Adjusting plastic doors horizontally. How to adjust the plastic balcony door, video

Adjusting plastic doors

Plastic doors are widely used in homes, apartments, offices and shops: they are used as balcony, interior, input. This is an excellent alternative to wooden doors, and such products are better protected from noise, dust, have a large margin of safety. Over time, it may be necessary to adjust the plastic doors. , which is not difficult to do on your own.

When is the adjustment required?

Even if you did not save on quality and acquired a dear profile from a proven manufacturer, this does not mean that in a few years it will not be necessary to adjust the door. This problem is connected with many factors:

  • Shrinking building.
  • Incorrect installation.
  • Incorrect operation.
  • Sailing design from its own weight.

In order to know exactly how to adjust the plastic door , You can watch the installers. Over time, this skill can be useful.

About what is required to adjust the doors, you can find out if there are drafts, the door began to open or closed, stopped being parallel to the box. To determine how densely the design is fit, you can use a regular sheet of paper to be placed between the door frame and the frame itself. With hermetic closure, stretch the sheet will not work. If it comes out easily or falls out, then the adherence in this place is weak.

The sash could move due to frequent temperature differences, weakening the door mechanism, because of which it begins to touch the frame elements. Adjust the plastic door is necessary in that situation if it hits the threshold when opening it. When tuning, look at the handle: it can hang out, depart from the socket, also require the setting. The canvas may be loosened to the frame and due to the wear of the seal, which will be required to be replaced.

Having defined a malfunction, you will understand what kind of plastic door adjustment is independent; Instructions for all actions are easy and accessible to any owner. Door blocks can be adjusted in three directions, for this you need to prepare tools in advance. We need two screwdrivers: flat and cross, hexagon, tape measure, plastic strips, pliers.

Properly adjusted door must be stable in any position.

Vertical setting

Adjusting plastic doors loops occurs with a special screw located on them. With its rotation, the door will fall or climb. Such a method is used if the sash hits the threshold or the seal in the lower or the upper part has a dent.

Before starting work, you will need to remove the plug with the adjustment screw, which is located on the bottom loop. It is located along its axis. You can rotate with a hexagon. When the mechanism is rotated clockwise, a rise will occur in the opposite direction - lowering the web.

Setting the plastic balcony height

Horizontal setting

This type of setting is needed if the cloth has resulted. Most often this is due to the large mass of the design. Adjusting the plastic door in height occurs when the sash is open. To do this, unscrew the screws from the upper loops, after it is required to close the sash, remove the lining on the loops, covering screws for adjustment. The setting takes place using the longest fastener element located in a horizontal position.

If there is a skew, you will need to pull this screw on the upper and central loops; The one that is located above should be kept stronger. If you do not know how to pull the balcony plastic door so that it gets up smoothly, relax all horizontal screws and adjust them together.

Adjusting the door leaf horizontally in the upper loop

Horizontal door adjustment in the bottom loop


It is necessary to know not only how to adjust the plastic balcony door independently , But when you want to do it. For example, clash must be controlled constantly, and not only when you notice the problem. In the summer, plastic expands due to high temperatures, so we need to weaken, in winter, on the contrary, it must be enhanced to eliminate drafts, as the expansion will cease to occur. The device of the plastic door to the balcony is quite simple, so only the hex key will need to work. Find a locking type axle. On this design element there is a special notch that will help determine the degree of pressure density. Rotate serifs to the frame will provide a weakening in the opposite direction - gain.

If the position of the screws serving to adjust, extremely, this setting will not be effective. In this case, you will have to resort to debugging the position of the glass package. Pull the strokes that fix it, install gaskets in the right places, you can do it with a special device - blades. From the skew will be able to get rid of the right place for laying and taking into account its thickness. After this stroke can be returned to the place.

Adjusting the climate clamping

Replacing the seal

If the adjustment of plastic doors was not independently carried out for quite a long time, and the door was operated with distortion, often the noticeable deformation of the sealing material happens. It will be necessary to change: buy a new one in the construction store. Pay attention to the form and cross section of the acquired material - they must coincide with the old.

You can remove the sealer from the groove from the groove, using a flat screwdriver. Remove contaminants, glue growths, apply a new layer, insert the fresh seal in such a way that it does not stretch and not provis.

Debugging of the state of the handle

These products can break out or, on the contrary, turn a tight, not allowing the door to open normally. In the first case, the adjustment of the inlet plastic door is carried out with the help of screws located on the handle. To do this, you need to remove the protective pad, tightening them with a screwdriver.

The second version of the problem will require other efforts. To eliminate the problem, you will need to adjust the door leaf. How to adjust loops on plastic doors , Described above. If you put the web correctly, but the handle defect does not disappear, it will be necessary to replace it. It is easy to do: you need to unscrew two screws that keep the product, pull out the handle, put a new one and fasten the screws into place instead.

Tips for specialists

  • In order to protect the door from damage and get rid of the need for frequent adjustment, you can install the opening limiter. This device will protect the loop from breaking, as it will not give them to touch the door jamb.
  • Another useful device is microlift. He takes on the weight of the door canvase in the closed position and does not give it to be saved.
  • To extend the service life of the seal, it needs to be treated with silicone lubricant.
  • It is impossible to hang anything on the door handle.
  • All parts of the opening mechanism must be regularly lubricated

Compliance with these uncomplicated rules will extend the service life of the door, avoiding frequent adjustments.

Video: Adjust plastic doors

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How to regulate plastic doors yourself

The quality and long service life of the input door depends not only on the right installation. Timely adjustment of plastic doors plays at the same time not the last role. You can perform it yourself using the hex key and knowing the signs indicating the need for configuration.

Signs of the need to set the loops

Initially adjust the door must install when it is installed. Therefore, when taking work, be sure to pay attention to the fact that it is installed smoothly, easily opened and closed, in the open state there should be no spontaneous stroke of the web in one direction or the other. However, over time, it may be necessary to further configure the loops to ensure the correct operation of the entrance doors. To do this, you can call the wizard or perform it with your own hands.

