Attic under a hipped roof. Mansard roof - technology for installing a mansard roof of a private house

In country houses, it is very important to wisely use the available space and, if possible, expand it. One of the best solutions is a mansard roof. Such a living space can truly become a full-fledged part of your home. But for this to really be the case, you need to decide which roof will be the best option for you and how it will be built.

The simplest solution is symmetrical designs

The first thing you need to pay attention to when building a house is the roofing system. There is quite a large selection of roof options, but the most popular nowadays are the following:

  • single slope;
  • gable, which can be broken or gable;
  • hip;
  • half-hip.

Video about the attic of the house

Of course, any type has both strengths and weaknesses. The simplest solution is symmetrical structures. They do not require complex calculations, and the construction of such a roof is simpler in itself. But if you choose an asymmetrical roof, you can get more useful space in your attic and a more attractive original design. Although the construction process in this case will be much more complicated.

Even at the project development stage, it is necessary to calculate what the load on the walls and foundation of your house will be from the roof structure. Climate features are also taken into account: the amount of precipitation throughout the year, temperature changes, wind, etc.

In all types of attic roofs, the intersection line should be no further than 1.5 m from the floor. Otherwise it will be more of a used attic. One of the advantages of mansard roofs is the ability to install such a structure on almost any house - brick, wood, block.

In all types of attic roofs, the intersection line should be no further than 1.5 m from the floor

With the right approach to construction, your attic can be used for a variety of purposes: a children's room, a personal office, a small gym, a bedroom, and so on.

It is this type of construction that allows you to get a spacious, functional and comfortable attic without much effort. In this case, the main elements of the supporting frame:

  • Mauerlat;
  • racks;
  • rafters;
  • struts;
  • spacers, etc.

The most important thing to do when designing is to calculate the angle of inclination. If the slope is too small, then in winter the load on the roof may increase to a critical level due to the fact that the snow mass will collect on the surface and put pressure on the roof and, as a result, on the entire structure of the house. Because of this, the structure can be significantly deformed or even collapse. But, if we compare all other types of attic roofs of private houses, then the pitched roof is one of the simplest and most reliable options. This design also withstands strong wind currents well.

Almost any roofing material can be used for a pitched roof.

If you really want your house to have a pitched roof, then you must make sure that its angle of inclination is not lower than 35 degrees. If it is possible to make an angle of 45 degrees, use it. Thanks to this slope in winter, snow from the roof will simply roll off under its own weight, practically not lingering on the surface. Almost any roofing material can be used for a pitched roof. But please note that the overall cost of the roof will be affected by both these materials and the angle of inclination. Therefore, when choosing, carefully compare your desires and financial capabilities.

As mentioned above, there are broken and gable gable roofs. The simplest design is tongs. If it is symmetrical, then there are practically no problems with its creation. In this case, deep calculations are not needed, so everything will cost you less, although such an attic may be inferior in area to a pitched roof. The standard gable roof is made in the shape of a triangle.

The standard gable roof is made in the shape of a triangle

Other types of roofs are significantly inferior to gable roofs in a number of characteristics:

  • the ability to use inexpensive materials;
  • fairly simple design;
  • reliability;
  • no need for lifting equipment during construction.

A standard gable roof is an excellent option for houses whose width does not exceed six meters. The angle of inclination usually varies within 45 degrees. But quite often the width of the house exceeds 6 meters. In this case, you can safely build a roof with an angle of about 60 degrees, that is, sharper. Thus, there will be more usable space in the attic.

Asymmetrical roofs have also become popular in our time. But if you decide to do just this, then a special approach is required. Its main feature is the center of gravity shifted to the side, which requires special care and responsibility in calculations even at the design stage. But if you value original appearance and want to discover new design possibilities, then this is a great option. This roof allows you to create a comfortable terrace.

A sloping attic roof is another widespread type of structure. In it, each slope consists of two sections with different angles of inclination. Standard angles: 60 degrees - bottom slope, 30 degrees - top. This design allows you to get quite a lot of free space for your own purposes. In this case, the roof will not hold the snow mass in winter.

The sloping attic roof is another widespread type of structure.

As with a symmetrical gable roof, a broken roof is suitable in cases where the width of your house does not exceed six meters. If the house is large, you will have to look for other options or approach calculations and construction much more responsibly.

