Everything about grapes: types, varieties and the path to perfection. Growing grapes: tips for beginners What are grapes

Grapes (Vitis) - a plant that belongs to the flowering department, the dicotyledonous class, the grape-flowering order, the grape family, the grape genus. The grapes are bunches of sweet berries.

Description of grapes and photos

The vine is the vine shoots. In the first year after germination, grape seeds give small shoots. Grapes begin to bear fruit only 4 years after planting the seed. Such a long period is necessary because the bush is formed by gradual pruning to a minimum number of shoots.

The grape flowers are small, collected in a complex brush or panicle. The fruit of the grape has a different shape and color due to different varieties: colors can be light green, pinkish-purple, blue, almost black. The grapes can be shaped like small beads, balls or ovals.

A distinction is made between seedless grapes (seedless) and seedless grapes. Taken together, the fruits of the plant form a bunch. The length of a bunch of grapes is small - up to 10 cm, medium - 10-20 cm, large - over 25 cm.

Types of grapes

The genus Vitis includes 78 species of grapes. The genus itself is divided into 2 subgenus:

  • Euvitis Planch
  • Muscadinia planch

Euvitis is represented by 75 species, which, taking into account botanical, anatomical factors, as well as their distribution areas, are divided into 3 groups:

  • european-Asian;

This includes only 1 type of grape Vitis vinifera L, which is divided into 2 subspecies, which gave a large number of varieties.

  • north American;

It includes 28 types of grapes, among which the most famous are Vitis rupestris, Vitis riparia and Vitis labrusca.

  • east Asian.

It includes 44 poorly studied species. The most common of these is the Amur grape.

Grape varieties and photos

Grape varieties can be divided into the following groups:

  • Red grapes, in which the following varieties can be distinguished:
  • Cabernet Sauvignon;
  • Red muscat;
  • Merlot;
  • Pinot Noir;
  • Sira (Shiraz);
  • Cabernet Franc;
  • Nebbiolo;
  • Zinfandel;
  • Pinotage.
  • White grapes, the main varieties of which are:
  • Laura (Flora);
  • Arcadia;
  • Kesha;
  • Chardonnay;
  • White Muscat;
  • Sauvignon Blanc;
  • Chenin Blanc;
  • Viura.
  • Pink grapes, represented by varieties:
  • Original;
  • Taifi Pink;
  • Transformation;
  • Gurzufsky Pink.
  • Black grapes, its main varieties:
  • Delight Black;
  • Codryanka;
  • Maiden;
  • Black grapes Kishmish;
  • Autumn black.

History of grapes

The history of the emergence and cultivation of grapes has very ancient roots. People have known about grapes for a long time. For example, in Georgia, the remains of a jug were found, which was created almost 8 thousand years ago and on which bunches of grapes were painted. Also, during the excavations, seeds of wild grapes were found, which, according to scientists, are 60 million years old.

The wines of ancient Greece and ancient Rome were very popular in the 5th century BC. The Greeks loved wine and were passionate about the process of growing grapes.

Armenia is also considered one of the ancient states where this plant was grown. Based on the data of ancient chronicles, in the IV century BC. grape drinks were exported to other countries.

The use of grapes

Grapes are a berry used raw, as well as in desserts and baked goods. Grape juice is used to make other juices, various drinks, jellies and wine. Due to the variety of varieties of this berry and their taste, wine and juice from grapes are obtained different in taste and color. Wine can be pink, white or red.

Where do grapes grow?

Grapes grow almost anywhere there is sufficient water and sunlight.

Climatic conditions give direction which types of grapes to grow: wine varieties, table varieties, for juice production, for raisins or simply for consumption.

The most optimal conditions for growing grapes are found in the Mediterranean, southern Africa and the Black Sea basin. There are almost no difficulties in growing grapes in these places. In the regions of Western Europe, the cultivation of grapes is more difficult due to the shorter and colder growing season. Also, grapes grow poorly in the regions of Eastern Europe, sufficiently strong frosts in the winter season kill the grape bush.

Grape care, pests

To prevent the grapes from freezing in severe frosts, the vine is covered with earth or tied with paper and polyethylene. Reproduction of grapes occurs by a vegetative method, that is, by cuttings. The seeds are used to breed new varieties.

To improve the yield, grapes need to be pruned. Pruning of the vine is done in early spring or fall. In the spring, pruning should be done before the vine begins to sap. In the fall, the vine is pruned after harvest and leaf fall. To make the grapes more productive, the vine is pruned with garden shears. Two kidneys are retained and the rest is removed. To put the vine up, you need to leave from 8 to 10 buds, and cut off the rest. If grapes are cut in spring , leaving 4 buds, the harvest will be good in summer, but the next year it will noticeably decrease.

Although grapes are not picky, but like other plants, they cannot be ignored. And special attention must be paid to protecting the grapes from pests and infections and pruning the vine.

Grapes - useful properties

Grapes are berries with a fairly large range of useful properties. A huge complex of vitamins and minerals is included in its composition, such as vitamins of group B, A, C, P, K, zinc, iron, copper, silicon and more than 100 useful active substances necessary for health promotion.

The benefits of grapes for the body are not exaggerated, because this berry:

  • Increases immunity;
  • Reduces the likelihood of developing cancer;
  • Helps to normalize blood pressure;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Used to prevent lung disease;
  • Has a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • Grape seed oil is widely used in cosmetology.

Grapes - contraindications

It is worth noting that with a large complex of useful properties, grapes are contraindicated for patients with diabetes mellitus, stomach and duodenal ulcers, liver cirrhosis, acute tuberculosis. Also, grapes can cause allergies in adults and children.

  • Experts say dark grapes are healthier than light ones;
  • According to scientific studies, in European countries where grape wine is loved, statistics on cancer are lower than in other countries;
  • A bunch of grapes or a vine can be seen on many city coats of arms.

Such a shrubby perennial vine, such as cultivated grape (Vitis vinifera), is related to the genus of grapes of the grape family. This plant is grown in regions with temperate and subtropical climates in almost every country. This species cannot be found in the wild. It was born in ancient times from the wild-growing forest grapes, which were distributed from the southern coast of the Caspian Sea to the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

Grapes are among the plants that man began to cultivate first. Bas-reliefs and frescoes in the tombs of the pharaohs say that this plant has really been familiar to man since ancient times. There are also written documents from which it can be understood that grapes were grown already 7 thousand years ago, while wine was made from its fruits. 4 thousand years ago, there was a prosperity of viticulture in Mesopotamia (Babylon and Assyria). Also, this plant was cultivated by the ancient Greeks, while they conducted a lively trade with India and Central Asia. Until the beginning of the 17th century, there was only imported wine from grapes in Russia. The first vineyard was founded in Astrakhan, and this happened in 1613, it was at this time that this crop began to be grown in Russia. The best grape varieties from Hungary were ordered by Peter the Great himself, while he invited winemakers and breeders from France. Today, this culture is still very popular as it was thousands of years ago. The fruits of such a plant are used for the preparation of juice, compote, wine, raisins, jam, vinegar, marinade, and they can also be eaten fresh. A valuable oil is extracted from grape seeds, which is widely used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Dolma, cabbage rolls, etc. are prepared from grape leaves.

In the southern regions, cultivated grapes in length can reach from 30 to 40 meters, while in middle latitudes it does not exceed 3 meters. The branch of such a plant clings to the support with antennae. Old trunks are covered with deeply furrowed brown bark. The color of young stems is pale yellow or light red. Alternate solid leaf plates consist of 3 or 5 lobes and have petioles. Loose or dense panicle inflorescence consists of small pale green bisexual flowers. This culture blooms in May-June, while the ripening of the fruits is noted in August or September (in some varieties in October). Bunches of various forms consist of juicy fruits, inside of which there are 1–4 seeds; there are varieties without seeds at all. The color of the fruits is different, for example: green, purple-black, yellow, pink and dark red. As a rule, there is a waxy bloom on the surface of the fruit. Such a plant lives for a very long time, namely, 130–150 years.

What time to plant

Grape planting can be done in the spring, namely, from the end of March to the last days of June. Or you can postpone it for the fall. Lignified seedlings are planted from the last days of March to mid-May. Planting growing green seedlings should be done from mid-May to the last days of June. As a rule, grape seedlings are sold in the autumn, and after purchasing them, it is recommended to immediately plant them in open ground, and not store until spring, because during the winter they can dry out or become moldy, and rodents can harm them. In this regard, in the autumn, planting grapes is not only possible, but also necessary. If you buy healthy seedlings and when planting follow all the rules of agricultural technology, then grapes will definitely be accepted. Tips for choosing a healthy seedling:

  1. The root cut should not be colored brown, but white.
  2. If the one-year shoot has matured well, then it should be rich green on the cut.
  3. If you touch the peephole, then it should stay in place, and not fall off.
  4. The seedling should not be overdried.

In order for the planted seedlings to take root well and quickly, they must be prepared. Immediately before planting, the root system of the grapes should be placed in clean water for 12-24 hours. The one-year shoot should be pruned to a height of 3-4 eyes. On the upper nodes, all the roots must be removed, while on the lower ones they are only slightly shortened.

The site for planting grapes should be located on the west, south and southwest side of a building or other structure. The fact is that a plant needs a lot of light and heat for normal growth and development. Experts recommend cultivating such a vine in the middle of the slope, since there is a high probability of freezing in the lower part. There should be a distance of at least 5-6 m between any tree and grapes.

Planting grapes in spring

When planting this plant in clay or black soil, the size of the planting pit should be 0.8x0.8x0.8 m.In the event that the soil is sandy, then the depth of the planting pit should be at least 1 m, while its preparation should be done in autumn so that the soil has time to settle during the winter months. The advantages of deep planting are that the rooting of the plant will occur relatively quickly, and its roots will be reliably protected from severe winter frosts. The bottom of the pit must be covered with rubble, while the layer thickness should be from 10 to 15 centimeters. A plastic pipe with a diameter of 50 mm should be inserted into this layer, 10 centimeters from the pit wall. The pipe will need a long one, it should rise by 10-15 centimeters above the surface of the site. Then, at the bottom of the pit, a layer of chernozem is made fifteen centimeters thick, 200 grams of superphosphate and 150 grams of potassium fertilizer (potassium sulfate, potassium sulfate or potassium sulfate) are poured over it. Then the fertilizer must be evenly distributed over the bottom. If desired, instead of mineral fertilizers, you can take wood ash, a full can of 3 liters. A layer of nutritious soil should be poured over the fertilizer, the thickness of which should be 15 centimeters. Everything is leveled, and fertilizers are distributed from above, which should be taken in the same amount. Top it up with a layer of nutritious soil again. Then everything is well compacted and 50-60 liters of water is poured into the pit. The pit must be left until spring.

