Why are Plates dreaming? Why is the Broken Plate dreaming.

What does the dream seen symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

Plate - "Not at ease" (discomfort), "looking into someone else's plate" (curiosity, envy, greed). "Bury your nose in your plate" - to be silent, offended. "Break a plate, dishes" (family scandal); “Sip from one plate” (community); "You cannot glue a broken plate" - the impossibility of restoring family, love relationship; "Make money on a plate of soup."

Why does a woman dream of a Plate (according to Natalia Stepanova's dream book)

Plate - For a young woman, seeing plates means that she will win the attention of a worthy man and become an economical, thrifty housewife in her home. If she is already married, such a dream portends even greater respect for her spouse thanks to her wise housekeeping.

Plate based on the dream book of the esotericist E. Tsvetkov

Plate - News.

Plate - why in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

Plate - To see a dish in a dream - to reveal a secret, to lick it - to success in business, to break - means to lose the protection of the powerful. Seeing a saucer in a dream is a joyful event. Dishes seen in a dream - to good trade, news, broken - to problems in the family, wiping them - to harmony in the family.

To have a dream about the Plate, what does it mean? (ABC of interpretation of dreams)

Plate - The plate represents the result of your efforts. Plastic, cardboard plate - the results of your efforts will be used by others. (See also Plastic.) A plate filled with food - your work will soon be successful. An empty plate - disappointment awaits you in life.

Why is the Plate in a dream dreaming (Miller's Dream Interpretation)

Plate - If a young woman sees plates in a dream, she will always be an economical, thrifty housewife and win a worthy husband. If she is already married, then the above dream will help her further strengthen her husband's love and respect through wise housekeeping.

Why is the image dreaming (according to Miss Hasse's dream book)

Plate - You will be invited to a dinner party; break - anxiety and sorrow.

The plate is full of something - Profit, if one or several. Seeing, washing for good luck, winnings, gifts. Beat for the holiday.

Why dream and how to interpret the Plate according to the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananit)

Plate - Frequent guests, quarrel.

Plate according to Maly Velesov dream book

Plate (bowl) - News, guests; empty - poverty; full of food - good, in the next interpreter you can find out why this dream is dreaming.

Interpretation of the dream (according to the French dream book)

Plates - Seeing a plate in a dream is a good sign that promises joy and good location spirit.

Plate in night dreams (interpretation of the Esoteric dream book)

Cymbals (brass percussion instruments) - To unexpected joy, good luck in a seemingly hopeless business. Ringing plates of winning in a casino, card or lottery.

The meaning of a dream about dishes (Russian folk dream book)

Seeing a Plate in a dream, breaking it - Fortunately, luck, love.

Why dream according to signs Plate (Slavic dream book)

A plate - to the manifestation of selfishness. Cancer. Moon.

Seeing the Plate in a dream (according to Housewives' dream book)

Plate - needs. Taking a plate in hand is good luck; the plate falls and breaks - financial problems.

The meaning of a dream about a Dish (Jewish dream book)

I dreamed of a Plate - A plate covered with small cracks - to a lot of unexpected troubles. Break a deep plate. For a woman - to salvation from serious danger. For a man - to refuse at the last moment from an erroneous step. Break a shallow plate. For a woman - to the opportunity to have a good time. For a man - to get rid of the need to engage in troublesome business.

Meet with the Plate in a dream (clue from the dream book of the healer Akulina)

Plate - To the profit. Imagine your sideboard is lined with loads of new plates.

Interpretation of the psychologist A. Mindell

Dreamed of a Plate - you saw in a dream a plate or a pile of plates - soon you will rejoice at some acquisitions. You seem to be washing a plate - you are thrifty and do not be lazy to count your money once again - you will never be poor. A young woman dreams of plates - this woman knows how to lead household: she has cleanliness, comfort, prosperity in her house; her husband will respect her not for her pretty eyes.

