Unusual mansard roofs. Mansard roof: design features and layout

When thinking about building your own home or even a summer cottage, you want the house to be beautiful, unlike its neighbors, comfortable and functional. It would also be nice if it were inexpensive. A mansard-type roof allows you to solve almost all these problems. The appearance of the house turns out to be interesting, and the building can be decorated in different styles - all the options for combinations of roofing, type and shape of the roof, windows and balconies are probably impossible to count. It’s worth talking about the cost separately.

The combination of slopes directed in different directions gives a very unusual effect. You wouldn't call a house like this ordinary

How much does it cost to build an attic

The construction of an attic floor is considered profitable due to the fact that there is no need to spend money on erecting walls. This is only partly true.

Firstly, a lot of money will be spent on creating a rafter system. Its cost depends on the type of mansard roof chosen (see below) and on the price of lumber in your region.

Secondly, you will have to shell out a considerable amount of money. It is clear that roofing material alone is far from sufficient to ensure the required air conditions for residential premises (if the attic is planned for residential use). It will be necessary to insulate, and the layer of insulation should be significant. For example, for central Russia, the layer of high-density mineral wool should be from 200 mm, plus a layer of waterproofing and vapor barrier.

Thirdly, windows are much more expensive. If you make them auditory, you build a special structure from rafters, which complicates the roof topography, and therefore increases the cost of materials and installation. Even on an ordinary gable roof you have to think about constructing valleys and retaining snow above the windows.

The second option - windows in the roof plane - require particularly careful sealing so that precipitation cannot get inside. This makes installation 1.5-2 times more expensive. The windows themselves cost about the same amount: they must have a reinforced frame and reinforced glass that can withstand snow loads. In addition, for maintenance the frame must be rotary, and this further increases the cost.

There are two types of windows in the attic - vertical and in the plane of the roof. Both types can be used in the same project. The photo below is a good example of such a combination. You can’t really say that the house is unmemorable. How many more options could there be?

Attic roofing in several levels is also a common technique

In addition, such popular and inexpensive roofing coverings - metal-based materials such as corrugated sheets, metal tiles, roofing iron - are not recommended to be used when installing the attic roof of a private house. There are two reasons:

  1. High thermal conductivity. Due to the fact that metal conducts heat very well, it is necessary to lay a large thickness of thermal insulation materials. Otherwise, the attic will be too hot in the summer and cold in the winter.
  2. Increased noise level created by the coating during rain. Even an ordinary roof covered with metal sounds like a drum when it rains. The attic room is much larger in area and the “tool” is more powerful. If you can combat the noise level indoors with additional sound insulation, then you can’t do anything to reduce the sound outside. If the neighbors' houses are located at a considerable distance, this may not be a problem, but if the buildings are dense, conflicts may arise.

If you do the math, additional thermal insulation and sound insulation will minimize the cost savings when purchasing roofing material. Perhaps another, initially more expensive roofing covering will turn out to be more profitable as a result. So here you need to calculate your options.

All this was described so that you have a more complete idea of ​​whether building an attic floor is really that cheap. It turns out - not very good. Nevertheless, this solution has its advantages:

  • The attic floor turns out to be light. Therefore, the foundation for private houses will require only a little more powerful than when constructing one floor. Since the cost of the foundation is a significant part of the cost, the gain here is tangible.
  • If there is a shortage of funds, insulating the attic and putting it into operation can be delayed for the required period. Moreover, this delay will be useful. That's why. During construction, wood with high humidity is almost always used. If you start insulation immediately, moisture will be absorbed into the insulation. If the “pie” is done correctly, it will go away naturally. But if there are violations, problems may arise. If the roof under the roofing material stands for some time without insulation (but with waterproofing installed under the roofing), then the wood will dry well and there will be fewer problems.
  • The attic allows you to make your house original and non-standard. In any case, the building turns out to be more expressive and individual - there are a lot of design options.

We tried to describe as fully as possible the disadvantages of a mansard roof and its advantages. If the difficulties do not frighten you, choose which design you prefer.

Types of mansard roofs

The attic type roof used in the construction of private houses has various design options. You can make all existing types of roofs, except, perhaps, flat. All others can be implemented both in “pure” form and in combination.


Houses with pitched mansard roofs look unusual. Its device is the simplest due to the lack of a ridge and the problems associated with its arrangement. The beams rest on a mauerlat mounted on multi-level walls. The bevel is formed due to the difference in height of two opposite walls. In this case, the slope angle should be in the region of 35°-45°. A smaller slope will lead to the accumulation of a large amount of snow, which requires strengthening the load-bearing beams and installing additional supports, and this reduces the already not very large living area in such an attic floor.

If we talk about the external design of the house, the buildings look non-standard. Most often, a large window is made in the high wall of the attic floor: the structure itself is conducive to this. See the photo below for examples.

The construction of a pitched roof is the cheapest if the distance between two opposite walls does not exceed 4.5 meters: you can lay standard-length beams on the walls and not make supporting structures. Apparently this is the reason for the decision in the photographs below, but it turned out very interesting.

If the distance between the walls is smaller, the design is quite simple


The gable mansard roof is the most widespread: given the general structure, there can be many solutions. The design itself is the most optimal: at relatively low costs it allows you to satisfy various requirements for the required room area.

The easiest way to implement an attic is under a regular gable roof, but its height must be sufficient so that a living space can be allocated under it (if the floor is intended to be residential). May be:

  • symmetrical - the ridge is located above the middle of the building;
  • asymmetrical - the skate is offset from the center.

The gables are straight. The room turns out to be trapezoidal; in fairly wide buildings it can be square. The disadvantage of a gable roof of the mansard type is that a large space is cut off on the sides, which is not always acceptable in private houses. To prevent large areas from being wasted, they are used for storage rooms or closets.

With this arrangement, windows are made in the roof; their location depends on the angle of inclination. They can be auditory, as in the photo above, or in the plane of the roof, as in the photo below.

There is another option for installing an attic roof for a private house with two slopes - a one and a half floor. It is installed on walls that have been raised to a certain level. The house is then called “one and a half stories high” (one of these houses is pictured above).

These are two types of gable mansard roofs. There is also a third one - broken ones. They can be separated into a separate category - the device has significant differences.


The construction of a sloping mansard roof is both more complex and simpler. Essentially these are the same two slopes, but consisting of two parts with different slopes. This structure allows, without spending money on building walls, to get a living space that is only slightly smaller than on the ground floor (by about 15%). In this sense, its structure is simpler. But the rafter system has a more complex structure, and in this sense its structure is more complex.

The design of a sloping mansard roof is the most commonly used version of the rafter system - with part of the rafters being moved beyond the surface of the wall. This creates an overhang that protects the junction with the walls from precipitation.

This type is the most common for self-construction. It easily allows you to increase the usable area, build on small buildings such as a garage, or get additional, almost separate, housing. Since the materials used in construction are usually light, the bearing capacity of the foundation is usually sufficient, but the calculation does not fit. ().

There is a small room made of logs below, and above there is a vast attic supported by racks

Four slopes

These are already complex systems that must be calculated. The surface becomes large, the cost of insulation increases significantly, and at the same time the size of the attic space decreases: parts of the rooms are cut off on all four sides.

Their advantage is their high resistance to strong winds: all surfaces are inclined and the wind load does not put so much pressure on the slopes. The structure is such that the overhangs can be made low, protecting the walls from the effects of precipitation and winds. In addition, many consider houses with such roofs to be the most attractive. The classic option is hip ones.

One of the types of hipped roofs is a hip roof with an attic space underneath. You can only stand at full height in the central part

When installing them, inclined rafters are reinforced - they account for most of the load. In general, its rafter system is one of the most complex, material-intensive and, therefore, expensive. So that you can evaluate the entire scope of work and costs, consider its design in the photo below.

The top picture shows all the stops and slopes that need to be installed; the second picture shows the structure and location of the rafters more clearly.

There is also a transitional option - half-hip. It is something between a gable and hip roof. In this case, the hip is made only for part of the floor height.

Only the main types of mansard roofs are described. There are also combinations of them. For example, a hip roof can also be a broken one, just like a single-pitched one. There really are a lot of options. The main thing is to avoid gross mistakes when developing a rafter system, and then implement everything correctly.

Mansard roof with balcony

How roof windows are made has already been described above. Balconies are built using almost the same principle. There are even special window systems that allow this to be done in the surface of the slope. Although the implementation is simpler, such a window costs a lot.

If the load-bearing capacity of the walls allows, by increasing the size of the dormer window, you can make a hanging balcony.

The balcony area can be supported by columns. Only in this case the removal is made above the entrance. Then the columns fit organically and also serve as decoration.

