Star card meaning in relationships. The Magic of Numbers

Tarot card "Star" - major lasso, 17 card. Remember the Angel of Temperance. He opened and gave us time and a sense of proportion, which are favorable for the correct distribution of forces, energy and internal resources. However, later these primordial vital forces were perverted and deviated from their original principle.

The Devil took possession of them in order to use them for his own purposes, to influence the physical and material world. This perversion was the cause of the fall and collapse represented by the House of God, the lasso, which is often also called the ruined Tower. The tower symbolizes the arrogance and arrogance of a person who believes that he can grow up to God. Thus, it is sin in its purest form, at least in the conventional sense, that is, error, vice, guilt. Let us note by the way that the verb "sin" originally meant "to take the wrong step." When we take the wrong step, we stumble or fall. In Hebrew, the word "pesha", meaning sin, can also be translated as "step, walking, progress." From this we can conclude that to sin is to move forward or to transgress.

This is a choice that a person faces. It is up to him to decide how he will deal with that great initial energy that is contained in himself. Will he direct it outward to master the physical and material world, or inward in order to achieve the "reversal of light" that we have already mentioned in connection with the sign of Aquarius, and which will become for him both a source of liberation and revelation?

Liberation and revelation

The woman depicted on the Star Tarot card, sitting under a starry sky on the river bank and overturning two amphoras, will allow us to answer the question of what we can be freed from and what kind of revelation we are talking about. Indeed, it is not about freeing yourself from external shackles, but about returning to normal, freeing the currents of life inside you, which are directed from bottom to top and from top to bottom in an eternal and continuous cycle, similar to the water cycle in nature. However, most often we try to contain these currents, block them with a dam, stop them, divert them from their natural course. If the dams are broken and the energy currents are allowed to circulate in oneself in a natural way, then this can bring real liberation. We know very well that if water from the sky did not fall to the Earth, then the groundwater from which springs are born would gradually be depleted. What is true of the water cycle on Earth, without which life would be impossible, is equally true of the natural cycles of human rebirth.

mouth and word

The water that returns to the water also symbolizes the power of the word. The Hebrew word “pe”, which also corresponds to the 18th letter-number of the Kabbalah, and is compared with this lasso, means both “mouth” and “word”.

Therefore, the Star indicates to us that the words that fly from our lips affect the elements and stars. The word is action. It is the result of our thoughts, ideas, mind, intellect and psyche.

By pouring the contents of the amphorae into the river of time and life, the woman depicted on the Star Tarot card pours out her innermost feelings and thereby participates in the universal action.

Reading 17 Tarot cards "Star"

This lasso symbolizes creative inspiration, faith, hope, community and fellowship. Your thoughts, ideas, hopes take shape, become reality, falling into the course of life, nature and collective consciousness and circulating in it. Your imagination is in control.

The seventeenth card of the major arcana is the Star Tarot card:
Letter: R (Dat.)
Number: 80
Meaning: Liberation, revelation, inspiration, imagination
Verbs: Believe, hope, imagine, create
Personality: A person who strives to realize his ideas, plans
Situation: A combination of circumstances favorable for the realization of hopes and plans, new opportunities, creation

Astrological associations

Similarity with Mercury (ideas, thoughts), Neptune (revelation, inspiration, faith) and the sign of Aquarius, the symbol of which is close to the symbol of this lasso "Star"

Interpretation of the Tarot card "Star"

Positive meanings of the Tarot card "Star":
Harmony of thoughts, ideas, beliefs, life circumstances and events
Happiness, fullness of sensations

Negative meanings of the Tarot card "Star":
Tendency to be influenced, to be carried away by external currents, ideas and thoughts of others
Lack of self-confidence, disbelief

The Star Tarot card most often has a favorable meaning. It is a symbol of positive, new, rebirth, hope. A star can portend the appearance of true friends, the birth of love. Consider the meaning of this card in detail.

The value of the card in the layout of the relationship

The Star card in the Tarot in a relationship can have both favorable and negative meanings. For example:

  • If you rely on fate and do not work on relationships, letting everything take its course, your union is doomed to parting. There is no need to hope that everything will work out by itself.
  • In an inverted position, the Tarot Star has the following meaning in a relationship: your connection with your partner is very strong and strong. There is a chance to build long-term relationships that will be happy and harmonious.
  • If the card fell out from one of the partners, this means that he is not satisfied with the current relationship. He wants more, now he receives less attention from his other half or something else.
  • If the five-pointed symbol fell out along with the Hanged Man card, then your partner falls short of the ideal that you drew in your fantasies. You dream that he will become better, but this is impossible.
  • In combination with the Priestess card, the Star indicates that the union has united two creative and very talented people. But the catch is that partners are completely unsuited for real life. They are impractical: they are idealists and dreamers.

Watch the video about the meaning of the Star card:

Tarot Star: combination of a card with others

The meaning of divination can vary depending on how the Tarot card fell out in the layout. The Star card in combination with others has the following meanings:

  1. Jester - pay attention to the signs of the Universe: they will show the right path.
  2. The magician is an ideal period for setting new goals and finding ways to achieve them.
  3. High Priestess - in the future everything will turn out extremely well, just believe in yourself and your own strengths.
  4. Empress - the efforts made in the past will finally bring long-awaited results. Get ready to rest on your laurels.
  5. Emperor - despite the difficulties, do not stop there. You are one step away from success, you just need to make the last push.
  6. Hierophant - life will teach an important lesson, and you will gain invaluable experience.
  7. Lovers - your union with a partner will be strong and long, full of love, harmony and mutual understanding.
  8. Chariot - there is a move ahead, the fulfillment of a long-standing desire is also likely.
  9. Hermit - contact an astrologer, you can get important information.
  10. Wheel of Fortune - some event will happen that will incredibly please and reassure you.
  11. Justice - the goal to which you have long and stubbornly walked will finally be realized.
  12. Hanged Man - you are making too complicated plans. Some of them will not work.
  13. Death - it's time to "renew" and start life from scratch, leaving everything superfluous in the past.
  14. Moderation - the situation that worries you will enter a new favorable round.
  15. Devil - the plans you make will fail.
  16. Tower - take off your rose-colored glasses, you have too many illusions.
  17. Moon - indicates self-doubt and dissatisfaction with life.
  18. The sun - a cherished dream will come true.
  19. Judgment - leave pessimistic thoughts, you need to start hoping for the best.
  20. World - an incredible talent is hidden in you that needs to be developed.

