Confident woman statuses. Self-confidence aphorisms and statuses

Confidence is a skill that can be learned just like anyone else. If you're in doubt, read thirteen self-confidence quotes from famous women. Perhaps inspiring words will help you value yourself more.

“I laugh at myself, I don't take myself too seriously. It seems to me that this is an important quality for any person - the ability to laugh, especially at oneself. " Madonna

Confident people don't take things too seriously. They understand that it is useless to be nervous about an awkward moment or some kind of miss, so they learn to laugh at themselves and find something positive in any situation.

“You will never get approval if you ask for it. When you yourself are confident in your worth, the respect of others does not have to wait long. " Mandy Hale

Trust in yourself and don't try to change according to someone else's standards. A confident person does not try to please everyone around him, he knows that such efforts will remain fruitless and have not made anyone happier yet.

“Do not be afraid of your fears - they are not there to scare, they point you to what really matters.” S. Joybel S.

Confident people are not afraid to face their fears. They are ready to leave their comfort zone because real change comes only through serious effort.

“Beauty is the ability to feel comfortable in your skin. This is understanding and acceptance of oneself. " Ellen DeGeneres

Confident people don't try to compare themselves to others. They accept their bodies as they are and do not look for flaws in their personality. Love and appreciate yourself.

"You would stop worrying about what other people think of you if you realized how rarely they do it." Eleanor Roosevelt

Confident people don't care what others think. They know how foolish it is to concentrate on such thoughts, because they understand that all people are busy with their own lives and are rarely really interested in the lives of other people.

“Just believe in yourself. Even if you cannot, pretend to believe and one day the feeling will become sincere. " Venus williams

Confident people are not born with high self-esteem. They, too, had to contend with doubts and look for flaws in themselves until they learned to accept themselves as they are.

“Don't waste energy trying to change the minds of other people. Do what you have to and don't worry. " Tina Fey

Confident people don't muffle their voices just because someone might not like what they say. They don't filter their ideas because they know it's better to have a few good friends who accept you as you are than a lot of them to constantly pretend to be.

"Success is most often achieved by those who know that failure is inevitable." Coco Chanel

Confident people don't shy away from problems and setbacks. They are always ready to remind themselves that mistakes are just an opportunity to learn a life lesson.

"What happens to me can change me, but it does not destroy me." Maya Angelou

Confident people don't let their circumstances control their lives. They know that they cannot manage all circumstances, so they just make every effort to cope with any problem and not lose heart over it.

"If you want to be someone else, you are wasting your own personality." Marilyn Monroe

Confident people don't try to find an idol for themselves. They have role models to serve as examples and lessons, but they don't have people to copy. There is no one who is the same as you, so why lose your uniqueness?

"The worst enemy of the imagination is lack of self-confidence." Sylvia Platt

Confident people would not be able to achieve anything if they did not believe in themselves. They know how to remind themselves that doubt is just a voice in their head, and they do not allow themselves to focus on negative thoughts that do nothing to improve the situation and serve no productive purpose.

"You cannot move mountains in a whisper." Pink

A confident person will not be silent when he notices injustice. He is ready to draw attention to what bothers him, no matter what others think about it.

"Never belittle yourself for the sake of others." Tyra Banks

A confident person will not downplay their merits for the sake of someone else. He will not allow his right to a happy, fulfilling life to be stolen.

  • You know, from now on. And forever .. I will not be jealous of anyone .. I am confident in myself, I am sure that you love and will not leave, if you do leave, then she is really better ..
  • Self-confidence needs to be nurtured - are you afraid to talk to him? Run up and just fuck. No talking.
  • Many, when the MCh leaves, they develop an inferiority complex, and I develop self-confidence! Left, it means so much schmuck that fate is preparing an excellent gift for me =)
  • Self-confidence is the most erotic trait a woman can possess.
  • Fell in love ... But we different people, girls are running after him in droves, he writes to me that I am better, but if I were in his place, I would choose one or the other of them ... Uncertainty kills ...
  • Good men give us extraordinary self-confidence, and bad men teach us to appreciate the good.
  • It is not true that alcohol helps you feel confident, it just deprives you of your sense of reality ...
  • Jealousy is self-doubt ..
  • God only gives us obstacles that we can overcome ... but if you get cold feet or lose confidence in yourself, you will die ...
  • How difficult: I love you, It’s much easier: I’m dragging. I greet you - beautiful, But too long, better: PRIVA. Why thank me to write, since you can dial the ATP. And the letters HZ will show self-doubt
  • I will still have everything with him. all. I'm sure. and we will have children too. (with)
  • ... I'm sure I'm calm, but I reach for another bottle of beer .. I shock people .. but I'm afraid to say "I'm sorry" .. I don't believe in love .. but at night I sometimes cry into my pillow ..
  • He does not look at his watch - I am sure that everything will be in time .. And runs away when it suddenly becomes warmer.
  • One step, and again with you. No dreams, no fear. Down, like the very lights of fashionable cafes. Illuminated windows, reflections of someone else's happiness will fly by, and a soft veil will accept and fall in love ... But you did not dare ... You were not sure that there was something, that is, that you would meet him again somewhere beyond the line. (C)
  • I have to be sure of my future ...
  • a woman, firmly convinced of her beauty, will eventually be able to convince everyone around her of her !!!
  • I am sure that nothing can be returned back and ... and tears are welling up in my eyes, but in my soul there is hellish pain ...
  • "... she was sure that she would learn to love him: in the end, love, like many other things, is a matter of time ..."
  • People are added as friends to be silent ... but I'm not sure if I write it will please ...
  • Every woman is sure that 2x 2 = 5, if you whine and scandalize well ...)
  • what if I really fall in love with him again, what will happen then (I am sure that if we are together again, he will cheat again.All my friends hate him, my mother, we are not destined to be together, but I already understand

Self confidence - best aphorisms and statuses from Emerson and other thinkers. The order of the article is as follows: first aphorisms, and only then statuses.

