When can you transplant blackberries? Planting blackberries in spring seedlings

» Blackberry

Blackberries are a distant relative of another berry crop - raspberries. The fruits of wild-growing blackberries are quite tasty, so it has recently become cultivated. Berries have a pleasant, slightly sour taste. They are juicy and are used both fresh and processed.. You can make delicious jams, compotes, jellies from blackberries. Drinks are also made from it - syrups, juices, liqueurs. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to transplant blackberries in spring and autumn.

Observing the rules of transplanting, blackberries can be transplanted at any time: both in spring and autumn.. It all depends on the climatic conditions of a particular region.

When transplanting blackberries in the spring this must be done before bud break. It is undesirable to disturb the plant in May. This month there is an active sap flow, and careless actions will damage the plant.

In autumn, the most favorable period for transplantation is the third decade of September - the beginning of October. They practice autumn transplantation in areas where early frosts are not so strong. For the winter blackberries must be covered - this also applies to frost-resistant varieties. Blackberries should be transplanted a month before the onset of frost. In this case, the plant will have time to adapt to new conditions.

Transplant in the spring

Some varieties of blackberries are recommended to be transplanted only in early spring. For example - thornless varieties. Blackberry roots are quite tender and brittle., therefore, it is important to transplant it along with a clod of earth. Then the blackberry will take root well and will not freeze.

Transplant blackberries in the spring in ways: division of the mother bush or root processes. These operations are carried out when the threat of return frosts has passed. Plants are planted with a distance between the bushes of 11 cm. The planting pit is well fertilized, but the blackberry roots should not come into direct contact with the fertilizer.

The soil under the blackberry bushes should be loose and well drained.

At the transplant site, all weeds are removed and furrows up to 30 cm deep are dug. Compost or old manure mixed with the ground is added to this trench. When transplanting, the roots of the plant are straightened, making sure that they are located horizontally, covered with earth and compacted. The upper kidney is placed at a height of 2 cm above the ground.

If a spring transplant is carried out with cuttings, they are laid in a prepared trench and covered with a layer of soil (up to 8 cm). Planting is covered with a layer of mulch, which includes sawdust, hay, humus.

Transplant in autumn

Autumn transplantation is practiced in areas where autumn is long and warm. In this case, the transplanted bush or cutting has time to adapt before frost. When transplanted in autumn, blackberries are covered for the winter. This also applies to frost-resistant varieties. Frost-resistant varieties cover, if frosts down to -20 degrees are possible. A simple climbing blackberry dies at -10 degrees below zero. Thin shoots are removed from the supports, twisted into bundles, laid on the ground and covered.

If an upright blackberry variety is grown, then shelter may be difficult. After all, when you try to bend the shoot, it easily breaks at the base. To prevent breakage of the stem, an artificial mound is poured at its base and shoots are already laid on it.

Another original way is to tie some kind of load to the upper end of the shoot. Under its action, by the beginning of frost, the shoot descends to the ground.

Shoots that are laid in one way or another are covered with sawdust, hay or straw. Dark-colored polyethylene or roofing felt is spread on top.

During autumn pruning, cuttings are harvested from lignified shoots that have matured well.

As for the summer blackberry transplant, opinions are divided. Any plant can be transplanted year-round. Therefore, if you do not feel sorry for the variety of grown blackberries - try it. Only, you need to follow some guidelines:

  • carry out work either early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset.
  • all actions must be done as quickly as possible. Dig up the plant and repot immediately. Blackberries in the open sun quickly wither and dry.
  • better after transplant artificially shade a plant.
  • first time needed irrigate abundantly transplanted bush.

How to transplant blackberries to a new place?

Buds develop on the annual shoots of blackberries, and fruiting begins only in the second year. The plant is unpretentious and takes root on any soil. A high-quality harvest depends, first of all, on the correct separation of fruiting and new shoots. According to the methods of separation of shoots, there are:

  • forming a bush with a fan. Fruiting branches are directed to the sides, and new ones are formed in the center.

  • rope formation. Branches with fruits grow along a stretched wire. New branches, similarly to the previous method, grow in the center.

  • wave formation. One of the new ways. Branches with berries are placed on the lower rows, and young ones on the upper ones.

Before choosing a blackberry variety and placing it on the site, you need to familiarize yourself with the principles of planting it:

  • for the bush is necessary prepare a pit 40x40 cm.
  • roots are covered with simple soil. The rest of the pit is filled with earth mixed with manure.
  • withstand distance between bushes up to 1 m.
  • the seedling is cut at a height of 20-25 cm from the level of the soil.