If 17 lasso is paired with wands:

  • King - your path will be illuminated by hope.
  • Queen - you are overly self-confident, try to assess the situation realistically.
  • Knight - a man has incredible fortitude.
  • Page - good luck will accompany in any endeavors.
  • 10 - fate will provide opportunities for success.
  • 9 - many doubts.
  • 8 - a favorable outcome of the current case.
  • 7 - restrictions and barriers will collapse.
  • 6 - faith in yourself.
  • 5 - it will turn out to find the right solution.
  • 4 - victory over the disease.
  • 3 - you need to concentrate and throw all your strength into achieving what you want.
  • 2 - search for a destination.
  • Ace - reward or win.

Value in money

In the layout on the financial side of life, the Star card will tell you about the following:

  • You are full of energy, you have a lot of resources to achieve your financial goals. But do not invent anything new - use proven methods, and success will come.
  • If you are looking for a purpose, look to creative careers that will help you realize your talents, benefit people and succeed.
  • It is likely that in the near future you will receive the expected profit. But on the condition that there are no negative cards in the layout, promising financial losses or the collapse of plans.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "Yes-No" layout

- the answer is "yes".

The card symbolizes hope, a happy future, healing, renewal, victory.

A good card that speaks of a period of calm in your life, that the trials are behind you and the situation will steadily improve. The prediction can refer both to health, physical or mental, and to the stage of creative growth, movement towards the goal. You know your desires, follow the intended path, full of optimism, confidence, and creative inspiration. You will achieve the desired result, unexpected help is possible, the emergence of a new friendship, love.

✚ "One card" layout

General value

Symbolizes new perspectives and hopes. She talks about finding peace. A person can count on a favorable outcome in any life situation, even if at first glance it seems catastrophic.


Such a card indicates that the relationship has just begun or the couple is trying to build it again. Most likely, the union will be strong, and the lovers will be able to build a strong family. If the fortuneteller wants to know how his beloved (lover) treats him, then the lasso says that the person wants to build a relationship, but is waiting for active action from the fortuneteller.


For fortunetellers suffering from diseases, the card promises an improvement in well-being or a speedy recovery. The lasso may also portend the normalization of the state after the crisis. For women, the Star mullites the possibility of conception.


Fortunetellers who have long planned to open their own business, it's time to seriously think about creating an enterprise. This is a good time for this. Now everything you need for development will appear, you just need to put a little effort into it. Things will be especially successful in the tourism sector. Arkan also means a good period for finding a new job or career growth.

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✚ For the future

The Tarot card symbolizes new experiences, the emergence of hope for a better outcome in any business. If it seemed to you that it was impossible to solve problems, then soon you will encounter unforeseen events that will have an extremely positive effect on your life. Pleasant surprises await you, meetings with people who can have a beneficial effect on your life. Be careful. Hope inspires people to new exploits, helps to regain lost self-confidence, so its significance is very great for any person.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ Relationships

The Star card has a basic meaning - the absence of an end. This can be interpreted in a positive sense: if a person is looking for his destiny, then we should expect a meeting with a person whose relationship will become very long and strong.

It is possible that acquaintance and further development will take place at a distance, which will lead to the impossibility of drowning in everyday life and quickly getting bored with each other. Moreover, the relationship will become harmonious both on the physical and psychological levels.

If the relationship already exists, then the card marks a positive development, if there is a misunderstanding, then it will be resolved in the near future.

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✚ For today

Realization of the set goals, time to show your talents and surrender to the development of spirituality. In matters of love: a trustful union, perhaps of creative people. You are a confident person with excellent health and well-being. A completely new career and reward awaits you, only favorable prospects lie ahead.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

Map of the new. New opportunities looming somewhere in the distance, the implementation of long-term plans, the emergence of a reasonable hope for the best. The card does not speak of immediate results, it expresses the positive potential of the situation.

In the layouts, the card indicates that the goal of the questioner is achievable, but is not realized quickly, so there is time to clearly consider what you want.

In the layouts for professional activities, it falls to bonuses, new prospects, well-deserved awards. If they offer to do something outside the scope of normal activities - agree, perhaps this is the very chance.

In love, the Star speaks of the partners having common long-term plans, personifies life together.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think of me

A new stage will soon come in the relationship that you have. You will forgive all the quarrels and insults that were between you, and start a new life together. It will be interesting and bright, like the first cloud. You must understand that your soul mate is very calm and unobtrusive. Sometimes it’s hard for a partner to say some important words that can change the relationship between you. After these changes, you will feel Aries easily. Let go of the negative lump that has accumulated inside your soul for a long period of time and made you suffer and cry.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On desire

Do not build baseless illusions. Now only you yourself are able to influence the situation, which means that you should not rely on higher powers. Perhaps you should pay attention to your internal state - lack of strength or unwillingness to explore internal possibilities can negatively affect any actions. If you move to the next stage of fulfilling your desire, take a break. Active preparation and introspection will help you stay on track.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Fate itself led to this situation. This is a gift from heaven and the patronage of higher powers. Good luck awaits you in any endeavors. It's time to show your abilities. You feel hope and happiness. A white streak has come in life.

You are promised the achievement of any goals, a successful resolution of cases. Opportunities are within reach. Everything will turn out as expected. Be calm and believe in yourself!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The card predicts joint plans and long-term relationships. Such a union will not be fleeting, and, most likely, will lead to the formation of a family. If you already have a partner, then we are talking about him, but if not, then soon you will meet with him. Family relationships will be warm and romantic, so such an alliance will be strong and indestructible.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

A new world, full of miracles and beauty, opens up before a person. A presentiment of happiness, awareness of the realization of the plan. The Guardian Angel favors the person.

When the Heavenly Forces are favorable to a person, all his plans, dreams, desires and aspirations come true in the most wonderful way.

You have everything on your shoulder. You are in a strong position, go for it!

A full description of the map is available at

Tarot Star - the meaning of this card is positive, as it is a symbol of renewal, rebirth, the emergence of hope for salvation. Often, the lasso prophesies the emergence of new friends, a surge of creative forces.

