Respiratory technician Oksisayz. Exercises Oxysis for beginners and proper breathing technique

Oxicez exercises for weight loss are absolutely not difficult. Rather, it is not so easy to perform them regularly, not missing days, and without reducing the intensity of training. Yes, this daily work will make it possible to throw off the extra weight, healthy-coordinate and overcome the neurosis.

About, how to perform oxisayz exercises - Read below.

Technique of Proper Breathing Oksisayz - Video Exercises, Scheme

The base of oxisissy - Proper breathing, so he needs to pay attention in the first place. The founder of the J. Johnson system believes that until you brought breathing to automatism, you should not go to the exercises. So, it is better to devote a couple of weeks to the elaboration of breathing techniques oxiceiz on 10-15 cycles daily.

Breathing technique Oksisayz, video:

  • How to stand: Straight, slightly bending your knees. The body must be relaxed to the hips. The stomach will be tightened by a third of your maximum drawing. With a direct lower back, the pelvis must be slightly nominated forward. Do not forget about the right posture, i.e. About your frontal blades.
  • How to inhale: The nose, at the same time, throwing the pelvis forward, "Flooding" press and reducing the buttocks. Then smile and stronger strain the press and buttocks, making 3 gusty "sudden".
  • How to do exhale: Feel the fullness of the light air and start exhaling. Gradually exhausted through the lips "tube", relaxing the buttocks and unfolding the pelvis. Then, like when inhaling, make 3 sharp "deposits".

Gymnastics Oxisais - Proper Exercise Technique - Video

  • Stretching lateral. The waist and press area are involved. How: From the standard position, pull the hand right up and go back to the right. In this case, the body should be almost parallel to the floor, i.e. In one plane with a pelvis. Hold stretching and make some breathing cycles. Then change the pose on the left hand. And so, 3 times each hand.

  • Captured at the wall.Feet, buttocks and chest muscles work. As: standing in the main position at the walls, learn on her back and smoothly sort to such an extent that the hips are parallel to the floor. Where do your hands? Connect their palm to the palm in front of the breast. Make several respiratory cycles in this position. And so, 3 times.
  • Squat usual. The inner side of the hips and buttocks is being worked out. How: Sat in the same posture as above, only without a wall and not deep. At the same time, trying to dilute the legs, disconnecting the floor under the legs. On each cried - 4 cycles 3 times in one workout.

  • Spin from chair.All muscles are strained. How: Sit on the edge of a durable chair and inspire yourself with your hands. Then still move the buttocks forward so that the emphasis has been restrained only on socks and palms. Sleep and raise 3-4 cycles. Repeat this breathing exercise for slimming oxiceiz several times.
  • Pressing from the wall.With the focus on the development of the strength of the hands, the press, butorous muscles, back and legs.How: Breastfall hands with parallel palms. Spit and when you feel the maximum voltage, straighten the body and stand on the socks. Then make several breathing cycles. Secure the exercise about 3 times.
  • Rocket launch. Intensive load and stretching of important body muscles.How to do: lying on the floor, pull the socks, and remove your hands behind the head. As if you are pulled out in different directions at the same time. Then raise several cycles. This breathing exercise Oxisisis is wonderful to complete the workout.

  • Stretching cobra. The area of \u200b\u200bthe back and abdomen is stressed.How: Lying on the stomach, go on the palm of the hands, to arrange that you need under the breast. Then straighten the bent elbows, well feeling the tension of the press. The posture is a little remind of push up, but the hips from the floor do not rise. So, several cycles are 3 times.

Oxiceiz exercise, video:

Oxyzayz is natural agent to extend the youth and normalization of weight . Many women say that after a month of classes, they not only disappeared overweight, but also improved skin condition, cellulite disappeared. Some marked persistent increase in mood and performance.

The palm of the championship among the fatal fitness itself is confidently holding respiratory systems.

