How to close a hole from the handle in the door. How to repair interroom doors yourself

The hole in the door can be formed as a result of a variety of reasons: random strikes, mechanical impact or just time. However, this little misunderstanding does not mean that it will be urgently. The hole can be masked or close.

Masking methods

Masking a hole is an easier and cheap way to cope with this trouble. Depending on the style of the interior of your home, your personal preferences and fantasies. Possible options:

  1. Hang a poster / sign. This option is suitable for a children's or room weathered in a non-storm style. Today you can find many funny posters and tablets that disguise the hole and at the same time will raise you every day.
  2. Stick the mirror. Self-adhesive mirrors - a great and practical option to get rid of the hole. They have a little weight that will withstand the door of any type, various sizes and shapes.
  3. Pack the self-adhesive film. In special stores you can find a huge variety of colors and textures of such a film. It is possible to glue it only on one or both sides of the door.
  4. Drive the door canvas. To do this, you can use various drawings, photos, pieces of fabric, etc. You can apply any option that your fantasy will give and allow the interior.

If the door design and your budget allow such an option, you can order stained glass windows for a part of the door with a hole. Such glass can be made to order and contact the wizard for high-quality installation.

Door repair

If you do not want to change the initial appearance of the door, you can repair it. Moreover, it is possible to close the hole independently with the help of a low expansion foam.

  • Cut the uneven edges of the hole.
  • Lay in the inner space by any grain material (for example, packaging paper).
  • Fill the mounting foam. After her froze, cut down the pieces of slices.
  • Lach the surface with mastic.
  • Sharpen (you can use the putty usual / on wood).
  • After grazeing the putty (at least 12 hours), walk through the surface with zero eye.
  • Slide the plot of suitable paint. You can also create a unique pattern on this place.

If the hole appears in the door, do not be discouraged. You can cope with it using conventional tools and / or fantasy.

Repair of interroom doors can be done to everyone. To do this, you only need to arm a tool and knowledge. You can repair any doors from MDF, DVP and chipboard (veneered and laminated), natural wood. It is possible to carry out a lot of manipulations with them: to close the smelting, put a patch, repent, move and tinker.

Causes of problems

Mechanical damage occurs due to non-accurate operation or installation:

  • scratches and dents - a familiar phenomenon in families with young children;
  • moving or dropping objects sometimes leads to slobs in the doors from the fiberboard.

As a result, incorrect installation collide with such difficulties:

  • skew;
  • poor adjoining;
  • friction.

The tree is hygroscopic - easily absorbs moisture and gives it. In this regard, the violation of production technology and operating conditions leads to the following unpleasant consequences:

Correction of mechanical damage

To repair small damage to the interior door with their own hands, we need:

  • magaza or wax pencil;
  • a piece of felt.

Small scratches and dents almost always occur after a brief exploitation. They make them up with the help of a special wax pencil, which can be easily in the market of building materials. The color of the pencil must match the shade of the doors. The place of the seal is triturated by a piece of felt.

How to repair dents and chips on wooden interroom doors

For the sealing of the dentin on wooden products, we suggest the following: the chisel hollow out a piece of wood exactly corresponding to the size of dents and, wrapped with glue, apply to the excavation. The location of the compound is pressed by clamp, if damage to the edge. If the wolk in the middle of the door leaf - it must be put on a flat surface, cover the right size board and press the heavy item. The protruding sections of the patchwork believes the chisel and grind large, and then small emery paper. Painted suitable paint, open with varnish.

Repair of interroom chipboard doors do it yourself

To close the surface damage from a veneered chipboard, use veneer chosen in color and texture. You need to remove a damaged piece with a chisel and glue a new one. It is easier to close the defect if the veneer of the tangential cut (wavy, twisted structure), then the repair is not very noticeable. With a radial incision (straight, parallel lines), it is harder to correct, as it is difficult to choose a drawing. Press the bonding place is similar to example above.

Restoration Splocks on the doors from the fiberboard

Pissible doors can be repaired with their own hands by inserting the ventilation grille below. If the hole was formed from above, they make a tab of similar material, glass, etc. Cut the symmetric hole, the ends of which are borne by wooden bars to close the emptiness. Insert the pre-prepared sealer wooden or from the MDF (there is on sale), lay the insert and fix the other panel from the reverse side, scoring with pins.

Correct the disadvantages allowed by incorrect installation

  1. If the door opens poorly or friction occurs, it is removed from the edge with an excess plan, grind, paint and lacquer. The gap between the box and the doors should be no more than 1.5 - 2 mm.
  2. If the door spawns when closed, the reason may be that it rests on a quarter of the box. In this case, stick the door leaf or box. Also, the problem can be in the montage of the loops on the door.
  3. The door sedimentation can be repaired, putting the washer on the rods of the upper and lower door loop.

