Prayer for the desire of the Holy Matron. The strongest prayer for the execution of the wishes of the Matron

Each person wants everything immediately, but not all of everyone do. Some interferes with laziness, and others persistently go to their goal, but they are pursuing a failure.

How to help desires come true? The magic wand has not yet invented, so it is worth trying other means. You can do this with the help of prayer for the fulfillment of desire in the near term.

Prayer strength is large, especially if they are pronounced with a clean heart and in faith in God. The saints will surely hear your request and help you in the exercise of the goal, if only it is good, and not aimed at causing harm to someone.

The description and rules for the pronunciation of prayers for the fulfillment of desires for the Orthodox and representatives of other religions are shown below.

Ciled prayers

Surely many of you are thinking about what is a prayer, and how it acts.

  • So, prayer is a connection with our Creator or with Holy Saints, depending on who you pray.
  • When we pronounce a prayer speech, then we are in close contact with God, we connect with him.
  • And, of course, the strength of our prayer can make many miracles, she not only heals us, but also helps us overcome difficulties, obstacles in life, cope with grief and spiritual, and sometimes physical pain.

If you consider different religions, we will see one regularity in them, which is one for all, and this pattern is prayer. Almost all religions argue that we have the creator who cares and loves us. He responds to our request and helps us, but our creator wants us to communicate with him, so we have bilateral communication.

If we watch people, we will see that even unbeliever people sometimes raise thanks to heaven, and it does not depend on whether they believe in God, they understand who they thank, but it is, and this is another indisputable fact.

Prayers can be different, there is a floatingral plea, there is a gratitude, and there is such that more like a conversation with God as with her father.

What prayer is needed

What prayer is needed? - This is another common question that is asked a large number of people. But a unambiguous answer to this question is probably not. Everyone chooses for itself that text, the speech with which they turn to God, which is more like, which else comes from the heart.

  1. For example, if you pray not to the Savior yourself, but some miraculous saints, you can choose that prayer text that glorifies this particularly saint.
  2. Of course, it's good if you know our father, but if this prayer text you do not know, you can just turn to your father in my own words, the main thing is that your words go from the soul from the heart, then they will be heard.

There are many stories when people are unbelieving or just far from the church, in the most difficult times they began to sincerely pray, they did not know any prayers, did not know how to pray, they simply prayed and received relief, healing, help.

There are many such people, and it suggests that specially written prayer texts are not at all necessary, only your sincere faith is needed that the creator will hear you and help you. The power of any prayer in our faith in it, in God.

What is the difference between prayers for the fulfillment of desires from conspiracy

Initially, it seems that these two concepts are similar. And prayer, and the conspiracy is built according to one principle. A person reads the text and invests in it energy and faith. "Magic" words are in both cases. However, the desire to fulfill different forces.

  • In the case of prayer, a person turns to the highest reason and asks to fulfill his desire. This is rather a request, the message of the universe.
  • With a conspiracy, a person sells a dream to the fate and the will of the Higher Forces. Magic manipulations can change the future (not always for the better). It is not known what consequences will come after that and what will have to pay.

For example, a person dreams of big money and applies a plot. After a certain time, he gets what he wants, but with this health problems appear. "Processing" may be anything (disease, loss of loved ones and so on).

That is why the church negatively responds about such interference. The clergymen claim to rely only on the will of God. Prayer will not have any bad influence on a person who pronounces it. The desire will be fulfilled without consequences when the Universe will be ready for this. The choice remains for a person.

Thus, with the help of prayer, you can attract the help of higher strength to implement your plans.

Do not wish anyone evil, read the words sincere and visualize your dream. Believe that prayer will really help.

Be sure to thank the highest strength after the embodiment of the dream. The universe will gradually push you to the realization of desire.

However, it is worth remembering that the water does not flow under the lying stone. Make a step towards a dream.

  1. Dream to move to Europe? Start learning German or Italian.
  2. Want a new home? Read the ads, buy a lottery ticket.
  3. Gray to be healthy? Sign up for yoga.

The highest forces will be on your side only when you yourself begin to do something to embody your dreams. The universe will hear any desire and will help move it into reality. Rely on prayers and believe in them, but do not forget that the main wizards and magicians in our life - we ourselves.

Prayer for the performance of desire: how to ask?

Psychologists and esotericists convince us that the thought is material, and ultimately everyone we think about it for a long time, will certainly come true. It is according to this principle and a prayer for execution of desire.

Some believe that all things that occur in our lives are natural, and if there are prayers, there is also the one who must hear them. Many do not know how to correctly read prayers, and because of this, their requests are not always heard.

To begin with, we note that prayer is a conversation with the highest forces. Many texts were compiled by the Holy Fathers, taking into account all the rules. But you yourself can create your own prayer. This can also be compiled and prayer for the performance of desire.

The main thing in the preparation of such a text is that words should come from the soul, from the subconscious. If you find your words to pick up your words, then use ready-made prayers. If you need the Orthodox prayer for the fulfillment of the desire, then you can learn its text from the clergy.

The main rule

There is not one prayer for the fulfillment of desire. Each is addressed to a separate holy, and the addressee must be chosen depending on what the nature of your request is.

But all prayers have one general rule: do not dare to ask for harm to another person, and even more so about death. Such a prayer is heard. Any religion adheres to this rule.

Ritual before pronouncing the sacred text

  1. To think about your desire to formulate it, not forgetting about specification.
  2. Visualization. It is necessary to imagine his imagination that the dream has already come true. Next, try to clearly feel those feelings and emotions that would cause your desire after your implementation.
  3. In such a joyful and raised mood, the desire to formulate and write down on a pure piece of paper. It is also desirable to describe and their joyful experiences.

The finished piece of paper must be preserved and wear with you up to the time the desire is fulfilled. Written on it text should reread at least 2 times a day. It is useful to do it and before reading the sacred words.

How to make a desire to make sure that it turns out?

So, several basic rules for the performance of your desire. They are so simple and effective that surprise causes the fact that not all people got what they wanted. So what should be done to make the desire?

Desire should be recorded

  • And it is necessary to do it correctly, it is the inaccurate wording - the main reason that we get at all what I would like (offensive, right?). "I want a new fur coat" - good desire? May be. But it is expressed categorically incorrect. "I get a new fur coat", "I have a new fur coat" - just like that!
  • And - when do you want it? New fur coat after 20 years you are unlikely to suit, right? So indicate the term. Just come to the question creatively. TO

Of course, everyone wants his cherished desire to be in one day. And even better - in one night, in order not to wait at all, just go to bed and in the morning to get everything mandated on a saucer with a blue car. But it will be better to leave the universe space for maneuver, for example, by ordering "Dream Sales" in a month or even earlier.

