Changing the position of the earth's axis. Has the angle of the Earth's axis changed? Children's toy top reveals a little secret

After the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, scientists reported another shift in the earth's axis. This time it was insignificant, only 10 centimeters. But in the history of mankind there were cataclysms even more serious, when the axis of the earth shifted by whole15° It's time to remember what happened more than 11,000 BC.
It just so happened that the post is about I wrote on the day of the Japanese tragedy. That publication contained calculations by Russian scientists about the current situation of the Arctic ancestral home of our civilization. And they were able to find it, relying on data on the displacement of the Earth’s axis as a result of a collision with the Earth of an asteroid, or even a planetoid. That cataclysm also ended with a huge tsunami, a “flood”. All this led to the ancient maps no longer corresponding to the real state of affairs.

An excerpt from an ancient text:
“...the support of the sky collapsed, the Earth was shaken to its very foundation. The sky began to fall to the north. The sun, moon and stars changed their path. The entire system of the Universe has fallen into disarray. The sun was eclipsed and the planets changed their paths..."

The impact of the asteroid at an angle to the plane of rotation of the Earth led to the fact that the axis of rotation of the planet began to gradually tilt, turning the North Pole to the south. At first, the North Pole tilted 20° from its original axial tilt, which was approximately 9° before the Flood. Over time, as a result of the influence of inertial forces, the angle of deviation of the rotation axis gradually changed.
According to an ancient text, the Earth partially turned over after being hit by an asteroid. Then the cardinal directions switched places. The sun rose on the western horizon and set on the eastern horizon... (c)

Herodotus wrote in his History:

“At this time, the priests said, the Sun did not rise four times in its usual place: namely, it rose twice where it now sets, and twice it set where it now rises.”
In the Chinese treatise "Huainanzi" this event and the change in the tilt of the earth's axis are described as follows:

“The firmament was broken, the scales of the earth were torn apart. The sky tilted to the northwest. The sun and stars have moved. The land in the southeast turned out to be incomplete, and therefore waters and silt rushed there...
In those distant times, the four poles collapsed, the nine continents split... the fire burned without subduing, the waters raged without drying up.”

The terrible impact of the asteroid caused the Earth's rotation speed to slow down slightly, which initially caused a colossal tidal wave that washed away everything in its path.(universal flood?)

Then the tilt of the axis and the slowing down of the rotation speed led to the fact that the precession mechanism malfunctioned and “... the entire system of the Universe fell into disorder.” The priests who recorded everything that happened left notes that the constellations located along the ecliptic line changed the direction of their precessional movement to the opposite. An ancient Egyptian papyrus claimed that the seasons had changed:

“Winter came like summer, the months followed in reverse order, and the clocks got confused.”
The general loss of memory about the most important events in the history of the Earth led to the fact that some surviving ancient maps, compiled before the Flood, were used by sailors along with maps compiled after it. This often led to the fact that, guided by the stars and old maps, sailors missed their destinations. It is known that Columbus used one of these maps during his voyage. Checking the ship's course against an ancient map, he expected that land was about to appear, but did not find it where he expected. In search of land, he had to swim about 1000 more miles and face the threat of a crew mutiny. Eventually he landed on the island of San Salvador or some other island nearby. In his book Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, Charles Hapgood writes:
“If you look at San Salvador on the Piri Reis portolan and mark its longitude on the main grid, you will notice that it lies west of the 60th meridian, and not at 74.5° W. d., where he really should be. But if you rotate the map around the center and now determine the longitude of the island on a specific Caribbean projection, you will get 80.5°. This makes it clear why Columbus got confused. His mistake was that he did not know: the map could lead him to a distortion of the direction by about 14 ° or to a deviation from the true distance across the Atlantic of 840 miles, which almost entailed the failure of the entire expedition.
The deviation of the Earth's axis occurred in a southwestern direction, as “the sky fell to the north,” which inevitably led to a change in coordinate values, primarily related to latitude. It is no coincidence that Admiral Morrison, who studied the documents of the first voyage of Christopher Columbus, notes:
“On the night of November 2, 1492, two days before the full moon, he tried to determine his location by measuring the height of the North Star with a wooden quadrant. After making minor adjustments, he decided that Puerto Guibara was located at a northern latitude of 21°06′, but in reality it was 42°N. sh."
Today, thanks to the development of science and technology, it is possible to obtain maps of any part of the Earth that reflect reality with the highest level of accuracy. The mismatch of ancient maps no longer creates problems for us, being an indirect confirmation of the story of the fall of an asteroid and the shift of the axis. However, the very fact of the catastrophe that occurred and its consequences for the future of humanity is not realized and is still not taken into account, for example, in astrology, as a result of which practically useful knowledge about the interaction of space and man has lost its true power. The reason is that as a result of an asteroid impact 13,659 years ago, the Earth made a “leap in time.” The leap affected not only the astrological clock, which began to show a different time, but also the planetary energy clock, which sets the life-giving rhythm for all life on Earth. Thousands of years have passed, but the astrologers of the world have not checked the clocks of their astrological forecasts and horoscopes with the astronomical clock of cosmic rhythms, unwittingly misleading themselves and people. To verify this, let’s reconstruct the picture of the consequences of the disaster based on ancient texts that say that as a result of the asteroid impact:
“...the whole world turned upside down and the stars fell from the sky. This happened because a huge planet fell to Earth... at that moment “the heart of Leo reached the first minute of the head of Cancer.”

