Detailed calculation of possible economic efficiency. Calculation of economic efficiency of proposed enterprises

How to determine the main indicators of economic efficiency? What methods of calculating indicators can be used? Let's talk about this in the article.

You will learn:

  • What is the essence of the economic efficiency of an enterprise, why does it need to be calculated.
  • What indicators for assessing economic efficiency are known.
  • What formulas can be used to calculate indicators of economic efficiency of commercial activities.
  • What methods exist for calculating economic efficiency indicators.

What is the essence of calculating economic efficiency

The economic efficiency of an enterprise is its overall effectiveness commercial activities, which is expressed in the ratio of the product received and the resources expended. To obtain the economic efficiency ratio, it is necessary to correlate the profitability indicators of the enterprise and the total costs of the resources used. Business project will be effective if the first indicator exceeds the second component.

Indicators for calculating the economic efficiency of an enterprise

The system of indicators of overall economic efficiency includes estimated indicators and indicators by type of resources used. The key performance indicator of an organization is always profit. The following indicators also include the following indicators: profitability of products, profitability of production assets, relative savings of fixed and working capital.

These indicators are needed for the development and implementation of new equipment, solving production issues, including the use of interchangeable materials and products, as well as when designing construction and reconstruction, drawing up business plans, and choosing production organization schemes in technological and scientific activities.

How are benchmarks determined? To do this, the savings obtained from reducing production costs, and as costs - additional capital investments that led to these savings.

Comparative economic efficiency is determined by choosing one of two or more options for solving a certain commercial or economic problem. Thus, you get a description of the advantages of one option compared to others.

When comparing two options, it is possible that the ratio of required capital investments and the level of production costs. The option that requires less capital investment, while ensuring the lowest cost of production, is considered economically profitable.

When comparing options, you must use the reduced costs calculated for each of them. The given costs for each option represent the sum of capital investments and current costs (cost), reduced to a single dimension in accordance with the efficiency standard.

It is also important to understand that the selection of economic indicators is determined by the objectives of the functioning of the system under study. For example, when establishing indicators for the comparative economic efficiency of an enterprise in the field of livestock farming, one must focus on the growth in production volume, growth in labor productivity, payback on the feed used and other costs. Based on this, the following system of indicators can be established: gross and marketable output per animal, labor productivity, payment for feed and cost recovery.

Economic efficiency: calculation formula

The general formula for calculating efficiency is as follows:

E = R / Z, Where:

R– production results;

Z– the costs of obtaining this result.

It is quite difficult to apply such an efficiency formula in practice, since the numerator and denominator of the fraction in most cases are not quantifiable and cannot be calculated in common units. In most cases, the results of an enterprise’s commercial activities are diverse and it is impossible to combine them into a common result. In some cases, the result cannot be expressed in numerical form at all, and can only be qualitative.

Efficiency can be determined in 2 ways:

  • As the ratio of the result of production to the costs of its implementation.
  • As the ratio of the result of what was produced to what had to be abandoned when choosing an alternative option.

How to calculate economic efficiency indicators

You can consider the features of calculating the main indicators of economic efficiency of an enterprise. For example, these include profitability, cost intensity, financial health, and financial and resource management.

Profitability indicators show the ratio of profit to costs, investments, investment costs, that is, they characterize the share of profit per unit of invested costs:

  • profitability of products (services) R pr i, i.e. ratio of product profit (P i) to cost (C i) of a manufactured unit of product, %:

This indicator is used to identify the most profitable products;

  • economic profitability of the company's assets (R f), i.e. the ratio of the amount of annual profit (P year) to the assets of the enterprise (K act) or the amount of fixed capital (K main) and working capital (K turnover), %:

Level R f demonstrates the efficiency of the enterprise (use of assets), i.e. shows the share of profit per $1 of assets. P year includes balance sheet profit(P point) plus interest on the loan charged to cost.

  • the company's return on equity (R ck), i.e. the ratio of the company's net annual profit (after tax) to the amount of equity capital at the end of the reporting period (Keb), %:

  • return on capital employed (R ik, %) shows the efficiency of both equity and attracted capital (credits, borrowings, advances) of the company and is calculated using the formula:

The company’s balance sheet at the beginning and end of each reporting period reflects the cost data on fixed assets - the initial cost, the amount of depreciation ( depreciation), residual value.

