Fastening plastic windows in a wooden house. Installation of windows in a wooden house

Plastic double-glazed windows have better characteristics than wooden structures. Due to their high performance indicators, such windows are actively used in both concrete and wooden buildings.

Installation of plastic windows in a wooden house differs from installation in concrete and block buildings. The technology consists of long-term preparation, the main purpose of which is to prevent the destruction of the glass unit from shrinkage of the house. During work, you need to follow certain rules that will help extend the life of the structure.


The installation of a double-glazed window, regardless of the age of the house, is practically indistinguishable. In both cases, installation begins with the casing. It is this structure that protects the window from destruction in the process of shrinkage and natural expansion of the wood.

The installation of plastic structures requires specific skills and knowledge from the master, without which the work cannot be carried out. If you have no experience in joinery work, it is better to turn to professionals. The main difficulty in assembling the casing for the window is the assembly of the tongue-and-groove lock. It is this fastening that ensures reliable connection of parts and protection of the frame from deformations.

The shrinkage of an ordinary wooden house can reach 20-30 cm, which is noticeable when using structures made of metal and plastic, the shape of which does not change over time. The amount of shrinkage depends on the type of wood. So the average shrinkage a year after the assembly of the log house is:

  • for log houses 50-60 mm;
  • buildings from a bar 30-30 mm;
  • buildings made of laminated veneer lumber 15-30 mm.

These indicators are small, but they should be taken into account. The shrinkage of the building in the first year of the felling can lead to the squeezing of windows by the upper crowns of partitions and walls.

The shrinkage of a building lasts up to 5 years, depending on the humidity of the air, the size of the house and the season. But even after 5 years, the house still “breathes”, and therefore PVC products are installed in old buildings with casing.

Preparatory stage

To figure out how to install plastic windows in a wooden house, you will need to follow certain instructions. Before assembly, the following work must be carried out:

  • disassembly and removal of the old structure (for old houses);
  • cleaning the opening from dust, chips and old paint;
  • taking measurements of the opening and calculating the dimensions of the future window;
  • preparation of a diagram or drawing;
  • alignment of the walls of the opening in case of violation of symmetry;
  • for leveling, use a primer, sealant and putty;
  • choice of the view of the future window (sash format, material color and size of the entire structure);
  • definition of the firm of the product.

When all the works described above are completed, they order a window according to the dimensions of the opening. There are several features of the installation of plastic products.

Installation of the structure

After delivery, the window must be kept at room temperature. For installation you need to:

  • screwdriver and drill bits;
  • mallet and chisel;
  • anchor fasteners;
  • wedges for spacers;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • key for PVC windows;
  • pliers;
    level and tape measure.

The installation of a plastic window in a wooden house is carried out in pairs, since it is more convenient to lift it and fasteners together. The weight and size of the glass unit does not allow it to be carried alone.

Note! It is recommended to install PVC windows in calm and warm weather (above minus 10).

Functions and types of casing structures

Casing is called a box of planks installed around the window along the perimeter of the opening. The structure device allows you to mount it yourself so that it "floats" inside the log house and does not depend on the shrinkage of the building. To fasten the casing to the frame, grooves are used, they are placed on the sides of the window opening. The casing itself is seated at the ends on the spikes.

To prevent the casing from being blown through in winter, it is fixed with tow, linen or fiber compactor.

A small gap is left in the upper part of the casing, which maintains the integrity of the structure during shrinkage. After assembling such a frame, the movements of the log house do not affect the window in any way, and most importantly, shrinkage will not be able to harm the structure of the glass unit.

In this case, the walls will shrink, and the window will not be damaged. Discussions are divided into several types, depending on the types of attachment:

  • In the mortgage bar. The fastening is based on a bar placed in a groove in the ends of the opening. In addition, it passes through the casing posts.
  • Into the thorn. Such structures have a special spike that is installed on the side elements of the casing. The groove is in the logs of the opening.
  • Into the deck. The thorn in this case is located at the ends of the logs. There is a groove in the uprights of the casing.

The box is a floating mechanism, during the installation of which deformation of the plastic window is impossible. Do-it-yourself installation of wooden windows is carried out using a different technology.

It is necessary to carry out calculations very accurately, because even with a slight error, the risk of deformation of the box will increase. In addition, the structure may be leaky. Correct installation of the box is a prerequisite for the quality of the window service.

Execution of the squash

There are simple and complex jigs. Each of these types of construction has its own advantages. For example, a simple window is quickly erected, and a complex one eliminates vertical deformation of the window. When creating a simple window, the option already described in the article is selected - using grooves and bars.