It is this kind of roof that makes it possible to get an almost full floor - functional and comfortable. The design, it should be said, is more complicated here than in the above-mentioned options. Therefore, construction will take more time, and materials and work will cost more. You will either have to develop an exact diagram of the truss structure yourself or with the involvement of builders.

Among hipped structures, hip roofs occupy a special place

Among hipped structures, hip roofs occupy a special place, because they have a number of advantages:

  1. There are no vertical planes in the roof. Thanks to this, it can easily withstand even strong gusty winds. Such a roof will be the best option for everyone who lives in regions with windy weather, where hurricanes also occur;
  2. The frame of a hip roof is one of the most rigid. This is ensured by the fact that the corner ribs fit tightly with the supporting ridge beam. This design allows you to avoid any deformation during operation;
  3. You can also make large overhangs that protect your walls from precipitation and, as a result, further damage due to adverse weather conditions;
  4. Also, a hip roof is a rather laconic solution, because it makes it possible to make your private home more squat. But there will be quite enough space in the attic itself.

You can also make large overhangs that protect your walls from precipitation

But the hip roof also has a number of weaknesses:

  1. The first and main thing is cost. The design is much more complex than the others, and, as a result, expensive;
  2. Due to the fact that there are slopes not only from the long ends, but also from the short ones, part of the space is wasted;
  3. Placing windows in such a roof is a rather difficult task, because the windows are placed directly into the roof itself.

If we talk about windows as an integral part of the attic roof, then it should be noted that the best option is vertical windows. A layout plan for all structural elements will be required, but the windows will fit perfectly into the design of the house and perform their main functions: letting fresh air and daylight into the attic.

If desired and have sufficient funds, you can also build a sloping hip roof. This will significantly expand the useful space of the attic. But the design in this case will be an order of magnitude more complex, which means the materials must also be the best. Therefore, you will have to spend a little money.

If desired and have sufficient funds, you can also build a sloping hip roof

As you can see, the types of attic in your home can be quite varied. When you are faced with a choice, think about what space you need for comfortable living. A properly selected attic roof will also make your home more visually beautiful. Remember that you can install an attic roof not only when, but also when reconstructing the old one. But at the same time, you will have to calculate what load the foundation of your house and walls can withstand. Only after this will it be possible to make a choice.

In addition, remember that you are faced with the task of not only choosing what your roof will be like, but also selecting the materials from which it will consist. The entire rafter system is created from timber with different sections, which depends on the possible loads and the total weight of the roof. The best roofing is the one that uses lightweight and safe materials.

Video about attic insulation

Don't forget that the attic is located directly under the roof. And despite the fact that warm air always rises, the room still loses heat faster. You will definitely need high-quality and durable insulation (ecowool, polystyrene foam, etc.).

As you can see, mansard roof options allow you to achieve a wide variety of sizes and shapes of additional living space. Do not make spontaneous decisions, think about which option will be optimal in your case, and only then get to work.

During the construction of a private house, everyone wants their house to be beautiful in appearance, unlike others. At the same time, you need to take into account the functionality of the house and its convenience, because you need to live in it. Ideally, such a building should not be very expensive, since not everyone can afford a huge castle. A mansard roof allows you to solve all these problems at once. Externally, the house will have an attractive appearance, it will be interesting, and by combining several roofing coverings you can make it unique.

Cost of building an attic

Creating an attic floor is considered a relatively inexpensive pleasure, since there is no need to construct and erect walls, but this is only partially true.

First of all, you need to spend a lot of money on creating a rafter system. Its price directly depends on the type of attic roof, as well as the cost of lumber. Secondly, the lion's share of financial costs will be taken up by thermal insulation and vapor barrier of the roof. It is logical that the roofing material is not enough to provide the required air condition for the living space.
If the attic is residential, then it must be properly insulated using a thick layer of heat-insulating material. On average for Russia, the layer of mineral wool should be at least 20 centimeters; if these are cooler regions, then even more. In addition, you must not forget about the waterproofing and vapor barrier layers.
Thirdly, expensive skylights. If the windows are made dormer, then you need to build a special rafter system, which will also lead to an increase in financial costs for materials and their installation. Also, the window can be located in the plane of the roof, in which case it must be carefully sealed so that snow or rain does not penetrate into the attic. Because of this, the cost of roof windows is twice as expensive as regular ones, and their installation will also cost a pretty penny. Dormer windows must have a more complex structure, their frame must be stronger. Reinforced glass is used to cope with loads, and the frame is rotating. In total, there are two types of skylights - those in the roof and vertical.