A balcony on the pediment of a house with an attic is built according to a different principle. It is protected by an overhang extended forward; if the wall allows, the platform is made hanging.

In small houses, a balcony is often made by moving the pediment of the attic floor away from the load-bearing wall. Due to this indentation, a platform is obtained. Canopies in such roofs are made by extending the roof to at least the same level as the outer wall, and even better - further. This overhang will also protect the gable wall and reduce the amount of rain that will fall on the open area.

The design of this type of roof is such that by extending it you can even create a covered terrace. Its edge can rest on a decorative wall or on pillars.

The difficulty of this project is the long rafters

A similar idea is implemented in this project, but the roof here is multi-gable. It’s difficult to calculate it yourself, and it’s even more difficult to make valleys correctly, which is why they are rare

If we talk about non-standard solutions, then an “L”-shaped mansard roof from two lean-to roofs will turn out to be functional. In addition, this is an inexpensive way to decorate such a non-standard building.

"L" shaped single-pitched mansard roof

The useful space under the roof above the first floor can always be used rationally. Why do you need an uninhabited cold attic, when with a reasonable approach it can be turned into a full-fledged living space? The design of the attic will require attention and investment, as a result you get additional space, it can be turned into a bedroom, living room, office or cinema room. An insulated attic will save up to a quarter of the energy that is usually used to heat a house.

Second floor design

Previously, the attic was not intended for living. Later they began to place servants there. Today it has become fashionable to create living rooms under the roof itself.

If the rafter system needs to be reconstructed to equip the attic floor, the services of professionals may be required. When heating, ventilation and electricity are already present, you can think through the interior yourself.

Points to consider when creating the interior of a house with an attic:

  • Mandatory insulation, the presence of all utilities. In matters of arrangement, you need to be very careful and be technically savvy in their decisions.
  • It’s good to think about how to use walls, beams, and slopes in the interior of the room.
  • It is rational to approach vertical windows or those located in skylights, with their help to achieve maximum illumination.
  • In finishing, use those materials that show the greatest moisture resistance.
  • Do not get carried away with a large amount of furniture, unnecessary details, accessories, remember the rule: low ceilings require equally low furniture.
  • Try to use natural finishing materials.
  • Use the space rationally, in the process of being passionate about design development, and not make it more cramped.

Small attic

The modest size of the room is not an obstacle to creating a stylish interior. Sloping ceilings take up a large share of space. This can always be played up, the volume and area can be increased with the help of successful lighting, maximizing the height and width of window openings, and a harmonious color scheme.

Attic bedroom

Depending on the degree of inclination, the room under the roof is adapted for different purposes. With a low angle of inclination, the attic will be an ideal place to locate a bedroom. Her comfort and romance will only benefit, she will become quieter, warmer, through the windows you can admire the starry sky.

To decorate the space, they choose a traditional style and arrange it in an oriental or aristocratic manner. In any case, first you will have to start from the height of the room, do not chase large parts, and settle on more compact ones. First you will need to arrange the most necessary furniture, and fill the remaining space with other details.

When choosing finishes, they rely on the materials that were used in the design of the house. The bedroom will naturally look eco-style, where there is a lot of wood, classic wallpaper, which will emphasize beauty and comfort. Particular attention is paid to textiles. He will place accents and give a unique look.

What can be done if the ceiling in the room is very low? Even in such a situation, you can equip a cozy bedroom. A “tatami” bed will be the way out, and the entire interior should be designed in the style of oriental minimalism. The ceiling will visually rise if it is in light colors.

Living room in the attic

A cozy living room in the attic can be created with a minimum of effort. The main thing is that the guest room is spacious and solid. A carefully thought-out design can turn even a small room into a reception area for guests.

To visually expand the narrow volume of the attic, you need to strive for light colors in everything: use plastic, transparent glass furniture, and make the walls as light as possible.

The first rule for accessories will be the unity of all parts. Translucent fabrics are best suited for windows. Thick curtains and blinds will look good.

The style of the living room should match your interests, mood, and be in harmony with the entire decoration of the house. Choose from the following areas:

  • Classic. She is characterized by luxury and grace. You will need high-quality furniture, carpets, and chandeliers. The main decoration of the interior should be the fireplace area. There are no bright colors, everything is orderly.
  • Modern modern. Functionality, simplicity, practicality. The atmosphere of the room is dominated by warm pastel shades, with dark elements present. All details are subordinated to harmony.
  • Retro. The situation is typical for the end of the century before last. The living room is furnished with furniture and decorated with paintings from that time. Instead of a fireplace, you can build a cast iron stove or its stylization.
  • Provence. A popular destination due to its sophistication and romance. The decoration and furniture are subordinated to antiquity. The room is warmed by warm southern tones.
  • High tech. For modern lovers of creativity. Everything in decoration corresponds to the latest fashion. Lots of chrome and glass parts. Strict forms, monotony, minimalism.

Kitchen and dining room under roof

It’s great if this idea comes to your mind at the stage of laying the building. Arranging a kitchen will require appropriate communications. Not only light and insulation will be needed, but also gas and water supplies.

A well-thought-out attic interior with a kitchen and dining room can become as comfortable and beautiful as possible; the choice of style, furniture, and taking into account the nuances of the room layout, ceiling heights, and the shape of the floors are important.

Where the ceiling is sloping, place a hob, install a sofa and a table with a sink. Give preference to modular systems, cabinets with inclined walls. The best option is multi-level furniture, preferably on wheels, no massive sets in the classic style. Avant-garde and techno functionality with bright color accents and unusual furniture will be more appropriate.

When designing a kitchen interior, you need to consider the following:

  • Natural lighting will be best provided by large dormer windows;
  • It is better to purchase furniture in bright colors, keep the walls and ceiling in pastel colors;
  • with an appropriate layout, place kitchen furniture against the wall, which is perpendicular to the slope;
    the dining table will be good by the window;
  • the colors of the kitchen and dining room areas should be combined with each other, even better if the contrasts between them are opposite.

The design of the windows on the attic floor, where the kitchen will be located, may dictate a complete lack of decor. The most convenient option would be roller blinds and blinds.

Children's room

“Dead zones”, inconvenient planning – these are the complaints that are usually made in the process of working on the design of the attic floor. In the case of a nursery, sloping walls and corners that are not entirely accessible can, on the contrary, create additional opportunities. Features of the relief of the walls and differences in ceiling heights can be well played out. Highly located windows are safer than traditional ones.

The first thing you need to think about is good insulation, the safety of all materials used, and ease of planning.

The child will enjoy being the sole owner of a separate room, which he can inhabit at his own discretion. The room will be a good observation point away from close parental supervision. It is easy to organize several zones here: for relaxation, games, storage of many toys, things, and creative activities.

For a nursery, it is important to have an abundance of light and bright accents. Unusual furniture will fit well into the interior, colorful textiles on the sleeping places, all kinds of soft floor coverings, many interesting colorful lamps in different areas of the space.

Office, workshop or library

In a small private house it is always difficult to allocate a separate room for an office or workshop. In the former attic you can organize a cozy area for privacy, reading, and your favorite hobby. You don't need a lot of space, just a few square meters is enough. If there are no restrictions in meters, there will be room for impressive bookshelves, a soft sofa or a fluffy rug with many cozy pillows for relaxation, a rocking chair in a separate corner with a floor lamp.

The attic room is decorated with open shelves or closed racks for books and tools, using all the space to the maximum.

In order not to reduce the space of the attic floor, you should not cover massive wooden beams with plasterboard. This will prevent the already limited space from being narrowed, will give the interior individuality, and the atmosphere of the office with a large amount of equipment and electronics will become warmer.

Bathroom in the attic

The attic floor, due to its specificity, sloping ceiling, walls with different levels, is rarely used for functional purposes. In a large metropolis, the entire apartment may turn out to be attic space. When creating the interior of a country house, utilitarian rooms can also be placed under the roof itself.

There are some nuances here; when drawing up a design project for an attic, not only the size of the room is taken into account, the height of the owners and ergonomic laws are taken into account. The result is a comfortable, practical bathroom; it is better to place it above the kitchen area. This will simplify the operation of water supply and sewerage systems. Most often, a toilet or bathtub is installed close to a sloping wall. If the dimensions of the room are small, then it is better to install a shower stall instead.

Plumbing and furniture should be compact; washbasins built into cabinets, cabinets, and various hanging structures are often used. It is better if the surfaces and doors are made of materials with a light, glossy, mirror surface. Floor tiles are appropriate.

