How the future pension is formed and calculated. Calculation of old-age pension: how to calculate (formula, examples) How to calculate old-age pension correctly

As experts note, the pension system is being modernized in order to increase the efficiency of payments. From January 1, 2018, the retirement age for women will be increased. This is due, first of all, to the fact that women on average live longer than men and their incomes are lower. In addition, the basic pension will now depend not only on length of service, but also on the length of participation in the pension system.

“From January 1, 2018, the retirement age for women will be changed. Six months will be added over 10 years. Second: the basic pension will be changed: from July 2018, the basic pension will be calculated on the basis of: before 1998 - according to the work book, and from 1998 - according to participation in the pension system, i.e. The basic pension will depend on the regularity of pension contributions,” noted Ayash Kenshinbaeva.

The changes will also affect the payment schedule. From January next year, pensions from the UAPF will be paid monthly. It will be possible to withdraw savings at a time only if they do not exceed 12 times the minimum pension. In 2018, this amount will be 404,940 tenge.

“For example, if, say, a 63-year-old man retires in 2018, the total amount of savings in the pension account will be taken and multiplied by the current value coefficient of this investor, i.e. The age of the investor will be taken and divided by 12 months. In subsequent years, the account balance will be multiplied by the current value coefficient and divided by 12 months,” added Kenshinbaeva.

She noted that the coefficient of the current value of pension savings is calculated based on the average life expectancy of pensioners in Kazakhstan.

“The table of coefficients was approved by a resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and has been used to calculate the amount of pension payments since 2003. The established values ​​of the present value coefficients were compiled based on the average life expectancy of pensioners in Kazakhstan. On average it is 78-79 years old. The coefficients are not recalculated, since they are calculated in such a way as to ensure equal payments to the pensioner until the age of survival,” explained the director of the UAPF branch.

Each year, the pensioner withdraws only part of the money in accordance with the schedule, so the coefficients are less than 1.

“In the last year, the current value coefficient is equal to 1, which means that upon reaching the age of survival, the pensioner receives the entire balance in the account,” added Kenshinbaeva.

An approximate calculation of the total pension amount can be made using the Pension Calculator, which is available on the website in the “Electronic Services” section.

“Let’s look at an example of paying pension savings according to a “schedule”. A person retires at 63 years old with savings of 6 million tenge.

The current value coefficients, according to the approved methodology, at 63 years old are 0.10467. We multiply it by the amount of savings and get the annual payment amount of 628,020 tenge. This is 52,335 tenge per month. But the man still has work experience until 1998. Let's say 25 years old if he started working at the age of 18 (or went to serve in the army, which is also taken into account). Then, in addition to payments from the Unified Pension Fund, he will receive a basic pension, which from July 1, 2018 will be 28,284 tenge, and a joint pension - approximately 66 thousand tenge. Thus, the monthly total pension in 2018 will approximately be more than 126-140 thousand tenge,” explained the agency’s interlocutor.

“Let's look at another example. A 63-year-old man has accumulated 2 million tenge. Then the annual payment from the Unified Pension Fund will be 209,340 tenge, and per month, respectively, 17,445 tenge. The joint pension will be 60,050 tenge, the basic one - 28,284. Thus, the total pension in 2018 will be more than 91 - 105 thousand tenge. These examples clearly show that the greater the amount of savings, the higher the pension,” concluded Kenshinbaeva.

By the way, investors who will be entitled to pension payments before January 2018 can apply to the UAPF even in the last days of December. The foundation's operating divisions will be open on December 30 and 31 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

A pension is a regular state benefit issued monthly. It is intended for citizens who are already elderly and have a certain work experience. Other cases of pension calculation: in case of disability, loss of a breadwinner in the family.

Pension calculation

This state benefit is provided for citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached old age. It is also paid to those persons who continue to work. The process of paying pensions began in 1932, and has not undergone significant changes since then. How the old-age pension is calculated: for women this threshold is 55 years old, for the male population - 60 full years. There are persistent debates on this issue in the State Duma. It is quite possible that in 2-3 years the retirement age in Russia will increase, just as it is increasing in the CIS countries.

To calculate benefits, work experience is required, which must be at least 20 years for women and 25 years for men.

It is paid monthly by state social security funds. All issues are regulated by government agencies of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the law on pensions.

This benefit has three main types: for old age, for disability and for the loss of a breadwinner in the family. But there are a number of other coefficients that are added additionally.

Old age pension

To receive it, a person must be of advanced age. How is the old age pension calculated? There are three main parts that make up the total payment amount: basic, insurance and savings.

When a citizen reaches 80 years of age, if he is not disabled and has no dependents, then the basic portion increases significantly. The calculation of pension capital is divided by the survival period. Since 2013, the official figure is 19 years.

Pension calculation

How is the pension calculated? Its calculation is made on the basis of legislation. This takes into account not only age, but also the citizen’s contributions to the Pension Fund, pension capital and a number of other indicators. How the insurance part is calculated: work experience up to 2002, average salary plus a special coefficient. It is already calculated by dividing the salary throughout the country for that period. The funded part is calculated in almost the same way as the insurance part, and the basic part is a constant value established by law, and it is indexed every year depending on inflation.