The most famous of them are a popular Bodiflex Greer Chaylfels and the rapidly gaining popularity of Oxiceiz of another American Jill Johnson, allowing you to lose weight without hard diets and exhausting workouts.

The principle of operation and in Bodiflex, and in oxisissa is similar: deep breathing is combined with an active oxygen, stimulating the burning of fat cells in the area of \u200b\u200bmuscles intense during the exercise.
Oxisisiz and translated from English "oxygen gymnastics". The main difference between oxicez and bodyflex in breathing technique. Jill Johnson offered a new, softer breathing technique. It is developing its Oxycise system and develops for more than 10 years.

In Oksisayse, instead of the delay of breathing and the noisy exhalation of "groin" there is a long exhalation. The respiratory cycle in oxyziz accompanies the exercise, unlike body inflexion, where deep breathing is performed before exercise.
Oxisisa, due to the lack of breathing delay, less contraindications, which makes it an affordable group of persons who are bodiflex contraindicated, people with hypertension and eye diseases and even pregnant women.
You can engage in oxiceis at any time, but still, morning workouts are more efficient. Duration of workout 15-20 minutes.

Respiratory gymnastics, besides what helps to lose weight and get rid of fat in problem places, improve the work of the digestive tract, purify the lungs, strengthen the back and spine, improve the condition of the skin, the work of the heart and the female sexual system, are charged with cheerfulness and energy. As you can see, only the pros! True, it is worth starting to engage in?

The only condition - training should be regular, then the result will not make yourself wait. After 10 days, the volume can already be checked. They should noticeably decrease. Measurements are carried out at the following points: Belly is the upper part, waist, the belly - the lower part, hips and legs - the upper part.

Every week control measurements of body volumes are convenient to record in the table

After 1-2 weeks, it is, in the most problematic for most women and men, the middle part of the body, with the correct performance of the exercise, the oxisayz volume will significantly decrease.

Learn the proper breathing of Oksisayz, better looking at the original author's video with Jill Johnson or the lessons of a professional fitness instructor.

According to Jill Johnson to lose weight, you need to do at least 30 such cycles per day.

In Russian, the best oxisis is represented by the coach for Bodyflexia and the oxice of Marina Corpan

The most important component of the respiratory gymnastics is, of course, the right breathing that helps burn fat, so with it and begin. Here I gathered the factory that I managed to detect on the network. In principle, nothing complicated.

Technique breathing Oksisayz

During the execution of the exercise in Oxyzayz, inhale and three small doddes are inhabited, and then exhale and three, too, small doves.

Breathing Oksisayz can be divided into steps:
Stage 1. Initial position
Stand straight, legs on the width of the shoulders, the feet parallel to each other, knees slightly bent, shoulders down-back. Relax the whole body to hips
Then retract the stomach by about 30% of the maximum effort, while slightly tipping the pelvis ahead, the buttocks strain., The loin must be flat. Fix it motionless. Hold the pelvis in this position during the exercise.
Slopatki stretch to the spine, taking the right posture. It is in this posture and the breath of oxicep /

Stage 2. Inhale. Belly inflate
Quietly, deeply breathe the air through the nose, while inflating the belly and at the same time tilting the pelvis forward, squeezing the buttocks and straining the press. Stretch your lips in a smile so that the air can not leave the lungs.

3 stage. Three doddes
Strengthening the tension of the press and buttocks, make three additional sharp short devotions through the nose, while, for each argument, make more belly.

4 stage. Exhalation. Stomach draw
As soon as the air fill the lungs, start the opposite movement through the semi-closed lips (not a tube!) Make a long exhalation, while relaxing the buttocks, and "spinning" the pelvis. Tighten your stomach, the muscles are most tense as much as possible, try not to lower your head.

5 stage. Three doves
Then make three additional short deposits, dramatically pushing the remnants of their lungs,
At the same time, for each success, pull the abdomen even more.

Inhale - three corresponds - exhalation - three deposits - this is one approach. Four approaches are one breathing cycle of Oksisais.