If the room is of impressive size, the walls are decorated in any colors; if it is cramped, they choose a light color scheme, which should visually expand the space. For the same purpose, it is worth abandoning the idea of ​​hiding structures and saving space on this. We decorate them and make an interior accent.

Home cinema

Usually one of the largest rooms on the ground floor combines the functions of a dining room, living room, and kitchen. This is convenient; zoning helps not to infringe on each of the segments.

The current design of an attic room, if there is no urgent need to save useful space, suggests the possibility of planning a full-fledged home theater on the second floor of a summer house or private house. This room contains a large sofa, TV, and a full-wall projector screen. Wires and the speaker system are hidden behind beautiful wall panels, where discs and other paraphernalia can also be conveniently placed.

If you have the resources and a lot of imagination, you can add a bar counter, a refrigerator for drinks, a machine for popcorn, and a coffee maker to the arsenal. If you make the furnishings mobile, the room will be useful for holding dance parties and other public gatherings.

Dressing room under the roof

It is unprofitable to set up a storage system on the ground floors due to the eternal lack of space. Setting up a room under a roof for such purposes, even if it’s a small area and has a specific shape, is a very good solution. Here you can take the things of all family members. With a thoughtful approach, we turn a non-standard layout into a plus.

Asymmetry and all kinds of ceiling bevels will not always allow you to place a store-bought assortment of furniture in the attic area. But you can think about how to use every corner with custom-made cabinets, racks, and shelves.

Closets and niches for long items are installed near the high walls. A wardrobe with sliding doors will fit well near sloping walls. Next to the low wall fragments, you can install low cabinets, benches that are comfortable to sit on, and store seasonal items, shoes and a vacuum cleaner there.

Fireplace room

The attic is a non-standard space. For extraordinary people, heated floors and electric radiators are not entirely suitable for creating an atmosphere of romance and creativity. A fireplace can play both a purely practical role and a purely decorative one.

A traditional wood-burning fireplace is a massive structure. Since the ceiling of the attic floor is unlikely to withstand a half-ton structure, preference is given to compact models with low weight. Facing with heavy stone and ceramics is contraindicated. The most appropriate style is high-tech, steel, glass, cast iron parts, simple shapes without decorative frills.

The design of a fireplace in an attic room is very individual and takes into account the degree of load and the ventilation system. If the floors in the house are wooden, opt for electric models or those that run on biofuel.

Important! If you want to have a fireplace in the attic, provide a place to store solid fuel. A smoke exhaust system is mandatory, but comes with an additional financial burden. When using electric models, you need to choose the most powerful ones. Fan heaters draw a lot of energy, do not meet fire safety requirements, and dry the air excessively.

Ceiling materials and design

When choosing a ceiling finish, take into account all the nuances of its structure; your future comfort depends on it.

The range of materials for work is quite wide. All known design types can be used. Tensile surfaces, made of lining and plasterboard, are suitable, the main thing is to take into account the structure of the roof. Sometimes the design does not allow wiring with lamps to be built in; the best alternative would be to make a false or suspended ceiling.

Tensile coverings are used only when there is a vertical wall. Otherwise, given the small area and close proximity of furnishings, there is a risk of damaging the surface. Tension systems do not weigh down the structure, are good for all roof shapes, and it is easy to cover any communications behind them.

The most common and affordable finishing methods are plasterboard and lining; it is also easier to attach decorative elements to them.

Attics in which the ceiling is covered with wallpaper in light colors with a delicate pattern look very original.

Multi-level plasterboard ceilings with height differences and a large number of unexpected protrusions are spectacular. A properly designed sloping roof significantly adds beauty and originality to the entire interior.

Attic wall decoration

The most popular material here is wood. No others can compare with him. It is distinguished by its unique woody aroma, the microclimate created only by it, and serves as additional thermal insulation.

The simplest solution is finishing with clapboard, which has several types of profiles and methods of placement on the surface.

Wooden panels made from solid wood or from the same lining are often used. Budget option - laminated and veneered panels, MDF with wood or bamboo veneer. The interior of an attic with such panels is more suitable for an office or sports room, so it is better to resort to a combination with wallpaper, painting or decorative plaster.

A relatively new material called wooden wallpaper looks very advantageous. Like traditional ones, they are glued to the wall. This wood-look attic decoration is very decorative.

A large drawing and dark color of the walls in the space of a small attic are not entirely appropriate. It is better to cover the walls with white wallpaper. The soft color of the furniture and splashes of bright accessories will enliven the interior.

A very recent innovation in attic finishing is HPL panels, a high-pressure plastic with which you can implement the most effective design solutions.

Among modern technologies, it is worth mentioning the latest “squeak” - draping walls with fabrics. Not all walls are decorated with exquisite textiles, but two or one in the center of the room.

Important! When arranging the attic floor, you need to monitor how accurately the technical requirements for thermal insulation of the ceiling and walls are met. If insulation and ventilation do not meet all standards, there is a risk that the roof and windows will become covered with condensation in cold weather. Dampness and its consequence - fungus - can cause discomfort, illness for household members, and premature damage to furniture.

Floor covering materials

There are always high demands on how the floor in the attic is arranged. This is due to two very important requirements: good heat and sound insulation. Traditional finishing methods do not solve these problems. The construction of not only a dry foundation, but also the installation of a “floating” foundation is intended to satisfy all requests.

For reliable insulation, mineral wool and glass wool are used. Good waterproofing is also very important. The flooring requires a special base, the role of which is performed by boards made of fir, pine, larch, treated with special antiseptics.

The final cladding can be anything: linoleum, laminate, parquet, chipboard, carpet, depending on the tastes of the owners, their views on the future function and style of the room.

You shouldn’t skimp on flooring, because poor quality materials will crack, fade, and make strange sounds over time. A thick layer of insulating material is required. Carpets will serve as decoration and additional insulation; on the attic floor they are more than appropriate.

Choosing roof windows

One of the main issues when building an attic is to ensure a high level of natural light. Each room should have at least one window, it is better if there are several of them, it is very good when they are not located on the same wall. The width of the windows can be specified, no wider than the distance between the rafters. The length is limited by the top and bottom edges, depending on the slope of the roof.

Modern design

Until recently, the windows in the attics were blank, did not open, they simply crashed into the roof. Now double-glazed windows have at least two glasses. The outer glass can be tempered to increase its strength; the inner glass is specially treated so that if it breaks, it does not fall apart into pieces with sharp corners.

Modern frames are capable of rotating in one axis or another, directly in the middle, 2/3 from the edge. Rotating devices operate both manually and using a remote control.

Not only visible, but also hidden from view places in the construction of wooden windows should be varnished, this is a guarantee of protection from moisture.

Make sure that the lower slopes of the window are perpendicular to the floor, and the upper ones are parallel. This will prevent the formation of condensation and promote better lighting.

Artificial lighting

The organization of the light supply system depends on the zoning of the space, how the furniture is located in the room, the number and size of windows, the structural features of the roof and ceiling.

There should be a lot of light in the attic. For this purpose, local lamps are used: sconces, all kinds of floor lamps, portable lamps and rotary, point devices. Ceiling chandeliers of varying degrees of power will not be superfluous.

You can abandon the usual chandelier and install spotlights only in the most used areas. Only spot lighting is allowed in the bedroom. In the living room, where gatherings and events are planned, install general and local lighting fixtures.

To create a romantic ceiling pattern and starry sky effect, fiber optic lighting threads are used. In the attic room, any options for local light are good.

Color solution

Since the attic is a specific room, the color scheme in its design is of no small importance. Light colors are preferred, which is especially important for small interiors under a roof. The general color range must be maintained on all surfaces, including furniture, walls, ceilings, and floors. Finishing materials must also be in harmony with each other and form a single whole.

A space with a deep ceiling needs light and glossy surfaces that reflect light. Visually it will be expanded by the color contrast of the floor and walls. A dark floor and dazzling white walls that have no boundaries with the ceiling will create the illusion of infinity. Ceiling beams that harmonize in color with the floor covering will become an original part of the structure.

When choosing textiles and furniture, you should also give preference to light pastel shades. A small room will become even smaller if you overuse dark colors in the design.

To somehow enliven the interior, add bright touches. Transparent curtains will not block the light, but will add a play of shadows and create the necessary coziness.

The choice of the purpose of the room and the style of its design is always the prerogative of the owner of the house. What to choose depends on his tastes, financial capabilities, and lifestyle.

Today in the article we will look at the topic - types of mansard roofs. Let us tell you how this roofing structure differs from others, and why it received such a name. What elements are the roof constructed from, what materials are used for this, what design to choose if certain ones already exist. We will also outline the main operations of the installation process related to the construction of a roof of one type or another. Once you understand the information presented, you will feel confident when talking with representatives of the contracting company and architects who were entrusted with creating a project for a house with an attic and its construction.