Breeding can be carried out during the summer and autumn. Blackberry planting options are distinguished depending on its variety. creeping blackberry seated by dividing the mother bush, horizontal and apical outlets, cuttings. Ways to propagate upright blackberries- division of the mother bush, cuttings and root processes.

  • rooting of apical outlets. The easiest and most common way to propagate blackberries. Any annual shoot with a growing end is pressed into the ground, fixed and covered with earth. The fixation site is constantly kept moist. The sprinkled end of the shoot does not grow, but begins to take root. After one or two months, new shoots appear, the root system is fully formed. The bush is cut off from the mother branch and transplanted.

If you delayed this operation and started it in August or September, then you will have to transplant only next spring. For the winter, the places of powder are covered with sawdust or leaves.

  • rooting of horizontal branches. Under the bush loosen a horizontal strip of earth. An annual shoot is bent to it and strengthened. Sprinkle and maintain moisture in this place. After the same one or two months, they are cut off and cut into several pieces and transplanted.
  • planting of root shoots. In spring, new shoots growing from the roots develop on the surface. At the same time, the connection with the mother bush is not lost. Green shoots are dug up from May to June. They dig them up with a clod of earth and transplant them to a new place. The height of the dug-out shoots should be from 10 cm. The remaining shoots are best removed when loosening the soil.
  • division of the mother bush. This method is used if it is necessary to uproot the entire mother bush and transfer the blackberry to a new site. Old shoots with roots are destroyed, and only young ones with a developed root system are transplanted.

Caring for blackberries after transplanting

The main thing in the care of blackberries is the right place for planting, watering and timely feeding of the bushes. You need to plant a plant in a place where the soil under the bushes will warm up and there will be no stagnant water.

In the spring, stagnant water near the roots can lead to rotting of the plant.. The soil under the bushes must be kept loose.

In order for the bush to develop well, it is necessary to constantly feed with organic fertilizers.

When caring for blackberry bushes, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • carry out a garter and pruning bushes.
  • because blackberries are not hardy shoots cover for the winter. To do this, they are bent to the ground and sprinkled with leaves.
  • to fight gall mites in autumn, diseased branches are cut and the bush is sprayed garlic infusion.
  • recommended for hot summer days spray bushes with water in the evening. This helps young shoots to get stronger before winter.
  • in spring, at the beginning of budding shoots fertilize with potash fertilizers.

Blackberry is a plant with medicinal properties. The fruits contain nicotinic acid, vitamins and minerals. Acts as an antipyretic. For medicinal purposes, blackberries are used fresh, as jam and as tea. Berries and young leaves are used.

Blackberries are predominantly wild berries. Gardeners prefer to grow raspberries or strawberries, while blackberries remain in the shade due to their prickly and uncontrollable structure. But unlike other fruit crops, blackberries do not require special care and specific preparation for planting seedlings. However, before starting planting work, you should refresh your knowledge on rooting young cuttings.

Planting blackberries in the spring is carried out if the shrub was not planted in the fall. To do this, you should choose the best time, focusing on weather conditions. If you perform the deepening of the selected seedling at an earlier date, but the root system may freeze when return frosts occur in the spring months.

Landing is recommended in the middle of spring, at a time when the air temperature is kept at + 10-15 degrees, and the soil warms up to a depth of 10-12 cm. Such degrees of air have a beneficial effect on the development of the root system of a young seedling, it grows faster.

Attention! A favorable time for planting blackberries is mid-March and April. At this time, most regions are already feeling the breath of spring, and the ground has begun to warm up.

It is best to focus not on a specific date, but on weather conditions and return frosts. If March turns out to be cold and cloudy, then it is better to postpone the rooting of the shrub until the onset of warm and sunny April days.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

It can help you choose the best date for planting seedlings Moon calendar.

So favorable days for the spring planting of blackberries in 2019 according to the lunar calendar are:

  • in April - 11-17, 21-26.

Yes, this is not a mistake, it is recommended to plant seedlings of fruit and berry crops according to the lunar calendar only in April.

Of course, it is not always possible to get to the dacha on favorable days, therefore, the main thing is not to land on unfavorable days.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar for 2019 for planting blackberry seedlings in the spring are the following dates:

  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17.

According to the lunar calendar from the magazine "1000 tips for summer residents."

