Funny toasts for a friend's birthday. Birthday toast for a friend

My dear friend! When you were born, this earth became lighter and brighter, an angel appeared on this earth. And today with this glass I want to celebrate your next birthday, and say once again: happy birthday, my friend.

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday! I wish you success in all your affairs and undertakings, health and optimism, self-confidence and good luck! I want to wish that everything you do brings joy and pleasure, and that there are always relatives and friends with whom it is so pleasant to celebrate success!

My dear friend. It's your next birthday. Do not be sad that the years go by. Remember how in the movie? “At 40, life is just beginning.” And here you are just getting started. How many years have we been friends? So many do not live. I raise a glass for the most valuable thing that we have with you - for Friendship. After all, true friendship is rare. A friend is known not only in trouble, but also in joy. We have been through a lot together. And now, after so many years of our communication, I can say with confidence that you are more than just a friend. So let's drink to the fact that our friendship, like good wine, becomes stronger and sweeter over the years. Happy birsday, my dear!

Beloved, dear, faithful friend! On this day - your birthday, I want to raise a glass of wine and wish you success in business, success in love and that you live a long and happy life. Happy Birthday, my dear!

What can I say, female friendship is often compared to a fire. And indeed it is. And, as you know, the stronger the fire burns, the faster it ends. So let's drink to my friend who knows how to add fuel to the fire.

They say that male friendship is stronger than female. What if a man comes home in the morning and tells his wife that he spent the night with friends, his wife calls his friends and they all say that he really was with them and just left. And some will even say that he is still sleeping. So that's what male friendship is. But, and if a woman finds herself in such a situation, then all her friends will say that they did not have her. So I want to drink to the best and most faithful friends in order to destroy all stereotypes about female friendship. Happy birthday and to my friends.

Friend! On your birthday, you receive many congratulations. But I do not have enough words to express my love, friendship and joy to you. Just accept my wishes and let's drink to you.

Girlfriend, only those people who are not indifferent to you and who are not indifferent to you have gathered at this table. And all these people and I want to wish you a happy birthday. And wish you that every year on your birthday you bloom in a new way, and that your beauty overshadows the brightest star.

Everyone knows what female friendship is. Girlfriends often quarrel, and just as often reconcile. But there is one day a year when girlfriends say only the most beautiful warm words to each other. And this day is my birthday. And therefore, birthday toasts to a friend will be useful for you. See exactly the toasts to your girlfriend for her birthday, they will express all your love, loyalty and care for your girlfriend. So prepare toasts, and we will help you with this. We wrote 10 toasts to a friend for her birthday. And this is at least 10 reasons to raise a glass of wine.

I want to drink for a beautiful and smart girl, wish her a happy birthday and thank fate that she once brought us together and for so many years we have been the closest and best friends. I appreciate you for your cheerful disposition, joyful outlook on life, lack of excessive seriousness. And let some believe that when a person is not serious, this hinders him in many ways. Actually, it is. These words of a famous person I address to you: "Only the mentally ill take each other quite seriously."

My dear, sweet and best friend! I want to wish you a happy birthday and say this toast for you - for my girlfriend! And my words will be short, but capacious. I want you to always have a light heart from love and heavy pockets from money. Happy birthday my friend!

Today is my girlfriend's birthday. But I want to say thanks to her parents for giving birth to such a good girl. I want to thank fate for bringing us together with her, and we met. And, as you know, there are no random meetings in this world. So my girlfriend, I'm sorry, but I raise this toast to everything that happens in this world.

My dear friend. For your birthday, I wanted to prepare a big speech, but, unfortunately, I didn’t have time, and now I definitely won’t have time. But then I thought about it and decided not to scatter unnecessary words, but simply to congratulate. So accept my most sincere congratulations and this gift that will remind you of me. Happy birthday!

My dear, sweet and beloved girlfriend! Today is your birthday, and a wonderful company of those people who are dear to you and who are dear to you have gathered at this festive table! So let's drink to the fact that we gather like this as often as possible, and only on joyful and cheerful occasions! And, of course, we raise our glasses to the birthday girl! May your beauty only bloom every year, and only happiness and success accompany in life!

Friend is not only a good and close person, ready to provide support at the most necessary moment.
This is a very capacious and broad concept:
P - will give stockings of the required size;
O - will try very hard to take you to a unique sale;
D - does minor stupid things, like all real women;
R - glad to meet you;
U - you can certainly borrow lipstick from her;
G - ready for any reckless actions for the sake of your friendship;
And - and in general loves you very much.
Therefore, I raise a glass to the fact that in the life of every woman there is just such a person who, without a shadow of a doubt, could be called the best friend! For you, dear, on your birthday!

