How to make a sconce with your own hands from improvised materials. DIY chandelier - manufacturing instructions and a master class on creating designer models DIY lamps from scrap materials

The idea to make a lamp with your own hands came to mind when, after laying the linoleum in the house, a cardboard tube remained (on which the linoleum was wound).

To make a lamp with your own hands, it remains to buy a very small amount of 2 meters of black and red wire, 2 meters of adhesive-based LED strip, a 12V 1A power supply, spray paint in a can. The LED strip was certainly expensive, but easier to work with. It was possible to use separately super bright LEDs, but there is a lot of trouble with them in terms of wiring to each other and fixing it inside the pipe.

Making a lamp with your own hands, was started with the application of preliminary sketches on paper. There was a desire for the lamp not only to be curved in a plane, but also in space, and have a fancy 3d wave shape.

After the sketch on paper satisfied my desires, I started making the lamp. Each pipe in the figure was measured and the pipes were cut to these dimensions. To get the required angles, templates were cut out of paper and fastened with tape to the pipe.

All the pipes were laid out on the table and fitted to the waveform.

The cuts were made on a stationary circular. This results in smooth, scuff-free cuts of 2 mm wide.

Now you need to connect all the pipes into one piece. The main task is to make smooth bends, for this it does not hurt to apply a template (fiberboard sheet) on the table. Since the pipes are made of cardboard, they can be connected accordingly using glue PVA, but I would recommend using adhesives that harden and harden faster (moment, superglue).

On the reverse side, wooden slats were screwed onto the self-tapping screws so that the homemade lamp could be hung on the wall. And holes were drilled in each pipe to lead out the wires from the LED strips.

The pipes were painted with ordinary paint in a spray can. The color was used red, since the wall on which the lamp should be located was white, I wanted to get some kind of contrast.

The paint dries very quickly, so you can start installing the LEDs. The main thing to remember is that you can cut the LED strip only in specially marked places. The tape must be marked in advance so that it is enough for all 12 pipes.

We solder the red wires to the “+” contact, and black ones to the “-” contact, so as not to confuse the polarity later.

We place the LED strips inside the pipes and fix them with the adhesive side to the pipe wall, and lead the wires through the holes made in advance. It remains only to connect all the wires in parallel (connect red with red, and black with black) and connect to the power supply.

Each piece of interior that is made by hand is able to fill the house with special comfort and warmth. In addition, such crafts will not only look great in any room, they will become a completely exclusive item. Chandeliers made on their own using scrap materials will look very original in the house. This is a great idea!

To create such a wonderful piece, discover the inimitable design talent that is present in every person. It is this revealed quality that will bring into the house not only bright light, but also a cozy atmosphere.


DIY kitchen chandelier

A similar handicraft product will look very elegant and graceful in the kitchen. And when guests come to the house, they will not even be able to guess that such a chandelier was made with their own hands, and not purchased in an expensive designer store. Imagine their admiration if they find out that it was you who were able to create such a masterpiece as a chandelier with your own hands. It is always fabulous in the kitchen with such a product.


You will need the following materials:

  1. A leg that can be removed from an old chandelier.
  2. A hemisphere that is made of metal.
  3. Any light fixture that has been used in the home in the past. You can disassemble and remove the required part. If this is not available, then an old school globe, previously cut in half, will do.
  4. Sandpaper. It may not be useful, but it should still be available just in case you have to do some cleaning to get a perfect surface.
  5. Wallpaper glue. Use this particular look as it dries and becomes completely transparent.
  6. Regular sponge.
  7. Dye. For the manufacture of a chandelier, you can take a matte finish, which is also used for painting walls.
  8. White fabric.
  9. Artificial leaves as well as flowers.
  10. Half beads.
  11. Beautiful ribbon.


So, all the necessary materials are at hand, you can come directly to the manufacture of a beautiful chandelier for the kitchen.