What does Plate mean:

What do Cymbals mean in a dream (musical) - in a dream you hear the ringing and rattling of musical cymbals - one of your relatives or friends will get sick; most likely it will be an elderly person.

Why does the Plate dream in a dream (interpretation from the Big Dream Book)

Dreamed of Plates - to profit, unexpected income. Imagine a kitchenware store. There are many different beautiful plates. You buy several sets, bring them home and arrange them in the sideboard behind the glass, or serve them on the dining table.

What does it mean to see the Plate in a dream (Psychoanalytic dream book)

The meaning of the dream about the Bowl (Russian folk dream book)

Plates are frequent guests.

It so happens that different sources interpret the same event, dream or just a vision in different ways. A very variegated picture is obtained if you study all the interpretations of such a frequently occurring phenomenon as a plate broken in a dream. Dishes beat in the kitchen, at a wedding, through carelessness or in the heat of a quarrel. Further development events is interpreted in the most contradictory variations. And yet there is something in common between them. Why is a broken plate dreaming?

We all remember well the wonderful adage that is accompanied in life by broken dishes.

  • « For luck!"- says the hostess, accidentally letting go of the saucer.
  • « For luck!"- the bride and groom exclaim at the wedding, sending empty glasses of champagne to the floor, in which a noble drink was foaming a moment ago.

Dreams, in which only fragments remain from the dishes, seers, for the most part, also tend to interpret as phenomena with a happy ending:

  • dishes scattered on the floor in small pieces, according to the dream book, symbolizes an invitation to the house of happiness and good luck;
  • if the ringing from a plate thrown on the floor is loud, then happy changes will not only come soon, but will also be large-scale - according to the sound;
  • in case of deliberate hitting of a person's plate who did this, truly untold luck awaits, in a very short period of time you will be on the shoulder of the peaks that you could not conquer for many previous years;
  • if the breaking of dishes happened by accident, then this may portend not the most pleasant surprises, which, however, may turn in favor of the hostess.

The general conclusion from the dream books is clear: a deliberately broken plate - fortunately, accidentally - is in trouble. However, is everything really so unambiguous?

Trouble can turn into ... a holiday

Dreamers agree that part of dreams are things. Dreams are signals of the subconscious mind, which accumulates information regardless of the mood of the owner, and then sends him "bells". Therefore, having seen a dream and correctly interpreting it, a person thus prepares himself for possible turns of events.

This also applies to such a significant object, indispensable in everyday life and having many symbols, like a plate. Large or small, more like a dish or a small saucer, it definitely cannot appear in a dream without a reason. It is very important to pay attention to the interpretation, and here's why:

  • an absolutely accidentally broken saucer is very important to interpret in time, it usually portends minor troubles in the family due to misunderstanding of the spouses each other, and if you prepare for this in a timely manner, you can successfully bypass the stormy sea of ​​domestic disagreements;
  • the same can be interpreted, like roughness between friends or work colleagues, in this case, you should also prepare for their possible appearance and keep the situation in a positive way.

At the same time, if the dishes are large, then broken or cracked, or rather, if there are several such items - this is a symbol of the upcoming holiday with many guests.

Where we only dream of optimism

Here are some more interpretations, but not so optimistic:

  • small fragments- this is what is left of the porcelain bowl: this is to the frustration of previous plans, and harmonious relationships can give an annoying crack;
  • chip, seen in the ideal, at first glance, form of the dish - to the alarm that the well-being in the family is such only outwardly, one of the spouses is actually planning a divorce;
  • as the personification of financial well-being, dishes cannot appear by accident if a large and beautiful dish cracked, and even worse broke- this can mean the impoverishment of the source of such well-being, and this can be blamed only on the dreamer;
  • the same action in a dream is the personification of the collapse of an entire enterprise, if its leader is the dreamer;
  • a beautiful bowl broke- business, partnerships have come to an end, this can also mean the end of a romantic relationship;
  • who dropped or broke the dishes- he is the initiator of upcoming events, but if only fragments appear, everything will happen by itself, without your participation;

Indicative is a dream in which you saw a failed attempt to smash the dishes by someone you know - which means that this is the very secret enemy who has been trying to put a pig on you all this time.

