How is PTO deciphered in construction. PTO engineer job description, PTO engineer job description, PTO engineer job description sample

In order to understand what the PTO engineer does and is responsible for (such a specialist must be in any production or construction company), you first need to understand the main functions and features of the department where he works.

Production and technical department (PTO) - what is it for?

The production and technical department is engaged in the preparation of production and construction. The main functions of the PTO are:

PTO, based on design estimates, works on projects and flow charts. One of the important areas of VET is to take into account the most rational use of the latest developments and technologies (construction machines and mechanisms, various devices, innovative methods of performing work). In addition, VET employees must not only constantly monitor the progress of projects implemented by various subcontractors, but also provide the necessary briefing regarding work on the sites.

VET employees, cooperating with the planning departments and accounting departments, make various calculations for applications and plans, and compile reporting documentation.

The department's responsibilities include:

  • maintenance of technical records of the operation of various equipment;
  • preparation of technical reports;
  • analysis of technical and economic performance indicators;
  • planning equipment repair schedules;
  • monitoring compliance with the standard costs of materials;
  • timely preparation of requests for the necessary materials or parts of equipment.

Among all employees of this department, the most complex types of work are carried out by PTO engineers.

Why do you need an engineer position in the department

What is a PTO engineer? First of all, this is a position that is needed to carry out the necessary calculations and control the quality of various types of work in the production and technical department. It should be occupied by a person who has a special education and work experience in this field for at least a year, since not everyone can know all the nuances of production and the features of various construction and installation works.

What knowledge should a PTO specialist have?

A PTO engineer is a person who is well versed in legislation and regulations (he regulates the activities of all construction departments and organizations). In addition, he must understand all the specifics and features of the economic and technical development of his enterprise (specialization, mainstream, promising areas) and its capabilities (production capacity). The engineer is obliged to understand all the intricacies of the development and subsequent approval of plans for construction work.

In his professional activity, an engineer must take into account the specifics of construction (technology and methods of implementation), as well as know all the norms and rules approved by law for the implementation of construction work. He controls the quality of the implementation of construction projects, observes the procedure for the development and subsequent execution of various technical documentation (design, estimate, etc.) and maintains accounting documentation. In addition, he must prepare interim and final reports on the implementation of all work regarding the approved project.

Regulatory documents governing the activities of a VET engineer

There are certain ordinances and laws that must be observed by any person holding such a position. This:

What types of work does a PTO engineer do?

First of all, a person holding the position of an engineer is obliged to carry out systematic supervision of the level and quality of various production or construction works, to timely check the compliance of the volumes, designs and terms of the work performed according to previously approved documentation (project, estimate, drawings, standards, norms, specifications, rules, etc.). The engineer also monitors compliance with the norms and rules of labor protection in the workplace or construction site.

If during the implementation of the project it becomes necessary to change it, the engineer must promptly agree on all issues related to the replacement of products, materials, structures, mechanisms, etc. (at the same time, the quality of work should in no case be reduced). In the event of various problems during construction work (failure to meet deadlines, deterioration in quality, various violations), the specialist analyzes all possible causes and factors for their further elimination.

Features of budgeting and technical reception of work

The duties of an engineer include the performance of various calculations, as well as the acceptance of already implemented construction and production works. He coordinates the estimate and costing of all necessary materials and equipment between the organization that prepared the project and the customer.

In addition, the PTO engineer participates in the commission for the commissioning of the finished facility. It is also responsible for the compliance of preliminary calculations with real costs. If during the implementation of the project it becomes necessary to include additional financing or introduce any new types of work, the engineer justifies this and makes all the necessary calculations.

What rights does the engineer of the production and technical department have

The department engineer has the right to give instructions and tasks to employees in order to fulfill their functional duties. He can also control all stages of construction and production work (timeliness of implementation, compliance with norms and rules, quality level). In addition, a specialist can at any moment demand from an enterprise or organization additional information and the necessary documentation for the prompt performance of his work. The PTO engineer may seek help from other organizations and companies to resolve various issues that are within his competence.

