How to make lugs from car rims. Do-it-yourself lugs for rubber wheels Homemade lugs for a walk-behind tractor drawings

Grousers for a walk-behind tractor should be in the arsenal of any owner of such a device. They are quite common among farmers, as they allow you to increase the mass and grip with the ground. Grousers for a walk-behind tractor can be made without problems with your own hands, even without much experience. They have a simple form, and you can now see many different modifications of the device on the market.

What is a grouser used for?

Used grouser in order to obtain additional traction force for the transport of goods on dirt roads. It should be noted that it is forbidden to use a walk-behind tractor on public roads, even if it is equipped with high-quality wheels.

Many owners of small agricultural equipment make their own grouser. In this case, you just need to make a similar mount, like the "iron horse". If necessary, additional wheels are mounted.

When the walk-behind tractor is used exclusively in the field, then rubber tires are not needed. With your own design of the structure, you can not make rubber wheels, but use only lugs for everyday work.

This design is not know-how, but has been in demand for a long time. They didn't make rubber tires before. The wheels in tractors and walk-behind tractors were metal, and transverse steel plates were additionally installed on the leading ones for better coupling.

Structural solution with wheels

The easiest and cheapest way- this is to make and put the design on the factory rubber wheel, like ordinary anti-skid chains.

First you need to take a metal sheet and cut a strip from it a little wider than the rubber profile. The tension on the wheel can be done by fastening the strip with two bolts and nuts. The edges around the entire circle must be bent to prevent slipping under lateral loads.

Then you need to take a thicker sheet of steel (3-5 millimeters) and cut transverse strips, which will cling to the ground. They bend in the middle at an angle of 120 degrees. After that, the transverse strips are welded to the main part at the same distance. On average, from 10 to 15 such hooks should be welded, depending on the diameter of the wheel. In this regard, before starting work, it is necessary to prepare a drawing yourself or download it on the Internet.

Such lugs for a motor cultivator can be made in a few days. In the event that an existing walk-behind tractor has ordinary metal and smooth wheels, such a device will turn it into a real SUV.

Creating a simple do-it-yourself model

Such devices can be either bought in the store or made by yourself. Moreover, by making the lugs yourself, you can choose the option that is ideal for a certain walk-behind tractor.

For production you will need:

  • a sheet of steel for cutting wheels with a diameter of 4-6 millimeters;
  • sheet for hooks with a thickness of 7-8 millimeters;
  • Bulgarian;
  • professional drill or drilling bench;
  • welding.

From a sheet with a thickness of 4-6 millimeters, it is necessary to make a round wheel base. You will need to cut two identical disks. Holes should be made in the center for the hub and for mounting on the studs. From the outside, cut the protrusions with a grinder. As a result, the design will be similar to a sawtooth disk, only the teeth will be much smaller (7-9), and their size will be larger.

From a thick sheet of 6-8 millimeters, trapezoid-shaped hooks and triangles with cut corners are cut. After that, it remains only to weld them perpendicular to the ledges, and the structure is ready for use.

Although a home-made construction of this type does not have an aesthetic appearance, but compared to its advantages, this is not scary. It is very heavy and forms an ideal grip on the ground, even with muddy and loose soil.

Another practically free option is to create a grouser using an old steel circle with a diameter of 15 centimeters. If there is access, then you can also use the steering wheel to shut off the gas on the highway. On the outside, it remains only to weld the hooks, and from the hub you need to already adjust to the diameter of the central hole of the steering wheel.

Many are interested in how to put wheels from the Zhiguli on a walk-behind tractor. In principle, there is nothing complicated here. It is only necessary to adjust the hub, and so that the wheel fits the walk-behind tractor in diameter.

From the "Zhiguli" you can also use wheel disks. This is a good option for a homemade grouser. When creating a project, it is necessary to use a standard hub from a car, and purchase four wheels: leave two with tires, and make lugs from two for places with poor traffic.

You will need to take an ordinary square 50-60 millimeters and cut it into identical pieces. Their length should be slightly wider than the car disk. After that, on one side of the square, you need to cut a triangle of 60 degrees. The place of the triangle heats up and bends by 20-30 degrees. In order for the hooks to be rigid, it is recommended to additionally boil the place of the bend. Then it remains to weld the resulting structures to the disk from the Zhiguli, adhering to an even distance between them.

