Little fairy tale about the city of mushrooms. The fairy tale about mushrooms for children "Where did the mushrooms hide? Questions and Tasks for the fairy tale

Irina Schepietinnikova
Mushroom fairy tales

Children's education on the specified beginning applies to the number of creative tasks in the learning process. telling. This is as close as possible to the child to the level of monologue speech, when there are great opportunities for self-expression by the child of their thoughts, conscious reflection of various connections and relations between objects and phenomena, the development of verbal and logical thinking and the formation of ideas about the environment.

Invent tales - One of the most beloved children's gaming tasks for speech development. Education Education tales It takes place in the framework of the lexical topic. Fairy talesInvented by children are made to the teacher on landscape sheets, where children illustrate pictures from plots. The topics are then made on topics. Children are always happy to consider them, asking to read fairy tales, emotionally exchange impressions.

Subject « Mushrooms» interesting and fascinating for children, work on writing fairy tales At the specified beginning allows you to remember what mushrooms are edibleWhat no, where grow mushrooms, what time. The lexical material is mastered, the formation of a description of the descriptive status. For example, story description: "Amanita. Hat bright red, with white spots. The leg is light, with a peeline, thickened below ... "is similarly compiled stories descriptions of other mushrooms. Descriptive story Prepare children to fulfill creative tasks on the composition fairy tales about mushrooms, together with adults and independently.

Samples of beginning « Mushroom fairy tales» :

There was a friendly family of cheerful. Once it happened misfortune: The smallest brother fell ill, so so that the whole has discovered ...

Born W. mushroom The king of the boletus is daughter, and he arranged on this day. Invited noble guests: Borovka with Borovichi, Gruzka with a wave and other mushroom inhabitants ...

Rose on the gland fox, bright yes orange, and the evil sorceress has lived.

Pedagogue to activate speech activities and motivation uses riddles, proverbs and sayings on the topic « Mushrooms» , eg:

This fungus - Birch Son.

Who will find him, he puts everything in Lukoshko. (Podberezovik)

Mushroom Red - for health is dangerous. (Amanita)

Yellow-red foxes - Master us sisters (Chanterelles).

Near Stumps and on the Lawn

We always walk a stink.

Very friendly guys

Call you ... (Walked)

Very pale in appearance, the poison is the most dangerous tat. (Death cap)

Proverbs and sayings:

Will be rain - there will be fungi, Will fungi - there will be a body.

Near the forest to live - the hungry is not to be.

Where mushroom has grown out, there and take it.

Any mushroom in hand takeYes, not everyone is put in the body.

They dragged the rains - we do not expect weak.

And winter would eat fungusYes, snow is deep.

Late fungus - late snowball.

To compilation tales Parents are also attracted with children. Joint drawing up helps to establish contact with parents, diversify joint activities, make cooperation stronger. Work completes the manufacture of book « Mushroom fairy tales» . The book includes creative work of each child, which contributes to the development of fantasy, abilities for artistic activities, education of aesthetic taste and love for the book.

Publications on the topic:

All children love fairy tales. Fairy tales allow developing fantasies and imagination. Fairy tales develop the correct, emotional speech. Story.

Tales for the project "Fairy Tale of a Glass Town" Home Tale, or why it all started. Long ago, namely, two centuries ago, the breeder Sergei Maltsov came to hunt for Meshcherski.

Children's fairy tales This is a completely special genre of folk fairy tales and this is not only a means of fun, but one of the most important means of developing thinking.

The purpose of the lesson: to intensify the speech activity of children through the formulation of a well-known Russian folk tale "Teremok". Software.

The abstract of integrated classes "Comparison of the Fairy Tale of Charles Perro Cinderella and Tales" Cinderella " Master-class (integrated occupation) "Comparison of the chalk fairy tale Perro Cinderella and Tales" Cinderella ". Purpose: The development of the speech of children during.

Brain-ring "Tales, fairy tales, fairy tales ..." Brain Ring. (Work with parents). Topic: "Tales, fairy tales, fairy tales ..." " The game involves two parent teams. Selects the jury. Leading: Theme.

Speech development in the medium group. Writing and told new fairy tales based on the fairy tale "Fox with a rill" Explanatory note. Reading is a window through which the children see and know the world and themselves. V. A. Sukhomlinsky Little Child, listening.

we must come up with a fairy tale about the city of mushrooms


Why do people go to the forest? Of course, for mushrooms. And you can walk for ... Mushroom stories ... Sometimes such delicious come across! I recently went, went through the woods ... And came to the mushroom cleaner, but not a simple, but magic! In the old mumor, under the roof bright red in white, burned gnome lived. He all reminded his house - the same ancient and sweened. Even a hat he wore a gentlemanlike hat. In a recently ripened raw, a young mother was settled with a newborn baby, or rather the mushroom. She rode him in a stroller, and everyone was admired - what he was drinked and Ladnight. A peasant lived in a crawl white mushroom - Borovac. He was very hardworking and working. Never sitting without a case. So they lived together, in the neighborhood.