To understand what stands behind these words, let’s recall some basic knowledge of our ancestors. Since ancient times, there was only one science, with the help of which it was possible, through millennia, to transmit information about the most important events and dates in the history of the Earth with a very high level of accuracy. This science is astronomy. For accurate dating, the event must be “tied” to the position of the stars and the rising of the Sun. The role of a tool for this kind of “binding” was played by special structures: near-horizon observatories, obelisks, pyramids or the Great Sphinx of Giza, oriented exactly to the cardinal points. According to the builders, the Sphinx was an astronomical marker, for which its body was oriented exactly east, to the point of sunrise on the horizon on the day of the vernal equinox

Here is the Sphinx looking at the rising sun.
The primary focus of ancient astronomers was on the zodiacal constellation, which defined the astrological “age,” rising at dawn on the vernal equinox just before sunrise. The constellation that rose directly in front of the Sun (heliacally) marked the “resting place” of the Sun. He was called the “Bearer of the Sun”, as well as the main “pillar” of the sky.
The position of the Sun on this day among the constellations was considered an indicator of the “hours” of precession (swing) of the earth’s axis, affecting the height of the stars and constellations, the position of which slowly and steadily changes relative to the point of sunrise on the horizon on the day of the vernal equinox.
As a result of precession, this point gradually moves from one constellation (zodiacal sign) to another, and so on throughout all twelve constellations.
The change of zodiac signs in the Great Peace-Making Circle, which is 25,920 years long, occurs counterclockwise. Therefore, if you observe the position of the rising Sun on the days of the spring equinoxes against the background of the constellations, it appears that the constellations are moving in order along the ecliptic line counterclockwise, setting behind the horizon.28

Judging by the above ancient text, and the corresponding images on the Dendera Zodiac, 13659 years ago in the year of the catastrophe, the Sun rose on the day of the vernal equinox in the first minute of the “Head of Cancer”. This means that the catastrophe occurred at a time when the Sun was between Leo and Cancer
Considering that the text of the miraculously preserved warning30 about the impending catastrophe was received by the priests of Atlantis, the date indicated in the warning was naturally tied to the horizon by which the Atlantean priests checked their “watches” when watching the sunrise from Atlantis. Most likely from the island where their main pyramid was located. Therefore, when reconstructing the picture of what happened, we will take into account this factor and the fact that the North Pole was there,. Accordingly, the direction to the east will be shifted due to a grid shift of 15° to the south along the ancient prime meridian.

View of the eastern sky from the area where the Pyramid of Atlantis is located. Reconstruction.

The image, like a monitor screen, takes us in time and space to an altitude of several tens of kilometers above the Earth to an area south of the main archipelago of Atlantis. In front of us is the island on which their main communication center is located - the great pyramid of Atlanteans. Let's draw an arrow from the pyramid in the direction to the east, to the point of sunrise on the day of the vernal equinox and, then, project it onto the sky. This arrow points to the "first minute of the first degree of the Cancer head." This is what the sky and stars looked like on the day of the disaster. Now imagine how, to our left, from northern Siberia, over northern Europe, and then south of the British Isles, which were then still part of the mainland, a giant asteroid is flying in a southwestern direction. A minute passes, then another, and the planet is shaken by a terrible blow. Next comes chaos.

Instead of the usual and natural movement counterclockwise relative to the Sun rising on the horizon, the constellations began to roll out from behind the horizon clockwise! See excerpts from ancient texts above.

The arrow drawn to the horizon, indicating the “resting place of the Sun” before the fall of the asteroid in the first minute of the head of Cancer, began to slowly move along with the horizon back (down) to the constellation Leo. The countdown of precessional (zodiacal) time has begun.

View of the eastern sky from the area where the Pyramids of Giza are located. Reconstruction.

Some time after the disaster, what was mentioned in the warning the priests received happened. Astronomically - starting from the sunrise in the year of the catastrophe in the first minute of the head of Cancer - the point of subsequent sunrises began to shift along the ecliptic line in the opposite direction, entering the “heart of Leo”. Zodiacally - moving counterclockwise, "the first minute of Cancer's head entered the heart of Leo." The fact that the movement was like this is confirmed by the Dendera Zodiac, in which Cancer changed its location on the ecliptic line, moving back to Leo.
The zodiac event described in the ancient papyrus did not happen immediately. The “countdown of zodiacal time” lasted until the forces of inertia and “external interference” led to the fact that the Earth’s rotation accelerated and the precession mechanism began to work in its usual mode. The period of failure of the precessional mechanism and the subsequent first, most critical phase of instability of the Earth's parameters lasted several hundred years. During this time, the deviation of the Earth’s rotation axis, which shortly after the asteroid impact amounted to 20° from the initial value, gradually decreased, but did not return to its previous position,As a result, the North geographic pole of the Earth was shifted by 15°.
Only 1153 years after the terrible catastrophe, when the planet had already been in a relatively stable state for several hundred years, the descendants of the priests who left Atlantis as part of the Neef-Tuna flotilla and settled in the Mediterranean region completed the most complex work of recalculating the basic data on cyclicity and precessional rhythms. Judging by the time scale of the Dendera Zodiac, the work was completed somewhere around 10512 - 10500 BC. At the beginning, using the knowledge once received from the Nefers, the priests erected a system of obelisks with adjacent temple buildings, at a certain distance from each other. Then, observing the passage of stars over the obelisks at night, and studying the shadows cast by them during the day,

the priests made the necessary astronomical calculations. Using this simple but very effective system, the priests obtained data on the duration of the new precessional cycle, which after the asteroid impact and the deviation of the Earth's axis was approximately 25,920 years. Before the disaster, the angle of inclination of the rotation axis was about 9°, as a result of which the precession cycle was shorter.
Knowledge of the precession cycle was vital for the priests. It made it possible to make the appropriate calculations to calculate the calendar and create a system of measures, which would later become the basis of the Ancient Egyptian Canon, on the basis of which generations of priests would plan and build structures tuned to the basic energy rhythms of the Earth and Space.