In the article:

Tarot Star - meaning

The Star Tarot card has a very positive meaning in the upright position. She says that at the moment a person can completely trust the higher forces that will lead him forward. You can achieve any goals and fulfill any desire if you believe in your magical patrons and follow them, since such luck falls to very few.

The Guiding Star will illuminate the right path for you. The individual should remain calm, self-confident. Often, 17 lasso speaks of hope, happiness, it is believed that this is one of the most positive major arcana, as it portends the beginning of a white streak that will last a very long time.

The card can truly be called a symbol of optimism and faith, as it will be a wonderful omen in any scenario. If you are calm and believe in yourself, you will be able to achieve any goal, but it is very important to understand what it should be. Now is really your finest hour, when it's time to show all your abilities and present yourself from the best side.

Often, the appearance of the Star Arcana can indicate that the cause in which you are currently involved can play a greater role in your life than you can even imagine. The stars say that at this stage you can start new projects, communicate with new people, make plans for the future.

If we turn to the ancient interpretations of this body, we can find not entirely favorable interpretations. In some situations, the Star can talk about losses (in most cases, we are talking about physical ones).

The individual who is identified with this lasso loves to engage in various arts, which allow him to develop not only physical endurance, but also fortitude. This includes meditation, yoga, aikido.

If the lasso appeared in the layout, the Tarot Star prophesies successful business management, getting joy from communicating with other people and working. The meaning of the lasso may vary slightly. For example, in the Star is a symbol of arrogance, coldness, platonic relationships, alienation. Often it can symbolize a same-sex relationship.

Reversed position

The star inverted Tarot has a not entirely favorable meaning. At the moment, the individual has the opportunity to realize himself in creativity, he wants it. But, unfortunately, this is not feasible in the near future. Perhaps the reason lies in the stubbornness of a person and his inability to change his life.

The individual misses too many chances, practically does not believe in his own strength, and is passive about life. In an inverted position, the card sometimes indicates disappointment not only in life or in oneself, but also in a dream to which a person went for a certain time. In most cases, this condition is accompanied by apathy and loneliness.

Sometimes the card speaks of a person who has reached some heights in the past, but has stopped in development. She has nothing to brag about, except for old merits. At the moment, the individual is making fruitless attempts to regain his former glory again, or simply enjoying his imaginary status, won earlier.

In any case, such a state of affairs is not in the hands of a person. The Tarot Star in an inverted position can also be interpreted as a harbinger of various natural disasters that will provoke the death of many people.

Tarot Star - Meaning in Relationships

The Star Tarot card in the layout for love relationships can be both positive and negative. If a person just wants everything to work out well, but does nothing for this, then the union will be doomed.

Otherwise, the card indicates a long-term, strong, lasting connection. Pay attention to which of the partners the Star falls out from. She will say that this partner will always dream of something more. The appearance of the Hanged Man in the alignment indicates that a man or woman will constantly want the partner to begin to live up to their ideals.

The location next to the Star of the Priestess will indicate that the partner may be a creative person with a fantasy, but, unfortunately, he is not adapted for life. It can be quite difficult with such a person, since he is impractical and constantly in his own world, he is an idealist and a dreamer.

Work and finance

Appearing in the layout for work, 17 lasso says that fortune is on your side and you can realize many ideas. Use previously unused strategies, be innovative, reorganize. Today you can count on success, obstacles and difficulties will be easily eliminated.

When it comes to choosing a profession, then you should focus on poetry, design, and theatrical skills. It is important for a person to understand that he should follow his calling. If you are engaged in a business that does not bring you pleasure, and you can’t open up in it, then you should quit everything and start over.

Only if you belong to the sphere that is destined for you by fate, you can achieve what you want. The card says that a person will be able to become a professional in his field and get a promotion. Everything you plan now will be feasible. Probably not in the near future, but nevertheless, the implementation of such projects is guaranteed.

If we talk about material profit, then at the moment the individual is very hopeful that his financial situation will improve. If there are no arcana in the layout, which can symbolize poverty or large financial losses, then it is really possible to make a profit.

Health status

The meaning of the Star Tarot card in health layouts is renewal and rebirth. The lasso symbolizes inner peace, the absence of mental illness, harmony. It is possible to recover from some kind of injury or long-term illness. The card can symbolize rejuvenation, cosmetic procedures.

In many situations, the appearance of a Star may indicate the birth of a child. Almost all modern tarologists adhere to this interpretation today.

It is worth noting that in ancient interpretations it was often said that the card could indicate the salvation of a person. The possibility of lung disease or the prospect of drowning was also mentioned.

Due to the fact that the lasso has such a dual meaning, before interpreting it, pay attention to the surrounding cards. If they are positive, the value will of course be optimistic. If a alignment is made for the designation of an indicator of the disease, then the Star indicates allergic reactions.

Tarot Star in combination with other cards

For a correct interpretation of the layout, it is necessary to focus not only on each individual card, but also on their paired meaning. This will allow you to see the full picture of what is happening. Star in combination with major arcana:

  • Jester - follow the stars;
  • Magician is a great time for new projects;
  • High Priestess - confidence in your future;
  • Empress - getting a result;
  • Emperor - do not stop there;
  • Hierophant - gaining experience;
  • Lovers - a strong union;
  • Chariot - change of residence, fulfillment of a dream;
  • The hermit is an expert in astrology;
  • Wheel of Fortune - a joyful event;
  • Justice is the achievement of the goal;
  • Hanged Man - plans that are difficult to implement;
  • Death - start life from scratch;
  • Moderation - the situation will improve;
  • Devil - the collapse of plans;
  • Tower - illusions;
  • Moon - uncertainty, dissatisfaction with life;
  • The sun is a dream come true;
  • Judgment - faith in the best;
  • The world is hidden talents.

Arcana paired with wands:

  • Ace - receiving an award;
  • Two - search for yourself;
  • Three - you can do everything to achieve what you want;
  • Four - recovery;
  • Five - you can find a way out;
  • Six - believe in yourself;
  • Seven - you can destroy barriers;
  • Eight - the situation will soon change for the better;
  • Nine - doubts;
  • Ten - development prospects;
  • Page - fortune is on your side;
  • Knight - fortitude;
  • Queen - self-confidence;
  • The king is hope.

