Penoplex from what and how the properties are made. What is penoplex

Penoplex - the second most popular after mineral wool. Its main advantages are considered to be a low degree of thermal conductivity and a very reasonable price. In some cases, for example, when insulating basements from the outside, penoplex can be considered generally indispensable.

How the material is made

So, penoplex - what is it? Let's look into this in more detail. This material is produced on special extrusion plants. When catalyst gases are added to polystyrene, it foams, greatly increasing in size. The mass obtained in this way is then squeezed out of the installation. Here, the gas escapes, leaving many pores in the cured polystyrene.

Penoplex is produced in plates with a thickness of 20-100 mm and in appearance resembles a well-known foam plastic. It differs from the latter by much greater strength and durability. Thin foam plastic (20 mm, for example) is great for the ceiling of balconies. To insulate facades, foundations and roofs, either 50 mm slabs in two layers or 100 mm material in one are usually used.

Main advantages

Today, a variety of wall heaters are produced. Penoplex can rightly be attributed to the most effective and high-quality. The advantages of this material are primarily:

  • Excellent thermal insulation characteristics.
  • Moisture resistant. Penoplex does not absorb water.
  • Ease of installation. The plates of this heat insulator are installed either on glue, or with the help of “fungus” dowels.
  • Durability. The foam sheet is quite durable and does not crumble during installation. Also, this material does not dry out over time and does not rot.
  • Light weight. There are no special requirements for the design of the foundation or truss system when using this material.
  • Versatility. Penoplex can be used for insulation of absolutely any elements of the building - the foundation, walls, roof.
  • Excellent soundproof qualities.

The main disadvantage of the material

Now let's see what disadvantages penoplex has. What is it, we found out. By itself, extruded polystyrene poses no danger to human health. At least that's what the manufacturer claims. However, in the free state, styrene is a very toxic substance. Some researchers believe that a small amount of it in finished slabs can still be preserved. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully use penoplex for interior decoration from the inside. In any case, it is worth tightly closing it with drywall or plaster, trying not to leave gaps.

Main characteristics of the material

Thus, we have found out what are the advantages and disadvantages of penoplex. What is it, you now also know. Next, we will deal with what actually characteristics this material differs in. They have penoplex such:

  • compressive strength - 0.2-0.0.5 MPa;
  • density - 28-53 kg / m 3;
  • thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.03-0.032 W / (Mx °K);
  • moisture absorption coefficient - up to 0.5%;
  • operating temperatures - from -50 to +75 gr.

The Penoplex brand has standard dimensions - 600 x 1200 mm.

Varieties of material

Choosing foam for the insulation of structures of one type or another should be correct. At the moment there are the following varieties:

  • Penoplex-31. Boards of this type have a density of 31 kg/m 3 and are mainly used for buildings. Sometimes they are also used for roof insulation (without loads).
  • Penoplex-35 is the most popular material in housing construction. It can be used not only for insulating roofs, facades, but also as a cushioning layer under the soles of foundations. Insulation of the floor with penoplex in private housing construction is also usually carried out using this particular variety. Density of plates 35 - up to 37 kg/m 3 . During production, among other things, special components are added to them, which significantly increase their fire resistance.
  • Penoplex-45. This variety is designed for under load, as well as roads and sidewalks in cold regions of the country. Also, such plates can be used for warming runways, heavily loaded foundations, floors, etc. Material density 45 - up to 40 kg / m 3.
  • Penoplex-75. This is the densest variety (up to 53 kg / m 3). It is mainly used for insulation of runways of airfields.