Similar work to revise the cycle was carried out not only in Egypt, but also in China, where, as the ancient text tells, the emperor sent messengers to the four corners of the darkened world to redefine North, East, West and South and draw up a new calendar.
Despite the fact that 12,506 years ago, the priests of Atlantis synchronized the earth's and astronomical clocks, leaving corresponding records about this, modern astrologers to this day ignore the amendments made then, continuing to rely in their calculations on cosmoplanetary cyclicity, which critically changed as a result of the fateful asteroid impact in 13664 ago (counting from 2011).
In order to shed light on those events, simultaneously checking them with the astrological clock, let us turn to the Dendera Zodiacs, of which there were several in the ancient Egyptian temple of IUN-TA-NETCHET (in Dendera).

The calendar system in ancient Egypt was brilliantly developed thanks to well-developed astronomy. The calendar and time scale of the Dendera Zodiacs were built on the basis of more ancient texts and long-term astronomical observations. To properly understand the records of prehistoric events, let us consider the time scale of the round Dendera Zodiac

The scale of the outer circle of the zodiac is made up of figures - the Decans, symbolizing the passage of time. The Deans move in a counterclockwise direction. This suggests that they do not represent annual deans, but the Decans of the Great Peace-Making Circle, the duration of which on the Dendera Zodiac is not constant. This is natural, since before the asteroid impact and the change in the angle of the Earth’s axis, the precession cycle was one, and after the asteroid impact it became different. Therefore, the density of walking Decans up to arrow A (in Cancer) is the same, and after the catastrophe in the sector from arrow B to arrow C it is different.
Before considering the features of the time scale on the Dendera Zodiac, let us clarify that after the catastrophe, one Great Peaceful Circle (precession cycle) became equal to 25920 years. The Zodiacal Epoch (the duration of the Sun's stay in one constellation is 25920:12) is equal to 2160 years and consists of three Decans of 720 years each (which, judging by the records on the Dendera zodiac, is not an indisputable fact, but it is generally accepted).
The location of the Sun these days on the dial of the Dendera zodiac clock is shown by the arrow. This is Decan 18. The time of the catastrophe is shown by arrow A, which marks the zone on the ecliptic line where the first minute of the first degree of the head of Cancer was located at the time of the catastrophe (Sun in Cancer). The event and its sequence are reflected on the Zodiac as follows.
Moving counterclockwise along the constellations along the ecliptic line, the sunrise on the day of the vernal equinox in the year of the disaster occurred in the first minute of the first degree of the head of Cancer. Arrow A, indicating this date on the zodiac clock, touches the first minute of the first degree of the circle of the zone where the head of Cancer should be on the ecliptic line. At this moment, a catastrophe occurred, as a result of which Cancer makes an unnatural movement back and up, taking a place above Leo's head. The asteroid impact, which broke the precession mechanism, led to the fact that zodiacal time “turned back.” The hand of our zodiac clock moved two Decans back to point B and stopped when “the heart of Leo entered the first minute of the head of Cancer,” or more precisely, the first minute of the head of Cancer entered the heart of Leo (in right ascension). From this moment on, the usual direction of the precessional clock (counterclockwise) is restored.

In order to get an idea of ​​the duration of the resulting “fold in time”, during which the Sun passed twice through the territory of the constellation Leo and Cancer, let us turn to the linear Dendera zodiac, a fragment of which is shown in this figure

The symbolism of the linear Zodiac is somewhat different from the symbolism of the round one, because the round Zodiac reflects the situation in astrological time, and the linear one - in physical time, which always moves progressively.
In the left and right halves of the linear Zodiac, the Decans (time) sail in boats along the body of the sky goddess Nut, symbolizing outer space. There should be one Decan in each boat if they reflect the normal course of events. Let's start looking at the left half. The direction of movement of the Decans from top to bottom along the left half, then moving to the right, reflects the movement counterclockwise, as in the round Zodiac.
Under the constellation Leo, Decans 1 and 2 are depicted - each in his own boat. Everything is going normally, as usual. Nut then gives birth to the Scarab (Cancer). Time moves to the right half. The two halves are a symbolic division of the time scale (historical eras) into two parts: the left - before the flood, the right - after it (the birth of a new time).
In the second half of the Zodiac, in the sector of the born Scarab (Cancer), at the very beginning, a small boat with a Decan-Cobra floating on Nut’s body, standing on lotus 3, and behind it, in one boat, three Decans 4 are depicted at once. Here it is - an overlap. This area is circled in the figure.
Three Decans in one boat is an indication of an unusual event when three fit into a period of time for one Deccan. Three Decans ended up in one boat because the Sun, after the catastrophe, made a zodiacal rollback to two Decans, and then resumed its normal movement along the ecliptic line along Decan 1 - a total of three. In other words, during the time allotted to one Decan, the Sun passed three Decans across the sky, which corresponds to the entry on the round Dendera Zodiac.
Combining the records of both Zodiacs, we can confidently say that the entire zodiac sequence of events was as follows: The Earth passed through the Age of Leo, entered the Age of Cancer, having spent there the first minute of the first degree, that is, one shortened Decan (therefore the boat in which Cobra sits is small ). And then a disaster happens. Zodiacally, the Earth makes a “leap in time,” rolling back to the Age of Leo. And then, having passed the same zone “through the era of Leo” from his heart to Cancer twice, the Earth returns to the same place where it was already at the time of the catastrophe. In other words, part of the Age of Leo and the initial Decan of the Age of Cancer were passed through by the Earth twice.
Little Decan 3 and the following Rook 4 with three Decans say that the period from the moment of the catastrophe and the “breakdown of the precessional mechanism”, “rollback of zodiacal time back” until the restoration of the precession mechanism was quite short compared to the normal course of zodiacal time, when three A Deccan of 720 years is equal to an Epoch of 2160 years. Within the framework of physical time, everything happened during one Decan.
Let's return to the Round Dendera Zodiac. Since moment B, when, after the restoration of the precession mechanism, the Sun began its normal movement along the ecliptic line, counting “new time” on the Dendera Zodiac, it has passed a little more than 18 full Decans. If the number of years that have passed since the catastrophe (13659 years) is divided by the duration of one Deccan (720 years), the result will be equal to 18.9 Deccans. The difference between the time scale on the Dendera Zodiac and a simple arithmetic calculation is 0.9 Decan. If we convert this value into years, it will be equal to 648 years. This means that the “fold in time” (the reverse movement of zodiacal time) amounted to a little more than 600 years.
All these oddities with the Decans (when comparing the Zodiacs, taking into account the error associated with a gradual, barely noticeable change in the angle of the Earth’s axis) give the “discrepancy” of 608 years that exists between modern astronomy and astrology.