Star combination with tarot bowls:

  • Ace - purchase of movable and immovable property;
  • Two - an unpleasant journey;
  • Troika - a protracted romance;
  • Four - dependence on love;
  • Five - disappointment;
  • Six - a strong union based on love;
  • Seven - disappointment, loss;
  • Eight - sexual experience;
  • Nine - quarrels, conflicts with society;
  • Ten - receiving a large amount of money;
  • Page - a man is fond of music;
  • Knight - professionalism;
  • The Queen is a corrupt woman;
  • The king is a lucky man.

The value of the lasso, if there is a card of the suit of swords nearby:

  • Ace - bad habits;
  • Two - the sudden appearance of relatives;
  • Troika - failure;
  • Four - rest after the battle;
  • Five - mistress;
  • Six - to be with a loved one at a great distance;
  • Seven - censure of the public;
  • Eight - betrayal;
  • Nine - meeting with relatives;
  • Ten - suicidal tendencies;
  • Page - a fatal meeting;
  • Knight - leadership;
  • Queen - an affair with a friend of her husband;
  • The king is a failure.

Combination with pentacles:

  • Ace - lack of talent;
  • Two - the search for truth;
  • Three - refusal to help;
  • Four - unfulfilled dreams;
  • Five - uncertainty;
  • Six - a hopeless situation;
  • Seven - empty hopes;
  • Eight - loss of innocence;
  • Nine - theatrical performance;
  • Ten - confidence in their financial independence;
  • Page - advanced training;
  • Knight - progress;
  • Queen - wealth;
  • King - thirst for more.

Tarot Thoth Star

Aleister Crowley, in describing the arcana of the Tarot of Thoth, states that the meaning of the Star is in some aspects similar to the Jester card. Arkan is always positive, but you should not expect too much from him.

Surrounded by negative cards, the Star indicates euphoria from the anticipation of something that in fact may not even happen. Almost always, the Star speaks of happiness, but not enough materialistic approach to life.

You can really be envied if everything you wanted has already come true. Enjoy and reap the benefits, because you deserve it. Try not to weaken control over what is happening, as this will be fraught with negative consequences.

In contact with

On the Star card, a girl with two jugs is drawn. Stars are visible in the sky. One of them is big yellow. The girl kneels in front of a pond. Water from jugs pours onto the ground. 17 lasso Star is rightfully considered a card of magicians. This is the connection of all mystical forces. This is meditation, intuition, connection with the power of nature. In the life of a querent there is literally a guiding star that he trusts.

Personal state

In the layout of the appearance of 17 lasso Tarot, the value is good. Pulling out such a card indicates inspiration, good health, hope. All is well, the querent receives gifts from fate. His life will be filled with happiness, purpose, the level of intuition will increase. The person described by this lasso has decided on a goal in life. He no longer needs to suppress and hide his aspirations. From within the questioner comes peace and tranquility. It is worth paying attention to your talents.

In an inverted position, the card loses its positive value. The querent has a desire to fulfill himself, but in the near future he will not have the resources to do so. Probably the whole point is his stubbornness and unwillingness to change his life. For the questioner:

  • There is no faith in their own strength.
  • Lost chances.
  • Passive attitude towards life.

Not only the negative is carried by the inverted Star. Its meaning can be reduced to an indication of a state of apathy and loneliness. Probably the querent reached certain heights and his development froze at this level. A person can only boast of past merits, trying in vain to regain his former glory.

Personal relationships

The meaning of the lasso Tarot Star in a relationship is different. For a lonely person, this card indicates a desire for happiness. Even if the querent is completely desperate, he should not lose hope. In the event of a disagreement, the lasso promises reconciliation and restoration of the union. Sometimes the meaning of the Star (Tarot) in a relationship takes a non-standard form. This is a connection at a distance, partners of different ages, etc. The peculiarity of this card is inexhaustibility. The theme always has a continuation, nothing has ended yet.

A star in layouts on love topics can carry both negative and positive meanings. If the questioner wants to develop relations, but does nothing for this, the union is doomed to failure. If you make a number of efforts to develop communication, it will be long and strong. The partner on whom the Star falls will always dream of more. In combination with the Hanged Man, he will always strive to make his soul mate perfect. Neighborhood with the Priestess indicates a person who is not adapted to life, but at the same time creative.

Reversed, the card indicates the following:

  • Deceived hopes.
  • Powerlessness.
  • Disappointment.

Fate takes away a loved one and nothing can be done about it. Arkan advises to pay attention to your behavior, carefully analyze it. The man, without knowing it, destroyed his relationship.

professional situation

The card gives promises of change in any area.. Professional activity will not be an exception. Often this is a change of work for a job by vocation. It's time for a career. A person literally becomes the star of the team, becoming a recognized specialist. Now comes the stage when the querent is doing something that will bring results in the distant future.

In an inverted position, the lasso acquires a negative meaning. The man missed all the opportunities and was left with nothing. The reason for such an act can be different circumstances: the stubbornness of the querent, unwillingness to change life, uncertainty about the success of the case. If there is a card of the devil in the layout, then the questioner himself acts against himself and destroys plans.

As a choice of profession, you should pay attention to design, theatrical skills or poetry. An important lesson passes through this lasso: you need to do business according to your calling. If it does not bring pleasure, a person will not reach any heights. Don't be afraid to start over. In the sphere of destiny, a person will achieve a result.

Map of the day

As a card of the day, the Star advises to rejoice. Today everything will be favorable to the questioner. You can take on any business, it will be crowned with success. Intuition will help you choose the right direction. Try to take a bird's eye view of the day and see how many interesting things are happening.

In an inverted position, the card becomes an indicator of an unresolved situation. Today is not the best day to deal with it. All attempts will only lead to a waste of money and time. Any important meetings should be rescheduled. On this day, the querent will not only not reach the goal, but will also aggravate his situation. You can feel the dependence on weather conditions and the exacerbation of chronic diseases. Do not make plans and set goals on this day.

Attention, only TODAY!

Star - XVII Major Arcana

Astrologers attribute the XVII Arcanum to Jupiter, located in the 11th zodiac House, which corresponds to its intended purpose - patronage and plowing up new horizons.

Other names of the Star: Hope, Inspiration, Daughter of the Firmament, Cycle, Clarity, Revelation, Living Among the Waters, Mountain of Heaven.

In other languages, the map is called: Der Stern, The Star, L "Etoile, La Stella.