What does pension capital consist of?

Simply put, it consists of the amounts paid by the employer. This is a citizen’s account at the time the pension reform was carried out in 2002. Since 2010, capital has been increased by 10%. At the same time, it continues to increase annually by 1% for those who worked before 1991. To calculate the amount of accruals, there are a number of correction factors.

How is the old age pension calculated: calculation

For this, a special formula is used: SK x SZP x ZR / ZP, in which:

  • IC – insurance coefficient of accumulated experience. It is equal for men and women who have worked the minimum length of service – 55% of their salary. For each additional year, 1% is added. But it should be borne in mind that the coefficient will not be more than 75% of the salary.
  • SWP is the average monthly salary, which is established from July 1 to September 30, 2001.
  • ZR – average salary for any five years, or for the period from 2000 to 2001.
  • ZP is the average monthly salary in Russia for the same period.

The above formula is the answer to the question of how the pension is calculated.

What documents are required for registration?

The list of them is established in the resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development. It is this that prescribes the issuance of the necessary documents by special authorities, certified by seals and signatures.

We already know how labor pensions are calculated, now let’s talk about the list of documents for its registration. First you need to write an application to the Pension Fund. Next you need to provide the following documents:

  • passport, which must indicate place of residence, age and citizenship;
  • personalized account card;
  • a certificate of average income for 2000-2001, or for any five years before 2002;
  • birth certificates of children (for women);
  • military ID (for men);
  • documents confirming work experience (work book).

Instead of the latter, other documents (hire agreements, etc.) may be provided. If they are lost, the length of service is confirmed by the testimony of at least two witnesses who worked with the applicant during that period.

Payments to working pensioners

How are pensions calculated for working pensioners? The base rate is calculated in the same way as for those who have retired. In any case, the employer must transfer contributions to the Pension Fund, be they from wages or other remuneration.

Such people are also subject to pension insurance. Insurance amounts are paid by the 15th of each month. In case of late payment, penalties are established, and in case of partial or complete non-payment - a fine in the amount of 20% of all amounts unpaid by the employer. At the request of the pensioner, the manager is obliged to provide the Pension Fund with complete information about the transferred contributions. Based on these data, the Pension Fund recalculates benefits for working pensioners.

Disability accruals

This benefit is established in connection with permanent or long-term loss of ability to work. How is a pension calculated in case of incapacity? The amount of the benefit directly depends on a number of factors: the nature of the work and the reasons for which the disability occurred. At the same time, the circumstances of the citizen’s incapacity are also considered. This may be an injury sustained at work, as a result of which work becomes impossible in the future. In this case, the pension will be accrued regardless of length of service. In case of disability caused by illness, supporting documents are required.

The benefit is established for citizens who have the 1st, 2nd or 3rd group, the recognition and purpose of which is determined by a special examination. It is carried out by a medical commission. To grant a pension, at least a minimum work experience is required. When conscripts perform military service, benefits upon the onset of incapacity are accrued regardless of their length of service.

Amount of benefit for incapacitated citizens

How is a disability pension calculated? It depends directly on the group. For the first it is assigned in the amount of 100% of the rate, for the second - 90%, for the third - 50%. Incapacitated citizens of group 2 can apply for an old-age pension, taking into account their length of service. In this case, it plays a role when the first disability was assigned.

Unemployed citizens with group 2, or recognized as disabled after reaching old age, as well as all persons with group 3 (if they have confirmed work experience), can receive a pension in the amount of old-age benefits.

Northern charges

Since 2007, pensioners have received additional pension supplements. They are intended for those who worked in the Far North, as well as in places that are officially equated to it. Thanks to this bill, the basic part of the pension is increased if the length of service has been fully worked out, or if old-age benefits are received early. This also applies to disability payments.

How the northern pension is calculated: those people who have dependents (disabled family members) also have the right to receive this supplement. In this case, the increase is calculated depending on the number of such citizens in the family (no more than three people). Those who have 15 years of experience in the Far North, and at least 20 in equivalent areas, are entitled to receive an additional northern coefficient.

A Guide for Law Enforcement Agencies

How are pensions calculated for police officers: payments for them are made at the rate of 54% of the salary. In this case, rank and length of service play a significant role. The indexation of monetary allowances is also taken into account. In accordance with the law, all accruals, thanks to amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation, are recalculated, regardless of the date of dismissal.

The maximum amount of payments, taking into account length of service, can reach up to 85% of the salary. How is pension calculated in Russia for police officers? Payments are calculated using the formula: salary + rank, plus a percentage of length of service. Next, the result is multiplied by 0.54 (monetary allowance). The monthly bonus is set depending on length of service:

  • 2-5 years – 10%;
  • 5-10 years – 15%;
  • 10-15 years – 20%;
  • 20-25 years – 30%;
  • over 25 – 40% (maximum).

What is the pension for an individual entrepreneur?

Since individual entrepreneurs are also their own employers, they pay pension contributions independently. How a pension is calculated for an individual entrepreneur: in addition to the basic part, benefits are subsequently calculated based on the transferred contributions. Such paid amounts ensure the right of the individual entrepreneur to receive a pension, which will be equivalent to the total number of payments that are on personal accounts.

