How to connect a double switch. Installation of two-gang switches, wiring diagram

Difficulties in connecting a double switch to lighting wiring are usually experienced by an inexperienced person, because. For any electrician, such work is not difficult.

In apartments, two-button switches are often installed to turn on the light in a separate bathroom and toilet. In general, there are a large number of applications for double switches, but the wiring diagram is the same in any case.

Fig.1 - Visual connection diagram of a double switch.

If you have ever connected a single-key switch, then you will not have a question of how to connect a two-key switch, since the circuit is almost identical. Speaking in a very simple language, then a double light switch is two single ones in one whole housing.

When performing work on connecting a switch with 2 keys, you need to focus on the following important points:
1. The light switch must be installed on the phase wire. It is very easy to determine it with a screwdriver-indicator.
2. Before you start electrical work, be sure to de-energize the wiring at the input to the house or apartment.
3. Carefully study the supplied instructions for the product and follow its instructions. So it will be easier for you to understand where the wire input from the mains and the output to the lighting device are located.
Do not ignore these recommendations, because. it could save your life.

Connecting a switch with two keys is a little more difficult than a regular single one. It has one input contact for the phase wire (indicated by the letter " L") from the main power supply (coming from the junction box) and two output terminals to which wires from lamps (chandeliers or lamps) are connected.

Fig.2 - how to connect a double switch.

First you need to remove the overhead elements of the keys, unscrew the plastic frame under them and the outer casing of the device. Thus, you will get to the main working elements of the ceramic-based device. In this node, one terminal will be visible on one side of the mechanism for the keys, and on the opposite side of it there will be two of them - for wires to two separate lamps (or to two lamps of one lamp).

Now they produce two-gang switches of two types of connections with a wire:

  • with screw terminals;
  • with clamp contacts.

1. In the first type, the ends of the wire stripped of insulation are inserted into special holes, and then clamped as tightly as possible with a screw.

2. In the second, you need to insert the stripped ends of the corresponding wires into separate holes and clamp with a special clamp (even if it seems to you that everything is very tricky, in fact, you can easily cope with this task).

Be sure to check the quality of the fastening of the wires by pulling on each of them.

It is necessary to strip the ends of the wires so that they are only enough to connect to the terminals. There should be no bare wires after the screw connection, as this can lead to a short circuit.
Be careful!

The wires are connected to a switch with 2 keys and now it can be mounted in its place on the wall. Then we alternately put on all the removed trim parts from above in reverse order.

In order to properly connect a two-gang switch to a chandelier, you must first understand the ceiling wiring. According to European standards, there are strict rules on the color of each wiring, which must match the phase, zero and ground. But domestic electrical installers (especially for old apartments) use the cable that is at hand. Therefore, it is always necessary to clarify the function of each wire.

In order not to make a mistake and correctly determine the phase wire on the ceiling (or from the wall), you must:

  • spread the wires to the sides (so that when voltage is applied, there is no short circuit);
  • apply voltage by pressing the switch keys;
  • check with a voltage indicator or multimeter which wires are receiving voltage.

So, you have decided which wires are phase " L"and which zero" N". Next, you need to correctly connect the double switch to the chandelier at the installation site:

  1. Zero working wire " N» can be connected into one and hooked up to two lamps in one connection.
  2. Each phase wire L» must be hooked up in a separate connection for each lamp.

The correct diagram for connecting a switch with two keys to a chandelier is shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 3 - a diagram of connecting two rocker switches to a chandelier.

If you need to connect a double switch to several lamps, for example, to five, six, etc., then in principle there are no special differences for making this connection. All you need:

  1. Group the lamps in such a way that they turn on by a certain number. For example 1 and 5, or 3 and 3.
  2. Connect a zero working wire to each group of lamps " N” (one for all lamps).
  3. Connect a phase wire to each group of lamps " L”(for example, to three lamps one phase wire, to three other lamps the second phase wire).

The correct connection diagram for a switch with two keys to a chandelier with several lamps is shown in Figure 4.

Fig. 4 - a diagram of connecting a double switch to a chandelier with several lamps.

How to connect two chandeliers to a switch with two keys.

If you need to connect a two-gang switch to two chandeliers (or lamps) in your apartment, then this can be arranged quite simply. The connection scheme is practically no different from the above. See figure #5.

How to connect two chandeliers to a switch with two keys.

Tools for connecting a double switch.

Any electrical work requires understanding and knowledge of the basic rules of electrical engineering. More experienced performers may also benefit from the acquired skills in this matter. However, these two factors are not enough to install a two key switch. You also need to have the appropriate tool available, because you can’t work with your bare hands.

