Balsamic vinegar pomegranate application recipes with meat. Balsamic vinegar. Its use in cooking.

Balsamic vinegar comes from Italy (Reggio Emilia and Modena), and although sweet white grapes are used to make this product, it differs significantly from wine vinegar. The technology for making balsamic vinegar is quite interesting and not at all simple. In particular, it is aged from 3 to 25 years in barrels after cooking (and, of course, vinegar is appreciated the more, the greater its aging). Moreover, traditional balsamic vinegar with a 12-year aging is considered to be the best quality in our time - it is very dark, thick and has a strong fruity aroma.

Modern cooking also involves the use of balsamic vinegar, manufactured on an industrial scale (a variety of additives can be added to it). The extract of such vinegar is negligible, and in its properties it is similar to traditional balsamic.

Today on sale you can find another version of balsamic vinegar - vinegar, prepared by mixing industrial vinegar with expensive traditional. This type of vinegar in its taste and quality properties is much higher than industrial, but at the same time it is cheaper than traditional.

Many Italian dishes are seasoned with balsamic vinegar. Moreover, industrial vinegar, as a rule, is used to improve the taste of simple everyday dishes, and traditional - to create true culinary masterpieces.

The main properties of balsamic vinegar

Balsamic vinegar contains many useful trace elements that can suppress the pathogenic microflora in the human body and contribute to its general healing and strengthening. There is calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sodium and some other elements that support and restore human bones and blood vessels. And balsamic vinegar contains a lot of vitamin B - a vitamin that improves the brain activity of a person and stabilizes his nervous system - and polyphenols that can positively affect the functioning of the heart. And with all this, balsamic vinegar is a low-calorie product.

True, the useful properties of this product cannot be preserved during its heat treatment. And below we will consider some recipes of original dishes seasoned with uncooked thermally balsamic vinegar.


Professionals note that the taste of balsamic vinegar is so original that it can turn even the simplest foods into extraordinary dishes. Be convinced of it and you!

Arugula with Parmesan

Dressing: 40 ml of olive oil, 20 ml of balsamic vinegar, 5 ml of grape seed oil.

This dressing must be filled with 400 g of arugula, salt and lay on top on the arugula of parmesan, cut into thin slices (150 g is enough). Top the dish with black ground pepper.

Baked vegetables

It is necessary to cut into plates three small tomatoes and two sweet peppers, put them on a baking sheet, pour olive oil, and then bake for 30 minutes. After this, the baking sheet should be removed from the oven, cooled, seasoned with balsamic vinegar and sprinkled with chopped cilantro.

Mushroom snack

You need to cut in half 400 g of champignons and fry them in olive oil (you will need 50 ml of oil) until golden brown. Salt the mushrooms, pepper, pour Art. l balsamic vinegar. Then the dish should be cooled to room temperature and serve.

2012 -3-18 11:53

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It would seem that balsamic vinegar appeared recently on store shelves - in beautiful thick glass bottles with Italian words on the label. But in fact, this extremely useful product has been known for more than fifteen hundred years. True, it was originally used as an anti-inflammatory medicine - the very name "balsamic" testifies to this - from the Italian word "balsamic". And only later, having managed to understand how balsamic vinegar is useful for a healthy person, the healers began to advise to use this product as food, seasoning them with salads and cereals.

How is balsamic vinegar made? The secret of cooking has long been revealed - grape juice is boiled until it thickens, and later give time for aging. Some expensive types of vinegar can be aged up to 15 years in oak barrels - like cognac or wine!

What is this product useful for? Anti-aging effect, strengthening the immune system, antiseptic property - this is a small list of the effects that balsamic vinegar gives. The most appropriate use of this product is salads with balsamic vinegar. Vegetable, meat, seafood - any salad with just a drop of balsamic vinegar will change its taste characteristics for the better.

Salad with balsamic vinegar - preparation of products and utensils

How to get the "right" balsamic vinegar? By and large, any product that is sold under this name is balsamic vinegar.

However, given the increasing popularity of this product, many manufacturers tend to produce more and more products at a low price. In no case do not buy balsamic vinegar in plastic bottles, and also at a price significantly lower than the average price of products.

What dishes to prepare for a salad with balsamic vinegar?

First of all, prepare yourself a workplace. Mandatory attributes - a cutting board, a knife, several plates, where you will put the components of the salad.

Ready-made salads with balsamic vinegar are best served in deep porcelain plates. Most recipes have vegetables, which is why serving in deep dishes is most appropriate. But you can also serve salads on flat plates.