The design can be simplified. There is no need to weld the corners in this way. It is enough to make cuts on the discs and weld steel plates in these places.

This option is ideal if you need to constantly change wheels, only the disks need to be selected identical.

Designs for "advanced" farmers

Simple structures from Zhiguli disks can be easily made, but their consumer properties are not ideal. Therefore, in special cases, there is a need for a home-made assembly of lugs, which are no worse than factory models, and they can weight the walk-behind tractor well.

For the manufacture of a complex structure, it is necessary:

  • Steel sheet 4-5 millimeters for the main circle.
  • Steel strip 50 mm, 4-5 mm thick for the supporting surface. There should be 6 of them. They strengthen the disc well and make it heavier.
  • A sheet of steel 8-10 millimeters to create hooks.
  • Welding machine (automatic or semi-automatic), drill, grinder, drilling bench.

All parts are connected using electric welding, since a gas burner will not be able to heat a metal of such thickness.

Due to the fact that the diameter of the lugs is larger than conventional wheels for a walk-behind tractor, it is necessary to lengthen their axles.

In this case, it is desirable to provide for the possibility of adjusting the length of such axes, since the rows on the field can be of different widths. Thus, by moving the wheels with hooks vertically, you can set them to any level, width and position. In this case, the weight of each wheel will be at least 10 kilograms, and this provides excellent traction.

You need to know that such devices are not suitable for plowing the earth or loosening, although a small amount of soil processing occurs at the time of driving through the field. Grousers on a walk-behind tractor are not suitable for loosening, since an independent fulcrum is needed here.

If the design of the project should not be heavy, then you can make it more beautiful, with an aesthetic appearance. Such wheels can be used on light soils where loosening has been previously done. They have a small diameter, in the middle are used curly knitting needles made of profiled steel sheet. The steel for the hooks should be no more than 8 millimeters, and the weight of the wheel should be no more than 8 kilograms.

Combined holds

Such devices are needed not only for walk-behind tractors. Many are also interested in the question of how to make do-it-yourself lugs for a cultivator. For these purposes, you can use combined wheels, for example, using a tread from a tractor.

To implement such a project, it is necessary to prepare halves from the Zhiguli disks. It is also necessary to prepare tractor tires with a strong tread. Then you need to trim the sides. Thus, a rubber circle with an excellent tread is obtained.

Such wheels can be used on a hard dirt road, as they will not loosen the ground. On soft ground, they will also perform well, but the grip will be much less than with metal discs.

If you need a wheel option not only for good grip with the ground, but also for loosening, then you need to make knife lugs that will not drive on ordinary roads, but are only suitable for loosening. Thus, the land will be cultivated.

When cultivating the land in the spring, the width of the occupied area with the help of such wheels is doubled, which cannot but rejoice, as it saves a lot of time.

It does not matter how to make lugs and what type, the main thing is that they are made independently - elementary, from improvised means, and the budget for their manufacture is simply ridiculous.

Optimal dimensions

It's no secret that heavy equipment cultivates the land better than light. This is evidenced by the fact that people began to be interested in the question of how to make lugs for a car with their own hands. With such equipment, even hard ground can be processed, with which a light tractor does not cope very effectively. For such units, large lugs are required. To summarize, the design parameters will depend on the size of the walk-behind tractor.

Thus, it is possible to distinguish the following popular walk-behind tractors:

It will also be useful to make an extension for the lugs. They are designed to increase the angle of rotation of the structure and the width of the trough and counterweight. To do this, you need to attach a sleeve with a slot to the hub. An additional axle is inserted into such a sleeve, which is fixed with a bolt. Finally, you need to fix the wheel of the soil cutter on the axle.

Thus, there are many options for making do-it-yourself soil cutters without much labor and emptying your pocket for expensive factory models.

Car snow chains are something like a replaceable tread that makes it possible to turn an ordinary road tire into an ice or off-road tire. Structurally, this anti-skid chain consists of two longitudinal chains or cables - external and internal, passing along the circumference of the wheel, which are connected by transverse chains or rubber "lugs", which significantly increase the grip properties of the wheels (and, accordingly, the car's patency) on ice, on loose snow, deep mud, etc. In practice, it may look like this. You go fishing - you drive 100 km along the asphalt surface on ordinary tires, and then turn into a country road, where the very “hard off-road” begins. Then snow chains are put on - and you can go further, having much less chance of skidding or getting stuck in the mud. And such places as, for example, icy steep slopes, are very difficult to overcome without snow chains, even on studded tires.

