We glue the wallpaper on the ceiling with our hands. How to properly glue vinyl wallpaper on the ceiling

With the help of wallpaper, you can successfully emphasize the stylish interior of the room, tastefully refresh it, add a kind of sophistication, modernity and originality. Make your home more comfortable and cozy. Give new life with minimal financial costs and time. But how to glue the wallpaper correctly and on which surface is better, not everyone knows.

How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling correctly

The most common and demanded finishing materials today are ceiling wallpaper. You should know and distinguish between their types and properties.

  • On paper. A cheaper option for redecorating an apartment.
  • Non-woven. Very durable and elastic. The surfaces covered with such wallpaper have a deep and embossed pattern.
  • Vinyl. Quite popular today. They are distinguished by their moisture resistance and durability.
  • Liquid. A noble and distinctive, seamless coating made from ecological material.

Before you start pasting wallpaper, you should prepare the ceiling.

You can prepare cut strips of wallpaper right away, or cut off the required length in stages during the gluing process. It is advisable to draw a line on the ceiling, relative to which the first strip will lie. It should be drawn with a tape measure and a pencil, clearly and evenly. Then you can start gluing the wallpaper itself to the ceiling. Depending on the type of wallpaper, cover the surface or a strip of wallpaper with glue. Glue it to the ceiling strictly along the line marked with a pencil. Having done everything correctly and neatly, the subsequent strips will lie flat.

How to stick wallpaper on the ceiling alone

To be alone with such a task is not scary, the main thing is to approach such an important process responsibly.

For gluing wallpaper with your own hands, it is better to give preference to non-woven tapestries. It is easier to work with such material, and even a beginner can cope independently.

Non-woven wallpaper is the best material for the ceiling. When dry, they do not disperse and perfectly hide minor flaws on the ceiling.

For gluing wallpaper, one will need:

  • Material;
  • Scissors;
  • Pencil;
  • Roulette;
  • Glue brush;
  • Roller or plastic spatula;
  • Container for mixing glue.

To work alone, you will need to place a plane for movement, at least along one lane - these can be tables or bedside tables. Without such an important moment, nothing will come of it. You should also thoroughly wash the floors in the room so as not to stain the material during work.

Smooth and high-quality gluing of the first strip is the key to the success of the entire work process!

We made a choice in favor of non-woven wallpaper, then you need to distribute the glue on the ceiling along the width of the strip and then carefully, gradually, apply the cut strip to the ceiling. The canvas should be glued from the middle of the strip to the edges. Expel any bubbles immediately. Remove excess glue from the edges also instantly.

If you prefer paper wallpaper, then gluing will be more difficult and longer. The measured strip should be smeared with glue and folded with an accordion for 10 minutes for impregnation. Then, carefully, without allowing deoxidation, deformation and rupture of the canvas, glue the strip to the ceiling. After covering the next strip with glue, remove the remnants of glue from the surface with a damp cloth.

After gluing the first strip, cut off the excess wallpaper at the edges, if necessary, re-coat the required area with glue.

Having mastered the first strip, it will be much easier to glue the next one.

Wallpaper or ceiling tiles: what to glue first

Having decided to make repairs in the room and update the already boring environment, wallpaper and ceiling tiles will look like a profitable option. The first step is to glue the ceiling tiles, then the ceiling plinth and last but not least the wallpaper. This is how to do it correctly and rationally!

It is not necessary to prepare a perfectly flat ceiling, the tiles will perfectly smooth out all the irregularities.

The ceiling tiles are laid on a special glue or putty.

Working with tiles takes place in several stages:

  1. Prepare the surface to remove debris and dust.
  2. Determine the location for the first tile.
  3. Using glue or putty, apply a thin layer around the perimeter of the tile and attach it to the ceiling. Hold each tile with your fingers for a few minutes.
  4. Inspect the entire ceiling and remove excess glue or putty without letting it dry.

After placing the tiles on the ceiling, the ceiling plinth is glued, and the wallpaper will be placed under it. The skirting board is glued to the same putty or glue using the same method.

Focus on seamless ceiling tiles, visually, the ceiling will look perfectly flat!