"From tomorrow, my boss does not fit me" - How do you like this wording? Dates are indicated, it is written, as if you are stating the accomplished fact, what is wrong? Here is this particle "not"! The universe will ignore it - and you will get what I certainly did not want: even more pick-up. So we write everything in a positive form: you don't need to be "not to hurt," you need to "be healthy", well, and so on.

Emotions and details

Do not regret the paints when you describe your desire if you want it to come true. It is not enough to state it, you still need to present in detail, and the main item is what feelings you have to get the desired.

Do not limit the universe

If you are thinking, for example, an apartment, of course, should be indicated that it should be three-room. But! Who knows, maybe you will do a three-story cottage? So, formulating your order to the Universe, leave her space for creativity: in my life it harmoniously appears this or more and better.

Your desire should not bear evil and negativity

And it should not harm anyone, including you. For example, getting a major amount of money: this may be a lottery win, and insurance for a broken leg or a broken car.

And that the desire is fulfilled in the best form, it must be finished by the so-called "phrase of the charm": "For the universal good, for example, or such:" Let it bring to me and others. "

So, you formulated and recorded our desire. Excellent! You are already halfway to your dream. Next step - Illustration. Locate the picture (or more) illustrating the performance of the desire. You can cut it out of the log or find on the Internet and print on a color printer. And then hang there, where you will always see her.

Well. You have done a serious job and now the Universe is aware of what you would like. What's next? And then do not dwell on your desired. Release your desire. And the best way for this is to start acting to achieve it.

You will be surprised, but the possibilities for the implementation will begin now and then it is possible to convert. Including such what you did not even dreamed about. Now your task is to take advantage of them to take advantage of a cherished desire.

What will take to read prayers

It all depends on who you are going to handle. If this is one of the saints and not the opportunity to visit the temple of his (or her) name, it is best to buy an icon. Also need church candles. They should be lit in front of the icon during prayer.

In the case of appeals to the highest forces, Joseph Murphy will need only paper. It is written on it and one of the scientific prayers for the fulfillment of desires.

The strongest Orthodox prayers

With a prayer for execution of the desire to contact, first of all, to the very Lord God. Also, strong efficiency is characterized by prayer petitions aimed at:

  • Nikolai pleased
  • Matron of Moscow;
  • John the Bogoslov;
  • Holy March.

There are also such methods in which all the celestial angels of the keepers and saints are asked.

Words of petition for St. Nicholas Wonderworker

"Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, the aspects of the Lord! Upon lifetime, you did not refuse people in the requests of their arms, and now help everyone suffering. Bless me, the servant of the Lord (name) on the execution of the soon desire of the innermost one. We ask our Lord about the sense of grace and grace him. Let him not leave the request of my desired. In the name of our Lord. Amen"

This prayer for the performance of cherished desire is very strong. It should be read in full silence at a burning candle and in front of the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

  1. If possible, get rid of negative thoughts and problems.
  2. Clearly formulate your desire.
  3. Better, if the petition for the Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker will be read in the temple.
  4. Beautiful day to utter request - birthday.
  5. It was during this period that the spirits are most favorable to aspect.

Another petition to Nikolai Wonderworker

The words of prayer for the execution of cherished desire should be read from a clean heart, with endless faith and good thoughts.

So, the day before the coverage of cherished words, visit the church and post the station. Do not forget to purchase

  • three church candles
  • icon Nicholas Wonderworker,
  • Most Holy Virgin,
  • Jesus Christ
  • Matrones Moscow
  • Holy Marta.

Come home, close the windows and doors. Light the candles, arrange the icons and read the following prayer for the fulfillment of desires:

"On all-grade Father Nicholas, a shepherd and teacher, all the faithful to your intercession and the heat of the prayer you call for your intercession! Soon sweat, and get rid of Christ a herd from the wolves of Spioning E; And everyone is a country of Christian fences and save the holy prayers from Mirskago Miscago, a coward, the invasions of the interemphetics and the internecine branches, from the glad, the flood, fire, the sword and sudden death.

And Jacns pardoned the tricks of her husbands in the dungeon of the seeds, and delivered them to the Tsareva Wrath and the Laminago's post, Tako, and Mena, the mind, the word and things in the TMA of sins of the sin, and save me the wrath of God and the eternal execution, and , His Mercy and Grate, Christ of God, a quiet and sinless life, will give Mi to Mias in Either Sez, and will relieve the Schioo standing, it will prompt the same as the Sandago with all the holy events. Amen"

To make a dream, let the candle burn to the end. Make a rite every day until the desire to realize. Do not forget to thank the Saints for the help.

Prayer Matron Moskovskaya

To the Holy Mother for help or advice every day a lot of believers are drawn. People come and pronounce the words of prayer for the fulfillment of the desire to give them a child, helped with work, defended pregnant or need. Many are asking for help in monetary issues or good marriage.

If there is a list of the icons of Saint Matrona in your settlement, then you must visit it. Blessed will help to fulfill your most cherished desires. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Buy her roses (there must be an odd number) - Mother loved them most;
  2. Put flowers under the image of blissful;
  3. Sit for a few minutes silently in front, drop all the earthly thoughts;
  4. Let's say prayer for the execution of the desires of the Holy Matron or contact her in your own words;
  5. Remember that with Mother you need to be frank and honest.

If there is no such temple nearby, then you can do in two ways. The first, send a letter to one of the temples with your requests. The second option, pray at home before the bought the icon of the Holy Mother. For this rite you will need only a candle, it is desirable to buy it in the church.

Prayer for the fulfillment of the desire of the Matron of Blessed:

"Blessed Staritsa, Matrona Moscow. I tearfully pray you and to help your residence help me to fulfill all the desires are light - intimate and cherished. Sawn me from the desires of the siety, sponging soul and wounded the body.

Help me, Matronushka, bless me right. Help me to fulfill my desire. (Summarize the essence of your desire). Become my intercession and speedpressure. Moths about me, God's slave (name) of the Lord God and the Virgin. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen".

The innermost desire will be fulfilled in the next term, if the day of his birth will pronounce John the Bogoslov. The words are as follows:

On the table should also stand icons

  1. john the Cologovo itself,
  2. Jesus Christ
  3. Mother of Mother's Blessed
  4. Nicholas of Painting
  5. Holy Marta.

Another strong prayer that performs wishes in the near future, it sounds like this:

This prayer is read daily, 12 days in a row. Be sure to visit the church in one of these days and put a candle in front of the icon of Christ and say these words in front of it. It is desirable to make a donation to the temple (any amount).