Not believing in the depth of knowledge of the ancients, neither astronomers nor astrologers even thought of looking for an answer from the Egyptians to this obvious discrepancy. Well, Egyptologists, archaeologists, and historians are not sufficiently versed in the fundamental sciences to, at a minimum, formulate the question correctly.

In practice, as a result of the events described above, the world zodiac clocks today show the time incorrectly - everything has changed a long time ago. And neither in any publication, nor in conversations with professional astrologers will you be able to find out the reason why astrologically it is believed that the Earth has already entered the Age of Aquarius. The day of the vernal equinox, the location of which in a particular zodiac sign gives the name to the Epoch, fell on March 18 in 2006. On this day, the sky showed that approximately 3/5 of the way had been passed through the territory of the constellation Pisces, and the transition of the vernal equinox point to the constellation Aquarius would occur in another 608 years. The International Astronomical Union has designated the date of transition to the Age of Aquarius: it is 2614. To be convinced of this, just look carefully at the sky. Therefore, following the ocean of life, people who trusted astrologers and astrological charts found themselves and will find themselves in the same position as Christopher Columbus, who tried to find America using a copy of an antediluvian map. As you remember, he missed his destination by almost 1000 miles. The same thing awaits people trying to navigate the confusing currents of life using an old astrological chart. In practice, this means that the astrological rhythms of horoscopes are in no way consistent with the real rhythm of cosmoenergetic and cosmosocial cycles, which means that astrology lives in abstract time, therefore, to this day it is not considered a science, existing in isolation from reality.
Concluding this part, it is worth emphasizing that the main motive for the conclusion made above, of course, is not the issue of ethics in astrology. There are things that are incomparably more important. Astronomers and astrophysicists studying the problems of asteroid safety claim that every hundred years the Earth collides with cosmic bodies less than a hundred meters in size. More than a hundred meters - every 5000 years. Impacts from asteroids a kilometer across are possible once every 300 thousand years. Once every million years, collisions with bodies with a diameter of more than five kilometers cannot be ruled out.

The surviving ancient historical chronicles and the research conducted show that the reality is not so optimistic. Over the past 16,000 years, large asteroids, whose dimensions exceeded tens of kilometers in diameter, hit the Earth twice: 13,659 years ago and 2,500 years before that. (c)

Based on materials from

What causes Earth's climate to change?

Astronomer Milutin Milankovich (1879-1958) studied changes in the Earth's orbit around the Sun and the tilt of our planet's axis. He suggested that cyclical changes between them are the cause of long-term climate change.

Climate change is a complex process and is influenced by many factors. The main one is the relationship between the Earth and the Sun.

Milankovic studied three factors:

    Change in the tilt of the earth's axis;

    Deviations in the shape of the Earth's orbit around the Sun;

    The precession of the change in the position of the axis tilt relative to the orbit..

The earth's axis is not perpendicular to the plane of its orbit. The inclination is 23.5°. This gives the Northern Hemisphere the opportunity to receive more sunshine and longer days in June. In December there is less sun and the days get shorter. This explains the change of seasons. In the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons run in reverse order.

Deviation of the earth's axis.

Changing the Earth's orbit.


Earth without seasons, axis tilt 0°.

End of June: summer in the Northern Hemisphere, winter in the Southern.

Late December: summer in the Northern Hemisphere, winter in the Southern.

Earth's axis tilt

If there were no axis tilt, then we would not have seasons, and day and night would last the same throughout the year. The amount of solar energy reaching a certain point on Earth would be constant. Now the planet's axis is at an angle of 23.5°. In the summer (from June) in the Northern Hemisphere, it turns out that northern latitudes receive more light than southern latitudes. The days are getting longer and the position of the sun is getting higher. At the same time, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere. The days are shorter and the sun is lower.

WITH After six months the Earth moves in its orbit to the opposite side of the Sun. The slope remains the same. It's summer in the Southern Hemisphere, the days are longer and there's more light. It's winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

Milanković suggested that the tilt of the earth's axis is not always 23.5°. Fluctuations occur from time to time. He calculated that the changes range from 22.1° to 24.5°, repeating over a period of 41,000 years. When the slope is less, the temperature in summer is lower than usual, and in winter it is higher. As the slope increases, more extreme climate conditions are observed.

How does all this affect the climate? Even as temperatures increase, winter is still cold enough for snow in areas far from the equator. If the summer is cold, then it is possible that snow in winter at high latitudes will also melt more slowly. Year after year it will be layered, forming a glacier.

