Horror party food names. When is Halloween celebrated: date

Halloween is coming! An eerie and at the same time fun holiday that children look forward to. A living fairy tale about a black hand in a black room, which is located in the farthest corner of a black house... If your apartment this time will be a haven for witches, ghouls and ghouls, it’s time to provide the appropriate surroundings and quietly retire to a calmer (or, conversely, more creepy?) place. And don't forget to prepare plenty of food for the little evil spirits!

There is no need to invent any special children's dishes for Halloween - appearance is important here. What scope for imagination - here you have cut off sausage fingers, and spaghetti worms, and creepy eyes made of eggs, and cakes in the form of coffins... Do not skimp on tomato blood, paint your usual dishes in creepy colors, just don’t overdo it - especially impressionable ones Children may then refuse pasta or sausage dishes for a long time.

Pinched Fingers Sandwiches

6 sandwich buns,
6 sausages,
bright red ketchup, mayonnaise.

Cut the sausages in half and cut each half lengthwise. Fry in vegetable oil. Cut the buns in half lengthwise, put 4 “fingers” in each, pour ketchup on them and cover with the top half of the bun. Use mayonnaise to paint your nails. Place the buns on a baking sheet and place in a hot oven to warm up.

To prepare this delicacy you will need not only ingredients, but also carving skills. Using scissors, cut out bat wings from sheets of thin pita bread. In principle, you are not required to be particularly precise, but the wings should be recognizable. Dilute salt and your favorite spices to taste in olive oil, brush the wings with the aromatic mixture and place them on a baking sheet. Place it in a hot oven for 3-5 minutes, making sure that the wings do not burn, but remain rosy and crispy.

Salad in pita “Monster Face”. Cut the pita buns in half crosswise. Place a leaf of lettuce into each bun, turning it outward - this will be the tongue of the future monster. Fill the pita with any salad, a little heaping. Sprinkle with grated hard cheese, place two halves of olives (eyes) and a triangle of sweet red or orange pepper (nose).

12 sausages,
1 layer of ready-made puff pastry,
ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise.

Roll out the defrosted puff pastry into a thin layer and cut into strips. Swaddle each sausage like a mummy, making a thickening where the mummy's arms are hidden and leaving the "head" uncovered. Place in a hot oven for 12-15 minutes, baking until golden brown. On the free part of the sausage, draw eyes, nose and mouth with ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard.

Another delicious option for preparing children's dishes for Halloween. Grease lightly dried toast with butter and place a piece of ham. Make eyes from rings of olives or olives, and from thin semicircular strips of sweet pepper - a mouth open in a terrible scream. Cut thin slices of light-colored processed cheese into strips and place them, imitating bandages and partially covering the eyes and mouth.

Cutlets “Eyes of Dracula”

400 g minced meat,
1 onion,
50 ml milk,
1 slice of stale wheat bread,
1 raw egg,
3 boiled eggs,
3 pitted olives
6 slices of light-colored processed cheese,

Mix the minced meat with chopped onion, bread soaked in milk and a raw egg. Salt and pepper. Roll 6 cutlets and place them in a pan greased with vegetable oil. Place to bake for 30-35 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the boiled eggs in half crosswise, and also cut the olives crosswise. Make a well in the top of the eggs and place the olive, cut side up. Add ketchup to the cut or place a piece of red bell pepper. Remove the cutlets from the oven, cover each with a slice of cheese and place the egg cut side down on top. Return pan to oven and bake until cheese is melted. Pour ketchup over the cheese, simulating bloody veins.

1 package of ready-made puff pastry,
2 boiled chicken breasts,
1 stack grated hard cheese,
½ cup tomato sauce or ketchup,
1 stack boiled small horns,
olives, red bell pepper.

Cut circles the size of tea saucers from the puff pastry. Pour sauce or ketchup, add finely chopped chicken breast, sprinkle with cheese. Make “hair” from pasta, eyes from olive halves, and an open mouth from strips of red pepper. Pour ketchup, simulating bloody streaks, and place in a hot oven for a few minutes to melt the cheese.

"Tarantula Spider"

1 kg of ready-made pizza dough,
1 egg,
1 olive
1 stack bright red ketchup,
½ cup grated hard cheese,
poppy - for rolling.


Divide the dough into 2 parts. Roll one part into a ball - the body of the spider. Divide the second part into 2 more parts and from one roll another ball - the head of a spider. Roll out 8 sausages from the remaining dough - these will be the legs of the spider. Roll the sausages in poppy seeds. Fold the spider, attaching the head and legs to the body, sprinkle with cheese. Cut the olive and make the eyes. Bake at 190ºC for 25-30 minutes. Place the finished spider on a flat dish, cut off the upper part of the body and remove the flesh. Pour ketchup into the resulting well. Tear off the spider's legs and dip them in the sauce.
The main dishes for children on Halloween are, of course, sweets. Prepare familiar cookies and cakes in an unusual form.