The desire usually comes true for 12 following after the completion of the prayer ritual of days.

Important: Prayer can be applied no more than 1 time per year!

Prayer Holy March (Marfe)

"Oh Holy March, you're miraculous! I appeal to you for help! And completely in my needs, and you will be your assistant in my tests! I promise you with gratitude that I will disseminate this prayer everywhere!

Poor, we tearfully preserve me in my concerns and hardness! Submissively, for the sake of great joy, which filled your heart, tearfully you cautious about me and my family so that we save our God in our hearts and those who deserve the saved Most High mediation, first of all with that care that I am now (desire ).

Toy you, I ask you, the assistant in every need, win the way, as you won the snake, until I lay near your feet! Amen"

This prayer for execution of the desire is very strong. There are numerous reviews about it. It helps to achieve their goals and resolve heavy life situations (of course, if there is the will of God).

It should be remembered: if your dream is to revenge anyone, then for the help of the Holy Martha, and other martyrs of God, in this situation it is better not worth relying.

Prayer reading rules

  • So, read the prayer for the fulfillment of the desire is needed every Tuesday 9 times.
  • At the same time, a burning church candle should stand on the table, and in a room where a prayer is pronounced for the fulfillment of desire, - complete silence so that you can fully focus on words.
  • The time of day when reading is not important. The main thing is that the reader has a good mood, and there were no negative thoughts.
  • It is recommended before reading the prayer for the fulfillment of desires to take a shower and put on clean clothing. Not bad if there will be alive flowers nearby, and in the room - smell begamot.
  • After reading the prayer to fulfill the desires, it is necessary to give a candle to exorp to the end.

The text is first better rewrite, and then read. Before the cherished words, you must specify the desire on paper, to consequently pronounce it clearly and without hoist. It is impossible to read a strong prayer for the fulfillment of the desires of the Holy March, the text of which is reprinted or rewritten by someone else's hand.

But that's not all! After reading the cherished words, ours should pronounce 1 time:

"Our father, which is in heaven, let them hurt your name, yes, the Powder will come to your kingdom, yes, let the will of yours, IKO in heaven and on Earth. Our urgent bread give us to this visit; And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors to our. And do not enter us in temptation, but to save us from the evil, for there is your kingdom, and your strength, and the will of yours forever. Amen"

"The Mother of God, Delo, Rejoice! Gracious Maria, Lord with you! Blessed you are in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Savior gave birth to our souls! "

So that the prayer for the fulfillment of desires helped, complete your words phrases:

"Glory to Father, and Son and the Holy Spirit. And now, and confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen "and" Holy March, ask about us Jesus! "

Prayer for the fulfillment of desire in the near term

All prayers have a huge force, but help to fulfill desires in different times. It depends on many factors.

To affect the strong prayer almost instantly, it is necessary before praying to take into account the following:

  • To think about your desire to understand how much you need to quickly execute.
  • Visualize the period of life, presenting that you managed to realize your dreams to life. It is important to cause feelings and emotions that you will experience if the desire comes true.
  • In a raised and positive mood, you should write down the desire on a white sheet of paper, then you can take the chosen prayer.

The strongest prayer contains an appeal to the Savior of the genus of the human, the Lord God Jesus Christ.

It sounds as follows:

"I, the Slave of God (own name) appeal to you, Lord Jesus Christ, with a request for support and help. Do not proceed at me for my daring Molub and do not refuse me in your endless grace. Forgive Lord all my random sores and bless me. Give me the strength to move to my goal and take away from my way all obstacles. Let everything come true to me, and my desire will be fulfilled. Amen".

Birthday prayer for good luck and execution of desire

Birthday is a special day for every person. It is endowed with a special energy, and it is necessary to take advantage of it to attract good luck. You can attract good luck to life by contacting your guardian angel. It can also be asked for its own birthday on the execution of a hidden desire.

  1. Before reading a prayer, you need to visit the temple and purchase 12 church candles there.
  2. Early in the morning you should go outside, take candles in your hand and pray.

Prayer words such:

"Guardian angel, my heavenly defender and the keeper of my soul is true. I ask you to follow me in my life, I ask you to prompt me the right decisions and direct me along the true path. Do not throw me in difficult moments and be sure to me reliable support, save from the torment and attract good luck to my life.

Let my intimate desire come true. Teach me to love and forgive, do not sin and do not be angry, fill my soul with my sincere faith, so that I could pray for as much as possible to the Lord.

My guardian angel, do not leave me alone on a long road, confesses in difficulties and prevail in difficult moments my legs withdrew. Let my hands are filled with force, and the heart is knocking clearly, I am again and again to you, my guardian angel, I will pray on my birthday. Amen".

Candles need to be added to the house and hide.

When you feel that good luck turned away from you, you need to light one of the candles and pray again to the keeper angel.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit for the fulfillment of desire

The prayer of the Holy Spirit for the fulfillment of desire can only be read once in life. Therefore, it should be used only in a special case.

"The Holy Spirit, you are illuminating with your light all life paths and helping anyone. I humbly ask you the right path, the servant of God (own name) to specify. Yes, I do not afford to your instruction and blessing, let the grace of the Great will be your support and sweat.

I pray for the forgiveness of the slave and non-led priests, but about cleansing the soul from any negative. I believe that my plea will be heard and thank you for saving my soul. I sleep, the Holy Spirit, dreamily and forever.

Faith my sincere and prayers to you to carry, I will be all my life. Help me get rid of my needs (you need to specifically voice your desire). Amen".

The prayer of the Holy Trinity for the emergence of desire

For the performance of cherished desire, you can handle a prayer for the Holy Trinity.

It sounds as follows:

"The Most Holy Trinity, I will give you a prayer from myself a sinful and unworthy of God's slave (own name). The dream of your well-known and you repay everyone according to merit. I accept and pray my knees. I hope for your generous spiritual and thank you for them.

We do not say with the words, and I do good things in accordance with your commandments. I strive to live righteously and reject all sins and lawlessness. I want to become before you not defiled, in order not to help you help embody my wishes.

And if I sank into something, then forgiveness I ask and the omit for the sins. Pay attention to my Moluba, the Holy Trinity, from the height of his grace, I showed my own, having heard sincere repentance. We indicate the path and allowing the end of their days of earthly without falls to live. Let my acts be good, and thoughts clean. Amen".

Prayer for the fulfillment of the desires of Saint Schbel

There is a very strong prayer for the fulfillment of desire. She is aimed at Saint Sharbel, who lived hermit and became famous for his miraculous actions.

