Greenhouse improvement. Proper arrangement of the greenhouse inside – comfortable work and rich harvest

Having a greenhouse does not guarantee you a good harvest - its volume is based on your work and careful care of the crops. Correct planning, provision of comfortable conditions and timely watering of plants - all these factors affect their fruiting and health. To ensure this, it is necessary to rationally arrange the inside of the greenhouse.

Regardless of what material your greenhouse is covered with and what dimensions it has, when arranging it you should be guided by certain rules:

  1. The first thing you should think about is what crops you will grow in the greenhouse: some of them (tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and peppers) need to be grown in beds, while seedlings and herbs will feel quite comfortable on shelves in pots.
  2. Before the start of the first season, it is better to take care of preserving moisture: for this, the “floor” is lined with film, and then covered with drainage and an optimal layer of soil mixture. Water used for irrigation will not go into the ground.
  3. The area of ​​the greenhouse must be divided into beds - this will make it more convenient for you to care for the plants and water them. To prevent the earth from crumbling, these areas should be fenced off. You can bring neatness to the building by paving the passages between the beds with bricks, boards or paving slabs.
  4. All materials that will be used during work or as fencing must be moisture resistant. Wooden elements must be treated with antiseptics and antifungal compounds, which will extend their service life.

How to rationally and correctly organize the space inside a greenhouse? The distribution of “areas” should occur before the start of the season, so that by the time seedlings are planted or seeds are sowed, everything is completely ready.


The location of the beds inside the greenhouse should not only meet aesthetics and convenience; their orientation to the cardinal points directly affects the yield of the crops grown. The best option is to extend them along the east-west line, in which case the plants will be provided with sunlight from the south throughout the daylight hours. In this case, it is better to initially place the structure in the same direction, so you will get neat long beds stretched along.

How to properly distribute the available area for garden beds? Their number and width depend on the dimensions of the greenhouse:

  • the optimal width of the bed, at which the plants will be fully provided with moisture and light, is 70-90 cm;
  • The width of the paths should be at least 40 cm - this will make it more convenient for you to walk between the beds and weed them.

So, in standard polycarbonate structures 3 by 6 m, you can organize three 70 cm beds and leave two convenient 45 cm paths between them. In narrow two-meter greenhouses, it would be optimal to separate two 75 cm strips of soil and paths between them.


Stationary beds with sides at waist level

To prevent soil from falling off the beds and water from leaking out when watering, they need to be fenced along a contour buried in the soil:

  1. The easiest and most convenient way is to bury boards in the ground. Before installing them, the tree must be treated with preparations that protect the tree from fungus and pathogenic microflora. Wide boards will not only help maintain an aesthetic appearance, but will also help retain moisture in the soil, keeping it away from the paths.
  2. The sides can be made from facing or ordinary bricks, as well as from thin 10-centimeter blocks. This design will look impressive and neat, but at the same time it will take up a significant area.
  3. An inexpensive way is to install sides from polycarbonate strips. Sheets dug deep into the ground will help retain moisture in the soil and differentiate between neighboring crops.
  4. The sides can also be made from pieces of slate. They should also be buried to the maximum possible depth in order to retain all the moisture for the crops and differentiate them from each other.

The deeper the sides are buried, the better it will be for the crops growing in the beds. Their optimal height above the ground level is 3-4 cm, this figure is quite enough to prevent soil and water from “escaping” onto the paths, and at the same time, the limiters will not interfere with you while weeding.


It is better to construct paths after organizing the edges on the beds. The resulting passages can be filled with gravel or crushed stone, or paved tightly and steadily:

  • brick;
  • boards treated with antiseptics;
  • flat river stones;
  • paving slabs.

The most optimal and durable option for constructing paths in a greenhouse is to fill them with concrete. Solid slabs will prevent weeds from growing on the “paths” and will ensure cleanliness in the structure.

Separation of crops in a greenhouse

Having a large greenhouse on the plot, I want to use it to the maximum, growing several crops in the beds at once. But, as you know, not all plants are able to get along with each other. Thus, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers require infrequent watering and fresh air, and cucumbers, in turn, urgently need a daily abundant supply of water and constant humidity.

In order to be able to grow “opposing” crops in the same greenhouse, it is necessary to create ideal conditions for each of them - that is, to delimit the available space using partitions. Their arrangement will provide cucumbers with the moisture they need, and tomatoes, peppers and eggplants with fresh, dry air.

To create a partition, you can use the following methods:

  1. Divide the greenhouse into two compartments by hanging a polyethylene curtain on the rod. By fencing off a greenhouse for cucumbers at the end of the greenhouse, you can open the doors without worrying about them, providing fresh air to the tomatoes.
  2. You can separate cultures from each other using polycarbonate. After measuring the dimensions of the arc, the sheet is cut according to the drawings and the elements are glued together into a single whole with special glue. If the greenhouse does not have an entrance on the other side, a hinged door should be provided in the partition for access to the organized greenhouse.

The last method is thorough and long-term. If you do not plan to build another greenhouse on the site for complete separation of crops, but want to grow both cucumbers and tomatoes in a warm place, then it is better to build such a partition from polycarbonate.