  1. First, dilute the glue and lower a piece of fabric into it. All material must be completely saturated with glue. Now you can lay out a sticky piece of fabric on the previously prepared hemisphere - this is the future shade. In order to make it more convenient to make folds on it, you can use any sharp object to make small cuts. Wrap everything that remains to stick out inside the product. The lamp must be completely pasted over.
  2. Give the garment time to dry.
  3. We take a sponge and paint the surface with it (inside and outside). Once the paint is completely dry, it is better to apply another coat for reliability. Now you can attach the resulting product to the leg.
  4. The next step is to decorate the lamp. But first, think carefully. Decide what the final product should look like. Multiple sketches can be made on paper with different design options. When you have decided, you can proceed to further work on the lamp. First, glue the decorative leaves in random order. Then comes a layer of flowers. If you have figurines of ladybugs, for example, you can attach them too.
  5. To complete the composition, you can decorate everything with a beautiful ribbon. But attach it in such a way that it is under the leaves, so it is more beautiful.
  6. At the end, you can add half beads to the composition. The lamp is ready.


Chandelier made from old plastic cups


Many people are involved in creating amazing and beautiful things that are perfect for decorating the interior of the house. But often everyone forgets about chandeliers and lamps. Or maybe there is simply no idea for creativity ... That is why so often people ask the question: is it possible to make a chandelier with your own hands using what is at hand? Yes of course!

Necessary materials:

  1. Plastic cups (about 300 pieces).
  2. Staples and stapler.
  3. Bolts.
  4. Washers (one large and one small).
  5. An energy-saving light bulb (this type is taken, since the usual one heats up very much).
  6. Cartridge with wire.

Let's move on to making a chandelier:

  1. Use a stapler to hold the three glasses together. It is best to start the connection from the bottom, and then move to the very top. What happened is the basic design. The resulting product is attached to the rest of the cups. The tapered design provides a sphere. And we must not forget that when everything is ready, you need to leave one hole for the cup empty. It is in this last glass that you burn a small hole. Place a large washer inside.
  2. The electrical wire is tied in a knot and then pushed out through the holes.
  3. Now attach the cup with bolts and small washers. If some kind of breakdown occurs, then all this can be easily disassembled. Using the same technology, you can also make a floor lamp by finding a suitable and beautiful stand.


Openwork sconce or floor lamp

Chandeliers (lamps) and sconces, which are made of improvised materials with their own hands, always look very beautiful. Any glass jar can be used as a shade, and a container for bulk products is also suitable. For the elements of decorating the lampshade, crocheted lace will be used.


For the manufacture of the lamp you will need the following materials:

  1. Glass container and tin lid.
  2. Hex nut.
  3. Drill with drills.
  4. Electric wire.
  5. Bracket and chuck.
  6. Electric lamp.
  7. A napkin or any lace product.
  8. Aerosol adhesive and paint.

You can get to work:

  1. It is necessary to drill a hole in the very center for fastening. And also you need to make four holes in a circle to avoid overheating.
  2. Now we attach the bracket, nut and cartridge, and then install the light bulb.
  3. A layer of glue is applied to the surface of the can and then lace is applied. They can be applied to any part. It all depends on the imagination.
  4. If you plan to make a sconce, then an openwork napkin can be attached with ordinary tape. Then everything is painted with spray paint. When the product is dry, the napkin can be removed and the painted shape will be preserved.


Rose petal chandelier (DIY pendant lamp)


This is a very romantic version of a pendant lamp.

Stock up on the following materials before you start making:

  1. Wooden embroidery hoop (you need 3 pieces of different sizes).
  2. Rose petals (you can buy them in a special store for decorating, or you can make them yourself by cutting them out of thick white fabric).
  3. Silk thread.
  4. Paste starch.
  5. White acrylic paint.
  6. Fishing line.

Getting started:

  1. Cut out white circles from the fabric, and then glue them with paste in pairs. Run a white thread between them. The length should be approximately 40 or 50 cm.
  2. Now let's move on to coloring the hoop. You need to use white paint. Then we hang them on the fishing line in the following sequence: the largest ring goes first, then the middle one, and the smallest one will be the last.
  3. Now tie the petal threads to the hoop. In the place where the binding is made, glue a circle of fabric. This process is very time consuming. But the result will be excellent.