A complex system requires cutting a ridge in the opening. A carriage with grooves is put on it. This design option is more reliable. During the shrinkage of the house, the ridge is shifted in such a way that vertical deviations of the plastic structure are excluded.

The casing is made of bars. Using a chisel, it is necessary to knock out a groove in the center of the timber with dimensions of 0.5x0.5 cm.One of the important points is to do the marking of the ridge with your own hands. How high-quality it turns out, the design of the window, will depend on the accuracy of the markings performed.

When the ridge is ready, you need to start forming the opening. The bars should be installed using a level. This takes into account the shrinkage gap. It is 0.5 cm at the top and 1 cm on each side. The frame, which is made of beams, is best strengthened using dowels. The resulting cracks are sealed with tow. Then we install the plastic frame.

Installing the plastic frame

After preparing and installing the window, you should start installing the plastic structure. Mounting a window without casing is a mistake. The parallels should be checked first. The gaps between the frame and the PVC glass unit are determined. For foaming, leave 3 cm on the side and about 5 cm on top. Then you can start directly installing PVC windows in a wooden house.

The structure must be attached to the designated place on special elements. They can be purchased at every construction equipment store. Such fasteners are metal plates with holes.

Advice! It is better to use special fasteners, because the use of self-tapping screws does not ensure the tightness and thermal insulation of the structure.

Installation of a plastic window is carried out with a level. If this rule is not met, the design may turn out to be tilted. This circumstance can significantly reduce the aesthetic appearance of the window and its performance.

Advice! Before installing the structure, the sashes must be removed. This will make the window lighter, which will have a beneficial effect on the ease of installation.

After fixing the window in the opening, the formed gap should be foamed. For reliable fixation of the installed structure, a bar is used. This will avoid shifting the window during foaming. When the foam dries, they should be removed. Care should be taken when installing windows in a wooden house in a casing. In this case, you will have to determine the correct mounting position of the screws. Do not fix the window in the area of ​​the ridge.

This completes the window installation process. Now it remains to put on the sash and let the foam dry. This method of installing a plastic structure in the country is correct. If you are not confident in your own abilities, you should call professionals. However, self-installation of a PVC window is a significant cost saving. To do the job as efficiently as possible, you need to follow the instructions.


The installation of a plastic structure in a wooden house is done with your own hands as simply as possible. To do this, you will need to perform accurate calculations and prepare a specific set of tools. All work is carried out as carefully as possible. This is necessary for the long service life of the glass unit.

During work, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions, as well as follow some rules. In this case, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the shrinkage of wooden walls. If you follow the advice of professionals, the plastic glass unit will serve well for many years.

Video editing will help to cope with the task as efficiently as possible:

If you own some of the initial skills, then you can install a wooden window without any problems with your own hands. We will now tell you how it is easy and efficient to do it.

Increasingly, wooden windows are starting to return to apartments and houses. Despite the advantages of PVC windows, you can push their main disadvantage - plastic ones do not breathe at all. Modern wooden windows make it possible to put the same double or triple glass unit in them without any problems and they serve no less than plastic ones. It happens that the openings are slightly skewed and if you call specialists, then the installation of a wooden window will cost a pretty penny. Therefore, we do it ourselves.

First you need to decide which window you will install: with what profile, with what fittings. What wood it should be made of. We decided, ordered and bought. Now installation.

Useful information:

Preparation of a window opening

The first step is to dismantle the old window. No special skills are required here. To break is not to build. Remove plaster from the slopes. You still have to make new slopes.

Once the opening is completely cleaned, you must measure it carefully. The main goal is to determine the configuration of the opening itself, and already according to it, the dimensions of the new window are set. If you have come across or seen how openings are measured when installing plastic windows, then this is done in the same way.

There is such a thing as shrinkage. Every house, even a new one, shrinks. And naturally, this can affect the symmetry of your window opening. Very rarely, the opening is perfect. The window itself must certainly be slightly smaller than the opening, especially if it is not symmetrical. You must maintain the gaps, as is done in the picture above.

To make your calculations more accurate, it is better to use a laser tape measure. Or a building thread, with which you can beat off the vertical and horizontal. If they are even, then your measurements will also be accurate.

Window fixing methods

Since now a modern window profile allows you to anchor through the wall with anchors, then you should not invent any other methods - this will be the simplest and no less reliable. Also, this method allows you to open the sash in any direction.

In wooden houses, this method of fixing the window is the only one. Moreover, this method is no worse than all the others, and at the same time it is the simplest. The window can open in different planes, but this will increase the load on the frame itself. With skewed walls, the window sash can jam. Therefore, when measuring, it is required to calculate the dimensions of the window slightly smaller than the opening itself.