The prayer text sounds as follows:

"Our Lord, you gave a holy monk-hermit feat to live for the benefit of the whole human genus. Give him a great life-giving force to him, which allowed to deliver those who suffer from ailments and illness. I ask you, Lord, and about mercy to me, the servant of God (own name) so that I could serve you and glorify you in prayers.

Let me experience the mercy and care of St. Schalbel. Let the efforts of the Holy Hermit to solve my life problems (should be set out their specific request). Amen".

Powerful prayer to the guardian angel for the fulfillment of desire

In order for the prayer to the guardian angel to be effective, it is necessary to be in a positive mood. The prayer will be strong when you will quickly help people when you stop angry and swear, you will not condemn anyone and seek to live with an open heart.

The words of prayer text sound as follows:

"I appeal to you, my heavenly intercessor, the guardian angel, the Lord appointed to me. You are always next to me, so you alone you know how I dream about the execution of my desire (here you need to voice your desire in detail).

Help me, my guardian angel in this. Let me come true. Be with me next to minutes of joy and support in periods of adversity. I do not allow me to collapse from the true path and to succumb to the devilish temptations.

Save me from the enemies and envious, so that I am not encountered on my life path with terrible troubles and, so that I did not survive terrible losses. I pray you for help and I promise myself that I am correctly absolving your mercy. All my acts will be only good. Amen".

Prayers in front of the icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary have a huge force. But in order for a cherished desire to be fulfilled, it is recommended to seek help from the mother of God before the Icon of the Supilistry.

Squake the Most Holy Virgin, follow these words:

"The predicted master of the Heavenly, the Most Holy Mother of God, you gave us the savior of the human race so that we are graceful to the truth. Inexhaustible is the river filled with all sorts of different divine dating.

We believe everything in your defense and hopes for help in solving vital problems. We show your goodness to me the servant of God (own name). Pullings from the Lord for the forgiveness of all my earthly germs of slave and unknown, incident, and not intentionally.

Show your mercy, since with the true faith, I resort to you and pray for help in solving my life problems. Specify all my desires, which are good, and not harm. Give me my defense and support, I ask for a consolation in all sorts of chants and troubles, as well as pray for the hope of eternal life in the kingdom of God after death. Protections from the disheveled passions of fellow and the temptations of the devilish. I put my Lord God all my life. Amen".

Prayers for the fulfillment of desires in other religions

Muslim prayer

To fulfill the desire, contact Allah - the most powerful creation of Muslims. Words are:

"Alghamid Lil-Lyayahi Rabbil-'Aalayamin, AS'ALYUKY MUDZIBATI Rakhmatiki, Va 'Azaima Magfiratica, Val-'Smat Ming Cool Zanb, Val Ganiimata Min Cully Birr, you-Salayamata Min Kully Ism, Lyaya Tada' Lii Zanban Illya Gafarta , Vaia Hamman Illya Farrajati, Vaia Haghanten Khaya Lyakya Ryndan Ilajaya Kadathahaa, Ya Arhamar-Raahimine

Translation: "True praise belongs only to Allah, Lord of Worlds. I ask you about Allah, what your mercy will bring to me, the effectiveness of your all-believe, protection against sins, benefit from all the righteous. I ask you to save from all errors. Do not leave a single sin that you would not forgive me, not a single alarm from which you would not save me, and not a single need, which, being correct, would not be satisfied with you. After all, you are merciful. "

Perfect if Muslim prayer for the fulfillment of desire will be read on the birthday of asking.

Joseph Murphy Prayer

Surely about the famous scientist many heard or read his books.

The philosopher looks at prayers and argues that they work due to the power of the subconscious. Joseph Murphy offers its requests for the universe, which will change the life of readers. Scientific prayers will help in solving all urgent problems, including the fulfillment of dreams.

  • You should choose time during which you are in the good location of the Spirit.
  • The ritual is carried out both in nature and at home (preferably alone).
  • Ideal for this, relaxing music and candles will be suitable.
  • In a pleasant atmosphere, it is easier to tune in to the thoughts about the dream.
  • Take a clean sheet and email your desire.
  • After that, below should write the text of the prayer itself:

"All my desires are conscious, I know that they exist in the invisible world. Now I ask them to be fulfilled and ready to take this gift. I rely on the will of the creative strength, which is in me. She is the source of all the best and miracles. I feel how my desire is imprinted in the subconscious, to then come true in reality, because everything we think about, sooner or later happens in reality.

This is the principle of our consciousness. I feel that what I asked, will certainly be fulfilled, and therefore absolutely calm. In the heart lives firm confidence that the desire will soon come true. All my creature is full of joyful excitement. I am peaceful, for the Lord has peace and calm. Thank you, my father is heavenly. May it be so".

After writing, the main job will begin. Prayer should be read twice a day (in the morning after awakening and in the evening before bedtime). If there is no time, then at least once. It is at this time that the subconsciousness works more actively.

Thus, prayer should be read no more than a month. Do not use this method too often (several times in six months), it is better to use other options for calls. A desire can come true in a couple of weeks or months. It all depends only on how much you want it.

How to read correctly?

  1. D. Mephi recommends before pronouncing the main prayer, to read the Bible or Father, to member the divine power, to feel it in yourself, then enter the trance and pronounce the text.
  2. It is important at this time to keep the focus on the desired, read the prayers consciously, better in a whisper or in hearing, the voice should be confident.
  3. After prayer, the visualization of the desired one should be done.
  4. Imagine that what you pray, already materialized.
  5. With visualization, you present clear pictures of the desired in the moment here and now.
  6. That is, you concentrate on the end result, you imagine that you already have a loved one, or that you are doing a trip right now, which intend to attract.

Imagination with prayers are creating miracles. Try and believe that you are the Creator of Life, you have a part of the Divine and you can easily make the prayer for the fulfillment of desires for you there were workers and efficient.

Tibetan prayer

Special force is distinguished by Tibetan prayers. With their help, purify the energy field from the negative. You need to read such prayers every day, in this case success and luck will constantly accompany the person.

It is important to understand how it is necessary to read Tibetan prayer. Each phrase should be pronounced in exhalation. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the mantra sounded in the head at the same time as they pronounce. If you pay the praying process, at least a quarter of an hour a day, then in a short time your desires will begin to be executed.

Translated into Russian, one of the strong Tibetan prayers for execution of desire sounds as follows:

"The cleanliness that fills my soul spontaneous, it comes from ten holy areas: drachma, Buddha rushing to you, but give me happiness! I hear and pronounce your names, and my prosperity is filled with your graceful gestures, you are approved by your graceful gestures.