Wire butterfly chandelier

This is a very original chandelier that will bring a constant feeling of summer and warmth to your home. Flocks of butterflies will literally come to life after a slight breeze blows. And the best part is that it is very easy to make such a chandelier with your own hands. The idea of ​​using a beautiful butterfly to make this lamp is very good.

Necessary materials:

  1. Lampshade that has two rings.
  2. Decorative chains.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Silver paint (preferably aerosol).
  5. Very thin marker.
  6. Transparent plastic.
  7. Pliers.
  8. Silver wire.

Completing of the work:

  1. The lampshade is painted with silver paint.
  2. A stencil is made in the shape of beautiful butterflies. Here you can use your imagination and do everything yourself or find ready-made samples on the Internet.
  3. We cut out butterflies from plastic according to stencils.
  4. Several butterflies need to be painted silver. The rest should remain transparent.
  5. You need to cut the chains 10 cm long. Now you need to put on transparent beads on them. So, the product can be given a very beautiful look, since the beads will sparkle every time the sun hits them.
  6. Next, you should attach the butterflies using pliers and wire. We attach the remaining end of the chain to the lampshade.


Making from disposable spoons


Such an uncomplicated object as a plastic spoon can become a real masterpiece in the right hands. Let's consider how to make a chandelier from such material.

Necessary materials:

  1. One 3 liter plastic bottle.
  2. Glue.
  3. Nippers.
  4. Plastic spoons (one large package).

Chandelier assembly:

  1. Using nippers, separate the heads of the spoons.
  2. Next, cut out the bottom of the bottle.
  3. Starting from the very bottom of the bottle, proceed to gluing the spoon heads over the entire surface of the bottle. Each new row must be glued so that it goes over the previous one. Stagger the spoons.
  4. When we come to the neck of the bottle, you need to stop. At this point, a ring is made that resembles a bracelet. We make it from well-glued spoons.
  5. For this chandelier it is necessary to use only energy-saving bulbs, as ordinary bulbs get too hot. And this will ruin the structure.


Original idea: thread lampshade


Threads are another very beautiful and simple improvised material that can be used to make a beautiful chandelier with your own hands. You will get a very unusual plafond.

In this article, we offer step-by-step master classes on how to make table lamps with your own hands from improvised means that are always in the house. It would seem at first glance to be ordinary and unnecessary things, but you can make original and designer lamps for your desktop from them.

The most popular and simple materials at hand are: glass bottles and jars, cardboard and paper, plastic vessels, water pipes and cement... We will show and tell you how to make lamps from this in this article.

With a simple and elegant copper table lamp, you can decorate any corner of your home by making it yourself. It will perfectly fit into a modern interior from loft to rustic style. Prostate and laconicism are the trump cards of this table lamp.

To do this, you need tools:

  • Roulette, marker
  • Pipe cutter and washcloth
  • Wire stripping and stripping tool
  • Pliers and thin flat screwdriver
  • crosshead screwdriver

M Materials:

  • Copper pipes
  • Acetone and super glue
  • Copper corners 90 ° each, 7 pcs.
  • Electrical wire
  • Plug and Electro Chuck
  • Switch and light

Table lamp assembly technique

Start with a tape measure, marker, pipe cutter, rag, copper pipes, and acetone.

We mark and cut pipes

  • Use a measuring tape and a marker to mark the location where you will cut the copper pipes.
  • Do this carefully, accurately measuring every millimeter, since if the details differ, then in the end they will not be the same size as they should be.

  • Aim the pipe cutter and adjust the pipe diameter with the nut. Watch the copper tube, gradually readjust diameter with nut, so that the closure goes on until the pipe is cut.
  • Then, using acetone and a rag, you can wipe the markings off the pipe.

TIP: Our parts have: 3 cuts of 15 cm, 1 cut of 20 cm, 1 cut of 45 cm, 1 cut of 25 cm. We used 12 tubes. When designing your luminaire, note that the size of the copper elbows will be added.