An individual entrepreneur can count on receiving old-age benefits from the state.

In this case, the calculation of length of service includes all periods when contributions were paid to the Pension Fund.

The list of documents that must be provided to receive benefits depends on the taxation system. The latter, in turn, changes frequently, so this question must be clarified directly when submitting an application.

A single tax is also equal to insurance pension contributions. For those individual entrepreneurs who worked before 1991, renting premises, the period must be confirmed by financial authorities or archival certificates of payment of the necessary payments. All periods in which payments were made must be confirmed.

New pension accrual

Pension reform has been going on in Russia for a long time; it will end on January 1, 2015. New rules for calculating benefits to citizens will come into force. It is clear how the pension is calculated now. What will happen from 2015? If previously it was possible to calculate the amount of benefits yourself, then in the future this will not be so easy. Pension points come into force, and accruals will depend not only on length of service, but also directly on the “white” salary from which payments are made to the Pension Fund.

Life moves forward and everything changes and improves regularly. What will happen in the future is not yet very clear, but the state will take care of its citizens in any case. Therefore, pensioners have no reason to worry.

Recent changes in legislation perplex not only current pensioners, but also people who retire in 2016 and 2017. A new point system for calculating funds, a not fully understood procedure for recalculation and, finally, the years that are taken for calculation. There are a lot of nuances and peculiarities in this case, and the twists and turns in our legislation often confuse people. Therefore, today we will try to figure out what years of work are taken to calculate a pension in accordance with current legislation, and what awaits domestic pensioners in 2017.

Which years to choose

In the previously in force Federal Law No. 173 of December 17, 2001, there is a rule according to which the calculation of the pension amount is based on the average income of a citizen for the period of work until December 31, 2001. In accordance with this norm, an adjustment factor for the accrual of funds is determined, which is calculated based on a comparison of two main indicators:

  1. The average earnings of a person during his working period for any 60 months that he can choose independently.
  2. Average earnings in the territory of the USSR or the Russian Federation in the time period chosen by the citizen.

It should be immediately mentioned that the specified coefficient cannot exceed the value of 1.2, this is stated in Article 30 of the above law. In accordance with it, citizens had the right to choose any years until the end of 2001.

In 2015, Federal Law No. 400 came into force, which replaced the above regulation. However, some provisions of the previous law on labor pensions remained valid in 2016. One of them is precisely the principle of calculating accruals described above, and the timing that can be taken into account when calculating the coefficient. At the same time, the new law will apply only to citizens who enter into labor rights after 01/01/2015; for those who formed them before the deadline, the norms will remain the same. Consequently, from 2002 to 2016, only the pensioner’s insurance experience and insurance contributions are taken into account. Therefore, to calculate the amount of the labor pension in 2016, only the pensioner’s work activity before 2002 is used. There is no information about any changes in legislation for 2017, therefore, it is not yet possible to talk about them.

So, if you have chosen a certain period of time, further calculation occurs as follows: the amounts received must be divided by the cost of one point, which will be indexed in 2017 taking into account changes in the consumer price growth index for 2016. This procedure is carried out directly by the government of the Russian Federation, after determining this the indicator is recalculated (probably, as before - 01.04) and the amount of the pension is determined.

From the above, we can conclude that pensioners have the right to choose any 60 months of work, starting from the moment it began and ending on January 1, 2002. It does not matter whether you worked during modern Russia or during the USSR. The coefficient for calculating the pension amount is calculated in a similar way.

So, we found out which years can be taken to calculate a pension. However, a new pension reform is already being developed, and much can still change. In the meantime, let's talk about the latest news and figure out what changes Russian citizens can expect after its adoption.

What changes await pensioners in 2017

Another pension reform is being prepared in 2017, the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov has already announced this. Analyzing it, several particularly important points can be noted, in particular:

  • the beginning of a gradual increase in the retirement age with its subsequent leveling to 65 years, both for men and women;
  • an increase in the required length of work experience for employees of budgetary institutions, especially for teachers and doctors who retire before the age stipulated by current legislation;
  • establishment of a unified social insurance tariff, which will be determined based on earnings;
  • exclusion from the legislation of the norm on compulsory funded pension. Now you can decide for yourself whether you need it or not;
  • reduction of indexation of payments. Reliable figures are not yet known;
  • eliminating part of the payments for working pensioners;
  • abolition of the possibility of early retirement for persons who work in enterprises with hazardous conditions.

Let's look at some of the changes in more detail.

First of all, let us pay attention to the abolition of the mandatory funded pension. From now on, the employee will be able to decide for himself how to distribute his contributions. However, the amount of payments that the employer will have to transfer will not change. As before, it will be 22%. Moreover, to create pension capital, the Ministry of Finance can also use contributions to extra-budgetary pension funds.

So, the essence of these changes is as follows: from now on, a citizen can independently choose the rate for the funded part of the pension. If he wishes to do this, he can set the amount from 1 to 6% of contributions. If a person refuses this opportunity, all 22% of savings are transferred directly to the insurance part. However, funds sent to a savings account are not subject to taxes.