When in spring time you start planting grapes, then first, at the bottom of the hole, right in the center, you should pour a mound of nutrient soil. Immediately before planting, the root system of the plant is dipped into a chatterbox, which must be prepared as follows: 1 small spoonful of humate must be poured into 1 bucket of water and everything is well mixed, then such an amount of clay is poured so that the resulting mass is similar in consistency to store sour cream. Then the grapes are placed in a pit, they are placed on a mound with their root heel to the south, and buds to the north. The roots must be carefully straightened and covered with a layer of fertile soil ten centimeters thick. You need to fill the hole to the top with a mixture consisting of equal parts of sand and black soil. Tamp the soil around the plant. The surface of the pit must be covered with a black garden film, while holes must be cut for the grapes and for the pipe. The seedling should be covered with a 5 or 6 liter plastic bottle with a cut throat. It will be necessary to water the seedling through a dug-in pipe (drainage hole).

A shortened seedling is planted in the above way. If it exceeds 25 centimeters in length, then its planting is carried out in the same way, but the seedling is placed at an angle.

You can plant such a liana in the fall from the first days of October until the soil freezes. The very procedure for planting a seedling is no different from the spring one, except that it will need to be prepared for wintering. For this, it is necessary to make high hilling of the grapes and cover it with needles. In this case, the surface of the trunk circle must be covered with a layer of peat or sawdust. It is not recommended to plant a seedling in a just made hole, so it should be prepared 14–20 days before planting. The fact is that when the soil begins to settle, it injures the root system of the seedling, and will drag it away with it.

There are gardeners who recommend using an easier method of planting grape seedlings in open soil. For this you need a crowbar. It needs to be driven into the ground 50 cm deep, and then shaking it from side to side to widen the hole so that its diameter is about 10–12 centimeters. After that, it remains only to place a seedling in the resulting hole and bury it. However, this method is untested and does not give a 100% guarantee of the survival rate of the planting material, so it is up to you to use it for planting grapes or not.

Grape care

Taking care of grapes is difficult, but over time, as you gain experience, it will be much easier. Moreover, a rich harvest of tasty fruits will be the reward for your labors.

After the air temperature outside rises above minus 5 degrees in the springtime, it will be possible to remove the shelter from the grapes. In the event that there is a high probability of return frosts, then it is not necessary to completely remove the shelter, only several holes are made in it for ventilation. After the threat of frost is left behind, and bud germination begins, then the shelter must be removed. If you want to protect the plant from frost, then treat it with Epin dissolved in cold water. It will be necessary to spray the vine 1 or 2 days before frost, while it should be borne in mind that the protective effect of Epin lasts up to one and a half weeks.

In the event that a puddle has formed near the bush during the melting of the snow, then it is necessary to scoop it out, or you can make several grooves in the soil through which the liquid will drain itself. In order to avoid stagnation of water near the bush, it should be planted on a slope or a mound of soil should be made for it. The grapes will need sanitary pruning, during which all injured and frost-damaged stems should be removed. Then you need to tie the vine to the lower wire in an inclined or vertical position. Next, a thorough examination of the plant is carried out, if any diseases are found, then you must definitely take all the necessary measures to treat it. In the event that the bush is absolutely healthy, then it will need to be sprayed with a solution of Nitrafen (200 grams of the product for 1 bucket of water), this will help protect the grapes from various diseases and pests.

Grapes, if desired, can be propagated by grafting and it is best to carry out this procedure in the spring before the sap flow begins. At the same time, a complex fertilizer should be introduced into the soil, which does not include trace elements (Kemiru or Nitrofosku). Then you need to dig up the soil in the near-trunk circle and shed it in order to increase the temperature in the soil layers in which the plant's root system is located.

Spring is the time to plant new seedlings. At the same time, they begin to form the bushes. To do this, break out all unnecessary stems, and this procedure is repeated several times until the length of the necessary shoots is 0.4 m.All root shoots and extra buds should also be cut out. After 2 pairs of leaf plates grow on the pagons, the young bushes will need to be treated with a fungicide. In the first days of May, young shoots should be tied to the trellis. Top dressing of grapes with complex fertilizer is carried out 1.5 weeks before it blooms. After the appearance of inflorescences, their number must be normalized, this will avoid overloading the plant.

In summer, special attention should be paid to the timely pinching of the vine, because it should not grow longer than 1.7 m. Until the middle of the summer period, such a vine needs to be fed 2 times. Also, in time, remove all stepchildren that form grapes so that he does not waste his energy on them, because he needs them for the formation of stems and ripening of fruits. In mid-July, it will be necessary to cut out those leaf plates that cover the berries from sunlight.

Every day it is necessary to inspect the bushes in order to timely detect pests or a developing disease. In the first summer weeks, as a preventive measure, grapes should be sprayed with Ridomil to protect them from a disease called mildew, while a dose of Fufanon (a drug for spider mites) should be added to the solution prepared according to the instructions. Please note that you need to mix ready-made solutions. In the first days of July, you will need to spray the plant with this product again.

What is the maintenance of the grapes when all the fruits have been harvested? The most important thing to do in the fall is to prepare the plant for the coming winter. The liana at this time greatly weakens, because it spends a lot of effort on fruiting, in this regard, it must be fed with organic fertilizer, which is combined with wood ash. Also, the plant should be treated from pests and pathogenic microorganisms that can greatly harm weakened grapes. After all the leaf plates have fallen from the bush, it will be possible to proceed with the formative pruning. But at the same time, remember that it is impossible to delay this procedure too much, because during frost the wood will be extremely fragile and pruning the shoots at this time will seriously harm the vine.

If you are growing a variety with low winter hardiness, then such bushes must be covered for the winter. Without exception, all grape varieties will need shelter for the winter if such a plant is cultivated in a region with frosty winters. To do this, it is necessary to sprinkle the base of the grapes with soil, and also to shorten the vines so that they can be easily bent to the surface of the site. Spruce branches are used to shelter this culture. In the event that the winter is frosty, then the shelter must be covered from above with a layer of snow.

Many gardeners are confident that chemicals can restore health to all affected plant stems and branches, but this is a misconception. The fact is that any such drug can only destroy pathogenic microorganisms that cause diseases, but it cannot heal the affected tissues. Therefore, the importance of preventive treatments for grapes is difficult to overestimate. They will be able to protect the plant from various dangerous pests and diseases. In spring, after the length of the green shoots is 10 centimeters, the plant must be sprayed with a solution of colloidal sulfur (1%), Bordeaux liquid (3%) or copper oxychloride. This will improve the immune system of the grapes against felt mites and various fungi. In addition to these rather popular means among gardeners, you can use a solution of Ridomil (for 1 bucket of water from 50 to 60 grams) or Polychoma (for 1 bucket of water 80 grams). The prophylactic solution can be combined with a foliar application such as Plantafol. Spraying grapes at this time is called "on the fifth leaf."

Then you will need to spray the plant before it blooms or over the buds. Remember that during flowering, all treatments are strictly prohibited. For this spraying, you should take a systemic fungicide, for example, Strobi. When the grapes have faded, they will need to be sprayed with a systemic fungicide again. After the berries are similar in size to peas, the bushes will need to be sprayed with one of those preparations that were used in the spring, namely: copper chloride, Bordeaux liquid, colloidal sulfur, Ridomil or Polychom. The last time in the season to spray the vine against oidium and mildew should be at the end of July, while it is necessary to use means of a short waiting period, for example: Tiovit Jet and Quadris or Tiovit Jet and Strobi, or colloidal sulfur and Strobi.

This treatment scheme is approximate. Remember, that pathogens and pests cannot develop resistance to a particular drug, they must be replaced every year.

For the first time in a season, water the plant immediately after the winter shelter is removed, and the vine is tied to the lower horizontal guide of the trellis. Young plants (up to 3 years old) should be watered through a dug-in plastic pipe. For 1 vine, 40 liters of lukewarm water mixed with 0.5 liters of wood ash is taken. The second watering is carried out 7 days before flowering, and the third - when the plant fades. After the green fruits begin to change their color to the color characteristic of the variety, you should stop watering the grapes. However, 7 days before the plant is sheltered for the winter, it will need a sub-winter water-charging watering. Young specimens of wine varieties and table varieties must be watered 4 times per season. Ripe specimens of wine grapes need to be watered only 1 time for the whole season, and this watering will be water-charging in winter.

If during the planting of the seedling all the necessary fertilizers were introduced into the soil, then their grapes should be enough for 3-4 years. Most often, by this time, the vine has already fully formed and will begin to bear fruit, in this regard, it will need additional nutrients. What do experts advise to use for feeding this plant so that it develops better and gives a rich harvest? For fertilizing, both mineral and organic fertilizers are used. Most often, manure is used as organic matter, since it contains all the nutrients that such a vine needs. If desired, manure can be replaced with compost, bird droppings or peat. Grapes also need mineral fertilizers. It is fed with such simple nitrogen-containing fertilizers as urea or ammonium nitrate. As a phosphorus-containing fertilizer, a simple or double granular superphosphate is used. From potash fertilizers, potassium salt, Ecoplant, sulfate or potassium chloride are recommended. The following complex mineral fertilizers are best suited for such a plant: Florovit, Master, Solution or Kemira.

The first time you need to feed the plant with dry fertilizer is after the winter shelter has been removed. To do this, use a nutrient mixture consisting of 45 grams of nitrogen and 30 grams of potassium fertilizer, as well as 40 grams of superphosphate (calculated for 1 bush). A groove is made around the plant, into which the nutrient mixture is poured, then it is covered with a layer of soil.

For the second time in a season, grapes need to be fed 7-10 days before they bloom, for this they use an aqueous solution. To prepare it, you need to combine 10 liters of chicken manure or slurry and 20 liters of water. The container with the mixture is tightly closed, it will be ready after it has been fermenting for 10-12 days. Then the mixture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5 or 1: 6. In 10 liters of the finished solution, add 25 grams of superphosphate and 15 grams of potassium fertilizer. For 1 bush, 10 liters of ready-made nutrient mixture is taken.

When the berries are just starting to ripen, the vines should be fed with superphosphate (50 grams per bush) and potassium fertilizer (20 grams per bush).

Also, foliar dressing has a positive effect on the growth and development of the plant; it is recommended to carry them out in conjunction with spraying the bushes with a fungicide against mildew disease. The nutrient mixture used for this type of feeding may contain both basic nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium) and additional elements that grapes need, namely: zinc, copper, manganese, boron, molybdenum and cobalt. Experienced gardeners recommend choosing ready-made preparations for such dressings, for example: Novofert, Plantafol, Kemira or Aquarin.

By tying this liana to the support, you can form a bush that will be very easy to care for. In the event that the garter is not produced, the grapes will begin to cling to the supports that are in its path, in this case you will no longer be able to control its growth, the collection of fruits will be much more difficult, while their quantity and quality may disappoint the gardener.

Such a plant should be tied up in 2 stages:

  1. A dry garter is performed at the beginning of the spring, after the winter shelter has been removed, but before the buds open. To do this, you need to bend all the existing branches to the lower horizontal guide of the trellis and tie them to it. Try to keep the branches to be tied bent smoothly, in this case the conducting system will not be disturbed, and the necessary nutrients will flow to the eyes.
  2. A green garter is produced after the green shoots begin to grow, and their length will be at least 0.4 m. Young shoots should be gartered at an angle, in this case they will be evenly lit and will not break from gusts of wind. After the shoots grow to the next horizontal guide, they will need to be tied to it. During the growing season, young stems will need to be tied to the support 3 or 4 times. Green shoots are not tied for the upper internode. Try to pull them with a wire between the third and second buds from the end of the stem.