Fixed assets move throughout the year, so their availability in accounting is shown monthly. The cost of fixed assets at the end of the period (K of.k) is determined according to the balance sheet scheme:

To official beginning - the cost of fixed assets at the beginning of the period;
K of.p - the cost of acquired fixed assets;
To of.v - the cost of retired fixed assets.

The cost of purchased equipment includes: purchase price, transportation costs, insurance, installation, installation, adjustment.

To assess the level of use of fixed assets, it is necessary to have information on the average annual cost of fixed assets (K average).

To the office beginning – the cost of fixed assets at the beginning of the year;
To the office k – value of fixed assets at the end of the year.

How to learn to manage expenses: a case

A manager needs to be able to manage the budget of his company. The editors of the “Commercial Director” magazine have compiled a detailed algorithm in order to learn how to competently manage expenses and extract maximum benefits at the lowest costs.

Methods for calculating economic efficiency indicators

After we have decided on the systems of main indicators of economic efficiency, we need to work out calculation methods.

Absolute criteria will help to analyze the main dynamics of various profit indicators for a certain number of years:

  • economic;
  • accounting;
  • received from sales;
  • calculated in its pure form.

Such indicators are more related to arithmetic calculations than to economic ones. The figures will be obtained in pure form without taking into account inflationary processes. At the same time, relative indicators will have certain advantages in terms of the fact that they are not subject to inflation.

The calculation of economic efficiency indicators is the volume of products produced, work performed or services provided. They are the basis for satisfying all needs and improving one’s material condition.

Economic efficiency indicators include:

  • Payback of basic costs is the ratio of the volume of gross output to the total cost of living and material labor, which is a general indicator.
  • Profit is the realized part of income in its pure form. The concepts of costs incurred also imply various concepts of profit. In the field of economics, the term profit has a meaning that is different from the definition in accounting reports.
  • Receiving net profit. Includes all net income and payroll. This is the main source of consumption and certain accumulation. In most enterprises, such indicators can only be determined by calculation. Therefore, the resulting “clean” products do not always reflect with maximum accuracy the actual level of efficiency and dynamics of production development.

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1 Example 2. Calculation of the economic efficiency of software that saves machine time The project being developed “Software implementation of analytical hierarchy methods” is intended to optimize the process of making various types of decisions and is designed to support the decision maker (DM). The program allows you to reduce the time and labor intensity of the decision-making process by constructing a hierarchy of criteria with the subsequent assessment of possible alternatives for each of the selected criteria. The solutions found as a result of the program will be mathematically justified, which can guarantee obtaining the most optimal result. The decision-making method described above makes it possible to conveniently and fairly objectively evaluate alternatives based on individual criteria. Unlike other methods, adding new alternatives does not change the order of previously ranked sets. Currently, the market for such software is represented by imported software products that are less convenient to use. The average price of such a software product for the first user is about hryvnia. The developed software takes into account the specifics of the work of an analyst at a consumer enterprise and allows, by increasing labor productivity (calculations are performed in 400 hours instead of 1000, in addition, additional functions have been introduced into the program), to refuse to hire an employee to perform work for which the monthly salary would be 750 UAH. 1. Planning the development of a software product The entire complex of software product development can be divided into stages. For each stage, the labor intensity, number of performers and duration of work are indicated. A programmer takes part in the development for 2.4 months and an analyst for 1.4 months. Software development begins on the second of February and

2 2 must be completed by April fourteenth, 2009. The duration of work is determined by formula 3.1: Q T c =, (3.1) R where T c cycle duration, days; Q labor intensity, man-days; R number of performers, people. The information received is summarized in Table 1. Table 1 Characteristics of the work on program development Name of the work 1. Analysis of the subject area (software) 2. Determination of requirements for the software product 3. Design of the program structure 4. Development of a scheme for the functioning of the program Labor intensity pers. % of days total 10 12, Performers Programmer Analyst Programmer Analyst Programmer Analyst Duration, days, 5 Programmer Creation of program code 10 12.5 Programmer Testing and debugging Programmer of a software product 10 12.5 Analyst 5 7. Drawing up program documentation Programmer 10 12.5 Analyst 5 Total According to the data in Table 1, a consolidated strip schedule for planning the development of a software product is compiled, which is a table in the first column of which are placed in order