Is it possible to glue ceiling tiles on wallpaper and why

Physically, pasting ceiling tiles on wallpaper is possible, but from the point of view of practicality in use, it is not recommended. Such tiles are glued only to the ideal ceiling in this regard. Old whitewash, wallpaper or paint will not work well. Everything is removed, washed out and ripped off. At the end, the ceiling must be treated with a special primer.

There are several ways to glue ceiling tiles:

  • Starting at the corner of the room, in straight rows. This is the most common and simplest method.
  • From the center of the ceiling - rhombuses. The rows fall diagonally. In this case, more material will be consumed.

The process of gluing ceiling tiles takes less time than other building materials. At the same time, there is also a minimum amount of garbage in the apartment.

An excellent alternative to special tile adhesive is putty.

In general, ceiling tiles are the best option for inexpensively and beautifully decorating your ceiling.

How to glue wallpaper on a drywall ceiling without errors

The installation of the ceiling with plasterboard is completed, now wallpaper should be glued to it. The process of gluing wallpaper on drywall is no different from gluing all the same wallpaper to a “regular” ceiling. The only pleasant thing in this process will be a perfectly flat surface.

You can glue wallpaper on drywall:

  • On the surface of drywall (a simpler, but ineffective method);
  • First apply a layer of putty and primer on the drywall

Before gluing the wallpaper, paint over the drywall with white paint - this will visually enlarge the room. Just do not forget to be sure to walk on the painted ceiling with a primer!

What wallpaper is better to glue on the ceiling in the apartment

The choice of wallpaper for the ceiling comes from their purpose and what you want in the end.

By purpose, wallpaper on the ceiling can be divided into:

  • Wallpaper with a ready-made embossed pattern.

Both in the first and in the second case, wallpapers are made from different materials. It is this factor that should be given special importance. A more difficult option in the gluing process will be paper wallpaper. Much more advantageous - liquid or wallpaper on a non-woven and vinyl base.

Important preparation of the ceiling before wallpapering

Preparing the ceiling before gluing the wallpaper correctly will make the further process easier.

What work should be done:

  • Remove plaster, paint, pieces of whitewash from the ceiling.
  • Sand the surface with coarse sandpaper.
  • Fill the joints between the slabs and cracks.
  • Prime the ceiling.

These are the basic rules for preparing the ceiling. But there are many nuances that should be taken into account with the characteristics of the material, conditions, time and budget.

Do-it-yourself wallpaper gluing on the ceiling (video)

Wallpaper on the ceiling is a good alternative to expensive finishing materials. A variety of modern canvases and colors allow you to decorate the ceiling exclusively according to the individual taste of each demanding owner. With the help of wallpaper on the ceiling, it became possible to divide the room into separate zones of coziness and comfort, to make it warmer and lighter.

Attention, only TODAY!

I wonder how many people are wondering how to glue wallpaper to the ceiling on their own? It seems to me enough to write an article about it. The fact is that no matter how docile a person may be, such work together with a partner still unbalances - swearing, scandals begin, as a result of which the work does not advance one iota. In this article, on the pages of the site, we will try to reveal all the secrets of the masters who can single-handedly wallpaper the ceiling of any size. We will study this technology in detail, disassembling it to the smallest detail.

What wallpaper can be glued to the ceiling alone and what is needed for this

First, you need to figure out the properties that wallpaper should have for their most easy and convenient gluing.

  1. Firstly, the wallpaper should easily slide along the surface of the ceiling - without this, it will not be possible to dock the canvases with each other with high quality alone.
  2. Secondly, it should be convenient to hold the wallpaper under the ceiling by yourself. Agree, a strip of wallpaper unwound and smeared with glue is quite difficult to hold alone. And in this case, what else can we say about working with her? It is much more convenient to hold in your hands the wallpaper rolled into a roll - and such, as you understand, you cannot spread glue.
  3. Thirdly, in this situation, the wallpaper is simply obliged to adhere almost instantly to the surface of the ceiling - a minimum of time should be given to this step in the work. We need a wallpaper that would stick and subsequently would not fall off even in an unfolded state.

How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling with your own hands photo

Non-woven wallpaper falls under these three requirements as well as possible - they glide perfectly on almost any surface, they do not need to be smeared with glue (only the wall is covered with glue) and they immediately stick to the ceiling when they touch the ceiling and do not fall off. This is exactly what you need in this situation.