Description of the Arcana

The classic Arcana Star depicts a naked woman surrounded by amazingly picturesque nature. In front of it flows a source of pure water.

The woman is holding two vessels in her hands. With water from one, she pours water over a glade buried in greenery. Thanks to such care and an abundance of moisture, the plants around the spring bloom and smell fragrant. From the second vessel, the woman returns the water to the source. By this action, the woman points to the water cycle, which plays a huge role in deciphering the Arcana. It’s not for nothing that in some decks the Star is called the “Circle”.

Above the woman's head are stars. Seven of them make up a single constellation, symbolizing the seven spheres of human existence, the seven chakras. Separately, a large eight-pointed star shines - a symbol of harmony and unity of the creative principle in man and the physical world.

On the Arcana Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, a woman is depicted sitting on an island. From one of her vessels, water pours onto a flower, giving it vitality.

Sacred meaning of the Star

In the center of the sacred part of the classical Arcana stands Nature itself, which is symbolized by a naked girl. This is not accidental, since from ancient times it was a woman who was considered a symbol of nature, of all natural processes occurring in the Universe with a clearly adjusted cyclicity.

The girl here represents the force that fills all life in the universe, gives vital energy and the necessary juices. In man, in its metaphysical sense, it denotes inspiration, which is necessary for every action, an impulse to creativity. That is why in some Tarot schools this card is called "Creativity".

The seven stars that are located above the girl's head make us understand that a person can apply creativity in all aspects of his life. The central eight-pointed star says that a person must learn to turn to his creative beginning in all areas at the same time, then the graceful power of nature will descend on him.

However, in the sacred sense of this card there is also a warning of danger: as everything is balanced in nature, so it should be balanced in man himself. Excessive creativity can upset this balance. Giving in to creativity, a person should not forget about the earthly, material world. This is symbolized by the pose of the girl - with one foot she stands in the source, and the other rests on the ground.

Scooping water from the source into jugs and being filled with the creative energy of the source, she pours part of the water onto the ground, irrigating it. Thanks to this water, everything around her blooms and lives. She nourished all nature with vitality, creating around herself a generous world of beauty. This enables her to be in complete harmony not only with herself, but also with this pleasant world around her.

From another jug, she pours water back into the source - this is a warning that a person can get into the cycle of his hopes and dreams, leaving the reality of the earthly world. It will be very difficult for him to get out of this cycle. This is very important, because so many people live their lives more in pipe dreams and revel in empty hopes, while real life passes them by without their active participation.

The card says that hope is an important part of human thinking, but if you do not take any physical action, hope will become unrealizable, and will always remain only hope.

Mythological correspondence of the Star

In the mythology of the XVII Arcana of the Tarot, all the muses correspond - the Olympic deities responsible for creativity, art and science. Their patronage is expressed in the inspiration they receive. Since ancient times, the brightest moments of life, the result of which was creation, were associated with the arrival of these goddesses. These are moments of inspiration and insight.

Some schools associate the XVII Arcana with the biblical star of Bethlehem, which became a harbinger of the birth of the Savior. That is why Arkan is called "Hope", which is very important for understanding its meaning. What better way to describe the importance of hope in a person's life than in the image of Jesus Christ?

The meaning of the direct Star in the layout

In general layouts, a direct Star means that over a certain period of time (most often it is half a year), certain prospects will open up to a person that will matter in the distant future. What kind of perspectives will nearby maps show. This may be meeting new people, and obtaining a certain status, position, perhaps improving the financial situation.

It is very important for a person to see this perspective, and, most importantly, not to be afraid of it. Do not forget that the Star is followed by the XVIII Arcana (Moon), which just says that fears may well scare a person away from the prospect that has opened up for him.

The star (XVII Arcana) indicates good opportunities for creative work, as well as the presence of certain talents in a person. What he will get from the realization of his talent will be shown by the cards nearby in the layout. As a rule, the surrounding circumstances are favorable for the realization of talent, but a person must be determined to see them.

If the alignment is done for business, Arkan acts as a bad omen. This is not a business card, it shows that a person has hopes that he will not be able to realize in the near future. A person has a chance of falling into the cycle of the same type of events, the way out of which he will not find soon. With such a card for doing business, you will need a more prosperous partner in this regard, who will become a leader in such an alliance.

The main meaning of the Star is a card of hope, it helps a person overcome difficulties in life, and they were present in one way or another, since this hope (Star) immediately follows the XVI Arcana (Tower). It was in this Arcana that events took place that tempered a person and made him cherish hope. The seventeenth Arcana shows that a person has gained strength on a further path, and it was hope that became his guiding star.

The meaning of the inverted star in the layout

An inverted Star indicates that a person has lost all hope. He is in a cycle of events that do not please him, but he can no longer change them, because he does not believe in a favorable outcome. And if a straight card is still slow, but growth, then an inverted card is a process of stagnation, decay.

In fact, this map speaks of the beginning of the process of degradation. The lasso in an inverted form is very unfavorable in layouts. He speaks of the inertia of the human soul. The map indicates that a person sees everything in an ugly light, and only a very few geniuses can create their own, albeit gloomy, masterpieces from this vision of the world.

Creativity is still present in this card, but it can manifest itself in strange ways, and not for everyone. Sometimes, in order to realize creativity, a person needs to “sink to the bottom of society” in order to get inspiration there, to find images that he will like. This is not a manifestation of his desire to "live at the bottom", but only the need to stay there for self-realization.

Often, Arkan shows that a person has lost his sanity, he makes mistake after mistake, which increasingly drags out his cycle of events, depriving him of faith in himself and killing his last hopes for changing the situation. He becomes short-sighted and by his actions deprives himself of the opportunity to get good chances for the future. They say about such people that they do not see beyond their nose and do not know how to calculate situations.

An inverted star may indicate health problems. This is mainly the urogenital area, including the kidneys. In psychological terms, depression can become a health problem, which can be quite protracted and look like a kind of cycle: as soon as a person begins to get out of it, a new situation sends him to a new round of depression.

The card can show disappointment and the collapse of some hopes. It also falls for a person who, as they say, "lost the ground under his feet." He does not see a way out of the current situation, does not believe in a favorable outcome, even if it is predicted for him, does not harbor hopes. In this state, it will not be easy to get out of unfavorable situations, and if the inverted Star fell out in a scenario, then you need to understand that you will have to look for outside help here.

