Easy feints for beginners. Football Trick Training: Simple Tricks for Beginners

Beginner tricks

Video selection of the most common tricks from the "Low Air" category.

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Have you looked? Now let's take a look at everything in order.

I remind you once again, before you start practicing feints, you first need to learn how to mint properly. You need to easily mint a hundred on the leg you want to do tricks with. It is better to train both legs at once.

Chasing, the easiest and fastest way to achieve success in freestyle. Don't believe me, translate what the Freestyle Gurus say on their own forum:

OK… before you attempt any tricks, you must be able to juggle well. You should be able to control the ball and juggle at least 100 with ease. You can try to do footstall here and there but yeh… we suggest if you cant juggle decently that you work on your juggling first.

So, the Beginner tricks:

These are the simplest freestyle tricks. Start learning freestyle with them and they will open the doors to more difficult feints and "combos".


You can begin to practice this movement by rolling the ball off the ground. Then it will be easier to keep the ball off the chasing.

When catching the ball from the chasing, it is required to soften the fall of the ball on the leg. To do this, lead your leg down after the ball so that it lies gently, and then while balancing, hold it. Try to push the ball against your shin with your toes.

You need to learn how to keep the ball on your feet in order to move on to learning other feints. It's like in a computer game, until you learn how to "wet zombies" with a tire iron, you won't find a gun.

Further, some of the tricks will be presented in the form of animated images, if for some reason they do not move, then just click on them to view them in a separate window. It should work. If it didn't work, let me know by mail or in the comments.

ATV (ATW)... This is an entry-level feint. I already wrote about it. To complete it, you need to circle your leg around the ball.

There are two types of ATV. "Internal" and "external":

* External - the leg makes a turn from the body.
* Internal - the leg makes a turn towards the body.

You need to start practicing "ATB" from the position of "keeping the ball on the foot (Footstall)".

To perform "external ATV", tilt your foot so that the ball begins to roll towards the little toe and then move your leg around it. For the "inside", do the same, just let the ball roll onto your thumb.

When you have learned how to make ATV from a hold, you can start doing this feint with chasing. By the same principle.

It should be one move. Throw and dribble at the same time.

Half ATW... You make a revolution around the ball, but do not bring your leg under it, as in ATV, but hit it with the other foot. It turns out that "ATV" is incomplete - which is what "semi-ATV" is. This move is well suited for combos.

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"I Live in Sport" tells about how to become a football master.

Earlier on our portal there was an article about the main football grounds of the capital region. Ahead of you is waiting for a similar material about the Moscow region.

Football grounds are good, but it's still better to come and play football, being able to work with the ball. Football feints have become very popular since the 2018 World Cup, given that we personally watched the stars of football. In our new material, we will tell you what the most famous tricks exist and how to repeat them. Let us also point out those who can teach. Go!

5 football feints

1. Elastico

One of the most popular football stunts born in 1975 in Brazil. Then, in the match of the local championship, the famous Roberto Rivelino surprised his opponents by scoring a very beautiful ball. Nobody knew how to stop the footballer. The second birth of the feint was given by the legendary Ronaldinho. In Barcelona, ​​the Brazilian fired up so that the feint received worldwide recognition.

Elastico is not the easiest trick. It is best to start with the basics and repeat the movements at low speed. The defender has to peck at your show in one direction and at the same time not have time to return to where you are going. To perform a feint, tilt the body to the right and lightly push the ball in the same direction with the outside foot, but then go sharply to the left and move the ball to the inside. The opponent will be a fool if you do everything right. Like in this video.

2. Rabona

Rabona is not exactly a feint, but rather a deceptive pass or strike. Young people often indulge in such tricks. In the RPL last season, Russian fans were shocked by SKA striker Juan Lescano, who almost scored Zenit. Rabona can be performed the first time - a question of quality. In order for the ball to reach the addressee, to get a beautiful serve or even a goal, you need to train for years and watch football feints performed by the masters for hours.

3. Zidane's feint

The famous "Marseille Roulette" or "Zidane's trick". The great French footballer performed this trick perfectly, although earlier it was often used even in the USSR championship. Loved this trick Anatoly Byshovets. Zidane's Feint will be effective, not just spectacular, when played at high speed. Otherwise, the defender will easily read your intentions. During a feint, the attacker wraps around the defending player 360 degrees like a whirligig. For more information on how to make "Zidane's Feint", see the video.