As for payments for persons with high incomes, a special accrual system is being developed for them. Officials say the state cannot pay them pensions from the general fund, so they need to take care of their own savings themselves. Today it is proposed to apply the Australian experience, where wealthy citizens transfer 8% of their earnings to special funds. Moreover, if a person accumulates $1,000 or more in 12 months, the Pension Fund adds another half of the accumulated funds to it. How this mechanism will be implemented in our country is not yet known.

The recalculation of pensions in 2016-2017 also became a very serious problem for officials. Due to the difficult economic situation, the government was able to index payments by only 4%, although this is not enough. Today, the problem is being discussed very actively, and various ways out of the situation are proposed.

For example, it is possible that in the fall pensions will be recalculated again with its increase to the level of purchasing power. However, the solution to this issue is still under discussion. The issue of indexation in 2017 is similarly pressing, but this issue has already been taken under personal control by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. He has already demanded that the government restore the normal order of transfers or develop a new indexation scheme. For now, we can only wait.

To date, the pension reform is only in the development stage, so it is not yet possible to reliably say about all the changes. The years that will be taken to calculate pensions next year may also change, so stay tuned for news. Everything can change at any moment.

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For what period is salary taken to calculate the pension?

Previously, for calculations it was possible to take the last two years of work, or any five years. People looked at how it was more profitable for them. A little earlier, experience had a big influence; experience included studies (after school), military service, and maternity leave. Now I know for sure that studying is no longer included in the length of service, and the formula for calculating pensions has already changed. Nowadays, length of service is also important for calculating a pension, but to a lesser extent, having a “white” salary, working at retirement age without registering a pension, contributions to all kinds of non-state pension funds, and so on. Every year something changes and the population no longer really knows the basic principles of calculating pensions.

the system chose this answer as the best

Here it is worth considering one interesting nuance that some pensioners talk about. Documents must be submitted to the Pension Fund six months before retirement age. During this time, the document will be assessed and the approximate amount of the pension will be calculated. And the pension will be calculated according to the documents that are already available. And it may well be that these documents are the most beneficial for calculating a pension. And during these six months you can manage to find other more important and profitable documents that determine your length of service

To calculate the pension, average monthly earnings are taken for the years 2000-2001 or for any 60 months of continuous work experience for the entire period of work up to December 31, 2001 inclusive

Or labor relations taken after 2002

Since 2015, a new pension formula has been introduced

Tata all red

Previously, for calculations it was possible to take the last two years of work, or any five years. People looked at how it was more profitable for them. A little earlier, experience had a big influence; experience included studies (after school), military service, and maternity leave. Now I know for sure that studying is no longer included in the length of service, and the formula for calculating pensions has already changed. Nowadays, length of service is also important for calculating a pension, but to a lesser extent, having a “white” salary, working at retirement age without registering a pension, contributions to all kinds of non-state pension funds, and so on. Every year something changes and the population no longer really knows the basic principles of calculating pensions.

replied 2015-07-07T18:16:06.000000+03:00 1 year, 11 months ago

Other answers below

Is work experience relevant now?

For what period is salary taken to calculate a pension in Ukraine?

For what period is a certificate taken for calculating unemployment benefits?

Here it is worth considering one interesting nuance that some pensioners talk about. Documents must be submitted to the Pension Fund six months before retirement age. During this time, the document will be assessed and the approximate amount of the pension will be calculated. And the pension will be calculated according to the documents that are already available. And it may well be that these documents are the most beneficial for calculating a pension. And during these six months you can manage to find other more important and profitable documents that determine your length of service. To calculate your pension, you take the average monthly earnings for 2000-2001 or for any 60 months of continuous work experience for the entire period of work up to December 31, 2001 inclusive. Or you take labor relations after 2002 Since 2015, a new pension formula has been introduced

replied 2014-05-05T07:09:17.000000+04:00 3 years, 1 month ago

Pension accruals will be calculated based on information about five years of service before 2002. After 2002, a different calculation system has been in effect, where length of service does not matter. Also, from 2015 there will be changes in the pension accrual system.

replied 2015-02-17T14:31:42.000000+03:00 2 years, 4 months ago

To calculate a pension, you can take any five consecutive years of continuous service, and these five years must be included in the period before 2002. After 2002, a different system for calculating pensions has been in effect, which will take into account the insurance contributions that your employer paid to the pension fund.

replied 2015-01-31T08:15:02.000000+03:00 2 years, 5 months ago

To calculate your pension at the moment, you have the right to choose a period of work that is more profitable for you. This can be either the period from 2000 to 2001, or any other period of 60 months at your discretion.

replied 2014-08-30T11:52:15.000000+04:00 2 years, 9 months ago

I see we have only pensioners here :) My mother retired last year and therefore I can say that the salary for the last five years of continuous service is taken to calculate the pension. But if the future pensioner is not satisfied with his salary for the last five years, he has the right to choose any five years from his length of service. Retirement service must be at least 25 years.

replied 2014-06-24T13:36:47.000000+04:00 2 years, 11 months ago

To calculate your pension, you must take the average monthly earnings for 2000-2001 or for any 5 years (60 months) from your entire work record until December 31, 2001. The new pension law is currently being finalized and will soon come into force, so the pension calculation system will change significantly.