Experts advise using a horizontal tilting method for tying vines, because it is very convenient. However, there are growers who prefer a garter with a ring, an arc or strictly vertical. For the garter, it is recommended to use a washcloth soaked in water or a special rope (wire wrapped in paper). To prevent the abrasion of the shoots on the wire, it is necessary to fix the rope or a washcloth with a "eight", for this they are passed between the metal and the stem.

Pruning grapes

The grapes are pruned in autumn. The fact is that if this procedure is carried out in the spring, then the wounds will heal for a long time, flowing "tears". If the eyes are flooded with soda, this will lead to their acidification and death. It can even lead to the death of an entire bush.

In early spring, this vine is pruned only when absolutely necessary and only after the air warms up to 5 degrees. In this case, the injured or diseased branches should be removed on young bushes or bushes planted in the autumn.

Summer pruning

In the summer, as such, pruning is not carried out. At this time, they are pinching, pinching, minting grapes, as well as breaking out excess branches and removing foliage, which blocks the berries from the sun. All these procedures are necessary in order to improve the ventilation of the plant, as well as to evenly distribute lighting and nutrition. And the main goal of such procedures is a rich harvest.

In autumn, the plant is pruned in 2 stages. After the bushes are freed from fruits, it is necessary to clean the branches from the fruiting links, as well as from tops and weak shoots. Half a month after the leaf fall ends, it is necessary to proceed to the second stage of pruning. Do not worry that the branches will be damaged by frost. The fact is that the first frost will only temper the grapes. But it should be borne in mind that pruning can be carried out at an air temperature of at least minus 3 degrees, otherwise the stems will be too fragile.

Pruning a seedling is easy enough. To do this, you need to cut off all the extra stems, while on the bush there should be 3–8 sleeves that grow at an angle from the ground.

Pruning adult grapes is more difficult:

  1. From the beginning to mid-September, all young stems should be cut from the bottom of the perennial sleeves. In this case, it is necessary to cut out those of them that are located below the first wire, which is located at a height of 0.5 m from the ground surface. Then, young stems are trimmed that have grown on the sleeve above the second wire, located at a height of 0.8 m from the surface of the site. All the side stepsons must be cut off from them, and the tops must be minted, while it is necessary to capture segments, the length of which is 10 percent of the length of the entire stem.
  2. When the leaf fall is over, you will need to select 2 developed stems located at the height of the first 2 wires. It will be necessary to form the replacement knot from the lower stem, which has grown from the outer part of the sleeve. To do this, this shoot must be cut to a height of 3 or 4 eyes. Then a fruit arrow is formed, for this the second stem, which is slightly higher than the first one on the opposite side of the sleeve, must be cut to a height of 7 to 12 eyes.

As a result, on the bush there will be only perennial stems that grow perpendicular to the soil, as well as sleeves with buds, it is they who will give young brushes and vines next year.

Propagation of grapes

It is quite possible to grow grapes from seeds, but the seedlings obtained in this way retain only part of the varietal characteristics of the mother plant. In this regard, for reproduction of this plant, it is recommended to resort to vegetative methods: grafting, layering and cuttings. These methods will allow the plants to preserve all the varietal characteristics of the parent bush. An important component of the biological complex of such a plant is its ability to regenerate, which allows the plant to recover after freezing, severe injury, and it is also necessary for the healing of wounds.

The easiest and fastest way to propagate grapes is cuttings. In the fall, when pruning plants, you should harvest lignified cuttings. To do this, use a ripe vine, which should not be thinner than a pencil. At the same time, internodes should be evenly distributed along its entire length, and also there should be 2 or 3 eyes on it. Please note that longer shanks are stored much better. The lower cut must be made at an angle of 45 degrees, while 30–40 mm must be retreated from the kidney downward. It is best to store such cuttings in a room with high humidity and an air temperature of 0-5 degrees. So, the best place to store them is a potato storage. Cut cuttings cannot be kept in the sun for a long time. Make a solution of ferrous sulfate (1%) and immerse the cuttings in it for 5-10 minutes. Wait until the surface of the cuttings is dry, and then wrap them in a paper sheet, fold them into a plastic bag and store them.

In the last days of February or the first days of March, deep dormancy in the cuttings ends, and it is replaced by a state of forced dormancy. At this time, it is recommended to start rooting the cuttings. The cuttings removed will need a thorough inspection. The brown bark should not have any specks or mold. And the peephole and the cut of the cutting should be painted in a deep green color. The shanks selected for rooting should be immersed in a solution of light pink potassium manganese for a few minutes. Then they are placed in a glass jar, which should be filled with clean water to a height of 50–60 mm, while it is mixed with one drop of honey. A plastic bag must be put on the shanks. When the cuttings are saturated with liquid, a lower cut should be made on each of them, which should be located under the lower node.

For rooting, the cuttings are planted in plastic cups, which must be filled with a mixture of humus, sand and peat (1: 1: 1). A depression of 50–60 mm must be made in the substrate, then a pillow must be made at its bottom by pouring a small amount of sand, then a cutting is placed in it, and the resulting void is covered with sand. The upper cut of the shank should be coated with garden varnish, the upper bud should be only slightly covered with sand, the lower cut should be 5-7 centimeters above the bottom of the glass. In order for the cuttings to give roots as soon as possible, it is necessary that their upper part be at a temperature of 15 to 18 degrees, while the lower one should be warm (from 23 to 28 degrees). To do this, the cups with cuttings must be placed on a pallet; they need bottom heating for 4 weeks. At this time, it will be necessary to water the cuttings, if necessary, using lukewarm water for this, the surface of the substrate is carefully loosened, the excess stems are pinched, while all growing inflorescences must be removed. Then the plants will need hardening, for this they begin to be transferred daily to the terrace or balcony in the last days of April or the first - in May. Hardened cuttings can be planted in open soil.

To carry out the grafting, you will need a graft - this is a stalk of a cultivar that has only 1 bud, as well as a stock - this stalk must be taken from a variety that is resistant to phylloxera, while it must be 50 cm long. thicker than a pencil. In this case, the stock must be necessarily thicker than the scion. Cuttings are harvested in autumn days during pruning, while on all cuttings there should be at least 3-4 eyes. They should be saved until spring, as described in detail above. In autumn, you should also start preparing the stock bush. To do this, it is necessary to remove everything unnecessary from it, only the vine for grafting should remain, then the bushes need to be provided with a good shelter for the winter.

The vaccination itself should be carried out before the sap flow begins, while choosing a cloudy, windless day, because in order for the vaccination site to grow together, high humidity will be needed. This procedure can also be carried out in the summer. From storage, placed there in the fall, cuttings must be removed in June. Refresh their lower cuts, which are immersed in a container with a little water (at the bottom). After the buds swell on them, the containers are moved to the refrigerator shelf, where the cuttings can be hardened. After a few days, remove the cuttings from the refrigerator and graft them to the stock. The rootstock bushes during the summer procedure must be cut off in the spring on the last year's vine, it is on it that the cutting will be grafted. During the summer grafting, tissue fusion is noticeable better, because the rate of sap flow in the scion and rootstock is significantly different. You can vaccinate at an outdoor temperature of 15 to 35 degrees.

New cells begin to appear between the two parts, as a result of which they grow together. Take the scion, expanding it with the place of future vaccination from yourself, then you should trim it just above the upper bud. Then step back from this kidney down 40-50 mm, then make an incision on the handle on both sides in the direction away from you with a sharp wedge 20-30 mm. At the same time, keep in mind that if the wedge is concave, then the stock and the scion will not grow together. To prevent the shank from drying out, wrap it with a damp cloth. Step back on the rootstock from the last bud upwards 40-50 mm and cut. The cut should follow the larger oval of the vine cut. The cut should be the same depth as the cutting wedge. A wedge of the scion should be placed in the rootstock cut so that their buds are directed in different directions. The vaccination site must be wrapped with an eyelid film, tape or electrical tape. After the start of sap flow, this place should be wrapped with a newspaper sheet or other material that does not allow light to pass through.

If the grafting is carried out in the summer, then after installing the scion wedge in the rootstock, the fusion should be wrapped with a damp cloth. Put a plastic bag on top of the plant and fix it below the vaccination site. Then it should be wrapped in a thick paper sheet that protects the plant from direct sunlight. In the event that the appearance of condensation on the inner surface of the bag stops, then it should be removed. The tissue must be moistened again with water, then the bag is returned to its original place, fixing it below the vaccination site. After the grafting bud has opened, the paper should be removed. Then the bag is trimmed over the graft. The same package must be fixed on the handle above the graft site. After the formation of powerful stems on the scion, the package and tissue must be removed from the plant. During the first 12 months, be extremely careful with the grafted plant, as it can break very easily.

Secrets of a successful vaccination:

  1. For the rootstock, you must choose a frost-resistant hybrid that is resistant to powdery mildew, mildew and phylloxera.
  2. Scion and rootstock varieties must have the same vigor.
  3. The cutting tool must be very sharp and well sanitized.
  4. The rootstock vine is pruned strictly perpendicular to the growth line.
  5. How to propagate by layering

Reproduction by layering is carried out in spring and autumn. To begin with, a deep (about 0.5 m) groove should be made in the soil near the bush, into which black earth is introduced, combined with humus. After that, a one-year low-growing shoot fits into it, and the groove must be filled with soil. In this case, the top with three leaf plates and a growth point should remain on the surface. The layering will need to be watered and for this they take 20 liters of water. During spring and summer, make sure that the ground above the cut is always slightly damp. In this case, each node will grow along a shoot with its own root system. This propagation method is often used to replace an old plant with a young one.

Diseases of grapes with photos

If you decide to grow grapes, then you should be prepared to fight many different diseases. And even if you strictly adhere to all the rules of agricultural technology, this will not guarantee that the vine will not get sick. Below will be described the diseases that growers encounter most often.

In a bush infected with such a disease, inflorescences, berries, leaf plates and stems are damaged. On the affected grapes, specks of brown color are formed, which have a border of a lighter shade, over time they combine with each other. In these places, tissue death and loss occurs. On the surface of the stems, specks of a dark brown hue are first formed, after which pinkish-gray spots of an oval shape appear, which can spread to the entire internode. In these places, tissue cracking and ulcers appear. The inflorescences become dark and gradually dry out, and specks appear on the fruits. To cure the affected bush, it should be sprayed with a systemic and contact fungicidal agent, for example: Ridomil, Horus, Acrobat, Bordeaux mixture, Thanos or Antracol. In the event that plants in your region very often fall ill with such a disease, then experts recommend choosing those grape varieties for growing that are resistant to anthracnose.

This fungal disease is grape powdery mildew. A white-gray powdery bloom appears on the surface of the affected bush. As the disease progresses, the inflorescences begin to fall off, the leaf plates will become curly, and the fruits will burst or dry out. Most often, grapes get sick with this disease in damp and warm weather. There is a high probability of infection in highly leafy specimens that do not have very good ventilation. For the purpose of prevention, do not allow the bush to thicken, for this you need to tie up the branches, break out excess stems, and pull out weeds in time. You can spray grapes with Horus, Topaz, Thanos, Strobi or Tiovit.