Emotions and experiences of night dreams

Dreaming is one thing. Feeling something while doing this is a new color in the interpretation of a dream. The dreamer's emotions and experiences determine the general background of upcoming events - from negative to positive:

  • breaking dishes you felt cheerfulness and a surge of positive mood- to a very big, long-awaited good luck;
  • if the dreamer is gambler- such a vision promises truly fantastic luck and incredible winnings;
  • sensations during night dreams with a broken plate turned out to be sad or woe- to the failure of such a long-cherished project, it is possible that the reason for this will be a loud quarrel;
  • gaiety of sleep about dishes can promise a pleasant pastime in all respects, but if it suddenly shattered into small fragments, it makes sense to postpone the arrival of guests and the accompanied celebration until better times, so as not to cause trouble;
  • the same dream, but with neutral or sad emotional background- a harbinger of failure in maintaining an economical lifestyle, this will not give a positive result;
  • and here is a dirty plate, broken while washing dishes- a sign of getting rid of old trouble.

If you only saw how such a bowl scattered, this is to unexpectedly bad news.

Broken dishes worry will come true

Broken dishes themselves mean restless sleep. Domestic troubles cannot be avoided. A married woman will lose the respect of the faithful. Marriage as a whole can also go into a tumultuous phase. Losses in the ranks of friends are possible. It is better to recognize such dreams in time. And prepare for them in advance.

A plate is one of the most important utensils in the home. Today it is difficult to imagine your life without this subject.

Therefore, when people see such an object in a dream, they do not think about what this vision means, writing off the dream as an everyday occurrence and a psychological state.

But this is the wrong decision. People do not dream of dreams just like that. They appear to warn or point out to a person his mistakes. Therefore, the meaning of a dream is worth knowing.

Many dream books say that the dreamed plate personifies the wealth and prosperity of the family.

But a more accurate interpretation depends on the actions that were performed in the night dreams:

  • See stacked plates to prosperity and tranquility.
  • Dreamed dishes placed on the table... This sign promises the arrival of unexpected guests.
  • Wash dirty utensils to bad news. But the dream indicates that this news will not disappoint the person, but will help him achieve his goal.
  • V wipe... The sign promises the guardian of the dream harmony and peace in his family.
  • Carry similar items back to place after washing... This sign personifies the desire of a person to show himself from his best side.
  • Buy... This dream promises to get pleasant emotions from doing everyday things.
  • Search for the necessary utensils for the purchase... This vision prophesies an early marriage and a happy family life.
  • Sell... Selling predicts to a person that they will soon find themselves in an unpleasant situation. He will need to do a bad deed, but soon he will admit to close people about his commission.
  • Accidentally smash... This is a sign warning against careless and rash actions and actions.
  • Beat on purpose capacity. Such a vision predicts a fortunate event. Sometimes a dream means good luck in communication with the opposite sex.

    If a woman sees such a vision before pregnancy, or already being in a position, then it indicates that she is not destined to become a mother.

  • Smash with a jingle... This is a sign of unreal luck in the material sense. It can be getting an unexpected inheritance, winning the lottery, etc.
  • Smash a large dish Fortunately.
  • Use old dishes in everyday life... This nightly plot indicates that a person is preparing for a poor existence. He deliberately does not want to change anything and expects when he crosses the poverty line.
  • Dreamed container with the deceased... If the dead man eats from the dishes, then a terrible disease will soon overtake the person.
  • Eat from a plate, and find a hair in it... In reality, this is very unpleasant and disgusting. But dream books say that this is a harbinger of favorable changes.
  • Dreamed flying saucer... It is a sign of a person's good luck. Fortune will accompany him for many years in the future.
  • See a flying saucer in the sky... A UFO indicates to a person his bad deeds. This sign indicates that you should change your attitude towards other people, stop committing vile deeds.