Salad recipes with balsamic vinegar:

Recipe 1: Salad with Balsamic Vinegar

The very appropriate use of balsamic vinegar in seafood salads. Try a salad with balsamic vinegar and shrimp. For this dish you will need, in addition to shrimp, iceberg salad, cherry tomatoes and mozzarella.

Ingredients Required:

  • Shrimp 400 grams
  • Mozzarella or low-fat feta cheese 200 grams
  • Cherry Tomatoes 7-9 pieces
  • Iceberg Salad 6 sheets
  • pepper

Cooking method:

Boil the shrimp in boiling water for 5 minutes in salted water. Cool and clean.

Cheese cut with a sharp knife into cubes.

Wash the tomatoes. Cherry needs to be cut each in half.

Set aside half the lettuce to decorate the dish, and tear the rest with your hands, after washing.

Put the components of the dish on a plate, decorating it with sheets of salads. Sprinkle the ingredients with oil, balsamic vinegar, salt to taste.

Recipe 2: Salad with Italian Balsamic Vinegar and Ham

It is believed that of all nationalities, Italians like to add balsamic vinegar most of all to salads. This salad is very famous in Italy, and you will taste its fresh taste!

Ingredients Required:

  • Ham 250 grams
  • Hard cheese 150 grams
  • Cherry tomato 10 pieces
  • Basil
  • Fresh parsley
  • For dressing - olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt

Cooking method:

Cut the ham into thin strips.

Wash greens and cherry tomatoes in cold water. Cherry cut in half each, and chop the basil and parsley finely.

Cut the olives in half.

Cheese must be grated.

Mix ham with vegetables and herbs, drizzle with oil and vinegar, salt. Sprinkle with grated cheese before serving.

Recipe 3: Sicily Salad with Balsamic Vinegar

By and large, salad with balsamic vinegar "Sicily" is a vegetable, although one of the components is smoked sausages like "Hunters". However, you can make a salad without them.

Ingredients Required:

  • Smoked sausages 200 grams
  • Bulgarian red pepper 1 piece
  • Bulgarian yellow pepper 1 piece
  • Ripe Tomatoes 2 pieces
  • Black olives 100 grams (seedless)
  • Fresh basil, parsley
  • For dressing - olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt

Cooking method:

Smoked sausages cut into round pieces.

Wash peppers, tomatoes and greens well. Peel the seed, cut the ponytails. Cut it into thin slices.

Cut the tomatoes into large slices.

Chop greens with a knife.

Cut the olives in half.

Mix vegetables and chopped sausages, add balsamic vinegar and olive oil to the Sicily salad.

Recipe 4: Salad with Balsamic Vinegar and Tuna

This salad is prepared very quickly - in just 10 minutes you will receive a delicious dish. The dish is based on canned tuna, it is best to prefer canned tuna in its own juice. In addition to tuna, you will also need chicken eggs and fresh cucumber.

Ingredients Required:

  • Canned food - tuna in own juice 1 can
  • Chicken egg 2 pieces
  • Fresh cucumber 1 piece
  • Lettuce green
  • For dressing - olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt

Cooking method:

Open canned tuna, drain the juice, mash the fish with a fork.

Boil the hard boiled egg, peel, chop finely with a knife.

Cut the cucumber with a knife into thin slices.

Tear lettuce with your hands.

Mix fish with vegetables, sprinkle with balsamic vinegar and olive oil, salt.

Recipe 5: Salad with Balsamic Vinegar and Cheese

In this recipe there are only three main ingredients - cheese, olives and tomatoes, but, nevertheless, the dish turns out to be incredibly tasty and satisfying.

Ingredients Required:

  • Feta cheese 200 grams
  • Tomatoes 3 pieces medium size
  • Black pitted olives 100 grams
  • Green olives 100 grams
  • Fresh basil
  • Fresh parsley
  • For dressing - olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt

Cooking method:

Cut feta into large cubes.

Cut olives into 3-4 rings each.

Rinse tomatoes and herbs well. Cut parsley and basil with a knife, but not too finely. Cut tomatoes into large slices.

Mix tomatoes, cheese and olives, add greens. Sprinkle the salad with balsamic vinegar and oil, mix and salt.

Salad with balsamic vinegar - secrets and useful tips from the best culinary specialists

In addition to meat and vegetable salads, you can also prepare fruit salads with balsamic vinegar. Mix the chopped fruit and sprinkle it with vinegar - it will give the sweet dish a touch of sourness.