This fungal disease most often affects grapes, while it is also very dangerous. The disease affects all green parts of the bush. You can find out that the grapes are affected by mildew by the oily specks on the front surface of the leaf plate. In rainy weather, a powdery bloom of a light shade appears on the seamy surface of the leaf plate, and then necrosis forms in its place. So, at first, the affected tissue turns yellow, then it has a brownish-red tint, and then dying areas are formed. The affected leaf plates die off, as a result of which the stems are exposed, and the inflorescences are covered with a bloom of white. Flowers and buds dry out and die off. If you decide to start growing grapes, then the variety you choose must be highly resistant to fungal diseases. For prevention purposes, mulch the surface of the trunk circle, feed the plant with potassium and phosphorus in time, cut off the stepsons. Spray the bushes with fungicides. The first spraying is carried out at a time when the length of young shoots reaches 15–20 centimeters, the second - before the plant blooms, the third - when the size of the fruits will be similar to peas. The grapes should be sprayed with Cuproxat, Thanos, Ridomil, Strobi, Antracol, Horus, copper oxychloride and Bordeaux mixture.

All green parts of the bush and annual wood, as well as grafting sites, are affected by this disease. A plaque appears on the surface of the opening eyes and young shoots. Fruits affected by such rot are covered with a dense bloom of gray, while the clusters become like mushy lumps. Dampness is necessary for the development of such a disease. With the onset of dry weather, the symptoms of the disease can almost completely disappear, but pathogenic microorganisms will remain on the bush. The affected bush should be sprayed with the same fungicide that is used for grape disease with mildew or powdery mildew.

This harmful disease can harm both the green and lignified parts of the bush. Because of it, the bark loses its color. If the temperature rises above 10 degrees, then pycnidia of the fungus will appear on these discolored areas. In the event that the fungus penetrates deep enough into the wood, this will lead to the appearance of rotten areas. At first, the growth of the sleeve will slow down, and then it will die. On leaf plates, necrotic spots have a border that is denser and lighter than leaf tissue. The affected foliage turns yellow, the development of a diseased bush stops, it rots and dries up. Since the mycelium of the fungus is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the wood, spraying the bush with a fungicidal agent will be ineffective. In this regard, one should deal with the spores and bodies of the fungus. So, in the autumn, when the leaf fall ends, and the plant is cut off, it should be sprayed with a agent containing copper, for example: Bordeaux liquid, Horus, copper oxychloride or Cuproxat. Remove any sleeves that have started to dry out. When 2 or 3 leaf plates appear in the spring, the bush should be sprayed with a fungicide. The following preventive treatments of grapes for this disease will be carried out at the same time with spraying the plant with mildew and mildew. Remember that it is not so easy to get rid of such spotting, and you will have to fight it for several years.

In addition to those diseases that were listed above, grapes can suffer from alternaria, bacterial cancer, apoplexy, verticillosis, armillariasis, white, black, sour and root rot, diplodiosis, various kinds of necrosis, fusarium, penicillosis, bacteriosis, cercosporiosis, chlorosis, etc. It should be borne in mind that some diseases are incurable. If the grapes are well-groomed and strong, then it will be extremely rare to be affected by various diseases.

Pests of grapes with a photo

Grape bushes can damage a variety of pests, for example: grape flea, grape miner moth, grape cushion, grape gnat, gray and black beet weevils and large alfalfa, goldweed, odorous woodworm, grape spiderweb, grape felt and European red mites, grape itch , biennial and grape rolls, wasps, grape thrips, mealy and Comstock bugs, cicadas and phylloxeras, etc.

The greatest danger to the plant is represented by phylloxera (grape aphid). They have two forms: root and leaf (gallic). The spread of such a pest occurs with water used for irrigation, with planting material and with the wind (over a distance of about 15 kilometers). Due to the root form of such a pest, the bushes die, because punctures in the root system become infected and gradually destroyed. You should know that the fight against such a pest is not easy. Previously, the soil was treated with fumigants, but at the moment, gardeners have abandoned this method of struggle. To get rid of the leafy form of this pest, the bush is sprayed with Zolon, Confidor, Aktellik or another means of a similar action. You cannot get rid of the root form, therefore it is recommended to choose varieties resistant to it for growing.

The caterpillars of leaf rollers can damage the buds, leaf plates and berries of the plant. In some cases, they destroy about 80 percent of the fruit, as they are very voracious and prolific. When the winter shelter is removed from the grapes, it should be sprayed with a Nitrafen solution (0.25 kg for 1 bucket of water). After the beginning of summer of butterflies, plants need to be sprayed with any insecticidal agent (for example: Karbofos or Aktellik), after half a month the bush is re-treated. When the caterpillars themselves appear, the grapes must be treated with a solution of Benzophosphate (6%) or Karbofos (10%).

Sucking pests such as cicadas are polyphagous. They multiply incredibly quickly. These pests carry viral and mycoplasma diseases that are incurable. If such pests were noticed on the plant, then it must be sprayed with Aktara's solution.

Mites that suck pests prefer to live on the seamy surface of the leaf plate. By puncturing the leaf, they suck out the juice and eat the tissue. Small spots appear in such places, after a while they begin to dry out. Within one season, up to 12 changes of tick generations occur. The affected plant must be treated with acaricide, for example: Fufanon, Omayt, Aktellik, Neoron, etc. You need to make 3 sprays with an interval of 1–1.5 weeks.

Zlatka is a grape beetle of green-olive color, reaching 2 cm in length. Due to the beetle, deformation of the leaf plates occurs, while its legless larva gnaws through winding passages in the stems, where it hibernates. At the affected bush, the leaf plates dry up, the stems wither, and the fruits become smaller. Affected leaf plates and stems must be cut out. The bush itself is sprayed with Aktellik or Karbofos. With timely preventive spraying from pests, such an insect will not settle on the bush, since it selects weakened specimens.

Types and varieties of grapes with photos and names

According to the ripening time, all varieties of such a plant are divided into super-early, early, early-medium, medium, medium-late, late and very late. And according to their purpose, they are divided into technical, canteen and universal. Table varieties are of the highest quality, their fruits are very beautiful and tasty. They are usually used for fresh food. The fruits of industrial varieties are used for the preparation of wines and juices. The versatile varieties can be eaten fresh and processed.

Today, mainly only varieties are grown that are hybrids of 3 types: Labrusca (homeland America), Amur (homeland of the Far East) and wine cultivated (growing in Europe and Asia). All varieties are conventionally divided into 3 groups:

  1. Eurasian varieties... The berries are the largest and most delicious. The best are Central Asian varieties, for example, Ladies' fingers and Husayne. However, these varieties have a number of disadvantages: low resistance to frost, susceptibility to phylloxera and fungi, and a long growing season. European varieties are more resistant to frost, but their fruits are not as tasty and attractive.
  2. American varieties... They are fast growing, drought, frost and phylloxera resistant. But the fruits are quite small, and they have Isabella's "fox taste". However, hybrids Labrusca Isabella and Lydia are quite popular, as they are unpretentious and winter hardiness.

  3. Also popular are such varieties as: Agdai, Italy, White Kokur, Queen of Vineyards, Beauty Cegleda, Merlot, Moldova, White Muscat, Alexandria, Amber, Hamburg, and Yerevan, Odessa souvenir, Pinot noir, Riesling, Rkatsiteli, Green Sauvignon, Feteasca white, Chardonnay, etc.

From the vitamin and mineral complex contained in grapes, it is difficult to isolate the elements that are present in abundance here. Of course, there are useful substances in the berry, but in relatively small quantities. But grapes are rich in simple sugars and carbohydrates, but proteins and coarse fibers in their composition are minimal. Note that the differences between different grape varieties (for example, with and without seeds) are insignificant.

But the situation changes dramatically when it comes to raisins. Dried grapes contain more minerals, fiber, and most importantly - much more sugar and carbohydrates, which leads to a sharp increase in calorie content. Thus, it is best to consume the berries fresh. And it is recommended to exclude raisins from the diet, especially for people who want to lose weight.

Healing properties

As mentioned above, grapes are not considered a vitamin bomb, but their nutrients still make a valuable contribution to the body. For example, copper is involved in energy production, and together with vitamin C, it is responsible for collagen formation. Potassium, in turn, is essential for cellular metabolism. A number of trace elements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese) and vitamin K help to strengthen bones. By the way, 100 g of berries provides 28% of the daily intake of vitamin K, which the body needs not only for healthy bone tissue, but also for normal blood clotting. In addition, the berries contain small doses of beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, etc.

The antioxidants found in grapes help reduce the level of oxidative stress in the body, which is known to be the root cause of many chronic diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Note that dark berries have a more powerful antioxidant effect, since they contain natural anthocyanin pigments.

In addition to reducing oxidative stress, the flavonoid complex supports the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system in several other ways. First, these substances reduce the risk of blood clots by preventing platelets from sticking together. Secondly, due to the production of nitric oxide, they dilate blood vessels, reducing the risk of heart attack and hypertension. In addition, there is a little phytosterol (a plant analogue of animal cholesterol) in grapes, which prevents the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels and, thus, protects the body from atherosclerosis.

However, the antioxidant substance resveratrol, which belongs to the group of polyphenols, usually attracts the most attention in grapes. It is credited with anti-cancer and anti-aging properties. In addition, resveratrol is believed to be able to protect the brain from damage that leads to various neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease. Note that the amount of substance coming from grape berries is not so great as to prevent the development of a pathological process, but it can delay its occurrence.

As for the effect of resveratrol on cancer, experiments have shown that the use of juice from dark red grape varieties helped to reduce breast tumors in rats. This antioxidant also slowed down the development of agents that cause colorectal cancer.

Finally, resveratrol, along with zeaxanthin and lutein, has a positive effect on the health of the visual organs. This substance is involved in protecting the retina from ultraviolet radiation, thereby reducing the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts.

It should be noted that a large number of biologically active elements (antioxidants, vitamin E) are concentrated in the seeds and skins of grape berries, therefore it is recommended to eat whole grapes for maximum benefit. And by the way, don't believe the myths that pitted berries can lead to appendicitis. Moderate consumption does not provoke inflammation of the appendix.

Interestingly, all the beneficial properties of antioxidants are preserved during fermentation of grapes, and accordingly they can be obtained from wine. However, we note that we are talking about a drink from dark varieties, since white wine is mainly made using grape juice without pulp (skin and pits).

In medicine

Due to the presence of P-vitamin substances in the composition of red grape leaves, their extract began to be used as the main active ingredient in a preparation called Antistax. It is used for chronic venous insufficiency, hemorrhoidal lesions of veins, hypertension, various dental pathologies, and also as a neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory agent. This medicine does a good job of eliminating symptoms such as swelling, calf muscle cramps, and leg pain.

In addition, biologically active additives based on grape seed extract from dark varieties are now very popular on the phytopharmacological market. Manufacturers claim that, thanks to phenolic and tannins, as well as unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic), these supplements support the health of veins and blood vessels, reduce the risk of blood clots, activate lymphatic drainage, normalize blood pressure, provide nutrition to brain cells, and reduce age-related visual impairment.

