Menu in hike. What unusual can be prepared

Reading this article to the end you will four in the campaignand not eat that got!

Without a meal you can stretch week, but who likes it, so we will understand now, What exactly go to hike. After reading this article to the end you will, and not eat! If the first asked question is what to take with you, then the second exactly: "What are we going to eat?". Harker without food, it's not a hiking at all! Food and water, this is the first thing to think by the panker, and especially the leader or guide. You need to think about food and not the right is the one who says that in the campaign anything delicious to horror, even water and bread.

This is very important, especially if you organize the campaign.

In this article I will focus on a multi-day campaign, a person is 5-9. But it is versatile for any hike. First of all, this is the analysis of the shovers themselves. There will be all the food in one boiler, or the full autonomy of all participants in the hike, or part of separating in the campaign. This is especially important when the food is distributed. It's better to eat better, but more difficult. For it is necessary to count on its strength, but there is everything that the soul wishes, or rather, that take a hike. If the group eats, then it's not to tastes here, you eat.

Calculate in advance all the days, if you have the opportunity to go to the store on the way - the task is to ease a little.

Classification of food time:

  1. Breakfast

Breakfast tourist - As a rule, various cereals (buckwheat, oat, rice, cereals, muesli). In the morning, you can use as much calories and glucose as possible! Morning should be a calorie, so that you have had a full-fledged force. Food: Various cereals, food left with dinner, pasta, dairy cereal, chocolate and condensed milk.

Dinner- Lunch is usually prepared quickly. Canned food (fish, pate) and made sandwiches + tea or coffee. Dinner is more snack, you need to eat well, so that you normally and with the stock of the forces were able to undergo a certain distance before sunset, then you can dine. Food: sausage, sandwiches, single canned food, chocolate and condensed milk.

Dinner- The main food is for dinner. Usually dinner in the already equipped camp, so you already have a fire and time to cook a great dinner. It should be the most delicious and saturated. If you go to sleep without having attempted - you will be cold at night, because you will not have energy to generate heat, respectively, you can forget about good sleep. It is at this time that you can shine with culinary abilities and prepare various soups or the same porridges with meat. Food: Various soups, canned food, stew, chicken meat or kebab, rice, pilaf, potatoes in uniform, fried sausages, fat.

P.S.Must be hot and tasty! Do not forget about tea.

No need to take

With this figured out, now I will say that no need to takeor not desirable.

  • Fasting products - Almost all milk: kefir, milk, ryazhenka, cheese. Boiled sausage, boiled eggs, smoked fish, fried chicken, ready salads and, of course - Cupcakes (especially soft). P.S. You can take it with the expectation that you will eat on the first day.

  • Heavy products- Potatoes for frying (take a little on the soup, enough 2-3 per person, if you have a lot of it - do in the potatoes in the uniform).

  • Alcohol, To be more accurate, then a lot of alcohol. Vodka, cognac, beer and other drinks can leave at home, you do not need them. Drink - not the purpose of the campaign, if you can not without it - take a little, so that you do not have unpleasant moments in the campaign. Permissible (I often take) a little red wine. It can be heated or make mulled wine!

  • Heavy packaging- Do not drag iron and especially glass jars, this is overweight! Alcohol Pour into plastic bottles.

The number and selection of the products themselves depends on the needs of the end user - tourists themselves. It is possible to calculate its quantity and quality by such factors:

  • Having a shop in the campaign - If you go around the settlements, it will facilitate your burden, for it will be possible to buy products in the nearest store.

  • Tastes of people - All tastes are different, someone loves a passionate, and someone hates. Discuss in advance the mainstream food so that there is no trouble on the way.

  • Vegetarians"You understand that they don't eat meat, adapt to them." But often they themselves know that they can eat, ask them.

  • Number of people - No comments.

The tourist campaign is not in order to have a lot (usually). You can forget about home food a little, let the remember warm the soul. Food for us serves as a source of energy and forces, so you need to choose a balanced set of products, not forgetting about the weight of the products, for it is necessary to drag everything on yourself.