Aphorisms about self-confidence

Confidence Sayings from Emerson

Society is always in a conspiracy against a person. Conformity is considered a virtue; self confidence- a sin. Society does not love a person and life, but names and customs. ( Emerson Ralph Waldo) (1803 - 1882)

The winners are those who sure in their best. Someone who is unable to overcome fear on a daily basis has not yet learned his first lesson in life. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Other aphorisms about confidence

All dignity, all strength are calm - precisely because they are confident in themselves. (Vissarion Belinsky)

You only live once, and even this cannot be sure. (Marcel Ashar)

Avoid those who try to undermine your self-confidence. great person on the contrary, it instills the feeling that you can become great. (Mark Twain)

God helps those who believe in themselves more than those who believe in God. (Gennady Matyushov)

The beginner will confidently end with doubts; the one who begins his journey in doubt will end it in confidence. (Francis Bacon)

In happiness, one should not be overconfident, and in trouble one should not lose confidence. (Cleobulus)

A person only achieves something there, where he believes in his own strength. (Ludwig Feuerbach)

If a person does not have self confidence, he is not

trusts anyone in this world, while developing self-confidence, he gradually discovers that trust very often depends on relationships with those whom he begins to trust. Anyone who does not believe in himself does not believe in others either. (Inayat Khan Hidayat)

To have talent, you need to be sure that you have it. (Gustave Flaubert)

How can you be sure that you are right when the whole world is yelling at you that you are wrong? (Bernard Werber)

Any little worm of doubt can destroy the toughest rock of confidence. (Alexander Vatolin)

He who feels his own attractiveness becomes attractive. (Johann Goethe)

What we can be absolutely sure of is that we are monstrously like other people. (James Lowell)

A false note played ineptly is just a false note. A false note played with confidence is an improvisation. (Bernard Werber)

It’s amazing how purposefulness, courage, and willpower awaken from the belief that we are doing our duty. (Walter Scott)

Self-confidence and energy are what you need, and despair leads to not doing anything. (Nikolay Ogarev)

As you hope for the future, remember to gain confidence in the present. (Georgy Alexandrov)

Each of us is sure that he is more important and better than others, but only fools and dullards have the courage to admit this. (Jean Paul)

The self-confidence of talent is forgivable and fruitful, the self-confidence of mediocrity is ridiculous and fruitless. (Edward Sevrus)

Ignorance always has more confidence than knowledge, and only the ignorant can confidently assert that the sciences will never be able to solve this or that problem. (Charles Darwin)

A wise percentage of doubt - best foundation any confidence. (Leonid Sukhorukov)

A feminine guess is more accurate than a masculine confidence. (Rudyard Kipling)

Superstition is confidence not based on knowledge. (Dmitriy Mendeleev)

The main advantage of money is that you feel confident with it everywhere. (Françoise Sagan)

Tackle an easy task as if it were difficult, and tackle a difficult task as if it were easy. In the first case, so that confidence does not turn into carelessness; in the second, uncertainty turns into shyness. (Balthazar Gracian y Morales)

Only a person saturated with faith in himself realizes his will, directly implementing it in life. (Maksim Gorky)

Most often, those people who are firmly convinced of universal affection are aroused by dislike. (Francois La Rochefoucauld)

To become self-confident, a person needs a little luck. (Pascal Mercier)

Self confidence forms the basis of our confidence in others. (Francois La Rochefoucauld)

Self-confidence statuses

I stumbled and fell - it happens. But this is not yet a reason for panic. The main thing is to get up off your knees. After all, people will remember not that you fell and how it happened, but that they simply could not get up.

Be proud that you are you. Even if it sounds corny, don't let anyone tell you that you are not beautiful.

Man is a lion in his own eyes. (Scottish proverb)

Perhaps I will remain myself, I do not want to be like everyone else ...

It is very pleasant when the kids look at you with such admiration, dreaming that when they grow up they will certainly become the same.

A confident step forward is only made after a decisive kick from behind!

She found in him everything she needed: confidence in the future and a sense of humor, making it possible to forget fears.

Always remember about rule of three"N": Nothing Impossible!

Always stand your ground. Don't pass or concede. Self-confidence is almost the trump card of the whole deck.

The most dangerous fool is a fool who is deeply convinced that he is far from being a fool.

The certainty that you are loved - inspires and enables the impossible ...

I'm just as confident as I need to be to win!

Seeing self-confidence, others do not pay attention to shortcomings ...

From confidence to self-confidence, just one glass ...

I have a self-confidence complex !!!

Everything's fine with me! And the ax is so ... just to be sure!

This is all the statuses and aphorisms about self-confidence from Emerson and other thinkers. There are many more articles and books on self-confidence contained in similar materials under the article.