3 stacks flour,
1 egg,
150 g butter,
5 tbsp. Sahara,
4 tbsp. milk,
almonds - for decoration.

Melt the butter, add sugar, milk and egg, beat with a mixer. Add flour in small portions while kneading the dough. Cut it into small pieces, roll it out into finger shapes and place it on a baking sheet. Place almonds on the tips of your “fingers”, unpeeled for extra spookiness, brush with yolk, sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake for 25 minutes at 180ºC.

150 g butter,
75 g powdered sugar,
1 yolk,
225 g flour,
1 tbsp. cocoa,
a pinch of salt,
protein glaze - for decoration.

Mix all the ingredients for the dough and knead into a smooth, elastic dough. Do not add water or milk, even if the dough crumbles at first. Place the finished dough in a plastic bag and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then roll out the dough into a layer 0.5 cm thick and cut out cookies in the form of figures of people and animals. Place the cookies on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and place in an oven preheated to 200ºC for 10 minutes. On the cooled cookies, using a cornet with glaze, apply thin lines in the form of skeletal bones (rather conventionally, of course!).

Creepy bloody eyes on a plate. For sweet horror you will need small white marshmallows, pomegranate seeds and thick bright red syrup (or better yet, not hardened jelly, which can still be poured in a thin stream). Press a pomegranate seed into the center of each marshmallow and paint bloody streaks with syrup or jelly. Let dry before serving.

2 stacks flour,
1 stack pumpkin puree,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
4 tsp baking powder,
1 tsp salt,
1 tsp cinnamon,
1 ½ cups milk,
4 eggs,
¼ cup melted butter,
raisins, chocolate pieces or dark berries - for decoration.

Combine dry ingredients. Mix milk, yolks and butter with pumpkin puree. Pour the resulting mixture into the flour and stir until smooth. Beat the whites until they form a stable foam and add to the dough, stirring gently so that they do not settle. In a wide frying pan, bake ghost-shaped pancakes, pouring the batter into shapeless clouds. While the pancakes are frying on the bottom, add 2 smaller berries, raisins or chocolate pieces and 1 larger piece, forming the eyes and mouth of the ghosts. Flip and finish cooking the pancakes as usual. The children will be delighted!

You will need large round chocolate chip cookies, chocolate waffle cones and chocolate ice cream for the filling. For decoration you will need colored dragee and green colored glaze. Fill waffle cones with heaping ice cream, attach to cookies to create pointy hats, and place on tray. Place in the freezer. Before serving, make a ribbon of icing by running a cornet along the junction of the waffle cone and the cookie, and strengthen one dragee.

Ice cream "Mold bricks". To prepare this dish, you will need ice cream on waffles or cookies, blue and green confectionery sprinkles or coconut flakes, protein or protein-cream cream and blue and green food coloring. Prepare the cream and color it with food coloring. The more sickening the color, the better. Cut the ice cream in half; if the briquettes are very large, quickly coat with cream and dip in the sprinkles (shavings). Place on a platter and place in the freezer.

Melt white (non-porous!) chocolate with a small amount of heavy cream in a water bath. When all the chocolate has melted, dip each strawberry, holding it by the stem, into the chocolate and quickly transfer to a tray lined with baking paper. As you place the berries on the sheet, pull them slightly so that the excess chocolate forms “ghost tails.” Before the chocolate hardens, stick in a couple of small brown sprinkles - these will be the ghost's eyes. Place in the refrigerator. Once the chocolate has set, dip a toothpick into the melted dark chocolate and draw an open mouth.

In order for you to get a great meringue, pay attention to the tips on our website. Having gained theoretical knowledge, start preparing a wonderful and not at all scary dessert for the kids. Take 50 g of powdered sugar for each protein. Add a little lemon juice or crystalline citric acid to the whites, mix and start beating, adding powder. Beat until “hard peaks” form, when the whites hold tightly to the whisk and do not fall off. Using a piping bag, pipe the meringues onto a baking tray lined with baking paper, deliberately pulling them up to create ghost heads (like in Disney cartoons). Stick raisin eyes into the meringue and bake in a not very hot oven for an hour and a half. Let cool in the oven and carefully remove from the sheet. You can use melted chocolate to add a mouth.

2 packages of semi-finished jelly made from strawberries, raspberries or other bright red berries,
1 packet of chewing marmalade in the shape of worms,
blue or green food coloring,
deep plate with painted eyes and mouth.