Compared to water and land, snow reflects more solar energy into space, causing additional cooling. From this point of view, there is a positive feedback mechanism at work here. As temperatures drop, snow additionally accumulates and glaciers increase. Reflection increases over time and temperature decreases, and so on. Perhaps this is how the ice ages began.

Shape of the Earth's orbit around the Sun

The second factor Milankovitch studies is the shape of the Earth's orbit around the Sun. The orbit is not perfectly round. At certain times of the year, the Earth is closer to the Sun than usual. The Earth receives significantly more energy from the Sun when it is as close as possible to the star (at the perihelion point), in comparison with its maximum distance (the aphelion point).

The shape of the Earth's orbit changes cyclically with periods of 90,000 and 100,000 years. Sometimes the shape becomes more elongated (elliptical) than it is now, so the difference in the amount of solar energy received at perihelion and aphelion will be greater.

Perihelion is currently observed in January, aphelion in July. This change makes the climate of the Northern Hemisphere milder, bringing additional warmth in winter. In the Southern Hemisphere, the climate is more severe than it would be if the Earth's orbit around the Sun were circular.


There is another difficulty. The orientation of the earth's axis changes over time. Like a top, the axis moves in a circle. This movement is called precessional. The cycle of such movement is 22,000 years. This causes the seasons to gradually change. Eleven thousand years ago, the Northern Hemisphere was tilted closer to the sun in December than in June. Winter and summer changed places. 11,000 years later, everything has changed again.

All three factors: axial tilt, orbital shape and precession change the planet's climate. Since this occurs on different time scales, the interaction of these factors is complex. Sometimes they enhance each other's effect, sometimes they weaken each other. For example, 11,000 years ago, precession caused the onset of summer in the Northern Hemisphere in December, the effect of increasing solar radiation at perihelion in January and decreasing at aphelion in July would increase the interseasonal difference in the Northern Hemisphere, instead of the softening we are now accustomed to. Not everything is as simple as it seems, since the dates of perihelion and aphelion also shift.

Other factors influencing climate

Besides the effect of shifting the Earth's motion, are there other factors influencing climate?

The earth's axis of our planet in the northern vector is directed to the point where the second magnitude star, called Polaris, is located in the tail part

During the course of a day, this star outlines a small circle on the celestial sphere with a radius of about 50 minutes of arc.

In ancient times they knew about the tilt of the earth's axis

A very long time ago, in the 2nd century BC. e., the astronomer Hipparchus discovered that this point is mobile in the starry sky and slowly moves towards the movement of the Sun.

He calculated the rate of this movement at 1° per century. This discovery is called This is the move ahead, or the anticipation of the equinox. The exact value of this movement, constant precession, is 50 seconds per year. Based on this, a complete cycle along the ecliptic will be approximately 26,000 years.

Precision is important for science

Let's return to the question of the pole. Determining its exact position among the stars is one of the most important tasks of astrometry, which deals with measuring arcs and angles on the celestial sphere in order to determine planets, proper movements and distances to stars, as well as solving problems of practical astronomy important for geography, geodesy and navigation .

You can find the position of the celestial pole using a photograph. Imagine a long-focus photographic camera, in the form of an astrograph, aimed motionlessly at the sky area near the pole. In such a photograph, each star will describe a more or less long arc of a circle with a single common center, which will be the celestial pole - the point where the rotation of the earth's axis is directed.

A little about the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis

The plane of the celestial equator, being perpendicular to the earth's axis, also changes its position, which causes the movement of the points of intersection of the equator with the ecliptic. In turn, the attraction of the Moon's equatorial displacement tends to rotate the Earth so that its equatorial plane intersects the Moon. But in this case, these forces act not on but on the masses that form the equatorial swelling of its ellipsoidal figure.

Let's imagine a ball inscribed in the earth's ellipsoid, which it touches at the poles. Such a ball is attracted by the Moon and the Sun by forces directed towards its center. For this reason, the earth's axis remains unchanged. This attraction acting on the equatorial bulge tends to rotate the Earth so that the equator and the object attracting it coincide, thereby creating an overturning moment.

During the year, the Sun moves away from the equator twice to ± 23.5°, and the distance of the Moon from the equator during the month reaches almost ± 28.5°.

Children's toy top reveals a little secret

If the Earth did not rotate, then it would tend to tilt, as if nodding, so that the equator would always follow the Sun and Moon.

True, due to the enormous mass and inertia of the Earth, such fluctuations would be very insignificant, since the Earth would not have time to react to such a rapid change in directions. We are well familiar with this phenomenon from the example of a children's top. tries to overturn the top, but the centripetal force protects it from falling. As a result, the axis moves, describing a conical shape. And the faster the movement, the narrower the figure. The earth's axis behaves in exactly the same way. This is a certain guarantee of its stable position in space.

The angle of the Earth's axis affects climate

The Earth moves around the Sun in an orbit that is almost similar to a circle. Observing the speed of stars located near the ecliptic, it appears that at any moment we are approaching some stars and moving away from those opposite them in the sky at a speed of 29.5 kilometers per hour. The change of seasons is a result of this. There is an inclination of the earth's axis to the orbital plane and is about 66.5 degrees.

Due to its small elliptical orbit, the planet is somewhat closer to the Sun in January than in July, but the difference in distance is not significant. Therefore, the effect on receiving heat from our star is hardly noticeable.

Scientists believe that the earth's axis is an unstable parameter of our planet. As studies show, the angle of inclination of the earth's axis relative to the plane of its orbit was different in the past and changed periodically. According to the legends that have come down to us about the death of Phaeton, in Plato’s descriptions there is a mention of the axis shifting at this terrible time by 28°. This catastrophe took place more than ten thousand years ago.