To perform this type of electrical work, you will need the following:

  • screwdrivers with a straight and Phillips sting;
  • wire cutters (side cutters);
  • insulating tape;
  • pliers;
  • a special screwdriver - a phase indicator (or a multimeter tester).

In addition to these basic tools, special devices for connecting wires are useful in the work. For these purposes, you need to prepare:

  • pads, in which the wires are clamped with a screw;
  • connecting insulating clamps (or spring-loaded);
  • knife for cleaning the end of the wire from insulation.

In most cases, electricians connect the wires to the so-called "twist" and wrap it with insulation.

If you have such tools and fixtures at hand, connecting a switch with two keys will be quite simple.


All the connection options we have considered are the most common, you must remember the following:

  • first determine the phase " L«;
  • the device is placed only on the phase wire;
  • follow the manufacturer's recommendations;
  • be sure to check the strength of the wire ends with screws on the terminals;
  • when working, observe safety precautions.

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in this electrical work, you just need to pay attention to the working unit and install the switch on the desired wire.

I would also like to draw attention to the fact that if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to contact an experienced specialist who will perform such work quickly and efficiently. We hope that the recommendations from will help fill your home with light.

1. Junction box - a junction of wires and their wiring in different directions.

2. Twisting - connecting wires in order to protect against the occurrence of excessive resistance, which will lead to constant heating of the contacts.

It is known that in spacious rooms or long corridors it is extremely inconvenient to use only one switch installed at the entrance itself. For some time before turning on the device or after turning it off, you will have to do without light. There is only one way to avoid this inconvenience - to install devices of special design at the entrance to the room, as well as at its exit (they are called pass-through switches or switches).

Device and principle of operation

With the help of such switches, the same light source can be controlled from two or more points, turning it on in one place and turning it off in another (or vice versa). Due to this, during the movement, the corridor will be constantly illuminated throughout the entire path.

The view from the back side of two-button walk-through switches from different manufacturers is shown in the figure below.

The connection scheme for a double pass switch can be implemented using a single-key device, so the question is quite natural: what is the second key for then?

To answer it, you need to understand the following explanations:

  • The two-button switch of the through type also contains changeover contacts, but in this case the number of switching groups of lamps is increased from one to two.
  • The number of conductors connecting two switching devices spaced apart in space increases to 4.
  • With this connection scheme for two-button walk-through switches, it becomes possible to switch two lighting bulbs at once (turn one on and turn off the other).
  • To see the difference between two-gang and one-gang switches, a direct comparison will help us. To do this, you need to remember in which the connection is arranged on only two wires.

Important! When considering the two schemes together, you can immediately see the difference not only in the number of connectors, but also in the functionality of the devices used.

If in the case of a single key, only one group was switched (the lamp turned on and off), then there are already two such groups in the chain with a two-key switch. According to the scheme of pass-through two-key devices in this situation, it will be possible to turn on the first of the 2 bulbs, while simultaneously turning off the second one and vice versa.

Lighting control scheme from two places

When connecting double switches, it is possible to control two bulbs in turn from two places. Such a circuit contains a pair of two-button switches, which allows you to turn on one of the lamps at the entrance, while turning off the other at the same time. When leaving a long corridor, for example, the second device allows you to perform the reverse operation. Thus, lighting control is carried out alternately from 2 places.

Important! In this case, the direction of movement along the corridor is not of fundamental importance.

The 3-point connection scheme is organized in such a way that the neutral wire is connected to both lighting groups at once, and the phase wire goes to each of the inputs of the first two-gang switch. Regardless of the position of the keys, current will only flow through 2 of the 4 input terminals. From the first feed-through switch, the current through the jumpers enters the input of the cross switch, and then to the second feed-through switch.

This position of the switch keys determines the path of current through the lighting fixtures. If this group is in working condition (the lights are on), it is enough to press the key of any of the switches to remove power from it. The same thing happens with their inclusion: when you change the position of any key, the power circuit is immediately restored.

Lighting control scheme from four places

To organize the control of lighting fixtures from 4 points at once (in two directions) in the room, you will need to install a couple of cross switching products. In the presence of several lighting groups, preference is given to two-gang cross-type switches. When they are connected in series, not only the electrical wiring becomes more complicated, but also the installation of the products themselves according to the algorithm already discussed above.

In this case, the jumpers will need to be installed twice (immediately in both feed-through switches, the diagram of which is given above). When disconnecting such systems, it is recommended to strictly follow the sketch drawn in advance with the designations of contacts and jumper conductors indicated on it.