With the question of what wallpaper to glue on the ceiling, we figured it out, it remains to clarify the situation with additional requirements, in which self-gluing wallpaper on the ceiling will be easy and natural.

An important role in this matter is played by a properly prepared workplace, which allows you to move freely under the ceiling throughout the entire glued canvas. To do this, you will have to pave the shelves - the task is to simply walk and not look at your feet, and even less jump from one table to another. I think everything is clear here, and everyone will solve this issue in their own way - some will put two or even three tables side by side, others will assemble building scaffolds from boards. In general, as they say, dare and do not forget that the height of these shelves should correspond to your height - or rather, they should be so raised from the floor so that it is convenient for you to work.

What wallpaper to glue on the ceiling

Pasting the ceiling with wallpaper with your own hands: technology

Despite the apparent complexity, pasting the ceiling with non-woven wallpaper actually looks quite simple and at the same time has a fairly large number of subtleties and nuances. And the first one is the glue itself. You will have to forget about all the recipes for its preparation, which are written on the pack and cook it differently.

Adhesive for non-woven wallpaper should be thick enough - based on the proportions, the full package will have to be dissolved in a 12-liter bucket.

We are talking about a standard package of Kelid glue - it is he who suits in such a situation best of all. Although "Methylane" is also quite good - I can not say anything about other adhesives, since I work with these. In general, at the end of cooking, the glue should look like thick sour cream. We apply this kind of glue to the ceiling with a roller and do not forget to prime the surface, otherwise the glue will quickly be absorbed and in the process of work you will have to be distracted and re-spread the ceiling.

Pasting the ceiling with wallpaper do it yourself photo

There should be no problems with the first wallpaper - you don't need to join it with anything, and if you are worried about the joint between wallpaper and baguettes, then just make a small overlap and, after fully gluing the wallpaper, cut it off under a ruler. It is very important not to bend the first strip - if it goes away somewhere, then you will not be able to glue the wallpaper back to back. To avoid this, it is necessary to set the gluing direction with the help of laces.

The gluing technology itself is quite simple - we take a roll and, without unwinding it, apply one end of it to the plastered ceiling, and then, slowly unwinding it with one hand, smooth the canvas with a spatula with the other. When you reach the end, the roll can be cut off first with a small margin, and then clearly under a ruler or metal spatula.

How to crop a roll of photo wallpaper

The process of gluing all subsequent canvases of wallpaper looks almost the same. The difference lies only in working with the joint of the canvases - they not only need to be connected to each other with high quality, but also rolled up so that later they do not disperse and do not peel off.

In the process of gluing the canvases, it is not necessary to dock them completely - if somewhere there is a gap within 1 mm, then it can always be eliminated after the entire web is glued. Non-woven wallpaper allows you to carry out such an operation - they glide perfectly over the surface and you just need to pull them together with a plastic spatula. To do this, you just need to expel the remnants of the glue towards the seam - do not overdo it, the result can be disastrous. If you get even a small overlap, then to eliminate it, the wallpaper will have to be torn off.

How to trim the joints of wallpaper on the ceiling photo

To prevent the edges of the wallpaper from peeling off over time, the joint must be thoroughly rolled with a special plastic roller - it is somewhat reminiscent of a miniature wheel with a protector. It is this protector that helps to efficiently roll the junction of individual webs.

Sticking wallpaper on the ceiling together photo

I do not know how difficult this technology of ceiling lining with wallpaper will seem to you, here you decide for yourself. I can only say one thing, if you are wondering about the ceiling, then you will not find anything better than this method. Gluing other wallpapers, and even together with a partner, is much more troublesome and longer. The fact is that gluing wallpaper together requires complete coherence and mutual understanding.

Gluing ceiling wallpaper is one of the most difficult stages of renovation in any room. This will require special training, effort and material. After all, ordinary wallpaper for the ceiling will not work.

They will simply come off. But the process of applying ceiling wallpaper itself has many features that need to be analyzed in more detail. Read all the nuances in our today's article.