If during the implementation of the project a specialist sees additional opportunities and ways to improve construction and installation works, he can submit all his ideas and proposals for consideration by the management of the enterprise (organization, company, etc.).

The level of responsibility for the quality of work

The PTO engineer is responsible for:

  • non-performance (or dishonest performance) of their official duties;
  • negligence in the performance of work;
  • non-compliance with normative acts (laws, instructions, orders, orders and other similar resolutions);
  • disclosure of trade secrets and confidential information;
  • violation of the labor code (internal regulations, discipline, safety, etc.).
  • control of the production process.

Who is a PTO engineer of a construction organization, what does he do, what industries require specialists of this profession, and finally, how prestigious and financially profitable is this profession?

PTO engineer - what is this profession

PTO engineer - stands for "engineer of the production and technical department" - is engaged in planning the production process, technical support, and other issues.

He is a specialist that no construction industry can do without. When building pipelines in Siberia or modern flying houses in Japan, this is one of the most interesting, responsible and necessary professions. Employees of the PTO department participate in research and development, draw up estimates, diagrams, calculations and all executive and technical documentation for the facility under construction.

By the way, if at the construction site they don’t know the origin or purpose of a document, it is referred to the PTO: the logic “they will always sort it out” applies.

It can be said that the legs of other departments of the organization “grow” from the PTO - estimate and contractual, tender, technological, planning, etc. That is, in a microorganization there is always a VET, then, as the company grows, the “side” functions of the production and technical department are allocated to other departments.

Functions of a PTO engineer

What does a PTO engineer do? The functions and responsibilities of a PTO engineer are very diverse, depending on the specifics of the enterprise and industry. The functional responsibilities of the PTO engineer can be divided depending on the stage of construction:

— Stage "zero"- tender work. At this stage, the organization participates in the selection for the right to perform work on the construction of the facility. It should be said that each customer - the organizer of the tender has its own requirements for the composition of documents, as well as for the form of submission - some organize this business through an electronic platform (for example, Rosneft, Gazpromneft, Arktikgaz, etc.), others need to hand it over in the old fashioned way paper form is sometimes 20-30 kg of paper. In rare cases, the preparation of documents for participation in the tender is carried out by a special tender department.

- Stage 1- pre-production. After winning the tender, the organization proceeds with the preparation of construction - the conclusion of an agreement, obtaining a place for the camp of builders and on-site warehouses, obtaining passes and relocating equipment and personnel, various approvals.

The work of the PTO engineer at this time is as follows:

  • development and coordination with the Customer of permits and permits for personnel, construction equipment, technologies, etc. This includes, for example, the creation of orders for persons responsible for the production of work; carrying out tolerance tests for electric welders - tolerance sheets are filled in, welded joints undergo non-destructive testing, as well as mechanical tests.
  • development of technological maps for processes, projects for the production of works
  • drawing up and approval of the register of executive documentation
  • Obtaining a building permit from the Customer
  • obtaining a positive conclusion of the examination of project documentation
  • preparation and transfer to Rostekhnadzor of the logs of work performance and ODZR (for approval)
  • signing contracts with subcontractors and suppliers
  • often - hiring staff, keeping a time sheet, other “churn”
  • but the most important thing is to receive and check for errors working and design documentation, design documentation, bills of materials, specifications, questionnaires for equipment, calculations and estimates, etc. As a rule, the period for checking the documentation is prescribed in the contract and is about 14 days.

- Stage 2- construction support. During construction, the endurance and professionalism of the PTO engineer is manifested. This is the time of the most insane requirements of the Customer, Technical Supervision, and other authorities. This is the time when construction deadlines are burning, supplies of materials are disrupted, and foremen are taken away in packs to cardiology. At this stage, it is important not to succumb to general panic, and continue to methodically do your craft:

  • timely maintenance of executive documentation. This is the basis for the PTO, they will be asked for this first of all, because without the executive documentation duly executed and accepted by the customer's services, the Customer will not pay for the amount of work. It's simple: no performance - no money - no more organization.
  • construction project change management. In any construction process, there are always deviations from the original project. Most often this happens due to the identification of design errors, the replacement of design materials with similar ones, an increase in the amount of work, etc. With any change, the PTO engineer writes a letter addressed to the Customer, who, in turn, applies to the Design Organization, which coordinates the changes.
  • presentation of completed volumes of construction and installation works. Registration of acceptance and transfer of works takes place through KS-2, KS-3. Most often, these forms are prepared by estimators, while the line civil engineer signs them in the services of the Construction Customer.

