Classification and standard sizes of shaped pipes. Profile pipe: assortment

Profile pipes, actively used in construction, mechanical engineering, furniture production and other areas, are presented on the modern market in a wide variety. To streamline this variety and classify these products according to certain criteria, such a concept as assortment was introduced.

The word "assortment" itself, if we refer to dictionaries, comes from the word "grade" and means a list of individual types of products that are on the market. With regard to profile pipes, the assortment means a set of types of this product, produced by manufacturing enterprises or available in the supplier's warehouse.

The assortment of pipes is presented in the form of a table or a simple list, in which individual types of products are listed in accordance with their names in accordance with GOST 13663 86 (shaped square, shaped rectangular pipes, etc.). Such a table or list should contain all the available types of pipes, for each of which all the names are written and the characteristics are given.

The assortment of pipes belonging to the profile category is very diverse. They are classified according to various parameters, but the main one is the cross-sectional profile. So, pipes are distinguished:

  • with a rectangular profile;
  • square section;
  • flat-oval;
  • oval;
  • with hollow ribs;
  • with a special type of profile.

The assortment is compiled separately for each type of pipes, which is regulated by the requirements of the relevant GOSTs.

The main parameters of the most common profile pipes - square and rectangular

Metal pipes belonging to a particular type of profile can also differ in a number of parameters. The main of these parameters are:

  • the method by which the pipes are produced (they are cold and hot rolled, welded);
  • materials used in production;
  • method of processing pipe ends;
  • main purpose.

The assortment of pipes, which is presented by a certain manufacturer, not only allows you to get acquainted with the range of its products, but also serves as an indicator of the level of its development. Consumers of such products and organizations selling them prefer to establish relationships with manufacturing enterprises, the range of pipes of which includes a wide range of products.

Range of rectangular shaped pipes: GOST 8645-68

Most clearly, information on the range of steel rectangular pipes is presented in the corresponding GOST, which is presented below.

Assortment of shaped square pipes: GOST 8639-82

To get acquainted with the assortment, it is worth looking at the data from the corresponding GOST, which is presented below.

Criterias of choice

Of the entire assortment of modern profile pipe rolling, the most common products are with square and rectangular sections. Traditionally, they are made of metal, but now this material is increasingly being replaced by plastic.

The main area of \u200b\u200bapplication of profile pipe-rolling is the production of metal structures for various purposes, where these products are successfully replaced by solid-section steel bars. The big advantages of pipes in comparison with such bars are affordable cost and low weight.

Choosing profile pipes from the assortment for the manufacture of a metal structure, it is very important to correctly select their profile and cross-sectional dimensions. The main criterion that guides this choice is the bearing capacity of pipes, both square and rectangular. It should also be borne in mind that products with different cross-sectional dimensions can vary significantly in weight.

According to the production method, as noted above, cold- and hot-deformed steel profile pipes are distinguished in the assortment. In accordance with the requirements of GOST 13663 86, this also includes products manufactured using electric welding. These pipes, like cold-worked pipes, can be coated with a zinc layer that prevents corrosion.

The cross-sectional dimensions of the profile pipe-rolling, the most demanded in the construction market, are:

  • 15x15;
  • 20x20;
  • 25x25;
  • 30x30;
  • 40x40;
  • 60x60;
  • 80x80;
  • 100x60;
  • 100x100.

The advantages of shaped pipes

The category of profile includes all pipes, the cross-sectional shape of which differs from round. The most widespread of the entire assortment are products with a square and rectangular profile, the dimensions of which correspond to 25, 60, 100, 40x80, 40x100, 50x50 mm.

Steel profile pipes with dimensions exceeding 100 mm are mainly used as structural elements. Such products, which have four stiffeners, are distinguished by high strength characteristics and low specific gravity.

Products with a profile of 60 mm perfectly resist bending, due to which they are successfully used in construction and in the arrangement of various utilities.

Any shaped pipes allow not only creating complex steel structures with their help, but also significantly saving on the cost of expensive metal.

Among the advantages of shaped pipes made of steel are the following.

  • All their assortment is characterized by low metal consumption, which makes it possible to save up to 25% of metal even during the construction of one building object.
  • When using such elements, construction objects are erected with high efficiency.
  • All the assortment of profile pipe-rolling produced by the modern industry meets the sanitary and hygienic requirements, the pipes are easy to maintain and during disinfection.
  • Such products also comply with fire safety requirements.
  • Even the most complex structures when using these elements are mounted with maximum efficiency.


Steel pipes with various types of profiles are actively used in many areas. Depending on the size of the profile, such products are used to solve the following tasks.

  • Pipes with a 60x30 profile are characterized by low metal consumption, their use makes it possible to significantly save on the cost of metal when performing construction work.
  • For the installation of metal structures of various sizes and degrees of complexity, pipes with profile dimensions of 15x15, 40x60, 60x60 and 100x100 are most actively used.
  • A number of advantages are distinguished by products with a profile size of 25x25. These advantages include low weight, exceptional strength characteristics, tightness, ease of installation.

