Components of doors. Components of doors - vocabulary What elements the door consists of

When choosing interior or armored doors, a lot of special definitions related to locks, doors and door production sometimes fall on the consumer. Many of the terms are familiar, others are less well known, and in most cases, most people don't say anything. The proposed dictionary of door terms will help to facilitate the choice of doors, presenting in its essence a significant part of the materials on our site in a compressed form.

If you need a more detailed interpretation of the term, then you can find it in the corresponding section of our website. All terms of the dictionary are arranged in alphabetical order according to the principle "adjective + noun" (example: an armored door, not an armored door). To make it easier, use the page search (Ctrl + F).

Door dictionary

Bumping is a method of opening cylinder locks with a vertical arrangement of pins (see "Pins"), based on tapping on a special key inserted into the cylinder.

Armor plate - see "Protective fittings".

Armored door - the general name for metal doors, sometimes even of poor quality.

Backset - see Dornmass.

Burglary resistance of doors - a set of design solutions that determine the time of resistance of doors to different levels of burglary. Expressed in classes (see Door Classes).

Entrance doors. In most cases, this definition means entrance metal doors, but some manufacturers emphasize that such doors are not intended for operation under the influence of atmospheric precipitation. (see also "Cottage doors").

Drilling is a method of picking locks, which consists in drilling the door in the right place. For lever locks, such places are special points characteristic of each model, for cylinder locks - the cylinder itself. Armor pads are protection against drilling.

Curved profile - see "Profile"

The door frame is a frame structure that is inserted into the doorway. Usually made of a profile (see "Profile"), it is part of the door block.

Door block is a general name for a door structure. In most cases it consists of a door leaf and a frame, but it may contain transoms and other elements.

Door frame - door frame.

Door leaf is an opening, movable part of the door block, located in the door frame and attached to it by means of hinges.

Doorway - a hole in the wall into which the door unit is mounted and fastened.

Door furniture - the general name of mechanisms and objects hung and mounted in the door leaf (locks, eyes, handles, decorative plates, etc.)

Double doors - a door of two leaves (sashes), one of which is active (with a lock), the second is without a lock (passive). See also "One and a half doors"

Dobor, additional plank used in cases where the wall thickness exceeds the depth of the door frame. It is a decorative strip located on several sides of the door in order to hide the difference between the width of the wall and the depth of the box.

Doviator, deviator - see "Crab system".

Dornmass (backset), dormas - distance from the center of the cylinder or key channel to the front plate or the end of the lock. In ordinary speech, it is sometimes distortedly called dorm. Backset is a synonym for backmass. See material with illustrations of the back mass.

Eurobrus - see "Array".

Protective hardware - elements made of hardened steel or its alloys, protecting the mechanisms of locks of metal doors from penetration by means of mechanical influences. It is also called armored pads (not to be confused with decorative fittings and pads), which are of an internal and external type.

Impost is a strip or strip that separates door segments from each other (for example, opening parts of doors from transoms).

Intelligent hacking techniques - methods of breaking doors without using brute physical force and destroying locks: bumping, picking keys, picking keys, etc.

Door class. Standardized criteria for classifying doors based on specific criteria. Most often, the class of burglary resistance of metal doors is meant (for a description of the burglary resistance classes, see the section “Steel doors”).

Knobset, Knobset - the widest spread American design of handles for interior doors. Synonyms are the terms "knob-knob" and "knob" (abbreviations for Knobset or Knob - round). The knobset looks like a ready-to-install kit of a latch and two round handles, although there are options with lever handles (see the material "What is a knobset").

Cottage doors - a variant of metal doors, aimed at outdoor use and resistance to atmospheric precipitation.

Crab, crab system - a system of multilateral door locking, based on the use of additional devices (doviators) with crossbars, driven by the main lock using rods.

Laminate is an artificial covering in the form of a film that imitates the texture of wood and is highly resistant to mechanical stress. It is used to cover fiberboard (fiberboard) in the manufacture of decorative cladding of steel doors, giving it moisture resistance and resistance to damage.

Left-hand (left) doors open onto themselves with the LEFT hand. The hinges in these doors are located on the left side of the door frame.

Solid wood - high-quality natural wood boards, from which interior doors are made. It can be solid (the most expensive) and glued, also called eurobeam.

MDF is a medium-density fiberboard used for cladding metal doors. Various elements of interior doors are also made from MDF.

Lever handle - (see "Fale handle")

Nob - see "Knobset".

Door cladding - decorative finishing of metal doors with MDF plates, wood, etc. It can also mean the metal of the door leaf (example: the door is sheathed with 2mm metal).

Fireproof (fireproof) doors are designed to withstand fire for periods specified by standards, depending on the fire resistance class of the doors.

Pressing the door leaf - the method of breaking doors using a crowbar or crowbar (see "Crowbar") inserted between the canvas and the box, and then squeezing (bending) the canvas from the box.

Patented cylinder - a cylinder (see "Cylinder") with an increased level of burglary resistance, using modern technologies protected by patents. The most common are patented cylinders from Abloy, Mul-t-Lock and Mottura, installed in armored doors of higher price categories.

Pin (pin) of the cylinder - small elements of the cylinder (see "Cylinder") in the form of small cylinders, on the coincidence of which with the key pattern is built the secrecy of the cylinder-type lock.

Porch (quarter) - a constructive solution that closes the gap between the canvas and the box. Usually used in relation to wooden doors. A detailed description of the vestibule with sketches can be found in the section "Interior doors".

One and a half (one and a half) doors - double-leaf doors, one leaf of which is larger than the second. Passive, the second sash has a small width and is usually closed. One-and-a-half doors are used in openings with a large width, where you need to fill in excess space with something.

Powder paint - a widespread polymer coating used to protect metal doors from the external environment. After application in the form of a powder to the metal, the product is fired, after which the paint acquires its properties and hardens.

Anti-burglary labyrinth - a special design of the profiles of the leaf and the door frame, which, when attempting to burglarize by the wringing method (see "Wringing"), form a "lock" that does not allow opening the doors.

Fire doors - see "Fireproof doors".

Anti-removable comb - a constructive solution that prevents the door from being removed after cutting the hinges, in which the frame and door profile is bent in a special way - in the form of a niche and a ledge (ridge).

Profile - a plastic, aluminum or steel element in the form of a rectangular or more complex tube, from which the frames of metal structures are made. In the production of armored doors, a bent profile is most often used, made by the door manufacturer himself from metal sheets.

The bolt is a rod extending from the lock, directly locking the door.

Rosette, rosette handle - a handle for interior doors, the return mechanism of which is located under a compact decorative casing (rosette) of a round or oval shape. The socket does not provide room for cylinders, turntables for latches, etc.

Handle on a bar, plate - a door handle, under which there is a place for a cylinder, a turntable for a latch or other mechanism. A feature of such a handle is a rectangular, elongated decorative casing, called a strip or plate.