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replied 2014-02-18T21:23:22.000000+04:00 3 years, 4 months ago

Conventionally, the calculation of the pension can be divided into two parts: the first part of the pension is calculated in accordance with the length of service and salary. For this, wages are taken for a period of 5 consecutive years up to and including 2001 or for two years: 2000 and 2001. You need to choose the most profitable period for yourself. To do this, your salary should be as higher as possible than the average salary in the country for the same period. And the second part of the pension is calculated based on the results of accruals after 2002. Here, experience is no longer important. However, this will be the case until 01/01/2015. Then the new Pension Law will turn everything upside down. (((

replied 2014-02-09T14:42:53.000000+04:00 3 years, 4 months ago

Well, as far as I know, the calculation and size of the pension depends on the following parameters:

  • at what economic level is the enterprise you worked at?
  • 1 period is taken into account if you worked at the same enterprise before 2001 for at least 5 years
  • Period 2 if you have worked since 2002 but length of service is not taken into account.

replied 2014-09-05T07:46:26.000000+04:00 2 years, 9 months ago

Salary for pension calculations is taken for a full 5 years of continuous service before 2000 and 5 years after 2000. If the work experience before 2000 is less than five years, then only the time of work after 2000 is taken into account.

replied 2014-02-09T13:07:05.000000+04:00 3 years, 4 months ago

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Working from 1985 to present?

Hello! You have the right to take any 60 months (5 years) in a row, according to Art. 30 Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” The estimated size of the labor pension is determined (in the case of choosing an insured person) using the following formula:

RP = SK x ZR / ZP x SZP, where

RP - the estimated size of the labor pension;

SC - length of service coefficient, which for insured persons: ZR - average monthly earnings of the insured person for 2000 - 2001 according to individual (personalized) records in the compulsory pension insurance system or for any 60 consecutive months of work on the basis of documents issued in the prescribed manner by the relevant employers or state (municipal) bodies. Average monthly earnings are not confirmed by testimony;

Keep in mind that during maternity years your income is small.

Sincerely, Alisa Olegovna, I was glad to help you! Consultations in personal messages for a fee.

This is the best answer

Options for choosing periods of earnings until 2002 are established by Article 30 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”. There are two such options: 1 for 60 months in a row (possibly from different enterprises, but consecutively according to entries in the work book, while the months are incomplete - the start of work or dismissal at your request may not be taken into account, but replaced by the previous or next months).

It is difficult to say unequivocally for which years (for 60 consecutive months) it is more profitable for you to present your salary to calculate the amount of your pension. It all depends on the amount of your earnings.

2 - wages for 2000-2001 according to accounting information, i.e. if the employer reported for you to the Pension Fund as an insured person in the specified two years (it is possible to take into account 24 months not fully worked in these two years, but the amount of salary accrued for 2000-2001 divided by 24 months will give the same average salary, which, if profitable, will be taken into account when calculating the amount of the pension). Your average earnings will be compared with the national average for the same period, but this ratio is also limited by Law - no more than 1.2.

In order for the pension amount to be higher, you must take into account your earnings for the period compared to the national salary

The second component when calculating a pension is the insurance premiums that were paid by the employer for the employee after 01/01/2002 and recorded in the employee’s personal account. The higher your salary was after 2002, and accordingly, the higher the amount of insurance contributions taken into account in your personal account, the higher the pension amount will be. This is provided that the salary was “white”.

The size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension is determined by the formula:

Insurance part = PC / T + B, where

PC - the amount of the estimated pension capital of the insured person, taken into account as of the day from which the specified person is assigned the insurance part of the old-age labor pension;

T - the number of months of the expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension, used to calculate the insurance part of the specified pension. When a pension is assigned in 2011, it is 204 months;

B - fixed base amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension.

PC (pension capital) is calculated as follows:

Calculation of pension capital (PC)

PC = PC 1 + SV + PC 2, where

PC 1 - estimated pension capital, calculated when assessing the pension rights of the insured person as of January 1, 2002;

SV - amount of valorization;

PC 2 - the amount of insurance premiums and other revenues to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the insured person starting from January 1, 2002;

As practice shows, it is better to take the Soviet period for calculating a pension; the base labor rate is not calculated, it is fixed) (then 10% will be added to the insurance pre-reform part of the amount for everyone who worked under the USSR), and for each year worked before 1992 another 1% will be added. .

Therefore, I think you should agree to the proposal to take 1989-1992 for calculations

As for the refusal to take the period 2010-2015, such a refusal is dictated by Article 15 of the Federal Law On Insurance Pensions.

There are no unsolvable problems. You can always count on my legal assistance - V.N. Parfenov, contact 89236211686. [email protected]

To calculate the average monthly salary coefficient ( KSZ)- you need to calculate the ratio of your average salary Salary for the selected period (2000-2001 or any 60 consecutive months until 01/01/2002) to the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the same period - Salary.

This coefficient is used when calculating the size of the so-called estimated pension - the part of your future pension earned in the period before 2002.

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Despite a fairly large amount of information in the media about reforming the pension system, for most the difference between work and pension remains unclear, many do not understand what a pension point and bonus coefficient are. Also, citizens are quite skeptical about non-state pension funds (NPFs) - often because of the word "non-state". But the most pressing question still remains pension calculation.