It is possible to determine the need to adjust windows and doors by conducting such tests:

  • Close the door, between the canvas and the box put an ordinary sheet of paper. After closing, pulling out and pull out, turning attention to the applied force. It should be done for the entire perimeter, the effort of this should be the same everywhere. If the paper in some place is pulled out easier or harder, it will be a sign of the need to adjust.
  • Become from the side, reverse closure and outline the pencil door around the perimeter, using the Lutka as a ruler. Open it and explore the distance from the line to the edge of the canvas. If it is the same on all sides, the setting is not required. Otherwise, you need to adjust the loops.
  • Operate the door and leave in that position. It should not be spontaneously open or closed. If this happens, the control of the loops is necessary. When carrying out this test, be sure to exclude the effect of wind and drafts.
  • There are also obvious signs that will indicate the need to configure the operation of doors and windows.

    • The canvas clings to the box, preventing the free move of the door. This problem indicates the need to adjust the loops in the vertical or horizontal plane.
    • Violation of tightness. Purpose of cold air with a closed state of the sash indicates the weakening of the clutch and the need to strengthen the fitting of its canvas to the box.
    • Plate handles. Over time, the fastening bolts can relax, and the handle will be fused. To eliminate the problem, you need to remove the decorative bar and twisted screws.
    • The handle turns with the effort. The reason may be trash caught in the lock mechanism.

    Types adjustment

    Setting up doors and windows is different in the direction of regulation. She may be:

    With vertical configuration, the loops can be mixed up or down. It is carried out if the door runs about the threshold. In such a situation, they say that the door has saved under its weight. If there are dents on the seal, it is also necessary to adjust the doors vertically.

    Horizontal setting of loops moves the canvas to the right or left. It is needed if the door clings for vertical racks over the entire height or only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe castle.

    Frontal adjustment of the clamping of doors and windows will adjust the adjacent of the canvas or sash to the box. It is necessarily carried out depending on the time of year. For the winter, clamp is enhanced, and in the spring it is reduced. The weakening of the adjustment in the warm season must be carried out necessarily, because the seal may dismiss and will lead to a violation of the work of the doors.

    To configure doors and windows with your own hands, you will need a special key and understanding what needs to be done. At the same time, if you want to shift everything canvas evenly, then all loops are adjusted. If there is a skew, it is eliminated by setting up one of them.

    Vertical adjustment instruction

    You can adjust the door vertically by using the hex key with a diameter of 4 mm by performing such actions:

  • Remove decorative lining from the loop.
  • Open sash. It is more convenient to reach the adjusting hole.
  • Insert the key into a specially provided hole and rotate. If you turn clockwise, the canvas will be released, otherwise it is to climb.

  • Horizontal adjustment instructions

    To independently adjust the horizontal, the key will also need. The actions required to configure your own hands:

  • Remove the decorative lining from the loop.
  • Adjust the door. Using the hexagon. Offset to the right occurs when you turn counterclockwise. And on the contrary, turn the key clockwise, the canvas will move to the left.
  • Frontal adjustment clamp

    To regulate the clamping, the hex key is not needed. It is adjusted with pliers or screwdriver by turning the eccentric. They are located on the end around the perimeter of the canvas. You can adjust the clamp by turning those eccentrics where the force of adjustment is insufficient or excessive.

    The adjustment of the plastic door, performed in a timely manner with their own hands horizontally, vertically or adjusting the clamp, will extend the life of the input or balcony door, as well as plastic windows, and will save from the need for repair.

    Plastic Doors: Self Adjustment, Video

    Plastic door is a worthy replacement of an old wooden door. It serves not only to access the balcony, but also to protect the room from dust, noise, drafts. But, despite all its advantages, the plastic door because of its considerable weight begins to sign and closed badly. It is not necessary to immediately call specialists in this case. Carefully examining the instructions, you can adjust the door yourself.

    Plastic balcony doors

    Purchase windows and plastic doors follows in well-proven firms that do not save on quality. The installation process is desirable to control, in order to ensure that the primary adjustment is carried out. Taking the work of installers, you should pay attention to the following points:

    When the balcony door is time to regulate

    The fact that the frame began to sign, you can find out by circulating it around the perimeter with a simple pencil. If the drawn lines deviate from the parallel, then it's time to think about adjustment. Explicit issues are strong drafts. Outgoing from the door and its tight closing.

    To determine the density of the adjustment, you can use a sheet of paper that should be pressed between the frame and the box. The sheet should be pulled out with a little effort. If on some kind of door site it is happening too easy, it means that the density of the fitness is insufficient in this place.

    Under the influence of different deformations and temperatures, the shift of the sash may occur. As a result of this door, the door begins to hit the middle of the frame. Often plastic door under the influence of its weight begins to slide. Obvious when opened by the bottom edge of the sash threshold.

    Door handle must be adjusted if it stepped or falling From the nest.

    Plastic canvas can stop tightly pressing the frame as a result wear sealing. It is necessary to adjust the door and in case when the lock is open, it does not hold in the closed position.

    How to adjust the plastic entrance door

    Having identifying the faults before proceeding to self-adjustment, it should be remembered that it is possible to do this only after the warranty service life has expired.

    In the door blocks made of plastic, the design of the door mounting nodes provides the ability to adjust its position in three directions.

    Before work, you should prepare the necessary tools:

    • flat and crusading;
    • different sizes hexagon keys;
    • roulette;
    • plastic gaskets;
    • passatia;
    • regulation instructions.

    Vertical setting

    For the displacement of the cloth up or down answers vertical adjusting screw on the loop. Sugges to such an adjustment if dents are noticeable on the lower or upper seals, or the sash rubs about the threshold.

    In the lower end of the loop, it is necessary to find the adjusting screw, which is directed along the hinge axis, and remove the cap from it.

    To rotate the screws you need to use five millionth hexagon. If you rotate it clockwise, the frame will be raised, counterclockwise - go down.

    Horizontal setting

    Most often it becomes necessary to eliminate the sagging of the plastic canvas, which arose due to its severity.

  • With an open sash with two top loops with a three-minute meter hexagon, unscrew screws.
  • Close the sash and with adjusting screws to remove the lining. Need to be located horizontally the longest screw.
  • To eliminate the door skew, this screw is twisted in the middle and upper loops. In the upper loop, it is necessary to twist a little stronger.
  • To the sash evenly moved to the hinges or from them, you can tighten or relax in all three door hinges horizontal screws.
  • Front direction (adjustment of the clamp)

    Change client adjustment should regularly. For the summer weakening, to strengthen it. This is done with the help of a hexagon quite simple:

    • on the frame you need to find a locking axle on which there is a serif to help determine the density of the clamp;
    • with the help of a hexagon, the sebage turns to the frame to melting, and, on the contrary (from the frame) to strengthen it.