Let's get creative a little and change the angle of the Earth's inclination

The current angle of the earth's axis relative to the orbital plane is 66.5° and ensures less sharp fluctuations in winter-summer temperatures. For example, if this angle was about 45°, what would happen at the latitude of Moscow (55.5°)? In May, the sun, under such conditions, will reach its zenith (90°) and shift to 100° (55.5°+45°=100.5°).

With such intense movement of the Sun, the spring period would pass much faster, and in May it would reach its peak temperature, as at the equator at the maximum solstice. Then it would weaken slightly, since the sun, passing the zenith, would go a little further. Then it returned back, passing the zenith again. For two months, in July and May, there would be unbearable heat, about 45-50 degrees Celsius.

Now let's consider what would happen in winter, for example, in Moscow? After passing the second zenith, our star would drop in December to 10 degrees (55.5°-45°=10.5°) above the horizon. That is, with the approach of December, the sun would appear for a shorter period than now, rising low above the horizon. During this period, the sun would shine for 1-2 hours a day. Under such conditions, night temperatures will drop below -50 degrees Celsius.

Every version of evolution has a right to life

As we see, for the climate on the planet it is important at what angle the earth’s axis is. This is a fundamental phenomenon in the mildness of the climate and living conditions. Although, perhaps, under different conditions on the planet, evolution would have taken a slightly different path, creating new species of animals. And life would continue to exist in its other diversity, and perhaps there would be a place for a “different” person in it.

Version 4: "Ice required"

...According to modern science, the level of the world's oceans rose by 120-150 meters ten to twelve thousand years ago. But she associates this rise with the melting of... glaciers. In order to somehow explain the rise in the level of the world's oceans, a whole theory of the Great Glaciation was invented. They say that the glaciers suddenly melted and please - the water rose in the oceans by more than 100 meters! How simple it turns out! True, some scientists have tried to calculate how much ice would be needed to raise the level of the world's oceans to at least 100 meters. And they found out that for this they need to cover the entire landmass of the Earth with ice up to 700-800 meters high... As you know, the area of ​​the Earth’s land is 4 times smaller than the area of ​​the oceans, and the density of ice is less than the density of water. To understand the tale of the Great Glaciation and count, you don’t need anything. You just need to read school textbooks.

Version 5: External impact (impact)

When an external force impacts the Earth (meteorite fall), the impact energy and the energy of nutation change (swing) will be released in the form of heat. The combined gravitational influence of the solar system bodies and the impact event causes a certain increase in the nutation of the Earth’s rotation axis.

An analysis of the approximate curves of the average July temperature in the late Quaternary and the stage of the Würm glaciation in Central and Northern Europe (according to Gross) gives the following: firstly, the presence of two types of changes in the temperature graph over time is striking. These are areas of relatively slow increase or decrease in temperature, such as, for example, an increase in temperature in the region 3 - 4 of the lower Wurm and a drop in temperature in the region of 4 - 5 of the lower Wurm. And vice versa, areas of sharp temperature changes, such as the drop in temperature 70,000 years ago at the beginning of the Würm glaciation and the rise in temperature 10,000 years ago, which marked the onset of the Holocene era. This is explained within the framework of the gravitational and impact influence on the nutation of the earth’s axis outlined above.

Judging by the graph, the cooling began 80,000 years ago, 10,000 years before the onset of the Ice Age. Moreover, this was a relatively slow decrease in temperature. Apparently, the combined gravitational influence caused a certain, but not very strong increase in the nutation of the earth’s axis. This, in turn, caused an increase in the amplitude of nutation waves and, as a consequence, an increase in the meandering (change) of the Gulf Stream flow. The supply of equatorial heat to the polar regions decreased, cooling and the growth of glaciers in the polar regions began. Next, the glacier begins to strengthen itself, reflecting solar heat from its surface. This process continues until equilibrium occurs at some southern parallels.

Equilibrium occurs under the influence of two factors. Firstly, the glacier is opposed by the heat of the southern zones, and secondly, as the nutational energy dissipates (dissipates), the heat supply gradually increases with the Gulf Stream. This explains all the areas of the graph with a relatively slow temperature change.

The areas of sharp temperature changes can be explained by the strong one-act impact of the impact event. These events lead either to a sharp increase in the nutation of the earth's axis and, as a consequence, to a sharp reduction in heat supply to the Arctic regions or, on the contrary, to a sharp reduction in the nutation of the earth's axis, which leads to a sharp increase in the supply of equatorial heat with the oceanic Gulf Stream.

If we look at the existing table of impact events that occurred over the last 100 thousand years, we see that, approximately 70 thousand years ago and 10 thousand years ago, powerful impact events occurred in the northern hemisphere. These are the “Ladoga” impact in the Russian north, coinciding in time with the beginning of the Würm period, and the “Yungava Bay” impact in the north of Canada, coinciding in time with the beginning of the Holocene, the beginning of warming.

Of the almost 2000 impact events in A.V. Mikheeva’s catalog that occurred over the entire history of the Earth, there have been (according to our sample) 118 impacts in the last 100 thousand years. Moreover, more than half of them fell on the East European Plain.

The mechanism of the so-called nuclear winter, when a huge amount of dust raised into the atmosphere due to nuclear explosions or impact events, blocks sunlight and causes cooling, is accepted as a cooling mechanism. This is a fairly common hypothesis. Some authors associate the death of dinosaurs with it. However, without begging for a nuclear catastrophe, including a nuclear winter for the fate of humanity, the author of this article considers the onset of a long ice age impossible for this reason. Without constant replenishment, dust from the atmosphere will settle in a few years and the flow of heat from the Sun will resume. Despite all the negative impacts on living things, this mechanism will not cause cooling for tens of thousands of years. (Kosarev A.V.)