Making work in the greenhouse convenient

There are many options that help make work in a greenhouse easier and make the process of growing crops in it more productive. Automated irrigation systems, supplementary lighting, heating, shelving for rational use of the structure’s volume - all this helps to increase productivity.


The use of a shelving system allows you to make maximum use of the volume of the greenhouse when growing seedlings, herbs or low-growing crops.

Shelf growing has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • rational use of available space;
  • ease of crop care;
  • the possibility of optimal distribution of crops relative to their thermophilicity (at the top the air is warmer and more humid);
  • If there are wheels on the legs of the racks, you can turn them around, providing light to all the plants on the shelves.

The only important condition when organizing rack growing is the creation of a concrete base. The weight of racks filled with pots and containers will be quite impressive; soil or gravel will sag quite quickly under such a load. In addition, the structures should be optimally distributed over the area of ​​the greenhouse so that they do not block the light for other crops. To ensure that everyone is provided with ultraviolet radiation, it is recommended to place shelving along the northern wall, and arrange regular beds in the center and south.

If you decide to build shelving in your greenhouse, carefully consider how much space you can devote to the structure. Having decided on the dimensions of this area and its location, proceed to pouring the concrete base.

Shelves can be made from any materials: you can weld a durable frame from a profile or corners, or make it from timber. Horizontal shelves are usually assembled from boards treated with antiseptic compounds that protect the wood from rotting and fungal development.

The number of shelves and the distance between them are determined based on the maximum growth of the crops that you plan to grow. So, in a standard greenhouse 2 meters high, you can create a rack with 6 shelves for growing seedlings or strawberries; cherry tomatoes and peppers will require more space - the number of levels will be halved.

Technical equipment

Irrigation system

All gardeners strive to make their work easier and leave more free time for relaxation. One way to reduce labor costs is to install an irrigation system.

You can significantly extend the fruiting period of crops growing in a greenhouse by organizing heating and supplementary lighting; such measures will allow you to harvest crops all year round:

  1. Automatic watering system. To create it, you need to decide on the location of water intake points - they should be located in tanks or barrels inside the greenhouse so that the crops are watered with warm, settled water. The most optimal option for organizing an automatic watering system is to lay drip irrigation pipes.
  2. Automatic ventilation system. In the greenhouse, it is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature and humidity, especially if tomatoes and peppers that love fresh air and drafts grow in it. In order not to waste your time constantly monitoring the thermometer and hygrometer readings, you can install an automated ventilation system. Hydraulic devices that open and close the vents in the greenhouse with levers have proven themselves when the set air temperature is reached.
  3. Heating system. If there are few sunny days in your region or you want to harvest crops all year round, it is advisable to install additional heating for the greenhouse. Today, there are many ways to provide heat to crops: electric or solid fuel stoves, heat guns, infrared heating, heated floors and a pipe system through which hot water from the boiler moves.
  4. Additional lighting. During seasons when daylight hours are short, crops must be provided with additional lighting. Lamps for additional illumination must be multi-spectrum and contain the so-called. "blue" ultraviolet rays. Lighting equipment stores will help you choose suitable LED, fluorescent and gas-discharge lamps.

Of course, the installation of such systems is quite expensive, but they can significantly facilitate your hard work on the site and increase the yield of crops grown in the greenhouse.


Another important element that can be built in a spacious greenhouse is a pantry. Agree, it’s not very convenient to carry the tools necessary for work from the shed every time. It will be much more comfortable for you if you fence off a small corner inside the structure where hoes, shovels, watering cans, rippers and ready-made solutions for fertilizing will be stored.

For convenient storage in the pantry, you should properly organize the space by making fasteners for the handles of shovels, rakes, hoes and rippers, as well as by building shelves on which everything you need for working in the greenhouse will conveniently stand: pots, fertilizers, twine and other small things.

Small garden plots (up to six acres) force owners to think about the most efficient use of the available space.

Installing and arranging a greenhouse made of 3x6 polycarbonate helps solve the problem of dacha crowding. There are a lot of advantages: the period of active garden work increases, productivity increases, and it becomes possible to grow crops with high requirements for agricultural technology.

In a greenhouse, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the growth of cultivated crops and make the work of the person caring for the plants easy and convenient.

Arrangement of the interior space of the greenhouse

Just building a greenhouse does not solve all the issues; you have to properly arrange the inside of a 3x6 polycarbonate greenhouse. First of all, the following are determined for the purpose of using the greenhouse:

  • growing seedlings, vegetables, berries;
  • cultivation of seedlings of shrubs and trees;
  • flower breeding.

Determine the need:

  1. heating;
  2. forced ventilation;
  3. additional lighting.

What devices will be needed for this and where will they be placed. They start by creating a plan on which all the provided elements are placed to scale.

It is recommended to sketch out several options, and after thinking carefully about each, choose the best one, so that the person can work comfortably, and the plants grow comfortably and produce abundant harvests.

Planning the interior space

On the plan adopted for work, they carefully study the feasibility of each of the provided points and elements that will serve:

  • efficient use of space:
  • creating a microclimate suitable for the crops grown;
  • maintaining the required degree of humidity and temperature;
  • organization of forced ventilation and additional lighting;
  • creating comfortable conditions for people.