Demonstration video techniques of breathing Oksisayz performed by Marina Korpan

The direction "Oksisaiz" became popular in Russia relatively recently. This technique is based on a special breathing technique and static exercise. Many believe that such classes are very simple and therefore inffective. But in fact, when complying with all rules, the oxisayz gives a powerful load. In this case, the probability of injury is minimal. To engage in this direction of fitness, you do not need to go to the gym. Training can be held at home, paying for them 15-20 minutes every day.

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Use for weight loss

Slogan Oksisayz - "I breathe and lose weight! "And these are not empty words. Oxisisiz really contributes to weight loss due to the active saturation of cells and oxygen tissues. This allows you to accelerate the reactions flowing in the body, including fat burning.

In addition, the special breathing technique improves the work of the heart and other organs, contributes to the purification of the walls of the vessels from cholesterol. The weight loss achieved through respiratory gymnastics helps to cope with diabetes.

If you supplement the correct breath of static exercises, you can additionally strengthen the muscles. As a result, the body will become elastic and tightened.

The advantage of the respiratory technique "Oxisisiz" is and the fact that classes can easily be carried out at home at any convenient time. Such training, unlike hiking in the gym, will take only 15 minutes a day.


Loads during classes are gentle, but still be engaged in this direction fitness is not recommended for everyone. The list of contraindications includes:

  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • epilepsy;
  • chronic diseases during the period of exacerbation;
  • disorders in the work of the digestion (ulcer, hernia of the esophagus, etc.);
  • lung diseases;
  • glaucoma and other eye diseases;
  • recovery after operations.

If you have at least one of the following problems, it is worth consulting with a doctor before starting classes.

Differences from Bodiflex

Oxisisiz very much resembles such a direction like Bodyflex. The latter is also built on proper breathing and performing exercises in statics. But the focus in the bodyflex is still paid to gymnastics and stretching. Oxisisiz is, first of all, breathing. Therefore, it is worth moving to performing exercises only after the complete development of the breathing technique.

Technique breathing

It is most important to learn to breathe correctly. For this, the creator of the "Oksisaiz" director Gil Johnson developed a special breathing technique:

  1. 1. Stop smoothly. Place your shoulders and relax.
  2. 2. Slowly take a deep breath through the nose. The stomach must be inflated.
  3. 3. It is still 3 times to quickly breathe air, trying to dial the maximum amount in the lungs.
  4. 4. Do not delay your breath, immediately breathe the resulting air, at the same time pulling the belly and trying to bring it to the ribs.
  5. 5. Make another 3 short exhalation, trying to get rid of the air to the maximum.

The described technique is one cycle of respiratory gym. On the day it is recommended to do at least 30 cycles. Moreover, it is necessary to engage in an empty stomach - 1.5-2 hours after meals. After training, meals must follow in approximately an hour.

With this technique, breathing is carried out due to the diaphragm. Usually people breathe superficially, breasts. Because of this, the body misses oxygen. Breathing with belly or diaphragm is deeper and useful.

In Russia, Marina Korpan became one of the first sequences of the direction "Oksisayz". She has proved the effectiveness of this technique on his own experience.

According to its theory, classes must be supplemented with the right nutrition and active lifestyle. In addition, the pledge of success is daily workouts without skipping.

Complex exercise

When the respiratory technique is worked out and brought to automatism, you can add exercises aimed at strengthening muscles into the training program.

Usually they are executed in statics. Due to this, muscle fibers get a sufficiently heavy load, but do not increase in size, as with conventional exercises with burdens.

The base 15-minute oxisayz complex for beginners to the whole body can consist of the exercises below. Most of them are performed on one breathing cycle.

Buttocks and hips

For many girls, the main goal of training is tightening the buttocks and reduce the volume of the hips.

Make the legs of sports, and the ass - static exercises complemented by the right breathing will help.


