Ready-made landscape projects. Landscape design project on the topic

Arrangement of an attractive plot of a country house requires a responsible and competent approach. The stage at which landscape design is selected, its design, as well as further planning of work is the key to overall success. Only a properly compiled and prepared landscape design project can guarantee an impeccable result - an area filled with cheerfulness and tranquility, where it will be pleasant to spend time with friends and family.

What does ADSC Group offer?

The ADSC Group company provides a wide range of services for creating home site projects. A landscape design project for a site can include both the creation of its individual elements and a holistic design. Among the company’s professional services in the field of design, the following areas are defined:

  • creation of original and classic landscapes;
  • design of drainage systems and other utilities;
  • facing and external design works;
  • improvement of recreational areas and others.

These directions require not only a creative approach, but also a careful selection of materials, taking into account the original properties of each site, the correct aesthetic and geometric combination of different surfaces, textures, and colors.

Creating popular classic landscapes in the style of a Japanese rock garden or

Alpine slides require knowledge of traditional and confident design approaches, and original landscapes require creative vision and fresh ideas. Creating a stream, a pond or an entire lake near a house requires that the landscape design project for the site foresee the presence of high-quality drainage systems and the arrangement of storm sewers.

Company to choose

Why choose ADSC Group? There are three main reasons for this:

  1. Wide range of services.
  2. Modern approach.
  3. Quality control.

It is known that it is better to create a landscape design project as a complex. But when a landscape design is created, its design can be carried out partially, in stages. In any case, a worthy project will be provided.

The use of modern technologies and experience in designing advanced engineering communications is a significant advantage of the company. But the main thing in the company’s work is the emphasis on quality and improvement from project to project.

Therefore, “ADSK Group” is undoubtedly the best choice for landscape design of your home site.

The territory improvement project should be developed simultaneously with and. Thanks to this, it is possible to take into account all the existing features of the land plot in advance, as well as minimize financial costs. If landscape design is carried out in winter, then in spring you can begin to implement it.

Landscape project for a plot of land

The most important stage in landscaping a site is its design, which includes 2 stages: and the actual landscape design. When designing, it is advisable to consult with a specialist architect.

When the construction of a house is completed, as a rule, the owner has a question about its improvement.

It is very important to correctly draw up a landscape design for the site in order to later bring the project to life.

You can rely on your own strengths in designing the site, or you can entrust it to a professional. There are certain stages of work, following which will lead to the desired result - the creation of a beautiful site.

Once all this information has been collected, you can proceed to the design stage itself.

The customer must provide the designer with all the initial data: topographic plan with a scale of 1:500 s and existing vegetation, as well as hydrogeological research data.

Scheme of the hydrogeological research cycle

The designer carries out activities, which include laboratory analysis of soils, identification of favorable and unfavorable view points, and inflation analysis of the territory.

An example of planning a landscape project for a summer cottage

Composition of the landscape project

How the landscape project is drawn up

Landscape design begins, first of all, with thinking through a sketch. A sketch is created in order to determine where and what zone will be located in the future. For example: a recreation area, an orchard, or a children's playground. Then you can lay out convenient paths taking into account these zones.

The designer may offer you more than one sketch, in which case you need to carefully study the options and choose the most suitable one for you.

If you decide to entrust the work of developing a landscape project to professional designers, then you can rest assured that everything will be done with really high quality. Professionals will listen to all your wishes, carefully study the existing site and develop a project that will fully satisfy you.

Of course, this will take a lot of time, because specialists will have to perform a whole range of work:

Unfortunately, the services of specialists have one drawback. But for many people it completely covers up the advantages. Of course, we are talking about cost.

In most cases, the price of a finished project is tens of thousands of rubles.

Are you ready to pay such a significant amount for the work of designers?

Therefore, many people decide to develop a landscape design project on their own. Many owners of country houses manage to achieve excellent results. All you need is a rich imagination, sober calculation and good knowledge of modern materials and design techniques.

In this video you can look at an example of a landscape project developed for a private garden plot

How to develop a project yourself

Surprisingly, it is much easier to develop a project for a small plot with a classic area of ​​6 acres than for a large plot, the area of ​​which is 12 acres or more. It would seem that the larger the site, the more interesting design solutions can be applied. However, in practice this is not the case.

The fact is that experts recommend decorating the entire site in the same style, adhering to approximately the same color palette, so that the site is perceived as something unified. Therefore, it has to be zoned, which adds complexity.