A popular and inexpensive roofing option is a metal-based material, such as corrugated sheeting or metal tiles. However, it is worth noting that all of them are not suitable for covering an attic roof and here’s why:

  • These coatings have high thermal conductivity. Metal easily transmits heat, which means you will have to increase the thickness of the thermal insulation layer. If this is not done, then in winter it will be too cold here, and in summer it will be unbearably hot.
  • Noisy. During precipitation in the form of rain it will be very noisy here, because the roof will beat like a drum. Inside, this problem can be overcome with high-quality sound insulation, but outside this problem cannot be eliminated, so it is best to abandon metal-based materials. In addition, if the house is located in close proximity to neighbors, they may be unhappy with the constant noise, which can subsequently lead to disputes and conflicts.

If you calculate all the costs of increasing the layers of thermal insulation and sound insulation, then it turns out that there was no financial benefit in building an attic, so it is better not to use such roofing material. It is better to initially buy a more expensive coating so that in the end it turns out to be more profitable. That is why you need to calculate all the pros and cons even before roofing work.

Advantages of building an attic floor:

  • The lightness of the attic floor. Thanks to this, there is no need to build an overly powerful foundation, which will save money in the initial stages.
  • If there is not enough money, then the construction of the attic and its insulation can be postponed for some time until new funds become available. It is also worth noting the fact that such a delay will be useful. During construction, wood species with high humidity are used. If the insulation process begins immediately, the moisture will be absorbed into the thermal insulation layer. If the “pie” is made correctly, then the moisture will leave correctly. If there are violations, there may be problems, so a short pause will even be useful, because the material will be able to dry out a little, losing excess moisture.
  • Using the attic floor you can create an original and even unique building. In general, a private house with an attic always has an interesting appearance and is able to express the individuality of the owner and his decisions.

Roof types

An attic roof can have different design options; any type of roof, except a flat one, is suitable for an attic floor.

Houses with a pitched roof will always look original and non-standard. The installation and installation of such a roof is quite simple; the bevel is carried out using different heights of the walls. The slope angle ranges from 30-45%; this range is very easily explained. If you make the angle of inclination smaller, then snow will accumulate on the roof, and this will create a load on the roof and supports; additional supports will have to be created, which will reduce the space of the attic floor. If the angle is greater, then difficulties will arise in installing the roof, and its strength will decrease significantly. In general, using such a roof is the simplest and most affordable option.

The most popular is the gable roof; the cost of its construction is not very high, and externally such a structure looks quite attractive. When building such a roof, you need to take into account the functional feature of the attic, whether it will be residential or not. It is necessary to calculate the height of the roof so that it does not interfere with free movement in the attic. In general, there are two types of gable roofs: symmetrical and asymmetrical.
A sloping roof is a type of gable roof; the only difference is that one plane is divided into two, having different angles of inclination. When building such a roof, there is no need to erect walls, and the space will be only 15-20% less than on the 1st floor of the house. The rafter system here is much more complex and needs to be given special attention.

A hip roof is a complex option that requires calculations. The roof surface is larger than in previous options, which means costs increase significantly. The advantage lies in its high resistance to winds and other “whims” of nature, as well as in its original appearance, which is considered the most attractive.

When thinking about building your own home or even a summer cottage, you want the house to be beautiful, unlike its neighbors, comfortable and functional. It would also be nice if it were inexpensive. A mansard-type roof allows you to solve almost all these problems. The appearance of the house turns out to be interesting, and the building can be decorated in different styles - all the options for combinations of roofing, type and shape of the roof, windows and balconies are probably impossible to count. It’s worth talking about the cost separately.

The combination of slopes directed in different directions gives a very unusual effect. You wouldn't call a house like this ordinary

How much does it cost to build an attic

The construction of an attic floor is considered profitable due to the fact that there is no need to spend money on erecting walls. This is only partly true.

Firstly, a lot of money will be spent on creating a rafter system. Its cost depends on the type of mansard roof chosen (see below) and on the price of lumber in your region.

Secondly, you will have to shell out a considerable amount of money. It is clear that roofing material alone is far from sufficient to ensure the required air conditions for residential premises (if the attic is planned for residential use). It will be necessary to insulate, and the layer of insulation should be significant. For example, for central Russia, the layer of high-density mineral wool should be from 200 mm, plus a layer of waterproofing and vapor barrier.