Dilute the jelly according to the instructions on the package, reducing the amount of water by about a third. Pour out some of the jelly and color it with dye (the color will be simply disgusting). Pour the red jelly into a bowl and set in the refrigerator. Stir the jelly several times until its surface at least vaguely resembles the cerebral cortex. Stick gummy worms into the frozen jelly, melt the dye-colored jelly and pour disgusting streaks over the whole abomination. Brrr...

And, of course, you can’t do without the queen of the spooky ball - the pumpkin. For children, the best treat is real pumpkin pie. And if you decorate it with an ominous cobweb, it will also be a terribly delicious pie.

300 g pumpkin,
100 g butter,
150 g sugar,
3 eggs,
1 lemon,
1 stack flour,
1 tsp soda
For decoration:
white and brown glaze.

Grate the raw peeled pumpkin on a medium grater. Remove the zest from the lemon using a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Cream the butter and sugar until white, add the eggs and stir thoroughly. Add zest, pumpkin and lemon juice, stir and add flour and soda. Stir until smooth and place the dough in a greased pan. Place the pan in the oven, preheated to 180ºC, for 30-40 minutes. Pour the crust glaze over the cooled cake and let dry. Using a cornet, apply circles of white icing to the surface of the cake at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other. Then, using a thin wooden stick, draw radial stripes from the center to the edges, which will deform the circles. The web is ready! Get a toy or edible spider and place it on the pie.

Blue-green lemonade. You will need bright yellow lemonade, green and blue food coloring, and ice cubes. Pour lemonade into glasses, add ice and add a drop of blue and green dye. Using a thin stick, lightly stir the ice in the glasses, but do not stir so that the bright streaks of coloring spread inside.

Making kids' Halloween food is super easy and kids will love it! Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina

13 scary holiday recipes

Halloween is one of the most ancient holidays. According to the beliefs of the Celts, who then inhabited the territory of modern Ireland, the year consisted of two seasons: summer and winter. The end of the harvest meant the end of summer and was celebrated on October 31st. On the night of November 1, the new year began, and winter came into its possession.

According to ancient legends, on this night the border between two worlds opened: the world of the living and the world of the dead. To scare away evil spirits, pagans lit bonfires on the street, wore animal skins and decorated their heads with animal heads. This is where the tradition of dressing up in scary costumes came from.

What to cook for Halloween

Halloween is approaching, and perhaps you've already thought about throwing a scary party for the occasion. Of course, not only the costumes, but also the food should be Halloween-appropriate. So, what scary things can you prepare for this unusual night? Below are a few ideas you might like.

Nest with rotten eggs

  • Ingredients:
  • chicken eggs
  • salted herring fillet
  • mayonnaise
  • salt and spices to taste
  • balsamic vinegar
  • lettuce leaves
  • chokeberry or coffee

  • A very simple and cheap dish, the main ingredient of which is eggs. So, first of all, boil the eggs hard. Let cool.
  • To make a rotten pattern on eggs, proceed as follows:
    1. Break the eggshell so that there are many cracks. We do not peel off the shell itself.
    2. Boil the eggs for a couple of minutes in chokeberry juice or in regular strong coffee. The stronger the solution, the darker the stains on the eggs will be.
    3. Take out the eggs. Carefully peel the shells off the cooled eggs. A dark net remains on the squirrel.
  • Cut the eggs in half and remove the yolks. Grind the yolks with mayonnaise, add finely chopped salted herring fillets.
  • Stuff the eggs with the resulting filling. We combine the stuffed rugs to make “whole” eggs.
  • We make a nest from red lettuce or any other one. Place a spoonful of mayonnaise in the center of the nest and pour Modena balsamic vinegar over it. We put “rotten” eggs in this slurry.
  • For greater naturalness, the composition can be supplemented with “worms”, which are cut from herring fillets. That's it, your "ghoulish" Halloween snack is ready!

Fried hand

  • Ingredients:
  • 500 gr. minced meat
  • 2 onions
  • a piece of white bread
  • 100 ml. milk
  • 1 tbsp. mayonnaise
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp. ketchup
  • salt pepper
  • Provençal herbs or dill seeds
  • Oven-roasted human hand is one of the traditional Halloween recipes. The dish is simple to prepare and does not require any special artistic abilities; on the contrary, the scarier the better.
  • First of all, prepare the minced meat as for cutlets. Soak a piece of white bread in milk. Add the soaked bread to the minced meat.
  • Grind one small onion on a fine grater and add it to the minced meat.
  • Add salt, pepper, spices, and a spoonful of mayonnaise to the minced meat. Mayonnaise is needed so that the minced meat “moulds well and keeps its shape.” Mix everything thoroughly.
  • On a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, place the minced meat in the shape of a human hand.
  • Take a second onion (small size), remove one onion layer. From this layer we cut out the nails with scissors and attach them to the fingers. We put the onion itself into the hand, creating the appearance of a bone.
  • Place the baking sheet in a well-heated oven. Bake the hand in the oven for 20 minutes at 200°C.
  • Beat the egg. To give the color a reddish tint, add ketchup to the beaten egg.
  • Coat your hand with the resulting mixture. Place the pan in the oven again, bake until a fried crust forms, this takes about 5-10 minutes depending on the oven.
  • We serve the roasted human hand for dinner by candlelight.

