When they began to celebrate Tatiana's day. Who invented Tatiana's day? Tatyana's day: traditions and customs of the holiday


People have a lot of holidays. There are personal holidays, for example, birthdays, there are general ones, say, March 8, there are professional, memorable dates. There are holidays inspired by time, some events. Tatyana's day is special among them. Born in the Russian empire in honor of the formation of a university in Moscow, he is also religious in nature.

On this day, Christians honor the Great Martyr Tatiana. The Orthodox call him Tatiana Epiphany. According to some reports, January 25 is timed to coincide with another event. Elizaveta Petrovna, founding the first higher educational institution in Russia, at the persistent request of one of her subjects Ivan Shuvalov, commanded to honor the memory of his mother Tatyana. This is such a many-sided holiday.

Students rejoice

Still, Tatiana's Day in Russia is more perceived as a student holiday. Moreover, Saint Tatiana is considered the patroness of students throughout Russia. On January 12 (according to the Julian calendar), 1755, the opening of the first higher educational institution in Russia took place. The initiator was the great Russian scientist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. Empress Elizaveta Petrovna by her decree approved the establishment of the university. At first it was just a date. It was celebrated exclusively by Moscow students.

They arranged festivities, festivities, came up with interesting fun, many of which eventually turned into traditions. For example, on this day it was strictly forbidden to talk about studies, classes, lectures, exams, seminars. You couldn't even open notes. It was believed that those who violated this prohibition would fail in their studies. And the observance of this tradition inspired hope that the upcoming study would be a joy, but not a burden. But for this it was also necessary to have a lot of fun.

At the same time, there was a custom to look out from the balcony or from the open window and, waving the grade book, shout out: “Shara, come!” The answer should be: “On the way”. This meant that only success awaited in study. It was considered a sign of successful study to draw a small house with a very long smoke flowing from the pipe of the drawn house on one of the pages of the book-book. The more this stream turned out to be, the more significant the success was expected in the new academic year.

By Easter in 1791, a church in honor of the holy Martyr Tatiana was opened at the university. He was placed in the old building. At this time, the construction of a new university building on Mokhovaya Street was completed. Following this, Emperor Nicholas I established an officially solemn celebration of the date of the foundation of the educational institution. Quite by chance, the secular holiday turned out to be on the same day as the church day - the day of honoring St. Tatiana. At first, only Muscovites took part in the festivities.

It all started with a visit to the temple. A prayer service was held here, then the solemn part began, during which awards, certificates for success in studies and public affairs were presented. At this time, the doors of the university were wide open for guests of honor, former graduates, officials. And the festivities began.

Students celebrated not only their own holiday, but also the onset of holidays. They walked around the city in noisy companies, sang songs, the wealthiest ones made parties in restaurants. On this occasion, the owners of drinking establishments hid expensive furniture, brought food and drinks in cheap dishes, because often festivities turned into fights with smashing dishes, as well as everything that came to hand. Interestingly, the police were not very strict about the hooliganism of walking youth. They did not take the most raging students to the station, but tried to take them home.

With the emergence of new educational institutions, and not only in the capital city, Tatyana's Day began to be celebrated throughout Russia. And even there they celebrated this day, where there were no universities or institutes, but at least one of the graduates lived. This was facilitated by the religious background of Tatiana's day. Over time, it turned into a celebration of all the representatives with the name "Tatiana".

There lived a girl Tatiana of Rome

According to legend, Tatiana lived at a time when Christianity was just emerging. The girl grew up in a family where love and goodness reigned. The family was noble and wealthy. High positions were held by Tatiana's father. From a young age she absorbed love for Christ and could not imagine life without worshiping him. With age, Tatiana has established herself in her faith. In the community, which she constantly attended, she later became a deaconess. This title was received until the 8th century by the ministers of the church who had taken initiation.

Poor and sick people began to turn to the girl, knowing that she would not refuse help to anyone. A new time has come, another power has come, which forced the worship of pagan gods. Tatiana rebelled, remaining faithful to Jesus. Tradition says that the girl was tortured. But the injuries on the body quickly disappeared, and the martyrs were in for suffering from unknown forces. On January 12, 226, the girl, along with her father, was brutally executed.

But the death of Tatiana forced the doubters to establish themselves in the faith, as miracles of healing continued to occur, as soon as those in need turned to her name. Later, Tatiana of Rome was canonized, and the date of her death was proclaimed Tatiana's day. In the national calendar, it is called the day of Tatiana Epiphany. Snowfall foreshadowed summer with rains. The sun peeking out from behind the clouds promised a quick arrival of birds.

Since Saint Tatiana is considered a martyr who lived during the formation of Christianity, she is equally revered by both the Catholic and the Orthodox churches. After the October Revolution, Tatiana's day was canceled. The church at Moscow State University was converted into a reading room. The Soviet government instituted a new holiday - the Day of Proletarian Students. In 1958, the Moscow State University theater was opened here. It existed for nearly 40 years.