Summer has come. The rains went often, and mushrooms in the forest raised their caps. When, as not in the summer, you can get in full growth! And one little fungus did not want to become big. And the hat is all hid. Then he is not enough sun, then the breeze is not warm enough, then the rain is weak. But one day .. Mushrooms gathered on the clearing. And in the evening coolness staged a holiday - the feast of the mushroom summer. Celebrations came, heavy freight, red foxes, friendly, smooth oils, and even the boring boroughts pressed. The mushrooms first stood at rummaged, and then tied up their caps and shouted: "Hooray! Summer! "And here our old friend, the little fungus could not stand (in secret you will tell you that it was a boletus). He also went to the clearing and told his little red hat above. Easily, when to rejoice as not in the summer (((((I think he helped

In elementary school, children give a lot of unique and interesting tasks that can reveal and develop creative abilities in the child. Such tasks include a fairy tale about mushrooms of their own essay. Just imagine how the kid roles of the writer will be delighted and can get a good mark for such a simple task. However, not all children will be able to easily and come to write a connected story.

Where to begin

Several simple rules will be able to help you prepare for the process and tune in to the creative wave:

  1. Take a draft for your fairy tale. On the draft you can not only oversee too much, but also draw characters to imagine what the child says.
  2. Write the topic. You can write "an essay. The fairy tale about mushrooms "" in the center of your draft. This will help the child not to be distracted from the main theme and do not worry that he forgot it or misunderstood.
  3. Draw your heroes, cut them out or pick up pictures. The child in the game of the game will be able to compose a fairy tale much easier than just sitting in front of a clean sheet.

How to write a fairy tale?

Remember children's fairy tales. In each of them there is a kind and evil hero. Fairy tales show two sides: white and black. Therefore, the fairy tale about the mushroom should contain good and evil. The mushroom itself can be a negative character, and maybe someone who wishes the mushroom evil.

At the beginning, tell me something with a calm storyline. "He lived, walked, and one day ..." Then change the story with something very unexpected, sudden, which will be the beginning of interesting adventures.

If the child does not like adventures, you can make a fairy tale with elements of a detective or just a story with any moral at the end.

The end of the fairy tale can be left standard: "... and they began to live well yes good story." But if you decide to make a fairy tale on the modern way, then do not forget about the victory of good over evil.

Rules of drawing up fairy tales

The standard scheme for drawing a story looks like this:

  1. Tie: who, where and when he lived.
  2. Main part: Something happened, which prompted the change in the Hero's life.
  3. Ending: good wins evil.

In addition, there are some techniques that will help the usual essay to turn into a fairy tale: exaggeration, tricketer repeats, opposition adorning definitions. Your tale about the mushroom should not be serious. Use various strings from fairy tales that they read for the night or read the child until now. Do not be afraid of excessive stylization under the fairy tale, because you write a real magic story.

Several tips that will help you in writing fairy tales along with the child:

  • If you write with the child, try to understand that the fairy tale about mushrooms for grade 1 is not always an easy task. The child wants more space, but no one forbits him. Do not limit only mushrooms, enter other characters. Come up with some interesting facts from biography for them, external data and much more, which is not necessarily recorded, but what can help the child plunge into a fairy tale.
  • Do not forget about morality. Each fairy tale has a subtext, over which it is worth thinking. In your fairy tale, he should also be.
  • You do not need to write a "fairy tale about mushroom", try to come up with a name that reflects the essence of your story.

Examples of fairy tales

To write a good fairy tale, we offer you several options for the essays of kids:

"Two mushrooms lived in the forest. Here they came and broke one mushroom, putting it in a basket. And these mushrooms loved each other. Separation they could not survive. But happiness happened, and people noticed the second mushroom, which was covered with a leaf, and put in the same basket. They met and were glad that again together. But they understood that they were torn to eat them. Mushrooms decided to jump and run away. At the expense, three lovers jumped out and settled in a new place, next to a night. "

"There was a little mushroom. One day three ants approached him. They began to laugh at the mushroom. They talked to him offend things that he could not even go anywhere and hang others. Sad became fungus, all night he could not fall asleep from such a resentment. The next day, exactly at 6 am the ants rose and began to work. But suddenly the wind stuck, the thunderstorm began and went degrees. The anthill flooded and destroyed, and the ants began to panic. But the good mushroom suggested his help in time, and everyone hid under his beautiful wavy hat. When the rain is over, all the ants began to thank fungus. But most of all were glad three ants who mocked him. So ordinary mushroom found new friends! "

"There was a mushroom in the forest. He was called a madman. All people managed to go. One day, a lone agarore woke up in the morning and suddenly hears - a hunter from a rifle shoots in the forest, hunts to someone. And here it ran deer, deer and deer. Deer are very tired, and the baby's toddler even has wanted. Here the reindeer approached the mushroom and there was it. The Moon was very surprised, and then frightened at all. But not for yourself, but for the deer. He shouted: "Do not eat me!". Olennok drenched, but listened to the history of the mushroom. So the torchingman saved his life and a deer and found a new friend. "

These are just examples. Your tale about the mushroom can be large, deployed, with many dialogs and plot sketches.