Bitten off fingers

  • Ingredients:
  • Frankfurt thin sausages
  • ketchup
  • almond
  • Here is another cool recipe that will delight both adults and children. Fry the sausages in vegetable oil. If the sausages cook a little and wrinkles appear on them, it will only turn out worse.
  • At one end of each sausage, using a knife or kitchen scissors, cut a small indentation into which we insert the almonds.
  • You can make several semicircular cuts, similar to bite marks. We will then pour a little ketchup into these cuts.
  • We put our fingers on a plate, and then, with the inspiration of true artists, we pour ketchup on our fingers, trying to imitate the streaks of blood from severed fingers.
  • We place the plate with the treat on the table (it is advisable to dim the light). This Halloween dish is sure to please your guests.

Cookies "Bloody Brains"

  • Ingredients:
  • walnuts
  • cookie
  • White chocolate
  • raspberry or strawberry syrup
  • Kids will definitely love this Halloween recipe, it’s very tasty and unusual. Take halves or quarters of walnuts.
  • Melt white chocolate in a water bath.
  • We prepare small cookies in advance, on which we will place chocolate-covered nuts.
  • It is also advisable to stock up on tweezers or small tongs with which it is convenient to grab the nut, dip it in melted chocolate and place it on the cookies. If there is no such tool, then we do everything by hand.
  • After bathing the nuts in chocolate, we put the plate with cookies in the refrigerator so that the chocolate hardens.
  • Before serving, pour the “brains” with red syrup; raspberry or strawberry syrup is suitable for this. You can use jam syrup.

Hamburger with teeth

  • Ingredients:
  • sesame buns
  • chopped meat
  • salt pepper
  • tomato
  • pickles
  • fresh salad
  • vegetable oil
  • mayonnaise, ketchup
  • shelled almonds or peanuts
  • If you use your imagination, you can make something unusual out of the most ordinary dish. And this photo is proof of that. We prepare traditional hamburgers, I have posted a detailed recipe with step-by-step photos.
  • We insert almond nuts as teeth (peanuts are fine), pour in more ketchup so that the streaks look like streams of blood.
  • We make eyes from mayonnaise and flattened peas, you can use capers, olive slices, etc.
  • That's all, our delicious and very funny horror story is ready. And how much joy it will bring children to prepare such a dish for Halloween!

  • Ingredients:
  • dates
  • unsalted cream cheese
  • pine needles
  • plastic cockroaches
  • Cut the dates with a sharp knife and remove the seeds.
  • We fill the dates with unsalted cream cheese such as mascarpone or Philadelphia.
  • We insert two pine needles to represent a cockroach's whiskers.
  • We close the two halves of the date, then place our finished cockroach on a plate with the rest of the “insects”. For authenticity, place several plastic cockroaches on the dish. The cockroach idea comes from the blog boredpanda.com.

Snake Salad

  • Ingredients:
  • chicken fillet
  • mushrooms
  • carrot
  • hard cheese
  • mayonnaise
  • vegetable oil
  • A salad in the shape of a snake is perfect for this holiday. Preparing Snake salad is quite simple. All vegetables are finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil. We also fry mushrooms. Three hard cheeses on a coarse grater. Mix all ingredients while cooled.
  • Read more about how to prepare this delicious salad.

Bleeding eyes

  • Ingredients:
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 jar of canned fish
  • pitted black olives
  • pitted green olives
  • kutchup
  • mayonnaise
  • Here's another variation of an egg dish for Halloween night. Boil hard-boiled eggs.
  • We cut the eggs in half, not lengthwise, but crosswise. This will give the halves a more rounded shape.
  • Take out the yolk. Grind the yolk with a spoon of mayonnaise and the pulp of canned tuna. Stuff eggs with filling.
  • Place the stuffed eggs cut side down on a plate. Cut green olives into slices. From a green circle we make the iris of the eye, from a piece of black olive we make a black pupil.
  • Place the remaining filling on a plate between the egg-eyes. Sprinkle ketchup on top to create the appropriate mood. You understand that there should be a lot of “blood” on Halloween.