    According to Vanga's dream book, UFO personifies human sinfulness.

    The family dream book says that UFOs are a sign of an imminent acquaintance with the dreamer's soul mate.

Other meanings

The one who saw the dream plays an important role:

  • The vision dreamed of the female sex... The meaning of sleep depends on the social status of the fair sex:

    For an unmarried girl, such a vision predicts that she will become a very exemplary and exemplary wife.
    If a married young lady saw the dream, then this is a sign that her husband is proud of her achievements in the field of housekeeping.

  • If the vessel dreamed man, then an imminent marriage awaits him.

The dreamer should also remember the appearance of the plate for a more detailed deciphering of the night plot:

  • See new plates for a change for the better.

    The second interpretation says that the changes will be associated with a change in a person's place of residence. He is expected to move to another city or foreign republic.

  • If the dishes are beautiful in appearance, then this is a sign of the accomplishment of successful events in a person's life.
  • Dreamed white porcelain plate. This sign foreshadows the occurrence of a quarrel or conflict situation.
  • Net utensils represent joyful events.
  • Dirty plates prophesy bad news that will make a person disappointed and worried.
  • Empty crockery embodies a person's need for material goods.

    The second interpretation says that this dream indicates the loneliness of a person and his need to communicate with other people.

  • Dishes filled with food... The interpretation depends on the type of dishes and what it is filled with:

    If there are sweets in the plate, then this vision predicts family happiness and an early marriage.
    A bowl of soup for good news. The night plot indicates that after this the dreamer's financial situation will improve.
    The container with dumplings embodies the fulfillment of cherished desires.
    A bowl of pasta promises happy events.
    A container with pasta or noodles leads to setbacks and problems.
    If there was a fish in the vessel, then the dreamer will soon acquire new knowledge and skills.

    If a container with food is seen by a person with health problems, then this sign predicts a deterioration in well-being.

  • Cracked capacity predicts unpredictable losses.
  • Knocked down the dish predicts the emergence of litigation within the family.

If breaking dishes or broken containers is dreamed of on the eve of the wedding, then this sign promises a short family life filled with quarrels and conflicts.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Dream interpretation Interpretation
Dream interpretation of birthday people of the winter months The dreamed plate personifies the dreamer's resentment against one of his family members.
Grishina If you dreamed about new dishes, then you should expect complications and troubles in the future.
Old plates symbolize stability and prosperity.
Loff's dream book A dirty plate characterizes the dreamer as a modest person.
Dream interpretation of lovers Buying new food containers predicts a prosperous life with a loved one.
The second interpretation says that the acquisition of such items predicts an imminent wedding.
Miller Buying dishes in a half-empty store leads to business problems.
Autumn dream book A large feast is to be expected.
Dream interpretation of the 21st century Seeing a lot of plates is good luck.
Smash them to the deprivation of the patron.
Wipe to harmony within the family.
Lick to success at work.
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Sometimes the most commonplace things that you have seen in a dream can be very serious. For example, a broken plate is usually a symbol of discord and unfulfilled hopes. Why is this household item still dreaming, the dream book will tell.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book claims that a beautiful dish, seen by a young girl in her nightly dreams, predicts a successful marriage for her, and a married lady - mutual understanding in the family.

It is not difficult to guess why the dream is that the porcelain bowl has shattered into pieces. Probably, something will happen, because of which the plans will be frustrated, and all that remains is to dream of a harmonious relationship.

Does finance sing romances?

The plate is also the personification of the dreamer's financial condition. If you dreamed that she was beautiful and large, then your income will be stable and high.

If in a dream you accidentally had to break a dish, then in the near future you should expect that one of the sources of money will run out. And this will happen through your own fault.

Had a dream about a broken plate? A general deterioration in business and the collapse of a profitable enterprise are coming.