Story 4. Why do you need mushrooms? Who are the mushrooms friends?

Ask a child who and what mushrooms are useful. Yes. They are useful and needed to people, and beasts, and birds, and plants that grow next to them in the forest:

- Mushrooms collect and eat people. We are their salt, marinate, cook mushroom soup from them, make mushroom caviar, baking pies with mushrooms and make from them many other delicious dishes.

- Mushrooms eat and animals. They feed them in the summer and collected - pans for the winter. Even poisonous mushrooms can be helpful to animals! For example, Amanita emanate proteins, slugs, forty. And the elk can swallow the whole amansor of the whole, and not one! He treats himself so much. For him, an amicer is a medicine.

- And also - the fungi is needed for the life of forest trees, shrubs, herbs and flowers. Mushrooms - Trees true friends! The mushroom grims with thin trees roots in the ground. As a result, mushrooms are obtained from trees the nutrition and useful substances, and the trees also receive useful substances from mushrooms for their nutrition. Thanks to the mushrooms, the trees better absorb everything useful from their "food" and grow faster. So mushrooms and trees help each other all my life! They are best friends and can not live without a friend!

For example, an amoor helps to grow pine, firings, birchings and other trees, and he also decorate the forest!

Mushrooms help to recycle the remnants of plants in the forest: destroy the stumps, the fallen trunks of trees, fallen bumps. These are the forest sanitaryars that are cleaning it.

Story 5. How do new mushrooms appear in the forest?

New mushrooms grow from mushrooms. But mushrooms have another secret of growth. Grown, mushroom forms disputes.

Spore - It is very - very small as dust particles - dust. The wind will be very much - very far. There they fall to the ground, germinate and give rise to a new mushroom, and new mushrooms will appear from it.

That's how interesting things are said in Fairy Tale - Forest Dialogue Edward Shima "Mushroom Smoke":

My father, fire !! My father, burning! .. From somewhere, the smoke is a terrible barn!

Vona, from mushrooms. Only and everything.

Ay, and right! From mushroom bubbles, smoke poured! This is what is happening, cute mine?!

And nothing. Elk slipped. Mushroom raincoats trampled.

Duck Why are they smoking something?!

Ugh you! Yes, because ripe! This is not a smoke brings, these are mushroom disputes, mushroom seeds, fly in the wind!

Well, then Vali, smoke, thicker, mushrooms will be in the forest!

Story 6. How many mushrooms live?

Mushroom life is very - very short! Mushroom five days young, on the sixth day, usually the mushroom has already completely ripe, and on the seventh day already .. aged: (. That's what a little they have a life!

So that the child realized this time interval of the calendar, show him Monday. This is the day when the mushroom appeared. Recall what you did with the child on Monday. Recall what you did on other days of the week and on Saturday. And at that time, the mushroom has already been completely ripe - he has already become completely adult for these few days! Recall what you did on Sunday. How little time passed! And the mushroom became an old man in just a week!

Story 7. Are there harmful mushrooms?

There are edible mushrooms, and there are poisonous. Therefore, in the forest, children need to ask adults whether it is possible to take into the hands found in the forest or in a mushroom park. If you do not know the mushroom, then it is better to leave him in the forest and not take.

How to tell children about poisonous mushrooms? It is clearly explained by the kids that such poisonous mushrooms are and what they are in the transfer of the "Shishkina School" on the theme "Poisonous mushrooms". Look at her with kids.

Poisonous mushrooms: video for children

In this video, the child will see poisonous mushrooms: finds out that such a pale loyalty, amanita, real and false chanterelles (find out how to distinguish a chanterelle edible from a poisonous mushroom), which are false whales and what their differences are from the real. And also learns the rules of the mushroom.

Story 8. What is "Mushrooms - List Falls" and why are they so called?

Why mushrooms are called "decidelines". "Sheet Padnik" - from the word "sheet pad". What is "Sheet Pad"? Yes, the leaves fall \u003d leaf fall. So, such mushrooms grow during a leaf fall. This happens in October. These are boomes, boomiers, rhymes, freight, waves and others.

Ratish with the child together, where you need to look for mushrooms in the fall during the leaf fall - in dark cold forests in the shade or in the sun? Yes, they must be sought where heat, where the sun is heaving. They are hiding under fallen foliage. In the cold forest, they are not found.

Cognitive fairy tales and stories about mushrooms for children

We all know that the boletins are growing under the birch, and the boosions are under the aspen. And why? From the fairy tale N. Pavlov, children will find out why every mushroom has its own plants - friends and their "fungal address" in the forest.