Thirdly, windows are much more expensive. If you make them auditory, you build a special structure from rafters, which complicates the roof topography, and therefore increases the cost of materials and installation. Even on an ordinary gable roof you have to think about constructing valleys and retaining snow above the windows.

The second option - windows in the roof plane - require particularly careful sealing so that precipitation cannot get inside. This makes installation 1.5-2 times more expensive. The windows themselves cost about the same amount: they must have a reinforced frame and reinforced glass that can withstand snow loads. In addition, for maintenance the frame must be rotary, and this further increases the cost.

There are two types of windows in the attic - vertical and in the plane of the roof. Both types can be used in the same project. The photo below is a good example of such a combination. You can’t really say that the house is unmemorable. How many more options could there be?

Attic roofing in several levels is also a common technique

In addition, such popular and inexpensive roofing coverings - metal-based materials such as corrugated sheets, metal tiles, roofing iron - are not recommended to be used when installing the attic roof of a private house. There are two reasons:

  1. High thermal conductivity. Due to the fact that metal conducts heat very well, it is necessary to lay a large thickness of thermal insulation materials. Otherwise, the attic will be too hot in the summer and cold in the winter.
  2. Increased noise level created by the coating during rain. Even an ordinary roof covered with metal sounds like a drum when it rains. The attic room is much larger in area and the “tool” is more powerful. If you can combat the noise level indoors with additional sound insulation, then you can’t do anything to reduce the sound outside. If the neighbors' houses are located at a considerable distance, this may not be a problem, but if the buildings are dense, conflicts may arise.

If you do the math, additional thermal insulation and sound insulation will minimize the cost savings when purchasing roofing material. Perhaps another, initially more expensive roofing covering will turn out to be more profitable as a result. So here you need to calculate your options.

All this was described so that you have a more complete idea of ​​whether building an attic floor is really that cheap. It turns out - not very good. Nevertheless, this solution has its advantages:

  • The attic floor turns out to be light. Therefore, the foundation for private houses will require only a little more powerful than when constructing one floor. Since the cost of the foundation is a significant part of the cost, the gain here is tangible.
  • If there is a shortage of funds, insulating the attic and putting it into operation can be delayed for the required period. Moreover, this delay will be useful. That's why. During construction, wood with high humidity is almost always used. If you start insulation right away, moisture will be absorbed into the insulation. If the “pie” is done correctly, it will go away naturally. But if there are violations, problems may arise. If the roof under the roofing material stands for some time without insulation (but with waterproofing installed under the roofing), then the wood will dry well and there will be fewer problems.
  • The attic allows you to make your house original and non-standard. In any case, the building turns out to be more expressive and individual - there are a lot of design options.

We tried to describe as fully as possible the disadvantages of a mansard roof and its advantages. If the difficulties do not frighten you, choose which design you prefer.

Types of mansard roofs

The attic type roof used in the construction of private houses has various design options. You can make all existing types of roofs, except, perhaps, flat. All others can be implemented both in “pure” form and in combination.


Houses with pitched mansard roofs look unusual. Its device is the simplest due to the lack of a ridge and the problems associated with its arrangement. The beams rest on a mauerlat mounted on multi-level walls. The bevel is formed due to the difference in height of two opposite walls. In this case, the slope angle should be in the region of 35°-45°. A smaller slope will lead to the accumulation of a large amount of snow, which requires strengthening the load-bearing beams and installing additional supports, and this reduces the already not very large living area in such an attic floor.

If we talk about the external design of the house, the buildings look non-standard. Most often, a large window is made in the high wall of the attic floor: the structure itself is conducive to this. See the photo below for examples.

The construction of a pitched roof is the cheapest if the distance between two opposite walls does not exceed 4.5 meters: you can lay standard-length beams on the walls and not make supporting structures. Apparently this is the reason for the decision in the photographs below, but it turned out very interesting.

If the distance between the walls is smaller, the design is quite simple


The gable mansard roof is the most widespread: given the general structure, there can be many solutions. The design itself is the most optimal: at relatively low costs it allows you to satisfy various requirements for the required room area.

The easiest way to implement an attic is under a regular gable roof, but its height must be sufficient so that a living space can be allocated under it (if the floor is intended to be residential). May be:

  • symmetrical - the ridge is located above the middle of the building;
  • asymmetrical - the skate is offset from the center.