Termination of relationship

A broken plate, according to the dream book, indicates the end of the relationship. And both business and romantic. To determine why such a dream is dreaming, it is worth remembering who exactly beat the glass objects.

Did you dream that you yourself banged it? The gap will be driven by you. If you happen to see only fragments, then everything will happen for an independent reason.

It's another matter if someone tried to break the object and failed. The dream interpretation believes that in reality you have an enemy who is making unsuccessful attempts to poison your life.

Win or quarrel?

The dream book claims that the meaning of such a dream largely depends on emotions and experiences.

If at the moment when you tried to break the product, you felt a surge of fun and positive emotions, then expect great luck. For avid gamblers, such a dream means luck in the game and a huge win.

If the emotions in night dreams were far from the most pleasant, then the profitable business that you have planned will fall apart. And this will most likely happen because of a loud quarrel.

The holiday will not take place ...

According to the dream book, an ordinary bowl can be dreamed of as a sign of fun and a pleasant pastime. If she crashed, then the holiday and the visit of the guests will be postponed. A broken plate suggests that attempts to be a thrifty and thrifty person will not be crowned with success.

By the way, if in a dream you washed a very dirty dish, but it broke, then the dream book promises - in the real world you will finally get rid of the annoying problem. On the other hand, to see how the plate broke on its own is to unexpected negative news.

The world of dreams is mysterious and unpredictable. Every night, closing your eyes, you can plunge into its vast expanses. But what does the dream that you have dreamed promise?

Why dream of breaking plates? It is worth understanding.

Why do plates dream - the main interpretation

Beautiful and washed dishes in a dream are a sign of prosperity in the house and to soon guests. But why dream of broken and stained dishes? Such dreams do not portend joyful events; rather, on the contrary, they warn of the upcoming vicissitudes of life.

Why are plates dreaming? Such a dream suggests that you do not feel very comfortable in this situation, perhaps you are paying too much attention to someone else's life, but at the same time do not learn from other people's mistakes, but you yourself are working out your own. This is especially indicated by the dream in which you are diligently trying to look into someone else's plate.

If you see a plate in front of you, rubbed to a shine, and you look into it - in reality you will tend to admire yourself, you will put your interests above the interests of your loved ones. All this can lead to a scandal and the emergence of misunderstanding within the family.

If in a dream a plate slips out of your hands and breaks, the chance will be missed and only you are to blame. But if you drop a plate due to the fact that someone interfered with you, you yourself are to blame for your troubles and sorrows. What if the plate begins to turn black in front of your eyes - your life is subject to negative influences from the outside.

In order to understand who has this detrimental effect, it is imperative to interpret the dream of the whole, then you can unravel all its nuances and reveal all the secrets that have accumulated in your life. If in a dream, you silently look at the plate and it is empty, you will simply go headlong into meditation and into your negativity and few people, even your most devoted friends, will not be able to rid you of this apathetic state of mind for a long time.

If in a dream you eat from the same plate with another person or people - take a closer look at who they are. It is on them that your future future will depend. Why dream of breaking plates? If in a dream the plates slip out of your hands and break into small pieces, your dreams will break into reality in the same way.

If the plates break through no fault of yours, but thanks to the intervention of someone from outside, then you should carefully take a closer look at who thanks to whom such a nuisance occurred in your life. It is this person who will have an impact on her in the future. It is also worth taking a closer look at your chosen one or chosen one, perhaps they harbored a deep resentment against you and cannot admit it to you in any way.

It is because of this that conflicts and quarrels occur in your relationship, but the reason has not been established. It is worth being attentive to your soulmate and not allowing troubles and everyday issues to destroy the relationship, the best solution in this case will not be a respite and rest from each other, but a dialogue in order to solve all problems together.

Why do plates dream from Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book, it is said that plates are dreamed of as a symbol of common life and joint endeavors. This can be both a prerequisite for creating a family or new relationships, and a prerequisite for the transition of relationships to a new level. It is worth noting the fact that it is important to remember all the emotions that filled the dream. If they are only positive, then the changes will be positive, and if they are alarming, then the changes will also be alarming.