How is the pension calculated?

Until 2015, pension provision for working citizens and members of their families was regulated by Federal Law dated December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ. The old-age labor pension (this is the most common type of pension) consisted of two parts - funded and insurance.

However, in 2013 they adopted two laws, which actually identified the concepts "labor" And "insurance" pension.

  • From January 1, 2015, citizens who have and are eligible under certain conditions are paid an insurance pension.
  • In some cases (depending on the decision of the citizen himself), it is supplemented by another independent payment - a funded pension.

The procedure and conditions for assigning these pensions are outlined in Federal Laws N 400-FZ and N 424-FZ (for insurance and funded pensions, respectively).

The main changes that the year brought were new pension calculation formula, as well as requirements for. According to these requirements, in order to receive an old-age insurance pension, a person must:

  • have in 2019 an insurance period (periods when the Russian Pension Fund received insurance contributions from employers) of at least 10 years, and until 2024 inclusive, this requirement will increase by one year annually;
  • availability of the required number of pension points (value in the new formula) from 16.2 in 2019 and further to 30 in 2025;
  • achieve the generally established age of 65 for and 60 for, taking into account the transitional provisions of the law (there are certain categories of citizens entitled to).

New formula for calculating insurance pensions

In order to navigate the new formula, it is necessary, first of all, to understand the terminology of the Federal Law “About insurance pensions”:

  • (IPC or pension point) is a special value that depends on the amount of insurance contributions (and therefore on wages) paid by employers;
  • - multipliers created to motivate citizens later than they have rights to it work on a simple principle: the longer you wait to retire, the more you will have;
  • - a state-guaranteed amount, analogous to the fixed base amount in the law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”.

In general, the new formula for calculating the old-age insurance pension can be written as follows:

SP = IPC x SIPC x K + FV x K, Where:

  • JV- the amount of old-age insurance pension;
  • IPC- the amount of pension points accumulated at the time of calculation;
  • SIPC- the cost of the individual pension coefficient;
  • TO- bonus coefficients (for fixed payments and pension points they have different values);
  • FV- fixed payment.

The value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC)

To better understand the above formula, it is important to know how the number of pension points is calculated:

IPC = SV / SV max x 10,

This means that the primary task of future retirees is to accumulate as many pension coefficients as possible, because even in the case of indexation, the cost of the IPC will not fundamentally change.

Fixed payment amount

The fixed benefit (FB) is a guaranteed amount added to the insurance pension by the state. According to Part 8 of Art. 10 of Law No. 350-FZ, the amount of the fixed payment from January 1, 2019 is 5334.19 rub.

Under certain circumstances and conditions, the size of the PV can be further increased. These circumstances may be:

  • establishment of disability group I or;
  • having at least 15 years of experience in the Far North or areas equivalent to it;
  • later (due to premium coefficients).

Below is a table that reflects the dependence of the value for a fixed payment on the period for which a citizen delays or suspends receiving pension payments:

Period for which the application for pension was deferred, yearsPremium coefficient for fixed payment
1 1,056
2 1,12
3 1,19
4 1,27
5 1,36
6 1,46
7 1,58
8 1,73
9 1,9
10 2,11

As can be seen from the data presented above, if you do not retire within 10 years after receiving the right to it, but, for example, continue to work, then in addition to additional (and therefore pension points), the citizen will receive an increase in the fixed payment more than doubled.

But you need to understand, for example, that the average life expectancy in our country is 66 years, and you will have to wait until 75 - how profitable this is, each citizen must decide for himself.

How to calculate your old age pension yourself?

The calculation method, at first glance, is not complicated and consists of the following steps:

  • We calculate the number of pension points based on the gross salary;
  • if you plan not to retire after receiving the right to it, look for the required period in the coefficient table and multiply the number of pension points and the fixed payment by the corresponding values;
  • multiply the cost of one individual pension coefficient by the number of points;
  • We add the resulting amount with a fixed payment.

However, the whole difficulty lies in the fact that such values ​​as a fixed payment, the value of a pension point and gross salary are not constant values: if the PV and the cost of the IPC only increase (indexed), then the salary changes many times over the course of a career.

Therefore, any calculations regarding the size of the future pension are approximate nature and serve only as a guide for citizens.

Citizen Ivanov, after graduating from university in 2018, was offered a job on January 1, 2019. He is 23 years old, the official salary will be 50 thousand rubles on average before taxes. He plans to work until retirement. A funded pension will not be generated. Let's calculate the amount of pension he will be able to receive upon reaching 65 years of age:

  1. We calculate the insurance period: 65 - 23 = 42 years;
  2. We calculate the number of pension points that Ivanov will receive in one year: (50,000 x 12 x 0.16) / (1,150,000 x 0.16) x 10 = 5.217 points, where
    • 12 - number of months;
    • 0.16 - insurance premium rate (16% when forming only an insurance pension);
    • 1,150,000 - the maximum contribution base in 2019 (Government Decree No. 1426 of November 28, 2018).
  3. We multiply the number of points by the number of years that these points will be formed: 5.217 x 42 = 219.13 points;
  4. We calculate the product of the number of IPK and its cost (according to data for 2019): 219.13 x 87.24 = 19116.94 rubles;
  5. Let's add to this the amount of the fixed payment: 19116.94 + 5334.19 = 24451.13 - this will be the amount of the old-age insurance pension, calculated taking into account the 2019 standards.