What to take and how much

Now we will deal with the fact what exactly to take. A carbohydrates are needed as a base of nutrition in the campaign: buckwheat, rice, corn, pearl croup or pasta (preferably spirals - they stick together less than others). Meat in the campaign is needed in small quantities. It may be dry, dried or canned meat. Take the sausage only the rigorous, sealed in vacuum packaging. Canned: Pate, Various fish, corn, stewed meat. Do not forget about salt, onions, garlic and spices!

I present a small weekly meal list with a calculation of one person.

  • Buckwheat, pasta, rice and other cereals (about 1 kg),

  • Meat, fish (200 g, if dry, then 100 g),

  • Dried vegetables and mushrooms (300 g),

  • Muesli (300 g),

  • Nuts and dried fruits (300 g),

  • Tea or coffee,

  • Sweets (Cuccats, Kozinaki, Halva, Cookies, Lollipops, Chocolate),

  • Spices and salt.

To this list you can add:

  • Potatoes - exclusively in the soup (if not lazy to carry - it is possible to fire or in uniform)

  • Pate (3 canned food)

  • Bread (2 loaves enough)

  • Lemon (1 pcs)

  • Garlic (one head)

Cool to take different utyafor tea! They are called them in different ways: "yummy", "nishtyaky", but the meaning is one - delicious food to tea. We won't call food in the campaign, but various sweets: cookies, kozinaki, halva, chocolate, waffles, chocolate candies raise the mood and give the strength (glucose)! Do not forget about the lollipops. In the train, the car does not point you, and in the way there will give a little strength. Council: Distribute food in advance of the day, so that everything is painted, and the food ourselves are divided into portions (one day is one portion) and distribute everyone.

Often the parking lots have no firewood for fire or rainwalking, or you go through the territory of the reserve, where it is impossible to dry fires. In these cases, gas is useful burner. Now the burner selection is very large and you can always choose yourself the best option. Well, if the cylinders of different firms are suitable for your burner, so practical. A gas cylinder for 300 ml is enough for a week. Important: Never leave food without watching! In the evening, put food in packages and hang on a tree from insects and animals. Make sure the food is reliably protected from rain and dew. P.S. We have somehow a cat sausage stolen someone on the tour, we were not particularly delighted.

A few words about a one-day campaign.

Take food in one-day hike easier than it seems you need only two things: "Nishtyaki" and "snack". You already know about nishtyaki, and snack - sandwiches, canned food. That is, food, in order to eat a little on the way and no magic.

A couple of moments: it is better to take water as cleaner and always bring it to a boil. In the fire, do not throw metal objects (banks with canned), wet branches, leaves, only dry trees. Smoke can paint your cauldron and make the taste of food caustic that you will make little. The best dishes for the campaign - stainless steel and only from it. Do not take aluminum dishes (aluminum oxidizes) and plastic - concerns any dishes, from a spoon to the pan.

List of common equipment:

  • Great boiler for soup

  • Small boiler for tea

  • Scoop

  • Cutting board

  • Knife (1-2)

  • Set for washing dishes (gel, sponge)

  • Pan or brazier (metal plate is suitable)

To the conclusion of the article I will say that: Choose B. hike food It's easier than you think. You need to connect a little head and look at your purchased products. Think about when you eat, how many people and what is the value of the product!

Getting ready for my first trip by the tourist rightly the question arises: "What food is going to hike?". Food in the campaign for obvious reasons is one of the main points and it should pay due attention. The organization of food in the campaign is to competently plan and prepare a food list in advance. Thus, the tourist is trying to optimize the weight, that is, to take in the campaign just what he needs, so that he does not have to roll the potatoes from the mountain, throwing off the spoiled products and drag the floor of the glass styling.

If you have when mentioning the phrase "Food in the campaign", Bear Glill arises before his eyes, live devouring everything that moves, relax 🙂. Tourist food in principle does not differ from what you eat at home. Just planning your diet, it is worth considering small features. Everything is simple, let's understand.

Food in a hike, like at home, we will consist of breakfast, lunch and dinner plus minor snacks (the body during physical exertion consumes a lot of calories and we will be replenished in the appropriate quantity).