Riding with chains. Types of snow chains.

Snow chains are divided into two classes: "hard" and "soft". The former use the chain itself as cross members, while the latter use reinforced rubber “lugs”.

There are two basic types of pattern: "ladder" and "rhombus / honeycomb". In the first, the longitudinal chains / cables are connected with straight transverse pieces, in the manner of a rope ladder. In the "rhombus" they are connected obliquely, getting a "spider" pattern. Snow chains differ in the size and shape of the links (or lugs). Snow chains are made of various materials such as steel, titanium (very expensive), aluminum and reinforced plastic. Sometimes chains are additionally reinforced with metal spikes.

It is definitely impossible to say which snow chains, or which pattern is better. Since it all depends on the conditions where they are used. So, “hard” chains are better suited for off-road than “soft” chains, but they do not allow you to move at speeds over 50 km / h. “Soft” ones make it possible to move at speeds up to 80 km / h and wear out rubber much less than “hard” ones. Therefore, for those who left the highway and went to knead deep off-road, the “hard” option is better. For those who drive where there are constantly alternating sections of flat roads and muddy snow, “soft” chains are more suitable.

The same can be said about the size of chain links. The larger the link, the higher the off-road performance, but more weight, worse driving on a flat road and more tire wear.

Riding with chains. What cars can chains be put on.

As for car brands, almost any car can be equipped with snow chains. In addition to some sports, purely track cars. If we talk about tires, then here it must be said that “hard” chains are not suitable for low profile tires. But "soft" can be used.

Snow chains also differ by vehicle class, for passenger cars, SUVs and trucks. But here the wheel size plays a role, first of all: the chain covers from two to four standard sizes along the radius. In addition, for SUVs and trucks, chains are made with large links, often with additional spikes.

It is not necessary to install snow chains on all wheels of the car - you can only put them on the drive axle. This is useful when driving on not very off-road, when used from time to time, as well as to overcome problem areas of a country road.

Riding with chains. How to put on chains.

In order to put anti-skid chains on the wheels of a car, they are laid out in front of the wheels of one axle exactly along the axis of movement, so that the locks on the outer side chain come out to the outside and face forward. The hook of the rear side chain must be on the inside. It is necessary to run the wheels on the chains so as to stop 20-30 cm from their end. After that, you should put most of the chain on the wheel and hook the hook from the inside. Then you need to straighten all the links on the wheel (for “soft” ones, put on the adjusting cable / chain), and then hook the lock of the outer side chain. It is necessary to “roll” the chains, having driven 10-50 m, so that the chain settles down, and then tighten the locks again.

Experienced drivers put on chains in five minutes, and for them it is no more difficult than tying their shoelaces. But for many motorists, especially beginners, putting on snow chains turns out to be the main “stumbling block”, and there are many who refuse to use them precisely because of this procedure. In any case, before using the chains, you should first practice putting them on somewhere on a dry site, then it will be easier on the road.

As for tire wear, it should be noted that all chains wear rubber quite a lot. “Hard” more, “soft” less. Wear also depends on the frequency of use of snow chains. Rubber actively begins to “eat up” when driving “in chains” on a hard road for a long time, sharp braking and acceleration, when the chains are too loosely attached to the wheel.

With regard to the safety of driving a car with chains, here the danger is represented by violations of operating instructions and faulty chain locks. When riding with chains, you must not exceed the speed prescribed by the instructions for the chain. In this case, under the action of centrifugal force, the chain can come off the wheel and hit the wheel arch or break the tire. In the worst case, if the chain lock breaks, it can catch on suspension parts (for example, on the arm), which can lead to serious damage and even an accident. The condition of the links, locks and the reliability of fastening must be carefully checked before using the chains.

Anti-skid chains. Where to buy and how much do they cost?

It is quite simple to make snow chains, and therefore many metalworking enterprises make them. Of the well-known foreign brands, one can name such as RUD (Germany) and Pewag (Austria). From Russian - "Metallist" and "Red Anchor". The average price of a set of two snow chains for a car is $200-250, and for an SUV $250-300. Although in the automotive markets, you can easily find cheaper chains of both Chinese and our production.

Snow chains video

Circuit testing videos.

UAZ on chains in the snow.

