How the plastic door is regulated. How to adjust a plastic balcony door? Adjusting the door leaf pressure

Today, plastic balcony doors are becoming very common. They are easy to use, do not require constant repainting, and are simple and quick to install. Like any other movable structure, the door mechanism requires adjustment after prolonged use. Any doors tend to loosen up because they are constantly opened or closed, put on airing.

A plastic door will protect the apartment from all weather conditions

There is an option to call the master or specialists who installed the structure, but this is not always possible, especially when there is no time to wait, especially if the warranty period has already expired. Otherwise, you can solve the problem yourself.

A plastic door does not require intervention if:

  • the sash does not move, it is tightly pressed against the box profile;
  • itself does not move if open.

As soon as you notice any deviations, there is no need to put this problem on the back burner. Call urgently a master who will adjust, or do it yourself by reading carefully the instructions.

In order to fix it efficiently and with high quality, you need to know exactly what the problem has arisen.

Types of malfunctions

Before you adjust the plastic balcony door, you need to identify malfunctions in the operation. The main common faults include:

Broken door handle
  • doors sag. When closing, the balcony door clings to the plastic threshold. The reason may be too heavy a structure that moves down;
  • the handle dangles. The problem may appear due to the frequent opening of the balcony;
  • the sash does not fit snugly against the frame, therefore, a draft is felt;
  • sash lateral displacement, in which the middle of the frame is touched. As a rule, adjustment of the hinges is required. A possible factor in the appearance of a malfunction may be an insufficiently well insulated balcony, as a result of constant temperature drops.

How to fix the trouble?

Adhering to clear step-by-step instructions, you can solve all problems without problems. For work, you need a hexagon, several types of screwdrivers (Phillips and flat). These tools should be enough, you may need others.

Get rid of sagging doors

If the bottom edge of the frame is scratched when the door is closed or opened, this indicates that the sagging sash needs to be adjusted. there are horizontal and vertical.

Door pressure adjustment

For horizontal:

  1. We open the door wide to the pivot position.
  2. We turn the screw, which is located at the end of the sash, near the hinge at the top. With a special hex wrench, we make 2-3 turns clockwise.
  3. To get to the upper screws, we remove all the plugs that can cover the required holes.
  4. Adjust the door mechanism as follows. We find the screw under the plug, turn it clockwise. We check whether it closes freely, if necessary, we tighten it again.


  1. Try to raise the door straight to find the screw. It is located along the axis of the hinge at the bottom end. In some balcony doors, the screw may be covered with a plug, which must be carefully removed.
  2. By adjusting the screw clockwise, we raise it, and if it rotated counterclockwise, we lower it.

Adjust door handles

You can tighten the handle on plastic doors like this:

Door handle rotation diagram
  1. We find the fixing screws located under the plastic cover, tighten them. Before you get to the screws, you need to slowly rotate the cover at right angles.
  2. When the handle is tight or difficult to turn, you can coat the lock hardware with an acid and resin free material.
  3. If the handle is completely broken and requires urgent replacement, then unscrew the screws, remove the old handle and attach a new one.

Press the doors close

Does the apartment feel cold, pulls strongly from the balcony? This means that there is a problem with tight pressing.

Door adjustment diagram
  1. There are locking elements on the sash that will help solve the problem with the clamp. Using pliers or a key, we rotate the elements to the required pressure.
  2. Experts recommend repeating the door pressure adjustment a couple of times, in accordance with weather conditions. In warm seasons, the pressure should be loosened, but in the fall and winter, it should be pressed more tightly.

Eliminate grazing in the middle of the frame

When you feel that the sash is scratching the frame in the center, then we do the following:

  1. In order to move the sash to the hinges, we lower it to the hinge located below. Then, using an adjusting key, inserting it into the side screw, tighten it.
  2. When this action is not enough, you should do the same for the top loop.

Having properly adjusted, we forget about the problems with plastic doors. But in order to achieve long-term trouble-free operation, you need to know and take into account some important points.

How to avoid problems in the future

  1. Order doors only from well-known trusted manufacturers. As in any competitive market, there may be substandard materials that fail very quickly.
  2. When choosing a product, make sure that all mechanisms fit the plastic balcony doors. A modern fittings set can withstand 100-130 kg, this weight is optimal for such a design.
  3. A special compensator ("microlift") will not allow the sash to sag under its own weight. Especially, this element is necessary for double-chamber plastic double-glazed windows, which are of great weight and size.
  4. A special additional rail is installed in order to protect against sagging of the door and jamming of the sash.