Breakfast. In the morning, tourists usually prepare various porridges with canned or muesli. The main thing is that breakfast is nutritious and calorie. This is the most important meal, besides, there is always a difficult road ahead. Do not say in vain: "Eat breakfast myself, dinner shared with a friend, and give dinner to give the enemy." Hiking is a bit wrong, but still. Do not forget about tea or coffee with sweets (glucose). Often, products from the remaining dinner remaining for breakfast.

Dinner. As a rule, the lack of time causes most tourists to abandon the full lunch. I mean that cooking for dinner is too time. Therefore, go into the course of sandwiches, sausage, cheese, canned food and other ready-to-eat products.

Dinner. Evening meal is most often a feast, because I want to relax after a difficult day and take the soul. You can prepare various soups, cook cereals or pasta, etc.

Snacks. On short parking lots, eat Cuts, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, kozinaki, chocolate, etc. The task is to fill the body with energy.

Do not forget to drink a lot of fluid during the campaign. It is very important for the proper operation of the joints and the whole organism as a whole.

List of products for hike

It is possible to eat in the campaign as well as at home. But usually tourists are preferred by the simple and nutritional menu. Make a list of food you will still be on your taste, I only ask the direction.

  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal)
  • pasta
  • canned food (stew, fish, pies)
  • sausage (ferocked)
  • salo (Sloated)
  • potatoes (only on soup)
  • onion garlic
  • salt, spices
  • tea coffee
  • sweets
  • nuts, seeds, dried fruits, candied fruits, kozinaki, etc.
  • ready dishes from the house of the kitlet, chops, etc. (Only on the first day of the campaign)

Pre-pack over the bags in the bags of different nuts, seeds and dried fruits. In short parkings you can quickly advance your body with the necessary energy.

What to take undesirable? This is actually the small features that I spoke above. Consider them by constituting the diet of tourists. No need to take a hike:

  • perishable products (dairy products, eggs, boiled sausage, ready salads, raw meat and fish). All this can be taken to eat on the first day.
  • heavy foods. For example, potatoes for cooking or frying. Its weight is simply unjustified, take potatoes only for soup. Products in hard package also take with them undesirable. Glass jars and bottles better leave at home.
  • alcohol (in large quantities). Do not forget, .

How to plan tourist food

Now let's talk about the right meal planning. Discuss everything with members of the group. The layout of products will depend on such factors as the presence of settlements and, accordingly, shops on the route, vegetarians as part of the group, tastes of people, and of course the number of groups.

First you must analyze the upcoming campaign. Suppose the duration is 4 days and 3 nights, in a group of 4 people. Serious cooking in the campaign is engaged, as a rule, only for breakfast and dinner. On the first day, the campaign begins for example in the middle of the day (there will be no breakfast), and on the last day to dinner we are already going home. It turns out: 1 day - 1 cooking; 2 day - 2; 3 day - 2; Day 4 - 1. All of us we had 6 full preparations of food plus dinners and snacks from ready-to-eat products. Let's cook out of six times 2 times, 1 time pasta and 3 times porridge.

Now you need to simply pack the necessary products. We are all different people, and we use a different amount of food, so you ourselves must determine the volume of privacy. Do not take steels with packs, if it does not need. For example, we cooked the floor of the standard 300 gram mug of buckwheat or rice for two people and added a stew or something like that. Measure your home the required amount. For a similar principle, calculate ready-made food for dinners and snacks. Before going around, distribute products between members of the group.

And if you plan, then at the stage of preparation, the more difficulties should not have any difficulties, because you roughly know the level of its voraciousness and are now familiar with the basics of the organization of the tourist.

P.S. The burning of tin cans in the fire is a bad idea. Do not forget that there are tourists in the parking lot only to leave the marching grass.

The organization of catering is a whole science. Laying (so usually called the power plan) depends on the set of factors: the character of the campaign (hiking, equestrian, water, mountain), the place of its holding, climate in place, the number of days, the composition of the participants, and so on. What to get hike from food is one of the main issues that should be solved long before the hike. After all, the more you take with me food - the hardest backpack, and the less - the higher the likelihood that the food will end at the most inopportune moment.