My dear friend. Here comes your next birthday. But the fact that years pass is not something to be sad about. After all, life is just beginning! I want to raise my glass to the most precious and valuable thing we have with you - for sincere friendship . After all, no matter what they say, true friendship is a rather rare phenomenon. As you know, a true friend can be known not only in grief, but also in happiness. You and I have been through a lot together. And now, having gone through numerous obstacles and trials, I declare with confidence that you are more than just a friend to me. I propose to drink so that our friendship, like fine wine, becomes sweeter and stronger over time. Happy birthday, my faithful and dear friend!

My dear, sweet and dear friend! So many beautiful words were said today in honor of your birthday. Please accept my sincere congratulations and wishes for you, good health and long years of prosperity, beauty, strength, youth, may always, not only on this wonderful day, all your cherished dreams come true. Smile more often, in a word - always be happy! For you!

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday and wish your whole life to be bright - in fun and colors. I wish you fashionable and beautiful outfits, noisy parties at which you will undoubtedly win the hearts of numerous men. Be the most blooming and cheerful, as well as my very best friend !

Dear friend! I congratulate you on this wonderful day, when all admiring glances are turned only to you. Today you bathe in the rays of fun and happiness... Champagne is already poured in the glasses, and in honor of your birthday, your friends and friends are preparing to make congratulatory speeches... I want to wish that this magical feeling of the holiday never leaves you. Health to you, success and fulfillment of desires! Happy birthday! For you!

How many wonderful wishes sounded in your birthday ! I want to wish my best friend to become a "conqueror of Hollywood." If she does not aspire to this, then - to shock all the world's catwalks and become a "supermodel". If she doesn’t need this either, then win the heart of a handsome, famous and rich man.
For you my

My dear and beloved friend. I wish you to always remain as beautiful, kind, sunny, sweet, energetic, wise, understanding, sensitive and delightful. Let all sorrows, difficulties and obstacles remain in the past, and in the present there will be happiness, harmony, joy. Thanks to your parents for such a wonderful friend... And just for such a wonderful Person with a capital letter!

They say: “Real friends are like stars, even if you don’t see them, you know that they are!” It's about you, my dear friend! I always know that you exist and that you can be relied upon. You are my star! Happy Birthday to You! Let other luminaries fall at your feet, fulfilling all your desires!

Always be beautiful
Be always loved
Be always fashionable
Be always happy!

Be always successful
Dear friend,
Let him not see tears
Pillow at night!

Be great
And don't doubt
You are always wonderful
You are always wonderful!

For you today
I'll drink to the bottom
Always be bright
My darling!

Well, old lady? Another year has come to an end. You are decrepit before our eyes and the sand that has spilled out of you can already ennoble the beaches ... So one could say to anyone, but not to you. Divine, young and beautiful my girlfriend, For you and your wonderful age!

Today you have already heard a lot of nice words in your direction. Of course, everyone said a lot of compliments and various nice things. I want to wish you that you are surrounded only by sincere people who do not know how to flatter. Always stay as sunny and optimistic, because you know that a positive attitude is half the battle!

I want to raise a glass to my real friend! We have known each other since early childhood. Fate brought us together from time to time, then parted, but throughout all these years we never left each other. I know for sure that I can call you or come at any time of the day and you are always glad to see me and help me with advice. How many nightly gatherings over a glass of wine, or a cup of tea, we spent together, which, as a rule, began with tears, and ended with fun. Because you can always find the right words to cheer you up. Thank you my dear dear friend! Happy birthday!

You got older by a year
Dear friend,
I hasten to wish good
Take care of your shape!

I'm kidding, of course.
You look good,
I want to wish you happiness
You in your personal life!

Let the soul not suffer
Everything will be fine
I drink for you today
I wish you clear days!

Don't cry and don't be sad
Smile more often,
Make your dreams come true
Enjoy life!

I don’t know what my life would be like if you didn’t appear in it, but I am grateful to fate for making you my friend. I want to drink for your holiday, for your wonderful years and for everything in your life to be the way you yourself wish it. Be at the helm and don't let the strong wind break your sails!

Happy birthday to my glorious and magnificent girlfriend (name). With all my heart I wish you success in your work, go on maternity leave again. Let the sonorous laughter of your children please you and your husband every day. I am pleased to announce that from now on, your health will be the strongest if you drink this glass to the bottom. Let's drink!

I want to wish women's happiness
I wish not to know troubles and bad weather,
My friend, be your love
Forget about all your problems!