Replacing a wooden balcony door with a plastic one is a popular and very effective way to make your home more comfortable and warm. But all PVC structures have one feature: even the highest quality windows and doors have to be adjusted at regular intervals. If you feel that something is wrong with your door, do not rush to the phone in a panic to call an ambulance in the form of a team of locksmiths. With a careful study of the instructions, the adjustment of plastic balcony doors is not difficult.

When should the door be adjusted?

Adjustment of a PVC balcony door should be done immediately if:

  • excessive force is required to open the door;
  • when closing, the door leaf clings to the door frame;
  • the handle of the lock turns tight or, conversely, is too loose;
  • when the lock is open, the door does not keep in the closed position;
  • even a tightly closed door allows cold air to pass through.

All these signs are, so to speak, critical. They indicate that the door is already in disrepair. It is possible that in this case a simple adjustment will not be enough and some parts will have to be repaired or changed. This can be avoided if you do the adjustment of the plastic balcony doors with your own hands and do it in a timely manner. Here are some ways helping to identify implicit violations in the position of the door leaf:

  1. Open the balcony door slightly and leave it in this position. If it spontaneously tends to slam shut or open wide (of course, in the absence of wind or drafts), it's time to tune in.
  2. Take a simple pencil in your hands and take a position on the side opposite to the side of the door opening. After closing the door, outline its perimeter, using the edge of the door frame as a ruler. Now open the door and take a close look at your own art. If the lines you drew turned out to be parallel to the edges of the door leaf, then everything is in order. If not, then there is a slight bias and it's time to prepare the tools.
  3. Take a notebook sheet or a fragment of a newspaper page and slam the balcony door so that the paper is clamped by it. Now try to remove the sheet, paying attention to the effort you had to make for this. Thus it is necessary to check the tightness of the clamp around the entire perimeter of the door... Ideally, the effort with which you had to pull out the paper will always be the same. If, in different parts of the door perimeter, the sheet is pressed unevenly, then it is necessary to adjust the clamp.

Self-adjustment of the PVC balcony door should also be performed with the arrival of cold weather or, conversely, with warming: in the first case, the door clamp is increased, in the second, it is weakened.

Tip: Relax the pressure for spring and summer should definitely, since when closed tightly (winter mode), some parts of the door block wear out faster.

Instructions for adjusting the plastic door

The first step is to worry about the availability of such tools:

- Phillips and flat screwdrivers;

- pliers;

- a set of hex keys (for some models you will need keys with an asterisk profile);

- PVC gaskets;

The design of door attachment points in PVC door blocks provides for the possibility adjusting its position in three directions:

- horizontally (the gap between the door leaf and the hinge rack is adjusted at the top, bottom or at once along the entire height);

- vertically (the height of the door suspension changes relative to the door frame);

- frontally (the density of the door pressing against the sealing elements of the doorway is adjusted).

The adjusting screws can be accessed by removing the decorative panel from the hinge with the door open (we use a 3 mm hexagon).

Let's consider all three adjustment options in more detail.

Horizontal direction

For the movement of the door leaf to the right or left (to or from the hinge rack), a long adjusting screw is responsible, located horizontally under the decorative strip. If the door closes clings to the box from the side of the latch in the middle or along the entire height, the screws should be turned clockwise one or two turns in all three hinges. If the bottom edge of the web farthest from the hinges touches the threshold, tighten the screws only in the upper and middle hinges.

Vertical direction

The vertical adjustment screw on the hinge is responsible for moving the door down (turning the screw counterclockwise) or up (clockwise). Such an adjustment is resorted to in the event that if the bottom edge of the door rubs against the threshold when closing or opening or it closes normally, but dents are visible on the upper or lower seals... Use a 5mm Allen key to rotate the screws. The same key, but 2.5 mm, will be needed to adjust the position of the striking plates at the top and bottom of the door frame. For this operation, in addition to the hexagon, you will need a flat screwdriver. The main striker plate will also have to be displaced with a Phillips screwdriver.

Front direction (pressure adjustment)

Before adjusting a plastic balcony door, it is important to know that the density of the door to the frame is adjusted differently in different models:

  1. On the vertical end of the door on the side opposite to the hinges, there can be three eccentrics, which must be turned with a suitable tool.
  2. Some models have a trunnion on the door hardware that must be turned with pliers. For maximum pressure, it should be given a direction perpendicular to the plane of the door block, for a minimum - parallel.
  3. Sometimes the clamp can be adjusted by frontal displacement of the striker. For this purpose, there is a hex head screw under the bar.