You should choose to choose with yourself, given a number of factors:

  • Venue place;
  • Climate in place;
  • Character of the campaign;
  • The number of participants in the campaign;
  • Preferences of participants of the campaign.

By drawing up a list of food in a campaign, you should immediately decide who will cook it, how many food receptions are planned on the day, and then paint for every day and every day of food products. Usually in hike eating three times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Breakfast in hike

Breakfast is the most important welcome. You need to be stockproof, so morning: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, wheat, etc. To save time, you can purchase instant porridge or prepare them.

Do not forget about something sweet in the morning, because the level of glucose in the body should be at the proper level. Jam and jam will suit them (you can refuel porridge), cookies, crackers, condensed milk, dried fruits.

Lunch in hike

Lunch in the campaign usually looks more like, because you need to continue the way to sunset. Everything that can be prepared very quickly, preferably without breeding fire: canned food (meat, fish, pate), sandwiches, vegetables and other "cold" dishes.

To save time, if you want to dine something more significant, you can prepare meat in the morning, sauce and eat them cold, or make other billets. You can also prepare a dish in advance and remove it into a thermos if you take it with you hike.

Dinner in hike

The main reception of food in the campaign is dinner. The main, most interesting and tasty. Dinted in the campaign already in a camp on the night, so you have enough time to cook a full-fledged dish. For example, it may be soup, porridge or pasta with meat, pilaf, baked potatoes or kebab.

During a hiking dinner, food must be hot and satisfying, because if you go to sleep hungry - the cold and sleepless night you are provided.

Do not forget about tea before bed - you can brew it from herbs and leaves that you have gathered along the path in the campaign.

Food in the campaign for one day and the food in the campaign for two to three days is absolutely different products. Collecting only for one day, you can only do with dry soldering or, on the contrary, just dine, but make a grandiose food with several dishes. After all, in one day, they will not be especially hungry. Another thing is a few days.

Here is an exemplary list of products per person in a hike, which lasts a week:

  • Buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, wheat and other cereals - 1 kg;
  • Canned food - 2 banks;
  • Stew - 1 bank;
  • Meat or fish - 200 g;
  • Dried vegetables and mushrooms - 300 g;
  • Nuts and dried fruits - 300 g;
  • Tea coffee;
  • Sugar;
  • Sweets;
  • Spice.

By drawing up a list of products in a hike, do not forget about the water! Not always in the campaign is found with a water in which you can dial drinking water. It is best to find such places on the map in advance, mark them in your route and find out how much water is suitable for use.

Remember that any hike is a pleasure, new beautiful landscapes, a pleasant company and a great mood. Therefore, food should only complement it, and not be the main goal of the journey. And do not forget - everything you want to get hike, you will have to bear on yourself.

Food in campaign. Food - choice. Hiking dishes, food. How to eat, what is in traveling?

What kind of food take a goal? What kind of dishes to use? How to eat on travel? (10+)

Nutrition in hike

Before you start gathering, you need to know that you can travel differently. Professional tourists usually share hiking, pedestrian, skiing, mountain, cycling, sailing, automotive, and so on. Moreover, each of this species has its own categories of complexity. Sometimes newcomers confuse a serious hike with a picnic (or just a one-day yield to nature). But it should be borne in mind that the picnic is a walk, the main goal of which are entertaining events in a small company (or large) with snacks (or kebabs) in the fresh air. Most often in such "campaigns" there is no restriction on the products that can be taken with them. But a completely different business is a serious trip to nature, when most of the time has to be in motion, according to the established schedule, with small privals. That is why in this case, food supplies, their weight, energy value and utility are calculated.