Don't be sad, don't ever suffer
I will be with you my friend,
I will support you in everything and always,
My friend, I love you!

And so that the soul does not know sorrow,
So that you are slim, young,
To be a beloved girlfriend,
And you never get old!

I'll raise a glass to you today
I love you very much friend
You are full of surprises, delights,
Let your life be fun!

Cool toasts for a girlfriend on her birthday

Artists let them paint pictures from you,
Men give chic gifts,
I wish you amorous victories,
Apartment - penthouse and convertible.

All this is essential for you.
You must be strong, successful, beautiful.
After all, you are the queen, my toast is for you,
For a woman who is always flawless.

I want you to have everything
And love passionately with all your heart.
Always have something to wear
And there will be someone to undress in front of!

My toast for a smart and beautiful girl, for her holiday - her birthday. I thank fate that she brought us together for a long time and since then we have been the closest and sincerest friends.
I really appreciate your soft, but groovy character, positive outlook on things, kindness and sincerity. We have no secrets from each other, and I am confident in you as in myself, and this is worth a lot. You always rejoice in my successes, and I in yours. In friendship, this is the most important thing, because rivalry and envy burn friendship to the ground. I wish you new successes, new ideas, new interesting events and new impressions in your personal life. Happy birthday, (NAME).


Never know anxiety and sadness
And love your beautiful self
So that men do not take their eyes off -
Oh, what a woman passed!

I wish you the strongest men
Successful, generous and loving.

Some men argue that female friendship does not exist and girls can only be friends against someone. I propose not to pay attention to such flawed connoisseurs of women. You and I are real friends and an example of the fact that female friendship exists! This toast is for you. Happy birsday, my dear.


I wish you a happy birthday, friend
Happy days and cool leisure,
Exquisite rose bloom in life
And find a strong companion in life.


You are beautiful like a princess
Graceful as a goddess
Radiant as a bride
Noble like a princess
Fragrant like a rose
Appetizing like candy
White body like a birch
And effective as a comet.
Intoxicate with your charm
Like drops of absinthe.
You deserve the very best
And nice compliments.
My best friend
You are very different
And a carefree girl
And a serious, stylish lady.
Happy Birthday
Always be original
With your worldview
Interesting, not banal.


There is such a beautiful legend - God made a man out of clay, but he had a small piece left and then the Almighty asked the man:
"What do you make of this bunch?"
The man replied: "Blind me happiness out of him."
But God did not answer him, but simply silently put the remaining piece of clay into the man's hand.
Girlfriend, this toast is to your happiness, and it is in your hands. You are capable of creating it. The main thing is not to despair, to move forward with optimism and take care of what you have.


I want to be slim and sexy
So that the chest does not hang with a rag
So that role-playing, classic, oral ...
Someone gave you a gift.
So that at dawn in the morning sunny, beautiful,
When you have enough strength to open your eyes
You man, muscular, daring, strong
I woke up with a crazy, passionate cupcake.


Happy birthday dear friend
I wish you happiness and luck
Men with skillful and strong hands,
And of course not with empty wallets.
You choose the one you like
May it be your faithful companion
And so that foolishly he does not look to the left,
You set conditions and control it boldly
He must love and entertain you
Your wishes are instantly fulfilled.
He must earn decently,
To look your best.
And that's just the way it is with men.
They are very happy to pamper us.
Of course I'm joking, but in every joke
There is some truth, and for women it is very important
Have a successful and generous spouse,
Personal happiness, you, dear friend!


If a woman confidently goes through life with her head held high, which means she has a man.
If a woman smiles mysteriously, then she will soon have a man.
Dear friend, I look at you and see a beautiful, cheerful and self-aware woman. You don't and can't have problems with men. For you, for the queen!


Take care of yourself of course
Manicure, solarium, fitness, spa,
So that everyone you meet thinks about you -
Oh, what a woman passed!

Well, sometimes be careless
For health, drink three glasses,
To make everyone smile
A sultry coquette, damn it!


For a woman to see it is enough for her to look at herself from the side in the mirror, and in order to look inside herself, she needs to look into the eyes of a real friend. I have such a friend. Your eyes never lie. I want to raise this glass for you, let your eyes be as honest, incorruptible, piercing and always tell me the truth, no matter what it is. And I am sure that this truth will remain between us. For you friend!

Happy birthday dear friend ,
My little man is funny and funny.
For a long time you have become a sister to me
Not by blood, but by spiritual closeness.
I wish you to attack
Bypassed your house
To beauty, love and happiness
Were there all your earthly journey.