Direction of self-development

As for the direction of self-development, the Star here is not unambiguous. On the one hand, it shows that the future of a person is in his hands and that at the moment he has a very interesting perspective that is important for the distant future, but in order for a person to take advantage of this perspective, a clear understanding of the importance of transferring a creative idea to real life. Otherwise, it will simply be carried away into the realm of fantasy.

The card gives a clear indication that creative effort or inspiration is important to achieve any material goal. However, creativity must be accompanied by the materialization of ideas. Only in this case will the cycle be interrupted in which a person is under the influence of Arcana XVII, and only in this case will he be able to enjoy the fruits of his efforts.

The seven stars that are depicted on the map are directly related to the self-development of a person. They say that a person can achieve complete unity of creativity and material well-being only when he brings into harmony each of the areas of his life. Such unity helps a person in his main search for life - the search for God in himself.

The star says that a person needs to learn to believe in himself and not lose this faith. Knowledge of the intricacies of one's psyche and faith in one's own strength help a person to release creative energy, to find a source of inspiration in himself. Such a person knows perfectly well what to strive for and finds a way to achieve the highest goal of his life - self-improvement.

He should not stop on his way, but always follow the guiding star, otherwise he will fall into the cycle, which is constantly threatening in the conditions of the XVII Arcana. In this cycle, self-development is virtually out of the question.

The Inverted Star on self-development suggests that a person needs to restore his faith in the people around him or in the world around him. It must always be remembered that an inverted Star means degradation, and if you do not make enough effort to turn the Arcana over, you can get serious consequences.

With an inverted Arcana, a person is in danger of slipping into some very unseemly ideas that can reach mania. Such a person can be called an evil genius. He does not degrade in the physical sense, but degrades in the moral sense. His psyche may also suffer.

As a rule, pessimism and lost hopes prevent Arkan from turning over. This is considered one of the most difficult Arcana in reverse.


As for the work, the Star is viewed from several angles. Here it is necessary to take into account that with such a map, creativity plays an important role in a person’s labor activity. The star is a favorable card only for people whose creativity has become a profession; for the rest of the business, the XVII Arcana can hardly be considered positive.

As a rule, the Star says that a person in his activity has fallen into a cycle. And even if at the moment the situation is stable and seems favorable, then in the future there will come a moment when a person will see that there is no development. There is a threat that at some time it will begin to collapse altogether.

If the situation at the moment leaves much to be desired, then the card says that a person in this state will stay for at least another six months and during this time he will not have the opportunity to reverse this situation. At the same time, the map shows the prospects of the future if a person approaches the problem creatively and finds an extraordinary way out of it, or attracts creative people who can benefit him in the distant future.

If the scenario is about new projects or new connections, then their implementation will become possible no earlier than six months later. This does not mean that you need to quit doing them or give up hope for the implementation of the project, you just need to wait for a favorable moment.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the exit from the cycle of the XVII Arcanum occurs through the fears of the XVIIIth (Moon). It is in the financial sector or in the business sector that this is best seen. If at the moment when the action of the Star ends and it becomes possible to get out of the cycle, a person experiences fears and stops under their influence, then he will enter a new round. That is why experienced tarot readers call the XVII Arcana the Arcana of missed opportunities: hope remains, but it leads to nothing.

If we are talking about finances as such, then Zvezda speaks about the stability of those earnings that are currently available, at least for the next six months. If income suits a person, then he can easily relax. If they are not satisfied, you need to try to find an extraordinary solution.

The map gives favorable forecasts for relations in the team - this creates a rather pleasant atmosphere in the team for quite a long time. Here reigns complete mutual understanding and revenue. If the question is related to getting a job, then the prognosis is negative. You should not count on the desired job in the next six months.

If the direct Star has at least something positive in relation to work, then the inverted one does not have it at all. The card indicates that the activity is gradually declining. Business becomes burdensome for a person, it is accompanied by the accumulation of debts, which can lead to very serious consequences, up to bankruptcy.

If we are talking about new projects, new schemes of work, then the inverted Star indicates that a person must certainly abandon this thought, since such a card tends to go back to the XVI Arcana (Tower), and this threatens him with complete destruction. When a person has something to lose, he must give up his ideas.

Any business connections and contacts under the influence of this card must be stopped. Arkan says that a person has chosen the wrong path and relies on unreliable people.

In the financial sector, with such a card, a person cannot count on any cash receipts. Moreover, he will expect losses, monetary losses and an increase in debts. The surrounding cards can understand what the nature of the losses will be, as this is not always due to business alone. A person may face theft, loss of money, wasteful spending, become a victim of scammers.

In matters of a new job, as well as in the direct Arcana, employment is not expected, however, if there are at least some prospects with a direct Star, then an inverted one is a complete dead end.

As for the team, the expression “rotten through and through” will suit it: everyone thinks only of themselves, no one seeks to work, there is distrust and disagreement all around.

Personal relationships

If the Star card falls on any union, then we can say that the relationship in this union is very stable and favorable. These people have known each other for a long time, but at the same time they have not lost any novelty of impressions. These relationships are a joy for partners, they do not burden them at all. As a rule, such couples are called the union of two romantics who are very kind to each other.

When the alignment is made on the union of business partners, then we can say that these people create a creative tandem, which after some time will bear fruit. At present, these people do not have broad prospects for the implementation of the idea, but they will certainly appear. Such partnerships are most often long-term and stable.

If the card is considered for one of the partners with an alliance, then one should talk about a certain fixation of a person. Very often, the card gives out an unfavorable state of a person who is in the hope that his partner will change sooner or later and the situation will become as he wants. Since the star describes a creative person, somewhere vulnerable, somewhere subject to fantasies, it is worth paying attention to the difference in the characters and temperaments of the partners. If a “heavy” Arkan falls into the position of a partner, then it should be said that the relationship is quite tense.

If the card falls on a lonely person, then we can say that in the near future he has no prospects for meetings, and within six months he will be alone. He can meet new people, representatives of the opposite sex will show interests to him, but he will not be able to build relationships during this period.

An inverted Star on any union will indicate that this union is gradually falling apart. It contains dishonesty, deceit, pretense. We can safely say that the partners are sick of each other, but for some reason they cannot leave at the moment.