The yield of the crops grown depends on how well all the conditions for arranging the greenhouse are met.

A greenhouse is installed to protect the ground from bad weather, so that vegetables and herbs ripen faster. How to make more efficient use of space sheltered from rain and cold. The main task is to choose the correct location of the ridges.

The location of the beds depends on:

  1. greenhouse size;
  2. geographical location (orientation to cardinal directions);
  3. terrain.

Possible arrangement of beds in a greenhouse 3 meters wide:

  • two - along the walls with one passage in the middle;
  • three - along the length of the greenhouse with two aisles;
  • transverse - parallel to the smaller side of the greenhouse.

Which option to choose depends on the topography of the site and the orientation of the greenhouse to the cardinal points. The greenhouse, which is intended to be used in winter, is installed with an east-west orientation to obtain the maximum amount of solar energy in winter.

Using a greenhouse in the spring-autumn period requires installation with a “north-south” orientation to reduce its overheating. This installation will ensure uniform distribution of sunlight when the beds are arranged longitudinally.

If you plan to place tall and short plants, three longitudinal beds would be more appropriate: a central bed for tall plants, two along the walls for short ones. Access to the central bed is provided by two passages; it is convenient to process from both sides, so the width is made larger (up to 1.5 m). On a site with a slope, a transverse arrangement of ridges is preferable - this will prevent water from flowing into the lower part of the greenhouse and provide the necessary light conditions.

Construction of beds and passages

Practice has shown that beds raised above ground level are more convenient and easier to cultivate. A comfortable height above ground level is 20-30 cm. Having marked the areas for beds and paths, fence the beds with boards or other materials.

Prefabricated fences for beds are sold complete with greenhouses or separately. The height of the sides should exceed the soil level in the beds by 2-3 cm.

The bottom layer is drainage, which helps retain moisture. It is laid out on film, which serves as an additional barrier to retain moisture and heat in the soil. Prepared soil is placed on the drainage, the fertility of which should be higher than in conventional open beds.

The composition of the mixture depends on the crops grown:

  1. soil, peat, compost;
  2. sandy loam soil;
  3. turf.

Be sure to add mineral fertilizers and useful natural substances (ash, lime). The composition is supplemented with organic substances with the presence of living beneficial microorganisms.

The consistency of the soil should retain moisture well and allow air to pass through, and have an acidity in the range of 6.5-7 pH. The top fertile layer of soil (up to 15 cm) from the passages is transferred to future beds, adding to the mixture poured there.

This lowers the level of the passages, increases the height and increases the layer of fertile soil in the ridges. The soil in such beds warms up faster, which makes it possible to plant seedlings and sow seeds early.

As they are used, mineral fertilizers are applied to the beds to maintain soil fertility and increase productivity.

Fencing paths inside the greenhouse

To prevent soil from falling from the beds into the passages, fences are installed.

Suitable materials:

  • wood (board, block);
  • stone, concrete brick;
  • polymers;
  • slate;
  • metal plates.

You can use a log whose diameter is small. Wooden fencing is the most affordable material, but has significant disadvantages: fragility, the need to be treated with an antiseptic, and requires painting. Stone, brick fences and concrete curbs require a lot of effort and time to install, but their service life can be measured in decades. Polymer materials, of which many are currently produced, have increased resistance to moisture, aggressive environments, and biological influences.

When arranging passages (paths), it is necessary to take into account constant high humidity, so the coating material is chosen with anti-slip properties. Use:

  1. dense rubber;
  2. sand;
  3. gravel;
  4. brick;
  5. garden parquet.

Covered with cement and concreted. The width of the paths is calculated taking into account the ability for a person with a bucket, shovel and other gardening equipment to pass (at least 50 cm).

Arrangement of a rack greenhouse

Convenient arrangement of plants on shelves (racks) will save space and increase productivity when placing multi-tiered racks in the greenhouse. Installation on racks will allow you to take boxes with seedlings outside for hardening, unlike seedlings planted in beds.

For greater stability of the structure, it is necessary to start with preparing the floor structure. The surface is leveled and covered with strong, durable material (concrete, brick, ceramic tile), which must withstand the pressure of heavy weight.

The racks are installed on the finished floor. The shelving supports are fixed. The height and width of the racks depends on the plants being grown. For comfortable work, the top shelf of the rack is placed in height at elbow level, and the farthest point of the shelf is at arm's length. The choice of material for making shelving is important. Traditionally it is a tree with a high heat capacity. But the short service life, the need for constant maintenance (treatment with antiseptics, tinting), fairly large dimensions, and the weight of the structure itself (the thickness of the boards, bars) force us to choose the use of metal.

Ease of assembly, durability, compactness and lighter weight are the advantages of the material. Requires painting and application of anti-corrosion coatings. In addition to placing plants on the upper and lower shelves, which are inconvenient for maintenance, they create a place to store equipment and fertilizers.

Advantages of a rack greenhouse:

  • efficient use of space;
  • convenient care of grown crops;
  • increase in yield.