Wiring diagram of a three-gang pass-through switch

When familiarizing yourself with the circuit of a three-gang switch, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The devices in question have 6 output contacts, which allows you to control three groups of illuminators from one access point.
  • Before connecting a three-button walk-through switch, you first need to mount its loads and turn them off according to the lighting plan.
  • The three-gang pass-through switch, the diagram of which is shown in the figure on the right, is not intended for pass-through purposes.
  • In conclusion, we note that the technique of mounting a two-gang passage switch from two places and all its subsequent modifications (from three and four points) resembles the same operations for single-gang devices. Its slight complication is justified by a significant expansion of the functionality of the system, supplemented by one more illuminator, switched "in antiphase" with the first one.

    Useful related videos

    How to make or where to find a two-key cross switch - see the video below.

Two-button switches are used, if necessary, to control two electric lighting fixtures simultaneously from one point. They also help to adjust the brightness of the lighting in the simplest way. Agree, connecting a light switch with two keys creates additional convenience.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the detailed process of installing and connecting a double switch. Here you will find interesting information about the device design features of the light control. With our help, you can easily carry out the installation.

We supplemented the thoroughly described briefing with visual illustrations, photo collections, wiring diagrams and a video guide.

The internal structure of a two-phase circuit breaker differs from a single-phase one by the presence of two output terminals instead of one.

More specifically, it consists of the following elements:

  • mechanism and decorative panel;
  • one input terminal;
  • two output terminals;
  • two keys.

Terminals are special clamping mechanisms. To connect the wire, you just need to strip it, insert it into the terminal block and clamp it with a screw. The input or common terminal is located mainly separately and is marked as L.

On the opposite side are two output terminals. They may be referred to as L1, L2 or 1.2. Some models may have screw terminals instead of a terminal block. It is undesirable to use them, since the mount may gradually loosen and will have to be tightened.

The main difference between a switch with two keys and a single-key counterpart is that it controls a pair of lighting devices

You need to install the device so that when you turn it on, press the upper half of the key. You can determine the top and bottom of the element using the indicator - a special screwdriver that works on the circuit.

To do this, they take a nail or a piece of wire and touch it to one contact, an indicator is applied to the other, holding the thumb from above.

The device of a switch with two keys is slightly different from a single-key one. The main components of the device: mechanism, keys and decorative case

If the light inside does not burn, then the switch contacts are open. When the keys are on, it should glow. It remains to mark the top of the element.

Step-by-step description of the work process

In addition to standard models, the two-button switch can be additionally equipped with a backlight and an indicator. The backlight helps to identify it in the dark, and the glowing indicator will make it clear that the electrical network is working and is closed. They also produce models with shock-resistant and moisture-proof cases. They can be installed in the bath, bathroom or on the street.

Being engaged in the selection of electricians for a new or updated interior on the network, you often come across a photo of a two-gang switch. This device looks as neat as a single-key one, while performing two useful functions at once. With a larger functional load than the standard variety, this type of switch is not difficult to install.


The use of such a control device, as a rule, follows two scenarios. In the first case, wires from two different devices are connected to one switch. Most often, we are talking about lamps that provide lighting in adjacent rooms. However, any electrical device can be controlled, from a kitchen hood to underfloor heating.

The second option for using the switch allows you to provide different modes of operation of the device. For example, adjust the level of lighting in the room.

When using lamps with multiple light sources, this type of switch controls the connection of a different number of light bulbs. Therefore, pressing one of the keys leads to the corresponding ignition of the bulbs connected to it.


The process of connecting a two-gang switch can be done by hand. It does not require a serious highly specialized knowledge base. The main thing is to de-energize the network during operation and follow the recommendations.

In order to start manipulation, the mechanism will need to be disassembled. Outwardly, it looks like an integral structure, not intended for disassembly, however, without removing unnecessary parts, connection is impossible.

Using a thin flat screwdriver, pry the keys from the side of the outer sidewalls (or from above) and carefully remove them from the grooves.

Then you can proceed to detach the frame. This element is fixed with clips or screws. That is, using a screwdriver, it is enough to loosen or unscrew the fasteners. After the work done, the internal mechanism of the switch can be easily removed.


Modern models of switches are focused on self-installation, even for beginners. In addition to the instructions included in the package with all the components, the back of the mechanism is provided with the designations of all contacts, and in some cases, also with a connection diagram.

In total, there are three contacts in such a device:

  • input, for the phase supply wire;
  • two outputs for instrument control.