While the cable is inside, we connect the parts

Paste the parts together and glue with super glue. In order to avoid problems in the future, it is better to glue each part and put it next to each other.

Despite the immediate effect of the glue, prefer to wait a few minutes before continuing to make sure the parts are perfectly glued.

Tip: It will be more convenient to apply the glue if you use a brush. If you want the cover to be at the very top, install it first. This will complete the first part, and the cable will go in the other direction.


  • Wire stripper and wire stripper
  • Incisors
  • thin flat screwdriver
  • crosshead screwdriver


  • fork
  • electro cartridge
  • switch
  • Copper pipes
  • electrical wire

Install the electrical system

  1. Open the bezel of the cover and start by stripping the insulation. Connect ground (blue) and phase (brown, gray or black) using the two screws you find inside.
  2. Repeat the same process in the plug and switch.
  3. In the switch you will find two pairs of small screws, a cable that you have to cut to the height you want the switch to be and connect to the corresponding sockets by going inside the small screws.
  4. All you have to do is screw in the bulb to make your copper table lamp.

Finally, place the lamp in a corner or place you like and see how it will be a great addition to your interior, illuminating the space!

Master - class: Table lampfrom paper

When I first saw Robert Delta's desk lamp, it was love at first sight! The shape is amazing, it comes in a variety of bright colors, just the way I like it. I recently wondered, since the accessories were surprisingly durable, why not use them for a lamp?

Here are all the materials used:

  • old lantern or lamp kit
  • template and thick cardboard or paper, you can take polypropylene sheets
  • glue and putty
  • sanding block (medium + fine)
  • wooden block (add weight to the base)


  • artistic ribbons
  • metal ruler / xacto knife
  • drill (can optionally replace the xacto knife)

Lamp technology

  • First, print a pattern (6 pieces of each triangle) (1 from each hexagon).
  • Cut the shapes so they fit snugly against the board. Then use glue to attach the pieces to the back of the mount.
  • Using a metal ruler and a Xacto knife on a cutting board, cut each shape.
  • Put them together.

  • Next, glue the bottom (shapes 2 + 4) to the base (shape 6). The triangles fit nicely together, and if you've done everything right, they'll just fall into place.

Then use small pieces of art tape to stick them together and wait for the glue to dry completely.

TIP: Use super glue, it dries instantly (we used Aleene). Apply glue lightly, and rub off excess.

  1. After gluing the bottom half (shapes 2 + 4 to the base, turn shape 6 upside down (open end down), place the square on a flat surface and let it dry overnight, this will help keep its area.
  2. The next day, start working on the top of the lamp. Glue the 1 + 3 mold, leaving a little hole to insert the lamp inside. The top one (form 5) was glued together with the artistic tape, but it is not yet glued to the form 1 + 3.
  3. Then reinforce the seams with glue on the inside.

Then start working on the base of the fixture.

The level at the bottom of the lamp needs to be made a little larger, so cut a few 1 × 4 to raise it a little. It will also add extra weight, which will give it more stability. Use screws to attach 1 × 4 to the existing metal base. (We swapped the existing rod with one from the other lamp to get its correct height).

Next, drill a hole for the cord and insert the plastic sleeve from the old lamp. The lamp should be disassembled, and the cord and wire should be pulled through the threaded rod of the hole in the new base. Glue it in the center inside the lamp.

At the top (shape 5) mark the center and drill a hole for the center bar. Then stick it in place.

  1. After applying the adhesive, remove the excess and, if necessary, lightly and apply a second coat after sanding.
  2. With a medium grit filler and fine emery cloth, finish with a sanding block. At this point, you will notice its solid base.

After finishing dust removal, apply paint! To cover the top of the threaded rod, use the top of the old lamp - it just slides over the rod. Then put it back in the nest!

That's it, a do-it-yourself table lamp is ready.

Table lamp from a bottle

Tin can lamp

Such a lamp is perfect for a home desktop, for both a student and a schoolchild. Boys will especially appreciate her, she looks more like a transformer and a robot from the future. You can paint or decorate the jar itself with paper, threads, or make it more embossed. How right.