3 3 increase in the start dates for all types of work, and, on the contrary, the calendar period for their implementation. This schedule is shown in Table 2. Table 2 Summary strip schedule for planning the development of a software product Calendar period, days Name of work Software analysis 2. Determination of requirements for a software product 3. Design of the program structure 4. Development of a program functioning scheme 5. Creation of program code 6. Testing and debugging of the software product 7. Drawing up software documentation - analyst - programmer

4 4 2. Determining the costs of developing the program To determine the costs of developing the program, a calculation of the estimated cost of work is made, which includes the following items: basic salary; additional salary; contributions to social insurance and other funds; costs for special equipment; materials and components; overheads; taxes Calculation of basic wages The costs for this item consist of the planned salary fund for all categories of workers involved in the development of the program. Salaries are calculated on the basis of data on labor intensity presented in Table 3. Table 3 Calculation of basic wages Position of performer Number, people. Monthly salary, UAH. Number of months of work. Salary amount, UAH. Programmer, Analyst, Total Calculation of additional wages Additional wages are taken equal to 10% of the basic wages of employees and are calculated using the formula: Salary additional = Salary basic 0.1. (1) Substituting the amount of the basic salary into this formula, we obtain: additional salary = .1 = 788 UAH.

5 Contributions to social insurance and other funds These contributions are: pension fund 33.2%; social insurance for temporary disability 1.4%; social insurance in case of unemployment 1.6%; social insurance against accidents at work 2%. In total they amount to 38.2% and are taken from the basic and additional wages. OT = (ZP) 0.382 main + ZPadd. (2) FROM = () 0.382 = 3311.176 UAH Determination of costs for materials 3 types of materials are used: CD-R disc 3 UAH; cartridge 30 UAH. and paper 30 UAH. (1 package). Costs for materials are calculated using formula 4.1: M = n (C i Ni (+ K t.z.) C io Nio) i= 1 1, (4.1) where M costs for materials, purchased semi-finished products and components, UAH; K t.z is a coefficient that takes into account transportation and procurement costs; T i price of the i-th name of material, semi-finished product and component, UAH; N i is the need for the i-th material, semi-finished product and component; Price of returnable waste of the i-th name of material, io UAH;

6 6 N io quantity of returnable waste of the i-th name; n number of items of materials, semi-finished products and components. C = 0; io N io = 0; K t.z = 0.05; M = (1 + 0.05) () = 66.15 UAH. Total costs for materials amount to 66.15 UAH Costs for special equipment This item includes costs for the acquisition, transportation, installation and debugging of non-standard equipment. In practice, in this case, this article takes into account the costs of paying for computer time for writing and debugging this program. Why is it necessary to draw up an estimate of “expenses for the maintenance and operation of equipment”, based on which the cost of one machine-hour of PC operation will be determined, after multiplying this by the machine time spent on writing and debugging the program, we will obtain the cost of paying for machine time. Depreciation charges are determined by formula 4.3: N a A = Fb, (4.3) 100 where F b is the book value of computer equipment, UAH; The rate of depreciation for the complete restoration of computer equipment, %. The book value of computer equipment is UAH 3,000. We get: A = .25 = 750 UAH.

7 7 The item “Operation of equipment” is calculated by summing up the costs of electricity and auxiliary materials. C e = N F K K C, (4.4) n eff z m e where N n rated power of the computer, kW; F is the annual effective fund of computer operating time, eff machine-hour; K average load factor over time; sv K power load factor; zm Ts e price of one kWh of electricity, UAH/(kWh). The rated power of the computer is 0.2 kW. The annual effective operating time of the computer is 1800 hours. The average load factors for time and power are 0.9 and 0.6, respectively. The price of one kilowatt-hour of electricity is 0.435 UAH. We get: C e = 0.9 0.6 0.435 = 84.564 UAH. The salary of service personnel is calculated according to formula 4.5: ZP (+ K) t obsl obsl = FZPg 1 report (4.5) Fef.obsl where FZP g annual wage fund (main and additional) for service workers, UAH; K reporting coefficient, which takes into account contributions to social insurance and other funds; t maintenance time during the year required for computer maintenance, h/year;