Profile pipe is a kind of steel pipes. This product category includes a wide range of long products. It is in high demand among construction, manufacturing, agricultural and machine-building enterprises. What is the difference between such products and how to choose the right product from the assortment of shaped pipes? Customers must have asked themselves similar questions. Experts and large manufacturers of high-quality metal products will help you to understand the intricacies of the purchase.

What is a profile pipe

A profile pipe is a kind of high-quality hollow metal rolling. The profile of this pipe is somewhat different from the round one. Thus, the options are distinguished:

  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • oval;
  • flat oval;
  • arched.

Distribution has reached pipes with a square and rectangular profile, which is explained by the correct shape of the section.

Assortment of shaped pipes

Speaking about assortment (this term comes from the concept of grade), they mean a list of varieties of products of this type that are offered on the market of goods. So, the assortment of shaped pipes includes rolled metal products, the general characteristic of which is a hollow structure and a non-circular section. At the same time, these products also have differences:

  • sectional shape;
  • material of manufacture;
  • production technology;
  • profile size;
  • wall thickness.

Profile form

This parameter is considered fundamental, since the assortment of products with different sectional (profile) shapes is indicated separately.

Types by shape:

  • Rectangular tube. This type of rolled steel has 4 stiffening ribs, which makes it tensile and deflection resistant. Equally important is the low weight achieved by the hollow structure. In addition to the advantages of the products, it is worth mentioning convenient storage and ease of transportation.
  • Square tube. Such a product combines the aforementioned advantages of a rectangular pipe, while being characterized by compact dimensions. An assortment of shaped square pipes is indispensable in cases of tightly limited space.
  • Oval, flat-oval, arched. These options are often used in case of special requirements from the site. Polygonal and special profiles. Profiled pipes with a polygonal cut or additional grooves are also sold, but they are produced according to individual orders.

Production technologies

All types of profile pipes, regardless of the shape of the profile, are produced using similar technologies.

There are 3 of them in total.

  1. Cold rolled. According to cold-rolled technology, ordinary round pipes of a suitable diameter are the starting material for the production of shaped pipes. The process is reduced to the rolling of a round pipe on special machines. As a result, the product is given the desired shape.
  2. Hot deformed. This manufacturing technology is similar to cold rolled in that a round tube is used as a starting material. However, there are also differences - before rolling, the pipe is heated to a high temperature. Due to this, high internal stress does not arise in the metal and special performance characteristics are given to finished products.
  3. Welded. Welded production involves the use of pieces of sheet metal rather than a round pipe. They are rolled to give the desired profile, and then the edges are welded together.

GOST requirements for the assortment of shaped pipes

Pipes with a profile other than a round one are considered one of the most important segments of all rolled metal sections. They are widely used in construction and other important facilities, so they must be manufactured taking into account stringent requirements. According to GOST 30245-2003, the assortment of shaped pipes is characterized as bent closed welded products with a rectangle or square profile.

However, this GOST is far from the only regulatory document. Additional requirements are provided for each type of profile pipe.

Manufacturing materials

Another distinctive feature of the assortment of shaped pipes is called the material. The most commonly used steel. She may be:

  • low alloyed;
  • carbon;
  • stainless.

Each is assigned a stock name. It will certainly indicate the grade of steel, each of which belongs to a particular group. This characteristic significantly affects the strength, flexibility, durability and other indicators of the finished product (including the cost). Less common are pipes made of other materials, such as aluminum.

Square pipes: varieties

With a square profile, they differ depending on the production technology. The range of cold-deformed profile pipes includes products with a section of 10-120 mm. The wall thickness can be up to 1-8 mm.

Hot deformation products are produced with a section of 30-140 mm, thickness can be 4-14 mm. Electro-welded shaped pipes have a thickness of 1-5 mm, and a section size of 10-100 mm.

Rectangular section

Pipes with rectangular cross-sections differ in side dimensions and wall thickness.

The smallest pipes are 15 * 10 mm, and the largest 230 * 100 mm. Wall thickness varies from 1 to 14 mm. The larger the section size, the greater the wall thickness should be. This allows the pipes to withstand increased loads and serve for many years.


The assortment of shaped steel pipes has several advantages that allow them to be used in the construction and industrial sectors:

  • Among all high-quality rolled metal products, profile pipes have the lowest metal consumption, which significantly reduces the weight and cost of the finished structure.
  • Such products are easy to bend, cut and weld, which reduces the speed of assembly of products.
  • Taking into account sanitary and hygienic standards in production makes them easy to maintain.
  • Made of steel, the pipes are completely fireproof.

The buyer chooses a product based on the main requirements of the project being implemented, the area of \u200b\u200bapplication and the features of operation. In other words, there is no one ideal solution for two projects that are completely different in direction, cost and application features.

Having considered the characteristics and differences of shaped pipes, we conclude: this type of rolled metal is diverse and is extremely useful in many areas of industry. However, those products that were made taking into account the accepted requirements and standards will turn out to be durable and wear-resistant. For this reason, before purchasing rolled metal products, you should read the supporting documents.

In our time, the steel profile pipe has become widespread. support parts, make frames for public transport stops, railings, benches and much more. The most demanded field of application of steel pipes is reflected in the construction industry when installing metal structures and building buildings.