During operation, you will need to connect the input contact to the power wire (phase), and two output contacts to the control wires of the device. In the case of a chandelier, these will be wires that feed different light bulbs.

It is worth noting that the instructions for connecting a two-key version of the switch vary somewhat depending on what type of contacts are used in the mechanism. There are two types of contact mounts on the electrical goods market:

  • self-locking
  • screw.

To connect a two-key control device for an electrical appliance, a three-wire wire is used. When purchasing this cable, especially for a beginner, you should pay attention to the colors of the wire insulation. Multi-colored insulation will speed up and facilitate the installation process.

If we are talking about a live network, the preliminary procedure in the installation of any switch is to determine which of the two wires connected to the mechanism is the phase one. This depends on the correct connection.

Such a check is carried out using a probe. If the circuit to be assembled is new, the phase conductor is chosen at the discretion of the installer.

After the phase is determined, it must be marked with a marker (preferably on the surface of the insulating layer). Then the network of the room is de-energized and you can proceed to direct installation.

Installation of a switch with self-clamping contacts

Installing a do-it-yourself double switch with self-locking contacts is simple and safe. The advantage of this mechanism is the automatic process of fixing the core inserted into the socket.

In the case of self-clamping contacts, they are also called "plug-in", the wires of the purchased cable will need to be stripped of insulation by 8-10 mm in length. Then, the conductor defined as a phase is connected to the input contact. It is usually located at the top of the ceramic base and is marked 1 or L. The stripped wire is simply inserted into the phase opening, and fastening occurs using an internal spring mechanism. The two remaining stripped wires must be inserted into the sockets for the output contacts. The procedure is carried out similarly to the installation of the input contact.

Before proceeding with the installation of the switch on the wall, it is important to check the quality of the fastening of the cable cores. To do this, you just need to pull on each core in turn. If the wire is not fixed or is not securely fixed, it may be damaged during operation, which in turn will cause a breakdown or fire.

Therefore, if an unreliable fixation is detected, it is enough to press the button located above the corresponding contact and completely pull out the core. Then carefully repeat the installation procedure until the wire is properly fixed.

When the connection of the contacts is finished, you can proceed with the installation. The switch is installed in the socket with the help of special spacer tabs, usually located on the sides, which get into the required position by controlling the screws.

It is worth noting here that the mechanisms of the new generation have smaller dimensional characteristics than the devices of the old model. For this reason, not in all old socket boxes, new switches will become reliable due to size mismatch. It will be necessary either to replace the socket with a new design, or to reduce it mechanically. You can also consider "enlarging" the spacers by replacing them with longer strips of metal.

In the socket boxes of the new sample, the switch is fixed quickly, literally with a couple of turns of the screws. Then additional fixing is carried out using a built-in metal frame. It remains to align the position of the control mechanism in the wall according to the vertical and horizontal planes. After that, the working mechanism is closed with a frame and plastic keys.

Installing the mechanism with screw contacts

The installation scheme of a two-gang switch with screw fastening of contacts is not particularly different from a self-clamping device. The difficulty here is that on such devices, as a rule, there are no contact designations, and therefore you need to do the search for the input yourself.

At the same time, according to the logic of the location of the sockets on the rear side of the switch, it can be assumed that the input located separately in the upper part of the ceramic panel is the contact intended for the phase. To confirm a guess by 100%, you need to use an indicator.

In this case, the insulation from the wires is removed by 0.7 cm. A phase wire is connected to the upper contact. The stripped part of the core is inserted into the clamp formed by unscrewing the screw. Carefully, so that the insulation layer does not get there, the screw is fixed. Two other contacts are made in the same way. The process of fixing into the socket and mounting into the wall is carried out in a standard way.

Now the question of how to properly connect a switch to two light bulbs will not be difficult even for a person who is little familiar with electricity in everyday life. The main thing is to observe safety precautions and once again consult with a specialist.

Photo of two-gang switches

For the convenience of users, especially in rooms with a large area: sports or concert halls, long corridors, it is good to be able to turn the light off and on from different places. This will eliminate unnecessary transitions from one end of the room to the other.

Double contact switch

The connection diagram of a two-gang pass-through switch easily solves this problem, it allows you to install switches in two or more places from where you can control the lighting.

Device and principle of operation

The functionality and practicality of a two-gang pass-through switch are based on the principles of operation of a single-gang transfer switch.

Practically in one case, two single-gang pass-through switches are assembled, which greatly expands its capabilities and the entire wiring diagram.