Adjusting screws may not always save the day. It so happens that a defect occurs, but the corresponding screw is already in the extreme position. In this case, use another way to adjust the door with a glass unit... Gently prying with a chisel, it is necessary to remove the glazing beads holding the glass unit. Then, between the glass unit and the plastic, using special blades in the right places (depending on which defect has to be corrected), PVC gaskets are installed. By correctly choosing the location of the gaskets and their thickness, you can change the geometry of the door and thus eliminate the skew. When installing the glazing beads in place, they should be carefully knocked out with a rubberized hammer.

Tip: When removing the glazing beads, mark them so that later each one can be installed exactly in its place. Often, manufacturers use different types of glazing beads to fix the glass unit from the inside and outside.

Plastic door handles have two problems:

1. The handle turns too tight or not completely

Most often, such a problem is caused by the incorrect position of the door leaf and after adjusting it in one of the above ways, the lock mechanism should work properly. If the adjustment does not help, the lock will have to be replaced.

2. The handle is loose

If the trim, installed in the place where the handle is attached to the door, is rotated 90 degrees, access to two screws will open. Tightening them with a Phillips screwdriver will correct the defect.

Replacing the seal

If the door is used with a distortion for a long time, it can deform. In this case, it must be replaced with a new one having a similar cross-sectional shape. The old seal is removed from the groove with a screwdriver, which is then cleaned of dirt and glue residues. When installing a new seal, make sure that it is not stretched. Before installing the profile, the groove must be coated with glue, especially in those places where the ends of the seal will be located.


In order for a plastic balcony door to do without adjustment longer, equip it with two very useful devices: microlift and opening limiter... The microlift holds the weight of the door in the closed position, preventing it from sagging. The opening limiter prevents the hinges from loosening when the door rests on the jamb (with full opening).

Do not hang bags with heavy contents on the door handle (let alone open). The plastic door itself is heavy and the extra weight can lead to sagging sooner.

Periodic lubrication with a silicone compound will help extend the life of the seal and make it more plastic and susceptible to deformation.

Remember to lubricate the lock regularly as well. If its handle is difficult to turn, users begin to put pressure on it (and at the same time on the door) with all their weight, while strongly pulling the door towards themselves. In such conditions, bias is inevitable.

Adjusting plastic balcony doors video

In this section, we invite you to watch a video on the topic of our article "Adjusting plastic balcony doors: DIY instructions for setting up". You will see how in practice the procedures that we described above are carried out.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Prolonged use of a plastic balcony door leads to an imbalance in its mechanisms. As a result, the door does not close well or stops closing at all. You can correct the situation by contacting the company that installed it. However, the specialist will not always be able to visit you after the application, as a rule, you have to wait several days. If you can't stand time, you can do the work on your own. After all, adjusting the plastic balcony door does not cause great difficulties.

The balcony door can be adjusted in several directions:

  • vertically;
  • horizontally;
  • sash pressure adjustment.

Vertical adjustment

To eliminate the sagging, which does not allow the door to be thrown back, leads to touching the threshold when opening or closing, it is necessary to adjust the sash in height, that is, to move it up. Work is carried out with the lower loop.

  1. First, release the loop itself from the cap.
  2. A screwdriver is inserted into the hole in the upper end of the hinge and the adjusting screw is turned clockwise to raise the door. If it needs to be lowered, then the rotation is counterclockwise. Usually 2-3 turns are sufficient. The video shows how to do it correctly.

If such an adjustment of the plastic balcony doors is carried out independently, then after each stage it is necessary to carry out a check to make sure that everything is done correctly. The sash should move freely, there should be no problems when opening, and when closing, it should go in without interference, but tightly.

It must be remembered that not all PVC windows and doors have adjustment holes made for a hexagon. Sometimes you need to use a key - an asterisk, you can see how it looks in the photo. It is advisable to purchase such a key in advance, and if you need to adjust the plastic balcony doors with your own hands, then it can be done using this device.

Horizontal adjustment

With temperature fluctuations, deformations may occur, which do not allow the balcony door to be closed. The sash simply rests against the mechanism and does not go further. By using mechanical pressure on the door, it will be able to close. But the use of force when opening or closing doors is undesirable, as this provokes further deformation.

To eliminate this problem, the plastic balcony door is adjusted, namely its hinges. To adjust, you need a hexagon H4.

