We make a pond from a tire on our site. Step-by-step instruction

Every Russian person is famous for his ingenuity. Indeed, what kind of people on our planet can find an interesting use for those things that are considered rubbish.

Old tires with the development of the automotive industry should find their use. Therefore, enterprising people decided to make beautiful flower beds and even attractions for children out of them. In addition, you can make a pool or a pond from a used tire. In this article, we will tell our readers about how to organize a pond in the country with your own hands step by step from tires. And besides the description, you can also see photos here. In general, we think that this material will be useful to you.

What tire is suitable for creating a country pond

It is worth saying that the choice of tires for the future pond is influenced by the place that you can provide to this structure. If the summer cottage does not have extra space - then your choice is a tire from a car. And if there is a lot, you can choose:

  • Tire from KAMAZ,
  • The rear wheel of the tractor "Belarus",
  • A tire from a 45-ton BELAZ.

On a note! Old pond tires can always be found at a tire shop. You can get them there for free. For symbolic money, you can buy them at a car company or find similar offers on the Internet.

What pond can be made

Of course, fish cannot be bred in a tire pond. But here you can plant various plants in it and along its banks. In order to hide the rubber base, flagstone must be planted. You can also arrange an alpine slide very close by. As a result, your guests will not immediately guess what this water structure was made of.

On a note! Even the smallest pond is a danger to small children. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave them unattended in the garden where the pond is located.

What to use to build a pond

In this article we are talking about how to make a pond out of tires in the country. Of course, in order to make this structure, consumables and tools are needed.


  • Electric jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • Level for construction;
  • Bayonet and shovel.


  • stones, rubble,
  • Sand, soft sealant, and ornamental plants.

Create a pond step by step

Well, the moment has come when we will describe in stages how to make a pond with our own hands from a tire. And if you rely on our instructions, then you will succeed.

Of course, the tire is first of all washed from dirt. Then the upper part is cut off from the product. The work uses: electric jigsaw or hacksaw for metal. A sharp knife will also work.

Then it is worth determining the place of the future reservoir. For this purpose, a sunny area, which is located in a recreation area, is suitable. The pond should be located away from trees so that it cannot be clogged with fallen leaves.

At the next stage, the degree of penetration of the rubber base is determined. The pond can be located:

  • On a flat surface of the earth;
  • Buried in the ground for a third;
  • Completely buried in the ground.

Now we need to dig a hole. It must match the shape of the tire. In addition, it must be larger than its diameter. Depth is determined based on previous information.

The bottom must be leveled. Then it is covered with sand. In this case, the layer of sand should be 15 cm. Then it is worth laying a tire on the compacted bottom.

The PVC film can be used as a soft sealant. However, it is best to use special material for pools. It is purchased in special stores. This material spreads freely along the bottom of the pool, and the edges lead out. In this case, the length of the edges should go half a meter from the pool.

Now you need to pour water into the pool so that the material can be rationally distributed inside the tire. To fix the material, stones that will have a round shape are suitable. They are laid at the bottom of the structure at opposite ends.

The edges of the film material, which are brought out of bounds, are straightened and covered with ordinary sand. The sand will hold them. In the future, they can be decorated with gravel. Wild turf and other materials you like will also work.

The pond, which you managed to revive very simply with the help of a fountain. In this case, you can use a small pump, or a turbine with an aquarium nozzle. These devices will run on electricity. Therefore, the wire can be removed in a hose or buried in the ground.

The backlight organized by garden lamps, which will work from solar panels, will look beautiful. In the daytime, such a lamp will accumulate energy, and in the evening it will be able to give you a soft light.

On a note! If you use sand or gravel for the bottom of the pond, the water will become cloudy. In order to prevent animals from dying in your pond, moving around the summer cottage, a beautiful snag is placed in the pond, with which they can get out of it.

How to decorate a pond from a tire. Options

As you can see, making a decorative pond from a tire with your own hands is not difficult and not expensive. It is important to follow some rules here. But in order for the pond to truly become a decoration for your garden plot, apply some decoration elements.

  • So, from two large tires you can make two ponds, which at the same time will be in contact with each other. At the time of decoration, you can install a wooden bridge at the junction. The bridge can play a decorative role or be part of a garden path.
  • There are ponds with overflow on the mogur garden plot. To do this, one pond is installed in the depths, and the other is placed on the surface of the earth. To perform overflow, you need to drain rainwater from the roof of the house. You can also build a homemade waterfall.
  • In order to make a waterfall, you need to hold a hose with water pressure from a stone. He should look out through the thickness of the scenery of the pond. The flow of water will provide overflow between reservoirs. And the water itself will fall from the height of the stones.
  • With the help of a large tire, you can make a pool for children. In this case, the tire will be well strengthened, and the coastal zone will be tiled. This will ensure safe walking barefoot. For such a pool, it is worth purchasing a pump in order to filter the water.

Summing up

So you learned how to make a decorative pond from a tire. As you can see, this process is not very complicated. It is important to prepare all consumables, as well as the necessary tools.

The desire to ennoble a suburban area is quite understandable and natural. A do-it-yourself tire pond is one of the options to make the courtyard of a summer house or house cozy and attractive. Making a miniature pond is a simple and interesting thing. This building does not need a lot of space. Anyone can make a pond in the country. For this, there is no need to attract heavy equipment and hired workers. An artificial pond will be a great addition to landscape elements such as garden arches, paths, flower beds and gazebos. There are many materials for making a reservoir, but the most affordable and easy to manufacture is a small lake built from car tires.

Do not rush to throw away old tires, you can make original decorations for your summer cottage from them: animal figurines, chairs, swings and even a small pond!

Opting for old tires

The idea to equip an artificial reservoir on the territory of their possessions is visited by almost every property owner. This is a pool for swimming in hot weather and a place for adults to relax. Many are deterred by the significant cost of finished products. Not everyone is ready to take on the independent construction of a concrete tank.

Using old tires, you can quickly and easily make a beautiful pond.

First of all, it is necessary to assess the condition of the site. The dimensions of the products that will be used in the work will depend on its size. If the area is large, then it is quite possible to plan the construction of several ponds from old wheel tires. For the arrangement of the reservoir, it is necessary to choose a flat place where there are no large boulders, tree roots and communications. This will allow the construction to be carried out without complications and undesirable consequences in the future.