Tales N. Pavlova are amazing. She is about profession a doctor of biological sciences and perfectly knows the life of plants and animals. And the second of her profession is a children's writer. Therefore, she has fairy tales and interesting, and very informative, and loved children!

N. Pavlova "Two fairy tales of mushrooms"

Little girl went to the forest for mushrooms. It came to the edge and let's brag:

You, forest, better and do not hide mushrooms from me! All the same score a complete basket. I'm all, all your secrets know!

Nice! - Zarel - Forest. - Do not boast! Where there is everything!

But you will see, - said the girl and went to look for mushrooms.

In small herbs, between birch trees, the mushrooms grew upbrazovuki: gray hats, soft, legs with black marsh.

In the young Osiennik, thick strong kids booms are gathered in tightly stretched orange seps.

And in the twilight, under the chili, among the eye of the needles, the girl found short-rhymes: redhead, greenish, striped, and in the middle of the hats smelly, as if the animal was groaned.

The girl gained mushrooms full basket, and even with top! I went to the edge and says:

See, the forest, how much did I score from different mushrooms? So, I understand where they need to look. Not for nothing she bragged that all your secrets know.

Where there is everything! - Zarel Forest. - I have the funeral look more than leaves on the trees. And what do you know? You even don't even do not mind, why the boletins are growing only under the birch, the booms are under the aspans, the rhymes - under the trees and pines.

And here is an intense, "the girl replied. But she said it just like that, from stubbornness.

You do not know that you do not know, "the forest loose," this will tell you - the fairy tale will!

I know what a fairy tale, the girl stubborn. "Wait a little bit, I'll remember it and tell you myself."

She sat on Penka, thought, and then began to tell.

It used to be such a time that the mushrooms did not stand in one place, but ran throughout the forest, danced, got up to the foot, born. Previously, everything was able to dance in the forest. One bear did not know how. And he was the most important boss.

Once in the forest, the birthday of the centenary-pre-centenary tree was copious. All danced, and the Bear is the most main - sitting like a stump. He fell out with him, and decided to learn to dance. I chose a glade and became exercised there. But he, of course, did not want to see him, shy, and therefore gave an order:

Nobody will never appear on my glade.

And this clearing loved mushrooms very much. And they did not obey the order. We picked up when the bear had a rest to rest, left the ceremony to watch it, and they ourselves ran into the clearing.

The bear woke up, I saw my bow to my nose and shouted:

What are you doing here?

And she answers:

All mushrooms ran into your clearing, and I was left a box.

The bear roared, jumped up, paused and rushed to the glade.

And the mushrooms played there in a wand-cut. Thought who is where. The fungus with a red hat hid under the aspen, red-haired - under the Christmas tree, and a long-legged with black mahors - under the birch.

And the bear is how to pop up, yes how to bore - fish! Fell, mushrooms! Caught!

Mushrooms from fear so all to the place and increased.

Here Bereza lowered the leaves and covered their fungus with them. Ospen rushed round leaf straight on his fungus hat. And the Christmas tree has grown with a paw to the fried needles.

I looked for the bear mushrooms, so I did not find one.

Since then, those mushrooms that hid under the trees, and grow everyone under their tree. Remember how it saved him. And now these mushrooms are inhibriesovik and a boletus. And the Ryzhik remained a rim, for the fact that the red. That's the whole fairy tale!

It's you folded! - Zarel Forest. - Good fairy tale, but only the truth in her - neither the droplets. And you listen to my fairy tale.

Lived - there were a forest under the ground roots. Not alone - families lived: birch - with birch, aspen - with oxis, firing - with a Christmas tree.

And so, let you, where neither take, there are nearby homeless roots. Divo root! The finest cob thinned. In the heavy leaves, in the forest garbage, and that they will find edible there, eat and put in stock.

And the birch roots are arrested alongside, they look and envy.

We, - say, from the pan, can't get anything from rot. And Divo-roots in response: - we envy us, and our good is more than our.

And they guess! With nothing that the web by the cobweb. Birch's barks have a great imagination from their own birch leaves. The leaves on the trunk from above the food sent down. And from what they already prepared this food, they need to ask them. Divo-root one is rich. Birch roots - others.

And they decided to be friends.

Divo-roots pressed against the birch and circle of them. And birch roots in debt do not remain: what will be allowed, they will share with comrades.

Since then, they healed internally. And those and others benefit. Divo roots are increasingly growing, all reserves are winking. And the birch is growing and growing.

Summer - in the middle, birch roots praise:

Our birch earrings have grown, seeds fly!

And Divo-roots answer:

That's how! Seeds! So it's time for us.

Said is done: jumped on the gasta worse roots. At first - small. But how to come to grow! The birch of the roots and did not have time to say, and they made their way through the ground. And turned on the will, under the birch, young fungi. Legs with black mackets. Hats brown. And from under the hats, mushroom seeds sprinkle. The wind with birch seeds mixed and scattered through the forest.