Table lamp made of plastic bottles

There will always be plastic bottles on the farm, so making the decor of an old table lamp is not difficult. Usually, when restoring old lamps, the bases are left and plastic is used for the lampshade. The lampshade mount is usually the old one. When working with plastic bottles, remember that they are easier to cut. with a paper knife or construction... The glue is used for rubber or special for plastic.

Table lamp made of branches and cuts

Wood in the interior is always a classic - it is always fashionable and relevant. By decorating a table lamp with a cut of wood or an old snag with your own hands, you will get a designer item that simply has no price.

  1. To do this, we need to pick up any piece of wood we like, handle it correctly, namely, dry it, apply impregnation against pests and varnish it.
  2. The second stage is to mount the top of the old floor lamp into the base. If this is not the case, it does not matter, in the stores for the light, bases for lampshades are usually sold.

Other original ideas

The basis for a table lamp, in principle, can serve as any item you do not need: these are children's toys, sewing machines, unnecessary socks, and so on. Experiment and create beauty!

Lamp - the item is unusually practical, because, unlike a bulky chandelier, it is very compact and can be placed anywhere, even on the floor. In the process of creating an interior, it is often forgotten about it, since it plays a secondary role. However, in the setting of a small apartment or room, it will be practically irreplaceable, and will also help add comfort and warmth to the room. You can find a lamp for every taste in modern lighting equipment stores, but isn't it more interesting to create it with your own hands? In this article, we will tell you how to make a beautiful and unusual lamp using completely ordinary materials that are found in every home.

1. Garland lamp

To create such a lamp, you will need a wire base, fishing line, paper or plastic bottles, as well as patience, patience, and more patience.

From the wire, you need to create a frame of the required shape, and cut out circles or figures from paper or bottles. Next, you either simply attach them to the wire itself with glue, or string them on a fishing line. The thinner the line, the more weightless your design will turn out, so that from a distance it will seem that your butterflies "flutter" by themselves.

2. Lamp made of beads

To create such a product, you will need wire, as well as, if desired, fabric. In a simpler version, you simply string colorful beads on a wire and bend it in a chaotic manner. Then an ordinary light bulb is fixed in the center.

If your soul desires something softer, with an oriental flavor, you can create unusual fabric shades decorated with beads. To do this, you will need old CDs, to which you will attach both fabric and beads, strung on the same wire. - an irreplaceable element, stock up on it in excess!

The fabric should be translucent: organza or tulle will do. It is sewn from one edge and secured only from the top. Then you can string a wire with beads on it. Please note that it is better to choose transparent or "chameleon" beads, otherwise they will look too gloomy when the light is on. Instead of a light bulb, you can put a flickering Christmas garland inside the lamp: this way you create a festive atmosphere in the room.

3. Cloud light

Incredibly cute and gentle option that is suitable for both children and adults. It may seem that it is quite difficult to execute, but this is not at all the case.

To create it, you only need a paper "Japanese" flashlight, cotton wool and a lot of glue. A large amount of cotton wool is glued to the flashlight to make a lush ball. Additionally, it can be decorated with pendants in the form of stars, crescent or raindrops. That, in fact, is all.

It's better if the cloud sticks to a thin line, - in this way you will create the effect of weightlessness in the room. This is a great idea for a theme party, so grab some cotton and go!

4. Lamp-lock

A similar solution is suitable for those who, as a child, loved to cut pictures from magazines. A surprisingly simple lamp that will create a mysterious, almost mystical atmosphere in the room.

You will need to find a photo (or print a picture) of an ancient castle, carefully cut it and roll it into a kind of tube. Then you fix the structure with tape, and put a small light bulb inside. On dark evenings, your castle will be illuminated from the inside, and mysterious shadows will flicker against its background ... how can you not tell a terrible tale? Also in the castle, you can cut out "windows" through which the light will pour out.

5. A lamp made of old things

Old dishes, pieces of furniture and even old, shabby lamps are in every home. It's good that you didn't throw them away, because now they will function again, you just need to decide on the style. In some cases, you don't even have to decorate anything, you just need to place the lamp (or what is left of it) in a suitable environment.