    But the adjusting screws can always be saved. Sometimes they are already in the extreme position, and there is a malfunction. In this case, the method will help frame adjustments glass package .

    • The strokes retaining the glass are removed.
    • Using special blades between plastic and double-glazed windows, PVC gaskets are installed in the right places.
    • Correctly selecting the thickness of the gaskets and their location, you can eliminate the skew, changing the door web geometry.
    • Installing the strokes in place, they should be tied with a rubberized hammer.

    Replacing the seal

    Balcony door, exploited with overcast for a long time, deforms the seal. In this case, it should be replaced by a new, similar shape of the cross section.

    • Using a screwdriver, the old seal is removed from the groove.
    • The groove is cleaned from the residues of the old glue and dirt and is labeled with glue.
    • By installing a new seal, you need to ensure that it is not stretched.

    Adjusting the knob

    You can encounter two problems in the work of plastic pens of balcony doors:

    Pen sideling. Open access to screws, turning the lining on ninety degrees installed in the place of attachment of the handle to the frame. Tighten the screws with a screwdriver, thereby correcting the defect.

    A pen turns tight or not completely .

    Such a problem most often occurs with the wrong position of the door canvase. Therefore, it should be adjusted by one of the above methods. After that, the handle should earn normal. If this did not happen, then it should be replaced .

    Useful advice of specialists

    In order for the input plastic door longer without adjustment, it can be equipped with two useful devices: the opening limiter and microlift.

  • The limiter will not be given to the loop when the door is stopped into the jamb.
  • The microlift prevents the shirling of the door leaf, while holding its weight in the closed position.
  • Periodically lubricating the seal with silicone composition, it is possible to significantly extend its life.
  • It is not recommended to hang heavy bags on the handle of the balcony doors. Additional weight can lead to its ambulance.
  • We should not forget to regularly lubricate the castle. The handle that turns hard to be started to twink, which leads to distortion.
  • Offered instruction and video. Undoubtedly simplify an independent procedure for adjusting plastic doors.

    Nikiforov Sergey Viktorovich

    Plastic doors won the market two decad years ago, and now they are used everywhere. Plastic is very practical and affordable material, so it is quite natural. Doors from it are easier to design and manufacture, and consumers, in turn, they like that they provide tightness and have a relatively small mass. The plastic is easier to care if you compare with a variety of other materials, including a tree or iron. However, in the process of using input systems from plastic, all the same problems appear as in other cases. The door can blame, rub on the box, touch the floor - such defects will bring a lot of trouble. But even without a master, everything can be corrected, for this it is enough to familiarize yourself with the instructions. In no case cannot be brought to such a situation when the door will simply embar it or stop entering the box. From time to time you need to be adjusted as a preventive measure.

    Why regulate PVC doors

    There are a number of reasons for adjusting the position of the doors. First, it is a shrinkage of the building. The phenomenon is characteristic of new buildings and is considered the norm. Secondly, the need for regulation makes the wrong operation of the door structure. The use of flaps and handles for hanging items, such as clothes and towels, leads to an increase in the load on the loop, not prepared in advance. Sash - another reason for regulating the position. The fact is that the door canvas in itself is a hard design, and such a process will occur in any case. Rapid or frequent temperature changes - this is a reason to adjust the design from time to time, since all this leads to depressurization. Door systems from polyvinyl chloride are also subject to such an impact. It is also recommended to regularly check the gaps and runs to track the dynamics of possible changes.

    Types of plastic doors

    Door structures from plastic in their destination are divided into:

    • entrance;
    • interroom;
    • balcony.

    For plastic structures, high strength is characterized, even without metallic inclusions. This applies to the interior doors of plastic. With the type of design, everything is more complicated. Split sliding, folding and swing doors. Constructions from the first category are a system of two sash moving in different directions on guide rails. Sliding plastic doors are often complemented by the automatic opening function. Such systems react to pressure on the lower platform. Such doors save space, but they produce a lot of noise and are expensive. Folding systems consist of two and more folding flaps. They are also called "accordions". Because of the joints, thermal insulation in folding plastic doors is worse. Swing systems are single and bivalves and open on / from themselves.

    Frequent defects in which the adjustment of plastic doors is necessary

    The door may notice under the influence of its own mass. This sometimes happens with plastic doors, despite the relatively low weight. Sometimes the canvas "kosit" to the side. Its status is checked by the line. Parallelism is estimated in relation to the bottom of the opening. One of the most frequent reasons for adjustment becomes the backlash in fasteners. Much depends on the design itself: it happens regularly with one doors, with others rarely. In most cases, you have to correct the chatting of the handles and correct the fasteners on the hinges. Behind these elements must be monitored to correct defects in time.

    Other signs of need for adjustment are the seeping of cold air and increasing the noise level in the room. Sometimes when closing the sash, friction sound appears. This means that the door began to touch the box and the control of the loops is necessary. There are also problems with a locking device of the lock - with the closed state of the door or in any position.

    Tools required when adjusting plastic doors

    To adjust and simplify the process, a standard set of tools is prepared in advance. Among the most important tools pliers, passation, cruciform and flat screwdrivers, M-shaped keys with a 6-graded cross section (another name - furniture keys). In the absence of the last house, you will need to contact the shops of construction fittings. It is recommended to collect the toolkit in several sizes, in the range of 1.5-5 mm. The whole set will cost about 500 rubles. Cross and flat screwdrivers can replace the screwdriver with the desired bits. The most commonly used t and tx nozzles. The screwdriver will be useful in another understanding. He will free his hands from additional work. Scissors will still need to cut the seal, and needles.

    The list of tools for adjusting plastic doors should also be made:

    • chisel or special knife;
    • rampant hammer;
    • pen for removing loops;
    • spatula for decaying.

    Instructions for self-adjustment doors

    Correction small problems with the location can be handled. Initially, the competent installation contributes to the fact that this moment has occurred not soon, but if irregularities were discovered, it is impossible to postpone their elimination. And it is connected not only with the possible expiration of the warranty period. First, the warranty itself is already dragging in actions, since any intervention will give the manufacturer's company to refuse the relevant service. And secondly, the option is also possible that you have to buy a new door to your funds. If the warranty no longer acts or decided to adjust independently, then you need to accurately comply with the technical instructions and recommendations of specialists. Special attention should be paid to the adjustment of the fasteners. It is possible to increase comfort in the room by increasing or reducing the tightness of the door design.