In folk medicine

The grape berries, along with other parts of the plant, are used in folk medicine to treat a wide range of ailments and diseases. There is even a separate direction - ampelotherapy (grape treatment). The plant is used for problems with digestion, vision and blood vessels, as well as for kidney disease, sore throat, bronchitis, periodontal disease, gout, migraine, etc. In addition, leaves, as well as decoctions and infusions from them are often used to treat skin diseases (boils, ulcers), wound healing.

Moreover, herbalists advise replacing cabbage leaves with grapes when preparing cabbage rolls. Such replenishment of the diet will help to establish the work of the pancreas and intestines. No matter how surprising it was, even the ash of the vine is used in folk medicine, helping with intestinal ulcers.

For rinsing the throat with angina or rinsing the mouth with periodontal disease, it is advised to make an infusion of grape leaves: 1 tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials is poured with one liter of boiling water and insisted for 2 hours. Then it is filtered and applied several times a day. The same liquid can be used to wipe wounds and sores on the skin.

Also, sore throat is treated with alcoholic tincture of grape seed. To prepare it, you need to wash 100 g of seeds of dark berries, blot with a napkin and crush in a mortar. Then pour 0.5 l of vodka, cover and leave in a dark place for 1 month, shaking regularly. After straining, add a few drops of the tincture to the herbal decoction and gargle with this mixture. You can also take this potion 1 teaspoon before meals. It helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, helps to fight varicose veins and prevents platelets from sticking together.

Traditional healers offer a decoction of grape leaves to treat gout, metabolic disorders and night blindness. To prepare it, you need to add 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials to 200 ml of boiling water and leave on low heat for 10 minutes. After straining, the medicine can be taken in 50 ml four times a day. In addition, to speed up the wound healing process, it is advised to wipe the affected skin.

In addition, the broth can be prepared using grape seeds: one glass of boiling water is usually taken per tablespoon of seeds, and then put in a water bath for 20 minutes. After straining, it is recommended to drink this liquid 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals. It has a strong diuretic effect.

As a medicine, grape wines were used in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. Then they were treated for both physiological ailments and mental disorders. In addition, they were added to water for the purpose of disinfection. And by the way, it was not at all useless, since they are indeed toxic to certain types of bacteria.

Today wine is also actively used in folk recipes. For example, for headaches and migraines, it is recommended to mix dry red wine, honey and aloe juice in a 1: 1: 0.5 ratio. Take a teaspoon three times a day for a month. According to another recipe, you need to pour red dry wine over a jar filled with raspberries. Insist for 3 weeks in a dark place, and then take 50 ml three times a day 30 minutes before meals. Red wine itself is considered a good remedy for insomnia. Usually, it is enough to drink 100-150 ml an hour before bedtime.

It is used in folk medicine and white wine. For example, to remove small stones from the kidneys, it is necessary to pour 100 g of marshmallow seeds with two liters of dry white wine and leave to infuse in a dark place for 4 weeks, shaking from time to time. Then you need to boil the liquid over low heat for 30 minutes, strain and use 50 ml three times a day before meals.

In case of problems with urination, one liter of boiling dry white wine is poured into 30 g of dry birch leaves and left on low heat for 15 minutes under a lid. Then the liquid must be filtered, add 3 tablespoons of honey and drink 70 ml three times a day one hour after meals.

Traditional healers claim that 1 glass of grape juice in the morning can relieve headaches. They are also advised to treat kidney disease. For a month, you should drink 1 liter of grape juice daily with the addition of 10-12 drops of lemon juice. With proteinuria (the appearance of protein in the urine), you need to drink this mixture in one gulp, and the induced urination should flush the urinary tract.

In oriental medicine

In ancient oriental medicine, grapes (both the berries themselves and the rest of the plant) were highly valued for their medicinal qualities. The vineyard was classified as a cold yin-type and was considered a dry product in the II degree, but ripe berries were hot in the I degree and moist. Healers claimed that if you knead young branches of grapes with leaves and tendrils, and then mix them with barley flour and apply to the body, you can get rid of hot headaches or hot swellings.

The juice from the leaves of grapes helped to get rid of problems with a hot stomach: it stopped vomiting, bilious diarrhea, and healed ulcers. It was believed that it has a diuretic effect, saves from hemoptysis and increases potency. It was recommended for pregnant women as it strengthened the developing fetus. Topical application of the juice was supposed to stimulate hair growth. The gum of the vineyard, according to ancient healers, cleansed and dried nature. And together with wine, they cleared the spleen well and cured eczema.

Used in healing practices and vine ash. By mixing it with vinegar, they obtained a cure for hemorrhoids, and by adding vegetable oil and honey to this mixture, they prepared an antidote for snake bites.

Hot berries normalize the disturbed nature and strengthen the organs in the chest area. Grape juice is good for the stomach, kidneys, liver and bladder. Grape oil, in turn, warms up the body well and stops the development of tumors.

In scientific research

Grapes are often the subject of scientific research. Most of the attention of scientists is focused on its anti-cancer properties. It is believed that antioxidants, found mainly in the skins and seeds of berries, are effective both as a preventive measure and as an adjunct to cancer therapy if the disease has already developed. For example, resveratrol, according to scientists, helps reduce oxidative stress and thus protects the rectum, breast, prostate and lungs from cancer.

But one of the latest studies has shown that the extract of grape juice with its phenolic composition significantly reduces the viability of pathogenic cells with lesions of the rectum. In the experiment, we used raw materials obtained from the berries of the Autumn royal and Ribier varieties. By the way, depending on the dose, the extract not only led to cell death, but also reduced their mobility, slowing down the process of metastasis. And yet another experiment demonstrated that in colorectal cancer, infected cells are vulnerable to proanthocyanids isolated from grape seeds.

There are also several scientific papers supporting the effectiveness of the various constituents of the grape berry in the fight against breast cancer. Scientists claim that grape seed extract has a significant effect on cell motility in mice for breast cancer. Thus, they inhibit the formation of metastases in other organs. In another study, the metastasis process was stopped by polyphenols extracted from the skins of grape berries. True, they influenced the viability of infected cells to a much lesser extent, mainly limiting their mobility.

As for the prostate tumor, after a series of experiments, scientists came to the conclusion that the anthocyanins contained in the dark grapes of the Muscadine variety have a destructive effect on pathogenic cells without touching the healthy epithelium. They also help prevent the spread of bone metastases.

Note that in all the above studies, the anti-cancer properties of various components from the composition of the grape berry were studied, but each group of scientists focused on a specific substance, without considering it in combination with other components. On the one hand, this made it possible to learn in more detail about all the properties of one or another antioxidant. On the other hand, it did not allow to see the results of its interaction with other substances.

That is why scientists from the University of Wisconsin took as an object of research all the polyphenols found in grapes (resveratrol, quercetin, kaempferol, catechins, anthocyanins, etc.). So, they came to the conclusion that, entering the body along with other antioxidants, the effectiveness of many of them is enhanced. This synergistic effect is important at the stage of preventing the development of oncological diseases.

These studies were confirmed by an experiment carried out by a group of American scientists. For two weeks, 30 people at risk of developing colorectal cancer were given up to 450 grams of grapes per day. As a result, after the end of the experiment, the risk of the disease decreased, especially in people after 50 years. If the pathological process has already started, then, naturally, the amount of polyphenols contained in grapes, and in any other fruit or berry, will not be enough to treat the disease. To achieve the desired effect, it would be necessary to eat tens of kilograms of berries per day.

In addition to studies studying the effect of grapes and its individual components on cancer, a few years ago there was a scientific work in which Australian David Sinclair argued that resveratrol isolated from wine slows down the aging process of cells. This discovery quickly spread throughout the world media, but journalists often missed important nuances. For example, the fact that the experiments have so far been carried out only on mice. And the level of resveratrol in the rodents was so high that it would take several hundred glasses of wine to reach it.

By the way, the bioavailability of resveratrol is not very high, that is, it is poorly absorbed from food and drinks. Scientists have found that the highest concentration of this antioxidant is in the skins and seeds of berries of dark wine varieties. In addition, frequent rains during grape ripening increase the amount of bioavailable resveratrol in the skins, but does not affect the content of this substance in the seeds.

However, all this is still not enough for the body to receive a biologically active dose. Scientists from Johns Hopkins University have been monitoring the health of the elderly in the Chianti region of Italy for 9 years. Their traditional diet includes many foods that contain resveratrol. But researchers have never been able to establish a link between lifespan or aging rate and the level of resveratrol in the body.

But numerous studies of grape polyphenols have confirmed that these substances are able to maintain the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. By lowering cholesterol and stimulating nitric oxide production, they help prevent atherosclerosis and improve endothelial function.

In one experiment, 69 adults were divided into three groups. Participants in one of them were given 500 g of dark grapes every day for eight weeks, participants in another - 500 g of berries of light varieties, and the rest were completely excluded from the diet. As a result, those who ate the dark varieties experienced significant reductions in their bad cholesterol levels. White berries were inferior in efficiency, but still led to an improvement in performance compared to the third control group.

Despite the high sugar content in grapes, scientists argue that it may be beneficial for patients with type 2 diabetes. In a 16-week experiment, 38 men took 20 g of dark wine grape extract daily, after which their blood sugar levels decreased compared to the control group. In addition, resveratrol increases insulin sensitivity, which helps the body process more glucose and thus helps lower blood sugar levels.


There is no unequivocal opinion about the benefits of grapes for weight loss. Some nutritionists call these berries the most useless of all, others are willing to include them in various diets. It usually speaks against grapes that they contain a lot of sugars and carbohydrates. On the other hand, its glycemic index is not that high - 45 units, which means that grapes do not cause a sharp rise in blood glucose levels.

In addition, some of the substances in these berries increase insulin sensitivity and, thus, improve the absorption of sugar in the body. Moreover, American scientists conducted an experiment in which people with significant excess weight took part. They were divided into 3 groups and took 30-minute walks daily for three weeks. The first group added grape juice to the diet, the second - grapes, and the third did not make any changes. As a result, after 3 weeks the representatives of the first group lost on average about 1.5 kg of weight, the second - about 2 kg, and the third - about 0.5 kg.

Nutritional researchers concluded that grapes improved insulin metabolism and inhibited fat storage. Berries had the best effect because most of the essential substances are concentrated in the skin, which usually does not get into the juice. Thus, grapes should not be disregarded, because with moderate use and in combination with little physical activity, it brings benefits to the body and helps to gradually get rid of excess weight.

But all this cannot be said about raisins - one of the most terrible enemies of weight loss. It practically does not contain nutrients and consists of 60% sugar, not much different from sweets. The calorie content of raisins (299 kcal) is 4 times higher than the calorie content of grapes (67 kcal).

Note that when losing weight, they usually pay little attention to drinks, mainly trying to limit themselves in products. However, special care should be taken when drinking wine, as the average 175 ml glass contains 160 kcal. The calorie content depends on the variety of grapes used and even more on the amount of added sugar, but in any case it remains quite high.