Penoplex in construction

Since 2011, materials of not too high density used for the construction of residential buildings have been classified by the manufacturer into four more varieties:

  • It is used to insulate those parts of the building that are underground. It can be either a regular foundation or a basement.
  • "Penoplex Roof". It is used accordingly for the insulation of roofs, including horizontal ones. The density of this variety is also very high. When using it, the insulation from the side of the attic must be closed
  • "Penoplex Wall". This variety was developed by the manufacturer specifically for the insulation of socles and facades of residential buildings. For vertical structures, these are actually ideal heaters. For walls "Penoplex" (as well as for other elements of the house) is used, of course, with the obligatory selection of the desired thickness. The minimum figure for Moscow, for example, is 100-124 mm. This variety is distinguished by such advantages as resistance to temperature extremes and the effects of precipitation, ease of installation, durability, etc.
  • Penoplex Comfort. This type of material is designed specifically for the insulation of small suburban private houses. Plates of this variety are not susceptible to infection by fungus and can be used, including in conditions of high humidity. It is possible to use such penoplex, the dimensions of which are also standard, for insulating foundations, facades, roofs, floors, ceilings, walls from the inside, etc. Very often baths and saunas are sheathed with such plates.

Installation features for wall and roof insulation

So, you have chosen penoplex for home insulation. What it is, you now understand. For insulation of houses, this material is suitable very well. Especially outside. Now let's see what are the rules for its installation. When insulating walls, penoplex is usually installed between the frame elements of the bars. Additionally, the plates are fastened with dowels - "fungi". When installing roofing plates can be installed directly between the rafters. Sometimes they are mounted on top. At the same time, some additional insulation is installed between the rafters. The walls before installing the foam are covered with a vapor barrier film. When insulating the roof with foil material, the attic is sheathed.

Floor insulation with foam

From above, the floors are insulated as follows:

  • The surface is lined with a waterproofing membrane.
  • A crate of timber is stuffed onto the floor or ceiling.
  • Penoplex is laid. When building a new house, the slabs are not mounted in the crate, but directly between the lags. Previously, the space between them is covered with a waterproofing layer.
  • OSB boards or plywood are mounted. In the event that polystyrene foam was laid between the lags, a floorboard is usually installed on top of it.
  • Plywood or OSB is sheathed with finishing material. Even parquet can be used for this purpose. Penoplex itself is an excellent vapor barrier and does not let water through at all.

Penoplex insulation: price

The cost of the plates of this insulator depends on the type and thickness. So penoplex-35 in 50 mm will cost about 180 rubles apiece. The price of plates with a density of 31 kg / m 3 in 30 mm is about 120 rubles. The "Comfort" option of 50 mm costs about 180 rubles, 30 mm thick - about 100 rubles.

As you can see, foam insulation, the price of which is quite acceptable, is just perfect for insulating the structural elements of the building. Mounting it is very simple, and the effect of its use will be more than noticeable.

Under the name Penoplex, ordinary extruded polystyrene foam is hidden, which, as you know, has its own scope. But the advertising pressure of the brand is so great that many already take it for granted to apply Penoplex everywhere. And this is a serious mistake - firstly, significant money is spent without any benefit, and secondly, damage is done to the structures of the house. But first things first…

The common joke about the misuse of "Snickers and Tampax", due to a lack of understanding of what is hidden under these names, accurately describes the situation with Penoplex. Blindly following advertising booklets leads to ambiguous situations.

Is it profitable to apply

The regulations recommend that private traders create economically viable insulation so that it pays off at existing energy prices over a certain period of time - up to 12 years. Therefore, in the design documentation for private houses and apartments, heat insulators are laid down that are quite reliable (durable), but at a moderate price - insulation should be beneficial for the owner.

In projects you will not find too expensive foam glass. But on the other hand, cheap high-density expanded polystyrene (polystyrene) is widely used.
In house projects, extruded polystyrene foam is provided strictly for its intended purpose.

No one will lay extruded polystyrene foam where foam can be used, which is much cheaper. Otherwise, the meaning of insulation is lost - it simply will not pay off in normal terms, and violation of the standard threatens to deprive the design license, for example.

What is special about extruded polystyrene foam

The production of Penoplex is carried out by the extrusion method, which was first used in the USA half a century ago. Polystyrene is foamed by a chemical reaction at high pressure and at high temperature. As a result, very small cells are formed in the material - up to 0.2 millimeters, with almost the same dimensions. And also completely closed, unlike polystyrene.