If you dress, the salad is not with vegetable oil, but sour cream, you can also add balsamic vinegar to the salad. In this case, it is better to add a little soy sauce instead of salt in the dish.

Balsamic vinegar emphasizes the taste of cheese, tomatoes and eggs - if these ingredients are present in the dish, feel free to add a few drops of balsamic vinegar to the salad.

Do not confuse balsamic vinegar with wine. Wine vinegar is obtained from fermented wine, and balsamic from grape juice. Wine vinegar has the same color as balsamic, but not as useful and has different taste characteristics. In addition, wine vinegar is slightly cheaper than balsamic vinegar. Of course, wine vinegar can also be used, but you will not get the expected value from it.

Despite the fact that balsamic vinegar is very useful, use it very moderately. Any vinegar increases the acidity of the stomach and can lead to gastritis due to excessive consumption. A few drops on a plate is the right and safe dose of balsamic vinegar.

Balsamic vinegar has a high calorie content. This is another warning against consuming large amounts of vinegar.

If the word “vinegar” is spoken to you, what associations will it generate in your head? Most likely, it will be a marinade used for homemade pickling vegetables. You will probably also recall that vinegar helps to make hair smooth and shiny if you use this spice with water as a rinse aid. Apple cider vinegar, you say, does an excellent job of killing fungus on smooth skin. And what do you know about balsamic vinegar? Probably only that it is used in cooking, and mostly abroad, but not with us. Meanwhile, this useful product simply needs to be made a permanent resident of your home due to the mass of its valuable properties.

Balsamic Vinegar General

Balsamic vinegar is a traditional gourmet seasoning of Italian, and indeed the whole Mediterranean cuisine as a whole. Do not confuse this product with ordinary wine vinegar - these are completely different spices. The raw material for making balsamic juice is the juice of specific varieties of white grapes. It is subjected to pressing, cooking in open containers, turning as a result into a must. The latter goes through the stage of cooling, filtering, after which it is in barrels made of wood from trees such as cherry, oak, chestnut. In them, the balsamic “undergoes” the ripening phase, the duration of which depends on the variety and can vary from 12 to 25 years. As moisture evaporates from vinegar, the product is poured into barrels each time smaller than in the previous size. Storage of balsamic vinegar takes place in the attic.

What is the result? A very interesting thick seasoning of dark brown color, having a sweet and sour taste with woody notes and a rather complex aroma. Due to the unusual conditions of ripening and storage, the product yield is immeasurably small: 100 kg of white grapes produce no more than 3 liters of balsamic vinegar. By the way, only a special commission is entitled to recognize a product as balsamic vinegar, whose duties include testing the seasoning before it goes on sale.

History reference

Balsamic was invented in the Italian city of Modena. The first mention of gourmet spices dates back to 1046. Then this unique product (in Italian “aceto balsamico”) the future king of Franconia Henry II received as a gift from the Marquis Bonifacio. The seasoning was in a small barrel. Since then, the presence of balsamic in the house testified to the prosperity of the family owning the product. The right to produce seasonings was exclusively reserved for aristocrats from a limited circle of families. Moreover, each family owned its own secret of manufacturing an exquisite product. Initially, balsamic was used for medical purposes, hence the unusual vinegar and acquired the name "balsamic". Subsequently, the term acquired culinary significance.

It is worth adding that real balsamic vinegar is expensive. You can buy it, by and large, only abroad, in Italy and other countries of the Mediterranean. A simplified version of this seasoning can actually be bought at any supermarket: it is made on the basis of red wine, has a less saturated taste and a lighter shade compared to a true balsamic. In other words, this fake is made from ordinary wine vinegar.

Composition of Balsamic Vinegar

Balsamic vinegar is a treasury of various valuable natural components. First of all, these are, of course, organic acids: the product contains acetic and pyruvic acid. In addition, polyphenols, pectins are present in it. There is little protein in balsamic: in 100 g of seasoning there is only 0.49 g of protein. But there are plenty of carbohydrates: as much as 17.03 g! As for fats, balsamic vinegar is completely deprived of them.

A lot of vitamins were found in the product: C, groups B, A. However, the micro and macro elements of seasoning are of the greatest value. The composition of balsamic vinegar includes potassium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, copper, sodium, magnesium, iron. All of the above substances are dissolved in water, which accounts for more than 70% of the product.