4. Cruyff's feint or "false swing"

One of the most popular tricks in modern football. It has long been played even by central defenders and players who cannot be called master of dribbling. Feint is named after the eminent Dutch footballer Johan Cruyff. This is the first time he has performed such a trick. Now the "false swing" can be seen in every match several times. The perfect way to get rid of a protector. The main thing is not to be too predictable. In simpler terms, the defender must believe that now there should be a kick and a serve - at this moment the attacker removes the ball under him and goes in the other direction.

5. Hokus Pocus

A famous football feint that Neymar often plays. The essence of the technique is that the player sharply shifts the ball from the inside to the outside. In addition, the trick is performed behind the supporting leg. If you are doing a feint with your right foot, then you should have room to turn to the right. Please note that at speed, the supporting leg must be kept at a decent distance, otherwise the ball will simply bump into the leg and instead of a feint you will make a loss. Watch the video carefully.

How to learn to trick

We do not recommend getting hung up on feints only. If an adult wants to learn how to perform football feints, then you still need to start from scratch. The most prosaic trick, although not too spectacular, but very useful, is chasing. Try to just hit the ball as much as possible in the first trainings. You will feel the "projectile" on your foot, improve control and be able to perform simple feints. We do not recommend starting right away with difficult feints. It's worth learning the basic technique and then chasing Messi and Ronaldo.

After chasing, it is a good idea to learn how to keep the ball on your foot. Try to press the ball against the boot while weighted. In the game, this trick is not particularly useful, but it will greatly help to control the ball.

The simplest football tricks

After mastering the basic football techniques, you should not immediately rush to repeat tricks for idols. Start with some simple soccer tricks. Two tricks that you are likely to get on the very first day. True, we advise you to train not alone, but with a partner. This will make the training more efficient.

The simplest yard trick is to throw the ball between your opponent's legs. Beginner footballers often make the mistake of placing their feet too wide in a defensive stance. Throw the ball between your legs and run off to attack.

Another simple football trick is the trick named after the legendary Briton. Feint is done in two touches. With the first touch, the ball is transferred in the opposite direction with a slow movement, and then the ball is sent away from itself at high speed with the outer side of the foot. Everything is clearly visible in the video, the trick is not very difficult.

Who can teach how to make soccer feints?

There are enough football schools in Moscow, including those for adults, about which we wrote about in our large material. However, they will not specifically teach feints there. There are a few exceptions in the metropolitan area. IFreestyle School is recruiting children from eight years old. Classes are held in the hall.

The second kind of section is Street Madness. They are ready to accept players of any age. The trainings are in street football and football freestyle.

If you prefer the game of passing, and you consider feints as entertainment for young people, then.

First, freestyle tricks are figured out, if you are not fond of, then you can watch from 17 minutes.

Or feints used in football. Very informative and interesting. The review is very complete.

How to learn to do feints at a high level

First, a small cut of the freestylers' videos. How they know how to fill and toss the ball. A kind of master class. From the second minute, detailed movements, starting with juggling on one leg, on two. In move. A bunch of freestyle tricks and from 18 minutes full-fledged lessons in tricks. With a demonstration in motion.

A couple of Korean guys are showing how to learn how to play football, how training should be done. All possible options for how to learn how to play and perform high-quality and chic football movements during the game are sorted out in turn. The guy shows how to do preparatory movements for training.

Have you dreamed of learning how to do feints? Then the video is for you. Watch and learn!

The main thing is to slowly repeat after the players. Repeat and repeat at an increased pace. And you will do as they do. This is not given to football players by God. Every day, they make tedious repetitive movements and then chicly get the applause on the field. And they do everything beautifully.

How to learn tricks in football

If you train often, then the question will disappear altogether by itself. The main thing is to work on yourself.

How to make soccer feints videos - you will see real tricks of football players during a match. Only the best moments on video. Learning football is easy.

Football feints 2011 are the coolest feints of this year, and in the future they will be even more beautiful, but this year, in its own way, pleased us with its wonderful football, which you can watch online.

Excellent and very high quality football feints of 2011 to watch online.

