A short retelling of the scarlet sails. Scarlet sails Reduction of scarlet sails 1 chapter

Years of writing: 1916-1922

Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: young dreamer Assol, father Assol sailor Longren, ship captain Arthur Gray.


The action takes place in the fictional small town of Kaperne. From the very first lines we see how the writer shows the image of one of the main characters of Longren, a sullen, taciturn man who lives in complete seclusion with his daughter. This gloomy man is engaged in the manufacture of various models of sailboats, which he then sells. Such work helps him to somehow live. The townspeople do not like him because of an incident that happened many years ago.

Longren once sailed at sea, and his wife always waited patiently for him from a long voyage. And one day, returning home, he finds out that his wife has died. The woman, having spent all the savings on her treatment due to the difficult birth, was forced to turn to the innkeeper for help. But Menners, instead of helping the unfortunate petitioner, made her an indecent proposal. Denying the shameless man, Mary went to town to sell her last jewel.

Chilling on the road, she gets pneumonia. The poor woman quickly faded away, since she had no money at all. Longren had to raise his daughter alone, in his soul he burned hatred for the innkeeper. And now an opportunity turned up to take revenge on him. One day a strong storm arose, and suddenly a huge wave swept over Menners and began to carry him out to sea. But Longren, despite pleas for help, stood silently, and did not even try to pull him out of the water. A few days later, fellow villagers rescued the innkeeper, and before his death he told about this episode.

After the incident, everyone in the city began to bypass this family. So they lived quietly and unnoticed by everyone. Assol was considered a crazy girl, because as a child, a storyteller told her that she would meet her lover in the form of a captain, who would appear in front of her on a ship with scarlet sails. Everyone laughed at her, but the prophecy came true. And one day a handsome young man named Gray sails to their city. Despite the evil slander against the girl and her father, he falls in love with her and decides to make Assol's dream come true.

With his work, the author wanted to convey to us that boundless love and faith in good people that lived in the heart of Assol. Green, in the image of a cute girl, showed faith in the realization of an unfulfilled dream. After all, when you believe very strongly, then all your wishes will come true.

Chapter 1. "Prediction"

Reading the first pages of the story, we get to know the sailor Longren, where we learn sad moments from the narrative of life. For a long time, sailing the seas, the man did not suspect how hard it was for his wife. Barely recovering from childbirth, she falls ill. No one can help the unfortunate woman, and Mary goes to the innkeeper. But Menners, taking advantage of her position, invites her to enter into an intimate relationship with him. But a decent woman refuses. She has to go to the city to sell her dear ring thing. On the way, having caught a cold, she catches a cold and gets pneumonia. Without drugs, in need, Longren's wife dies, leaving him to raise a little daughter.

Since then, he began every day to think about how to take revenge on the innkeeper. And then, once, a storm carried the boat with Menners into the open sea. The embittered sailor never helped him, despite requests for help. Six days later, the boat with the dying innkeeper is dragged ashore and the residents learn of Longren's indifference. Then the villagers stopped communicating with Assol and her father.

One of the beautiful days, the girl launched toy boats along the stream, and saw a storyteller, who predicted her in the future a meeting with a beautiful young man who sailed on a yacht with scarlet sails. Having overheard the conversation, the tramp told about this to the townspeople of Capern. And the girl began to be considered just crazy, naively believing in fairy tales.

Chapter 2. "Gray"

Following further events, we get to know another hero of the story - Gray. Smart, not for the weather, a boy who grew up in a wealthy family, from childhood he wanted to become a captain. A merry man by nature and just a very kind child was brought up without much parenting. After all, his mother and father, being aristocrats, devoted their entire lives to collecting portraits of their ancestors. They raised their son in the same way. Arthur learned life from the conversations of servants and literature. At the age of twelve, he was shocked by a painting depicting a ship proudly rising on the crest of sea waves. And the boy realized that he would devote his further life to the sea. The fascination with distant countries captivated him so much that he escaped from home at the age of 15. The persistent young man had to endure many trials before he became a captain. At that time, his father was no longer alive, his mother, who had grown very old, who did not at all expect that Gray would go on long voyages, was proud of him.

Chapter 3. "Dawn"

Further we find ourselves off the coast of Kaperna, where the ship stopped to unload the goods. Anxious expectation forces the young man to go fishing with one of the sailors. In the early morning, Gray discovers a sleeping girl who has struck him with her beauty. Some incomprehensible feeling seized the young captain, and he decides to leave her a beautiful ring.