The theater is famous for the fact that great directors Mark Zakharov, Roman Viktyuk, artists Alexei Kortnev, Iya Savina and many others began their creative activities within its walls. In 1995, the theater was closed.

And the holiday is back

At the initiative of the rector of Moscow State University, Viktor Sadovnichy, in 1992, Tatyana's Day returned to the walls of the educational institution as a student holiday. Since 2005, the holiday has become official, the decree was issued by the country's President Vladimir Putin. From that time on, they began to celebrate it widely, moreover, only in Russia. It should not be confused with International Students Day, which is celebrated on November 17th.

Currently, Tatiana's day is celebrated very widely, especially where he was born and where he was revived again, at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Shuvalov is not forgotten either. Today, two prizes have been established here, which are awarded to university employees. One is named after Lomonosov.

This award can only be awarded to an employee once in a lifetime. The other, the Shuvalov Prize, can be awarded only to those who at the time of nomination were under forty years old. By the way, at present there are also students whose merits are so significant that they are nominated as candidates for prestigious awards.

Recently, honorary scientists, whose merits have made a great contribution to the development of the country, have been awarded the title "Star of Moscow University". The honorary title can only be received by one person, moreover, only on Tatyana's day. In all educational institutions, students organize concerts. Meetings with leading scientists and statesmen are traditionally held. On this day, graduates meet in some universities.

One of the features of the celebration of Tatiana's Day at Moscow State University is the rector's treat with mead. It is usually prepared with honey, which the rector brings to the university. Sadovnichy himself treats students to a traditional Russian drink, which was also typical at the time of the birth of the holiday, more than two hundred years ago. This tradition is now beginning to take root in other universities in the country.

Many famous artists take part in the celebration. Concerts are often free, because almost all of them were or are now students. Well, Tatyan is countless among the artists. This name is primordially one of the most common in Russia. Cinemas, museums, skating rinks open for free. Discounts are given to young people in the cafe, dessert is served free of charge.

People walk in parks, streets and squares. Student groups perform with concerts. Competitions and funny attractions are organized, in which the owners of the name Tatiana most often win. Festivities last until late in the evening and end with festive fireworks.

When all the people celebrate

Almost every Orthodox person has a birthday. But not a single name day is celebrated as solemnly and magnificently as Tatiana's day. This happened due to the imposition of a secular holiday on a religious one. If for some it is a festival of students, which is celebrated everywhere, for others it is the veneration of Saint Tatiana.

Even where there is no higher or secondary educational institution, there is sure to be at least one person for whom student years are a holiday for the rest of their lives. Well, there is also a name day for each Tatiana. Whether she is a believer or an atheist, everyone carries flowers and gifts. It has become a long-standing tradition to give the name of Tatiana to every girl born in the first two winter months.

In ancient times, January 25 was celebrated the day of Tatiana Epiphany or the Sun. It was believed that the sun would come out on this day. And then spring will come early, which will give people spawning of fish. And if Epiphany frosts hit on this sunny day, then there will be a good harvest.

Many omens were associated, as was often the case, with a loaf of bread. Good luck was expected in the family if a mound grew in the middle of the loaf. A measured, calm life was predicted if it turned out smooth. Cracking bread during baking was considered a bad omen. Well, a burnt loaf to joy. But the birthday girl got the burnt crust. She had to eat this crust.

In peasant houses, the place near the Russian stove was called the babi kut, the sun. The mistress of the house on Tatyana's day baked a large round rug of bread like the sun. The hostess had to take the rug out of the oven herself and let it cool down. After that, she broke off a piece and distributed it to all family members. Everyone had to eat this piece in order to get at least a little solar heat.

Tatiana's day was especially expected among unmarried girls. On this day, they lured their chosen ones. In the morning, the girl carefully cleaned the rug, knocked it out. Then she spread this rug in front of the front door. The girl tried to lure the guy, who was good for her, so that he would definitely enter the house, but before that he wiped his shoes on the rug. It was believed that after that the young man would always be drawn to this house.

The future brides were preparing special brooms from various feathers and rags. Such a whisk had to be quietly brought into the boy's house and hidden. If a girl can do this, the young man will definitely become her fiancé, and in the future, her husband. It was difficult to do this, since the groom's mother usually strictly monitored so that her son did not turn out to be bewitched, especially if an inappropriate candidate, from the point of view of the mother, was stuffed into the daughter-in-law.

The holiday is different. But there are those that people are waiting for, celebrating the way they used to spend the most desirable days, for example, New Year, Christmas or Easter. It is very important to see Tatyana's day in this series. This is evidence that old, half-forgotten traditions are returning, bringing joy into life, hope for a wonderful tomorrow, for a spring that will definitely come, will give the awakening of nature, love and good study.