With some false moves, the players force the defenders to knock out the ball, after which they catch them and throw the ball. Very effective and colorful movements. The pass-throughs between players are just brilliant. The players of Italian and Spanish football are simply delightful, and English clubs are not at the loser.
The best football players with their feints, cool moments are collected in one video file. You can watch the feints in the video several times and learn how to perform them. Upload high-quality video.

The question arises of how to learn tricks in football - and how?
The answer to this question. Watch and repeat.)

Ronaldinho will show you how to learn who if not him.

And two guys will show all the secrets of tricks or tricks in football and answer the question of how to learn tricks in football.

How to learn feints in football - yes, sometimes it is not so easy to do it, but there is a solution and it is in our video. Ronaldinho will teach you how to become a professional footballer - a video that will help you become not just a professional, but a great footballer.


Feint translated from Italian means "pretense", "fiction", in the theory of sports is used as a synonym for the expression "deceiving movement".

Feints are used in order to overcome the opponent's resistance and create favorable conditions for further game play. Fraudulent movements refer to those techniques, the use of which almost always involves engaging in single combat with the enemy. The effective use of feints contributes to the successful solution of many tactical problems.

The quality of performing feints is determined by the level of development of such physical qualities as speed, speed-power qualities, agility; limited by the degree of psychological preparedness and the ability to improvise.

Feints can be performed with or without the ball. Deceiving movements without the ball are an organic part of the technique of movement. These include: acceleration, acceleration with a change in speed and direction of running, etc. Forwards use feints without the ball - to free themselves from the guardianship of an opponent and enter a free position in order to take possession of the ball. This technique is also often used by the defensive line players - they provoke the opponent dribbling the ball to lose control of the ball. Goalkeepers also perform false gestures - in order to force the opponent to strike exactly at that part of the goal, for which they were prepared to defend. In addition, goalkeepers successfully use such feints on the exits. It should be noted that the considered technique is also effectively used to create an artificial offside position.

The technique of football includes the following basic techniques of deception with the ball: “leaving”, “hitting”, “stopping”. There are various ways of performing these feints and their variations. So, feints with the ball are differentiated depending on the place and position that the enemy occupies while the player is performing a feint - in front, from the side, from behind. In fig. 53 shows the classification of ball deceptions.

Analyzing the technique of performing feints, two phases can be distinguished: the preparatory phase and the implementation phase. Dramatization of fraudulent actions in preparatory phase aimed at challenging the opponent's response to countermeasures. The naturalness of the implementation of this phase determines the nature of the enemy's response. In the second phase, the player's true intentions are realized after the opponent's reaction to the deceiving action. Implementation phase there is significant variability, which is due to the occurrence of different situations and tactical considerations. When performing feints, various options are used to “leave” with the ball (forward, right, left, back), take away the ball, pass the ball to a partner, and their combinations.

The speed of the first phase of the deceiving movement is determined by the time required for the natural fulfillment of the preparatory phase of the technique used. The speed of the implementation phase is dictated by the tactical situation and is mostly close to maximum.

Feints "leaving" - fraudulent movements based on the principle of a quick and unexpected change in direction of movement; are performed in various ways. In the preparatory phase, the player by his actions shows that he intends to leave the opponent with the ball in the chosen direction. Moving, the enemy tries to block the zone of the intended passage. But in the implementation phase, quickly changing the direction of movement, the player leaves with the ball in the opposite direction.

Fraudulent movements to “leave” are performed mainly on bent legs, which provides a wide amplitude and a sharp change in direction of movement.

Feint "exit" lunge (fig. 54). When attacking an opponent from the front, the dribbler indicates with his movements that he intends to go around him on the right or left.

Consider the actions of a footballer when deceiving a movement to the right and leaving to the left. Approaching the opponent at a distance of 1.5-2 m, the player with a push of his left leg performs a wide lunge to the right and forward. Moreover, the projection of the GCT does not reach the support area. The resulting unstable balance will facilitate further movement. The opponent tries to block the passage zone and moves towards the lunge. Then, with a sharp push of the right foot, the player performing the feint takes a wide step to the left. The ball is sent to the left and forward with the outside of the lift of the left leg.