The desire to find out about her does not leave the young man, and he, together with Letikos, goes to Capern, where he finds the tavern of the deceased Menners. His son, according to the description, begins to tell Gray all sorts of nonsense about the girl. He poured a lot of dirt on the late Longren. And perhaps he would have believed this gossip, if not the pure and bright look of the girl, which so touched Gray's heart. And then Arthur decided to find out the whole truth about this beauty.

Chapter 4. "On the Eve"

The narration of the next chapter introduces the events that happened to Assol before meeting his future lover. It says that toy boats have ceased to be sold, as other interesting things have appeared, and Longren has to go on a long voyage again. But he was afraid to leave his daughter alone, because with her beauty she could captivate anyone. Any dress looked like a princess on her. The girl's father forbade her to work, but she, trying to help, was engaged in sewing. Walking through the woods, admiring nature, she unexpectedly lay down on the grass and fell asleep. Having discovered a little later on her hand a ring, Assol did not say anything about the unusual find.

Chapter 5. Combat preparations

Wanting to make the girl's beautiful dream come true, the young captain goes to the city and buys two thousand meters of red silk. He returns to his ship and decides to sew scarlet sails from the purchased material. On the way, he meets a wandering musician and invites him to go to his ship with his orchestra.

Chapter 6. "Loneliness of Assol"

The girl, returning home from a walk, meets an old coal miner and two of his comrades on the way. Radiant and inspired, she tells everyone that she will soon set off on a long journey. But, considering Assol a little strange, they simply did not pay attention to her phrase.

Chapter 7. "Scarlet Sails"

And in the final lines of the story, we see how the ship, led by Captain Arthur Gray, rushes on all its red sails to Capern. The young man eagerly wants to quickly see the girl and reveal his feelings to her. When the ship approached the shore, Assol was keen on reading. All residents, seeing such beauty, were amazed. Assol, having come running along with everyone, was impatiently awaiting the approach of the yacht.

A handsome young man, having sailed on a boat, asked her if the girl remembered Gray. And having received an affirmative answer, the young man's heart was inflamed with even greater love for this beauty. Music played around. In honor of this event, the sailors drank wine. And only the old sailor played his instrument and indulged in reflections on happiness.

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  • Shot from the film "Scarlet Sails" (1961)

    Longren, a closed and unsociable person, lived by making and selling models of sailing ships and steamers. The fellow countrymen did not really like the former sailor, especially after one incident.

    Once, during a severe storm, the shopkeeper and innkeeper Menners was carried away in his boat far out to sea. Longren was the only witness. He calmly smoked his pipe, watching Menners vainly call out to him. Only when it became obvious that he could no longer be saved, Longren shouted to him that Mary asked his fellow villager for help in the same way, but did not receive it.

    On the sixth day the shopkeeper was picked up by a steamer among the waves, and before his death he told about the culprit of his death.

    He did not tell only about how five years ago Longren's wife approached him with a request for a little loan. She had just given birth to baby Assol, the birth was not easy, and almost all her money was spent on treatment, and her husband had not yet returned from sailing. Menners advised not to be touchy, then he is ready to help. In bad weather, the unhappy woman went to the city to lay the ring, caught a cold and died of pneumonia. So Longren remained a widower with his daughter in his arms and could no longer go to sea.

    Whatever it was, the news of Longren's demonstrative inaction struck the villagers more than if he had drowned a man with his own hands. The ill-will turned almost into hatred and also turned to the innocent Assol, who grew up alone with her fantasies and dreams and seemed to need neither peers nor friends. Her father replaced her mother, her friends, and fellow countrymen.

    Once, when Assol was eight years old, he sent her to the city with new toys, among which was a miniature yacht with scarlet silk sails. The girl lowered the boat into the stream. The stream carried him and carried him to the mouth, where she saw a stranger holding her boat in his hands. It was old Egle, a collector of legends and fairy tales. He gave the toy to Assol and told that years would pass and the prince would sail after it on the same ship under scarlet sails and take her to a distant country.

    The girl told her father about it. Unfortunately, the beggar who accidentally heard her story spread the rumor about the ship and the overseas prince throughout Caperna. Now the children were shouting after her: “Hey, gallows! Red sails are sailing! " So she became known as crazy.