  1. The end of the screwdriver is inserted into the side adjustment screw, which is accessible from the lower side surface of the lower hinge.
  2. They begin to tighten the screw to pull the sash to the hinge.

So the sash can be displaced to the right - to the left by a distance of up to 1 cm. If this is not enough, then it is necessary to repeat all actions with the upper hinge. If the adjustment of the PVC balcony door is carried out correctly, then the sash will close freely, without interference.

Adjusting the pressure of the balcony door

To prevent the sash from letting in cold air from the street, the pressure of the balcony door is adjusted. To do this, use the locking elements available on the sash. Usually they are made in the amount of 4 pieces. Almost always, the adjusting clamping screws are made as eccentrics, that is, the hole for the hexagon has some offset from the center and its rotation allows displacement in both directions, obtaining an optimal clamping level. By turning such an eccentric, you can either increase the pressure or weaken it.

Sometimes the pressure screws are of a different design. If the screws go through a special hole, then the pressure will be minimal at the central position. Moving around the axis will change the pressure level. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken with the method of adjusting the pressure, before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the hardware of the exact door that you have installed on the window manufacturer's website.

To check if the adjustment was made correctly, you need to close the door by inserting a sheet of thick paper or a banknote under the upper part of the sash. The correct level of pressure is evidenced by the tightness of the bill clamping by the flap, it should be held in the place where it was clamped, pulled out only after some effort is applied. Using this simple technique, you should check the entire perimeter. If the paper holds well everywhere, then everything has been done correctly, and winter winds and drafts are not terrible.

Adjustment of plastic doors should be carried out approximately once a year. Timely correction of the position of the sash in the opening will help to avoid its irreversible deformation and extend the service life of the entire structure.

Video of adjusting a plastic balcony door

Most of the population has plastic windows and doors installed in apartments or houses. Over time, during operation, almost every owner of a plastic door has a question about how to adjust the balcony door mechanism.

Of course, you can call specialists who will quickly fix the problem and adjust the mechanism, but it is not always possible to come to the call right away. Most often you have to wait several days. Therefore, it is advisable to independently master these skills and, if necessary, having a minimum set of tools, adjust the hinges of plastic doors with your own hands.

About the plastic door

When work is being carried out to install a new plastic door, the specialists must immediately carry out adjustment work on the spot. For a while, the door will not cause any complaints, but over time, given that the door is heavy, it may "sit down" a little and close badly.

Despite all the issues taken into account when buying a door, its excellent quality and a proven company that will install the door, it is advisable to be present during the adjustment work and make sure that you really received such a service.

After the adjustment of the plastic door hinges is completed, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. The door frame must be firmly pressed against the frame around the entire perimeter.
  2. Check the door mechanism: the door should open and close easily. If it opens or closes with effort, squeak, then this means that the adjustment has not been completed to the end.
  3. To check the verticality of the door, you need to use the building level.
  4. Open the door, but not completely, but halfway, and see if it opens (closes) arbitrarily or not. This testing should be carried out in the absence of wind and draft. If the door is adjusted according to the rules, then it must remain immovable.

How to determine the density of the door clamp

This knowledge will help not only to check the work of specialists, but also to determine possible deviations in the operation of the mechanism.

If the door closes tightly, or when you approach it, you feel a strong air flow, then this indicates that it is time to make adjustments.

To check if the door is well pressed against the box, you need to perform the following test:

  1. Take a sheet of paper (do not fold!).
  2. Place the sheet between the door frame and the frame.
  3. Close the door tightly.
  4. Pull the edge of the sheet towards you, pull it out, paying attention to how hard the paper is pulled out.
  5. Perform an action around the entire perimeter of the door.

If the paper can be removed easily in several areas, then the fit of the door is in order. If somewhere you make an effort, then this means that the fit is broken.

The sagging of the door can be seen like this: take an ordinary pencil and outline the open sash around the entire perimeter. The lines should be parallel to the edge of the door frame, if a deviation occurs, adjustment is necessary.

Identifying other problems

One of the common problems with a plastic entrance door is:

  • the lower latch (part of it) catches the edge of the door frame (part of the threshold). This indicates the sagging of the sash, which bends under its own weight. This is due to the fact that the large mass of the door leaf is taken over by the double-glazed unit, and if a double-glazed unit with a glass thickness of more than 4 millimeters is installed, the hinges will eventually weaken under the weight, and the door leaf will begin to move;

  • the sash catches the frame in the middle. The reason is the displacement of the lateral part of the sash due to weather conditions (temperature changes) or other factors. In most cases, this displacement is eliminated by adjusting the hinges of the entrance plastic doors;
  • the sash is not pressed tightly to the frame, and an air stream passes from under the seal. It is necessary to adjust the door hold-down;
  • wobbly handle.