- Stage 3- delivery of the construction site. At this stage, everyone is counting the days until the end of construction and looking forward to a carefree vacation, the foremen begin to smile a little, putting the blood pressure monitors on the shelf. And the engineer of the production and technical department continues to perform his labor functions:

  • collection and delivery of the entire set of technical documentation for the facility - this includes permits, executive documents, equipment passports, certificates for materials, etc.
  • preparation and signing of the act of acceptance of the completed facility in the form of KS-11 and the act of acceptance of the completed facility by the acceptance committee KS-14.

In fact, the labor duties of a VET specialist are always wider - it all depends on the qualifications and work experience, category. For example, the lead engineer of PTO can be engaged in the selection of subcontractors and support of contractual work with them, correspondence with contractors and the customer; while the VET technician usually does the simplest things - filling out logs, drawing up acts, routine.

In simpler terms, the PTO engineer draws up and signs with the Customer and the Technical Supervision all the work performed by foremen and foremen at the construction site. By the end of construction, all as-built documentation is bound into folders and handed over.

The VET department in any organization is like a state within a state, it is an independent unit and reports only to its head, and at the same time it constantly cooperates with all services and units.

In some small companies, PTO also includes estimators (VET estimator engineer) involved in the preparation of estimates and pricing, in larger ones, as a rule, estimators are already in a separate (for example, estimate and contract) department.

PTO Engineer (OPP)- as such, the position gained its popularity at construction sites, when the requirements for all documentation (executive, permits, estimates, etc.) became quite tough. Although these requirements, which are in force now, have not become so tough, because most of the regulatory and technical documentation (SNiPs, GOSTs, VSNs, etc.) have remained since the time of our grandfathers, and even great-grandfathers.

The requirements for the completeness and quality of their acceptance at the facilities have simply become more stringent; pickiness on the part of the Customer, Construction Control (Technical Supervision). Previously, all this documentation was done as best they could, the Customer asked, and sometimes begged the craftsmen to at least submit some documentation.
When the above-mentioned requirements for documentation became more stringent, construction and installation organizations had entire staffs of PTO engineers (in some organizations - PPP engineers). PTO - production and technical department, OPP - production preparation department.

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Responsibilities of a PTO Engineer

All paperwork is transferred from the duties of foremen, foremen, OT engineers, dispatchers and other positions to the duties of PTO engineers. And to understand the direct responsibilities, I wrote this article.

Below I will briefly sign how and what the PTO and OPP engineer is required to do at the construction site. And you can read more in the manual.

1. Complete set of permits.

Here, this is how it should be understood - equipment, i.e. not its development at the facility, namely, the completion of permits. After all, most of the permits are issued by the Customer. This is an act of admission, a construction permit, a permit to work in the protected zone of engineering communications, etc. And the rest do not need to be developed: certificates, licenses are issued and certified by the department of the Contractor that holds it in its hands (usually the department of labor protection, PB, HSE or accounting), copies of health and safety certificates, qualification certificates for working and engineering personnel are issued and certified by the HSE department. The duty of the PTO engineer at the facility is to form all permits into a single folder, make a register for it, flash it and show it to the Customer, and obtain permission for the stages of work.
Work permits are also permits. They are compiled by the organization that issues the permit, i.e. if it is fire, gas hazardous, high-altitude work and they are carried out on the territory of the Customer’s organization, then it is drawn up and issued by the Customer. The person responsible for the performance of work on the site must walk and sign the work permit, i.e. foreman, foreman or foreman. If a work permit is issued for a crane driver, AGP, loader crane, then it must be drawn up and issued by the Contractor's dispatcher responsible for the equipment or the chief mechanic.
Instructions on labor protection are carried out by the foreman / head of the site, so he must fill out the logs for the working personnel.