Silumin is an alloy of aluminum and silicon used as elements in various mechanical devices. Differs in low durability, is used by locks and door handles of lower price categories.

Honeycomb filler - cells made of pressed cardboard (usually honeycomb-shaped), used door leaves in the doors of the lower price ranges - "Canadian" doors, Chinese, etc.

Cold rolled steel - steel that has undergone high pressure treatment, after which the strength characteristics of the metal increase. Used in the production of armored doors.

Side of opening (opening) of doors... The direction of movement of the door leaf when the door is opened (see "Left-side" and "Right-side doors"), set by the hinge side on the door frame.

Suvald castle - the name of the castle, the secret part of which is based on the use of special plates called suvalds. The hallmark of such a lock is a safe-type key.

A transom is an additional, often not opening door sash located in the upper or side of the door block. Usually a double-glazed window is located in it, although there are deaf options.

Cylinder lock - the name of the lock, the secret part of which is located in the cylinder - a removable device, inside which there are pins that generate the secret code. In most cases, the cylinder lock is unlocked with an English key, which is inserted exactly into the cylinder (see also "Cylinder and Eurocylinder").

Lock cylinder (larva, eurocylinder)... A cylinder or a larva is a lock element, which is replaced with a set of keys, inside of which there are special elements - pins. Matching with the key pattern, the pins allow you to turn the movable part of the cylinder, which is necessary to open the lock.
A Eurocylinder is a Eurodin type cylinder, which is the most common variant of larvae - almost all types of cylinders in our stores are Eurocylinders. Cylinders are of different designs - "key-key", key-spinner (on one side there is a key, on the other a spinner-lamb, etc.). See also Patented Cylinder.

Seals (sealing loop) - gaskets made of elastic material (usually rubber), located around the perimeter of the door frame or leaf. They prevent the penetration of noise, odors and cold air.

Ball hinge - a hinge, inside of which a ball of hardened metal is installed to reduce friction and ensure an easy and smooth movement of the door leaf. Most armored doors are fitted with ball hinges.

Veneer is a thin layer of hardwood. When making wooden doors from soft wood, veneer gluing gives them protection against mechanical stress.

Anti-cut pin - special pins in armored doors, in most cases located on the door frame. When the doors are closed, they enter the door leaf, preventing the door from opening when the hinges are cut.

ZAM is an alloy of zinc, aluminum and copper, used, among other things, for the manufacture of door handles. The alloy has become widespread and most of the high-quality handles are cast from it.

Latch handle - a handle that actuates the latch latch (latch latch) of the lock. In most cases, the file handle is associated with push-type handles - the staple-shaped handles familiar to all of us, considered European. Round knob-knobs are considered to be a type of halyard handles (see "Knobsets")

Panel - a board or plywood installed in the frame of the door leaf. There are also armored doors made using the "metal panel" technology.

Crowbar is a thief's tool in the form of a small bent crowbar.

Steel profile

crab system

Fomka -
famous thief's tool

Patented cylinder
Abloy protec

External armor plates
for protection against drilling

Lock cylinder (at the bottom
parts are visible places for pins)

Anti-cut pin

Suvald castle

Any house or apartment starts at the door for us. The main characteristic of the quality of comfort and convenience in an apartment directly depends on how the space in the room is divided.

Currently, manufacturers offer a huge selection of all kinds and types of doors, imported and domestic, made of glass, wood, plastic, aluminum. The article provides a detailed classification by types of doors.

There are various types and classifications of doors.

I. According to the materials from which the door is made, the doors are distinguished:

1. Wooden.

They have undeniable advantages. There is a great variety of patterns and textures of wooden doors, which makes the door an important detail of the interior. In this case, a simple door can radically transform the interior, make it classic or ultra-modern.

The choice of doors is varied, due to the many needs and tastes of buyers. Wood is an environmentally friendly natural material, so doors made from it have a strong energy. Natural wood allows us to protect ourselves from the action of substances undesirable for the body. Another important advantage of wooden doors is durability and strength. In addition, among the variety of wooden doors, you can easily find a suitable price for yourself.

For example, buying a door made of solid oak, we will pay a lot (but at the same time get a number of advantages), and buying a door made of pine, we will spend less. The tree is notable for the fact that there are valuable species of wood and methods of making doors from them, and there are also much cheaper ones. So pine doors serve remarkably well, but they also make the door very cheaper and more accessible.

2. Aluminum.

They are known for their resistance to aggressive environments, which makes it possible to extend the life of such a door. In addition, aluminum doors are fire-resistant, noise-resistant and have high thermal insulation properties. Therefore, such doors are very competitive in the modern door market.

Aluminum doors are highly resistant to corrosion and are less massive than iron doors. The characteristics of aluminum are such that doors made of it are quite safe. Burglar-resistant aluminum doors, thanks to special accessories and elements, for example, numerous locking points, this provides the home with the necessary security.

The negative qualities of aluminum doors include the energy intensity of the manufacturing process, which makes such a door 2-3 times more expensive, for example, PVC doors. Another disadvantage of aluminum doors is that any contact of aluminum with other metals (for example, from rainwater) can result in a reaction that leads to complete corrosion of aluminum.

3. Steel.

This is one of the most reliable types of doors to protect your home. Modern steel doors have significant advantages, as well as a design approach to their manufacture. Many steel doors are treated with anticorrosive treatment and are made of high thickness steel. The steel door provides excellent soundproofing, protection from cold and foreign odors, if it is a professionally made door. Such a door does not burn.

4. Glass.

They have the ability to visually expand the space of the premises, therefore they received a universal vocation. When the temperature drops, there will always be a good porch (unlike a wooden door). Since glass is easy to cut, you can create any original glass pattern that will match the interior of your home. The glass door allows you to make the house brighter and more comfortable. The disadvantages of glass doors include their high sound permeability.

5. Veneered.

Veneer is a thin cut from wood of various species as thick as thin cardboard. The door leaves are covered with veneer. Such animals are much cheaper than wooden ones, but poorly made.


They are smooth doors with laminate glued to them, painted in various colors or decorated with different types of wood.

7. Laminated.

They are similar to laminated ones, but they are a cheaper option, because this coating is less wear-resistant than laminate.

8. Mesonite.

They are made from pressed wood of finely dispersed fractions (MDF). Such doors are durable and strong. The front surface of the door is finished from laminate or veneer of valuable wood species.

9. Plastic.

They are finished with a stretch of several layers of plastic, or they are painted. Their feature and advantages are lightness, unlimited colors and uniqueness of design.

10. Combined.

They are produced using various materials, this increases the possibility of giving them the necessary shapes, designs and a variety of technical characteristics.