The main task of the nutrition in the hike is to restore the energy reserves in the body. To make yourself a restaurant for gourmets anyway will not work. So, choosing food, think about her nutritional, weight, ability is stored and, which is also very important, the ability to be easily digested and absorbed. In the journey is inevitable contact with unfamiliar microflora. So it is better to take with me bifidumbacterin (bifidobacteria concentrate) and use it before meals. This will provide a normal stable digestion. A little about the importance of bifidobacteria. It is still very important in the same vein is thorough chewing food. Acid in our stomach quite well disinfects products. But for this it is necessary that the gastric juice get access to microbes. If the microbes hid in a piece of poorly crushed food, then the stomach disorders will not be avoided. It is said that sandwiches spoil the stomach. It is not true. Stomach and intestines spoil poorly fierced Sandwiches.

Hiking dishes

Initially, it should be clarified which dishes need to take and exclude. The most important advice: "Do not take with you glass or ceramics!" Banks, glasses, glass bottles and cups should be left at home. After all, these items are rather fragile, therefore, can easily crash. Moreover, glass / ceramic utensils usually much more weighs, and believe me that every gram in a serious campaign will be on the account. The next thing to remember is that you will be in the campaign for several days, so the company should be stockball (best of all 2 - one for tea, the other for food), it is worth knowing that the volume is calculated by about 300-400 grams per A person, so you need to take the appropriate volume that no one remains hungry. It will also take care of a bowl, a mug, a spoon and a knife. The plug is best not to take. The dishes are best taken from the stainless material, and recently they have gained the popularity of the thermocruises, which for a long time retain the heat / cold of the fluid there (for example, tea or spring water). A personal set of dishes should be each participant of the campaign (plate, spoon, mug). Products are recommended to fold or in plastic containers, or in packages that can be squeezed in the fire.

Selection of products

Never take with you to campaign perishable products, let's say boiled / fried food or ready salads. But the cereals are an indispensable part of your portion. You can take pasta, buckwheat or other cereals. Meat is best to take canned or dried, but at the first 2-3 days saline meat perfectly suitable, which can then be put on the bowler. Many salts do not give it to spoil, and in soup or porridge, then it will not be necessary to throw "white death." You can also take and vegetables that will not spine (like, for example, tomatoes), as well as beans, dried mushrooms, nuts, a small amount of spices, dried fruits, bread (for the first days, and then you can prepare a cruck), salt. Such food is simply haunted, weighs a little, and also helps to restore the forces that were spent on the transition. It will not hurt to grab a chocolate tile or chocolate bars, firstly, there is a necessary glucose organism, and, secondly, they will increase the mood when you stay in the evening. By the way, coffee and tea should be carefully packaged into special hermetic and closing containers.

So what conclusions can be made on the above information? The following products should be taken to the hike:

  • canned: fish, stew;
  • dry products: mushrooms, greens (you can and dried), vegetables, meat;
  • for the first days saline meat;
  • cereals: rice, buckwheat, millet, Hercules, etc.;
  • cheese and smoked sausage (it is usually preserved longer than, for example, boiled);
  • pasta;
  • drinking water;
  • chocolate and cookies (lung) to tea, you can take condensed milk;
  • salt, spices, sugar, coffee, tea.

Drinking water

Attention should also be paid to the presence of water, because without it a person can live much less than without food. And in the campaign man sweats, respectively, loses a lot of moisture. That is why there should be a bottle of water with such events. Of course, it is excluding cooking. But the route should be designed in such a way that every nightly bed is located as close as possible to water resources (springs, wells, etc.). Remember that you should not take too much reserves with you, because you have to carry it all yourself.

Usually in the campaign, food takes 3 times a day, as it should be: breakfast, lunch and dinner. So in the morning you need to eat lungs, but at the same time nutritional products. In this eating, you should not overload your body, because in an hour you will move into the path, and a full stomach - will act as a big obstacle. It may be porridge (for example, Hercules, rice or pesh) with condensed milk or dried fruits. Meat is better to avoid breakfast. For snack (lunch) it is best to make sandwiches. After all, it takes a lot of time to discourage the boilers to breed a fire - all this takes a lot of time, and you still have to go to place overnight stay. The main meal usually happens for dinner. Here you can already get roaring: cook porridge with meat / stew, drink tea with chocolate ...