    Door adjustment provides the following actions:

    • Vertical adjustment.
    • Change position in the horizontal plane.
    • Setting up hinges, loops and canopies.
    • Adjusting the handle.
    • Sealing contact surfaces.
    • Adjusting various parts of fittings.

    Setting in height

    Adjust the leaf in height is better immediately after the roughness or dents on seals were sealing. To change the position of the canvas, you will need to pull the lower mounted loop. Actions are performed according to a specific algorithm. First, we get access to the adjusting screws on the bottom loop. Usually they hide under a decorative plank. This element is removed by movement on itself and up. The action is accurate, because over time, plastic becomes inclined to dry and cracking. Next, we work with a vertical adjustment screw. We direct the head 6-face key of the desired size (usually 4 mm). Then turn it. Movement clockwise sweat the sash, and the inverse will empty. For some manufacturers of door structures, instead of a hex hole, there is a "asterisk".

    Usually, overhead loops of the buried type are installed on the doors of plastic or metalplastic. In systems without the inclusions of metals, as a rule, there are enough two fasteners. In the presence of the glass package, the option with three fasteners is optimal. Curtains regulate in several different ways. They are directly related to the adjustment of the canvas in height, as well as with its movement to the right and left. The setting is performed by the adjusting screw. The sash at this time should be ajar. Movements are made by or counterclockwise. It is not worth twisted only one mount, because in the profile it can be curved, and when the door is opened, creak or crunch appears. The need for controlling loops and canopies will indicate drafts that appear slots, slowing down or complication when closing the sash. The prevention of defects will significantly increase the service life of the door structures from plastic.

    Violation of the door system installation technology will lead to serious malfunctions that will not be able to correct the usual adjustment.

    Alignment in the horizontal plane

    This type of adjustment involves moving the sash parallel to the top and bottom of the structure. The door can cling to the top near the bearing rack or the threshold next to the opposite. The canvas is susceptible to the temperature expansion that enhances the above problems. To adjust, you will need a 4-millimeter 6-face key, less often - another tool. The screw for horizontal alignment is located by analogy - horizontally. To perform the task, open the door, we turn into the hole the key and twist. Rotation clockwise will attract the cloth to the loop and lifting the bottom from the opposite rack. Move the tool in another direction will lead to the opposite result. If you need to eliminate rubbing or leveling the effects of temperature expansion, you will need an impact on all the door hinges.

    What to do for thick closure - Frontal adjustment of eccentric

    Eccentrics are designed to control the density of the adjuncing parts of the door frame to each other. The principle of operation is similar to the functional load performed by them in window structures. The density of the clutch is regulated by turning these most eccentrics. There is a clear sequence of actions for the maximum dense closure. First, the hinges are exempt from decorative dampers. Then the sash opens and the block is pressed. Then the top of the door is moving to obtain normal access to the eccentric. Next rotates the screw. If the desired pressing level is achieved, it will only be completed. Moving elements should be lubricated. Then the block is pressed and the door returns to the initial position. The largest pressed is ensured by the position of the eccentrics at the maximum level. After adjustment, the content bolt is lowered, the parts are shifted and the fastening is delayed.

    Difficulties when closing

    The most frequent problems are skew, seating, loose fit, complexity when turning the handle. In the worst cases, the door stops close at all. If the situation is lighter, and the canvas simply stopped tightly fixed in the opening, then the reason is extremely technical. Most likely, it will only be necessary to adjust the fittings. But if the sash does not enter the frame at all, it means that you have to look for a breakdown. The most common causes of malfunction becomes unsuitable accessories, hitting foreign objects in the door mechanism or disruption of the integrity of the structure. Less unpleasant than the jamming of the door, but more frequent negative moments are seeding or disking of the door and inconvenience when turning the handle. If in the latter case the cause becomes too sharp movement with a handle or sash, then the skews and dials are associated with excess load on the axis of the door design.

    Hinges are composite elements of loops and other mounting nodes. Built-in spherical bearings, for example, reduce wear and make the opening process easier and smooth. They, like other hinges, should be lubricated in a timely manner. Depending on the defect detected, 3 settings are used - vertical, horizontal and frontal. In the first case, you will need to remove the protective cap and insert a screwdriver into the hole in the end. Horizontal adjustment involves working with adjustable screw. During manipulations, the tool should attract the cloth to the loop. The third method, front, implies adjustments on the opposite relative to the hinge rack. There may be hinges of eccentrics. You can work with pliers, key or other tools, it all depends on the specific case.

    How to change the seal

    First you need to choose and purchase a new one. As a rule, this is a plastic rubber tape. For plastic design, the material of the corresponding form will be required. These seals are 2 species: for frames and sash. Old gasket is easily removed. At first, the place is selected, where it can be picked up, and then it breaks out of the groove with a sharp movement. Next, we clean the grooves from dust and dirt. In the pure groove then insert the end of the new gum. We will bring the pad in the groove entirely. Then I spend your finger along the tape, pushing the pad in the groove. Cinta will remain outside. He will take on the role of protection against drafts and street dust. At the same time you can adjust the door. Installation of the seal is also the ability to adjust the door cell density. In the complex with the installation of a high-quality sealer, it is also worth a member of the door, sroping the cloth clamping bolts. This is especially true in the period before the winter.

    Adjusting the handles is one of the simplest manipulations. In everyday life, such types of malfunctions are mainly happening as a tight course and chat. Unbalance is fixed in the same way. First, 90 ° rotates the protective plate, covering the mount. You need to move this insert, as it is made of thin plastic. When access to the adjusting screws is obtained, 2 options remain. Spinning screws more tight if the problem lies in the cutting of the handle. And on the contrary, weakening fixation, if the handle has a tight course. Then we put the record at the starting position and check the connection. If the backlash remains the same as initially, then there is a crack in the case. In this case, you will need new fittings. If the door is bivalve, then half are adjustable alternately.

    How to adjust to winter

    First of all, check whether the sash does not prevent, as well as how it is adjacent to the frame. Then you need to know if there is no clearance. This is checked by a conventional sheet of paper. Then you should do the quality of fixtures. If necessary, replace the seal. However, the main aspect of the preparation of the door in the winter / summer cycle is presser. Its effectiveness is determined by the cylindrical element - the eccentric. You need to adjust this item with a flat screwdriver or hex key, depending on the configuration. If the eccentric is smooth, then for turning first it will be necessary to delay the element from the web. Maximum tightness is guaranteed by 6-graded key No. 4. The label on the eccentric should "look" in the direction of the floor, which can be pressed to the box. If you carry out this manipulation correctly, even in a strong wind, the probability of seeping of cold air will be minimal.