How to determine the width of the window frame

The frame must be chosen of such a thickness that the dew point is exactly between the glasses. The inner glass must not fog up. The width is at least twelve centimeters, and if your walls are thick enough, then the maximum width should not exceed 22 centimeters.

The profile of a wooden window is made according to the principle of a profile of plastic windows. It often happens that the fittings will be the same. By the way, it's worth a little sweat to choose the fittings. The durability of your window will depend on it. Therefore, you should definitely familiarize yourself with how to choose the right window fittings.

If, nevertheless, the frame turned out to be more than 22 centimeters wide, you should consider additional thermal insulation, which is installed in the openings during installation. If this is not acceptable for you, then the glass package itself should be triple, but this is an additional load on the sash. More often it happens that the sash begins to sag from this. however, these are additional troubles in the future.

Again, if the thickness of the wall is large enough, then there are certain proportions that must also be observed. Internal slopes should not be less than 17 centimeters, and external 10 centimeters. Often, window openings are made with a quarter and the inner slope does not work according to the specified parameters. In this case, there is nothing terrible, because the quarter itself will be a kind of additional isolation.

How to install in a concrete opening

If you have brick or block walls, then the installation of a new wooden window begins more often with the installation of a window sill. To do this, a cement even cushion is poured on the base of the opening in the horizontal plane and the surface is leveled. Usually, the thickness of the window sill is from 30 to 50 centimeters, so the window itself should be made smaller in height already in size.

The window sill is nailed down with several dowels, which are driven directly into the wall. remember that the outside of the window sill should not protrude beyond the edge of the window frame. Preparation for installing a wooden window is completed and you can start this process.

The easiest way to install a window is with pads. Blocks are ordinary boards of equal thickness, which must also be of equal thickness with a gap between the wall and the window frame. One edge of the block is grinded a little in the form of a wedge, so that it is possible, if necessary, to correct the window in the opening horizontally and vertically, if the opening itself is not even enough.

At the beginning, support blocks are installed - your new wooden window will mainly rest on them, then spacers are installed. Always check the vertical and horizontal with a level and, if necessary, adjust with the blocks.

As soon as the window frame is in place and you have completely leveled it, then we take out the spacer pads in turn and spill these places with silicone, install the pads back. Wipe off excess silicone with a rag. As soon as the silicone has hardened, the gaps between the opening and the frame can be filled with polyurethane foam. Any excess of which, after complete drying, is cut off, slopes are made outside the window.

More often it looks like this: the gap formed between the wall and the frame is poured with polyurethane foam, after drying, the excess is cut off and plastered. Remember to handle the foam carefully. If you overdo it, it can get so wide that your window stops closing. The foam puts a lot of pressure on the frame and bends it. therefore, read the rules for working with polyurethane foam.

To enhance the effect, the frame is fixed with powerful dowels. Two holes are drilled at the top of the frame and on its sides and dowels are driven into the wall. At this stage, the installation of the window into the concrete wall is complete. You just have to make new beautiful slopes from the inside.

Installation in a brick wall, cinder block

If your house is built from cinder block, ceramic bricks, or shell rock - that is, from weak materials, then it is advisable to install a new window with a fastener through and through. First of all, for this, through holes are drilled through the frame in the wall, two on each side. You can make holes initially in the frame, then put it in two planes evenly and outline the holes in the wall, which are drilled after marking, naturally without a frame. Anchors or screws should be 8 centimeters longer than the frame itself, plus the gap between your frame and the wall. At the bottom of the window, do not install fasteners through the windowsill. Usually it is attached to the frame with ordinary self-tapping screws.

IMPORTANT! You do not have to punch holes through the blocks that the frame is mounted on. If this happened, then it is better to remove the block to the side before tightening the self-tapping screw. If you have been adjusting the pads for a long time, then be sure to mark them with a pencil.

Installation in a skewed window opening

It often happens that the window opening is really skewed. In this case, the most durable fastening for the window is anchors - ordinary metal strips with holes. Experts usually advise, for a start, to fasten small fastening intermediate strips to the frame and, with their help, fasten the anchor to the frame. But this method pays off when there are several employees. If you are alone, then it is not worth wasting time on this.

Anchors are attached mainly to the ends to the frame with self-tapping screws along the outer perimeter. The tails should stick out inward. They will still be hidden by slopes. Once the anchors are ready and bolted to the frame, it can be placed in the window opening. As always, we align the frame horizontally and vertically - after all, our opening is skewed, holes are marked on the wall along the holes in the anchors, metal strips are bent and they are drilled for dowels. Once all the holes are ready, take out the pads. The frame must hang on the anchors.