Deadly spiders

  • Ingredients:
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 can of canned fish
  • black olives without pits
  • mayonnaise
  • Here's a simpler dish that you can make for Halloween using almost the same ingredients as the previous recipe. We cut the boiled eggs lengthwise and make the filling from yolks, mayonnaise, anchovies or sprats.
  • Stuff the eggs. We make a pattern in the form of spiders from black olives. One half of the olive is the body of a spider. We cut the other half into eight strips - spider legs.
  • We put the spiders on a plate, our scary appetizer is ready.

Witch's broom

  • Ingredients:
  • cheese slices
  • breadsticks
  • sprigs of greenery
  • First cut the cheese into strips 3 centimeters wide. We cut each strip in the form of a fringe.
  • We wrap the cheese strip around the end of the bread stick and tie the cheese with a sprig of herbs. The witch's broom is ready! By the way, panicles can be made not only from cheese; sausage is also suitable.
  • Ingredients:
  • 250 gr. flour
  • 125 gr. butter
  • 125 gr. Sahara
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbsp. water
  • 1 protein
  • 100 gr. powdered sugar
  • lemon juice
  • chocolate glaze
  • For Halloween, you can make delicious cookies in the shape of coffins, ghosts, etc.
  • Heat the oil over low heat or in the microwave. Mix soft butter with sugar, add water, one egg and flour.
  • Knead the dough well and form a ball. Wrap in cling film and leave for 45 minutes at room temperature.
  • Roll out the dough thinly, and then use figures (witch, star, moon, ghost, etc.) to press out the cookies.
  • Place the cookies on a greased baking sheet, which you then place in the preheated oven.
  • Bake Halloween cookies for 10-15 minutes at 180. Remove and leave to cool.
  • To prepare the white icing, beat one egg white along with powdered sugar and two or three drops of lemon juice.
  • To prepare the chocolate glaze, melt the chocolate. Cover the cookies with glaze.

The bats

  • Ingredients:
  • chocolate muffins
  • chocolate cookies
  • chocolate
  • small chocolate chip cookies
  • M&M's jelly beans
  • Here's another idea for a delicious and unusual Halloween treat. And what’s most important is that you don’t have to cook anything, just buy ready-made ingredients and quickly make these wonderful bats. The only thing you still have to do is melt the chocolate in a water bath and then pour it over the chocolate cupcakes.
  • Well, then insert the halves of chocolate cookies and the head of a bat into the still warm chocolate. The eyes are white M&M's, by the way, the eyes can be made red, it will turn out scarier))).

Dessert "Tomb"

  • Ingredients:
  • chocolate pudding
  • cookie
  • chocolate
  • small chocolate chip cookies
  • M&M's jelly beans
  • Graves at Halloween is, as they say, a classic of the genre, so don't forget about this traditional treat. The recipe is simple, you can buy chocolate pudding or make it yourself using this recipe.
  • Sprinkle chopped chocolate on top of the pudding and insert the biscuits (tombstone). You can take round cookies, but rectangular ones will be better.
  • Using melted chocolate we draw a cross or write the name of the deceased. That's all, I think your guests will not refuse to try this “scary” dessert)))))

Even in the process of forming the cookies, we give them a creepy look, and decorate the finished ones, bringing the composition to its logical conclusion.


The web will find its place on the table in various interpretations. First of all, decorate salads or sandwiches with a web of mayonnaise. Harmful? Creepy.

But not a lot of creepy sauce will end up in your super “diet” Halloween dishes. So draw - don't stop.

The web also looks interesting on sweet treats.

In this case, you can use any thick cream or glaze to decorate the same cupcakes, cookies, or jelly.

Spiders: scary food for Halloween

The original stuffed eggs with the name “Black Widow” are simply a must-have on the Halloween table.

Every housewife knows how and what to stuff chicken eggs with.

The trick to this recipe is the decoration. You will need black olives.

After all the eggs are stuffed, start laying out the spiders. Cut the olives in half.

Place the halves in the middle of the egg, and from the other half we cut the legs, which we place in 4 pieces on each side of the olive. These will be the spider's legs. It not only looks original, but is also incredibly tasty.

Brains: Halloween food ideas

A very popular dish for Halloween. Of course, you can prepare it from real brains. But such a dish is not for everyone.

Therefore, we will make brains from pate, especially for the buffet table. We prepare chicken or turkey liver pate according to the usual recipe, arm ourselves with a spoon, knife and fork, turn on our imagination and make a pile of ready-made brains to take away.

Mummies: Halloween food, DIY recipes

Ideas with mummies are not only interesting, but also delicious. First of all, we bake mini pizzas. Give the base dough the shape of an elongated body.