Under the racks you can place beds with crops that tolerate shading. Place light-loving plants on the top shelves.

Partition in a polycarbonate greenhouse

When planting vegetables that require the creation of different microclimates, there is a need to divide the space into separate zones. This is achieved by installing blind dividing partitions with a polycarbonate door.

The second option is a partition with a doorway made of the same material. This design is successful when planting tomatoes that require constant air circulation. If necessary, polycarbonate is replaced with a cheap material - polyethylene film stretched over the frame. When installing a partition, you must remember to maintain ventilation and air movement to maintain and regulate humidity and air temperature.

Pantry in the greenhouse

When laying out the beds, do not forget that you will need a place to store equipment and other items necessary for working in the greenhouse. It is convenient to place all this in a separate vestibule, placing a box for tools and equipment, arranging shelves, cells, boxes.

If it is impossible to allocate space for a vestibule, a pantry is arranged in the greenhouse itself, especially when arranging a rack system. Plants located on the upper and lower shelves are inconvenient to care for; it is better to use these shelves for equipment.

If there is no bed under the rack, the free space will also be occupied by:

  1. inventory;
  2. chemicals for pest and disease control;
  3. mineral fertilizers.

Equipment in the greenhouse

Equipping the greenhouse with equipment and devices will help create comfortable conditions for growing plants in particular and convenient work for the gardener in general.

The main ones:

  • drip irrigation system;
  • heating devices;
  • artificial ventilation;
  • additional lighting.

Drip irrigation system

Drip irrigation is one of the successful ways to organize watering in a polycarbonate greenhouse. The hoses with tees assembled into the system are laid out on the beds and connected to an electric pump that pumps water and is located outside.

The pump can be replaced by a large container of water (barrel, tank), installed at a sufficient height (1-1.5) m. You will have to add a controller with a timer and install it on the tap located at the bottom of the water container. When installed inside the greenhouse, the water does not cool down at night, which allows you to turn on watering in the morning.

When using drip irrigation, it is necessary to monitor the degree of soil moisture, avoiding waterlogging and taking into account the moisture needs of specific crops.


Increased air humidity in the greenhouse and the sun's rays heating the air create a greenhouse effect. In such an environment, conditions are created for the emergence of pests and the development of diseases. Air ventilation helps to avoid this. Installing a fan above the front door will solve the ventilation problem in a 3x6 greenhouse if you choose the right fan of the right power.

Ventilation in small greenhouses will be ensured by open doors and windows. It is recommended to place the vents under the ceiling on opposite sides of the greenhouse to avoid drafts for the plants. For every 2 meters you will need to place an opening section measuring 600x900. The heated air rises and leaves through the window.

The simplest option: opening and closing the windows manually is not suitable for summer cottages.

The owner of the greenhouse is absent most of the time. In such cases, an automatic window is used, or rather an automatic machine that opens and closes the window. The operating principle of such machines is based on the property of air and liquid to expand when the temperature rises and contract when it decreases. There are different types of machines:

  1. bimetallic, two metal plates with different temperature coefficients of linear expansion are used;
  2. hydraulic, operating on liquids;
  3. pneumatic, using air;
  4. electric, controlled by relays by electric current.

The machine control can be:

  • mechanical;
  • semi-automatic;
  • programmable.

The latter are too expensive and are used only in large agricultural enterprises. Along with purchased ones, there are a huge variety of home-made designs, quite simple and reliable; again, it won’t be difficult to make the windows yourself. Do-it-yourself ventilation will reduce costs and bring satisfaction to the craftsman.

Greenhouse lighting and heating

There is enough natural light in the greenhouse on clear spring and autumn days. Using a greenhouse in winter requires additional lighting. When installing and connecting the electrical lighting circuit, be aware of the high humidity inside the greenhouse. Equipment and wiring must be carefully insulated.

Greenhouses are illuminated by:

  1. fluorescent, sodium and LED lamps;
  2. incandescent lamps;
  3. phytolamps.

Depending on the type and power of the emitter, installation is carried out at different distances from plants to avoid burns.

It is necessary to take into account the need of each vegetable crop for light intensity and duration of illumination.

There are several ways to heat greenhouses. The presence of piled compost or manure will increase the temperature due to the constant generation of heat. Installing a heated floor will solve the heating problem. Drainage is laid on the floor, insulation is placed on top, then a heating cable. Cover it all with a waterproofing layer. Next they are covered with soil. The quantity and quality of the crop increase when the soil is heated.

Stove heating is possible to maintain the temperature, but this is in the case of winter use of greenhouses. They install the stove by laying pipes from it along the entire perimeter of the greenhouse and leading the chimney to the street. The best modern heaters are infrared radiation.

Polycarbonate greenhouses retain solar heat well, sufficient for the entire spring-autumn season.

Winter use of a 3x6 polycarbonate greenhouse will require the installation of one heater (“potbelly stove” or long-term combustion stove). The dimensions of the greenhouse must ensure a safe distance from the heater body to the plants.

Basic rules for arranging a greenhouse

They begin arranging a polycarbonate greenhouse inside by choosing a method for planting vegetable crops:

  • in the soil in the beds;
  • in pots, containers on shelves.