II. Doors are distinguished by the way of opening:

1. Swing.

They can open one way or both. Both internal and external doors can be swing doors. They can be deaf and glazed. Swing doors are made of any material, with any design solution. Doors with and without threshold are provided. In this case, the threshold is automatically lowered, and this increases the heat and sound protection characteristics of the doors. The disadvantages of swing doors include the need to provide space for opening, which is not always convenient if the room is cramped.

2. Sliding.

They allow you to create any interiors, with their help it is easy to redevelop the interior space. Such doors are more and more popular in residential buildings and public premises (offices, conference rooms, etc.)

Sliding doors can be both internal and entrance doors to buildings, using modern automation. Sliding doors are widely used for wardrobes. Sliding doors extend into the cavity within the wall or move parallel to it. They can be sliding (from one canvas) or sliding (from two). The doors are mounted on the top, bottom or both rails.

If the door is mounted on an upper rail, then due to the absence of a threshold, the floor plane is visually reduced, but in a draft, the door "walks". The doors on the bottom or on two guides are more stable, but there is a minus - a sill appears (if desired, it can be "drowned" into the floor). Sliding doors are a smart solution for dividing adjacent rooms, in this case they play the role of a kind of "curtain" or screen.

Modern materials are used as door decoration: veneer, glass, mirrors, laminate and their combinations. The ideal solution for a modern home is a sliding door made of frosted glass, which plays the role of a zoning element: the glass leaves the feeling that there are other rooms further, due to its transparency.

3. Foldable.

Folding doors combine individual sections that move along a guide in the doorway. They can be made from solid wood, natural wood coated plastic, and other materials. You can also use glass inserts in the production of such doors. Folding doors can only be internal.

4. Swinging.

They swing open in both directions, like in the subway, they are very fond of pets. But on sale they are almost never found, only in specialized stores.

5. Stables.

They are a kind of swing. Includes two halves, upper and lower, each having hinges and locks.

III. Depending on the number of canvases.

Doors are subdivided into single-floor, double-leaf and one-and-a-half (with two canvases of unequal width).

Three- and four-floor doors are rarely used.

The number of door leaves is determined by the width of the opening in the wall, which, in turn, depends on the fire safety requirements and the functional purpose of the room. All double doors require additional locking elements - latches.

Swinging doors are an exception. The sash, secured with latches, becomes part of the door frame, but it can be opened at any time by expanding the doorway.

IV. By filling the door leaf, the doors are glazed and deaf.

For example, balcony doors are always glazed and energy efficient.

Internal doors are also often glazed for the purpose of letting light into an adjacent room or artificially expanding the boundaries of rooms.

Glasses can be transparent, frosted, with a relief pattern, of various colors. The shape of the glazing can be different: rectangular, arched, round, triangular.

V. By functional purpose, there are:

1. Doors for residential buildings;

2. Doors for public buildings;

3. Special doors, subdivided into:

  • fireproof doors;
  • "Protective" (shockproof, bulletproof, anti-burglary) doors;
  • doors of increased sound insulation;
  • energy saving doors;
  • waterproof doors;
  • other doors (eg X-ray shielding).

Vi. By location, the doors are divided into:

  • input,
  • interroom,
  • living rooms,
  • bellhop,
  • staircase,
  • kitchen,
  • balcony,
  • attic.

Vii. By general purpose, doors are:

  • delimiting,
  • soundproof,
  • sealed,
  • fire-fighting,
  • secret,
  • emergency,
  • protective,
  • false.

VIII. By internal filling, the doors are divided into:

1. From the array.

Made of fine wood. The price for such doors is significantly high and their weight is large. During the production of doors, they are painted with various wood impregnations or varnishes. Such processing plays a decorative role, in addition, the door is less susceptible to damage by fungi, mold, insects, and is resistant to fading. Doors from solid wood are made smooth or paneled, blind or glazed, left or right-sided, painted, laminated veneer, etc.

2. Shield (cell) with different filling.

The door leaf in such models can be filled:

  • wooden slats. There are two ways of filling: solid and shallow (from veneer, plywood or hard fiberboard or MDF, spiral shavings, paper honeycombs);
  • polyurethane.

3. Paneled.

The door leaf is not smooth on both sides. Such doors have embedded decorative straight or rounded recesses. Blind and glass paneled doors are used. Panel glass can be transparent, patterned or reinforced with a thickness of 5 mm.

4. Smooth.

In contrast to paneled, they have an absolutely smooth surface.

IX. Depending on the moisture resistance of the door material, doors are distinguished:

1. Increased moisture resistance.

Manufactured for rooms with air humidity over 60% (external and vestibule doors).

2. Normal moisture resistance.

Made for rooms with air humidity up to 60% (internal doors).

X. Depending on the surface finish of the door, there are:

  • with an opaque finish (paints, enamels, decorative plastics or films)
  • transparent coated (varnishes).

XI. Depending on the method of transformation, the doors are:

1. Recoil.

By the type of installation, they are divided into:

  • partition doors - solid or glazed door leaves, moving along guides, which are fixed from above or built into the floor. The canvases go one after the other by about 30 mm when closed and are held in the desired position by means of a guide, which is installed in the floor.
  • side doors differ from partition doors by the presence of a guide, which is mounted on the wall, and not in the doorway. When open, such a door is "attached" to the wall next to the opening. The length of the rail is the two widths of the door to be closed. Disadvantages of the door: loss of wall space in the place of attachment of the door leaf and the need to mask the guide to fit it into the interior. The advantage is that there is no requirement to increase the opening in the wall.
  • sliding doors also move along the guides, but in the design of the door block there must be a special case for the door leaf, disguised as a wall.

2. Hinge-fold.

They look like screens, they require guides located both above and above and below. These doors are made of wood or plastic. Both solid and glazed doors are produced.

3. Lifting-curtain (louvered).

Their design is similar to the role of shutters. Such doors are used for rarely visited premises (storerooms, utility rooms). The disadvantage is the location of the opening handle at the bottom.

When choosing a door model, you must remember the basic design rule - doors that are in the field of view at the same time must be in the same style for a harmonious perception of the interior.

This component is also important. When designing a room, it must be borne in mind that the doors must open from the room, outward - along the path of possible evacuation.

Windows and doors are always facing outward, towards the public. Therefore, they were made with special care. The experience of the old masters is clearly presented here.

Terms common to windows and doors (openings, boxes, platbands)

Opening, opening, opening, span- a hole in the wall, statically stable, bounded by an array of walls, covered in the upper part to carry the load of the overlying wall, with or without filling.

Doorway- for the door. Window hole- for the window. Bounding surfaces: top of the opening- bottom surface of the bulkhead; bottom of the opening- window sill or threshold plane; opening sides, opening side surfaces- the surface on the sides of the opening.