When planning the arrangement of an artificial reservoir, it is necessary to provide for such nuances as:

  1. Pond type. It can rise above the ground or be buried.
  2. External design. As a rule, natural stone and granite chips are used to imitate the natural environment. Care should be taken to find these materials in advance.
  3. Water supply. The finished container will have an impressive volume. It is necessary to consider the issue of a stationary water supply or a long hose to replenish the liquid.
  4. Drainage. Whether the pond is used for bathing or purely decorative purposes, water will slosh or overflow from it. It is necessary to provide for the drainage of this water to prevent the formation of dirt at the object.
  5. Flora and fauna. It is a good idea to populate the reservoir with fish and waterfowl. Plants look good both on land and in water.
  6. Lighting. It is necessary to illuminate the pond not only for decoration purposes, but also for safety. In complete darkness, there is a high probability that an adult or a child can fall into it.

In addition, it is worth thinking about equipping the pond with a light canopy, bench or chairs. Thus, a water body made from an ordinary tire can become a semantic center for the entire local area, where residents can have a good time.

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Necessary tools and materials for work

The main subject around which all construction will revolve is the tire. For the yard, it is advisable to choose this product of large diameter. In order for the finished pond to be functional in every sense, a tire with a diameter of 120 cm or more is needed. You can use wheels from KamAZ, BelAZ or large wheeled excavators. You can find them in landfills, service stations or quarries. As a rule, you do not need to pay for tires. Its owners will gladly give away a thing that needs to be disposed of for a lot of money. You can deliver the tire to the site on a dump truck or a tow truck with a manipulator.

To work, you will need tools and materials such as:

  • shovel;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • cord;
  • wooden stakes;
  • one or more tires;
  • sand;
  • gravel;
  • waterproofing sheet;
  • large stones for decoration.

Tires must be carefully prepared for work. From their surface, you need to remove all mechanical objects that could get stuck in durable rubber. The product must be cleaned of dirt and washed with warm soapy water.

To create a waterproofing layer, you need to purchase a dense PVC fabric. It is durable, resistant to high and low temperatures. The service life of PVC film is 10-15 years. Ordinary polyethylene can tear or fray within a few months.

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Laying tires in the ground

Before digging a pit, measurements must be taken from the wheel. The pit should be 20 cm larger than it in diameter. This is necessary to secure the waterproofing material. To prevent debris from entering the reservoir, its edges should rise above the ground. Based on these indicators, the diameter and depth of the pit are outlined.

After marking the ground, work is carried out in the following order:

  1. The side part is cut off from the tire. This can be done with a saw or a jigsaw. The edges need to be aligned. If necessary, they can be pasted over with rubber or flexible plastic. This will protect the waterproofing from cuts.
  2. A hole is being dug. Its bottom must be carefully leveled. If this is not done, then the finished design will look unaesthetic. Water will constantly pour out from one end.
  3. The bottom of the pit is laid out with small pebbles and rammed. A layer of sand is poured on top. It is leveled and wetted with water. So, it turns out a reliable foundation for a mini-pond.
  4. A tire is placed in the hole. It is aligned horizontally. Small pebbles or sand are poured into the bottom of the pit. The height of the layer should be such as to cover the inner protrusions of the tire by 5-10 cm.
  5. A waterproofing fabric is placed in the container. It is evenly distributed over the internal volume of the rubber container. The edges are brought out.
  6. The pond is filled with water. It creates a certain pressure on the bottom and walls of the container. Under pressure, the walls expand and the laid film is pressed against them. The pond takes on its true form.
  7. The edges of the waterproofing fabric are inserted into the gap between the wheel and the ground. Sand is placed in this opening. It is wetted with water. After shrinkage, new sand is added and the process is repeated. So, a reinforcement for the film is created. Instead of sand, earth or clay can be used.

The finished building stands firmly on its foundation. Strong fastening protects a reservoir from shifts at bathing. It's time to decorate it.

The idea to build an artificial reservoir in the country comes to the mind of many land owners. Undoubtedly, such a source of coolness and positive emotions will please not only the owner himself, but also his guests, becoming a real highlight of the landscape. The mere sight of the water surface helps a person to relax, tune in to a lyrical mood, causes bursts of inspiration. But, having critically assessed only six acres of their own land, some give up their dream. But in vain! We will tell you about how to bring it to life by making a mini-pond from a tire with your own hands in the country, and at the same time recycle old rubber that is unnecessary on the farm.

A decorative mini-pond should please and attract everyone's attention. Therefore, the place where it should be located should be chosen very carefully. There are several rules that we recommend that you follow so that the choice is successful:

  • The pond should not be constantly in the sun. Penumbra is the best place for him. Otherwise, the plants will be too hot, and they will begin to wither, and the water will bloom quickly.
  • Open and ventilated places are also not the best option.
  • If you build a pond under the crowns of trees, the water will constantly become clogged with leaves and small debris. The cleaning process will become regular and tiresome for you.

It is good if the pond is clearly visible from different viewpoints. Let beautiful objects be reflected in it: running clouds, a house or trees. Know that small bodies of water look best when viewed from above. Therefore, they are often placed in natural landscape depressions.

In such a place, the mini-pond will be clearly visible from different viewpoints. In addition, it will not be under constant exposure to direct sunlight.

If you doubt your own choice, arrange a test for yourself. Take a piece of polyethylene that will represent a mini-pond and place it in the place of your choice. Walk around the site and see how well it can be seen from the main viewpoints.

Where can I find the right tire?

Before looking for a tire, let's decide what exactly we want to find. If there is a catastrophic lack of space on the site, then to make our dream come true, it will be enough for us to find a tire from any car.

To implement a large-scale project, the size of the wheel must be impressive. After all, there are wheels whose diameter exceeds human height. Using them as a base, you can build a whole lake!

Tires come in different sizes. It is not so difficult to find such a Gulliver among them, and it is hardly necessary if the size of the plot does not exceed the standard six acres.

For large objects, you must have:

  • tire from KAMAZ;
  • rear wheel from the tractor "Belarus";
  • tires from the mighty BELAZ.