Source lbuilding.ru

What is a mansard roof

First of all, it is necessary to indicate that the attic of a private house is a room located under the roof. That is, its space is not divided by a ceiling into a room and an attic. The result is a common space, which is protected from the street only by the roof.

This means that any roofing structure corresponding to this structural content can be considered attic.

Types of mansard roofs

It should probably be noted that an attic space can be created under any roofing structure. And this regardless of its shape and size. Therefore, any roof structure can be used as a mansard roof. Therefore, we will consider them separately.

Shed roof

Purely structurally, this is a slope, which rests its edges on the walls of the house, built at different heights. It is the difference in height that determines the angle of inclination of the slope. The structure itself consists of two mauerlat beams located on different walls, on which the rafter legs rest. If the house is built from logs or beams, then the upper crown of the structure is used as a mauerlat.

Source stargate-rasa.info

A pitched roof is not the best option, although it is the simplest and least expensive. Much will depend on the angle of inclination. For example, the top photo shows an option with a very steep roof. Below it, the internal space of the attic narrows towards the lower edge of the system. And in many cases it is difficult to use. And although designers offer different options, solving the problem can be expensive.

Therefore, if you decide to build a single-slope attic roof, you must first consider the efficiency of using the attic space. The photo below shows how to properly build a pitched roof so that there is a lot of space under it, which would be enough to use the room to its fullest.

Source vn.com.ua

The construction of a mansard-type pitched roof is quite simple. This requires only a few rafters, which are laid on the walls in increments of 1.0-1.2 m. Between them is laid a thermal insulation cake made of insulation, vapor and waterproofing layers. If you properly insulate the roof, this is a guarantee of reducing heat losses to a minimum. And these are not only comfortable living conditions in the attic, but also significant savings in energy consumption spent on heating the house.


Another traditional variety, the construction of which does not require much difficulty and significant costs. These are two slopes joined by the upper edges at the ridge. The lower edges of the rafter system rest against the Mauerlat.

This option is better than the previous one if only for one reason - the ability to maximize the space under the roof. Especially if you extend the walls of the house to at least half the second floor. And then install the roof structure itself on them.

Source nevpo.ru

But not all houses with an attic are built like the building in the photo above. Often architects propose classic designs. That is, the roof, using a rafter system, rests against walls erected to the upper level of the first floor. And here you will have to face the same problems as with a steep pitched roof, where it meets the ceiling of the building. Narrow areas are difficult to exploit. Therefore, designers often suggest installing storage areas there. But even this option sometimes doesn’t help.

We must pay tribute to the classics of the genre; preference is increasingly being given to them. That is, for many, the appearance of the building is preferable to using the full space of the attic space. The photo below shows a house with an attic under a classic gable roof. Pay attention to how openings can be formed: window and door openings. Particular attention is paid to the pediment, where windows are often installed. But if you approach the original appearance of the gable mansard roof, you can organize a covered balcony nearby. This is where the pediment plays its role, where the front door is installed.

Source ecoterem-spb.ru

Let us add that mansard roofs with two slopes can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. The latter option is rarely found in the vastness of Russia. But such roof models are very attractive in terms of organizing the space underneath them, and you can choose almost any one for them. Especially if a gentle slope is erected on the wall of the second floor. The floor and roof structure creates an almost complete room with a large comfortable volume.


This variety is one of the most beautiful roofs of houses with an attic. It is primarily ergonomic and fits well into any type of landscape design. At the same time, the structure itself, although complex in construction, creates a large space under it. Especially in this regard, the half-hip version should be noted.

Source bion.pro
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Dormer windows are usually installed on such roofs. For many structures, this is the only option to organize daylighting in the attic. Although today a variety of window openings, retractable type, is becoming more and more popular. They are convenient because the window is purely structural, but if you open it, you get a kind of balcony.

Video description

In the video you can see the attic under the hip roof:

Half-hip roofs, of course, look more presentable than all the others. There is room for experimentation in these designs. For example, organize a small balcony as a relaxation area. Or make an open terrace. There are many options, the main thing is to correctly formulate your plan in terms of aesthetic appearance, plus the functionality of the additional part. That is, the balcony should not be just an element of architecture. It should become a full-fledged exploitable zone.

Source roomester.ru


It is probably difficult to say about the popularity of this type of roofing structure. The roof itself is difficult to construct. It requires a large amount of building materials, and the waste is significant. Especially roofing. But this roof has one big advantage - with its tongs it divides the room into several zones that can be organized for different purposes. And although this is also easy to do with other roofs, multi-gable roofing is easier in this regard.

It should be added that each zone will have its own opening in the form of a door or window. This means there will be no need to install skylights, which are expensive.

Source remontik.org


This is another hip roof with an attic. It consists of four identical slopes with the shape of an isosceles triangle. These types of roofs are rare. It's all about the complexity of organizing the space underneath. On all sides, slopes form zones near the ceiling that are practically impossible to use. That is, there is little usable area under such a roof.

But, as practice shows, if it is possible to use the under-roof space for living space, then even under a hip roof it will be organized. After all, the main thing is to insulate the roof structure and create living conditions. One of them is natural light. The photo below shows just such an attic. Notice how well the balcony fits into the architecture of the house, which mainly serves as a window opening.

Source blues-dev.ru

Dome and arched

Along with the mansard hip roof, the domed roof is one of the most original. But it is also one of the most difficult to construct, because rafter legs are not solid lumber in the form of a board or beam. This is a prefabricated element made of several pieces and parts that forms a rounded roof structure. Therefore, craftsmen carefully select the material itself according to quality, and then also carefully combine it into the rafters.

It should be noted that arched roofs can be classified as domed roofs. They, of course, differ from each other in shape. But in terms of the method of making rafters, they are the same. Often in private housing construction, metal rafters made from angle steel are used to construct roofs of this type. This is a simpler option for making rafter legs, but it is more expensive, plus the weight of the roof itself increases, which requires strengthening the walls and foundation of the house.

It should be added that arched mansard roofs create more space underneath them than domed roofs. But the latter have a more presentable and unusual appearance.

Source yandex.ru


So, having dealt with all types of attic roofs of private houses, we move on to the classic model - the broken one. This is what is most often called the attic. It has four slopes, located in pairs opposite each other. The upper slopes are steep, the lower slopes are gentle. It is the boundary between them that determines the usable area of ​​the room. Therefore, the higher the border is located, the greater the useful volume.

Video description

A video will help you understand this type of roofing structure, which describes the step-by-step technology for constructing a mansard roof (broken):

Conclusion on the topic

So, we told you about all the roofs that are built over attic spaces. There are very simple design solutions in them, and there are quite complex ones. Each of the models has certain advantages, but they also have their disadvantages. A professional architect can advise you which one to choose. But one thing can be said for sure: the main selection criterion is the shape and size of the house. And also your financial capabilities. With small investments, the attic is organized under lean-to structures. If the budget allows, then a multi-gable version can be erected.

We offer you a photo review of beautiful mansard roofs, in which we will tell you about the types of mansard roofs, the features of their shape and new trends in the architecture of private houses with attics.

Houses with an attic in the French style

The attic got its name in honor of the French architect Francois Mansarou, who in the 17th century was the first to propose the use of under-roof space for living rooms. Therefore, the mansard roof is associated with the architecture of French houses - provincial cottages, Mediterranean chateaus and Alpine chalets. It is interesting that different regions of France have their own special forms of mansard roofs, and both the approach to design and the materials used differ.

Homes in Normandy are as architecturally austere as the climate of this region of France, but the gabled mansard roofs with half-timbered gables and dormers add a touch of French sophistication to their design.

An interesting roof of a complex configuration, an attic over the garage, a large mass of glazing - modern Norman houses are beautiful and functional at the same time.

Unlike the stone architecture of Normandy, Alpine chalets are built of wood, and their gable roof with an attic is usually complemented not only by a window, but also by a balcony.

The interior space of the attic under the chalet roof looks very colorful due to the visible rafters and plank cladding.

A characteristic feature of the attic roofs of alpine houses is long slopes that facilitate snow melting, large windows and fairly spacious balconies.

In the Mediterranean provinces of France, compact chateaus usually have a multi-gable roof with several attics.

French houses with a mansard roof are usually one-story buildings, “flattened” outward rather than upward. With a small area of ​​the house, a garage with an attic is usually provided.

Victorian houses with attics

England is another European country besides France in which the construction of houses with attics has acquired an unprecedented scale. Despite their apparent stiffness, English cottages look very cozy, and this effect is achieved to a greater extent thanks to the beautiful design of mansard roofs with windows.