If an inverted Star falls on one of the partners in the union, then, as a rule, she says that the person is completely disappointed in his partner, that he is tired of this relationship, that they do not bring joy. Feelings have been gone for a long time, even respect has gone. A person can easily go to deceit, treason. Everything is aggravated by the fact that they cannot break the relationship. In fact, in order to get out of this cycle, a person needs to independently return to the XVI Arcana (Tower), and this is far from being possible for everyone.

This card is especially dangerous when it comes to business partners. She warns that there may be theft, fraudulent actions by a partner, deceit, dishonest calculations.

For a lonely person, the Star promises loneliness for a very long time.

Personality characteristic

A person under the influence of the Star has a huge creative potential, which can bring considerable results if a person makes efforts to realize it. At the same time, this card can distort the characteristics of a person, since he could be influenced by the cycle of the same type of events, which made a person turn a certain side to society. He himself may be uncomfortable with such a "self", but this is his forced state. Thus, the map only situationally characterizes the personality.

Despite the powerful creative potential, it is very important for such a person to receive inspiration, which very often comes from outside, for example, a person needs to stay in nature. It should be noted that, as a rule, a person under the influence of the Star is very optimistic, since he often draws inspiration from his hopes and dreams.

A person has vital wisdom and vital energy, he quite easily finds a solution in a situation, always helps others and gives advice. He endures stagnation quite easily, devoting his free time to creativity. One of the qualities that apply to such a person is sincerity and generosity. Thanks to his natural charm, a person easily builds relationships with society and quite often becomes a "vest in which they cry" for friends.

The Star Man may have healing powers.

The inverted Star indicates that the person is in the stage of moral and psychological degradation. This can be expressed both in certain character traits and in a line of behavior. He is completely inert in learning something new. Everyone sees him as stubborn, bitter, indifferent and lazy.

He lost the talents that he once had, because he did not at all try to look for inspiration to realize them. If talents are present, then, most likely, they will manifest themselves in a perverted form. For example, he can, with amazingly beautiful technique and in a rare artistic manner, depict disgusting scenes of social life and be inspired by his paintings.

As a rule, such a person is overly self-confident, impudent and arrogant, which often leads to his rejection from society. At the same time, his self-confidence is ostentatious, in fact, behind it he can hide disbelief in himself and his strengths. He is dishonest and may well trade in fraud or theft. He can deceive even people he knows and is close to him.

He is gloomy, often gloomy and silent, his usual mood is pessimism, sometimes even with a certain fatality. He does not see the light at the end of the tunnel, and does not want to look for it. He is passive and swims along the persistent current of the cycle. Such people are rather reluctant to accept help from others or experience conflicting feelings when forced to accept such help.

At the same time, the inverted Star also describes a person who has got rid of illusions and at the moment sees life without “rose-colored glasses”. He is disappointed with his new vision, but he is not in captivity of illusions either. In this case, it is difficult to say what will be better for him.

Such a card often falls on a person who is depressed, then all the negative characteristics will be applicable to him exactly as long as he stays in this state. As soon as he himself or with someone's help finds a way out, his character will completely change. Therefore, an inverted Star can also be only a situational characteristic of a person.


Depending on the depth of the issue of health, an appropriate alignment should be selected. If you just need to find out if a person is healthy or not, you can draw one Major Arcana card. In this case, the deck is shuffled in such a way that it contains both straight cards and inverted ones. This is a shallow view that does not give the full picture.

If you need to deal with the general state of health, as well as view the dynamics of all functional processes, a layout for two Major Arcana is selected. In the deck, as in the previous case, there should be cards in two meanings - direct and inverted. The lasso, which fell in the first position, will indicate the problematic organ, and laid out in the second position will show its condition, the course of the disease or recovery, the processes taking place in it.

The most complete picture of the state of the body can be obtained using the chakra layout. It helps to detail the state of each organ or system. Starting from Muladhara, an Arcana is drawn on each chakra. The layout should be done with two positions of cards in the deck. When reading the alignment, it is necessary to look not only at the chakra map, but also at the neighboring Arcana, as they help to make a more complete decoding.

General state

If a layout with one Major Arcana is used in fortune-telling, then the Star in the upright position will show that the person is relatively healthy, all processes in his body are normal in accordance with the natural purpose, since the Star symbolizes nature as such.

An inverted star will speak of a violation of the natural cycles in the body, most often associated with water. In this case, attention should be paid to problems with the urogenital area. Problems can be expressed in violation of the function of organs, as well as in inflammatory processes affecting the nature of the organ.

ongoing processes

In the scenario of the two Major Arcana, the Star in the first position in any position will speak of the genitourinary system of the body. It should be borne in mind that we are talking not only about the state of the organs themselves, but also about functional processes. This card indicates the nature of the organ itself.

The second position of the Star in the layout of the two Major Arcana in the direct position indicates that the organ described by the Arcana, which fell in the first position, works as intended by nature and in accordance with its natural cycles.

An inverted Star in the second position shows a failure in the rhythm of the organ. It must be understood that this card is very dangerous in an inverted position, since quite often it shows putrefactive processes.

Chakra diagnostics

When a tarot reader begins a chakra alignment, he tries to fully tune in to the human vortex system. Tuning is also important when drawing each card from the deck, but here you already need to tune in to a specific chakra. The cards are drawn one by one, starting with Muladhara.

Muladhara . A straight star shows a healthy organ of the urinary system, pelvic organs, bladder.

An inverted Star will indicate inflammatory processes in the bladder, in the organs of the urinary system.

Swadhisthana . A straight star for both a man and a woman shows the health of the kidneys, adrenal glands, and renal pelvis.

An inverted Star for both sexes will show problems with the kidneys: the formation and movement of stones, sand, inflammation in the kidneys, and disruption of their functioning.

Manipura . A star on this chakra in a direct position shows the good work of the entire gastrointestinal tract. All natural processes take place with their prescribed cyclicality.

The inverted Arkan shows ulcerative inflammation, stagnation processes in the intestines, accompanied by intoxication of the body.

Anahata . A star in a straight position indicates healthy organs of the pulmonary system.

An inverted Star speaks of serious problems: difficulty breathing, asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Vishuddha . A star on Vishuddha indicates the normal functioning of the immune system. The human body has good adaptive properties to natural conditions, climate, weather changes. It is not subject to seasonal diseases.