This can be homemade unleavened yeast dough or ready-made store-bought dough. Add your favorite filling and, of course, decorate with strips of cheese.

Once baked, the cheese will melt and give your mummy a realistic look. Give her some eyes and the creepy mummy is ready.

Sausage in dough looks even more interesting. This is where you really get a real mummy. Pack the sausage in the dough, wrapping it in strips of yeast dough. Brush with egg and place in the oven until the dough is ready. A mummy with a crispy crust and tender pink flesh, what could be better for Halloween.

And interesting mummies are made from small juice bags that you just need to wrap with regular toilet paper. Insert the straws and the mummy drink is ready.

Any buffet dish can be given an unusual and terrifying look. Therefore, you can safely put your usual recipes on the Halloween menu, just work on the decoration.

Recipes for scary main dishes: Halloween themed table

But light snacks and buffet sandwiches are not always enough. Some housewives are happy to indulge in culinary madness, setting a terribly delicious table for Halloween.

Do your guests not only love to have fun, but also to eat? No problem! You'll love our ideas for scary delicious Halloween main dishes.

Turkey pasta and meatballs - the all-seeing eye

  • minced turkey – 0.5 kg;
  • grated cheese – ¼ cup;
  • breadcrumbs - ¼ cup;
  • ground black pepper – ¼ teaspoon;
  • salt.

To prepare the marinade you will need:

  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • ripe tomatoes – 1.2 kg;
  • celery – 2 stalks;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • olives;
  • salt and pepper;
  • Bay leaf.

We start cooking with the marinade. To do this, take our ripe juicy tomatoes and remove the skin from them.

You can easily remove the skin from tomatoes by placing them in boiling water for a few minutes, then pouring them over with ice water. Don't forget to make a small cross-shaped cut on the tomato first.

In a frying pan, first fry the garlic and diced onion until transparent. Now add grated carrots and celery. After 10 minutes, you can pour the prepared tomato puree over the vegetables.

Don't forget to season the sauce with salt and pepper and add bay leaf.

Leave the sauce to simmer over low heat until thickened.

This may take a whole hour.

Therefore, let’s not waste time, but move on to preparing the meatballs themselves.

Mix all ingredients for meatballs.

Separately, cut the olives into discs.

These will be the eyes, which need to be carefully placed on each meatball, slightly pressed into the minced meat.

Pour the prepared sauce into a heat-resistant form and carefully place the meatballs in it.

Try to keep all eyes above the sauce level.

Cover the pan with foil and place in the oven for at least half an hour.

After this time, remove the dish and remove the foil. Bring the meatballs to readiness, uncovered, in the oven for another 10 minutes.

Boil the spaghetti and place the turkey meatballs with eyes on top. It is better to serve this dish hot and in portions.

Baked roll - the hand of a vampire

To prepare minced meat you will need:

  • minced pork and beef – 700 gr.;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese – 100–150 gr.;
  • ketchup;
  • greenery;
  • salt and pepper.

Prepare the base for meatloaf from ready-made minced meat, adding finely chopped onion, grated carrots, seasonings and herbs.

It is better to prepare the minced meat yourself from pieces of meat - this is a guarantee that the dish will turn out tasty.

We form a hand from the mass, laying out both the wrist itself and all the fingers. Now we cut out nail plates from the second bulb, which we put in their places. Stir the rest of the onion into a bone stump on the back side.

We coat the creepy hand with ketchup, and then cover it with sliced ​​cheese.

The workpiece is ready - it’s time to send it to the oven, where it will spend the next 40 minutes at a temperature of at least 200 degrees.

Adjust the time depending on the capacity of your oven and make sure that the vampire hand roll does not burn.

Place the finished dish on a plate and serve immediately to the table, where hungry zombies and witches are eagerly awaiting treats.

Stuffed Spooky Peppers

To prepare the peppers you will need:

  • spaghetti – 750–1000 gr.;
  • minced meat – 1 kg;
  • bell pepper – 10–15 pieces;
  • tomato paste – 100 gr.;
  • tomatoes – 2–3 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • basil and oregano;
  • salt and pepper.

In a heated frying pan, fry finely chopped onion and immediately add minced meat to it. We continue to cook over fairly high heat so that the water from the mass evaporates and the minced meat begins to fry. This will take 5–10 minutes, depending on the quality of the meat product.

Now add chopped tomatoes to the minced meat, from which we first remove the skins.

After frying the minced meat with tomatoes, add tomato paste and about half a liter of boiling water.

Salt, pepper, add all the seasonings and continue to simmer the meat sauce, now over low heat. It will take about another half hour to cook.

At this time, prepare the peppers themselves.