If your own unnecessary tire is not lying around in your garage, then a suitable copy can be found in a tire shop. There often accumulates unnecessary rubber to be disposed of, so you will get it for free.

Used tires can also be found at car dealerships. It is possible that you will have to pay there, but purely symbolically. Ordinary car owners can also offer what you are looking for. So check out their ads as well.

What will your reservoir be like?

In a tiny reservoir, it is unlikely that you will be able to get fish. Although goldfish from an aquarium can feel good in a small artificial pond. However, this building can be decorated in other ways. For example, Siberian iris can be planted along its banks.

Perfect companions for any pond

  • water lilies;
  • swamp turkey;
  • floating pond.

In the end, you can also use artificial decorations that imitate the same lilies, but do not require attention. Small imitations of ducks can look good on its surface, and turtles along the banks.

Plants planted around an artificial reservoir can completely transform it, turning it into a favorite vacation spot for all family members.

The rubber base should be securely covered with decorative flagstone so that it would never occur to anyone how a mini-pond formed on your site. Often, small alpine slides become companions of water structures, which, by the way, solve the problem of creating a shadow.

To provide additional effect, you can highlight the structure with solar-powered garden lights. All the energy that they accumulate on a sunny day, they will use up at night in the form of a soft, mysterious glow.

Pond decorations also have their downside - they attract the attention of kids who love to play in such a fabulous place.

Whatever your mini-pond, you should remember that for small children left unattended, it can become a source of danger.

Step by step instruction

Any work is preceded by a preparatory stage. It is necessary to bring together all the necessary tools and material in order to be distracted as little as possible in the process of performing work.

Stage # 1 - preparing the tool and materials

We don't need a lot of tools.

  • two types of shovels: bayonet and shovel;
  • building level;
  • electric jigsaw or ordinary hacksaw.

In addition to the tire, with the diameter of which we have already decided, we will need:

  • PVC film or special covering material for pools, which is sold in specialized stores;
  • sand;
  • gravel;
  • large stones for decorating the banks of the pond;
  • plants for decorating a pond and framing.

If everything you need is prepared, you can get to work.

Stage # 2 - preparing the tire for work

Despite the fact that we are going to bury the tire, at the first stage of work it must be cleaned of dirt. But her training doesn't end there. We need to cut off its upper part.

It is unlikely that an ordinary knife is suitable for this purpose. We recommend using a low speed jigsaw. You can also use a hacksaw for metal, but then this operation will have to spend more time and effort.

Stage # 3 - digging a recess for the reservoir

Before you make a recess, you need to level the site. Now we need to decide how much we want to deepen the rubber base of the future structure.

She may be:

  • immersed in the soil for the entire width of its tread;
  • deepened by one third;
  • remain on the surface of the prepared site.

Based on the decision made, we dig a hole. Its shape should correspond to the outer diameter of the tire, but with small allowances around its entire circumference. You should not completely deepen the rubber base into the pit: if you leave the rubber edge on the surface, rainwater will not flood the container.

Before installing the tire in the resulting recess, it is necessary to level the bottom and fill it with sand by about 15 cm. The sand should be soft and without pebbles. In this case, he will be able to protect the gasket placed on the bottom of the reservoir from damage, and water leaks can be avoided.

When forming a recess for a tire, you need to compact the sand well at the site of the future bottom of the mini-pond and check the level of the quality of the work performed

We check the quality of the work performed. Do not forget to tamp the bottom and only after that place the rubber base on it. After that, you should use the level again to check the horizontal position of the tire.

Stage # 4 - waterproofing device

For the arrangement of waterproofing, it is better to use a dense covering material, which is specially designed to protect the bottom of the pools. You can buy it in specialized stores for pools. Sometimes it can be found among the goods for the garden. The material must be taken in such a way that it protrudes from the tire walls by about half a meter.

Yes, we prefer a special waterproofing material over conventional polyethylene. Someone may argue that because of this, our structure becomes less like a homemade product, for the creation of which, as a rule, improvised materials are used. But it is better to make a design that will serve you for more than one year without replacing the bottom. After all, even very thick polyethylene will not be able to withstand the load and will definitely leak.

However, each owner decides for himself which material is better for him to use. When choosing ordinary polyethylene, consider replacing it when you begin to strengthen the walls of the future pond. The building may need to be demolished.

Even if you fold the plastic film in half, it will leak. To replace it, the mini-pond will have to be dismantled, so the top of the structure will have to be made collapsible

So, the covering material is freely distributed along the bottom of the pit, and its edges are brought out half a meter beyond the edges of the tire placed in the recess.

The membrane of the material must be rationally distributed inside the tire. For this purpose, the future country mini-pond is filled with water, which will put pressure on the bottom and walls of the structure. Under its pressure, the reservoir will take its shape.

Take the time for quality work and you will get an excellent result that you can be proud of for several years

Now the covering material must be carefully straightened. To fix the coating in the desired position, you can press it down with rounded boulders laid on the bottom from opposite sides.

Stage # 5 - form the walls and decorate the pond

We smooth the edges of the material and sprinkle them with sand and gravel. This will permanently fix the membrane. Now she won't slip. Sand will serve as the basis for further decoration of the pond.

Further strengthening and decoration of the reservoir completely depends on the imagination of its author. At the initial stage, you can simply overlay the pond with stones.

If you manage to find a large tire, you can make a mini-pond not only for kids, but also for adult family members.

Options for placing stones depend on the degree of functionality of the structure:

  • For swimming. If the tire was large, then such a structure can even be used for swimming. The banks of such a pond should not be overloaded with stones. With their help, it is enough to form a platform around the walls. A large number of stones can lead to injury to bathers.
  • For decorative purposes. If the reservoir is needed only to create a beautiful image, you can fantasize with the location of the stones in order to emphasize their beauty as advantageously as possible. In this case, do not be afraid to show their sharp edges. They look spectacular.

Stones can be laid out in several rows, placing rounded and large boulders below, and smaller pebbles on top. Even the bottom of a mini-pond can be decorated with cute, medium-sized oval-shaped pebbles taken from a river or brought from the sea. But it is better not to use sand and gravel to decorate the bottom, because the water from them can become cloudy.

Do not overload the mini-pond with decorative elements. He is so handsome. Even in a minimalist style, it remains a magnificent place that attracts the eye.