    Door adjustment during sagging

    If the edges of the door cling the stand of the door box - it signals a seating. At the same time, in the closed state, a more or less noticeable gap will appear in the upper part. The technical part of the defect correction will be to adjust the gap between the looped node and the web. This process is similar to alignment of the shutters in the windows. Eliminate the overcast by horizontal setting that allows you to move the canvas to the right and left. The first thing is the horizontal adjusting screw in the lower loop structure. The hole is located at the bottom of the loop from the door of the door frame. Scrolling the screw cloth closer or remove from the loop. In the first case, rotations are made clockwise, in the second - against. Then it is checked the possibility of free opening / closing the door. The sash swinging 90 °, and if everything is in order, the position is adjusted also through the upper loop. Usually grabs 1-2 key turns.

    What to do to the plastic doors less often needed adjustment

    There are several ways to facilitate the functioning of doors:

    • installation of closers;
    • selection of a suitable design option;
    • mounting microlift;
    • lubrication of accessories;
    • arrangement of reliable protection against wind.

    Fully secure the door from exposure is impossible, as well as do without alignment. However, using the above methods, repair and frequent regulation can be avoided. The experience of many people shows that some problems manage to warn. It is necessary to realize the importance of choosing loops. The latter are designed for structures where the load will be approximately 80 or 160 kilograms. The amount of loops has a value, but not always. The data are calculated on average for 200 thousand openings / closures. In any case, it is recommended to follow a certain margin of safety. Reliable protection against the door seed is microlift. It has a bar installed on the canvas, and the corresponding element on the frame. Both details are connected when closing, slightly lifting the door and reducing the load on the loop. Several lubricant drops also improve operational characteristics. Rubber seals will reduce the impact of strong winds and drafts.

    Features of plastic entrance doors

    Input plastic systems are manufactured using metal-plastic profiles with separate air chambers and rigid ribs. Profiles are performed either only from plastic, or using fittings. To increase the strength of the design, the frame elements are connected by metal mortgages. The shape of the frame structure, like the whole product, is the most diverse - trapezoidal, rectangular, arched, etc. At the entrance doors made of plastic, special riglels, locks of increased reliability and power loops are mounted. The multilateral locking mechanism is provided for maximum density. The plastic door of any configuration consists of elements such as door leaf, frame and fittings. Unlike other type doors, metal-plastic can have a box of a holistic metal profile.

    Closer - Mandatory Element of Fittings

    They differ in the type of installation:

    • external;
    • hidden;
    • outdoor.

    And the principle of action:

    • knee;
    • slide.

    This device is intended to ensure the smooth movement of the door. As a result of its use, the period of operation of hinges and other parts of the fittings and, accordingly, the entire door design increases. The closer has to be used in the door systems in public places, because the door there opens and closes a large number of times per day. The design features of different versions of this accessivity are very different - by the closing mechanism, place and installation method. At the place of fixation distinguishes outdoor, hidden and outdoor closers. The first-type devices are placed at the top, the second is inside the canvas and frame, the floor is mounted in the sash and on the floor. The last subspecies is suitable for both unilateral and pendulum doors. According to the mechanism, there are two categories of closers: with a knee (scissor) and slide transmission.

    Adjustment and adjustment of the closer

    Adjusting the closer affects the overall door closing speed. It is better to reduce it from interior, and increase in input, but much depends on the specific situation. With the help of the closer adjust the speed of the prechlet (pressed door to the frame) and intermediate stroke. In the first case, we are talking about prioritization: make the movement rapidly or slow down to remove excess load on the door frame. With the second variant, thanks to the setup, you can organize the possibility of passing several people at the same time. To customize the closer will not be difficult, because it has a special screw. The door closure speed is reduced if you twist it clockwise. In case the speed has changed too much, the bolt is returned to the intermediate position between the current and initial and adjust again. Screws can not be unscrewing more than 2 turns. To adjust the Dullop, the setup is performed for 15-20 cm from the frame. The control of the third adjusting screw determines the intermediate speed.

    With the help of the same 3th screw, the web closing delay is configured.


    Those who wish to buy the door should not save on materials, fittings and configurations of the structure. After all, it will once be displayed on the key features of the door. When the defect was already detected, you should seek warranty service. However, if the situation is a frivolous or warranty expired, it is possible to eliminate the shortcomings alone. Most often, such problems appear as a web-saving, its displacement to the hinges or a rack with a retaliatory bar, the difficulty of the door of the door when closing, reducing tightness and unbalancement of fittings. Most of these defects are corrected by the usual hexagon key, which is easy to find on sale. Adjust the door mechanism must be at least twice a year - before the start of winter and a few months before the summer. Change the density of the adjuncing parts of the box. If in the process of adjusting door mechanisms there will be some difficulties, you should immediately seek qualified help.

    Plastic or metal-plastic door is arranged in such a way that it needs to be adjusted from time to time. This statement is especially true for the entrance doors. The ambient temperature difference over several millimeters changes the linear dimensions of the aluminum profile, and this leads to a distortion of the well-coordinated operation of the door block. Elimination of the problem takes a few minutes twice a year. And each owner of the plastic entrance door is useful to learn how to make it.

    What will be needed to adjust the input plastic door

    Competently and highly mounted plastic doors will not disturb the owners for a long time. However, some experts argue that at least twice a year, in the off-season, it is necessary to adjust the door sash to the frame on the external environment. For this there are good reasons. The enhancement of the clamp helps to increase the tightness and, accordingly, the energy-saving function. But this is not the repair of the door, but rather optimization of her work. We will talk about breakdowns and ways to eliminate them.

    The imbalance in the operation of the inlet plastic door is expressed in various "symptoms" with which we will get acquainted in detail below. Diagnostics is not of great difficulty, it is important to respond in a timely manner to the emergence of a defect. Since the launched problem is resolved many times more.

    For repair work, the following tools and consumables will be required.

    If the listed inventory is always at hand, it is possible to respond to the breakdown quickly.

    How to adjust the inlet plastic door

    Most door ailments are completely "healing" in the early stages of the disease. The main task is to recognize the cause of the disorder and to eliminate the reason.