Advantages and disadvantages of planting in the spring

Planting blackberries in the spring is carried out as needed. Landing has its advantages and disadvantages. And those and others are revealed in almost equal numbers. Therefore, the farmer will have to decide when it is better to plant a young seedling or cutting.

Advantages of spring planting:

  1. Planting in the spring allows the plant to quickly grow new roots, take root normally, without worrying that cold may suddenly come.
  2. Planting is carried out in the warm season, so you can immediately see a viable plant or not, how blooming buds grow.
  3. It is possible to control the rooting of the plant - to moisten in a timely manner, to make mineral and organic top dressing.

The disadvantages of planting are warm weather, which does not allow moisture to linger in the ground for a long period. Therefore, if watering is not carried out in time, the shrub will quickly dry out under the scorching rays of the sun.

Important! The shrub, in addition to the root system, develops the ground part. If the blackberry does not have enough strength to stretch both the emerging roots and the growing foliage, it may die without taking root.

In the spring, seedlings or cuttings are sold that were not sold in the autumn. It is better to choose from trusted suppliers or from those who give guarantees for a quality product. Otherwise, there is a chance to restore the seedling, which was destroyed in the fall.

Therefore, before performing work on planting blackberry seedlings, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons, so that later you do not regret the lost time and the lost seedling.

When to plant blackberries - in spring or autumn

Each period is good for planting in its own way. It is impossible to say with certainty that planting blackberries in the fall is the optimal time. At the same time, spring also has its disadvantages for rooting seedlings.

In addition, planting before winter hardens, stimulates the production of immunity. But if it is incorrect to calculate the optimal planting dates, the seedling will not have time to prepare for wintering and will freeze at the first drop in air degrees.

Important! Spring planting to a new place of residence stimulates the plant to develop faster, produce young roots and tender leaves. At this time, it is easier to control the state of landings. But with improper care, there is a chance of losing a seedling due to drought or an invasion of diseases and pests.

How to plant in spring: features and step by step instructions

Blackberry can not be called a demanding plant. It is recommended to plant it with the fulfillment of certain requirements for a certain rooting depth. The closest neighbors should be taken into account, because not all shrubs can get along. Otherwise, it will be crushed by larger plants.

What should be a seedling

When choosing a blackberry stalk for planting, you should carefully consider it. Do not buy from the hands of the mass markets. Such a culture should be purchased in specialized stores or in proven nurseries.

When buying, it is recommended to pay attention to the root system of the seedling, it should be sufficiently developed - 3-4 roots no less than 10 cm in length, as well as a basal bud. The ground part of the plant should be 2 stems with green leaves.

Attention! If the rhizomes are open, then their structure should be healthy, without rotten parts. The stem should not have mechanical damage or wrinkled areas of the bark, which indicate that the seedling has been dug out of the ground for a long time.

Before purchasing, it is recommended to do a seedling test - gently pry off the bark on the trunk. If the cut is green, then the stalk will take root well, if it is brown, money and time have been wasted. In the latter version, the seedling can no longer be reanimated.

If you want grow your own blackberries, then you can read more about it!

Landing place

For landing, you must select sunny plot. In the shade, blackberries can grow, but their shoots will stretch strongly and bear small fruit. The key to good growth is lack of terrain with prolonged stagnation of accumulated moisture after irrigation or rain.

Attention! A strong wind can cause mechanical damage to the plant, so it is better to place the bush under the fence or on the south side of the building.

What can not be planted

Blackberries are not recommended to be planted in places where vegetables were previously grown.. On the roots of these plants, there may be a disease dangerous for shrubs - late blight (or phytoflora). It remains in the ground and, if possible, moves to an unprotected young plant.

Raspberries are a good neighbor of blackberries., because crop care and their requirements for growing conditions are very similar.

At what distance

Blackberries are planted from other fruit crops at a distance of 1.5-2 meters. This distance is enough for the bush to spread its lashes and grow. In this case, neither the blackberry nor the neighboring plant will interfere with each other.

Important! It is of great importance that fruit trees do not block the sunny side for a berry plant. Otherwise, the blackberry crop will be sour and small.

Also, if you place the blackberry close to other trees, it will spread to the neighbors and begin to choke them, braiding their shoots. This can provoke the death of fruit plants, as well as the appearance of bacteria and pests on the site.

What kind of soil is needed

The best option for the growth and development of a blackberry seedling will be light, fertile loamy soil. It is surprising to note that the plant prefers acidic soil. The best option for her would be to keep the shrub on the ground with a pH level of 6-6.7.