In any garden, regardless of the will of its owners, many small animals live. It can be, for example, moles, hedgehogs or mice. If you do not want to find the corpse of an unfortunate hedgehog in the water one morning, place a picturesque snag in the pond. It will not only make the appearance of the structure natural, but also help the animal avoid death.

To visualize the whole process of work, watch the video:

Other ideas for arranging such a pond

If you think that a pond from a single tire is all that the fantasy of domestic craftsmen gardeners could give rise to, then you are deeply mistaken. There are a lot of options for using tires to create reservoirs. And we will tell you about the most popular of them now.

If you take not one, but two tires of equal or even different sizes, you can make not one, but two reservoirs that will be in contact with each other with treads. The most interesting thing in this building will be its decorative design. For example, at the junction of two rubber bases, you can build a beam bridge from birch logs. It can be both decorative and a continuation of the garden path.

By changing the degree of penetration of tires, you can create ponds with overflow. To do this, one tire is fixed on the surface of the site, and the other is buried. With the help of such an overflow, by the way, it is possible to organize the drainage of rainwater flowing from the roof.

On the basis of ponds with overflow, you can make a homemade waterfall. To do this, you need to lead a hose to the upper tank, from which water is supplied under low pressure. It can be carefully camouflaged with stones located along the banks. Water, overflowing the upper part of the structure, will effectively run into its lower half, imitating a waterfall.

If the landscape of your site allows, then why not build such a magnificent waterfall, which is based on the same tires

The swimming pool in summer is something that cannot leave any child indifferent. A large tire will make it easy and simple to make it. Kids will have something to splash around in under the supervision of adults. It is best to surround a children's paddling pool with a coastal zone of tiles so that you can safely step on it with bare feet. To protect the children, the water in such a pool must be filtered. A pump can be used for this purpose. Or you can just change the water more often.

A good idea to enliven a pond is to use a fountain in it. To do this, you can adapt a turbine with a nozzle for an aquarium or a small pump. For the fountain to work, it needs to provide power. Do not forget to protect yourself: the electrical wire must be insulated with a corrugated pipe and buried.

See what the construction of a tire fountain looks like:

Even if there is no meth for a pond in the garden, using a tire, it can be done on a balcony, on a terrace or in a loggia. Artificial stones will help to give the structure an attractive look, which can be glued with a water-based composition to the side surface of the tire.

Of course, this list of ideas cannot be exhausted, because human imagination knows no bounds. Watch this video - we're not fooling you:

The ingenuity and ingenuity of the Russian people have already entered the canvas of historical and everyday anecdotes. Indeed, who else can so unexpectedly find a use for unnecessary items, make a useful thing out of junk scrap?

With the development of the automotive industry, the problem of used tires has arisen. At the same time, flowerbeds made of tires, fences and even children's attractions appeared in the city courtyards. The technology of constructing a decorative pool for a summer residence from an old tire cover was not kept secret for long - now craftsmen are developing various elements of modernization for this know-how.

  • What kind of pond can be built?
  • What will the craftsman need in the course of work?
  • Options for decorative solutions for a tire pond

From what tire can you make a country pond?

The choice of blank largely depends on the place that you can allocate on your site for this decorative "highlight". Little space - a tire from a passenger car, more space - suitable:

  • KAMAZ tires;
  • rear wheels of the tractor "Belarus";
  • tire from a 45-ton "BELAZ".

Used tires can be found in a tire shop (for free) or at a car company (for symbolic money). An offer of a product of this kind can be found on the Internet.

Of course, it will not be possible to breed fish in such a pond, but planting water lilies, swamp turkey and floating pondweed, and Siberian iris along the banks, is quite realistic.

With a decorative flagstone, you can hide the rubber base, break an alpine hill next to it - and no one will guess about the fundamental principle of your decorative pond.

Photo of mini-reservoirs from tires with your own hands, which you can do in the country with your own hands.

Even such a non-standard pond can be a source of danger for children left unattended.


  • shovels (bayonet and shovel);
  • building level;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw.


  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • stones;
  • soft sealant;
  • plants for decoration.

Video about creating an artificial pond from a car tire with your own hands.

How to move towards the result, having the right tire on hand?

How to make a decorative mini-pond from an old tire with your own hands in a country house or a plot of a house? Step by step instructions with photos:

  • on the surface of the leveled area;
  • buried in the ground by a third;
  • buried in the ground for the entire width of the treads.
  • We dig a hole in the shape of a tire, a little larger than its outer diameter. We determine the depth based on the previous paragraph.
  • We level the bottom and fill it with sand (15 cm).
  • We lay the tire on the compacted bottom of the pit.
  • PVC film can also be used as a soft sealant, but a special covering material for pools, which is easy to purchase in specialized stores, is preferable. It is freely spread along the bottom of the pit and the edges are brought out (half a meter beyond the limits of the tire laid in it).
  • In order for the film membrane to be rationally distributed inside the tire, water is poured in and the covering material is carefully straightened. To fix it, you can use rounded stones, laying them on the bottom at opposite ends.
  • The edges of the film material, brought out of the tire, must be straightened and covered with sand to hold, then decorated with gravel, wild flagstone or turf laid on powdered soil.
  • At this stage of the work, the “newborn” pond can be revived with a fountain, for which a small pump or turbine for an aquarium with a nozzle is suitable. For the operation of such a fountain, an electrical connection is required. For safety, it is fashionable to put the wire in a plastic hose and dig it in.

    Another video on how to make a pond with a tire fountain.

    An interesting addition would be the illumination of a solar-powered garden lamp. During the day, it accumulates energy, and in the evening it gives soft light.

    1. If the bottom of a man-made reservoir is camouflaged with gravel or sand, the water will become cloudy.
    2. So that small animals living in the garden do not accidentally die in the pond, you can place a picturesque snag in it, along which they can get out of the water.
    1. It is possible to build two ponds from different-sized or equal-sized tires that are in contact with treads. In the process of decorative design above the junction, according to Russian tradition, install a bridge from birch logs unpeeled from the bark - a beam bridge. The bridge can be a plank, and even with a railing. It can be purely decorative or part of a garden path.
    2. If one tire is installed in a recess, and the other on the surface of the site, you can get two ponds with overflow. An overflow can provide rainwater drainage from the roof or a homemade waterfall.
    3. You can make it by bringing it to the upper pond, through the thickness of decorative heaps of stone, a thin hose with a weak water pressure. The flow of water, which will fall from the height of the stones, will provide overflow to the lower pool.