P- funny, awesome, attractive
O- awesome, sociable, fiery, dazzling, awesome
D- kind, sincere, wondrous, precious
R- real, romantic, luxurious
At- awesome, smart, amazing
G- graceful, glamorous, hot
BUT- gambling, artistic, appetizing, fragrant


For the best friend in the world, for you
I raise my glass, my girlfriend.
You shine like a superstar
And modesty is a topic for ugly girls.
Let men look after you for a long time
And shake their heads in admiration
I wish you many victories
Health and good luck. Happy birthday.

My dear girlfriend
I'm very happy for you.
You always look great
And the years have no power over you.
I want to sparkle like a star
prosper materially,
Bloom, smell, love
And live up to a hundred years in the world.


I wanted a birthday
Briefly, thirty minutes
Speech to push, but from excitement
The heart began to beat loudly.
Apparently I'm not strong in toasts,
I can't speak
I'll tell you very simply:
I will drink to my friend.
We have been with her for a long time as relatives,
I love her very much
And these simple words
I give it to her with all my heart.


Happy birthday dear friend ,
I am very grateful to fate
Because we met each other
On this amazing earth.
Among the billions of people on the planet
We could surely get lost
But apparently it was destined by fate
Lucky opportunity to meet in the universe.
I really value friendship with you,
When we are together, grief is not a problem.
I appreciate you, I love you with all my heart
And I will never betray you my friend!


H then wish you, friend? Today you will hear a lot of congratulations, but the main thing is that they all come true! May the wish that you make by blowing on the candles on the cake come true. But guess it wisely, so as not to regret it later. If it somehow depends on me, I will help in its implementation!

P friend with her holiday
I wanted to congratulate
I know very well
She walks boldly
And she strives
The labor of your success.
I wish happiness for her
Warmth, peace, light.
May the birthday bring
She is happy and joyful.
I drink to her today.
Girlfriend, happy birthday!

P friend, such as you in the world only in one copy! Your parents did their best, for which they have great respect! You are my best! Love you, honey! Happy holiday!

D horny girlfriend! I want to drink to our friendship with you. After all, only with you I can chat for more than three hours about nothing or just laugh for no reason. And I can call you at any time of the day and say: chat with me, otherwise I’m bored to go! Only you can give me valuable advice about guys, that they are all goats! I am never bored with you and I love you! For you and our friendship with you!

H and in the east they say:
"The woman shines - the whole house shines.
A woman in sorrow - the whole house is plunged into darkness.
Let's drink to the charming hostess, whose radiance warmed both this house and our company.

To beautiful, good, pretty! A beautiful figure, velvet skin, an incomparable smile and a radiant look. Anyone will be blown away! ok, enough about me! and happy birthday to you!!!

And me (whom to congratulate) on the holiday!
REMEMBER: we are the "fair sex". We don't have to wear ties. If we want to master male professions, we will be called pioneers, and if they want to master female professions, they will be called gays.
We must pay attention to several things at once. We always know where our socks are.
If we marry the heir to the throne, we will be queens, if a man marries the heir to the throne, he will simply be the husband of the queen.
If we are cheated, we are victims. If we change they are cuckolds.
We feel the baby moving in the tummy. The first word they say is "mom".
We are on maternity leave. We are always present at the birth of our children. We are breastfeeding.
We live longer. We sweat less. We have an international day dedicated to us and in fact we are just super.

FROM birthday, friend! Although every birthday brings a little bit of sadness (after all, we get older), this will not prevent us from celebrating it in the least! And the holiday, as they say, must be met in full dress, so tremble men!

G they say, someone else's soul is dark. But it is for your soul that I have a flashlight, which, by the way, you entrusted to me, my girlfriend! Therefore, I want to drink for our friendly trust and understanding!

D my dear sweet friend! Today I only wish you that you will always have an amazingly light heart and amazingly heavy pockets! Happy birthday girlfriend!

P friend, happy birthday to you! In addition to traditional happiness, health and long life, I wish you a sea of ​​​​fruit yogurt, in the middle of which there will be a gingerbread island with creamy turrets, located in the ocean of marmalade with flocks of sweets, and marshmallow clouds will fly in the sky. Happy holiday, girlfriend, sweet life!

P friend, let you meet only Decent men with decent Amounts in their wallets! Happy Birthday!

H In order for a person to see himself, he needs to look in the mirror, and in order to see himself from the inside, he needs to look into the eyes of a true friend! And such eyes, I found with you, my dear friend, and it is for them that I want to drink, let them be just as honest and beautiful, and always tell me the truth about myself!