The wide choice of types of steel pipes makes it possible to make a suitable design for the required tasks.

The steel pipe has a cross section with 4 stiffeners. Despite the fact that such a product weighs very little, it can withstand very large loads.

Their application

The use of shaped steel pipes is wide in scope. Undoubtedly, the most basic sphere of use of profile pipe-rolling materials is construction. In modern building structures, this type of pipe-rolling assortment is used everywhere.

Their use has the following advantages:

  1. Metal is saved by almost a quarter when compared with the construction of a metal building using an I-beam.
  2. Easy installation and little time spent on building the frame and structure.
  3. Such a metal structure is more resistant to the formation of corrosive manifestations when compared with other pipe rolling options. And cold-bent professional pipes successfully replace the double-tee beam, corners and channel.


Consider the main technical characteristics of a shaped steel pipe:

  • Profile view. Its main types are square, rectangular and oval. This criterion determines the division of the pipe-rolling profile in the general assortment.
  • Geometric dimensions. For rectangular views, these are width and height. And also the length of each segment.
  • Wall thickness. Quite a significant detail, because it is it that determines the scope of further use.
  • Weight. No less significant assessment that determines the quality level of goods. By means of weight and geometric dimensions, you can find out the thickness of the walls. This becomes very useful in situations where measurements are not available.

When describing steel professional pipes, it should be noted that their range is determined by GOST 8639-82. In the specified document, there are three main types of profiles:

  • Cold-formed.
  • Hot rolled.
  • Electrowelded.

The first two are seamless, and the third is produced from sheet material using welded technologies.

It should be noted that any characteristic of a pipe is dependent on a number of its other indicators. For these reasons, we can conclude that the presence of a table of the corresponding calculated GOST values \u200b\u200bmakes it easy to find out how high the quality level of a particular manufacturer is.


Table No. 1 of the weight of steel pipes.

P / p No. Parameters.

Profile square pipes

Length Weight meter / running.
1 15x15x1.0 0, 478
2 15x15x1.2 0,500
3 15x15x1.5 0,600
4 20x20x1.2 0,680
5 20x20x1.5 0,840
6 20x20x2 1,09
7 25x25x1.2 0,870
8 25x25x1.5 1,06
9 25x25x2 1,38
10 30x30x1.5 1,30
11 30x30x1.5 1,60
12 40x40x1.5 1,79
13 40x40x2 2,30
14 40x40x2.5 3,33
15 40x40x3 4,20
16 40x40x4 3,60
17 50x50x2.5 3,65
18 60x60x2 3,58
19 80x80x3 12 m 7,12
20 100x100x3 12 m 9,01

The weight of the professional pipe will depend on its length and wall thickness. This moment must be taken into account when choosing them.

the types and types of shaped pipes and their technical characteristics are presented. Watching this video will help you decide on the choice of professional pipes specifically for your situation.
Weight must be taken into account when constructing massive metal structures, if this is your case, then use our tables.

Table No. 2 weights of steel shaped pipes.

P / p No. Parameters

Profiled rectangular

Length Weight meter / running.
1 20x10x1.2 0, 500
2 25x10x1.5 0,600
3 28x25x1.2 0,930
4 30x15x1.5 0,950
5 40x20x1.5 1,30
6 50x25x2 1,66
7 60x30x2 2,64
8 80x40x2 3,50
9 100x50x3 12 m 6,50
10 100x50x4 12 m 8,69
11 120x60x3 12 m 11,40
12 120x60x4 12 m 10,55
13 140x60x2 12 m 11,80
14 140x60x5 12 m 14,58
15 150x100x5 12 m 18,4
16 160x80x5 12 m 17.69
17 160x120x5 12 m 20,80
18 180x100x6 12 m 24.69
19 200x120x5 12 m 23.98
20 230x160x6 12 m 46,11

Range of these products

In addition to these parameters, the classification can be made according to the following points:

  1. Steel marking.
  2. Absence / presence of finishing heat treatment.

The length parameters in this situation are determined by GOST 13663-86. This standard determines that steel professional pipes of various shapes are produced in standard measured lengths, their length is from 1 to 12 meters.

GOST 8642-68 determines the size of the cross-section of the professional pipe, respectively, these products were divided into 36 different types of sizes with a cross-sectional value within 0.6 by 0.3 cm, and 0.9 by 3.2 cm.

By type of profile, they were divided into:

  • Oval steel options.
  • Products with a rectangular section.
  • With a square section.


Depending on the scope of application, these pipes are classified into:

  • Profiled pipes for furniture. The construction of them, as a rule, does not bear heavy loads.
  • Flat - oval types. Their other name is a profile for an arch. It is more complex to manufacture.
  • General purpose options. They are made from hot rolled one and a half millimeter tape. Such products do not have high requirements for surface quality.
  • Construction. For their production, hot-rolled and low-alloy steel is taken, which is distinguished by increased strength indicators.

Square profile

Steel square tube is widely used in the construction field.

It is the shape of the square that is the main advantage in this situation. It provides high stability and quick installation work.

These materials act as a reinforcing element in the construction of structures for supports and frames. They can be found not only in construction. They are used no less often in the engineering sector.