8 8 Feff.obsl annual effective time fund of service personnel, h/year. The monthly salary of service personnel is 1000 UAH, and the annual wage fund is correspondingly equal to UAH. The annual effective working time fund of an employee servicing a PC is 1750 hours/year. 1 hour per month is spent on servicing one PC, which is 12 hours per year. We get: Salary obsl = (1 + 0.382) 12 / 1750 = 113.72 UAH. The item “Current repairs of equipment” is taken equal to 3% of the book value of equipment and amounts to 90 UAH. The item “Other expenses” is taken equal to five percent of the sum of all previous items of expenses for the maintenance and operation of equipment. The sum of all previous articles is equal to 1038.28 UAH, 5% of the amount is 51.91 UAH. The calculated cost items for the maintenance and operation of equipment are included in table 4. Table 4 Cost estimate for the maintenance and operation of equipment Name of cost items Amount, UAH. Depreciation of equipment 750.00 Operation of equipment (except for expenses for current repairs) 84.56 Basic and additional wages of service workers with deductions for social activities 113.72 Current repairs of equipment 90.00 Other expenses 51.91 Total 1090.19

9 9 The cost of paying for computer time for writing and debugging a given program is determined by formula 4.2: C mo = P t, (4.2) ex mo where C mo is the cost of paying for computer time, UAH; P ex operating costs for one hour of computer time of this digital computer, UAH/machine-hour; t mo computer time of a digital computer for writing and debugging this software product, machine-hours. Operating costs for one hour of computer time of the computer used are calculated by dividing the amount of expenses according to the estimate “Costs for the maintenance and operation of equipment (computers)” (example 2 of Table 4) by the annual effective operating time of the computer. The annual effective operating time of a computer is 1800 hours. As a result, operating costs per hour of machine time are equal to: P ex = 1090.19 / 1800 = 0.61 UAH/machine hour. The computer is operated for 50 days in one shift, which amounts to a total of 400 hours. Thus, the cost of paying for computer time will be: C mo = 0, = 244 UAH Other direct costs Other direct costs include the costs of commercial software used in system development: shared software used constantly when operating a PC (Windows 7 Home basic) 670 UAH without VAT; target software purchased for this specific task (Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional) 4345 UAH. without VAT.

10 10 S dol.po = C F Software Windows eff. KTS T T KTS s. PO (8.10) S integer = PO VS (8.11) where S is the cost of shared software when writing the software developed in the calculation, UAH; S total cost of target software purchased exclusively for writing the software being developed in the calculation, UAH; Windows software price Windows software (excluding VAT), UAH; Software price VS price of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional software (excluding VAT), UAH; T CTS machine time CTS required by the user to develop the system, machine-hour/year; F ef.kts annual effective operating time fund of the KTS, machine-hours/year; T s. service life of shared software, years. S = = Swhole.PO = 4345 UAH. 29.78 UAH S Σ = 29, = 4374.78 UAH Calculation of overhead costs Overhead costs include the costs of general management and general economic needs (salaries of the management staff, office expenses, etc.), maintenance and operation of buildings. Overhead costs are included in the cost of program development indirectly as a percentage of the developers' base salary. In this case, overhead costs amount to 40% of the basic salary of developers, which is 3152 UAH.

11 11 The results of determining the costs of developing the program in the form of calculating the estimated cost of work are shown in Table 5. Table 5 Calculation of the estimated cost of work to develop the program Name of cost items Amount, UAH. Share of the total, % 1 Basic salary 7880.00 39.77 2 Additional salary 788.00 3.98 3 Social security contributions, etc. 3311.18 16.71 4 Materials and components 66.15 0.33 5 Costs for special equipment 244.00 1.23 6 Other direct costs 4374.78 22.08 7 Overhead costs 3152.00 15.90 8 Total (S rp) 19816.11 100.00 3. Calculation of the economic efficiency of a software product The program allows you to reduce time and the complexity of the decision-making process by constructing a hierarchy of criteria with subsequent assessment of possible alternatives for each of the selected criteria. The solutions found as a result of the program will be mathematically justified, which can guarantee obtaining the most optimal result. The economic efficiency of the program is achieved by reducing the time of computer calculations from 1000 to 400 hours per year and automating additional work on servicing the analyst, which in total leads to salary savings of 750 hryvnia per month, 12 months a year. The annual savings on wages, taking into account accruals, is: Ezp = Ezp.month. (1+ K report) n, (3) where Ezp annual savings on wages with deductions for social events, UAH; E ZP.month monthly salary savings when implementing the program, UAH;