    Arthur Gray, the only offspring of a noble and wealthy family, grew up not in a hut, but in a family castle, in an atmosphere of predetermination of every current and future step. This, however, was a boy with a very lively soul, ready to fulfill his own life purpose. He was determined and fearless.

    The keeper of their wine cellar, Poldishok, told him that two barrels of a Cromwell-era alicante were buried in one place and its color is darker than cherry, and it is thick like good cream. The barrels are made of ebony and have double brass hoops that say, "Gray will drink me when he is in heaven." Nobody has tried this wine and will not try it. “I'll drink it,” Gray said, stamping his foot, and clenched his hand into a fist. “Heaven? He's here!.."

    For all that, he was extremely responsive to someone else's misfortune, and his sympathy always poured into real help.

    In the library of the castle, he was struck by a picture of some famous marine painter. She helped him understand himself. Gray secretly left home and joined the schooner Anselm. Captain Gop was a kind man, but a stern sailor. Appreciating the intelligence, perseverance and love for the sea of \u200b\u200ba young sailor, Gop decided to "make a captain out of a puppy": to introduce him to navigation, maritime law, sailing and accounting. At twenty, Gray bought the Secret, a three-masted galiot and sailed for four years. Fate brought him to Liss, an hour and a half walk from which was Kaperna.

    With the onset of darkness, together with the sailor Letika Gray, taking fishing rods, he sailed on a boat in search of a place suitable for fishing. Under the cliff behind Kapernaya they left the boat and made a fire. Letika went to fish, and Gray lay down by the fire. In the morning he went to wander, when suddenly in the thickets he saw Assol sleeping. He looked for a long time at the girl who struck him, and when leaving, he took off an old ring from his finger and put it on her little finger.

    Then he and Letika went to the Menners' inn, where the young Hin Menners was now in charge. He said that Assol is a madman, dreaming of a prince and a ship with scarlet sails, that her father is the culprit in the death of the elder Menners and a terrible person. Doubts about the veracity of this information increased when a drunken coal miner assured that the innkeeper was lying. Gray managed to understand something about this extraordinary girl without any help. She knew life within the limits of her experience, but moreover, she saw in the phenomena the meaning of a different order, making many subtle discoveries, incomprehensible and unnecessary to the inhabitants of Kaperna.

    The captain was in many ways the same, a little out of this world. He went to Liss and found scarlet silk in one of the shops. In the city he met an old acquaintance - a wandering musician Zimmer - and asked him to come to the Secret with his orchestra in the evening.

    The scarlet sails puzzled the crew, as did the order to advance towards Kaperna. Nevertheless, in the morning the Secret sailed under scarlet sails, and by noon it was already in Kaperna's sight.

    Assol was shocked by the sight of a white ship with scarlet sails, from the deck of which music poured. She rushed to the sea, where the inhabitants of Caperna had already gathered. When Assol appeared, everyone fell silent and parted. The boat, in which Gray was standing, separated from the ship and headed for the shore. After a while Assol was already in the cabin. Everything happened as the old man had predicted.

    On the same day, a barrel of a century-old wine was opened, which no one had ever drank, and in the morning the ship was already far from Kaperna, carrying away the crew, defeated by Gray's extraordinary wine. Only Zimmer was awake. He played quietly on his cello and thought about happiness.


    The famous work of Alexander Green "Scarlet Sails" has already made several generations of readers good romantics. Since 1922, this beautiful extravaganza has caused tears of admiration for girls in many countries of the world, as it has been translated into most European languages.

    The history of the creation of the work

    To understand the essence of the extravaganza, you can study its summary ("Scarlet Sails") by chapter. There are only 7 chapters in this work. The first contains the plot of the whole story and acquaintance with the main character.


    A big plus for the development of a child if Green ("Scarlet Sails") is included in his list of authors for mandatory reading. The chapter summary begins with the chapter "Divination," which immediately intrigues the young reader.

    The sailor Longren, returning from the voyage, learns that his wife died due to the greed and deceit of Menners, the owner of the inn and shopkeeper. After her death, their little Assol remains in the care of Longren, who began making children's toys to feed himself and his daughter.

    Assol was a sweet and kind girl when an event happened that forever made her and her father outcasts in the village where they lived. During a strong wind, Menners' boat untied, and he decided to return it to the shore. The intensifying wind drove the boat into the open sea. Menners shouted to Longren to throw a rope and help him, but he silently smoked his pipe and watched as the boat carried farther away.