Most often, the matter is limited to a drill or glue with a dead "grip". Such lamps can be located in any part of the apartment, the main thing is to observe the general compatibility.

And a few tips in the end:

1. Use only energy-saving bulbs in your luminaires! You don't want to see flames ni in the place where your beautiful creation was just now?

2. Make sure that the material of your choice does not obscure the light - after all, first of all, the lamp should illuminate and only then decorate the room.

3. Do not be afraid to experiment, you will succeed! Who knows if a designer-decorator is sleeping in you? It's time to wake him up!


For all chandeliers, except for glass, it is better to choose LED bulbs. They heat up less during use.

YouTube channel CBC Life

What do you need

  • Yarn;
  • small photo frame;
  • scissors;
  • 3 sets of wooden hoops of different diameters;
  • 3 identical short and 1 long metal chains;
  • pliers;
  • bulb;
  • suspension for the lamp.

How to do

1. Wrap the yarn around the photo frame many times and cut. Take a small piece of thread and tie it on top of the yarn so that the ends remain. Cut the threads on one side where the hole in the frame is.

YouTube channel CBC Life

2. Remove the yarn from the frame and fold in half. In the middle, place the knotted thread so that its ends are at the bottom, and a loop at the top. See the video below for details. Cut off another piece of thread and tie it to the tassel just below the loop.

YouTube channel CBC Life

3. Make the rest of the brushes in the same way. The quantity depends on the hoop diameter. The threads should frame them tightly.

YouTube channel CBC Life

4. Remove the center hoops from all hoops — you will not need them. Open the large hoop and place some of the tassels over the loop.

YouTube channel CBC Life

5. Close the large embroidery frame. Slip the tassels over the others in the same way.

YouTube channel CBC Life

6. Cut nine pieces of thread. Place the middle hoop in the large one and tie them in three places, equidistant from each other.

YouTube channel CBC Life

7. Place a small hoop inside and tie it to the middle one in three places. These threads should be located approximately halfway between those that connect the large and medium.

YouTube channel CBC Life

8. Turn the structure over and spread the tassels. Tie short chains to a large hoop, evenly spaced apart.

YouTube channel CBC Life

9. Use pliers to open the outermost link of the long chain. Put the attached chains on it and close.

YouTube channel CBC Life

10. Attach the hanger to the ceiling, screw in the light bulb and thread the lampshade from below. The long chain can be hung, for example, from a hook attached to the ceiling next to the base of the chandelier.

What other options are there

There is another way to attach the chandelier. Place a metal ring on the lamp pendant and attach the chains tied to the hoop to it. The detailed process is shown in the video below. By the way, the technology of making brushes in it is slightly different. And the author also uses not a hoop, but metal hoops.

The tips of the brushes can be painted in a contrasting color:

Or make a gradient chandelier out of colored threads, like here:

YouTube channel Coral

What do you need

  • Globe;
  • drill;
  • stationery knife;
  • marker or pencil;
  • suspension for the lamp;
  • bulb.

How to do

1. Remove the globe from the stand. At the bottom, go around with a drill and cut a hole. See the video below for details.

YouTube channel Coral

2.On the other side at the top, sketch out a circle to fit the bulb holder. Also go through it with a drill and cut a hole.

YouTube channel Coral

3. Make several holes on the globe with a drill in any places. You can walk along the edges of the continents or highlight some countries. Light will ooze beautifully through the holes.

YouTube channel Coral

4. Fix the hanger for the light bulb, screw it in and hang the chandelier.

What do you need

  • Balloon;
  • PVA glue;
  • water;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • Thick threads such as yarn or twine
  • scissors;
  • suspension for the lamp;
  • bulb.

How to do

1. Inflate the balloon. Mix glue and water in a ratio of about 2: 1. You can take even less water.

Draw a small circle, about the size of the lamp hanger, on the part of the ball where the air enters. Draw a circle with a larger diameter on the back side: for convenience, you can circle, for example, a glass.