A characteristic feature of Victorian attic houses is the asymmetrical and slightly curved roof line at the gable, as well as large dormer windows.

Often the British arrange an exit from the attic to a balcony, which utilizes the under-roof space of the terrace roof.

A nice flavor to provincial English houses is given by the color scheme of the facade decoration and wooden shutters of a contrasting color on the attic windows.

A distinctive feature of English houses with an attic is the large slope of the roof slopes and several asymmetrically located gables. The unusualness of this architecture is enhanced by the blue color of the facade decoration in combination with the gray roofing.

A modern interpretation of Victorian architecture - a house with a hip roof and an attic with small balconies.

New trends in the construction of houses with an attic

Despite the established traditions in the construction of houses with attics, architects are always in search of fresh ideas. New technologies and structural materials greatly expand the capabilities of designers and make it possible to implement the most daring and even daring concepts.

An extremely modern trend in construction that came to us from Denmark is attic houses with a hipped roof, lined with the same material as the facades. Moreover, the color of the finish should be as close as possible to black - the color that best absorbs heat.

Another trend from the Nordic countries is a cottage, consisting of several residential volumes in the form of small houses with attics.

Not only in Europe, but also in other countries, the popularity of cottages lined with one material, without the use of special roofing coverings, is growing.

Such houses usually have a small area, so the issue of using the under-roof space and arranging an attic with windows is relevant.

A fashionable trend in European architecture is compact private houses with an attic under a pitched roof. In the photo you see how interesting this option is played out with the help of a dynamic roof line.

The construction of a minimalist cottage under a pitched attic roof is one of the cost-effective options for arranging private housing.

A large number of windows give this modern cottage with a pitched roof an unusual look, but the main thing is the maximum use of the usable area of ​​the attic space.

Western architects offer many unusual solutions, one of them is a private house with an asymmetrical gable roof and an attic.

An effective element of the architecture of a country house with a sloping mansard roof will be the continuous glazing of the pediment and the arrangement of the balcony.

Numerous projects of wooden country and country houses with a large mass of glazing and an attic are another attempt by architects to make housing more eco-friendly and comfortable.

The fully glazed facade of the house with a mansard roof is a bold attempt by German architects to create housing that is as harmonious as possible with the environment.

The desire to make a home energy-saving and environmentally friendly is giving rise to an increasing number of projects with attic roofs equipped with solar panels.

Beautiful mansard roofs made of reeds

The surge of interest in environmentally friendly materials has played a role in the revival of the popularity of reed and thatched roofs in European countries. The most important arguments in favor of reed roofs were their excellent ability to retain precipitation and maintain warmth, naturalness and original appearance.

Natural beige and smoky shades of reed roofs look unusual, but at the same time they naturally blend into the color scheme of the landscape design and organically complement it.

Half-timbered houses with an attic under a roof made of natural material are a traditional type of buildings in Northern Europe.

The reed roofs with an attic and round dormer windows, as if “grown” from the thickness of the roof covering, are unusually beautiful.

Creating an attic roof from reeds is a unique art - in the photo you can see how delicately the decor of the attic dormer window is carved.

The plasticity of reed stems allows you to create roofs of complex shapes, especially if the house has an attic floor with several rooms.

Reed and reed are ideal materials for forming rounded roofs. Such a mushroom-shaped roof with miniature attic windows will become a colorful element of the architecture of a private house made of timber or logs.

Only houses of provincial architecture are perfectly combined with a reed roof; cottages of modern design can also be successfully equipped with such a roof. In the photo you see a non-trivial solution - the roof covering goes from the roof to the facades of the building, due to which the house looks more comfortable and, importantly, warmer.

The undeniable “advantages” of reed roofs include their ability to maintain a stable temperature inside the house both in hot and cold weather and at the same time provide sufficient ventilation in the attic and other rooms. A significant “minus” of reed roofing is its high flammability, but modern fire-retardant impregnations can improve its fire-fighting properties. In addition, the arrangement of such a roof will cost a considerable amount.

Country cottages with mansard roofs from Ondulin

Unlike tiles, flexible roofing and natural coverings, Ondulin roofs are distinguished by an affordable price with a fairly high safety margin. Europeans have long appreciated the practicality of Euro slate and are actively using it for arranging mansard-type roofs.

A palette of natural colors, as close as possible to natural shades, allows you to organically fit a country house into any landscape.

Hip roofs from Ondulin harmoniously emphasize the architectural features of a house in any style, including classical.

If there is a high wind load in your region, a hipped mansard roof coated with Ondulin will be optimal.

Beautiful mansard roofs of private houses: photos, design examples

Photo examples of attic roofs of private houses. Types of design. Interesting shapes and finishing options.

Cozy house with an attic: projects, photos of interiors and useful tips

Buildings with an attic floor are a practical and very attractive idea for an individual plot. The costs of arranging a residential attic are less than the construction of a full floor; additional square meters will appear in the house. For a summer cottage, the best option is a house with an attic. Projects, photos of successful interiors and recommendations from experienced builders are in our material.

Even a small attic will transform the facade of the house and make it unique

Definition of attic

The attic refers to the living space under the roof. The roof for a residential attic must have a double slope, such that the height of the attic space is no less than human height at the highest point.

The optimal height is two meters and twenty centimeters

The outer wall of a residential attic consists of two planes: inclined and vertical. The vertical part is built from the main material of the house, the inclined part consists of blood rafters and internal lining.

The ratio of the vertical and inclined part depends on the project

When building a private house, many owners think about the question: should they prefer a full floor or an attic?

Advantages and disadvantages of country houses with an attic: projects with a full floor or a residential attic?

The main argument in favor of the attic floor is always the low cost of its arrangement. Is it really? The cost reduction is due to the use of a frame roof structure. In practice, the larger the roof and, accordingly, the larger the frame area for cladding, the more profitable the attic.

But you should remember, no matter how spacious the attic is, it in any case occupies less usable space than the actual floor. It turns out that in order to make the attic room suitable for living, it is necessary to provide such an area of ​​the first floor so that it is at least twice as large as the attic space.

Another point that complicates the task: a residential attic requires the installation of a complex roof configuration and the installation of special attic windows

In order to create a normal microclimate in the attic room, it is necessary to provide a ventilation system with forced air supply. All these costs will create an additional burden during construction. And in reality the savings will not be that significant.

Supporters of attic construction note that houses with such “curly” roofs look attractive. And the designers add that the arrangement of a residential attic has many original solutions.

One such solution, for example, is installing large windows directly in the sloping part of the roof. If you place a bedroom in such a room, at night you can admire the starry sky without getting out of bed

Thrifty owners do not like it when something goes to waste. Including the attic space. Some people turn it into a dumping ground for unnecessary things. But in fact, it can accommodate a full-fledged office, workshop, bedroom or even a children's room.

Opponents of such diligence remind us that active use of the space under the roof worsens the condition of the roof structure and significantly complicates its repair.

For your information! Psychologists warn that low attic ceilings make a person feel in a confined space, adversely affecting his psyche. Particularly impressionable people may even feel bouts of suffocation due to low ceilings and sloping walls. It is worth thinking about this fact when planning a children's room in the attic.

Supporters of a full second floor make the following comparison:

Despite all these disputes and disagreements, projects of country houses with an attic and a veranda or garage are very popular. This is not surprising, because frame construction, which is gaining immense popularity, offers many options for just such buildings, with a large usable area and a variety of layouts. Let's look at photo projects of houses with attics in more detail.

Projects of country houses for 6 acres. Photo examples of beautiful and compact country houses with recommendations for choosing a layout are in a separate publication on our portal.

Tips for building a one-story house with an attic: photos of original ideas

Owners of small country cottages are most often concerned with arranging a residential attic. Before deciding on such a project, ask to stay with your friends who own a similar design. What if you suddenly feel an attack of claustrophobia or, on the contrary, find yourself impressed by attic windows through which you can see the clouds?

If you doubt the advisability of organizing living rooms in this place, think about alternative options

Here, if desired, you can place a wardrobe, a creative workshop, a boiler room, and a gym.

Here are the options for organizing the attic space:

The project of a one-story house with a garage and an attic is in particular demand. This layout is extremely convenient. This option will be especially appreciated by residents of the northern regions, who know what it’s like to warm up a car on a frosty day. When the garage is under the same roof as the house, even if it does not have central heating, the temperature will be significantly higher than outside. And the car itself will be reliably protected from all the vagaries of the weather.