Eliminate production marriage with your own hands

  1. Opened doors - it is basically the result of unfair manufacturing and to resolve the situation to refer to the manufacturer. But, if he was not decent, to repair will have to do with his own hands. In this case, it is necessary to disassemble the product to the details, pollute all the coating to the bare tree, clean the remnants of the glue on the joints. Promoting joints with glue, alternately connect the details, clamping the clamps. Then the doors are re-stained and lacked.
  2. If the doors are made of wet material, subsequently in a dry room, they dry and the gaps are formed, the door is loosely adjacent to the box or does not close. In this case, the edge is performed by the bar of the desired value, then align in size with the door web, polished and covered with the necessary paints.

Hollow interior doors require a more careful relationship, in view of their lightweight design, compared with whole. Well, if you did not save such a door from the blow, let's say when they were transferred, a good dent or even a hole will certainly appear in it. Of course you can buy a new one, they are not the road, but in any case it is much cheaper to fix it with your own hands.

Repair of a hollow door with a drawing restoration

So all the repair and restoration of the hollow door can be divided into five main stages:
  1. Filling in the mounting foam of voids under demen to give strength to the place for further processing.
  2. Putty surface.
  3. Making a stencil with an initial tree pattern.
  4. Restoring the pattern on the door surface.
  5. Painting.
So, remove the door with the loops. We put on the stool or other level elevation, damaged place up.

Fill empties by mounting foam

To fix the dent and fill the holes, we will use the universal mounting foam, which is used in construction and repair.

If the platoon does not have open slots or holes, then they must be done by the drill and the screwdriver.

Drill diameter Take a slightly more cylinder tube with foam.

Fill the space under the crack.

We give foam to harden. Usually, the day leaves.

After the frozen, cut off the foam foaming from the holes and cracks.

We grind, removing the paint from the recoverable site, making it smooth and smooth.

Split surface

When the surface is prepared - proceed to the putty, after preloading the place of application.
To putty, there are special requirements here, it should be on an epoxy basis so that the surface is restored to be durable. It is not difficult to buy or cook it yourself.
Use the rubber spatula.

Spit, filling all irregularities and potholes.

It may be necessary to apply several layers to obtain the desired result.

Leave to dry and still go to another stage.

We make a picture with a pattern

Find areas on the same door area similar to the size of the good texture of the pattern.

Rakes are thinking of him.

And in order to fix and seal a peculiar bath, we welt plasticine, clay or other plastic material.

In the resulting bath, we pour liquid rubber (or silicone rubber). Note that the door should lie very smoothly.

Equally distribute on all surfaces. A very thick layer does not necessarily, somewhere 5-7 mm.

Leave and wait for solidification. Time can be viewed in the instructions for use.

When the time came up, we remove the sides, dug the layer from the door.

As a result, a clear form on a piece of rubber should be turned out.

We restore the wood pattern on the door

We make a side, about a millimeter thick, around a damaged area.

We take the glue on an epoxy basis, mix the components. We apply the required amount on the site inside the frame.

Interroom door is not the last element of the interior. Not only color, design, door material, but also installation quality are important. Competent installation and installation - half of the success.

When installing the door, different situations arise: incorrect calculation of parameters, difficulty complexity, force majeure situations. As a result, the result may be far from that rainbow, as it appeared first. Formed gaps spoil the view of the room, and what to do with them, not everyone knows. The article discusses the most frequent causes of the appearance of the gaps and how to eliminate them.

It is important to take into account the material from which the door and the box are made. If they are made of natural wood, then this material can die or swell under certain conditions.

No matter how carefully you have installed the interroom door in the opening, you might have a hole or between the box and the wall in some places there are gaps. The appearance they spoil strongly, and they should be embarrassed. Gaps and holes can be small or large, around the perimeter or in some places. From all these parameters and will depend on how to solve the problem.

The greater the walls are performed, the better the door will look after installation.

The gaps spoil not only the view of the room, they cease to close tightly, strengthen the transfer of foreign sounds, can play and clap on drafts. Special thermal insulation for interior doors is not requiredTherefore, this problem is not considered.

Sometimes slots appear during operation: the previous plaster falls off, which hid the shortcomings in the installation.

How to close smoky and holes after installing the design?

To eliminate defects after installing interior doors, different ways are used, among them you can even meet such rare, as decoration with decorative stone or tiles. Here, more often, the owners are guided by the general characteristics of the design, features of the interior.

If several methods are applicable for design, then the choice is made, based on the financial capabilities or relying on the taste of the owner. The choice is entirely dependent on preferences, and the result is from the quality of the sealing of the slots.

Mounting foam

Between the wall and the box you need to gate space. You can not install interroom door close to the wall, it will reduce the reliability of the design. This gap should not exceed 2 cm.
When working with foam, it is necessary to protect the coating of the door and the box from its hit, Then it will be difficult to extort this material.