2. Organizational and technological documentation

- this is the responsibility of the PTO engineer, but if it is written in the employment contract. Many construction organizations have 1-2 specialists (depending on the amount of work) involved in the development of PPR and PPRk. But not every organization has such specialists, so it is better to entrust such work to specialists in this field (design organizations that are more familiar with the technology of construction and installation work).
PPR, PPRk - this is organizational and technological documentation, where not only the technological process of work is signed, but also technical and economic indicators, which can only be developed by the SDO (estimate and contract department).
PPR - a project for the production of works is developed at each facility, regardless of the volume. It consists of PZ and technological maps for certain types/stages of work, calendar schedule, construction general plan, equipment movement scheme, etc.
PPR with the use of PS (formerly PPRk - a project for the production of work by cranes, and now, with the introduction of new FNP, - a PPR with the use of PS - a project for the production of work with lifting structures) can only be developed by a specialist trained in the field of industrial safety and who knows the FNP " Security rules for HIFs that use PS”.
Based on paragraph 160 of the FNP at the PS, it follows that the PPR is carried out for all types of work, including work performed by the PS - all in one.

3. Executive technical documentation

Maintaining as-built documentation is the most direct responsibility of the PTO engineer. Those responsible for the production of work throughout the working day are required to keep information about the work done and by the end of the working day draw up a general report with the head of the site. Based on this report, the PTO engineer makes entries in the general work log, draws up all the necessary acts, protocols, and, if tests are necessary, informs the head of the site about the need to call laboratory specialists.
Another important detail is that all passports, certificates for materials, equipment, parts, products delivered to the facility must be handed over to the PTO engineer on the same day they arrived. On the basis of these documents, incoming control acts are drawn up, and an incoming control log is filled out. Also, in the process of carrying out work, those responsible for production have a need to perform work following the work that needs to be examined. In this case, the PTO engineer draws up all the necessary as-built documentation for them.
Executive schemes - they are also geodetic schemes, in all there are geodetic marks and surveyors are obliged to make these schemes. The situation is the same with the construction control of the Contractor - maintaining a section of the general log of work and a log of construction control should not be the responsibility of the PTO engineer, this is the direct responsibility of the engineer of the SC (Building control).

4. Estimated documentation

- this is the duty of the LMS estimators and there is nothing to even add here.
Since the estimate documentation has already been mentioned, we will consider the signing of it and the acts KS-2, KS-3 and the magazine KS-6a at the Customer, the Customer's Construction Control, in other words, the signing of "implementation". Fulfillment (percentage) is the amount of work in terms of money, the volume and quality of which is confirmed by executive documentation.

5. Current documentation

Reports - maintenance and their systematization should be the responsibility of the PTO engineer, and the collection of these data is the responsibility of the site manager.
The drafting of acts KS-2, KS-3 should be dealt with by the LMS according to the journal KS-6a compiled by the PTO engineer.
Notices of removal of prescriptions are prepared by the PTO engineer according to the report of the person responsible for the elimination of comments.
Sending various kinds of notices to Rostekhnadzor, registration of general and special journals is the direct responsibility of the Customer of the construction site, even the Customer is obliged to issue these journals already numbered and laced with a completed title page and with all signatures.

Reading 7 min. Views 2.9k. Published on 06/24/2018

Construction work is a complex process, which is accompanied by the preparation of related documentation. Such documents include projects of the future facility, contracts for the supply of raw materials and consumables, and other acts. There are special schedules for construction work, which indicate the amount of energy and labor costs. In this article, we propose to consider the question of what the production and technical department (PTO) does.

PTO is a commonly used abbreviation that means production and technical department.

What is PTO

The main task of the production and technical department is to prepare for the various stages of construction work. According to experts, this department is a fundamental structural subdivision of companies operating in the construction industry. The task of the employees of this unit is to process primary information about the implementation of the project a. This means that PTO employees accept project documents from the customer, study the estimate and issue a permit to start construction. These tasks are performed at the stage of preparation for construction work.