Sometimes it makes more sense to combine beds for growing vegetables and racks for seedlings. The presence of beds and shelving will affect the arrangement of the interior space. The arrangement includes solving the following issues:

  1. choice of irrigation system;
  2. installation of ventilation;
  3. selection of heating devices and appliances;
  4. additional lighting wiring.

To carry out irrigation, water intake points are provided or a drip irrigation system is connected, which greatly facilitates plant care.

For ventilation, which serves as the prevention of diseases of greenhouse plants, opening sections are installed - vents, which increase the flow of fresh air and regulate its temperature. Using heating will prevent air cooling during cold periods. There are several heating methods:

  • electric heaters;
  • water heating;
  • stove heating;
  • infrared devices;
  • heat pumps.

All of the above methods warm the air. Installing a heated floor will warm the air and soil inside the greenhouse. When installing lighting in a greenhouse, care must be taken to carefully insulate wiring and equipment connections due to the high humidity inside the greenhouse. GOST provides for the installation of residual current devices (RCDs).

What to consider when planning

The success of growing plants in a greenhouse largely depends on the organization of the workplace for the convenience of work. To properly equip a greenhouse, the following conditions must be met:

  1. the beds are laid out taking into account their reasonable width to serve the entire area;
  2. the height of the ridges allows you to comfortably care for plants without bending over;
  3. the fencing of the beds reliably protects against soil shedding;
  4. the height and width of the racks are sized to allow inspection and care of plants while standing on the path;
  5. The covering of passages is made of non-slip materials.

The arrangement of a polycarbonate greenhouse inside includes its lighting according to all the rules. First you need to select all the necessary components:

  • lamps;
  • sockets;
  • fixtures and fasteners;
  • circuit breaker;
  • wires.

Then calculate their number, based on the feasibility of the installation locations and the size of the greenhouse. Install sockets and lamps in the right places. An automatic switch is usually placed on a common switchboard in a permanent building; it turns on the lighting only in the greenhouse; other electrical circuits are not connected to it.

Wiring begins with connecting devices. It can be performed through the air, at a safe height, or underground. During underground wiring, work is carried out when laying the foundation before breaking out the ridges - to ensure reliable insulation. Watering requires the presence of water containers; the location of their installation is selected based on specific possibilities (outside or inside). When using a drip irrigation system, you must take seriously the choice of material for hoses and adapters, thereby ensuring a long life of the system.

The layout should include the presence of secondary zones. It would not be superfluous to organize a quarantine zone. It is enough to select a part of the rack to place a transparent box made of glass (polycarbonate) with flat walls and a lid. Newly acquired plants are first quarantined (for up to two weeks) to check for diseases or pests. Pots with diseased plants from the main zone are transferred to the quarantine zone so that the disease does not spread to all crops.

Minimum set of equipment

In small greenhouses used in the warm season, it is enough to equip a window and water manually. A barrel of water for irrigation is placed manually in a dark corner of the greenhouse, so the water does not cool down overnight. The cost of the device is small, but caring for plants will require a lot of effort and attention.

To equip a greenhouse with the creation of comfortable conditions, it is enough to add two devices: an automatic device for opening and closing the window, this is a reliable regulator of the air temperature inside; drip irrigation, which provides a portioned supply of water directly to the roots of the plant, thus saving time and energy. In regions with short daylight hours, artificial lighting will be required, which will increase costs and require the selection of high-quality illuminators. Currently, a large number of lamps are offered, differing in type and power.

A high-quality frame and covering material are, of course, the basis of a greenhouse. But what's inside is just as important. To get the expected result from the plants, you need to take care of the arrangement of the greenhouse: prepare the soil, correctly arrange the beds and paths, etc. This largely depends on what and how you are going to grow under the protective layer.

When the greenhouse frame is assembled and fixed to the ground, film, glass or polycarbonate is formed into an airtight coating, ventilation is thought out and implemented, you can begin arranging the greenhouse. The task of a plant grower is to create a favorable and stable atmosphere for crops. The key nuances of this process include:

  • support for optimal thermal conditions;
  • laying out beds;
  • layout, choice of covering and placement of paths in the greenhouse;
  • creation of a fertile soil layer with specifications for different crops;
  • construction of shelving (if necessary);
  • preparation of devices for shading the south wall.

Advice. The equipment of the space inside the building is based on your needs. If you want to grow vegetables, create beds; if you want to grow seedlings and potted flowers, install a shelving structure. The principles for arranging different types of greenhouses differ.

Heating and heat saving in a greenhouse

The main thing in a greenhouse is warmth. Plants may well have enough energy from the sun's rays. The alternative is artificial. Experts recommend arranging greenhouses simultaneously with several types of heating:

  • gas;
  • wood, peat or coal using a stove;
  • electric convectors (an additional fan is required to distribute heated air);
  • water system (boiler heated by any type of fuel);
  • using a solar collector (a box with a coil covered with glass and a radiator system inside the greenhouse);
  • biofuel - burned manure, sawdust, compost.

Attention! In the latter case, the mixture must be burned in a special oven. If there is none, remove the top layer of soil and burn it directly in the garden bed and level the ground. Planting crops will have to wait 4-5 days.