It is better to refrain from this operation if you live in an old house. Indeed, in Soviet times, the ceilings were laid out of slabs, respectively, every one and a half meters the surface will have a joint that cannot be blocked.

In addition, slabs often have different angles and different heights. This can only be seen after removing the previous coating. If you are familiar with this situation, it will be much safer and more thoughtful to install stretch ceilings, which will effectively hide these shortcomings.

Also, do not use wallpaper on the ceiling in the kitchen and bathroom. Indeed, in these rooms, hot steam rises, and due to humidity, the material begins to peel off.

Thus, the wallpaper on the ceiling in these rooms will not last long. They will most likely come off after a few weeks of use. Maximum - in a month.

Which wallpaper is suitable for the ceiling?

You should not take wide rolls, because working with them is not easy. No need to try to search for ceiling wallpaper from foreign manufacturers. Basically, they are produced only by domestic ones.

It is not recommended to purchase wallpapers of too bright colors. They look out of place in any design. The best option is considered to be white or any approximate pastel colors, depending on the design idea of ​​a particular room or apartment as a whole.

You can also not choose too thick wallpaper. After all, they are very heavy for the ceiling. Only specialized materials are required, designed specifically for this surface.

In small rooms, you should refrain from gluing wallpaper with large drawings. After all, this will visually reduce the space. If you choose the right ceiling wallpaper, this, on the contrary, will create a feeling of comfort and expand the room.

What are the difficulties when gluing to the ceiling?

Do not forget that the wallpaper on the ceiling will always be illuminated, and you cannot, if necessary, disguise flaws with a piece of furniture or, for example, a painting. Here, every nuance will be immediately noticeable.

It must be remembered that the ceiling is the warmest place in the room. Consequently, the glue will dry there many times faster. This gives an extremely limited time to correct any errors in the process of working with the material.

You should also remember that you will not be able to avoid the seams in the wallpaper. Therefore, it is necessary to come up with a way to mask the joints of the seams or to make them as less noticeable as possible.

Types of wallpaper

There are several types that differ in their purpose and appearance. Among them:

  • Paper wallpaper. This is the cheapest category. However, the price here justifies the quality. Paper wallpaper will not last long, so you will have to make repeated repairs soon.
  • Non-woven. They are considered ceiling wallpaper and are ideal for painting. Thus, they can act as an independent material. They are moisture resistant, and this is a big plus.
  • Vinyl wallpapers. They can keep their original color for a long time, allow wet cleaning, and are also unpretentious in operation. This look can simulate a variety of surface structures.
  • Fiberglass. They are not subject to mold infestation, and are also abrasion resistant and non-flammable.
  • The liquid wallpaper. It is an alternative to plaster. They are evenly applied to the entire ceiling surface with a spatula.

Is it possible to glue the ceiling wallpaper on the previous wallpaper?

This question belongs to the category “you can, but you don’t need to”. Ceiling wallpaper can be applied to the previous ones. However, this is mostly a waste of time.

The fact is that the new wallpaper must be attached to something, and most often glue is used for this purpose.

However, it is absorbed into the previous layer, leaving traces on it. Also, in order for the glue to solidify, oxygen is needed. Because of this, bubbles appear on the coating, or the surface completely departs in some places.

This is due to the fact that the number of layers causes too much stress due to their massiveness. Consequently, the wallpaper is too heavy for the ceiling and begins to peel away.

You can aggravate the situation if you try to paint the resulting composition. The color of the wallpaper will mix with the paint shade. Moisture will saturate both layers, and, most likely, the entire structure will fall down.

However, this is only the best case. In the worst case, it will take a long time and strenuously to tear them off in layers. And this activity is not pleasant and requires a lot of patience.

Additional stages of preparation

First of all, you need to make sure that there are no layers of whitewash on the ceiling. If they are, it is advisable to get rid of them. After all, it is not known how they can behave under glue or under wallpaper in general.

Also, we must not forget that to cover the ceiling, it will be necessary to turn off the electricity. Accordingly, it is best to start wallpapering in the morning in order to have time to complete all the work before dark.

How to properly glue the ceiling wallpaper?

When performing this operation, you need to remember that it requires specialized glue, preferably of high quality. You don't need to save on it. It is on this composition that the entire success of the work done will depend.