In cheap balsamic varieties, manufacturers also include grape must concentrate, caramelized sugar, often potassium disulfide, flavorings and thickeners. Calorie content of the product is on average 88 kcal in terms of 100 g of unique spice.

The benefits and harms of balsamic vinegar

Based on the chemical content of the refined Mediterranean seasoning discussed above, a definite opinion can be made about its healing qualities.

Balsamic has pronounced antioxidant properties. And, although due to the use of the product for culinary purposes in immeasurably small amounts, such an effect on the human body would seem to be negligible, regular use of spice gives a certain result. Seasoning polyphenols kill free radicals in the tissues and cells of the body, thereby protecting the latter from the development of cancer and premature aging. In tandem with magnesium, potassium and vitamins, they normalize the work of the heart, blood vessels, brain, organs of vision and the nervous system.

Balsamic vinegar has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, preventing the onset of gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, its regular use in the composition of dishes strengthens to a certain degree immunity, protecting the body from infectious ailments. Thanks to balsamic, it is possible to normalize the metabolism, significantly improve memory, reduce the risk of developing inflammation of various origins, and reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

So far, I have in mind the benefits derived from the use of balsamic vinegar inside. The external use of valuable seasoning is also of great importance for human health. Even in ancient times, this drug was used to disinfect wounds. And today, using balsamic in this quality, you can achieve amazing results.

As for the harmful properties of the product, such it manifests itself only in some cases:

  • when using seasoning in large quantities;
  • if the gourmet has an individual intolerance to the spice or one of its components.

The consumption of balsamic in dishes is not recommended for people suffering from gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice. This can lead to an aggravation of an individual’s health status. Well, and, of course, a cheap option of gourmet seasoning is unlikely to be beneficial if you use it often, without measure.

The use of balsamic vinegar

Balsamic vinegar gained the greatest popularity in culinary circles. A few drops of this amazing spice can give the usual foods and dishes a completely different and at the same time attractive taste and aroma.

Balsamic is added to a variety of dishes: vegetable, fruit salads, main dishes of meat, fish and seafood.

The use of thick seasoning in salads should be discussed in more detail. The fact is that there are two options for using balsamic: you can sprinkle food on them, or you can make an unusually delicious dressing with it. Moreover, the latter does not have to be flavored with the salad itself - it is allowed to serve it separately.

Use balsamic vinegar in marinades. This option is appropriate for both vegetables, seafood, and meat. Even berries acquire a subtle flavor when sprayed with balsamic.

Found application of balsamic vinegar in cosmetology. Often it becomes a component of creams for mature skin anti-aging series. Still balsamic is included in anti-cellulite products. But most often it can be found in the contents of hair balms, where it plays the role of a fighter with the loss of the latter.

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Vinegar appeared long ago. Almost with the advent of wine. Initially, it was just a by-product of the production of wine from various grape varieties. But over time, its production became independent, and this product began to be valued more highly. The most popular is Italian. It is widely used. Italians have become the biggest lovers of this product. Moreover, the special climate of this country allows you to make beautiful balsamic vinegar. Its use in cooking gives dishes an extraordinary taste.
In ancient times, balsamic vinegar was used in medicine. And only after some time, people began to use it in cooking. Vinegar was an exquisite gift for dignitaries. But his taste was significantly different from that which we can observe now.
Balsamic vinegar is a grape juice that is boiled to a thick state and mixed with small amounts of wine vinegar. Then this mixture is placed in wooden barrels and kept for a long time. The quality of balsamic vinegar also depends on the aging time. It can last from a year to 100 years.
Dark brown color and sweet taste are the hallmarks of balsamic vinegar. Its use in cooking gives dishes a unique taste. Culinary experts from all over the world appreciated these qualities and gladly add it to salads, desserts, marinades and other dishes.
How to use balsamic vinegar? Its application has some peculiarity. Given that its quality and consistency are higher than other types, it is necessary to use it in very small quantities. This is especially true for high quality vinegar and long exposure. It is added in small portions, almost one drop at a time.
Those dishes that add balsamic vinegar become not only tasty, but also to some extent useful. This product is an excellent digestive stimulant. It can be used to cook almost any dish. A few drops of vinegar mixed with olive oil will be the perfect dressing for a vegetable salad. It also gives an extraordinary flavor to a strawberry salad.