Appendix 5:

“The impact of the Earth with a large meteorite caused an unexpected cooling and the final extinction of glacial megafauna that occurred 13 thousand years ago, as determined by a large interdisciplinary team of geologists and paleoclimatologists.” An international team of paleoclimatologists, geologists, chemists and paleontologists, working as part of a large interdisciplinary project to study the Earth's paleoclimate, has accurately dated and identified as clearly extraterrestrial in origin a layer of sediment at the bottom of Lake Cuitseo (central Mexico), which is an exotic accumulation of nano-sized diamonds, impact spherules and other characteristic particles remaining after the collision of meteoroids with the earth's surface. The findings, according to the authors of an article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, confirm the controversial and still not very popular hypothesis that the sudden thousand-year cooling that began on Earth 12,900 years ago, known as the Younger Dryas, was triggered by the fall of a large meteorite A thorough analysis of a 10-centimeter layer of sediments located at a depth of 2.8 m from the surface of the lake bottom showed an abnormally high concentration of microdiamonds of three allotropic forms, carbon nanospherules and peculiarly melted microparticles of impact origin. Typically, the “diamond” layer is located under a layer with a high concentration of charcoal particles formed during forest fires. It is impossible to explain the origin of such particles by volcanic or other processes of terrestrial origin. The only reason for such anomalies can only be a collision with the surface of the Earth of a celestial body moving at very high speed. Such a body, the authors believe, could be a comet, an asteroid, or a fragment of a large asteroid with a diameter of several hundred meters, which entered the atmosphere at a slight angle and disintegrated in it. The subsequent impact caused massive local destruction, fires, and the release of large amounts of dust and ash into the atmosphere, which in turn triggered global climate change known as the Younger Dryas Minimum, the suppression and destruction of established ecosystems, the extinction of glacial megafauna, and a decline in human populations by territories of North America and Western Europe.

A comment:

The heritage of the Ancestors does not deny this phenomenon (“Great Cooling”) and says that the coldest time in Eurasia lasted four thousand years and ended in the 11th millennium BC, i.e. after the disaster that resulted in the sinking of Antlan - Atlantis. However, this phenomenon is not as global in scale and does not happen as often as “glaciology” claims. The reason for the cooling is mainly the dustiness of the atmosphere during numerous falls of “Svarozhich” (“shock, nuclear winter”), as well as a change in the inclination of the planet’s rotation axis and, as a result, a change in the routes of warm currents, incl. and the Gulf Stream. However, it is worth repeating once again that before the death of Daariya, the planet’s rotation axis was perpendicular to the ecliptic plane, which does not imply a change of seasons. Lomonosov refers to the legends of Egyptian scientists, recorded in Herodotus’s “History,” that in the distant past the ecliptic was perpendicular to the equator. The Russian thinker calculates: this could have happened 399,000 years ago. This, by the way, almost coincides with the message of Diodorus Siculus that Chaldean astronomers calculated history from the year 403 thousand until the capture of Babylon by Alexander the Great. “Therefore it follows,” concludes the great native of the Russian North, “that in the northern regions in ancient times there were great heat waves, where elephants could be born and reproduce, and other animals, as well as plants, could stay near the equator, and therefore their remains, Those who are here cannot seem to be contrary to the flow of nature.”

Ways to change the position of the earth's axis

As the position of the Arctic Circle shows with the location of the North Geographic Pole reconstructed by A. Wegener and A. O’Kelly, 24-12 thousand years ago in Eastern Europe and North-East Asia there should have been a temperate and partly even subtropical climate. However, deposits of the Late Valdai (Ostashkovo) and Zyryanka glaciations are widespread there. In temperate and subtropical climates, it would seem that they should not exist.

Then where did they come from?

At least two explanations can be offered for this. The first is the already mentioned Laura Fitzpatrick, according to which many glacial deposits are actually flood deposits. The second - (it does not exclude the first). There are at least three possible ways to change the position of the north geographic pole by 15 or 30 degrees.

First: slippage of the lithosphere and displacement of the north geographic pole by 15 or 30 degrees. (due to continental drift or plate tectonics). Second: the tilt (or nod) of the Earth along with the earth's axis by 15 or 30 degrees. Third: displacement or change in the tilt of the earth's axis by 15 or 30 degrees. while maintaining the Earth's position in Space unchanged.

The first method is untenable due to the extremely low speed of movement of lithospheric plates (from 1 to 10 cm per year). Elementary calculations show that over 12,000 years, even with a maximum speed of movement of lithospheric plates of 10 cm per year, the total amount of plate movement will not exceed 1.2 km, while the difference is 15 degrees. between the positions of the north geographic pole is about 1700 km, and at 30 degrees. – about 3400 km. In order for the north pole to move 15 degrees in 12,000 years, the lithospheric plates had to move at a speed of more than 140 m per year, and by 30 degrees. - more than 280 m per year, which is unlikely. Moreover, this is the case if the pole movement would occur within 12,000 years. If it happened simultaneously, over several years, as most likely it did, then the speed of movement of the lithospheric plates should have been higher than the speed of jet aircraft, which looks utopian.

The second method is also unlikely, since the rotating Earth is a gyroscope with a very impressive angular momentum, that is, it is an inertial object that offers strong resistance to attempts to change the characteristics of its movement. In addition, the tilt or nod of the Earth (even if it were somehow miraculously established in a new position, and did not return to its original place like a ball, would not begin to swing like a pendulum, and would not be thrown out of orbit) would lead to a change in the position of the north pole in relation to the continents and islands. The distribution of climatic zones would be different - no doubt, but it would not be the same as that reconstructed on the basis of paleoclimatic data.