Upon completion of the work, PTO engineers form documents on the operational characteristics of the facility. Further, all documents are transferred to the customer along with the object itself. The task of these specialists is to analyze incoming applications and evaluate them for compliance with various standards that are established by regulatory authorities. In addition, employees of the production and technical department have the right to conduct tenders and competitions among suppliers for building materials and raw materials. At each stage of construction, the task of engineers is to calculate the labor costs required to implement the project.

During the construction itself, employees of this unit control the process of work and evaluate the amount of material resources used. In case of deviation from the estimate, engineers need to develop a corrective action plan. All information obtained during the analysis is used in the formation of management accounting. Based on this information, acts on the performance of work and internal statements are prepared, according to which employees receive wages.

The VET department (short for production and technical department) performs many different functions. The task of this division is to obtain permits for various events, tenders and examinations. Construction work involves a large internal and external document flow between the contractor and the customer. Employees of the department in question may be entrusted with the collection of documents, according to the list prepared by the customer.

Main tasks

As mentioned above, the VET department has many different responsibilities. Among them, it is worth highlighting the assessment of technical and economic parameters, as well as technical accounting and the formation of schedules for repair work. In addition, it should be noted:

  1. Formation of technical documents.
  2. Control over the implementation of various standards.
  3. Control of the rate of consumption of energy resources and building materials.
  4. Submission of applications for the purchase of additional equipment and consumables.

VET is part of the structure of construction companies, installation, energy and industrial enterprises, and is also represented in housing and communal organizations

According to experts, the most difficult task is assigned to the engineers of this unit. The main task of engineers is the formation of design documents and related applications in the form of calculations and estimates. In addition to paperwork, engineers need to supervise the manufacturing process and assist with installation procedures. In addition to all of the above, they are responsible for negotiating with business partners and subcontractors.

Production and technical department, functions:

  1. Development of a strategy for the introduction of innovative technologies in the production process.
  2. Monitoring the execution of works in which subcontractors are involved.
  3. Conducting a briefing.
  4. Control of the construction plan.

As practice shows, the employees of the department in question should work closely with the accounting department. Such cooperation allows to make scheduled calculations in a timely manner, on the basis of which reporting documents are formed.

Department structure

Employees of this unit can be divided into two conditional groups. The first group is engaged in preparation for production, drafting future construction projects. The second group is engaged in the preparation of estimates and the conclusion of contracts. The very structure of the unit is formed by the management of the department. When forming the staff, the specifics of the company's activities and a number of additional economic factors are taken into account. Further, the staffing is coordinated with the general director of the company. After agreement, the structure of the department is approved by issuing a relevant act.

Functional responsibilities within the department are distributed according to internal instructions. The head of the production and technical department is responsible for the development and implementation of these documents.

Production and technical department in construction

As a rule, in the absence of an estimate and contract unit, the obligation to draw up an estimate is assigned to the production service. Employees of this department participate in the preparation for the negotiations, during which the contract is concluded. At this stage, the customer must transfer the technical documents to the contractor to analyze their compliance with the existing drawings.

In case of detection of inaccuracies and errors, special acts are drawn up, which are transferred to the customer.

The main goal of the department and its employees is to control all areas of production

At the next stage, the contract itself is drawn up, to which an estimate of the future project is attached. In the appendix to the agreement between the parties, the cost of services and the guaranteed period for fulfilling obligations should be fixed. The received technical documents are registered in special journals. Further, they are used as the basis for obtaining permits for construction work.

The VET department in construction is involved in engineering training. At this stage, the amount of work to be completed within a month is determined. For this purpose, calculations are prepared on the costs of energy and labor resources. Next, consumables and the necessary raw materials are purchased. At this stage, a summary sheet is filled out, where the cost of cement, reinforcement, precast concrete and other consumables is recorded. Before the construction itself, a special statement is created, where the amount of work performed will be recorded. This statement must be laced and numbered, and also contain the signature of the owner of the company and the company seal.