One of the most effective exercises for the muscles of the entire bottom of the body - squats. In Oksisayz, it is performed as follows:

  1. 1. Source position - legs on the width of shoulders, socks are slightly deployed to the sides, the hands are omitted, the back is straight.
  2. 2. It is necessary to make a 2-3 respiratory cycle, and then breathe deeply to air and delay breathing.
  3. 3. At the same time, it is necessary to sit down to the parallels of the hips with the floor.
  4. 4. This position must be kept for 5-10 seconds.
  5. 5. Then you need to exhale and return to its original position.

For the best muscle elaboration, you can make 5 repetitions.

During execution, the jagged muscles should be tightly clamping, relaxing them only when returning to its original position.

Romanian thrust in statics

Used in the oxisisa complex for legs and such an exercise, like Romanian thrust in the statics. To a greater extent, it involves the muscles of the back surface of the hip and buttocks.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Put the legs a little already shoulders. Cut the blades and slightly rumbles the lower back.
  2. 2. To lean forward to the parallels of the body with a floor, flexing on the waist and holding the back of the perfect straight.
  3. 3. The legs should be slightly bend.
  4. 4. Hands should be laid in the hips slightly above the knees.
  5. 5. Loading into several accounts, straighten up.

Exercise is performed in one respiratory cycle. That is, when the slope is deeply inhaled, and when the body is exhausted - exhalation.

Floor stretching

To study the outside of the hips, you can perform an exercise that imitating the stretching of the floor. It is necessary to do it like this:

  1. 1. Put your legs a little wider shoulders, and hand over to the belt.
  2. 2. Expand the foot inside.
  3. 3. Then strain them and try as it were to stretch the floor to the sides.

Hold voltage costs for 5-10 seconds. At this time make a deep breath. On the exhalation, the muscles should slowly relax.

Floor tightening

You can use the inner side of the hips by performing flooring:

  1. 1. Source position - as in the previous exercise (legs wider shoulders, hands on the waist or in front of you).
  2. 2. Foot will need to deploy out.
  3. 3. Overcoming the voltage, try to pull the floor.

In this position, they are also delayed by 5-10 seconds. Relax muscles need slowly and controlled so that the tension is maintained longer.

Warheading back

Large buttock muscle can be developed with the help of a leads back. To do this, you will need to take a chair.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Stand at the back of the chair and pursue his back.
  2. 2. Retain one leg, holding her straight. Sock should be pulled by yourself.
  3. 3. It is not necessary to raise my leg too high. Just 45 degrees.
  4. 4. Fixed at 5-7 seconds, it is necessary to slowly lower the leg.

After that, the leg should be changed.


The middle jagged muscle is activated when the leg is assigned to the side. It is impossible to forget about it, as it makes the square ass round at the sight of the back.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Stand left sideways to the chair or wall. Take a hand for support.
  2. 2. Doing a deep breath, take the right leg to the side, raising it by 45-60 degrees.
  3. 3. After 5-7 seconds, slowly exhausted air, put the leg back and get up to the support of another side.

It is necessary to raise a straight leg. In this case, the sock must be dragged.

Breeding bridge

For isolated use of the buttocks, the pelvis raises from the position lying on the back.

Proper technique:

  1. 1. To lie face up and put the feet on the floor, bending the legs in the knees.
  2. 2. Inhaling the air, raise the pelvis as high as possible, the most straining the buttocks.
  3. 3. At the top point, hold the voltage within 10 seconds.
  4. 4. Then make exhale and slowly lower the pelvis.

Perform this exercise costs another 3-4 times to complete the boroughties.

Back and hands

It is equally important to pay attention to strengthening the muscles of the back. This will help to form a good posture and protects from many problems with the musculoskeletal system.

In the process of performing exercises on the back, the muscles of the hands are also involved, which is good for both men and women. After all, tightened hands with a light relief, without the slightest hint of decay - it is always beautiful and attractive.