For planting, a recess in the ground is preliminarily prepared. It should be dug to the level 40x40x40 cm. Such a depth is necessary in order to apply mineral and organic fertilizers to the middle of the pit, and then place an earthen ball with a grown cutting.

The distance between seedlings should not be less than 1.5 meters. Between the rows, a passage of 2.5 m should be adhered to. Such a territory will allow, if necessary, to install supports and move freely between overgrown shrubs.

How and what to fertilize before planting

A pre-prepared pit for a blackberry seedling should include not only garden soil, but also top dressing. The latter has a positive effect on the development of cuttings or seedlings after they have been placed in a new place of residence.

The following additives are added to the soil:

  1. rotted manure - up to 6 kg;
  2. potassium - up to 60 gr.;
  3. phosphate - up to 150 gr.

All ingredients are mixed with garden soil. The amount of soil to be filled should not exceed half of the recess. The preparation of the pit should be carried out long before the planned planting work, so that the additives have time to soak into the soil.

Note! The minimum period from the moment of soil preparation to planting is 1.5 months.

Landing methods

If the plant is purchased with open roots, then planting work should be done in a short time. If the seedling is previously planted in the ground and is in a flowerpot, then rooting can wait until warm weather.

The following planting methods are distinguished depending on the external state of the plant:

  1. Open root system- the rhizomes are examined, if necessary, damaged or diseased areas are removed, the sections are sprinkled with ash or activated charcoal. When installing a seedling in a recess, all roots should be neatly straightened. They are sprinkled with earth, as they deepen, the seedling should be slightly shaken so that the soil fills all the hollow spaces near the roots.
  2. The seedling is in the ground- the plant should not be removed from the ground, the earth should not be shaken off the roots. Before transplanting, it is abundantly watered so that a clod of earth easily jumps out of the flowerpot. After the seedling is placed in the middle of the dug hole and sprinkled with earth. The surface should be lightly tamped.

Thus, planting blackberries is carried out in 2 ways. For 2-3 years, additional mineral fertilizers should not be applied. The plant has enough of those nutrients that were laid at the time of planting.

Video: how to plant blackberries in spring in open ground

Care after landing

Culture care provides for periodic watering as needed and during periods of dry summer. Excessive irrigation should not be carried out due to the fact that the shrub does not tolerate swampy soils, which leads to the death of the root system.

Important! A mandatory procedure is the loosening and removal of weeds. In addition, during loosening, the soil is saturated with the necessary oxygen. Also, the procedure has a beneficial effect on the rapid penetration of moisture deep into the roots.

It is also recommended to mulching. It contributes to less evaporation of nutrient moisture from under the shrub. In addition, the mulch blocks the germination of weeds and during fruiting does not allow the branches to fit on the ground. The latter provokes rotting of the fruit and the acquisition of pathogenic bacteria. It is a must in autumn.

Landing features in different regions

Blackberry is a southern plant, it is mainly planted in warm climates. Therefore, its cultivation in the Middle lane and in the northern regions did not always have positive results.

So, in outskirts of Moscow it is recommended to plant blackberries immediately after the warm days have come. Be sure to cover it for the winter and fertilize it in every possible way. Planting of young cuttings is carried out mainly in late March - mid-April.

In the zone of risky agriculture - in the Volga region, in order to achieve ripe and large berries, you will have to try. Landing is delayed until warm. For rooting, you should focus on weather conditions.

Siberia and Ural for a long period of time were not a place for growing southern berries. All attempts ended in failure. This continued until new selective varieties with increased frost resistance were developed. Only after that, in these regions, it became possible to grow blackberries. But planting in these regions is usually not carried out in the spring due to the fact that the event is carried out in early June, and the berries ripen at the moment when frosts occur. Therefore, the bulk of the crop is lost.

Possible mistakes when planting blackberries in spring

Even experienced gardeners, without hesitation, can make mistakes when rooting cuttings and seedlings. The most common mistakes during planting work for blackberries are distinguished:

  • wrong seedling- unviable will not be able to germinate;
  • purchase with hands and trust on parole- in order not to end up with an unknown variety, it should be purchased in specialized stores or at the breeding site (nursery);
  • close placement- Requires free space between plantings and air circulation. The latter is necessary for the full ripening of fruits and the absence of pathogenic bacteria;
  • increased amount of applied fertilizers- it is better to make less top dressing than to feed the plant, provoking its death.

