Taurine. Damn luck

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Blood, guts, gore... in general, everyone died :) And a big request to those who understand hand-to-hand combat - if I messed up, poke your nose in, please.

1422 976 days back

Everything is great, but I want more! Thank you!

64 975 days back

Thanks for the chapter. Somehow the climax ended very quickly. Where's the blood? twist your neck and stop your heart; there was not a word about blood when describing the duel. And why should people think that she is frostbitten? She just did what her opponent wanted to do to her. Well, this is my subjective opinion, I may be wrong about something)) We are waiting for the continuation.

1496 975 days back

Please. Women, for the most part, are not meant for fighting. Don't forget that Zhenya grew up in a prosperous family. And despite the training, she never had to actually and intentionally kill someone with her own hands. Yes, they really wanted to do the same with her, I don’t argue. And the answer, in principle, was adequate. She understands this, but it is difficult to accept this. Well, she's not a killer by nature. But there was no choice...

1422 975 days back

Everything is fine, but now the question of how that Lord Sadyuga died has been resolved for his friends. And that’s what the boy seemed to represent. You'll have to run away. Moreover, they will probably try to steal such a valuable clone sample for use.

386 975 days back

0 975 days back

I asked knowledgeable people about the description of the duel (I myself am not in the know). They say it’s unclear why the word “behind” is needed. The knee is pressed into the spine to put on the handcuffs, pulling up the arms one by one. An elbow grab under the throat is suffocating. At the same time, do not substitute the knee, the body is pressed to the body. There is a grab at ear level to twist the neck, this usually involves the use of great physical force, and the knee is also not applicable. Turn until it clicks - this is from the instructions for Chinese plastic. And - I bring to your attention this quote (http://pikabu.ru/story/bolevyie tochki chtobyi vyivesti cheloveka iz building_1400862): A blow to the spinal column. A blow to this part of the body is paralyzing or fatal. With a strong blow, you can displace the vertebrae of the post. Hit 3-4 inches above the waist (this is where the spinal column is most vulnerable) with a knee, elbow or boot if you manage to knock the opponent down.

386 975 days back

Guest-18690, :) as a person who once taught contact martial arts to school-age children, I will say the following. Don't forget about the human body's natural defenses in stressful situations. The human body is vulnerable without these long fights and Hollywood gadgets. As for me, the author described something unreal... \ only if the reader accepts it all as described, then why get hung up on things that some people don’t understand. After all, we watch films with many inconsistencies and don’t really focus on it. We accepted this and it was okay. The plot doesn't suffer from this.

101 975 days back

Another comment came to me - “Normal description, everything is clear. A sweep from behind - the opponent fell prone on his stomach. You squatted over the opponent, resting your knee on the spine. You put your hand under the neck, fix the grip. With a sharp movement you break the neck, helping yourself with your muscles back. In my opinion, this is not a very good technique. If the opponent is a healthy boar, you will tear all your muscles trying to break your neck. Because the position is uncomfortable."

386 975 days back

Guest-18690, that’s enough for you, honestly :) especially since it’s complete stupidity to shorten the distance with an opponent to a girl who is at least 20 kg larger than her. This is equivalent to putting your head into the mouth of a lion. In a direct collision there are eyes, a nose, an Adam's apple and another 8-9 points that allow you to neutralize the enemy without any grabs. And you can take a person’s life with the help of simple devices that every pro has with him. Pencil, pen, etc.

101 975 days back

:))) Yeah, Maxim, it’s best to complain to dad... or to the teacher...

386 975 days back

Elena, thank you for the continuation! We really like it and, as always, we were so excited)))) Unfortunately, I can’t say anything about the scene of the second murder, I don’t understand it. For me, she went through what is called “I don’t bother with the little things” :) But the previous one, “I’m so scary, so scary, right now I’m going to start a bloodbath, rrrrrr...” And in the end, she quietly peacefully broke her neck... Maybe then somehow- then put even more emphasis on the point that there is no point in torn off arms and fountains of blood, the “little pig” of the wheels has swallowed, that he won’t notice even if she opens him up from the neck to the ass... In general, the idea of ​​​​using improvised material like a handle/hairpin / the same knives thrown at her (well, at least one))))) I like it. I read and am amazed at why I have such bloodthirstiness...

0 974 days back

g-e-s, Guest-18690, Maxim Bugaev

1422 974 days back

I couldn’t resist, I picked at the scene today. The combat has been rewritten, is it now more believable? If you have any questions, please write about it))

1422 974 days back

Elena Petrova, excuse me, but I in no way criticized you. Don't take everything personally and to heart. You just see the world in your own way, and it’s not for me to judge you.