In stone houses, the opening can be divided into three parts:




In the outside(fig. 933.1, 934.1) the top and sides, as a rule, are the same, called reclining seam (lintel)and sometimes have outer quarter(fig. 933.2, 934.2), which can be decorativeor filled with flaps (panels, shutters). In the inner part, the top and sides are the same and are called slopes.

The surfaces of the slopes decorated with wood can be paneled or shield (Fig. 935.3, 936.4) - sloping panels, sloping boxes.

Slopes are subdivided at dawnand straight lines.

Straight side surfacesmate with the wall at a right angle (Fig. 938).

Dawn slopes, sunrises- at an angle to the wall surface, expanding the opening towards the interior (Fig. 937).

Sunrises atopening - lateral(fig.933.3) and upper(fig. 933.4), their angles to the plane of the wall can be different. Lateral Sunrisesmay be symmetrical(fig. 937, 938) and asymmetrical(Fig. 939, 940).

Asymmetric - one-sided (Fig.939) (half-dawn opening)and oblique(fig. 940).

Figure: 933. Opening for the leaning box (deck):
1 - outer part of the opening, reclining seam; 2 - outer quarter; 3 - lateral dawn; 4 - upper dawn; 5 - top light; 6 - side light; 7 - reclining quarter

Figure: 934. Opening for the mortgage box (deck):
1 - the outer part of the opening (reclining seam); 2 - outer quarter; 3 - lateral dawn; 4 - upper dawn; 5 - top light; 6 - side light; 7 - mortgage groove

Figure: 935. Panel board paneled slope box

Figure: 936. Panel board sloping box

Figure: 937. Sunrise Symmetrical

Figure: 938. Slopes are symmetrical

Figure: 939. Dawn

Figure: 940. One-sided asymmetric sunrises, slanting sunrises

Figure: 941. Dawn Dressing "cabbage"

Figure: 942. Dawn Dressing "Half Cabbage Roll"

Figure: 943. Dawn Dressing "in a mustache"

Figure: 944. Dawn

Fig. 945. Opening with a flat sill:
1 - external window sill; 2 - outer window sill plate; inner window sill; 3 - inner window sill; 4 - loosening

Figure: 946. Dawn Window Sill

Conjugation edges of the dawn and the plane of a stone wall at the beginning of the 19th century. bandaged in technique stuffed cabbage, half-dipped, inmustache (Fig. 941, 942, 943). In the provincial monuments of the XVIII-XIX centuries. meets "Undertune"(fig. 944). The edge where the upper dawn meets the wall is called overhead light(fig. 933.5, 934.5), lateral dawn with a wall - side light(fig. 933.6, 934.6).

Dividing part of the opening- (place for the box) - when the mortgage box is called mortise(fig. 934.7), with reclining - reclining quarter(fig.933.7). Boundary structures of the opening in woodenchopped walls are jambs.

External window sill(fig.935.1) - the upper surface of the window sill,which can be covered window sill slab(fig. 935.2), sometimes called windowsill.In some cases windowsillis called a sheet of iron covering, which provides a drainage of water from the windowsill.

Internal window sillthe upper surface of the window sill(fig.945.3), which is usually covered window sill(fig. 945.4) (windowsill). In residential buildings, the inner window sill, as a rule, is a wooden window sill, less often - marble sill slab.The part of the window sill protruding beyond the slope is called by loosening(Fig. 946). Dawn windowsills are usually devoid of a window sill.

Etablisment (seizure, stepped platform)- with high window-sills in the interior, elevations with steps were arranged for the convenience of approaching the window (Fig. 947).

Threshold surface- the bottom plane of the doorway. Tambour- a box with dimensions exceeding the thickness of the wall (Fig. 948), an extension at the entrance doors from the outside or inside. Jumper, hauling:a structural element located directly above the opening and receiving the load of the overlying masses. Types: wooden lintel, crossbar(Fig. 949) stone from a single stone (Fig. 950) - architrave, crossbar, lintel. Spacer, arch- in stone walls above the opening holes, transmitting the pressure of the overlying material to the side pillars or wall arrays and consisting of individual wedge-shaped elements.

Components of spacer lintels, arches(Fig. 951).

Span- the distance between the supports (Fig. 951.1). In dawn arches, the value is ambiguous.

Shoulder- part of the arch bounded by the fifth and the lock (Fig. 951.2). Lock, key, keystone- a wedge-shaped stone or several stones in the center of the upper part of the arch (Fig. 951.3).

Wedges, arched wedges- individual blocks, as a rule, of the same size, brick or natural stone, making up the array of the arch (Fig. 951.4).

Arched wedges can be rectangular blocks. In this case, the mating seams are wedge-shaped. If the inner surface of the arched wedges is smaller than the outer surface, then the mating seams, as a rule, have parallel sides.

Hole- the projection of the plane between the generatrix of the curve and the line connecting the origins.

Start- the lower surface of the arch, located on the supports (Fig. 951.5).

Starting line, starting seam- the boundary front line, the seam between the support and the beginning (Fig. 951.6).

Arch axis- the line along which the center of the arc moves when the arch is formed. Multi-center arches have multiple axes (fig. 951.7).

Cheek, shock surface- front and back surfaces of the arch (front and back cheeks).

Heel- the upper surface of the support (Fig. 951.8).

Supports, foundations- pillars or walls that take the weight and spacer load of the arch (Fig. 951.9).

Top line, scaly- a line on the inner surface at the place of the greatest height of the arch (Fig. 951.10).

Vertex- a point on the crack.

Arch width- the height of the arched wedge. In different places, the arch can be different (Fig. 951.11).

Arch thickness- the distance between the cheeks (Fig. 951.12).

Height, extension, boom, lift- the distance between the slot and the line connecting the origins - fig. 951.13). The creeping arches have two heights.

Arch guide curve, generatrix curve- a line that defines the shape of the inner surface (Fig. 951.14).

The outer surface of the arch- the surface bounding the arch from the outside - (Fig. 951.15).

The outer side of the arch- the side, the longitudinal vertical section of which represents a large arc.

Inner surface of the arch- the surface bounding the arch from the inside (Fig. 951.16).

Inner side of the arch- the side, the longitudinal vertical section of which represents the smaller arc.

Mating lines or seams- the seams between the arched wedges on the cheek of the arch (Fig. 951.17).

Impost, shoulder- decorative horizontal belt, the upper plane of which is the fifth.

The shape of the arches is determined curve guideand configuration of the plan of supports.

Wedge lintel, wedge- a spacer bar, the inner surface of which is flat. In the 19th century, such an arch was called "Jumpers"(Fig. 952).

Straight arch - top linelocated perpendicular to the cheeks (Fig. 952).

Oblique or beveled- the upper line is not perpendicular to the cheeks, not horizontal (Fig. 953).