Beginning of work

Measure the area - its length and width, and also remember exactly where the elements that you are not going to remove are located (a well, an old tree, a rose hip bush, a bathhouse or a garage). It is best to use special programs for design - they can be downloaded on the Internet completely free of charge.

They allow you to recreate your site down to the smallest detail and they contain quite a lot of different elements and techniques that can be used when drawing up a project. Well, if you are not very computer friendly, you can use a regular sheet of graph paper.

Decide in what format you will draw up the project - it could be 1:10, 1:20, 1:50 or 1:100, depending on the size of the site and your desire to take into account every little detail. Draw the dimensions of the area onto paper, maintaining its shape. The next stage is the application of existing landscape details.

Then - which includes various special drawings according to which builders and landscapers will carry out the corresponding work. The master plan can be presented on paper or on electronic media with images of all buildings, existing plantings, designed plants, paths, and sites.

A layout drawing will be required for builders. It indicates all the sites, paths, reservoirs, and various structures on the site. A connection is made to existing buildings, and the necessary sections of the proposed structures are placed in the fields.

If it is not possible to place all the necessary buildings on one small area, then it would be wiser to combine some buildings with each other. For example, arranging a garage together with a residential building. You can use building models that are cut out of paper to the appropriate sizes. It’s even better to make a landscape project in 3D format.

In this video you can look at an example of 3D visualization of a landscape project for a garden plot

Correctly zoning the territory

The key to beauty, convenience and even safety is the correct location of individual landscape objects relative to each other. Therefore, at this stage you need to show maximum care and foresight.

Divide the entire area into two or three zones. One of them should contain all the outbuildings that you deem necessary: ​​a bathhouse, a toilet, a chicken coop, a garage, a barn, etc. Please keep in mind that the toilet (if it is located on the street) should be located as far as possible from the well or other water intake point.

The second zone includes decorative landscape elements. This could be a gazebo, flower beds, flowering bushes and much more.

Finally, the third zone is fruit and vegetable gardening. Decide where you will place the beds from which you plan to harvest. It can be anything, like an orchard or beds - from six hundred square meters of potatoes to several strawberry bushes. Do not forget that such beds need watering. Therefore, it is best to place them as close as possible to a well, pump, borehole or other source of water.

When planning the second and third zones, it is worth taking into account the illumination of individual areas. If shady places (from a fence, a house, old trees) need to be planted with something, it is better to choose shade-loving plants - they exist, and there are quite a lot of them. Light-loving plants planted in the shade grow slowly, often get sick, and are unlikely to delight you with beauty and a rich harvest.

We provide ease of movement around the site

When you have decided where certain main landscape objects will be located, you should think about how you can ensure ease of access to them from anywhere on the site. And here lies another difficulty that haunts owners of large plots - 20 acres or more.

Of course, we are talking about garden paths. Keep in mind that the soil will not always be dense. In the spring, after the snow melts, as well as after heavy rain, a puddle forms in every small depression. And on level ground the ground will turn into mud. And it will be quite difficult to walk to the garage, herb garden or toilet. Your feet slip through the mud, and deep footprints appear in the ground, which will have to be leveled later so that they do not spoil the appearance of the area.

The choice of materials for arranging garden tropics today is quite large. It can be wood, paving slabs, brick, natural stone and much more.

The use of natural stone in landscape design

Which of these materials should you prefer? Decide for yourself. You can easily find enough information on this topic on the Internet. After all, materials differ in attractiveness, convenience, durability and cost. Therefore, only you can make the final choice.

Carefully consider the layout of the paths. They can branch, intersect, bifurcate and connect, but they should provide maximum comfort for approaching each of the important objects on your site. Thanks to the paths, you can walk on slightly damp surfaces without getting your feet wet or causing damage to the area.

Landing drawings are important for landscapers. Such a drawing shows only the house and other structures for which the binding will then be carried out. Already existing plantings are not shown or are highlighted in a different color, and sections of planting holes are indicated in the fields.

The assortment list includes a list of plants that are designed on the master plan. The plant number, its name in Russian and Latin, standard height, as well as the total number of plants presented are indicated. Such a statement is placed in the fields or attached to an explanatory note.

The task for design and analysis of the existing condition of the site is indicated in detail. In addition, the designer can personally control the entire progress of the work and oversee the implementation of the project throughout the year.


Material for the competition

"Landscape design of the school area"







MCOU "Secondary School No. 7"






2014 - 2015


at the pedagogical council

MCOU "Secondary School No. 7"

Protocol No. 1


School yard regulations

The schoolyard is a universal facility that simultaneously performs a number of functions: cognitive, developmental, spiritual and moral, the function of social hardening, civic development of personality, the function of designing one’s own activities.