Square pipes are divided into the following types:

  1. seamless cold deformation or cold rolled.
  2. seamless hot deformation or hot rolled.
  3. profiled products obtained from sheet material and by means of welded technologies.

The range of such goods consists of products with a wall thickness of 0.1 to 1.4 cm and a length of six to twelve meters. Craftsmen call this type of product a guarantee of compliance with the financial costs of construction with their minimization.

Rectangular profile

Profile rectangular pipe is a type of rectangular tube-rolling materials. This is a kind of subspecies of square options. It is also a hollow metal profile with a variety of volume and wall thicknesses.

They are used when assembling structures and building elements on which a load-bearing role lies. They are taken for furniture frames, scaffolding for construction, children's areas and much more.

The peculiarities of the shapes and the low weight of the products significantly reduce the mass of the main structure, but the resistance to the influence of high loading effects in this situation increases. They are often used as a protection channel for wiring a network of cables.

The main differences are determined by GOST 8645-78. According to these standards, there are such rectangular pipes:

  • with unmeasured length;
  • with measured length;
  • assortment with short measured length.

Depending on the type, the length of seamless or welded materials varies from 11.5 to 12.5 meters:

  • Seamless professional pipes of unmeasured and measured length, made by hot-rolled method - from 4 to 12.5 m.
  • Seamless pipes of unmeasured length, made by cold-drawn method - from 1.5 to 12.5 m, and measured - from 4.5 to 11 meters.
  • Pipes of unmeasured length, made by the electric welded method - from 1.5 to 9 m, measured length - from 5 to 9 m.

When working with such profile products, allowances of 0.5 cm are made for each part.The maximum excess of the length level as a whole is 10 cm.

Electrofusion profile

The steel electrowelded shaped pipe is produced according to different technological methods. The first is the formation of a profile from a flat blank. At the same time, simple equipment is used, which is distinguished by low energy consumption. However, the resulting products have some disadvantages:

  1. uneven distribution of stresses in the cross-section.
  2. significant thinning of the profile blank in the corner places.

In this case, advanced technologies, which imply an even distribution of voltage at the initial stage, allow to change the negative characteristics. This forms a round billet with the required volume.

Secondary processing in this case provides for the formation of a section of the required dimensions and shape by means of the pressure of special rolls.

Galvanized steel profile

Galvanized profile pipes are a special type of rolled metal. The galvanized profile has increased anti-corrosion properties, which prolongs its service life.


The advantageous difference between a galvanized product is:

  • The speed of installation work and their convenience.
  • Increased durability.
  • Kink resistance.
  • Reducing the total weight of the structure without losing its strength capabilities.
  • Logistic convenience.

Their spheres are very different, and the main ones are:

  • Construction of various scales.
  • Mechanical engineering.
  • Construction of quickly assembled structures.

At the moment, this type of rolled metal can be found in billboards, fences, in retail premises. And everywhere these steel pipes fully meet all regulatory requirements.

Manufacturing features

The production of shaped pipes is more complicated and more expensive than the production of round rolled pipes.

Technological methods for the release of professional pipes are:

  • Pressing of round billets produced on rolling mills. This option is expensive, therefore, the second type is more popular.
  • Welded connection of strip profiles.

The first method is notable for the fact that it makes it possible to preserve the strength characteristics of steel pipes one hundred percent. The fact is that its connections are seamless. The sequence of production by this method is as follows:

  • First, a regular hot-rolled billet with a round shape is produced.
  • Through the press, it turns into an oval, takes the shape of a square or rectangle.
  • Calibration of heated blanks is performed on the rollers of the rolling equipment, so the products acquire the required dimensions.

Profiled pipes, for the manufacture of which they used welding, are not very distinguishable from seamless analogues, but at the same time they lose up to 5 percent of their strength. The release sequence in this case is as follows:

  1. Steel sheet blanks are cut into strips.
  2. After that, such strips are rolled up into a tape.
  3. It is fed into the rolls of molding machines, which deform flat sheets into workpieces.
  4. The fastening seam is welded in special chambers filled with an inert medium.


The main advantage of the professional pipe is its low cost and high strength... It will not be difficult to buy this steel product. The managers of any company will provide all the information about their cost and characteristics.

The steel profile pipe is successfully used in the construction of premises for trade, warehouses, sports facilities, buildings for housing and production. These products are used as supports, columns, and various elements of all kinds of structures.

Their high strength makes them very popular for creating metal structures that stand out for their particular complexity. In the construction market, these products are deservedly highly popular.



Assortment concept

What is “assortment”? The meaning of the word means a list of a specific product on the market or a list of products manufactured by a manufacturer.

If we take shaped pipes, then the assortment of these products includes all types of products that are manufactured in factories or are located in suppliers' warehouses.

It is convenient to present the assortment of shaped pipes in the form of tables. They contain, among which square and rectangular parts of a wide range of products are most often used.

Profile is one of the main parameters of the parts presented in the table. In addition, it may indicate the grade of steel, the size of the profile, the wall thickness of the products, the yield point, the method of manufacture, and other characteristics, having become familiar with which we have a complete picture of the product.