So the mushroom has a birch. And since it is inseparable since it. For this name is his stabber.

That's my whole fairy tale! She about the boletus, but she is about the redhead with the bolet. Only the redhead two trees chose: the Christmas tree and pine.

This is not a funny, but very amazing fairy tale, "the girl said. - Think, some kind of baby fungus - and suddenly the chicken tree feeds!

The story of A. Lopatina - for younger schoolchildren. Are mushrooms can be grown in the garden? Do I need to refuse forest fungi? Why many useful mushrooms have become harmful now? These questions are discussed in the story of the grandfather with their granddaughters.

A. Lopatina.Acquaintance with mushrooms

At the beginning of July, it was charged for a whole week. Anyuta and Masha naughty. They bored without a forest. The grandmother went to walk them in the courtyard, but as soon as the girls were wetched, immediately called them home.

Cat Porfiry said when the girls called him to walk:

What kind of hunting to mock in the rain? I'm better to sit at home, I So Fairy Tale.

I also believe that a soft sofa is a more suitable place for cats than raw grass, and Andreyka daily.

Grandfather, returning from the forest in the wet raincoat, laughing, said:

The July rains of the Earth feed, the crop to raise her help. Do not worry, soon go to the forest for mushrooms.

Alice, shaking so that wet dust flew in all directions, told:

Already the crown was climbing, and in Osinnik, two small boomines jumped out in the red caps, I left them, let them grow up.

Anyuta and Masha were looking forward to when Grandpa takes them with me for mushrooms. Especially after he brought one day a whole basket of young mushrooms. After driving a stuffed basket with gray legs and smooth brown hats of fungi, he told the girls:

Well, guess the mystery: the namesakes met the grove in the grove.

I know, "Anuta exclaimed, - these are brewer, they grow under the birch, and the boomines are growing under ossinkle. They are similar to stabber, but they have red hats. There are still Boroviki, they grow in borsa, and the raw materials are growing everywhere.

Yes, you have a mushroom diploma you know! - Grandfather was surprised and, delivered a whole packer of yellow-red lamellar mushrooms from the basket, said:

Once all the mushrooms are familiar with you, help me find the right word: golden ... very friendly sisters, go in redheads, autumn to the forest are brought in summer.

Girls were confused.

This poem about chanterelles: they grow up a huge family and in the grass like autumn leaves golden, - explained the all-in-law Porphyry.

Annie said offended:

Grandfather, because we only some mushrooms studied at school. The teacher told us that among mushrooms there are many poisonous, they can not be. She also said that now even good mushrooms can be poisoned, and it is better not to collect them at all.

The teacher correctly said that there is no poisonous mushrooms and that now many good mushrooms are harmful to humans. Plants All sorts of waste into the atmosphere are thrown out, so we settle different harmful substances in the forests, especially near the cities of large, and their mushrooms absorb them. But there are many good mushrooms! You only need to make friends with them, then they will install themselves to meet you when you come to the forest.

Oh, what wonderful fungus, strong, plump, in a velvet light brown hat! - exclaimed Masha, putting his nose in the basket.

It, Masha, White jumped ahead of time. Usually they appear in July. They say about him: Borovica got off the strong barrels, who will see him, everyone will bow.

Grandfather, why are Borovka called white if he has a brown hat? Asked Masha.

He has a white flesh, tasty and fragrant. At the boosynovikov, for example, the flesh shines, if you can be cut, and the white flesh does not darken neither when cutting, nor during cooking, nor when drying. This mushroom in the people has long been considered one of the nutritional. I have a familiar professor, he is studying mushrooms. So he told me that in Boroviki, scientists found twenty-most important amino acids for humans, as well as many vitamins and mineral substances. No wonder these mushrooms are called forest meat, because proteins in them are even more than in meat.

- Grandfather, and teacher told us that in the future people all mushrooms will grow in the gods and in the store to buy, "said Anyuta, and Misha added:

We Mom bought mushrooms in the store - white champignons and gray oysters, very tasty. Oyshemok hats on the ears are similar, and they have grown together with each other, as if one mushroom turned out.

Your teacher of law, but only forest mushrooms give people the healing properties of the forest and his best flavors. Many mushrooms man in the garden do not grow: without trees and without the forest they cannot live. Mushroom with trees, as inseparable brothers rooted and fed each other. Yes, and poisonous mushrooms are not so much, just people in mushrooms are not very disassembled. Every mushroom is useful. However, go to the forest, the mushrooms themselves will tell you about yourself.

I love the story "Mojerman". As bright and expressively described in it this mushroom: it is compared with the gnome in the red cap and in lace pantalles! And it tells about that even poisonous mushroom inhabitants of the forest useful as a medicine!