12 12 n number of months. As a result, we get: E salary = 750 (1 + 0.382) 12 = UAH. Annual savings are determined by the formula: (T T) (T T) F S E = + a b.kts m1 m2 rp m m Rex.kts + E 1 2 n Ezp Fef.kts Ts, (4) where T m,t 1 m 2 machine time required to solve the assigned problems, respectively, in the old and new versions, machine-hours/year; R ex.kts operating costs per 1 hour of computer time (since the analyst’s machine is identical to the machine used for software development, they may not be calculated anew, but are taken by analogy to be equal to 0.61 UAH/machine hour), UAH/machine-hour h; a E n standard coefficient of efficiency of capital investments in automation equipment (since the machine-building enterprise is taken equal to 0.2); F book value of computer (CTS), UAH; b.kts F annual effective fund of computer operating time, effective kts machine-hour; S total costs for program development, UAH; rp T with the service life of the implemented program until its obsolescence, years. E = () 0.61 + 0, () / 1800) 19816.11 / = 6398.63 UAH. The efficiency coefficient of capital investments E and their payback period T are calculated using formulas (7.14) and (7.15): ok

13 13 E E =, (7.14) S рп Sрп Т =. (7.15) ok E Thus: E = 6398.63 / 19816.11 = 0.32. T ok = 19816.11/ 6398.63 = 3.09 years. Technical and economic indicators are shown in Table 6 Table 6 Technical and economic indicators Indicators Unit Measurement options basic new 1. Costs for developing the program, UAH, 11 2. Operating costs, UAH, 37 3. Annual savings, UAH. 6398.63 4. Payback period of the program years 3.09 5. Duration of calculations more less 6. Reliability of information less more The payback period of the program is 3.09 years, which is less than the standard payback period of 5 years for mechanical engineering. The efficiency ratio of capital investments is 0.32, which is more than the standard (0.2). Annual savings when using the program are 6398.63 UAH. Thus, the implementation of the software product is economically feasible.

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There are calculations of general (absolute) economic efficiency and comparative economic efficiency. The need to use two types of economic efficiency calculations is associated with two types of problems, some of which are solved to answer the question - what to produce, and others - how to produce. To answer the first question, the overall economic efficiency is determined; to answer the second, comparative economic efficiency is determined.

The indicator of absolute economic efficiency is used in two versions:

For large-scale economic systems - the national economy as a whole, industries, ministries;

For associations and enterprises.

Labor productivity is used as a general economic indicator of economic efficiency in many countries, since increasing capital investments (investments) in new enterprises and advanced technologies is a sure way to increase labor productivity. The correctness of the choice of this indicator can be illustrated by comparative data for the last 20 years for Germany, Japan and the USA.

German entrepreneurs annually invested about 20% of GNP in new enterprises and technologies. During this time, labor productivity in industrial sectors increased annually by an average of 5%. In Japan, these figures amounted to 33% of GNP and 11% of annual labor productivity growth, respectively. In the US, investment accounted for 10% of GNP, which resulted in 3% annual growth in labor productivity.

For industries and ministries, absolute economic efficiency is defined as the ratio of the increase in profit P to the capital investment K that caused this increase:

E neg = P: K

Essentially, this indicator represents capital productivity, calculated as the ratio:

E f = state of emergency: (C av + C ob)

where PE is net production.

To analyze ways to increase absolute economic efficiency, let’s present this expression in the following form:

where S is the annual wage fund; N is the number of employees.

Let us introduce the following notation:

S: Emergency =v- wage standard per 1 rub. clean products;

S:N=s- average annual salary of one worker;

C av: N = Ф in - capital-labor ratio;

C o6: C = f - indicator of the structure of production assets.

Using the introduced notations, we obtain the expression:

E f = s: [ v* F in, (1 + f)], which allows you to evaluate the factors with which you can manage the efficiency of capital investments.

For enterprises, absolute economic efficiency is measured by the return on capital investment, which we discussed in detail earlier.

When determining comparative economic efficiency, savings are defined as the difference in the reduced costs when using old and new objects of labor or options for carrying out any production activities.

The size of the annual economic effect is determined by the formula:

E g = (C 1 + E n K 1) - (C 2 + E n K 2).

When comparing several (more than two) options, it is more convenient to use the reduced cost indicator, since it makes it possible to directly select the option with the lowest cost:

Z p = C + E n K = min.

Determining the comparative economic efficiency of new technology is carried out according to a general methodology, but at the same time it has some peculiarities.