When constructing such a project, it is necessary to provide all safety measures: the presence of a vestibule and a high-quality ventilation system

What do house designs with an attic made of foam blocks look like?

Projects of houses with an attic made of foam blocks, photos of which are presented to you, are very popular among developers of individual housing. The reasons for this demand are that houses made of this material are very functional and look solid and luxurious. The cost of constructing such a structure is lower than the cost of building a brick house.

Due to the attic floor, the usable area of ​​the house increases significantly and at the same time the costs are generally lower than for the construction of a full second floor from foam blocks

Advantages of foam block structures:

  • the ideal geometric shapes of the blocks allow you to create strong and even masonry with minimal seams of a few millimeters;
  • the size of the blocks exceeds the size of the brick, so construction will be carried out at an accelerated pace;
  • foamed concrete has high energy saving rates and does not require additional insulation;
  • the material does not emit compounds toxic to the human body;
  • foam concrete is not flammable, does not support the development of mold and is not afraid of insects;
  • the blocks do not deform from exposure to moisture or temperature changes;
  • the material has a long service life.

The technology for constructing structures with an attic has some distinctive features. First of all, the attic frame is made of carefully dried wood.

High-quality wood material does not deform during operation

It is important to choose the right insulation. Mineral wool or basalt slabs are suitable for attics. These insulation materials have proven themselves well in practice.

The roof is sheathed externally and internally with different materials. Metal tiles or soft roofing are laid outside. The inside of the frame is sheathed with plywood or OSB boards.

For your information! Standard projects are very convenient and cost less than individual ones. But within the framework of individual design, many nuances can be provided for: for example, arranging comfortable stairs for the elderly and disabled, or placing a winter garden or study in the attic.

Typical projects rarely include decorative treatment of the facade.

The developer himself decides how to decorate the walls.

Foam blocks can simply be painted, plastered or used for finishing facade materials: tiles, siding, stone.

The best designs of houses with an attic: photos with drawings

A good residential building design must take into account many factors:

  • climate of the area in which construction will take place;
  • features of the soil and landscape of the site;
  • combination of the decoration of the house with the surrounding buildings and terrain;
  • organizing the most comfortable living conditions for all family members, taking into account their age and individual needs.

The finished project of a house with an attic is developed by professional architects with the participation of specialized specialists. It is important to think through not only the location of the rooms, but also the features of the placement of utility networks.

For a summer cottage, projects of a small area, 36 - 40 square meters, are suitable. This space is quite enough to accommodate a kitchen and a spacious living room on the ground floor and two compact bedrooms or a study in the attic. Houses with an area of ​​over 60 square meters include a spacious living room, bedroom and kitchen on the ground floor and rooms on the second.

An example of a house project with an area of ​​70 square meters

For large houses, it would be ideal to build a terrace that can be accessed from the attic floor. From the top you will have a magnificent view of nature.

Here you can relax comfortably and use the covered terrace for family dinners or friendly gatherings

Country house with attic: 6x6 layout

Planning a house with a minimum area is not easy. The project of a 6x6 country house with an attic is the best choice. In this case, you have not 36, but at least 50 square meters of usable area.

Example of a 6x6 house layout

If the dacha is needed only for seasonal visits, such space is quite enough for a small family. Over time, an extension can be made to the house if the number of family members increases. What should be considered in the design of a house with a 6x6 attic:

  • maximum use of every centimeter of space;
  • the number of people visiting the house at the same time;
  • age of family members;
  • frequency of visits to the summer cottage.

When planning a 6 by 6 house with an attic, it is important to use all the space to maximum advantage. Traditionally, a spacious living room is located in the center, with access to a bathroom and kitchen. All these rooms will completely occupy the first floor. To avoid crowding, select compact furniture.

The optimal choice would be transformable items that can easily turn into sleeping places. If guests at your dacha are late, it won’t be difficult to accommodate them for the night.

The kitchen should have two entrances: from the room and from the yard. Setting a table in a summer gazebo will be greatly simplified, and it will be easier to cook on a hot day by opening the exit to the garden wide open.

The bedrooms in this option are located in the attic. Here you can make two full bedrooms for the owners and children.

Four square meters is enough for a bathroom. If the dacha is visited only in the summer, a summer shower can be organized in the yard. Those who like to take a steam bath set up a bathhouse on the site. If you do not provide a shower or bath in the house, you can leave three square meters for the toilet. The washing machine is installed in the kitchen.

Frame houses with an attic (6x6 projects) do not provide internal stairs. They are placed outside. This technique also allows you to significantly save space. To store things in the house, compact mezzanines should be provided.

Here is an approximate plan of a house with a 6 by 6 attic:

Specifics of the layout of 9 by 9 houses with an attic: photos of successful solutions

A house with a total area of ​​eighty square meters is a popular project. The builders note that this project has an optimal balance between cost and living comfort. The classic layout includes a bedroom, kitchen, living room and bathroom on the ground floor and two or three more rooms in the attic. They can be used as additional bedrooms or used as an office, creative workshop and spacious wardrobe.

An example of a classic 9x9 house layout

Another option for the arrangement of rooms is in the layout of an 8 by 10 house with an attic. Photo example of such a layout:

House layout 8x10

What you should know about the layout of a 10 by 10 house with an attic: photos of the best ideas

One hundred square meters on the first floor and another seventy on the second - a large family can permanently live in such a house. There is room here for separate rooms for children, a bedroom for parents, a study, a spacious living room and a kitchen. From the outside the house does not look huge. Projects of a 10x10 house with a foam block attic impress with its compact placement on the site. But this is precisely the case when external impressions are deceiving.

There is enough space here not only to place bathrooms on each floor, but even to organize a sauna or bathhouse right in the house. A convenient staircase with a wide passage will allow you to easily lift bulky furniture.

The space under the stairs should be used for storing things

In such a house there is usually a separate room for the boiler. If a house made of foam blocks has a basement, the laundry room, heating appliances, and a storage room for storing equipment and household items are located here.

House layout 10x10

Projects of frame houses. In the article we will look in detail at the advantages of these structures, types of technologies, average construction prices, original designs, useful tips and much more.

Examples of interior design of houses with an attic inside: photo

Even a small attic can be furnished so that everything you need can fit in it. The inclined planes of the ceilings partially hide the total area, but you can use them to stylishly decorate the room.

If you paint the rafters in contrasting colors, they will become a stylish interior detail.

Projects of small houses with an attic usually involve placing a bedroom on the second floor. In the country house version, it is logical to use natural wood trim.

To prevent the room from seeming dark, place light-colored furniture and use light-colored accessories and textiles

If the attic occupies a significant area, the task is simplified. Niches between the rafters can be used as zoning elements. In one - place a bed, in the other - a work desk by the window or a sofa for relaxing. The issue of placing a children's room on the attic floor should be approached especially carefully.

Let us remind you that sloping ceilings can cause discomfort in a child. This factor should be compensated as much as possible through the skillful use of colors and materials.

If there will be a study in the attic, it is important to think about the lighting.

Maximum natural light and comfortable furniture will be an additional stimulus for creativity.

Another idea for planning a house with an attic (photo below) is the placement of a wardrobe. Here you can build compact and convenient storage systems.

Dressing room in the attic

House with an attic: photos, projects and main conclusions

So, we examined in detail all the features of the design with an attic floor. What are their advantages? The attic can be equipped after the first floor has been built and occupied. When planning construction, simply provide a roof of the required shape. This could be a foundation for the future.

The attic floor can be added at any time

The use of high-quality materials and proven insulation is the key to success. The attic floor will increase the usable area of ​​the house by at least one and a half times. Here you can place rooms with different purposes. Agree, it is better to use this space usefully than to turn it into a dusty attic!

Construction project with a mansard roof: features of the device, design, interior

Any person who wants to optimize the space in their home will certainly use the attic space for some purpose. Of course, so much space created due to the design features of the roof should not be wasted. That is why mansard roof projects have been and will always be in demand.

Distinctive features and advantages of attics

First, we should define what exactly we call an attic: a room in the attic area, the facade of which is formed by the surface of a pitched roof. This part of the building is very attractive due to the large amount of light and air. In addition, the attic gives the house a finished, beautiful look.

A project with an attic floor is the most profitable and economical if you want to get additional living space without resorting to unnecessary costs. Also, the construction time for an attic is much shorter than a full floor.

With the help of attic floors, you can increase the living space of your home without moving out of it. That is, the operation of the building does not stop even during the active stage of construction.

With a competent approach to arrangement, the attic can significantly reduce the heat loss of the building as a whole.

Modern building codes require that the intersection of the roof and the facade be located at least 1.5 meters from the floor level of the attic floor. If this condition is not met, then the room can officially be called only an attic, but not an attic.