101 974 days back

Bugaev Maxim, Maxim, what criticism if I asked for help myself! I really appreciate the tips. It’s impossible to know everything, but I want to make the book not only readable, but also competent in various “technical aspects.”

1422 974 days back

*moments:)) Sorry, I made a typo))

1422 974 days back

Okay, boys and girls, children and others like them. And I’m an aunt of pre-retirement age, looking forward to every piece))))) And when the book comes out, I’ll read a chapter or two aloud to my husband before going to bed. That's it))))).

33 974 days back 46 974 days back 46 974 days back 0 974 days back 46 974 days back 33 974 days back 1422 973 days back

I'll try to post the continuation tomorrow. If I don’t have time, then the day after tomorrow))

1422 973 days back

Can I answer everyone at once? In general, in a duel - it was initially without rules and to the death. And how you will kill the enemy - quickly or by first breaking all his limbs in turn - it depends on you. So Jen really killed "Urik" from everyone's point of view, quickly and cleanly. Without tormenting. When the spine is damaged, sensation is lost...

Can I answer everyone at once? In general, in a duel - it was initially without rules and to the death. And how you will kill the enemy - quickly or by first breaking all his limbs in turn - it depends on you. So Jen really killed "Urik" from everyone's point of view, quickly and cleanly. Without tormenting. When the spine is damaged, sensation below the point of injury is lost. Hands worked. Regarding the fact that Jen is a clone. There can be no repression, since she is a completely legitimate adopted daughter of a citizen of the Federation, Comrade Shart :) But she was born in a test tube or was traditionally conceived - this is no one’s business. Those. roughly speaking, she is not purchased property, but a citizen. And with connections too. Well, after she twice quite easily dealt with a strong opponent, they will be afraid. But it’s still not idiots who study there; they remember very well that she herself is quite adequate and is not the first to attack anyone. But he defends himself tough. Conclusion - don't stand under the arrow :)

2016-10-27 02:22:38

1422 973 days back

I re-read it again. I thought. Maybe you shouldn't admit that you're a clone? Firstly, the danger immediately increases that it can be destroyed, stolen, and so on - there are many options. After all, you won’t be able to wash yourself off for the rest of your life. Especially the world elite. With her ability to find adventures on the fifth point, you will have to meet with former classmates more than once in your life. ...

I re-read it again. I thought. Maybe you shouldn't admit that you're a clone? Firstly, the danger immediately increases that it can be destroyed, stolen, and so on - there are many options. After all, you won’t be able to wash yourself off for the rest of your life. Especially the world elite. With her ability to find adventures on the fifth point, you will have to meet with former classmates more than once in your life. This is my purely subjective opinion. And I'm looking forward to what's next. Today I checked 5 times to see if there was a new chapter)))). Good luck Lenochka, and don’t listen to us. You are smart.

2016-10-26 23:06:40

33 974 days back

I’m not exactly criticizing :))) I’m talking about who Jen will be considered at the Academy. An intelligent creature whose quirks one has to put up with, taking into account her connections and acquaintances. Or a clone/property=a dangerous animal that just looks like a 15 year old girl but needs to be kept in check or else it will tear-bite-run wild. A good reason for the administration...

I’m not exactly criticizing :))) I’m talking about who Jen will be considered at the Academy. An intelligent creature whose quirks one has to put up with, taking into account her connections and acquaintances. Or a clone/property=a dangerous animal that just looks like a 15 year old girl but needs to be kept in check or else it will tear-bite-run wild. A good reason for the administration to exclude a dangerous element while simultaneously depriving the civil rights of a sentient being. Even in our reality we have thought of this before, no lawyers will help... I guess I’m worried about the years, and such a duel/massacre is practically normal or on the very edge, then there are no questions - the main thing is not to go completely out of line or they will start poisoning even worse ...By the way, what about civil rights for Neneya’s clones? I doubt that the general liberation of everyone born in laboratories happened... In short, huge thanks to the author for his exciting work!!! And we are waiting for the continuation :)))

2016-10-26 19:35:50

46 974 days back

Well, I don't know. I liked the corrected piece. The promised blood is there, there are no particularly unnecessary movements. And seeing how a 15-year-old girl playfully cuts her throat, while not particularly out of breath and not dirty... Yes, I will think that she is completely sick and I should stay away from her. That is, in my understanding, Jen achieved exactly...