Looking in front of you, the holders of symbols of life, and the strength takes. I appeal to you through space and time. Each time, I remember your essence - multiply your glory. I bow to keep the chakras and sing about you. Oh, the defenders of the world, bless my started business, calm the spiritual torments, speed up the desired, performed intentional! "

How to read prayers

Orthodox prayers designed to help a person in implementing his desire, there is quite a lot. All of them must be sincerely, with a firm faith, with repentance and humility in the shower. In addition, the desires should be such that they cannot harm anyone.

If all these conditions are observed, the Lord and the Holy Hedges will certainly respond to a request that sometimes may be required for some time - for all the will of God.

  1. Dreaming about the exercise of his desire, a person should not have all the hopes to impose on only prayer.
  2. From him, it is necessary for the efforts to be able to make a dream.
  3. Praying should try to do everything to get your own: pray in accordance with all the conditions, improve yourself, your knowledge, skills and skills, take care of your soul.

What nuances worth considering during prayers

Do not want anyone evil or revenge

This desire will immediately be rejected. Remember what forces to contact. They do not accept injustice and anger.

During reading prayer, imagine what you want to achieve or get. Remember your feelings and emotions. Imagine how cool to care for your garden next to a small house or splashing into the sea. In short, imagine what you ask for something.


Without hope, asking for exactly nothing. Vera is the basis of contact with the universe. You must be unshakable and firmly to know that the dream will come true. Immerse yourself in reading the prayer and sincerely believe in the highest strength and exercise your desires.

Contact sincere

They will be heard and executed those desires that go from the heart. The more you want it, the more likely that the dream is embodied.

Clean thoughts before reading the prayer

Sit a few minutes before the icon and focus. You should not interfere with thoughts about home care or about certain events of the past day. During prayer it is worth completely devoting yourself to the reading process.

Do notice prayers in a good mood

If you have just quarreled with a friend or received a remark from the authorities, it is better to haul with an appeal to the highest forces. While reading you should not disturb you. Return and fully focus on communicating with the highest forces.

Thank you after making a desire

It is not so important to whom you pray. But the saint or the universe should hear the words of gratitude after the dream became a reality. You can take advantage of a special prayer or just to be a grateful universe and express feelings in your own words. In any case, you will be heard.

Prayers play only auxiliary role

You can contact the highest forces for help, but the key role in the performance of the desire remains you. Nothing will change if a person will sit back. Attach efforts and the universe will help help.

When will the cherished desire?

It all depends on the universe and from ... you yourself! Perhaps the highest strengths are considered that a person is not yet ready to change his life after the incarnation of desire.

That is why the execution can delay for several months. Usually desires are carried out several weeks later. But only if a person is committed to the fulfillment of his own dream.

Full collection and description: Miraculous prayer for the fulfillment of the desire for the spiritual life of a believer person.

Prayer is very powerful. Performed all the desires (if it's an empty heaven - meaning that you will not be freely or involuntarily damage to anyone). Desires are often executed before the end of the reading cycle.

i resort to you for help

I promise to you with gratitude

Poor, tearfully ask

and those who deserve

in our need

as an assistant in every need

and laid near her feet.

Part 19 - \u003d Wonderful Prayer for the fulfillment of desire \u003d

Saint Nicholas Prayer for the fulfillment of desire

Each of us, at least once, dreamed of something, at first glance, silently when the help of higher strength is required. After all, it does not always depend on a person. For some, it is a deliverance from the disease, for someone the world during the war, and for someone dreams related to the happy marriage, the birth of children, protection on the road. For this, there are prayers, through which, we appeal to the saints and to St. Nicholas, because it has a power to help in need.

The prayer Nicholas the Wonderworker will be at a desire for you a falling star, giving the performance of conceived. From the scriptures, we know that he dedicated the life to God - so strong was his faith. In church sources it is possible to read about his kindness, as well as the history of wonderful help to people. Therefore, one of the most popular appeals is a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the fulfillment of desire.

God's waters of St. Nicholas - is a respected holy in Orthodox believers.

It was him, having come to church, most often people are praying with negatively established situations to fulfill desires. As the church believers say so that the saint must hear prayers, the thoughts of the believer should be clean.

Pray to Nikolai the Wonderworker to fulfill the desire to achieve success in any business. A huge number of real cases are known when prayers really helps.

To turn - ask for correctly

One of the favorite holidays of Orthodox Christians is St. Nicholas Day, which is celebrated annually on December 19. And all because then the saint with those who behaved well give gifts, as well as the fulfillment of desires. Apparently, therefore, it is compared with the grandfather frost. It is believed that the saint to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the fulfillment of desire has the greatest strength on the day of the celebration.

However, it would be a mistake to think that after reading the prayers to St. Over the fulfillment of the conceived, here is your cherished dream. After all, this is some sacrament where there is your own rules.

For a start, calm down, thinking about your dreams. Are your thoughts? Why do you need what you want to ask? Does the exercise of desires benefit to you or harm to others? If so, then it is better to rethink spiritual values. Imagine possible consequences of bad thoughts.

In order for the prayer to the Holytor to be heard, you will need Orthodox icon to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (or you can appear before it in the temple), as well as church candles. It is advisable to achieve privacy. Put the image in front of yourself, lit candles. The wonderworker will better hear the fared plea when you will visualize its image. It is visualization that is a catalyst for execution of a prayer word.

Prayer read slowly, meaninglessly, no rush. Start with our "Father", after ask about your desire, starting reading the prayer itself. You need to be baptized correctly, so as not to spoil the whole rite. Breast like this: the tips of the three fingers of the right hand, denoting our faith (large, medium and index) touch the forehead, then the abdomen, then the right and left shoulder, depicting the cross.

The main thing is faith. It is she who gives the power to your word. For everything is paid to our faith. As the saint believed, we must also believe.

The petition comes from the heart. Sometimes it is enough to express thoughts with ordinary words if they carry well. The wonderworker will help those who really need.

Following these non-hard rules, enlist the help of St. Nicholas. Remember that the person himself is a blacksmith of his happiness. Our desire should never patch church laws. Do not be angry if the conceived turned out later. To be heard one need more time than another.

Another rite is possible, which is carried out directly at night from 18 to December 19. Then turns all the intended if it bears good not only to someone who asks, as well as for others. To do this, it is necessary to arrange in a circle of 40 candles purchased in the church, to light them. While they are burning, ask for the icon of God's catering.

If there are no icons, I mentally imagine the image. Special prayers do not need to be pronounced, it is enough to focus on your request, picking up the necessary words. It is very important to focus on his desire until the candles are doing quite. They say this night holy helps even those who did not write, but whoever need a lot. Truly his soul is infinitely good.