GOST 13663 86

This State Standard presents shaped pipes made of steel, both seamless and welded for general use. Various groups of grades of carbon and alloy steel are used for manufacturing.
The linear parameters of profile steel risers are recorded in special tables that can be easily found on the Internet.

Items can be:

  • with the presence of hollow ribs;
  • flat oval forms;
  • oval and drop-shaped sections;
  • square ();
  • rectangular ().

The assortment foresees the presence of 2 groups of shaped pipes according to GOST:

  • group A products: the mechanical properties of steel are standardized;
  • group B products: the presence of chemical elements in a specific proportion, the mechanical characteristics of the base metal are standardized.

The index of the product group when marking it - A or B, is affixed before the steel grades.

The assortment foresees the presence of steel shaped pipes with and without heat treatment.

Non-specialists in this industry sometimes talk about the assortment of steel shaped pipes GOST 13633 86. It turns out that such a Standard does not exist at all, and the numbers, probably, were simply confused and instead of 13663 they call 13633. That's all. So you need to be extremely careful and precise before talking about State Standards.

Let's dwell on rectangular and square elements, which are more in demand in comparison with analogs of other sections.

Rectangular pipes gost 8645 68

As stipulated in the Standard and accordingly, pipes can be produced:

  • seamless method (hot and cold deformation);
  • welded method (electric welding with hot and cold calibration, furnace welding).

As GOST 8645 68 in practice, square analogs of GOST 8639 82 are used, the range of which is also quite large.

The shape of the rectangular elements should be the same as in the drawing.

Table 1 can be used with some parameters of general-purpose rectangular products.

Table 1

Section length Section width Wall thickness Cross-sectional area Weight 1 m Moment of resistance
mm cm 2 kg cm 3
15 10 1 0,44 0,349 0,132 0,166
2 0,772 0,606 0,178 0,238
20 10 1 0,544 0,424 0,174 0,266
2 0,972 0,763 0,246 0,399
25 10 1 0,644 0,504 0,211 0,371
2 0,18 0,918 0,311 0,591
40 15 2 1,96 1,56 0,921 1,72
4 3,49 2,72 1,18 2,52
25 1,5 1,81 1,42 1,48 1,96
4 4,29 3,37 2,82 3,82
60 30 1,5 2,58 2,01 2,72 4,01
5 7,56 5,95 6,18 9,87
40 1,5 2,86 2,26 3,91 4,86
5 8,56 6,74 9,58 12,38
80 40 2,0 4,67 3,58 6,42 9,48
7 14,01 10,98 14,98 23,95
60 3,5 9,11 7,13 17,22 20,22
7 16,81 13,18 27,82 33,31
180 80 7 33,61 26,38 89,43 145,2
12 54,27 42,51 125,8 214,1
150 8 49,24 38,67 228,8 253,4
12 70,98 55,61 310,81 346,01

Application features

The uprights are manufactured in a close relationship between linear parameters and wall thickness. Due to the stiffening ribs, the construction of rectangular parts is distinguished by its strength, reliability, long service life and other positive properties.

Rectangular uprights are used in:

  • construction industry. With their help, supporting structures are created for sports facilities, cultural facilities, offices and other premises. Perfect railings, various decorative fences are obtained from rectangular parts;
  • mechanical engineering. Modern tractors, agricultural machinery, heavy vehicles, trailers are mounted on frames of hollow rectangular struts. Low weight combined with high strength is the main condition for creating reliable metal structures;
  • agriculture. Erected greenhouses, greenhouses, sheds for seeds, machinery, and other structures can easily withstand serious both lateral and longitudinal loads;
  • furniture industry. There are such risers in every school desk, in every chair. They are supplied with furniture for medical and public institutions. Complete with wooden elements, they look very aesthetically pleasing.

You cannot do without them when erecting frames for trade pavilions, awnings, temporary and permanent advertising structures.

With their help, devices are mounted that facilitate the performance of work inside and outside the premises.

Effective interaction with planes helps to expand product areas. Due to the rectangularity of structural parts, the range of functional purpose of the final product is significantly expanded.

Despite the savings in metal during production, rectangular risers are a fairly high-quality, in-demand product. Rectangular parts are available to consumers due to competitive product value and high quality.

GOST 8639 82

This Standard refers to the assortment of a square shaped pipe, for the manufacture of which they use:

  • seamless method (hot and cold deformed elements);
  • electrowelded (cold-deformed, hot-calibrated parts).

The document applies to the assortment of shaped pipes GOST 8639 82 square section, for the production of which they also used furnace welding.

Depending on the manufacturing method, purpose, steel grades, parts can be of different lengths with different wall thicknesses, different sections and external dimensions (Table 2):

table 2

The maximum overall length error is no more than +100 mm.

The drawing indicates the shape, and the table. 3 for dimensions and other parameters of shaped square pipes GOST 8639 82.