    4. A pool made of a small tire can even be used to decorate a balcony, loggia, or terrace. In this case, the side surface of the tire is pasted over (on a waterproof basis) with an artificial stone.
    5. A large tire will allow you to create a paddling pool for children. To do this, you need to strengthen the tire as best as possible, preventing possible shifts, and securely tile the coastal zone with tiles to ensure the safety of walking barefoot. In addition, you will need a pump to filter the water, or replace it periodically.

    Photo of finished ponds in the country or a plot of the house with your own hands from tires.

    If you have a desire to bring beauty to the usual order of your garden and you have a used tire at hand, hurry up, and a decorative pond surrounded by unusual plants can decorate your garden this season.


    How to make a mini-pond from a tire in a summer cottage with your own hands

    Often, the owners of cottages or plots want to decorate their possessions by making ponds with their own hands from a tire. Such a reservoir made of tires undoubtedly becomes a good source of coolness and pleases the owner himself, as well as his guests, and is an adornment of the entire summer cottage. Only the sight of a pond and its water surface is enough for a person to relax and feel like a real vacation. However, some, judging that their own site is not so big, do not move beyond just a dream. And in vain! This article will show you step by step how to make a pond in the country with your own hands from tires or tires.

    Place for your mini-pond: how to find it

    It should be located where it will attract our attention, so you need to choose it very carefully. It is important to follow a few rules that will help make your choice successful:

    1. Your pond does not need to be constantly in the sun. The best place for the location of the reservoir is partial shade. If this factor is neglected, then the plants will wither, and the water will bloom.
    2. The space open to the winds is also not suitable.
    3. A pond surrounded by trees will quickly fill with fallen leaves and wood dust. Such a pond will need to be cleaned frequently, which will require a lot of time and effort.

    It would be great if the reservoir is located in a place overlooked from everywhere. Then the whole surrounding landscape will be well reflected in it. When such small reservoirs are in a lowland, they look much more attractive. Therefore, when looking for a place for a pond, then try to find such a natural recess in the area. There is a good way to find such a site without spending a lot of effort.

    The picture shows a place where your pond will not be under the constant rays of the sun, and also which is visible well from different sides.

    Previously, you can simulate the location of the future pond by placing a piece of plastic wrap in the place you have chosen. Now go around it to see how the future mini-reservoir will supposedly look from different sides. If you like it, then this is the right place.

    Where to find the right tire

    Before looking for the right tire, you need to consider what size pond you need and how deep. If there is not enough space for a large structure in the summer cottage, then just one slope from the car will be enough for this. And if the plot of land is large, then for the implementation of this project you need larger tires, with a diameter even higher than a person's height. For example:

    1. Slopes from a KamAZ car;
    2. Tractor wheel "Belarus";
    3. Tires from BelAZ.

    What to do when there is no suitable tire? The right one can be found at a service station, where there is a lot of rubber, which will still have to be disposed of. You can look for used tires at any car depot or ask a neighbor who has a car. Sometimes used tires just lie on the side of the road.

    Large slopes from Gulliver, Kamaz, BelAZ are not easy to find. Often they are not suitable for our relatively small areas.

    What will your pond look like?

    Would you like to have fish in your lake? In a small lake, this is hardly possible. But if you have a pond from a large tire, then you can start, for example, goldfish. But in another case, if the structure was not made for fish, then it can be decorated with various plants, pebbles, animal imitations and other artificial decorations. In general, it all depends on your taste and imagination.

    So that no one guesses how your mini-pond appeared, you need to close the rubber base well with a stone. You can also add lighting from lamps to the decoration. During the day they collect the energy of the sun, and at night they reflect beautifully from the pond.

    Mini pool for children (video)

    However, one should not forget that any mini-pond may turn out to be unsafe for small children who are left by themselves near the pond without adults.

    The decoration of the pond has two sides. When decorating a pond, we think about the aesthetic appearance. But you need to remember that kids can also become connoisseurs of beauty, who are also attracted by decor and various figures. Children should not be left near water without adult supervision.

    Now for the step by step tutorial.

    The success of any undertaking depends on good preparation. You need to collect the necessary materials and tools in advance - this will help you once again not be distracted during the main work.

    Step one - collect inventory, procure materials

    Inventory: shovel and large sapper shovels, building level, electric jigsaw or hacksaw.

    Materials: car tires, polyethylene or special waterproofing material for pools, sand, gravel, large stones for decorating the edges of the pool, plants for landscaping.

    When everything you need is collected, proceed to the second step.

    Step two - preparing the tire

    We first remove dirt from the tire. After that, you need to cut off the top of the slope.

    On the tire, you need to cut off the upper part

    Step three - dig a hole for the pond

    To start digging a hole, you need to level the surface that we have outlined for the reservoir. Also, before starting work, you need to set the depth of the future lake, according to the rubber base, as well as the desired look.

    Dig a hole

    The rubber base of the reservoir can be:

    1. Lower to the depth of the entire tread.
    2. Dig in half
    3. Leave most of it on the surface of your site.

    We dig a hole. We make a shape that corresponds to the outer diameter of the tire, with small indents around the entire circumference for free lowering it to the required depth.

    If you do not bury the tire completely in the ground, then the remaining side will protect your pond from sewage.

    The pit needs to be dug, taking into account the necessary "cushion" of sand (about 15 cm). We pre-align the bottom so that the waterproofing gasket is not damaged. If necessary, the sand must be sifted to remove hard lumps and small pebbles in advance. The bottom is important to carefully tamp and align horizontally.

    Construction stages

    Step four - waterproofing device

    You can use ordinary polyethylene, but keep in mind that it is short-lived. After a short use, it deteriorates from exposure to the sun, water and temperature changes. It is better to take waterproofing for the construction of stationary pools, which is much more practical. It is sold in specialized stores or in hardware stores. Of course, when using special waterproofing, the cost of your pond will be higher, but the water from it will not flow into the soil. I do not want it to be like in the saying: "the miser pays twice."