Preserving thermal energy in a greenhouse is no less important than obtaining it. The main part of the work is carried out at the stage of designing and building a greenhouse, installing windows and doors. Some can be set aside while the greenhouse is being built. The simplest examples of natural heat accumulators:

  1. Water. In metal or plastic containers it will accumulate and slow down the heat transfer. For greater efficiency, paint barrels or cans dark.
  2. Stone. Cobblestones laid out on a bed at the edge of the greenhouse will heat up intensely on a sunny day, and at night they will release energy to the air. You can additionally install fan heaters to heat the stones.
  3. Soil. Heating the soil in a greenhouse artificially will increase the overall air temperature in the greenhouse.

How to mark beds and paths inside a greenhouse

In small or medium-sized greenhouses, the ground is divided into 2-3 beds along the long side. The width of one should not exceed 1.5 m for the central one or 1 m for those located near the walls. You should be able to comfortably reach the edge with the hoe without stepping on the ground. It is not advisable to trample the soil - it becomes compacted.

Placement of beds

Also consider the width of the tracks themselves. They shouldn't be too narrow. You may have to carry water in buckets, remove weeds and crops in a wheelbarrow. In this case, you cannot cling to plants. The optimal size of the passage is about 50-70 cm. There is no need to make it wider - you will lose useful space.

Advice. A trick from gardeners: one path can be made wider for the described needs, and the second can be left for movement without loads.

On the central bed you can make 1-2 transverse transitions. Just lay a few bricks or a board directly on the ground. When installing passages, take into account the increased humidity level in the greenhouse. Choose non-slip material.

If you plan to grow plants in pots, install shelving with a height of 95 to 150 cm. It is advisable to make the side low, because such crops will most likely require drip irrigation. The rack may have several floors, but the worker should be at a comfortable height for you. Also reserve an area for a glass enclosed area. A large aquarium is suitable for this. Newly purchased plants should be quarantined in it (in case their soil is contaminated).

How to create a fertile layer

As a rule, delicate and capricious crops are grown in a greenhouse. The composition of the soil is very important for them. This is confirmed by video advice from plant growers. First of all, take care of the safety of the plants.
It is advisable to make the beds raised above the soil level by about 20 cm. To do this, they are framed with a border made of boards:

  • select material 25 cm wide;
  • place it edgewise;
  • drive in supporting pegs from the side of the passage;
  • additionally fix the boards in a vertical position: nail them to a support or make another row of stakes from inside the bed;
  • Cover the ridge with a 25 cm layer of soil.

It is best to use store-bought substrate as soil. It can be selected for a specific crop that you are going to plant in the greenhouse. Otherwise, the ground should be clear of weed seeds. In addition, it must be disinfected. For example, steam:

  • take the iron bucket;
  • place an inverted flat plastic container with a large number of holes in the bottom on the bottom;
  • pour 2 liters of water;
  • fill the bucket with completely prepared substrate;
  • put it all on the fire for 1.5 hours.

Advice. It is better to prepare the soil in advance, since the disinfection procedure takes a lot of time.

Homemade soil is also different for each crop. It is prepared based on the individual characteristics of the plants. Due to differences in the growing season, vegetables of different families cannot be planted in a greenhouse. But if this cannot be avoided, separate them with high partitions.

Greenhouse arrangement: video

The correct internal arrangement of a polycarbonate greenhouse should solve several main problems. Firstly, it is the creation of an ideal microclimate for plants, including the optimal combination of humidity, temperature, sunlight and ventilation. Secondly, organizing a convenient place to work. Thirdly, maximum use of all useful internal space of the structure.

How to arrange a polycarbonate greenhouse inside, determine the optimal number of beds and paths, and use shelves and racks correctly? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Beds and paths

The number and arrangement of beds is selected based on the width of the greenhouse itself. For a 3x6 m construction, 2 beds are considered optimal. The width of one should not exceed 1.2 m, and the width of the paths should not exceed 50-70 cm.

Diagram of how to set up a greenhouse inside; in the photo there is a version of a small width greenhouse with two beds

The width of the bed can vary depending on the length of the gardener's arms. 1-1.3 m is considered optimal, when to care for plants you do not have to step on the soil, compacting the soil. Thus, air circulation is reduced and the top layer has to be further loosened.

For greenhouses with a larger width of 4-4.5 m, the optimal placement of growth zones is the arrangement of three beds. Two narrow up to 1 m on the sides and one up to 1.5 m in the middle. This width is due to the possibility of access to the central bed from both sides.

How to arrange a polycarbonate greenhouse inside, photo of arrangement of three beds

The width of the paths is selected based on ease of use and the presence of an automatic watering system in the greenhouse. To avoid touching plants with buckets or watering cans. In addition, if you plan to use auxiliary equipment such as garden one-wheeled wheelbarrows and other equipment, the path should not only be made wider, but also covered with dense material.