    After 6 days, the dying Menners was found, he told what Longren had done. The inhabitants of Kaperna were amazed that the former sailor silently watched as the boat was carried out to sea. Since then, they began to avoid him and her daughter, and the children stopped taking Assol into their games.

    The grown-up girl began to independently carry toys made by her father to the neighboring town of Liss. During one of these "trips" to the city of Assol, I saw in a basket a new yacht with scarlet sails. She liked the toy so much that she decided to let it swim in a small stream that ran along her path.

    The yacht "ran away" from her, Assol found her at the feet of the collector of fairy tales, who predicted to the girl that someday a prince would sail behind her on a yacht with scarlet sails. After the girl returned the story of this meeting to her father, her story was heard by a beggar resting nearby. He conveyed the conversation between his father and the girl to the people in the tavern, and since then the nickname "Ship Assol" has appeared.


    Gray was born into a wealthy aristocratic family, but knew from early childhood that he wanted to become a captain. He was an unusual boy, as he felt the pain of other people, was curious, intelligent and cheerful, which did not correspond to the canons of strict aristocratic education.

    Having parents, Gray was completely alone, since they devoted little time to their child. He spent a lot of time in the family library, studying the family castle, communicating with servants and maids, skipping homework with teachers, and at the age of 15 ran away from home to become a captain.

    For this, he hired a cabin boy on the ship "Anselm". The book, namely its summary ("Scarlet Sails", Green A.), cannot convey in its entirety the willpower that the boy who grew up in luxury needed to achieve his goal.

    He turned out to be a strong and courageous young man who, at the age of 20, bought a ship and became its captain.

    "Dawn" and "Eve"

    The narration is continued by the next two chapters of the extravaganza, the author of which is A.S. Green ("Scarlet Sails"). The chapter summary takes readers further into the Breaking Dawn chapter. Gray found himself aboard his ship The Secret in Lisse, anchored near Kaperna. For 10 days, the Sekret was unloading goods, and on the 11th day Gray got bored and decided to go fishing with the sailor Letika.

    To unwind, the captain of the "Secret" decided to walk at dawn and found Assol sleeping in a clearing. The summary ("Scarlet Sails") through the chapters hardly conveys the full impression of Gray at the moment when he saw the sleeping girl.

    Assol's appearance impressed him so much that he perceived what was happening as a beautiful painting by an unknown author. Having decided to become a part of this picture, driven by some incomprehensible feeling, he left an old family ring on Assol's little finger. After that, he and Letika went to Kaperna to find out who this girl was.

    They found an inn run by the late Menners' son. When Gray described the girl to him, he said that it was a crazy "ship Assol". He told a lot of dirty gossip about her and her father, but the captain saw a girl walking along the road in the window of the tavern, and her eyes told him more than all the tales of Menners Jr. After that, Gray did not leave the feeling that he had made an incredible discovery in his life.

    Longren's toys were no longer in demand, and he decided to re-engage as a sailor. In this part of the work, the author talks about what the adult Assol has become. Having studied only the summary ("Scarlet Sails") by chapters, it is difficult not to feel the author's obvious sympathy for his heroine. In one word, it is "charm."

    To help her father, Assol took up sewing. Tired of work, she lay down, but waking up in the predawn twilight, she decided to walk to her favorite place, where she had friends - trees, hedgehogs, flowers and the whole world around. At dawn she again lay down to sleep right on the grass, where Gray found her.

    "Combat preparations" and "Assol is left alone"

    In the fifth chapter, Captain Gray prepares to perform a miracle, it gives him great pleasure. He buys 2,000 meters of scarlet silk and orders them to be sewn into sails. In Lisse, he met a group of musicians he knew and invited them aboard the Secret. When all the preparations were completed, and the scarlet sails were stretched, the ship headed for Kaperna.

    In the sixth chapter, Longren says goodbye to Assol and goes on a flight, and the girl is absorbed in a premonition of a miracle, since she saw Gray and took him as a sign. Reading (Green, "Scarlet Sails") a summary of chapters, it is difficult to understand the state of mind of Assol. She feels that the long-awaited day will soon come, her prince will sail after her.