The schoolyard is a whole complex where you can create an ideal model of the small world of childhood.

The schoolyard is a world where people should feel cozy and comfortable, where everyone has ample opportunities for self-realization for the benefit of themselves and others.

The schoolyard and school grounds are an effective means of developing students’ environmental culture.


Goals: 1. Formation of a personality ready to accept the ideology of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of environmental consciousness and thinking based on an active life position.

2. Creation of an aesthetically and environmentally attractive space around the school; the most rational use of school territory in the educational process and economic activities of the school.

3. Improving the environmental situation at the school and in the surrounding area through green spaces and flowers.

4. Fostering hard work, love for your school, and respect for nature.

5. Development of students' creative abilities.


1. Attract the attention of students to solving current problems of the school.
2. To develop a sense of personal responsibility for the school, the ability to implement specific steps to improve and beautify the school and its territory.

3. To form in each participant in the pedagogical process an internal need to protect and increase natural resources, to create and maintain the beauty around oneself, and to develop a caring attitude towards nature.
4. Involve teachers, school students and parents in improving the aesthetic design of the school.

5. To form an active life position among participants in the educational process, the desire to be not indifferent to the fate of their small homeland.

Relevance and importance of the work.

In recent years, our country has paid great attention to the creation and implementation of various social projects. In an educational institution, this is a project for improving the school grounds, created by the students themselves, their teachers and parents. A creative approach to an idea is the most important aspect in these projects. Work on such a project concerns not only the school building, but also the surrounding areas (sports ground, school yard, paths, school flower beds). “Beauty will save the world,” said the great humanists. A person feels comfortable when he is surrounded by beautiful park alleys, flowering lawns and brightly decorated flower beds.

Justification of the work.

Our school is located on the territory of the village of Essentukskaya, Predgorny district, Stavropol Territory. The school building was built in 2008year. The schoolyard is in good condition. There is a fence around the yard that meets all safety standards for children in an educational institution and sanitary standards for the territories of educational institutions.The yard area is large, so the problem of landscaping has been relevant since the first days of its existence. Landscaping the school grounds is necessary both to create an attractive appearance and to maintain the reputation of an educational institution, which must have its own “face”, its own image. In and around the school, every square meter should be used to educate the student.

The peculiarity of the location of our school is that it is always within sight of fellow villagers. The school staff bears a great responsibility to instill in students, their parents and village residents a caring attitude towards their village, the development of aesthetic taste and the ability to appreciate the beauty of the surrounding nature. At MKOU "Secondary School No. 7" a system of moral, environmental and labor education has been developed for students, an important part of which is instilling a love for nature and work. Such a system makes it possible to successfully solve the problems of teaching schoolchildren various labor skills and abilities, enriching them with new knowledge about plants and the technology of their cultivation. The school area is vast and diverse. There is a school building, utility buildings, a sports ground, and flower beds on it.Most of the yard is occupied by a central area lined with paving slabs. This is a place for holding school functions and extracurricular events in the open air.The school's porch faces the north side, the right side faces the west, the left side of the building faces the east of the residential area formed by the streets: Gagarin, Gubina. A very large area on the southern side is occupied by a slope of construction waste, where there is practically no soil. At one time, builders only covered this area with a layer of earth, unfortunately, not enough to plant trees. The lack of trees is compensated by a large area of ​​lawns. There, on the south side, there is a shooting range for life safety lessons; above the shooting range there is a sports town, where there are various types of sports facilities: basketball and volleyball courts, a running track, and an obstacle course. Just below the stadium there are playgrounds for younger students with swings and a slide. Most of the school yard is occupied by lawns with small flower beds of ornamental bushes, annual and perennial flowers. In the western part of the school yard there are two large flower beds, bordered by two rows of low-growing September asters (New Belgian or Virginia asters) and Byzantine chistets; young trees and shrubs, annual and perennial flowers happily coexist with them. From June until frost, flowerbeds, flowerbeds and beds filled with flowers are pleasing to the eye. This year, schoolchildren began replanting pine trees from the Sosnovy nursery and planting flower beds and shrubs.

Characteristics of the school yard:

Total area of ​​the school yard

15692 m2

Built-up area

3302m 2

School building area

2540 m2

Area of ​​outbuildings

762 m2

Area of ​​undeveloped part

12390 m2

Area of ​​the asphalt part

3830 m2

Area of ​​green area

6000 m 2

Arboretum area

400m 2

Flower bed area

1500 m 2

Lawn area

3100 m 2

Sports ground area

1500 m 2

Primary school corner area

1000 m 2

Playground area

60 m 2

List of buildings and structures


Typical design designation


Built-up area

sq. m.