Summary of blades

The first exercise on the back from the complex Oksisayz is to reduce the blades.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Put legs on the width of the shoulders. Hands breed to the sides and bend in the elbows.
  2. 2. In the breath gradually reduce the blades, as far as possible, pulling the hands back.
  3. 3. Loading a bit at the end point, return to its original position by doing exhale.

This exercise very well strengthens the muscles of the top and middle of the back, creating a muscular frame around the spine.

Hands back

Another exercise for studying the top of the body is hand to hand over.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Stop smoothly, straighten your chest and reduce the blades.
  2. 2. Raise over your head straight left hand. Right leave stretched along the housing.
  3. 3. In the breath, pull both hands as far as possible back, behind the back, holding them straight.
  4. 4. On the exhalation, slowly relax the muscles of the back and change the hands in some places.

When the hands is assigned back, you should remove the shoulders. Then the amplitude of the movement will be maximum.

Covering Case with Hand Decomposition

Similar exercise is performed using chair. It will take:

  1. 1. To sit on the edge of the chair, overlooking the seat behind the palms.
  2. 2. Raise up the left hand and reach the right, feeling the muscles of the back.
  3. 3. The housing is needed to twist on the right side.

As in other exercises, the sideways should be drawn on inhale, but return to the starting position on exhalation.


Most people want to have a tightened flat belly, in addition to this, girls dream of a thin waist.

By itself, the breathing technique Oksisayz is already contributing to the achievement of these purposes. Indeed, in the process of retracting the belly, the transverse muscle is strengthened, which is practically not involved in other exercises and ordinary life.

If you add proper breathing with special exercises to the press, the result can be noticed very quickly.

Deviation of the housing back

Excellent exercise not only for abdominal muscles, but also the bark, as well as the berries and biceps of the thigh - the deviation of the body back.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Stand on your knees, put the legs together, and your hands pull out.
  2. 2. Start slowly lowering the body back, holding the back of the straight and avoiding the deflection in the lower back.
  3. 3. Holding the case must occur due to the tension of the press, buttocks and muscles of the back of the thigh.
  4. 4. After 5-7 seconds it is necessary to strain the muscles even more to return to its original position.


Pretty stretch the straight abdominal muscle helps an exercise called Sphinx. It is done like this:

  1. 1. To lie on the floor and rely on the forearm.
  2. 2. Pull the abdominal muscles to the chin itself.
  3. 3. The stretching is to hold for 4 respiratory cycles.
  4. 4. After you should smoothly fall on the floor.

In the process of execution, it should stretch exactly the straight muscle of the abdomen. You can not cross the load on the back.


It is possible to stretch the press with this exercise as a rocket.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Frame on the back. Raise your hands behind the head, the legs are reduced.
  2. 2. Try to pull your fingers and socks as far as possible from each other.
  3. 3. As in the previous exercise, keep the voltage over 4 respiratory cycles.

Thanks to this exercise, the abdominal muscles stretches and the outline of the waist is tightened.

When performing this complex, it is impossible to forget that the basis of the "Oxisisiz" technique is the right breathing. Only after spending it to automatism, you can move to the implementation of the exercises listed.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our Readers Ingi Emermin:

I especially degrees me my weight, I weighed in my 41 as 3 seconds taken together, namely 92kg. How to remove excess weight completely? How to cope to cope with the restructuring of hormonal background and obesity? But nothing umbrellas or mans a man like his figure.

But what to do to lose weight? Operation Laser Liposuction? Learn - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, Mostimulation? A little more accessible - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. Of course, you can try to run on the treadmill, before the breathtaking.

And when to find all this time? Yes, and still very expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself I chose another way ...

Any woman who wants to lose weight and have a tightened body, looking for the most gentle diet and smart exercise in the Internet. It is not a secret that in our time there are many different sets of exercises, which promise to help get rid of excess weight. Only about one bodiflex there are many positive feedback. By no means lagging behind Pilates, Callanetics and Yoga. However, do not everyone know about such an effective complex as oxice.