Step 1. Prepare the ceiling surface

The first step is the most important, because the whole future of wallpapering depends on it:

  • First you need to make sure that the ceiling is absolutely clean, does not contain excess paint or whitewash. Some paint finishes can be left on, but should be checked first. All you have to do is stick on the sticky tape and then pull it off with force. If the tape remains clean, this coating can be left on and not worry about the wallpaper.
  • We must not forget that you need to carefully putty all cracks and potholes. Otherwise, they will be visible on your wallpaper. Before plastering, you must clean the ceiling well. Then close up all the imperfections and only then putty everything on top.
  • If any paint or other coating remains on the surface of the ceiling, it must be thoroughly washed with soap, wait until it is completely dry, and only then can you start gluing the wallpaper. The reason is that due to the glue, any surface flaws will appear on the wallpaper.


How to deal with the problem of visible seams? Before gluing the ceiling wallpaper, you need to cut the material.

It all depends on the number of windows in the room and their placement. How to glue wallpaper to the ceiling? Ceiling wallpaper must always be applied towards the window.

If there is more than one window in one room, it is recommended to cut the material along the length of the walls. This will help to avoid a lot of seams and joints. In the process of cutting wallpaper for the ceiling, the elements do not have to strictly correspond to the measurements.

Make them a little longer. A margin of three centimeters on each side will be enough for the wallpaper to slightly go onto the wall. If this size is too much, it can be cut off at any time.

If you have chosen wallpaper with a pattern, you must first measure the length of the first strip, and cut off all subsequent ones strictly in the same place. In this way, you can achieve a good match of the pattern or texture. A great practice during gluing is not only applying glue to the wallpaper, but also treating the ceiling with it.

How to properly cover wallpaper with glue?

To do this, it will be necessary to turn the piece of material over so that the front side is at the bottom. The strip must be located on a flat and clean surface.

Stages of gluing the first strip:

  1. Kneading the glue. The composition should be made as thick as possible, depending on the length of the wallpaper. While it is swelling, move on to the next step.
  2. It is necessary to mark the middle of the ceiling from two different parts of the room. To do this, you can use a coated cord, you will need to pull it off and click it on the ceiling. This will create a straight line that you can use in the future.
  3. The light from the window should go along the joints, if in doubt how to glue the ceiling wallpaper correctly. In this case, the defects will be less noticeable. As mentioned earlier, wallpaper must be glued along the length of the room in the direction of the windows.
  4. In the process of gluing wallpaper, turning off the electricity just with a switch is not enough. It must be turned off on the dashboard or the plugs must be unscrewed. This is the only way you can be sure that the wiring will not be shorted and you will be safe.
  5. To find out how to glue the ceiling wallpaper, or rather, how to spread the first strip, just use the instructions from the manufacturer. Do not forget that the instructions differ depending on the type of material and the manufacturer. General advice can only lead to a waste of the canvas.

Subsequent stages of wallpapering

For effective work, it is best if at least 2 people are working on the gluing. In this case, one can stand on a stepladder under the ceiling, and the second can serve him with canvases of wallpaper, holding them as high as possible to the ceiling for convenience. This will greatly speed up and facilitate the workflow.

We must not forget about the stock on each side of the wallpaper. Three centimeters will be enough, but you can take up to five. If the blade is too long, it must be cut.

To avoid negligence and glue the ceiling wallpaper as in the photo, you need to use a spatula to carefully remove the excess. Scissors or even a sharp knife will not work for these purposes. After all, they can leave ragged edges.

In order to organize a continuous gluing process, it would be nice to also acquire a third partner who could prepare the next piece of canvas. The process must be done as quickly as possible, because then the wallpaper will dry evenly and there will be no unnecessary difficulties.

If, when joining a piece of ceiling wallpaper, small air bubbles begin to form, you must immediately level them with a spatula.

This error cannot be corrected later. This procedure must be repeated with each piece of wallpaper. All the following (after the first) strips must be glued end-to-end.

As for how to properly glue the ceiling wallpaper so that the seams are not visible, it is necessary to slowly pull one strip to the other with your hands. This is done in such a way that ultimately these strips touch each other.

It should be remembered that all excess glue must be removed immediately.