Take the number of peppers no less than the number of guests. Believe me, such a dish will not only be a wonderful decoration for Halloween - every guest will want to try the super scary pepper.

Cut off the tops and stems of the peppers and remove all the seeds. We rinse and use a very sharp knife to make holes in the shape of eyes and a lopsided mouth.

The peppers themselves do not need to be stewed or processed.

They will serve on the table as utensils, and not as an ingredient in the dish.

When the meat sauce is ready, boil the spaghetti in salted water and mix it with the minced meat.

Place the finished pasta with minced meat on the prepared peppers and, using a fork, pull the pasta out through the holes, giving the peppers an even more terrifying appearance.

Add more spaghetti to the peppers and sprinkle cheese on top.

Instead of spaghetti with minced meat, you can use pilaf or another hot dish as a filling for scary peppers.

Mystical mashed potatoes

This is not just a treat, it is a special substance for... Mashed potatoes, of course, will be eaten after the ritual. But in order to do this, let’s think about how to combine two goals.

Firstly, we prepare the puree not according to the usual recipe, but add spinach or boiled carrots to the potatoes, which will give it an unnatural color.

Now we are engaged in secret predictions.

You can find food-grade plastic figures and place them in the resulting substance. Or you can cut out figures from raw vegetables yourself.

You can see how to do fortune telling on mashed potatoes and the meaning of the figures in our article.

And of course, try to arrange the mystical potatoes in an unusual way. Let it be a volcano with lava or a raging river.

Give your favorite dishes a spooky look. Surprise your guests with unusual Halloween recipes. Experiment with new, albeit creepy at first glance, tastes. And your vampires and witches, ghosts and zombies, Leprechauns and cats will not remain hungry, and will tell their friends for a long time about the most terribly delicious food.

Video. Recipes for unusual dishes for Halloween

Halloween is a holiday that children and adults love. Take advantage of the occasion and organize a fun party for your friends. Scary masks, decorations and costumes will come in handy this night. However, do not forget to prepare themed snacks that will inspire fear in others. On Halloween, it is customary to treat people to sweets that look very unattractive. You can create dishes that closely resemble spiders, bats, human eyes and fingers. Take note for Halloween and prepare something that will scare and surprise your guests.


The black widow and her offspring, located on the holiday table, will undoubtedly capture the imagination of partygoers. Boil a few eggs and cut them in half. Remove the yolks, mash them with a fork, mix with spices, mayonnaise, salt and fried onions. Place the filling in the egg halves and decorate with olives, making scary spiders out of them.

Witch fingers

Halloween sweet snacks can also be quite scary in appearance. We invite you to prepare a classic dish that will resemble the fingers of an evil witch. For cookies you will need the following ingredients:

  • 150 grams of butter.
  • 200 grams of sugar.
  • Vanillin to taste.
  • 350 grams of flour.
  • Salt and baking powder for dough.

Mix all the products, knead the dough and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then we roll out sausages from the dough, which will represent the fingers of the old witch. Take a kitchen knife and use it to make notches that will represent phalanges and folds. To be convincing, grease the tips of your “fingers” with melted chocolate and place a “nail” on them, the role of which will be played by almonds or peanuts. Place the cookies in the oven for 20 minutes until lightly browned.

Dracula's teeth

Don't forget to make Halloween snacks using apples and nuts. They look pretty creepy, but they are very healthy and contain a lot of vitamins. So, we need to take several fruits of different colors, cut them into quarters and remove the seeds. After this, cut out the middle part so that the apple resembles an open mouth. We clean the nuts and insert them instead of teeth into the upper and lower rows. Instead of nuts, you can take any other treats, such as candied fruits or chewing gum. To add some spice to the dish, you can sprinkle it with cinnamon or vanilla.

Vampire smile

We present you another Halloween snack option. The scary menu can be supplemented with very tasty cookies, which will also look like the grin of a ghoul. To do this we will need to take red icing, almonds and marshmallows. Instead of frosting, you can use condensed milk mixed with food coloring. Cut the marshmallows into small pieces so that they resemble teeth. Brush half a cookie with frosting, place another one on top, and place marshmallows in two rows in the middle. Place almonds in place of the fangs and serve.

Zombie eyes

All Halloween recipes have an original twist, and this appetizer will be no exception. We will need:

  • Four boiled eggs.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Garlic.
  • Olives and ketchup.

Cut the eggs in half, remove the yolk and mix it with grated cheese, garlic and mayonnaise. Fill the resulting mixture with the whites, which will become the basis for the “eyes.” Cut the olives into rings, and then arrange them on the filling so that each one resembles a terrible pupil. Let's enhance the effect by decorating the center of the circle with a drop of tomato paste. To make the dish look especially scary, pour ketchup into the center of the plate and place two “zombie eyes” in the middle.