    Instead of a film, it is better to take waterproofing material

    How much material is needed? As much as needed so that the canvas covers the bottom of the tire, fits against the walls, and so that there is another half a meter of film beyond the edges of the pool. In order for the waterproofing material to fit snugly to the bottom and walls, it is best to fill the entire container with water when laying. It will press on all the internal surfaces of the reservoir and give them the correct shape. Try to straighten the waterproofing material well. To keep it in the right position, press down on the edges with large rolled stones.

    Decorating a pond with stones

    Step five - install the walls and bring beauty to the pond

    We level the edges of the waterproofing material and sprinkle with sand and screenings. Now the membrane is fixed completely and will not move out. Sand will be the main material for the design of the future reservoir.

    Designer's tips for installing a tire pond (video)

    How you want to use your reservoir will depend on the versions of the distribution of stones.

    For swimming and bathing

    In order for your project to build for swimming, the tire must be quite large. Do not overload the banks of this structure with large stones, otherwise bathers may suffer. A great option would be to simply form a platform along the walls.

    For decorative purposes

    In another case, if the pond is only for design purposes, then you will have to fantasize about the distribution of stones and plants and decor, thereby emphasizing the look of your yard and making others happy with it. Now don't worry about the jagged rocks, it will look very impressive.

    Decorative pond with fountain

    It is advisable to lay the stones in rows: large and rounded stones - from below, and small stones - from above. Miniature, seawater-smoothed pebbles will help beautifully cover the bottom of a mini-pond. Sand with gravel is not recommended as a bottom decoration due to the fact that the water becomes cloudy and unpleasant in appearance.

    Small or medium-sized animals live in every yard. For example: hedgehogs, moles or mice. If you do not want to see them dead in your reservoir, then take the time and effort to find a snag that will give originality to your reservoir, well, and if you're lucky, it will save the life of some small animal.


    Decorating your yard or garden with such an original structure is very simple and does not require large cash outlays. All you need is a little time and energy and imagination. The work itself will bring you satisfaction, and the result will bring joy to you and your loved ones.

    Tire jacuzzi (video)


    How to make a mini-pond from a tire in a summer cottage: workshops and ideas

    The idea to build an artificial reservoir in the country comes to the mind of many land owners. Undoubtedly, such a source of coolness and positive emotions will please not only the owner himself, but also his guests, becoming a real highlight of the landscape. The mere sight of the water surface helps a person to relax, tune in to a lyrical mood, causes bursts of inspiration. But, having critically assessed only six acres of their own land, some give up their dream. But in vain! We will tell you about how to bring it to life by making a mini-pond from a tire with your own hands in the country, and at the same time recycle old rubber that is unnecessary on the farm.

    Choosing a place for a mini-pond

    A decorative mini-pond should please and attract everyone's attention. Therefore, the place where it should be located should be chosen very carefully. There are several rules that we recommend that you follow so that the choice is successful:

    • The pond should not be constantly in the sun. Penumbra is the best place for him. Otherwise, the plants will be too hot, and they will begin to wither, and the water will bloom quickly.
    • Open and ventilated places are also not the best option.
    • If you build a pond under the crowns of trees, the water will constantly become clogged with leaves and small debris. The cleaning process will become regular and tiresome for you.

    It is good if the pond is clearly visible from different viewpoints. Let beautiful objects be reflected in it: running clouds, a house or trees. Know that small bodies of water look best when viewed from above. Therefore, they are often placed in natural landscape depressions.

    In such a place, the mini-pond will be clearly visible from different viewpoints. In addition, it will not be under constant exposure to direct sunlight.

    If you doubt your own choice, arrange a test for yourself. Take a piece of polyethylene that will represent a mini-pond and place it in the place of your choice. Walk around the site and see how well it can be seen from the main viewpoints.

    Where can I find the right tire?

    Before looking for a tire, let's decide what exactly we want to find. If there is a catastrophic lack of space on the site, then to make our dream come true, it will be enough for us to find a tire from any car.

    To implement a large-scale project, the size of the wheel must be impressive. After all, there are wheels whose diameter exceeds human height. Using them as a base, you can build a whole lake!

    Tires come in different sizes. It is not so difficult to find such a Gulliver among them, and it is hardly necessary if the size of the plot does not exceed the standard six acres.

    For large objects, you must have:

    • tire from KAMAZ;
    • rear wheel from the tractor "Belarus";
    • tires from the mighty BELAZ.

    If your own unnecessary tire is not lying around in your garage, then a suitable copy can be found in a tire shop. There often accumulates unnecessary rubber to be disposed of, so you will get it for free.

    Used tires can also be found at car dealerships. It is possible that you will have to pay there, but purely symbolically. Ordinary car owners can also offer what you are looking for. So check out their ads as well.

    What will your reservoir be like?

    In a tiny reservoir, it is unlikely that you will be able to get fish. Although goldfish from an aquarium can feel good in a small artificial pond. However, this building can be decorated in other ways. For example, Siberian iris can be planted along its banks.

    Perfect companions for any pond

    • water lilies;
    • swamp turkey;
    • floating pond.

    In the end, you can also use artificial decorations that imitate the same lilies, but do not require attention. Small imitations of ducks can look good on its surface, and turtles along the banks.

    Plants planted around an artificial reservoir can completely transform it, turning it into a favorite vacation spot for all family members.

    The rubber base should be securely covered with decorative flagstone so that it would never occur to anyone how a mini-pond formed on your site. Often, small alpine slides become companions of water structures, which, by the way, solve the problem of creating a shadow.

    To provide additional effect, you can highlight the structure with solar-powered garden lights. All the energy that they accumulate on a sunny day, they will use up at night in the form of a soft, mysterious glow.

    Pond decorations also have their downside - they attract the attention of kids who love to play in such a fabulous place.

    Whatever your mini-pond, you should remember that for small children left unattended, it can become a source of danger.

    Step by step instruction

    Any work is preceded by a preparatory stage. It is necessary to bring together all the necessary tools and material in order to be distracted as little as possible in the process of performing work.

    Stage # 1 - preparing the tool and materials

    We don't need a lot of tools.

    • two types of shovels: bayonet and shovel;
    • building level;
    • electric jigsaw or ordinary hacksaw.