For these purposes, white rags are better suited. It is advisable to stock up on a large number of them. It is important that the rags are dry and clean.

Then it will not be imprinted on the new ceiling wallpaper and will help to gently remove the remnants of the previously applied glue. The strips that are glued last or applied to the edges of the room must be trimmed from the bottom. Thus, it will be possible to save both effort and time spent on installation.

General conclusions

There are endless ways of how to glue ceiling wallpaper.

However, the above tips are the most effective and common. They will help even a beginner to cope with this difficult task. True, to simplify the work, it will still require the help of one or two acquaintances.

A beautifully finished ceiling is able to create a unique atmosphere in the room. Good results can be achieved with wallpaper.

They will help add coziness to the room, delimit the space into zones and even hide some defects. Working with wallpaper is easy, and you can do everything yourself. The main thing is, before gluing the wallpaper to the ceiling, prepare everything you need and deal with some of the nuances.

Without a well-prepared base, it is impossible to make high-quality wallpapering.

Diverse world of wallpaper

The modern construction market offers a large selection of a wide variety of wallpapers: vinyl, paper, non-woven, photo wallpaper, paintable material and other types. When choosing a material, you should be guided not only by your preferences, but also by the interior of the room. Wallpaper should harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the finish.

For the ceiling, it is better to choose special wallpaper.

They differ in that they have two dense layers with embossed on top, but at the same time less weight than wall covering. Due to the embossed surface, they can be used to hide small irregularities and defects on the base. According to its composition, wallpaper on the ceiling can be divided into paper, non-woven, glass wallpaper and liquid, which are fundamentally different in the technology of application to the surface.

Types of wallpaper for the ceiling.

Recently, paintable wallpaper has become popular. For them, a special water-dispersion paint is used. The surface can be painted in one color or applied with a selected pattern.

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Before sticking the wallpaper, you need to find out how many of them will be needed. For this, the surface area is measured. When calculating the number of lanes, do not forget about the stock.

The strip should be 2-3 cm longer on each side and, when glued, go onto the walls. After the end of the work, all unnecessary can be removed. Keeping in mind that the rolls are 10.5 m long, it is easy to figure out how much will be needed.

Ceiling primer ensures better adhesion of the substrate to the adhesive.

The end result depends on how well the preparation was carried out. In order to further delight the room with its appearance, before gluing the wallpaper to the ceiling, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface.

All old coatings must be removed from the ceiling.

If it is planned to stick wallpaper on a plastered ceiling, then the plaster must be removed and the surface must be primed. All cracks and chips must be filled. Particular attention should be paid to the joints of the ceiling tiles.

It is best to use a deep penetrating acrylic primer. Apply it in several layers.

Each new layer is applied only after the previous one has dried. Then the surface is sanded with sandpaper. This is done to keep the surface flat and smooth.

Furniture and household appliances should be removed from the room, if possible, so that nothing interferes with work. It is better to close the windows in the room, avoiding drafts.

If the apartment is on the sunny side, then you will have to curtain the windows. The rays of the sun that hit the wallpaper will prevent them from drying evenly. It is also very important that the air in the room is not too dry.

Otherwise, the wallpaper will start to peel off. It is quite easy to moisturize it. It is enough to put several containers of water in the room.

Before you stick the wallpaper on the ceiling, you need to prepare the tools. For work you will need:

The guideline is only necessary for pasting the first strip of wallpaper.

  • roulette;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • brush;
  • glue and container for its cultivation;
  • paper masking tape under the seam;
  • rags.

And one more very important thing, without which it will simply be impossible to do anything, is the flooring.

In a small room, an ordinary table can act in this role. But for a larger room, 2 ladders and wide thick boards will be needed. Boards are stacked between the ladders, and you can move freely along them and glue the wallpaper.

As for the glue, it is better to use a special compound. It consists of strong binders that set quickly and takes less time to dry.

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Wallpapering the ceiling: step by step instructions

Before sticking wallpaper on the ceiling, you need to ensure your safety. To do this, you need to remove the chandelier and turn off the power supply on the shield.

The next step is to mark the ceiling.