In cooking

Grapes are used in all cuisines of the world. In addition to the berries themselves, the leaves of the plant are used, from which, in the Middle East, for example, dolma is prepared. In addition, during the preparation of red wine, scallops are often used along with berries (twigs to which grapes are attached). As for the berries themselves, they are dried, pickled, they are used to make jams, ice cream, compotes are cooked, they are added fresh to various desserts, salads and even served with meat.

Grapes are often used to make snacks. Since it goes well with cheeses and nuts, it can be dipped in soft goat cheese, then poured over with honey and sprinkled with chopped pistachios. These balls must be refrigerated for 45 minutes, and then can be served. By the way, if we are talking about cheeses, then grapes can be safely served with blue cheese. And the peculiarity of the French cheese "Arôme au gêne de marc", reminiscent of brie, is that it is kept in a grape brandy for 30 days along with the seeds, skins and sprigs of grapes left after pressing.

Real balsamic vinegar is made from grape juice. First, it is boiled down to the consistency of a thick syrup, and then kept in barrels for at least three years. Also, from the juice of grapes in the Transcaucasus, a traditional sweet is prepared, which the Armenians call "sudjuk", and the Georgians call "churchkhela". The juice is boiled until its volume is reduced by 3 times, then a little flour is added and nuts strung on a thread are dipped in this syrup. Then the resulting "sausage" is dried in a cool dark place.

Special wine grapes are usually grown to make wines, but some winemakers go even further. For example, Tokaj wines in Hungary and several expensive wines in France are made from grapes covered with gray mold. This helps the berries to get rid of unnecessary moisture and increase the concentration of sugar. In addition, there is the so-called ice wine, which is made from grapes caught in the first frost. By the way, frozen grapes are often used as ice. They cool the drink without diluting it with water.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, grapes have been used for quite a long time and successfully. The beauty industry actively uses extracts and extracts from the skin and pulp of berries, seed oil, and the antioxidant resveratrol. You can find these ingredients in a wide variety of products: hand and face creams, cleansing foams, scrubs, anti-cellulite gels, shampoos, lip balms, lipsticks, nail coatings, and anti-aging products.

The most common and popular ingredient is grape seed oil. Due to the presence of vitamins A and B, tocopherols, flavonoids and polyunsaturated acids in its composition, it nourishes the skin well and does not leave any shine or film feeling on the face. Regular use of products based on this oil stimulates the regeneration processes of the skin and gives it elasticity.

For oily skin:

  • mix 2 tablespoons of dark grape juice with egg white and a little starch or flour. This mixture is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, and then washed off with warm water;
  • a handful of dark varieties of berries, mashed into gruel, are mixed with sour cream until a thick mass is obtained. Apply on face for 20 minutes and then wash off with a cotton pad dipped in cool milk.

For dry skin:

  • combine egg yolk, a tablespoon of honey, half a teaspoon of olive oil, a tablespoon of chopped oatmeal with a tablespoon of red grape juice. Apply on face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Cleansing Lotion:

  • 400 ml of dark grape juice must be mixed with two tablespoons of honey and 200 ml of vodka. Store in a refrigerator in a glass container for no more than 7 days. Wipe your face twice a day.

Dangerous properties of grapes and contraindications

In moderation, grapes are extremely beneficial to the body. But too large portions can provoke an upset stomach and gas formation. In addition, some experts believe that grapes should not be consumed by pregnant women, since resveratrol becomes toxic when the hormonal background is unbalanced. In addition, it is not easy for a weakened digestive system to digest the skin of the berries. It may not be necessary to completely abandon grapes during pregnancy, but its inclusion in the diet should be done with caution.

In the situations listed below, it is better to refuse the use of grapes:

  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers;
  • exacerbation of gastritis or colitis;
  • taking blood thinning drugs (for example, warfarin).

It is also necessary to give grapes with caution to children under 4-5 years old. The fact is that babies often swallow whole berries without chewing them. Grapes can get stuck in narrow airways and, with their soft and smooth surface, create an airtight seal, blocking the flow of air. It is best to cut the berries in half before giving them to your child.

We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of grapes in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share the picture on social networks, with a link to our page:

Grapes are exported to almost all countries of the world, and recently breeders have done a lot to expand the geography of growing these berries. Interestingly, grapes were actively cultivated in many republics of the Soviet Union. At that time, his image could be seen on the coats of arms of Moldova, Armenia, Georgia and Turkmenistan. Unfortunately, during the anti-alcohol campaign, a huge number of vineyards were barbarously cut down. And yet, today about 80 thousand square meters. km. the territory of our planet is planted with this plant.

Problems arose with the production of wine during Prohibition in the United States. However, no one destroyed the vineyards there, and enterprising Americans began to produce very hard concentrates of grape juice, which were called "wine bricks". To avoid problems with the law, sellers applied a warning to the briquette that the brick dissolved in water should never be stored in a cool, dark room for 21 days, thereby creating an excellent advertisement for their product.

As for the former Soviet republics, after the collapse, winemaking traditions were renewed with renewed vigor. Georgia and Moldova have been particularly successful in this. By the way, not so long ago, the remains of an ancient jug were found in Georgia, on the fragments of which clusters were depicted. Very old seeds of wild grapes were also found there.

The fact that in ancient times grapes were no less popular than they are now is evidenced by the references to them in mythology, art and the Christian religion. For example, the Bible says that the first plant planted on Mount Ararat after the great flood was precisely the vine. The ancient Slavic goddess of fertility Zhivu was always depicted with an apple in one hand and a bunch of grapes in the other. The ancient Greek poet Homer wrote about eating grapes in the Odyssey. Also, images of berries often appeared on the coins of different states.

As for painting, in all eras, vines and bunches were depicted in still lifes. Moreover, in the Middle Ages, these berries were often used as a symbol of the Holy Communion - the blood of Christ. In addition, grapes are found on the canvas of Karl Bryullov "A girl picking grapes in the vicinity of Naples" (1), Michelangelo Caravaggio "A young man with a basket of fruits" (2) and in the painting "Red grapes in Arles" by Vincent van Gogh (3). By the way, this canvas is considered the only work sold during the artist's lifetime.

Grapes are immortalized not only through painting, but also in other ways. For example, in 1913 the name Vinifera, which translates from Latin as grape, was given an asteroid. And in France, Israel, Turkey, Russia, Tunisia and many other countries, monuments have been erected depicting bunches or the harvesting process. Also, themed festivals and celebrations dedicated to the collection of wine berries are held around the world.

By the way, about the holidays and related traditions: in Cuba, it is customary to pour water out of the window on December 31, wishing the new year a clean path, and directly at midnight, to the chimes, Cubans eat 12 grapes - this is considered a guarantee of the realization of a wish. Portuguese New Year's tables are not complete without grapes. There, these berries are considered a symbol of abundance and happiness.

Selection and storage

When choosing grapes, it is necessary to give preference to clusters with whole, dense berries without damage, rot and mold. Light brown dots on white grapes indicate that they are very ripe and ready to eat, but they will not be stored for a long time even in the refrigerator. You should not refuse to buy grapes if a light whitish coating is noticeable on the berries, since this is their defensive reaction to external stimuli. Sometimes, white traces of chemicals can remain on the berries after processing, so in any case, the grapes need to be washed well.

As for storage, usually ripe berries are in the refrigerator for about 3 days. It is best to put them in a plastic or glass container, as moisture accumulates in the bag, and fungal infections can develop in combination with the sugar released with grape juice. To preserve the harvest for the winter, it is necessary to remove the grapes from the bunch and, spreading them on a tray in one layer, send them to the freezer. After a while, they can be transferred to any container and stored until the end of winter. This method allows you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients.

Pickling, canning and drying robs the grapes of virtually all vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In the case of raisins, questions also arise about the production process, since almost all dried fruits, in order to prevent spoilage and preserve their presentation, are treated with preservatives (for example, sulfur dioxide). If you still decide to buy dried grapes, then you need to soak it for half an hour in cold water, and then rinse well.

Varieties and cultivation

Grape varieties are striking in their variety, and breeders continue to work to improve their chemical composition, taste and make it possible to grow in different climatic conditions. Typically, grape varieties are divided into canteen (eaten fresh) and wine (used to make wines). Among the former, seedless berries (for example, raisins) are often found. Also, grapes are distinguished by color: white, pink, red and black. The most common varieties in our country are: Veles, Adler, Jupiter, Muscat, Ladies fingers and Chardonnay.

Among the unusual grape varieties, one can note "Witch's fingers". These dark berries really resemble short fingers in their elongated oblong shape. And the fruits of the Cotton Candy variety do not outwardly differ from others, but the breeders have endowed them with a pronounced taste of cotton candy. They contain 12% more sugar and have almost no astringency, which makes them very popular with children.

One cannot ignore the variety "Roman Ruby", which is grown and sold at auction exclusively in the Japanese prefecture of Ishikawa. These red berries contain 18% sugar, so they are particularly sweet. Their size is also striking - each grape must weigh at least 30 g, and the entire bunch must weigh at least 700 g. In 2017, a sprig of such grapes was sold at an auction for $ 9800.

Of great interest are the so-called sea grapes and the Brazilian Jaboticaba grape tree. True, none of these plants has any relation to the Grape family. They probably got their names solely for visual similarity. Moreover, under the name "sea grapes" is immediately hidden and the type of algae, which are eaten, and fruiting evergreen trees. Jaboticaba, on the other hand, is the edible fruit of a plant from the Myrtle family.

As for the peculiarities of growing grapes, the choice of location is considered a key factor. The berries tolerate heat well, but are afraid of the shade, so for planting it is better to choose a sunny side, protected from the wind. The soil can be sandy, clayey, or black earth. With frequent precipitation, the plant can not be watered, but if there is a lack of moisture or drought sets in, then additional measures are needed. In the absence of rain, grapes need to be watered up to 10 times per season, but not too abundantly.

Dybkowska E., Sadowska A., Świderski F., Rakowska R., Wysocka K. The occurrence of resveratrol in foodstuffs and its potential for supporting cancer prevention and treatment. A review. Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig. 2018; 69 (1): 5-14.