If the installation of the door is performed by experts, they themselves will fill the foam space.

If the installation is carried out independently:

  • in the room there should be a temperature of +5 - +30 degrees;
  • filled by way to moisten with water;
  • the balloon is kept inverted;
  • fill no more than 1/3 of the total space;
  • you need to start below.

For use in the installation of interior doors, a single-component semi-professional foam is sufficient. It dries through a day, then the surplus must be cut off with a knife, close the splot.


After giving the slit, the appearance of the door does not always get better. If the gaps were very small, then nothing will have to do anymore, and if a little more, then the foam will spoil all the aesthetics. You can then choose another option depending on the interior.

Despite the ease of use putclock can aggressively affect the door of the doorTherefore, it is necessary to more carefully approach the choice of material, worry about protecting the door leaf and platbands. In a simpler embodiment, after drying, the shp can close wallpaper or paint.

Fabric or curtains

One of the popularity of ideas is a cloth finish. If the slits are small enough, you can not use a shplanie or mounting foam: curtains or decoration of material will come to the rescue.

The original view of the door canvase is guaranteed, the main thing is that the tissue does not remain traces from glue, otherwise the whole look will deteriorate. The edges are better to spend, remove all the threads that can hang out. Especially easy, such a decoration will be with Patchmaker lovers. The fabric looks beautifully in the interior instead of a glass door insert or as a curtain, fixed with beautiful cloves or an unusual suspension.


Beautifully watch plastic self-adhesive ribbons. You can use both simple plastic to close the zone, but it must be attached to something else, and the tapes simplify the laying of the material.

Attention! Plastic self-adhesive ribbons are quickly wearingrequire periodic replacement.

Before sticking, tapes need to be cleaned the place from dust and sauo, degreased, and it is better to glue down from top to bottom - it is more convenient. Protective paper is removed as the tape sticks. It is necessary to gently press the material to the surface for a good clutch.

You can take cheaper tapes: there is no adhesive base on them, then you have to apply glue yourself or secure it with nails.

Naschin plastic plates are well hidden, but they also require additional fastening, which will provide nails or screws.

How to do work with your own hands: Instructions for sealing

Besides these ways for sealing slots in interior doors, you can use silicone paste. She is sold in tubes, and a special gun will be required for work.

  1. In order not to stain the canvas and platbands, it is necessary to treat them with a vaseline or stick a greasy tape.
  2. Charge a gun, adjust the amount of incoming material.
  3. Apply the paste at an angle of 45 0, slowly moving over the surface, without any extra rush.
  4. The door is kept closed until the material is dry, the period is indicated on the package or in the instructions.
  5. After this time, it can be opened, then remove an excess paste.

This method is simple, but gives high-quality sealing. Good for premises with high humidity, such as bathroom or kitchen.

Still, plastic is a cheap and simple material that makes the most modern interiors. To close the cracks impose a molding. It is necessary to determine its size, shape and color. It can be fixed with nails or glue. Special actions do not have to do. Sometimes you can make plastic slopes:

  1. on the prepared surface to establish guide profiles;
  2. cut the parts from the purchased plastic by the electric bison;
  3. works start from side walls from the side of the entrance and complete the ceiling;
  4. close the edges with special corner-shaped plugs;
  5. sealant walk along all seams and joints.

The wider Sun, the better the ribbed plastic looks. Styling it must be performed horizontally.

Dobori became popular. You can fix them or to the box, or to the doorway itself. The mounting glue or self-tapping screw can hold them (at the discretion of the owner), close the caps will turn out with plugs or twin.

Dobors share:

  • on ordinary - resemble rains with veneer;
  • telescopic or set - expand the discovery, look like a lining;
  • combined - rather, like a decorative corner.

When attaching good, the vertical wall can not have a deviation of more than 4 mm, so accurate measurements must be performed.
After all the calculations of the work, it is necessary to carefully and consistently adhere to this algorithm of actions:

  1. Cut the board on parts of the desired size.
  2. The box is mounted, good faces are attached to it.
  3. The resulting structure is installed in the opening.
  4. In the interconnect space, the wedges are set by the design, until the required position is reached.
  5. The entire space between the wall and the box is fought in three stages. Each subsequent applied strictly to the completely dried previous one.
  6. Plastering surface.
  7. Closed by platbands.

This method allows you to perform all doors in one style. It is important to correctly make measurements and installation. Plus - the color of the material and texture can be taken similar.

If you plan to use a good, then it is better to buy a door frame with a groove, which will facilitate the installation of additional parts.


For the installation of voltages in interior space, it is good as a fastener to use liquid nails.

To beautifully and gently close the slots in the interior door, there are many ways. Of these, you can choose the one that will be closer to the interior design will be affordable, decorate the room. Any of the described options is widely used when repairing and installing doors.