School building


Utility block with boiler room

Transformer substation

Shooting gallery

Delimitation of zones of the school territory in order to create the most favorable environmental conditions and improve the sanitary and hygienic regime on the school territory. The start of work on the improvement of the school yard dates back to the summer of 2008, when the work on decorating the school yard was partially completed, the entrances to the main entrance were paved, and central flower beds and lawns were laid out. Work on landscaping and design of the yard continues to this day.

School yard areas.

1 zone

children's room (playground with swings, slide, sandbox);

sports (2 sports grounds for playing volleyball and basketball)

2 zone

patio (tiles, paved paths)

3 zone

utility (boiler room, transformer substation, shooting range)

4 zone

green (along the school façade and in the school yard)

Stages of work to improve the school yard:

First stage – February-March:

development by students of projects for improvement of the school grounds, landscaping and rational use of the school site.

Second stage – April – May:

preparation of planting material – flower seeds;
preparation of equipment;
spring tillage;
work on the improvement of the school grounds and the area adjacent to it,

Shrub trimming;
spring planting (transplanting pine trees, planting a rose garden);

Third stage – June – August:

planting care: watering, weeding;

Fourth stage – September-October:

Seed collection;
autumn tillage;
autumn planting of bulbous plants;
summarizing results, preparing reports.

Work implementation plans.

The work on improving the school grounds consists of leveling the soil, creating paths, planting trees, forming lawns and flower beds, etc. We carry out these tasks annually on our own. Sports grounds are an important part of the school grounds where students spend a lot of time, so the compact placement of all facilities on it (running tracks, volleyball or basketball courts) is a very important and necessary element in landscaping. The children's and playgrounds available on the school grounds are a place of relaxation and entertainment. We plan to equip recreation areas with decorative benches, and here we cannot do without the help of adults. We involve parents and school staff in this work.

Plan of activities for the preparatory stage




Conducting an analysis of the environmental condition of the school territory

Class teachers responsible for organizing labor and environmental activities at school

Start of the “Auction of Ideas” competition for school yard improvement”

Class teachers

Drawing competition “My dream schoolyard”

Class teachers

Action plan for the practical stage





Collection and preparation of seeds

Autumn winter

class teachers, primary school teachers

Campaign “Clean Yard”» to improve the school yard.

during a year

class teachers

Soil cultivation, fertilization

Autumn, spring

class teachers and primary school teachers

Cleaning the sports ground area


4th grade students

Sowing seeds and planting seedlings of flower crops


Caring for planted flower crops


class groups of 5-8 and 10 grades

Sports ground renovation


Physical education teachers, technical staff

Caring for planted flower crops.

spring Summer

class groups 5 – 8, 10 classes

Autumn works:
- preparing seeds for storage;
- compost preparation;
- autumn tillage.


technology teachers, class teachers

List of plants grown in the school yard.

Dendrological plants:

Thuja smaragd -7 large and 35 small

Creeping juniper - 2

Mahonia holly - 5

Scots pine - 56

Common barberry - 8

European forsythia - 5

Norway spruce - 1

Roses - 50

Syrian hibiscus - 15

Floral and decorative department:

Aster - family Asteraceae; Petunia is a family of nightshades; Tagetes - family Asteraceae; Tulips are from the lily family; Tiger lily - Liliaceae family; Zinnia is a family of Asteraceae;
Calendula - family Asteraceae;
Irises are from the iris family;
Dianthus - carnation family;
Dahlia is a family of Asteraceae;
Cosmea - family Asteraceae;
Kochia - goosefoot family;
Snapdragons are from the Norichaceae family;
Chamomiles are in the Asteraceae family;
Cannes – family Cannaceae; Chrysanthemums are in the Asteraceae family; Daffodils - family amaryllis; Hostas are a family of asparagus;Chistets Byzantina - family Lamiaceae;Aquilegia - Ranunculaceae family;Virginia asters are from the Aster family.

Species composition of wild plants:

Sem. Poagrass: cocksfoot, creeping wheatgrass fam. Convolvulaceae: field bindweed

Sem. Asteraceae: common yarrow, dandelion, wormwood, common wormwood, common coltsfoot, common chicory.

Sem. Plantains: large plantain, medium plantain.

Sem. Legumes: red clover, creeping clover.