    Signs of troubleshooting doors

    Here are the most obvious signs pointing to the need for repair and adjustment.

    1. Uneven wear of the door seal. In good condition, the door canvas pressed against the frame with all perimeter at the same time. If suspicion of some violations arose, the first thing is that the rubber seal is recommended. The presence of places with ruptures or excessive wear, indicates that the door flap is shifted. The reason for this can be weakened or unbalanced loops.

      When cracks and breaks appear, the seal is subject to replacement

    2. Switching the door leaf under its own weight. It is expressed in the fact that when closing the threshold takes place. The bottom of the sash beats about the threshold and closes poorly. Check suspicion is very simple. You need to take the cloth for the handle and raise up. If the backlash is felt, and in the loops there is a knock or metal clang, it means that you need adjustment. One of the loops is required.
    3. Insufficient clamp of the canvas. According to the rules, with closed doors, the sealant must compress 50% of its volume. With this position, the door seal is maximal. If the plane of the door flap is pressed to a lesser extent and unevenly, through the gap between the web and the frame will be freely passing the air. This is especially noticeable in the winter when the icons of icing are formed around the entrance door from the inside. Under the action of drafts, the room is getting out, and an abundant condensate protrudes on the door. The problem is solved by changing the position of the presser roller.
    4. Switching sash in the middle part, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe castle and handles. This happens when transitions from the summer season to the winter. The temperature changes of the air will lead to minor changes in the dimensions of the door. This is expressed in the beyon of the canvas and the difficult work of the castle. Before disassembling the lock, you need to adjust. Perhaps this will be enough.

      When the door canvase breaks, the technological gaps along the perimeter of the door frame

    Sophisticated masters evaluate malfunctions from one glance. Newbie, not burdened with extensive experience, need more time and ways to recognize the problem.

    Here are some practical tests for diagnosing the door state.

    • The sash opens at 30 - 45 o and released. Properly adjusted canvas will remain fixed. If something is wrong with the hinges, the sash will be spontaneously open or closed.
    • Graphic method. It is necessary to arm a simple pencil and a damp cloth. Closing the door leaf from the inside, outlines the outline of the sash throughout the perimeter of the frame. If after opening the line turns out to be parallel, it means that the door is adjusted correctly. If the result was a trapezium - you need adjustment, the canvas are risen. Roulette will help check parallelism - the distance between the vertical lines at the top and below should be the same. After the test is a damp rag, the line is erased.
    • Checking the clamp using a paper sheet. A strip is cut with dimensions 10 by 30 cm. The long side is located on the door frame and closes the cloth. After that, the sheet needs to be accurately pull out, remembering the effort that is necessary for this. Further, this operation is repeated in all four sides of the sash. If over the entire perimeter, the force does not change - fit uniform. If in some place paper with difficulty leveled, it means that the seal is created in this zone. Too easy slipping sheet speaks about the weak fit of the flap to the box.

    Instructions for adjusting the front plastic door

    So, proceed directly to adjustments. Immediately, I would like to note that in a technical passport, detailed instructions for aligning the position of the canvase are attached to each door. Depending on the model range and the loops used, the order of work may vary somewhat. Therefore, the technical support needs to be stored and, if necessary, carefully study. But if the accompanying documents are not preserved, it is not necessary to despair. All internal loops of plastic doors are approximately the same. The principles of their adjustment are common.

    The position correction of the door flap occurs in three directions

    How to adjust the plastic door input vertically

    If the plastic entrance door clings to the threshold, and not on the one hand, and the entire plane of the lower plank, this means that there is no skew, but the cloth slides down. Need a vertical adjustment - raise the sash up. The control screw is in a vertical position, the head is located on the top of the loop. If you rotate the screw clockwise - twist - the canvas rises. If you go, rotating counterclockwise - the sash is lowered.

    Vertical doors deviations are adjusted from the top cover of the loops

    First, the protective plastic cap from the top loop is removed and the vertical adjustment screw pulls up. It is enough to make 1.5-2 turns. After that, the door is closed and determined whether the positive effect has come. Most often, improvements are noticeable at this stage. But if the threshold is still rubbed, go to the bottom loop. After removing the plastic protection, we find the adjusting screw and tighten it to the same 1.5-2 turns. After that, the sash will rise above the threshold and the problem of sagging will be eliminated.

    The number of revolutions is shown indicative. To determine how much you need to wrap the screw, you need to independently, by the method of "scientific tick".

    Video: vertical door adjustment

    How to regulate plastic doors inlet on width loops

    Another common phenomenon is rubbing the door leaf on the sides. This is a clear sign of deformation of the position of the flaps in width. To eliminate this problem, we find the adjusting screw, which is located in the horizontal plane. As a rule, the control head is located in the lateral end of the loop (from the inside). The order of work is similar to the vertical adjustment.

    1. A decorative plastic plug is removed. It is not fixed in any way, you just need to pull it out of the loop.

      Fastening a plastic plug is carried out by snacks

    2. The hex key is inserted into the end of the lower adjusting screw and turns to 1.5-2 turns clockwise. After that, the position of the door canvase is checked. If the work of the door has normalized, put on the plug in place. If not, go to the next item.

      The rotation of the adjusting screw is driven to the starting position by width

    3. We get access to the upper adjusting screw. Spinning it not a few revolutions. Check the position of the sash. When a positive result is reached, we collect a loop in the reverse order.

    Video: Adjusting the inlet plastic door

    Adjusting the clamping of the door leaf to the frame

    With the help of properly adjusted clips, unwanted drafts and inflation are eliminated in winter. In the summer, on the other hand, it is recommended to loosen the door to the frame - it extends the service life of the sealer and contributes to the best ventilation in the building.

    Screws, with the help of which adjusts the degree of clamp, are on the end surface of the door canvase. On the side of the castle, they are usually three - at the top, in the middle and below. They have the form of ellipsis eccentrics. Closing Depth Management is carried out by turning the eccentric around the axis of rotation. Moreover, you need to rotate successively all three, trying to give them the same position.

    Eccentrics are installed in a single position.

    The final result is achieved by the experiment. The main landmark is the uniformity and degree of compression of the seal. The minor landmark is the lack of air flow.

    But that's not all. The rotation of the eccentrics by the lock is adjusted only one side of the web. To hermetically become the whole plane, it is necessary to adjust the hinge side. Here the screws are located on the lower and upper vest.