Door adjustment

Before starting work and adjusting the hinges of the plastic door, you need to purchase the following tools:

  • screwdriver: regular, flat and Phillips;
  • hex keys of different diameters;
  • gasket set.

Let's adjust the sagging of the door. To remove this malfunction, you need to direct the door leaf up and move it slightly to the hinge above. This is done as follows:

  1. It is necessary to open the sash by turning the handle (but not for ventilation!). Using a hexagon wrench (adjusting by 4 mm), turn the screw in the end part of the sash near the upper hinge.
  2. To pull the sash, you need to make one or two turns clockwise.
  3. Close the sash.

  1. Remove the protective cap from the hinge at the bottom. This is necessary in order to adjust the top screw.
  2. Turn the screw on the upper end of the hinge, slightly lifting the sash. You need to twist it clockwise.
  3. Check if the door leaf "moves" freely. If it's tight, turn the loops again.

Attention! Fittings for plastic doors can be made for hex keys or for special ones, in the form of a "star". This nuance must be taken into account when working and, if possible, purchase such a key in advance.

Adjustment of grazing in the middle. If the sash catches the frame in the middle of the door, then it is necessary to move it to the hinges. First, you need to "take" the sash down to the hinge, insert the key into the screw located on the side and tighten the sash.

If the above steps do not fix the problem, then it is necessary to re-adjust the upper hinge of the plastic door. This will be enough to eliminate frame clinging.

How to adjust the pressure. The force of pressing the door to the frame is carried out using locking elements. They are located inside the sash and have an eccentric shape. The trunnions must be adjusted using a special wrench and pliers.

It is enough to adjust the door pressure in winter and summer. Moreover, for the winter period it is necessary to establish a strong pressure, and for the summer period it is weaker. Press the sash against the frame from the hinge side using the adjusting screws of the upper and lower door hinges.

Horizontal buttonhole adjustment

Hinges for plastic doors can be adjusted both horizontally and vertically. Consider horizontal adjustment:

  1. It is necessary to open the door and unscrew the screws from the upper hinges (there are two of them). You need to unscrew the screws with a hex screwdriver (3 millimeters).
  2. Then close the door and remove the pads - there are adjusting screws under them.
  3. To avoid skewing the door, tighten the long screw in the upper hinge a little harder than in the lower one.
  4. To ensure a uniform movement of the door to the hinges or in the opposite direction, you need to remove the cover from the hinge located below, tighten it and slightly loosen all the horizontal screws in the door hinges.

In this photo you can see the location of the hinge with a decorative strip and the hinge for plastic doors without a strip.

Vertical adjustment of hinges

It adjusts vertically when the door needs to be raised or lowered. To figure out how to adjust the plastic door vertically, you need to find a screw for adjustment at the bottom of the hinge end. It is located along the axis of the hinge. By the way, some models of plastic doors, including entrance ones, are equipped with a closed screw system. Such a screw can be hidden under a plug, which must be removed first.

In order to adjust the door, you need to use a 5 mm hex screwdriver. By turning the screwdriver clockwise, the door needs to be slightly raised, and when the screwdriver is rotating counterclockwise, the door must be lowered.

This photo shows a screw for adjusting a plastic door vertically.

The adjustment of the hinges of plastic doors can be seen in this video:

Today, the choice of apartment and house owners often falls on a plastic door. It is used as an entrance, interior or balcony. In any of these options, the plastic construction looks interesting, attracts attention and guarantees good performance. However, in winter, plastic doors require special care - they need to be switched to winter mode.

Attention! You can transfer the work of the doors for the winter yourself. The owners are wondering how to adjust the sash so that it retains heat in the room and excludes drafts. The adjustment is easy, but it is recommended that you first know what the winter and summer modes are.

Arrangement of hardware elements on a PVC door leaf

Characteristics of plastic structures and methods of opening them

Home repair involves not only replacing floors, ceilings, or dismantling partitions, but also the installation of new windows and doors. This is a responsible and difficult step, but it is necessary. Residents of our country, purchase plastic windows, which manufacturers give different sizes and characteristics. But the main function of plastic windows and doors to the balcony is to give the room as much beauty, warmth and light as possible.