  • Valenzuela M., Bastias L., Montenegro I., Werner E., Madrid A., Godoy P., Párraga M., Villena J. Autumn Royal and Ribier Grape Juice Extracts Reduced Viability and Metastatic Potential of Colon Cancer Cells. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2018 Jan 14; 2018.
  • Zhang C., Chen W., Zhang X., Zheng Y., Yu F., Liu Y., Wang Y. Grape seed proanthocyanidins induce mitochondrial pathway-mediated apoptosis in human colorectal carcinoma cells. Oncol Lett. 2017 Nov; 14 (5).
  • Dinicola S., Pasqualato A., Cucina A., Coluccia P., Ferranti F., Canipari R., Catizone A., Proietti S., D "Anselmi F., Ricci G., Palombo A., Bizzarri M. Grape seed extract suppresses MDA-MB231 breast cancer cell migration and invasion. Eur J Nutr. 2014; 53 (2): 421-31.
  • Sun T., Chen Q.Y., Wu L.J., Yao X.M., Sun X.J. Antitumor and antimetastatic activities of grape skin polyphenols in a murine model of breast cancer. Food Chem Toxicol. 2012 Oct; 50 (10): 3462-7.
  • Burton L.J., Smith B.A., Smith B.N., Loyd Q., Nagappan P., McKeithen D., Wilder C.L., Platt M.O., Hudson T., Odero-Marah V.A. Muscadine grape skin extract can antagonize Snail-cathepsin L-mediated invasion, migration and osteoclastogenesis in prostate and breast cancer cells. Carcinogenesis. 2015 Sep; 36 (9): 1019-27.
  • Singh C. K., Siddiqui I. A., El-Abd S., Mukhtar H., Ahmad N. Combination chemoprevention with grape antioxidants. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2016 Jun; 60 (6): 1406-15.
  • Holcombe R.F., Martinez M., Planutis K., Planutiene M. Effects of a grape-supplemented diet on proliferation and Wnt signaling in the colonic mucosa are greatest for those over age 50 and with high arginine consumption. Nutr J. 2015 Jun 19; 14: 62.
  • Li X., Wu B., Wang L., Li S. Extractable amounts of trans-resveratrol in seed and berry skin in Vitis evaluated at the germplasm level. J Agric Food Chem. 2006 Nov 15; 54 (23).
  • Murillo A.G., Fernandez M.L. The Relevance of Dietary Polyphenols in Cardiovascular Protection. Curr Pharm Des. 2017; 23 (17): 2444-2452.
  • Rahbar A.R., Mahmoudabadi M.M., Islam M.S. Comparative effects of red and white grapes on oxidative markers and lipidemic parameters in adult hypercholesterolemic humans. Food Funct. 2015 Jun; 6 (6): 1992-8.
  • Urquiaga I., D "Acuña S., Pérez D., Dicenta S., Echeverría G., Rigotti A., Leighton F. Wine grape pomace flour improves blood pressure, fasting glucose and protein damage in humans: a randomized controlled trial. Biol Res. 2015 Sep 4; 48: 49.
  • Sin T.K., Yung B.Y., Siu P.M. Modulation of SIRT1-Foxo1 signaling axis by resveratrol: implications in skeletal muscle aging and insulin resistance. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2015; 35 (2): 541-52.
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    Grapes are a common cultivated plant of great importance for agriculture. The history of wineries dates back to the Neolithic era, when people just started farming. Officially, grape growing as an industry has a name -. Today, berries are used for fresh consumption, for creating drinks and various dishes, they are widely used in medicine and cosmetology. The cultivation of this culture is a whole art, and technologies and methods have practically not changed since ancient times. In this article, we will consider everything about grapes as a garden culture.

    Description of grapes

    Grape (Vitis) is a genus of perennial shrub vines of the Grape family. This is a vast group of plants, including 11 genera and more than 600 species. According to morphological characteristics, three large subgroups are distinguished within this species - European-Asian, North American and East Asian. For a long time, only cultivated grapes that are not found in the wild have been used in agriculture. In total, more than 5 thousand varieties are known, differing in the type of application, ripening and other characteristics.

    From a botanical point of view, a grape is a bush with pronounced shoots or vines. Thanks to pruning and grafting, small flowers are formed on them every year, collected in complex inflorescences. After the growing season, grapes ripen from them - round or oval berries, collected in loose clusters. The color of the berries can be different - from yellow to black, depending on the variety. Despite popular belief, grapes are a typical berry, not a fruit.

    Grapes are the only plant studied by a whole science - ampelography. It appeared at about the same time as winemaking.

    The structure of the bush and vines

    After planting the seed in the first year, a small shoot or vine is formed. The next year, elongated and well-developed stepchildren grow from the buds, as the bush grows, they increase in number. As the bush develops, the shortened shoots give rise to elongated ones, it is they who are fruitful. A full-fledged vine must have a length of at least 100 cm and a diameter of 6 mm; internodes with developed eyes must be present on it. The leaves play an important role in the fruiting of the bush - the larger their area, the more actively the bunches of grapes are formed.

    In vineyard conditions, the alternation of the process of changing shoots is imperceptible, since it requires regular pruning of short vines. An off-bearing shoot is the one on which annual vines have developed and yielded. Usually it is them that are removed during the autumn pruning. The productivity of the vineyard always depends on the timeliness of the care of the shoots.


    The grapes are processed in their original form as a bunch or seed. It consists of two main parts - a comb or a brush, on which the berries are attached. There are several techniques for separating grapes from the brush, in many wineries today this process is carried out mechanically.

    The shape differs depending on the variety, cylindrical and conical bunches of grapes are distinguished. The structure of the ridge is determined by the length of the stalks and the density of planting of berries, it can be loose or dense.

    The crest is fully formed during the ripening period, and then stiffens. Most often it is green due to the influence of chlorophyll, but in some grape varieties it can be colored in the color of the berries.


    This video clearly tells about the structure of the grape bush.


    Cultivated grapes are one of the key berries in horticulture. The fruits are widely used in various spheres of human life. The most widely used grapes are in cooking. They make juice, raisins, wine vinegar, wine and other alcoholic beverages. Grape seed oil is widely used for dressing salads and in cosmetology. Often the fruits of this plant are used in pharmacology.


    An ancient technological process of making alcoholic beverages from grapes and other fruits and berries. consists of several stages, among which the most important are the preparation of raw materials, obtaining the wort, fermentation and aging. The process of making wine drinks originated in the Neolithic era, today it is fully automated, however, some wineries still try to preserve old traditions.

    Dozens of wines are made from grapes, differing in blend, aging, strength, as well as brandy, vermouth, cognac and other alcoholic beverages. Each has its own. The quality of wine is influenced by many factors, therefore, for a long time in the assortment there was a huge range of quality and taste.


    By type of application

    Depending on the nature of use and the type of product obtained, the following grape varieties are distinguished:

    The taste characteristics of grapes directly affect the characteristics of its use. Berries are distinguished with ordinary, nutmeg, nightshade and isabel flavor.

    By the type of maturation

    The ripening rate of grapes is a key characteristic, depending on which the choice of a variety for a particular region largely depends. The table shows the types of this crop in accordance with the type of maturation.

    By adaptability

    In a number of countries, grapes are a key crop for agriculture, so the requirements for varieties are the highest. Depending on frost resistance, the following groups of varieties are distinguished:

    • Highly resistant or... Withstand up to -35 ° C;
    • With increased resistance... They are found most often, withstand up to -27 ° C;
    • Medium resistant... Suitable for growing in mid to southern latitudes. Withstand up to -22 about C;
    • Weak resistant... These are varieties exclusively for the southern regions. For them, -17 ° C is a critical temperature.

    Depending on the resistance to diseases and pests, the grape variety is assigned a score on a 5-point scale. Thus, a plant with a score of 5 is highly susceptible to disease effects. The best grape is 1-3 points.

    It is important that the plant endures adverse conditions and has disease resistance.

    Growing features

    Today, cultivated grapes are grown almost everywhere. The largest vineyards are located in the southern and eastern regions, as it is a thermophilic crop that needs sun and heat to form berries. There is, developing since ancient times.

    It is permissible to grow in almost any type of soil; grapes grow worst of all in clay areas. Planting time directly depends on the variety and region. It is usually produced starting in mid-April. The culture is thermophilic, but at high temperatures (from 35 degrees), development decreases and there is a risk of leaf drying. For watering, it is advisable to use a drainage system that runs directly to the roots.

    The landing site must be sunny and well protected from gusts of wind, which is why landing is often done along a wall or near a fence.

    Planting methods

    Once every three years, all soil in the vineyard should be completely fertilized with an organic compound (solution of mullein or bird droppings) with the addition of ammonium and phosphate.

    Disease prevention

    Despite the fact that most grape varieties have a strong resistance to diseases, it is required from infectious diseases. The older the disembarkation, the more acute the need for the procedure. Infection with the disease in the vineyard occurs spontaneously, as a result of which all plants may die.

    Diseases of grapes are presented.

    In large vineyards, prophylaxis is carried out at least 3 times a year - in the spring, before the buds begin to swell, in 1-2 weeks of flowering, and also during the ripening of berries. Most often, a solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid is used, as well as complex synthetic fungicides (Topaz, Quadris, Actellik and others).

    Harvesting and processing

    The harvest time is determined by two factors. This is the physical and technical ripening of the berries. In addition, the period directly depends on the climate in the region and the plant variety. ... Cleaning time depends on product requirements and product manufacturing technology. As a rule, the grapes are harvested in parts at regular intervals, which makes it possible to assess the composition and ripeness of the fruit with a hydrometer.

    If the berries were picked on time, then the berries are immediately sent for processing and storage. Brushes are usually by hand or by technical means. Ripe berries are stored in wooden boxes or put into a press to obtain pulp and juice.


    This video tells about the best grape varieties.


    1. Grapes are one of the most ancient crops used in agriculture. There are about 5 thousand varieties that differ in purpose and ripening period.
    2. Berries are widely used for the preparation of wine drinks, juices, various culinary and confectionery products. The culture is often used in medicine and cosmetology. You can read how to make wine at home here.
    3. All grape varieties are classified according to their application, ripening rate and adaptability to external conditions.
    4. Growing grapes is a complex technological process. Various techniques and methods of planting and caring for the bush are used, including.
    5. The presence of trellises, pruning and cultivation are the key points of caring for grape planting.

    Cultural grapes (lat.Vitis vinifera) - a representative of the species of shrub perennial lianas of the genus Grape of the family Grape, growing in areas with a subtropical and temperate climate and widely cultivated in different countries of all continents. This species does not occur in nature. It happened in ancient times from the wild forest grapes growing along the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea to the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. Grapes are one of the first plants that humanity began to cultivate. Evidence of the antiquity of the culture can be found in the frescoes and bas-reliefs in the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. There are written documents convincingly testifying that grapes were cultivated by humans at least 7 thousand years ago, and even then they were preparing wine from it. Viticulture flourished four thousand years ago in Mesopotamia - in Assyria and Babylon.

    The ancient Greeks also grew grapes, actively trading wine from it with Central Asia and India. In Russia, until the beginning of the 17th century, they drank only imported wine, but in 1613 the first vineyard was laid in Astrakhan, and since then the cultivation of grapes in Russia has begun. Peter the Great subscribed to the best varieties of culture from Hungary, and French specialists invited by him were engaged in selection and winemaking. Today grapes are as much in demand as they were thousands of years ago. Its fruits are eaten fresh, raisins, juice, jam, marinades, compotes, vinegar and, of course, wine are made from them. Oil is squeezed out of the seeds, which is a valuable raw material for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Grape leaves are used to prepare stuffed cabbage, dolma and other dishes.