    It is important to control the quality of the adjustment for a whole year, adjusting the closing depth for the desired heat exchange mode.

    Some door hidden designs have a protracted nut. In this case, before the start of the adjustment, you need to release the locking nut to the floor of the turn. And upon completion - to tighten into its original position.

    Sometimes there is a doors handle. This may be a consequence of the skew of the web, but also occurs at independent reasons.

    The main task is not to give a handle to break out. To do this, turn on 90 about the decorative plastic plate, which closes the fastening of the lever. Having access to the locking screws, you need to tighten the mount with the help of a crosswinter.

    Outowing the decorative lid, we get access to the mounting of the door handle

    Adjustment of the castle response

    Plastic entrance doors are arranged as a single coordinated mechanism. If it is unbalanced, the consequences can touch all the details. So, for example, when the position of the door canvase is changed, the castle begins to "Handing". The tongue of the locking device does not fall into the hole on the frame. Closing the door, you have to desperately pull the sash up and down.

    Fix it easy. You need to adjust the position of the response. The hex key is adjusted by 2.5 mm or a flat slot with a flat slot. The tool rotates the screw located at the bottom of the response plank, right or left, achieving the desired position.

    For adjustment of the castle's response, use cruciform scratching

    "During the adjustment work, when accessing hinges and other driving mechanisms is open, it is advisable to carry out lubricants. This will prevent the screens and other unpleasant sounds emanating from the door, will facilitate the opening and closing of the web. "

    Warning and prevention of faults of input plastic doors

    When ordering for the manufacture of doors, each economical owner tries to reduce costs. And, perhaps, when the estimate was made, the manager from the manufacturer offered various options for configuration. Such options like microlift, the closer and door opening limiter do not play a decisive role during the operation of the door. And therefore they often refuse them. And in vain. After all, it is precisely how much time it will take place from the installation to the first repair of the door.

    1. Microlift. An indispensable device for inlet plastic doors with a heavy frame and double double glazing. The purpose of the microlift is to prevent the door flap to prevent the door sash at the time when the door is closed. Technically, this is solved in various ways, but most often the microlift is a metal movable plate with a roller at the bottom. The device is located in the end of the door sash and, in fact, is an additional point of support for the massive web. With the door closed, the load on the loop decreases. Accordingly, their service is increasing.
    2. Closer. A device with which control and control of the movement of the door canvase is monitored. According to many specialists, the closer extends the service life of the doors 5-6 times, and the gaps between preventive maintenance increases twice. It is no secret that the lion's proportion of damage to the door mechanism comes from mechanical loads - shocks, cotton, etc. The closer compensates all these troubles, forcing the sash to move smoothly, without sharp cotton about the door frame. The convection mechanism is not complicated, and consists of a powerful steel spring, housing and a pair of levers. When selecting and installing, you need to take into account the mass of the door and the width of the door canvase. Additional adjustments allow you to control the door running in optimal mode.

      Adjusting the closer allows you to change the door closing speed

    3. Door opening limiter. An additional device protecting the doors from excessive breaking and shocks against the wall. The loops are arranged in such a way that the move of the door canvase is not limited. If you push the sash with force, it will move until it hits the wall or slope. To prevent such a script, on the floor (or ceiling), a locking tire is installed, covered on top of a dense rubber or silicone.

      The limiter can be attached to both the floor and the wall near the door canvase

    Whatever the door and accessories itself are, you should not neglect additional protection. Perhaps it is better to reason differently - the more expensive the door block, the more reasonably protect it from a premature failure.

    Having mastered the simple techniques of adjusting the inlet plastic door, each can independently correct the operation of the door block, without resorting to payable services from the side.

    The door serves to distinguish between space in an apartment or in the house, relieves tenants from street noise and winter cold. Many plastic structures are installed in their apartments: they look good and have many other advantages. But they have a disadvantage - a big weight of the flaps. It leads to a savory and to loss of tightness. To troubleshoot, there is an instruction on adjusting plastic doors independently.

    Problems Most often arise with the onset of autumn. Plastic canvas begins to close badly, touching the frame, require the use of additional effort when turning the handle. As a result, the penetration of cold street air into the room may be observed. To eliminate these problems, plastic doors are adjusted, which can be performed by their own.

    If the plastic product is on warranty service, it is better to call the masters. It can check the entire door design and establish the cause of the problems that have arisen. After that, it will work on the lubricant of parts and the necessary setting of the plastic door.

    The setting can be adjusted in the adjustment of the plastic product horizontally and vertically, as well as by adjusting the cloth clamping to the box. The door will acquire quality just collected design: it will have a tight press to the box, will not be arbitrarily closed or open.


    PVC doors can be engaged annually. To do it less often, you need to perform some simple prophylaxions. It is good to equip the sash to the opening limiter and microlift. The microlift will save the cloth from sagging, and the limiter will not allow the loops to break off at full opening of the sash.

    To prevent the breakdown of the handle, you should not hang heavy bags on it. Plastic parts will last longer, if you wipe them with a pure damp cloth. The composition of any plastic door design includes rubber seals. They must be regularly lubricating with silicone compounds that give rubber plasticity.

    Lubrication is also subject to castle, eccentrics and other parts of the mechanism. Over time, the pen turns all the tightly, you have to lean on it with all the weight of your body. From this there are breakdowns. If you follow all the rules, it will serve much longer. Metal accessories are lubricated with technical vaseline.

    How to adjust the door of plastic

    The adjustment of the plastic door begins with the detection of defects. You can do it with a paper strip. It is put with an open door on the frame and close the sash tightly. After that, you need to pull the paper on yourself. If she pulls out effortlessly, it means that the door is poorly pressed against the box. In this way, it is checked throughout the perimeter. The adjustment scheme depends on those places in which the paper keeps loose.

    If the displacement of the canvase occurred in the horizontal direction, you need to remove the cap from the loops and tighten the screws. After that, the hex key rotates the horizontally positioned adjusting screw. In this way, the horizontal displacement of the PVC doors is adjusted.

    Schedules web

    It often happens to sagging the door under their own weight. When the web displacement, it is simply returned to the vertical direction by rotating adjusting screws that are located below the loops. For this use a hexagon. If the operations are performed correctly, the plastic sash will take the right position and will touch the box tightly.