Table 3

External dimensions,
Wall thickness,
Cross-sectional area,
cm 2
Weight 1 m,
Moment of resistance
cm\u206d\u206e 3
10 0,9 0,316 0,245 0,851
1,4 0,447 0,351 0,101
15 0,9 0,493 0,389 0,216
1,4 0,727 0,572 0,292
20 0,8 0,605 0,475 0,369
1,5 1,072 0,842 0,601
35 0,8 1,082 0,851 1,201
4,0 4,69 3,66 4,18
50 2,0 3,74 2,98 5,73
8,0 12,33 9,68 13,89
100 3,0 11,47 9,03 35,78
9,0 31,36 24,63 84,33
180 8,0 53,93 42,33 292,68
14,0 89,58 70,34 449,26

Range of square shaped pipes GOST 30245 2003

This Standard specifies not only the parameters of square products, but also the technology of their production.

One of the main areas of application for such parts is capital construction.

For absolute confidence in the strength, reliability of structures, for their construction, it is necessary to use only a range of steel profile pipes that meet GOST.

The production of an extensive assortment of profile square risers as a variety of rectangular products is carried out accordingly. Elements can be measured, unmeasured. If necessary, you can purchase parts that are multiples of dimensional.

By cutting individual elements of finished products, enterprises adhere to the State Standard.

The document emphasizes that:

  • the minimum length of parts cannot be less than 4 m, and the maximum - no more than 13 m;
  • more often than others, buyers are interested in finished products 6 m and 12 m long (it is elements with such linear parameters that can be found more often than others in hardware stores);
  • when cutting dimensional parts, it is necessary to adhere to maximum deviations of the order of 60 mm;
  • the required length is determined by the customer, but it must be within the limits specified in the regulatory documents.

For products with a square cross-section, the Standard requires compliance with the length of the sides, the linear dimensions of which can range from 50 mm to 300 mm. The assortment of goods foresees the correspondence of the thickness of the element to its size. With an increase in the last parameter, the wall thickness should also increase (the minimum value is 2 mm, the maximum value is 14 mm).

Separate designs foresee the use of non-standard risers of such parameters: cross-sectional area, wall thickness, length. Such elements must be tested. The parts produced must comply with the Specifications of the state regulatory body, which assesses their level of safety. The marking of the parts contains the designation TU.

The shape of the parts is shown in the drawing.

With individual parameters of some product sizes
can be found in table. 4.

Table 4

h b t Cross-sectional area, A
cm 2
Weight 1 m,
40 40 2 2,942 2,314
3 4,212 3,301
4 5,351 4,202
60 60 2 4,542 3,562
4 8,552 6,712
6 12,031 9,451
90 90 3 10,213 8,014
5 16,361 12,844
8 24,042 18,873
120 120 3 13,813 10,482
6 26,432 20,754
8 33,643 26,417
150 150 4 22,955 18,016
6 33,632 26,406
8 43,241 33,955
200 200 6 45,635 35,826
9 65,982 51,797
12 84,063 65,997
300 300 6 69,632 54,664
9 102,01 80,055
12 132,12 103,72

About performance and applications

The square riser structure is a closed profile, for the formation of which a metal strip is used. The quality characteristics that appear during the operation of products depend on the design features, material of manufacture.

Such products are different:

  • increased resistance to bending and torsion;
  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • small mass;
  • long service life.

Today it is difficult to imagine human activity without square risers. They are widely used in various fields.

Profiles are the basis of modern industrial and domestic construction. Reconstructing old building objects and constructing new ones, parts of square sections are used to create roof frames, floors.

Functioning cannot be imagined without them:

  • furniture industry (shelves, racks, chairs, tables, cabinets);
  • mechanisms of the engineering industry;
  • agriculture (sheds, garages, utility rooms, livestock farms);
  • advertising business, other areas of human life.

In comparison with analogs of circular cross-section, square and rectangular profiles bend after high loads. Moreover, after the termination of the load, the riser takes its original position. This is their strength and reliability.

Round products, with a similar effect, can not only deform, but also completely collapse.

Production stages

The assortment of square steel shaped pipes GOST 30245 2003 envisages the use of sheet steel grades from carbon and low-alloy groups with sheet thickness of 3 mm, 4 mm and more. Individual orders are made using high quality steel grades.

After determining the manufacturing method, product sections, production begins, which foresees several stages:

  1. Unwinding, cutting of rolled sheet metal into strips of a certain width.
  2. Formation of a long strip from cut strips by welding.
  3. Feeding the tape, forming products with a square section from it on a forming machine.
  4. Welding the connecting longitudinal seam resulting from the bending of the workpiece.
  5. Removing to a minimum (the remainder is not more than 0.5 mm - 1 mm) of the burr from the weld.
  6. Carrying out control measures regarding the quality of welded seams. If deficiencies are found, they are removed.
  7. Cutting high-quality pieces of the required length.
  8. Packaging of finished items.

The finished packaged products are sent to the warehouse for storage.


Drains. You should know it!

The gutter system is one of the most important systems in the exterior of a house. This design is not just a decoration for the home, or a tribute to fashion. Drains are designed to collect and direct the flow of rainwater from the roof of the building to a specially designated place away from the foundation of the building.

How to calculate the drain

A properly functioning gutter system protects the roof, roofing, walls of the house, the base of the building and the foundation from premature wear. Not to mention the aesthetic component of the benefits of gutters.