Balsamic vinegar brings original notes to ordinary cheese. It can be added to the omelet to give it a special taste. It also sets off the taste of ice cream. This product is used in the preparation of soups and other first courses. It is indispensable in marinades, for example, when cooking fish.
Real balsamic vinegar must come from Modena, an Italian province. This is the historical homeland of the product. Only here there are all conditions for the favorable ripening of special grapes. The climate and soil in these areas allow you to create unique notes and taste of vinegar. In addition, there are old recipes, production traditions and constant monitoring of product quality. That is why many culinary specialists prefer the product that is produced in Modena.

Balsamic vinegar gives the dishes a characteristic sweet and sour taste. Quality vinegar has a thick consistency and dark brown color. To feel the taste of this product, you just need to add a few grams to any dish. Only in this case, you can enjoy the unusual notes with which it saturates the already familiar taste.
By the way, it got its name for its medicinal properties at the time when it was used for medical purposes. Balsamic vinegar has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Its name comes from the word "balm."

I call balsamic vinegar or balsamic sweet and sour seasoning, which is used in the preparation of a wide variety of salads, seafood dishes, as well as for pickling poultry meat. It is a refined, expensive product and is very different from the usual apple or wine vinegar.

The first information about its preparation in Italy dates back to the eleventh century. At that time it was accessible only to very rich people, a barrel of such vinegar could become a whole dowry for a bride from a wealthy family.

According to the name, this type of vinegar was originally used exclusively as a therapeutic balm with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. It was used even during plague epidemics.

Cooking method

The process of making balsamic vinegar is very complex and time-consuming:

1. Making grape must. Juice is squeezed out of green, sour grapes of Trebbiano or Lambrusco grapes and boiled until thick. Wine vinegar is added to this brown mass, which activates and accelerates fermentation;

2. The prepared wort is bottled and infused. To do this, containers of different sizes made of wood of different species are used. Small barrels are made of oak or ash, medium, as a rule, chestnut or cherry, and for the largest use a mulberry tree;

3. At the final stage, vinegar from different barrels is mixed.
It will take twelve years to get young balsamic vinegar, and forty years for mature vinegar. At the same time, only fifteen liters of thick and viscous vinegar are obtained from a barrel of 100 liter volumes. This explains its high cost. Each manufacturer has their own spices, which are added during the manufacturing process in balsamic, as well as the color of the lid on the bottle, which determines its exposure time.

What are the components of balsamic vinegar? Seasoning composition

In its composition, balsamic vinegar contains: water, proteins, carbohydrates and ash. It is rich in potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and iron. In small quantities, it includes copper, zinc, polyphenol, pectin. It also contains acetic and pyruvic acid.

There are balsamic recipes that differ significantly from the classic. In their composition, you can detect the presence of starch, glucose, fructose, corn syrup and other additives. It is cooked without exposure. Such types of balsamic vinegar are called industrial and do not have any beneficial properties.

What is balsamic vinegar valuable for? The benefits of consumption

Balsamic vinegar, prepared in the traditional old way, is used as a calming and wound healing agent. Its use in small quantities normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic processes, strengthens the body as a whole. Experiments have shown that it improves memory, lowers cholesterol and relieves inflammation.

Who is balsamic vinegar dangerous to? Consumption harm

Contraindication to the use of balsamic vinegar can only be an individual intolerance to the product. It should not be abused and with increased acidity of gastric juice.

Why do we need balsamic vinegar? Seasoning


Balsamic vinegar is usually used for cooking Italian cuisine. It is added in very small quantities. Just add a little balsamic to and you already get a wonderful salad dressing that has a delicate and soft taste. It goes well with cheese, green salad, avocados and tomatoes.

With balsamic marinate vegetables and meat. Meat dishes can simply be sprayed with them during the frying process. It well sets off the taste of seafood, goes well with. A few drops of sweet and sour balsamic vinegar are enough to completely transform the taste of the products. With its use, they prepare the first dishes, scrambled eggs, dessert and even ice cream.

Balsamic vinegar, which is part of various sauces, helps the digestion of heavy and fatty foods of animal origin, especially in combination with olive oil. Balsamico should not be subjected to heat treatment, so it is added, as a rule, already in ready meals.


Balsamic vinegar is widely used in the modern cosmetic industry. Thanks to the polyphenols, thionins and anthocyanins that it contains, it slows down. A good effect is given to cream with its additive for aging skin. It is part of some anti-cellulite products and a hair loss balm. Its antiseptic properties help active cleansing of the skin and improve complexion. He is also an excellent aphrodisiac.

Classic balsamic vinegar, prepared according to a traditional, ancient recipe, is undoubtedly a useful product. The only drawback is its too high cost.

Ivan K., website

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