Leaving the parking place

Remember that leaving the parking place should carefully examine it for the presence of the remaining garbage. In no case, do not leave it for me and select the maximum for others. Things that are burning can be buried in a fire, and the rest will have to carry with you to the nearest trash, which will most likely be only in the village. Bonfire should be carefully extinguished so that no corner can arrange a fire.

Right ration

Immediately it is worth paying attention to the fact that a daily woman who is engaged in sports consumes about 2.5 thousand kcal. But in hiking, participants are already spending about 3000 daily, and sometimes more. Therefore, knowing energy consumption and energy value of products, you can make a list / number of the provisional, which is necessary for the campaign. If such an event is not too complicated, then this list (for every day) will be as follows:

  • meat (in the form of canned or dried) - 150 grams;
  • kashi - about 90-120 grams;
  • cheese - 50 grams;
  • chocolate - 90 grams;
  • pasta - 90 grams.

The rest of the products are already calculated in a personal way, or the crown distributes them on their own. At the snacks, you can give candy and / or dried fruits. And never forget that the main goal of any hike is to receive pleasure from "communication" with nature!

The need for food is one of the first person needs. No matter how much fashionable diets in your city life, and in the campaign life everything is very quickly putting into place: to have the strength to go (row, twist pedals, etc.) - Every day there is a rather calorie and, if possible, balanced For weather and high-altitude conditions. Each tourist who visited a little serious campaign, the highlands, knows the feeling when the body simply refuses quickly and move with a voltage without fuel, and in hunger, it includes an "economy mode", reducing the range of muscle contractions to a minimum.

Therefore, there will be no speech about dietary nutrition. We will take for axiom that food is good. And than it is calorie and rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats and mineral salts, the better. I will share with you the experience of a hiking cook, constantly located in the following conditions:

    to the nearest civilization to go for a week; all food for this week you need to drag on your backs (at best - to carry in Velorukzak). Vodnov - Also, because no one has canceled, and approaches; the strongest and useful participants of the campaign and constantly want to eat, sweep away all the unaccounted in the first days and strive to lean left for two minutes without supervision dinner from the boiler half, under the pretext "try, suddenly ready?"; the female part of the hiking population should at first eat modestly, but on the third day it starts revenge everything that has an organic basis; the soluble kasya on the water is enough the body for 30 minutes of active movement, the soluble soup - for twenty.

What products to take with you in a multi-day hike?

First, find out if there will be some kind of food production on the route. So, in the Black Sea region, for example, in the forests a lot blackberries and Orekhov - Vitamins are provided. In the middle lane and in the north in the summer there is much not only berry, but also mushrooms, and mushrooms are very high-calorie food and, in this case, the laying of meat products can be reduced almost twice. In the taiga rivers, the abundance of fish - and good half of the diet will consist of fish dishes.

Secondly, will it be possible to replenish reserves on the route? It is foolish to drag with you, for example, cereals for the whole hike, when the third day on your way will be a village with a sulfay, where stocks can be replenished. If the return will pass part of the route approach, it will reasonably make bookmarks with products under heavy stones or in the hollows of trees, so as not to ruin the beasts.

If the answer is negative or civilization on the other question, the answer is in a few days - it will be reasonable to make a bet on the easiest products. That is, they drag off all canned food from the layout, including the stew (yes!), For the iron can with fat and water - the non-disabilities of the luxury for us. We finish all the raw vegetables, it is also water with a leather, which is completely no need to drag on the poor by a tight tourist. We twine the bread - it can be replaced with crackers and cakes. And we finish the vegetable oil - there are few fat so necessary for us. It is better to take fuel oil or fuel interior fat.

So what remains, you ask? Empty pasta? Oatmeal on the water?

Good. Almost no one loves her. As well as the semolina (forgive me, mom, I was never able to love this sad food). And people love swims, Chanakhi, Casseroles, Pancakes and Major Masher Suprics with smoked and crackers. And all this, I assure you, you can cook in the campaign, do not drag the kilograms of exotic products.

The popularity is incremented (ie dehydrated) products that weigh ten times less than their water ancestors, while maintaining all their properties. We will focus on them.