In the process of repair, due attention is required to be paid to the installation of plastic windows. Note that their price is acceptable for each person, and their operational capabilities are high. Plastic windows and doors have different opening methods. There are designs in which the sash is rotary, such models are the most common. There are also flap windows, they are convenient to use when ventilating rooms. Tilt-and-turn windows and doors are also available and are easy to clean.

The only important nuance during the renovation period is the competent installation and adjustment of all elements of plastic windows. Only professionals who are engaged in the installation of these structures can do such work. Therefore, do not save on wages to employees, since the windows are installed once and for a long time, and everything should be at the highest level.

Adjustment and correct setting of fittings

Useful information about PVC doors

It is recommended to purchase a plastic door exclusively from trusted companies. Only brands that have proven themselves on the market guarantee a long term for the subsequent operation of the device. In this case, it is preferable to entrust the installation work to professionals. However, if you have the skills and knowledge, you can do the installation yourself. The initial adjustment of the structure is also important.

Even at the stage of acceptance of the door, take a closer look at certain indicators. Pay attention to the material, fittings, including locks and handles. Each of the elements requires professional adjustment. In particular, they focus on the following:

  1. Normal closing and opening of doors. There shouldn't be any difficulties. Use a building level to check the vertical and horizontal installation.
  2. Tight pressing of the leaf against the door frame. It should be dense and uniform around the entire perimeter.
  3. Arbitrary opening or closing of the door must be completely ruled out.

The process of adjusting the PVC cloth in case of failures in its initial setting

If everything is in order, then the door is of high quality and you can enjoy its operation. Of course, do not forget that the door needs adjustment from time to time. Twice a year, she is transferred to a winter or summer regime.

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When do you need door adjustment?

Often people notice a problem when it is already running: drafts arise, the door does not close or open poorly. These are already problems that have become a consequence of previously unnoticed situations. In fact, you can see all the disadvantages of operation at the initial stage. It is much easier to fix the problem here.

There are many different ways to see the disadvantages of a door. One of the simplest is to help determine the weakening of the blade against the box. To do this, you need a sheet of paper. It is clamped between the frame and the door frame. After that, the sheet is carefully pulled and, if this is done with difficulty, then everything is in order with the door clamp. Such a check should be carried out around the entire perimeter of the structure. If malfunctions are noted, they will have to be eliminated. With the help of improvised tools, the clamp is maximized.

The problem may lie in the subsidence of the canvas. The door in the closed position is circled around the perimeter. The pencil lines should match the edges of the door frame when the sash is open. If deviations are recorded, you will have to adjust the position of the sash.

Useful recommendations for setting up a sheet of metal-plastic

Horizontal adjustment: work algorithm

Horizontal adjustment is required when the door sags due to its own weight. Sticking of the handle can also become a characteristic manifestation, when the crossbars of the mechanism do not fall into the grooves intended for them. As a result, the structure is difficult to open, and drafts are observed. The following algorithm will help to cope with the problem, which transfers the door to winter mode:

  1. Open the sash.
  2. Unscrew the screws from the upper hinges.
  3. Close the flap.
  4. Remove the covers and remove the horizontal long screw.
  5. Inspect the screw for damage. If they are missing, screw it back in, twisting more in the upper loop.
  6. Remove the trim from the lower hinges.
  7. Adjust the operation of the lower hinges by twisting or loosening them for even sash movement.

The main possibilities to regulate the sheet of metal-plastic

Vertical door adjustment and pressure setting

Adjustment and adjustment of the door structure and vertical may be required. This raises questions of how to adjust the sash in order to transfer the product to winter mode. To do this, find a screw, which is called an adjusting screw. It is usually located at the bottom of each hinge. To adjust it, use a traditional hexagon that matches the size. Depending on the side in which the screw rotates, the sash will go down or rise. Clockwise movement promotes lifting, counterclockwise - lowering.

Read also: - stages of work, materials and tools

Additionally, the clamping force is regulated using a locking pin, which is available on any canvas. On it there is a serif-indicator, which is weakened or tightened, depending on the need.

Attention! The adjusting screw is often hidden behind a plug. This is important to consider when trying to adjust the design.

Exterior PVC entrance door

Now you know how to independently adjust the doors for winter operation. The customized design is easy to adjust later, the handle works properly, and the product itself can be easily opened and closed without letting the cold through. If you do not fully understand how to transfer plastic doors to winter mode, check out the video presented. It will clearly and clearly illustrate how to switch plastic products to "winter" or "summer" mode. After watching the video, it will be easy for you to switch the door to winter mode.

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