Path covering

The coating material for paths in a greenhouse is subject to not only high demands on strength and wear resistance, but also heat resistance. The material should not be afraid of moisture, and be resistant to biological damage, mold, fungi, and rotting. Modern industry produces a variety of materials suitable in their performance characteristics for covering paths in greenhouses:

  • Seamless dense rubber;
  • Garden parquet;
  • Plastic modules for garden paths;
  • Geotextiles and other non-woven materials made from thermally bonded polypropylene fibers.

Arrangement of the greenhouse inside, photo of the rubber track

Despite all the ease of use in a greenhouse, these products are not widely used among gardeners, the reason is their high cost. The track equipment is used with more budget-friendly materials:

  • Paving concrete slabs;
  • Brick;
  • Mulching with sand, gravel, conifer bark;
  • Laying boards on a roofing felt lining.
Important! When choosing material for the installation of paths, you must remember about high humidity and periodic watering, the coating should not slip.

The height of the beds and the material of the sides

When arranging a greenhouse inside, high beds are widely used, which have a number of advantages:

  • With a high groundwater horizon on the site, the possibility of wetting the root system of plants is eliminated;
  • When arranging at a significant height, up to 1 m, it is much more convenient to care for low-growing plants;
  • Possibility of developing agricultural areas on a site with heavily compacted earth or a significant amount of construction debris.

However, there is also a significant drawback. It is difficult to grow moisture-loving and/or perennial crops in such beds. The soil dries out quickly and freezes heavily in winter.

Photo of the arrangement of the greenhouse inside, high soil level, brick sides lined with tiles

The following materials are used for sides when arranging a polycarbonate greenhouse inside:

  • Wood - boards, beams, small diameter logs. The disadvantages of its arrangement are the fragility of the material, all 2-3 seasons and replacement is necessary. Using antiseptics to prevent rot can have a detrimental effect on plants.
  • Branches of vine or hazel are an even less durable material, used in the form of hand-made wattle fence. Its use is justified only with high aesthetic requirements. It is often used for decorative cladding of more durable, but externally unsightly materials;
  • Stone, brick, concrete are durable materials that provide the necessary tightness to the side walls of a raised bed. Their arrangement will require significantly more time, but their service life can be tens of years.
  • Polymer products are used mainly for arranging low-level beds of 15-20 cm. They have high resistance to biological damage, but are not strong enough.

Racks and shelves

To increase the area for seedlings, it is often practiced to arrange shelves on which additional soil is placed. Thus, the usable area is significantly increased.

Multi-tier greenhouse, interior arrangement of racks with plants

Minimum set of equipment

Modern manufacturers can provide an impressive list of high-tech equipment for polycarbonate greenhouses and agriculture:

  • Equipment for irrigation system;
  • Automatic ventilation;
  • Lighting and various types of heating equipment.

All this automated greenhouse equipment inside can significantly make life easier for a gardener and significantly increase productivity. The only drawback is the high cost. However, there are budget alternatives for how to equip a polycarbonate greenhouse inside. Any gardener can afford these devices.

Drip irrigation

To set up drip irrigation you do not need complex equipment. A hose and several plastic tees are enough. The irrigation network is placed inside directly on the ground. If desired, you can connect the water supply system to pumping equipment, but if there is no electric pump of the required power, then you can make an ordinary water tower by installing a barrel of water at a height of 1.5-2 m. By connecting power equipment and a controller with a timer to the tap, you can

Schematic diagram of an irrigation system for self-production, in the photo there is an autonomous battery-powered timer equipped with a water supply device

Ventilation equipment

In order to equip an automatic ventilation system, there is no need to buy expensive climate control equipment. It is enough to purchase an autonomous mechanical device - a thermal drive. Such equipment will be able to open ventilation vents in the greenhouse when the threshold temperature is exceeded. Video that describes the principle of operation and shows the operation of thermosetting equipment:

Lighting and heating

Any lamps are suitable as lighting equipment, however, when installing electrical wiring, you should remember that the humidity level in the room is constantly increased. So sockets, switches and other electrical equipment must be housed in a protected housing. It is better to use IR heaters as heating equipment in late autumn and early spring.

Arrangement of a polycarbonate greenhouse inside, photo of IR heating equipment

The greenhouse is a “home” for cultivated plants and a workplace for gardeners. The internal arrangement of a polycarbonate greenhouse creates a favorable microclimate for plants to grow and bear fruit normally. It is also important to create comfortable conditions for the gardener.

The video shows the arrangement of the greenhouse:

Arranging the interior space of a greenhouse: how to do it right?

The goals and objectives of the arrangement include:

  • Create an optimal microclimate for the crops grown: humidity, temperature, lighting and ventilation;
  • Organize a comfortable workplace;
  • Use space rationally.

Planning the interior space

The main factor in arranging a greenhouse is the design of the beds. Productivity directly depends on their location. Depending on the size and location of the greenhouse, there are options for the location of the beds:

  • 2 beds with one aisle;
  • 3 beds with two aisles;
  • Cross beds.

REFERENCE: If the size of the greenhouse structure is not large, create two beds with a width of 80 to 95 cm and a passage width of 50 to 70 cm. When building a large greenhouse, three beds can be arranged. The middle bed is made wider than the side ones (width 1.5 m), since it is provided with access from both sides. It is more expedient to make transverse beds if the greenhouse is located on a site with a slope.