Important! In order not to make such oversights, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of deepening seedlings into the ground in the spring before planting.

Thus, in spring, blackberries should be planted as a prepared seedling in optimal soil, having previously fertilized it. After planting, the plant should not be left to fend for itself; without proper care, it may die.

Video: description, planting and caring for blackberries

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Most often, a blackberry transplant is associated with a new layout of the site, but there are other reasons. Regardless of what caused the need for this procedure, it should be approached competently, taking into account the needs of a particular culture. The right choice of time for transplantation, a new place, as well as following the recommendations regarding the preparation of the site and the plant itself guarantees the success of the entire event. This article will discuss how to choose the right site for transplanting blackberries, how to transplant bushes correctly and how to care for them in the future.

Why do you need a blackberry transplant in the fall and spring to a new place

In the wild, the growth period of blackberry bushes in one place differs in duration and can last about 30 years. Garden blackberries need to be transplanted to a new place every 10 years to rejuvenate the plant, and at the same time propagate it by divisions.

Be that as it may, transplanting blackberries in the fall or spring to a new place involves following a certain algorithm, which includes removing the bush along with the roots from the ground, cutting off all the shoots and moving to a new planting hole along with an earthen clod. It is important to plant the bush in such a way that its root neck remains at the same level as after the previous planting.

Transplanting blackberries in autumn and spring: advantages and disadvantages

Throughout the year, blackberries can be repotted during the spring and fall months. At the same time, the choice of time of year depends on the climatic features of a particular region. Both spring and autumn blackberry transplants have a number of advantages and disadvantages.

planted spring blackberry seedlings are more likely to quickly and successfully take root in a new place. They have enough time to take root and get stronger before the onset of winter. This option is recommended for the north of the country, where winter colds come early.

Wherein at the spring transplant in the spring there is also a significant flaw: determining the exact time suitable for transplanting blackberries is quite difficult. It is necessary to choose the moment when the earth will already be sufficiently thawed, but the movement of juices in the tissues of the plants has not yet begun.

When choosing a spring planting option, it should be borne in mind that an excess of fertilizer in the planting hole can injure the root system of a bush weakened as a result of moving.

autumn transplanting blackberries is ideal for gardeners of the south. In regions with a long warm part of the year, blackberry bushes manage to get the necessary amount of nutrients and sunlight during the summer and get stronger for successful adaptation in a new place.

Seedlings transplanted in early autumn have time to take root before the onset of frost and can safely endure wintering. Autumn blackberry transplantation is recommended no later than 60 days before the expected arrival of winter cold. In this case, it is necessary to provide seedlings with reliable shelter for the winter, even if we are talking about frost-resistant blackberry varieties.

blackberry transplant timing

Choosing the exact time to transplant blackberries is not an easy task. It is especially important not to make a mistake with the choice of date in the case of spring planting of seedlings. Since in the northern regions the arrival of spring heat often does not coincide with calendar dates, experienced gardeners prefer to navigate by the weather.

Most often, the favorable time for transplanting blackberries is in April. At this time, the earth is no longer bound by cold, and sap flow in the tissues of the plant has not yet begun. In May, it is already too late to transplant blackberry bushes - a phase of rapid growth and development of shoots begins.

It is easier to choose the time for the autumn blackberry transplant - in the southern regions it falls on the last days of September and the beginning of October. It is important that at least 2 months remain before the expected frost. Therefore, many gardeners, when choosing the time for transplanting blackberry bushes, are guided by weather forecasts.

Preparing for a Blackberry Transplant

The procedure for transplanting blackberry bushes is quite laborious and includes two stages. The first stage is preparatory. It includes a series of steps that are the same for all types and varieties of blackberries.

Site Selection Criteria

The first step in the preparatory work for transplanting blackberries is choosing the right site. The selection criteria do not depend on whether it is planned to transplant an adult blackberry or plant a young seedling.

Light-loving blackberry prefers well-lit areas, sheltered from the north wind. The ideal choice would be a small hill, on which the blackberry bush will be reliably protected from flooding during periods of heavy rainfall or floods. At the same time, for planting blackberries, it is necessary to dig a recess that will allow you to retain water longer after watering.

As for the composition of the soil, the optimal placement of blackberry bushes on loamy or sandy soils. It should be borne in mind that transplanting blackberries to beds left after nightshade and berry bushes is not recommended.