Figure: 947. Etabliment, attack, stepped platform

Figure: 948. Tambour

Figure: 949. Wooden lintel, crossbar

Figure: 950. Stone lintel, crossbeam, architrave

Figure: 951. Components of the spacer bulkhead:
1 - span; 2 - shoulder; 3 - lock, key, keystone; 4 - wedges, arched wedges; 5 - the beginning of the arch; 6 - initial line, initial seam; 7 - arch axis; 8 - heel; 9 - supports, abutments; 10 - top line; 11 - arch width; 12 - arch thickness; 13 - height, extension, boom, rise; 14 - curved arch guide, generating curve; 15 - outer surface of the arch; 16 - the inner surface of the arch; 17 - mating lines, mating seams

Dawn, converging, with a lumen- arch at dawn supports (Fig. 954).

Sloping arch- the upper line is located in a vertical plane, perpendicular to the plane of the cheeks, but not horizontal (Fig. 955).

Semicircular, semicircular, full cylindrical- the guide is a half circle (fig. 956).

Sublime, sublime, elevated- the center of the guide is above the heels (fig. 957).

Compressed, lowered, compressed- the curved guide is from 1/2 to 1/4 of a circle, its center is located below the heels (Fig. 958).

Luchkovaya, flat- the arc of a circle (bow) is taken as a guide, and the rise of the arch is less than a quarter of the span (Fig. 959).

Korobovaya, rocker, three-center, elliptical ordinary- the arch guide consists of arcs of different radii, the centers of which have different coordinates; part of an ellipse, elongated horizontally (Fig. 960). Raised box, parabolic- part of the ellipse, elongated vertically (Fig. 961).

Arrow, arrow, pointed arch, gothic- the guide consists of two circular arcs intersecting at an angle at the apex (Fig. 962 - 964).

Types of arches

Figure: 952. Wedge lintel, wedge, lintel

Figure: 953. Slanting arch, beveled arch

Figure: 954, Dawn arch, converging, widened, with a lumen

Rice... 955. Inclined Arch

Figure: 956. Arch is semicircular, semicircular, full cylindrical

Figure: 957. Arch sublime, sublime, raised

Figure: 958. Arch compressed, lowered, compressed

Figure: 959. Bow arch, flat

Figure: 960. Box arch, rocker, three-center, ordinary elliptical

Figure: 961. Elevated box arch, parabolic

Figure: 962. Arrow arch (lancet)

Figure: 963. Blunted arrow arch, compressed arrow

Figure: 964. Arrow raised, elevated, pointed

Figure: 965. Arch Moorish, Arabian, horseshoe, ovoidal

Figure: 966. Horseshoe Arrow

Figure: 967. Rolling Arch

Figure: 968. Creeping Arch, Roe Deer

Figure: 969. Arch square, miter, ordinary

Figure: 970. Shortened miter arch, trapezoidal

Figure: 971. Arch stapled, keel, heel

Figure: 972. Bent, Concave Arch

Figure: 973. Bent, Concave Arch

Figure: 974. Bent, Concave

Figure: 975. Three-Bladed Arch

Figure: 976. Five-Bladed Arch

Figure: 977. Zigzag, toothed arch

Figure: 978. Arch reverse, overturned

Figure: 979. Arch retaining, persistent, semi-arch

Figure: 980. Arch compressed, mirror, compressed, lowered

Figure: 981. Arch unloading, unloading

Figure: 982. Unloading, unloading arches

Figure: 983. Unloading, unloading arches

Arrow equilateral- the guide consists of two arcs, the chords of which are equal to the span (Fig. 962).

Blunted pointer, compressed pointer- the chords of the arcs are less than the span (Fig. 963).

Arrow raised, sublime, pointed- the chords of the arcs are larger than the span (Fig. 964).

Moorish, Arabian, horseshoe, ovoid- (fig. 965) - the guide is more than half of the circle.

Horseshoe arrow- an arch that combines the character of the pointed and Moorish arches (Fig. 966).

Rolling- an arch, consisting but width of two unbound arches (Fig. 967).

Creeping or roe deer(fig. 968) - the heels of which are at different levels.

Square, miter ordinary- a guide made up of two straight lines intersecting at an angle (fig. 969).

Miter shortened, trapezoidal- the guide consists of two inclined and one horizontal lines, intersecting but obtuse angle (fig. 970).

Brace, keeled, heel- the guide consists of joints of two heels or jibs (fig. 971).

Bent or concave- the guide consists of two overturned curves touching each other (fig. 972). It can be crowned with a lancet (Fig. 973), or a semicircular arch (Fig. 974).

Paddle- the guide consists of blades. Three-bladed - of three blades (Fig. 975).

Five-bladed -of five (fig. 976).

Zigzag, toothed- the guide is zigzag (fig. 977).

Reverse, overturned- the inner surface is at the top (fig. 978).

Retaining, persistent arch, semi-arch- arch - located obliquely, accepting the spacer loads of the supported walls. It differs from the creeping one in that the initial stone, adjacent to the supported structure, is a castle stone (Fig. 979).

Mirror arch, compressed, squeezed, lowered- the guide is a horizontal line with quarter circles on the sides (fig. 970).

Unloading, unloading- it is arranged to reduce the static pressure of the overlying material and redistribute the loads (Fig. 981 - 983).

Filling is a part of the opening that somehow isolates the interior from the external space. In stone houses, a box (deck) is a filling element, in wooden jamb - a wall structure.

Kinds window fillings:binders (with or without a box); lattices; shutters.

Door fillings: panelswith or without box.

Boxes in stone houses

Box (frame, deck, hose, machine)- a frame attached to the opening, designed to be filled with bindings, sashes. According to the method of pairing with a stone wall, boxes are divided into two types:

mortgages (indigenous)installed before the erection of the walls, bricked, as a result of which the box is in the mortgage groove (Fig. 984);

reclining (attached)are installed in the opening after laying it out to a specially laid out reclining seam, in the reclining quarter (Fig. 985). Boxes (decks)may be single (single, common)- single box; and double (separate) - two separate boxes for inner and outer bindings.

Into the concept panel boardthe boxes in the stone walls also include a panel board lining of the slopes of the opening. With double decks, it is attached to the vertical beams of the boxes, with single decks - to plugs laid in the masonry.

Panel boxmay be paneled(fig. 965), or boardwalk(fig. 966).

The box consists of four beams.

Bottom bar- in the door threshold,in the windows window sill(fig. 986.1).

Upper bar- top, crossbeam, cross beam, lintel, upper tie of racks (Fig. 986.2).

Side Bars, Racks, Vertical Bars, (Loop Bars- with double doors) (fig. 986.3). In single-door openings - lock and loop bars.

Sometimes the box in the light is split into parts. Horizontal dividing bars carrying a transom (fig. 987.1) are called imposts (crossbars),vertical (Fig. 987.2), dividing the valves - mids.

In the box are selected quarters (folds)for the installation of bindings, sashes.