Extruded polystyrene acquires the following distinctive properties:

  • Increased compressive strength - from 0.2 MPa to 0.6 MPa, depending on the density, which can range from 25 kg / m3. up to 50 kg / m 3, the densest can be laid under the pavement of the road.
  • Virtually zero water absorption - can be used in the ground without protection.
  • The almost complete lack of permeability to water vapor - on a wall made of any conventional building material, a layer of extruded polystyrene foam with a thickness of 2 cm will turn out to be a vapor barrier.

Where and when is it right to apply this heat-insulating material?

Sheet sizes, types

Penoplex is produced under the names "Wall", "Foundation", "Roof", "Road", "Universal" ... From name to name, mainly the density changes from 25 kg / m3. for "Wall" up to 40 kg/m3 for "Road" and, accordingly, the strength of the material.

The standard density of conventional extruded polystyrene foam for a wide range of applications is 35 kg/m3. But in the case of Penoplex, for example, of the "Universal" type, somewhat contradictory data are given - the density is from 28 to 34 kg / m3.

The desire to save money in production is obvious - a more fragile, lightweight material with a slightly increased water absorption is offered. like "Economy-Light-extruded polystyrene foam."

But it is likely that other manufacturers' products may be “lightweight” or even not meet the declared technical characteristics ...

The dimensions of the Penoplex insulation sheet are usually 600x1200 mm. Thickness varies, can be 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100 (mm).

Errors in application

A typical error in the use of Penoplex is more likely to be associated with a belief in some “miraculous” properties of the material, or with the usual unwillingness to delve into issues.

Nomadic brigades of heaters impose their opinion on thermal insulation, looking for their own benefit. Penoplex is often imposed as a more expensive material for insulating walls, floors, roofs, instead of foam or mineral wool suitable for economic or technical feasibility.

And so that the owners do not seem too expensive, they simply use sheets 20 mm or 30 mm thick for wall insulation.

The effect of heat saving from such a thin layer is minimal, or even almost invisible. And significant costs for gluing and plastering using the Wet Facade technology are money thrown away in vain.


Thus, the heat insulator extruded polystyrene foam glued onto a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls brings significant damage to the owners.

In addition, only very dense concrete will endure the vapor barrier almost painlessly. Brick and porous materials will easily acquire high humidity, the same as indoors, which is not very useful. And in cases of poor-quality gluing, along the edges of the square, some steam leaks through the outer shell, it is quite possible that the wall is soaked with condensate formed at the border of the wall and insulation.

Also, in truss systems, in wooden floors, in contact with wood, experts generally recommend the use of vapor-permeable insulation, ventilated from the outside, ensuring the durability of the structure.

In addition, polystyrene foam indoors is unsuitable for fire requirements, it is extremely dangerous when melted, without fencing from the living space with a fireproof partition ...

How to use Penoplex for insulation

Penoplex, like any other extruded polystyrene foam, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, is well suited for insulating the soil around the house when building shallow foundations. Laid under the blind area, it will reliably protect the soil from precipitation and frost.

It is important to glue the seams (thorn groove) between the insulation boards.

Where Penoplex should not be used

But extruded polystyrene foam cannot be used with materials that destroy it.

The following is a list of substances that are allowed to come into contact.

If you want to hang it on the wall...

If a decision is made for some reason to insulate the walls with foam plastic (perhaps due to the manufacturer's statements about the great durability of the material ...), then the wet facade technology must be done at least correctly.

  • From below and from above, the breaking layer of insulation must be protected by appropriate strips.
  • Provides a flat, durable wall surface on which the sticker will be applied.
  • The sheets are glued with the appropriate glue, with the maximum-largest area of ​​​​close contact with the wall on the glue ... And much more ....

For more information on how to insulate the facade of the house and other walls using the wet facade technology on your own, you can read ....

Penoplex is called extruded polystyrene foam, which is one of the most modern and popular materials for creating thermal insulation of walls, floors and other surfaces in the house. Due to the ease of installation and excellent performance, it creates serious competition with traditional foam and mineral wool.