First question, which arises in this case is the choice of a base for comparison. According to existing industry methods, at the stage of development of new equipment, the best foreign or domestic equipment is taken as the basis for comparison, and at the operating stage, the equipment being replaced at a given enterprise is taken as the basis for comparison.

Second question, What needs to be resolved is the question of performance indicators, i.e. what to compare and in what cases.

Three typical cases can be identified:

1. When determining the efficiency of manufactured products (final products) with the same consumer value, the most economically efficient will be the one on which the least amount of social labor was spent, i.e., the cheaper one.

2. Determining the efficiency of fixed non-productive assets practically comes down to calculating the amount of annual depreciation per unit of consumer value, for example 1 m 2 of area.

3. The efficiency of fixed production assets is assessed primarily by the minimum payback period for capital investments.

Third question, which must be resolved is the determination of productivity growth.

Fourth question - This is a calculation of the size of the annual economic effect.

The annual economic effect of new equipment is determined by the difference in the reduced costs in the accounting year for the basic and new equipment

E = (3 nl - 3 n2)Q 2 = [(C 1 + E n K 1) - (C 2 + EK 2)]Q 2, where 3 nl and Z n2 are the reduced costs per unit of product produced according to the old and new technology; Q 2 - annual volume of products produced in the accounting year by new equipment; C 1 and C 2 - specific current costs when producing products using old and new equipment, respectively; K 1 and K 2 - specific capital investments for the acquisition of old and new equipment; E n - standard coefficient of economic efficiency.

When determining the annual economic effect, the comparability of basic and new equipment must be ensured by types of products produced, by quality parameters, by special factors of production and use of products, by impact on the environment, etc. The time factor when calculating the annual economic effect is taken into account by bringing costs to the beginning of the accounting year by multiplying the costs of the corresponding year by the reduction factor

B = (l+E) t, where t is the time lag separating the costs and results of a given year from the beginning of the accounting year. Reduction of multi-time costs is used only in calculations of the annual economic effect.

Before embarking on the implementation of certain new technologies or equipment, it is necessary, in addition to the appropriate calculations, to determine the technical and organizational level of existing production and its readiness to perceive the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

The creation of a formula for calculating economic efficiency could significantly make life easier for enterprises. In order to increase profits, each company tries to improve the quality of products and increase its income or invest money in the production process in order to reduce costs.

Types of efficiency

Efficiency falls into two categories. The first is economic. The second is socio-economic.

In economic efficiency, the criterion is the company's ability to maximize the amount of profit it receives. The criterion of socio-economic efficiency is the level of satisfaction of the interests and needs of the population.

Classic efficiency calculation

The general formula for calculating economic efficiency is as follows:

EkEf = R / Z, Where

EkEf - economic efficiency;

P - the result obtained from the investment;

Z - costs incurred to achieve the result.

This formula can be used to calculate the economic efficiency of activities whose duration is designed for a short period of time. In another case, this indicator is not able to reflect the feasibility of investments, since additional variables appear that are not included in the above formula.

Absolute efficiency

There is also a formula that reflects absolute efficiency. It looks like this:

EE abs = (Eph 1 - Eph 0) / (I + K*K n), Where

EE abs - economic efficiency;

Eph 1 - overall result after the events;

Eph 0 - result before the events;

I - total costs;

K - capital investments for events;

Standard coefficient

This index shows what the minimum acceptable efficiency in a particular area may be. The parameter is the same for all types of activities in a particular industry, but may differ depending on the area.

The coefficient value ranges from 10 to 33 percent. In the trade sector this figure is 25%, in the industrial sector - 16%.

Efficiency of use of production factors

Any enterprise has labor resources, fixed and working capital. Without them, the production process is impossible. Companies are also trying to improve their investment performance to improve performance.

To calculate the efficiency of using each of these factors, different methods are used. Some of them are based on the same principles.

Personnel efficiency

In order to measure how effectively a company uses its workers, two parameters are used. The first is production. The second indicator is labor intensity. Output is calculated as the ratio of the number of goods produced to personnel costs:

B = O / W, Where

B - output;

The labor intensity indicator is the inverse of the previous indicator and reflects how much money needs to be spent on enterprise personnel in order to produce one unit of product.

T = W / O = V -1 = 1 / V, Where

T - labor intensity;

B - output;

O - volume of products manufactured at the enterprise;

Z - costs incurred by the enterprise for labor resources.