Curved openings are either the careless work of the builders, or the building's shrinkage has affected the opening. Therefore, you should not have rigid connections between the frame and the walls. The slots are blown out with foam and the window sill is installed. More often, with an oblique opening, the window sill is installed in a hanging way.

Note. Some try to level the window opening with a screed - however, this is a monkey's work, since no screed can stop the uneven shrinkage of the building.

How to properly blow out foam

Window slits are blown out with a pistol or, at worst, the tube that comes with the bottle of foam. This is done in several approaches, squeezing out thin sausages starting from the middle inward and vice versa. This method will not allow the foam to exert any pressure on the window frame and the foam itself will be evenly distributed around the perimeter.

Installation in a wooden house

In wooden houses, it is usually easy to install windows. Many experts install them on liquid nails, but most adhere to the method of fastening with self-tapping screws. If the opening is skewed, then it can be leveled using the same chainsaw or hacksaw. Wood is much easier to work with. Be sure to fix the platbands outside with self-tapping screws. A strong wind will simply rip them off and no liquid nails will hold them back.

Plastic double-glazed windows have gained popularity due to their performance. But can they be used in the construction and renovation of wooden buildings? Of course, you can and should.

The installation of plastic windows in a wooden house has a lot of differences and features. The process includes a number of preparatory manipulations, primarily related to the fact that the structure tends to sink over time.

We install a PVC window in a private house

The peculiarities of the technology for installing PVC windows in a wooden house of a new or old building do not have much difference. In any case, experts recommend a technology using casing - time-tested, this technology avoids deformation, regardless of the material from which it is made.

Installing a plastic window in a wooden house or cottage with your own hands will require some knowledge and skills from the contractor. Of course, if there are none, then it is more advisable to contact specialists. The difficulty of self-installation of PVC systems in a wooden house lies in the fact that the frame is fastened using the “thorn-groove” mechanism. This design allows you to create such operating conditions in which the deformation and subsidence of wood does not directly affect the glass unit.

The system allows you to install a plastic window yourself, so that the window is fixed independently of the main structure of the wall and has a floating character. The window system is fixed by means of grooves on the side, which are mounted on spikes protruding from the end of the logs and beams.

To fix and seal the casing, only tow, linen or fiber insulation is used. In no case is polyurethane foam.

Attention! A gap is left on top from the calculation of the timber settlement.

Thus, the shrinkage of the walls of a wooden structure does not in any way affect the window, and even less damage it. Depending on the mountings, casing can be classified into the following types:

  • into a thorn. Such a design is characterized by the presence of a thorn, which is mounted on the lateral parts of the casing, and a groove, which is located in the logs of the opening;
  • in the mortgage bar. The basis of the fastening is a bar that is placed in a groove in the ends of the opening and passes through the casing posts;
  • into the deck. The spike is located at the ends of the logs of the window opening, but the groove is in the casing racks.

The box is a floating mechanism that excludes deformation of the plastic window during operation, regardless of the type of casing installation.

Calculations should be made with high accuracy, since even a minor error can lead to deformation of the window frame or leaks in the structure. In addition, correct installation is a guarantee of the quality of the plastic window itself.

How to make a jamb (casing)

The design can be of two types: complex and simple. A simple jig is a system described above with bars and grooves. The complex design is performed in a slightly different way: a comb is cut out in the window opening, onto which a carriage with grooves is put on. This option is more reliable. When the walls are shrinking, the ridge can slide and does not allow vertical deviations, excluding pressure on the window frame.

The cage is usually made of timber. Using a chisel, a groove of 0.5 cm is knocked out on a tree in the center of the bar, and a thorn is cut out from one end (0.5x0.5x, 25 cm). A ridge with spikes 0.5x0.5 cm is cut from the end of the logs of the opening. To do this, you can use a saw or chisel.

Important! Ridge marking is an important point. The quality and reliability of the structure depends on the accuracy of the marking.

After the ridge is ready, we proceed to the installation of the risers and the formation of the structure of the opening between them. The bars are set according to the level, taking into account the gaps for the shrinkage of the walls (1 cm on the sides and 0.5 cm from the top). The frame of the beams is reinforced with grooves with the main canvas of the walls and dowels between themselves. The gaps left are sealed with tow or other fiber. That's all, now you can start installing the plastic frame directly. You can see the process in more detail in this video:

Stage number 3. Installation in the prepared opening

After carrying out the necessary preparatory work and installation of the window, you can proceed with the installation of the window.

Attention! Installing plastic windows in a wooden house without casing is the wrong option.