Well, I don't know. I liked the corrected piece. The promised blood is there, there are no particularly unnecessary movements. And seeing how a 15-year-old girl playfully cuts her throat, while not particularly out of breath and not dirty... Yes, I will think that she is completely sick and I should stay away from her. That is, in my understanding, Jen achieved exactly what she wanted. But does a blow to the spine completely paralyze or only the lower limbs? If completely, then how does Urik then try to close the wound with his hands? I don’t know much, but the moment caught my attention.

2016-10-26 19:07:12

0 974 days back

Let me clarify the idea of ​​why the blow is on the knee - firstly, it is very painful, but the enemy under the “chemistry” will not feel it, but, according to the law of leverage, in any case he will lose his balance and fall. And from a crouched position (behind the knives) Jen will be so comfortable. Either with your hand (then we catch one knife) or with your foot - it will turn out stronger and with a crunch - too...

Let me clarify the idea of ​​why the blow is on the knee - firstly, it is very painful, but the enemy under the “chemistry” will not feel it, but, according to the law of leverage, in any case he will lose his balance and fall. And from a crouched position (behind the knives) Jen will be so comfortable. Either with your hand (then we catch one knife) or with your foot - it will be stronger and with a crunch - it’s also not bad, and you can pick up a couple of knives. But I just can’t imagine what kind of force, pressure on the spine there should be (by the way, this also turns out to be a crippling blow, just like in the kneecap... And by the way, a question for the author - do I understand one point correctly: given Jen’s public recognition as a clone , in this elite institution for the children of the ruling elite there are (at least) clones of several planets, and their attitude towards them will be determined precisely by Jen’s behavior. I’m not sure that they know about Larion, but it doesn’t matter - he’s common and fits into the “landscape”. Great responsibility. Or did I miss something?...

2016-10-26 19:05:12

46 974 days back

Good evening! I apologize for interfering with an already redone piece. But somehow such a pretentious opening of the throat scratched me - it was really like cutting a “little pig” in a slaughterhouse. Jen is a girl, the main thing for her is not only to shorten/scare the most greyhounds, but she shouldn’t seem like a complete monster. It’s enough that “a clone and a crazy person, and even a sex...

Good evening! I apologize for interfering with an already redone piece. But somehow such a pretentious opening of the throat scratched me - it was really like cutting a “little pig” in a slaughterhouse. Jen is a girl, the main thing for her is not only to shorten/scare the most greyhounds, but she shouldn’t seem like a complete monster. It’s enough that “a clone and a nut, and even a remade floor.” As it is, it turns out not only bloody, but also quite dirty, as it seems to me, and the subsequent phrase somewhat scratched the eye. Maybe this is just my opinion, in the evening and fatigue the impression was superimposed. Well, as a “criticize-suggest”, you can suggest or think a little more about Jen “after” to correct or change the scene a little. For example, using a knife (or a pair, since there were a lot of them flying), fix Urik by sticking him in his hand to the ground (like a pin in an insect) and then break his neck. Or even go a little further - after the knives fell and Jen bent down to pick it up - Urik flies into a trap net, which slows him down, which allows her to knock down the runner simply by kicking Warrick in the knee (he will be in an unstable position). And then fix the fallen man’s hands with knives and break his neck. This will hide the fact that the enemy also fell not just from a blow to the knee, but having fallen into a trap that swaddled him - everyone shouldn’t know that Jen can not only put up passive defense, but also use complex energy constructs. And here, the results will only be a blow to the heart and a passive shield. More than enough to intimidate and warn. This is how this scene looks like. I apologize for being tongue-tied, if anything :))) And I hope I didn’t offend anyone %)

2016-10-26 18:24:11

46 974 days back

g-e-s, Guest-18690, Maxim Bugaev, Thank you very much for your help and advice! It would probably be better to tweak the fight scene a little so that it doesn't cause hysterical giggling from those who understand hand-to-hand combat. I understand that there are a lot of movie and book mistakes, but I would still like to avoid this as much as possible)) And, perhaps, it would be more competent to actually use one of the knives. Tomorrow I'll dig around the scene. Thanks again))

Elena Petrova

Damn luck. Taurine

Dear reader!

I want to honestly warn you right away that this book is pure hooliganism. The heroine has an unhealthy sense of humor, a habit of returning blows to blows and increased harmfulness, for which it would be worth giving milk. And the situation in which Jen Shart finds herself is conducive to awakening the dark side of even the most peace-loving pacifist.

Fans of science fiction, serious fantasy and classic works should put this book aside and forget about its existence. It's unlikely you'll like her.

The humor in the book is peculiar and not always kind, and the sense of proportion in the process of writing this work quietly gathered the remnants of decency into a bundle and abandoned the author. Perhaps forever...