The formula for calculating economic efficiency for a company's labor resources can be displayed as follows:

EE tr = ((O 1 * C - Z 1) - (O 0 * C - Z 0)) / I, Where

EE tr - economic efficiency for labor resources;

O 1 - volume of products produced after investment in personnel;

P - price of products;

О 0 - volume of product sales before investments in labor resources;

Fixed Assets (Fixed Assets)

There are two main parameters for calculating the efficiency of using public funds: capital productivity and capital intensity. Return on assets is calculated as the ratio of the cost of all products that were produced by the enterprise during one year to the average annual cost of assets.

F o = VP / C this year, Where

VP - all company products in monetary terms (including the cost of semi-finished products and work in progress);

F about - capital productivity;

Since this year - cost of PF per 1 year on average.

The capital intensity indicator is the inverse of the return on fixed assets. The value of the coefficient can be determined using several formulas.

F e = (F o) -1 = 1/F o, Where

F e - capital intensity;

F about - capital productivity.

In the event that the return on fixed assets (FPE) indicator is not found, capital intensity can be determined as follows:

F e = (C s.g. / VP), Where

F e - capital intensity;

VP - the value of gross output in monetary terms;

Since this year - average annual cost of fixed assets.

All companies are trying to reduce capital intensity and increase capital productivity. An example of a formula for calculating the economic efficiency of investments in fixed assets is presented below:

EE of = ((O 1 * C 1 - Z 1) - (O 0 * C 0 - Z 0)) / I, Where

EE of - economic efficiency for fixed assets;

О 1 - volume of products produced after investment in the PF;

T 1 - price of products after investment;

T 2 - price of products before investing in fixed assets;

Z 1 - costs of production after the events;

О 0 - volume of product sales before investments in fixed assets;

Z 0 - costs of production before the events.

Working capital (Vol.S.)

To determine the effectiveness of the use of working capital of an enterprise, three indicators are used:

  • turnover ratio;
  • turnover period;
  • load factor Vol. WITH.

Turnover coefficient Vol. C. Is the same thing as capital productivity for the operating system. It is calculated according to the formula:

K ob = RP / S obs, Where

K rev - turnover coefficient;

The load factor is the inverse of the turnover ratio:

K z = (K ob) -1 = 1 / K ob = S obs / RP, Where

Kz - load factor;

K rev - turnover coefficient;

RP - goods sold by the company in monetary terms;

With obs - average balance amount. WITH.

The turnover period is the number of days required for working capital to make one full revolution, calculated as follows:

T ob = D / K ob = D * S obs / RP, Where

T rev - turnover time;

D - number of days of the analyzed period;

K rev - turnover coefficient;

RP - goods sold by the company in monetary terms;

With obs - average balance amount. WITH.

The formula for improving the use of working capital is based not so much on additional profit, but on reducing costs.

EE obs = E y / I, Where

EE obs - economic efficiency of working capital;

E y - conditional savings of working capital;

And - the size of the investment.

Economic effect

Formulas for calculating economic efficiency have found wide application among companies that make short-term cash injections to improve certain aspects of their activities. The formula for calculating it is as follows:

Ef = D - I * K, Where

Ef - economic effect;

D - income or savings from events;

I - costs of holding events;

Kn - standard coefficient.

Advertising effectiveness

Advertising is a set of marketing tools, the purpose of which is to disseminate information about goods, services, people, companies, as well as to attract customers. The formula for calculating the economic efficiency of advertising reflects the result obtained after an advertising campaign. The formula for determining the coefficient looks like this:

EE p = (VD 1 - VD 0) / I, Where

When calculating the effectiveness of using advertising funds, it is very difficult to determine how much the gross income of an enterprise has increased precisely because of advertising. There is no guarantee that the company's revenue would not have increased if the company had not advertised itself or its product. Despite this, the cost-effectiveness of advertising is still considered.

Economic efficiency of the company

The main indicator in a company's work is net profit, the portion of revenue that remains after all costs have been deducted and all taxes have been paid. There is no point in increasing revenue if costs increase at the same rate or at an even greater rate.

Thus, the classic calculation of economic efficiency cannot always reflect how the proposed measures will ultimately affect the final result. This is due to the fact that it is calculated as the ratio of the result to the costs of achieving it only. In cases where the result is gross income, the indicator of economic efficiency is not accurate, since it does not take into account a possible increase in production costs.