Feint "leaving" with the transfer of the leg over the ball (fig. 55) is used mainly during attacks of the enemy from behind. As can be seen from the figure, the player in control of the ball, by preparatory actions, shows that he intends to go to the side (for example, to the left). He twists his torso to the left, brings his right leg cross over the ball and lunges to the left. An opponent attacking from behind does not see the ball, reacting to this movement and also lunging to the left. At this time, the player with the ball quickly turns to the right, sending the ball with the outside of the lift forward, then the player acts according to the situation.

Feints by “hitting” the ball with your foot. Fraudulent movements with a “blow” are extremely diverse both in the ways of performing the preparatory phase and in the varieties of realizing true intentions. The conditions for the execution of feints also vary: after a pass, stopping the ball, during dribbling.

Let's analyze the technique for performing this technique (Fig. 56). During the approach to the opponent, who participates in single combat and is located in front or front-to-side, in the preparatory phase, a swing of the kick leg is performed. Assuming such a pose indicates that strikes on the target or pass will be performed. Reacting on the swing, the opponent tries to steal the ball or block the area of ​​the intended flight of the ball. For this, a lunge, twine, tackle is used, which is associated with slowing down movements and stopping. In addition, the transition from these positions to further actions in single combat requires a certain amount of time. Depending on the game situation, the location of partners and opponents, the position of the opposing opponent in the implementation phase, a light kick is performed on the ball with a foot in an appropriate way and the opponent moves forward, to the right, to the left or back.

If a “kick” feint is performed after the pass and the partner is on the way of the ball in a more advantageous position, then in the implementation phase the ball is passed to the partner.

Feint "trick - pass - hit or switch to dribble" applies in cases where the opponent moves towards the player dribbling the ball. First, a football player with the ball performs a movement that repeats the blow with the middle part of the instep, which causes a defensive reaction in the opponent (as before a strong blow - closing the face, moving the head and torso back). Then, at the moment when the opponent temporarily loses control over what is happening, the player who carried out the feint by “hitting” can pass the ball to his partner or continue dribbling it.

Features of teaching the technique of a feint
“Trick - pass - dribble”.

2. Perform a movement without striking the board after one step, placing the foot on the ball.

3. Perform exercise 2 while walking, then jogging at different speeds.

4. After performing a feint, pass or continue dribbling.

5. Perform Exercise 4 with the participation of the opponent's counteraction.

Feint with pulling the ball back ... The purpose of this technique is to weaken the enemy's attention, causing him to react defensively. By imitating the movement of hitting the ball with a toe, a football player stimulates the appearance of a defensive reaction in the opponent. Using the confusion of the opponent, the player lifts his foot over the ball and pulls it to the side or back (heel, sole). In the first phase of the movement, the same actions are used as during the strike on the ball with the inner part of the foot, in the second phase, the ball is pulled back with the outer part of the instep.

pulling the ball back.
Sequence of training

1. Imitation movements without the ball.

2. Working out the introduction of the foot over the ball.

3. Perform exercise 2 with the foot pulling the ball back.

4. Perform exercise 3 while walking, then jogging at different speeds.

5. Perform exercise 4, first in the presence of a passive opponent, then in conditions of single combat with an active opponent.

Preparatory phase of execution feints "hitting" the ball with his head (Fig. 57) is characterized by the following initial position: as for striking a head blow, the body deflects back, a swing is carried out for a blow. Having reacted on the swing, the opponent, who is in front of the player with the ball or to the side of him, stops waiting for the kick in the first case or moves in the direction of the intended flight of the ball. In accordance with the tactical intentions, instead of hitting, a football player stops the ball with his chest (mainly with a transfer to the left, right or back) or passes the ball with a 180 ° turn, taking possession of it.

Feint by “hitting” the ball with his head - receiving the ball with the foot. This technique is used when the ball approaches the player at head level, while the opponent is at a distance of several meters. The movements of the footballer in the first phase of the feint are identical to those during the hitting the ball with his head. The second phase is characterized by moving the torso back and stopping the ball with the foot at the moment it touches the ground. The opponent reacts to the feint in this way: he runs to the place where the ball is supposed to land after the player who received the ball has “hit” his head.