Sem. Lamiaceae: motherwort five-lobed.

Sem. Cruciferous plants: gray hiccup, common cress.

Landscape design and gardening:

Every spring the school grounds are renewed. In the fall of 2013, thuja smaragd were planted along the perimeter of the yard, and on the slope on the southern side we are trying to plant more unpretentious pines. Tree-like hibiscus are planted on both sides of the central path. The flower beds of the elementary school and the flower beds of the high school students are decorated differently (both in form and content), the appearance of the central flower bed has changed - the name of the school is written in three-dimensional letters made of perennial plants. Outside the school grounds, above the road, two prohibitory road signs are laid out with flowers, and there is a lawn around it. Flowers and ornamental shrubs are a wonderful decoration for the school yard - a universal tool in landscape design. We design flower beds in such a way as to ensure long-lasting flowering. Every year, flower beds have different sizes, shapes, compositional solutions, and combinations of ornamental plants. Their features are taken into account - the height and diameter of the bush, flowering time, compatibility with other species, environmental parameters and many other aspects. The beauty of flowers, unfortunately, is short-lived; most flower beds look completely different after a month, so we plan them in such a way that they are attractive throughout the year. We admire annual and perennial petunias, tagetes, zinnias, annual dahlias of various colors, perennial cannas, Turkish carnations, chrysanthemums, hosta, aquilegia, carpets in the form of September flowers, Byzantine chistets. Floral arrangements of a bright yellow terry carpet of marigolds attract the attention of fellow villagers throughout the fall. In 2014, an alpine slide with perennial plants appeared.

Landscaping and landscaping is not just planting trees, shrubs or flowers, but designing, selecting planting material and lawns. The best way to put the area in order is to plant trees. It must be admitted that we have few trees and they are still very young. Several attempts to plant trees around the perimeter of the school were unsuccessful. Despite the fact that the soil in the schoolyard is not very fertile, every year we try to replenish our arboretum with new seedlings. This fall, together with school graduates, we plan to plant a birch alley. The school's Student Council decided to maintain the school grounds on a schedule. The children are assigned certain areas (flower beds), which they design according to their own mini-project: they grow flower seedlings, plant them, take care of them during the summer, and collect seeds. The whole process is carried out under the guidance of class teachers and the person responsible for organizing work activities at school. Events for landscaping and cleaning the territory at our school are held annually, and students from grades 2-11 participate in them. In autumn, the school area is cleared of autumn debris. This is evidenced by photographs taken during cleanup days. (Application)

Action: “Plant a tree in the school yard.”

In 2010, taking part in the All-Russian youth movement “ECA” in the program to promote forest restoration “More Oxygen!”, young ecologists from the school created the Sosnovy nursery in the school yard. In order to form an ecological culture among students, their responsible attitude towards nature, and create a favorable ecological environment, the campaign “Plant a tree in the schoolyard” was held from November 14 to November 23, 2013. Young ecologists planted 20 Scots pine seedlings from the nursery on the slope on the south side of the school yard. On May 17, 2014, children from the environmental circle took part in the All-Russian Forest Planting Day: they planted 10 pine trees in the schoolyard. On the same day, 4 pine trees were planted on Memory Alley near the memorial to fallen heroes. The action was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. (Application)

Our results:

Each class reports on the results of projects in mid-October. The value of work on improving the school yard is as follows: 1. Gaining experience in improving the school and surrounding areas by students at the lowest financial cost.

2. Conducting consistent and targeted work on environmental education and charitable activities.

3. Finding the possibility of cooperation between schoolchildren and management in solving problems of public issues.

4. Development of mutual assistance, support, mutual assistance, and friendships among teenagers. 5.Expansion of the recreation area.

Expected results, their social significance.

We all know that a person who cleans up trash in the yard today and plants flowers in a vacant lot will not allow them to be destroyed and littered tomorrow. Of course, everyone will benefit: both the project participants and the residents of the village as a whole. By improving our school, we are improving the appearance of the entire village, because the school is one of its cultural centers.


Expected result

Organization of socially significant public activities for schoolchildren;

An integrated approach to the education of citizenship, patriotism, environmental culture, and labor education;

Introduction to a healthy lifestyle;

Creating additional opportunities for self-development, self-affirmation, and self-expression of schoolchildren;

Creating conditions for social protection of schoolchildren from “disadvantaged” families;

Creating favorable living conditions.

Conclusion. “The theater begins with a hanger,” and a school begins with a school yard, because the yard is the face of the school. The school yard and school grounds have become an effective means of instilling an environmental culture among students and the population of the village. We consider this work as one of the components of the system of social development of the individual .