An important point of the preparatory work is the processing of the soil before planting blackberries in it. It includes several important steps:

  1. Determination of soil acidity in the area selected for blackberries and, if necessary, correcting it to the required pH level. You can make the soil less acidic by adding iron sulfate to it in a proportion of 0.5 kg per 10 square meters. In the absence of ferrous sulfate, 0.3 kg of sulfur can be used on the same site, but the desired effect will be achieved later. You can increase the acidity of the soil with lime.
  2. Digging the site to a depth of about half a meter and removing the remnants of the root systems of weeds.
  3. Compost is distributed over the entire surface of the soil with a layer thickness of about 10 cm, and on top of it - another 3 cm of crushed organic fertilizers. It is also recommended to make complex mineral supplements rich in phosphorus, calcium and magnesium.
  4. Repeated digging of all nutrient layers and soil.
  5. Abundant watering of the site with water and its subsequent mulching with a layer thickness of about 8 cm. This procedure will allow the organic matter introduced into the soil to rot faster.
  6. Near the place of the proposed planting of blackberry bushes, a supporting structure is installed - for example, a trellis.

planting material

The preparation of planting material is another necessary step in the general algorithm of actions for transplanting blackberries. The bush must be carefully removed from the soil along with an earthen clod. For this purpose, a thorough digging is carried out with a shovel. Together with a clod of earth, the blackberry bush is transferred to a new place.

Before planting, remove all ground shoots and branches. Moreover, they need to be cut at the root, leaving no stumps in which harmful insects can settle.

In cases where an adult and overgrown blackberry bush is transplanted, it can be divided into smaller bushes. Blackberries can be propagated in this way, however, this does not apply to very old plants - they cannot be divided.

To divide blackberry bush, it is necessary immediately after removing it from the soil to soften the earthen ball and clean the root system of the plant from the ground. The division of the bush is carried out with a sharpened knife: each division must have at least 2 or three branches, as well as at least one root bud. After separation, new blackberry bushes can be planted separately in pre-prepared holes. The best time for dividing blackberry bushes is spring or early autumn, so this procedure is often carried out along with a transplant.

In addition to propagating blackberries by divisions, reproduction is also practiced during blackberry transplantation. layering. In this case, seedlings obtained from root shoots are separated from the mother bush and moved to a new place.

Transplanting blackberries in spring

Actually transplanting blackberries in the spring includes the following steps:

  • The area intended for the placement of blackberry bushes should be planned in advance. The traditional arrangement of blackberries is in rows, the distance between which depends on the blackberry variety and its ability to grow. On average, it fluctuates between 180 and 300 cm. The interval between individual bushes should also be quite large: upright varieties need a gap of at least 200 cm, creeping ones - about 300 cm.
  • When digging planting holes, you should focus on the size of the root system of the seedling. For delenki obtained from root shoots, a depth of up to half a meter will be sufficient. Adult bushes need a larger large hole in which its developed root system will fit. It is recommended to plant blackberry bushes in recesses in the form of trenches dug in the entire length of the rows. Their average depth is 50 cm.
  • Each planting hole should be filled with a nutrient mixture that includes organic components - for example, compost (1 bucket). Another option is to fertilize the soil with the addition of mineral complexes (0.1 kg per well).
  • The blackberry bush to be transplanted is dug around from all sides, removed from the ground and, together with an earthen clod, is transferred to the planting hole. In cases where the plant has a root that goes deep into the ground, it can be chopped off with a shovel - it is almost impossible to extract such powerful roots.
  • After being placed in the planting hole, the root system of the bush is covered with earth, then the site is abundantly watered with water. The soil surface is covered with a layer of mulch. It is necessary to keep the soil in the area with blackberries constantly moist until the seedlings finally take root.

Autumn blackberry transplant

Autumn transplanting of blackberry bushes can be started after harvest, at least 60 days before the forecasted frost. This time is enough for the plant to adapt to new conditions and survive the winter safely. In general, the autumn transplant is no different from the spring one and includes the same steps.

The main feature of the autumn procedure is the need to take care of the shelter of plants for the winter. To this end, the trunk diameter of each blackberry bush must be covered with a mulch layer. Shortly before the arrival of winter, it is recommended to build an additional shelter from spruce or pine spruce branches, or using non-woven materials.

Autumn transplantation is suitable for transplanting cuttings obtained from blackberry basal shoots. This will allow you not to disturb the old bushes once again, but at the same time preserve its varietal qualities by planting offspring. This method is not suitable for the propagation of creeping blackberries, which do not form basal shoots. In this case, the method of layering is used.