In general, you have been warned.

Best regards, Elena


How did my story begin? Like in a scary fairy tale, where everything is the other way around. She was a beautiful princess at the ball, but she turned into... not even Cinderella, but I don’t understand who. In general, I got it in full.

Well, if you tell us in a little more detail, then it’s probably worth starting with the fact that the smart and beautiful Zhenya Vlasova lived on Earth, studied at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. She didn’t make it, she got into a car accident. From which I was rescued by real aliens. But, alas, not in order to benefit, but in a banal attempt to earn extra money by selling a pretty blonde on the slave market.

I don’t even know whether to be happy or sad, considering that they bought me not for bed pleasures, but for the soul transfer ceremony on the ancient Oterr’nat altar. The ceremony took place... with some nuances. More precisely, I was mistakenly transported into the body of a nine-year-old Heiri boy. And all the other participants in the ritual, including the native body with the new settler, died. And now I have two goals - to survive and become myself again! And for this you will have to work hard...

I was lucky: the “boy” who escaped from the pirates was adopted by the Gray Trader - Daren Shart, to whom I honestly told the whole truth. I’m afraid to imagine how many times he regretted his untimely kindness, considering what a bunch of troubles I managed to get myself into and involve my adoptive father. But I met a lot of interesting people and non-humans. In the sense of non-humanoids. Tash alone is worth it. This is my friend - a Tarian, whose race evolved from dinosaurs.

Actually, I’m still dealing with the consequences of our adventures. And this time everything is much more serious than childish pranks. I was captured and taken to another world, but I still escaped, having to kill my captor. And now I'm hiding. Where is the best place for a lonely eleven-year-old boy to hide while waiting for his father to arrive? Naturally, among other children. For example, in one of the local boarding schools.

I just wonder why I have such a bad feeling?

The joys of meeting a new team

I always say “it’s very nice to meet you” when I’m not at all pleased.

But if you want to live with people, you have to say things.

D. D. Salinger

I sat on a wide stone curb, leaning against the left pillar of the monumental gate, pressing the back of my head against the cool stone and wearily closing my eyes. The last 24 hours of my life were, frankly speaking, not the easiest or most pleasant. It’s okay, you don’t have long to wait. Now I’ll apply to the Tariu-Loss cadet corps, settle down and go to bed! In a normal bed, not curled up in the branches of a tree like a stray cat. Coming soon...

There were more and more vehicles of all sizes on the roads, the noise of the waking up metropolis replaced the morning silence, and the first workaholics appeared on the pedestrian sidewalks, hurrying to their jobs. The sun had already risen quite high, reflecting in numerous windows and turning the distant skyscrapers of the local business district into unreal shining towers floating above the city in a haze of low-lying fog. From the hills of the old part of the city, on one of which the cadet corps was located, which, upon closer examination, turned out to be an entire Academy, the picture was simply fantastic. Nice place. And their curbs are comfortable...

How I want to sleep! After all, if I close my eyes for just a minute, nothing terrible will happen, right? In any case, I will hear when the gates open to let applicants into the territory. If I don’t wake up, they’ll wake me up. It is unlikely that the employees of this educational institution need exotic advertising in the form of a disheveled boy sleeping at the entrance. And I just need a little break. God knows, what if they have exams on the first day? And I can barely stand on my feet after a heavy dose of stimulants consumed at night. And my head is heavy. And I, bloody nose, need to get to them for training. Too much depends on it.

I woke up with a jerk from the feeling of approaching danger. What?.. Continuing to breathe steadily and without changing her posture, she quickly scanned the surroundings through barely open eyelashes and mentally cursed. Still, sleeping here wasn't the best idea. Now we have to somehow resolve the situation. While I was indulging in bliss, a very motley group gathered at the gate and, quietly talking, huddled together in a rather dense heap. I assume these are other cadet candidates. Yours...

I wanted to knock my head on the stone pillar, leaning against which I was dozing so sweetly. Still, fatigue took its toll, and I managed to make a huge miscalculation. Now we have to improvise. I hope there won't be a fight at least. After it, they will definitely trample me out of here, generously providing me with uncourtly parting kicks.