Thanks to this technique, the pasting will be easier and the stripes will lay flat. To do this, you need a cord with two weights at the ends and chalk. The markings can be applied both in the center of the ceiling and in the place of the first strip.

The direction of the stripes depends on whether the room has a window.

If there is, then the strips are glued perpendicular to it, in the absence of a window - along the length of the ceiling. You should start from the corner opposite to the entrance. So, the seams between the panels will be less noticeable.

The required number of strips should be cut in advance so as not to be distracted during work.

You also need to prepare an adhesive in advance. Then the prepared strip is laid face down on a flat surface and glue is applied to it with a brush. Particular attention is paid to the edges.

The technology for gluing the ceiling is no different from similar works on the walls.

A better result can be achieved if you work together with an assistant.

When working with paper wallpaper, the glue is applied first to the panel. Working with non-woven materials does not require the application of glue to the product. The adhesive, which is made 10-15% thicker than specified in the instructions, covers only the ceiling.

Elimination of defects when gluing wallpaper.

The canvas is folded like an accordion so that the front side remains inside all the time and does not get dirty. Along the marking line on the ceiling, a paper masking strip is glued under the seam.

Wallpaper is applied to the ceiling, focusing on the markings. With a plastic spatula or an ordinary rag, the canvas is leveled, and the air chambers are dispersed. Several times you should walk along the panel in one direction and the other, especially along the edge, so as not to leave a single flaw.

After that, you can proceed to gluing the next strip. It is applied to the edge first and is also carefully aligned.

After all the air chambers have been removed, it is necessary to “pull together” the seam between the strips. The edges should fit snugly together, but not overlap. For greater reliability and sealing the seam, it should be rolled with a rubber roller.

In the process of work, the result should be monitored all the time. Each strip should be carefully inspected and if any deficiencies are noticed they should be removed before the glue is completely dry.

We have been accustomed to installing wallpaper for walls and tiles with our own hands since Soviet times, and the experience of these works has been accumulating among the people for many decades. However, they began to learn about how to glue wallpaper on the ceiling relatively recently. Meanwhile, this is a convenient and low-cost finishing option, and with a well-thought-out approach, it allows you to find very nice interior solutions. Its disadvantage: you will have to thoroughly clean the ceiling from old coatings.

Wallpaper on the ceiling gives the room a finished look

Here we will tell you what wallpaper is used for ceilings, and show with the help of a video tutorial how to stick them correctly. The same types of wallpaper can be used for ceilings as for walls, with a few exceptions.

What wallpaper is better not to glue on the ceiling?

You should not glue both thin paper types - they will look ugly on the ceiling, and too heavy and dense - they can eventually come off at the joints, or under their weight the layer of plaster or other coating underneath can move away from the ceiling.

It is believed that the weight of wallpaper for the ceiling should not exceed 110 g / m2.

According to the upper, decorative, layer, the wallpaper is divided into the following classes:

  1. Paper.
  2. Vinyl.
  3. Non-woven.

It should be mentioned that there are also so-called liquid wallpaper - another option for decorating ceilings, which can be done by hand.

Strictly speaking, these are not very liquid, and not at all wallpaper. It is much more accurate to call them textured plaster. They are applied to the surface with a spatula or plastic trowel, then leveled with a special float. It turns out a solid, without seams and joints, surface.

Textured plaster is easy to apply to the ceiling

More about ceiling wallpaper

How to glue ceiling wallpaper? Let's first understand their features. Paper wallpaper on the ceiling is usually paintable and is made from two or more layers of paper. Sometimes non-woven is used as the bottom layer. They are impregnated with a special water-repellent compound that prevents the paper from getting wet.

Their service life is usually up to five years, although it depends, of course, on the premises. In a small kitchen, absorbing steam and gas combustion products, the paper covering will quickly lose its good appearance, and in a dry ventilated room it will last longer.

You can repaint the wallpaper several times; on the packaging, the manufacturer usually indicates how many paints his products withstand. The advantages of paper wallpaper are low price, environmental friendliness. Disadvantage: less, in comparison with others, strength and resistance to abrasion.

Ceiling vinyl wallpaper is produced on a paper or non-woven base. The latter has some advantages:

  1. It is stronger.
  2. Does not stretch when wet.
  3. When gluing, it is not the panel that is covered with glue, but the surface to be pasted, which greatly facilitates the work, especially when it comes to finishing the ceiling.