Almighty prayer for the execution of conceived

There are several strong prayers with the help of which people ask Nicholas to help them performed by their desires. People hope for the help of a virtuous saint, offering faith in return. Turning to the prayer, ask for help to all who need. Ask prosperity to people close, only then remembering themselves.

Surely you had miracles associated with the wonderful impact of prayer: healing the patient, rain after a long drought, the birth of a child from a barren couple, many examples. Believe, ask, pray - the highest strength will help.

There is a huge number of prayers addressed to Nikolay the Wonderworker.

The text of the prayers of these proven in centuries. During their pronunciation, the lifetime merits of the saint, its miraculous power are famous, and the benefits are requested, in fulfillment of desires.

Here are the most famous texts of the prayers that will be faithful assistants in detaining the intercession of the Holy:

Prayer for salvation. First, it is requested to get rid of the enemies of the country of Christian, then a request for the forgiveness of sins is asked.

Prayer for dream - The request for the intercession of the saint, the exercise of desires and happiness is requested.

Purpose of help - Short prayer, requested help in any affairs.

Finding for help for loved - A brief petition of the help of Nicholas the Wonderworker is near a person.

You have a unique opportunity to write an online letter-note letter to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with her request.

Prayers Nikolai Wonderworthy

Holy in historical churches, Archbishop World Lycian. In Christianity, it is worshiped as a wonderworker, considered the patron saint of sailors, merchants and children.

Prayer to St. Nicholas Wonderworker on the fulfillment of desires: Comments

Comments - 10,

I am an Orthodox Christian and I believe in God and all the saints. And on the example of your family I know that faith "Mounts drives." It is necessary not only to believe, but also with understanding and respect refers to religious canons. And how it is correctly stated in the article - no need to wait for a miracle after prayer, you need to believe and do everything so that your difficulties left you. I applied to Nikolai the Wonderworker with a prayer "On help for loved one," when my husband had severe depression. Everything went and I am very grateful to Nikolay the Wonderworker. Believe, ask, pray, using prayers in the article and your desires will be heard.

Prayer for the fulfillment of the desire of the Holy Spirit!

Read 3 times at any time of the day. And then print where others can rewrite.

"The Holy Spirit, decisive all the problems that shed light on all roads so that I can go to my goal. You give me the divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of any evil who has been disassembered against me, in all the storms of life staying with me. In this short prayer, I want to thank you for everything and once again prove that I never and never parting with you in your eternal glory. Thank you for all your blessings to me and my neighbor. I ask you (desire). " Amen.

Please ask you help, let my desire turn, I realized what stupid was, I want it to come to me and we came up, I will appreciate, love and take care!

I am the gravity of God of God and Nicholas the Wonderworker and all the holy saints.

Saint Nicholas Wonderworker! Pray you for help! I really want to go back to my husband! I beg, let my favorite Igor take me home, let him miss me and let his love breaks up with a new force to me, as before. Thank you in advance for your help!

Please help me, the servant of God, Tatiana, in the fulfillment of my dreams: Let my native father become Malbach Karalby Kazbievich. In the near future, let them come and become a blessing for me and my children! Amen.

Nikolai Wonderworker! Help me, please get a job in the near future. Salary does not matter, I just want work to bring me pleasure and that I worked in a team, where I can make the necessary acquaintances and find yourself friends. I am very lonely and I'm already tired of that setting in which I have been for a long time. I will be very happy if I get your help, I really need her.

Lord forgive me for everything, help please get me to work in a technical department, forgive me, Lord for everything, in the name of the father of the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen

Nikolai Wonderworker, help me with creativity, let it be a prospect!

Wonderful prayer for the fulfillment of the wishes of the Holy March

Prayer is very powerful.

Performed all the desires (if it's an empty heaven - it means that you will not be freely or involuntarily damage to anyone).

Desires are often executed before the end of the reading cycle.

1. Prayer Holy March - read 1 time

Oh, Holy March, you're miraculous,

i resort to you for help

and I fully rely on you,

what will help in my need

and you will be an assistant in my tests.

I promise to you with gratitude

what I will distribute this prayer everywhere.

Poor, tearfully ask

comfort me in my care and burden.

For the sake of great joy that filled your heart

when you are in your home in Vitania

gave refuge to the Savior of the world

worry about me and about my family,

so that we save our god in

and those who deserve

Saved Most High Mediation

in our need

first of all, when worried, which worries me

(Specify the need, you can several sentences, write clearly and clearly what you want, then there are no complaints, since desires are performed almost literally)

Mother of God, I ask you

as an assistant in every need

help to the mediation of the Holy Martha

defeat the one my burden and care that I called / called

as you defeated the kite ancient

and laid near her feet.

2. Prayer "Our Father" - read 1 time

3. Prayer for the Most Holy Theotokos - read 1 time

"The Mother of God, Delo, Rejoice! Gracious Maria, Lord with you! Blessed you are in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Savior gave birth to our souls! "

4. "Glory to Father and Son, and the Holy Spirit! And now, and confessed, and in the eyelids! Amen! "- read 1 time

5. "Holy March, ask about us Jesus!" - read 9 times

Prayer is very powerful; Fulfills all the desires (if it's an empty heaven - it means that you will not be freely or involuntarily damage to anyone by your desires); Desires are often executed before the end of the reading cycle. Personally, I am executed a few months after the cycle. One cycle read - and forgot, not wait when you turn.

Read the cycle - 9 Tuesdays in a row. If one of Tuesdays missed - start all over again. If the desire has previously turned out to be fully reading until the end of the cycle (all 9 Tuesdays). Near (right) on the table should burn a candle. You can any candle, but better church, small.

Time of day - morning or evening - no matter. If the candle is church, let the denit to the end; Unless otherwise - let the pogrit of min 15-20, and then you can put out (do not poison!). It is better if the candle is lubricated by Bergamot oil (palm, bottom up, from the base of the candle to the wick). And also better if there are live flowers next! But Bergamot and Flowers are not necessarily, but very desirable!

The desire to write better on paper to always sounded the same way when reading the entire text of the prayer. One cycle is one desire.

The text you can not transfer to the other- Each person should rewrite the text of the prayer to his hand (you can dictate it or simply give your own or this printed text to rewrite).

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Miraculous prayer for execution of desire

Log in UID

Performed all wishes

I appeal to you for help!

And completely in my needs, and you will be an assistant

in my tests!

I promise to you with gratitude

what I will disseminate this prayer everywhere!

Submissive, tearfully

comfort me in my concerns and hardships!