In 1791, in the name of the holy martyr Tatiana, a church at Moscow University was also consecrated. Since then, Saint Tatiana has been considered the patroness of students and teachers.

In 1918 the temple was closed. At first, a club was located in its premises, and from 1958 to 1994 - the student theater of Moscow State University. In January 1995, the building was returned to the church.

According to descriptions of contemporaries, before the revolution, the celebration of Tatiana's Day as a university holiday was a real event for all of Moscow.

It began with an official ceremony in the assembly hall of the university, where professors, teachers, students and alumni from all over Russia gathered. After the prayer service, the academic report and the rector's speech, everyone stood up, sang "God Save the Tsar!" Then the unofficial part began, often lasting until the morning, the festivities. In their circle, graduates of the university celebrated the holiday, among whom were professors and officials, doctors and lawyers, industrialists and businessmen. Towards evening, many gathered in the hall of the Big Moscow Tavern in the city center, where speeches and toasts were made, after which they rode in troikas to the Yar restaurant, which that day served only the university audience.

In modern Russia, traditionally on this day, students arrange mass festivities.

On January 25, 2016, the All-Russian action "Tatiana's Ice" will be held for all students of the country. Holiday programs will be organized on ice rinks in the capital and regions of Russia. The central platform will be the GUM Skating Rink on Red Square.

The Russian Orthodox Church remembers on this day the holy martyr Tatiana, who is considered the patroness of all Russian students. On this day, all women who bear the name Tatiana (the ancient name "Tatiana" in translation from Greek means "organizer" celebrate their name days).

According to church tradition, Saint Tatiana lived in Rome at the turn of the 2nd-3rd centuries, during the cruel persecution of Christians. Her father, a noble Roman, secretly professed Christianity and raised his daughter in a Christian spirit. Tatiana did not marry and gave all her strength to serve God. During that period, all power in Rome was concentrated in the hands of Ulpian, the persecutor of Christians. Tatiana was captured and tried to force her to sacrifice to the idol. But in the temple of Apollo, where she was taken, according to legend, the virgin offered up a prayer to Christ - and an earthquake occurred: the pagan idol split into pieces, and the fragments of the temple buried the priests under them.

The pagans tortured Tatiana. During the torture, many miracles happened: either the executioners, for whose insight the saint prayed, believed in Christ, then the angels deflected blows from the martyr, then milk flowed from her wounds instead of blood and a fragrance spread in the air. After terrible torment, Tatiana appeared before her executioners and judges even more beautiful than before. The pagans despaired of breaking the faith of the sufferer and executed her. Together with Tatiana, her father was also executed.

In recent years, in Russia, the age-old traditions of celebrating the day of St. Tatiana are based on the common prayer of the Russian Church and higher education.

Traditionally, the center of church celebrations on the Day of Russian Students, which is also the day of memory of the patroness of the higher school of Russia - Martyr Tatyana, was the temple in honor of this saint at the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov on Mokhovaya street.

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, on the day of Russian students, for the first time performed the divine liturgy in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The service was attended by Rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy, Rector of MGIMO Anatoly Torkunov, Rector of GITIS Karina Melik-Pashayeva, as well as professors, teachers and students of secular and church universities in Moscow, student delegations from other regions of Russia. At the end of the liturgy, the student youth continued their communication at student festivities near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

24.01.2017 19.11.2019 by Ma [email protected]

There is such a wonderful day in winter when the sun always looks out and it seems as if spring has already come. This day is January 25th. In the old days, a holiday was celebrated at this time " Tatiana Kreschenskaya ", or " Sun ". It was believed that no matter how cold it was in January, the sun would always delight people with its rays. Currently, January 25 is considered the holiday of St. Tatiana and the Day of Russian students.

Tatiana's day is a church holiday.

First of all, Tatiana's Day is a Christian holiday celebrated by all Orthodox believers. Its other name is Tatiana Kreschenskaya or Tatiana Rimskaya. Tatiana Rimskaya is also revered by the Catholic Church.
The story of the great martyr says that she was born into a wealthy believing family. She strongly believed in God, took a vow of chastity, for which she was even awarded the title of deaconess. When the persecution of Christians reached its peak, the pagans seized her and wanted to force her to pray to their god, but Tatiana Rimskaya read a prayer, which caused an earthquake that destroyed the pagan temple.

After that, the martyr was tortured for a long time, but the traces of the mutilations disappeared again and again. She was also thrown into a dungeon, locked in the same cell with a lion, but these attempts to kill her were unsuccessful. As a result, Tatiana and her father were executed by beheading. For her torment, Tatiana was canonized. Tatiana's day in the Christian calendar is celebrated on January 25. By tradition, prayers are read in all churches. At home, people also pray, asking Tatiana to grant them happiness and patience, as well as academic success.

Tatiana's day is a national holiday.