The formula for calculating the economic efficiency of an enterprise can be expressed as follows:

EE p = (PE 1 - PE 0) / I, Where

EE p - economic efficiency of the enterprise;

PE 1 - net profit after investment;

BH 0 - net profit before investment.

Long-term investment project

All of the above methods for calculating effectiveness can only be used for short-term activities (up to one year). In the long term, the calculation formula does not take into account discount factors, which make it possible to calculate the feasibility of ownership taking into account alternative income.

As such, there is no formula for calculating the economic efficiency of a long-term project. The feasibility of an investment is calculated based on the net present value, as well as the payback period, which reflects how long it takes for the investment project to pay off in full and begin to make a profit.

Net is calculated as the sum of all payments and income from the investment, taking into account discount factors for each period. The NPV formula can be presented as follows:

NTC = (CF / (1 + р) 1) + (CF / (1 + р) 2) + (CF / (1 + р) 3) + … + (CF / (1 + р) n), where

NPV - net present value;

CF - payment flow (difference between income and expenses);

p - calculation percentage;

n is the duration of the investment project.

This parameter shows how effectively investment funds are used. If the NPV size is higher or equal to zero, this means that it is advisable to implement the investment project. In the case where the net present value is negative, you should calculate the internal interest to see how much the money is worth.

An example of calculating project economic efficiency indicators is presented on the basis of conditional initial data in Table 2, as well as calculated data in Table 3.

1. List of main production workers:


where is the complexity of the production program;

Annual working time fund for the company's employees;

Coefficient that takes into account the loss of working time due to vacations (regular, student, etc.);

The average rate of fulfillment of time standards (output) by workers per year.

2. Cost of the annual product production program:

RUB 532.64/ed. * = 63916.8 thousand rubles/year,

where is the wholesale price of the product;

Annual product production program.

3. Annual production output per payroll production worker:

Thousand rub./person/year,

where is the wholesale price of the product;

Annual product production program;

Person - payroll number of main production workers:

4. Product output in wholesale prices of the enterprise per 1 ruble of the wage fund of production workers:

where is the wholesale price of the product;

120 thousand editions/year - annual product production program;

Payroll fund for production workers.

5. Average monthly salary of production workers of the enterprise:


where is the annual wage fund for production workers;

Number of months in a year;

List of production workers.

6. Costs per 1 ruble of products produced:


where is the total cost of the product, rubles/ed.;

Wholesale price of the product, rub./ed.

7. Annual profit from sales of products:

RUB 88.77/ed. * 120 thousand editions/year = 10652.4 thousand rubles/year,

where 88.77 rub./ed. - profit of the enterprise from the sale of one product;

120 thousand items/year - annual product production program.

The results of calculating the economic efficiency indicators of the project are summarized in Table 4.

Table 4

Results of calculation of project economic efficiency indicators

Indicator name Unit The value of the indicator
1. Annual production of products thousand ed.
2. Material consumption rate for the product kg/ed. 1,8
3. Piece standard time for a product Partial edition 0,8
4. Full cost of the product r./ed. 443,87
5. Enterprise profit from product sales r./ed. 88,77
6. Wholesale price of the product r./ed. 532,64
7. Selling price of the product r./ed. 628,52
8. Cost of the annual product production program thousand rubles/year 63916,8
9. Cost of the annual product production program thousand rubles/year 53264,4
10. Number of production workers people
11. Annual production per payroll worker thousand rubles/person 1420,4
12. Product output for 1 rub. wage fund r./r. 4,6
13. Average monthly wages of production workers RUB/month
14. Costs per 1 ruble of manufactured products r./r. 0,83
15. Annual profit from product sales thousand rubles/year 10652,4


This methodological work presents the practical aspects of the economic part of the final qualifying work of undergraduate engineering students.

The publication is intended for methodological support of independent work of bachelor's degree graduates on calculations of economic indicators to assess the degree of effectiveness of technical solutions proposed in the WRC.

Knowledge, skills and abilities to carry out an economic feasibility study of proposed activities using theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of economics and production organization in practice indicate the bachelor’s degree and preparedness for the upcoming professional activity and continuation of master’s studies.


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Educational edition



Guidelines for the implementation of the economic part

final qualification work of bachelors

in areas of training 03/15/01 Mechanical engineering,

03.22.01 Materials science and materials technology,

03/15/05 Design and technological support

machine-building industries

Compiled by MILKOVA Olga Ivanovna


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