Literature: 1. “200 designs for your garden”,Krupchieva I.Yu. Publisher: BMM, 2005 2 Jacques Delisle. Gardens. L.: Nauka, 1987 3. Shikanyan T.D. The ABCs of landscape design. M.: Kladez-Books, 2006. 4.Landscape architecture"Sycheva A.V. Publication: Publishing house "ONICS 21st century", 2004
5. Yurchenko A.V. Landscape design. – M.: Eksmo, 2005

I want to talk about the composition of the landscape project and the sequence of work. When we agree on the first meeting with the customer, I warn him that he must have a large reserve of time, which I need in order to measure the site and take photographs. We also set ourselves goals for future design: is a vertical layout needed, what functional areas will be, what plants are preferable, etc. Following the meeting, a measurement plan is drawn up and sent for approval.

Next I offer two sketches. This is a master plan diagram - a top view of the entire site, with existing and future buildings, main paths, and plants indicated by the total mass.

We discuss these two options with the customer. We decide what to exclude and what to leave. Usually the final master plan consists of two proposed sketches. Minor changes may be made during the design process. When the master plan is approved, the necessary drawings are drawn to carry out the project in situ. If the site is on a complex terrain, then I draw a vertical layout. Having this drawing, you can begin excavation work. In parallel with this, a layout drawing is made. All paths, retaining walls, platforms and buildings are marked and measured on it.

If necessary, fragments of landscaping are worked out in detail. In this case, it is a cross-section of a raised flower bed in the entrance area.

A very important part of the project is the balance of the territory. Different zones of the site are marked in color. This diagram is accompanied by a statement indicating the area of ​​lawn and paving, how much the parking area occupies, the length of retaining walls, the building area and recommended finishing materials. This information is needed when calculating estimates and purchasing building materials, especially if the customer decided to do the construction himself.

To prevent the area from flooding and the plants to feel good, it is necessary to drain the water. This image shows a drainage diagram, a section of a trench and drainage of a retaining wall.

Dendroplane. This is a drawing on which all the plants planted on a given plot of land are marked. For convenience, a grid is superimposed on the plan, and each plant is indicated in its adult state. For example, on this dendroplane the grid is 5x5 meters, under the number 1 is Serbian spruce. It can be seen that the crown span of an adult tree will be approximately 3 meters. The dendroplane is accompanied by an assortment list, which indicates the serial number of the plant, its quantity, image and necessary recommendations. All plants are selected taking into account the overall design concept, biological and visual compatibility.

Usually on the dendrological plan I indicate large shrubs and trees, and work on flower beds and decorative groups separately. The diagram shows a flower garden located in the entrance area. At the request of the customer, it consists of perennials that require a minimum of care and bloom throughout the summer, replacing each other.

Flower garden composition:
1. Tree hydrangea
2. Cinquefoil shrub
3.Japanese spirea
4.Soft cuff
5.Juniper Sky rocket
6.Aster bush-shaped Blaubux
7.Alpine aster
8.Veronica Armenian
9. Dianthus grass
11.Giant onion
Group of evergreen shrubs:

1. Thuja occidentalis Brabant
2. Western thuja Wareana Lutescens
3. Japanese spirea
4. Evergreen boxwood
5. Dianthus groundcover grass

As an additional decorative element, it is proposed to decorate part of the fence with vertical landscaping.

Once the dendroplan is worked out, I know how to position the landscape lights. They not only illuminate paths, you can also highlight a group of ornamental shrubs, or one particularly beautiful tree. The arrangement of lamps looks like this:

Irrigation scheme:

When all the drawings are ready, a master plan with an explanation is created.

The landscape project includes the development of small architectural forms (MAF). In this case, it is a barbecue gazebo and a children's area.

As a rule, only the visual part, that is, sketches, is developed for the project. Additionally, you can make a top view and a section. Usually I do not draw components and structural elements, but the materials that I provide can serve as detailed technical specifications for the contractor who will undertake to build my structure. Also, the customer can send them to different contracting companies to calculate the cost of construction and choose the one that offers the most favorable conditions.

The children's playground is designed in a modern style. I believe that unconventional spaces encourage creative thinking in children, and minimalism is inspiring.

Gone are the days when a landscape design project for a summer cottage was limited only to arranging a house, a flower garden, a vegetable bed, and a few fruit or ornamental trees for the garden. Nowadays, site design is a real art, allowing you to create comfort and coziness in any area - from 6 acres and more.