Description of the complex

Oxisisiz is a modern exercise complex designed to combat overweight. It is based on the proper breathing technique. Oxygen is the main destructive force for fatty deposits. When entering the human body, it connects with carbon, which is in fats, after which they are quickly removed, and the body pulls up and acquires beautiful outlines. People who are familiar with the bodyflex may notice a thin line of similarities with oxicese, but these are different complexes.

To the great surprise, this complex has no contraindications. Experts say that even pregnant women can be engaged in them if they want to keep themselves in good shape throughout the pregnancy and feel great.

Everyone is not indifferent to their health can be safely started to occupy. Your figure will soon find new outlines, you can easily return to yourself antenatal parameters, as well as embody the dream to become fitted and slim by attaching to this the minimum amount of effort.

Oxicez or Bodiflex

Bodiflex has long been known to millions of people around the world. He has his own reputation and followers, but Oxyziz in Russia is not practiced so long ago - just a couple of years. And despite this, this complex already has many fans. There is nothing strange in this, since Oxisiza has obvious advantages over Bodyflex:

Power principle

The creator of the technician Oksisayz Jill Johnson advises a four-time nutrition. It is also necessary to give preference to natural food, fruit, vegetables, products containing fiber. She fully described these recommendations in his book, which is devoted to oxice. At the same time, it is worth abandoning fried, greasy and sweet. The daily rate of calorie use is about 1500-1700 calories. If such numbers call you light bewilderment, do not doubt the breathing exercises will burn subcutaneous fat and improve the metabolism.

Burning fat on problem areas

Due to the incineration of fats occurs on problem areas? Does this complex itself determines the problem areas? Not. This is a simple explanation - you yourself know the plots on which you need to work on and through voltage mentally send oxygen there.

Need to work with buttocks and remove from there a couple of extra centimeters? Just strain the bodied muscles during classes, and oxygen will enter the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe body.

Outcoming results

The main goal of oxice is the fight against extra centimeters on your body. But if you first go to the right nutrition, you will stick to the daily calorie rate and there are high-quality products, the result will be awesome - "orange peel" will no longer spoil you mood, as it will completely disappear!

Cellulite is a real disaster for women, and Oxicez can help you get rid of this problem. Your mental state will improve, apathy and depression will be depressed, and you will be full of energy and strength. The bloodstream will improve, thanks to the large flow of oxygen. You will forget what headaches and pressure problems are.

Your level of libido will rise, which is important for each person. Oxicez will give you a full sex life.

Oxisisa for beginners

Oxisisa is created for those who have no free time, but there is a desire to change their shape and remove hated centimeters. The complex will take 15-20 minutes of your time, but after a few days you will notice the changes and the first results. The belly and waist will decrease by several centimeters, positive changes will also be visible in other parts of the body.

Proper breathing

There are two types of breathing:

  • breast
  • diaphragm.

Many people breathe wrong, namely a breast view of breathing, eligible for a lot of problems and diseases. When breastfeeding, the air does not have the opportunity to circulate normally through the body, as a result of this blood does not parse the necessary amount of oxygen. This leads to headaches, a sense of constant fatigue and general indignation.

In order to determine how you breathe, you need:

  1. Dressed in non-throwing movements, comfortable clothing.
  2. Put the left hand on the stomach, and right on the chest.
  3. Breathe deeply and then exhale.

What did you feel? Was the left hand during the breath closer to the vertef? If so, then in this case you breathe correctly. This is a diaphragm type of breathing, which is certainly worth switching, even if you do not plan to engage in oxice.

Now you need to sit down and correctly raise for 2-3 minutes. It should not strain the shoulder muscles, your body must be in a free position. Feel like air actively circulates by body, entering the most remote corners.

Breathing technique for beginners


  1. It is necessary to make a very fast and sharp breath with nostrils, not my mouth. Thus, the air that penetrates your body is heated and cleaned. Breathing should be exclusively a diaphragm.
  2. Smile! My beloved, to all world, feel an unprecedented tide of energy. Smiling, you involuntarily expand the nostrils, so the air is easier, more quickly. In addition, the muscles of the face pull up with a smile.
  3. Relax, let the abdominal muscles will be in calm state to prepare for the highest breath.