Perhaps you will dream that you are hitting the plates in a dream - your relationship weighs on you and it is time for you to change your partner, since in this union you lie to yourself and betray your ideals. If, in a dream, breaking the plates, you are trying to collect them - such a dream suggests that the quarrels in your pair are empty and it is time for you to go out on the truce path. If this does not happen, you will torment yourself for a long time, but did you do the right thing.

If an unmarried girl dreams of a lot of empty plates, she will continue to face disappointments in her personal life. If, on the contrary, she dreams of plates filled with goodies, she will have a huge choice in love. Counting plates in a dream means choosing the right and faithful partner.

If a married woman dreams of how she rubs the plates, someone is vigorously discussing her and her family. She herself should not, as they say, wash dirty linen in public. This is the period when you need to be as attentive as possible to the needs of household members, but at the same time look for advice within yourself, and not bring problems to the public.

What is the dream of plates according to the esoteric dream book

In the esoteric dream book it is said that plates dream of home comfort and well-being. But it is worth remembering whether they were yours in a dream. If they were yours, it means that good luck will come to your house. But if you find fragments from plates on your doorstep, such a dream promises you a lot of troubles that you will have to fight for a long time. These troubles are brought into your house by strangers.

If you dream about how the plates in your house have darkened, illness and grief await you. You were not attentive enough to your loved ones and your health, and now you will have to pay for it;

If you see colorful plates in a dream, you will find a variety of entertainments and pleasant moments that your friends will create for you;

To dream of a mountain of dirty dishes - you will be discussed and evaluated by ill-wishers;

Receiving plates as a gift means getting a patron.

Why do plates dream about other dream books

In the autumn dream book it is said that the plates are dreamed of for a big celebration and a huge table on it. In the summer dream book, it is said that a feast is dreamed of before the arrival of guests, especially if the table is served with a large number of plates. If the plates are red, you should expect new love relationships, but if they are green, you will see favorable changes in the professional sphere.

The summer dream book says that if you dream of white plates with a gold border, you should expect a wedding soon. The women's dream book says that if a young girl dreams of plates, she will be surrounded by the attention of her gentlemen. If a married woman has such a dream, she will establish relations with her husband and will soon be able to receive from him everything that she has dreamed of for so long. She will also receive his respect and approval for all her actions.

Tsvetkov's dream book says that the plate is news that you are really looking forward to. Depending on which plate you dream about - this will be the news. If the plate is cracked or broken, then the news can shock you. The dream book advises to take everything as it is, and not to look for the guilty. Just rely on fate's choices and follow her advice.

In a modern dream book it is said that many plates around you in a dream indicate that you are surrounded by secrets and riddles that you simply do not want to see. It's time for you to open your eyes to everything that happens and enjoy everything that you see. Even if the secrets seem to you at first very dangerous and terrifying, in fact, the consequences for you will be minimal. Why dream of breaking plates? Such a dream suggests that your patrons will stop helping you. But whether their patronage is important, or is it worth paying more attention to their own powers - the full interpretation of the dream will tell you about this.

If you break the plates yourself, destroy everything around of your own free will - you are tired of the routine and have been trying to go beyond what is permissible for a long time. It's time for you to do it without remorse, because routine is detrimental to you. If you break plates in a dream in your home, you are bored with everyday life, and you are trying to somehow change the situation in your favor. You are tired of watching everything that happens in the house, you more and more often think that mutual understanding will never be achieved again. What needs to be done in this situation is to pause and look at everything that happens after a while.

Dreams often predict the future, but they can also indicate the mistakes of the past.

You'd better listen to these clues and take the most important things from them. If the dream repeats itself over and over again, you categorically refuse to learn some life lesson. Don't resist the natural course of events. Better understand that sooner or later you will have to accept the situation as it is. It is better to do it now and get joy from everything that happens than to repeat mistakes over and over again.