    "Scarlet" Secret ""

    In the last chapter, Gray performs a miracle - Assol fulfills his childhood dream by sailing after her on a ship with scarlet sails. Living in anticipation of a miracle and doing miracles with your own hands is the main theme of this beautiful extravaganza.

    A.S. Green

    Name: Scarlet Sails

    Genre: Story


    Part 1: 10min 55sec

    Part 2: 10min 26sec


    The story takes place in a small fishing village. Former sailor Longren, after the death of his beloved wife, brings up one daughter, Assol. And he earns scant money for a living by selling boats, which he carves from wood. While still a child, Assol met a man who called himself a wizard. He promised her that one day a prince would sail after her on a ship with scarlet sails and take her with him. The villagers laughed at these nonsense, but Assol believed that one day her dream would come true. At the same time, the son of a nobleman, Arthur Gray, escapes from his cruel father and joins a schooner, where he eventually becomes a captain. Mooring to the port near the village of Assol, he notices a girl sleeping in the thickets of the forest and falls in love with her. After questioning local residents, he learns about Assol's dream and makes it a reality.

    A.S. Green - Scarlet Sails Part 1. Listen to the summary online.

    A short retelling of the "Scarlet Sails" extravaganza by Alexander Grin chapter by chapter. "Scarlet Sails" is an extravaganza story that affirms the strength of the human spirit by believing that a person is capable of performing miracles.

    "Scarlet Sails" is a symbol of love and hope, a symbol of faith in a dream, the embodiment of the most unrealizable dreams.
    When the soul conceals the seed of a fiery plant - a miracle, make it a miracle for him, if you are able. Alexander Green.

    Chapter I Prediction. Longren served as a sailor on the Orion brig for 10 years. He had to leave the service as his wife Mary died.

    It happened like this. When Longren was at sea, his wife Mary gave birth to a daughter, Assol, the birth was difficult, all the money went to treatment and care for the newborn. Mary had to ask for a loan from the local innkeeper Menners, who promised her money in exchange for love. Then she went to town to pawn her wedding ring. The weather that evening was rainy, she contracted pneumonia and died. Assol remained in the care of a neighbor.

    Returning Longren took the calculation, and began to raise little Assol. But I had to somehow feed myself and my daughter. Then the former sailor began to make toy boats, sailboats for sale. He was a very reserved person, and after the death of his wife he retired even more into himself. Assol devoted all his time.
    Once a storm arose at sea. His sworn enemy, Menners, was unable to handle his boat and was carried out to sea. Longren saw all this, but did nothing to save him. So Longren avenged his wife. Menners were nevertheless rescued, but after a couple of days he died from a cold and the horror he suffered. Before his death, Meneres told his fellow villagers how Longren watched his death, refusing to help. He kept silent about the fact that at one time he himself did not help his wife. All the villagers further fenced off from Longren. This alienation affected Assol. The girl grew up without friends. When she grew up, her father began to take her with him to the city to carry toys to shops. Sometimes she went alone.

    Once, on the way to the store, Assol played with a toy yacht with scarlet sails. She let her swim in the stream, but the toy was carried away by the current very far. The girl ran after her for a long time. On the way, she ran into old Egle, a collector of legends and fairy tales. He gave her the toy and told her: "Time will pass, and a ship with scarlet sails and a prince on board will sail after you, who will take you to his kingdom."
    Assol, worried, ran home and told her father everything. Longren was glad that his daughter was alive and well, but thought about the fairy tale in time, he would forget. This story was heard by a beggar who was passing by their house. He asked Longren for a cigarette, but he, saying that his daughter was asleep and he did not want to wake her, refused him. Offended, the tramp went to the tavern and there told everyone about the prince. And since then, all the children began to tease Assol that the red sails were already sailing towards her.

    chapter II Gray
    Arthur Gray grew up in a wealthy and noble family, in a real castle. He was a very impressionable, kind child. Once in the castle cellar, Gray saw barrels of wine. The hoops bore a Latin inscription: "Gray will drink me when he is in paradise." Nobody knew exactly what that meant. Keeper Poldishok said that no one drank or tasted this wine, and Gray replied: "I will drink it!"

    At the age of 12, he saw a huge painting, which depicted a ship on the crest of a sea wall. This picture helped him understand himself, he wanted to become the captain of a ship, at the age of fifteen he ran away from home. He became a cabin boy on the schooner Anselm under the command of Captain Gop. This captain taught Gray the intricacies of maritime affairs, at the age of 20, Gray bought their three-masted galiot "Secret". At this time he no longer had a father, and his mother did not take her passion for the sea seriously, but she was still very proud of her son.