Warming of surfaces is usually carried out during the construction of a house. If it was not carried out in advance, it will be necessary to insulate the room in the process of repairing an already inhabited house. Especially often balconies and loggias have to be insulated, and even before work begins, the question arises - is it necessary to insulate the room, and how to do it?

Recently, masters have opted for penoplex. What is it and why is it worth insulating the floor with penoplex?

Material Features

To understand what penoplex is, you should understand the process of its production. And this material is produced in this way: expanded polystyrene is passed through special equipment - an extruder - under certain conditions. These conditions are high temperature and high pressure.

The extruder converts the original polystyrene material into a homogeneous monolithic mass with high density, but low mass. The polymer itself makes up only 2% of the total material, for the most part the foam consists of air, which ensures its lightness and excellent thermal insulation characteristics. Foaming of polystyrene occurs with the help of a complex hydrocarbon - pentane.

Thanks to this structure and homogeneous composition, the material receives the following characteristic features:

  • complete environmental safety of the material;
  • health safety;
  • unlike conventional foam, foam retains a third more thermal energy due to its high density;
  • high resistance to compression and rupture - this is due to the large amount of air in the cells of the material and the tight connection of polystyrene particles to each other;
  • due to the density, penoplex practically does not allow water to pass through in any state of aggregation, due to which mold does not multiply on the insulation;
  • substances that counteract combustion are added to the raw materials, due to which the penoplex becomes very resistant to high temperatures - it can withstand heating up to 500 degrees;
  • penoplex can last from 20 to 50 years, depending on the conditions, and during the entire service life it does not show signs of wear;
  • in processing, preparation and installation, penoplex is very simple, which allows you to insulate the room completely independently;
  • compared to some other heat-insulating materials, this insulation is quite cheap, and laying foam plastic pays off after three winters due to savings on heating.

Penoplex also has disadvantages. In particular, it has almost no such property as adhesion. Because of this, the material does not absorb adhesive solutions well, and it has to be fixed on surfaces with self-tapping screws.

It is also worth noting that flame retardant impregnated material smokes heavily if set on fire, and polystyrene, like all polymers, emits very toxic smoke. But it is quite difficult to ignite it.

Often the choice of insulation is made of two options. What is better - foam or foam? These materials are very similar as both are made from polystyrene. But their thermophysical properties differ significantly.

So, the extruded version of the polymer absorbs about 10 times less water. It has a higher density and compressive strength, but its mass is no more than that of foam. No less important are the design features of the plates - the elements of the foam coating have cut-outs on the edges in the shape of the letter L, which allows the plates to be joined more tightly. Thanks to this, cold streaks do not appear on the floor surface.

Thus, foam plastic is much more practical than foam plastic in all respects. A floor insulated with extruded polystyrene foam is much more reliable and durable, mainly due to the containment of moisture penetration into the insulation layer.

Floor insulation technology

Even a person without special skills and experience in finishing work can cope with the thermal insulation of the floor using penoplex. Penoplex is very similar to polystyrene, so both materials have a similar installation technology.

Floor insulation with penoplex can be carried out on any basis, concrete and wood, including those equipped with a floor heating system. You can also put penoplex directly on the ground if the floor of the basement or basement is being insulated.

If the penoplex is laid on a concrete floor between floors or on the floor of a loggia or balcony, the installation process looks like this.

Before starting work, the floor is prepared - the old coating is cleaned up to reinforced concrete floors, after which the main surface is leveled with a thin cement-sand screed. This is necessary to protect the plates from damage.

To increase the service life of extruded polystyrene foam, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing, which can be an ordinary polyethylene film. It is overlapped with gluing the joints with adhesive tape.

Foam boards are laid on top of the film. Thanks to the cutouts on the edges of the plates, the joints are tighter than with foam. However, it is worth improving the quality of the joints by applying a thin layer of silicone sealant. The thickness of the plates should be about 50 mm for balconies and 30 mm for living rooms.

Since the glue poorly fastens the foam with concrete, the plates must be further strengthened with self-tapping screws. They are screwed in at the corners and in the center of the plate.