On January 25, 1755, Empress Elizabeth signed a decree establishing the Moscow State University. Almost always, this day was considered simply the birthday of the university, but since 2005, January 25 has been the All-Russian student day. In one of the premises of the Moscow State University there is even a church dedicated to the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana.

On January 25, all students celebrate this important day for them. They walk, relax, organize concerts and festive events. Many traditions, signs and rituals are associated with this day. According to many students, this day can be a lucky day to pass exams. There is an interesting custom - to go out onto the balcony with a grade book in hand and call luck with the phrase: "Freebie, come." If someone shouts from the street in response to "on the way", it will be a good sign.

This day has two beginnings, which are not historically related to each other, but which were subsequently combined into one day. This is a bright Orthodox holiday and a holiday of knowledge, a holiday of students. Therefore, on January 25, people go to church, asking God to give them knowledge, as well as patience and diligence in their studies.

Folk traditions and customs on Tatiana's day.

On this day, candles are lit in the church for academic success. They pray to the Martyr Tatiana in difficult teaching and enlightenment. On January 25, they also pray to Saint Savva for various ailments, the icon of the Mother of God "Mammal" - for help during childbirth, for feeding with milk (with a lack of mother's milk) and for the health of babies.

Since ancient times, on Tatyana's day, it was customary to bake loaves in the form of the Sun.

“Tatyana and a loaf bakes, and rugs on the river beats, and a round dance leads!” - They said in the old days.

This is the day of Tatyana Kreschenskaya and Babi Kut. Babi kut is a place near the Russian stove, a woman's corner, where all household items were kept, and the hostess spent a lot of time.

The family called this place the sun. Therefore, on Tatiana's day, the "big women" - the elders in the family of the hostess - baked a large rug, a symbol of the sun. These same housewives took out the baked goods from the oven, let the bread cool down a little and broke off a piece of bread warm and handed it out to all family members.

Such was the tradition on Tatiana's day - to call for spring, inviting the luminary to return to the people as soon as possible and drive away the severe Epiphany frosts.

Each family member, according to tradition, must have eaten at least a piece of such a loaf, so that the Sun would give it a little of its warmth.

  • On Tatyana's day, women twisted balls of yarn as tight and large as possible - so that the cabbage heads would be taut and large.
  • From ancient times it was considered necessary on Tatyana's day to go to the river and knock out of the rugs all the dirt accumulated in them during the winter holidays.
  • Girls that day early in the morning went to the river, where they knocked out rugs. Then the rugs were hung on the fences so that the guys could judge the girl by them - what kind of wife she would turn out to be.

Signs, rituals and conspiracies for students on Tatyana's day.

Tatiana's day is both a holiday and a special date for students. For them, this is not only an excuse to distract from the sciences and plunge into fun, but also an opportunity to attract good grades for themselves in the classroom with the help of special rituals and conspiracies.

The most important student tradition on Tatiana's Day is, of course, Shara's call.

It is done this way: on the night of January 25, students go out onto the balcony or look out the window, shake their record book, calling "Shara, come!" And in response you need to hear (and certainly not from a student!) "On the way!" This ritual allows you to get good marks "on the ball", i.e. without much effort.

Also on January 25, students draw a house with a chimney on the last page of their grade book. Moreover, the house should be small-small, and the smoke from the chimney should be long-long. To make it more authentic, it is drawn in the form of a swirling maze in one line. And so that the line does not cross or touch itself in any way.

If it turns out to draw such a "smoke" without error (crossing and touching the line) - this is a good sign. And the longer this "smoke" turns out, the easier and more successful the studies will be this year.

Finally, on Tatiana's day, in no case should you study and even look at the notes! On January 25, you need to forget about classes altogether! Only relaxation and fun! So that study was not a burden, but a joy.

Love spell of the groom on Tatiana's day.

  • Also, on Tatiana's day, girls lure grooms. This is a trick. Early in the morning of January 25, the girl needs to knock out the rug well, and then spread it at the entrance to the house. Next, it is necessary in one way or another to lure the one whom she wants to be her groom - if it turns out that the guy wipes his feet on the rug prepared for him, then he will be constantly pulled into the girl's house.
  • There is another way to love the groom - with the help of a broom, which the girl makes from rags and feathers. On the same day, such a broom must be hidden unnoticed for everyone in the house of "your" groom. If this succeeds, the guy will not go anywhere.

By the way, the mothers of the guys on this day made sure that their sons were not bewitched in such ways by the one they did not want to see as a daughter-in-law. Therefore, they tried to keep the sons at home on this day, and they treated the girls who tried to visit in one way or another with caution.

Folk omens for Tatiana's day.

Since ancient times, Tatyanin was monitored for the peculiarities of the weather.

  • If it snows on the day of Epiphany Tatiana (Tatiana's day, Babiy's kut), then frosty February and summer with rains are expected.
  • Sunrise on Tatyana's day personified early spring, early arrival of birds and early spawning of fish.
  • If it is frosty and sunny on this day, then the harvest will be rich!