In the windows, as well as in the glazed exterior doors, the summer binder quarters(fig. 988.1), 989.1) and quarters for winter(fig. 988.2, 989.2). The intermediate plane between the quarters is called plug(fig. 988.3, \u200b\u200b989.3). The outer ledge of the box for bindings (Fig. 989.4), opening in one direction, against which the summer frames abut, is called sponge (frame light, fold, comb).

A box for lifting, stand-alone-composite bindings is selected groove for carriage movement,and at the top - a quarter for a transom.The box for one-piece lifting bindings is no different from the usual one.

Beam surfaces:

front edge- oriented inside the opening (fig. 988.5, 989.5);

back edge- opposite to the front one, oriented to the wall (fig. 988.6, 989.6);

side edging- conjugated with the front and back (Fig. 988.7, 989.7).

Jamb (frame, deck)- a box in wooden chopped outer walls, serves for fastening the crowns of the wall and for filling with bindings (Fig. 990). Term "Joint"can also take on the following values: 1) timber of a door or window frame; 2) side bar of the box; 3) the dawn beam of the box, hewn obliquely along the entire length; 4) box beam, the end edges of which are partially or completely chipped; 5) lintels and slopes, if they are selected from one piece of wood.

Figure: nine84. Box mortgage, root

Figure: 985. The box is leaning, attached

Figure: 986. Box elements:
1 - lower bar, lower connection; 2 - upper bar, top, crossbar, cross bar, lintel, upper link; 3 - side racks, side bars, vertical bars, loop bars

Figure: 987. Elements of a dismembered box:
1 - impost, crossbar; 2 - middle

Figure: 988. Cross-section of a box with frames opening in different directions:
1 - quarter for summer bindings (outer quarter); 2 - quarter for winter bindings (inner quarter) 3 - blanking; 4 - sponge, frame light, fold, comb; 5 - front edge; 6 - back edge; 7 - side edging

Figure: 989. Cross-section of a box with opening frames in one direction:
1 - a quarter for summer bindings; 2 - a quarter for winter bindings; 3 - plug; 4 - sponge, frame light, fold, comb; 5 - front edging; 6 - back edge; 7 - side edging

Figure: 990. Jamb section:
1 - feigned plane of the outer quarter; 2 - groove for the log ridge; 3 - sponges; 4 - limiting, persistent plane of the outer quarter; 5 - reclining kalevka

Figure: 991. Jamb elements:
1 - top jamb, top bar, crossbar, top; 2, 3. standing jambs, vertical jambs, vertical bars, side bars, risers, racks; 4 - groove for the log ridge; 5 - log comb; 6 - jamb jaws

Figure: 992. The lower part of the quarter for summer sashes of a window opening in a wooden home:
1 - pillow, window sill; 2 - takeaway, jamb release; 3 - a quarter for a sheathing board; 4 - window bracket

Figure: 993. Joint structures of the jamb:
1 - takeaway; external release; 2 - a quarter for a sheathing board

Figure: 994. Jamb construction with internal outlet:
1 - takeaway, external release; 2 - takeaway, internal release

Figure: 995. Mating structures of a jamb with a rack device step:
1 - takeaway, internal release

Figure: 996. Box section:
1 - feigned plane of the outer quarter; 2 - limiting, persistent plane of the outer quarter; 3 - feigned kalevka

Figure: 997. Frame platband

Figure: 998. Three-sided platband

Figure: 999. Elements of a promising solid casing:
1 - plank part; 2 - thickened part, toe. Large toe profile; 3 - Small, light profile

Figure: 1000. Composite perspective casing

Figure: 1001. PlatbandXVIII century with a curved toe

Figure: 1002. Platband of the second halfXIX century. with curved toe

Figure: 1003.
Promising platband with trimming:
1 - otzhivka; 2 - large edge; 3 - small edge

The jamb consists of three elements (fig. 991):

top jamb (top bar, crossbar, top)(fig. 991.1), standing jambs (vertical jambs, vertical bars, side bars, risers, racks)(fig. 991.2), 991.3).

At the bottom of the window opening fits pillow(fig. 992.1) she window board(in the windows). There is no threshold bar in the door frames. On the back side, a groove is selected in the standing jambs (fig. 990.2, 991.4) for a log comb(fig. 991.5). Jamb elements that compress the ridge are called sponges(fig. 990.3, 991.6). From the outside of the jamb, if the house is intended for sheathing, release (takeaway)(fig. 993.1, 994.1, 992.2), in which you can select quarter for sheathing(fig. 992.3, 993.2). Small releasecan be done from the inside with the expectation of plaster (Fig. 994.2, 995.1). The outer window sill, taken out behind the cladding, is supported by window sill brackets (Fig. 992.4).

In the interior, the upper and standing jambs have dawn,why the box is called a jamb (Fig. 992-995). The window frame contains quarter for summer bindings(fig. 991.7) and an armrest for the winter frame (fig. 991.8).

Quarter planesmating with the outer edges of the contoured casement straps are called feigned(fig. 990.1, 996.1). Planes,against which the inner faces of the contour straps abut are called restrictive or stubborn(fig. 990.4, 996.2). Leaning for winter frame(both in jambs and in boxes) can be profiled by a break-off or on top and risers - reclining(fig. 990.5, 996.3). The pillow is not profiled by reclining molding.

Sheathing mateswith a joint or in a quarter(fig. 992.3), or overlap(fig. 993.2). The conjugation is usually closed with a casing.

Shrinkage gap (clearance, gap, void, margin, span):the space left in wooden houses above the openings with the expectation of wall shrinkage (Fig. 991.9).

Platband (cover, frame): decorative front frame of the opening.

External platbands- on facades, internal - in interiors.

Frame platband(fig. 997) - but to the perimeter of the window opening, trilateral- top and sides (Fig. 998). Door trims - only tripartite,window boards are of both types: if there is a window sill board - trilateral,without her - frame.

Constructive types:1) waybills (overhead),made separately, then nailed to the box with crutch nails; 2) solid, monolithicare selected in a box and form a single array with it.

Three main types of platbands in shape: promising (cape); grooved and plank.

The most common are promising.A distinctive feature is a significantly thickened part (promontory), distant from the opening (Fig. 999-1002, 1003.1004).

Promising platbandsmay be whole(from a single board, fig. 999) and constituent(toe and board are made separately, and then rallied with nails or glue, Fig. 1000).

Components of perspective platbands:boardwalk, thin(fig. 999.1), closest to the opening; a thickened part, a toe (Fig. 999.2), remote from the opening.

In the first half of the XIX century. the toe is flat (Fig. 999, 1003, 1004). In the XVIII century. and in the second half of the 19th century. more often - curved (Fig. 1001, 1002).

Small profile, light (Fig. 999.3) bordered by a slope. Can be with an otzhivka (fig. 1003.1, 1004.1). Large profile, toe (fig. 999.2).