    Listen to the article

    • Landing: from the end of March to the end of May, lignified seedlings are planted, from mid-May to the end of June - green, vegetative. In warm areas, you can plant grapes in the fall.
    • Lighting: bright sunlight. The best location is in the middle of the slope on the south, west or southwest side.
    • The soil: sandy, sandy loam, loamy, clayey, and best of all - mixed, for example, a mixture of silt with clay, stones and organic matter.
    • Watering: in the spring, immediately after removing the shelter. Consumption for one per bush - 4 buckets of water with a half-liter can of ash mixed in them. The next watering is a week before flowering, the third after flowering. When the berries begin to color, watering is stopped, but a week before the shelter, winter watering is carried out.
    • Top dressing: the fertilizers applied to the planting pit will last for 3-4 years. At the beginning of the fifth season, in early spring, a full mineral fertilizer is applied to the near-stem circle of grapes, and liquid organic fertilizers (a solution of chicken manure or mullein with the addition of phosphates and potassium fertilizer) are applied a week or a half before flowering. At the beginning of berry ripening, the soil is fertilized with a potassium-phosphorus complex. You can also feed the grapes by the leaves, both with basic fertilizers and solutions of microelements missing in the plant.
    • Cropping: only in the fall.
    • Garter: required.
    • Reproduction: layering, grafting, cuttings, much less often - seeds.
    • Pests: grape flea, grape miner moth, grape cushion, grape gnat, gray and black beetroot and large alfalfa weevils, goldweed, odorous woodworm, grape spiderweb, grape felt and European red mites, grape itch, grape, biennial and grapevine leafworms grapes, mealybugs and Comstock, cicadas and phylloxera.
    • Diseases: alternariosis, bacterial cancer, apoplexy, verticillosis, armillariasis, white, black, sour and root rot, diplodiosis, various kinds of necrosis, fusarium, penicillosis, bacteriosis, cercosporiasis, chlorosis, escoriosis (black spot, or phytomus) (or grape powdery mildew), mildew (or grape peronosporosis), anthracnose.

    Read more about growing grapes below

    Liana grapes - description

    In the south, the grapes reach a length of 30-40 meters, but in the middle liana liana grows only up to three. A branch of grapes is attached to the support with a mustache. On old trunks, the bark is deeply grooved, with peeling brown bark, young shoots are reddish or yellowish. The leaves of the plant are petiolate, alternate, whole, consisting of three or five lobes. Bisexual, small greenish flowers are collected in a dense or loose panicle. The grapes begin to bloom in May or June and bear fruit in August or September, although some varieties only ripen in October.

    Juicy fruits with one to four seeds or no seeds at all are collected in bunches of various shapes. Fruit color can be yellow, green, pink, black-purple or dark red. Usually the fruits are covered with a waxy bloom. Grapes are long-lived: they can live from 130 to 150 years.

    Planting grapes

    When to plant grapes

    The grapes are planted both in spring, from late March to late June, and in autumn. From late March to mid-May, lignified seedlings are planted, and green, vegetative, are planted later, from mid-May to late June. Seedlings usually go on sale in the fall, and there is no need to keep them until spring, since they can become moldy, dry, and mice can eat them. Therefore, planting grapes in the fall is quite justified, especially since the seedlings take root well if you plant in accordance with the requirements of agricultural technology and acquire healthy planting material: the root cut should be white, not brown, an annual, well-ripened shoot should be bright green on the cut, the eyes should not fall off when touched. Also check that the seedlings are not dry.

    An important condition for the successful adaptation of seedlings in the ground is their pre-planting preparation. Before planting in the ground, the roots of the seedling are kept in clean water for 12-24 hours, the one-year shoot is cut at a height of 3-4 eyes, the roots at the upper nodes are cut off, and at the lower ones they are only slightly shortened.

    Grape seedlings are planted from the south, west or south-west side of the buildings, since grapes need warmth and light for development. The best place for growing grapes is considered to be the middle part of the slope, as frost damage can damage the lower part. Do not plant grapes closer than 5-6 meters from trees.

    Planting grapes in spring

    If you plant grapes in black soil or clay, then the pit for it should be 80x80x80 cm in size, and if you have to grow grapes in sandy soil, then the depth of the pit should be at least a meter, and they dig it in the fall so that the soil settles over the winter. A deep planting will allow the seedling to take root faster and protect its roots from freezing. A layer of rubble 10-15 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the pit, then a plastic pipe with a diameter of 5 cm is inserted into it, 10 cm from the wall of the pit. The height of the pipe should be such that it protrudes 10-15 cm above the surface.

    Next, a layer of chernozem 15 cm thick is poured onto the bottom, 150 g of potassium fertilizer (potassium sulfate, potassium sulfate or potassium sulfate), 200 g of superphosphate are poured on top of it, and it is distributed evenly along the bottom. If you are a supporter of natural feeding, replace mineral fertilizers with a three-liter can of ash. A layer of fertile soil of the same thickness is again poured onto the fertilizer layer, it is leveled, and a layer of fertilizers is again poured on top in the same quantities.

    Fertile soil completes this flaky pillow. Once you have applied the last layer, compact the pillow, pour 5-6 buckets of water into the hole and leave until spring.

    In the spring, when starting to plant a seedling, pour a mound of fertile soil in the center of the hole. Before planting the grapes, the roots of the seedling are dipped into a chatterbox prepared according to this recipe: a teaspoon of humate is dissolved in 10 liters of water, then so much clay is added to the solution to make a liquid of the consistency of shop sour cream.

    After processing the roots with a chatterbox, the seedling is lowered into a hole, placed on a mound with its buds to the north, and with a root heel to the south, spread the roots and sprinkle them with a layer of nutrient soil 10 cm thick.Then add sand to the black soil at a rate of 1: 1 and fill the hole to the top with this soil mixture. Compact the soil around the seedling, cover the surface of the pit with black garden film, cut a hole for the pipe and seedling, and for the first time, put a 5-6 liter plastic bottle with a cut neck on the seedling. Further watering is carried out through the drainage hole (a dug-in plastic tube).

    We told you about planting a shortened grape seedling. A seedling longer than 25 cm is planted in the same way, but at an angle.

    Planting grapes in autumn

    Autumn planting of grapes is carried out from the beginning of October until the soil freezes according to the same principle and according to the same scheme as the spring planting. The only difference is that before the onset of winter, the young plant is sprinkled high with earth, covered with needles, and the near-trunk circle is covered with sawdust or peat. Do not plant grapes in a freshly prepared hole, let the earth settle for at least 2-3 weeks: when subsiding, the soil will not only drag the seedling down with it, but also tear its roots.

    Some gardeners argue that it is not at all necessary to dig a hole under the seedling, lay a drainage layer in it and line a pillow of nutritious soil and fertilizers on its bottom. They say that it is enough to make a hole in the ground half a meter deep with a crowbar and expand it by swinging the tool up to 10-12 cm in diameter, and then lower the seedling into the hole. Maybe you can plant grapes like that, but none of my friends dared to use this method, so I can't recommend it to you.

    If you are not sorry for the planting material, take the risk of using this simplified method and write to us what you got.

    Grape care

    Spring grape care

    Planting and caring for grapes is a difficult business, but interesting and rewarding, and your experience will become the main advisor for you over time. And those who are just starting to grow grapes can still use our experience and our advice.

    The winter shelter is removed from the vines when the air temperature rises above -5 ºC. If you are worried that frosts will return, do not open the grapes completely, but arrange ventilation holes in the shelter. Then, when the danger has passed and the buds begin to sprout, the cover can be removed completely. Protects open vines from frost with Epin's solution in cold water. The treatment of bushes with a solution is carried out a day or two before the cold snap, the protective effect of Epin lasts up to ten days.

    If there is water around the bush, scoop it out or make grooves along which it goes away. To prevent stagnation of water from happening, henceforth plant grapes on the slope or pour a mound for it. Sanitize broken or frozen shoots and tie the vine upright or tilted to the bottom wire. Examine the bushes, and, if necessary, treat the grapes for the detected diseases. If the plant is healthy, carry out preventive treatment against pests and diseases with Nitrafen, for which dissolve 200 g of the drug in 10 liters of water.

    Spring is the best time for grafting grapes, and you need to start reproduction in this way, before the start of sap flow. At the same time, complex fertilizers that do not contain trace elements are introduced into the soil - Nitrofoska or Kemira, after which the soil around the plants is dug up and watered in order to increase the temperature in the layers of the earth where the grape root system is located.

    In the spring, new seedlings are planted in the ground and begin to form: they break out unnecessary shoots several times until the necessary ones grow up to 40 cm. Extra buds and root growth are also removed. When two pairs of leaves develop on the pagons, young grape bushes are sprayed with a fungicide. In early May, new shoots are tied to a trellis, the bushes are fed with a complex fertilizer 10 days before flowering, and as soon as inflorescences appear, their number is normalized so as not to overload the bush.

    Summer grape care

    Caring for grapes in the summer consists primarily in regularly pinching the vine so that it does not stretch higher than 170 cm. Until mid-summer, two dressings of the grapes are carried out. It is necessary to remove the stepchildren formed by the vine in a timely manner, so that the food goes to the formed shoots and is spent on ripening the berries. In mid-July, remove any leaves that block light from reaching the fruit.

    Inspect grape bushes daily for the appearance of diseases or insect pests, and as a preventive measure in early summer, treat the bushes with Ridomil for mildew disease, adding a dose of Fufanon to the solution made according to the instructions, which destroys spider mites. Both solutions are prepared separately and only then mixed. In early July, grapes are re-treated with these preparations.

    Grape care in autumn

    How to care for grapes after harvest? The main goal of caring for grapes in the fall is preparation for wintering. The grapes after harvest, having given all their strength to fruiting, weaken, therefore, they need to be fed with organic fertilizers mixed with ash, and treated from pests and pathogens that can cause serious harm to a tired plant. The most important point of care is the autumn formation of the grapes, but wait until all the leaves have fallen from the grapes before pruning.

    However, you should not pull with pruning before the onset of frost, otherwise the wood will become brittle and you can seriously harm the plant.

    Grape varieties with low frost resistance should be protected from the cold for the winter. Grapes grown in regions with cold winters also need protection. For this purpose, the bases of the bushes are high-sprinkled with earth, and the vines are cut so that they can be bent to the ground. They cover the grapes with spruce branches, and in case of severe frosts, they additionally throw a snowdrift on the spruce branches.

    Grape processing

    There is a widespread misconception that drugs treat disease-infested areas and plants, but this is not the case. They can save healthy tissues from infection, because chemical preparations destroy infectious agents, but they do not have the ability to restore diseased plants. That is why preventive treatment of grapes is so important, eliminating the possible threat on still healthy plants.

    In the spring, when the green shoots grow up to 10 cm, treat the vine with a 3% Bordeaux liquid, 1% colloidal sulfur or copper chloride - this will strengthen the plant's immunity from felt mites and summer invasion of various fungi. Instead of the listed well-known means, it is possible to process grapes with such preparations per 10 liters of the species: Polychom (80 g) or Ridomil (50-60 g). In the solution, you can add a preparation for foliar feeding of grapes, for example, Plantafol. Treatment of plants at this time is called "fifth leaf".

    The next processing of grapes is carried out on the eve of flowering, as a last resort, on the buds, but never process flowering grapes. For the second treatment, a systemic fungicide is used, such as Strobi. After flowering, repeat the treatment of the grapes with a systemic fungicide, and when the fruits reach the size of peas, spray the bushes with "spring" agents - Bordeaux liquid, copper oxychloride or colloidal sulfur, as well as Polychom or Ridomil.

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