Submissively, for the sake of great joy,

which filled your heart

teshely you cautious about me and my family,

so we saved our god in your hearts

and those who have deserved the saved Most High Mediation,

first of all, with that care that me is now ....

help me meet your loved one

and create a happy family; etc.)…

win you so much as you defeated the snake

until I was lying near your feet! "

Gracious Maria, Lord with you!

Blessed you are in the wives and blessed

Your fruit is

yako Savory gave birth to our souls! "

And now, and confessed, and in the eyelids! Amen!" - read 1 time

Performed all wishes

(if it's an empty heaven- mean,

that you are no one with our desires

or unwittingly do not damage);

desires are often fulfilled before the end

If one of Tuesdays missed - start all over again.

If the desire turned previously -

Near (right) on the table should burn a candle.

- time of day, morning or evening.

If the candle is church, let the denit to the end;

if otherwise let the ming of 15-20,

Better if the candle is lubricated by Bergamot butter

(palm, bottom up, from the base of the candle to wick).

And also better if there are live flowers next!

But Bergamot and Flowers - not necessarily, but very desirable!

Very strong prayers for the execution of the desire instantly or in the near term

No, probably, in the world of such a person who, at least if in his life, did not dreamed of getting a magic wand and, with it, to fulfill the most intimate wishes. But, alas, the magic lives only in fairy tales. In real life, it is often necessary to rely on luck, which is not in a hurry to favor to everyone, but still waiting for this moment all people without exception. The prayer for the execution of desire will help bring this moment - in some cases, it can play the role of a magic stick and implement a cherished man's dream in the very closest time.

Difference from conspiracy

Prayers for the fulfillment of the desire should not be confused with conspiracies pursuing the same goal - these are two absolutely different things.

No Orthodox prayer, even the strongest, does not give a hundred percent guarantee of the desired person. Prayer is a request, and voicing it, praying never knows in advance, the highest forces will respond to this request or not, he only hopes for a positive outcome.

Although Christ said: " Ask - and will be given to you"- Do not regard God as a great magician and a wizard, who will miraculously fulfill all our desires. The result from prayer may not be - first of all, due to the fact that the praying simply is not morally ready for the fact that his dream will embody, moreover, in the case of implementation, it may not justify its aspirations and hopes, and even sometimes harm. Higher forces understand this and always know how a person will be better, therefore, they are not in a hurry to perform absolutely all of his requests.

Conspiracy, unlike prayer, already a priori gives an installation on a positive result and is almost always accompanied by various occult actions. Conspiracy has nothing to do with Orthodoxy. The conspiracy is witchcraft, so its use of the Church is not welcomed (in particular, due to the fact that the appeal to him negatively affects the soul of man, causes her great harm).

Specification - the key to the execution of desire

It is very important to correctly formulate your desire.

It often happens that the prayer has about his dream only some kind of general idea, but about what exactly and exactly want him to get, - does not know. Inability to draw up a competent wording of its desire to make it implementing its implementation for an indefinite period or perhaps any chance of implementation. Therefore, it is necessary to ask for a specific one's own need: healing from illness, profit in business, receiving a certain position, profitable sale of apartments, etc. It is specification that acts as the primary pledge of the nearest meeting with his cherished dream.

Ritual before pronouncing the sacred text

  1. To think about your desire to formulate it, not forgetting about specification.
  2. Visualization. It is necessary to imagine his imagination that the dream has already come true. Next, try to clearly feel those feelings and emotions that would cause your desire after your implementation.
  3. In such a joyful and raised mood, the desire to formulate and write down on a pure piece of paper. It is also desirable to describe and their joyful experiences.

The finished piece of paper must be preserved and wear with you up to the time the desire is fulfilled. Written on it text should reread at least 2 times a day. It is useful to do it and before reading the sacred words.

The strongest Orthodox prayers

With a prayer for execution of the desire to contact, first of all, to the very Lord God. Also, strong efficiency is characterized by prayer petitions aimed at:

There are also such methods in which all the celestial angels of the keepers and saints are asked.

Nikolay Wonderworthy

One of the most powerful Orthodox prayers to help bring the fulfillment of a cherished dream. By reading it, the performer must carefully prepare: Clean his head from anxious and negative thoughts, to forget about the problems, clearly to formulate.

Best of all, if the text is spoken in the temple. If there is no possibility to visit the church, it is not formed to turn to Nikolai the designer and at home, but it is necessary to do this in full silence, with a burning candle, in front of the holy icon. Text:

This prayer will have a special force, subject to the executive pronouncement on his birthday. But on ordinary days it can be used.

Matrona Moscow

With a request to the Blessed Starrice, Moscow Matron can be treated at home. It is necessary to do it in a calm state, in absolute loneliness.

The icons of Matronushki, Nicholas and Jesus Christ are put on the table (if any of them are not - buying in advance), 11 church candles are lit in front of them. Crossing and bowing to images, proceed to reading:

Take this prayer rite is required daily until the dream is fulfilled.

John the Bogoslov

The innermost desire will be fulfilled in the next term, if the day of his birth will pronounce John the Bogoslov. The words are as follows:

Lord, all holy and angels

Another strong prayer that performs wishes in the near future, it sounds like this:

This prayer is read daily, 12 days in a row. Be sure to visit the church in one of these days and put a candle in front of the icon of Christ and say these words in front of it. It is desirable to make a donation to the temple (any amount).

The desire usually comes true for 12 following after the completion of the prayer ritual of days.

Important: Prayer can be applied no more than 1 time per year!

How to read prayers

Orthodox prayers designed to help a person in implementing his desire, there is quite a lot. All of them must be sincerely, with a firm faith, with repentance and humility in the shower. Moreover, desires should be such that they could not cause harm to anyone. If all these conditions are observed, the Lord and the Holy Hedges will certainly respond to a request that sometimes may be required for some time - for all the will of God.

Dreaming about the exercise of his desire, a person should not have all the hopes to impose on only prayer. From him, it is necessary for the efforts to be able to make a dream. Praying should try to do everything to get your own: pray in accordance with all the conditions, improve yourself, your knowledge, skills and skills, take care of your soul.

More than once I read the prayer for the fulfillment of the desire to St. Nicholas - helped always. I think the rest of the prayers are strong and efficient, the main thing is to believe in them.

I believe that the saints always help to pray to them sincerely and if the request for anyone harm is not harmful! Very good prayers!

The main thing is to believe in them and everything will come true.

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    I read prayers every day, and wake up for the night. Faith helps me better feel, especially in the rhythm of urban life. I cease to react to different attacks, especially at work it is relevant. Prayers once performed my desires, and the big and small, believe in their truthfulness, maybe therefore. If you do not believe, it is unlikely that sensible from it will come out.