Projects of houses with a mansard roof make it possible to increase the building density, which is important for areas with a limited amount of land allocated for residential areas.

Roof type and attic arrangement

The shape of the attic itself usually depends on the type of roof. Attic floors are triangular, broken, with an asymmetrical shape; can be located both above the entire house and over part of it.

Main types of roofs:

  1. Single-pitch. The simplest roofing option. Such a roof is made in the form of an inclined plane fixed on the load-bearing walls. In this case, attics are installed very rarely.
  2. Gable (double slope). Easy to install and very reliable. The roof has two slopes directed in opposite directions. It is on such roofs that attics are most often made
  3. Broken. It is a subspecies of a gable roof. It is used most often in small buildings, well suited for arranging an attic.
  4. Hip and half-hip. Subtypes of hipped roofs. Although broken lines are not as expressive as the classic gable silhouette, the attic floors do not suffer from this, but only benefit.
  5. Dome, pyramidal, conical. Used for structures with rounded, polygonal outlines. Building an attic in this case will be very problematic, but still possible.

Types of mansard roof designs

The main types of attics are as follows:

  • single-level with a gable or sloping roof;
  • single-level with installation of remote consoles;
  • two-level with supports of mixed type.

When choosing the type of roof, consider the intensity of the load that will affect the roofing.

If we talk about the style of roof finishing, then it’s up to you, there are no restrictions. The main thing is that the choice does not contradict the operational requirements.

The design of a triangular attic roof with a rectilinear outline is the easiest to construct.

Attic roof installation

Attics, in relation to the walls, can be located in alignment or cross their outer boundaries. The outer walls of the attic floors can be insulated either completely or without going beyond the boundaries of the heated premises. The choice of an architectural system in the form of an attic involves the use of lightweight structures and materials.

When designing an attic, consider the following points:

  • the design diagram, material for enclosing structures, parts are determined taking into account the architectural parameters of the building as a whole;
  • the shape and dimensions of the premises are important, therefore the choice of translucent fences (vertical, inclined windows) and their installation should take into account the interior and appearance of the building;
  • the choice of attic plan option must be made based on the entire layout of the building;
  • attics equipped with a steeply pitched roof require careful selection of roofing material, thermal insulation, waterproofing and sealing.

In the under-rafter space, sidewalls inevitably form that are unsuitable for full-fledged housing. They appear when installing vertical walls. With proper design, these areas can be used for different needs (pantry, built-in wardrobes, etc.).

The width of the building for the installation of an attic must be more than 4.5 m. In addition, the area of ​​the attic floor cannot be less than 7 m2, and the height/floor area ratio is 1:2.

Attics with a broken slope are suitable if its dimensions do not fit into the triangular shape. Thanks to this technique, the area of ​​the sidewalls is reduced. The attic space can be used most optimally. Unfortunately, the installation diagram of a sloping roof is much more complicated, and its construction is more expensive. If the required proportions of the house are observed, the height of the attic floor premises with a sloping roof is noticeably lower. In addition, useful attic space is lost under the sloping roof.

Houses with a middle load-bearing wall also use a mansard roof truss system. The drawings are given below. The lower chord, supported at the center of the load, is often made lighter. The ceiling height of attic residential premises must be at least 2.5 m, but this may also include a part of the room with a lower height. The area of ​​the zone with a lower height is subject to strict regulation. It is worth considering that the greater the slope of the roof slopes, the more spacious the under-roof space. Accordingly, with a slope of 30 degrees, the minimum height is approximately 1.2 m, with a slope of 45-60 degrees - 0.8 m, more than 60 - is no longer standardized. The width of the room must be at least 2.4 m.

The optimal angle of inclination of the rafters should be in the range from 45 to 60 degrees. If the roof has a slope of 45 degrees, use a conventional rafter system. In this case, the ceilings in the attic floor are sloping. If the project provides for a roof with a slope of 60 degrees, long beams and boards are used as rafters. Because of this, the amount of material needed increases sharply.

Attic construction

The simplest roofing arrangement for an attic roof comes down to creating the following layers:

Directly protects the building from external conditions. Its purchase should be approached with special care. There is a wide range of such materials on the market: metal tiles, bitumen shingles, slate, corrugated sheets, etc. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, take into account all possible factors (size of the house, climate, material capabilities);

Necessary to protect the internal insulation and the entire rafter system. Its choice directly depends on the type and properties of the insulation used;

There is no way to do without a layer of waterproofing material, because it is thanks to it that moisture does not penetrate into the house.

These are already parts of the roof itself. It is due to them that the roof is held together. Made from wooden beams. The rafters distribute the load from the weight of the roof along the walls;

All of the above levels are required when building a house with such an addition as a mansard roof. The drawings are shown on our website. You can familiarize yourself with them to better understand the installation.

Ventilation gap for roof

There is one nuance in the design of the attic - the need for a ventilation gap. It is best to make two of them: one - directly above the insulation, the second - immediately under the roofing. With the help of the first, the formed steam will escape, which somehow penetrated the insulation layer, and thanks to the other, the moisture that has accumulated under the roofing materials will evaporate. The air should come from the base of the roof and leave through the roof in the ridge area.

When constructing an attic, remember that the structure should be as light as possible. Wood or lightweight metal profiles should be used. Avoid heavy materials such as stone, concrete, etc.

The design of a roof with an attic must be carefully thought out and drawn up by professionals, since the slightest miscalculation can lead to the destruction of the structure.

Also, do not forget that wooden rafters have a certain margin of safety, and it is not advisable to use intermediate posts. To cope with this problem, the following most common techniques are used: construction of wooden or metal-wood trusses.

All wooden elements of the rafter roof must be made of excellent quality wood with a permissible humidity of no more than 22%, treated with antiseptic substances and fire retardants.

Floors in the attic floor are made using standard technologies used to create floor coverings on interfloor ceilings. Here 2 layers will be needed: vapor barrier and insulation. Thanks to them, not only a comfortable temperature regime in the house will be provided, but also sound insulation.

Briefly about roof trusses

Wooden trusses are usually made of round timber, beams, and boards. To connect the elements of wooden rafters, the following are used: notches, bolts, nails, toothed ring keys.

Recently, along with purely wooden trusses for spans over 16 m, trusses with iron posts have become widespread.

Assembling a wooden truss requires significant labor costs. Metal-wood trusses are easier to install. In such structures, all stretched elements and the lower belt are made of metal, making them very easy to install in production.

Dormer windows

The requirements for skylights are often higher than for ordinary windows. This is explained by the fact that it is installed in the roof slope, at an angle, and therefore is subject to a more intense influence of negative factors than the vertical one we are accustomed to.

The main feature of attic windows is large access to light and heat. With the help of which you can create light compositions in rooms. Such windows allow you to maximize the time of access of sunlight to the house. That is why it is advisable to equip libraries, children's rooms, etc. in the attic. With the help of skylights, far corners are additionally illuminated.

When constructing an attic, the following translucent structures are used: facade end windows, domers, stained glass, combined systems, special attic windows. Projects of houses with a mansard roof are very diverse in the use of such structures.

Roof window

A large load is placed on dormer windows, because they are full-fledged elements of the roof, and therefore are exposed to the same influences: strong wind, rain, hail, UV radiation, snow, etc. Under such conditions, the window frame must maintain sufficient tightness, thermophysical parameters, and rigidity , dimensional accuracy.

The traditional frame material is wood-laminated laminated timber. This material ensures long-term operation of the structure; it is not afraid of temperature changes and humidity. Recently, plastic elements have become increasingly used. Common windows made from PVC profile. Less popular are frames made of warm aluminum profiles supplemented with plastic inserts.

The window frame protects the glass and removes precipitation from the surface. The frames are made of aluminum coated with special light-resistant paints; from copper. Visually, the flashing is almost invisible, since its sides are partially hidden under the roofing material. Using specialized frames, windows are combined into groups: horizontal, vertical or combined.

The translucent element should have increased strength, but it should not be very heavy. Most often, single-chamber double-glazed windows are installed. For additional safety, glass is tempered in factories in a special way. Glass with low-emissivity heat-reflecting coating or double-layer impact-resistant glass can also be built-in. Some double-glazed windows are filled with inert gas, due to which the heat-saving characteristics of the structure are increased.

The flashings of roof windows immediately take into account hydro- and vapor barrier, which makes work easier, improves the quality of installation, and ensures a hermetic joint between the window and the roof.

Opening systems for roof windows are varied: hinged, combined, axially rotating, etc. The choice depends only on your preferences and capabilities. One condition is that it is desirable to have a rotating mechanism.