    If you move the door in height, it moves to a distance of up to 2 mm. When the adjusting screw is rotated counterclockwise, the door canvas descends. Clockwise - rises. The main thing is not to rush. The required result brings only the correct adjustment of the door loops.


    With a large degree of lowering vertical, the canvas begins to hurt the elements of the door frame. The canvas are wiping. Adjustable malfunction to the left or left of the canvas. Starting work is recommended from the bottom. To perform operation, you need to take the hexagon and paste it into the appropriate hole. The door from the polyvinyl chloride will start moving around to the loop or from it. In the same way, the upper part of the construction is given to the right place.

    We independently set up the presser

    Over time, such a situation may occur that the PVC door does not open or opens, but with difficulty. In this case, the frontal adjustment is applied. Adjust the clamp of the plastic door can be in two ways:

    • with the help of eccentrics;
    • using the presser mechanism.

    Eccentrics are located around the perimeter of the end door of the door canvase. The clamping mechanism is located in the zone of canopies. To adjust the clamp with the help of eccentrics, you need to turn them around your axis. As a result, the force of the cloth clamping to the box will change. If the eccentric shifts towards the room - the climb will weaken. This provision is recommended to choose for the summer season. For winter, you need to turn the eccentrics towards the street. All eccentrics unfold in one direction. You can do this with a special key or pliers.

    Loose fit

    It is a bit more difficult to produce the door adjustment with your own hands when it is loosely adjacent. You can notice this problem for sensations when you turn the handle - it has to make more effort. Eccentrics in this case are already installed in the winter position. You can put them in the middle position, which makes it weaken. If it does not help - the reason is the handle: all its mechanism clouted, and the cloth is poorly closed.

    Handle adjustment instructions

    Often there is a situation where the handle is broke out. In this case, it is necessary to adjust it. To do this, the decorative pad turns 90 degrees to release fastening screws. These screws are unscrewed and the handle is removed. Then you should carefully examine the details, if necessary, replace the failed. The assembly is made in the reverse order. The collected and lubricated handle regularly serves throughout the long term.

    Adjusting plastic doors independently - a simple business. To fulfill all operations, you must open the sash to gain access to all mechanisms. Adjusting screw is twisted with a six-sided key of 4 mm.

    Required tools

    For repair and adjustment work, some tools are needed:

    1. hexagon keys;
    2. screwdriver flat;
    3. screwdriver cross;
    4. plastic gaskets;
    5. roulette;
    6. rubber seals (not always);
    7. adjustment instructions.

    This toolkit is enough for quality work. It will only be necessary to monitor the fee of the design:

    • if necessary, the old seal is removed and installed spare;
    • it is necessary to monitor the level of the canvas in the horizontal plane;
    • the papers should always be firmly fixed;
    • timely regulate the eccentrics;
    • regularly lubricate all the nodes and details.

    These actions will extend the service life of PVC doors.

    Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

    Long use of a plastic balcony door leads to the unbalancement of its mechanisms. As a result, the door is badly closed or stops closing at all. You can fix the situation by contacting the company that has been engaged in its installation. However, the specialist can not always go to you after the application, as a rule, you have to wait a few days. If time does not tolerate, you can perform work on your own. After all, the adjustment of the plastic door of the balcony does not cause great difficulties.

    Adjusting the balcony door goes in several directions:

    • vertically;
    • horizontally;
    • adjusting clamping.

    Vertical adjustment

    To eliminate the sagging that does not allow you to lean the door, leads to a hitch of the threshold when opening or closing, you need to adjust the sash in height, that is, move it up. Works are carried out from the bottom loop.

    1. First, free the loop itself from the cap.
    2. Insert a screwdriver in the hole in the upper end of the loop and turn the adjusting screw clockwise to lift the door. If it needs to be omitted, the rotation is made counterclockwise. Usually 2-3 revolutions are enough. You can see how to do it.

    If such an adjustment of the plastic balcony doors is carried out independently, then after each stage it is necessary to check to make sure that everything is performed correctly. The sash must move freely, when opening should not have any problems, and when it is closed to enter without interference, but tight.

    It should be remembered that not in all windows and the doors of PVC, the adjusting holes are made under the hexagon. Sometimes you need to use the key - an asterisk, as it looks, you can look at the photo. It is advisable to purchase such a key in advance, and if you need to adjust the plastic balcony doors with your own hands, it can be done with this device.

    Horizontal adjustment

    When fluctuations in temperature may arise deformations that do not allow closing the balcony door. The sash simply rests on the mechanism and does not go further. When using mechanical pressure on the door, it will be able to close. But the use of force when opening or closing the doors is undesirable, it provokes further deformation.

    To eliminate this problem, a plastic balcony door is adjusted, namely its loops. For adjustment, you will need H4 hexagon.

    1. The end of the screwdriver is inserted into the side adjustment screw, access to which is available in the lower side surface of the bottom loop.
    2. The screw starts spinning to pull the leaf to the loop.

    So the sash can be shifted to the right - left to a distance of up to 1 cm. If this is not enough, then you need to repeat all actions from the top loop. If the PVC balcony door adjustment is carried out correctly, the sash will be closed freely, without interference.

    Adjusting the clabble door

    So that the sash does not miss the cold air from the street, adjustment of the clips of the balcony door. To do this, use shut-off elements available on the sash. Usually they are made in the amount of 4 pieces. Almost always, the adjustment clamping screws are made as an eccentric, that is, a hole for the hexagon has some shift from the center and its rotation allows you to shift in both directions to obtain the optimal pressure level. Turning such an eccentric, you can either strengthen the clamp, or weaken it.

    Sometimes the clamping screws have another design. If the screws go through a special opening, then at the central position, the presser will be minimal. Moving around the axis will lead to a change in the clamping level. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken with the method of adjusting the clamp, before starting work it is necessary on the website of the manufacturer's windows to familiarize yourself with the features of the fittings for the door that is installed with you.

    To check whether the adjustment is performed correctly, you need to close the door, inserting a tight paper sheet under the top part or monetary bill. On the right level of clamping is indicated by the density of the clamping of the Covers, it should be kept in the place where it was closed, stretched out after the application of some effort. Using this simple reception, you should check the entire perimeter. If the paper holds everywhere well, it means that everything is done true, and winter winds, drafts are not terrible.

    Adjusting plastic doors should be carried out about once a year. The timely correction of the position of the sash in the opening will help to avoid its irreversible deformation, will extend the life of the entire structure.

    Video adjustment of plastic balcony door