Construction of beds and passages

To make it easier to care for crops, increase the fertile layer and prevent soil from falling from the bed into the rows, the beds must be raised by 20-30 cm and fenced. For fencing use:

  • Tree. You can use boards, timber and small logs. But wooden fencing is not durable, since exposure to moisture causes wood to rot, and the use of antiseptic compounds harms crops;

REFERENCE: It is necessary to plan the width of the paths taking into account that the gardener will carry buckets and watering cans along them. If the passage is too narrow, the crops being grown will be damaged.

  • Brick, concrete or stone. They are durable materials, but installation will require a significant amount of time;
  • Flat slate or polymer materials. They are resistant to various influences. Often fencing is available with a polycarbonate greenhouse.

Since there is high humidity in the greenhouse area, care must be taken to cover the paths. Best to use:

  • Thick rubber;
  • Geotextiles;
  • Decking (garden parquet).

Budget coverages include:

  • Fine gravel with sand;
  • Paving slabs;
  • Brick;
  • Ruberoid with boards laid on top.

Partition in a polycarbonate greenhouse

The presence of a partition is necessary when there are not very friendly plants nearby. A solid polycarbonate partition with a door will reliably fence off different plants. A partition without a door is used when growing tomatoes, since they need constant air circulation in the structure. If it is not possible to install a polycarbonate partition, it is replaced by a film stretched over the frame.

REFERENCE: An important condition when installing any type of partition is to ensure sufficient ventilation in the greenhouse to regulate temperature and humidity. To do this, it is necessary to have additional vents or a forced ventilation system.

"Pantry" in the greenhouse

The greenhouse can be equipped with a special place for storing the necessary equipment for working with plants. When creating a drawing, you can allocate space for a “storage room” for storing buckets, watering cans, shovels, rakes, and fertilizers. If this is not possible, shelves for equipment are organized directly in the greenhouse.

Equipment in the greenhouse

To facilitate work and create optimal conditions for the crops grown, the greenhouse is equipped with technical devices and equipment. The minimum set consists of:

  • Additional lighting;
  • Irrigation systems;
  • Forced ventilation.

ATTENTION: To install additional lighting and automatic ventilation, electrical wiring is required. Equipping a greenhouse yourself will help you avoid high costs.

Drip irrigation system

Most often, a drip irrigation system is used to organize watering in a polycarbonate greenhouse. To equip the system, you will need hoses and several plastic tees. The hoses are placed on the beds, and outside they are connected to an electric pump. In its absence, use a garden barrel, which is installed at a height of 1.5 to 2 meters.

REFERENCE: You need to purchase a controller with a timer and install it under the tap.


You can replace expensive equipment to automatically open the windows with a hydraulic thermal drive. It is triggered as soon as the temperature rises above a predetermined value. For such a device there is no need to electrify the structure.

Greenhouse lighting and heating

During winter operation of the greenhouse, it must have electricity. The electrical network and equipment must be well insulated, since there is high humidity in the room. It is better to heat the room with infrared heaters, which are economical and do not overheat the plants. Phytolamps are used as lighting sources.

Various greenhouse arrangements:

Growing crops on shelves: do it yourself

If low-growing plants are grown in a greenhouse, it will be equipped with shelving. They are suitable for placing boxes with seedlings, flower pots or for growing strawberries in the autumn-winter period. Shelving replaces beds and has a similar layout. Plants on racks help you save space and grow more crops. Most often, strawberries are grown on racks. Racks have the following advantages:

  • Ease of crop care;
  • Efficient use of space;
  • Increased productivity;
  • Savings on heating.

REFERENCE: It is permissible to install shelving above the beds. In the lower tiers, plants that tolerate shading are planted. The upper tiers are intended for light-loving crops.

Making racks with your own hands

The height of the racks is determined by the gardener, focusing on his height. And the width should correspond to the beds in the structure. When placed in three rows, the width of the shelves is 80-150-80. The length of the shelving is the same as the length of the room or slightly shorter. In order for the structure to be strong, it is necessary to install intermediate racks. Their number is determined by the length of the rack. Shelving is made of wood because it can withstand heavy loads and is reasonably priced. The racks are made of timber, the shelves are made of boards at least 4 cm thick. The entire wooden structure must be treated with a special impregnation, which will protect it from moisture, and painted. Shelves should have sides (height 15-20 cm). The bottom of the shelves is lined with boards with a clearance of 5 mm to prevent water accumulation.

Wooden shelving has the following disadvantages:

  • The need to constantly process and paint;
  • Large weight of the structure;
  • Inability to use a drip irrigation system.

The best option is to build a structure made of metal and plastic. The installation principle is similar to assembling a wooden rack. Metal or steel profiles are used as racks, which also require anti-corrosion coating and painting.

Despite the high cost, the design has the following advantages:

  • Durability;
  • Lightness;
  • Ability to use any irrigation system.

The internal arrangement of the greenhouse structure, as well as the material of manufacture, is of great importance. With proper arrangement of the premises, the gardener will be provided not only with a good harvest, but also with the pleasure of working in it.