Features of teaching the technique of a feint "blow" on the ball with the head (followed by the reception of the ball with the foot).
Sequence of training

1. Imitation movements without the ball.

2. Performing an exercise consisting of movements of the end of the first phase and taking the torso back - do not stop the ball, let it fall to the ground.

3. Do exercise 2, stopping the ball with your chest.

4. Perform exercise 3, but stop the ball with your foot on the ground.

5. Perform a feint with passive and active opposition of opponents.

Feints by “stopping” the ball with your foot performed in various ways during dribbling and after passing the ball.

During dribbling when trying to take the ball from the side or from the side-from behind, a “stop” feint is used with and without stepping on the ball with the sole.

Feint "stopping" with stepping on the ball with the sole based on the change in running speed. The dribbler who is attacked by the opponent from the side accelerates sharply, in response the opponent also accelerates. Then the player in possession of the ball suddenly stops the ball with his sole, to which the defender reacts by slowing down, at which time the player with the ball accelerates again, changing direction of movement or making a pass to a partner.

Features of teaching the technique of "stopping" feint with advancing on the ball with the sole
and changing the direction of travel.
Sequence of training

1. Preparatory exercises without the ball: running, stopping, changing the direction of movement.

2. Run to a stationary ball and put your sole on it.

3. Having run up and put the sole on the ball, immediately switch to dribbling with timely execution of the turn, first by 90 °, then by 180 °.

4. Perform exercise 3 with the opposition of the opponent.

Feint by “stopping” with stepping on the ball with the sole and dribbling in the same direction. This technique is learned immediately after mastering a series of feints by “stopping” the sole and changing the direction of movement. The dribbler who is attacked from the side by the opponent quickly stops the ball with his sole, after which he continues to move in the same direction with acceleration, while the opponent remains behind.

The methodological features of teaching this feint do not differ from the features of mastering the previous deceptive movement, only instead of the action to change the direction, the ball stops in the indicated places.

When implementing feint “Stopping” without stepping on the ball with the sole ( with raising the leg over the ball ) in the preparatory phase, only the stopping of the ball is imitated (fig. 58). The player, slightly slowing down the movement, places his foot above the ball. In the implementation phase, rapid movement continues in the original direction.

Features of teaching the technique of a feint with lifting the leg over the ball.
Sequence of training

1. Moving forward and backward, carry out the lifting of the leg over a stationary ball.

2. Having run up to the ball, perform exercise 1.

3. Do exercise 2 with the ball in motion.

4. Perform exercise 3, but with opposition from the opponent.

Feint by “stopping” the ball with the “other” foot after the pass. The ball is approaching the player, the opponent is behind him. The player takes a step forward, transferring the weight of the body to the exposed leg and at the same time turning the body in the direction of the moving ball. The opponent is confident that the player will stop the ball with his sole and approach him from this side. At this moment, the player, shifting his body weight to the opposite leg, stops the ball with the other leg and leaves the opponent behind.

Features of teaching the technique of a feint by “stopping” the ball with the “other” foot.
Sequence of training

1. Imitation movements without the ball.

2. Performing exercise 1 near a stationary ball.

3. After the first phase of movements, perform a feint with dribbling in the opposite direction.

4. Perform exercise 3 with the opposing opponent.

5. Complete the entire exercise: the partner makes the transfer towards, the opponent is behind his back.

Feint by “stopping” the ball after passing (a feint with a pass). When performing this feint, after the transfer of a partner in the preparatory phase, a single-support position is adopted and the stopping leg is extended towards the ball. The opponent attacks the player receiving the ball. At this moment, instead of stopping, the player misses the ball, turns 180 ° and takes possession of the ball.

Features of teaching the technique of a feint with passing the ball.
Sequence of training

1. Imitation movements without the ball.

2. The footballer kicks the ball into the wall, starts to the bounced ball, then, stopping, misses it, after which he makes a 180 ° turn and catches up with the ball.

3. Partner sends the ball towards the player, he performs a feint.

4. Performing a feint with the opposition of the opponent.

In football practice, it is often used feint with a turn. The basis of such a feint is the transfer of body weight with a leg extended forward and letting the ball pass. After completing a quick and unexpected 180 ° turn for the opponent, the player leaves the opponent behind, maintaining control of the ball.