Zhiguli with chains, video:

Chevrolet Niva in the snow on chains.

Video: putting on a chain on a car.

Experienced motorists can give thousands of examples when mud, ice or deep snow prevent the successful completion of a trip. The power of the driving wheels is powerless in such situations - only a tug or a winch. After such unpleasant moments, some owners refuse to travel in bad weather, others put . However, there is another category of drivers who prefer to make additional equipment on their own to increase cross-country ability.

The basic scheme is an elementary structure, which consists of a set of steel links or reinforced wire. The uniform distribution of components over the entire area of ​​the tire is the key to the successful operation of the product.

Classic do-it-yourself snow chains on video look like two elements that are located longitudinally along the radius of the wheel from the outer and inner sides. Between themselves, they are connected by transverse parts, the so-called lugs. The manufacturing technique is not difficult even for novice motorists. The layout of parts is carried out according to three schemes:

  1. Diamonds.
  2. Ladder.
  3. Honeycombs.

Each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages. The first option with a "ladder" in terms of financial concepts, as well as labor costs, is the most accessible. No less interesting is the solution with bracelets, which are also convenient when mounted on a wheel.

What do you need to make homemade car snow chains on wheels?

The inability to purchase factory-made devices that increase cross-country ability, as well as their high price, push motorists to solve the problem on their own. It should be noted that this is a completely reasonable choice - the necessary components can be found in any hardware store, and every self-respecting driver has a minimum set of tools.

It should be noted that not always information about how to make snow chains with your own hands and video, include a list of construction elements. Let's dwell on the simplest model, made according to the "ladder" scheme. To implement it, you will need:

  • chain with a cross section of at least 5 mm made of steel;
  • carabiners with a threaded clutch;
  • tension mechanism;
  • washers, bolts and nuts;
  • hooks, carabiners.

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In winter, I constantly ride on studded tires. (Many years) And I have no regrets!

Each owner of a walk-behind tractor tries to do everything possible to ensure that his tool of labor is as functional as possible. You can make do-it-yourself lugs for a walk-behind tractor from car rims or buy them in a specialized store.

Drawings of how to make do-it-yourself lugs for a walk-behind tractor

Grouser refers to attachments and is widely used in agriculture. It is necessary to take into account the design of the lug, since they are made universal, and some are also made for individual models of walk-behind tractors. Any owner of a walk-behind tractor can make his own lugs from car wheels he does not need. Naturally, this activity will take time, but you can save some money.

Drawings and diagrams of lugs for a walk-behind tractor

Do-it-yourself grouser drawing

Do-it-yourself attachments for a walk-behind tractor from car rims

Before you start working on the manufacture of a lug, you need to acquire drawings, the orientation of which will be directed to the work process. The simplest and most common manufacturing method is the use of car rims for it.

Drawing how to make a grouser

Step-by-step instructions for making lugs from discs:

Step 1. Using a welding machine, a metal strip is attached to the disks, which will later serve as a fastener for the lugs plates.

Photo of lugs from disks

Step 2 Making teeth based on steel plates. The thickness of the plate must be large enough if the attachment is designed to work with the ground. The length of the teeth must be selected, starting from the model of the walk-behind tractor.

Photo how to make attachments from car tires

Step 3 The teeth are fastened in a circle, the distance between them should be 16 cm, the permissible deviation in different directions should not exceed two centimeters.

Photo of lugs on wheels

When putting into operation your lugs, it is worth remembering about its direct purpose, that is, its contact exclusively with the ground. It is strictly forbidden to operate the equipment on hard surfaces such as stone or asphalt.

Photo of a grouser from a sheet of metal

Do-it-yourself lugs for a walk-behind tractor from car rims even a novice farmer or gardener can do it. Find detailed drawings and try to make attachments from scrap materials yourself. Quality equipment is the first step to successful farming from scratch.

On the prospects of removable lugs to increase the traction ability of the wheel.

Each design has its own scope of applicability, therefore, in order, as usual, not to compare cucumbers with tomatoes, one must start with the terms of reference and, as usual, theses)

For the bulk of off-road car enthusiasts, this very cross-country ability is required extremely rarely and locally.