At the end of the above period, the engineers check with the certificates of performance of work received from subcontractors. These acts are used to process all project documentation. These actions are carried out every month in order to control the construction work. As a rule, most customers try to hire those companies that have a design department in their structure. If the order is related to the repair or reconstruction of the facility, the PTO engineer draws up a defective act for future work.

After agreeing on various issues related to the future project, the VET workers prepare an estimate. At the next stage, coordination of work with the fire inspection and SES is carried out. Further, a contract is concluded, on the basis of which the contractor begins to fulfill his obligations.

Special attention should be paid to those cases when there is a division within the organization that produces its own products. In this case, VET employees are entrusted with the calculation of the final cost of goods. During such calculations, it is very important to take into account the cost of each product.

Among the main responsibilities of the PTO in the field of construction, it is necessary to highlight the preparation of acts for obtaining permits. Also, this department develops various documents for participation in competitions. Such documents include estimates, licenses and commercial invitations. The engineers of this division take part in regular inventory, and also interact with various regulatory authorities and contractors. In some cases, employees of this unit are entrusted with the analysis of estimates and projects of third-party companies. An appropriate license is required to perform these actions.

Taking into account the peculiarities of a particular area of ​​work of a PTO engineer, the requirements for his qualifications are serious

Conclusions (+ video)

The production and technical service of a construction company is engaged in the formation of documents necessary for each of the stages of construction. These materials are used to transfer the inspection commission and the customer himself. All calculations and analyzes attached to the acts form the basis of the final package of documents. The PTO department is headed by a technical director, who may take the position of the company's chief engineer. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that each employee of this unit must have a higher education.

In addition, VET employees must not only constantly monitor the progress of projects implemented by various subcontractors, but also provide the necessary briefing regarding work on the sites. VET employees, cooperating with the planning departments and accounting departments, make various calculations for applications and plans, and compile reporting documentation. The department's responsibilities include:

  • maintenance of technical records of the operation of various equipment;
  • preparation of technical reports;
  • analysis of technical and economic performance indicators;
  • planning equipment repair schedules;
  • monitoring compliance with the standard costs of materials;
  • timely preparation of requests for the necessary materials or parts of equipment.

Among all employees of this department, the most complex types of work are carried out by PTO engineers.

Production and technical department in construction

The customer provides the entire package of technical documentation for checking the compliance of estimates with working drawings. Employees of the department analyze and, if there are comments, they draw them up for transfer to the customer. After settlement of all disagreements, an agreement or contract is drawn up for the volumes described in the estimate at current prices.

The estimate is an integral appendix to the contract, which indicates the cost in monetary terms, the timing of the work and the conditions for their production. When the contract is concluded, then all design and estimate documentation is transferred from the customer to the production department. It is registered and approved by the chief engineer "for production".
In addition to the technical documentation, the customer also submits other papers (for the allotment of the site and others) for the execution of a package of documents for obtaining a permit for the work.


In addition, the PTO engineer participates in the commission for the commissioning of the finished facility. It is also responsible for the compliance of preliminary calculations with real costs. If during the implementation of the project it becomes necessary to include additional financing or introduce any new types of work, the engineer justifies this and makes all the necessary calculations.

What rights does the engineer of the production and technical department have? The engineer of the department has the right to give instructions and tasks to employees in order to fulfill their functional duties. He can also control all stages of construction and production work (timeliness of implementation, compliance with norms and rules, quality level).

Production and technical department.


PTO in its work is guided by: - ​​Charter JSC; - normative legal documents on the issues of construction in the territory of the Russian Federation; - orders, instructions of the JSC management; - guidance and methodological materials regulating production planning, operational management of production; - by this Regulation. 2. Main tasks of VET Organization of construction and reconstruction, preparation of production. Ensuring the timely commissioning of construction projects.

Saving the enterprise's funds through the effective use of capital investments, the development of measures to reduce the cost of construction and installation works. Organization of the rhythmic work of sections, divisions and the enterprise as a whole. Raising the organizational and technical level of electrical production.

