider a brief description of each lasso.

Major Arcana:

  1. The jester is a symbol of the beginning of life's journey. Indicates new capabilities needed to achieve goals.
  2. The magician is a symbol of self-confidence. Shows that the inner mood of a person helps him to succeed in all endeavors.
  3. The high priestess is a symbol of a well-developed intuition. The card advises: pay attention to the inner voice, it will not deceive.
  4. The Empress is a card of harmony in everything. Card tip: realize yourself in creativity, and then you will flourish.
  5. The Emperor is a truly masculine card. A symbol of excellent self-discipline and the ability to control oneself. The lasso indicates: only you are responsible for the events taking place in your life.
  6. The High Priest is a card of power and impeccable faith in higher powers. Card tip: believe in God, keep traditions, and you will be happy.
  7. Lovers - the lasso of love and harmony in relationships. Most likely, you have found a kindred spirit. Advice card - strive to unconditionally love yourself and accept others for who they are.
  8. The wagon is the personification of powerful luck that accompanies a person on the path of life. Do not miss the fateful chances, and become successful.
  9. Justice is a symbol of accuracy and rigor, truth. Card advice - make fair decisions, do not act for the sake of self-interest and consumerism.
  10. The hermit is a symbol of the harmony of the inner world and spiritual self-development. The card advises: abstract from the world and try to understand yourself.
  11. Strength - indicates the power of the spirituality of human nature. Be confident in your abilities and do not doubt yourself, no matter what.
  12. The Hanged Man represents patience. Tip: even in the most difficult situation, try to remain patient and self-possessed. The expectation will pay off.
  13. Death is a symbol of the completion of a certain life stage, getting rid of everything superfluous, unnecessary. Card tip: get rid of the burden of the past to step into a happy present.
  14. Moderation. The lasso indicates that you need to pause and think about whether you are moving in the right direction. Most likely, you need a spiritual and physical reboot.
  15. The devil is the personification of everything vicious. These are addictions, attachments that limit a person and prevent him from being happy and achieving his goals.
  16. Bashya is the personification of fate itself. It can portend unpleasant and even tragic changes in life. You will have to gain strength and patience to survive it.
  17. The star is a very favorable lasso, the personification of hope and the prospects that open up before a person. Believe - fate is on your side and will definitely send the opportunity to become happy.
  18. The moon is a symbol of fears, complexes, doubts that overcome a person. Most often, the lasso has a negative meaning.
  19. The sun is a symbol of everything bright, pleasant and joyful. May portend spiritual renewal, rebirth.
  20. Terrible Judgment. The card indicates that you need to be persistent. Survive all difficulties, troubles, solve problems and literally rise from the ashes. Then positive changes will not be long in coming.
  21. The world is a map of appeasement. The lasso indicates that a person has known the meaning of life and achieved the goals set earlier. It's time to take on new challenges.

The meaning of the wands

  • Ace - the male energy of achievement.
  • Two - readiness for decisive action and openness to change.
  • Three - learn patience.
  • Fourth - expect a favorable resolution of current problems.
  • Five - gain willpower and achieve your goals, even if you have to overcome yourself.
  • Six - an unfavorable period will end soon, happiness is just around the corner.
  • Seven is a symbol of change that will affect all areas of life.
  • Eight - you are too fixated on self-development, take up social life too.
  • Nine - you think too superficially, try to penetrate deeper into the meaning of things.
  • Ten is a symbol of responsibility, but excessive. This burden is not up to you, the load must be divided.
  • Page - expect good news that will delight you.
  • Knight - portends unexpected events that will affect the creative sphere of life.
  • Queen - the situation that worries you will be resolved in a favorable way.
  • King - indicates an energetic and courageous achiever who never gives in to life's difficulties.

The value of the cups

  • Ace - portends the beginning of a new relationship, but only if the person is open and filled with energy.
  • Two - your feelings are mutual, take the initiative.
  • Three - a happy period will come in life.
  • Four - it's time to conduct a global reassessment of values, set the right priorities.
  • Five - an emotional crisis is coming, depression caused by disappointment in yourself and loved ones.
  • Six - promises the renewal of a long-forgotten relationship.
  • Seven is a symbol of doubt: a person does not know what he wants, therefore he is not able to move forward.
  • Eight - the destruction of relationships, the interruption of ties, the rejection of the past.
  • Nine - do charity work.
  • Ten - indicates a very social person who is not able to be alone with himself.
  • The page is a symbol of the birth of something new. This may be the creation of a family, the appearance of a baby, a new business.
  • Knight - indicates a person who is extremely romantic. You need to take off your rose-colored glasses and learn to appreciate life in real light.
  • The Queen is a symbol of the difficult choice to be made in the near future.
  • King - indicates a person who is sensitive, deep, perhaps creative.