A typical route of the so-called automobile expeditions is a tedious rumble of X thousand kilometers along federal highways to the most picturesque swamp, into which one then dives for the purpose of pushing, slipping, tugging on strings, and drinking special drinks designed to relieve the pain of losing paintwork and more important building blocks.
When you have to push too hard, and the risk of not being able to get to work becomes more and more tangible, the owner of the mobile still begins to think about increasing cross-country ability.
(of course, in order to go 50 meters deeper)
What kind of handouts do you need, where to weld something, where to saw off and how best to cut the bogger, etc. wisdom is not for me to tell you.
You all know better than me.

The whole point here is that with an increase in cross-country ability, it becomes less and less desirable to drive this on asphalt, and more and more to come up with excuses why it is more useful to go to a bar today.
And you have to use too many special drinks at the sight of what a bent steering rod did with a new bogger for X thousand kilometers ...

In general, we again come to the conclusion that there is no happiness, as well as universality.

An idea that many people visit when trying to solve an optimization problem is a replaceable mover.
Well, for example, two sets of wheels.
And immediately dismissed. because they are big, heavy and have nowhere to put them.
All sorts of caterpillar carts - mattraks rest about the same.

In the photo - autotourists are transporting a replaceable wheeled mover across the country in order to eventually replace it with a caterpillar one.

Let's think about whether the wheel itself can change its properties.
And for this it is worth asking the question - which ones are needed.

1. Supporting ability.
It's really sad here.
For in order to really at least somehow increase the support, it is necessary to increase the wheel.
Which immediately entails a radical alteration of the car with a courageous sawing of precious body parts.
The weight of the wheel is going up, the price is going up, the ride comfort is getting worse and worse, and the patch area doesn't want to increase in proportion to the suffering.
Of course there is some effect, the car sinks 5 meters further than before.

In general, whatever one may say, we will be able to increase the cross-country ability in only one way - to throw out excess junk from the trunk along with the upholstery of the cabin and your favorite teddy bear, as well as to reduce the amount of special liquids at least by half.

There is, in fact, another not obvious, but extremely simple idea - to screw a sheet of aluminum from below.
I wrote about it in detail, so I won't repeat it.

But here lies one big but, because of which many do not believe in this way of increasing the supporting abilities. .
This is where all the myths about "sticking" come from.
We lay down on the bath, we don’t seem to drown, but we can’t crawl, not enough traction!
(This is especially noticeable without blocking on the axles.
Slightly hung, one wheel unloaded and FSE. we are stalling.)

Those who have ridden tracked all-terrain vehicles are familiar with the process.

As you can see, gas71 travels almost all the time with an emphasis on the bath. Well, otherwise, where would the consumption of a liter per kilometer =)

Having made this observation, we will smoothly move on to the second point.

2. Traction ability.
Traction capability along with geometry is extremely relevant, especially when considering typical conditions for the movement of off-road vehicles.
In fact, for obvious reasons, few people try to climb into the swamp, and their main habitat is a variety of dirt roads, where the main obstacle is a muddy top layer with low frictional properties and a track from the Urals with firewood.

And then suddenly it suddenly turns out that we don’t need super-low gear, most of which can be slipped if there is enough traction.
And we get stuck at 70% because the traction capacity of a wheel immersed in slurry. well, you understand)
And the place where 0.05 will help a lot is 1 km out of X thousand. which you can either go around, or throw bushes, or pull through with a winch in sled mode.

(I repeat, I take typical routes for a similar technique such as the notorious Complete Chukhloma)

Thinking in this vein, the average jeeper changes his favorite bfg at for simex, trying invariably to grab onto a special liquid after learning that after 5 thousand km he will have to make a flower bed, eventually driving 300 km at the most in those conditions for which everything is started.

I see I'm already tired.

Actually - how easy, cheap and quickly to increase the traction properties of the wheel at times.
To begin with, the question is - what geometry of the lugs provides maximum engagement with poorly connected soils?
It is not worth going far into literature, because transverse blades, like those of a paddle steamer, should immediately appear in the mind.
Someone will definitely remember the buggy driving into almost vertical slides on the sand or Sherpa A. Garagashyan.
A narrow blade creates a point load, sinks and tries to move the layer. with an almost complete analogy of the gear-toothed rack.

Very concise.

Most importantly, such lugs will not prevent the wheel from deforming and forming an elongated spot.

A small sketch on the model, as I see it.

Tire 35"x10.5"
If such a lug is made of aluminum (6 mm thick), then the weight of 18 pieces will be 4.2 kg.
Total with all sorts of ropes + 6kg to the wheel. Steel 500g and 9kg respectively
It doesn't even look terrifying... especially against the backdrop of a bogger.