Many signs on the holiday of Tatiana's Day were associated with the preparation of the ritual loaf, which was mentioned above:

  • If the bread rose in a mound in the middle, it means, wait for good luck this year and life will improve, it will go up the hill.
  • If the loaf turned out smooth and without flaws - a sure sign for a calm year and measured life.
  • If the loaf burned, they rejoiced, and the birthday girl had to eat the burnt crust.
  • If the loaf cracked, it was considered a bad omen.

Congratulations for Tatiana.

Let Tatiana give you

Fresh feelings, like the first snow,

Longing with despondency will go away

And there will be success everywhere!

Congratulations on Tatiana's day,

All those who are named after a saint.

I wish you good mood

And smile at simple joys.

Let it be, Tatyana, luck shines for you.

May happiness meet you at the door.

Let the one who loves reciprocate,

Will give you all the delights of love.

Forget the January frosts

Hurry to your friends and have fun

Before it's too late

While life is boiling with happiness!

Meet Tatyana's day in a big way -

Don't sleep like a polar bear!

On Tatyana's day, we hasten to congratulate,

Without exception, all Tanyushek,

To reduce their temper cool

We'll give them flowers, toys.

We will smile at them that day

Forgive the whim, any flaw,

We will laugh together with them,

We will support Tatyan in difficult times.

May this day, on their bright holiday

Dreams come true cherished.

May the day be like a little prankster

Will give happiness bright wings.

Our Tanya, from the heart

Congratulations, accept:

Wish the girl dreams

Spiritual, external beauty!

So that no male hero

Didn't pass by without gasping!

Tatyana, dear Tatyana!

Today is your Saint Tatiana's Day

I am intoxicated and drunk from your beauty ...

I wish that every new day

We light yours with a smile

So that you are always happier than everyone!

So that there are fewer mistakes in life

And there was always a perky, ringing laugh!

So that you are surrounded by love

To enjoy the sun and the moon ...

So that happiness is only for you

And desperate success awaited in life!

There is one such wonderful day at the end of January, when, according to signs, even in cloudy weather, even for a minute, the sun looks down on the earth.

This is the 25th day of the month and in the old days the people called it either "The Sun" or the holiday of "Tatiana Epiphany".

Today everyone knows this day as the holiday of St. Tatiana or Student's Day.

Students love to celebrate Tatiana's day, the history of the holiday is rooted in ancient times.

From time immemorial, the story of one of the first Christians, the martyr Tatiana, who was born in ancient Rome into a noble family, has been passed on to mouth.

Raised by a deeply religious father, Tatiana wholeheartedly believed in God and devoted her life to serving people: in one of the churches she helped the sick and needy.

The Christian faith was persecuted in those days, and once during the persecutions in 226, the girl was captured by pagans. Tatyana's fervent prayer caused an earthquake, smashed to pieces the idol to which they wanted to sacrifice her, and destroyed the temple.

The pagans brutally tortured Tatyana, but it was as if an invisible hand took the blows away from her - the girl remained alive and unharmed.

Three times the pagans tried in every possible way to force the girl to change her faith.

But Tatiana's faith was unshakable, and all attempts ended in another destruction of churches. The tortures of the priests were very cruel, but they only strengthened the girl, even the fire retreated before the power of prayer and faith.

In the end, the fanatics executed Tatiana and her father by chopping off their heads.

The Holy Great Martyr Tatiana immortalized her name for centuries by the power of sacred faith, and her descendants erected a monument not made by hands to her - holiday Tatyana's day... For believers, she became the standard of the true Christian faith and an example to follow.

Student's Day and Tatiana's Day

The holiday in the new style falls on January 25, for many years students of Russia and the countries of the former CIS have considered this day their student day.

How did it happen that the day of remembrance of the great martyr coincides with the cheerful and reckless holiday of students?

The emergence of the second meaning of Tatiana's day is very interesting. The year 1755 was marked by an important event for Russia: Empress Elizabeth established a university on the basis of two Moscow gymnasiums.

The project was developed by Mikhail Lomonosov, and Count Shuvalov acted as the trustee, who did not accidentally choose the date for signing the Decree.

On the day of the birthday of mother Tatyana Petrovna, Shuvalov gave her such an unusual gift. " I give you a university"- with these words Shuvalov congratulated mother, serving at the same time to the Fatherland and doing something pleasant to the closest person.

Establishment decree was signed The 25th of January... Since then, the martyr Tatiana has been considered the patroness of students, and young people enjoy this day with pleasure, congratulating their friend's arches, arranging festivities and parties.

In Russia, Tatiana's day was celebrated with revelry, noisy and cheerfully. The "learned fraternity" became a single whole, conventions and age limits, ranks and titles were swept aside. Rich or poor, venerable scientists or freshmen - everyone had a reason to have fun.