Delicious web

Prepare another version of the Halloween appetizer, and your guests will definitely appreciate your ingenuity and originality. Crispy web is prepared from regular pancake dough:

  • A glass of flour.
  • Three spoons of sugar.
  • One chicken egg.
  • Some milk.
  • Salt.
  • Vanillin.
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Mix all the products and pour the resulting mixture into a clean ketchup jar. Heat the oil in a frying pan and, using light movements, create a pattern in the form of a web. Carefully turn the pancake over and serve with a dusting of powdered sugar or grated chocolate.


Cocktails prepared for a party should also match the mood. Particular attention should be paid to their design and presentation to the festive table. Punch is considered a traditional drink for Halloween:

  • Two liters of cranberry nectar or juice.
  • One lemon and two limes.
  • One liter of clean water.
  • Gummy worms and spiders for decoration.

Combine the liquids in one large bowl, squeeze in the citrus juice and stir. Decorate the edges of the dishes with marmalade and place a ladle nearby for convenience. Children will be delighted with this treat, and adults may well add a little alcohol to their glass this evening.

We hope that our Halloween recipes will be useful for your themed party and make your holiday night fun and memorable.

Very soon the scariest holiday of the year will come - Halloween. In recent years, it has been popular not to acknowledge it, not to celebrate it, and to otherwise pretend that it doesn’t exist, but regardless of what you personally think, it exists and most likely isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Alas, living in society, it is difficult not to accept its tendencies, so most likely one way or another you will still be faced with the question Halloween menu- you may have to prepare something for a matinee in kindergarten, a charity fair at school, or even, at the child’s request, organize a small party for friends. In general, ideas what to cook for halloween, are needed, no matter what!

Everyone in our world is a little crazy.
L. Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland"

I won't make up now Halloween menu- I’ll just share with you those ideas that I found on the Internet a long time ago and kept for myself just in case. This year we will spend the Scariest Night visiting friends - most likely, we will cut out something unusual from pumpkins with the children, light many, many candles and bake some cookies. This will be enough to amuse the children, tell them about the traditions of other countries and cultures, show them an example of how this holiday generally takes place, and at the same time explain why it does not fit very well into our customs. In general, will we organize something or not, do you plan, what to cook for halloween or not, I’ll still sketch out a rough list of ideas. What if it comes in handy?

The main criterion when drawing up an approximate Halloween menu there was simplicity - I was looking for quick and affordable ideas, the implementation of which does not require spending two days of time, digging up a bunch of devices and rare products and learning special technologies. Considering that I perceive this holiday solely as a way to entertain children and teach them about the traditions of other countries, I do not intend to make complex cupcakes and stand over multi-tiered cakes for many hours in a row. One, two, and that's it, terrible Halloween menu ready!

1. Fruits Halloween is a rich theme. A little imagination can turn bananas into ghosts and tangerines into pumpkins. To realize these ideas, you need almost nothing except, strictly speaking, the fruits themselves. Oh, yes, a couple of spoons of lemon juice will also come in handy - so that bananas, apples and a number of other juicy delicacies remain fresh for a long time and do not darken, you should sprinkle them with lemon, otherwise your ghosts will quickly turn, if not into representatives of the population of the African continent, then definitely into mulattoes .

By the way, you can play with anything, for example, an apple: choose beautiful blood-red fruits, dip them in melted chocolate - ready, a scary treat in the spirit of Halloween in your pocket. Oh, better on a plate!

2. Stuffed eggs- an easy way to make something worse. Spiders made of black olives or eyes made of green olives and red ketchup pupils will scare anyone. These dishes are probably not suitable for a children’s party, but they can be offered to adults.

By the way, the same black olive spiders can be used to decorate not only stuffed eggs, but also any salad or even pizza. It turns out that with a minimum of labor costs, a maximum of fear and taste comes out!

3. Witch's broom- one of the main attributes of the holiday! It’s as easy as shelling pears to make it from a piece of hard cheese, a straw and a sprig of green onions or any herbs. The simplest things, as a rule, cause the biggest stir - I’m sure these “brooms” will sell out right away!

However, you can make a broom in a sweet version - buy chocolate candies with a characteristic grooved edge (or make them at home, just pour the chocolate into special molds), slightly warm the straw, insert it into the center of the candy or glue it with a small amount of chocolate. Not as impressive, but still an option.

4. A great option for Halloween decor - food appliques. An ordinary cucumber circle easily turns into all kinds of faces and scary faces. Instead of a cucumber, you can take carrots, pumpkin, beets and a lot of other products.

Yes, you can also experiment with shapes - for example, cutting out a skull is also not that difficult, if you have the desire.