Landscape design project for a summer cottage plot of 6 acres

When starting to plan any territory, you need to consider:

  • terrain (flat, terrace-like, proximity to mountains, ravines);
  • plot shape - rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular, with rounded corners;
  • soil type – sandy, chernozem, clayey.

Ownership is very important in developing a plan. The design style depends on it.

The plan of an estate of 6 acres is one of the most difficult tasks. After all, a small area should accommodate a house, garden, and recreation area. Many people also want to equip a decorative pond and have space for outbuildings.

A good option is a geometric style. This allows you to save space and effectively use every piece of land. When planning a place to build a house, you need to position it so that it does not obscure the vegetable garden.

First of all, you need to divide the territory:

  1. House with outbuildings.
  2. Garden area.
  3. Rest zone.

The optimal size of the house is 5x6 meters with a small terrace. A compact shower, utility unit, and other small buildings can be placed together, separated by a partition.

You will need a place to build a toilet. To prevent it from standing out, you can plant shrubs or trees around it.

When choosing a place for a garden, you need to take into account that trees will grow over time and can interfere not only with the owners of the estate, but also with their neighbors. It will not be possible to plant many trees, maximum 4-5 fruit trees.

It is advisable to place vegetable beds where there is a lot of sunlight. After all, vegetables love sun and water. There is no need to plant a lot. It’s better to calculate how much you really need, then the beds will fit everything you need, and there will even be room for a small flower garden.

The seating area, which is usually a table with several chairs made of wood, can be placed under the shade of trees. You can also afford a small gazebo entwined with ivy or grapes, but avoid the extra bed or flower garden.

Design of plots of 10 acres

Landscape design on 10 acres is guaranteed to create a unique dacha plot that will not be like any other. You can plan the location of the beds and recreation areas yourself, but a more creative option may be a ready-made landscape design project, which will be prepared by landscaping specialists taking into account the customer’s wishes.

Fantasy, creativity, individuality - this is what will allow you to create a picturesque green corner even on a small plot of land, where you can not only grow vegetables and fruits, but also have a pleasant weekend or summer vacation.

Before you start arranging your summer cottage, you need to decide which style you choose. Not only the architecture of the house depends on this, but also the selection of plants, their planting geometry, and characteristic decorative elements.

For example, it is unlikely that it will be possible to embody the French style on the property of 10 acres. After all, it involves a large garden, which will require a gardener to care for.

But English will be harmonious. It provides for the natural placement of elements on a specific landscape. Trees, shrubs, flowers, grass are planted in tiers. This style is characterized by a complete lack of symmetry and an abundance of greenery. Winding paths, slopes, and natural bodies of water look organic. You don’t have to bother with plants either. Anything that grows in the area will do.

Japanese style is also suitable. It assumes the presence of a small artificial pond, decorative, natural original stones, and lanterns in the yard. Among plants, preference is given to juniper and dwarf pines. Neatness and restraint are characteristic of a Japanese garden.

A patio, wrought iron or wicker furniture, a hammock, and flowers in pots are inherent in the Mediterranean style, which will fit organically even in our latitudes. Stone-paved paths, a green lawn, a gazebo covered with plants, and a small fountain will create a comfortable atmosphere for relaxation.

Design of plots of 15 acres

A dacha property of 15 acres is also not conducive to a large scale. But this is already a medium-sized dacha. There is room for your imagination to run wild here. Most often this is a rectangle of 30x50 meters.

Experts say that in such an area you can freely place:

  • House;
  • summer kitchen;
  • utility block;
  • garage or carport;
  • recreation area - gazebo, children's playground;
  • small garden;
  • green lawn, flower beds;
  • garden.

And if you abandon the vegetable garden, then space will even be freed up for a sports ground.

If desired, owners can choose ready-made landscape design projects for their plots by contacting landscape specialists. Then all the canons of the chosen style will be observed or, if introduced at the request of the owner, will not go beyond the scope of the style.

If the area is rectangular in shape, then a regular style is best. It is distinguished by precise lines and symmetry. You can implement it yourself.

If the area has an irregular shape and the surface is uneven, it is best to stick to the landscape style. This is a complete lack of symmetry. True, it seems so only at first glance. In reality, you need to think through every detail of the design. Only then can the desired impression be achieved. Landscape design requires the presence of:

  • irregularly shaped flower beds;
  • small artificial reservoirs;
  • decoration with natural materials, such as stone;
  • forged elements in the yard.

If there are already buildings, and the owner wants to update the territory, the best option is a mixed style. In this case, regular and landscape styles combine well.