Another layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the insulation layer, and the main screed is mounted above it. The screed must be at least 40 mm thick. It is quite possible to mount the pipes that make up the water heating circuit in the upper screed, in which case the thickness of the cement layer increases to at least 7 cm. Although the floor turns out to be quite warm even without a heating system.

After the installation is completed, the floor must lie down for a week or more, and only then can the final flooring be laid.

If the first floor is insulated in the absence of a basement, the insulation technology is as follows:

  • first of all, the bare soil is covered with a layer of a mixture of crushed stone and sand 50 cm thick;
  • the first layer is carefully compacted and compacted so that the floor shrinks less in the future;
  • thick (5-10 cm) foam boards are laid;
  • the insulation is covered with a waterproofing layer;
  • a cement-sand screed is mounted on top of the waterproofing;
  • floor covering is placed on the screed.

In some cases, the process changes slightly: you need to build a concrete floor yourself. In this case, another screed is placed on a layer of sand and gravel, after which the procedure is similar. If two screeds are constructed, the thickness of the thermal insulation layer can be reduced.

If the floor is insulated with foam plastic on a wooden base, then instead of a screed, sheet wooden material is used - plywood or chipboard. This material is securely fixed on wooden logs. Waterproofing is placed on this leveling layer, and a heater is already on top of it. Boards or a cement floor screed should also lie between the foam and the finish flooring.

Insulation boards should be laid close to each other. The seams are sealed with foil tape. A gap of 10 mm wide is left along the perimeter of the room to compensate for temperature deformations. The gap is closed with a damper tape.

Among the extensive line of heat-insulating materials, foam plastic occupies one of the first places. Most fans of doing something with their own hands are attracted by the low price of the plates of this insulation and the ability to mount them on their own without resorting to the help of workers.

This allows you to significantly save on the insulation of private and country houses. Due to the low thermal conductivity of the foam, the finished structures are quite warm.

What is extruded polystyrene foam

The complex technical name of the insulation alarms many who prefer to use only environmentally friendly, low-combustible materials in the insulation of their homes. Modern technologies make it possible not to use freons as a blowing agent. Therefore, only CO2 or freons are currently used for polystyrene foam granules. So we can quite call it environmentally friendly.

The material has a number of characteristics that make it very attractive for private and low-rise construction, as well as for industrial use.

  • The insulation does not have a biological component, therefore it does not rot and does not decompose. Such properties make it durable (service life ≥ 50 years).
  • Eco-friendly heater. And we can even talk about the environmental friendliness of its production.
  • Perfectly proved itself in the "warm floor" systems. On top of the foam 35, the entire structure of the "warm floor" is mounted. A low coefficient of thermal conductivity will effectively save heat, so that the cost of heating a house or apartment is significantly reduced.
  • Wide range of applications. Insulation can be used both in a country house and at an airfield.

Technical characteristics of penoplex are presented in the table below.

Where can you use penoplex

Extruded polystyrene foam has found its application in various fields, both in residential construction and repair, and in industry.

Its technical characteristics have a wide variation in such indicators as plate thickness, combustibility, strength, which allows them to insulate both runways at airfields (100 mm thick plates), and house walls, foundations, etc.

Penoplex markings

Penoplex marking

There are several markings for penoplex, such as M35, M45 and others. It is worth noting that this is an old marking. They are currently out of production.

  • Modern markings - 31C, 35, 45. Penoplex 31C has poor compression specifications, so it is used mainly for insulating pipes or containers.
  • Penoplex 35 is universal, quite durable, so it can be used to insulate both pipes and walls of buildings, foundations, and use it in a screed on the floor. The characteristics of this brand have excellent thermal insulation qualities.
  • Penoplex 45 can be successfully used for warming runways at airfields, for insulating deep foundations, floors in industrial premises. It is also indispensable in the arrangement of the road surface. Its density, which is higher than that of 35, perfectly withstands loads, and the almost complete absence of water absorption does not allow the canvas to swell after heavy rains and subsequent frosts. For 45 there are no prohibitions for use on an industrial scale.