After the four-time execution of this breathing exercise, one repetition of basic breathing will be done!

Frequently asked Questions

Below will be answers to frequently asked questions regarding the exercises of Oxisis.

Is a complex for pregnant women?

Pregnancy is the most wonderful time for any woman, so it is very important not to harm the child and yourself. It is necessary to advise with a doctor who is pregnant, since only he can know about your health.

It should be noted that in the method of oxicesis there are special exercises for pregnant women. However, they are best done under the supervision of the coach.

Is it possible to do after cesarean sections?

After operational interventions, and even more so after the cesarean section, for half a year, it should be abandoned from almost all physical exertion. Oxisisiz training program is also contraindicated. After 6 months, it is necessary to consult with the doctor, and if there are no contraindications, you can proceed to classes.

What are the exercises for the neck and face?

All the exercises of the complex contribute not only to effective weight loss, but also help pull the skin. It affects the muscles of the abdomen, neck, face, hands, legs and buttocks. Therefore, engage in the training program, make basic breathing exercises, and a few weeks later you will notice that the muscles pulled out perfectly, and the oval faces changed.

Number of calories burned

This complex burns calories in a very short time. For example, during the classes, this training technique is burned by 140% more calories than at the exercise bike. At the same time, the time of the calculation takes the same thing.

Marina Korpan is a popular fitness instructor, which has become widely known for its complexes of respiratory gymnastics. Once she herself recovered after delivery, and began to look for all sorts of ways to bring themselves in shape. And they helped her to do at that time already popular in Europe and America techniques Oxiceiz and Bodiflex. They helped her in less than a couple of months to return to the form, without resorting to diets, but only normalizing their diet. Today, Oksisayz with Marina Cappan is a popular technique, which helped improve the appearance and tone of the body to a large number of women.

Respiratory gymnastics Oxisayz with Marina Cappan for weight loss: Features and advantages

Oxicez is a new method of getting rid of excess weight based on respiratory gymnastic exercises. The main stimulator cleavage of fat cells is oxygen that enters the body and reacts with carbon compounds of fat cells, the launch of their derivation of their derivation from the body.

Also, due to the saturation of the body, the metabolism is improved, and this is also important for weight loss. The figure becomes slimmer and tightening, the body is healed in general.

Not everyone understands what The difference between Oxicez and Bodiflexthat Marina Korpan recommends. Nevertheless, the differences exist and quite significant:

  • Oxisiza, unlike Bodiflex, it is not necessary to spend in the morning after awakening when the body is not quite ready for work.
  • In Bodyflex, some elements are accompanied by loud sounds, which can provoke a certain discomfort. Oxissees is not accompanied by anything like.
  • When oxisuses there are no clear restrictions on what needs to be engaged exclusively on an empty stomach, but there should be no gravity in the stomach.
  • To perform exercises, you will not need any additional devices, only 15-20 minutes of free time.

In addition, Cappan technique oxisayz Non Stop has the following advantages:

  • In combination with the right nutrition, the month of classes will help you lose up to 5 kg of weight in the month.
  • Thanks to the fi splitting processes in problem areas you can get rid of cellulite and folds.
  • Regular classes improve body tone, normalize emotional background.
  • Due to blood saturation with oxygen, the pressure is normalized and vessels are heated.