Scientists, after all, were once students too. There were also official traditions: ceremonial events were organized with congratulations and awards for the best students.

Modern students do not forget their historical roots and also love to have fun on Tatiana's day.

The double background of the holiday gives it a special meaning. Times and morals change, the essence does not change: humanity honors the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana, the patroness and Muse of the student fraternity.

And the students, and with them all who have not yet said goodbye to the spirit of reckless students, celebrate the holiday noisily and cheerfully, under the traditional motto: "Let's be cheerful and drunk on the day of the beautiful Tatiana."

Tatiana's day - is it a fun holiday of students or a day of remembrance of the holy martyrs? Read our material about saints named Tatiana.

The power of faith and will. An offering to the holy martyrs, confessors and passion-bearers Tatians

What unites people who bear the same name? According to the prevailing popular opinion that has a certain basis, all namesakes have something in common in appearance, character, behavior, therefore, keeping in mind the properties of a certain name, you can know a lot in advance about the person who wears it. In the modern world, it is popular to look for the hidden meaning of names. This approach is based on the belief that a person can control his own destiny and, for example, the destiny of his children, if he performs the right actions in the right order. Of course, this attitude towards life cannot be called Christian. A Christian lives in the confidence that his life is not in the power of the elements, planets, good or evil spirits, but in the hands of God.

An Orthodox person knows that people who bear the same name are united by one Heavenly patron, with whom they have close prayer communication. No wonder in Orthodoxy it is customary to congratulate the birthday people on the Day of the Angel, on the name day - the day of remembrance of that saint whose name you bear. According to old memory, a person is called a "birthday boy", congratulating him on his birthday.

Since ancient times, people have tried to learn more about "their" saint, so that, through imitation of him, they themselves approach the ideal. Today, on the eve of St. Tatiana's day, let's talk about what we know about this name and the holy women who bore it.

Tatiana's day - St. Tatiana of Rome

Interesting that name Tatiana, Tatiana, despite its Roman origin, is considered traditionally Russian. In the same and in derivative forms, it is common in many Slavic countries, but in the English-speaking world, comparatively until the end of the twentieth century, it was extremely rare.

Of course, the main merit in the popularization of this name belongs to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who immortalized Tatiana's sweet ideal in the novel Eugene Onegin. They say that before the appearance of this literary work, the name Tatiana was more peasant than noble, but soon the situation changed radically. Name Tatyana became almost the most popular female name in Russia.

In his novel, Pushkin not only created a captivating female image, but for centuries to come determined the model by which Russian women began to build their relationships with the opposite sex. But if the initiative of Tatyana Larina, her bold declaration of love to her chosen one, is relevant for the secular worldview, then her line of behavior in the final part of the novel is more important to the Orthodox. In a strictly Christian spirit, her answer to Onegin is sustained, seeking love no longer of a girl, but of a noble lady, a princess: “But I was given to another; I will be faithful to him forever. "

Once having chosen her path, Tatyana does not retreat from it, remaining faithful to what seems to her most important. This trait of Tatyan's character is probably the most valuable Christian virtue that bearers of this name are endowed with. The strong-willed qualities of Tatyan also find their application in the secular field. Leafing through the pages of the press, we will be surprised how many singers, actresses and athletes in our Fatherland bear this name. But it is time to turn to church history, to those names that are sacred to every Christian.

The first in seniority must remember. It is gratifying to see how this name is returning to our daily life. The doors of the Holy Tatiana Church at Moscow State University are open, and all students know that, because it was on January 12 (25 according to the new style), 1755, on the day of the memory of the holy Martyr Tatiana, that Empress Elizabeth Petrovna signed the Foundation Decree. It is joyful to learn that churches are opening at universities in various cities of Russia, and all of them are named in the name of the holy Martyr Tatiana of Rome.

Tatyana's day - the power of faith and will

The life of Saint Tatiana is full of various miracles, surprising and frightening, however, leaving them aside, let us turn to the two main moments of her life: her martyr's testimony of faith in Christ and her earthly deed.

Born into a noble Roman family of secret Christians, Tatiana from childhood chose the path along which she consistently walked all her future life. Refusing to marry, she gave all her strength to the church ministry, was made a deaconess in one of the Roman churches, fasted, prayed, looked after the sick, helped those in need, and so served God.

Deaconess Tatiana was captured and, after long torment, was killed during the reign of the Emperor Alexander Severus (222-235).