Placing zones on a summer cottage

Regardless of the size of the plot of land, when planning its development, you need to take into account in which part of the world you intend to locate this or that zone.

All buildings are best placed on the north side. This way they will not block other areas from sunlight. But the windows of the house, it is advisable that they do not face north. Then the house will always be sunny and bright. The terrace and veranda are located on the south side.

You can also abandon the traditional fence. Instead, it is better to plant a green hedge of shrubs. Blackberries and wild grapes will do.

It is not advisable to plant trees around the house. They will obscure the light. It is better to plant jasmine or lilac.

The garden area can be located near the house. But in front of it, currants, gooseberries, raspberries are first planted, and then trees further down - apple trees, plums and others.

The recreation area requires the presence of:

  • gazebos;
  • benches;
  • barbecue;
  • swimming pool

For the pool you need to choose a well-lit place, where you can also equip a play area for children - a sandbox, swing, horizontal bar.

The Chinese say that a garden is a single organism that does not imply dominance of any zone over another. The main thing is naturalness. Ideally, the garden has a rectangular or square shape. Everything should look as if it has been around for many years. It is not recommended to plant the center with tall trees.

Paths in the garden should be smooth without sharp corners. Then, according to Feng Shui, the owner is not afraid of any negative energies. It is also recommended to plant trees blooming in red and blue in the left corner of the garden. This guarantees prosperity for the family. It would be nice to plant the right corner with white and pink flowers. Then the family will be doomed to love and harmony.

To attract success, it would be good to give the central part of the garden under an arch of living plants.

Sculptures in the garden

Sculptures can become an original decoration for the garden. The main thing is that they are done carefully. Their number may vary. But if there is doubt about a particular decoration, it is better to refuse it. In the photo you can see that this family of owls is a good decoration for a stump that has not been uprooted.

The figurines that are available for sale are usually ceramic or made of polymer resin. They are resistant to climatic changes, but it is still better to hide them in winter. Cheap plastic stamping for the most part will not become an interior decoration, although there are exceptions. You can make sculptures yourself. Then, for sure, you won’t see anything like it anywhere.

This decorative decoration is used in two cases:

  1. As a decoration itself, it is not tied to any theme.
  2. As an addition to a themed corner.

Remember! Figurines and small sculptures should be placed so that they can be seen often. But, in addition to the aesthetic function, sometimes garden decorations also have a purely practical purpose - it can be a fountain, a container, a flowerpot.

And from an ordinary rubber children's ball you can make a large bright berry. “Planting” mushrooms in the garden is also possible. For the legs you will need pieces of pipe, and the caps are cast from cement. Brightly colored hats will delight the eye and improve your mood.


The connecting link of any style embodied in a summer cottage is the paths. They occupy up to 20 percent of the total area. Their coverage may vary in different areas. The front door and utility room are best made from natural materials. Stone and gravel surfaces are suitable for this. Such paths will look beautiful, and most importantly, they are reliable and durable. In the recreation area, the paths may be covered with stones or pebbles.

The width of the main entrance, as a rule, is up to two meters; secondary paths are made at will from 40 to 80 centimeters. The main thing is that two people can separate freely.

  1. Instead of an area paved with tiles or other hard materials, you can cover the free space with a lawn. To do this, it is not necessary to sow lawn grass. There is such a plant as bentgrass. It is considered a weed, but it can be ideal for a garden lawn. After all, it does not grow upward, but crawls along the ground. It is pleasant to walk barefoot on such an emerald lawn.
  2. If you have a large garden, many buildings, and little space left for a flower bed, you can group vegetable plants with flowers in one bed. For example, plant cucumbers in the center, and do not let them crawl on the ground, but put a trellis on which they will crawl. Plant tomatoes nearby and flowers around. The flowerbed should be small so that you can get vegetables from the garden without harming the flowers.
  1. At every dacha there are areas that are unsightly to the eye - compost bins, various dacha unnecessary things. They can be disguised by climbing plants. You can decorate a veranda or gazebo in the same way.
  2. Even an old tree that has been in need of uprooting for a long time can become a decoration for the yard or garden. When cutting it, leave a stump of up to one and a half meters, plant climbing ivy, grapevine and other creeping plants nearby. Over time, a wonderful composition is formed.
  3. Don't go to extremes when experimenting with styles. In pursuit of compliance with them, you can lose coziness or comfort.
  4. Many different decorative elements - flower beds, garden bridges and sculptures - can deprive a summer cottage of its basic aesthetics.