Basic principles of techniques

Oxisiza is based on the anaerobic breathing technique, which contributes to the fact that all organism cells are saturated with oxygen. Breathing is combined with static exercises, and the greatest amount of oxygen goes precisely into the tense portion of the body, contributing to the active health processes there. That's what else should be aware of the methodology:

  • You can do at any time of the dayand not necessarily an empty stomach, since, unlike Bodyflex, there is no need to delay the breath. However, the author herself still recommends doing exercises in the morning on an empty stomach, since the level of blood glucose at that time is as low as possible, and the processes will be directed precisely on burning fat deposits. But after eating, the oxygen incoming when performing exercises will be more facilitated not to fat burning, but to accelerate the process of learning.
  • To achieve the result it is advisable to do exercises every day. Already a week later you will notice certain improvements in the figure. When you achieve the desired results, you can practice three times a week to maintain the form.
  • Systematic execution of the complex will help improve strength and endurance, as well as stretching. Marina Korpan complex provides all this.
  • One of the advantages of the complex is that newbies after performing exercises will not feel a strong attitude in the muscles. It is possible only light dull pain, but the next day it will not bring torment.
  • You no additional inventory will be required It seems different weightlifiers. A fitness rug will be required, a chair and a good mood.

In addition to the regular exercise, it is recommended to reconsider their nutrition to achieve good results. No need to sit on diets, but try to minimize sweet, flour, oily and fried. Try to eat often and small portions, consume a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water.

The technique is not so much contraindicationsBut they are present. These include the following:

  • restoration after surgery;
  • epilepsy;
  • flu and cold;
  • chronic diseases at the aggravation stage;
  • inflammatory and tumor processes in the body;
  • diseases of the respiratory system and kidneys;
  • hernia, peptic diseases of the digestive system.

In itself breathing is conditionally divided into four stages:

  • Make a deep breath and inflate the stomach.
  • Perform three short shutdown nose and tighten your stomach into yourself.
  • Make a strong breath in a smile, maximizing the stomach.
  • Perform three deposits, leaving the stomach tightened.

These steps are repeated four times in a row, and this will be one respiratory cycle according to the hydroxyse method.

Oxicez with Marina Cappan for beginners: Basic Rules

The main role in the effectiveness of the exercise plays the correct breathing, inhibitions and exhalations on a special method. Breast breathing, to which we are accustomed to everyday life, you need to replace the diaphragmal.

Breast type of breathing provokes oxygen starvation and symptomsthat accompanied it: lethargy, chronic fatigue, constant apathy, headaches and irritability. So that nothing bothered you to do, pick up your clothes that will not fade movement. Put the palm of the left hand on the chest, left - on the peritoneum. Inhale the stomach, exhale very slowly until your palm is as close as possible to the spine.

When you learn how to breathe and apply respiratory technique, you can start a complex of exercise oxicez with Cappan for slimming for beginners. The simplest of them are as follows:

  • Perform a series of sharp and fast diaphragm inhales with a nose that feels the tide of energy.
  • Relaiming the body, pull up and lift up the bottom of the abdomen.
  • Bend and raise the buttocks and strain the crotch as much as possible. Shack the pelvis in the inside, then up.
  • Make three deep breaths to the nose, the maximum fill in the lungs.
  • Having stretched the lips with a tube and straining the muscles below the sternum, push the air.
  • Lift the chin and strain the buttocks. Make three exhalations, pushing out of the light air.

The beginners will be enough for this simple complex. The most important thing is a diaphragmant breathing, since it allows not only to transform the figure, but also improve the well-being in general.

Oxicez with Marina Capp: video lessons

1. Oxicez with Marina Corpan

In this video, the author gives a brief characteristic of the respiratory system, answers questions that often arise from newbies, and conducts a lesson, explaining in detail each movement. This material will help get acquainted with the technique and is ideal for newcomers.

2. Oxicez Non-Stop

Oxisayz Non Stop with Marina Corp is a daily full complex, the sequential execution of which is presented on video.

3. Respiratory gymnastics Marina Korpan

4. Marina Korpan: Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss

5. Morning complex from Marina Cappan

Marina Corpan in this video shows a simple set of exercises, from which you can start the morning to gain a slim figure and well-being.

Regular exercise will help to achieve significant results in weight loss, improve the tone of the muscles, the condition of the body as a whole and the mood. For this, everything is important correctly, and video lessons in which Marina tells in detail what and how to do, will help.