    In addition to the tire, with the diameter of which we have already decided, we will need:

    • PVC film or special covering material for pools, which is sold in specialized stores;
    • sand;
    • gravel;
    • large stones for decorating the banks of the pond;
    • plants for decorating a pond and framing.

    If everything you need is prepared, you can get to work.

    Stage # 2 - preparing the tire for work

    Despite the fact that we are going to bury the tire, at the first stage of work it must be cleaned of dirt. But her training doesn't end there. We need to cut off its upper part.

    It is unlikely that an ordinary knife is suitable for this purpose. We recommend using a low speed jigsaw. You can also use a hacksaw for metal, but then this operation will have to spend more time and effort.

    Stage # 3 - digging a recess for a reservoir

    Before you make a recess, you need to level the site. Now we need to decide how much we want to deepen the rubber base of the future structure.

    She may be:

    • immersed in the soil for the entire width of its tread;
    • deepened by one third;
    • remain on the surface of the prepared site.

    Based on the decision made, we dig a hole. Its shape should correspond to the outer diameter of the tire, but with small allowances around its entire circumference. You should not completely deepen the rubber base into the pit: if you leave the rubber edge on the surface, rainwater will not flood the container.

    Before installing the tire in the resulting recess, it is necessary to level the bottom and fill it with sand by about 15 cm. The sand should be soft and without pebbles. In this case, he will be able to protect the gasket placed on the bottom of the reservoir from damage, and water leaks can be avoided.

    When forming a recess for a tire, you need to compact the sand well at the site of the future bottom of the mini-pond and check the level of the quality of the work performed

    We check the quality of the work performed. Do not forget to tamp the bottom and only after that place the rubber base on it. After that, you should use the level again to check the horizontal position of the tire.

    Stage #4 - waterproofing device

    For the arrangement of waterproofing, it is better to use a dense covering material, which is specially designed to protect the bottom of the pools. You can buy it in specialized stores for pools. Sometimes it can be found among the goods for the garden. The material must be taken in such a way that it protrudes from the tire walls by about half a meter.

    Yes, we prefer a special waterproofing material over conventional polyethylene. Someone may argue that because of this, our structure becomes less like a homemade product, for the creation of which, as a rule, improvised materials are used. But it is better to make a design that will serve you for more than one year without replacing the bottom. After all, even very thick polyethylene will not be able to withstand the load and will definitely leak.

    However, each owner decides for himself which material is better for him to use. When choosing ordinary polyethylene, consider replacing it when you begin to strengthen the walls of the future pond. The building may need to be demolished.

    Even if you fold the plastic film in half, it will leak. To replace it, the mini-pond will have to be dismantled, so the top of the structure will have to be made collapsible

    So, the covering material is freely distributed along the bottom of the pit, and its edges are brought out half a meter beyond the edges of the tire placed in the recess.

    The membrane of the material must be rationally distributed inside the tire. For this purpose, the future country mini-pond is filled with water, which will put pressure on the bottom and walls of the structure. Under its pressure, the reservoir will take its shape.

    Take the time for quality work and you will get an excellent result that you can be proud of for several years

    Now the covering material must be carefully straightened. To fix the coating in the desired position, you can press it down with rounded boulders laid on the bottom from opposite sides.

    Stage # 5 - form the walls and decorate the pond

    We smooth the edges of the material and sprinkle them with sand and gravel. This will permanently fix the membrane. Now she won't slip. Sand will serve as the basis for further decoration of the pond.

    Further strengthening and decoration of the reservoir completely depends on the imagination of its author. At the initial stage, you can simply overlay the pond with stones.

    If you manage to find a large tire, you can make a mini-pond not only for kids, but also for adult family members.

    Options for placing stones depend on the degree of functionality of the structure:

    • For swimming. If the tire was large, then such a structure can even be used for swimming. The banks of such a pond should not be overloaded with stones. With their help, it is enough to form a platform around the walls. A large number of stones can lead to injury to bathers.
    • For decorative purposes. If the reservoir is needed only to create a beautiful image, you can fantasize with the location of the stones in order to emphasize their beauty as advantageously as possible. In this case, do not be afraid to show their sharp edges. They look spectacular.

    Stones can be laid out in several rows, placing rounded and large boulders below, and smaller pebbles on top. Even the bottom of a mini-pond can be decorated with cute, medium-sized oval-shaped pebbles taken from a river or brought from the sea. But it is better not to use sand and gravel to decorate the bottom, because the water from them can become cloudy.

    Do not overload the mini-pond with decorative elements. He is so handsome. Even in a minimalist style, it remains a magnificent place that attracts the eye.

    In any garden, regardless of the will of its owners, many small animals live. It can be, for example, moles, hedgehogs or mice. If you do not want to find the corpse of an unfortunate hedgehog in the water one morning, place a picturesque snag in the pond. It will not only make the appearance of the structure natural, but also help the animal avoid death.

    To visualize the whole process of work, watch the video:

    Other ideas for arranging such a pond

    If you think that a pond from a single tire is all that the fantasy of domestic craftsmen gardeners could give rise to, then you are deeply mistaken. There are a lot of options for using tires to create reservoirs. And we will tell you about the most popular of them now.

    If you take not one, but two tires of equal or even different sizes, you can make not one, but two reservoirs that will be in contact with each other with treads. The most interesting thing in this building will be its decorative design. For example, at the junction of two rubber bases, you can build a beam bridge from birch logs. It can be both decorative and a continuation of the garden path.

    By changing the degree of penetration of tires, you can create ponds with overflow. To do this, one tire is fixed on the surface of the site, and the other is buried. With the help of such an overflow, by the way, it is possible to organize the drainage of rainwater flowing from the roof.

    On the basis of ponds with overflow, you can make a homemade waterfall. To do this, you need to lead a hose to the upper tank, from which water is supplied under low pressure. It can be carefully camouflaged with stones located along the banks. Water, overflowing the upper part of the structure, will effectively run into its lower half, imitating a waterfall.