There remains a third, not yet fully understood method - the displacement of the earth's axis itself in space. The possibility of such a displacement has been proven by many earthquakes, including the latest earthquake in Japan on March 11, 2011. What led to such a significant change in the position of the earth's axis 12,000 years ago (a collision with an asteroid, nuclear war, or something else), and has done so many times before? Even a quick glance at the globe is enough to see that with the third mechanism of changing the position of the north geographic pole, the earth's axis 24-12 thousand years ago should have had a completely different, close to vertical, location. This means that at that time there could not have been geographical climatic zones completely identical to modern ones. There should not have been a pronounced winter and summer anywhere, and if there were, it would be for a very short time. Constantly, throughout the year, a uniform climate was to be observed everywhere, which was hot at the equator of that time and became cooler as it approached the poles. The speed of the Earth's rotation was also most likely greater, as evidenced by the existence of larger animals at the end of the Pleistocene, and that the length of the year used to be 290 days.

Each of you probably knows why it is hot in temperate latitudes in summer and cold in winter - the earth’s axis changes its tilt relative to the sun as the earth rotates in its orbit. What if this didn’t happen before? What climate should there have been then in temperate latitudes? Only mathematical calculations can answer this question. Until then, we can only guess. So why not assume that in the southern part of the current northern temperate zone it was hotter than now, and in the northern part, on the contrary, it was colder, so much so that glaciers existed there. But the bulk of them were still in the subarctic and arctic zones of that time, which were located in the region of Canada and the northeastern United States.

Today, changes in the position of the geographic poles are observed from GPS satellites. The data is reported to the International Earth Rotation Service (USGS). According to long-term observations, earthquakes actually have some effect on the displacement of the earth's axis or poles. However, in turn, the displacement of the earth's axis (or poles) is, in turn, a trigger for earthquakes. So the circle is complete. A catastrophe caused by an asteroid colliding with the Earth, a nuclear exchange, or anything else will cause a shift in the Earth's axis, the formation of faults and earthquakes throughout the planet, and these, in turn, will contribute to a further displacement of the Earth's axis. And it is not so important whether it will change the orientation in space (according to the given legends and calculations of I. Matsuyama and D. Arkani-Hamed), or whether the geographic poles will shift, but the position of the axis will not change (as, for example, P. Schultz and A. .Sklyarov), this will have catastrophic consequences.

“... To confirm the version of the Arctic homeland, it is necessary and sufficient to carry out complex and large-scale archaeological excavations beyond the Arctic Circle and plateaus submerged in the Arctic Ocean (underwater archeology, the Lomonosov Ridge, this is where you need to look). Technically, these works are currently quite feasible. Expenses of 200-400 million dollars required for research are quite comparable to the costs of many “oligarchs” on maintaining wives, mistresses and entertainment. But in the foreseeable future, NOBODY will allocate funds for scientific searches for Hyperborea, since the very idea of ​​such searches contradicts the ideological, political guidelines and “vital” interests of those in power...”

Yu.D. Petukhov. glacial period

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Original taken from c Changes in the earth's axis and the position of the north geographic pole


According to the results of many scientific studies, the Earth as we know it appeared under the influence of giant cosmic collisions. The numerous meteorites and asteroids that constantly bombarded our planet in the early stages of its history are responsible for what it looks like today.

One of the modern researchers, Grant Young from the University of Western Ontario, has put forward a hypothesis according to which the earth's axis tilted as a result of not one, but several collisions at once.

Young devoted his scientific work to the study of the so-called Ediacaran period, from 635 to 541 million years ago. The scientist claims to have noticed signs of a significant change in the nature of the seasons and the earth's climate. The best explanation, according to Young, is that about 540 million years ago, a small celestial body crashed into the Earth, causing the Earth's axis to tilt.

This collision (if it really happened) occurred many millions of years after an asteroid almost the size of Mars hit our planet, due to which a large piece broke off from it and. According to scientists, the split of the Earth should have occurred about four billion years ago.

We add that both hypotheses about collisions still need proof and are not the only ones accepted in the scientific world.

One way or another, it was 540 million years ago that amazing changes began to occur on Earth. In fact, until that moment, the seasons were divided only into winter and summer, which abruptly replaced each other, and the surface of the planet was inhabited only by the simplest single-celled organisms. However, later everything changed. Almost immediately after the hypothetical collision, the first multicellular organisms and seasons appeared on Earth.

“I am convinced that the collision with a celestial body triggered the process of metazoan evolution,” says Young.

But this was far from the first and not the last “meeting” of the Earth with an asteroid or some other celestial body. The first time the collision occurred, our planet ended up almost on its side. Because of this, a temperate climate and semi-annual “days” established at the poles, but it became much colder at the equator.

With this scenario, Young disproves the Snowball Earth hypothesis, according to which the entire surface of the planet was once covered with ice. This hypothesis was originally formulated to explain glacial tracks in tropical latitudes, but Young is convinced that his hypothesis is much more plausible.

Today, the Earth's axis, although not lying on its side: the tilt is about 23.5 degrees. Another collision that occurred 570 million years ago brought the planet to this position.

As evidence for his idea, Young cites the presence of a so-called isotopic anomaly, which is present in all rocks that are about 580 million years old. These anomalies indicate significant changes in the atmosphere and oceans that occurred later, and became the catalyst for the emergence of animal life. Scientists around the world recognize that these stones are somewhat unusual, but cannot yet explain why.

Young's colleagues, who did not take part in the study, were skeptical about the proposed hypothesis, since there were no other signs of a “recent” collision other than those listed above. On the other hand, the Snowball Earth hypothesis also does not suit scientists.