Of course, today you can buy ready-made packages with sublimates, already mixed in any dish. But this is a lottery - portions there are small, and the taste is unpredictable. There were surveys on each individual dish from the collection of finished sublimates on tourist forums. Estimates were distributed from "impossible to eat", to "quite edible". The rating "Tasty" deserved only a few products, and "very tasty" - no one.

And we will all be very tasty. But they will have to prepare in advance and spend a few evenings in front of a long campaign to prepare for him. Divide the duties and dry several types of vegetables and meat. And also stroll to the market and purchase spices.

How to dry vegetables and meat camping?

Dry vegetables, fruits and meat can be different. The perfect option is an electric dryer. It is dried at low temperature initially, keeping the taste of fresh vegetables.

However, if you find this inexpensive device categorically, I do not want to - fit the oven, and the lattice on the legs, on which your grandmother dries mushrooms. The only thing - the process will be more time consuming, since the temperature of the oven is higher, and ventilation (if there is no aerogril) worse. Plus - for the products it is necessary to follow and turn over every 20 minutes, so as not to dry into the powder. Our Kulibins put the fan to the open door of the oven - and it turns out a completely sublimate.

Vegetables and fruits dry simply - cutting a thorough, yes dry. Sew the meat is more difficult, the recipes of his drying are many. I recommend making a blank in two types of 50/50. Half to suck in the form of salted minced (it will be easier to boil, but it will be less tasty), and half - in the form of jerki (pre-pickled with spices and dried laminates of low-fat meat). They wrecked worse, but retain the rich taste of the dried meat.

Traditionally consumed in dried form products can not be dried by themselves, but to buy on the market. Dried fruits, candied mushrooms, if you're lucky - eggplants, tomatoes and sweet peppers. God forbid you to buy vegetables, riming into powder - they will give only the smell, but not the taste! Vegetables must be dried with straw or rings.

Last thing - spice. They do not weigh almost nothing, and the taste of dishes are saturated with different colors. Plus, sharp and hot food is a very good prevention of high-altitude disease and all sorts of cold. You can, of course, buy ready-made mixes. But it is better to take five or six different seasonings (necessarily red and black pepper plus herbs to taste, dried ginger for tea, dried garlic) - and combine them at your discretion! And you get not a dull carcass food, but useful, delicious and joyful food for the body and soul every day!

Recipes of hiking kitchen

These are examples of what can be easily and quickly prepared from the layout of insignificant weight. Products are given from the calculation of products on a 3-4-liter boiler (4-5 people). Naturally, there will be no dimensional cups in the campaign, so the "handy" is considered quite a measure of volume. Create!

Matching Lagman

Simple, tasty and very saturated dish. With a bulral, which is important for a dehydrated tourist per day.


    pipe oil - tablespoon with slide or two spoons; dried carrot - handful; dried potatoes slices - handful; dried onions - handful; dried eggplants - handful; dried sweet peppers - handful; dried tomatoes - handful; dried garlic - 10 grams; flat noodles - 200 grams; salt and spices: Zira, pepper, herbs to taste.

How to cook Lagman in the campaign?

As soon as they came to the parking lot, the first thing was soaked with meat slices and dried carrots for 15-20 minutes (while putting tents, etc.). If there is a jetboil - better in hot water. If not - it is possible in the cold, it is better than nothing. But the water is boiled in a separate teaching or a saucepan, they still need it, she will soon need us.

In the bowler or saucepan, we melt a spoonful of another fule oil or a sala. I fall asleep dry mince and lay dry meat slices (somewhere 100 ml minced meat and a large handful of meat will be fine). Pinch-other zira. Mixing, immediately add a clumsy carrot, without pressing it. Bouillon from under the locking meat and carrots do not pour it out - it will be useful.

Next, we fall asleep in turn in the handful of dried onions, a handful of dried potatoes, dried eggplants, a handful of dried sweet pepper - mix every time. And we immediately pour the broth there, which remained from soaking the carrot meat and give to warm up and extinguish in a small amount of water for 10 minutes.