To begin with, we check the dimensions and the location of the parallels, the clearances between the casing and the frame. The stock for foaming should be: 4-5 cm at the top, 2-3 cm in width and height, 3-4 cm in the area of ​​the windowsill. After making sure that the stock matches these indicators, we proceed directly to the installation of the plastic frame.

The window is fastened using special fasteners that are sold in any hardware store. They are metal plates with holes.

Installation of a plastic window should be done at a level. If you neglect this factor, then you run the risk of getting a tilted structure, which significantly reduces the operational and aesthetic tasks of the window.

Advice! Before installing the windows, the sashes are removed. This facilitates the construction and it is much more convenient to mount it in the opening.

After the window is fixed in the opening, it is necessary to fill the gap with polyurethane foam. To avoid displacement of the structure when foaming, put bars that will maintain the position of the frame without deviations. After drying, do not forget to remove it.

Anchoring the window to the casing is done with care. In this case, it is necessary to choose the correct location for screwing the screws. Under no circumstances should the window be secured in the ridge area!

That's all, we end the process by completely foaming the opening. We put on the sashes and let the foam dry.

We have presented the correct way to install a plastic window in a wooden house. This process can be difficult, so if you are unsure of your abilities, it is better to turn to professionals.

However, installing a plastic window with your own hands is a significant cost saving. We offer you to watch a video instruction on how to install a window with your own hands:

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

Every builder knows how to install wooden windows in a wooden house, but ordinary residents of private houses cannot do this with their own hands. The reason is a lack of knowledge, although ordering such a procedure from experts will cost a pretty penny. Read the information below to make your home as comfortable and warm as possible.

Grandparents know very well what a wooden frame is. After all, there used to be such windows on every corner. The process of installing a wooden window requires special skills and abilities from the master in order to get the right result. The quality of the installation, the maintenance of tightness, the service life, and the overall appearance directly depend on the experience and skill of the master. And in order to avoid drafts and unnecessary distortions, let's look at step by step the correct instructions for installing wooden windows. When installing a wooden window, you cannot do without skill and certain skills, but then you can make an excellent glazed one.

Features of installation and dismantling of old wooden windows

Before installing wooden windows in a wooden house, it is worth listening to the recommendations of experienced craftsmen in order to effectively carry out the operation with your own hands. Especially if you have never encountered this kind of work before. It is best to transfer such a process into the hands of a master who knows all the secrets of the installation firsthand. After all, the lack of the necessary skills can lead to the fact that the frame will be damaged. And their cost is quite high, so spending additional funds on repairs is expensive. Moreover, repair is not always possible. However, it is often necessary to install products, for example, in.

Wood lovers can delve into the specifics of the installation in more detail and try their hand at this craft. If you follow the recommendations, you will be able not only to properly install a wooden window, but also to significantly save money.

Advice: in case of ordering a new wooden window, it is worth handing the installation over to the manufacturer. The fact is that in this way all guarantees for this design will be preserved. And if the installation is independent, then all your mistakes will remain on your conscience.

In any case, before installing new window frames, it is worth removing the old structures. This paragraph does not apply to houses that are under construction. By following the correct sequence of actions, you will greatly facilitate your task:

  1. Before work, you need to prepare the room. If possible, it is better to transfer small interior details, clothes and furniture to another room. This way, your belongings will be safe and sound.
  2. Furniture that remains in the room and the flooring should be secured. To do this, it is enough to cover them with foil.
  3. Floor coverings must also be removed. This includes a carpet, rug, path, etc.

After such preparations, you can proceed to the very dismantling of the old window. To do this, carefully, but using force, you need to disassemble the wooden frame. In this case, the slopes are beaten off along with the plaster. This operation will help you determine the presence of headroom. Without this element, the building is dangerous. In older buildings, such a "hack" is found all the time. If you also fell into this number of "lucky ones", then further actions are impossible without solving this issue with professional builders, and you do not need to go there on your own. But experience will help you develop further in a direction and then completely.

Then beat off the slopes in all places. Take a close look to see if each wall has embedded beams that secure the window frame. It is worth immediately determining their condition.

Embedded beams in the wall

Tip: in order to find out if you need to replace these bars or not, use a regular awl. It is worth sticking it into a block. If it sits tightly and is difficult to pull out, then everything is in order. They are not required to install a new window.

The importance of correct measurement of parameters

Replacing any window requires correct measurement of parameters. This will determine how ideally the window fits into the window opening. If you have a wooden house, then the cleaning should take place up to the casing level. Now you can start taking measurements. It is important to take measurements clearly and in the right places. Even a small error can negate everything.