Construction organization structure

After processing all the sets and placing orders for materials and products (prefabricated reinforced concrete, reinforcement, concrete, mortar, etc.), orders for products and structures are placed in the summary sheet to manufacturers and suppliers. Before the start of construction, the department issues a work progress log to the facility, laced and numbered, signed by the manager and stamped. In addition, a work log is filled out to control the volumes performed.
At the end of the month, acts of completed work are accepted from line engineers and subcontractors. Drafts of percentages must be checked and endorsed by the representative of the technical supervision of the customer. Only after that the processing of documents takes place. The engineer of the production department checks the compliance of the percentage with the estimate.

Regulations on the production and technical department (PTO)

The approved technical documentation is issued to the construction site, to subcontractors, with whom contracts are concluded according to the same scheme. Engineers of the department draw up a project for the production of works (PPR), technological maps, a construction organization project (POS) if there is a license for this type of activity. The next step is engineering. These are the volumes that are planned to be completed in a month. Linear engineers make up sets of works for which the production and technical department in construction draws up applications for material assets, deciphers labor costs by performers, analyzes the compliance of applications submitted by foremen with project technical documentation, regulatory documents.

Pto engineer. what is this profession? What are the duties of a PTO engineer?

This is a commercial offer, an estimate that has been reviewed by an organization that has a license and other package required to participate in the tender. The production and technical department in construction takes part in the annual or non-scheduled inventory of the department, prepares information by correspondence with the State Administration, customers and subcontractors. Performs an examination of the estimates of third-party organizations, if it is provided for by the license, draws up materials for participation in competitions, together with the firm's lawyer, forms the necessary materials for participation in the Arbitration Courts.
Prepares materials in the framework of the management accounting policy, participates in production meetings, technical councils, selects and analyzes the balances of completed volumes for construction projects and other current issues.
Implementation of technical supervision of construction: - current control of the volume and quality of work performed, for their compliance with the approved design and estimate documentation, working drawings, building codes, standards, safety standards, the requirements of rational labor organization; - verification of compliance with the decisions developed in the project for the production of works; - control of timely delivery of works to the customer and controlling authorities; - development of measures to reduce the cost of construction and coordination of changes in design decisions with the customer and design organizations; - solution of current issues related to the production of works arising during construction. 4. Putting objects into operation: - preparation of documentation on completed objects for the selection committee; - control of timely delivery of works to the customer (signing of acts).

The structure of the production and technical department of a construction organization

General Provisions The Production and Technical Department (PTO) is an independent structural subdivision of OJSC Luch (JSC) and reports directly to the Deputy General Director for Production Activities. PTO is created, reorganized and liquidated by order of the general director of the joint-stock company. The head of the VET directly supervises the activities of the department. A person with a higher technical education in a specialty corresponding to the profile of the JSC, with at least 5 years of experience in electrical installation production in engineering and technical positions, is appointed to the position of head of the PTO. Appointment to the position of head of the PTO JSC, transfer and dismissal are made by the general director upon agreement and petition of the deputy general director for production activities.
the Charter of the enterprise; — regulatory legal documents on construction issues in the territory of the Russian Federation; - orders, orders of the enterprise management; - guidance and methodological materials regulating production planning, operational management of production; - by this Regulation. 2. The main tasks of VET: - Organization of construction and reconstruction, preparation of production; — Ensuring the timely commissioning of construction projects; — Saving the enterprise's funds through the effective use of capital investments, the development of measures to reduce the cost of construction and installation work; – Organization of the rhythmic work of sections, divisions and the enterprise as a whole; – Increasing organizational and technical production; — Coordination of annual volumes of work with customers, general contractors and subcontractors. 3. Structure of VET.
Consideration, study and implementation of calculations, carrying out the necessary coordination on the implementation of the design assignment in accordance with the information received from the customer for the design. Performs the graphic part of the project and its reproduction, in accordance with the requirements of the design and estimate documentation. 11. Calculates the cost of design work and preparation of documentation for payment.