They save you from mud at home, puddles at the basement and accidental falls. Consider the simplest questions about what the drainage system of a residential building should be. What size downpipes should be? The size of the pipes depends on which part of the country you live in, on the average annual rainfall and on the area of \u200b\u200bthat part of the roof for which the drain is calculated.

In temperate climates, the calculation takes into account that with 1.5 cm² of cross-section, the drainage is sufficient to drain water from 1 m² of the roof. Based on this, a pipe 10 cm in diameter is capable of draining water from a roof area of \u200b\u200babout 53 meters.

What is the best material to use to make gutters and gutters?

The most common materials are aluminum and vinyl. But you can use steel and copper gutters. In this case, the price of the product may be the determining factor.

Installing copper gutters will be expensive, but with proper maintenance, these gutters will last for decades. If you live in an area with small temperature fluctuations, then vinyl gutters are the rational choice.

Seamless gutters or not? Seamless gutters and gutters are, according to experts, the best option. These gutters are custom-made. This option of gutters will cost more to the owner of the house. Collecting gutters leak and sag over time. With any choice, the installation of gutters should preferably be carried out by a specialist in this area of \u200b\u200bconstruction.

Laying of engineering communications

The construction of any facility, be it a residential apartment building or a production workshop, is not complete without the arrangement of communications that supply heat, water and gas to the building.

Considering the complexity and volume of this type of work, it will be expedient and profitable to contact specialists who offer services in the field of laying and connecting engineering communications of all types.

The use of carefully selected materials and modern samples of technology allows you to complete the work in the shortest possible time, guarantee its quality and offer customers the best price level for the services offered.

Trench or trenchless method

Depending on the purpose of the object and the characteristics of the soil, work on the arrangement of communications can be carried out by a trench or trenchless method.

The first is considered traditional - it takes time and the use of excavating equipment, as well as the need to prepare a place for temporary placement of soil removed from the ground, which will be replaced by pipes and their finishing.

In turn, the trenchless method is a modern, developed, due to the need to equip communications in difficult-to-pass places underground, when the task is to preserve transport routes and buildings on its surface. The main methods of trenchless arrangement of communications are horizontal or oblique drilling, pushing the soil, puncture, carried out using special technology and equipment that guarantees the integrity of the soil layer and the safety of objects.

Each of the types of communications requires adherence to special measures in the process of developing pits and digging trenches.

So, water supply networks are characterized by ramification and the need to arrange frequent wiring to nearby objects. Their arrangement requires, first of all, compliance with the conditions for the preservation of conductive properties and protection from negative external influences, as well as economical operation and the possibility of maintenance and periodic monitoring.

In order to economically and quickly perform all types of work, construction and housing and communal services organizations rent construction equipment and machinery.

In turn, heating networks are distinguished by a significant size of the pipe diameter.

Their design requires care and attention, as well as the selection of materials, on the one hand, resistant to prolonged thermal exposure, on the other hand, capable of withstanding a drop in soil temperature in winter, and on the third, to ensure the preservation of the coolant temperature.

Therefore, the design of work on the arrangement of heating networks is trusted by experienced specialists who guarantee that all the necessary conditions are met.

All products are characterized by certain parameters. This also applies to water pipes. In addition, this type of product, such as shaped pipes, also has its own differences, its classification, its technical characteristics, that is, dimensions, cross-sectional area, load-bearing capacity, material of manufacture, and so on.

Naturally, shaped pipes in the process of their production are regulated by GOSTs, so any deviation from their prescriptions is considered a marriage.

Some classification

A profile pipe is any other type of pipe other than the standard round one. The big advantage of such varieties is that the cross-sectional area, having the same dimensions with round products, will be larger.
These pipes have excellent technical characteristics, especially when it comes to their strength.
They are used in many spheres of life: heavy and light industry, agricultural engineering, furniture production and many other industries.
The classification of these materials can be built on the basis of many features, such as, for example, sizes, shapes, production methods, and so on. Let's take a closer look at this issue.
The following types are distinguished in shape:

  • Square;
  • Oval;
  • Flat-oval, that is, those in which two sides are straight, and the other two are made in the form of arcs, that is, rounded;
  • Rectangular.

The general GOST for the manufacture of profile products has the designation 13663-86. Depending on the shape, they are manufactured according to the following standards:
  • For square, we apply GOST 8639-82;
  • For rectangular, we apply GOST 8645-68;
  • For a flat-oval shape, we apply GOST 8644-68;
  • For oval, GOST 8642-68 is applicable.

Note! All such products are made from various types of steel. I must also say that each type of steel also has its own GOST.

If we talk about the production method, then the profile pipe will have two types:

  • Electrowelded;
  • Seamless.

Electrofusion can have several types:

  • Thin-walled;
  • Thick-walled;
  • Having a galvanized surface and not galvanized;
  • Straight seam and many others.

Seamless has the following types:
  • Seamless;
  • Hot rolled;
  • Galvanized and not galvanized.