N. SladkovTorman

Handsome Motherland Outlook the kind of red hats, harmless to God's cows. Looks like a merry dwarf in a red beaded cap and lace pantalones: it's about to move, it will bow to the belt and says something good. And in fact, at least he is insembly, but not quite bad: many residents of the forest even eat it and do not hurt. Moose, it happens, chew, Soroki pecks, even squirrels, to which in the mushrooms are disassembled, and those, it happens, mushrooms are dried for the winter. In small bodies, the amanita, like the serpentine poison, is not torture, but heals. And the animals with birds know it. Know now and you. But never yourself - never! - Do not try to be treated with agolao. Amanor he is still an amanoma - can and worry!

After reading the story, again, look at the picture of the Amann (you will find it in the set of pictures of mushrooms on the link above) and discuss with the child:
- How does amamor look like a gnome? Where is his red hat - cap? Why is the cap in the story called "beading"? (decorated with white beads - show the child a large white beads and find the beads on a mumor's hat) And where is the moon white pants - pantles with lace?
- What is the Moid?
- Is it possible to tear the Motherwear to people? why?

And one more story about mushrooms - Mushrooms N. Sladkova "Horovoda Mushrooms". Read the child a fragment of the story and discuss with him:

- Whose ammoroman look like? What is their feet like? their hat?
- How it is "standing up" (show this posture),
- What are you waiting for mumor?
- How do amansor dancing on their white legs? (Come up with several movements together under the dance or dance melody)
- Do they quickly lead the dance?
- "Wove the white legs" - what does this mean? When they say so: "Only the heels flashed", "only legs were blocked"? Was it that you moved so quickly that only the feet flashed? When? Share and your own stories from life.

N. Sladkov. Horovoda Mushrooms

Mushroom picker Mushrooms does not take, but mushrooms are glad: they went amoor, and white will go. And the eyes of the Amanora are pleasing, at least inedible and poisonous. It is occupied on white legs, in lace pantalones, in the red clown caps - you do not want, but pouring. And if you hurt on an agran dance, so to dwell: a dozen of the red wellers got into a circle and prepared for dance!
Now now - once, two! - Someone slaughters in your hands and - three, four! - Split dance! EVERYTHING FIGHT AND FAST - PEATING FASTERY ROMAS. Wove the white legs, shake dry leaves. Stand and wait.
And the mugs stand and wait. Waiting, when you finally guess and leave. So that without interference and someone else's eye to start driving your mushroom round dance. Having poured mushroom white legs, having fluttered with mushroom red hats. As in an old ... "

In the next fairy tale, the kids will get acquainted with an interesting mushroom, growing on the stumps and trees - an openness.

V. Zotov. Opener autumn

"Mommy, see, lacking mushrooms," the fox was surprised. - They even climbed on the trees!
"You don't know much more," Lisea smiled. - Autumn opens often grows on trees barrels. Sometimes in the fall, yellow-brown hats, which come with a small saucer, pile hang so high that they do not reach them.
- And won the family settled right on Rinyl hemp. - The baby showed on the hemp near the tree. - Mom, and all these edible mushrooms?
- Of course, the autumn okey is very tasty. Nobody passes by him. Everyone put it in the basket, everyone wants to try this mushroom. And to distinguish it from a poisonous leaf, you have to look at the plates below. Edibles are always bright - white, cream or yellowish.

Signs and sayings about mushrooms

  • Late mushroom - late snow.
  • Where one maslock was crushed, there were still risen there.
  • Metels of oats ripened - rose into the forest of the forest.
  • If there is little mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
  • Who loves the land to bow, without mushrooms will not remain.
  • Who gets up early, that fungi in the body puts.
  • When in the evening, the rains - the morning of fungi wait.
  • When it is hot and kept, the mushrooms are going under the trees, when the damp yes is kept - they are scattered into the glades.
  • In the evening, rain - wait in the morning.
  • How many rains are so much weak.
  • Kohl went a steam fog over the forest - go on mushrooms.
  • Strong dews - to fertility, and frequent fogs - to the crop of mushrooms.
  • If the Waves went in the forest, then we wait for the emergence of weakly.
  • If rye cranked - they begin and white with subbaroviki come across
  • Where red amanita, there the white mushroom is sitting nearby.
  • If the night of the starry star, the same and for baptism, then there will be many berries and mushrooms.

How to use the materials of this article in the classes with children:

Dear readers of the site! Materials of this article are intended for a whole cycle of conversations and games about mushrooms. You can not give a child one day with all the tasks from this page. Do not hurry, let him play, enjoy the knowledge of the world of nature!

You may need a whole week in order to remember the names of mushrooms, their features, their "mushroom addresses", write letters and get "answers" from mushrooms. This is normal! Go from the interests of the child and its features and preferences.

Remember that the main thing is not the volume of knowledge, but the activity of the child, the development of his ability to answer questions, arguing, invent, to prove their opinion, compare, to make independent conclusions.