    If the landscape of your site allows, then why not build such a magnificent waterfall, which is based on the same tires

    The swimming pool in summer is something that cannot leave any child indifferent. A large tire will make it easy and simple to make it. Kids will have something to splash around in under the supervision of adults. It is best to surround a children's paddling pool with a coastal zone of tiles so that you can safely step on it with bare feet. To protect the children, the water in such a pool must be filtered. A pump can be used for this purpose. Or you can just change the water more often.

    A good idea to enliven a pond is to use a fountain in it. To do this, you can adapt a turbine with a nozzle for an aquarium or a small pump. For the fountain to work, it needs to provide power. Do not forget to protect yourself: the electrical wire must be insulated with a corrugated pipe and buried.

    See what the construction of a tire fountain looks like:

    Even if there is no meth for a pond in the garden, using a tire, it can be done on a balcony, on a terrace or in a loggia. Artificial stones will help to give the structure an attractive look, which can be glued with a water-based composition to the side surface of the tire.

    Of course, this list of ideas cannot be exhausted, because human imagination knows no bounds. Watch this video - we're not fooling you:

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    How to make a pond in the country from a tire


    To make a pond out of a tire with your own hands in the country, take a large car tire. A tire from a tractor or a heavy truck is best suited. You can find it for free by contacting a specialized car service. As a rule, tires with worn treads are not needed by anyone.

    Clean it of dirt and cut off the bent part on one side. A hacksaw, a sharp knife or an electric jigsaw is suitable for work.

    Choose a flat place on your site where you want to make a pond from a tire in the country with your own hands. Dig a hole. Its diameter and depth should be slightly larger than the size of the tire. Level the bottom, filling it with small gravel.

    Place the prepared tire in the groove and level the bottom with sand.

    Cover the bottom of the pond in the country house from the tire with thick cellophane. It is better if you can purchase a special covering material for pools, otherwise even the most durable cellophane will have to be replaced periodically due to leaks. Please note that the material should protrude about half a meter after spreading on the inner surface of the tire. To make it easy to smooth the covering material inside the tire, fill the pond with water.

    Eliminate excess folds and secure the cellophane by adding decorative pebbles to the bottom. It is desirable that they do not have sharp corners.

    Turn out the edges of the covering material of the pond in the country with your own hands and lay them on the ground around the tire. Fix them with large and small stones, laying them out according to your taste.

    If you have a small pump and electricity available, install it in the center of the pond and secure it with rocks. Be sure to protect the outlet from moisture.

    It's so easy to make a pond out of a tire in the country with your own hands. Now you can start decorating it with green plants. For this, sedge, primrose, marsh forget-me-not, water lily, cattail, swamp, turcha, iris are suitable.

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    Do you look at the empty plot of land of your summer house and wonder what else to do something unusual? After all, you really want to make your recreation area more attractive and comfortable, while at the same time with the lowest financial costs. As it turned out, there is one hackneyed option that gardeners have been using for more than a year, creating real ponds on their plots, and the material for its implementation is found in a landfill.

    And it's not a joke. We are talking about old tires that can be found anywhere, even on the way to the country. According to the latest research, about 300 million of them are thrown out worldwide every year! Therefore, if you decide to make an original reservoir of discarded tires on your site, you will not only get a fantastic place to relax, but also help save the environment.

    There is no person who would not dream of having a summer house with a view of the sea or a lake, but such happiness is not available to everyone, but everyone can build their own reservoir.

    Let's see what is needed to create such a pond.

    So, we need:

    One or more tires (it is better to use tractor or KAMAZ tires);
    waterproofing material, PVC material (ordinary film will quickly fail);
    sand, gravel and pebbles;
    stones of various shapes and sizes;
    jigsaw or saw.

    Once all the materials and tools are collected, you can start creating your own piece of paradise. First, decide on its location. Ponds are best placed in the shade of the terrace, it looks very beautiful and tempting when you drink tea or coffee on it in the early morning. If there is none, then it is possible under the crowns of trees, in order to avoid excessive heating of the water, suddenly you are lit up with the desire to launch fish and frogs there.

    Think about how you want to decorate the edges of your tiny lake. Will it rise or make it level with the ground. This nuance must be taken into account in order to determine the depth of the pit.
    Another important issue is water supply and drainage. You must understand that an artificial reservoir requires constant care, otherwise after a while it will turn into a fetid swamp. For your own convenience, it is better to supply water with communications as expected than to use irrigation hoses, and also consider a drainage system so as not to drown in the mud near it.

    Now you can start working:

    Step N1

    We dig a fairly large and deep hole so that our tire freely enters it. The gap between your structure and the ground should be at least 30 centimeters wide, this will make it possible to securely fix the waterproofing material and fix the tires in the pit. We level the bottom well and tamp the soil.

    Step 2

    With an electric jigsaw (this is the safest tool for this kind of work), very carefully and accurately cut off the top of the tire. If there is no such tool, then you can use a metal saw, but it will be too long and tedious.

    Step N3

    We lower the tire to the bottom of the pit and set it so that it is in the center and there are no distortions, for this it is better to use a level. We fall asleep to the very bottom with a layer of rubble or small pebbles, then with sand, creating a so-called pillow. Its thickness should completely cover the ground.

    Step N4

    We cut out (with a margin of 50-60 cm) the required size of the waterproofing material, in our case a PVC sheet, and carefully distribute it along the bottom and inner walls of the tire, without stretching, but simply repeating the shape of the tire. We carefully fill the hanging edges of the canvas behind the outer walls of the tire, fix it with stones in several places.

    Step N5

    We proceed to compaction, filling up the gap remaining between the outer walls and the pit. For this, it is better to use earth with sand. Each layer must be thoroughly filled with water to fill all the cracks. Such a move will give the structure stability and safety when filled with water or physical impact.

    And who knows, suddenly your baby or four-legged pet will decide to swim in this lake.

    Step N6

    At the bottom of an already formed reservoir, we pour a layer of sand, followed by gravel, and then beautiful river pebbles - this will create the illusion of a real bottom.

    Step N7

    We will supply water and make drainage. To do this, you will need to lay pipes and install a faucet. To prevent water from accumulating around the lake, make a drainage hole nearby, which you simply fill with gravel or expanded clay and you will never have dirt under your feet.

    Step N8

    We form the edge of the created lake, lay out the stones as densely as possible to each other. If there are small children, then it is better to do it with pebbles to avoid unnecessary injuries.

    Step N9