For many centuries the Orthodox Church venerated only one Tatiana - Tatiana of Rome. But in the twentieth century, everything changed. The persecutions that swept across the country for the faith revealed to the world a whole host of holy martyrs Tatians, and the first of them was the noblest - the passion-bearer Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna, daughter of Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

The second oldest, she had the strongest will and character. In their memoirs, her contemporaries often emphasize that it was Tatyana Nikolaevna who held the leading position among the rest of the royal children. People who knew her noted in her "an exceptional tendency to establish order in life and a highly developed consciousness of duty." Remembering her, Baroness S.K. Buxgewden wrote: “She had a mixture of sincerity, straightforwardness and tenacity, a penchant for poetry and abstract ideas. She was closest to her mother and was a favorite of her and her father. Absolutely devoid of pride, she was always ready to abandon her plans, if there was an opportunity to walk with her father, read to her mother, do everything that was asked of her. "

Following the example of her heavenly patroness, Grand Duchess Tatiana gave most of her time and energy to helping those in need. So she initiated the creation in Russia of the "Committee of Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna for providing temporary assistance to victims of military disasters", which set itself the goal of providing assistance to people in need due to military circumstances.

During the First World War, having passed the nursing exams, the senior princesses worked in the Tsarskoye Selo hospital. As a surgical nurse of mercy, Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolaevna took part in complex operations and, when required, every day, even in her own, she went to the hospital.

The Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna, along with all her sisters and brother, was brutally murdered only because she was born into a royal family and remained faithful to her faith, her family and her Fatherland to the end.

Today, in the calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church, along with the Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna, there are nine more names of ascetics who testified their loyalty to Christ during the mass persecution of the Church in the 1930s. The list of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia is growing from year to year, and perhaps soon we will witness the glorification of other Tatians.

According to the official calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church, we honor the memory of the Monk Martyr Tatyana on October 8/21, Confessor Tatyana (Byakireva) on December 10/23; Monk Martyr Tatiana (Gribkova) September 1/14; Martyr Tatiana (Grimblit) 10/23 September, Martyr Tatiana (Egorova) 10/23 December; Martyr Tatiana (Kushnir) in the Council of New Martyrs; Venerable Martyr Tatyana (Fomicheva) November 20 / December 3 and Venerable Martyr Tatyana (Chekmazova) September 28 / October 11.

We know a lot about some of them, only the most general information about others has come down to us. But there is something in common that unites all these great women who, as we believe, stand at the Throne of God near their Heavenly patroness - Saint Tatiana of Rome, and who repeated her feat centuries later here, on Russian soil.

(1879-1937), whose memory is celebrated in the Cathedral of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia and in the Cathedral of the Butovo New Martyrs, was born into the family of a cabman in the village of Shchukino, which has now become one of the Moscow districts. In 1896, the girl entered the Kazan Golovinsky Convent, where she lived for almost thirty years, until the Bolsheviks closed the monastery. The novice Tatiana returned home and settled with her sister. In 1937, a young communist Kuznetsov, who rented a room in the Gribkovs' house, reported Tatyana to the authorities, accusing her of not only “doing handicraft - quilting blankets,” but also receiving many people, including the “monastic audience”. "She has good acquaintances with the higher clergy", and, quite a fantastic accusation, "she has preserved gold reserves, since in the first years of the revolution she collected gold to help Tsar Nicholas." Despite the testimony of a false witness, the novice was arrested not immediately, but a little later. Tatiana responded negatively to all accusations during interrogations and did not plead guilty to counter-revolutionary activities. However, the NKVD troika in the Moscow region sentenced her to death precisely for “anti-Soviet agitation”. Novice Tatiana was shot at the Butovo training ground near Moscow and buried in an unknown mass grave on September 14, 1937.

From the life of this saint, we can take out only indirect information about her character and the life she lived. She spent many years in the monastery and was deeply worried about everything that happened to the clergy and laity during the years of persecution. After leaving the devastated monastery, she tried to preserve the monastic way of life in the world and, in order not to embarrass her relatives, continued to work at home. Having suffered on earth from the cruelty of her neighbors, the novice Tatiana acquired a martyr's crown from the hands of the Savior.

ABOUT ) we know much more. In 2007, our site was published dedicated to the feat of this amazing woman.

Martyr Tatiana was born on December 14, 1903 in the city of Tomsk in the family of an employee; she received a Christian upbringing in the family, and was educated in the Tomsk gymnasium. After the death of her father, having barely finished school herself, she started working as a teacher in the children's colony "Klyuchi".

Already at this moment, the future martyr manifested herself as a true Tatiana, from the very beginning of her life setting her path in life as a feat of helping others. She consciously chose self-denial, devoting herself to fulfilling the commandments of the Lord.

In the difficult years of the civil war and repressions, she made herself a rule of almost all the money she earned, as well as what she managed to collect in the churches of the city of Tomsk, exchange for food and things and transfer them to those inmates of the Tomsk prison, whom no one else cared about. Tatiana asked the administration which of the prisoners did not receive food parcels, and passed them on to them. This is how she met many outstanding bishops and priests of the Russian Orthodox Church who were languishing in the prisons of Siberia.