Even if you have preserved the previous measurements, it is not a fact that they will fit now. Indeed, over time, any building lends itself to the influence of external factors. It is important to create a wooden window slightly smaller than the opening itself. This will allow you to correctly align the frame in relation to the horizon using the correction. To do this, subtract 15 - 25 mm from the height, and as much as 4 - 6 cm from the width indicator.

All parameters are taken from ideal lines (horizontal and vertical). To create them, use the building level. Modern devices, such as a laser tape measure, will greatly simplify all measurements. After all, it will give out a real indicator for each parameter. It is also important to know how if they are located on the upper floors.

Step-by-step installation of a wooden window

Before installing a wooden frame, you need to prepare the necessary tools. To work you will need:

  • drill and hammer drill;
  • pliers with a hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • perhaps a saw and a plane with an ax.

It will not be superfluous to buy a sealant on silicone, polyurethane foam, roofing material (polyurethane). These materials will come in handy in order to seal the opening.

If a wooden window is installed in a wooden house, then the technology involves the use of support blocks.

Initially, the installation of wooden windows in a wooden house with your own hands begins with protecting the window from moisture, which can be provided by a wooden wall. After all, such moisture provokes the appearance of mold and various fungal growths. And all this spoils the wood very quickly. Therefore, you need to glue parts of the roofing material in the opening. It fits well on silicone. Here's what you should do:

  1. Pads (length 12 - 15 cm) made of wood. One end should already be under the frame. The widest point should correspond to the distance between the frame and the wall. You need at least 4 pieces.
  2. 2 pieces are installed at the bottom of the opening. There should be about 80 cm between them (depending on the size of the wooden window).
  3. Remove the sashes from your frame and place it in the opening itself on the supports. Maintain the required slope - at least 10 cm.

  1. The rest of the pads are exposed according to this scheme, as in the photo. They should not fit tightly, therefore, if necessary, warm them up a little with a plane. Always adhere to the vertical (plumb line) and horizontal (level check) so that there are not even small distortions.
  2. When everything is set perfectly, you can pull out the block one by one, fill this place with sealant and insert it back.
  3. The hardest part is over. Now it's up to the polyurethane foam. With its help, all the cracks around the perimeter are closed. You need to work with it carefully, and after drying, just cut off the excess parts with a knife.

More details about installing windows can be found in the video. Now you know perfectly well how to install wooden windows in a wooden house, and you can do it yourself, and not spend extra money on the work of builders. The main thing is attention and patience.

The operational qualities of plastic window structures allow them to be used in the construction or repair of any buildings and structures. The work should take into account the differences and features of the installation process.

Let's study in more detail the subtleties of installing windows in a wooden house.


The peculiarities of installing plastic windows in a wooden house require a number of additional manipulations. This is due to the fact that the structure settles over time. Moreover, such work has differences in an old wooden house and in a new, newly built dwelling.

Before proceeding to its study, it is worth clarifying what you need to know about shrinkage. This is a natural process of changing the parameters of the walls due to the drying out of the wood base.

The shrinkage of a wooden structure depends on a number of factors:

  • type of material (timber, glued laminated timber, log);
  • time of material procurement (summer, winter);
  • collection time (evening, morning, afternoon);
  • forest sprouting area (field, swamps);

  • density and resinousness of the material;
  • dimensions;
  • humidity indicators;
  • dimensions of the entire structure.

The log cabin will experience the greatest shrinkage. Less shrinkage parameter for rounded logs. The shrinkage indicator for the new laminated veneer lumber is even slightly lower. There will be practically no shrinkage in an old log or log house.

Almost any wooden house is a constantly moving structure. This phenomenon is practically not observed in stone or concrete structures. Due to the instability of the wooden structure, the installation of PVC windows should be carried out not in the made opening, but in a previously prepared box. It will act as a connecting link between the wall and the window structure.

The box is called differently: siege, okosyachka, linden, etc. Without this element, a house made of wood will "walk" and begin to put pressure on the window structures.

In the shrinkage gap between the top in the casing and the wall of the house it is not recommended to use polyurethane foam... The solidified mass is rigid, therefore, it will give the pressure of the upper elements of the wall to the window, negating the function of the casing. The upper casing gap is insulated with other materials, which you will learn about later.

Another pitfall when installing windows can be incorrect calculation of window sizes. Without taking into account the mounting gap, the window opening will have to be expanded in any case.

A too large window opening will negatively affect the performance of the structure.... Simple foaming will not reduce it, and without proper insulation, the slopes will always be cold. When installing windows, it is important to immediately ensure the protection of the installation gap. The slots on the outside are closed with special tapes.