The gables are straight. The room turns out to be trapezoidal; in fairly wide buildings it can be square. The disadvantage of a gable roof of the mansard type is that a large space is cut off on the sides, which is not always acceptable in private houses. To prevent large areas from being wasted, they are used for storage rooms or closets.

With this arrangement, windows are made in the roof; their location depends on the angle of inclination. They can be auditory, as in the photo above, or in the plane of the roof, as in the photo below.

There is another option for installing an attic roof for a private house with two slopes - a one and a half floor. It is installed on walls that have been raised to a certain level. The house is then called “one and a half stories high” (one of these houses is pictured above).

These are two types of gable mansard roofs. There is also a third one - broken ones. They can be separated into a separate category - the device has significant differences.


The construction of a sloping mansard roof is both more complex and simpler. Essentially these are the same two slopes, but consisting of two parts with different slopes. This structure allows, without spending money on building walls, to get a living space that is only slightly smaller than on the ground floor (by about 15%). In this sense, its structure is simpler. But the rafter system has a more complex structure, and in this sense its structure is more complex.

The design of a sloping mansard roof is the most commonly used version of the rafter system - with part of the rafters being moved beyond the surface of the wall. This creates an overhang that protects the junction with the walls from precipitation.

This type is the most common for self-construction. It easily allows you to increase the usable area, build on small buildings such as a garage, or get additional, almost separate, housing. Since the materials used in construction are usually light, the bearing capacity of the foundation is usually sufficient, but the calculation does not fit. ().

There is a small room made of logs below, and above there is a vast attic supported by racks

Four slopes

These are already complex systems that must be calculated. The surface becomes large, the cost of insulation increases significantly, and at the same time the size of the attic space decreases: parts of the rooms are cut off on all four sides.

Their advantage is their high resistance to strong winds: all surfaces are inclined and the wind load does not put so much pressure on the slopes. The structure is such that the overhangs can be made low, protecting the walls from the effects of precipitation and winds. In addition, many consider houses with such roofs to be the most attractive. The classic option is hip ones.

One of the types of hipped roofs is a hip roof with an attic space underneath. You can only stand at full height in the central part

When installing them, inclined rafters are reinforced - they account for most of the load. In general, its rafter system is one of the most complex, material-intensive and, therefore, expensive. So that you can evaluate the entire scope of work and costs, consider its design in the photo below.

The top picture shows all the stops and slopes that need to be installed; the second picture shows the structure and location of the rafters more clearly.

There is also a transitional option - half-hip. It is something between a gable and hip roof. In this case, the hip is made only for part of the floor height.

Only the main types of mansard roofs are described. There are also combinations of them. For example, a hip roof can also be a broken one, just like a single-pitched one. There really are a lot of options. The main thing is to avoid gross mistakes when developing a rafter system, and then implement everything correctly.

Mansard roof with balcony

How roof windows are made has already been described above. Balconies are built using almost the same principle. There are even special window systems that allow this to be done in the surface of the slope. Although the implementation is simpler, such a window costs a lot.

If the load-bearing capacity of the walls allows, by increasing the size of the dormer window, you can make a hanging balcony.

The balcony area can be supported by columns. Only in this case the removal is made above the entrance. Then the columns fit organically and also serve as decoration.

A balcony on the pediment of a house with an attic is built according to a different principle. It is protected by an overhang extended forward; if the wall allows, the platform is made hanging.

In small houses, a balcony is often made by moving the pediment of the attic floor away from the load-bearing wall. Due to this indentation, a platform is obtained. Canopies in such roofs are made by extending the roof to at least the same level as the outer wall, and even better - further. This overhang will also protect the gable wall and reduce the amount of rain that will fall on the open area.

The design of this type of roof is such that by extending it you can even create a covered terrace. Its edge can rest on a decorative wall or on pillars.

The difficulty of this project is the long rafters

A similar idea is implemented in this project, but the roof here is multi-gable. It’s difficult to calculate it yourself, and it’s even more difficult to make valleys correctly, which is why they are rare

If we talk about non-standard solutions, then an “L”-shaped mansard roof from two lean-to roofs will turn out to be functional. In addition, this is an inexpensive way to decorate such a non-standard building.

"L" shaped single-pitched mansard roof

Mansard roofs solve two problems at once - they create additional free space and add zest to the exterior of the building. Thus, you can make a lounge or bedroom, saving on the construction of the upper floor of private houses. To use space efficiently, all that remains is to choose a suitable project and compact furniture. It is worth considering how the roofs of houses with an attic are planned.