What is good penoplex

The properties of penoplex are diverse, which is very convenient for do-it-yourself work, in the country or in a private house.

  1. Ease of installation and low weight make it easy to mount this heater without resorting to the help of specialists.
  2. Such characteristics of penoplex as low thermal conductivity, density and others allow it to be used not only for external insulation, but also for thermal insulation of floors at the construction stage. Slabs with a density of 45, with a thickness of 50 mm or more, can easily withstand a concrete screed, serving as an excellent service in the future. You will always have a relatively warm floor.
  3. Foam boards 20 mm, 30 mm, 50 mm thick and above will make the walls, floor and roof warmer. Now you don't have to worry about buying warm slippers or a sweater. Penoplex will reliably protect you from bad weather.
  4. Such a quality of penoplex as vapor tightness baffles many. After all, we are used to counting and hearing from sellers in hardware stores that the walls (floor, roof) must breathe. But think about it. Through these micropores, our house (wooden or brick) not only breathes, but also loses heat. Using penoplex insulation, simply organize high-quality ventilation in your room by equipping, for example, a micro-ventilation system and installing an exhaust hood. Thus, you will create a healthy microclimate in your home.

A little about the flammability of foam

Most homegrown builders believe that foam plastic is no different from polystyrene, except perhaps in its structure. Its properties such as combustibility and water absorption are equated to the properties of foam. This is not true.
Now both non-combustible foam and completely combustible foam are produced. Therefore, trusting the rumors that the penoplex burns strongly or not is your decision. However, we note that penoplex is deprived of the possibility of spontaneous combustion. In the presence of a source of constant fire, it only melts, with the release of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) gases. If the fire is immediately extinguished, even smoldering will not be observed. Therefore, choosing between modern foam plastic and foam plastic, give preference to the second material.

Important. Ordinary foam plastic burns perfectly, which you can easily find in a box with some household appliances. But it is foolish to assume that there is no difference between him and the construction foam. None of the varieties of penoplex does not burn, but only melts in the presence of an open flame source.

Russian brands of foam

Russian craftsmen did not bypass the production of such a sought-after insulation as penoplex. In our market there are such brands as "Technoplex" from the corporation "TechnoNIKOL" and "Polyspen". Let's consider each of them in detail.

Technoplex is designed specifically for private construction, as well as for arranging the underfloor heating system. Nanotechnology is used in production - graphite particles, which enhance the effect of low thermal conductivity and further increase the strength of the material plates. The plates of this insulation are light silver and meet all standards for the production of foam.

Technoplex insulation is produced by plates with different parameters. Even custom sizes are possible if requested by the customer. The thickness of the plates is different - 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100 mm. All plates, except for the 20s, have a special edge, which during installation eliminates the appearance of cold bridges. Technoplex boards can be stored both indoors and outdoors, provided that the original packaging is intact.
After installation, the surface of the Technoplex insulation must be isolated from atmospheric influences.

Polyspen LLC successfully produces extruded polystyrene foam under the same brand. There are three types of foam boards in production, which differ from each other in characteristics - compression density, thermal conductivity coefficient and combustibility. These are the brands:

  • Polispen Standard

The numbers 35 and 45 mean the density of the material, respectively 35 kg/m3 and 45 kg/m3. In the production, special substances are used that reduce flammability - fire retardants.

Plates "Polyspen Standard" are used where their combustible component is least important - for internal floor insulation, in foundations. Plates with a density of 35 are used for insulation of fences and load-bearing structures of buildings. Plates "Polispen" with a density of 45 are used in the arrangement of road surfaces, as well as structures that carry excessive loads.

So, we have an excellent thermal insulation material, made in the form of plates of various thicknesses - 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 and 100 mm (depending on the manufacturer, the thickness range may vary, the standard range is 20/30/40/50 / 100), impregnated to varying degrees with flame retardants (the price of non-combustible material is more expensive), of various density and compressive strength, used both in private housing construction and in industry. Russian brands of penoplex, such as Tenoplex and Polispen, have proven themselves well in the Russian market.