Another important feature of the installation of plastic windows is the exact correspondence to the level. Inaccuracies in this moment entail a quick failure of the fittings.

It is also important to consider the correct placement of the window in the wall. For example, if it is in a cold zone, this will cause it to freeze. Condensation will surely accumulate on the inside.

Knowing the features of installing plastic windows, you can decide on an independent installation. After all, all the same, many firms providing such services do not give guarantees for work, motivating the unpredictability of the behavior of wood. Therefore, it is worth examining the casing options in more detail.

In addition to plastic windows, in a wooden house, you can install metal-plastic structures, wood, aluminum, combined. Wooden windows have a lot of advantages, but among others they are the most expensive. Plastic structures are more affordable, undemanding to care... Modern manufacturers offer designs in a wide range of colors.

When choosing any design, it is important to understand the installation process of the window structure. This is necessary not only for self-assembly. Knowledge is also important for the control of the process of work, which will be performed by employees.

Casing options

The cage is a must for windows that will be installed in a new wooden house made of timber or logs. Also, the structure will be needed for unstable soils. It will be an additional protection for the window, which in this case may be distorted.

The casing can be omitted for the windows of a frame house. Here the frame itself will provide the necessary rigidity of the structure. Given the simplicity of the casing construction process, it is still better to do it for this option of buildings.

Correct casing installation technology involves the use of three types of structures:

  • monolith thorn;
  • mortgage bar;
  • into the deck.

The most time-consuming is the spike-monolith sowing, but it is also the most reliable... For this design, a groove is cut in the box, the dimensions of which are suitable for a pre-prepared spike on the sidewalls of the box. In the absence of carpentry skills, it is best to install the casing in a foundation block.

Siege "in the deck" is the most expensive both in terms of labor costs and costs of materials. Here a spike serves as a guide for the box, which is installed in the end parts of the opening. The grooves are cut in the lateral parts of the tenon. The top is attached to the side decks with self-tapping screws, and the window sill is installed on wooden pins.

Installation of any window begins from the window sill. After that, the work goes to the top, for which side racks are needed.

It should be borne in mind that the maximum shrinkage of the house is about 35 cm depending on the strength of the base. A large shrinkage can be given by an ordinary timber - up to 40 cm, and a lesser one - glued timber. The consequences of incorrect calculations may appear later in operation, as a result, the entire structure will need to be replaced.

The material for the casing can be glued or monolithic timber.... The use of laminated veneer lumber is not welcome in saunas, but this material is suitable for the home. In the baths, temperature and humidity changes are observed, which is why the glued laminated timber is destroyed.

If a monolithic timber is used, it is important that it is dry. Material with moisture over 12% will lead or crack.

The monolithic timber should be a special chamber drying; in the absence of such, the material will have to be dried in the shade for about 4-6 months.

There are also such types of casing as:

  • Rough... The cheapest materials are suitable for it. The planting is used for planned interior and exterior finishing works. In contrast to it, the final planting does not need finishing. It already has a slope, the installation of the window can be done immediately after fixing the box.
  • Arched... This decorative variety is prized for its originality. This design can use multiple glued parts or a single curved bar.

  • Power... This option is used for large-scale panoramic windows, gates, balconies, as well as doorways. Thick wood is used for manufacturing.
  • Eurosab... This option is similar to finishing, as it does not require additional finishing. A peculiarity of the look is the use of solid lamellas with a special adhesive composition.
  • Combined... This option is made of solid wood, while it has an outer layer of a type-setting adhesive decorative base. This type combines the beauty of appearance and a low price.

Cage for plastic windows of a wooden house can also be made of plastic. Installation features of this type require a wider opening in the log house (at least 10 cm) from the width of the glass unit. The manufacturing scheme involves the installation of a carriage with grooves, the dimensions of which should allow easy sliding of the frame along the guides.

Preparatory work

The general rules for preparatory work will be as follows:

  • An expansion gap is required between the top of the casing and the horizontal part of the window opening. It accounts for the maximum shrinkage of the house, which is possible at the time of installation of the window.
  • Wooden elements of the casing (spike, groove, ends, top) must be treated with an antiseptic.
  • Insulation is placed between the casing and the end of the wall. Flax, jute are suitable materials. The materials are attached with a stapler. The upper gap is insulated inside and outside. The insulation is fixed with steam and waterproofing tape. If the tape is not sticky, you can fix it with a stapler.
  • The lower part of the frame is insulated with two-layer linen or jute. A windscreen is needed between the frame and the window sill.