An upside down star indicates problems with the immune system. With such a map, a person must choose a suitable climate for himself, since his body is quite difficult to adapt. As a rule, such a person reacts quite painfully to a change in the weather. It may not tolerate travel to countries with different climatic conditions. With an inverted Star, a person is subject to seasonal diseases.

Ajna . The Direct Star indicates that the organs of the nasopharynx are completely healthy, the maxillary sinuses are not inflamed.

Inverted XVII Arcana shows the presence of sinusitis, purulent contents in the maxillary sinuses.

Sahasrara . A star on this chakra shows a calm mental state of a person.

An inverted Star indicates a distorted vision of the world, when a person is attracted to ugly forms.

Situation breakdown

The Direct Star in the layouts for the situation always speaks of some kind of cyclicity. As a rule, a person has already been in a similar situation and at the moment he is going through the stage of its exacerbation. This suggests that at some point a person made the wrong decision and got into the cycle. In this case, we can say that the cycle will last at least six months.

Ultimately, a person will have a chance to get out of this situation, but whether he takes advantage of it or not - everything will depend on his determination and ability to overcome fears of opening opportunities.

At the same time, the card gives a positive forecast for situations related to creativity. It gives hope that sooner or later what a creative person is doing at the moment will definitely give tangible results.

If the situation concerns meetings, acquaintances, trips, then the direct Star gives favorable forecasts for quite a long time. At this time, you can plan a vacation with a visit to other countries - there will be no problems either with obtaining a visa or with choosing a suitable operator. Rest will bring maximum pleasure.

In everyday situations, the Star denotes everyday things that are repeated every day. It shows that a person is very much dragged into solving everyday problems and he will not find a way out of them in the next six months. If there are also “heavy” cards of the Major Arcana or the Minor Arcana of the suit of Swords nearby, the Star indicates that such a state is painful for a person, and in some cases can lead to mental (depression) and physical (fatigue and imbalance of the body) diseases.

If a person who is in a tragic or critical situation comes to the tarot reader, then the direct Star indicates that the person has hope to change what is happening in his life. Sometimes you don’t even need to take any action - the situation will resolve itself. This Arcana always shows a favorable outcome after time has passed. A person just needs to wait without losing hope.

Also, the direct Star speaks of the recovery of a person in the event of a protracted illness or the cessation of an exacerbation of a chronic one.

An inverted Star in the layouts of the situation indicates that the person is currently in a hopeless situation. He himself, with his unreasonable actions, dragged out the situation, created conditions for the impossibility of resolving it. In this case, there is only one way out: to take a step back in the XVI Arcanum - to deliberately destroy this situation. This will require effort and determination, otherwise a person will again enter a new cycle of circulation.

A star in an inverted position describes all protracted and "putrid" situations and processes. This applies to relationships, and health, and financial situation, and domestic troubles. With such a card, for example, a person can get into a long lack of money.

In this case, it is important to read the reversed Star along with the nearby cards. Moreover, it should be taken into account that even "light" cards do not give a positive picture, since they only show some relief of the situation, but delay it in time.

For example, if an inverted Star falls on health, then it indicates the processes of decay, which logically should end with an operation. But with neighboring “light” cards, we can talk about temporary treatment, relief of the condition, but after a while the disease will return again and then, most likely, you will have to resort to surgery.

Map of the day

The direct XVII Arcana on the map of the day shows that today you will have to turn around in a circle of everyday issues. In addition, the card suggests that hope may appear on this day or a prospect may open up for solving some problem that arose earlier. At the same time, it should be understood that the situation will not change soon anyway, but today it is necessary to initiate these changes. It is very important not to miss this opportunity, because it may not happen again in the near future.

The inverted Star warns that a person is stuck in some unpleasant situation for a long time, and this day is not the right time to resolve it. All attempts will only lead to a nervous breakdown, a waste of energy, time and, possibly, money.

If any important meetings or actions are scheduled on this day, then it is better to reschedule them. On this day, it is not only impossible to achieve the desired result, but there is also a chance to aggravate your situation.

With an inverted card, a person must understand that on this day he may become dependent on weather conditions, as a result of which he may feel unwell at best or get an exacerbation of chronic diseases at worst.

This day, with the Star reversed, is not intended to make further plans or set goals, since it will be affected by the condition that causes the inverted XVII Arcana.

Card of the year

A straight Star falling on the year chart shows that the year will be quite calm. During the year, you should not expect any changes, you should try to use this time to comprehend and build the foundation for further activities.

Any actions aimed at implementation in the future, carried out during this year, will bring tangible results. For example, this year it will be possible to successfully accumulate the necessary amount of money for a substantial purchase, which will be made after this year.

If a person was sick, then this card indicates that either he will recover, or he will be able to find a good doctor, clinic or method of treating the disease, which at the end of the year will alleviate the condition. Naturally, this card means that throughout the year a person will be optimistic, he will be accompanied by hope, and, therefore, he will be able to overcome some difficulties thanks to a positive attitude.

In the business sphere, a reserve for the future is possible. During this year, meetings necessary for a person can take place, good ideas related to business expansion can come. This is a good year for planning future affairs.

The Inverted Star warns that a person will have a rather problematic year. A situation that requires resolution will hang for a whole year. In fact, most of this year will be wasted.

Problems that arise this year can provoke deterioration in health and nervous shocks. The danger of being deceived this year is very great. This can manifest itself in the financial sphere, and in the field of relationships of any nature. A person may become a victim of fraud or may be set up by business partners.

The card warns against getting into a situation from which it is difficult to find a way out. What kind of danger awaits, decoding can show. If a straight Tower (XVI Arcana) falls next to an inverted Star, then we can even talk about the threat of imprisonment.

A bad omen is given by an inverted Star and in health. A person may experience exacerbations of chronic diseases, and they will be difficult to treat. Naturally, the most dangerous combination in this case will be with Arcana XIII (Death).


The map corresponds to half a year. This is important when answering the question of when certain events will occur, how long the situation will last.

Arcana Council

First of all, Arkan advises never to lose hope and optimism. It is important to realize that the time when it seems to a person that nothing is moving is given, firstly, for a respite, and secondly, for the correct preparation of one's plans for the future.

Arkan also advises making the most of your creative potential, which can help you achieve success in any field of activity.