YouTube channel The DIY Cottage

2. It is better to cover the work surface with newspapers or oilcloth and put gloves on your hands. Soak the threads well in the glue solution and start wrapping them around the ball.

YouTube channel The DIY Cottage

3. Continue threading the ball, being careful not to touch the outlined circles. Arrange them randomly. The density of the layer depends on your taste: you can completely cover the workpiece or leave free space.

YouTube channel The DIY Cottage

4. Leave the structure to dry for about two days. Then lower the ball and carefully lift it out.

YouTube channel The DIY Cottage

5. Pass the socket into the smaller hole, screw in the lamp and hang the chandelier by the suspension.

What do you need

  • Glass bottles;
  • machine for cutting glass bottles;
  • sandpaper;
  • decorative wire;
  • suspensions for lamps;
  • light bulbs.

How to do

1. Rinse bottles thoroughly and peel off stickers, if present. Use a machine to cut the bottom off and sand around the edge of the cut with sandpaper.

2. Thread the wire through the neck and attach the socket. Wrap the bottles at random with decorative wire and screw in the bulbs.

What other options are there

In this master class, the bottles were attached to a wooden base and decorated with artificial greenery:

What do you need

  • Veneer in rolls (very thin sheets of wood);
  • measuring tape;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • iron;
  • parchment;
  • paper clips;
  • glue gun;
  • suspension for the lamp;
  • bulb.

How to do

1. Cut six strips 90 cm long from the veneer.

Søstrene Grene YouTube channel

2. Press them through the parchment to align the veneer.

Søstrene Grene YouTube channel

3. Lay the two strips crosswise on top of each other and secure with staples. Attach another tape to the side.

Søstrene Grene YouTube channel

4. Make another piece of the same shape from the veneer. This triangle should be larger than the previous one.

Søstrene Grene YouTube channel

5. Place the parts on top of each other, as shown in the photo.

Søstrene Grene YouTube channel

6. Sketch the outlines of a small triangle on the bottom part. Also outline the outlines of intersecting stripes on both parts. All the details are in the video below.

7. Remove the top part, remove the staples from the bottom in one place. Lubricate the junction of the strips with glue and glue.

Søstrene Grene YouTube channel

8. Process the veneer in the other two places in the same way. Glue the top piece together. Place it on the lower one according to the marked marks and attach with a pistol.

Søstrene Grene YouTube channel

9. Connect the adjacent strips of the upper part with staples, as shown in the photo and in the video below.

Søstrene Grene YouTube channel

10. Secure adjacent strips of the lower part by pulling them under the upper ones.

Søstrene Grene YouTube channel

11. Glue the places connected with paper clips. On the reverse side in the middle, attach the part into which the light bulb is screwed, circle from the inside and cut off the excess.

Søstrene Grene YouTube channel

12. Insert the hanger, fix it to the ceiling and screw in the bulb.

What other options are there

Here's a more classic light fixture made from veneer:

This is the process of creating an unusual large chandelier with bulbs thrown over a wooden beam:

And here's how to make a nice wooden frame for an old, unsightly lamp:

What do you need

  • Plastic bottle with a volume of 20 liters;
  • gold spray paint;
  • black spray paint;
  • suspension for the lamp;
  • bulb.

How to do

1. Carefully cut off the top of the bottle. The bottom one is no longer useful. Remove the cover.

YouTube channel Elyasaf shweka
YouTube channel Elyasaf shweka

3. Cover the outside with black paint. Let your future chandelier dry completely.

YouTube channel Elyasaf shweka

4. Put the chandelier on the suspension and screw in the bulb.

What other options are there

To make this chandelier, they took a five-liter bottle and decorated it with the remnants of wallpaper folded using the origami technique:

YouTube channel

What do you need

  • Basket (for example, straw);
  • pencil;
  • knife or other suitable cutting tool;
  • suspension for the lamp;
  • bulb.

How to do

1. Circle the cartridge in the middle of the bottom of the basket. Cut a hole along the line.

YouTube channel

2. Insert the cartridge into it and secure from the inside.

YouTube channel

3. Screw in the bulb and hang the chandelier by the suspension.