Figure: 1004. Trough platband with trimming:
1 - otzhivka; 2 - back surface, sole

Figure: 1005. Grooved casing with rectangular groove

Figure: 1006. Beveled, oblique, beveled gutter

Figure: 1007. Grooved platband with light profile

Figure: 1008. Plank platband

Figure: 1010. Plank casing with a small profile

Figure: 1011. Connection of the platband elements "in mustache":
1 - loop gap, loop indent

Figure: 1012. Diamond corner piece

Figure: 1013. Round corner piece

Figure: 1014. Envelope, diamond

Figure: 1015. Curbstone, bedside table

Figure: 1016. Archivolt of a semicircular window with a window sill

Figure: 1017. Archivolt windows with semicircular termination and impost

Figure: 1018. Archivolt window with semicircular top and shoulder

Varieties of a large profile:

fillet, roller, heel, stepped profile.

Varieties of a small profile:

heel, quarter shaft, chamfer, quarter, quarter shaft with fillet, fillet.

Accordingly, the edges: big (fig. 1003.2) and small (fig. 1003.3).

Back surface, casing sole (fig. 1004.2).

Flute platband consists of a board with a longitudinally selected wide groove (Fig. 1005, 1006, 1007). Gutter may be rectangular (fig. 1005) and beveled (oblique) (fig. 1006). On the sides of the groove - shelves... May be present light profile (fig. 1007.1).

Board platbandplain, rectangular in cross section (Fig. 1038); oblique (Fig. 1009), partly beveled, in the form of a large one. Simple usually with small profile (fig. 1010).

Connection of linear elements of the casing in the corners:

1) in mustache (fig. 1011);

2) decorative corner elements of rectangular shape, which are profiled by niches - diamond-shaped (fig. 1012), round (fig. 1013), oval, or envelopes (diamonds) (Fig. 1014).

Internal platbands, both window (in the presence of window niches) and door, can be based on bedside table (bedside table)thickened and schematized along the profile. The curbstone is the place where the platband and plinth meet (Fig. 1015).

Compound platband with curbstone end-to-end, into a frying pan, into a dovetail.

On the sides of the platband there can be countercash.

The platband of the semicircular window is called archivolt (Fig. 1016). The archivolt can rest on a belt or a sill board. Self-edging of the top with a semicircular or box (but not bow) lintel is also called archivolt... In this case, the archivolt can be based on an impost (Fig.1017.1) or shoulder pads (fig.1018.1). Loop offset, loop clearance - the distance from the platband to a quarter of the box for placing the half-hinged hinges of the shutters in it (Fig. 1011.1).

Door classification

Doors, depending on their position in the building, the number of canvases, the way of opening, etc. can be divided into the following, presented in Table 1, the main types.

Having carefully examined the table, you can highlight those characteristics (signs) that distinguish precisely modern doors. This is the opening method, material and function.

Table 1

By location in the building, doors are:

  • outdoor: entrance and balcony;
  • internal: entrances to an apartment or other premises from staircases and corridors, interroom and closets.

Requirements for external doors are different from those for internal doors, which is determined by the location of these doors in the building. Exterior doors are exposed to atmospheric precipitation, fluctuations in outdoor temperatures, ultraviolet radiation, winds, etc. They must protect the interior from cold and noise. Consequently, external doors must be sound and heat resistant. The materials used for the manufacture of such doors and their external decoration must be resistant to the above negative influences. Another function that should be performed by external doors (as well as entrance doors to apartments) is to resist unauthorized access to premises, i.e. security.

Doors are distinguished by the way of opening:

  • swing;
  • sliding;
  • folding;
  • rotating.

The most famous and familiar - swing doors ... They can open in one direction or both, i.e. be swaying. They are used both as internal and external. They can be glazed and deaf. Such doors can be made from any material used to make doors and have any design. Swing doors can be either with a threshold or without it. In modern designs, the threshold is automatically lowered, which increases the sound and heat protection characteristics of the doors. As you know, single-door doors are right and left. If the hinges are on the right when opening the door "towards you", then this is the right door, if on the left - the left one (see Fig. 2). Modern blind doors are universal.

Hinged doors have one drawback, they require a certain amount of space to open, which is not always convenient, especially in tight spaces. Therefore, there were born sliding and folding doors ... These types of doors make it possible to create the necessary interiors, increase the transformability of the premises, and also, with their help, it is easy to carry out redevelopment of the internal space, both residential buildings and public premises (offices, restaurants, conference rooms, etc.).

Folding doors consist of separate sections moving along a guide installed in the doorway. They can be blind and glazed, made of solid wood, plastic, covered with natural wood and other materials. Such doors are used only as internal ones.

Sliding doors , when opening, either go into the cavity inside the wall, or move parallel to it. They are used both as internal and as entrance to public buildings, often with the use of modern automation. Modern materials are used for door decoration: glass, laminate, mirrors, wood veneer, as well as their combinations. Nowadays, this type of door is also widely used for so-called "wardrobes".

Revolving (revolving) doors used in public buildings (hotels, department stores, airports, etc.). They are available in two, three and four-leaf versions, with manual or automatic opening.

According to the material from which the doors are made, they can be divided into:

  • wooden;
  • profile;
  • based on PVC profile;
  • based on an aluminum profile;
  • steel;
  • glass.

Modern doors are modern materials. Wood - dried and processed using new technologies, new wood-like materials and their combination in door designs. Wooden doors are used both outside and inside, for residential and public buildings. But if, as indoor, interroom (for residential premises), they confidently continue to hold the first place in use, then when used as outdoor, at the present time, they have acquired serious competitors. They are steel doors and so-called profile doors, which are based on an aluminum or PVC profile. Profile doors are perfectly combined with modern facades and profile entrance groups. And steel doors can provide the required security of the premises.

Profile doors , nowadays, are increasingly being used as internal ones in business centers, large stores, banks and other public buildings, often in combination with profile partitions. Steel doors made of cold bent sheet steel are also used as internal doors. They can completely imitate wooden doors, having the same partitioning of the leaf, panels and embossed wood texture.

Glass doors expand the range of possibilities of the architect for organizing the entrance to a public building and internal space.

Doors can be combined, made using different materials, which increases the possibility of giving them the necessary technical characteristics and external shapes.

Depending on the number of canvases, the doors can be:

  • unisexual;
  • bipartite;
  • one and a half (with two canvases of unequal width).

Three- and four-floor doors are used very rarely. The number of door leaves dictates, as a rule, the width of the opening in the partition or wall. The width of the opening depends on the functional purpose of the room and fire safety requirements. All double doors, except for swinging ones, require additional locking elements - door latches. Espagnolettes are usually installed on one of the two leafs of a double door, or on a narrow leaf of a one and a half door. The sash, fixed at the top and bottom with latches, becomes, as it were, part of the door frame, while it can be released and opened at any time, thereby expanding the doorway.