    Chapter III Dawn.
    Gray arrives on his ship to the city of Lissa, near which Caperna was located. Having unloaded the goods, the ship's crew rests on the shore. Towards evening, the captain wanted to go fishing and calling the sailor Letik with him, they sailed in a boat. The wave nailed them towards Kaperna. They stopped behind a cliff, Dandelion began to fish, and Gray went for a walk along the shore. And then in the thick grass he sees a sleeping girl. She amazes and bewitches him with her beauty. Gray could not resist, put his old family ring on her little finger. Trying not to make noise, he quietly leaves, and then decides to ask the locals about this beauty. In the tavern, from the son of the late Mineres, he learns that the girl's name is Assol, and that she is "crazy", since she has been waiting for the prince on a ship with scarlet sails since childhood. The drunken charcoal man who heard the whole conversation said that the words of the innkeeper could not be trusted. The girl is absolutely healthy.
    Chapter IV On the Eve.
    On the eve of that day and seven years after Egle's prediction. More than once, Asol went to the seashore at night, where, having waited for the dawn, she seriously looked out for the ship with the Scarlet Sails. These minutes were happiness for her; it is so difficult for us to go into a fairy tale, it would be no less difficult for her to get out of her power and charm.
    Assol continued to carry her toys to the city for sale, but they became poorly bought, as there were many overseas wonders.
    On that day "when Gray saw her," for some reason she could not sleep. Assol, obeying some inner call, went to the seashore to meet the dawn. She sat down in a meadow among flowers and trees, carefully looked at the horizon, imagining that she saw the ship, soon Assol fell asleep. When she woke up, a ring gleamed on her hand. She couldn't understand where it came from. So Gray and Assol met for the first time.

    Chapter V Combat preparations.
    Gray returned to the ship and raised anchor. He went to the shopping districts of Lis and bought 2000 meters of scarlet silk. He hired musicians and told them to come to the ship. Returning to the ship, he listened to Letik, who brought a report on the Assol family. Gray realized that he was making the right choice.

    Chapter vii Asol is left alone. Longren spent the night at sea, he thought about the future, about Assol, about what to live on. When he returned home, Assol was not there, she came a little later. Her face was beaming with a smile, her eyes were mysterious.
    Longren told her that he would take a mail steamer. She was a little upset, but continued to smile, anticipating something good. Assol helped her father get ready and he left. She could not sit at home, she went out for a walk. On the way, Assol met a coal miner who was working with two friends. The girl told him that she would probably leave here soon, but she doesn't know where. The coal miner was very surprised.

    From the mouth of the river in the early morning comes "Secret" on it with scarlet sails. Gray stood at the helm, not trusting the helm of the sailor - he was afraid of the shallow. His assistant Panten sat next to him, shaved and humbly pouting. He still didn't understand the connection between the scarlet decoration and Gray's direct purpose. Gray explains to his assistant that he will soon see a girl who cannot and should not marry otherwise: “I come to the one who is waiting and can only wait for me, I don’t want anyone else but her, thanks to her I understood one truth ... It's about doing so-called miracles with your own hands. « Their ship is greeted by a military cruiser and ordered to stop. The captain of the cruiser cannot figure out what the scarlet sails are for. But having learned for what purpose they are sailing, they are allowed to continue their journey, the cruiser even gives a salute in their honor. When Gray's ship approached Koperny, Assol was reading a book and looking out the window at the sea. Noticing the ship under scarlet sails, Assol runs out of the house. Local residents were already standing on the shore. When Assol appeared, people parted before her, the decorated boat descended from the ship to the sound of beautiful music. Assol runs to the boat up to his waist in water. Gray, who was in the boat, asked if Assol recognized him. She replied that this was exactly how she had imagined him since childhood. Climbing the "Secret" Assol asked to take his father with him. Gray replied that of course they would be together, and kissed her hard. The same century-old wine was discovered on the ship. In the morning the ship was far from Kaperna. Everyone was asleep. Only Zimmer, Gray's friend, was awake. He played the cello quietly and thought about happiness ...

    In this section, a brief retelling, "Scarlet Sails" extravaganza by Alexander Green chapters. You have read only a brief summary, for a deeper understanding, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full version of the work.