What should the attic be like?

To get the ideal attic, it is better to prepare its design at the stage of building the house. The planning of the living space affects the placement of the load-bearing elements of the roof. When you have to equip a room in already built private houses, difficulties arise with laying thermal insulation, locating stairs, and ordering doors and windows. Wooden elements require protective treatment.

Most often, attics are planned under roofs:

  • broken gables;
  • gable.

A gable roof is often found in photos of private houses built in a traditional style. This roof consists of two intersecting rectangles. It has a simple design, but at the same time the project looks neat and cute.

Important! The best option for an attic is a gable sloping roof with sloping rafters; this design leaves maximum usable space.

Coniferous trees are used to make rafters. The material is thoroughly sanded and dried. Humidity should not exceed 18%. Otherwise, the rafters may become deformed over time, which will lead to distortion of the entire building.

Types of house roofs for attic installation

Depending on the type of roofing of private houses, the area of ​​the attic will vary. Also, its design will affect the overall cost of construction. The following are the most common types of roofs, their advantages and disadvantages.


Shed roofs are affordable and easy to install. In this case, the roofing sheet rests on load-bearing walls that differ in height.

Shed roofs are rarely used in residential construction. More often, these types are used when arranging garages and utility rooms, rather than private houses. The space under them is extremely inconvenient to use for decorating an attic.


Gable roofs are very common; such a project can be called a classic one. Such a roof consists of two parts, which are connected at the intersection by a metal ridge. However, the size of the canvases and the angle at which they are fixed may differ.

Gable roofs are considered the most functional. The space under them is convenient to use for arranging an attic.


Hip roofs are a more complex design of gable roofs. Instead of outer walls, called pediments, they have triangular slopes (hips). As the projects show, windows are often placed on them.

Hip roofs look very interesting in the photo. Due to their complex design, their design and construction should be entrusted to specialists. These types of roofing are better able to withstand strong winds and precipitation. In private houses and cottages, hip roofs are most often installed. There is quite a lot of space underneath for an attic.

Attention! Another option for a roof with hips is a hip roof. It is designed from triangular slopes, of which there can be 4 or more. They are held on by metal skates and converge at the very top in the center.


A sloping roof is essentially the same as a gable roof, but the roof sheets have a break. In the photo you can see projects with windows on the gables.

The advantage of a sloping roof is that its streamlined shape makes it resistant to gusts of wind. There is also enough space underneath for arranging a living room.


The design of combined roofs can include elements of several types at once. This is the most expensive type of roofing, which requires careful design and the use of quality materials. Otherwise, numerous joints cause leaks. Due to its complex shape, the roof is not so resistant to strong winds.

Combined roofs are suitable for constructing balconies and attics. They look very original in the photo, but require considerable costs for design and construction.

What types of attic are there?

The type of attic is determined by the project and the wishes of the residents. The following main types are presented: single-level and two-level.


It is easier to arrange a single-level attic on the roof. It does not require lengthy calculations. The following are the types of such attics, there are three in total.

  1. Attic under a gable roof. Due to the location of the roof panels, nothing prevents the convergence of precipitation. Therefore, this version of the attic roof is the simplest and most practical.
  2. Attic under a sloping roof. It’s a little more difficult to arrange such a room, but it turns out to have smooth walls and a full ceiling. In the photo, such a house looks original.
  3. Attic with remote consoles. The most labor-intensive version of the mansard roof. However, with this type of roofing, a large room is obtained in the attic. The canopy that results from the displacement of the roof is often used to build a veranda or garage.


A two-level attic contains two rooms, located, as the name suggests, on different levels. Sometimes it stands out as a separate project. It is distinguished by the presence of supports of a mixed type.

Advantages of installing an attic

The attic roof has a number of advantages.

  1. Additional living space. In the attic you can make a relaxation room, bedroom or study.
  2. Thermal insulation. If the house has a residential attic, heat loss through the ceiling is noticeably reduced.
  3. Allows you to reduce the total area of ​​land for construction.
  4. You can increase the living space of an already built house.
  5. Set up in a short time.
  6. Allows you to get another full-fledged room with minimal investment.

Important! To make the most of the space, you should choose small-sized furniture.