    It really works if you want to achieve your desire, you need to want it very, very much, to imagine what you wish and everything will certainly succe. Already how many times I checked that it is from the faith that it depends on or not and how quickly will come true. Prayers in this very help, they are filled with energy, so they are triggered instantly!

    I believe not in prayer or conspiracies or conspiracy, but by virtue of thought. How many times have already been convinced of your life that words are material, and it is worth thinking and presented bright and preferably with a detailed description, as it will surely come true. This is still in childhood I remember when before an important event lay and fantasized, and as a result, it was exactly that way.

    I think that the desired can be achieved only by your work. It is impossible to pray and sit anything. So it is hardly unlikely to do something. In general, yes, I agree with the comments above, the thoughts are material and if you want something strongly, and at the same time you will seek this affairs (not only by thoughts and faith), then everything will definitely come true!

    Such an article sincere, I read and even loosened. How everything is right here! Yes, indeed, the Lord will never leave us alone, he is always with us. But completely shifting responsibility for his life for his life. After all, he wants it. He gave each of us a free choice, as we live. And we must adequately do this choice. Then, all the conceived by us will be executed.

    Prayers helped me every time and help and I will not stop praying because thanks to them I live! I pray in the morning and in the evening! And if something I'm 12 years old!

    Read 3 times at any time of the day. And then type where others can rewrite. The Holy Spirit, the decisive all the problems shedding the light on all the roads so that I could go to my goal. You, giving me the divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of any evil who has been deemed against me, in all the storms of life is with me. In this short prayer, I want to thank you for everything and once again prove that I never and never parting with you in your eternal glory. Thank you for all your blessings to me and my neighbor. I ask you (desire). Amen.

    The Holy Spirit, the decisive all the problems shedding the light on all the roads so that I could go to my goal. You, giving me the divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of any evil who has been deemed against me, in all the storms of life is with me. In this short prayer, I want to thank you for everything and once again prove that I never and never parting with you in your eternal glory. Thank you for all your blessings to me and my neighbor. I ask you (desire). Amen.

    In the same garden cut dry branches of grapes. Pick up them after the time of Saint Tikhon and planted to the ground with prayers. He asked the Lord about four gifts for seedlings and was heard. Grape branches took moisture and put roots. Berries ripe quickly, and they were sweet, ripe and large. So the creator blessed dried branches and answered the requests of the saint. Prayer for the fulfillment of desire for the next term is an effective means accessible to each Christian if.

The strongest prayer for the execution of the desire instantly

A person is distinguished from the Creator of Suit Things. Before pronouncing the holy texts, it is recommended to take off from being and focus on the purity of their motives. The dream will not turn if sinful and evil thoughts are in the head. Before reading the appeal to the Lord, you must fast for three days if health allows.

  • Prayer Saint Tikhonu- performs a desire about healing. Remember how the grape branches come to life from Moluba of God's associate? So the sick person in early time will get rid of diseases. They pray to him not only about the physical, but also about mental recovery. Also, Saint Tikhon, pray for a financial well-being.

  • The prayer of the Holy Apostle John the Bogoslov -request help and mediation from one of the first students of Christ. It was his son of God who instructed the care of his mother, dying on the cross for our sins. It is best to contact the Apostle John the Theologian on the day of my birth, then the desire will be much faster.

  • O Great and Incompute God! I have been offering Saint John to you on the default, you have encouraged an unfair revelations, we accept a petition about us, give us the fulfillment of our in our glory to glory, the same commitment to a spiritual perfection to enjoy the lifestyle, endlessly in the heavenly your abode! Oh Heavenly Father, creating all Vladyko, all-grade king! Touch the grace of the hearts of ours, yes, the monster, Yako wax, shed before you and the Barnish creature is spiritual to work in honor and the glory of yours, and your son, and the saint spirit. Amen.

    Wishing something to remember that the Lord fulfills only those wishes that will benefit to you and the whole world. Therefore, do not be surprised if your cherished desire is not executed. Think what could be if it really came true. Sometimes the desire to have something caused by the desire to control the world around itself. And the requirement to subordinate the world may be a consequence of anxiety in the shower.

  • The prayer of the Virgin about the speedy performance of the dream - it is necessarily pronounced in front of the icon depicting the Virgin Mary. Be incremented in front of the church candle and read the holy text by heart with respectful humility.
  • Most Holy Mother of God, Mother of God. Do not proceed to my request, I do not touch sins from you. For curses and not patience, I ask Jesus forgiveness. Let the disease feed, their relatives are not worn, and for all the pregasses sincerely repent. Let the desires fulfill themselves, and the gaps in disbelief are good to fill. Since desire, these are leading to hell, I will read about the salvation of the Prayer of the Lord. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen.
  • The strongest prayer of the Holy Spirit for the fulfillment of desire - it acts instantly, but it should be read carefully. It is pronounced only once in life on a very important occasion. It should be climbed with the sunrise, put on your knees and read the text of the holy circulation three times.
  • When it comes to the exercise of desires, a prayer or conspiracy can help. You get ready to handle your guardian angel. With it, your desire will be faster. But only before reading the prayer for a desire, it is important to feel contact with him.

    In order for your guardian angel to hear you and help in implementing a dream, it is important to remember: in order to get something, you need to give something. This does not mean that you need to fulfill your desire to expose yourself to deprivation, sacrificing something or risking. Not! To get the blessing of his heavenly defender, you must tune in to communicate with him through good deeds and gratuitous assistance. Just make good people, help those who need, do not be angry and do not swear, do not discuss and do not condemn. Do everything from the heart and be open. Good intentions and cases you are configured to contact your guardian angel. Only after your mind and heart are released from anger and negative, you can contact your oppressory.

    Strong prayer for desire

    Prayer for the fulfillment of the desire for the best thing to read in solitude. It is important to turn your words and look at a specific subject. The most suitable subject for this is a burning candle. Her flame will help focus on words and correctly direct the thought.

    "I appeal to you, my intercessor, guardian angel. One you know how I want to fulfill my desire. I wish you to (say that you want). Help me to make a conceived, direct me on the way true, remove me from the troubles and envious, free to me the way for my actions! I promise myself that I will accept and use all your gifts. For the benefit of me and the whole world. May it be so!"

    After these words, hide the candle and spend some time in silence. This prayer for the fulfillment of desires will help you not only bring to the help of your guardian angel, but also will configure you for active action on the implementation of the intended. We wish good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

    17.10.2014 09:27

    Anyone wants his dreams to come true. And this is possible, but only when the Lord ...

    This prayer for good luck in Natalia Predina's money advises to read those who urgently need money. ...