There are more questions about the resource, form, and fixation, as you understand, than answers)

But this product does not need a large resource at all.
Because a typical application is
We drive 2.5 thousand km on asphalt and all sorts of primers on ordinary MT tires. we tie the lugs, poke around for the last 50 km along the track, take a photo on instagram, another 50 km, the tracks in the trunk, and calmly blow 2.6 thousand to the house, continue to shit in a warm unetas and burn in the comments.

What we call wheels - in the case of a walk-behind tractor, are lugs. In the vast majority of factory designs, the equipment is equipped with conventional wheels with embossed off-road tires.

This is done so that traction power can be used to transport goods on ordinary dirt roads. Important! The use of a walk-behind tractor (even factory-made) on public roads is prohibited. Even if it has high-quality factory wheels.

Therefore, many owners of small agricultural equipment make lugs for a walk-behind tractor with their own hands. In this case, it is only necessary to fit the landing socket to the hubs of the factory motorized plow. When changing the mode of use, simply mount the desired wheels.

If the walk-behind tractor is used only in the field, ordinary rubber tires are not needed. And for a mini-tractor of your own production, you can generally not make ordinary wheels. In this case, homemade lugs for a walk-behind tractor will be the only kit.

The design is not new, the first tractors were produced without rubber tires. The wheels were metal, and powerful transverse or diagonal plates made of thick steel were installed on the drive rollers.

How to make lugs with existing factory wheels

The easiest way is to put the structure on the tire, like snow chains.

It is enough to take sheet metal with a thickness of 2-3 mm, and cut a strip that will be slightly wider than the tire profile. Preload is provided by a simple screed of bolted studs. The edges of the strip should be folded over to prevent slippage under side loads.

The lugs themselves are cut from thicker sheet steel (4-5 mm). They must be bent in the middle at an angle of 120 °. The blanks are then welded to the strips at regular intervals.

Important! The distance between the lugs must be the same on both wheels. Otherwise, the equipment will be diverted to the side during work.

Therefore, before starting work, you should use ready-made drawings, or develop a layout yourself.

Such lugs can be made with your own hands in a couple of evenings. If you use a regular smooth tread on a homemade walk-behind tractor, the device will turn the equipment into a real SUV.

We will acquaint fans of small-scale mechanization with various types of structures, and varying degrees of complexity.

The simplest do-it-yourself lugs for a walk-behind tractor

For manufacturing you will need:

  • steel sheet 4-5 mm thick for rims;
  • steel sheet 6-8 mm thick for hooks;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • drilling machine or powerful drill.

From a thinner sheet we cut out two identical disks. In the center we make a hole for the hub and for attaching the wheel to the studs. We cut sawtooth ledges along the outer edge, 10 cm deep.

A walk-behind tractor can do a lot, provided that you have the appropriate attachments for it. The main function of a walk-behind tractor (of any level) is tillage. This means that the walk-behind tractor must be able to plow the ground, hill up, possibly plant and dig potatoes with a certain canopy. And when plowing, lugs for a walk-behind tractor are needed, they can be made with your own hands in a few hours.

Why do you need do-it-yourself lugs for a walk-behind tractor

Of course, to a greater extent, the quality of work depends on the severity of the unit. You can hang all the most functional canopies only on heavy walk-behind tractors and medium-weight devices. But the severity and professionalism of the walk-behind tractor is not all. If you seem to have a cool unit, but you don’t have the proper result, you should purchase wheels with lugs for a walk-behind tractor. You can buy, or you can make lugs for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands. It all depends on the size of the wallet, desire and directness of hands.

Standard lugs for a walk-behind tractor are metal wheels with spikes that bite into the ground and engage the walk-behind tractor with the soil. In order to make do-it-yourself lugs for a walk-behind tractor, you will need knowledge of the lugs device (the drawing and diagram make this task much easier for you), determine the diameter of the canopy, select material for conversion into lugs for a walk-behind tractor and, of course, tools for working with the original material. In fact, it is a grinder and a welding machine.

Before making lugs, decide on their size. The height and width of the lugs depends on the task for which you put them on the walk-behind tractor. Later, we will discuss what sizes the factory grouser can be, which you can buy in the store.