What features should be considered when choosing materials and furniture

The mansard roof also has certain disadvantages. The following are recommendations that should be taken into account when choosing building materials and furniture for the upper room.

  1. Select high-quality vapor and waterproofing. Considering the location of the materials, they should be light so as not to weigh down the structure. Good materials will allow you to maintain comfortable air humidity in the room.
  2. Ensure sufficient thermal insulation. This is very important for an attic room to prevent heat loss.
  3. If the structural elements are made of wood, they are treated with an antiseptic.
  4. For interior decoration, light-weight materials (for example, drywall) should be used.
  5. You need to select furniture taking into account the sloping ceiling.

How to arrange an attic

To maintain a favorable microclimate in the attic, the following layers are arranged in order.

  1. Ventilation. The best option would be to install two ventilation gaps. The first is done under the roofing; it is designed to remove moisture from under the “roofing cake”. The second is located above the insulation layer and eliminates accumulated steam.
  2. Vapor barrier. This layer prevents condensation from forming and the insulation getting wet.
  3. Thermal insulation. A layer of special material does not let cold air from the street into the room and does not allow heat to escape outside.
  4. Sheathing and rafters. Due to these structural elements, the load is evenly distributed across the walls. Made from wooden beams.
  5. Waterproofing. A layer of this material is necessary to prevent moisture from entering.
  6. Roofing film. Needed to protect insulation and rafters.
  7. Roofing material. This is the final layer that protects against adverse environmental influences.

The mansard roof has an original appearance in the photo and allows you to increase the living space of the house. By following the recommendations for choosing materials and furniture, you can arrange a full-fledged and spacious room in the attic.

Today in the article we will look at the topic - types of mansard roofs. Let us tell you how this roofing structure differs from others, and why it received such a name. What elements are the roof constructed from, what materials are used for this, what design to choose if certain ones already exist. We will also outline the main operations of the installation process related to the construction of a roof of one type or another. Once you understand the information presented, you will feel confident when talking with representatives of the contracting company and architects who were entrusted with creating a project for a house with an attic and its construction.


What is a mansard roof

First of all, it is necessary to indicate that the attic of a private house is a room located under the roof. That is, its space is not divided by a ceiling into a room and an attic. The result is a common space, which is protected from the street only by the roof.

This means that any roofing structure corresponding to this structural content can be considered attic.

Types of mansard roofs

It should probably be noted that an attic space can be created under any roofing structure. And this regardless of its shape and size. Therefore, any roof structure can be used as a mansard roof. Therefore, we will consider them separately.

Shed roof

Purely structurally, this is a slope, which rests its edges on the walls of the house, built at different heights. It is the difference in height that determines the angle of inclination of the slope. The structure itself consists of two mauerlat beams located on different walls, on which the rafter legs rest. If the house is built from logs or beams, then the upper crown of the structure is used as a mauerlat.


A pitched roof is not the best option, although it is the simplest and least expensive. Much will depend on the angle of inclination. For example, the top photo shows an option with a very steep roof. Below it, the internal space of the attic narrows towards the lower edge of the system. And in many cases it is difficult to use. And although designers offer different options, solving the problem can be expensive.

Therefore, if you decide to build a single-slope attic roof, you must first consider the efficiency of using the attic space. The photo below shows how to properly build a pitched roof so that there is a lot of space under it, which would be enough to use the room to its fullest.


The construction of a mansard-type pitched roof is quite simple. This requires only a few rafters, which are laid on the walls in increments of 1.0-1.2 m. Between them is laid a thermal insulation cake made of insulation, vapor and waterproofing layers. If you properly insulate the roof, this is a guarantee of reducing heat losses to a minimum. And these are not only comfortable living conditions in the attic, but also significant savings in energy consumption spent on heating the house.


Another traditional variety, the construction of which does not require much difficulty and significant costs. These are two slopes joined by the upper edges at the ridge. The lower edges of the rafter system rest against the Mauerlat.

This option is better than the previous one if only for one reason - the ability to maximize the space under the roof. Especially if you extend the walls of the house to at least half the second floor. And then install the roof structure itself on them.


But not all houses with an attic are built like the building in the photo above. Often architects propose classic designs. That is, the roof, using a rafter system, rests against walls erected to the upper level of the first floor. And here you will have to face the same problems as with a steep pitched roof, where it meets the ceiling of the building. Narrow areas are difficult to exploit. Therefore, designers often suggest installing storage areas there. But even this option sometimes doesn’t help.