The principle of switching contacts remains the same: there are two input terminals on the switch, 4 output terminals, a total of 6 pieces.

The keys are marked with arrows, where to press to turn the light on or off. The circuit is assembled in such a way that you can turn off the light by pressing any key on the switches. In what position are the keys of the used pass-through switch, it does not matter. The possibilities of two-button walk-through switches allow you to create various options for light control schemes from two or even three places.

Control from two places

Two two-button walk-through switches in the circuit are located in different places, they work autonomously in two directions, controlling different groups of lighting devices.

The scheme is very convenient for long tunnels, corridors, flights of stairs. It doesn't matter which side you enter from, you can always turn on the light and turn it off at the other end when you exit.

The installation locations of the two-button walk-through switches are selected, it is logical to install them at different ends of the object. Mounting holes with a diameter of 72 or 80 mm are drilled in concrete or brick walls with a special crown with victorious or diamond teeth, depending on the selected switch housing.

Cylindrical metal or plastic boxes (sockets) are inserted into the holes. If the wiring is external, then the switch housing is attached to the wall with dowels and self-tapping screws.

Along the entire length of the room, on the ceiling or walls, two groups of lighting fixtures are installed. It can be chandeliers, cheap lamps or sconces. Connections are made in parallel so that if one lamp fails, the rest continue to work. Wires are laid from them to the junction box; for the operation of the circuit, two cores in the cable are enough.

According to the requirements of the PUE (rules for the installation of electrical installations), for safety purposes, the housings of lighting devices are grounded. All modern lamps, chandeliers and other devices are equipped with a ground terminal.

Therefore, it is better to lay a cable with three cores:

  • L is the red phase;
  • N - zero working wire of blue or black color;
  • ground wire yellow-green coloring.

The design of the two-gang pass-through switch provides 6 terminals for connecting wires, so two three-core cables must be laid from each box for switches to the junction box, leaving 15-20 cm ends for stripping insulation and connecting wires.

Connecting a 2-pin switch

7 cables must converge in the junction box:

  • 4 from switches;
  • 2 from lighting groups;
  • 1 power cable.

21 - wire, all are divorced into 8 pins. It is required to make a connection according to the specified scheme.

Lighting control scheme from two places

The requirement for wires to match the color for the intended purpose L; N, ground, can only be performed on sections of the power cable circuit and lighting groups. In the intervals from switches to the junction box, they are not feasible, in this case any wires are used.

Therefore, you need to be very careful to identify the desired wire, use a multimeter in continuity mode. One wire in the junction box will remain unused - from the switch on the right side.

Insulate its ends and leave it as a backup or connect it to a ground contact.

Management in three places

This circuit uses the same elements as for the control of switching from 2 points, plus a crossed two-gang switch. It is placed at any convenient point in the room according to the scheme between two two-button switches.

According to the design and principle of operation, the two-gang crossover switch is two two-gang switches in one housing. It can be replaced with two double-gang switches, but it is more practical to use the factory one in one case.

In this model, one common key is installed on the two-key switch, which synchronizes the switching of the contacts of the two lines. Jumpers are placed on the terminals of the two-key cross switch so that it ensures the passage of current in the desired direction.

Cross switch

The two-gang end switches are connected to a four-wire crossover cable. The scheme works as follows: the working zero starts immediately on two lighting groups. The phase comes to both input contacts of the first two-key feed-through switch.

Regardless of the position of the keys, current flows to 2 of the four input contacts of the cross switch through a jumper to the input of the second double-gang switch. At the moment, the position of the keys of the 2nd switch determines the passage of current to one of the lighting groups.

If the group is lit, it is enough to change the position of the key of any of the switches in this row to break the power circuit. In the same way with the inclusion: it is worth changing the position of any key in this row, and the circuit will be restored.

Three-place lighting control scheme

The designs of pass-through switches significantly expand the possibilities of switching lighting circuits. They are universal, they can be used as conventional switches with one key or as two-gang switches.

As a disadvantage, the cost can be noted: they are more expensive than simple switch models. Therefore, it is recommended to use them for their intended purpose in circuits with pass-through lighting control from several places.

How to connect. Video

You can get acquainted with the features of connecting a pass-through switch in the video below. Compliance with the developed technology will help to avoid unforeseen consequences in the future.

The presented diagrams, photographs and information presented in the text will allow those who wish to understand the principles of operation of two-button walk-through switches, understand the rationality of the practical application of circuits and their use, and master the method of self-installation of lighting control systems from several places.

This will make it possible not to turn to professional electricians and save considerable money during electrical work in your own home.