And more requirements for the severity of lugs. After all, you put on wheels with lugs in order to improve the coupling of the walk-behind tractor with the ground, and for this you need a good weight of the wheels, which the walk-behind tractor itself may not be enough. The minimum weight of the wheels is 20 kg. You can also hang weights on the lugs if you want to get a better result or the weight of the wheels does not reach the norm.

How to make do-it-yourself lugs for a walk-behind tractor

The easiest answer to the question of how to make do-it-yourself lugs for a walk-behind tractor is to take unnecessary disks from automobile wheels for future lugs. To these disks, you need to attach the axle shaft with a welding machine, on which we will then put the bearings. Weld metal square plates to car rims. So that the plates touch the rim with their edges.

The plates then need to be screwed to the rim with bolts. Now we need to make teeth - steel hooks that will go into the ground. To do this, we need a steel plate, for example, a corner, which must be cut into pieces by a grinder and welded from them the same teeth that are made at the factory. The resulting hooks must be placed on the wheel rim at a distance of 15 cm from each other.

There is another way to make homemade lugs. To do this, use an old gas cylinder. Cut two discs from the cylinder for wheel rims 5-7 cm wide and 30 cm high. And then everything is the same as what you would do with car wheels.

By the way, to improve the operation of wheels with lugs, you can weld another tooth to each hook from above, and lengthen the teeth up to 60 cm. We need to make an axle. To do this, attach to one of the rims a metal plate on which it will be placed.

As you can see, lugs can be made from any material that has the shape of a circle. The main thing is to choose the right diameter and width for the future lug wheel. Wheel sizes are determined by the work for which they are used on a walk-behind tractor. We have already mentioned this.

We make lugs for the Neva walk-behind tractor with our own hands

Each brand of walk-behind tractor has those mounted options that are better than others for its design. Of course, it is best to buy a universal walk-behind tractor, which is suitable for almost any canopy. For the Neva walk-behind tractor, manufacturers made wheels with F340x110 lugs.

By design, these lugs are somewhat larger than the ones we described as homemade. Follow the same instructions as above, just select different rim sizes. The height of the lug wheel for the Neva walk-behind tractor should be 340 mm, and the width of the homemade lug should be 110 mm.

How to make lugs for a Centaur walk-behind tractor

The lugs for the Centaur walk-behind tractor are different only in size. Above, we described the dimensions that you need to focus on when converting old wheels into lugs for the Neva. In the same way, you can make wheels with large lugs. Choose a wheel height of 450 mm.

The width of the wheel should be 110 mm, as you would for Neva. Such lugs are suitable for the Centaur 2060, Centaur 2090 walk-behind tractor and similar units. If you want a factory option, store-bought lugs will set you back around $30.

Grousers for motoblock bison

The Zubr motor-block belongs to heavy professional motor-blocks. It fits the very best attachments available. But in order for the Bison to enter the ground perfectly, you need to buy or make your own lugs for the Bison walk-behind tractor. The standard lugs that fit it are 700mm high and 200mm wide.

Wheels with this width are worn only on heavy walk-behind tractors and, in addition to the Zubr JRQ78 and 79 walk-behind tractor, they will also fit the Centaur 1070D, Aurora 101 and Aurora 81, Zirka LX1080D and Zirka 1090 walk-behind tractors. The distance between the hooks in the factory version is 14.5 cm. The bushing of these wheels - 60 mm in diameter. They are put on a walk-behind tractor with the help of an additional hub.

Description and dimensions of lugs for walk-behind tractors

As we understood, the size of the lugs depends very much on the severity of the walk-behind tractor on which they are installed. Although heavy walk-behind tractors are the most suitable for working on heavy soils and, accordingly, lugs with a greater height and width are more suitable for traction of a professional unit with virgin or heavily neglected lands. Also, for high complexity of work, weighting agents are attached to the wheels.

Grouser sizes vary from 310 mm to 700 mm in height, width - from 100 to 200 mm. So, for the Salyut walk-behind tractor, you can buy lugs 500x100 mm, as well as 500x200 mm.

The latter will be functional in combination with a plow. You can buy the same sizes with a sand-filled weight so that the mounted plow plows the soil deeper. Although, if you have 500x200 lugs, you can make the weight yourself. Wheels with lugs measuring 700x130 mm are put on a walk-behind tractor to work with hillers, potato diggers and flat cutters.