By filling the door leaf, the doors can be:

  • glazed;
  • deaf.

Balcony doors always made glazed, energy-saving. Internal doors are also often made glazed, for example, to illuminate auxiliary rooms with a second light. For the same purpose, transoms are arranged over the doors. Glass or double-glazed windows can be transparent, frosted, or with a relief pattern, of various colors, using stained-glass windows. The shape of the glazing can be very different, both traditional: rectangular and arched, and round or even triangular. For spreading out the door, sash beads (false and real) are used.

By functional purpose, doors are:

  • for residential buildings
  • for public buildings
  • special

Depending on the functional purpose of the room, different technical requirements are imposed on the doors. At the same time, the constructive content of the doors should not conflict with their appearance, which should correspond to the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe interior or facade of the building.

Special purpose doors are subdivided into:

  • fire retardant;
  • energy saving;
  • increased sound insulation;
  • protective (shockproof, bulletproof, anti-burglar);
  • waterproof;
  • others (eg X-ray shielding).

More details on special-purpose doors will be discussed below. Here we just want to note that thanks to the use of new materials and technologies, doors are no longer just a universal element that provides connection between premises. They are subject to more stringent technical specifications, and each room, depending on its purpose, must be equipped with a corresponding door. Today it is possible, as modern technologies give us such an opportunity.

The main components of the doors remain today almost the same as they have been for many centuries. But in modern doors, they can be made of new materials, using the latest technologies. This makes it possible, on the one hand, to achieve the required technical characteristics, and on the other, to obtain unlimited possibilities for the artistic solution of doors.

Doors are installed in doorways that are left in the walls and partitions that separate the rooms.

Individual parts and door parts are named as follows:

  • the opening part of the door is called door leaf ;
  • the frame installed in the doorway, on which the door leaves are hung, is called door frame ;
  • to decorate the opening and cover the gap between the box and the partition or wall, along the perimeter of the box, install platbands ;
  • the transition from platbands to plinths and floor can be made out bedside tables ;
  • to improve the thermal insulation, sound insulation and fire resistance of the door, arrange door threshold , which is a special block in the floor, at the bottom of the doorway;
  • to protect the lower part of the door leaf from dirt and damage can be used plinth (mainly at the outer doors);
  • door strips bars with a shaped profile are called, designed to cover the vestibule of double doors;
  • door slabs bars with a shaped profile are called, intended for dividing the glazed part of the door and strengthening the glass;
  • door straps , with a frame (paneled) door solution, the main bars are called, middlemen - bars dividing the door leaf into parts and serving as a connection between the straps;
  • panels separate shields are called that fill the space between the straps and midships;
  • the door leaves are attached to the box (hung) on loops ;
  • attached to the canvases door appliances : locks, handles, latches (latches), safety chains, etc .;
  • to increase the sound and heat-shielding properties of doors, use special seals .

This is not a complete list of elements that can be used to make doors. For example, for sliding and folding doors, guides and rollers are used, in heat-insulating doors - special insulation and double-glazed windows, etc.

Most read articles in the "Doors" section:

17.11.2011 20:04
Sliding doors (compartment doors) (read 66320 times)
We got curious: what are sliding doors? What are they needed for? But before telling what their advantages and disadvantages are, you need to understand what kind of interior doors exist in the world. It turned out that according to the method of opening, the doors are divided into three types: swing, folding and sliding.

24.11.2011 20:59
Classification and components of doors (read 32724 times)
Requirements for external doors are different from those for internal doors, which is determined by the location of these doors in the building. Exterior doors are exposed to atmospheric precipitation, fluctuations in outdoor temperatures, ultraviolet radiation, winds, etc. They must protect the interior from cold and noise. Therefore, external doors must be sound and heat resistant. The materials used for the manufacture of such doors and their external decoration must be resistant to the negative influences listed above. Another function that should be performed by external doors (as well as entrance doors to apartments) is to resist unauthorized access to premises, i.e. security.

18.01.2008 08:25
Steel doors - design features (read 12341 times)
The main reasons why people usually come to the choice of a steel door are the protection of the room and its safety. That is why the door structure should be as resistant to opening and indentation as possible, have high stiffness, which would exclude the possibility of various deformations and distortions that could lead the door to jam. If we talk not only about the direct functions of the door, but also about comfort, then we must not forget about thermal insulation, sound protection, an easy-to-use locking system, a video camera or an ordinary peephole for greater peace of mind, and of course about the aesthetic appearance of this very door.

What are the parts of the door? From the door leaf and door frame? But not only! Today we will just talk about main components of doors, each of which performs its function and consider their most important features. And you, in turn, will get to know better the structure of a frequently encountered item in our apartments and houses.

It is worth saying that today door parts practically did not change compared to those that were used earlier. One of the few things that has changed is the materials from which these very parts are made. In modern conditions, the latest technologies are used for the production of doors, which allows not only to achieve the necessary technical characteristics, but also unlimited possibilities for decoration.

Let's go directly to the device. The main components and details of the door are:

  1. Door leaf. Represents the opening part of the door; it can be decorated in any available way;
  2. Door frame. A frame that is installed in the doorway and onto which the door leaf is hung. Usually door frames are sold with the door, so you don't have to buy them separately. They are made of wood or MDF, they can also be painted and decorated with veneer or laminate. The hinge part of the door frame is most often reinforced for the light of the solid wood insert;
  3. Platbands. They are installed around the perimeter of the box and are needed in order to make out the opening and close the gap between the box and the partition or the box and the wall;
  4. Door threshold.This is a special block in the floor, at the bottom of the opening, which is installed in order to improve the thermal insulation, sound insulation and fire resistance of the door;
  5. Door strips.Designed to divide the glazed part of the door and strengthen the glass;
  6. Door leaf straps.They are the main bars in frame (paneled) doors. Midships are bars that divide the door leaf into parts and serve as a connecting link between the straps;
  7. Panels.They are separate shields that fill the space between the straps and midships;
  8. Hinges.They help to attach the door leaf to the frame (they are hung);
  9. Fittings. It includes locks, latches (latches), handles, safety chains or other parts that are attached to the canvas;
  10. Special seals.They are used to increase the soundproofing and heat-shielding properties of doors.

The entire list presented above is far from complete. A large number of doors are equipped with a number of other elements that are used for both technical and decorative purposes. For example, for the production of sliding and folding doors, guides and rollers are used, and in heat-insulating doors, these can be special insulation or double-glazed windows.

In any case, whichever door you would like to purchase, in StroyOpt SPb a wide range of products awaits you. They are produced by reliable suppliers of Russia and a number of countries in Europe and Asia in compliance with all the necessary quality standards, and the store itself of building and finishing materials StroyOpt SPb has a certificate of conformity.