Cold rolled and hot rolled steel

Here, too, a small reservation should be made. We will talk about the types of steel that are used for the manufacture of these products a little lower, but it is worth understanding the difference between cold-rolled and hot-rolled products.
At the initial stage, sheets are produced by hot rolling. The large original sheet is cut into smaller pieces or into strips. Cold rolled steel is processed first, that is, the pickling process takes place first. Only then is the cold rolling process started. For this reason, in the absolute majority, cold-rolled steel, or rather a sheet made of it, cannot be thicker than 4-5 mm. The area, like other parameters, can take on a wide variety of values, but the thickness has an upper limit. However, the surface of such steel products is much better.
Such sheets have a constant thickness, whatever their area. In addition, they are free of scale. It must be said that the technical characteristics are much higher, since before cold rolling all steel materials undergo a hardening procedure. Accordingly, the load on products made from such material may be higher.

Seamless and electrowelded

If we have sorted out hot and cold rolled products, now it remains to understand only what seamless products are and what electrowelded products are.

Electro-welded products are obtained by molding and subsequent electric welding. They have seams that can be straight or spiral seams, hence the name - longitudinal and spiral seams. These products can be produced either from a sheet of low-alloy steel of the carbon type, or from a billet - strips.
The metal blank (sheet) is welded with its edges along one line. This is how longitudinal seam products are obtained. The spiral-shaped variety is obtained by winding a steel tape in a spiral.
Profile pipes of this kind can be used to create gas mains. In this case, the maximum load is 16 MPa.
All such types have their own GOST manufacturing.
All products can be thick-walled or thin-walled. The production process has no effect on this issue.
Seamless products are obtained by rolling a steel ingot. During this process, a hole is formed in the center, which is calibrated a little later in shape and size.
I must say that seamless products can be made in several ways at once, for example, forging or rolling.
As in the first case, a seamless pipe can be thin-walled or thick-walled. The most important advantage that all seamless products have is their incredible strength, which is achieved due to the absence of a seam - the weakest point. Basically, seamless products are used where it is necessary to constantly deal with high loads, both internal and external. Seamless pipe has gained great popularity in the oil industry, as well as in the field of transporting highly aggressive media.

Some technical characteristics

The main ones include:

  • Profile shape. There are rectangular, square, and so on;
  • Dimensions, that is, height and width. It must be said here that this indicator has its own GOST, but manufacturers today produce shaped pipes with any width and length;
  • Wall thickness. According to this parameter, it is divided into two types - thin-walled and thick-walled. This is an important parameter, since it is he who determines the scope. The wall thickness is regulated by GOST, but there are exceptions;
  • Weight. It is not just about ease of transport and operation. The mass determines the quality of the product. Knowing the dimensions and mass, you can easily find out how thick its walls are, if you cannot do this by direct measurement.

What the industry offers

Today the assortment offered by manufacturers is very wide. For example, consider products according to GOST 30245-94, 8645-68, 8639-82, that is, electric-welded pipes with different cross-sectional shapes.
The assortment of square products (this includes seamless products and electrowelded products):

  • External parameters from 10 to 10 to 120 to 120. At the same time, both thick-walled and thin-walled are produced, wall thickness from 1 to 8 mm - this is for cold-deformed materials;
  • External parameters from 60 to 60 to 180 to 180. Wall thickness from 4 to 14 is for hot-rolled products;
  • External parameters are from 10 to 10 to 100 to 100. In this case, both thick-walled and thin-walled are produced, wall thickness from 1 to 5 - this is for electrowelded materials.

All values \u200b\u200bare in mm.
Rectangular pipe (this includes seamless pipe and electric-welded) has the following assortment:
  • Sizes from 10 by 15 mm with a thickness of 1 to 180 by 150 with a thickness of 12 mm;
  • Groups A and B. The first includes products made of steel grades St2 (4kp / ps), and the second - St.2 (4kp / ps), as well as 08 kp and 10-35.

The range of steel products (both thin-walled and thick-walled, GOST 30245-2003):

  • For a square shape - from 4 by 4 cm with a thickness of 2 mm to 30 by 30 with a thickness of 14 mm;
  • Rectangular has such dimensions - from 5 by 2.5 cm to 40 by 20 cm, and the wall thickness from 2 to 14 mm, respectively.

As you can see, there are plenty to choose from. And this is only part of the entire range of sizes, shapes and materials.

Wall thickness and other dimensions

In this article, we have mentioned many times about such a concept as thin-walled or thick-walled. The whole point is this: for different sizes, the same thickness can be either small or large. Hence the name.
Naturally, thick-walled products will cost more, since more material is spent on their production.
The wall thickness can be in the range from 1 to 14 mm.
I must say that depending on the type, the sizes also change:

  • Cold rolled products - wall thickness from 1 to 8, sizes from 1 to 12 cm;
  • Hot rolled - wall thickness from 4 to 14 mm, dimensions from 6 to 18 cm;
  • Electric welding - wall thickness from 1 to 5 mm, dimensions from 1 to 10 cm.

Most of the existing standard sizes are shown in the table below:

The length of the material also has some dependence on the production method. This indicator ranges from one and a half meters to 12.5.
There is also a classification by length:
  • Measured length;
  • Unmeasured length;
  • Multiple dimensional.

For materials with a measured or multiple measured length, it is customary to add a margin, which is 5 mm. For this reason, the finished product at the exit may turn out to be 10 cm longer than the intended one.