Features of teaching the technique of a feint with turn.
Sequence of training

1. Imitation movements without the ball.

2. Execution of all movements of the feint around a stationary ball.

3. Exercise 2 with a ball sent by a partner.

4. Performing exercise 3, first with a passive, and then with an actively opposing opponent.

Feint by stopping the ball with your chest and head. The preparatory phase with a deceptive movement by “stopping” the falling balls with the chest and head corresponds to the preparatory phase of the technique for performing ball stops in this way, which has already been analyzed. In the implementation phase, instead of stopping the ball, it is passed, the player turns 180 ° and takes possession of the ball.

Single and double feints widely used in soccer while dribbling.

Single feint ... If an opponent approaches the player dribbling from the front, the first one performs the following fake movements. The first phase - the athlete tilts the body towards the “free” leg, imitating the withdrawal with the ball in the same direction. The second phase of the feint - the football player quickly shifts his body weight to the other leg, while simultaneously pulling the ball with the inside of the lift in the opposite direction.

Double feint applies when a player dribbles the ball towards a standing opponent. In such cases, it is difficult to unbalance the opponent with a single feint and you have to use a double. The first phase of the double feint is identical to the first phase. solitary deceit movement. In the second phase, the player performs a forward movement with his body, quickly transfers his body weight to the other leg and moves away with the ball in the direction of the initial movement (to the right).

Features of teaching the technique of feints used during dribbling.
Sequence of training

1. Working out the transfer of body weight from leg to leg.

2. Performing exercise 2 while walking, running.

3. Doing exercise 3 in front of the flag stuck in the ground.

4. Practicing a feint in front of a stationary ball.

5. Exercise 4 with pulling the ball to the side with the foot.

6. Performing a feint in front of a motionless opponent.

7. Performing a feint by a player dribbling the ball towards a moving opponent.

The Basics of Teaching Deception Moves

Mastering and improving these techniques is closely related to the technique of movement, since the successful performance of feints is largely determined by the player's ability to abruptly and unexpectedly change the trajectory of movement. In addition, the effectiveness in the implementation of a feint is determined by the ability of a football player to hide his true intentions - acting may also be needed here.

For training and improvement in these techniques, special exercises are used - first without resistance, then with passive and limited resistance of the “enemy”. However, at a higher level, practicing feints is carried out in the process of games and playing exercises - in conditions close to competitive ones. For this purpose, the following outdoor games are used: "Fifteen", "Lapta", "Fight for the ball", etc. Such sports games as hockey, handball, basketball are also effective.

Usually, training in fake movements is combined with improving the dribbling and dribbling of the opponent.

For those who have difficulties in performing football feints. A special selection of feints. These simple movements are foot feints. Which are often used in any football and yard and futsal. And in real football at an official match.

Even at the international level, football feints of this level can be seen all the time. Check out a selection of feints and start your football career. Perform top level soccer feints for beginners.

Repeat after these guys. They will show you a high class of performance, and on replays you can peep and discern all the secrets of the skill. The main thing is to learn.

The best football feints - this video can be downloaded and watched at home and shown to friends, or you can watch the video directly from the site.

Be sure to download this video.

How can you feint with your feet.

Slightly harder and more effective.
Gorgeous soccer feints for you.

A selection of feints when the enemy is behind and controls your movements. You can easily turn around with a simple trick to get around the enemy. And there are a lot of such simple movements. Just pick any one and use it. The main thing is to swing the enemy so that he spreads his legs and everything can be passed through him to the gate.

Football feints and tricks - how you can take advantage of the situation and beat the enemy - everything is in the video with examples. Study.

Beautiful football feints in two videos.

Excellent selections. Get ready for some awesome feints. Various European clubs and their stars are excellent ball handling. They circle one enemy after another. It is very effective and most importantly effective.

Football feints for beginners

Two cool and beautiful videos about football feints. The video captures with its dynamism. Just football stars show the class.

Video selection - the easiest feints for you. Some of the simplest feints performed by football players are shown. It seems like nothing special and looks very aesthetically pleasing and correct. Study, try to repeat, you will definitely succeed in performing these cool and easiest feints.

Football feints

The easiest tricks in football - as a rule, the simplest tricks require a lot of training, they just look simple, in fact, you need to learn how to perform them at any second.