An example of an individual approach to the application of materials of this article in the family

Child 5 years old does not like to sculpt and plasticine. But loves riddles.

What to do: such a baby does not need to make a riddle - modeling with mushroom hats given above. You need to spend this task differently. Take pictures of mushrooms (you can print them from the "native path" on the link below), close the feet of the fungus in the picture with palm or paper sheet. It will only be seen a hat. After that, ask to guess the hat, what is this mushroom.

It is better if you have separate pictures, since the children quickly remember the location of the pictures in the book and no longer analyze the image, but respond mechanically, by memory. If you will constantly change the pictures of their location in this task, then the child will have to think, compare and make an independent conclusion.

If the child loves to draw - it is possible that he wants not to blind a mushroom hat, but draw it. Then drawing, we will discuss and the size of the hat, and its shape (where it is convex, where concave, smooth or rough, elongated up as a clown cap or flat or bent down) and how it is better to portray in the figure, what color is it.

Listen to your heart and watch your baby - the children tell us themselves that they are wondering, and what else is not and then it is better to pay with this material. And to introduce a child with him in a year when he will grow up.

The article provides materials and tasks for various ages of children and a different level of development so that every parent and teacher can choose what is suitable for his children / child.

More games, exercises, pictures, riddles on the topic "Mushrooms" for children

More materials for games and classes with children on the topic "Mushrooms" you will find in the articles of the site:

- Mysteries about mushrooms: developing tasks for children, 95 mysteries about mushrooms with pictures and deposits, how to properly pick up a riddle in the age of the child, how to come up with a riddle about the mushroom with children.

- Pictures of "Mushrooms": for games and speaking activities and familiarize themselves with the outside world.

- Theme "Mushrooms": Speech games and exercises for children.

Presentation with tasks on "Mushrooms" for children from this article to download

All pictures from this article can be downloaded in good resolution and quality for demonstration in the presentation and printout:

  • - Here, see the presentation for children "Mushrooms",
  • - either in our group VKontakte "Development of a child from birth to school" (see the section "Documents" on the right under the video recording of the community, the file with the presentation is called "Mushroom theme": Tema-Gribi)

I wish you all success! I will be glad to see you in the heading of the site "Peace around us", in which you will find many amazing interesting games, educational fairy tales in pictures and exciting video about the world around the world for children.

To new meetings!

Tale of the city of Mushrooms: Fantasies of a little hedgehog

Once upon a time the mushrooms grew apart from each other and were scattered throughout the world. But so lived very badly. Not by whom it was to talk, no one came to visit them. Mushrooms were very lonely, because they did not take flowers and other plants into their company. The ants and other insects were kept alone, and the forest animals and birds mushrooms were completely afraid.

And somehow they came to mind the idea to unite into a single kingdom and live together together. Representatives of different types of mushrooms from all over the world went to the meeting in a distant dense forest. There they chose their king and built a wrapper for him with a high throne. This important pose got eternally a serious white mushroom. Walking on the royal throne, he published his first decree: "Mushrooms of all the world will prepare for a large resettlement. From now on, we will live together together, in this dense forest. "

Not all subordinates were delighted with such a decision, because many mushrooms loved their native forests and did not want to leave them. In mushroom rows, an uprising was planned. But the newly elected king was very smart and inventive. Having heard coupling discontent, he quickly made some changes to his decree. Now he said: "From now on, the mushrooms become a single kingdom. Our kingdom is the mighty in the world, so it will be located in the forests of the whole world. In this regard, I order mushrooms to unite and build cities in every forest. "
This decision everyone found very wise. Do not leave your home home, but at the same time it will be much more interesting to live, because the mushrooms will now not be scattered at different places of the forest, but will build a beautiful fabulous city.
From the moment in every forest you can find the city of mushrooms. Therefore, if one mushroom was caught on your eyes, look attentively, somewhere there are certainly his fellow.
Boulev read a fairy tale about the city of mushrooms to his friends, and she really liked everyone. Happy hedgehog was preparing to go to bed after a difficult day. He changed his mind to become a storyteller, because reading fairy tales is much easier than inventing them. Make sure you yourself.


Hedgehog Boule loved adventures very much. His manilo is all interesting and exciting. But one day, life seemed to him boring, and he decided to come up with a fairy tale about the city of Mushrooms.
He really liked the prospect of change, and since the morning began to master the profession of the storyter. But in practice, everything turned out to be so rosy as he dreamed. The hedgehog thought that inventing fairy tales and fun stories was very easy: sit and write down. But for some reason nothing came to mind.
"They grew to themselves in the forest ... so well, boring somehow. Lived-beat ... yes no, how did you live? " - That's how the hedgehog walked all day. When the evening came, the sad bullet went out into the street. He felt very bad. So the fairy tale of mushrooms would end, if the b is the hedgehog did not meet inspiration. It whispered on the usho just a few words, but the Boule managed to turn them into a funny story. Read what happened to him?