Even in the last month of summer, the shoots of blackberry bushes need to be dug up, leaving the tops on the surface. By the time of transplantation, they will begin to form independent roots - they can be separated from the mother plant and transplanted to a new place.

Summer blackberry transplant - pros and cons

Transplanting blackberries in the summer does not give high survival rates of seedlings, because in hot weather the bushes dug out of the ground quickly wither and die. For this event to be successful, the following guidelines must be followed:

  • Landing should be carried out in the morning or evening hours, before dawn or after sunset.
  • You should transplant as soon as possible and immediately after it build a shelter from the sun.
  • Transplanted bushes should be watered frequently and abundantly with water - at least 1 time per day.

Blackberry bush transplant: further care

Transplanted blackberry bushes do not require special care - taking care of them comes down to the usual procedures for any gardener. First time after transplant watering should be frequent and plentiful.

With the introduction top dressing it is better to wait - they can harm the weakened root system of plants, which is more likely to get a chemical burn. Only after the seedlings are fully established can organic fertilizers be applied.

Otherwise caring for transplanted blackberry bushes comes down to the following procedures:

  • In spring and autumn it is held pruning blackberries and the formation of bushes, as well as the placement of lashes on trellises. In preparation for winter, the shoots are removed from the supporting structures, laid on the ground and covered with a layer of spruce branches or non-woven material.
  • In summer, there is a high risk of gall mites attacking blackberries. You can get rid of pests by treating the bushes with insecticides, or garlic infusion.
  • Toward the end of summer, when the intense heat passes, you can spend hardening procedures. To this end, in the evenings, blackberry bushes are irrigated with slightly cool water.
  • In the next season, transplanted blackberry bushes can be feed mixtures containing potassium. Top dressing is carried out in the spring, when the first buds appear.


In general, transplanting blackberries differs little from planting them. Subject to agrotechnical recommendations, the survival rate of seedlings will be high. The exception is old blackberry bushes, whose powerful and deeply buried roots were damaged when removed from the ground.

Blackberry transplant in autumn: video

Due to its sugary sweetness and unprecedented yield, blackberries are a very attractive shrub for growing in their summer cottage. And the richness of the chemical composition of fruits, their benefits for the body make the berries of the culture simply indispensable for the human diet. In addition, blackberries serve as a worthy substitute for raspberries, and with proper care, they can fruit uninterruptedly in one place for more than 10 years. The main thing is to choose the right seedlings and plant them correctly.

Benefits of spring planting

Blackberries are planted in spring or autumn. However, there are a number of advantages to spring planting:


  • planting in the spring allows the culture to rapidly build up and develop the root system. Seedlings are well rooted, quickly start growing. There is no need to be afraid that they will die from the cold;
  • there is no need to take care of additional covering materials;
  • it is possible to track the growth of seedlings, apply fertilizers in a timely manner, irrigate, weed.
  • spring planting is preferable for the northern regions and for varieties with poor winter hardiness;


  • a rapid onset of hot, dry weather is possible, which prevents successful establishment. Seedlings have to be shaded and often moistened.

Landing dates

The timing of the spring planting of blackberries is determined by the specific climatic conditions of the region, air temperature.

Landing in central Russia is recommended to be done no earlier than mid-April (in the south - in mid-March), when the thermometer reaches + 15 ° C. At this time, you can already be sure of a sufficient degree of heating of the soil (to a depth of at least 10-15 see), namely, in warm soil, seedlings develop most rapidly.

Experienced gardeners are advised to focus on the weather, and not on some calendar date. If morning frosts are still present, planting is postponed until sustained heat has set in.

Site selection and preparation

For planting blackberries, a sunny area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden is suitable. Light shading for culture is acceptable, but this will affect the quality and quantity of berries. In the shade, the shoots stretch out, and the fruits become smaller.

Blackberry does not tolerate stagnant water, groundwater should lie at a depth of 100 cm. Also, the plant should be protected from drafts. The latter affect flowering and fruit set, and can also cause mechanical damage to the crop. The best place to land is along the fence or on the south side of the buildings. To avoid shadows, maintain a distance of at least 1 m from the fence and buildings.

Blackberries grow well on loams, well fertilized and moisture permeable. The plant prefers slightly acidified soil (pH 6-6.7), therefore, when planting seedlings on acidic soils, it is not recommended to add lime, as is the case with raspberries.