The dried vegetables already have the taste of roasted, so it is not necessary to clarify them, enough that they are simply soaked with oil. Pour the remaining water. Solim, add the rest of the spices. When it boils - throw a handful of dried tomato (not earlier, because the potato does not like their acid, she needs to be finished without them) and fall asleep any noodle or long pasta. Cover the lid - and on a quiet fire for 15 minutes. At this time, we warm themselves for the evening and drive away from a delicious smelling kitty a curious table or a stick-stirrer.

We try to be ready carrots and noodles, if everything is OK, then knock the spoon on a plate, convening everyone, and we observe the combustion and blissful satiety of grateful comrades.

Matching plov

A simple, but festive view of the dish, ideal for the trip. It is preparing for about 40 minutes if you cook a big boiler, not ashamed to call to visit comrades from the neighboring camp, to diversify their pasta with stew.


    pipe oil - tablespoon; dried carrot - three handstones; dried onions - a handful and a little more; rice - 500 grams; prunes - a few pieces; raisin - Handful; dried garlic - 10 grams; salt and spices: Zira, red pepper, herbs to taste, Barbaris.

Machine carrots for 20 minutes. Water, as before, do not pour. In the bowler, heat two or three spoons of oil on medium heat, throw a piece of finely chopped bass or a spoonful of Kurdunny, which is. Sprinkle Zira immediately. And in the middle of the lard, I post our carrot. Many carrots! From above - a handful of dried meat. At this stage, fox, raccons, crops and tourists will immediately be blocked on the smell, nervously flashing saliva. But still ahead.

Fiering carrots with meat, we sprinkle everything with a dry bow, somewhere a handful, and mix. The oil is probably absorbed, so it is not time to slow down - you need to bet rice. Running our vegetable meat mixture and on top gently pour a gram of 500-600 rice. From now on and before readiness, nothing can be disturbed! All further ingredients are poured on rice from above.

Raisin - handful. He will give a sweetish oriental flavor.

Prunes - pieces 6-10, for kissing

Salt - to taste, half a tablespoon, even less - we have a saltwate meat, do not forget!

Pepper - be sure. Dried garlic - be sure. Dried herbs - by mood, you can saffron. If on the side of your trail Ros Barbaris, throw it on top of bold! You can add a little dried tomato, they will decorate.

Now carefully, so as not to break the rice layer, pour all this beauty with water. We use the remaining carrot (what to disappear) and hot, pre-warmed on a jetboiler or in chairs. Water should be somewhere centimeters two above rice.

Everything, now we close our dish with a lid, we reduce the burner fire to a minimum and go for a walk for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, we carefully open, pour rice with a knife or wand. If there is almost no water at the bottom, then we try rice. Soft, boiled - ready. If not, add no more water stirring, and wait for another 5 minutes.

And - Voila! Remove from the burner, gently mix and the front dish is ready!

Languchny praise in Yanycharski

This thick, rich in squirrels and proteins and a delicious soup will become a holiday after a heavy transition. It is preparing simply and not difficult. The cook is time to dump the sunset cliffs and green valleys.


    fleece oil - handful; dried carrot - handful; dried potatoes slices - a handful (you can use soluble mashed potatoes, but then lay it out 10 minutes before readiness, and not as in the recipe); dried onions - handful; dried tomatoes - handful; dried garlic - 10 grams; lentil - about 500 grams; kumkvat - 10 pieces; salt and spices: peppers, herbs to taste, if any - bay leaf.

So, the beginning is standard: soaked carrots and dried potatoes for 15-20 minutes, then dissolve two spoons of the fuel oil in a saucepan or a bowler. Pour and quickly mix carrots, dried onions, potatoes, dried garlic and dried tomatoes. When the oil is absorbed, fill with water and fall asleep about 500 g washed lentils. Remember that lentils are very welded, so there is a lot of water! In the water, we are pouring all the seasoning ourselves.

Actually, everything. Further, the praise is boiled itself until the worker of lentils, it is 20 minutes. As soon as lentils are welded - we break through the bowls and add dried lemon to each bowl - kumkvat, cut into two halves or four mug. He will give a sovereign with a highlight, and the vitamin C, which he is filled, the body after the transition is very useful!