Once again, it is worth noting that the calculations used the values ​​​​as of January 1, 2019. Taking into account the indexation of both the value of the pension point and the fixed payment, we can conclude that the pension will be slightly higher than the one obtained in the calculation (comparable with inflation).

Formula for calculating funded pension

allocated the funded part of the labor pension to independent species pension payments. At the same time, citizens had a choice: or not. If the first option is chosen, then insurance premiums are divided: 10% of the gross salary goes to the insurance pension, 6% to the funded pension. In addition, future retirees had the opportunity to participate and further increase their savings. However, since 2015, the possibility of joining the program has ceased.

Please note that accumulated funds are not indexed by the state and are not protected from inflation, so you need to carefully consider the choice of the organization that will manage capital.

According to Article 7 of the Federal Law “About funded pensions” The formula for calculating a funded pension is as follows:

NP = PN / T,

  • NP- the size of the funded pension;
  • Mon- the amount of all pension savings in a special part of the personal account of the insured person (including savings formed with the help of maternity capital, state co-financing, etc.);
  • T- the expected period during which the pension will be paid, equal to 252 months in 2019.

Contributions to the funded pension themselves depend on wages and make up 6%.

When citizen Petrov retired, his savings amounted to 300,000 rubles. To calculate the amount of payments, you need to divide the amount of pension savings by the period that the citizen will receive a funded pension:

300000 / 252 = 1190.48 rubles.

How to find out the amount of pension savings?

In the era of the Internet and communication technologies, there are quite a few ways to find out almost any information. Information on pension aspects is no exception:

  • Now you can calculate your pension without leaving home and sign up for a consultation with the Pension Fund.
  • And besides this, through your personal account on the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia, as well as through the bank (subject to the availability of appropriate agreements), you can find out the amount of your pension savings, which will be used to form your funded pension.

How long do you have to work to receive a given pension amount?

Of course the answer to this question is cannot be clear and depends on too many factors - the size of wages and fixed payments, as well as the cost of the individual pension coefficient. It is necessary to take into account the period in which the citizen retires, and whether he will suspend receiving it after its appointment, keeping in mind the bonus coefficients for the above values. In addition, there are allowances for working in the Far North, etc. Therefore, the calculation of the length of service required to receive a certain amount is the same approximate nature, as well as the calculation of the pension itself.

To answer this question, you first need to create an algorithm by which the length of service will be calculated:

  • We subtract a fixed payment from the pension amount;
  • divide the remaining amount by the cost of the pension point - we get their number;
  • from the formula for calculating the IPC we calculate the amount of insurance premiums;
  • divide the MC by 0.16 and determine how much you need to earn for your entire work activity
  • we divide what we get by the expected salary multiplied by 12 months.

If you want to know not the length of service, but the required salary, in the last paragraph you need to divide by the expected length of service.

Citizens A and B want to receive a pension of 20 thousand rubles. A knows for sure that he will receive a stable salary of an average of 40 thousand rubles, and B is sure that he will work until his retirement; he is 22 years old. How much does A need to work and what salary should B have so that they can receive the desired amount of payments?

For citizen A:

  • 20000 - 5334.19 = 14665.81 rubles, where:
    • 20000 - expected pension size;
    • 4982.9 - the amount of the fixed payment as of January 1, 2019.
  • 14665.81 / 87.24 = 168.11 (number of points), where:
    • 87.24 - cost of one pension point (rub.) from January 1, 2019;
  • SV = 168.11 x 1150000 × 0.16 / 10 = 3093201.56 (the required amount of insurance contributions in rubles to assign the desired pension amount);
  • 3093201.56 / 0.16 = 19332509.75 (the amount of money earned by A for his work activity);
  • 19332509.75 / (12 x 40000) = 40.28 years - this should be the length of service of citizen A.

For citizen B:

Because We already know the amount he should earn (19332509.75 rubles), all that remains is to divide it by the number of years remaining for him until retirement: 65 - 22 = 43 years. Now, using an analogy, we calculate the salary required for the specified pension amount:

  • 19332509.75 / (12 x 43) = 37466.10 rubles.

Pension calculation using the Pension Fund calculator

So, basic quantities influencing the final amount of payments are:

  • “white” wages;

Thus, calculating the size of a pension is a purely mathematical matter: there are clear formulas and algorithms that need to be used to find out the number of pension points, the required length of service or the salary that will need to be received for a given amount of payment.

Therefore, despite all the apparent complexity, modern technologies make it possible not to resort to manual calculations - special specialists can do this for citizens calculator programs.

For example, for calculating pension using the Pension Fund calculator you only need to enter initial data, such as year of birth, official salary, pension option (tariff), number of children being raised, the nature and duration of your work activity - and the calculator itself will calculate the amount of the pension and display the result within a few seconds.