Trenches, pits for planting are not made too deep - up to 0.4 m. Humus, rotted compost or manure (7 kg per meter), potassium salt - 50 g, superphosphate - 120 g are preliminarily laid in them. Fertilizers are mixed, from above sprinkle with soil.

Attention! Site preparation is carried out at least 30 days before the intended planting, most often the holes for spring planting are prepared in the fall.

Criteria for choosing seedlings for spring planting

Having decided to breed blackberries in his area, every gardener should remember the correct choice of seedlings. They should be purchased only in specialized stores and nurseries, and also pay attention to the appearance of the planting material.

  1. When examining seedlings, pay attention to the state of the root system. A healthy seedling has a root bud and at least 4 long roots (at least 10 cm). The stem diameter is not less than 0.5-0.7 cm.
  2. Carefully make a cut on the bark. If it is green, the plant will quickly take root, start growing. If brown - the shoot is inanimate.
  3. Wrinkles on the trunk indicate a long-standing digging of a seedling. There's a good chance he won't survive.

Landing pattern

It is customary to plant blackberries in separate holes or trenches. The latter should be placed at a distance of at least 80 cm from each other. The optimal depth is 40 cm. Approximately 2/3 of the pits are filled with fertile soil with all the fertilizers necessary for the culture.

A layer of earth is poured on top, and the plant is carefully transferred to it. All roots are well straightened, sprinkled with a layer of soil, tamped a little and watered.

Note. The growth bud is embedded in the soil by a maximum of 2 cm. This will allow the plant to start growing faster and give the first harvest this season.

Small holes are made around the seedlings for more efficient watering. The soil is mulched with humus, rotted sawdust.

It is customary to plant straight-growing blackberry varieties no closer than 100 cm to each other, while the width between rows should be at least 200 cm.

For creeping varieties, the distance is even greater: 200 cm - between plants, 300 cm - between rows.

An uncircumcised seedling is shortened when planting, leaving 3 healthy buds on the shoot.

The blackberry quickly spreads over the site. To block its growth in the adjacent territory, slate sheets or a special curb tape are buried in the ground.

Spring planting: step by step instructions

When planting blackberries in the spring, you must follow a certain sequence:

  1. the planting site is cleared of weeds, dug up about a month before planting;
  2. make fertilizer. This can be done both before digging, and in portions in pits, trenches;
  3. mark the landing site, taking into account the characteristics of the variety of each particular crop. Between the rows leave a passage of at least 200 cm;
  4. dig trenches, pits;
  5. install trellises;
  6. if fertilizers were not applied during digging, then they are applied in portions;
  7. limit the zone of further growth of blackberries with slate sheets, curb tape;
  8. After a month after the preparation of the site, they begin to land. Broken and damaged roots are cut; The root lobe is leveled at ground level, then slowly covered with soil, while not forgetting to gently shake the process. The last technique avoids voids - the soil will not settle in the future. The measles neck will end up at a depth of 2-3 cm.

Important! The growth bud is deepened by 2 cm. In creeping varieties, on the contrary, the growth bud should be above the ground.

  1. after planting, the earth is slightly compacted;
  2. along the trench (or around the hole) make a furrow for more efficient irrigation and collection of precipitation;
  3. a layer of mulch is evenly distributed around the shoots, the optimal thickness of which is 5-10 cm. Peat, humus, and rotted straw serve as mulch.
  4. the ground part of the seedling is shortened to 30 cm.

Differences in the spring planting of blackberries in the Krasnodar Territory, Moscow Region, Siberia

The most favorable conditions for the growth of blackberries are in the Krasnodar Territory. Warm winters in this region eliminate the need for covering materials. Planting is usually done in the second decade of March, and the first harvest is obtained in early summer. However, in the absence of precipitation, the culture should be watered regularly and abundantly.

In the Moscow region, it is advised to plant blackberries after the onset of sustained heat. Usually it is mid-April. In hot weather, it is worth shading the newly planted plants a little. Do not forget about regular watering. For the winter, blackberries must be covered.

In Siberia, initially, blackberries did not take root: they froze, did not have time to start bearing fruit in a short summer. However, at present, many selective varieties have appeared specifically for Siberia and the Urals. They are planted without fail in the spring, so that they have time to take root and gain strength sufficiently. They are not afraid of harsh winters, grow rapidly, quickly begin to bear fruit.

Spring planting of blackberries makes it possible to get a good harvest the next year. Some varieties begin to bear fruit in the first year. The main thing is to follow all the rules of agricultural technology and provide the culture with proper care during growth.