We must pay tribute to the classics of the genre; preference is increasingly being given to them. That is, for many, the appearance of the building is preferable to using the full space of the attic space. The photo below shows a house with an attic under a classic gable roof. Pay attention to how openings can be formed: window and door openings. Particular attention is paid to the pediment, where windows are often installed. But if you approach the original appearance of a gable mansard roof, you can organize a covered balcony nearby. This is where the pediment plays its role, where the front door is installed.


Let us add that mansard roofs with two slopes can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. The latter option is rarely found in the vastness of Russia. But such roof models are very attractive in terms of organizing the space underneath them, and you can choose almost any one for them. Especially if a gentle slope is erected on the wall of the second floor. The floor and roof structure creates an almost complete room with a large comfortable volume.


This variety is one of the most beautiful roofs of houses with an attic. It is primarily ergonomic and fits well into any type of landscape design. At the same time, the structure itself, although complex in construction, creates a large space under it. Especially in this regard, the half-hip version should be noted.

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Dormer windows are usually installed on such roofs. For many structures, this is the only option to organize daylighting in the attic. Although today a variety of window openings, retractable type, is becoming more and more popular. They are convenient because the window is purely structural, but if you open it, you get a kind of balcony.

Video description

In the video you can see the attic under the hip roof:

Half-hip roofs, of course, look more presentable than all the others. There is room for experimentation in these designs. For example, organize a small balcony as a relaxation area. Or make an open terrace. There are many options, the main thing is to correctly formulate your plan in terms of aesthetic appearance, plus the functionality of the additional part. That is, the balcony should not be just an element of architecture. It should become a full-fledged exploitable zone.



It is probably difficult to say about the popularity of this type of roofing structure. The roof itself is difficult to construct. It requires a large amount of building materials, and the waste is significant. Especially roofing. But this roof has one big advantage - with its tongs it divides the room into several zones that can be organized for different purposes. And although this is also easy to do with other roofs, multi-gable roofing is easier in this regard.

It should be added that each zone will have its own opening in the form of a door or window. This means there will be no need to install skylights, which are expensive.



This is another hip roof with an attic. It consists of four identical slopes with the shape of an isosceles triangle. These types of roofs are rare. It's all about the complexity of organizing the space underneath. On all sides, slopes form zones near the ceiling that are practically impossible to use. That is, there is little usable area under such a roof.

But, as practice shows, if it is possible to use the under-roof space for living space, then even under a hip roof it will be organized. After all, the main thing is to insulate the roof structure and create living conditions. One of them is natural light. The photo below shows just such an attic. Notice how well the balcony fits into the architecture of the house, which mainly serves as a window opening.


Dome and arched

Along with the mansard hip roof, the domed roof is one of the most original. But it is also one of the most difficult to construct, because rafter legs are not solid lumber in the form of a board or beam. This is a prefabricated element made of several pieces and parts that forms a rounded roof structure. Therefore, craftsmen carefully select the material itself according to quality, and then also carefully combine it into the rafters.

It should be noted that arched roofs can be classified as domed roofs. They, of course, differ from each other in shape. But in terms of the method of making rafters, they are the same. Often in private housing construction, metal rafters made from angle steel are used to construct roofs of this type. This is a simpler option for making rafter legs, but it is more expensive, plus the weight of the roof itself increases, which requires strengthening the walls and foundation of the house.

It should be added that arched mansard roofs create more space underneath them than domed roofs. But the latter have a more presentable and unusual appearance.



So, having dealt with all types of attic roofs of private houses, we move on to the classic model - the broken one. This is what is most often called the attic. It has four slopes, located in pairs opposite each other. The upper slopes are steep, the lower slopes are gentle. It is the boundary between them that determines the usable area of ​​the room. Therefore, the higher the border is located, the greater the useful volume.

Video description

A video will help you understand this type of roofing structure, which describes the step-by-step technology for constructing a mansard roof (broken):

Conclusion on the topic

So, we told you about all the roofs that are built over attic spaces. There are very simple design solutions in them, and there are quite complex ones. Each of the models has certain advantages, but they also have their disadvantages. A professional architect can advise you which one to choose. But one thing can be said for sure: the main selection criterion is the shape and size of the house. And also your financial capabilities. With small investments, the attic is organized under lean-to structures. If the budget allows, then a multi-gable version can be erected.