The fact is that, planning to get lost among the students, I decided to be as inconspicuous as possible. Just merge with such I'm unlikely to succeed with a crowd. First of all, the Academy seems to be elite or something close to it. Why did I decide this? Yes, because the group of candidates at the gate suspiciously gleamed in the sun with the tops of their heads of varying degrees of blondeness. And judging by the length of their braids, most of these heiri also belonged to aristocratic families. Argh! I'm in trouble! Secondly, it followed from the first. To be more precise, my hope that I myself was a heiri and had some head start in passing the exams could have been safely flushed down the drain in the nearest public toilet. I have no head start! Rock it, Jen! These blond genetic modifications were trained no worse than me! And if we take into account that most of them are much older than my eleven, then the chances of entering the Tariu-Loss cadet corps were not even close to zero, but tended to negative numbers. Well, the cherry on the cake was my, frankly, idiotic attempt to disguise myself as “locals”, turning the insanely expensive overalls I stole from the late Lord Ortwit Al’Kress, peace be upon his sinful soul, into something inconspicuous and ordinary. It was a bad idea. And I, a former fashion magazine journalist, should be infinitely ashamed. Forget about such an important moment! What is still not clear? I'm talking about fashion! About local fashion, damn Varra's demons! The boys crowding in front of me sparkled with all the colors of the palette, reflected the rays of the sun with chrome-plated gadgets and looked with curiosity at the white crow in their flock. More precisely, black. Because I stood out against their background in a way that you couldn’t imagine on purpose. A simple black jumpsuit without the slightest decoration, blue-black, slightly curly hair cut crookedly into an uneven bob and the only decoration in the form of a utilitarian classic bracelet. I’m completely silent about the modest black kaires, covered with disheveled bangs. And all this against the backdrop of a motley flock of white-haired parrots. Yes, I'm just a genius at disguise!

The soul of the student, smart and beautiful Zhenya Vlasova cannot live in peace in the body of Jen Shart, a heiri boy. As soon as he gets out of one story, he immediately manages to get into another. What kind of luck is this?

So this time I got myself into a complete mess. No friends, no acquaintances, no support. And where should a child who escaped from criminals and was forced to become a killer go in an unfamiliar city on a distant planet?

Jen decides that the wisest thing to do in this situation is to hide among the other children. That's why he enters the Taurina Academy. It would seem, what could be more boring?

It’s only here that Jen manages to find adventure for herself. And along the way, he manages to have a lot of fun, make new friends, deal with enemies and finally undergo the long-desired Ritual of the True Essence.

The work was published in 2017 by Eksmo Publishing House. The book is part of the "Cursed Luck" series. On our website you can download the book "Damned Luck. Taurine" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 4 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

Mar 29, 2017

Damn luck. Taurine Elena Petrova

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Title: Damn Luck. Taurine

About the book “Damn Luck. Taurine" Elena Petrova

Novel “Damned Luck. Taurine” is the second part of the “Cursed Luck” series. Elena Petrova continues the story about the adventures of journalism student Evgenia, whose soul miraculously ended up in the body of a ten-year-old boy, Jen Shart, after his death in a car accident. The fantastic reality where events take place is a technological world with spaceships and amazing scientific discoveries. Jen will have to live in a dual nature, where both the feminine and masculine principles will look for a way out. When you start reading the work, you don’t fully understand who is in front of you - a guy or a girl - the thoughts and actions of the main character are so contradictory.

Adventures rain down on Jen like from a cornucopia - and now the boy is mired head over heels in real crime. Saving his life, the main character becomes a killer.

He is forced to hide from justice and solves this problem in one fell swoop - he enters the Taurine school in order to get lost among other children. And here the previously lonely boy begins to truly live: he makes friends and enemies (how could he live without them) and gets closer to his dream - to become a girl again. In order to regain his original appearance, Jen needs to undergo a special ritual of discovering the True Inner Essence. It is not without reason that Elena Petrova pays special attention to this action - she makes it clear to readers that it is not so easy to discover in each of us the true face revealed to the world around us.

Unlike the first part of the series, this book clearly depicts a romantic line. At first it takes the form of a homosexual relationship - Jen gains several admirers. However, the suitors feel the female essence of the protagonist and give him the idea that he needs to fight for her return.

The book “Damned Luck. Taurine” is written in the best traditions of humorous fantasy. A carefully described atmosphere of parallel reality, colorful characters and fascinating twists in the storyline immerse you in an atmospheric fairy tale. To bring the reader closer to the fantasy world, Elena Petrova supplemented the work with a glossary. In it you can find interesting additional information - explanations of outlandish animal names, the concept of a galactic calendar, Jen's unusual schedule at Taurin's school and other fantastic terms.

Reading this work will be interesting for everyone who misses fantastic adventures in outer space. The author emphasized not only the action and dynamism of the book, but also revealed important human values, without which it is impossible to become a happy person and find the true essence - love, friendship, devotion, courage.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “Damned Luck. Taurine" Elena Petrova in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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