Tale of the city of Mushrooms: Fantasies of a little hedgehog

Once upon a time the mushrooms grew apart from each other and were scattered throughout the world. But so lived very badly. Not by whom it was to talk, no one came to visit them. Mushrooms were very lonely, because they did not take flowers and other plants into their company. The ants and other insects were kept alone, and the forest animals and birds mushrooms were completely afraid.

And somehow they came to mind the idea to unite into a single kingdom and live together together. Representatives of different types of mushrooms from all over the world went to the meeting in a distant dense forest. There they chose their king and built a wrapper for him with a high throne. This important pose got eternally a serious white mushroom. Walking on the royal throne, he published his first decree: "Mushrooms of all the world will prepare for a large resettlement. From now on, we will live together together, in this dense forest. "

Not all subordinates were delighted with such a decision, because many mushrooms loved their native forests and did not want to leave them. In mushroom rows, an uprising was planned. But the newly elected king was very smart and inventive. Having heard coupling discontent, he quickly made some changes to his decree. Now he said: "From now on, the mushrooms become a single kingdom. Our kingdom is the mighty in the world, so it will be located in the forests of the whole world. In this regard, I order mushrooms to unite and build cities in every forest. "
This decision everyone found very wise. Do not leave your home home, but at the same time it will be much more interesting to live, because the mushrooms will now not be scattered at different places of the forest, but will build a beautiful fabulous city.
From the moment in every forest you can find the city of mushrooms. Therefore, if one mushroom was caught on your eyes, look attentively, somewhere there are certainly his fellow.
Boulev read a fairy tale about the city of mushrooms to his friends, and she really liked everyone. Happy hedgehog was preparing to go to bed after a difficult day. He changed his mind to become a storyteller, because reading fairy tales is much easier than inventing them. Make sure you yourself.

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Dear Guys! Your favorite library holds a contest for the best fairy tale about mushrooms! Please read three beautiful fairy tales who wrote our readers and choose, in your opinion, the best of them! Voting to last until 18:00 on November 6th.

How to appear poisonous mushrooms.

Some mushrooms lived on the planet once a long time ago. They did not grow as now in one place, but they knew how to walk, as they had two legs. And the mushrooms were speaking. Lived mushrooms big families. Once in one family, a special mushroom was born. For the opposite, and the harmful character was the progress. She who did not listen to anyone, nor the mother, nor dad and in a mushroom school did not want to walk.

Time passed, the mushroom on the nicknamed Radiant grew and decided to capture the mushroom world. He worked evil and those mushrooms that were with a bad character began to help him. Soon all the mushrooms were divided into two camps: harmful and evil as their leadership of the ceremony and mushrooms who were kind and friend. The war between mushrooms began.

The planet really did not like how mushrooms behave.

She thought: - "They will destroy each other."

And once waking up in the morning, the mushrooms found that they had one leg. Mushrooms wanted to scream that they would not be able to walk more, but they could not talk either. Mushrooms lived in silently in one place, but evil mushrooms were saved and copied hatred in themselves, she began to turn into poison. Steel evil mushrooms are very poisonous.

There was time, people appeared on the planet and evil mushrooms began to harm people. People began to transmit from generation to a generation of knowledge about what mushrooms can be eating, and which one should be bypass.

That's what anger and enmity can lead to.


He lived yes there was a white mushroom, his name was Borovik. It was a solid mushroom on thick leg and in a brown hat. In the kingdom of white mushroom, they lived, and his other relatives differed from each other, they were the color of the hats or some of them had a drawing on the leg. White mushroom was the most respected among the mushroom mushroom kings.

Among all mushrooms, the most famous was red amanita. He considered himself the most beautiful mushroom, although he was poisonous, the mushroom tried to appear in all mushroom kingdoms. And I really wanted to breed with a white mushroom, marry his daughter. He dreamed, the kids we will have beautiful as me and not poisonous. If everything works out, as he conceived, their children will be the best and most famous mushrooms.

About the plan of the Red Mumor Recognized Mushroom named Truffle. He was a foreigner from a very ancient kind, so he could not allow such injustice. Truffle told about the plans of Borovik. Two kingdoms united in the fight against the Red Moon and won.

It is a pity that the truffle did not marry the daughter of Borovik. Maybe then the new kingdom of very good mushrooms would appear.

Smart champignon.

The kingdom of edible mushrooms Rules King Mushrooms - Borovik. The kingdom of poisonous is an amanita with a sister of the handling.

In both kingdoms, a numerous champignon family lived, they had many relatives. In the kingdom, where the Magnifier rules lived only two families. So they ordered them to destroy the Amanita. For the case, false whales and pepper mushrooms took.

The family of poisonous champignons was albeit a few, but very smart. They sent their representative so that he convinced the Motherland not to make them.

By secret paths, he made his way to the mumor. And finally, he managed to meet, but with the handling. The trafficking is a large family and they are aware of all mushrooms.