  • The frame is attached to the window from the outside with a long self-tapping screw, which should press the structure along the entire plane of the box.
  • If there are gaps on the outside, they are carefully insulated.
  • At this stage, the use of polyurethane foam is undesirable. It will prevent shrinkage. Foam can be used only as a last resort, together with a vapor barrier.
  • The best protection option would be to thoroughly caulk the gaps followed by gluing with waterproofing tape. The main goal should be to exclude moisture from entering the insulation.
  • In the last turn, platbands are attached and ebbs are mounted.

To determine the size of the gap, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the duct material, taking into account the seams and the shrinkage coefficient of the structure.

An important preparatory stage is the marking of the opening for the window. Before you start cutting out the opening, you need to accurately mark it, and for this you need a level. The window opening must correspond to the levels on all planes. The window must be cut as accurately as possible relative to a given level.

If the house is not made of timber, but wooden, the lower crown of the window opening must be cut out in such a way that a horizontal surface is obtained. The size of the opening is determined by the parameters of the window structure, taking into account the size for the gaps.

Preparatory work involves the installation of a box, which can be:

  • T-shaped... For it, a groove hole is created inside the end of the log slope. In the future, you need to place a profile in this groove.
  • U-shaped... For it, you need to cut a thorn at the end of the log wall. In this case, the groove is created in the side column of the casing.


You can correctly insert the window with your own hands from the windowsill. Step-by-step instruction further implies the installation of slopes, and on them - a top. It is better to insulate the wooden parts of the casing after the external platbands without window glass have been installed.

You can initially put the window frame to the window with self-tapping screws. Fasteners must pass completely into the body of the structure, but must not fall into the wall. It is unacceptable for self-tapping screws to be screwed into the log. Therefore, the length of the fasteners should not be greater than the width of the window. Special wooden brackets can be inserted as fasteners.


As a result of properly carried out preparatory work, the frame along the window should stand perfectly level. The leading edge is located strictly parallel to the casing plane. There should not be any significant distortions.

Decide what kind of waterproofing you will use when processing the gaps between the window and the glass unit. If the gaps are filled with foam, then it should be borne in mind that it is afraid of light and moisture. The seam is covered with platbands. The waterproofing applied in this case should not allow water to pass inside, while moisture vapor should not come out. Proper waterproofing should not be weatherproof.

If the window is installed fine, then this allows you to save on facing the window sill and slopes. For a more attractive final result, you need to be able to properly handle the wood. An accurate sizing is also important, especially if it is carried out independently. Despite some difficulties, the solution with a finishing cut is the more correct choice.

Glass unit

Place the double-glazed window in the opening and carefully monitor the accuracy of the installation relative to the front edge of the window. In wooden houses, a double-glazed window does not have to be brought inward by a third of the wall thickness.... This is required by panel or brick buildings, as well as frames. The thermal conductivity of wood is lower in comparison with these structures.

If a double-glazed window is placed deep in the opening in a wooden house, as a result, the already narrow window sill will decrease. In this case, the ledge on the outside must be additionally closed and sealed. When installing a plastic profile, it should be borne in mind that the main conductor of cold inside is the profile itself.

A waterproofing tape with a vapor-permeable effect is suitable as a profile processing material. In conjunction with the tape, you can use the sealant "Stiz-A". It is acrylic, one-component, white, adheres well to basic building materials, including wood.

The procedure for filling the gaps between the casing and the window structure is as follows:

  • foaming;
  • waiting for the foam to dry;
  • cutting off excess foam with a spatula;
  • sealing seams with tape.

Self-adhesive tape can be purchased in stores, which includes a membrane and sealant applied to one or both sides. The rolls on sale come in various widths. For plastic windows, a narrow tape is enough. It looks like foam rubber. The foam on the inside of the window must also be covered. Special tapes are also selected for vapor barrier.

  • Do not use metal fasteners when connecting casing parts.
  • Observe the optimal distance standards. For example, there must be at least 90 cm from the window sill to the floor.
  • Install windows in a wooden house closer to the outer part of the wall.
  • Choose hardwoods as a window sill. As a rule, a solid wood sill will have the best qualities.
  • Align the corners of the window hole with the level, setting 90 degrees. The diagonals can differ by 10 mm.
  • Correctly calculate the window landing depth. The dew point contour should run along the inside of the opening. Thus, it is possible to achieve the absence of condensation on the inside of the structure.

When processing the casing, both inside and outside, you can use a variety of color and textured surface designs. Once the windows have been installed, all wooden surfaces can be simply sanded and varnished. Use a stain that matches the color. Thus, you will achieve a more harmonious appearance of the window sill and other parts of the casing against the background of walls or a window.