Pasting wallpaper on the ceiling

Advantages of vinyl wallpaper:

  • Great decorative possibilities.
  • Strength.
  • Moisture resistance.


  • Poor air permeability.
  • Most of them are pretty heavy.
  • Vinyl wallpapers can also be painted.

It is best to remove old ceiling coverings. Chalk whitewash is moistened with hot water, left for a while, after which it is easily peeled off. Lime coating is more difficult to remove, but also possible - with a scraper, metal trowel, sandpaper and other mechanical means.

Non-woven wallpaper is very attractive

Non-woven wallpaper combines almost all the advantages of paper and vinyl:

  • Eco-friendly, breathable.
  • Strong.
  • They are lightweight.
  • They do not stretch when wet and do not shrink when dry.
  • Painted ceiling interlining can be cleaned with a damp sponge.
  • Good decorative possibilities.

The disadvantage of pure non-woven wallpaper is some transparency. So that stains on the walls do not shine through them, the surface to be pasted must be of a uniform color, or an additional base is glued to it. If painting is planned, such precautions are not necessary.

Attention! As for the price, wallpapers of any class have a large price range - there are economical ceiling options, there are very expensive, luxury ones.

When calculating the number of rolls, you need to take into account the drawing - if it is with a rapport, that is, you need to combine the drawing (a note about this is usually on the package), when cutting the panels, you may end up with extra pieces.

Features of gluing

Although the process of gluing wallpaper of different classes is somewhat different, there are general rules for everyone.

Surface cleaning

It is more convenient to glue together

Oil or water based paint can be left on if it adheres well. It is not difficult to check this: we glue adhesive tape on the ceiling and pull it sharply. If the paint does not fall off, you can not remove it, but only wash it with water. The enamel paint should be additionally cleaned with emery paper.


The cleaned surface is primed. For a highly absorbent surface, you can use wallpaper glue diluted with more water than for gluing. For painted surfaces, use an acrylic primer.


This is where the question usually arises: how to glue - along or across a long wall? It will be correct to focus on the location of the windows. The canvases should run perpendicular to the window - so the joints will be less noticeable. If the room is corner, the choice is yours.

Before starting work, you need to mark the guide line for the first panel. It is most convenient to get it using a laser level, but there is another way: pull the lace at the desired distance from the wall (2-3 cm less than the roll width) and apply marks on it.


When choosing an adhesive, the class of ceiling wallpaper must be taken into account. Adhesive for paper rolls is not suitable, for example, for vinyl rolls. It is necessary to prepare it from a dry mixture strictly according to the instructions.

It is convenient to press the wallpaper to the ceiling with a wide brush

Preparing wallpaper

It is more convenient to immediately cut into pieces of the required length, taking care, if necessary, of adjusting the pattern. Next, we act depending on the material. If the base is paper, the glue is applied to the panel, if the non-woven is to be applied to the wall. Sometimes it is better to glue both surfaces. This information should be on the packaging of the wallpaper.
Glue is applied to the panel with a brush, from the center to the edges. Then it is folded with the oiled side inward and left to soak for a few minutes. The soak time is usually also indicated on the package; it depends on the density of the material.


It is better to glue wallpaper on the ceiling together. The prepared canvas is applied to the ceiling along the marked mark with an overlap on the walls (heavy and dense wallpaper with a relief is placed without overlap).

Then it is pressed, smoothed with a rubber roller or a soft trowel or brush - for wallpaper with high relief. It is necessary to carefully squeeze out air bubbles from under the cloth; Remove excess adhesive with a clean, damp cloth. If necessary, peel off a part of the panel and reattach it. Small bubbles are acceptable; they will disappear after drying. Then the next piece is glued end-to-end and smoothed in the same way.

A more detailed video instruction on how to glue wallpaper on the ceiling correctly:

A small incision is made at the point where the lamp is attached; short cuts should be made in places where the panels are found at the corners in order to bend them neatly. The drying time of wallpaper depends on the composition: in particular, vinyl on a non-woven basis, as well as on paper, dry longer. The room should be free of drafts and high humidity.