We make lugs for the Zubr walk-behind tractor

We have already told you what size wheels are put on a heavy Zubr walk-behind tractor. Lugs 700x100 mm are also freely suitable for the Zubr JRQ78 and 79 walk-behind tractor. They are smaller in breadth and, in addition to being heavy, can be used together with medium-weight walk-behind tractors.

The same lugs for the Zubr walk-behind tractor are suitable for the Neva walk-behind tractor. It is with better compatibility that the great demand for lugs of this size is associated. After all, you can only put 700x200 wheels on heavy units, they are more intended for virgin soil processing, and 700x100 wheels are suitable for medium farm needs and you can easily save and fix them on another walk-behind tractor when your current one becomes obsolete, even if it is weaker in power .

You can do it yourself with your own hands, or you can buy it in a store. Grousers 700x100 will cost you about $ 70.

How to make lugs from discs for a walk-behind tractor

You can make the lugs you need from old car rims. You can also use rims from an old engine block. Let's say you no longer need your unit. You bought yourself a new one - better and more functional.

But you don't have lugs. Do not throw away your old unit, but remake its wheels into lugs for a new walk-behind tractor in the same way as you would remake car rims. The sequence of actions is given at the beginning of the article.

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Grousers for walk-behind tractors are reliable helpers for every owner of the unit, which can be done with your own hands without any problems. Grousers are fairly common options for attachments that allow you to increase the mass of equipment and improve the grip of the walk-behind tractor with the ground.

Despite the simplicity of their design (studded wheels), these devices are presented today in a variety of transformations, so you need to choose them wisely.

Grousers for walk-behind tractor: what to look for?

The main factor influencing the choice of a universal object is size. If a person wants to purchase lugs for a specific model of the unit, you should familiarize yourself with the wishes of the manufacturer and follow them.

Since the Neva and Neva MB walk-behind tractors are especially popular among farmers and agronomists, it is necessary to use their example to indicate the features of universal lugs. For the products of these manufacturers, options with a diameter of 43 cm are suitable, because they are laid in the soil at a depth of 15 centimeters. Such dimensions will provide maximum grip on the ground and trouble-free movement.

For absolutely all Salyut walk-behind tractors, wheels with a diameter of 50 cm will be relevant, the spikes of which sink into the ground by at least 20 cm. Naturally, each manufacturer has its own requirements for lugs, so you should carefully study the operating instructions for a motor cultivator and do not ignore the wishes of manufacturers.

An important point: heavy class equipment does not need such additions, because its weight is already a guarantee of stability on almost any soil.

How to make do-it-yourself lugs for a walk-behind tractor?

Skillful owners of motor cultivators managed to think through all the features of creating home-made devices of the specified plan, so it is not surprising that they got very practical options that are not inferior to factory ones. Now we need to learn about the most effective lessons.

Method 1

A fairly simple method is to use ready-made car tires from an old car. It is necessary to put on it a special design that performs the role of anti-skid. How to make it?

  • It is necessary to take sheet iron with a thickness of 2-3 mm;
  • Cut a strip out of it, which must necessarily be slightly wider than the tire profile;

  • Having made a screed from bolt studs, the necessary tightness is guaranteed;
  • The edges of the strip should be bent in order to get rid of possible slipping due to lateral loads;
  • Then you need to find sheet iron of greater thickness (4-5 mm), because the lugs themselves for the walk-behind tractor will be cut from it;
  • After they should be bent in the middle at an angle of 120 °;
  • The next step is to weld the blanks to the strips after a certain distance.

An important point: the gaps between the teeth of the lugs must be identical, because otherwise the unit will go from side to side. To avoid "unpleasant surprises", you should use the available drawings and diagrams or develop them yourself.

Method 2

If the previous lesson did not please the person and he had a question: “What to make the simplest lugs for a walk-behind tractor with even less effort”? Then the sequence described below is just for you!

It is really very easy to create the specified device from car rims. You need to take:

  • car disk;
  • Thick steel sheet for hooks;
  • Welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • High power drill.

A metal strip is welded onto the discs themselves, which is later supplemented with teeth. Triangular hooks should be carefully cut out of a thick sheet and the corners should be cut off. They must be welded strictly perpendicular to the strip. The very length of these teeth is determined based on the size and weight of the walk-behind tractor.

These options are the most common and will allow you to create really useful and practical lugs at home, with minimal time and financial costs.