FROM Today I want to drink to the compatibility of the incompatible. After all, my best friend combines such incompatible things as a safe - she can keep secrets better than any safe in the world; wall - it fences off and protects me from troubles and wrong decisions; and a vest - I can always speak out and cry to her, and she will always listen to me and support me. Thank her for this! For you my best friend!


H spit on adversity forget done
And remember: you were born a woman.
And that means always unusual and different,
Festive on weekdays, mysterious on a holiday.
A little sly, a little insidious,
A little cruel and kind and glorious.
Know how to be strong, know how to be weak
Queen of the universe and simply a woman and weak
So be always young and beautiful,
In love, beloved and just happy!

FROM Today I want to raise a glass to a REAL friend. After all, only real friends never compete with each other and do not envy, but help and sincerely rejoice for each other, and we are just like that! Therefore, for you, my REAL girlfriend!

M oh my best friend, I want to wish you that you do not lose your shape and always be slim, fit and graceful. May your cheerful festive mood invigorate us all and charge us with positive energy. Let there be no reason for sadness and despondency.

To as Jean Jacques Rousseau said, "The kingdom of a woman is the kingdom of tenderness, subtlety, tolerance." So let's drink to this kingdom, to its prosperity!
For you friend!

P friend! Today I want to raise this glass not only in honor of your holiday, but also in honor of our friendship with you. We have it with you, like a cartoon about Tom and Jerry - no matter how much we quarrel, we are still together and forever! For us, friend!

P dude, i love you! And I want to drink this glass for you! After all, only with you I can talk on the phone for 20 minutes, and then say: we’ll talk at the meeting, this is a non-telephone conversation. Thank you for your understanding and for being with me! For you, dear!

D horny girlfriend! You are the best for me. I often take an example from you. I wish you that we never divide suitors and do not envy each other! And also, let your dreams be only those that can come true! But if there are fantastic ones among them, then let them come true too!

BUT you know, girlfriend, there is a girlfriend. If I call her at night and tell her that I'm in love, she'll only
will answer: "Sleep!" and hangs up. But in half an hour she will be standing at my doorstep and say: “Come on, tell me!” That's why I love her! And I want to raise a glass to my best friend, always remain the same unpredictable!

Fall, but into your arms, cry, but from happiness, stumble, but about health, choke, but from laughter!
Here are wishes for a true friend! Happy birthday!

I want to say that I have never had such a wonderful friend as you and is unlikely to have. You are a bright person with whom we went through fire and water. And on your birthday, I want to wish you all! Everything that you yourself want, because you deserve the stars to fall at your feet!

Each person has acquaintances, relatives, but when you have a girlfriend, this is something more than just your interlocutor, she understands you like no other, knows all your fears, weaknesses and your virtues. Today, I want to raise a glass for you, girlfriend, wish you all the best, because this is your day!

To you, my beloved friend, I dedicate these lines. May someday be born to you, like you, a beautiful daughter. You deserve a repeat. You are not enough in the world. Your smile is not enough and beautiful eyes. Your care and support of the one that more than once saved me from stupid things at times. Happy birthday to you, friend!

A friend is something more than just a close person who is ready to help you at any second. This is an emergency help, a lifesaver, a big positive charge, a lot of ideas, a great mood. I thank fate for letting me find you, my friend. I want to wish female happiness, male attention, sincere love, the fulfillment of any dreams. Happy birthday!

Friends can always keep you warm. Good friends will protect you in difficult times. Best friends will come uninvited, both for the holiday and for help. But without envy, only a true friend can share your success. I propose to drink for my real friend - our birthday girl!

Although all women are beautiful,
It's not easy for them to outshine you -
Your smile brings joy
Eyes shine with kindness.

It's always bright when you're around
Anyone is happy to be with you.
Your birth is not in vain -
Go far in life!

May all the good that you give to people
Comes back to you in full.
We'll drink to you, friend -
You are the only one with us!

I know the birthday girl as well as I know myself. We've been through a lot together. And not everything can be told at such a holiday. And something will remain only between us. Thank you for being in my life. Don't lose your enthusiasm. Your health, friend.

They say that love is a priceless gift. This is the only thing in the world that you can give, but it will still remain with you. I want to drink for you, my dear friend, so that you always have love in your heart that you can give and that will warm you even in the worst of times!

Despite the fact that every year we are getting older, I am glad that no years or life's vicissitudes have changed our friendship. That we, like in the good old days, can forget about time and business together, sitting in the kitchen and drinking tea, well, or something stronger. Thank you my dear. Be happy.