For helping prisoners, Tatiana herself was repeatedly sent to prison on charges of yu in counter-revolutionary activities. She was quickly released from prison, but such selfless activities annoyed the punishers more and more, and they began to collect information for her final arrest.

Having decided that she "has a connection with the counter-revolutionary element of the clergy," she was exiled to Turkestan, but soon released again. Tatyana Nikolaevna left for Moscow and settled near the church of St. Nicholas in Pyzhy, where she began to sing in the kliros. After returning from prison, she even more actively helped the prisoners who remained in exile and who were in prisons, many of whom she now knew personally.

When Tatyana Nikolaevna again fell into exile, she studied medicine right in the camp and began to work as a medical assistant. After a quick release, she settled in the Vladimir region, worked in a hospital, continued to help prisoners and maintain active correspondence with them. These letters were sometimes the only consolation of her correspondents, who did not know how to thank Tatiana Nikolaevna for her support. “In the feat of mercy and help, the reliability and breadth of this help, she had no equal. In her heart, which contained Christ, no one was already cramped, ”hegumen Damaskin (Orlovsky) writes about her.

In September 1937, the NKVD officers broke off this correspondence in mid-sentence - Tatiana Nikolaevna went to prison, not having time to finish writing another letter.

The confession of the martyr Tatiana and the main words in which her whole life was concentrated was her answer during interrogation: “I have never conducted any anti-Soviet agitation anywhere. To phrases when, pitying me, they told me: “You would better dress and eat than send money to someone,” I replied: “You can spend money on beautiful clothes and a sweet piece, but I prefer to dress more modestly, simpler eat, and send the remaining money to those in need. "

Tatyana Nikolaevna Grimblit was shot on September 23, 1937 and buried in an unknown mass grave at the Butovo training ground near Moscow.

Tatiana Prokopyevna Egorova, Martyr Tatiana Kasimovskaya, was born on January 15, 1879 in the village of Giblitsy, Kasimovskiy district, Ryazan province, into a poor peasant family. Tatiana Prokopyevna did not learn to read and write, before the revolution she was engaged in trade in manufacture with her parents and husband. In 1932, the Yegorovs' farm was confiscated, and they themselves were expelled from the collective farm. My husband and two sons had to go to work in Moscow. They never came home again.

Tatiana Prokopyevna was arrested as an “active churchwoman” in November 1937.

As in all previous cases, the investigation tried in vain to convince Tatyana Prokopyevna that she was an active counter-revolutionary, without providing any evidence. The 58-year-old peasant woman denied all accusations, refused to sign the protocol and uttered the amazing words: "Jesus endured, and I will also endure and endure, I am ready for anything."

"Troika" of the NKVD in the Ryazan region sentenced Tatyana Prokopyevna Yegorova to death.

Martyr Tatiana (Tatiana Ignatievna Kushnir) was born in 1889 in the Chernigov province in a peasant family. She was arrested, sentenced to two years in prison and sent to Karaganda, in 1942, among a large group of religious women, she was shot by the verdict of the Karaganda regional court.

Novice Tatiana (Fomicheva) was born in 1897 into a peasant family in the village of Nadovrazhnoe near the town of Istra near Moscow. At a fairly early age in 1916, she entered a monastery as a novice. When, after the revolution, the Borisoglebsk monastery, where she was in obedience, was closed, she returned to her parents.

In 1931, the authorities began to persecute the monks and nuns of closed monasteries, because, even living in the world, they tried to adhere to the monastic charter. So the OGPU created a "case" against the nuns of the Exaltation of the Cross monastery in the Podolsk region. Several sisters did not leave the monastery, in the buildings of which the rest house was located, partly settling down to work in this rest house, partly settling in neighboring villages and doing needlework. Everyone went to pray at the Ilyinsky Church in the village of Lemeshevo. The church choir also consisted of nuns and novices from closed monasteries. Among others, the novice Tatiana Fomicheva sang in the choir.

In May 1931, the authorities arrested seventeen nuns and novices who had settled near the closed Exaltation of the Cross Monastery. The novice Tatiana was also in prison. She spent the period from 1931 to 1934 in a forced labor camp. Having freed herself, Tatiana settled in the village of Sheludkovo, Volokolamsk district, where she helped Archpriest Vladimir in the Trinity Church, was arrested with him in 1937, categorically refused to confirm the accusations of the investigators, not wanting to stipulate anyone. Father Vladimir was shot, novice Tatiana sentenced to ten years in a forced labor camp. There her earthly life ended.

It's amazing how courageous these modest middle-aged peasant women, novices, who gave their whole lives to help their neighbors, who worked in difficult conditions of hunger and devastation, met the lies, slander and threats thrown in their faces with what courage. They went to death, firmly believing that they were going to meet Christ. May God grant us, in our peaceful and calm time, to have at least a drop of such a sincere and firm faith.

Holy Tatians, pray to God for us!