Roof windows must have ventilation. In some models it consists of ventilation valves, in others it is a special device with a filter and an anti-condensation system.

Basic rules for choosing a roof window:

  • First of all, determine the slope of the roof, the distance between the rafters, and the area of ​​the illuminated room. The lower the roof slope, the longer the window should be.
  • 1:10 – this is how the area of ​​the window should correlate with the area of ​​the floor.
  • The best window height is approximately 1.1 - 1.3 m from the floor.
  • Consider the functional purpose of the attic floor.
  • The roof window must be combined with the roofing material.

A little about the interior of attic rooms

Projects of houses with a mansard roof are very diverse and different from each other. But, in any case, they fit certain canons of interior design.

The first and most important rule: take into account the height of the ceilings in the room. If the height is less than 1.6 m, it will be problematic to use it for living.

The second point: do not clutter the attic rooms under any circumstances, and make the design light. Otherwise, the room will create a depressing impression. In addition, the predominance of light and bright colors will visually increase the space. Use local lighting in the attic. This will add romance.

And the third rule: maintain a consistent style. Furniture and all materials used in decoration should be similar in color.

Use as many wooden elements as possible. This will increase the level of comfort in the room and also provide excellent sound insulation.

The attic roof project for a private house is an excellent choice for a large family. Children will especially enjoy living in a room in the attic. In addition, you can arrange a cozy workshop under the roof.

Attic roof projects: drawings of the attic rafter system diagram

Typical options and designs of mansard roofs. The main rules for designing an attic floor. Drawings of the attic rafter system diagram.

It is the attic of a building, adapted for housing.

The attic can be the third floor, which is located directly under the roof of the building. An attic space is better at the design stage.

Sometimes it is possible to insulate the attic in an inhabited building, but this may require additionally insulate the roof. If you have already decided, then first of all you need to choose which types of attic roofs are suitable for you.

Living space in the attic is most often associated with the main advantage of the attic - an increase in living space: the presence of additional rooms for living.

Other advantages of the attic are:

  • The decorative appeal of a building in connection with a specific roof design;
  • The arrangement of the attic can be done not in a new house, but in an already inhabited one, without leaving the house;
  • The ability to insulate a room on your own (without special equipment).

In addition, the costs of constructing an extension, if it is necessary to increase living space, will be more significant than the costs of arranging an attic space.

The disadvantages include equipment for additional heating of the attic, and forced ventilation. In addition, it is necessary to install special windows.

The slope of the walls can also be attributed to the disadvantages of the attic space, since it reduces additional room area, but it is possible to build an attic on several levels.

Projects for mansard roofs of private houses:

Sloping roof with balcony

Hip mansard roof

Gable mansard roof

Sloping roof device

under the attic looks like this:

  • Interior design(plasterboard, plaster, etc.);
  • Vapor barrier. Prevents the formation of condensation moisture;
  • Insulation. Retains heat in the room, preventing cold from entering the roof voids;
  • - the main roof frame on which the entire roof structure rests;
  • Waterproofing. A layer of film that protects the roofing pie from moisture from the outside;
  • Lathing. A wooden structure on the frame of which they are attached;
  • Roofing film. A protective material that protects the entire system. Selected based on the choice of roofing;
  • Roof covering. The main protective external material, which is the most powerful protection of the roof from external natural factors.

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to lay all layers of materials sequentially, they must be installed correctly, taking into account ventilation gaps.

Each roofing material must be laid in accordance with the laying technology.
Even if the coating is laid in violation of the rules, this may lead to disruption of the functioning of other layers, and, as a consequence, to the destruction of the roof.

Mansard roof design drawing

Roofing pie

Types of mansard roofs

For the installation of an attic in an attic space, roof types are suitable in which the height of the future attic space will meet the requirements for the arrangement of such roofs.

The most common under the attic:

  • . The structure is a plane fixed to opposite walls of varying heights;
  • . The design consists of two oppositely lying slopes connected at the apex;
  • Broken. The structures are similar to gable ones, only these have a kink that changes the slope of the slope;
  • . The system is similar to a hipped roof, in which the opposite slopes at the ends are triangles with a sloped top, and at the sides - trapezoids;
  • . The design is similar to the hip system, only the side slopes from the pediment are beveled;
  • Tent. The structure is presented in the form of a tent, in the form of several faces that have a connection at the top.

The type of roof is just the visible frame of the roof, into which the attic is built in the form of a quadrangle. The design features of each type imply the presence of support points for the attic structure with the roof.

In addition to standard roof shapes, there may be one-story and two-story attics, which are best considered during design, calculating the load on the building and the rafter system.

Projects of houses with a mansard roof: photo below.

Half-hip mansard roof

Gable roof mansard type

Single pitch mansard roof

Broken mansard roof

Four-pitched mansard roof

Hip mansard roof

Dormer windows

To provide natural lighting in the attic space, it is necessary to install windows.

They can be placed in the roof itself, on the gables, or equipped in special birdhouses. The number, shape and location of windows depends on the roof structure and preference.

The material for making profiles for windows can be different: wood, PVC, aluminum.

The window profile is selected based on preference, but it is worth keeping in mind that it is better not to use windows with a wooden profile for bathhouses.

In other cases windows with any profile are suitable.

Dormer windows differ in type of construction:

  • Classic. Windows of a standard rectangular or square shape, having a frame and a movable or fixed sash;
  • Balcony. They are a double window shape, in which the lower blind part is the balcony parapet, the upper part opens outward;
  • Cornice. Installed in the presence of a high wall. An additional vertical element is installed under the opening sash;
  • Oblique. Double design with one blind sash (lower), the other movable;
  • Overhead. They can be semicircular or triangular. They are built into the roof and also have a decorative function;
  • Tunnel for light. The light exits through a reflective tunnel, which is located in the attic above the attic.

In addition to the shape of windows, they can be classified according to the type of opening:

  • With a central axis for turning;
  • With a side opening in the form of a hatch;
  • With a lower location of the rotation axis in which the opening occurs outward;
  • With a raised axis.

Considering that roof windows can be located in difficult to reach locations, manufacturers have invented electronic controls: windows can be opened and closed using a remote control.

Roof window with balcony

Dormer window

Requirements for mansard roofs

Mansard roofs are structurally more complex than conventional roofs with an attic, so they have different requirements:

  • Necessary provide complete waterproofing along the entire perimeter of the attic;
  • It is important to take care of sound insulation, especially if the outer covering is metal;
  • When designing a truss structure, it is necessary to carefully calculate the roof load taking into account natural loads;
  • Provide ;
  • Take care of natural light;
  • Overhang of rafter legs should not be less than half a meter;
  • Pay special attention.


When choosing materials, you should pay attention not only to their quality characteristics, but also to take into account their weight: the lighter the materials, the less the load.

Overloading the structure can lead to roof deformation and, in the worst case, to collapse. Therefore, when designing a roof, all factors should be taken into account.

How to design a sloping roof yourself

Any construction involves a preliminary calculation of materials, the costs of their acquisition, installation, and additional equipment.

For independent calculation of the attic roof knowledge of the requirements for the arrangement of the attic and the design features of the structure will be required attic room.

  • Usable living space;
  • Slope area;
  • Window area.

Based on the calculations obtained, it will be possible to calculate the amount of materials and calculate their load.

Effective area

The area is calculated from the low side of the walls depending on the angle of inclination:

  • At 30°, the height of the wall should not be less than 1.5 m;
  • At 45° - no less than 1m 10 cm;
  • From 60° - at least half a meter.

In the drawing, on both slopes you should note the minimum height (for example, 1.5 m with a slope of 30°) and draw a line perpendicular to the base - these are the side walls of the room.

Connect with a line parallel to the base, connecting the indicated points, to form a rectangle. This is the usable area.


The residential area under the project should not be more than 50% of the area of ​​non-residential premises.

The side triangles, the sides of which are part of the base, the walls of the attic and the lower part of the slope, are non-residential areas.

Slope area

Then add up the values ​​of all areas.

When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the cornices: Calculating the area of ​​the slope to the wall line is incomplete for calculating the area of ​​the entire slope.

Window area

In design calculations it is also necessary to take into account the area of ​​window structures, which should not exceed 10% of the floor area. The smallest distance from the floor at which the windows should be located is 80 cm, the maximum is 220 cm to the top window line.

Thus, by choosing the shape of the roof, you can calculate the area of ​​​​the living space equipped in the attic. For a large area additional partitions can be designed, which will serve as auxiliary supports for the roof.

You can apply design ideas by dividing the room into zones, using techniques for delimiting space that will make the attic room more comfortable for living, modern and cozy.

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