But it is worth understanding that the use of calculators does not provide an understanding of the structure of the pension system. All the nuances can only be understood if you delve into the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Pensions and the procedure for calculating them are an issue of concern to older citizens, especially after the start of the reform. Few are able to figure out what is now important for receiving pension payments. In the recent past, the decisive factor was length of service and position held.

Now we need to get real information and understand what the state promises to pensioners. How will the amount of the pension entitled to a woman born in 1961 or earlier depend on how it will be calculated and on what? What features are inherent and legalized, what is the size of payments in 2019? We will voice all the nuances and opinions of the country’s chief economists below. Now let's talk about the main innovations.

Reform and its consequences

Already this year, accrual will take place according to new rules. Old age pension now depends on three constituent factors. This:

  • minimum wage, or basic, is a fixed payment that is provided for all citizens, regardless of whether they have experience;
  • insurance option, which is now calculated not in rubles, like labor, but in points, taking into account the coefficient;
  • funded pension, which depends on contributions made by the employer.

Women reach retirement age at 55, after which they can retire or continue working. The basic pension is a constant value, while the insurance part is calculated according to a certain formula.

The average salary for any annual period before 2002 is taken and a certain coefficient in points for length of service is added to this value. Each point will be equated to a certain monetary value annually. The government will have to set the financial equivalent of the points at the beginning of each year.

The funded part depends on the amount of contributions your employer made. At one time, the government put this money into circulation, but the program turned out to be unsuccessful, which led to the PF debt. Although the calculation of accruals has become somewhat more complicated, there were objective reasons for the adoption of relevant acts and laws regulating this process. A crisis is not the best time for positive changes in the country, and this always affects primarily those who are subsidized by the state.

What to Expect

In 2019, indexation will be carried out, which should protect pensioners from inflation. Long disputes in the government and the realities of the current financial situation in the country came together at one point. The indexation percentage for this case did not rise above 4, which seems somewhat absurd due to the estimated 12% inflation. Competent persons say that if the situation stabilizes, there will be a second wave of indexation in 2019, closer to October. You have to take my word for it. Of course, at the moment the priority is to preserve as much finance as possible in the treasury and get through the crisis with minimal losses. But why this issue is being resolved at the expense of pensioners is not entirely clear. In fact, 4 percent is the amount of money that is available in the budget at the beginning of the year.

For now, it has been decided that the retirement age for the female half of the country will remain unchanged. This issue will be dealt with more closely by 2019. Due to the lack of sources of funding, the Reserve Fund, as well as the National Welfare Fund, were practically left without cash injections. Therefore, we will definitely return to the issue of increasing the age threshold in the future.

At the moment, women have certain privileges and can retire before age 55 if:

  • worked in a job that was “harmful” to health;
  • were employed as machinists or tractor drivers, that is, they were involved in the country’s agriculture;
  • worked in the textile or shipping industries, as well as in aviation.

Also, separate bonuses are given to women in military service.


Not only the year of birth affects what pension will be accrued.

There are some additional features. For example, there is such a thing as a “northern” pension. Each region in the North has its own coefficient. It increases the size of the basic accrual and is based on the calendar periods of the main service. Its level directly depends on the remoteness of the location during work, as well as on the degree of conditions that affected health.

Regardless of whether a woman lived in the North at the time of retirement or not, she is entitled to all the benefits defined for those who worked in harsh climatic conditions. The main indicator is the presence of 15 years of “northern” work experience. All periods of life are taken into account - both when maternity leave was granted, and also leave to care for the second and third child. In 2019, restrictions were also defined - the northern pension cannot exceed the size of three payments, in a normal climate.

In addition, women pensioners will be affected by the following nuances:

  • women who have more than two children can retire when they reach the age of 50, and 12 years of service will be enough for them;
  • Women living and working in the Far North can go on vacation in 2019 if they have 15 full working years;
  • women who served in the military can receive both military and “northern” payments at the same time. In this case, the pension may have a bonus for length of service. To do this, it is necessary to submit certificates, documents, information about all places of service and work in the North;
  • There is one more nuance, and it concerns jobs in which people who have crossed the designated retirement age continue to work. From 2019, an incentive system will be in place for working pensioners. For every three years processed, the insurance pension will increase by approximately 24 percent. For five extra working years, about 50 percent will be paid in addition, and for eight – almost 90 percent of the total amount. Thus, the government will encourage later retirement. This solution will help “kill two birds with one stone”;
  • in 2019, this will save money for the treasury. They will continue to accumulate in retirement accounts while the owner continues to work;
  • will psychologically prepare the population for the change in deadlines for retirement. It is predicted that for women this age will be 60;
  • in the case where a woman was born before 1967, her labor pension will not have a funded part. All contributions from her employers are made towards her insurance pension.


We also want to draw attention to one fact. If a woman’s work experience exceeds 30 years, then for each year she is entitled to one additional factor. If he is over 35 years old, then she will receive an additional 5 coefficients for the same period. If there is no work experience of 15 years, a woman can apply for a social pension at her place of residence.

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Here are all the news and forecasts for women's pensions for 2019. There is no doubt that the rather difficult situation is not conducive to optimism, but Russians have long been accustomed to relying on themselves, and a little more on chance. Therefore, no matter what sanctions are applied, it is difficult to unsettle the country that is laying this rut.